July 19 - St. Helena`s Church
July 19 - St. Helena`s Church
July19, 19, 2015 2015 July 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422 Phone: 610-275-7711 “…His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd…” Web Site: www.sainthelena-centersquare.net Email: [email protected] Fax: 610-275-7610 School Phone: 610-279-3345 PREP Phone: 610-279-3870 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Parish Mission Statement One Family United as members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, we are committed, as ONE FAMILY, to be messengers of God’s love and presence in the world, and to welcome and invite others to become part of this family and this mission. One Heart Called by our Baptism to a life of service in the Lord, we are committed, with ONE HEART, to live in charity, practice the works of mercy, and work for peace and justice. One Faith Strengthened by God’s Word and nourished by His Sacraments, we are committed, in ONE FAITH, to promote lives of learning, living, and proclaiming the Gospel message, as we continue to grow in the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of all that embodies these awe-inspiring truths. BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00 AM Mass. Please stop by the Parish Office for information on scheduling Baptism for your child. Pre-Jordan classes are required for parents and optional for godparents and are usually offered the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Education Center. Call to register for class. Letters of eligibility are due at the Parish Office before a date can be confirmed for Baptism. PARISH STAFF Parish Priest: Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Nicolo Parochial Vicar: Rev. George J. Szparagowski, II Parochial Vicar: Rev. Tadeusz Gorka Weekend Ministry: Rev. Joseph Eddy, O. de M. Parish Deacon: Deacon A. Kenneth Belanger School Principal: Sr. Cathe Shoulberg, RSM Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Madeleine Fitzgerald Business Manager: Ms. Cathy Neugebauer Facilites Director: Mr. Vince Thompson Parish Administrative Asst: Gina Malony, Stephanie Donley School Secretary: Mrs. Phyllis Cissone Director of Youth/Young Adults/Adults: Mr. Kurt Zampier M ARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with a priest at least six months prior to your desired wedding date. The Archdiocese requires that all couples attend Pre-Cana class. Please contact Rob & Lena Gelenberg at [email protected] or 610-292-8359 for class information and registration. Our next Pre-Cana class will be held on October 10, 2015. PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE. Details to come. M ASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM Weekdays: Mon - Sat 9:00 AM St. Theresa Chapel Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM Holy Day: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, & 12:15 PM ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office. DEVOTIONS IN THE ST. THERESA CHAPEL RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: Most Holy Rosary: Mon - Sat 8:25 AM Saturdays 4:00 - 4:30 PM in the Church or any time upon Adoration: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM request. Call the Parish Office for an appointment. Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00 PM Mondays PARISH OFFICE HOURS CHAPEL HOURS: The St. Theresa Chapel is open Monday Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM through Friday from 6:15 AM to 9:00 PM; Saturday from (closed for lunch 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM) 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; and Sunday from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM. “TITHING IS GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING” “With the decision to put God first comes spiritual peace and joy. Thank you for Tithing.” Msgr. Nicolo “My financial resources are not great, but I do intend to be certain to include my Parish in my giving.” Parishioner 2 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time NIC NOTES Dear Parishioners, Mass Intentions MON, July 20 Saint Apollinaris 9:00 AM Msgr. Francis Menna Req. by Lee and John Banicki Over the next few Nic Notes, I am going to speak about what a parish is to be, and how we each one of us - can make our parish even better. Parishioners expect to feel a true sense of ownership when it comes to their parish. One’s parish is more than just a place where you go to Mass. A parish is a sacred place where we humans and the divine meet. It is a place where people of all ages, from the very young to the “more mature,” grow in the knowledge and understanding of what it means to be a follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The parish is also to be a place where we, the parishioners, receive spiritual nourishment, guidance, inspiration, and strength. We receive these “gifts” not just from the priests, but also from one another. A parish is to be a spiritual home for each and every one of us - a sacred “space” where we can share in each other’s joys, support each other in times of sorrow, offer encouragement to those who are struggling, be present to help and to heal those who feel battered or broken by the tragedies and trials of life. The parish is also to be a place that is social - where we can make new friends and reach out to those who are less fortunate. The parish is a place where we invite others to become a part of our community of believers who strive to live the Gospel. Our parish is alive and well; yet, we need always to strive to be all that God wants us to be. When you take ownership in your parish in the fullest sense by your active interest, we grow and prosper. We have our Time & Talent Weekend and send out a Parish Resource Booklet for the purpose of getting more parishioners involved. When we see the parish for what it truly is, we do become more welcoming and alive. TUE, July 21 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 9:00 AM Dan Begley Req. by Greg & Donna Gilman WED, July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene 9:00 AM Kevin Laksh Req. by Kelly McGowan THU, July 23 Saint Bridget 9:00 AM Albert J. Becker Req. by the Marberger Family FRI, July 24 Saint Sharbel Makluf 9:00 AM Edward Kurek Req. by the Kurek Family SAT, July 25 Saint James the Apostle 9:00 AM For all living & deceased members of the St. Theresa Guild Msgr. Nicolo celebrates Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation for the People of Saint Helena Parish. Visiting Missionary The weekend of July 25-26, we welcome Rev. Nicodemus Kioko, a missionary priest who is currently serving in Panama. Rev. Kioko is originally from Kenya, Africa and belongs to the Yarumal Missionaries. The goal of the Yarumal Missionaries, who were founded 85 years ago, is to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ among people and cultures where the Gospel is not yet fully preached. They are present in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Angola, Cambodia, and Thailand. In order to carry out their pastoral programs, these missionaries depend very much on the generosity of the Christians from the parishes they visit. Pray For Our Deceased Please remember in your prayers all of our deceased Parishioners including Bob DeStefano, Daniel Ryan, Jerome McCaffrey, Dick Fretz. May God through the intercession of St. Helena bless us! Love and Prayers, Msgr. Nicolo 3 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Memorials for Week of July 19, 2015 MINISTRIES SCHEDULED FOR JULY 25-26 The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in honor of Bishop Michael J. Fitzgerald at the request of the Parishioners of St. Helena. CELEBRANT 5:00 PM Fr. Szparagowski 7:30 AM Fr. Kioko with Deacon Ken 9:00 AM Fr. Gorka 11:00 AM ** Fr. Gorka **Holy Communion offered under both Species. The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel burns this week in memory of Laverne Jackson at the request of Jim and Maria McLaughlin. All flowers in the church and chapel the week of July 5th were generously donated by the Rooney family in celebration of JoAnn Rooney on her birthday. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 PM K. Sheehan, J. Smith, T. Smith, J. Eisele, M. Rogge 7:30 AM V. Horn, J. Treml 9:00 AM A. Walker, J. Walker, A. Perkinson, T. Perkinson, D. DeBrakeleer 11:00 AM C. Jensen, R. Jensen, M. Catalde, F. Boccella, L. Basile, B. Aquino, B. Tice Pray For Our Sick Please keep in your prayers our sick, homebound, & those in healthcare facilities including: Landon Vargas, Patrick Banicki, Earl Mignogna, Maricar Collins, Walter Small, Jen McAlary, Michelle Young, Vince, Mary Kretsch, Patricia McCarthy, Esther Tofini, Frank DeVito, Mary E. McDonnell, Frank Pulli, Joe Walker, Kaytie O’Hara, Linda Burke, Julia Mielcarz, Marilyn Cokas, Carletta Sohn, Marge Brady, Cyril Seddon, Phyllis Donofrio, Joseph Sortino, Tony Bello, Sr. Mary Sharon, John Arena, Jerry Marinella, Mary Scatarige, Craig Hardy, Dorrine Contreras, Sr. Joan Schroeder OP (Dominican), Sammy Smith, Donna Bloomquist, Joseph Gravinese, Jessica DeGroot, Louise Deneski, Charles Courtney, Joseph Collins, Albert Lewullis, Felipe Hernandez, Mary Ellen Kraft, Jasper Leroy Baker, Matthew McNamee, Bob Collins, Marie Marrongelli, Robert Scaramuzza, Charlotte Yacovelli, Phyllis Galanti, Shanika Davis, Joe Walker, Margaret Mack, Antoinette Roulston, Matt Cox, Charles Nentwig, Frank Davey, and Dr. Richard Capriotti. LECTORS AND MUSIC 5:00 PM C. Kain, J. Warren 7:30 AM J. McCloskey 9:00 AM B. Nyman 11:00 AM R. Heleniak, A. Heleniak Organ/Cantor Organ/Cantor Organ/Cantor Organ/Cantor ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Greenwood, Janssen, Krumenacker, Krumenacker Guilavoqui, Kihm, Kobar Gallo, Garcia, Giuffrida, Lafond Dougherty, Krebs, Kennedy, Kennedy Pray for Our Military Please pray for these and all our Military personnel: Pvt. Mathew Loggins, Sgt. Ross Gallagher, Lt. Bert Geis, Capt. Rimas Radzius, Maj. Michael Magee, Lt. Col. Michael Dehner, Maj. James M. Asman, Sgt. David Gentner, Sgt. David Carlson, PO3 Elizabeth Fenerty, Capt. Kevin Maguire, 1st Lt. Steven Zahuranec, Maj. Pamela DiPatrizo, Capt. Karl Van Haute, Capt. Christopher Jones, Cpl. Angelo Pastella, 1st Lt Andrew B. Gray, Maj. Nathan Edwards, Lt. Brian Asman, 2nd Lt. Timothy Fallon, SSgt. Joshua Wartchow, Capt. David Collins, Lt. Joseph Pawke, Lt. Daniel Neverosky, and Ryan Calef. Our 2016 Mass Book will open on Monday, July 27, 2015 Office hours are 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (closed from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM for lunch) Announced Mass: An offering of $15 is requested. Bread /Wine Memorial: An offering of $50 is requested. Sanctuary Candles: An offering of $20 is requested. No mail or phone requests will be taken. Thank you. 4 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time OUR HONOR STUDENTS PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEEK OF JULY 19, 2015 We proudly recognize those members of St. Helena Parish who have shown outstanding academic excellence at their respective schools. SUNDAY, July 19 No events scheduled To date, we have received the following information from surrounding Catholic High Schools: MONDAY, July 20 Volleyball Clinic: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Social & Recreation Center TUESDAY, July 21 VBS Volunteer Meeting: 7:00 PM—8:00 PM Library Young Adult Basketball: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Social Recreation Center Adult Basketball: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Social Recreation Center Lansdale Catholic High School Receiving Second Honors John Kane and Brendan Rafferty St. Joseph’s Preparatory School Receiving First Honors Charles Lunney, John Niekelski, Michael Maransky, Michael Leonard, Richard Fusco, Jr., Ronan Egan WEDNESDAY, July 22 RCIA: 7:30 PM - Parish Meeting Room Volleyball Clinic: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Social & Recreation Center Receiving Second Honors Kyle Cissone, Liam FitzPatrick, Nicholas Cissone THURSDAY, July 23 No events scheduled Mount Saint Joseph Academy Receiving First Honors Kate Fitzpatrick, Annie Fowler, Sophia Gardell, Alexandra Hoffner, Danielle Hughes, Susanne Kushnerick, Lindsey Maile, Anne McManness, Amanda Mooney, Margaret Murphy, Riley Stack, Mary Katherine Stefanowicz, Victoria Summerville, Elizabeth Tacka, Hannah Tubman FRIDAY, July 24 No events scheduled SATURDAY, July 25 Men’s Fellowship Group: 7:00 AM - Cafeteria Mission Appeal Guest Speaker: 5:00 PM Mass Church SUNDAY, July 26 Mission Appeal Guest Speaker: All Masses Church Second Level Honors Emma Ferrero, Lila Moore, Dona Schmidt, Lily Tubman LaSalle College High School Receiving First Honors Reid Anderson, Hunter Bradbury, Hunter Bujnoski, Sean Finlay, Sean Fitzpatrick, Michael Galbally, Craig Gambol, Gabriel Holder, Ryan Schutta, Joseph Sortino, Brendan Sweeney, Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Receiving First Honors Mary Kate Caputo, Kathryn Catalino, Lauren DiWilliams, Delaney Dugan, Lauren Esser, Elizabeth Hasson, Amanda Hornig, Molly O’Brien, Taylor Pickell, Emily Pizzirani, Gabrielle Saxon, Marina Sturla Receiving Second Honors Jordan Bumpas, Joseph Daniels, Sam DeLuca, Kevin Lacon, Hunter McGarvey, Anthony Morabito, Owen Rietzke Receiving Second Honors Claire Becker, Nicole Catalino, Olivia Celoni, Lauren Dempsey, Madeline Drozd, Kyra Flood, Carley Fusco, Julia Loftus, Madelyn Ormond, Colleen Osborne 5 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time CATHE’S CORNER MADELEINE’S MESSAGE At this writing, this author is preparing to go on retreat! An Ignatian-directed retreat in Dallas, PA. Seven days of silence where we meet with the director once each day to share reflections on scripture and insights! Before leaving, it’s important to prepare this column for the bulletin! Recently a subscriber to the Jesuit Post, this blog appeared! Before me, a “new” serenity prayer written by a favorite author, James Martin, SJ! Divine inspiration – so this column is “shared” from the Jesuit Post! I would like to give special recognition to Frank Reigle who has volunteered for nine years for our Saint Helena Parish Religious Education Program. Frank is on hand every week willing to help any teacher who needs assistance. He has a big hand in keeping the school secure while classes are in session. Frank is sincere in his volunteer work in a way that speaks louder than words. The way he serves really shows how much he cares. Sacrificing of one’s time, energy and services without expecting anything in return is the ultimate commitment to God and our Parish. God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I’m clearly not you, God. At least not the last time I checked. Frank live in Blue Bell and works at TASA as an Investigative Expert Service Assistant. And while you’re at it, God, please give me the courage to change what I need to change about myself, which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect. It’s better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people, who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying, I can’t change anyway. Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they’re talking about except me, or that I alone have all the answers. Have a great week! Madeleine Basically, God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I’m not you. Amen The picture was taken by Father Martin at Spencer, MA – for this author, it’s a hint of the peace awaiting retreat! Let’s pray this prayer for one another – may we each receive the serenity only achieved when we are able to remember, God is God, we are not!! Have a wonderful week! With love and God’s blessings, Sister Cathe 6 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Helena Parish is hosting a clothing drive to benefit The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Saturday, November 14th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Led by renown speaker and author Dr. Allen Hunt The Green Drop truck will be in the church parking lot with an attendant who will assist you with your donations. Please place your donations of usable men’s women’s and children’s clothing in plastic bags or boxes. Household items such as: kitchenware, games/toys, small appliances under 50 lbs., electronics, sporting goods, books, CDs & videos are also accepted. Unfortunately, furniture, large apploiances, TVs, or computer monitors cannot be accepted. For a full list of acceptable items, visit www.gogreendrop.com. Saturday October 24, 2015 9AM-1:30PM St. Helena Church, Blue Bell, PA Come for a great morning of listening, learning, scripture, and prayer. Don't worry, no one will be asked to share their feelings with the group. This is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person of faith who strives to love in all their relationships. Snacks will be provided at two breaks, and lunch in the Empress Room is offered to attendees following the event for an additional cost per person. As a bonus, you will receive a great swag bag to take home! Even if you cannot attend, consider sponsoring someone to attend who might not be able to afford it otherwise. This event is being held to further our parish mission to be a living, Catholic, Christian community; therefore we must all work together. So many ways to purchase tickets! Join us for a night of Prayerful Celebration! Event Tickets ($25/person) Post-Event Empress Room Lunch Tickets ($20/ per person): Every First Friday - First Saturday of the Month an all - night vigil in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated at: St. Titus Catholic Church 3006 Keenwood Road East Norriton, PA 19403 Soon to be on sale after all Masses; Call the parish office at (610) 275-7711; Email the parish office at [email protected] ; Event Tix Only: www.dynamiccatholic.com/ events Starts at 8:00 PM Friday through 2:30 AM Saturday. Mass to the Sacred Heart - 9:00 PM/ Mass to the Immaculate Heart - 12:00 AM BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Interested in posting a bulletin announcement? Please email [email protected] with the word “bulletin” and the date(s) for publication in the subject line. Requests are due on Thursdays 10 days prior to publication. For more information, contact Bella at 215/820.1995 7 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Youth & Young Adult Ministry News 1 Week Left to Register! Vacation Bible School Deadline: July 24 Mondays this Summer Mass, Wawa & Wentz Who: Kids going into K thr u 5th Grade Where: Saint Helena Education Center When: August 10-14, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost: $30/par ticipant Kids & leaders will take a Wilderness Adventure to better understand the Seven Sacraments & deepen their love for Jesus. Questions? Contact Kurt Zampier at (610) 930-0349 or [email protected] New Summer Tradition! Let’s meet for Mass on Mondays at 9:00 AM, then head over to Wawa for some breakfast (bring $5), and then let’s hang at Wentz Run until 11:30 AM Volunteers Needed! We’re looking for 6th - 8th Graders, High School teens, College students & Adults - 30 volunteers needed! (Great for service hours!) Frisbee, Basketball, Soccer... 8 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Too busy for a Retreat? CYO Fall Sports Registration NOW OPEN!!! Consider a retreat in daily life with the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer. The Sisters of the Holy Redeemer are offering a retreat for young women with busy schedules who seek an experience of prayer and community in which to reflect on the presence and action of God in their lives and the possibility of religious life. It’s time to think about fall sports! Registration for the following Fall Sports is currently open: Cross Country, JV & Varsity Field Hockey, JV & Varsity Volleyball, JV & Varsity Soccer Wednesday, August 5 , 2015 (Begins 6 pm Wednesday) Provincialate of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer Register at https://shcs.sportsignup.com Registration will remain open until August 22, 2015 For more information, please contact: Sr. Katharina Pies, CSR 215/914.4110 [email protected] Www.sistersholyredeemer.org Join the Prayer Walk for the 2015 World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit The Ladies of Helena will be sponsoring a Designer Bag Bingo on November 8th. All ladies are invited to attended. On Thursday, July 16th at 10:00 AM, Walking With Purpose, a Catholic faith study group, will lead a prayer walk around the World Meeting of Families and Papal events sites. Men, women, and children are welcome to join us as we pray and ask our heavenly Father to shower His blessings of love and protection on all those who attend. Bring your rosaries! Please meet outside the Convention Center (corner of Broad and Cherry Streets) at 10:00 AM. Join us at the Cathedral at 10:45 AM for prayer and song if you are unable to walk. There is a 12:05 Mass in the Cathedral Chapel. Any questions, please call Jillian Buhl at 215/287.7069 or [email protected]. Mark your calendars now! Are you going on Vacation soon? Need a book for the beach? Pick up a book or CD in the Narthex! 9 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time We Remember And we gratefully acknowledge the following families who so thoughtfully asked that donations in memory of their loved one be sent to St. Helena Church. We ask that you please keep them in your prayers: Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and Role of the Church Monthly Theme—July 2015 The Church has institutional forms because she must work in the world. But that does not exhaust her essence. The Church is the Bride of Christ, a “she,” not and “it.” In the words of Saint John XXIII, she is our mother and teacher, our comforter and guide, our family of faith. Even when her people and leaders sin, we still need the Church’s wisdom, Sacraments, support and proclamation of the truth, because she is the body of Jesus himself in the world; the family of God’s people writ larger. To prepare for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’s visit, we are studying a catechesis on family life called Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Chapter 9: Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and Role of the Church From its opening paragraphs, this catechism has explained how we were created for communion with God and one another. The Church has institutional forms because this communion must be visible and tangible, and active in the world. The Church’s earthen vessels are necessary for proclaiming a spiritual reality: the Church is the Bride of Christ, a “she,” not an “it.” In the words of Saint John XXIII, the Church is our mother and teacher, our comforter and guide, our family of faith. All the baptized are the Church’s sons and daughters, giving Christians our most fundamental and authentic identity. As members of the Church, we are members of the “one body” that is not defined by any human qualification, such as age, nationality, or intelligence, or by any human achievement, such as efficiency, organization, or moral virtue. Even when her people and leaders sin, we still need the Church’s wisdom, sacraments, support, and proclamation of the truth. Just as our own sinfulness never erases our creation in God’s image, when Catholics sin, that does not erase the Church’s holiness. The Church’s essence depends on Jesus, a foundation which holds us accountable, but which is also deeper and more secure than any human achievement or failure. God never abandons us. Despite her many failures, the Church cannot shirk the responsibility to preach and live the Gospel. “Love is our mission,” and the Church is the family that teaches and embodies this love. Christopher C. Roberts, catechism editor 10 James Adams, John Botto, Mary Ellen Brogan, Dr. Elwin S. Carlin, Audrey F. Crause, Harry DeFazio, Ann Kelly, Jennie Dinardo, Michael Frawley, Nicholas Grant, Ann Gerlach, Eugene P. Kenworthy Sr., Peter J. Kelly, Sr., Orville Johnson, John S. Maguire, Jane O’Doherty, Lucille Mazur, Grace Migliarese, George T. McCool, Jean P. McQuade, Dorothy Nicolo, Thomas Oakes, Matilda M. Schoppet, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Gertrude Usher, Virginia Valentine, Louise Vanelli, Jean Vereb, Mary C. & Raymond F. Uccelletti, Sr., Margaret Wright, Carmen Pagliaro, Dottie Monastra, William Curran, Shawn Henry, Jack Gambone, Gasper Butera, Helen Borkowski, Mary Ryan, Edward Garbacz, John Cantarini, Dave Landers, Joseph Nicolo, Sr., Ron Miles, Harold Rodgers, Marge Fitzpatrick, Mildred Dulin, Candida Barone, Stanley Lentz, Sr., Walter P. Piecyk, Henry Orzechowski, Gasper Sclafani, Rose Trombetta, Brad Souders, Peter Nicolo, Joseph Yaccarino, Irene Koziol, Frances Lavin, Anna Silvaggio, Vincent J. Petrone, Stanely Toscani, Rita Rego, Charles Halfpenny, Sr.,Gerard Geisel, Carol Piskai, Stephen Imms, Betty Haly, Ed Sciarra, Ralph Martino, Thomas Keane, Mary Russo, Marlin Souders, William Guerrini, William Schmitz, Jr., Andy Ortlieb, Nicola Rocco, Richard Duszak, Salvatore Giuffrida, Harry Neff, Sr., Ronald Lattanze, Katherine Roth, Maria Begley, Peggy Guerrini, Daniel Staffieri, Norma Leuallen, John Frawley, Rae Bordo, Veronica Graff, Thomas Yuengling, Francis Nolan, Thomas Swan, Dixie Katrina, Anna Marie Esposito, and Karen DeGennaro, Catherine Murphy, Rita Curran, Ann Yaccarino, Tom Gaasche, Catherine Swanick, Agnes Dougherty, Vera Lentz, Marg Agresti, James Frawley, Suzanne Bottinger, Jack Fitzpatrick, Antoinette Cannon, Harvey Kreitzer, Nancy Cavan, Theresa Tomczak, John Barry, Nicholas Machion, Daniel Begley, Joseph Monastra, Catherine Frawley, Rev. John T. Coates, Linda Taormina Kuhn, Dorena Colonnello, Marian Curran, Alexander Piermani, III, Kathleen DePietro, Francis Zuest, Joseph O’Hara, Steve Bacino, Phyllis D’Amico, Emil Bilinski, Carol Mignogna, Edward Stimmler , Marie Neff, Joan Schmitz and Yolanda Marinari. The following people made bequests in their will to Saint Helena Church. Please remember them in prayer as well. Vivian Becker, Alice P. Devlin, Mary E. Flanagan, Hon. Robert W. Honeyman, Concetta Marchesani, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Laura E. Wisniewski, Estelle Noska, Elizabeth Ann Quillinan, Jean Stock, Lawrence Marinari, Catherine Frawley, Mary Rosciola, Marian Curran, Charles Loeper, and Rev. John Coates. Bequests Would you like to remember Saint Helena in your will? Ask your attorney to include such words as these in your will: “I give, devise, or bequeath to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 for its general purposes all (or state a fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, whether real or personal.” OR “I give to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 ($ X.00 ) to be used for the general purposes of Saint Helena Parish.” July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Word Bank Apostles, Arrived, Boat, Crowd, Deserted, Disembarked, Foot, Gathered, Hastened, Jesus, Numbers, Opportunity, Pity, Reported, Sheep, Shepherd, Taught, Teach, Towns, Vast SAINT OF THE WEEK - St. Camillus de Lellis St. Camillus de Lellis is the patron saint of the sick, dying, hospital, and nurses. He was the son of a military officer who had served both for Naples and France. His mother died when Camillus was very young. He spent his youth as a soldier, fighting for the Venetians against the Turks, and then for Naples. He was very tall and strong, but he suffered all of his life from abscesses on his feet. A gambling addict, he lost so much money that he had to take a job working construction on a building belonging to the Capuchins; they converted him. Camillus tried to be a priest three times, but a bad leg injury that he received while fighting the Turks, forced him to give it up. He went to Rome, Italy for medical treatment where Saint Philip Neri became his priest and confessor. Then he moved into San Giacomo Hospital for the incurable, and eventually became its administrator. St. Camillus never went to school, so when he was 32 years old, he began to study with children. He founded the Congregation of the Servants of the Sick (the Camillians or Fathers of a Good Death) who care for the sick both in hospital and home. Camillus honored the sick as living images of Christ, and hoped that the service he gave them did penance for his wayward youth. His feast day is July 18. 11 July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON Adoration Art & Environment Basketball: Adult & Young Adult Bereavement Ministry Catering/Empress Room Chapel Reposers Collection Counters Agnes Ferrara Theresa Smith Mike O’Brien Michele Gerstemeier Joe Paravati Jack Greenleaf Denise Janick Karen Wurtenberg Communion and Liberation Rebecca Cherico Community of Disciples Jo-Ann Belanger Cross Talk Dorothy Barry Discovering Christ Kurt Zampier Divine Mercy Chaplet Barbara Souders Divorce Healing Program Gina Malony Ecumenical Activities Coordinators Tim & MaryAnne Seiders Evangelization Ministry Jo-Ann Belanger Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Msgr. Nicolo Church Jim Pinciotti Mercy Suburban Hospital Fr. Szparagowski Nursing Home/Private Visit Parish Office Home Visit Jim McLaughlin Facilities Committee Anthony Taormina Finance Council Msgr. Nicolo Fundraising Nick Semchuk Garden Club Theresa Smith Greeters Herb Mace Home & School Association Patti Mack Hospitality Gina Malony Knights of Columbus Tony Gallagher Ladies of Helena Theresa Smith Lectors Pat Lorenzo Lending Library Donna Matoney Liturgical Dance Dana Leeds Men’s Fellowship Group Joe Bushner Mommy & Me Kim Durski Music Ministry Cheryl Platco Adult Choir Cheryl Platco Bells Cheryl Platco Cantors (Scheduling) Jim Siewert Children’s Chimes Cheryl Platco Contemporary Music Ensemble Dick Lentz School Chorus Jennifer Lau New Beginnings II Rita Kurek Parish Nurse Program Terry Shomberg, R.N. Parish Pastoral Council Msgr. Nicolo Parish Youth & Young Adult Ministries St. Helena School Sr. Cathe Shoulberg Parish Religious Ed. Program (PREP) Madeleine Fitzgerald High School Youth Group Kurt Zampier Young Adult Group Kurt Zampier Children’s Liturgy of the Word Marie Kushnerick Altar Servers Becky Bushner Youth Lectors Angela Walker CYO / Community Service Corps Marianne Smith CYO / Sports - President Bill Dion CYO / Sports - Athletic Director Matt Brogan Brownies / Girl Scouts Susan Hughes Cub / Boy Scouts Shawn Connaghan Vacation Bible School Kurt Zampier Photography Club Theresa Smith Prayer Shawl Ministry Sr. Francis Reinhardt, O.S.F. Pre Cana Team Lena & Rob Gelenberg 12 PHONE NO. E-MAIL / WORK NO 215-699-6128 215-646-7636 610-247-3570 610-584-0862 610-666-8112 610-292-9606 610-733-1968 610-322-5951 484-231-8807 610-279-8042 610-275-3689 610-930-0349 215-646-3437 610-275-7711 215-699-6993 610-279-8042 610-275-7711 610-275-9813 610-275-7711 610 275-7711 610-587-6186 610-256-0886 610-275-7711 610-275-7711 215-646-7636 610-275-2297 215-646-4443 610-275-7711 215-970-6878 215-646-7636 215 653-0987 610-275-7711 215-661-2878 484-684-6118 215-699-6898 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-277-6265 610-505-3038 215-822-6751 610-279-3345 610-279-5897 215-699-5024 610-275-7711 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or 215-652-7507 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 610-279-3345 610-277-3573 610-930-0349 610-930-0349 610-270-3035 484-684-6118 215-628-2797 610-278-0718 610-277-0326 215-514-5233 610-279-5564 215-643-3365 610-930-0349 215-646-7636 610-279-1804 610-292-8359 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] July 19, 2015 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. E-MAIL / WORK NO Pre-Jordan Team Prison Ministry RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Respect Life Activities Scripture Study Senior Citizens Club Serving Our Community—SOC Spiritual Direction St. Anne Sewing Club St. Martha Cleaners Stephen Ministry Time & Talent Coordinator Tithing Coordinators Ushers Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators Women of the Gospel Kathy Petz Ray Van Haute Deacon Ken Belanger Bill Bogle Deacon Ken Belanger Mary McKenna Micki Burns Carol Jensen Theresa Smith Marlene Jeffreys Deacon Ken Belanger Joe Walker Elaine & Vince Thompson Herb Mace Cindy Lejman Carol Jensen 610-270-0216 215-641-0356 610-279-8042 610-272-1106 610-279-8042 610-275-0121 267-240-3264 610-277-4833 215-646-7636 610-804-2840 610-279-8042 215-628-2797 610-277-5814 610-275-2297 610-275-7711 610-277-4833 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please remember….In order to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony; or, to be granted Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, or to have the priest give you a personal recommendation, it is necessary that you be registered in the parish and practicing your faith. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment if you need to register. If you move, change your phone number or e-mail address, please notify the Parish Office so our records can be brought current. Parish Office hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Monday through Friday (closed 12 to 1 PM). WELCOME TO SAINT HELENA PARISH We are glad you decided to celebrate with our Parish Family. If you have recently moved into the parish area and would like to register as a parishioner, please fill in the information below and place the form in the collection basket. Someone from the Parish Office will call you. You are also welcome to call the Parish Office at 610-275-7711 if you have questions. Please be sure to visit our Parish website at www.sainthelena-centersquare.net NAME: ________________ ADDRESS: CITY: __________ ______________ PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____ STATE/ZIP: CELL: ______________ 13 _____________