Unit 8


Unit 8
Simon Haines, Vocabulary for Advanced (CAE)
Unit 8 Health – World health, water and health
a disease caused by an unchecked
division of abnormal cells in the body
of a disease: communicated or propagated by contaminated water
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community
a disease that is prevalent over a
whole country or the world
any condition of the heart that impairs
its functioning
a class of diseases that involve the
heart and/or the blood vessels
lack of proper nutrition, caused by not
having enough to eat, or not eating
enough of the right things
In most cancers, the cells are found to
have a mutation in one or more genes.
Cholera and typhoid are both waterborne diseases.
To prevent flu epidemics, people are
encouraged to get vaccinated.
The Spanish flu outbreak was a pandemic killing millions all over the world.
influenza (flu)
waterborne disease
an epidemic
a pandemic
heart disease
cardiovascular disease
(an) injury
to infect
suffering or death caused by lack of
the condition of increased body
weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat
a mental condition characterized by
severe feelings of hopelessness and
inadequacy, typically accompanied by
a lack of energy and interest in life
a chronic or persistent disorder of the
mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory
disorders, personality changes, and
impaired reasoning
physical harm or damage to (a part of
one’s body)
to affect (a person, organism, etc.) with
a disease-causing organism
durch Wasser übertragene Krankheit
Even overweight people can suffer from
A lot of inmates died of starvation, disease or brutality at the hands of the prison authorities.
New statistics on childhood obesity
prove this is caused by a decline in outside play and walking to school.
Verhungern; Hungertod
Fettleibigkeit; Adipositas
A small number of people suffer from
depression so severe that they may need
to be admitted to hospital.
People with dementia have a degenerative disease of the brain for which there
is no cure.
She suffered an injury to her back.
Food is not the only means by which
bacteria can infect humans.
to transmit a disease
to contract a disease
to immunise
invasion of the body by pathogenic
microorganisms and the resulting condition in the tissues
(of a disease or disease-causing organism) liable to be transmitted to people,
organisms, etc. through the environment
(of a disease) spread from one person
or organism to another, typically by
direct contact
to cause a disease to pass on from one
person or to another
to catch or develop a disease or infectious agent
(of a disease or its symptoms) severe
but of short duration
(of an illness) persisting for a long time
or constantly recurring
to make (a person or animal) immune
to infection, typically by inoculation
Wounds must be cleaned to limit the risk
of infection.
Malaria is an infectious disease but not a
contagious one – people get infected
through mosquitoes, but they can’t
transmit the disease to others.
ansteckend; infektiös
Influenza is a contagious disease, transmitted from person to person.
übertragbar; kontagiös
Hepatitis C is believed to be only transmitted by blood.
People contracting cholera must be isolated to prevent transmission to others.
Symptoms of acute disease usually resolve by one to three months.
He’s been suffering from chronic bronchitis for months.
The vaccine is used to immunize children
against measles.
the ability of an organism to resist a
particular infection or toxin
immune to (a disease)
resistant to a particular infection or
a vaccine
a vaccination
to medicate
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
impfen; immunisieren
Impfung; Immunisierung
to vaccinate
eine Krankheit übertragen
to treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculate
a substance prepared from the causative agent of a disease or a synthetic
substitute, used to provide immunity
against one or several diseases
treatment with a vaccine
to administer medicine or a drug to sb; to treat (a condition) using medicine
a drug or other form of medicine that
is used to treat or prevent disease;
Women who develop immunity to the
infection before pregnancy are not in
danger of transmitting it to their babies.
People whose immune systems have
fought the infection will be immune to
Today children are vaccinated against
There is no vaccine against HIV infection.
Doctors advise women to avoid pregnancy for one month after a rubella vaccination.
She was heavily medicated to prevent
Chronic gastrointestinal symptoms may
require prolonged medication.
Immunität; Unanfälligkeit
immun; unanfällig
medizinisch behandeln
Arzneimittel; medizinische Behandlung
treatment using drugs
relating to the science or practice of
to prevent sth from happening
keep sth from happening
preventive/ preventative
to treat (a patient/a disease)
to have (no) access to health care
the action of stopping something from
happening or arising
designed to keep sth undesirable such
as illness or harm from occurring
The course is aimed at fifth year medical
Anything that can prevent a tragedy from
happening should be adhered to.
It is up to the community to take a
greater role in crime prevention.
Wider community education is required
as a primary preventive measure.
(un-)able to be kept from happening
Most accidents are preventable.
to give medical care or attention to; try
to heal or cure
medical care given to a patient for an
illness or injury
(of a patient, disease, or other condition) for whom or which (no) medical
care is available or possible
(of a patient, disease, or other condition) not given medical care
to have the right or opportunity to get
and benefit from medical care
Within a week he was in intensive care,
being treated for blood poisoning.
I’m receiving treatment for an injured
If a slow heart rhythm is not treatable
with medication, a pacemaker is needed.
Pain is often untreated among older patients.
A lot of people in the Third World, still
have no access to health care.
Injury is the leading cause of death
among people 1 - 44 years of age.
After being wounded at the front, he
died of septicaemia.
a cause of death
what leads to sb’s death
to die from/of (a disease)
to stop leaving because of (a disease)
to die a (natural/sudden/painful/violent) death
to die of natural causes; to die suddenly/painfully/violently
to revive memories of sth/sb
to bring back things remembered
causing or able to cause death; filled
with hate
to sweep the globe (swept/swept)
to move across the world swiftly or
with great intensity
a death toll
the number of deaths resulting from a
particular cause
A visit to our old holiday home revived
memories of our happy childhood.
The 2003 death toll from the deadly virus
was only one.
WHO scientists warn that a tidal wave of
cancer will sweep the globe in the next
20 years.
Cross-border firing and fighting have left
a death toll running into thousands.
to suffer from (an illness/a disease)
to be affected by (an illness or ailment)
She suffers from a degenerative disease.
She died a natural death at the age of
verhindern; vorbeugen; verhüten
Prävention; Vorbeugung; Verhütung
präventiv; vorbeugend; verhütend
(un-)vermeidbar; (un-)verhütbar
(einen Patienten; ein Leiden) behandeln
keinen Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen
an (einem Leiden) sterben
einen natürlichen/plötzlichen/qualvollen/brutalen Tod
Erinnerungen aufleben lassen
die gesamte Welt erfassen
Zahl der Todesopfer
an einer Krankheit leiden
to lose (your) life (lost/lost)
to die
Some 250,000 people in Britain lost their
lives during the Spanish flu epidemic.
das Leben verlieren
to claim a life
to cause the loss of sb’s life
The attack claimed five people’s lives.
ein Todesopfer fordern
(of sth bad or undesirable) serious;
very great; intense
the fact or condition of being severe
to diagnose (an illness/a disease)
to identify the nature of the medical
condition of (an illness/a disease)
There has been a severe outbreak of
cholera in the region.
The severity of flu symptoms varies from
patient to patient.
Doctors usually diagnose a disease after
studying the symptoms.
20,000 men are diagnosed with skin cancer every year.
to be diagnosed with (an illness)
a (mis-)diagnosis
dengue fever
(false) identification of the nature of a
medical condition
a debilitating viral disease of the tropics, transmitted by mosquitoes, causing fever and acute pains in the joints
an infectious and often fatal bacterial
disease of the small intestine, contracted from infected water and causing severe vomiting and diarrhoea
an infectious bacterial fever with an
eruption of red spots and severe intestinal irritation
ernst; akut; schlimm; massiv
Ernsthaftigkeit; Stärke; Ausmass
(eine Krankheit) diagnostizieren
bei jem. (eine Krankheit) diagnostizieren;
When staying in the tropics, be aware of
the risk of diseases like malaria, dengue
fever, yellow fever, and typhoid.
Many of these regions suffer from epidemics of infectious diseases such as
cholera and malaria.
Among the diseases resulting from poor
sanitation are dysentery, cholera, typhus
fever and typhoid.
Trinidad has been hit hard by falling oil
A cough may be caused by inflammation
of the upper respiratory track due to a
viral infection.
The benefits of managing your time well
far outweigh any drawbacks.
to hit sb hard
to affect sb badly
relating to or affecting the breathing
mechanism or the organs of respiration
the benefits of (doing sth)
the advantage of (doing sth)
a great number
Numerous guests complained.
to rehydrate
to absorb or cause to absorb moisture
after dehydration
to detoxify
to remove poisonous substances
to play an important role in (doing
to be crucial in (doing sth)
to be critical to sth
to have a crucial importance in the
success, failure, or existence of sth
Drinking at least two litres of water a day
will rehydrate your skin.
The body has developed various mechanisms to detoxify the toxic substances.
Regular exercise plays an important role
in keeping fit.
Getting banks lending again was critical
to any recovery.
jem. hart treffen
AtmungsNutzen; Vorteil
eine wichtige Rolle spielen bei etw.
ausschlaggebend sein für etwas
vital for sth
to promote sth
(energy/food/air…) intake
to metabolise
to support or actively encourage (a
process, venture, etc.)
an amount of energy, food, air, or another substance taken into the body
the chemical processes that occur
within a living organism to maintain life
relating to or deriving from the metabolism of a living organism
to process (a substance) by metabolism
The hygienic handling of food is absolutely vital to ensure its safety.
unerlässlich für etwas
Regular exercise promotes good health.
etw. fördern
If your energy intake is lower than your
output, you will lose weight.
Carbohydrate metabolism is affected by
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder.
To provide energy, stores of blood sugar
and fats are metabolised.
Your body needs plenty of fluids to function normally.
liquid substance
(not) enough; (in-)adequate
Insufficient fluids cause dehydration.
to be likely to have a particular problem
failure to eliminate water from the
Passive smoking makes non-smokers
more prone to respiratory infections.
Eating too much salt can lead to water
In animal studies, DHEA appears to be
an appetite suppressant.
to be prone to sth
water retention
an appetite suppressant
absolutely necessary; essential
sth which prevents hunger
(Energie/...) Aufnahme
Stoffwechsel-; metabolisch
„verstoffwechseln“; metabolisieren
anfällig sein für etwas; zu ewas neigen
Wasserspeicherung; -ansammlung