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view a printer friendly - Chamberlin Roofing and Waterproofing
SPRinG 2015
Chamberlin Razes the Roof to Provide Additional Parking
Homewood Suites parking garage in San Antonio, Texas after renovation.
Similar to most buildings in downtown San Antonio,
the Homewood Suites has history dating back to the
late 1800s and is a reflection of south Texas’ culture.
Also owned by the hotel is another building that
maintains the same historic facade; a four-story
parking garage which serves their guests and
downtown visitors. This historic structure was once
a Montgomery Ward’s department store, and was
renovated into a parking garage in the 1970s. Over
the years, the garage has reached a state of disrepair
with leaks occurring throughout.
In order to restore the deteriorating structure, general
contractor, Swinerton Builders, began to complete
several portions of renovations and called upon
Chamberlin to help make it watertight. Chamberlin’s
scope of work included traffic coating the entire upper
deck to make it reusable as a parking area, installing
Maciek Rupar,
Director of Technical Services
National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
elastomeric coating on parapet walls and below-grade
waterproofing in the basement.
Due to the severe leaks and worsening condition
of the structure, the scope was found to be more
challenging than initially thought. Chamberlin
assessed the current state of the garage to
determine the most effective way to complete the
task at hand and developed a plan to execute the
job with a high quality waterproofing installation in
mind for the renovation.
Chamberlin began their work in October of 2014 by
tearing off 13,000 square feet of existing built-up roof
system on the upper deck. Because tar has the ability
to soak into concrete and can become hard to
remove, a shot blasting crew was brought in
(Continued pg. 2...see GARAGE RENOVATION)
Use of Preservative-Treated Wood
Requires Certain Precautions
Selecting appropriate fasteners when using preservative-treated
wood is complicated by the variety of available preservative
treatments that can be corrosive to metal fasteners.
Many preservative systems are used by preservative-treated wood
manufacturers in the U.S. and Canada. Types of treated wood
products available from distributors may vary depending on
(Continued pg. 2...see TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS)
this issue
Chamberlin Razes
the Roof...............2 - 3
Use of PreservativeTreated Wood Requires
Precautions..........2 - 4
Trophy Case.............5
Employee Profile......5
Projects in Progress...6
WWW.C hambERlinlTD.COm
(GARAGE RENOVATION Continued from pg. 1)
to remove the residue that was left
behind. As the shot blasting was
taking place, it became apparent the
concrete was too soft to continue and
was making the removal process
more difficult.
“The original plan to shot blast the roof
did not work and forced Chamberlin
to take a different approach,” said
Swinerton Superintendent, Kalen
Keach. Chamberlin abandoned the
shot blasting and, after re-evaluating
the situation, decided to scarify the
rest of the residue. “Ultimately, they
found a solution, were able to install
the new traffic coating, and it looks
great,” said Keach.
After tearing off the roof system there
were loads of roofing materials to be
removed. Chamberlin utilized a small
skid loader that was able to quickly
haul trash from the upper deck level to
the dumpster on level one. Each crew
member received on-the-job training
from Chamberlin’s Safety Coordinator
to become equipment certified. When
traveling down the garage ramps to
remove the trash, the skid loader had
to be driven backward because of the
incline and weight of the loader’s
bucket. Flaggers were required in
order to direct any traffic that may
be coming up the ramps because
the garage was still in use during
construction on the first and
second levels.
Although scarifying the concrete
helped to remove the old roof, it also
caused the surface to become uneven
leaving gouges in the concrete. To
overcome this issue, Chamberlin
routed all of the cracks on the surface
followed by applying a polyurethane
sealant. As soon as the gaps were
filled, a combination of epoxy primer
and sand was utilized to level out the
area before applying another coat of
primer followed by a base coat.
During the application of these
coats, sand was broadcast in order
to increase traction for the vehicles.
In the drive lanes, Chamberlin applied
two intermediate coats and broadcast
the sand heavier since those areas
take the most abuse from vehicles.
In order to keep production at a
steady pace during the installation
of traffic coating, Chamberlin crew
members wore metal baseball cleats
instead of the typical equipment that
straps on the shoe. Not only did
wearing the cleats make it easier to
(TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS Continued from pg. 1)
wood species, intended product end use, geographical area
and distributor type.
For these reasons, you should be aware of options available for using
preservative-treated wood and NRCA's current recommendations for
using fasteners with preservative-treated wood.
Code Provisions
The 2012 International Building Code® (IBC 2012) and
2012 International Residential Code® (IRC 2012) do not include
provisions for the use of preservative-treated wood for roof assembly
components such as blocking, nailers and roof deck sheathing or
structural members supporting roof assemblies such as joists, rafters
and trusses. Wood in these locations is not exposed to the weather
and, therefore, not expected to be at an increased risk of decay or
termite attack.
Although the codes do not specifically provide for preservative-treated
wood use in roof assemblies, being familiar with the code provisions
for preservative-treated wood is useful for roofing contractors. In the
U.S., IBC and IRC commonly are used as the technical basis for
locally adopted building codes.
Upper deck parking area before renovation.
Chamberlin crew member applies traffic coating to the upper roof deck.
(Continued pg. 3...see GARAGE RENOVATION)
For one thing, designers specifying preservative-treated wood for
roof assembly construction are likely to use or reference the code
language. Secondly, code provisions require preservative-treated
wood and its end uses comply with specific standards that ensure
properly treated wood products perform satisfactorily for their
intended service conditions.
IBC 2012 Defines Treated Wood as Follows:
• Treated wood: Wood and wood-based materials that use
vacuum-pressure impregnation processes to enhance fire
retardant or preservative properties.
• Fire-retardant-treated wood: Pressure-treated lumber and
plywood that exhibit reduced surface-burning characteristics
and resist propagation of fire.
• Preservative-treated wood: Pressure-treated wood products
that exhibit reduced susceptibility to damage by fungi, insects
or marine borers.
(Continued pg. 3...see TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS)
(GARAGE RENOVATION Continued from pg. 2)
Chamberlin crew members wore baseball cleats to improve the application process.
Traffic coating was applied on the 13,000 sq. ft. roof area and parapet walls.
do the work, it was also more comfortable for the crew members.
That’s a win-win!
brick. Chamberlin completed the system by applying a bentonite
waterproofing over the existing brick in three locations.
To further ensure the structure was water tight, Chamberlin sealed
all of the joints on the inside and outside corners on the parapet
walls with two coats of urethane caulk, which tied in to the
waterproofing system installed on the three foot high parapet walls
surrounding the entire roof perimeter. In the basement of the parking
garage, existing framed walls were removed and replaced with
(TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS Continued from pg. 2)
Significantly, the code definition notes the preservative treatment
requires a pressure-treatment process. Surface treatments, coatings,
stains or paints applied to wood as protection against decay or insects
are not included in the code definition. Fire-retardant-treated wood,
which also is manufactured in a pressure-treatment process, is not
addressed in this article.
IBC and IRC address the use of preservative-treated wood for
protection against decay and termites. The codes require the use of
naturally durable or preservative-treated wood in specific locations
favorable for decay, fungus attack and termite infestation. Because
naturally durable lumber and wood sheathing are not commonly
available, preservative-treated wood is used to comply with
these provisions.
The codes provide specific requirements for preservative-treated
wood and the fasteners used with it. IBC 2012 provisions for treated
wood are found in Chapter 23—Wood; IRC 2012 provisions are
found in Chapter 3—Building Planning.
Within IBC 2012’s Section 2304—General Construction
Requirements, Section 2304.11 provisions identify conditions where
“Chamberlin has done an outstanding job and has consistently
taken care of our needs no matter how large or small the
problem,” said Keach, regarding the renovation work at the
Homewood Suites parking garage. “I look forward to working
with Chamberlin in the future.”
the use of preservative-treated wood is required and mandate
preservative-treated wood comply with American Wood Protection
Association (AWPA) Standard U1, "Use Category System: User
Specification for Treated Wood." This section lists uses where
wood components are at an increased risk of decay because they
are not protected from the weather, in contact with or likely to contact
exposed ground, in contact with fresh water, or in contact with
concrete or masonry that exposes wood to absorbed moisture or
parts of floor framing close to the exposed ground in crawl spaces.
Moisture content of wood exposed to these conditions may
persist above 20 percent—the generally recognized threshold
for wood decay.
There is one instance where IBC 2012 requires preservative-treated
wood for structural roof framing. The specific provision refers to
situations “when wood framing supports moisture-permeable roofs
exposed to the weather such as concrete or masonry slabs.”
This is not a common framing condition (it is an example of
awkward code language).
(Continued pg. 4...see TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS)
(TREATED WOOD PRECAUTIONS Continued from pg. 3)
Section 2304.11 also requires the use of
termite-resistant or preservative-treated
wood "in geographical areas where hazard
of termite damage is known to be very
heavy" for specific structural floor
construction and structural exterior
framing conditions.
IRC 2012's Section R317.1 provisions
for preservative-treated wood used to
prevent wood decay identify conditions
similar to those listed in IBC 2012 and
also require preservative-treated wood
comply with AWPA U1. IRC 2012, Section
R318.1 calls out AWPA U1-compliant
pressure-preservative-treated wood as
one method of protection permitted
against damage caused by termites; it is
up to the adopting jurisdiction to specify
the requirement for wood protection
against termites.
Within IBC 2012's Section 2303—Minimum
Standards and Quality, Section 2303.1.8
requires preservative-treated lumber, timber,
plywood, piles and poles comply with AWPA
Standard U1 and Standard M4, "Standard
for the Care of Preservative-Treated Wood
Products," as applicable when used as
supports for permanent structures subject
to the service conditions listed in
Section 2304.11.
AWPA U1 designates preservative systems
and retentions that have been determined
to be effective for protecting wood
products under specified exposure
conditions. The standard is intended to
help specifiers and users select treated
wood products appropriate for the expected
service conditions.
AWPA M4 prescribes the requirements
for care of preservative-treated wood
products in manufacturing plants and
storage yards and on job sites. It also
prescribes requirements for field fabrication,
field treatment and management of used
treated wood products.
IBC 2012's Section 2303.1.8 and
IRC 2012's Section R317.2 provide
specific requirements for identifying
preservative-treated wood products
with a stamped quality mark or label.
The identification must be provided by a
third-party inspection agency accredited
by the American Lumber Standards
Committee (ALSC) as part of ALSC's
Treated Wood Program.
Provisions for fasteners and connectors in
contact with preservative-treated wood are
found in IBC 2012, Section 2304.9.5 and
IRC 2012, Section R317.3. IBC 2012 and
IRC 2012 provide similar requirements.
Hot-dipped galvanized steel, stainless
steel, silicon bronze and copper fasteners,
including nuts and washers, are permitted.
Hot-dipped galvanized steel fasteners
compliant with ASTM A153, "Standard
Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on
Iron and Steel Hardware," are required.
A153, Class C coating specification applies
to fasteners more than 3/8 of an inch in
diameter and washers 3/16 to 1/4 of an
inch thick; the minimum average coating
weight is 1.25 ounces per square foot, the
equivalent of 2.1 mils. ASTM A153, Class D
coating specification applies to fasteners
less than 3/8 of an inch in diameter and
washers less than 3/16 of an inch thick; the
minimum average weight is 1 ounce per
square foot, the equivalent of 1.7 mils.
For fasteners other than nails, timber rivets,
wood screws and lag screws, IBC 2012
permits the use of mechanically deposited
zinc-coated steel hardware that at a
minimum complies with ASTM B695,
“Standard Specification for Coatings of
Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron
and Steel,”Class 55 specification with a
minimum coating thickness of 2.1 mils.
IRC 2012 does not restrict the use of
mechanically deposited zinc-coated screws.
Coatings for connectors in contact with
preservative-treated wood are required
to be in accordance with the connector
or treated wood manufacturer’s
recommendations or a minimum of
ASTM A653, “Standard Specification for
Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed)
by the Hot-Dip Process,” Type 185
zinc-coated galvanized steel or equivalent
if no manufacturer recommendations are
available. A653, Type 185 specification
calls for a minimum average coating
weight of 1.85 ounces per square foot for
both sides of a sheet combined.
Provisions in IBC’s and IRC’s Section
104.11 allow manufacturers of wood
preservative treatments and fasteners to
obtain building officials' acceptance of
products not specifically permitted in codes.
(For more information, see “Tech Today,”
July 2008 issue, page 20).
A number of preservative treatment
manufacturers have obtained evaluation
reports by ICC Evaluation Service LLC
(ICC-ES), which commonly are used to
substantiate code compliance to the code.
Standardized specifications
AWPA Standard U1 includes specifications
for oil-borne and waterborne wood
preservative systems.
Wood treated with oil-borne preservatives
primarily is used in heavy-duty industrial
and marine applications such as utility
poles, pilings, glulam beams, timbers
and railroad ties. Oil-borne preservatives
standardized as part of AWPA Standard
U1 include copper naphthenate, coal-tar
creosote and pentachlorophenol. Creosotetype treatments may adversely affect wood
cleanliness, odor, color, paintability and fire
performance. Manufacturers of some
roof membrane systems indicate their
products are incompatible with oil-borne
To continue reading the
Standardized Specifications and
NRCA’s recommendations, visit:
Reprinted with permission of
Professional Roofing.
Maciek Rupar is NRCA’s Director of Technical
Services. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Materials
Science and Engineering from the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Rupar can be
reached at (847) 299-9070.
Trophy Case: Chamberlin Awards
the UTD Naveen Jindal School of
Management expansion and a new
600-bed Student Housing Complex. Awarded again for an exceptional
roofing project, Chamberlin was
selected as a finalist for the National
Roofing Contractors Association
(NRCA) Gold Circle Awards, in the
Outstanding Workmanship – Steep
Slope category, for their work on
SkyHouse Austin. Working more than
20 stories high, Chamberlin installed
12,000 square feet of standing seam
aluminum half barrel panels with a 2:12
to 12:12 pitch. The Gold Circle Awards
honors NRCA members who continue
to make outstanding contributions to
the roofing industry.
Pictured with the 2014 Golden Hammer Award is
Deric Mount, Project Manager.
Randy Brashier
Senior Project Manager —
Roofing & Sheet Metal
Houston, TX
Red isn’t just a color here at
Chamberlin, it’s also a person. When
someone says ‘Red’, we know they are talking about the one and only
Randy Brashier. (It might have something to do with his hair color.)
Randy enjoys all things construction, so when he was asked by an
acquaintance in his younger days to work with him at a roofing company,
Randy jumped on the opportunity and never looked back.
Using his previous experience, he joined Chamberlin 16 years ago as a
Superintendent and over the years, has worked his way up to Senior
Project Manager. Matter of fact, he considers his recent promotion to
Senior Project Manager one of his greatest work accomplishments.
“Randy’s work ethic and roofing knowledge in the field make him a
tremendous asset to our project management team and one of the key
contributors to the success of our roofing department as a whole,” said
Art Canales, Executive Vice President for Chamberlin.
A Day in the Life:
If you were to shadow Randy throughout the day, you would find
him managing multiple roofing projects to make sure they are being
performed safely and productively with a quality installation.
He believes it is necessary to be productive on all projects in order to
make the company as successful as it can be. A few noteworthy projects
that have kept him busy over the years include the L’Auberge du Lac
Casino in Louisiana, Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston and the
San Jacinto College – Science and Allied Health Center in Houston.
Chamberlin received a Golden
Hammer award for their installation of
130,000 square feet of torch-applied
Soprema modified bitumen roofing at
the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).
This North Texas Roofing Contractors
Association awards program
recognizes contractors who have
completed outstanding roofing projects.
Entries are judged on logistical
challenges, innovative solutions and
safety challenges. This project included
Randy believes customer service is an absolute necessity. He strives to
make his clients’ needs a top priority. He has found that a satisfied
customer is a repeat customer and will bring new clients to Chamberlin
by word-of-mouth. Randy also focuses on safety with his team. He sets a
goal every day to ensure the crew members go home to their families at
night unharmed. One childhood lesson Randy still lives by today and has
helped him in his career, is “To be honest and treat people like I want to
be treated.”
Jeremy Waldorf, Chamberlin Safety Director with
ABC National Safety Award
Continuing the success, Chamberlin
received an Associated Builders and
Contractors (ABC) National Safety
Merit Award. This awards program
recognizes companies who exhibit a
continued commitment to jobsite safety
and whose safety performance and
programs are judged to be exemplary
by the ABC National Environment,
Health & Safety Committee.
Michael Meraz, Assistant Project Manager, pictured
with the Gold Circle Award.
Outside the office:
When Randy is not at the office, you will catch him working on some
type of project around his house. He likes to build things and enjoys
doing all sorts of carpentry work. He and his wife, Debbie, also like
to take camping trips from time to time to get away from the city
and relax.
We asked Randy to choose his favorites from this random list of
things as a way to get to know him a little better:
Call the nearest local office
or 1-800-749-1432
7510 Langtry
Houston, Texas 77040
Ph. (713) 880-1432
Fax (713) 880-8255
DallaS/FT. WORTh
2346 Glenda Lane
Dallas, Texas 75229
Ph. (214) 273-9110 / (817) 237-1927
Fax (214) 273-9120 / (817) 237-2676
1515 Dungan Lane, Ste. 210
Austin, TX 78754
Ph. (512) 275-1600
Fax (512) 275-1603
San anTOniO
9035-E Aero St. San Antonio, TX 78217 Ph. (210) 822-6536
Fax (210) 822-8211
OklahOma CiTY
912 Messenger Lane
Moore, OK 73160
Ph. (405) 680-0506
Fax (405) 680-0508
10828 E. Newton St., Ste. 117
Tulsa, OK 74116
Ph. (918) 439-0055
Fax (918) 439-0067
Also licensed in
Arkansas, Louisiana and
New Mexico.
Roof Replacement
Contract Amount: $100,000 (approx.)
Owner: UT System Office of Facilities Planning and Construction
Architect: Heery International
General Contractor: Hensel Phelps Construction
Scope of Work: Removal and replacement of existing aluminum composite material (ACM) panels and portions of the existing fully adhered EPDM roofing assembly Project Description: Texas Longhorns football stadium
new Construction Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $150,000 (approx.)
Owner: Morningside Ministries
Architect: D2 Architecture, LLC
General Contractor: Koontz McCombs Scope of Work: Dampproofing, crystalline waterproofing, traffic coatings, water repellents, fluid-applied membrane, air barrier, sheet metal flashing and trim, joint and site sealants Project Description: Retirement community
Remedial Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $1,100,000 (approx.) Owner: Twenty One Turtle Creek Condominium Association
Consultant: Conley Group, Inc. General Contractor: Chamberlin Roofing and Waterproofing
Scope of Work: Split slab waterproofing, structural ramp and stair replacement, epoxy injection, structural concrete repairs and fiber reinforced polymer Project Description: Repairs to apartment building garage
new Construction Roofing
Contract Amount: 450,000 (approx.) Owner: Wagner Smith Equipment Company
Architect: Corgan Associates, Inc.
General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction
Scope of Work: Installation of TPO roofing system, skylights, sheet metal flashing and trim
Project Description: Office and warehouse facility WAGNER SMITH EQUIPMENT EXPANSION – BURLESON, TX
new Construction Roofing
Contract Amount: $500,000 (approx.) Owner: 2728 Cedar Springs, L.P.
Architect: GDA Architects
General Contractor: JLB Partners
Scope of Work: Installation of modified bitumen roofing system, sheet metal flashing and trim
Project Description: Luxury apartments CEDAR SPRINGS APARTMENTS – DALLAS, TX
new Construction Roofing & Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $700,000 (approx.) Owner: San Antonio Water Systems (SAWS)
Architect: Tetra Tech
General Contractor: Zachry Parsons Construction
Scope of Work: Installation of a new TPO roofing system, sheet metal counterflashing, downspouts, thermal and moisture protection, stainless steel through-wall flashing, expansion joints, water repellents, air barrier and joint sealants
Project Description: Reverse osmosis water treatment facility
new Construction Roofing Contract Amount: $300,000 (approx.)
Owner: 1885 St. James Place Partners, LP
Architect: Jackson & Ryan Architects
General Contractor: Tellepsen Builders Scope of Work: TPO roofing system, sheet metal copings, counter flashing and metal wall panels
Project Description: 13-story office building
new Construction Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $1,000,000 (approx.)
Owner: Muscogee (Creek) Nation Architect: HKS Architects, Inc. General Contractor: Manhattan Red Stone, A Joint Venture
Scope of Work: Below-grade waterproofing, joint sealants, precast gutter, precast wash, fire sealant, dampproofing, expansion joints, traffic coating, hot fluid waterproofing, pavers, cold fluid waterproofing and site sealants
Project Description: Expansion of River Spirit Casino
new Construction Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $950,000 (approx.)
Owner: CRP/SH Galleria Plaza Hotel Owner L.P. c/o Songy Partners
Architect: Gensler Architects
Consultant: Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates
General Contractor: McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
Scope of Work: Elastomeric coatings, expansion joints, joint sealants, traffic coatings, fluid-applied protected membrane roofing and paver system Project Description: 325 room, 14-story hotel
new Construction Waterproofing
Contract Amount: $150,000 (approx.) Owner: Mercy Health Oklahoma Communities Architect: Rees Architects, Inc.
General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction
Scope of Work: Water repellents, waterproofing, air barrier, insulation and joint sealants
For a complete list of specialty contracting services, visit
• Single ply • Membrane waterproofing
• Modified Bitumen/BUR
• Reflective coatings
• Vegetative roofing
• Metal standing seam
• Roof related sheet metal
• Tile
• Joint sealants
ROOF mainTEnanCE/lEak REPaiR
• Elastomeric wall coatings
• Exterior cleaning & coating
• Preventative roof maintenance plans
• Expansion joints
• Bearing pad replacement
• Proactive Roof Asset Management • Traffic coatings
• Dampproofing/flashing
• Water repellents/metal flashing
• Concrete/Masonry restoration
• Epoxy & grout injection
• Structural repair
• Paver repair & replacement
• Roofing & waterproofing expertise
• Leak repair specialists
• Roof & building envelope surveys
• On call service 24 hours/365 days a year
• Free estimates