Volume 43— #4 Accordion Club: 1st Sunday of the month (11:30am); and practices throughout the month. Check calendar for details. New members welcome! DAS ECHO July—September 2013 German Consul-General Visits Club Conversational German: Every Wednesday - Games Rm. 7:00 p.m. (intermediate) 8:00 p.m. (beginners) Contact John Fear 250-386-7282. Edelweiss Dancers: New dancers welcome! Contact ? German Movie Afternoon: 4th Sunday of the month. See article for information. Harmony Choir Practice: Every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. New Singers Welcome! Literature Circle – Second Tuesday of every month 2:00 p.m. Upper Bar. New members welcome. Schnitzel Night: First Thursday of every month, starting September 5th For more information and to make reservations by the Sunday prior, call Mona Jane: 250-380-9158 Inside this issue: WHAT’S GOING ON? BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIE BUCHECKE LITERATURKREIS VICTORIA ACCORDION CLUB EDELWEISS HARMONY CHOIR GERMAN FILM AFTERNOON CALENDAR INSERT MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5, 6, 7 8 For our Family Brunch, we were fortunate to have as our guest the Consul General of Germany, Herrn Hermann Sitz, and his wife Niina (born in Finland). Herr Sitz studied law in Heidelberg and joined the German Foreign Service in 1978. He was active in many parts of the world, notably in Paris. In July 2010, he assumed his current role in Vancouver as Consul General for Western Canada. In this capacity, he is responsible for all of BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories—a huge area, being about 40% of the country. Herr Sitz and his wife are most eager to learn as much as possible about Canada and are very interested in the German community of Victoria as well as its various organizations, in particular our Edelweiss Club. He and his staff will endeavor to support the club as much as possible. The above photo was taken after the brunch with those members of the Board who were present, (Mona, Uschi, Dieter, Monika and Rod). SCHNITZEL ESSEN (Schnitzel Night) 1st Thursday of Every Month COST: $14.00 (includes 12% HST) Dessert & Coffee/Tea is Free with Membership 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE SUNDAY BEFORE Mona Jane 250-380-9158 (Please call after 6:00 p.m. by the Sunday before & leave message) German Canadian Cultural Society of Victoria Victoria Edelweiss Club 108 Niagara Street Victoria, BC V8V1E9 250-383-4823 www.victoriaedelweiss.ca Das Echo is published 4 times per year. Advertising Rates (annual) $100.00 business card size $150.00 double business card BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 2 Das Echo Jul-Sept 2013 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Liebe Klubmitglieder! Dear Club Members: It gives me great pleasure to be the bearer of good news: we have weathered the crisis that struck us in May and are now set on a steady course into what, hopefully, will be a secure and bright future. The Extraordinary Members’ Meeting, held on 16 June, 2013 to deal with the crisis, was attended by 30 members (11 % of our total membership). It was informed by genuine concern and goodwill. As a result, the vacant executive positions have now been filled (details in the relevant column on this same page). All other burning issues have also been, or are in process of being, resolved. Here is a brief report: Das Echo, from now on a quarterly publication (January-April-July-October), will be produced by Marlene Sand and myself. The principal language of communication is English. This will render our club bulletin accessible to anyone interested in finding out what we are doing, while at the same time saving paper and printing expenses. Group reports or other submissions may be unilingual (either English or German) or bilingual (both English and German), at the discretion of the respective writers. Our new caretakers, Paul and Deborah Robinson, have thoroughly impressed us during their short time with us so far. Their neat work and thoughtful attention to friendly detail, their enthusiastic and resourceful commitment to the betterment of our club, have persuaded us that our premises, at long last, are in good, caring hands. Paul and/or Deb will be invited to join us at the beginning of future executive meetings for the purpose of reporting, consultation and instruction. This way, it is hoped, we can manage without a Hausmeister - the only executive position we were unable to fill. The rental suite has been renovated completely and to utter perfection by two longtime and ever-helpful club members whose names I have been requested not to spell out. With a budget of about $10,000 for material costs, they donated over 400 hours of back-breaking work, saving the Club about $15,000. Thank you! Thank you, both of you, for your invaluable gift of time, skill and labour! The suite will be rented out, as of 1 August 2013, to the caretakers’ two daughters and partner of one of them. These young people have already assisted their parents in looking after our facility. We are confident that this rental arrangement will benefit all parties involved. As might be expected at this time of year, our present financial situation is somewhat precarious. Due to insurance payments required at the beginning of the year, due also to urgent roof and suite renovations, our bank accounts have been depleted. We do have a line of credit, though, which can carry us through. In any event, revenues will be coming in soon enough (Saanich Fair, Beerfest, Oktoberfest). And as if to kick-start our financial recovery, a caring club member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has surprised us with a loan of $10,000, free of interest – just in time to pay our property tax on time! All members are deeply indebted to this generous person in our midst, and on everyone’s behalf I extend a thousand and more sincere thanks. Nearing the end of this my first report, I include two household items. First, a new system of garbage collection, to become law in 2014, has been put in place. It involves the separation of items for recycling and composting. To this end, two new bins, one for cardboard, the other for compost, have been placed underneath the fire-exit staircase. Similarly, a recycling bin and a small compost container (to be emptied daily) are found in every room. Club members and users of our premises are requested kindly to observe the mandated separation. A list of related instructions is posted on a cork board in every room. Second, our caretakers plan to clean up the area behind the main hall. If any of the things tucked away there are any- Literaturkreis Kontaktinformation: Elfie Kirste 1-250 646-2364 Daniel Taft 250 479-1357 Helga Traylen 250 370-2819 Während der Monate Juli undAugust geniessen die Mitglieder des Literaturkreises eine wohlverdiente Sommerpause, die nur durch ein allerdings wichtiges und erfreuliches Ereignis unterbrochen wird, nämlich unser Literaturkreis-Sommerfest, das in diesem Jahr wieder bei Jurgen und Elfie Kirste in Shirley stattfindet. Der September bringt uns unseren traditonellen und schon sehr liebgewonnenen „Balladennachmittag“. Am Dienstag, dem 10. September 2013 um 14:00 Uhr, treffen wir uns auf ein paar frőhliche und besinnliche gemeinsame Lesestunden. Bringt Eure Lieblingsballaden, - gedichte (evtl. auch Eure eigenen) mit. Heitere Geschichten und Erlebnisse sind ebenfalls willkommen. Der Literaturkreis wűnscht allen Clubmitgliedern und deren Familien einen erfreulichen Sommer voller Sonnenschein, mit einigen erquickenden Regenschauern, zu geniessen in bester Gesundheit und mit frohem Mut! Der Sommer (Friedrich Hőlderlin 1770-1843) Noch ist die Zeit des Jahrs zu sehn, und die Gefilde So zieht der Tag hinaus durch Berg und Tale des Sommers stehn in ihrem Glanz, in ihrer Milde; mit seiner Unaufhaltsamkeit und seinem Strahle, des Feldes Grűn ist prächtig ausgebreitet, und Wolken ziehn in Ruh', in hohen Räumen, allwo der Bach hinab mit Wellen gleitet. es scheint das Jahr mit Herrlichkeit zu säumen. DIE BUCHECKE – Angelika Arend (250-656-0039; [email protected]) KLEINE GROSSE SOMMERLEKTÜRE Aus dem Schatzkasten der deutschen Erzählliteratur,dargeboten in Reclams goldenen Heftchen, die in jeder Handoder Hosentasche Platz finden: Zwei realistische Kriminalgeschichten aus der Dunkelkammer der menschlichen Seele: - E.T.A. Hoffman, Das Fräulein von Scuderi (1820) - Annette von Drost Hülshoff, Die Judenbuche (1842) Zwei auf je eigene Weise bewegende Liebesgeschichten für Alt und Jung: - Adalbert Stifter, Brigitta (1844) - Gottfried Keller, Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe (1856) Zur Erheiterung eine Novelle mit Pfiff: - Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Der Schuss von der Kanzel (1878) „Erst durch das Lesen lernt man, wieviel man ungelesen lassen kann.“ (Wilhelm Raabe) Öffnungszeiten der Bibliothek: Donnerstag Abend; Literaturkreis- und Filmnachmittage Page 3 Das Echo July-Sept 2013 Harmony Choir After our well-attended and successful Spring Concert on April 21, the Harmony Choir participated, on May 22, in an intercultural concert staged annually in the Jewish Congregation Temple Emanuel. It was wonderful to share the joy of music with so many different choirs and musical ensembles. We are now enjoying a well-deserved rest. On August 11 we'll have our summer picnic, and on September 12 our weekly practices will start again. Any new singers will be warmly welcomed. I wish you all a good summer. Erika Waberski Harmonie Chor Nach dem erfolgreichen Frühlingskonzert am 21. April hat der Harmonie Chor am 22. Mai an einem interkulturellen Konzert teilgenommen, das jedes Jahr in der Jüdischen Synagoge Tempel Emanuel stattfindet. Es war ein schönes Erlebnis, unsere Freude an der Musik mit so vielen unterschiedlichen Chören und musikalischen Ensembles zu teilen. Jetzt genießen wir eine wohlverdiente Pause. Am 11. August kommen wir zu unserem traditionellen Picknick zusammen, und am 12. September beginnen die regelmäßigen Chorproben. Victoria Accordion Club Submitted by June Jackson Sunday, July 28 - The band will play at the annual Edelweiss Club picnic at Elk Lake Upcoming Performances: Saturday, August 10 - Chemainus Accordion Day: Sunday, August 11 - Glendale Gardens (Horticultural Centre of the Pacific): Friday, August 16 - Victoria Accordion Festival Saturday, August 17 - International Accordion Orchestra Competition: Winner's Concert: Saturday evening, hosted by our club at the Edelweiss Club; no dinner Monday, August 19 to Sunday, August 25th - Coupe Mondiale Festival Most festival events and competitions will be held in the Alix Goolden Hall of the Royal Conservatory of Music (on Quadra and Pandora Streets in Victoria) website http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013ca-coupe-main.htm Monday, September 2nd - Sooke Gardens Sunday Filmnachmittag: 22. September 14:00Uhr - Upper Bar "Die Landärztin" Frau Dr.Lohmann zieht mit ihrem Sohn Max aufs Land, um die Praxis ihres verstorbenen Onkels zu übernehmen. Ihre Tante empfängt die Beiden mit offenen Armen. Nur im Dorf stoßen sie auf Widerstand... This movie is in German and has no English subtitles. Page 4 Das Echo July-Sept 2013 July 2013 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 Rental - Games Room Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall 7Accordion 8 9 10 11 Band Practice Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall 15 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 21 13 Rental - Games Room Church Service rental – Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 14 12 16 17 18 19 Rental - Games Room 20 Hall Rental - Wedding Reception 22 23 24 29 30 31 25 26 27 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 28 Club Picnic Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room For up-to-date information check www.victoriaedelweiss.ca Page 5 Das Echo July-Sept 2013 August 2013 Sun Mon 4 5 Tue 6 Wed 7 Thu 12 13 14 Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 Rental - Games Room Hall Rental - Wedding Reception 16 17 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 11 Fri 15 Choir Picnic Accordion Festival - Main Hall 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Accordion Festival - Main Hall ? Church Summer Camp Church Summer Camp Church Summer Camp Church Summer Camp Church Summer Camp Hall Rental - Wedding Reception Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room Rental - Games Room 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room Prepping for Saanich Fair Prepping for Saanich Fair Prepping for Saanich Fair Prepping for Saanich Fair Prepping for Saanich Fair Saanich Fair For up-to-date information check www.victoriaedelweiss.ca Page 6 Das Echo July-Sept 2013 September 2013 Sun 1Saanich Mon Fair Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 3 4 5 6 7 Saanich Fair Program Meeting Conversational German - Games Room Schnitzel Night Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall Beer Fest Accordion Club - Games Room Church Service rental Main Hall & Games Room Beer Fest 8 9 10 11 12 13 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room Member’s Meeting —7pm Member’s Lounge Literaturkreis -2pm Member’s Lounge Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal—7pm Choir Room - 3rd floor Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall 15 16 17 18 19 20 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal—7pm Choir Room - 3rd floor Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 22 14 21 Rental - Games Room 23 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room 29 Sat 24 25 26 27 28 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal—7pm Choir Room - 3rd floor Denny’s Swing Night - Main Hall Hall Rental - Wedding Reception 30 Church Service rental Late aft. Main Hall & Games Room Page 9 Das Echo July-Sept 2013 Cell: (250) 818-3226 Phone: (250) 479-6288 [email protected] www.innovationscatering.com Weddings, banquets, cocktail parties or barbeques Let us make your special event magical! Call for a quote and planning advice today. Ihr Immobilienmakler Ein vertrauter Name mit 33 Jahren Erfahrung im Verkauf von Häusern, Wohnungen & Grundstücken. Für eine kostenlose personliche Beratung in Deutsch oder Englisch, bitte rufen Sie mich jederzeit an. Sonderangebote für Mitglieder & Pensionäre Fred Lerch BRISTOL TOWN HAIR FASHION Personal Real Estate Corporation Sutton Group West Coast Realty Office: 250-479-3333 Cell: 250-889-2528 John Fear 2562 Sinclair Road Victoria, BC V8N 1B8 250-477-3098 [email protected] “Involved in the sale of over 1300 properties in Victoria” Theo U Schmidt CFP, FMA Certified Financial Planner ▶ ▶ ▶ Investment & Retirement Planning Wealth Management, Tax Planning Estates and Family Wealth Transfer 36 Jahre Erfahrung und solide deutsche Ausbildung im Investmentbereich. Excellente Kundenbetreuung in Englisch und Deutsch. Ich bringe TOP Ergebnisse. Email: [email protected] Rod Kurtz Mortgage Specialist Cell: 250-882-9981 [email protected] www.vericoselect.com Phone: 250-704-8809 2013 RENEWAL & NEW MEMBERSHIP FORM Please cut/detach at dotted line and submit with your membership renewal payment, thank you! Category Annual fee (includes HST) Check box to select category Name of Member Address (City & Postal Code) Adult (19-64) $53.00 Senior (> 65) $44.00 Youth (<19) $21.50 Family (2 adults & children < 19) $96.00 PLEASE FILL IN BELOW AMOUNT ENCLOSED Phone Number (inc area code) E-mail Address Additional card name: Additional card name: Are you a member of an affiliated group (Edelweiss Dancers, Edelweiss Harmony Choir or Victoria Accordion Club)? If so, please indicate which group you belong to here: Page 8 Das Echo October 2012