Selling Financial Solutions


Selling Financial Solutions
Selling Financial Solutions
Present numbers convincingly
Why this is a must
Today, money matters have to be explained rapidly and simply, be
easily understandable, and dealt with in a client-friendly manner. During
this seminar you'll learn how to quickly respond to "but what if"
questions raised by your clients, and how to simply present solutions to
all common financial questions – using no more than a calculator, a pen
and a sheet of paper.
For a higher sales conversion rate, more recommendations and
additional follow-up business!
Who benefits
All sales personnel and advisors in the financial services sector who
want more self-confidence when dealing with clients – by providing
outstanding solutions to (mathematical) financial issues and by
reinforcing the client relationship and facilitating closing.
What you gain
Financial decisions are dependent on trust in the advisor's competence
and professionalism and on the feeling of being understood. Two tools
will help make this impression: a visualization of key data (cash flows,
time, interest rates, etc.) and the use of a financial calculator that
enables you to rapidly and accurately develop and calculate tailored
solutions in the client's presence. You'll learn simple ways of depicting
complex financial issues, develop all of the key mathematical financial
principles and see just how convincing it is when you create tailored
solutions by means of dynamic interaction with the client. You'll also
practice your newly acquired skills through a series of case studies and
rapidly gain in confidence – even when the client complicates the issue
by asking follow-up questions, e.g. what happens if...?
Bonus: Financial Calculator (HP)
2 Tage intensiv
1. Tag: 9:00 – 19:30
2. Tag: 8:30 – 19:30
max. 12 Personen
1.740,- exkl. Ust, Unterkunft und Verpflegung
Termine & Anmeldung
Monika Keller
Per Telefon: +43-1-522 40 50-40
Per E-Mail an: [email protected]
Per Fax: +43-1-522 40 50-50
derzeit keine öffentlichen Termine vorhanden
Seminarort, Stornobedingungen sowie unsere
AGB finden Sie auf
Training Content
Key interconnections in commercial and financial mathematics –
understand 100% and apply confidently in consulting
Visualization of all of your clients? money matters – with just a pen
and a sheet of paper, spontaneously and professionally
Calculation of complex financial issues with a simple financial
calculator – fast, correct, and together with the client
Lead clients to the right decision by means of an active financial
dialogue – dynamic, respectful and convincing
All that by exclusively working on numerous practical case studies
– from retirement provisions to zero-bonds
Training Methods
The difference is in "learning by doing"
An initial check determines the existing level of knowledge without
any loss of face
Easy-to-remember rules for spoken signals and calculations are
practiced with partners and then applied to case studies
Synchronous learning: a special video set up that allows all
participants to see what is visualized and calculated in a one-on-one
A clear didactic structure that develops skills step by step and
anchors newly acquired knowledge
Consistent documentation of all calculated examples in the
participants? manual ensures a lasting learning transfer
Bereits ab 5 TeilnehmerInnen
rechnet sich ein firmeninternes
Training und bietet Ihnen:
einen vertraulichen Rahmen,
den idealen Termin und Ort,
maßgeschneiderte Lösungen,
echte Individualisierung,
... und Sie sparen Geld.
Unser Team berät Sie gerne:
Telefon + 49-6190-992 850
[email protected]