December 2015 Tattler


December 2015 Tattler
A Free Publication
Your South Mainland Monthly Newspaper • Serving Barefoot Bay And The Greater Micco Area
222 Kiwi Dr. Barefoot Bay, FL 32976 • (772) 664-9381
Vol. 37 No.12
December 2015
Veterans “Thank You” for your Service
Marching units in the November 11, 2015 Veteran’s Day parade were American Legion Post 366 and Auxiliary, Marine Corps League Detachment 918 and Auxiliary,
Disabled American Veterans Chapter # 155. Ray Bourgault made welcoming remarks and the guest speaker was U.S. Marine Corps Major, John Keegan. The American
Legion and Auxiliary, Marine Corps League and Auxiliary and Disabled American Veterans presented the wreaths at the Veteran’s monument. Honoring Barefoot Bay’s
deceased Veterans with the reading of the names added to the Memorial Wall was Sandy LoBello with Richard Pearson ringing the bell.
Official Election Results For Barefoot Bay
Precinct Details
Lee Wright
Steven Diana
Louise E. Crouse 21.62%
Thomas Guinther 20.28%
Total votes
The grand total of registered voters in Barefoot Bay’s precinct 304 is 4,374. This
was a very poor turn out for our precinct with only 1478 voters as the total number of
votes is times 2 with 2 candidates to vote for on each ballot. The turn out in Brevard
county was very poor as a whole with only 16.7% voter turn out.
New Errand Running Service in this Area
Wants to do Business Based on an Old
Concept: “Good Service!”
Today General Support Services LLC
(GSS) wants to announce the launching
of an errand running service oriented to
residents in the Sebastian / Barefoot Bay
and surrounding areas with a renovated
concept: To do business focusing on you,
the Customer.
Once upon a time in America, there
was not as much bargaining as it is today
but businesses competed with each other
by providing good service. That’s long
gone now.
“Anybody can run errands on behalf
of others but very few are going to concentrate in your entire satisfaction, says
Norman R. Koch the owner. Nowadays
everybody is concerned with making a
buck, but who pays attention to what is
“Don’t misunderstand us, of course
we want to attain financial success in our
enterprise, but we want our success to
come out of taking real good care of our
At GSS, the main goal is to provide
the best service at the best price possible
and start by delivering, at least, what
was promised. You’ll perhaps get a little
more, if doable, but never less than what
was offered.
About: Norman R. Koch, a retired
insurance professional and educator
is the founder and owner of General
Support Services LLC. After successfully
running his own school of insurance and
previously an agency, he spent most of
his active years in the Miami –Dade area.
He moved to Brevard where he’s been a
resident of Barefoot Bay since 2012.
Contact: Norman R. Koch, General
Manager (772)777-8092
[email protected]
Please join the Marines of Barefoot
Bay Detachment 918 Marine Corps
League, Members of the Barefoot Bay
Veterans Council and Patriotic Citizens
of the Barefoot Bay area for our annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Program on
Monday, 7 December 2015, lake side at
Building A, Barefoot Bay. Program will
start at 11:00 AM.
First Baptist Church
Christmas Concert
The choir of the First Baptist Church
will present their Christmas Concert
at 7:00 p.m., December 13, 2015, at
the Church located at 303 Barefoot
Boulevard, Barefoot Bay. The concert is
free and no tickets are required. A variety
of songs will be presented by the choir,
along with some comedy and caroling
for everyone to enjoy. Refreshments will
be served in the Fellowship Hall following the program. Plan to attend for an
enjoyable evening! For more information,
please call Joyce at 772-664-1648.
The 10th Annual Barefoot Bay
Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday,
December 6, 2015 at 5:30 PM. The
starting point is the golf course 19th Hole
parking lot and we will begin to line up
at 4:30 PM, Barefoot Bay Community
Center, Building A is the ending point.
Welcome to join the parade are clubs,
cars, golf carts, floats, pedestrians, bikes,
boats, RVs, bands, etc. A lighting ceremony will follow the parade outside
Building A and there will be entertainment and refreshments inside Building
A. For more information or to join the
parade, call Joe Klosky at 570-280-6371
or 772-631-2365.
Cabinets - New or Reface
Floors - Repair or Replace
Dan Mogge
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 2
A Word From Your
U.S. Representative
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Important Ideas Are Moving Through
Contrary to what you may have heard
in the media, Washington is not all partisanship and gridlock. In the House of
Representatives, Members of Congress
from both sides are working together to
advance common sense ideas to make
our nation stronger and more competitive. I would like to recap some important
bipartisan legislative success stories from
this year, which I believe will have a positive impact on our local communities here
in Florida.
Exploration: It’s no secret that federal agencies like the Federal Aviation
Administration, the Department of
Defense, and NASA oversee different
aspects of commercial space launches,
and sometimes there is overlapping jurisdiction which causes confusion and costly
delays. To solve this problem, I worked
with like-minded members of the House
Science Committee to craft a bipartisan proposal to streamline the regulatory
process, encourage cooperation between
these government agencies, and eliminate red tape and bureaucracy impeding
development of the commercial space
sector. This will help cut costs for both
the federal government and commercial
companies, make U.S. companies more
competitive in the global marketplace,
and attract more commercial launches to
On a similar note, the House also
passed a bipartisan proposal I introduced
with Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA) to create a legal framework to protect property rights for American companies that
obtain asteroid resources in outer space.
Asteroids are excellent potential sources
of highly valuable resources and minerals. Space technology has advanced to
the point that the private sector is now
able to begin exploring and developing
resources in space. Americans are willing
to invest in asteroid mining, but they need
legal certainty that they can keep the
fruits of their labor. Legislative initiatives
like this will help pave the way for exciting
future commercial space endeavors while
putting the focus on creating jobs in the
STEM fields.
Reforming and Reauthorizing the
National Estuary Program: Our natural
treasures have tremendous importance
to our quality of life, economy, and local
property values. To help preserve and
protect our natural assets like our Indian
River Lagoon, I re-introduced The Estuary
Urgent Needs Priority Program Act (H.R.
573) with Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL)
earlier this year. Our bipartisan bill redirects funding within the National Estuary
Program (NEP) account from administrative activities and puts it back in the field
to improve our nation’s estuaries, like
our Lagoon, that face sea grass loss and
harmful algae blooms.
The language from our bill was incorporated into a larger National Estuary
Program reauthorization bill, of which I
am an original cosponsor, and passed the
House in early June. The reauthorization
bill will ensure consistent base grants of
$27 million for Fiscal Years 2016 through
2020, and it makes sure an extra 15% of
each year’s funding goes toward estuaries
with urgent needs.
Protecting Insurance Policyholders: It
seems far-fetched, but under the DoddFrank financial reform law, the federal
government could decide to tap into your
homeowner’s, auto, or life insurance as a
source of easy money to bail out a financial firm that made bad bets on Wall Street.
For states like Florida with many different
kinds of insurance-related resources and
challenges, raiding insurance policies to
prop up failing banks could have serious repercussions. The House Financial
Services Committee agrees, and recently
members unanimously approved bipartisan legislation I introduced with Rep. Brad
Sherman (D-CA) to direct the federal
government to work with states to ensure
that whatever action is taken, insurance
policyholders are not at risk.
While Congress may be divided on
important issues (like securing our border
or how best to deal with our $18.3 trillion national debt) those disagreements
should not prevent other common sense
solutions from moving forward. Many
great ideas have already passed the
House with bipartisan support, and if the
Senate would act, we’ll be a step closer to
ending gridlock in Washington.
A Word From Your
Recreation District Chair
Joe Klosky
The month of October was a busy
month and it was also the start of FY16.
I would like to recognize the following
employees who have served the District
faithfully. Joanne Diana - 5 years, Jason
Mighee and Dottie Cole - 10 years.
1. Motion was made to accept the recommended action petition to the County
Commissioners to install a golf cart
crosswalk at Fleming Grant Rd. and Kiwi
Dr. Research implementation of registration procedures and licensing, provision
of golf cart rules to the residents, opening up the Hemlock cup-de-sac, and
research safety measures for the Egret
Bridge. Motion passed 4 - 1.
2. Motion was made to accept the
contract from Complete Electric for $899
to install Softball Field Scoreboard at the
ball field.
3. Motion to purchase items, (POS
system, two ice machines, walk-in cooler
evaporator replacement coil, and a portable refrigerator unit) with budgeted funds
for Food and Beverage and purchase the
remaining items at the cost of $11,459
from contingency/administrative department. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Motion to remove a failing seawall
as a storm water project. Motion carried
5. Motion was made to approve the
Golf Committee’s recommendation to
use $9,440 of budget R & M funds to
proceed with the over-seeding of the fairways in an effort to provide continuity of
playing conditions and better aesthetics
during the winter season. Motion carried
6. A motion was made to accept the
resolution amending resolution 2015-12:
amending the budget, budget transfer
See Recreation Chair
Page 26
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 3
A Word From Your
County Commissioner
Trudie Infantini
County Commissioner, District 3
County Commissioners Planning Increase To
Fuel Tax
Your County Commissioners are planning on increasing your fuel tax! Many
speakers and I had to fight to get the
commissioners to table the vote during the November 5, 2015 Commission
meeting discussing the preparation
of the “Legislative Intent” to raise the
gas tax 100%. During the meeting the
Commissioners stated ROADS are a core
government function. The unanswered
question remains, if it is a CORE function why wasn’t it funded in the budget?
Why are we groveling for more money
two months after approving the annual
Now we are having workshops discussing how to fund the roads if we don’t
raise the gas tax 6 cents per gallon.
(Don’t be surprised if next the other commissioners place on next year’s ballot
an increase of a half-cent sales tax as
well.) Why, when we finally see some
relief from the skyrocketing fuel prices of
the past, would the county jump on the
opportunity to charge us 6 cents more
per gallon of gas? And as history has
shown us, once government implements
a tax, it is here to stay.
I ask you, citizens of Brevard, is it fair
to increase your fuel taxes because of the
County’s mismanagement of funds? The
Board has strayed from the core function
of government, and allocates millions of
dollars for corporate welfare and payments to special district projects before
To name a few of these frivolous
projects, the County allocated $6M for
a speculation building for commercial
purposes, and another $6M for a mall
in Titusville. The County also found it
necessary to purchase 20, $5,000 palm
trees to line highway 520. These are the
choices your local government has been
making with YOUR tax dollars, and yet
argues that there is not enough current
funding for roads.
Looking at these spending decisions,
wouldn’t the more appropriate solution
to the problem of road restructuring be
to prioritize the county’s current budget
to encompass greater funding to roads,
rather than increasing taxes on fuel? The
increase would bring Brevard up to the
highest level of fuel tax rates in the state.
I urge you to contact your County
Commissioners to voice your opinion
on the matter. Remember, WE work for
[email protected]
[email protected]
Trudie Infantini; District 3 at
[email protected]
[email protected]
Andy Anderson; District 5 at
[email protected]
Trudie Infantini
Friend me on Facebook for updates
on the gas tax!
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A Word From Your
(321) 952-5511 •
By Wilma Weglein
The month of October was a busy one
for the HOA with our usual meetings, the
Candidate Forum, as well as the Trunk
or Treat on Halloween afternoon for the
children of the Bay. Also, the Halloween
Dance in Building A that evening . Both
events were successes. The Trunk or
Treat had over 100 youngsters signed
up and plenty of candy was provided by
all the residents. Thank you for supporting this event. WE ALSO HAD PRIZES
of $25 gift certificates from Walmart
for the winners for the top 3 costumes.
The winners were as follows: “Most
Original” – Toni Schwartz dressed as
“Rosie The Riveter”; “Most Fancy” –
Blossom Pasquarelli dressed as “Princess
Elsa”; “Most Scary” – Nathan Marchone”
dressed as Zombiemorphis”.
In addition, 8 special awards were
given coupons for MacDonals for ice
cream cones. The winners were Charles
McDonough dressed as a “Dinosaur and
with his Pug dog”; Iralyn Pena dressed as
“Mother Nature”; Bailey Burke dressed as
a “Cheerleader”;Beau Douglas dressed
as a “Zombie” with blood running down
his face; Cheyenne Clouser dressed as
“Queen of Hearts”; Skyler Elkins dressed
as a “Hippie”; Ava Dunlevey dressed as
a “Hawaiian Girl; and Madison Williams
dressed as a “Christmas Gift”. There
were so many others dressed in costumes, I am sure it was hard for the
Judges to decide. We thank everyone
for coming and taking part in this project.
I want to thank the ladies who registered the children for the contest –
Margaret, Vicky and Patty. Also a big
thank you to the three judges – Dorothy,
Mary and Carol. GREAT JOB ladies.
Also, a big thank you to Tim and
Jan Hannify for the donation of the gift
certificates for the ice cream cones from
MacDonalds. We appreciate very much
your participation in this project.
Cathy Wortman also ran a wonderful
dance that evening for the HOA. Thank
you Cathy for all your hard work each
month (and Harold too) for the HOA.
We hope to have at our December
General Meeting a representative from
St. John’s River Water Management
District to speak on the new Micco/
Wheeler Stormwater Park off of Fleming
Grant Road.
The Election is over, and we wish to
thank the District for allowing it to be
taped and shown on the Bright House
Government channel. We wish the new
trustees the best in the years to come,
as well as a thank you to both to Louise
Crouse and Tom Guinther for their hard
work over the years.
Thanksgiving will have come and
gone, and I hope all had a wonderful
Christmas and the end of the year will
be here before we know it. I hope everyone enjoys the Holidays, and stay safe if
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 4
Safe • Affordable • Fast
A Word From Trustee
Frank N. Cavaliere
Packing • Moving • Storage
Small or Large Moves
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Well another election has come and
gone. The home owners of Barefoot Bay
have spoken. I just hope your decisions
were made based on conversations you
had with the candidates and not on who
had the most signs. I want to congratulate both Mrs. Wright and Mr. Diana. I
look forward to working with both of you.
I would also like to thank Mr. Guinther
and Mrs. Crouse for their many years
of service to the Bay. At times we saw
things differently but I respect your commitment to the Bay and hope that you
will both share your experience with
what is now an almost all new Board of
It’s time to get serious about the problems facing our beloved Barefoot Bay.
This month I want to help you understand
our charter and the $25,000.00 spending
cap and what has to go to referendum and
what doesn’t. Before I became a trustee,
like many of you, I thought everything
costing more than $25,000.00 had to go
to referendum. As a new trustee when I
inquired about this I was introduced to
the “Mulhern” judgement. Reading this
document opened my eyes and taught
me that we have to see the whole picture
to fully understand the facts. If you read
the entire charter it states clearly (it is
a major part of the decision) it is the
responsibility of the trustees to maintain,
repair, improve or replace any part of
the common areas including buildings.
We have a legal obligation to protect all
of our investments in the Bay. Now I will
be the first to say that at times “maintenance” has been abused.
Since Brian Lavier and I have joined
the board we have asked for and received
several opinions from our legal counsel
concerning different projects and if a
referendum is needed. Right now the biggest project is “F” building. Between the
facilities committee and the B.O.T. we
have had countless meetings to discuss
and vote on the location and type of
building it will be. We have been given,
on several occasions, Mr. Reppingers
opinion that it does not require a referendum. We are replacing an existing building with a new building to serve the same
purpose as the present building.
In an attempt to be more transparent than past boards I have invited at
least one representative of the H.O.A. to
every meeting we have had to keep them
informed of every discussion we have
concerning our buildings.
I would like to remind everyone that
the members of the B.O.T. are not the
enemy. We are homeowners just like
you. We all care and love Barefoot Bay.
We have many things coming up to discuss and vote on and no matter what we
do someone is going to be mad at us.
Things like the golf carts and where they
should or shouldn’t be allowed. I can
already see there are two camps forming on that one. Every lot owner has a
voice in how we run our Bay. Each of
us has an obligation to attend either a
Trustee meeting or an H.O.A. meeting
and SPEAK UP. I’m a talented guy but I
can’t read minds. I don’t think any of the
other trustees can either. We need and
want your input. The only thing I ask,
if you choose to stand before the board
and reprimand us, please have the facts.
Please see the whole picture not just a
small part taken out of context. Together
there is no problem we can’t solve.
These are my opinions only. I do
not speak for any other trustee or staff
member of the Bay. I welcome your
comments. E-mail me at frankcavaliere@
Thank you,
Frank Cavaliere
Frank the Baker
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Sound Off!
The Barefoot Tattler does not endorse Sound Off articles and takes
no position as to the opinion of the writer. Sound Off articles are
intended to allow people to voice their own opinion on a subject of
their choosing. Therefore the Barefoot Tattler does not undertake
an independent investigation as to the facts or position of the
writer of letters submitted for inclusion in the Sound Off column.
The Barefoot Tattler does not print any letters without the name of
the creator.
Treatment of
our Barefoot Bay
My husband brought home the
November 9th issue of “A Peek at the
Week” publication which is sponsored by
our Recreation District. Next to the large
FREE.” No Pasta Night at the 19th Hole
in honor of Veteran’s Day. Well, why not
give them a free lunch or dinner as other
restaurants do to honor our vets who put
their lives on the line for our freedoms?
Not us, we cancel Pasta Night “in honor
of Veterans Day”. What kind of honor is
that? Why couldn’t we use the profits from
the 19th Hole to offer vets a simple dish
of pasta to say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR
SERVICE”? Some of the restaurants in
the area who are offering free dinners are
Texas RoadHouse and Golden Corral. It’s
too late this year; but let’s think about this
to offer our support to our vets of Barefoot
Bay in 2016 and say THANK YOU in a
much kinder manner.
Cathie Ling
In April 2014 my husband and I made
our first trip to Barefoot Bay and Snug
Harbor. Retirement was looming for my
husband and we were anxious to get out of
the harsh New England winters. That little
visit ended up moving us to Snug Harbor
in August 2014. We still get up each day
and pinch ourselves at our good fortune.
Not only have we left those terrible winters
behind but we have moved into a community that I thought had disappeared from
the planet 50 years ago. A place where
neighbors know one another. A place
where people keep their homes neat and
trim. A place where people pick up after
their dogs. A place with a strong sense of
community and with a group of people who
generously volunteer their time to make
sure that the community runs well and that
fees remain reasonable. Those volunteers
allow people like me, who still work and
don’t have the time to participate the way I
would like to, to live in a peaceful, friendly
and safe place. I have read some issues
regarding how some people currently view
the community and I think they must be
living in another community than the one I
live in. We left an inner city environment in
Massachusetts where our taxes were over
10 times what we pay here. For the honor
of paying those taxes we had less services
than we enjoy here. We also did not know
most of our neighbors in spite of living
there for 30 years. We also had the good
fortune to have to go out in our yard every
day to pick up the trash, dog feces, bottles
and cans that were routinely thrown in our
yard. We had to replace our fence when it
was “tagged” with graffiti. Every month or
so we would have to go pick our trash up
off the street or sweep up our broken recycles when some kid thought it was funny
to tip over the whole neighborhood’s trash
cans. I’m not sure what is causing discord
in the community, but I for one am glad to
be here and feel like it was the luckiest day
of our lives when we found our little nirvana
in Snug Harbor!
Carolyn McDonald
In October I saw five teenagers skateboarding at Building A. A resident threatened to call the police if they did not leave.
I went over and talked to them. I told them
if they lived in Barefoot Bay, which is
a recreation area for everyone including
the 600 school age residents and maybe
the same amount of parents. I informed
them that if student age residents wanted
an activity, they as a group or with their
parents could come to the recreational
meeting with some information. 1. What
activity they would want; 2. Where would
it be at; 3. How many people would use it;
4. Some idea of cost. At the next meeting some representing the idea should be
there. I have noted from past meetings if
you are not there, they are not sure of your
interest. If enough interest is shown to the
recreational staff, it will be presented to
the Board of Trustees for funding. People
12 years old to 100 years old present what
you want to have the Bay do for recreation.
They cannot just guess at what you want.
Last month I asked people to write about
their bucket list, no one did. Does no one
have a dream. Are we all so old we just
want to watch TV? There are people out
there that may have the same bucket list
as you.
Rich Schwatlow
For years I’ve called John Coffey/community manager and John Morris/property
services manager at Barefoot Bay, FL to
please trim two trees, especially the one
touching the top of my house and plug
one tree. Acorns continuously drop on my
front steps and squirrels jump from the tree
onto my roof - back and forth. Every time
the squirrels bounce around, my two cats
inside the house look at me, tilt their heads
up to the roof and stare back at me. Joe
Klosky, Chairman of the Board of Trustees,
returned my phone call immediately when
I called him the first time. About 4 weeks
ago. The next day he actually drove to my
house and looked at the two Barefoot Bay
trees. He said: both trees are on Barefoot
Bay property; need to be trimmed and
plugged. He assured me that he’d talk
to John Coffey and John Morris. No need
to mention that Klosky complained to me
about not getting paid to help me and told
me that John Coffey and John Morris seldom perform their jobs. Weeks went by. I
heard nothing. I called both Johns again
and Mr. Klosky. I decided to be nasty. Why
not? Being nice was getting me anywhere.
Sooo, how did my performance go? Not
well, No action. Another week went by. I
phoned all three men again. John Morris
arrived at my house early morning with
another man. As they stood at the famous
trees, squirrels flew overhead.
agreed: both trees were on Barefoot Bay
property; needed to be trimmed and one
tree plugged. However, refused to state
a date as to when. They left. About 10
minutes later, Klosky and Coffey appeared
at my house. I mentioned that Mr. Morris
and another man had just left my property.
They said, “Who?” “What were they doing
here?” They were shocked. Klosky and
Coffey agreed: both trees are on Barefoot
See Sound Off Page 10
BY DECEMBER 18, 2015
Page 5
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 6
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Brevard County Sheriff
by Sheriff Wayne Ivey
Lock It When You Leave
For this edition of “The Tattler” I want
to focus our message on the importance
of locking our cars and the additional importance of not leaving valuables
inside our car while it is parked at home
or in a parking lot.
Currently one of the common crime
trends taking place throughout the country is for criminals to go through neighborhoods looking for unlocked cars that
they can easily burglarize. Video footage
from car burglaries often show criminals walking from driveway to driveway
checking for unlocked vehicle doors.
If the doors are locked the criminals
simply walk away and to the next driveway. If they find an unlocked door then
the criminals search through the car
and remove personal belongings such
as checkbooks, computers, firearms,
change, garage door openers, and more.
The easy and quick fix to lower the
likelihood of becoming the victim of a
vehicle burglary is to always remember
to lock your doors. By also limiting the
number of valuables we leave in plain
view in our vehicles we limit the possibility of a burglar seeing our possessions
and deciding to burglarize our vehicle.
The simple rule is to just “Lock It
When You Leave It!!” By locking your
vehicle each and every time you leave
it, you help protect yourself from being
crimes next victim!!
Golf Course Joyride Ends Up In The
Quagmire And Trespass For Three Residents
A joy ride around Barefoot Bay’s golf course ends up in 3 individuals being trespassed from the golf course by the Brevard County Sheriff’s Department. The two
joyriding trespassers Serenity Marques and Dylan VanBever had nowhere to run after
sticking their cart in the quagmire that surrounds part of the equipment wash off area
behind the 14th tee box. Shane Snyder was trespassed for driving a van on the golf
course to pull the cart from the quagmire. These three Barefoot Bay residents were
all violated for Trespass on the Golf course.
Current golf course policy for non-golfers is “Whether walking or riding; The golf
course staff will make the decision whether or not it is safe to allow non-golfers on
the course. May ride or walk course, however during the winter season non-golfing
children 12 years and younger will not be allowed on the course during the months
of November -May. The balance of the year these children will not be allowed on the
course until after 4:00 PM and they must ride in an electric cart. The golfer responsible
will be told to remove the key from the cart when ever the child is left unattended in
the cart. Disregard of the rule will be grounds for removal of the party from the golf
The Barefoot Bay golf course is private property and is not to be used as a short cut
home or joyrides. If you don’t have permission to be on the golf course it is considered
trespassing and the Brevard County Sheriff has a blanket trespass permission to write
citations for those who choose to trespass on the golf course.
with garlic, tomatoes and onion. Served with two slices of garlic bread!
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
By Diane Vosatka
Welcome back snowbirds! We’ve
missed you at the South Mainland Library
these past months, and you’ve made
it back just in time to enjoy some top
entertainment. We are going to have a
wonderful winter and spring at the library,
and I’m so happy to share some exciting
Our headliner event, on Tuesday
December 15th at 2pm, comes as a
result of a fan letter I wrote! We are fantastically fortunate to be able to present
“A Visit with TIM SAMPLE”, the noted
Maine humorist and storyteller, and a
heckuva nice guy. Many of you northern
New Englanders may have heard Tim
in performance in venues throughout
the Northeast, where he regularly fills
theaters and opera houses, teaching us
“how to talk Yankee” and making us
laugh with his sly tales of life in Maine.
Others may have seen him during his
years as a correspondent on CBS Sunday
Morning. Tim has graciously agreed to
drop by our library during his Florida
vacation. He’ll be reading from his new
NOBODY WAS ASKIN’, and will share
stories about his years in comedy and his
role as the audiobook narrator of Stephen
King’s story “Drunken Fireworks”. He’ll
be happy to answer questions, pose for
photos and autograph his book, which
will be for sale. Tim has many fans, and
we expect this event to fill up quickly,
so plan on picking up a free ticket at
the library Help Desk starting Monday
November 30th (limit 2 per person,
please.) Many thanks to the Friends of
the South Mainland Library for providing
the funds to make this event possible.
On Monday December 7th, at 2pm,
our focus will shift to Florida, and give you
a chance to go way back into Florida’s
past by exploring ARCHAEOLOGY IN
by Kevin Gidusko of the Florida Public
Archaeology Network. Archaeology is
happening all the time in Florida, and
South Mainland Branch
if you’d like to find out about active
dig sites you can visit in Florida parks,
please plan on joining us for this informative event.
We’ll still have our movies and book
groups in December, too. Our “Movie
You May have Missed” is A PRAIRIE
HOME COMPANION, to be shown on
Tuesday December 8th at 2pm. This
film, the last director Robert Altman ever
made, is a fictional behind-the-scenes
look at the long-running radio show, and
features (of course) Garrison Keillor,
as well as Lily Tomlin, Meryl Streep,
Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin Kline and
an all-star cast. Our “From the Library
Vault” documentary film, on Thursday
Dec. 17th at 2pm, is GAME SHOW
DYNAMOS. It’s a daughter’s fond look at
her parents, who were on more television
game shows than anyone else in history,
and how they used their winnings to help
support their five children. Our “Haven’t
Got A Clue” Mystery Book Group meets
on Thursday Dec. 10th at 2pm to discuss “That Lonesome Road: Mysteries
set in the American Southwest” (cookies
may be served!) and the Third Thursday
Book Group will meet on Thursday Dec.
17th at 3pm for a discussion of STARRY
NIGHT by Debbie Macomber and a look
back at the group selections of the past
And let’s not forget about Santa!
He will be at the library on Saturday
December 19th from 10:30 to noon, for a
special story time, crafts, and small gifts
for kids up to 12 years old. No registration is required for this fun event. This
event, too, is funded by the Friends of the
South Mainland Library. Many thanks to
all of you who have joined the Friends
and continue to make our programming available to all. If you are not yet
a member, we’d appreciate it if consider
joining. You can pick up a membership
bookmark the next time you are in the
library. And as always, we appreciate
your support.
South Mainland Public Library, 71121 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco, FL 321176
772-664-4066 •
December 2015
Adult Programs and Events:
12/4&18, 2-4pm, Memoir Writers
12/8, 2pm, Film Program: Movies You May Have Missed-A PRAIRIE HOME
12/10, 2pm, “Haven’t Got a Clue Mystery Group”-MYSTERIES SET IN THE
12/12, 12pm, Humanists
12/15, 2pm, Maine humorist TIM SAMPLE (tickets required)
12/17, 3pm, 3rd Thursday Book Club: STARRY NIGHT by Debbie Macomber
12/17, 2pm, Film Program: “From the Library Vault” Documentary- GAME SHOW
12/22, 1-3pm, Make Earring Frame Holder & 2 Pairs of Earrings, $15-sign up at
12/23, 12pm, Univ. of FL Master Gardener’s Clinic
Tuesdays, 6:30pm, Gentle Yoga with Judy $5/class
Thursdays, 6-8pm, Friendship Quilters Group
Fridays, 9am, Gentle Yoga with Judy $5/class
Youth Programs
Preschool Story Time, 10:30am, 12/14, 21 & 28
12/19, 10:00am, Santa
Page 7
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 8
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IRS offers “Many Cookies too” If you prepare early!
‘tis the season to be jolly….’ but it
is also a great time to gather all your
income tax return items.
I know –
as the song words claim “we’ve only
just begun….” SHOPPING, that is. And
who wants to think of medical attention
receipts or charitable gifting (other than
the Santa in front of the store with his
bell ringing) and potential deductions
for what you did to your home and/or
rental properties. Compiling a mileage
chart for that deduction is definitely a
December to-do item. These are just
some of the cookies IRS offers. But you
won’t find a better time than December to
start this detail work. Here’s why:
(1) You may have more ‘slow’ time
now than will be available for the next few
(2) Two months from now you can
file early and get your refund earlier;
(3) While some forms will not come
to you until late January or even later,
at least you can get together the other
“stuff” and be better prepared with less
(4) By e-Filing early, you help avoid
being a ‘stolen identity’ subject;
________________________ (your choice).
Take a look at some of the cookies
IRS has for you:
Medical and Dental Expenses,
Deductible Taxes, Home Mortgage
Points, Interest Expense, Charitable
Contributions, Miscellaneous Expenses,
Business Use of Home, Business Use of
Car, Business Travel Expenses, Business
Entertainment Expenses, Educational
Expenses, Employee Business Expenses,
Casualty, Disaster and Theft Losses
So many cookies – so many opportunities IF you take advantage of them.
And the nice part is that it doesn’t add
weight to your tax burden – consider
these as ‘diet’ cookies. So many folks
think they don’t have enough deductions to take advantage of Schedule A
in their tax return. (Schedule A is where
these items, and more appear.) The fact
is you will not know unless you gather
your paperwork and check it out. “Oh,
I never have enough deductions” is a
familiar statement I hear. Listen, if you
have enough to only save you $100 in
tax reduction . . . take it. Money back
into your pocket!
Here’s another BIG cookie, compliments of the IRS: Schedule C. For you
readers who have a side business, or
a potentially profitable hobby, this is
where you can really gain the benefit of
income tax reduction. It’s a bit tricky but
with careful attention to detail you gain
immeasurably from a tax standpoint.
Just about anything you do that involves
business expense is a tax deduction on
this magic schedule. Need to discuss
this with me? Free 2915 tax appraisal.
Just call or e-mail me.
Finally, in the cookie jar is Rental
Property. WOW – how about reducing
your taxable income up to $25,000.
How about that bag of cookies! Several
ways to go about this, snowbird or not,
and they are all tasty. Available even if
you only ‘rent’ out part of your home, or
your home part of the time. Yes, it gets
involved but the time and effort to learn
about this is well worth the effort.
Well, Santa may be restricted to a
very limited number of cookies allowable by Mrs. Claus . . . but you have an
IRS cookie jar that simply overflows with
generous offerings – if you take advantage of them. (Assuming IRS keeps the
current extenders in place for your 2015
return.) But you have to ask. Just call or
e-mail me for the latest on this.
And speaking of asking: More details
on these ‘cookies’ is available on the IRS.
gov web site or you can simply call or
e-mail me for information on the cookies
of your choice. As always, complimentary, no obligation.
Next month we kick off with a 3-part
Tax Column exploring ways to save you
tax money. Also, in mid-January I will
be conducting a 2-session workshop on
income tax planning and preparation.
One workshop in Sebastian and the other
in Vero Beach. Excellent for those of you
who do your own taxes. Equally important to my readers who prefer to have a
professional do the work. In the workshop you will learn the basics of income
tax preparation to a level of comfort
and gain knowledge that will save you
money, sometimes thousands, when it
comes to taxation. More details available
by contacting me by phone or e-mail.
No cost, no obligation – just a benefit for
my clients and friends. Until then, thanks
for the confidence you place in me.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 9
Sebastian River High School Band Prism Concert
• Dec. 10th & 11th at 7pm • Dec. 12th at 2pm and 7pm
• Dec. 13th at 2pm
Randol Tracy Masters is a Micco resident, and a former insurance claims executive with a
general law practice. His Florida Bar License Number is 28103.
Ticket price $15.00 to $25.00. Online ticket sales at
Tickets will be sold at SRHS office Mondays 1-3:30 pm
For more information call Lisa at 564-4387
Special Benefactor tickets are on sale now with special seating & dinner $75.00 Call 564-4315
Advice given in this column is not intended to be a business solicitation. All advice given is
general in nature, and not meant to establish reliance thereon. Each case involves unique
facts and circumstances. Your personal experiences and results may differ. Please consult
with qualified legal counsel concerning your rights and responsibilities in matters of law.
Q – My son is serving in the military
and is deployed overseas. Is there any
law which protects his rights while away?
A - Federal law mandates that active
members of the United States Armed
Forces be afforded protection from civil
litigation. Protection is codified under
50 U.S.C. Section 501 – also called
the Service Members Civil Relief Act
(SCRA). Protection for active service
members was originally enacted in 1940
as the Soldier’s and Sailors’ Civil Relief
Act (SSCRA), and replaced in 2003 by
the SCRA.
The purpose of the SCRA is to enable
service members to exclusively devote
their energy to the defense of the nation.
The SCRA covers active members of the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and
Coast Guard. Members of the Reserve
Forces and National Guard are also covered by the SCRA if deployed or called to
active duty by the President or Secretary
of Defense for over 30 consecutive days.
Under some provisions of the SCRA, the
spouse and children of a service member
are also covered as dependants.
The SCRA applies to all civil tribunals,
but criminal proceedings are excluded
from the SCRA. If a judgment, order or
adverse ruling is sought against a party
who has not made an appearance in a
case; it becomes the duty of the court
to determine whether that party is in the
military. Upon request, the Department
of Defense will supply that information.
Special SCRA procedural rules apply
to terminating the residential leases and
rent agreements of military members
called to active duty. Mortgage foreclosures are also affected by the SCRA, as
are some debt interest rates.
An active duty military service member can request a stay of the case or
hearing for up to 90 days if the court
determines that a defense to the action
may exist that cannot be presented without the presence of the service member.
Waiver of SCRA rights by service members must be voluntarily made in writing.
The granting of an additional stay is
discretionary, and depends on the decision made by the commanding officer of
the service member regarding authorized
leave. Each military member traditionally accrues 30 days of leave annually.
The continuing effect of active military
duty on the ability of the service member
to appear and defend is therefore determined by the military and the civil courts
on a case by case basis, with a focus on
the military duties assigned to the service
Terry’s Treasure Room
14020 U.S.Hwy 1, Sebastian, FL
Open Sunday - Thursday 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Friday - Saturday 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
“It’s the Spin that wins”
donations to Barefoot Bay Community
Fund are tax deductible.
Community Fund should be mailed to
PO Box 390 Roseland FL 32957.
The Community Fund Board for
2014-2015 is as follows Betsy Clark,
663-9635 Joyce Snellbaker, 664-0056;
Betty Anderson 664-8991; Mary Howard,
664-7013; Marilyn O’Keefe, 664-1451;
Donna Borchsenius, 663-3098 and Deb
Dalton 321-508-4700. Don’t hesitate to
contact us if you need assistance and feel
free to tell others of our service.
Thanks once again.
Betsy Clark
President, BFB Community Fund
Auto Body & Repair of Sebastian
at 1100 Louisiana Ave, Sebastian
Free Estimates
Pest Control
Serving Barefoot Bay And All Of Micco
Barefoot Bay Community Fund
Well the political signs have come
down and soon the Christmas decorations will be going up, it’s the change of
seasons in Barefoot Bay. At this time
of year I’d like to remind everyone to
think of those who need our help especially those right here in Barefoot Bay.
Collection boxes are out for Golf for Tots
who provide Christmas for family’s right
here, First Baptist Church always needs
non perishable food items and of course
do not forget our local Marines drive for
Toys for Tots. So many of us are so
lucky, please share a little it goes a long
way to put a smile on someone else’s
We thank everyone who has sent us
donations this month;
remember all
Service C
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 10
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Rick Powell
Sound Off from Page 5
Bay property; need trimming and plugged.
They refused to give a date when. Why
does it require so many sets of eyes to
see large oak trees? To date: no progress.
Mr. Coffey called me several days ago. It
wasn’t to give me a date for the work, just
to calm me down. He said John Morris
often takes 1 to 2 years to get projects
done. I said, “You mean four years” and I
said “you have a lack of communication,
just drive around the neighborhood and
BS with residents”… I reminded Mr. Coffey
that every year Barefoot Bay trims the
trees across the small parking lot right next
to my house and pool, just a few feet away.
Whenever I saw the tree equipment I called
and begged John Morris and John Coffey
to please trim the Barefoot Bay trees on
my roof. Nothing was done. Why am I
paying monthly Barefoot Bay fees? Would
it help if I was a man or a snowbird? The
evidence speaks for itself: trees with lots of
growth, limbs on top of my house, squirrels
bouncing everywhere. There appears to be
a pattern of four men wasting time, running
the neighborhood in pairs of two.
When deposition time rolls around, are
these men going to request to be paired
off again? And ask depositions to be
taken in the Florida Keys, so they’ll have
another excuse not to perform their usual
job duties?
Lynn Morgan
The election
Hi guys it’s me again,
First let me send my congratulations
to Mr. Diana and Mrs. Wright,you both
ran great races, and to Mr. Guinther and
Ms. Crouse you both can be proud of the
way you acted during your campaign, as I
said in my letter last month I have nothing
personal against Ms. Crouse I just did not
like the direction she was trying to take
barefoot bay, that’s all,and to all the people
of the Bay, always remember this, these
people who do this and give us there time,
they do this for nothing, just there love of
the Bay.
Speaking of the direction the Bay is
headed, I really don’t like when trustee Mr.
Cavaliere sits at a meeting and says the
way to fix our problem is to pick up the
phone and call the mortgage holder and
just tell them to lend us three million dollars and just ad it to our bill, he also wants
to replace Building “F” with a five hundred
thousand dollar block building and not let
the residents vote on this, he also asked
the park attorney if he thinks its okay and
he said he would look into it, and folks it’s
not going to get any better even with two
new trustees. You have Mr. Cavaliere who
makes a motion, then Mr. Lavier seconds
the motion, then the board votes and Mr.
Klosky is the third vote, so what ever the
motion is it will pass, and folks where stuck
with this for the next 12 months. I would
strongly recommend you start attending
the district meetings to see what’s going
Last but not least I would like to thank
all the grown ups who attended the kids
junk in the trunk party on Halloween in the
parking lot at the “A” Building, it was really
a great time had by all, I hope the H.O.A.
keeps doing this every year for the kids its
really a great turn out, and my hats off to
all the folks who ran this affair.
Thanks again
Ernest Loening
That very word, assessments sets
everyone off. When a developer plays
games and is caught, what happens? You
pay and pay for years. To some longer
than a lifetime. A shame our penalty was
12 years! No increases in dues. What was
our fee at that time $22.50 per month. Yes
it was cheap! Too cheap. When turnover
came, dues went up to “By Law” to $24.00
and most of the time our mighty developer
did not pay, on his 147 lots. Ask yourselves what should dues (be)? Maybe the
same as Barefoot Bay. Or even higher.
Only time will tell, as you can see. “Too
Many Keys”. Yes only “time will tell”. Our
roads your problems and mine. Not the
counties. How much will it cost to repair
our damage pipes back to retention ponds
and repave according to up dated codes?
We own them, all of us. Cost unknown.
Maybe a Special Assessment. That is no
laughing matter. How much? Smile if you
can. You own a doughnut hole county
stated. Call it a compound for a few! Need
it? No. Cost to us $236,000 in 15 years.
Some smart lady stated our fees are
too low. After that lady put in over 150
hours of her time working it out “No Pay”
approximately $4.00 per month to cover
our losses from monies lost by hands of
past board members neglect. Residence
crying are you “nuts”? No way. Play with
the nine month budget. Take funds from
Peter to pay Paul. Is that what we call
So their back “pumpkin time”. Let’s call
it a change of season, walkers, golf carts
with pets, and a few bike riders. New ones
for how long, only time will tell. I hear a
new system, greater than two cans and a
long string. Why is it so great, you can
call Canada. My oh my, there is problems
with such calls as these. North of the Great
Lakes, some of us, you and I will have to
learn French or Canadian, “you all”.
What we lost, a land line, no more
emergency or train wreck and telling us to
boil water. It’s called “Robo” calls. These
are not only used for elections, but save
lives, it can be yours! Do the listen, no
or take heed of what lays below us? It’s
called assessments, Joe! Take Niantic
Ave., built without permits. So they say,
surveys, engineering blue prints, piping,
feel and least of all, drainage, both sides
of the road at that “place” land is higher in
Barefoot Bay.
At what cost, approximately $250,000.
Gee there is a bright side, our partners,
the other side of the track will have to pay
one fifth of that cost. Mr. Smith will cry use
reserve money, sorry, read the blue book,
Mr. Smith, that’s not reserve. It’s proper
calling is “assessments”, could be up to
fifty grand, maybe. And to all welcome to
Florida, land of sunshine and condos, and
of course snowbirds.
And to that one person that send back
mail unopened, claims he not living really,
are you dead? Tell us Mr. Ghost, how soon
like a wind in the night flying back to area
#931. If you need some mortgage documents, ask Mrs. A, or the present board
for the copies. I have a copy, you must
ask Mrs. A, she signed the papers, not the
carpet baggers, the collect.
My message to all. Send your check
signed, no amount entered, but in lower
left hand corner fill in “Assessment” so
think before foolish spending or paying off
past happenings. Did you need it, ask for
Mr. La and did you onto put in print quote
“We must get rid of those tow”, unquote.
Same on you. They served proudly. Tell
all under which quilt did you hide? That
$236,000 - 15 year deal. No, it was going
to be free.
Yes the trains are coming, Singing
night and day, lets call it Flagler Way from
Jacksonville to Key West. Get ready ply a
short time. Longer than 28 trains, speed
over 80 mph, plus more freight cars. Start
packing, E.M.S stated 15 minutes at a
crossing is equal of one hour of life. You do
the math. So they stated at a special meeting. Wilma from Barefoot Bay was there.
Do we need hurricane? No it’s called
Speed Rail. “All on board”, welcome to
Mort Rothstein
See Sound Off Page 11
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Sound Off from Page 10
Wake up Homeowners
Well the elections are over and the residents have spoken. Let’s hope someone
is listening. I want to keep this as short
as I can. The Building “F” project that has
been on everyone’s mind has turned into
a he said they said battle. What is really
important is how much of OUR money are
the Trustees going to spend on this project.
Let’s look at some facts;
A block building cost between $113.00
per sq. ft. (as Mr. Guinther reported when
he looked at the building Grant/Valkaria
built in 2014) and $125.00 per sq. ft. that
I had guessed would be the price including inflation. Just to be on the high side
a 4000 sq. ft. building that cost $125.00
per sq. ft. would cost $500,000.00. At the
March 5th
Facilities meeting (page 2)
Mr. Coffey explained the tentative plans
for a 3000 sq. ft. building while the April
8th report from TLC, revised on April 23rd,
calls for an approximately 4000 sq. ft.
building. Just to give you an idea the difference that would make on the price; a 4000
sq. ft. building would cost $500,000.00
while a 3000 sq. ft. building would cost
$375,000.00. Someone should figure out
what size the building is before we hire
someone to build it, don’t you think? To
be fair to the District they did give TLC a
copy of the customer quote for a 42’ X 75’
modular structure. When I went to school,
a long time ago, that came to 3150 sq. ft.
Why on earth would they give proposal for
a building that is 850 sq. ft. larger? Even
with the new math I can’t explain that one.
Then we get into the fun stuff; did
anyone explain where and how much it
is going to cost to relocate staff, phones,
cable, etc. during the construction of this
new building? How about the electric that
supplies the parking lot? Remember we
were told that the electric for the parking
lot was replaced during the parking lot
renovation? Do you remember last year
when the Christmas parade was going on
Matt, John and myself were in the parking
lot digging up the burnt electrical wires
(Matt did the digging) so that the parade
participants did not end the parade in a
parking lot without lights. Those wires,
to my knowledge, have not been fixed
permanently yet. We are told we need
a new parking lot and retention pond for
building “F” (building “F” ph 2 – additional
parking) $200,000.00 as listed in the 5
year plan dated 9/1/2015 5:19pm. Keep
in mind Brian Lavier made the only smart
thought from the Trustees. Why not build
it behind the shopping center? The price of
the building is going to be about the same
no matter where it is built. What we do not
need is all the extra costs associated with
locating it in the same spot as building “F”.
Might just be common sense.
I may sound like a broken record, but
in the Charter Ordinance No.84-05 Article
IV section 13. It clearly states “including
all obligations proposed to be assumed in
connection with such acquisition”.
Bob Kahl
whatever way is needed moving forward
to ensure the rules are followed. We need
to find a solution because if we don’t use
some kind of enforcement or penalty, more
people will become complacent which
will negatively impact our neighborhoods.
Some problems are easier solved than others and everyone wants to feel safe wherever we are. Purchasing up to date surveillance camera’s would be a deterrent. The
good thing about camera’s is there is only
one story. The one the camera has on
tape. It would not require a huge investment of time to review because you would
only have to do so if someone reported a
problem. Putting signs to show residents
where not to go or park could also help.
I don’t pretend it’s a cure-all but would
clearly define areas. A stronger police
presence would be something we also
need to explore. We won’t solve everything
overnight but we need to start somewhere
working together toward a common goal.
In closing I want to thank everyone who
volunteered on our dream-team walking
door to door; all who hosted and attended
our very successful coffee klatches; the
very generous donors; all who donated their time and golf carts on election
day; the many clubs and businesses who
allowed me to come and share my ideas;
the homeowners and businesses who let
us put our sunshine yellow signs in their
yards; our talented, enthusiastic, dedicated, imaginative, hard working campaign
team Mary, Ann, Carol, Bob, Carole, Kim,
M.J., Linda, Donna and my fantastic husband E.J.
I want to end this article the way I
VOTERS! Respectfully,
Lee Wright
These views are mine and mine alone.
They do not reflect the views of any club,
organization or committee I belong.
River Grove Mobile Home Sales
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Wood - Masonry - Steel - Aluminum Structures
My sincere thanks to everyone who
voted for me. I have met many of you
through some of the activities our “Bay”
has to offer, at different meetings and our
door to door campaign. You have shared
your concerns, your ideas and your hope
for the future of this community. My tagline throughout the campaign was help
me-help you. Well, you’ve done your part
by helping me get elected. I am very
honored and excited to start working with
the other trustee’s, staff and our H.O.A.
In January it will be my turn to keep my
promise.......... to help you.
Through our many conversations two
immediate concerns were mentioned over
and over.
You want enforcement
of our deed of restrictions and you want
more security. I will work diligently to help
Page 11
• Garages / Sheds • Screen Rooms • Wood Additions
• Mobile Home Roof Overs • Hand Rails
• Hurricane Protections • Carports
Office 772- 571-5113
Troy Douglas 772-473-7213
Steve Douglas 772-473-7212
4455 Micco Rd.• [email protected]
45 Years’ Experience • Licensed & Insured
FREE Estimates
State Certified Building Contractor
Page 12
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Post 4425
Ladies Auxiliary
American Legion
Post 366
American Legion
Marine Corps
Detachment # 918
Marine Corps
Ladies Auxiliary
Disabled American
Veterans Post 155
Sigma Phi Psi Sorority
of U.S. Armed Forces
A word from Veteran’s Advisor
Sandy LoBello
Listen Up Vets !!!!
VA Health Care: When You’re In,
You’re In:
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) operates the largest health care system in the country, with over 1,400 sites
of care nationwide. When you become
enrolled in the VA health care system,
it’s for a lifetime. You are instantly and
automatically entitled to receive care at
any VA location without ever having to
register for VA health care benefits again.
After you enroll, you can immediately
start receiving your health care at a VA
facility, or at a later date - the choice is
yours. Enrolling in the VA health care
system is quick and easy Just stop in the
Veteran’s Service Office at Bldg “D & E”
and ask for VA Form 1010ez.
The nearest VA Clinic is in Viera. You
can take your application to the Clinic to
enrollment, but remember it is important
to take your DD214 with your application or you may complete an online
Application for Health Benefits online
vha/1010ez/ If you need help enrolling,
our Veteran’s Service Officers are available on Thursdays from 1-4pm or you
may Contact the VA toll free at 1-877222-VETS (8387).
If you have a problem with transportation to go to Viera, our VA Van goes to
the Clinic weekdays for appointments
or just let us know you want to go for
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
all Americans including all military
members (active duty, retired, Selected
Reserve, or Retired Reserve) and their eli-
gible family members must have health
care coverage that meets a minimum
standard called minimum essential coverage or pay a fee. Your TRICARE coverage meets the minimum essential coverage requirement under the ACA.
“The term “active duty” means fulltime duty in the active service of a
uniformed service for more than 30 consecutive days”.
Beginning in January 2016, DFAS will
be providing IRS Form 1095-C to all U.S.
military members, and IRS Form 1095B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former
spouses and all other individuals having
TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2015. An IRS Form 1095
documents you (and your family members, if applicable) have the minimum
essential coverage.
These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS
on yourself and your authorized family
members. The forms will be required to
be reported with your 2015 federal tax
return. DFAS will provide you with IRS
Form 1095 series forms no later than
Jan. 31, 2016
You can find more information about
the impact of the Affordable Care Act on
your federal income tax at: http://www.
In the very near future watch for the
Barefoot Bay Veteran’s Service Office
Face Book Page where you will be able to
ask you questions and we can get back
to you with information or an answer to
your question.
See you next month
Sandy LoBello
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 13
Sunshine Rentals and Sales, LLC
Serving the Barefoot Bay area for 20 years
M. Joy Liddy, GRI
Licensed Real Estate Broker • Notary Public
Maggie Creelman is Registered Nurse with the Visiting Nurse
Association and coordinates all aspects of community and associate
wellness for the non-profit home healthcare agency.
(772) 664-4411
run it by your general practitioner before
pushing yourself.
Q. How do seniors benefit from aerobic exercises?
A. All ages benefit from regular
sessions of exercise daily to weekly.
Exercising does not have to consist of
high-intensity aerobics. Daily periods
of walking and/or muscle strengthening
exercises yield many great benefits, like
the ones listed below:
· Helps maintain the ability to live
independently and reduces the risk of
falling and fracturing bones.
· Reduces the risk of dying from
coronary heart disease and of developing high blood pressure, colon cancer,
and diabetes.
· Can help reduce blood pressure in
some people with hypertension.
· Helps people with chronic, disabling
conditions improve their stamina and
muscle strength.
· Reduces symptoms of anxiety and
depression and fosters improvements in
mood and feelings of well-being.
· Helps maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
· Helps control joint swelling and pain
associated with arthritis.
For more information and tips on the
best exercise options for you, visit the
Centers for Disease Control website at
Since 1975, the VNA has been committed to bringing skilled, compassionate, and cost-effective home health care
to Indian River County patients. For more
information about VNA services, call
772.567.5551 or visit
The VNA Answer Nurse welcomes
your questions. Please write or call: The
VNA Answer Nurse, 1110 35th Lane,
Vero Beach, FL 32960, (772) 567.5551,
or email: [email protected]. This
material is for general information. To
diagnose a specific illness or disorder,
consult your doctor.
(800) 664-0809
Sunshine Home Services
Monitoring Your Home While You Are Away
[email protected]
Planning for a healthier you in 2016!
The start of a new year comes with
goals and resolutions to be a better version of you. Here are some practical,
straightforward tips on how much exercise you should be getting. Let’s strive for
a healthier version of ourselves in 2016!
Q. I am over the age of 65. How much
exercise do I need?
A. For adults age 65 and older, the
Centers for Disease Control recommends
2 hours and 30 minutes of moderateintensity aerobic activity every week, and
muscle-strengthening activities that will
work your major muscle groups (legs,
hips, back abdomen, chest, shoulders
and arms) on 2 or more days a week.
Two hours and 30 minutes may seem
like a long time, but it figures out to 150
minutes total, and it is fine to do only 20
minutes at a time. Break it up and have
Q. What is considered ‘moderateintensity aerobic activity’?
A. Your 150 minutes (about as much
time as it takes to watch a good movie)
of healthy activity each week could consist of brisk walking, mowing the lawn
with a push lawn mower, deep cleaning
the house, or stretching and yoga exercises.
Q. I like to work up a good sweat.
How long do I need to work out to stay
A. It is recommended that seniors age
65 and older have 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
every week, and muscle-strengthening
activities on 2 or more days that work all
major muscle groups.
Q. What are examples of vigorousintensity aerobics?
A. If you like to work up a sweat,
you are probably a runner or athlete.
Jogging, basketball, soccer, swimming
laps or long-distance cycling are all
activities that will keep your heart rate
elevated for an extended period of time. If
you have questions about your ability to
take on one of the above, make sure you
935 Barefoot Blvd. #7
Barefoot Bay, FL 32976
[email protected]
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It’s time to enhance your life with the MDI Denture Stabilization System!
What is the MDI Denture Stabilization System?
REV. JIM SPANOGLE, PASTOR • (772) 664-1104
talk, live
with comfort and confidence
Is your loose denture causing you to:
• miss out on life’s simple pleasures?
• miss eating your favorite foods,
like steak or corn on the cob?
• be afraid to laugh, smile or speak
in public?
The MDI system consists of a miniature titanium alloy that acts like the
root of your tooth and a retaining fixture that is incorperated into the
base of your denture. The head of the implant is shaped like a ball,
and the retaining fixture acts like a socket with a rubber O-ring.
The O-ring snaps over the ball when the denture is seated and holds
the denture firmly in place. When seated, the denture gently rests
on the gum tissue. The implant fixtures allow for micro-mobility while
withstanding natural lifting forces.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 14
It’s That Time Again For Little Theatre
Your Hometown Attorney
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The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements.
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Patt's Touch Of Class
Hair Design
8530 US1 Micco • 664~1968
On March 2, 3 & 4, 2016, the Little
Theatre of Barefoot Bay will present its
- A Star Spangled Musical Revue.
Based on great songs from all over the
country, the theme is a fun romp through
the USA featuring great standards everyone will know. The rehearsals begin the
first week in January in Building A three
times a week which is the usual practice
of the group.
Little Theatre is seeking new members to join the troupe and get involved
on stage or behind the scenes. We hope
newcomers to the Bay will join especially. Also, the call is out to former
members who haven’t been involved
recently to come back and join us. This
VNA Announces Bereavement Care Group
Effective September 28th, VNA Home
Health & Hospice has updated their
no-cost, community bereavement care
groups. Bereavement counselors offer
guidance, support and hope to individuals and families who have experienced
a loss. VNA’s bereavement counselors
facilitate support groups, and encourage anyone in the community who has
experienced a loss to attend one of the
following sessions:
· First and third Tuesday of the month,
11:30 - 12:30 p.m. Our Savior Lutheran
Church, Classroom #4 1850 6th Avenue,
Vero Beach. This group is for men who
are coping with the loss of a spouse, parent, child, or other loved one.
Exclusive Offer for our
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See dealer for details. Must present coupon. Offer expires 12/18/15.
combination will make for a fresh and
unique experience for everybody.
Don’t be afraid of joining Little Theatre
which meets the third Tuesday each
month at 7 pm in Building A. We are
friendly people who love live entertainment. If you like the excitement of creating something to bring joy to others then
Little Theatre is for you. If you can put
up with crazy moments of rehearsing
until you’re hoarse and tired, then Little
Theatre is for you. If you want to show
people your talent and enjoy making
folks smile then Little Theatre is for you!
For further information call Director
Richard Doyle at 772-202-4088.
Serving Brevard for over 35 Years
· First and third Tuesday of the month,
10 -11 a.m. VNA Offices (1st floor conference room) 1110 35th Lane, Vero
Beach. This group is for women who are
coping with the loss of a spouse, parent,
child, or other loved one.
· Tuesday 6 – 7 p.m. VNA Hospice
Foundation 920 37th Place, Suite 101,
Vero Beach. This is a general bereavement group for persons under the age
of 60.
· Wednesdays 1:30 – 3 p.m. Our
Savior Lutheran Church, 1850 6th
Avenue, Classroom #4, Vero Beach. This
is a general bereavement group.
· Thursdays 2 – 3 p.m. St. Sebastian
Catholic Church 13075 US 1, Sebastian.
This is a general bereavement group.
· Thursdays 6 - 7 p.m. Community
Church of Vero Beach, 1901 23rd Street,
Room 115, Vero Beach. This group is for
parents who are coping with the loss of
a child.
For questions regarding the bereavement support groups or other available hospice services, please call
772.567.5551 or visit
About the VNA
The VNA of the Treasure Coast, a
registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, provides home healthcare services—including Medicare-reimbursed
and private-duty nursing; home health
aides; physical, speech, and occupational therapy; in-home companions; and
personal transportation—throughout the
Treasure Coast. The agency is also the
only licensed hospice provider in Indian
River County, offering end-of-life care in
patients’ homes, local hospitals, nursing
homes and assisted living facilities, and
the VNA Hospice House. The VNA also
provides community wellness services
such as flu vaccinations, no-cost blood
pressure/blood sugar screenings, and
speakers on health-related topics for
local community groups.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
All news must be delivered to the Barefoot Tattler office by the
deadline listed below. E-mail: [email protected]
or 222 Kiwi Dr., Barefoot Bay, FL 32976
January Issue Deadline - December 6, 2015
UNIT #366
I would like to invite all women that
are eligible to come and join our great
American Legion Auxiliary unit #366.
We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each
month, October thru May, at
7:00 PM, in Building E. I am very
proud of this great group of ladies who
put forth so much effort to make our unit
the best. On the 4th Tuesday of each
month, the ladies get together and meet
for a very nice lunch at a different restaurant each month.
Many members of the Legion and
Auxiliary marched In the Veterans Day
Parade to honor our Veterans. Thanks to
everyone who attended and showed their
support for our Veterans.
The American Legion Auxiliary Fall
Conference was held in Orlando and 2 of
our Auxiliary members attended to learn
about what is happening at all the Units.
It was a very informative meeting.
District #12 Auxiliary will be holding
their District Meeting at Post #1, Titusville
on Dec. 12. Registration will start at 9:00
and meeting will begin at 10:00. This is
a good way to get knowledge about our
programs and what other Units are doing.
All are invited.
Our big Annual Card Party will be
held on March 20, 7:00 PM, instead of
November, in BLDG.A. Note change in
location. Tickets will be available from
Marie Crutchfield at 664-6962. Be sure
to get your tickets early as this card party
always sells out.
We are planning a small Christmas
Party with the Legion. So be sure to
mark your calendar for Dec.15. A great
time will be had by all.
I am looking forward to meeting and
greeting all our old and new members.
See you at our
November 17 meeting. For God and
Rhoda Barnet
Welcome back to all Post 366 members from the North and Midwest. After
our October installation meeting, your
Post has new officers. Ray Bourgault is
retiring as Post Commander.Nate Bliss
and Dave Valdina are anchoring our
finances and record keeping. Our next
meeting is Tuesday, December 15, 2015
at 7:00 p.m. at Building D/E. As you
may have heard, National and State
raised their dues. Your Post dues are
$30 for the season July 1, 2015 to June
30, 2016. Over 50% have paid. Thank
Page 15
you. Please send your checks to Nate
Bliss. Do not send to State or National.
We cannot accept credit cards. We are
planning many events for the coming
season. We need workers and helpers
for these events. Come to the meetings
to see where you can help. For God and
Jack Reddy
The first fall meeting of the BFB
Artists’ Guild was held on October 16th
Many members were not back from up
north, but business was discussed. On
October 23rd Maureen Fitzpatrick and
Joan Whitton set up still life groupings for
us to draw or paint, a good values lesson.
Gary Gresko, a new member volunteered
to give a class, November 6th, on mobile
making/creating. Those who attended, armed with tin snips, scissors, etc.
enjoyed this unique form of art. David
McKee has created a Facebook Group
called Barefoot Bay Artists’ Guild. He
has sent out instructions on his emails. Dave. November 20th
was the general meeting, and plans for
the Christmas luncheon on December
14th discussed. Catered by 19th Hole,
Kathy Mendez, price $18.00 pp. Maureen
Fitzpatrick is distributing mini canvas
boards with magnets for your refrigerators for members to paint and exchange
at the Christmas party. Something different .. and fun! Hope everyone has a
wonderful Thanksgiving, and remembers how blessed we are to live here in
Barefoot Bay!
Marilyn O’Keefe
We’re back! The Barefoot Bay Boat
and Fishing Club had its’ Octoberfest
recently at Fisherman’s landing in Grant.
Lots of hot dogs and bratwurst sizzling
on the grill and plenty of dishes to pass,
such as sauerkraut, wonderful cooked-up
onions and salads of many kinds along
with deserts, we had a fine feast! Plenty
to eat for the 50 or so people that showed
up! Barry Stokes headed up the event
with plenty of help from the members,
it was a great success. Thanks to all of
those that helped. It threatened rain the
early AM, and it probably did somewhere
in the Bay, but by the time we reached
Fisherman’s Landing the weather was
looking good. A warm steady breeze
made for a comfortable day for a picnic. As always, it’s nice to welcome our
snowbirds back and catch up on the latest news. And to meet some new people
that have joined or will be joining. Our
next regular meeting will be held on the
2nd Friday of the month at Building D at
7:30 PM. We always are happy to have
new people join us, we are a mixture
of boaters and fisher people. We try to
have an interesting speaker related to
fishing and or boating. Refreshments are
Publicity Chairperson,
Lois Paneta
Hello everyone and welcome back to
your winter home. Canadian snowbirds
usually start their southern migration
early November with a few early birds
getting here to celebrate Halloween. The
bulk of the crowd come down after celebrating Christmas and the new year at
home with family and friends. Some others arrive just before and just after Santa
does his thing.
By the time you read this in the
December Tattler, we will have had our
November pot luck meeting which this
See Club News Page 18
Medicare Advantage Plans
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More than 3,000 Providers
Palm Bay
Palm Bay
Palm Bay
Palm Bay
Palm Bay
Barefoot Bay
Health First's
Palm Bay Hospital
1425 Malabar Road NE
November 20, 2015
9:30 am, 1 pm
Indian River
Fitness Center
311 Barefoot
November 20, 2015
1 pm
Health First's
Palm Bay Hospital
1425 Malabar Road NE
November 24, 2015
1 pm
Health First's
Palm Bay Hospital
1425 Malabar Road NE
December 1, 2015
10 am
En Español
Health First's
Palm Bay Hospital
1425 Malabar Road NE
December 2, 2015
1 pm
Greater Palm Bay
Senior Center
1275 Culver Drive NE
December 2, 2015
2 pm
En Español
Barefoot Bay
Recreation Center
625 Barefoot Bay
December 3, 2015
9:30 am
For more seminar dates, please visit
To reserve your seat and get a $10 gift card call toll-free 1.877.904.4908 or TDD/TTY relay 1.800.955.8771. We’re available seven
days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. *One gift card to all Medicare eligibles who RSVP and attend a seminar with no obligation to enroll in the plan.
Attend a seminar and earn a $10 gift card.
$10 Gift Card
Health First Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health First Health Plans depends on contract renewal. This information is not a complete
description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance
may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Part B premium. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation
of persons with special needs at sales meetings, call toll-free 1.877.904.4908 or TDD/TTY relay 1.800.955.8771. The provider network may change at any time. You will receive
notice when necessary. Only one gift card to Medicare eligibles who RSVP and attend a seminar with no obligation to enroll in the plan. Y0089_EL4878 Accepted 09222015
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 16
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Indian River Podiatry
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Page 17
Check out our NEW
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Car Show the 3rd Sunday every month Next Show DEC. 20th @ 10 to 2 PM
5900 U.S. 1 Grant Now Open 7 Days New Hours Mon-Tue 7am to 2pm • Wed-Thurs-Sun 7am to 7pm • Fri & Sat 7am to 9pm
Street Dance
Little Theater’s “Coven of Witches” supporting “Trunk or Treat” on Halloween.
Pat Kara, Ann Manzo, Linda Schooefield and Kim Kopet having another fun afternoon.
Glass & Screen
Power washing, Tiling & Painting
Call George
(772) 453-4636
Many Colors & Styles!
Del’s Barber Shop
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Connie Oquist
(West of US 1, Off Main St.)
Some insurances reimburse for wigs.
Call for an
772-766-2501 or 772-321-1277
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 18
Club News from Page 15
7764 Bay Street #10
Sebastian, FL 32958
Ph: 772-589-9998
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year happened on Remembrance Day.
A few poppies were seen amongst the
crowd as we remembered those who had
given their lives, and those in our military
that continue to protect our wonderful
country. The mystery menu was fabulous
as usual with a great selection of entrees
and desserts.
Bocci and Shuffle are well underway
as well as the diehard lawn bowlers. The
lawn bowling facility has been revamped
and new bowlers are welcomed. No
experience needed. Easy to learn and
easy to play. It’s like curling only different. Ha! Warmer too, no gloves required.
All are welcomed with always room for
one more so drop by and join in.
Barefoot Bay’s annual Christmas
Parade is on for December 6th. Join us
with your golf cart or be part of the caroling group that entertain the onlookers
along the parade route. Depending on
participants, an impromptu party might
just happen and you’ll want to be part of
that for sure.
Have a look below at our schedule of
events for the upcoming season. If you’re
new to the area and Canadian, feel free
to contact me with any questions and I’ll
send you in the right direction. We meet
the second Wednesday of every month at
the “A” building, November through April
at 5:30 so drop in and see how much fun
we have. All the best.
December 9, 2015 - Christmas dinner/dance at Building A. Catered by
2002 Restaurant, Music by Audio
Cocktails: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm. Tickets: $14 for members and $17 for guests.
January 13, 2016 - Pot Luck dinner at
Building A. Cocktails: 5:30 pm Dinner:
6:30 pm. Club Meeting @ 7:30 pm.
(Update - Cdn Snowbird Assn. – Bob
Slack). Games and cards to follow.
January 23, 2016 - Pancake Breakfast
at Building A 8:30 am – 10:30 am. $2
each for members and $3 for guests.
February 10, 2016 - Valentines dinner/dance at Building A. Catered by
TBA, Music by TBA. Cocktails: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm. Tickets: $14 for members and $17 for guests
March 9, 2016 - Pub Night dinner/
dance at Building A. Catered by TBA,
Music by TBA.
Cocktails: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm. Tickets: $14 for members and $17 for guests.
March 12, 2016 - Annual Canada
Club Golf Tournament at BB Golf Course.
Tee Off at 8:00 am with BBQ following at
Building D & E. Contact Don Hippern for
cost and other details.
March 17, 2016 - Annual Canada
Club Picnic at Fisherman’s Landing in
Grant. 11:30 am to 3:00 pm with lots
of picnic games. Hamburgers and Hot
Dogs, $1 each for members and $2 for
guests. Bring your own condiments and/
or extra dish (eg. salad, dessert, etc.)
March 24, 2016 - Annual Pizza Party
for Bocce and Shuffleboard players.
Timmerman’s (948 Laurel) at 3:30 pm.
at Building A. Cocktails: 5:30 pm Pot
Luck Dinner: 6:30 pm. Club Meeting @
7:30 pm. Games and cards to follow.
A bit of chess player history. Our
winter season of chess play has started.
Welcome back to our snowbirds. Please
check us out and exercise your brain.
Our schedule has changed from last
Week 1 – Wednesday, Building D,
Week 2 – Wednesday, Library,
Week 3 – Wednesday, Building C,
Week 4 – Wednesday, Building C,
Week 5 (If there is one) – Wednesday,
Building C, 8:30am
Chess Master Alexander Alekhine
Alexander Aleksandrovich Alekhine
(Russian): October 19] 1892 – March
24, 1946) was a Russian chess grandmaster and the fourth World Chess
Champion. He is widely considered one
of the greatest chess players ever. By
the age of 22, Alekhine was already
among the strongest chess players in the
world. During the 1920s, he won most
of thetournaments in which he played.
In 1921, Alekhine left Soviet Russia,
he represented France since 1925.
In 1927, he became the fourth World
Chess Champion by defeating José Raúl
Capablanca. In the early 1930s, Alekhine
dominated tournament play and won two
top-class tournaments by large margins.
He also played first board for France in
five Chess Olympiads, winning individual
prizes in each (four medals and a brilliancy prize). Alekhine offered Capablanca a
rematch on the same demanding terms
that Capablanca had set for him, and
negotiations dragged on for years without making much progress. Meanwhile,
Alekhine defended his title with ease
against Efim Bogoljubov in 1929 and
1934. He was defeated by Max Euwe
in 1935, but regained his crown in the
1937 rematch. His tournament record,
however, remained uneven, and rising
young stars like Paul Keres, Reuben
Fine, and Mikhail Botvinnik threatened
his title. Negotiations for a title match
with Keres or Botvinnik were halted by
the outbreak of World War II in Europe
in 1939. Negotiations with Botvinnik for
a world title match were proceeding in
1946 when Alekhine died in Portugal,
in unclear circumstances. Alekhine is
known for his fierce and imaginative
attacking style, combined with great
positional and endgame skill. He is highly
regarded as a chess writer and theoretician, producing innovations in a wide
range of chess openings and giving his
name to Alekhine’s Defence and several other opening variations. He also
composed some endgame studies. The
chess games of Alekhine can be viewed
& played through here: http://www. Relax and read through the
articles. Enjoy.
Dale Bulmer
The Connecticut Yankees of Brevard
meet at the Golden Corral Restaurant
in Palm Bay on the second Saturday of
every month at 11:00AM. There will be
lively entertainment, door prizes and a
50/50 drawing. Any former of current
Connecticut resident (and guests) are
welcome to attend our monthly gettogethers on the second Saturday of
every month. For more information call
Elizabeth Waltman at 321-253-3458
Our “moral betters” on the Left complain about what they call America’s
“adolescent” and “sick” obsession with
firearms. America’s “Gun Culture” is an
embarrassment to the Left, when they
talk with Leftist European friends. But
does American gun ownership account
for high murder rates? That is the question.
It is true that in terms of gun ownership America ranks first out of 218 countries with 90 gun owners out 100 citizens.
America is the gun owning capital of the
world way ahead of Serbia, which comes
in second with 58 per 100.
The Left’s mythology based on this
alone concludes, America must be number 1 in the murder rate category. Let’s
look at the facts. The first place winner
is Honduras, a Socialist gun-controlled
See Club News Page 19
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Club News From Page 18
country with 58 per 100,000. America
doesn’t even come up in the top 100.
America ranks 111 out of 218. We are
in the bottom 50%, way behind big state
governments run by Leftists.
But this doesn’t tell us the whole truth.
Our death rate numbers are inflated by
Democrat-Leftist controlled cities like
Detroit with a death rate of 54.6 per
100,000, followed by New Orleans, St.
Louis, Baltimore, Oakland, Stockton,
Kansas City, Philadelphia, Cleveland,
Memphis, Atlanta, Chicago. If Detroit
was a country, it would be second behind
Honduras. These cities inflate our murder
rate, and they have been run by gun-controlling Democrat-Leftists for decades.
The more gun control laws DemocratLeftists pass the higher the death rate.
And they know it.
Plano, Texas ranked at the bottom
of American cities at 0.4 per 100,000.
Plano is the place where every house has
an AK-47 and all other kinds of firearms,
knives, tomahawks, etc. This gun-crazed
city has the lowest murder rate. Think
about that. If America’s murder rate
was Plano’s, gun crazy land according
to Leftists, America’s murder rate would
rank 211 out of the 218 countries and
not 111. Question: is it more difficult to
legally get a gun in Plano or Detroit?
So where’s the problem? According
to facts and not Leftist mythology, it’s
not the guns and our fellow citizens who
legally own them. Where is the murder
rate lowest? It is lowest in places with
high gun ownership. This is just another
Inconvenient Truth for the Left.
The Barefoot Bay Conservative Club
meets the 4th Thursday of the month in
building D next to the golf course between
the pro shop and 19th hole. Because
Christmas Eve is the 4th Thursday our
next meeting is December 17th from
2:30 -3:30 pm. God bless you,
John Nyhan 407-619-7569
First I want to thank all the people in
the Bay who came to our Craft Fair, you
are an awesome group of people. We
enjoyed seeing each and every one of
you and hope you had a good time. If you
liked our crafts how about stopping in at
our club. We meet every Wed. morning
building A 9 AM to NOON. We would like
to have you join us or just stop in sometime and say howdy.
Now a special thank you to all the
Craft members who worked so hard to
make our show such a success we could
not have done it without you all. The
bake goods sold out fast and I am not
surprised, what a beautiful array of goodies, thank you to all who baked and also
thank you to our sellers, well done. The
people in the kitchen were kept busy
selling donuts and hot dogs, thank you
to the volunteers there. The raffles and
the 50/ 50 did very well, we had two
great raffle items, a quilt and a Christmas
box with two ceramic Santa and a bottle
of rum. Congratulations to the winners
of the raffle and the 50/50. Thank you
to all the venders who rented tables, so
many Crafts for sale, all beautiful, hard to
decide what to buy. Hope you all found
that special craft you were looking for.
Before I finish the thank you’s Thank
you to the Barefoot Bay crew here in the
park, you guys work so hard setting up
and taking down for all the events in the
Bay and you do a great job. We all appreciate you coming in on a Sat. to help us.
A final thank you to the Bay people, you
came, you saw, you bought thank you.
Okay now we are getting into our
winter season, all you members who are
just getting back or have been out sick
we are going out to Christmas lunch this
year members only so come in and sign
up please. We have new classes starting
in Jan. at our club, I know the jewelry
teacher will be back and her class is very
popular. I hope to have all the details
next month on all the classes.
I didn’t mention people by name for
the thank you’s cause I always seem to
forget someone and really you all know
who you are, right? So thank you.
Craft Club every WED. 9 AM TO
NOON Building A. Because of deadlines
I want to wish all the people in the Bay a
Happy and Safe holiday season.
Kathleen Fortier
We enjoyed our last meeting very
much, as our program was presented by
Sherri’s Floral Shoppe. Although Sherri is
no longer the owner, the shop is in excellent hands and their work is lovely. Our
Christmas party will be held December
16th in bldg. D/E and should be a fun
time for all attending. Tickets were sold
at this meeting - if you did’ t get yours
they are still available. If you need more
information - please contact me at 6643748 and I will try to help. We welcome
new guest to our meetings. This is an
interesting club if you enjoy digging in
the dirt or learning about plants, etc.
MaryAnne Hostetter
The December 15th meeting of the
German Club will be our annual Christmas
party featuring a carving station prime
rib dinner. Come in your festive holiday
attire ready to celebrate. Dinner will be
at 6 preceded by cocktails at 5. Dinner
will include salad, prime rib, potato,
veggies and a special dessert. Music for
Page 19
your dancing pleasure will be provided
by Janice and Rene. Non members are
welcome to enjoy the evening at $20 per
person. Get tickets from Joan and Jim,
664-7385 no later than December 8.
The German Club is sponsoring two
bus trips that have a few openings.
The first will be a Christmas Pageant
on December 5. The second will be
February 13 going to Kissimmee to
attend the Al Capone dinner theater.
Phone Joyce Sweeney 664-1648 for
details and reservations.
We welcome members, old and new
to another season of friendship and fun.
We anticipate our first meeting of the
season, on Thursday, November 12 to
be well attended for a meat loaf dinner
and an entertaining aeronautic audio
video program. At the December 10th
get together the St. Luke’s Church choir
will entertain us with Christmas music.
We will dine on finger foods provided by
the membership. As always friendship
and camaraderie will prevail. We meet
at 5:30 pm on the second Thursday
of months November through April in
Buildings D-E. Members are asked to
bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Barefoot Bay owners and renters are welcome to join. For further information call
the Bliss’s at 772 202 4344.
Martha Bliss, Secretary
Green Thumb Club
Fall is here and the growing season is
in full swing. It is nice to see all the gardens starting to grow and the gardeners
enjoying their time in the gardens. It is
always surprising how fast some of the
crops grow. We have gardens available
for anyone who is a dedicated gardner,
See Club News Page 20
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 20
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Club News from Page 19
please contact me. Just a reminder to
gardeners in the new gardens to make
sure that the door to the building is
locked when you leave the area.
Dick Bishop
Welcome back all returned snowbirds
and hello to year round residents. Irish
club leaders have been working during the summer to lay the framework
for a fun and successful season. The
first meeting was November 18 with a
Thanksgiving meal. Hosts were Barbara
and Jack Saccomondi and crew. The
entertainment was the band, Dynamics.
The December meeting is a Christmas
party hosted by Jack and Rosemary
Graham on December 17. The meal is
prime rib, and the music will be George
Clarke. January’s theme is A Night of
Wine and Roses on the 20th is hosted
by George and Susie White. Sax on
the Beach will serenade. Anna and Joe
Robinson host February on the 17th.
The evening is Denim and Diamonds,
and George Clarke will sing for us. St.
Patrick’s Day will be celebrated on March
16. As always, corned beef and cabbage
is the meal. John and Sally Leahy and
crew are the hosts. The club will Rock
Around the Pool at the picnic Saturday
April 9. This gives you a bit of a schedule. More will come later. Trips will begin
on Monday December 7 with a bus trip
to St. Augustine to see Christmas Lights.
Call Gadabout Travel to see about cancellations if you are interested. Two
gambling trips are planned to the Isle of
Capri casino. They are on January 22
and February 22. There are 2 cruises
planned. The first is a 7 day cruise
from February 7 to 14. It is going to
St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Coco Cay.
The 2nd one is a weekend cruise from
February 26 to 29 (Leap Year!). It is
going to Nassau and Coco Cay. For
those interested call Jack Reddy here in
the Bay or Barbara at Gadabout Travel.
There is some happy and sad news. For
happy, Barbara and Pat Maginn celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary here
and north at Canisus Lake, NY. Several
members passed away. They are Elliot
Lawrence and Socrates Festin. Please
contact Jeanne Thompson, the club’s
Sunshine Chairman, to share any member’s happy or sad news. You may want
to hold on to this article for the season’s
schedule. And until we meet, “May the
Road Rise Up to Meet You”.
Claire Cox
The Italian American Club welcomes
everyone back for the season and those
who are here throughout the year. The
club meets from October to April. This
year we will not have a November meeting. This October we had a delicious
dinner of Chicken Piccata provided by
2002 restaurant. We are pleased to have
our Christmas party at Building A on
December 12, 2015 at 6:00 pm. The
menu will be Prime Rib, baked potato,
salad and a vegetable with cheesecake
and strawberries for dessert. The cost
to a member is $12.00 and $16.00 for
guests. Our entertainment will be Lou
Phillips playing from 6:30pm to 8pm.
The 2016 schedule of entertainment will
be available in the near future. New
members are always welcome. Call Alice
Cattanach at 664-0195. Happy holidays
to all.
Sue Reddy, Vice President
The Kentucky Club meetings will be
held at the D&E building at the Barefoot
Bay Golf Course from 6pm to 10pm.
The schedule for 2015-2016-2017 is as
follows: November 14, 201; December
5, 2015 - at the First Baptist Church,
Barefoot Bay; January 9, 2016; February
13, 2016; March 12, 2016; April 9, 2016.
May through September, no meetings are
scheduled. October 8, 2016; November
12, 2016; December 10, 2016; January
14, 2017; February 11, 2017; March 11,
2017; April 8, 2017. Please join us for
great fun and fellowship.
We’ve been meeting since 2001 that’s why you’ve probably read all about
us long before this! So... why not do
something about it? Everyone has a
story to tell. Everyone’s life story is
different. Join us on the first and third
Friday of each month from 2-4 p.m. at
South Mainland Library. You’ll be part
of a lively, friendly group and you’ll be
given help and encouragement to get
started on your own life story. Just bring
a notepad and pencil and you’ll be on
your way to creating a priceless gift for
your descendants. Hope to see you. For
more information call 664-7503.
Patti Rinabarger
Everyone is invited to join the Monday
Morning Shuffleboard Club. We meet in
Building A at 9:00 am every Monday
morning. We play three games of shuffleboard and then return to Building A for a
light lunch. We welcome couples and/or
singles and would be happy to teach you
the game if you are new to shuffleboard.
Shuffleboard offers light exercise and is
lots of fun. For more information please
call Beverly Benoit at 860-942-4588 or
come by Monday mornings before 9:00
am and we will sign you up. We look
forward to seeing you Monday mornings.
Beverly Benoit, President
(submitted by Kathy Felser)
Carol and I are still in Vermont but will
be leaving soon for Barefoot Bay. Noel
Schwartz, Vice President, conducted the
October meeting in my absence. Noel
on his Clarinet and Jim Driskell on the
piano entertained during the meeting.
They are both accomplished musicians
and everyone always enjoys their performance. We are sorry that Al Kara has
experienced another health issue. Pat
and Al have been dedicated members
of our group and Pat has been Club
Secretary for several years, They have
always been ready to assist us in any way
they can. We are so lucky to have so
many loyal and talented members.
Our November meeting will be held in
Building “A” at 1:00 pm on the 24th. Our
December meeting will be held on the
10th. If you enjoy our type music, please
join us at our meeting as we always look
forward to meeting new friends.
Rollin Rice
The Barefoot Bay Pathfinders Travel
Club planned a meeting for Friday,
November 6th, at Building A at 2:00 pm.
sponsored by Footprints Travel. There
will be refreshments and prizes, and
past trips as well as ideas for future day
trips will be discussed. The Footprints
Travel team will tell us about 2016 tours.
On Wednesday, November 11th, the
Pathfinders will enjoy a buffet dinner
before taking in an evening performance
of Roger & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella”
at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando. We
are sold out for the Friday, December
4th, Christmas at Bok Tower trip with a
Holiday Home Tour at Pinewood Estate,
lunch in the Blue Palmetto Cafe, and
a visit to the Davidson Candy Factory.
See Club News Page 21
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Club News from Page 20
There are still openings for the following trips: on Wednesday, January 13th,
we will visit the Ann Norton Sculpture
Gardens and the Norton Museum of
Art in West Palm Beach with lunch
at Sweet Tomatoes. On Wednesday,
February 17th, we will see “I Left My
Heart: A Salute to the Music of Tony
Bennett” at the Winter Park Playhouse
with lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.
And on Wednesday, March 16th, we
will cruise the New River on the Jungle
Queen, visit Butterfly World, and enjoy
at buffet lunch in Fort Lauderdale. Please
consider joining us for these trips. Flyers
are located at the daytrip mailbox at
1074 Parkway Lane and at the Building
C kiosk in the Pathfinders box. Flyers are
emailed to all on the Pathfinders email
list. To be added to the email list, please
send your name, address, phone number, and email address to Ruth Lanning
at [email protected] or Lynne Kahl at
[email protected]
Our first meeting of the season was
held on Nov. 4 at 10:00 am in “C” building. We discussed working on our projects over the next 4 months: On Dec.
2 at 10:00 am we will have our Dec.
meeting at the entrance to East Lake
and clean up and mulch that area. We
will not be mulching all the areas all the
way down the road as it too much work
for our small band of workers. We will
request Property Services to pull up the
spent “goldmound” shrubs outside the
gate at Pool 2 and replant that area with
some type of low maintenance/low water
needs other shrubs by January. For the
Feb.3 meeting we will meet at the softball field for our annual cleaning up and
mulching of that area.
The Reflection Garden will get powerwashed when John Gracyalny returns.
(Thank you, John!)
Our first order of 10 bricks has been
sent in and we expect them to arrive
before Christmas. Thank you, all you
brick donors! I am now taking orders
for our second batch of 5 + bricks, in
order for all to get the discounted price
of $60/brick instead of $75. Call me at
We always welcome new members;
let’s keep our beloved club going!
Jo-Anne Stukas
Witamy - Greetings and good health!
Our November meting was held at the
Golden Corral on November 4th. We had
a good turnout, 30 members enjoyed a
good meal and no one left hungry. Our
Christmas party will be held on Tuesday,
December 1, 2015 at Building A. Doors
will open at 5:00 pm. We will enjoy a
prime rib dinner with all the trimmings
served by the Barefoot Bay Food and
Beverage Department. Cost of the tickets
for our Christmas party will be $14.00 for
members and $16.00 for guest, please
call Barbara Fry at 631-2365 for tickets,
the cut off date is November 27, 2015.
Please bring an unwrapped toy for Toys
for Tots. As always, the Polish club will
donate a boy’s and a girl’s bicycles
to this worthy cause. Anyone interested in joining the Barefoot Bay Annual
Christmas parade on December 6, 2015,
please call me at 570-280-6371 or 772631-2365. I would like to wish everyone
a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day.
We should be thankful for everything we
have, our families and our health. Let’s
remember our Soldiers who are not with
us because they are fighting and protecting this great country we live in, also
remembers all the Soldiers who have
lost their lives for the country, so that we
can enjoy Thanksgiving. Let’s remember
them in our prayers. Also for everyone
who is out there helping people in need,
let’s be thankful for that. See you at the
Christmas party. God bless each and
everyone of our members. Let’s love and
not hate each other.
Joe Klosky
All Barefoot Bay nurses, active or
retired, please join us at our December
Christmas Luncheon at The Eagles Nest,
100 Brush Foot Drive at the Sebastian
Golf Course on Wednesday, December
16th, at 11:30 AM. Please call Joan
Doten at 664-0747 or Margaret St Coeur
at 202-4421 for reservations, information
or directions. Reservations must be in by
Monday, December 7, 2015. Any nurse
residing in Barefoot Bay is welcome.
We’ll look forward to seeing you.
Margaret St Coeur
The Barefoot Bay RV Club had its first
meeting since April on October 14, 2015.
Everyone told briefly of their Summer
travels and visits and guests were introduced and welcomed. The Club will be
going to The Tropical Palms RV Resort,
located on 192 in Kissimmee on Nov.
10th thru Nov. 14th. Tropical Palms is
near lots of shopping, shows and restaurants, and is a club favorite. Anyone who
owns a camper is welcomed to come
join us at one of our meetings or campouts. We have our meetings the 2nd
Wednesday of every month, in buildings
D & E at 1:30 pm. If you have any questions, you may call Jeanette Richard at
860 204-1004.
Carol Grant
Happy Holidays from the Scrabble
Club which meets every Thursday from
1-4 in Building C. All are welcome to join
us for a delightful game. Instruction is
available. Word of the Month: ‘mozo’ a
manual laborer.
Bea room
Blinds and Shutters
The Shuffleboard Club continues to
play each Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
at the courts near Building C at 8:45. We
welcome anyone who can join us. Happy
Holiday season to all!
(TOPS # 470)
We would like to welcome anyone
interested in losing and maintaining
weight loss to join us on Fridays from
10:30 am to 12:00 noon in the South
See Club News Page 22
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President Carol Donehue called the
meeting to order, we then saluted the
flag. Carol lead us in song to “God
Bless America”, there were 27 members
present. Carol asked if anyone had a
birthday and we had three ladies that we
sang “Happy Birthday” to. Carol read
over the November calendar of events
and many signed up for different events.
Charlene Boeke read the minutes of the
October meeting and it was approved.
Our Christmas luncheon will be at The
Shack on Wednesday, December 9th.
We will meet at the Building A parking
area at 11:00 am and form a car pool
to The Shack. We are having a grab bag
and each member will bring a gift worth
$10.00. Anyone interested in going to
a New Year’s Eve party on Thursday,
December 31st in Building A? Tickets will
be $12.00 per person and will be on sale
December 1st, from the Homeowners
Association. We concluded the meeting
with some Trivia and a 50/50, which was
won by Jean Sosler and Ruth Boles. The
meeting was closed at 4:00 pm.
Charlene Boeke
Page 21
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 22
Club News from Page 21
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Mainland Library meeting room.
The helpful information and encouragement from members is the incentive
to get going in the program. Membership
dues are $32.00 a year and $5.00 a
month. We are a friendly group and
welcome you to come to a meeting and
check us out. For more information call
Mickey Perrone at 664-4944.
TOPS # 456
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It’s holiday time again!
gravy, stuffing, desserts and on and
on. All delicious, but not looking good
on the body. Out TOPS group is here
to help. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is
a great, friendly group. With sensible
food decisions and helpful friends, we
do our best to stir you in the right direction. Suggestions, recipes, food hints
and much more waits for you at our
We meet every Friday morning at
Building D at the golf course. Weigh
in starts at 7:30 AM with our business
meeting at 8:00 AM. National dues is
$32.00 a year. Local dues is $3.00 a
month. We welcome all ladies and gents
to come visit. See if you would like to
join our group.
Hope to see you soon.
Patti Hart
(TOPS #473)
All are invited to Take Off Pounds
Sensibly (T.O.P.S) affordable, weekly
meetings which include accountability,
awards and recognition, informal programs, family, friendly environment,
TOPS News Membership Magazine and
much more! Everyone is welcome to
join! Meetings are held every Thursday at
5:45 p.m. at the Roseland Old Firehouse,
8025 129th Court in Roseland. Contact
Denise at 772-913-0120 or Loretta at
772-202-4225 for more information.
(TOPS #641)
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)
group meets every Thursday morning
at the Roseland Firehall on 129th Court
in Roseland. Our weigh-in is between
7:45 and 8:30am with a meeting to follow. We have programs, contests and
awards as incentives to help you achieve
your weight goal. It is a fun group and
we would love to have you join us. For
further information please feel free to call
me at 772-813-3980.
Beth Gillette, Leader
son, against Woodwind from Vero Beach.
Six sets of mixed doubles participated.
Many more of these tournaments are
scheduled throughout the season. When
they are announced, please come out
and cheer us on. We would like to start a
night game (1 night a week). This is for
ANYONE who would like to play tennis.
Please let me know if you would be interested.(664-3163). Don’t forget these
other activities scheduled for this season - Christmas Party ( Dec. 12 ), pizza
party/fun tennis, women’s luncheon, and
pool/picnic party (all TBA).
Until next month, stay fit - Play tennis!
Sandy Richter
Upstate NY Club
To All New Yorkers,
Although the name says “Upstate”
this club is for all those who live or have
lived in New York. Our meetings are
usually on the first Wednesday of each
month in Building A. The social hour
begins about 5:15 with dinner at 6 followed by entertainment. The first meeting was on November. It was the yearly
November pizza party to welcome back
those who have arrived and say hello to
those who have stayed over the summer.
President, Barb Maginn, spoke about
this season. December’s and January’s
meals will be a pot luck. Oh, what good
foods are brought! Please bring a dish to
serve 8 and you own table service. The
club will take care of dessert. February
is catered and celebrates the winter season. March is catered for St. Patrick’s
Day. And of course April is our picnic
featuring Rochester Zweilgle hotdogs.
The entertainment planned is “Just Me
Too” for December, Kenny Williams for
January, Gene Callahan for February,
and Jim Driskell for March. Barb shared
the fact that the club’s treasury is low.
The problem was discussed. The members decided to raise the dues from $5
to $10. The club will ask 2002 restaurant
to cater our meals. And the members
voted to pay a higher cost for the catered
meals. The club relies on callers to give
notice of meetings and information. The
new caller chairman is Pam Rice. The
callers are June Arnold, Jane Payne,
Pat LaDuca, and Caroline Wright. A new
sunshine chairman is needed. Please
consider volunteering for this important
position. The meeting concluded with
the sharing drawing. Claire Cox was the
winner. She donated her winnings to
the club to purchase a new needed coffee pot. Everyone, have a very happy
Thanksgiving. I hope to see many New
Yorkers at the December pot luck dinner,
meeting, and entertainment.
Claire Cox
Welcome back Snow Birds! On Sat.
Nov. 7th we had our 1st Inter club mixed
doubles tennis tournament, for the sea-
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Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 23
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Charge for additional parts/service if needed. Plus up to 10% shop fee based on non-discounted retail price not to exceed $35 (where
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Eligibility may vary depending on tire size and model. Not valid with other discount offers. No cash value. Limit two (2) mail-in rebates per household. See store and rebate forms for applicable tires
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Valid on Interstate® Mega-Tron II and Mega-Tron Plus batteries. Installation required. Charge
for additional parts/service if needed. Plus shop fee up to 10% based on non-discounted
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Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa U.S.A. Inc. Visa® Prepaid Cards are issued by
Citibank, N.A. pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and managed by Citi® Prepaid
Services. Cards will not have cash access and can be used everywhere Visa® Debit Cards
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expire twelve months after the date of issuance. Terms and conditions apply to the Visa®
Prepaid Card. See Prepaid Card for details. Offer valid 10/01/2015 through 12/31/2015.
Sebastian 1677 U.S. Hwy. 1
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Prices are effective at all participating locations listed upon presentation of this ad. Tire prices do not include local state new tire fee and/or tire disposal fees (see store for details). Tire-related products and services are optional if desired. Some tires may be temporarily
out of stock. Rain checks available. Please call for availability. No Dealers. No Carry Outs. Plus a 10% shop fee based on non-discounted retail price will be added to all service work to cover environmental disposal fees and miscellaneous shop supplies not to exceed $35.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 24
A Family Church
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As we enter into the Fall, Winter holiday season let us celebrate Thanksgiving
by giving thanks to our gracious, loving God for all the blessings we have
received throughout the year. With a special thanks that we have survived another
hurricane season unscathed.
I pray that many of you were able
to attend the annual Ecumenical
at Saint Sebastian Catholic Church. I
believe that God smiles when he sees the
variety of churches, temples and choirs
come together as one to worship God our
father in word and song.
When we enter December Concordia
will again have their Advent services.
The word Advent means to come and we
come to church to prepare our hearts for
the Christmas season. We will have brief,
informal services for the three weeks
leading up to Christmas on Wednesday
at 4:30 on December 2nd, 9th, and
16th. On the 24th (Christmas eve) our
service will be at 7:00 pm. We will have
our traditional service with music, carols and readings from the Old and New
Testaments and will end with the very
emotional lighting of candles and singing Silent Night. Then the glory of the
Lord came from heaven as a baby on
Christmas day.
Please join us for one or all of these
times of worship. You are always welcome at 10:30 on Sunday mornings for
regular worship followed by a time of fellowship over coffee.
Hebrews 13 5-6. “Never will I leave
you or forsake you. The Lord is my
helper I will not be afraid”.
We wanted to thank many churches
for donating Christmas shoe boxes for
the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas
Child. Over 1200 boxes were collected
and will be sent worldwide for many
needy children. Also, follow-up classes
will be given to each child bringing the
message of Jesus to them. Again thanks
to all who participated and especially
Laura & George Draper coordinators
for this ministry for many years. We
recently upgraded our sound system
in the church. Much appreciation goes
to Dave Fournier for his expertise and
long hours working on the new equipment & teaching the staff. The Christmas
Concert is Dec 13th at 7 pm and is open
free to the public. Refreshments will be
served following the concert. Our food
pantry is in need of perishable goods
or financial donations. Please drop off
items on Mondays 9-12. For families
in need, the food pantry is open every
Tuesday 9-12. Thanks again for all the
volunteers , clubs, churches , and private
donors that have kept this program a
success serving hundreds of families for
over 5yrs. Please attend to the following church schedule open to anyone:
Church office open Monday thru Friday
from 9am to noon. Phone 772 664 1040
H. Brown.
Five December Decisions for a Great
Year End. Good endings can be chosen. Here are some good choices for
a good December and end to 2015.
One, eat your way through our Advent
Pot-Luck on December 6 at 5 p.m. No
roasted elves or reindeer hooves but
plenty of sweet deserts. Two, as you view
the beautiful greenery and lighted trees
adorning our simple sanctuary worship
each and every week of Advent (at 10
a.m.). Three, shop at our Thrift Shop
where your dollar goes further and that
dollar helps a church (Tue, Thur-Sat 9
a.m. to 3 p.m.) Four, if you are quieter
this year for some reason, let your heart
be where your heart is by attending our
Blue Christmas Service on Dec. 24 at 3
p.m. Or come at 7 p.m. for a traditional
Christmas Eve Service. Five, grab an
ornament off our Angel Tree and follow
its instruction on how to help a child of
nearby migrant workers.
[[email protected];;]
Pastor Jeff Wood
[email protected]
Visit our second annual CHRISTMAS
21ST NOVEMBER, in our Friendship Hall
from 8 am. to 2 p.m. We’re located just
off Hwy 1 at the junction of Schumann
Drive, Sebastian. If you’re looking for
special and unusual Christmas gifts,
then this is the place to be. All the
usual seasonal gifts will be offered,
along with home-made jellies, soups and
chili, cakes and cookies, hand-crafted
Christmas wreathes and ornaments. And
a section of special interest to quilters will
be “A Stitch in Time” booth with over one
hundred fabrics offered at a discounted
rate of $2.50 a yard, together with lots of
the paraphernalia of quilting. Our raffle
winner will go home with a beautiful,
hand-stitched quilt. Our gift shop - all
new items - will offer fantastic bargains
for only $5! All this and more! Please join
us for this very special event, the work of
WINGS, Women in God’s Service.
And don’t forget the bargains on offer
at the “best little Thrift Shop in Sebastian”!
We’re located on North Central Avenue
and our hours of operation are Monday
thru Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you
would like to donate any items of furniture requiring our pick-up service, call
We have an active Youth Group,
meeting every Monday evening at 7
p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. Our Book
of the Month Club is back in business
after a summer break, meeting at 1355
Barefoot Circle, Barefoot Bay at 7 p.m.
December’s book of the month is “Under
the Overpass”, about a journey of faith
through the streets of America. Choir
practice is on Wednesday evenings at 7
p.m. in our Sanctuary. If you enjoy singing, why not come along next week?
Our services are a blend of traditional and contemporary worship and
are conducted by the Rev. Dr. Ronald
D. Thomas, Sr. A warm welcome awaits
you. Sunday School is from 8.45-9.15
am. followed by “Meet and Greet” in our
See Church News Page 25
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Church News from Page 24
Fellowship Hall. Our Service of Worship
starts at 10 a.m. and we are located at 611 Schumann Drive, Sebastian.
Visit our website at, or call 772388-5566 for more information.
Patti Rinabarger
We welcome you to join us on Sunday
mornings at 9:30 for coffee and then
at 10:00 for a time of song, worship
and Bible teaching. We meet at the
Sebastian Elementary School on CR 512
in Sebastian. The atmosphere is casual,
relaxed, and loving. There is also a weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:30pm
in members’ homes. Our message is
simple: Jesus Christ, full of Grace and
Truth. If you have any questions, please
visit our web site at
or contact Tom Kempf (Interim Pastor) at
772-589-4684. Bless you!
Tom Kempf
Are you seeking to understand the
wisdom and love of God’s word? If so, we
have a regular informal Bible Study every
Sunday @ 9:00 A.M. in the Fellowship
hall (all are welcome). If you can’t make
it on Sunday take a leap of faith and
come join us every Wednesday @ 6:00
P.M. for both a Prayer meeting and Bible
Study on “Grace Walk”. Let the “Holy
Spirit” guide you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Got kids? Our Children’s
Church is also studying about Moses in
the book of Exodus on Sunday morning
if interested call 772-664-2231.
Our church schedule is busy this
month. Our “God’s Gems” group is
scheduled to meet on Saturday Nov 14th
@ 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. If you
desire to make some new friends, come
on out and join us! Our Youth Group’s
“Unashamed” meets every Wednesday
@ 6:00PM-8:00PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Interested in joining the fun? Call 772664-2231 and leave your name and
phone number.
Our Church supports our Military
by sending “Goodie Boxes” to our
Servicemen overseas. We are grateful
for both the freedom they provide us and
for all the sacrifices they make on our
behalf. If you want to participate in this
ministry please contact Diane @ 772664-2231.
Come join us for our annual Christmas
Cantata on Dec. 20th @ 6:00 P.M. with
Desert and fellowship to follow.
Like crafts and sewing?...All are welcomed to join our Sewing Group on
Tues. @ 10:00 AM in our Fellowship Hall.
Contact Harriette,@ 663-9540.
Like live music & food? On Nov. 29th
our church welcomes a live performance
@ 10:00 AM by the “Gibbs family” followed by a pot luck luncheon in the
Fellowship Hall, all are welcomed.
Our Men as always meet the first
Saturday of the month @ 8:00 AM at the
church for “Work Day”. Thank you Men
for all that you do. Don’t be shy come
join us. If not, we’ll see you Sunday
Our regular Church service starts @
10:00 A.M. For more information on any
of these activities, or to join us in fellowship, call 772-664-2231. Please leave
your name and phone number. Come
meet some great caring people and join
in the fun.
Mike Gavigan
Welcome back to everyone who has
returned to Florida’s little paradise otherwise known as Barefoot Bay or home
to many of us. Everyone in Barefoot
Bay has given such a warm welcome to
our Church that we would like to give
back. On Saturday, December 19th at
6:30PM in the Barefoot Bay Community
Center River of Life Church combined
with Determined Youth of Barefoot Bay
will be showing a FREE movie to give
back to you.
Many wonderful things are happening
at River of Life Church, the women’s ministry meets twice a month and are experiencing renewed growth and excitement
for the things of God. The men’s ministry
which also meets twice a month is going
through the book of Acts and a new
desire has been birthed for the ministry of
God’s Word. God has been moving each
week here at River of Life Church mainly
seen on Sunday mornings as lives are
being challenged, and renewed by the
love and mercy of God’s Holy Spirit.
Maybe you feel as though you don’t
matter to God or how could he care for
someone like yourself. First of all let me
say that I am sorry for your pain and
anger toward God. However, I want to
be the first to tell you that “you matter to
God.” You see God has a big investment
in you. He sent His Son Jesus Christ
to die on the cross just for you and He
desires that you only believe in Him.
For the month of December I would
like to focus on the special gifts and talents of Linda Moran and Florence Phelan.
Linda loves to express her love for God
in her worship each week as she sings
with the Worship team at River of Life.
Florence also loves to praise the Lord
and make sure He gets all the Glory.
Thank you, Linda and Florence for your
example to all of us on worshipping or
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As you can
tell we love our church people here at
River of Life but we are missing one thing
maybe you can help us. We are missing
Are you looking for someplace to get
involved, meet new people, or use your
talents in ministry to this area? Please
join us here at River of Life Church.
We have Women’s Ministry, Men’s
Ministry, Children’s Church, mid week
Bible Studies, Alzheimer’s Outreach,
Prayer Group, Sunday Worship and now
Determined Youth. Sunday services start
at 10:30 AM and children are welcome
to attend children’s church at the same
time. River of Life Church is your church
made up of residents from Barefoot Bay
and the surrounding areas. We would
like to invite you to join us each Sunday
and Thursday as we gather together to
sing praises and grow from the Words
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If
you have any questions or are in need of
pastoral help please feel free to call River
of Life Church at 772-571-7617. “God
bless you”
Rev. Derek Harkins
Page 25
Call Dave
You’ll be glad you did!
Barefoot Bay Resident
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Call Norman 772-777-8092
Multi-Vendor Antiques Mall • Vintage • Unusual
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Phone:(321) 676-8727
5900 U.S. Hwy 1, Building A
Grant, FL 32949
[email protected]
Hair Design
Will Curl Up and Dye For You
Leah and Vicky want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Once again we are a top drop off spot for Golf for Tots.
Please stop by to donate a gift and support our local children.
Manicures & Pedicures are available by appointment with Vicki
5675 Micco Rd. • 772-228-8297
MSS Care and Space Coast Medical Presents:
Wellness Assessment and Stress Management Techniques
Dec. 3rd, 9am-2pm • 935 Barefoot Blvd., Micco, FL 32976
Reserve your appointment for a mini comprehensive wellness exam,
and join a group educational seminar at 1:00pm to learn how to
maintain a healthy sense of well-being through the holidays.
RSVP: [email protected] or 321-633-0324
Debbie’s Discount Marine
Formerly Bill’s Discount Marine
3800 US 1 Grant-Valkaria
Bait, Tackle, Trailer Parts
10% OFF Store Merchandise for Vets.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 26
Ramblings of a Retired Mind:
Recreation Chair from Page 2
from District Clerk Sub-Dept. to Resident
Relation/Customer Service Sub-Dept.
7. A motion was made to revisit the
topic to remove water crafts from the
Barefoot Bay pier at a subsequent meeting. Motion carried 3 - 2, Mrs. Crouse
and Mr. Klosky opposed.
8. Board of Trustee’s review and
acknowledge the audit planning communications and a motion was made to
accept. Motion passed.
9. A motion was made to approve two
budget amendments to FY 16 adopted
budget, first is for annual merit increases
for employees and second one is for 401
A benefit. Motion passed unanimously.
10. Motion was made to award a
contract to Hunter Communications, Inc.
in the amount of $7,760 for installation
officer optic lines to the Lounge and 19th
Hole. Motion passed.
11. Motion was made to award a contract to ADS Security in the amount of
$10,951.14 for the installation of a fire
alarm system in Building D/E. A budget
amendment will be placed on a future
agenda to transfer said amount form contingency within the Capital Department
12. Approved Community Manger’s
waiver of second quotes per Policy
Manuel for emplacement of damaged
fencing along the parameter of the tennis court and replacement of lights and
mounting arm on pole at tennis courts.
13. Brush and small tree along the
canal behind Navajo Dr. was removed.
Addition fill and sod remain to be
installed. Both are storm water projects.
14. Pro-shop renovation; phase 2 is
currently done, to expand retail floor
space by 76%. Merchandise sales receipts
of $54,710 were 20.65 higher than FY 14
receipts. Please take a moment to visit
our Pro-shop. Get an early start on your
Christmas shopping.
15. DOR processed 146 violations
and 127 violations were closed. Since
the beginning of the calendar year 1316
violations were processed and 1169 were
Finally, I would like to wish everyone
a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day.
We should be thankful for everything we
have, our families and our health. Let’s
remember our Soldiers who are not with
us because they are fighting and protecting this great country we live in, also
remembers all the Soldiers who have
lost their lives for the country, so that we
can enjoy Thanksgiving with our families
and friends. Let’s remember them in our
prayers. Also for everyone who is out
there helping people in need.
God bless you all.
The monthly report is mine alone and
in some instances may not reflect the
position of other trustees.
Joe Klosky
Ferguson Pest
Family Owned
Be a Ferguson
· People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves.
· Never before has a generation so diligently recorded themselves accomplishing
so little.
· It’s easier to fool most people then it is to convince them they have been fooled.
· The voices in my head may not be real, but they do have some good ideas!
· Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
Dan and Jim were sitting on one of the benches under a tree at the “A” building
when Dan turns to Jim and says, “Jim, I’m 83 years old now and I’m just full of aches
and pains. I know you’re about my age. How do you feel?” Jim says, “I feel just like
a newborn baby.”, “Really!” says Dan, “Like a newborn baby?” Jim replies, “Yep, No
hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.”
· Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, $200
or best offer. No longer needed, got married, Wife knows everything.
· Must sell washer and dryer, JOINING NUDIST COLONY!
· WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE, Worn once, by mistake.
· COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED, Also 1 gay bull for sale.
· Sale! Sale! An antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.
· Wanted, Long-term Commitment: Recent Widow Who Has Just Buried Fourth
Husband Looking for Someone to Round out a Six-Unit Plot. Dizziness, Fainting,
Shortness of Breath Not a Problem.
· Retirement Planning Consultants, GOLFMORE and DOLITTLE, Sebastian Florida,
· If Wile E. Coyote has enough money to buy all that stuff from ACME, why doesn’t
he just buy himself dinner?
· If time is money are ATM’s time machines?
· Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?
· If the number 2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still number 2?
· Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
· If we put in our two cents, but only get a penny for our thoughts. Who gets the
extra penny?
· If all is not lost, where is it?
· Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
· If it’s the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number?
· What disease did cured ham have?
· Can you drive in the car pool lane if you’re driving a hearse with a corpse in it?
· When do you become important enough to be considered assassinated and not
just murdered?
“I love talking about nothing. It’s the only thing I know anything about.”
REMEMBER: It’s better to regret the things you’ve done than regret the things you
haven’t done.
DOR Enforcement Monthly Report
10/01/2015 - 10/31/2015
Visit us at
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Area Happenings
Christmas Open House
Page 27
Thank You For Electing Me
To Represent You
on the
Barefoot Bay
LEE WRIGHT Board Of Trustees.
Paid for by Lee Wright for Barefoot Bay Board of Trustees
Looking for a unique one of a kind Christmas gift? Go to the Grant Historical House
(Benson House). Talented volunteers have created amazing handcrafted items you
won’t see anywhere else. The hours for the Grant Historical House (Benson House)
Christmas Open House are December 3,4,5,from 10 am to 6 pm. On December
6th the hours are from 10 am to after dark for the Annual Christmas tree lighting at
the Benson House. The Grant Historical House will be closed until January 6, 2016.
Come enjoy the fun! The Grant Historical House (Benson House) is located at 5795
So. US Highway One in Grant. For more information call the Historical House at (321)
723-8543 or Leslee at (321) 676-2161. Your heart will be filled with Christmas spirit!
Beauty Salon
Hair & Natural Nail Services
Behind the 2002 Restaurant
Sebastian River Art Club
Art by the River – Fine Art Show and Sale Saturday, November 28 10:00 AM –
4:00 PM at Riverview Park, Sebastian FL (corner of US Hwy 1 and CR 512)
Sunday, November 29th is the rain-out date) The cost of Admission is FREE.
Enjoy your Saturday strolling in the park while viewing and purchasing the works
of local artists. Members of the Sebastian River Art Club support their community by
fostering an appreciation of the visual arts through public art shows, exhibits, classes,
charitable donations and the annual Rosalee Taylor Hume Art Scholarship to local
high school graduates.
Future shows are scheduled for Saturday December 19, Saturday January 23 and
our annual 2-day show Saturday and Sunday February 13 & 14, 2016.
Kashi Sunday Market
A tribute to Rod Stewart at the Sebastian Elks
Do these song titles sound familiar? “Hot Legs,” “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy,”
“Tonight’s The Night,” “Maggie May?” You’re right! They are just a few titles of the
music Rod Stewart has made famous.
On Saturday, November 28, 2015 there will be a tribute to Rod Stewart at the
Sebastian Elks Lodge. George Orr and The Hot Rod Band will be singing and playing
these songs. George has performed throughout the Treasure Coast area and now he
will be at the Sebastian Elks Lodge to bring this music to life for you.
The music and fun starts at 6:30 and goes until 8:30 pm and the tickets are only
$15.00 per person. Bring your own snacks but no drinks or coolers because the
lounge will be open. You won’t want to miss out on this great night of music and fun.
Come to the lounge at the Sebastian Elks Lodge and purchase your tickets. The
lounge is open every day but Sunday at 3 pm and is located at 731 Fleming St at
the corner of Fleming St. and County Road 512 (across the street from the Bank of
America) in Sebastian. Please call the lodge at 772-589-1516 for further information.
Proceeds from this event, like all events at the Sebastian Elks Lodge, will go to
the many Elk’s charities such as the Children’s Therapy Services, the Youth Camp in
Umatilla, FL, local scholarships, several other youth activities and programs for our
512 Market
Walk-Ins Welcome • Open Tues - Sat
935 Barefoot Blvd., Barefoot Bay, FL 32976
Call for appointment
14190 U.S. Hwy. 1 • Sebastian
Owner/Groomer Missy Feeley, 19 years Experience
Eagles Nest
A warm Welcome to Everyone
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Make your reservastion today !
Evelyn Murray Realty
Evelyn Murray, Broker/REALTOR®
from my
house to
your house.
Call Evelyn for a
Call: 772-918-4467 for information
For more information go to
Produce, Pickles, Honey, Boutique clothing, Plants,
Baked Goods, Jewelry, Arts & Crafts, Antiques,
Flea Market finds, Kids’ Clothing, Petting Zoo
Lunch will be available to purchase
Evelyn H Murray Realty, Inc
Email : [email protected]
November 21 • 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
$15 for 10 X 10 space
First Come – First Served
and to Reserve your space.
(772) 664-7087
Mon-Thurs 8-4
Fri 8-2
(if you need tables - $5 each)
Every Third Saturday November-April
5655 Micco Rd.
Pet Salon
fast sale at the
SOLD 1231 Calusa 92,500
highest price.
SOLD 410 Kumquat 92,000 SOLD 707 Gladiolus 76,500
SOLD 104 Creek 78,800
Pending 912 Cypress list $139,900
SOLD 825 Periwinkle 84,000 Pending 1016 Thrush list $77,900
United Church of Sebastian
1251 Sebastian Boulevard
at Sebastian Golf Course
At 11155 Roseland Road, Sebastian, FL will be held on SUNDAY DECEMBER 13,
2015 9 am – 2 pm
Freshly Prepared Lunch Buffet, Hot Cinnamon Buns, Teas and Organic Coffees.
Try a facial, a chair massage or a tarot card reading.
Find great gifts and bargains from our many Vendors including Seasonal Organic
Produce, local Artists & Crafters, Bric-a-brac, Jewelry, Gently Used Books, Clothing
and Household Items and Vintage.
Children’s corner with story time, painting and crafts & goat petting area.
Free Ashram tours available.
For more info: Sunanda 404 308 8392
4 - $7.00 CAR WASHES
Doggie Day Care
Let’s Play
Talk to Evelyn
772-664-3309 • 321-302-3445
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 28
(321) 725 -6444
Lagoon Night Lights at the Environmental
Learning Center
Laser Pain Therapy,
Dental Care, Surgeries,
Diagnostics & Wellness Care
Always Available.
4982 S. US Hwy 1 • Grant
Flip Flop Ice Cream and Cafe
“A Little Taste of Heaven”
• Ice Cream • Old Time Candy • Gifts
• Homemade Chocolate & Vanilla Waffle Cones
Experience the magic of mangroves
and water after dark at The Environmental
Learning Center’s annual celebration of
Lagoon Night Lights from 4 to 8 PM on
Saturday, November 21. Once again
it is loaded with activities for all ages.
Visitors may paddle a canoe through the
mangrove trails dripping with twinkling
holiday lights. Children can create and
take home a holiday ornament made
from recycled materials, and give back
to our fine feathered friends by making a
pine cone bird feeder. Visitors won’t want
to miss the stunning illumination of the
native plant garden.
The Discovery Station-Interactive
Museum filled with environmental exhibits, aquariums, and Touch Tank, will be
open, as well as the gift shop, stocked
with perfect nature based holiday gifts.
Sales proceeds support the many education programs for children and people of
all ages.
Local music groups and school choral groups will perform holiday music
around the ELC campus. Mother Nature
will be on hand to embrace families with
special photo opportunities that can be
turned into family keepsakes.
Lagoon Night Lights admission is
$5 for adults and children 13 and up.
Children 12 and under and ELC members receive free admission. Parking is
The ELC is offering a special holiday
extra to enjoy the Night Lights during the
following week. On Friday, November
27, and Saturday, November 28, the ELC
will be open until 7 pm with a 1-hour
sunset/moonrise canoe trip from 5 to 6
pm. Canoe trips are for ages 6 and up
and reservations are necessary. The cost
for these canoe trips is $12/member
or $15/non-member for adults and $4/
member or $7/ non-member for children.
To register for these special canoe trips
call (772) 589-5050 ext. 114 or email
[email protected]. A minimum of 24 hours cancellation notice is
required to receive a refund.
The Environmental Learning Center is
located north of Vero Beach off County
Road 510 at the western end of the
Wabasso Bridge. Its 64-acre campus with
1 ½ miles of boardwalks and walking
trails includes exhibit areas, native plant
gardens, picnic facilities, gift shop, and
visitor center. ELC membership benefits,
a list of its many ecology adventures
about the Indian River Lagoon including nature walks, canoe excursions, and
boating adventures can be found at www. Admission is $5 per
person, children 12 and under free, and
ELC members receive free admission
year-round. The first Saturday of every
month is free to all. ELC is open Tuesday
through Friday from 10am to 4pm,
Saturday from 9 to 4pm and Sunday
from 1 to 4pm.
Serving Lunch Daily
Soups • Salads • Sandwiches • Daily Specials
Open Seven Days a Week
311 Barefoot Blvd., Barefoot Bay. FL 32976 • 772-783-7703
Buy 1 Lb. Fudge Get 1/2 Lb. of Fudge FREE
~ Gift Certificates Available ~
Finish’n Touches
Mobile Detailing
Raymond Bishop
Cell: 772-633-6831
Licensed & Insured
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 29
Ms. Renae’s Quality Care Services
Dr. Robert L. Evan
Waldo A. Rodriguez
Mr. Waldo A. Rodriguez, 78, died
October 19, 2015 at William Childs
Hospice House in Palm Bay, FL.
He was born in Santurce, Puerto
Rico and lived in Barefoot Bay since
1997 coming from Long Island, New
Waldo was a veteran of the United
States Navy having served during the
Korean War.
He retired in 1994 as a supervisor
for the Northeast Region FAA for 22
He was a member of St. Luke
Catholic Church, Barefoot Bay
Yacht Club, both of Barefoot Bay,
FL; Sebastian River Moose Lodge
#1767, Moose Sailfish Legion #197,
Fraternal Order of Orioles, Nest
272, Moriches Anglers Fishing Club,
Sebastian Fishing Club.
Survivors include daughter, Denise
Gasowski of Brookhaven, New
York; son, Daniel W. Rodriguez of
Lynchburg, Virginia; sisters, Evelyn
Abolafia of Barefoot Bay and Julia
Alfano of Barefoot Bay; grandson,
Jeffrey Gasowski of Brookhaven,
New York.
He was preceded in death by wife,
Cidaliza Rodriguez.
In lieu of flowers the family
requests donations be made to the
American Cancer Society, 3375 20th
Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 in his
At the request of the family services will be private.
Arrangements are by Strunk
Funeral Home and Crematory,
A guest book is available at www.
Dr. Robert L. Evans passed away
at the age of 74 on September 23,
2015 at Sebastian Medical Center in
Sebastian, Florida, following a brief
illness. He resided in Micco, Florida
since leaving the Amherst, Ohio area
in 1995.
He was born April 10, 1941 and
lived in the Lorain/Amherst, Ohio
area most of his life. He was a 1959
graduate of Lorain High School, studied pre-med and graduated with a
Bachelor of Science at Heidelberg
College in 1963 and went on to
graduate from Kirksville College of
Osteopathic Medicine in 1968. He
then immediately entered into and
established the practice of Wagner,
Evans and Rittenour, Inc. During that
time he served on staff of both Lorain
Community Hospital and Amherst
Hospital where it is said he delivered
over a thousand babies. Dr. Evans
provided healthcare to anyone who
needed it regardless of ability to pay.
He was one of the last physicians in
Lorain County to make house calls
and at least on one occasion delivered a baby at home.
Dr. Evans was a kind, loving, caring physician and father, a self-proclaimed food critic, Consumer Report
enthusiast, dog and cat lover, and
proud “Papa.” He was also an avid
fan of NASCAR and drag racing. Dr.
Evans and racing partners Richard
Mack and Bill Bauer owned and participated in drag racing in and out of
Lorain County for many years.
daughters Rebecca Evans of Broadview
Heights, Ohio, Jennifer (Justin)
Laycock of North Ridgeville, Ohio,
Brandy (Scott) Sylkatis of Lorain,
Ohio, grandson Alexander Sylkatis
and sister Jan Feighner of Flint,
Michigan. He was preceded in death
by his parents.
A private memorial service is
Certified CNA
[email protected]
Natural Nails
With Lynn formerly with Patt’s Touch of Class
14120 U. S. Hwy. 1 (Next to New York Hair)
$3.00 OFF Regular Pedicure
$4.00 OFF Deluxe Pedicure
$5.00 OFF Facial
FREE Eyebrow Wax with
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Gel Manicure
and Healthy Nails
Expires December 20, 2015
Think about
Think about
Think about
Barefoot Bay
6-14-35 - 11-28-14
Laurence S. Hart (aka the Mad
Hatter) 82 of Barefoot Bay and
Hampton Bays, NY passed on
October 19, 2015. He was a member
of Orioles Nest #272, Micco Florida,
the British Club and the Wednesday
afternoon Dart League of Barefoot
Bay. He is survived by his wife of 22
years, Blanche and 11 children and
21 grandchildren.
Gone but not forgotten. Thank you
for being my friend for 60 years.
Pat Delaney
For Diabetic Test Strips.
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Excludes Supreme Subs. Additional charges for extras. Valid only at participating Subways.
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 30
Barefoot Bay’s
World of Sports
Ladies’ 18 Hole Golf League Ladies’ 9 Hole Golf League
October 20, 2015
1-2-3 Best Ball
First Place
Brenda Duke, Betty Healy, Roberta Kessler & Terry Perry
Beth Gillette, Patty Wright, Carol Mecanko & Jane Cypher
Second Place
Donna Foisy, Ruthann Funari, Lynda Flynn & Linda Hudak
Third Place
Pat Lefebvre, Joanne Plasse, Debbie Linstrum, Marilyn Coulbourne
Closest To The Pin: Pat Lefebvre – 6’5”
October 6, 2015
One Mulligan
Flight A
1. Janet Rafferty, Denise Kately - 33
2. Joanne Leary, Grace Peet - 35
3. Bonnie Lynds, Barbara Baker - 38
Flight B
1. Jerri Bee - 35
2. Marilyn O’Keefe - 36
3. Cathy Schroeder - 37
October 27, 2015
A - B - C - D - Mixed Teams
1st Place
Donna Foisey, Betty Healy,
Roberta Kessler & Marilyn Coulbourne
2nd Place
Pat Lefevbre, Maryann Martin
Tie - Susan Fields & Blind Draw
Cookie Shaw, Jane Cypher, Nancy Soucy & Linda Hudka
3rd Place
Betty Bartkowiak, Dena Cason
Lynda Flynn & Nancy Herlihy
Closest To The Pin - Cookie Shaw
October 13, 2015
9 HL Low Net
Flight A
1. Mary Ellen Davis, Joann Keary - 32
2. Bonnie Lynds - 34
3. Janet Rafferty - 35
Flight B
1. Barbara Baker - 35
2. Lucille Baladino, Grace Peete - 36
3. Betty Simpson - 38
Flight C
1. Debbie Perguson - 30
2. Jerri Bee - 42
3. Eileen McAuliffe - 43
NOVEMBER 3, 2015
Brenda Duke, Anastasia Baptiste, Mary Ann Martin and Joanne Plasse
Pat Lefebvre, Marilyn Coulbourne, Betty Healy and Patty Wright
THIRD PLACE: Plus 5 (tied)
Donna Foisy, Ruthann Funari, Faith Porter and Julia Strom
Judy Skene, Denna Cason, Linda Hudak and Cindy Shamansky
CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Pat Lefebvre (AGAIN!) – 7’ 1 ½”
October 20, 2015
Low Putts
Flight A
1. Jannet Rafferty, Joann Leary - 16
2. Gail Morrison, Maryellen Davis - 19
3. Pat Lipton - 21
Flight B
1. Elaine Armstrong, Betty Simpson
- 16
2. Grace Peet, Denise Kateley - 18
3. Lucille Baladino - 19
Flight C
1. Cathy Schroeder - 15
2. Nancy Marine, Gisela Finnerty - 17
3. Eileen McAuliffe - 21
Birdie - Gail Morrison
October 27
9 Hole Scramble
1. P Bell, P. Lipton, J. Leary, D.
Perguson - 36
2. E. Armstrong, P Gallant, G.
Morrison, E. Parsons - 36
3. M. Hall, E. McAuliffe, N. Marine, J.
Rafferty - 36
*under 1000 sq. ft.
At Patt’s Touch of Class Hair Design
New Clients Welcome!
Monday through Friday 8-4 By Appointment Only
Additional rooms can be added for $35 per room.
Limited time. Not valid with any other offer or discount.
664-1968 8530 US 1, Micco, FL, Summit Plaza
Curt J. Urban, D.D.S.
s r
Bay Street Square
14000 U.S. Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958
FRI & SAT - 11:00AM - 9:00PM • SUNDAY - 12:OO (NOON) - 8:00PM
Wings • Beer
• Calzones
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Barefoot Bay’s
Page 31
World of Sports
Men’s Golf Association Barefoot Bay Senior Softball
October 28, 2015
Rained Out
October 14, 2015
4 Man Best Ball
Flight A&B
1. Doug McGrath, Floyd Lynds - 9
2. Harold Morris, Miklos Gyokeri - 7
Flight C&D
1. Allen Kateley, Tom Treinen - 10
2. Tom Diehl, Coach - 8
November 4, 2015
4 Man/3 Best Ball
Flight A
1. Doug McGrath, Richie Healy,
Charlie Lefebur, Joe Guglielmi - 11
2. Bill O’Donnell, Jim Porter, Steve
Kratunis, Phil Hepkema + 3
Flight B
1. Bruce Amoss, Paul Strom, Ken
Goinet - 15
2. Carl Blomquist, Dennis Broderick,
Al Atkins - 9
Flight C
1. Bert Webster, Roger Bennett,Herman
Wessels, Ed Saksa + 5
Flight C
1. Frank McAuliffee, Matt Budzko,
Tom Diehl + 9
Closest to the Pins - Steve Kratunis,
Tom McAuliffe
9 Hole League
Individual Low Net
1. Bob Peet + 5
Closest to the Pins - Bud Henderson,
Tom Diehl
October 21, 2015
Individual Low Net
Flight A&B
1. John Armstrong - 6
2. Dennis Denobile - 1
Flight C&D
1. Paul Mazza, Richard Brooks + 1
2. Dave Deeley, Matt Budzko + 3
Action in the senior softball league is
underway with double-headers played
every Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Practices start at 8:00 AM every Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings, and are open to all over 60 year old
men who want to play.
Aluminum,11-9 by scoring 2 runs in the
7th inning. Forrest Banta, 4 hits, Joe
Ziegler and Dave Games added 3 hits
each. Beatty was led by Larry Moffett, 4
hits, and Bill Reinle with 4 hits including a
homer. Gary Bacon added 3 hits.
Schneider Insurance/Sabol Air scored
5 times in the 6th inning to defeat Valley
National Bank/Indian River Fitness,
10-6. Winners were led by Dave
Bradley and Jack Brennan with 3 hits
each. Valley was led by Ron Ford with 4
hits. Ron Hopkins added 3.
Don’s Aluminum outscored Schneider/
Sabol, 12-9. Forrest Banta, Joe Ziegler
and Dave Games had 3 hits each for the
winners. George Padovick had 3 hits for
Schneider while Arthur Warner thrilled
the crowd with a 3 run inside the park
home run.
Valley Bank/IndianRiver Fitness outscored Beatty Electric, 17-10. John
Kutchman had 4 hits while Harold
Schreiber and Vern Peppard each added
3. Bill Reinle, a homer and 2 doubles led
Beatty Electric. Bob Armbruster and Joe
Pitts added 3 hits each.
Submitted by,
Jack Buchanan
Experienced Mobile Dog Groomer
Now In Your Area. We Offer
9 Hole League
1. Gerry Lussier, Leroy Warley - Even
2. Harry Hurley
Closest to the Pins - Bob Ragnone, Art
McCormick, Joe Finnerty
Door To Door 5 Star Service In A
State Of The Art Grooming Van.
Treasure Coast
(772) 202-4697
Please Call For An Appointment.
$10 OFF of Your First Grooming with this Coupon
Barefoot Bay Swingers Bowling League
VALID UNTIL 12/18/15
Please note, pricing will depend upon the type of dog and what type of service you would like.
10-5-15 High Game Duncan Chalmers--230 Doris Berni--181 High scratch Series
Duncan Chalmers--582 Doris Berni--467 10-12-15 High Game Carl Mattioli--203
Kathy Jackson--167 High Scratch Series Duncan Chalmers--585 Kathy Jackson--476
10-19-15 High Game John Saccomondi--224 Doris Berni--179 High Scratch
Series John Saccomondi--553 Kathy Jackson--457 10-26-15 High Game Duncan
Chalmers--235 Irene Lavoie--161 High Scratch Series Pete Coffey--546 Bev
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$15 OFF
Micco Rd.
With this ad. Expires 12/18/15
US Highway 1
Bud Douglas Ct.
Barefoot Blvd.
Mini Storage
Approved for Occupational Licenses
John & Becky Boncek
With this ad. Expires 12/18/15
Starting at
3 year warranty
With this ad. Expires 12/18/15
1603 U.S. HWY. # 1
Sebastian, FL 32958
(772) 589-2888
Golf Carts starting at $4995
8200 S. US Hwy 1, Micco, FL 32976
(Just South of Micco Rd.)
Barefoot Tattler / December 2015
Page 32