(English version)
(English version)
2015 2017 Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! A job market review 2017 2015 CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 1. YOUR BENEFITS You present your company as an attractive employer. You therefore attract suitable applicants from whom you can recruit the best people to shape your future. The LuftfahrtBerufe Career Guide will appear for the fourth time and will raise your profile throughout the magazine trade as a top employer. LUFTFAHRTBERUFE CAREER GUIDE: YOUR ADVANTAGE IN THE RACE TO RECRUIT THE BEST PEOPLE 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 2. THE TARGET GROUP Recruitment targets include entrants, career-minded climbers and creative career changers. What they all have in common is a passionate interest in aviation. This target group can be found among readers of the established FliegerRevue magazine, under whose title the Career Guide will be marketed. 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 3. THE APPROACH The Career Guide offers a comprehensive overview of all the career opportunities in aviation. From initial training and internal job offers to lateral entry from other careers. An extremely wide range of potential employers are presented here, including global aircraft manufacturers, airlines, medium-sized main tenance companies and local flying schools. 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 4. CONTENTS The Career Guide comprises three parts: Jobs: Operational aviation jobs Technical aviation jobs Commercial aviation jobs Aviation jobs suitable for lateral entry Training: Training jobs Training paths Initial and on-the-job training List of companies: Addresses Large job section 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 5. THE STRUCTURE Each section has an introductory editorial with a description of the relevant activities and jobs. You can showcase your own company in the appropriate section, describe your recruitment needs, provide details of specific requirements, activity profiles, qualification opportunities, and present the benefits of working for your company (company portrait). LUFTFAHRTBERUFE CAREER GUIDE: YOUR ADVANTAGE IN THE RACE TO RECRUIT THE BEST PEOPLE 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 6. DISTRIBUTION The Career Guide will have a print run of approximately 30,000 copies and will be available at airports, railway stations and kiosks. It will also be distributed by the publishers directly and free of charge to flying schools and airfields in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. LUFTFAHRTBERUFE CAREER GUIDE: YOUR PATH TO POTENTIAL FUTURE TALENT 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT CONCEPT Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! 7. MARKETING The Career Guide will be advertised in FliegerRevue and FliegerRevue X and in an email newsletter to FliegerRevue readers and aviation-minded newsletter subscribers. It will be advertised online on the fliegerrevue.aero homepage and on the FliegerRevue Facebook page. 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPTFORMATS, PRICES DEADLINES, Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! Printrun: 30.000 copies Publishing date: 28.10.2016 Print material: 10.10.2016 (for laid-out adverts) Closing date for adverts: 04.10.2016 Prices for adverts: 1/1 4c – 4.725 euros 1/2 4c – 2.415 euros 1/3 4c – 1.470 euros 1/4 4c – 1.260 euros Placement surcharge per cover page 500 euros Editorial deadline Company portraits: 21.09.2016 (= deadline for supplying images and text) No. of pages: approx. 176 Format: Format 230 x 300 mm, adhesive binding Prices for company portraits with job descriptions in predefined layout: 1/1 page – 1.500 euros 2/1 pages – 2.800 euros 4/1 pages – 5.200 euros 20 % discount for associations/flying schools and educational establishments) Entry in the company list – thematic in sections: • Address + logo/mail/homepage/phone number/contact – 300 euros 1/1 Type area 1/1 cropped 188 x 258 230 x 300 1/3 vertical 1/3 horizontal 59 x 258 80 x 300 188 x 85 230 x 106 • Each additional office or subsidiary in this entry – 100 euros Type area • Each job description (maximum of 5 lines) – 50 euros Cropped format: Bleed difference (top, bottom, side 3 - 5 mm) 1/2 horizontal 188 x 129 230 x 150 1/4 horizontal 188 x 63 230 x 84 1/2 vertical 94 x 258 115 x 300 1/4 portrait 94 x 129 If you like, we can design your advert for you. Just ask the media consultant. He or she will let you know the procedure and the terms and conditions. Phone: 08131/5655-53. 2015 2017 DAS KONZEPT OUR COMPETENCE Ihr Wegweiser zur Luft- und Raumfahrt-Karriere! Editor-in-Chief Lutz Buchmann Phone: +49 (0) 30 41909-510 Fax: +49 (0) 30 41909-599 Email: [email protected] Advertising Sales Reinhard Villwock Phone: +49 (0) 30 41909-513 Fax: +49 (0) 30 41909-599 E-Mail: [email protected] Advertising Sales Walter Weber Phone: +49 (0) 30 41909-514 Fax: +49 (0) 30 41909-599 Email: [email protected] Advertising Planning Tobias Hille Phone: +49 (0) 8131 5655-13 Fax: +49 (0) 8131 5655-913 Email: [email protected] Deadlines Editorial deadline Closing date for advertising copy Closing date for print material Publishing date 21.09.2016 04.10.2016 10.10.2016 28.10.2016 Published by PPVMEDIEN GmbH Postfach 57, 85230 Bergkirchen Tel. +49 (0) 8131 56 55-11 Fax +49 (0) 8131 56 55-66 Internet www.fliegerrevue.aero Editorial office Ehrig-Hahn-Str. 4 16356 Ahrensfelde OT Blumenberg Telefon: +49 (0) 30 41909-516 Telefax: +49 (0) 30 41909-599 [email protected] Bank details Commerzbank München IBAN: DE 14 7008 0000 0385 0511 00, BIC: DRESDEFF700 Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg IBAN: DE75 7025 0150 0028 1166 71, BIC: BYLADEM1KMS Terms of payment Within 14 days net after receipt of invoice.