Book The 24-hour Diet by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E. Your


Book The 24-hour Diet by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E. Your
Book The 24-hour Diet by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E.
Your government works for the drug companies
and the drug companies benefit tremendously if you stay sick all the time, paying money to doctors.
That's the way the medical system works.
No system is evil in itself – only people make it evil. But all you have to do is
start thinking for yourself, and if you do, you don't have to stay sick or get sick.
Diet MMS-News, see:
Daily Diet Dietary Guidelines (Not Solid Rules)
1. Eat few or no carbohydrates. Carbos are responsible for obesity and hundreds of diseases.
2. Eat mostly proteins, until you are full and not hungry.
3. Fats are what satisfy you – not proteins or carbos. So eat fats with protein. When you have had
enough, your body will tell you by giving you a satisfied, full feeling.
4. Contrary to popular belief, eat plenty of salt. Unless you are just crazy, you can't eat too much, and
drinking water overcomes any excess salt.
5. Do not eat 5 or 6 meals a day. Eat only 3 meals a day and maybe a snack before bed, but eat only
protein before bed, not carbos.
6. Don't bother to chew your food much. Your teeth are for breaking the food up, but the stomach should
digest it. If you chew a lot, the stomach doesn't get a chance to do its job, and over the years, it will
atrophy and ruin the digestion.
7. Do not eat Omega 6 and 3 from fish oil. Instead, use vegetable sources. Eat fish, but not fish oils and
eat Omega 3 with Omega 6.
8. Do not eat soy-based foods of any kind and never, never feed them to your children. They destroy
Weight Control
1. Use protein to lose weight. Also always eat enough fat to satisfy your hunger.
2. Protein increases your metabolism 30%.
3. Remember that fat does not cause weight gain, but can prevent you from losing weight because your
body will use the fat you eat for energy instead of stored fat. So for weight loss, eat less fat but don't
completely avoid it. And of course eat fewer carbos. You don't need carbos, but it is wise to eat a certain
amount of them.
4. The Nazis proved during WWII that a fat free diet will kill you, and thus they killed many prisoners with
that exact diet, which enabled them to work the prisoners right up to their time of death.
5. Fat will not cause weight gain, but can keep you from losing weight. But you must have some fat or
you die.
6. Exercise does not make you lose weight. It increases your appetite and can actually make you fatter.
7. A low-fat, high-carbo diet causes weight gain.
Preventing Disease
2.Use protein to lose weight. Also always eat enough fat to satisfy your hunger.
2. Protein increases your metabolism 30%.
3. Remember that fat does not cause weight gain, but can prevent you from losing weight because your
body will use the fat you eat for energy instead of stored fat. So for weight loss, eat less fat but don't
completely avoid it. And of course eat fewer carbos. You don't need carbos, but it is wise to eat a certain
amount of them.
4. The Nazis proved during WWII that a fat free diet will kill you, and thus they killed many prisoners with
that exact diet, which enabled them to work the prisoners right up to their time of death.
5. Fat will not cause weight gain, but can keep you from losing weight. But you must have some fat or
you die.
6. Exercise does not make you lose weight. It increases your appetite and can actually make you fatter.
7. A low-fat, high-carbo diet causes weight gain.
These are facts taken from the book The 24-hour Diet by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E.
Try these guidelines for two weeks. I have used this approach for 25 years and have seen more than a
thousand people use it. The government and the medical people don't want you to know about it.
How could you ever believe that the same people who make money from you if you are sick would give
you information to make you well and keep you well free of charge?
Blood Glucose levels that are higher than normal have more than twice the increased cancer risk
as animal protein, and likewise does Wine intake, Alcohol intake, and even yearly fruit consumption can
create more risk of death from breast cancer than animal protein intake. And there are a number of other
factors that increases risk. The percentage of population working in industry increases the risk, as does,
processed starch and sugar intake, corn intake, dairy intake, beer intake, and legume intake.
Strunz, Ulrich "Warum macht die Nudel dumm? Leichter, klüger, besser drauf: No Carbs und
das Geheimnis wacher Intelligenz" 255 Seiten; Heyne: 2015; ISBN: 978-3453200630
Venesson, Julien "Wie der Weizen uns vergiftet" 202 Seiten; Riva: 2015; ISBN: 978-3868834772 (Frz.
"Gluten. Comment le blé moderne nous intoxique" )
Venesson, Julien " Paléo Nutrition" (Französisch) 304 Seiten; 2014; ISBN: 978-2365490832
Stalzer, Karin / Christina Schnitzler "Was den einen nährt, macht den anderen krank - Fünf-ElementeErnährung für jeden Stoffwechsel-Typ" 328 Seiten; 4/2013; ISBN: 978-3864100550
Bell, Annie "Low Carb Revolution" Rezepte, 224 Seiten 21 x 25 cm; 2015
ISBN: 978-3865281470 (Ohne Getreide; ohne Milch)
Low Carb Revolution: Comfort Eating for Good Health (Englisch) ISBN: 978-1909487208
Perlmutter, David "Wie Weizen schleichend Ihr Gehirn zerstört" 349 Seiten; Mosaik: Feb. 2014; ISBN:
978-3-442-392575 "Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat"
Mersch, Peter "Wie Übergewicht entsteht ... und wie man es wieder los wird" 144 Seiten; 2012; ISBN:
978-1477551721; Die Grundlagen von ketogenen Diäten. Unser Gehirn wurde durch die kohlen-hydratlastige
Ernährung zuckersüchtig, kann jedoch wieder ketolysefähig werden und Ketone verwerten. LOW-CARB.
Kämmerer, Ulrike "Krebszellen lieben Zucker - Patienten brauchen Fett. Gezielt essen für mehr Kraft
und Lebensqualität… Grundlagen zu Theorie und Praxis der ketogenen Ernährung" 272 Seiten;
Systemed: Mai 2012; ISBN: 978-3927372900 (die Kohlenhydrate reduzieren hilft) Sehr wertvoll !
Kwasniewski, Jan "Optimal essen" 2/2004, 191 Seiten (kohlenhydratarm wie Lutz!) Englisch:
"Optimal Nutrition" 176 Seiten; "Homo Optimus" 376 Seiten
Schaub, Stefan „Die Krankheitsfalle. Wie Sie sich befreien und wieder gesund werden“ 2009; ISBN:
978-3-907547120; Säurearm und Kohlenhydratarm.
Dukan, Pierre "Die Dukan Diät: Das Schlankheitsgeheimnis der Franzosen" 256 Seiten; Dez. 2011;
ISBN: 978-3833823718 (streng ketogene zweiwöchige Anfangsphase mit nur Eiweiß; Rezepte 106)
Low-Carb, Paleo, Steinzeit-Nahrung:
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Stand: März 2013