Street News March 2016 - City of Decatur, Indiana
Street News March 2016 - City of Decatur, Indiana
Decatur Main Street Board of Directors President Max A. Miller Vice-President Wylie Sirk Secretary Melissa Norby Treasurer Phyllis Whitright Members Kevan Biggs Brad Martz Tony Murray Ron Storey NEWS NEWS March 2016 DECEMBER 2015 Volunteer Coordinator Larry Isch Find us at Board of Directors Meeting Third Monday of each Month 8:00 A.M. Decatur City Hall 172 N. Second Street Decatur, Indiana 46733 Meetings are open to Decatur Main Street Members and the General Public. Main Street Committees Design Economic Restructuring Organization Promotion Vol 2. Number 2 by Wylie Sirk - President The Decatur Main Street was organized with the goal of supporting the revitalization and organization of the Decatur downtown area. The work of Decatur Main Street is to help coordinate efforts with other local groups to bring quality of place back to the downtown area, as well as, the Decatur community. Our efforts allows for community members to work together to redevelop sites, such as Founders Park. Currently under way is the downtown Façade project. Decatur has committed $50,000 each year for the next five years to match up to $15,000 for each downtown business wanting to upgrade and remodel their store front. The Design Committee is currently reviewing the first round of applicants. Those businesses awarded will be announced in April 2016. We are excited that there were t welve applications submitted. We look for ward to the new enhancements and changes to Historic Downtown Decatur. Come and be a part of the change. Wylie Sirk Decatur Main Street welcomes its 2016 members Benefactor Sponsor Haggard Sefton and Hirschy Funeral Home Gold Sponsors Complete Printing Service DeVoss, Johnson, Zwick, Baker and Ainsworth Old 27 Ice Cream Shop Silver Sponsors Barger Realty Patron Members E.F. Gass Salon Larry Isch Kintz Insurance Steve Rich Insurance Business Members Adams Public Library Decatur Chamber of Commerce Decatur Daily Democrat Eichhorn Jewelry The Grainery The Homeplace - Scherry Steele The Java Bean MR Planners Ritter’s Flowers and Gifts Family Members Wylie and Jeanie Sirk City of Decatur will not apply for Stellar Communities program in 2016 On a recommendation from Greater Decatur, the strategic advisory group to the Mayor – City Council ratified the decision to not apply for the 2016 Stellar Communities program through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The City was a finalist for the program in 2014 and 2015, which provides funding for community development projects from state agencies such as OCRA, the Indiana Department of Transportation and Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, and project support from a variety of additional state agencies. Greg Kitson presented to City Council on behalf of Greater Decatur, relaying that the city is better off for having experienced the Stellar Communities process. That process has allowed the city to formulate a community development plan and identify projects such as the downtown nature preserve, Madison Street Plaza, 2nd Street streetscapes, downtown façade program, arts and creative entrepreneur lofts and creative engagement center space, to name a few. In October 2015, representatives from OCRA were in Decatur for a town hall meeting where they endorsed the city’s strategic community investment plan. The city will continue to work with OCRA on other grants and programs it offers, to try to address community projects such as the ones listed above. Individual Members Michael Webb Senior Members Michael and RoxyAnn Casper Louise Wolpert Page 2 A new event coming to downtown Decatur Late last year, Decatur Main Street and Decatur Rotary Club each had their respective ideas to plan a downtown event for Summer 2016. In January, the t wo groups came together and decided to combine their t wo events into one. Dekegger Homebrew and BBQ Fest will be Saturday, June 25, in downtown Decatur. The event will be a contest on both the BBQ and homebrew sides, with the public invited to taste from 5-9 p.m. the day of the event. See Us at SPOTLIGHT Be sure to stop by our booth at the Decatur Chamber of Commerce’s SPOTLIGHT BUSINESS EXPO, March 12, 8am-4pm, at Bellmont Middle School. We will have information on joining Main Street and upcoming events, plus Historic US 27 t-shirts and collector signs will be available for purchase. Page 3 FUNDRAISER TO RETAIN STATUE A fundraiser is under way to purchase and retain the bronze statue, “Let Freedom Ring” in the downtown area. It is currently located on the corner of 2nd and Madison streets outside of the Adams County Community Foundation. The statue by artist James Haire was brought here as part of the 2015 Decatur Sulpture Tour and is scheduled to return to the artist this Spring unless $25,000 is raised to purchase it. Donations to the Let Freedom Ring Sculpture committee can be made to the ACCF-Decatur Community Fund designated to the statue. They can be mailed or dropped off at the Adams County Community Foundation office at 102 N Second Street. Decatur IN 46733. Façade recipients to be announced in April Museum to offer Coffee House event The Adams County Historical Society is offering a new event scheduled for Thursday, March 31 from 7-9pm. “Coffee House at the Museum” will feature gourmet coffees provided by Shaka Shack and tasty treats provided by Niblick’s Downtown Bistro. Live More than 25 downtown building and business local musicians will entertain guest throughout the owners attended informational meetings and evening. They include Chris Gadlage, Tom Hedrick, received façade applications. Applications were due Jeff Blackburn and Brad Byerly. on February 29, with 12 applications requesting a portion of the $50,000 allocated by the city in 2016. Tickets are $10 in advance, $9 for Historical The program is a 50/50 matching grant to building Society Members and $12 at the door. Tickets are and business owners, with the cap per project at availble at Ritter’s Flowers & Gifts and P.J. Creative Consignments. They are also availble online at $15,000. Applications proposed a variety of work – window Parks Dept. offering Spring Break events and door replacement, painting, new signage and awnings, storefront restoration, brick and mortar The Adams County Parks Department is once repair and removal of metal and vinyl siding. again promoting a full week of events throughout The Decatur Main Street Design Committee has the county for Spring Break 2016. From March 19been tasked with reviewing and scoring the façade 27 a full slate of family fun activities will be held, applications, on behalf of the city. In 2015, the City with many in the Downtown Decatur area. of Decatur announced it would commit $50,000 per year over five years as matching funds for a façade The Full schedule may be picked up at the Riverside Center and other area locations. program. The City of Decatur and Decatur Main Street have joined forces to develop and implement the downtown façade improvement program, and the initial recipients will be awarded in April. Page 4 TWO NEW BUSINESSES DOWNTOWN Lofthouse Films and the Horvath Family Agency are two new businesses in the downtown area. They were asked to summit a brief discription and to tell us more about themselves and thier business. LOFTHOUSE FILMS Lofthouse Films is driven by a team of Visual Artists utilizing the latest industry trends to provide quality video, photo and design services. Our principle of bringing visuals to life through an eclectic range of inspirations has enabled us to take on a wide variety of creative challenges, across numerous forms of media, unrestricted of scale or form. With every project we take on, committing ourselves to the highest of standards enables us to deliver engaging content best reflecting the vision of our customer. At Lofthouse Films, we believe transparency is an honorable trait, which is why no project leaves our hands until it has been stamped with our 100 percent approval. Contact us today to find out how we can best serve your company’s visual needs. Brandon Voglewede- Creative Director/Visual Artist Phone: 260-223-0284 Aaron Voglewede- Business Development Email: [email protected] Demi Brunner- Visual Artist Website: HORVATH FAMILY AGENCY ALLSTATE INSURANCE 217 S 2nd St Just this January 1, 2016 I had the opportunity to take over the Allstate Agency here in Decatur. Many of you who know Maggie, know she retired, and will be out playing golf as soon as the weather is warm. I’ve gotten to know many local families already as an Allstate agent in Decatur. I enjoy being a part of the community, and building local relationships is one of the best parts of my job. I know how important it is to have the right coverage at the right price when it comes to insurance. I look forward to getting to know more of you and helping you find the solutions that meet your needs. During the month of March we have a special drawing here at the office for a $100 gift card to the Back 40 Junction. To participate in the drawing I will be going around to the Main Street businesses meeting owners and staff. If you provide me a business card, a phone number, a time to call and the opportunity to quote you Home and Auto Insurance your card goes into the fish bowl. At the end of the month, a card is drawn and the winner is announced. On the flip side for April, I will be purchasing gift cards from your main street businesses and then heading out to businesses north of the tracks, along Highway 27, doing the same. Collecting cards and quoting insurance with the hopes of bringing the April drawing winner to your businesses. Part of what I like best about my job is that I can offer customers options for a wide variety of coverage and services. You can depend on my office to help you look at the big picture. When you want to explore options for protecting your home, personal property, or financial future, I’m available to answer your questions. If you’re already a customer, I’m ready to review your coverage so that you can make any necessary adjustments to fit your changing needs. Keep up with me and Allstate on the Horvath Family Agency Facebook page. A little about me, I live with my wife and daughter on a small farm and ranch in South Whitley. Eel River Bison Ranch. We just started raising bison. We have 3 and they will be old enough to start breeding this summer. The goal is to have a total of 8 by the end of this year and to have 25 when in full production. We also own an Event Center that we rent out for Weddings, Banquets, reunions, meetings, baby showers, and more. This is the Eel River Event Center and you can find us online at and also follow us on Facebook. Page 5 MUSEUM ACQUIRES OLD FILMS OF DECATUR The Adams County Historical Society recently recieved a donation of four plus hours of old 16mm home movies from the Paul Edwards Family. Mr. Edwards was a local photographer in Decatur from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. His studio was located at the corner of 2nd and Jefferson Streets. The movies feature the Edwards family and thier life in Decatur from 1934-1950. Besides Christmas’, birthdays and vacations the films show many scenes of Decatur and the downtown area, including parades, festivals, the Decatur pool, Bellmont Park and others, some even in full color. It is fortunate that Mr. Edwards had captured so much of our history on film and that the family has chosen to share it. We thank them for that. The prints have been converted to digital for easy editing and the Society is working on creating a short program featuring the highlights that shows the Decatur area. A summer date will be announced soon when they plan to present this program. Right-Screen captures from the Edward’s films - Top: Color footage of parade on 3rd Street (1935). Center: The Edward’s son Steven gets his first haircut at the Lose’s Barber Shop on Madison Street, (1941). Bottom: Edwards daughter Katie rides a horse near the Madison Street Bridge (1941). IN MEMORY Sharlene Bauman was a prominent figure in the downtown area from 1972 until her retirement in 2004. She was employed by the city as the City Parking Control Attendant. It was her job to be sure that no one abused the 2 hour parking limit. Sharlene would patrol the streets daily, issuing tickets to all that had overstayed their time. It was also her job to maintain and empty the parking meters of coins before the meters were permanently removed. Sharlene passed away after a brief illness on Monday, February 1, 2016 at the age of 79. She will always be remembered for her friendly nature and someone who always took her job seriously. Page 6 REMEMBER WHEN? At one time the sign pictured at the right was displayed along highway US 27 near the Monmouth area to direct passing cars to downtown Decatur. It was in place until the late 1970’s when the highway was expanded to four lanes and the road to Monmouth was redirected. Main Street has on it’s agenda to eventually erect new signage on the highway that will once again inform passing visitors the route to downtown by designate the HIstoric US 27 as a business loop. Page 7 UPCOMING DOWNTOWN EVENTS March 12 – Spotlight Business Expo at Bellmont Middle School March 13 - Savings Time Spring For ward March 17 - St. Patricks Day March 19-27 -Parks Spring Break Activities March 21 - Main Street Board Meeting March 27 - Easter March 31 - Coffee House at the Museum -------------------------------------------------------- MAIN STREET MEMBERSHIP FORM Join Decatur Main Street and support the revitalization of Historic Downtown Decatur. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Business Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________State: _______________Zip: ____________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Senior (60+)$15 Individual$30 Family$50 Business$60 Patron$100 Silver Sponsor$250 Gold Sponsor$500 Benefactor$1000 Return your completed form and check to: MEMBERSHIP Decatur Indiana Main Street FORM 172 N. Second Street Decatur, Indiana 46733 All membership donations are fully tax deductable. Membership valid for one year.
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