Acttive Bre eak ks inn - Site dédié aux professionnels – Tourisme
Acttive Bre eak ks inn - Site dédié aux professionnels – Tourisme
Acttive Bre eak ks in n Prress Kit K 2014 COPYRIGHT Page 5 - © Surf Lodge Océan à Seignosse (40) - St. Becret - Page 6 - © Surfer en Gironde (33) - JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Surf Lodge Océan à Seignosse (40) - St. Becret - © Ecole de surf - Th. FLOIRAC/Passion Photo Sport/Surfing Médoc - Page 7 - © Château de Beynac - Photo L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 8 - © Fêtes du Pays Basque (64) - CDT Béarn - Pays Basque - © Phare de Cordouan, (33) – CRTA - © Le Moulin d’Eysus en Béarn (64) - Vallée d’Aspe - Page 9 - © Statue du pèlerin de St-Jacques de Compostelle à Agen réalisée par Jean-Luc Toutain - L. Reiz / CRTA - © Du côté de Helette en Pays Basque - Photo JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Château de Beynac - Photo L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 10 - © La Porte Saint-Jacques à Saint Jean Pied de Port (64) - Alain Béguerie / CRTA - © Rue pavée à Beynac - Photo L. Reiz / CRTA - © Portail de la cathédrale de Bazas, (33) JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 11 - © Val de Garonne -Canal des Deux Mers (47) -CRTA - Page 12 - © Sup Périgord - Le Couderc - Stand Up Paddle - © Cabane du Bassin - Chambre d’Hôte du Cap Ferret, (33) - © Descente de la Dordogne en Canoë à la Roque Gageac, (24) - L. Reiz / CRTA © Descente des Gaves (64) - Photo CDT Béarn - Pays Basque - Page 13 - © Location de Bateau habitable sur le Canal des 2 Mers (47) - JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Gîte Gardette à Viannes - (47) - © Gîte Gardette à Viannes - (47) - Page 14 - © Batelier sur le Courant d’Huchet, (40) - L. Reiz / CRTA - © Marché de Périgueux, (24) - OT de Périgueux - © Cabane du Menoy à Léon, (40) - © Princesse d’Aquitaine - Gironde (33) – Croisieurope - Page 15 - © Quai des Saveurs à Bordeaux - AAPrA – Florence Coutaud - Page 16 - © L’école de cuisine – Le Chapon fin ShadowzBox - © Chapon Fin à Bordeaux (33) - seekoo-hotel / Crta - © Les Loges de l’Aubergade, Puymirol (47) - Apicius, Poligny (39 - © Cédric Béchade, chef de l’Auberge Basque, Photos Thuries - Page 17 - © BOUVARD - Domaine de la Queyssie - © Domaine d’Espérance à Mauvezin d’Armagnac, (40) - Page 18 - © Foire aux jambons à Bayonne / CRTA - © Spécialités périgourdines (24).- JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Marché de Périgueux - truffes du Périgord - CRTA - OT de Périgueux - Page 19 - © Naturisme sur une plage des Landes (40) - Camping naturiste Arnaoutchot - © Presqu’Ile du Cap Ferret (33) - Brigitte Ruiz / SIBA - © Office de Tourisme de la bastide de Monflanquin - © Batelier sur le Courant d’Huchet, (40) - L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 20 - © Promenade en galupe sur le Courant d'Huchet - Landes (40).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Embouchure du Courant de Huchet - Littoral d'Aquitaine - vue aérienne - Ph. Laplace / ASP Éditions / Crta - © Abbaye de la Sauve Majeure, (33) - L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 21 - © Bastideum, Centre d’Interprétation de Monpazier - Bastideum de Monpazier - © Fête à la bastide et dans les rues de Villereal - CRTA - OTSI de Villeréal - © Domaine de Laborde – Paulhiac - Tobboggans - Domaine de Laborde - Page 22 - © Château de Monbazillac, vignoble de Monbazillac, (24).- CRTA - Alain Béguerie - © Vignoble de Monbazillac - Dordogne (24).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Château Michel Montaigne - Tour de Montaigne - CRTA - Alain Béguerie (les deux) - © Zone de repas - Domaine de Chaudeau - © Mobilhome - Domaine de Chaudeau - © Château de Monbazillac, vignoble de Monbazillac, (24).- CRTA - Alain Béguerie - Page 23 - © Piment d’Espelette, (64) - L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 24 - © Péniche Djébelle à Bayonne, Pays-Basque (64) - © Foire aux jambons de Bayonne (64) - Brigitte Bloch / CRTA - © Atelier du chocolat à Bayonne (64) – CRTA - Page 25 - © Le boeuf de Bazas, (33) – CRTA - © Les fraises du Périgord, (24) - MonNuage / CRTA - © Fête de l’agneau de Pauillac, (33) - B. Bloch / CRTA - © Fromages des Pyrénées, fête (64) - - © Eglise Oloron Sainte Marie en Béarn (64) - Tourisme 64 - © Fromages des Pyrénées, fête (64) - - © Défilé des marmites - crédit La Garburade - Page 26 - © Stand de spécialités régionales au marché de Périgueux (24).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Marché de Périgueux - truffes du Périgord - CRTA - OT de Périgueux - © Cèpes du Périgord - OT de Périgueux - © Découverte du Pays Basque - village d'Espelette et son piment - CRTA / Andréas Drouve - Page 27 - © Randonnée aux Lacs d’Ayous - Béarn (64) - L. Reiz / CRTA - Page 28 - © La maison d’Hikarie en Dordogne - © Malagar - Centre F. Mauriac - Page 29 - © Cigognes au parc ornithologique du Teich (33).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Marquèze à Sabres (40) – CRTA - © Parc ornithologique du Teich - Gironde (33).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - Page 30 - © Randonnée à raquettes en Béarn (64) - - @ Capcabane - Page 31 - © Parc Wallibi à Agen (Roquefort 47) - Photo Wallibi - Page 32 - © Bisc’Aventures à Biscarrosse, (40) – CRTA © Vautour des Pyrénées - - © Vallée de la Vézère, Dordogne (24) – CRTA - Page 33 - © Pottocks du Pays Basque (64) – CRTA - © La pinède des singes (40) - © Chambre d’hôtes - Le Comptoir des Sables - © Villa arcachonnaise - Bassin d’Arcachon, (33) - L. Reiz / CRTA - © Ferme exotique (le bandeau de 4) - © Réserve zoologique de Calviac (le bandeau de 5) - Page 34 - © Domaine de Certes – CRTA / JJ Brochard - Page 35 - © Piste cyclable sous les arbres - CRTA / JJ Brochard - © Randonnée à vélo à Buzet sur Baïse (47) CRTA - Alain Béguerie - © Vélodyssée - Côte Basque – Socoa - La Vélodyssée / J. DAMASE / CRA-CRTA - © Les quais de Bordeaux (33) et ses immeubles XVIII ème - JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 36 - © Détail d'une peinture rupestre des Grottes de Lascaux - Réplique à Lascaux II - Vallée de la Vézère (24).- JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 37 - © CRTA - Grottes Isturitz et Oxocelhaya, (64) (les deux) - © Peinture des grottes de Lascaux II, Dordogne (24).- JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 38 - © La Roque-Gageac - Dordogne : Photo L. Reiz / CRTA - © Clocher & église monolithe de St Emilion (33) - Photo OT de St-Emilion - © Spéléologie à la Verna (64) Photo JF Godart - Page 39 - © Cavaliers dans le vignoble - crédit Evazio Page 40 - © Cavaliers dans le vignoble - crédit Evazio - © Randonnée à travers les Pyrénées (64) - JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 41 - © Le Ranch du Bel Air à Labreutonie (47) - © Elevage du Brana à Saint Castin, Béarn (64) - © Promenade sur le littoral des Landes (40) - B.Bloch / CRTA - © Promenade à cheval sur la Dune - Bassin d'Arcachon (33) - JJ Brochard / CRTA - © La maison du Pottok (64).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Balade à cheval sur la plage et la dune du Pyla, (33).- JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Promenade à cheval au pied de la Dune du Pyla - Bassin d'Arcachon. - JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 42 - © PBA - Association Arcachon (33) - Page 43 - © Parapente, Béarn (64) - © Ecole de Parachutisme d’Agen (47) - © Départ de parapente du haut de la Dune du Pyla (33). - JJ Brochard / CRTA - Page 44 - © Coyote Planet Aira - ulm64 - © Banc d’Arguin du Bassin d’Aracachon (33) - B. Ruiz / SIBA - © Parapente, Béarn (64) - Page 45 - © Pêcheur - Dordogne (24). - CRTA - Laurent Reiz - Page 46 - © Pic du Midi d'Ossau et lac d'Ayous - Parc national des Pyrénées (64).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Pêche à la truite en eaux vives sur le Gave de Pau (64). - JJ Brochard / CRTA - © Le lac d'Ayous (1947m), GR10 - Parc national des Pyrénées (64).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Pêche - Truite saumonée - Photo Tourisme 64 - Page 47 - © Pêcheur à la ligne (24).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz - © Pêche à la mouche - Photo Tourisme 64 (les deux) - © Bateau de pêche - Estuaire de la Gironde (33).- CRTA - Laurent Reiz 2/48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Régional de Tourisme d’Aquitaine – Service presse – [email protected] EDIITO ORIA AL Activ A ve brreakss... in A Aquitaine The list is impressivve: surfing sports, wa alks along tthe routes to Santiag go de Comp postela, co ookery lesssons with Michelin-sta M arred cheffs, thrills an nd spills in leisure par ks, angling g in rivers or o at the seeaside… Aquitaine has an u nrivalled wealth w of activities to get you moving, m matched d only by th he variety of o landscap pes you wiill encounter – from the t Landes forests f to tthe Bordea aux vineyarrds, the Pyrrenean valleys and th he orchardss of Lot-et--Garonne – and the accommod a dation you will find along the way: chaarming hotels, offbeat guest ho ouses, smarrtly designed gites, and more... Co omité Régiional de To ourisme d’Aquitaine CS S 31759 - 4 4/5 Place Je ean Jaurèss - 33074 B ORDEAUX X CEDEX tourisme@to ourisme-aq ww ww-tourism me-aquitain Te el.: +33 (0)5 5 56 01 70 00 0 – Fax : +33 + (0)5 566 01 70 07 Em mail : pressse@tourism me-aquitain Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 3/4 48 CONTENTS «Active breaks in Aquitaine» Ride those world-famous waves ........................................................................... 05 Follow the Way of St James .................................................................................. 07 Go with the flow ..................................................................................................... 11 Gourmet treats in South West France .................................................................. 15 Enjoy naturism ....................................................................................................... 19 Celebrate the fruits of the land with our regional food festivals......................... 23 Roam free on miles of paths and trails ................................................................. 27 Something for everybody with an unbeatable range of activities ...................... 31 Cycle at your own pace ......................................................................................... 34 Down in the hole: an underground journey ......................................................... 36 On your trusty charger........................................................................................... 39 Take to the skies: Aquitaine from above .............................................................. 42 Fishing in rivers, lakes… and from the beaches................................................... 45 4/48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Régional de Tourisme d’Aquitaine – Service presse – [email protected] Ride R e th hose e wo orld d-famous wav w ves It was w in 1956 that screenwrriter Peter Viertel, workin ng on a Hollyywood movie e being filmeed in the Basq que Countryy, firsst set eyes on n the majestiic ocean wavves of the Ba sque and Landes coast: he had his suurfboard ship pped over to o him m from the U USA and soon n had the loc cals following g him into the sea. In 2013, the Frencch Surf Federration– whose headquarters a are in Hosseg gor – inaugurated a symb bolic building g dedicated to educationn and the environment. This T am mbitious, inno ovative ecoco onstruction project p has aalready hoste ed exhibitions, and regulaarly screens videos v on the clo ose bond bettween surfing g and the en nvironment. Co ontact: Fédération fran nçaise de surrf – 123 boule evard de la d dune – 40150 0 Hossegor. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 8 43 55 88 ww Th he prim me spotss in Aqu uitaine Do ozens of surfing sports are to be fou und along the 250 kilome etres of Aq quitaine coasstline running g from Soulac-sur-Merr in the north h (in endaye in the e south Girronde) to He (Pyyrénées-Atlan ntiques). The ere is a site e listing them m (with their location, wa ave characterristics and a link l to an asssociated web bcam …): ww et Lacan nau These are the cclosest beach hes to ordeaux and offer worldBo ren nowned surfiing spots. Co ontact: Tourist office o of Médoc Occéan Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 03 21 01 ww Biscarrosse Lesss than an ho our from Borrdeaux, Bisscarosse is on ne of the prime venues for ssurfing on the e Silver coast (Côte d’Argent). Contact: Tourist officce of Biscarossse Frédérique Dugény, resort director. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 78 20 96 6. Ho ossegor Notre-Dame e, La Gravièrre, and the legendary N Nord… This resort’s r surfing spotts are famouss the world over. Aroun d the nearbyy lake, the ell worth a pretty 1930ss villas are we look. Contact: Tourist officce of Hossegor. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 41 79 00 0. www.hosseg An glet With 11 surffing spots (in ncluding la Barre, les Caavaliers, les Sables S d’Or…) and d 10 surfing schools (including g France’s biggest, the Anglet S urf Club), An nglet is nd the world as acknowleedged aroun a not-to--be-missed destination. d Contact: Anglet TTourism 7 76. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 03 07 S Saint-Jean n-de-Luz The gigaantic Belharra a wave (which can reachh a height off 10 metres) breaks o n a rocky ree ef off the strip which se eparates the coastal st towns off Saint-Jean-d de-Luz and Hendayee. Reserved for f profession nal surfers b acked up byy an emergen ncy ot be accesse ed team, thiis spot canno by paddlling and requ uires excellent fitness leevels. Contact: Tourist o office of Saintt-Jean-de-Lu uz Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 26 03 3 16. www.sainnt-jean-de-lu Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 5/4 48 Su urf Attitud de in a Lan ndes farmh house in S Seignosse Refurbished an nd converted d in an enviro onmentally frriendly manner (geotherm mal energy, nnatural local materials…),, this lovely Land des farmhousse is home to o a surf camp p and a surfin ng school in the heart of an unspoiled nature resserve. The re elaxing colou urs of the bed drooms and tthe massage e water jets in n the spa aree particularly comforting after hours tum mbling around in the ocea an rollers! Infformation and bookings : Na atural Surf Lo odge – 40510 0 Seignosse. Tel.: +33 (0)6 74 4 16 02 28. ww Question Q n for Niccolas Ca apdeville, head d of the e Mimizaan Surf Academy A y Wh hich are yourr three favou urite spots on n the coast? I’ve got to sshow a bit off favouritism here: first, M Mimizan for itts natural surroundings annd the lack of o crowds – you don’t have tto fight to ge et on the waves. Next, Hosse egor for the variety of wa aves, some o of which are very v big: you can choose between offfshore wavess (la Nord, 300-4 400 metres frrom the shorre) and shore e-breaks, whiich are very hollow h and fo orm a nice tu ube. My third spot would be Capbreton for f its very sm mall waves, id deal for child dren and beg ginners. Co ontact: Niccolas Capdeville, multiple French, Eu uropean and World bodyyboard champion. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 8 09 51 26 ww Su urfing sschedule e in Aqu uitaine Augu ust: Sooruz Lacanau u Pro esort of Each August, the seaside re Laccanau hosts one of the qualification sta ages for the world ngboard surrfing and lon cha ampionshipss. Lacanau Prro is Europe’s bigge est stage of the t men’s ampionship. cha Co ontact: Tourist office o of Médoc Occéan Tel : +33 (0)5 56 6 03 21 01. ww Augu ust: O’Neill Nightsu urf in Anglet as The O’Neill Surf de Nuit ha ents of become one off the key eve e Basque sum mmer.?This nightn the 6/4 48 time compe etition attractts a large number of i nternational pros and of visitors to the Plage thousands o du Club for a surfing sou und & light show that iss not to be missed. m Contact: Anglet Tourrisme - 1 avenue de la Chambre d''Amour - 646 600 Anglet. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 03 77 01 1. Sep ptember: Roxy Pro Fraance in Hosssegor The Roxy Jaam is a comp petition that brings togetther the world's best surfers to co ompete in the first Women Wo orld Champio onship of longboarrd. It means also outdoor concerts,, exhibitions, festivals .... Contact: Tourist o office d’Hossegor. Tel.: +333 (0)5 58 41 79 9 00. S Septembe er-October: Quiksilveer Pro France e In early aautumn each year, the world’s to op 32 surferss come to Hossego or and Seigno osse, in the Landes aarea, to challenge for the first Euro opean leg of the men’s world surrfing champiionship. Contact: Tourist o office d’Hossegor. Tel.: +333 (0)5 58 41 79 9 00. Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Follo F ow the eW Way of o St S Jame es All the routes fforming the greatest g Chriistian pilgrim mage way in the t western world w go thro ough Aquitaine and com me tog gether in the e Basque Cou untry: while the t Coastal rroute wends its way down n the Atlanticc coastline, the t Tours, Vézelay and Le e Puy routes meet m in Osta abat, where tthey lead to the Pyrenean n route in Saaint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. The Arlles route join ns the otherss in Spain afte er crossing t he Pyrenean route in Olo oron-Sainte-M Marie. Each year, thou usands of pilgrims and hiikers get the ir walking shoes on and take t the Wayy of St Jamess, listed as Wo orld Heritage e by UNESCO O, for a varie ety of reason s: a spiritual quest, an intterest in Rom manesque artt, a sporting cha allenge… Bu ut one thing is for sure: th hey all go ho ome with eve erlasting mem mories of thee landscapes,, monumentss, inh habitants and d accommod dation they come across o on the 6 routtes running through t Aquuitaine. Asssociation des Amiss de Saint--Jacques-d de-Compo ostelle en Aquitaine A The oldest Com mpostela-related associa ation outside Paris, Les Amis de Saint-Jacques-dee-Compostelle en Aquitaine modate pilgrrims, help the em prepare for f the journey, and safeg hass three missions: accomm guard and disseminate the Santiago de Co ompostela cu ulture. ontact: Co 4 rue Blanqui – 33 110 Le Bouscat. ww.saint-jacq ques-aquitai Tel.: +33 (0)6 71 80 50 41 ww The coastall route, or the “Chemiin des Anglais” A ” etween Soula ac and Saint-JJean-deBe Luzz, the coasta al road is one e of the seccondary routtes which use ed to be takken by inhabitants of nortthern Europe travellin ng to Spain, via the Girronde Estuarry (which they cro ossed at Royan to enter Aquitaine A at the Pointe de Grave). To oday you can n follow this route by bike – cyccling tracks run alongside e the Atllantic Ocean n, between th he lakes and the dunes.. Th hings to se ee along th he way At Saint-Jean-d de-Luz town hall, a sta atue of Saint James is a re eminder of the importan nce of this last stage on the coastal road before the Spanish borrder. In this town which was home to o boat builders, fishermen a nd corsairs, visit v SaintJean-Baptisste Church where Louis XIV married the Infanta, stroll around the picturesque harbour, and admire the beautifu ul villas on the seafrontt. Contact: Tourist officce – 20, Bd Victor Hugo 64500 Saint--Jean-de-Luzz. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 26 03 16 6. www.saint-je For a liittle refresshment… In Hendaaye, at the re estaurant/win ne bar Lieu--dit Vin you will w find more e than 5,0000 wines proposed by Pierre Eg guiazabal, the former hea ad sommelieer at Alain Chapel. C With your drinnk you can nibble deliciou us tapas or more refined d dishes concocteed by Vivien Durand, a former p pupil of Alain Ducasse, wh ho updates his menu every three weeks. Contact: Lieu-dit V Vin – 3 route de Béhobie e 64700 Heendaye. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 20 67 7 09. m Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 7/4 48 A guest hou use on the e Coastal path p On n the Basque e coast, Sonia a and Pierre Hythier welccome you in a family housse complete ly renovated d and mo odernized. O Overlooking the t bay of St Jean de Luzz / Ciboure and Fort Soco oa, surround ed by a gard den, the villa basque "Les D Digues Vauba an" overhang gs the Gueth hary cliffs. Eacch of the 4 ch harming B&B B rooms has a private terrrace and a p panoramic vie ew over the Atlantic A Oce ean. The double room "The Fort" is id deal for families. Co ontact: Less Digues Vau uban -19 rue de l’escale – 64500 Cibo oure - Tél +33 3 (0)6 30 70 56 5 22 lessdiguesvauba [email protected] om - www.le esdiguesvaub The Tours route r This route joinss Aquitaine in SaintSelve, and parttly follows the former ajan Roman rroad. In Giro onde, it Tra go oes past Blaye e Citadel, runs alo ongside the G Gironde Estu uary and the e River Dordo ogne, then reaches Bo ordeaux. Nexxt, it descend ds into the e Landes reg gion south off BelinBe eliet, crosses the River Ad dour in Da ax and then tthe Gave de Pau in Sorde l’Abbaye e. Heritage: Saaint-André Cathedral, C Saint-Seurin n Church and d SaintMichel Churrch. Th hings to se ee along the way On the Tourrs route, stop p off at the Plaisance, a n original wine bar with h a view over restaurant/w Three Bordeau ux sites are part of the ay of St Jame es UNESCO World Wa Contact: aux Tourist officce de Bordea Tel. +33 (0)55 56 00 66 00 0. www.bordeaaux-tourisme A gourme et stopove er in Bourg-surr-Gironde the Riverr Dordogne on o one side and a terrrace overloo oking the old d village off Bourg on th he other. As well as its ts ‘market me enus’ which change w with the seassons, the Plaisancee organises festive f evenin ngs with ban ds (jazz, blue es…). Contact: Restauraant Le Plaisan nce ourg-sur-Giro onde. 33710 Bo Tel.: +333 (0)5 57 68 45 5 34. m A gîte on th he Tours route In the t midst of a forest in th he Landes de e Gascogne regional nature park and d on the bankks of the Rive er Leyre, the Graoux centre is an overnig ght gîte with nine wood cchalets. It hass a Gîtes de France ‘3 ép pis’ rating. Co ommitted to eco o-tourism, th he centre offe ers numerou us nature-relaated activitie es (canoeing, kayaking, cyycling, climbing, hiking… …). Co ontact: Ce entre du Grao oux – 31, rou ute du Graou ux – 33830 Be elin-Beliet. Tel.: +33 (0)5 57 7 71 99 29 ww ww.parc-Land des-de-gasco 523-Centre-d du-Graoux.p php The Vézelay y route e The Vézelay route is the on nly one to o through the e Dordogne; it runs go thrrough the reg gion’s two main m cities, Périgueu ux and Berge erac. Aftter a short incursion into Lot-etGa aronne via the Pays de Du uras, it cro osses the River Garonne in La Réole, extendss to Bazas the en enters e Landes area just before e the Ro oquefort-des--Landes. Beffore joining up with the Tours an nd Le Ostabat, it go oes Puy routes in O wns of Montt-dethrrough the tow Ma arsan, Saint-S Sever, Orthez and Saint-Palais. Things to o see along g the way Listed as Waay of St James UNESCO World Herittage, Saint-Front n Périgueux is i one of the Cathedral in finest buildi ngs on the Vézelay V e-inspired route. With its Byzantine cupolas, it iss the pride of o Périgueux. Contact: Tourist officce - 26 place Francheville 24000 Périg ueux. 3. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 53 10 63 me-perigueu www.tourism Ho otel with a view ove er Saint-Frront Cathe edral 8/4 48 A gourrmet break k in Thivie ers The stun ningly-desig gned Maison du ed two storeyys Foie Graas has boaste e of of floor sspace showcasing the life ducks annd geese from m prehistoricc times to the present day, as well as the vario ous forms of foie f gras. g relate ed Recipes, trades and games to foie grras are all wa aiting to be discovereed during yo our visit. Contact: La maisonn du foie gras Office de tourisme-8, place p foch 24800 Thivviers Tel.: +33 ((0)5 53 55 12 50. 5 http://ma isondufoiegra Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] 300 0 metres from m the historic city centre of Périgueuxx, Hotel des Barris stands on the bannks of the Rivver Isle, facing g Saint-Front cathedral. Make e the most of the unobsttructed view from the terrrace overloo oking the rive er or from one of the 2 rooms (out of the hotel’s h 14) wh hich also offe er this view. Co ontact: Hô ôtel des Barriis – 2, rue Pie erre Magne – 24000 Périg gueux. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 53 04 05 ww ww.hoteldesb The Le Puy y route No owadays the Le Puy-en-Velay rou ute is the mo ost popular. It I enters Aq quitaine in Aire-sur-l'Adour, then succcessively go oes through Geaune, Arzzacq-Arraziguet, Arthez, Na avarrenx and Ostabat where it joins the Tours and Vézelayy routes. ute is now the e GR 65 The Le Puy rou nposted all the t way hikking trail, sign and easy to wa alk. Worth vissiting The Le Puy route is dottted with architecturaal gems: Sainte-Quitterie Church in A Aire-sur-l’Ado our, the fortified tow wns of Geaun ne and Arzacq-Arraaziguet, the church c and the arsenal in Navarrenxx, and more. Contact: Adour. Tourist officce Aire-sur-l’A Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 71 64 70 0. me-aire-euge www.tourism Admire e the craftts in the Béarn d des Gavess In his Ulyysse Vitrail workshop in Salies-dee-Béarn, Pierrre-Marie Leboulleenger createss stained glass er of the 13th hobjects inn the manne century ccraftsmen, ass well as in a more mo odern style. He H also organisees practical le essons in his p. workshop Contact: Pierre-M arie Leboulle enger – 1 rue e Loumé – 64270 Saliess-de-Béarn. Tel: +33 (0)6 84 48 65 5 43 m Ch harming gîîte and gu uest room ms on the L Le Puy rou ute In the t left wing g of this taste efully renovatted former faarmhouse in Tursan, the 5 guest room ms offer views over the lovvely garden a and the surro ounding countryside. In t he right wing g, a 100-m² gîte g boasts o original conte emporary decoration, witth a Godin sttove and a beautiful spiraal staircase. Co ontact: La Maison du B Bos – Corinne et Fabrice Favre – 403220 Miramont-Sensacq. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 8 79 93 18. ww ww.maisondu The Pyrene ean routte by the eponyymous Running right b ountain range, the Pyrene ean route mo enters Aquitain ne at Lestelle eétharram, justt after Lourdes. The Bé 160 0 kilometres separating LestelleL Bé étharram from m Saint-Jean-Pied-dePort are the GR R78 hiking ro oute, wh hich was signposted in 20 009 and go oes through O Oloron-Saintte-Marie, L’H Hôpital-Saintt-Blaise and MauléonM Liccharre. Worth W visitiing The Pyrenean rroute is dotte ed with es worthy of note, including site Sainte-Marie e Cathedral in OloronSainte-Marie e, the Hispan no-Moorishinspired Hô pital-Saint-B Blaise ort of Church, the medieval fo Mauléon an nd the Centre e d’Evocation n des Chemin ns de SaintJacques et d du Patrimoin ne Souletin in Ordiarp (w which you ca an visit in the e company off Bruno, the local l “storyteller””). Contact: Centre d’évvocation des chemins de Saint-Jacqu es – 64130 Ordiarp. O 7 Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 28 36 47 entre.html Espadrrille Festiv val In mid-A August each year, y Mauléo on drille, which celebratees the espad made thee town’s fam me and fortun ne. In front o of the Touristt office, admire the giantt espadrille which w feature es in the Guuinness World Records. Contact: Office dee Tourisme de d Soule 10 rue Jeean-Baptiste Heugas 64120 Maauleon-Licha arre Tel : + 333 (0)5 59 28 02 0 3 www.souule-xiberoa.frr Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 9/4 48 A mix of tra aditional and a contem mporary o on the Pyrrenean rou ute Be etween Saint--Jean-Pied-d de-Port and the t Spanish b border lies th he Aldudes Valley, V wheree in 2008 Mic cha and Elsie Sarneel renova ated a Navarrre house – white w with trad ditional red shutters. s Inside, each of tthe 5 bedroo oms has been n decorated in a modern, ele egant style. Co ontact: Ma aison Aguerrria – 64430 Le es Aldudes. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 37 56 17. ww ww.maisonag The Arles route Un nlike the othe er routes, the e Arles rou ute does nott go to Ostab bat but insstead bends southward at OloronSainte-Marie an nd crosses th he he Col du Somport. It Pyrrenees via th enters Aquitain ne just before e orlaàs, goes tthrough Lesccar, Mo Oloron-Sainte--Marie, and LurbeL mbs Saint-Christau and then clim pidly towardss Sarrance, Accous, A rap Ce ette-Eygun an nd Urdos, up p to the 163 31-metre-hig gh Col du So omport. Worth W visitiing Oloron-Sainte--Marie has a special ace on the W Way of St Jam mes – this pla tow wn, the oldesst in Béarn, iss where the e Arles and P Pyrenean rou utes cro oss. The town n is also the gateway to the Aspe Valley, used byy pilgrims on the Arles route to get to o Spain. You must visit S Sainte-Marie e Cathedral – it is on the World W Heritage listt. Contact: Tourist officce 64400 Oloro on-Sainte-Ma arie. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 39 98 00 0. om www.tourism Aspe Vallley: a gou urmet break… Stop by off at the angelss' share(la part des ang ges) in Oloro on Sainte Marie renow wned for its country c platters. Thiis friendly resstaurant faces the St . Mary's Cath hedral and offers tradit ional dishes from the C The Béarn and t he Basque Country. f its restaurant iss renowned for “assiette de e pays” l’ardo oise des Anges ». L'A Assiette de Pays P ® is a discovery diish prepared d with local products fro om local prod ducers or regional craft businessses.The dish h is served w with a glass of local wine. Contact: La part d des anges 13 place de la Cathédrale 64400 - O OLORON-SA AINTE-MARIE E Tel.: + 333 (0)5 59 34 19 10 www.touurisme-oloron … and a shoppin ng break When yo ou leave Olorron-SainteMarie, piick up a few bargains at the t shop of tthe Tissages Lartigue factory w which manufa actures beautifull Basque line en. Contact: Tissages Lartigue Av. Georrges Messierr – 64400 Bidos. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 39 50 0 11. ue.oloron-ste ehttp://tisssages-lartigu om/ Sp pend the n night in a mill m on the e Arles ro ute On n the outskirtts of Oloron--Sainte-Marie e and at the entrance to the Aspe Valley, this gueest house (witth Pêche 64 acccreditation) o offers two lovvely guest ro ooms and two o charming gîtes: g there is one formerr mill rebuilt with ecologiical ma aterials and a another facin ng an old stone bridge bu uilt under Lo ouis XV; all pilgrims stop o off here. Co ontact: Le Moulin d’Eyysus – 8, chem min des Écoliers – 64400 Eysus.- Tel.: +33 (0)9 63 45 4 59 72 ww 10//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Go G w with h th he fflow w Hiire a pinassse on the e Bay of Arrcachon Take a trip up tthe River Leyyre, own as the ‘LLittle Amazon’; kno admire the sha acks on stilts and bserve the eg grets, Eurasia an ob currlews and bla ack moorhen ns on Bird Isla and; sail out from the Dune du Pila at and picnicc on Arguin Sandbank… Yo ou can do all this with p a lon ng, narrow crraft with a pinasse, a flat bottom allowing it to get into jusst about everry nook and cranny c of the e Bay of Arca achon, includ ding aro ound the oysster beds at low tide. Hirre with or witthout a pilot - With W a pilot: U Union des ba ateliers arccachonnais – 76 boulevarrd de la Pla age – 33120 A Arcachon. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 57 72 28 28 8. www.batelie - With or witthout a pilot: Pinasse Compagnie e - Stéphane Lalande. Tel.: + 33 (00)6 88 08 32 94. 9 www.pinass Visits and d events on o the Bay of Arrcachon - The Dune du Pilat, is th he highest dune in Euro ope (105 m)!! At the top, the view is ssplendid with h on one side the oce ean and the other o side the pine forrest. - The oysterr-farming ports and villages (L’H Herbe, le Can non, Piraillan, Graand and Petit-Piquey, Audenge, B Biganos), whe ere you simply have e to try the lo ocal speciality. - ‘Caban es en fêtes’, a festive e the perfectt occasionn to celebrate ers and Entre ematch beetween oyste deux-meers wines. www.basssin-arcachon Stay th he night in na fisherm man’s shac ck in CapFerret In the Lee Mimbeau area, 50 metre es from the Bay, stop offf for a night in this charm ming, discreetly luxurious suite withh its evocativve name: “Th he pine conne shack”. Contact: Nadia Leedeuil – 3 rue e de la Brise 33970 Caap-Ferret. Tel.: +333 (0)6 77 35 44 4 50. m Ca anoeing / kayaking on the riv vers of Girronde The Ciron, from Bernoss-Beaulac to Bommes: in the heart off the wine are ea of Sauternnes slip on th he calm wate ers of Ciron an nd discover the beauty off the valley. Contact: Communauté de comm munes de Villandraut – 333730 Villandrraut. - Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 255 86 13. The Isle: sa ail down the river and enjjoy the sightss – dams, mills and châte eaux – and paass through locks and sp pot herons, kin ngfishers, pon nd turtles.... Come and trry the stand--up paddle surfing at Sainnt Seurin. Th his recent spo ort is a variety of surfing (F For more exp planation, see e page 12). Contact: Club de ca anoë-kayak su ur l’Isle – La charbonière–– 33660 Saint-Seurin-sur--l’Isle. Tel.: +33 (0 0)5 57 49 73 48 4 et +33 (0)6 6 81 07 40 544. The Vézère Valley is loca ated in the Limoges and Toulousse. It is also Flo oat down the Dordogne Dordogne, 2 hours from m Bordeaux, close to tthe town of Sarlat S (20 km m). in a canoe Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 11/4 48 Sta arting out fro om Les Eyziess-deTayyac-Sireuil, the world’s prehistory cap pital, see the e sights of the Vézère Valley and follo ow in the foo otsteps of o-Magnon M Man. In two days d you Cro can n get a dece ent picture off this unspoiled valle ey: on day on ne, the ‘3 âteaux’ boatt trip (Losse, Belcayre, châ Clé érans) starts slightly down nriver fro om Montigna ac and comess to an end 26 km furth her on in Less Eyzies; e prehistoric sites are clearly the visible from the e river (La Ro oque he, La Madeleine, Saint-Christoph ocher des 7 F Frères…). On day two, Ro you leave from Les Eyzies and a paddle to L imeuil, where the River gne. Vézère joinss the Dordog Contact: C Tourist officce Terre de Cro-Magnon Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 51 82 60 0 om www.tourism Visits and d events in n Black Périgord Two of France’s Loveliest L Villag ges, Domme e and Beynaccet-Caazenac. The m medieval streets and markket of Sarlat, capital of Black Périg gord. The p prehistoric decorated d cavees, listed as UNESCO U Wo orld Herittage. Sarlaat Theatre Fe estival (mid-July to eaarly August each e year). www w.festival-thea om Sttand up pa addle surffing on the e Dordogn ne In the t land of the canoe and the flat-bo ottomed boatt, the compa any Sup-Périg gord opened d the first sta and up paddle surrfing river ba ase in France. Stand Up Paddle P (SUP) surfing is a new n water sp port using lonng, very stab ble surfboard ds and a large pad ddle. This fun, easy, acce essible sport is a great wa ay of getting out and disccovering the famous “Valley of 1001 Châteaux”. Co ontact: Sup-Périgord – Le Coudercc – 24250 Cénac-et-Saint--Julien Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 30 34 58 ww ww.sup-perig Te est yourse elf against the Py yrenean ‘g gaves’ Raft, hot-dog, a airboat, hydrrospeed, noe-kayak… You have a wide can cho oice of craftss to descend d the rive ers (known as ‘gaves’) in the Pyrrénées-Atlan ntiques regio on. In Osssau Valley so outh of Pau, the Gave d’O Ossau has the particularitty of being navigablle as early ass April hen the snow w melts), and d is (wh acccessible until July, at which point the e Gave de Pa au takes over until the end of summerr. The Saint-P Pé-degorre course (where the greatest g Big exp ponents of th hese sports have h competed) is o one big aquatic ayground forr adults and kids k alike. pla Co ontact: ww ww.valleedosssau-tourisme 12//48 Visits and d events in n the Pyrenean n valleys The Ma ison du Parcc National énées in Laru uns. des Pyré Gourettte, the premier winter sports r esort in the PyrénéesP ques. Atlantiq Oloron--Sainte-Marie e, Bimillen nary city, the city can boast o f an extreme ely rich and varied aarchitectural and natural heritage e over three historic districtss.It has a ‘Cityy of Art and History’ classification. The office of the Aspe A Valley tourist o has set up GPS treasure-hunt circuits which are op pen all year round. Conttact: Tourrist office de la vallée d'As pe 6 Bedou us. placee Sarraillé – 64490 Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 34 3 57 57. www Ossau V Valley: in latte June or ea arly July, acco ompany the shepherds s an nd theirr flocks during the transshumance pe eriod. And in mid Augu ust, take part in the ttraditional La aruns fête. m Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Un nderwaterr treasures in the Py yrénées-A Atlantiquess Grottoes, canyons, trenche es and shipwrrecks inhabitted by a wide e variety of fish (electric rrays, cuttlefissh, schools off salema, rainbow w wrasse, lob bster, conge ers)… In Angllet, Biarritz, Ciboure, C Hen ndaye or Sainnt-Jean-de-L Luz, numerou us divving clubs will take you on a voyage of o discovery o of the deep-sea marvels off the Basq ue Coast. Co ontact: Co omité Départtemental du Tourisme Bé éarn Pays Bassque – Petite e Caserne – 2 allée des P Platanes – 64100 Bayonne e. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 30 01 30. ww ww.tourisme6 Sa ail along th he Garonn ne Ca anal Are e you into fre eedom and customc built holidays? Opt for adve enture oat – without any and a housebo sailing licence required. Sail down e 87 km of th he Garonne Canal C the thrrough the Lo ot-et-Garonne region, in the t shade off century-old plane tre ees in a fertile e valley brimming ove er with deliciious treats (tomatoes, strawberries, assparagus, prunes, elons…). In A Agen, the can nal me acttually goes o over the River Ga aronne, on th he famous 54 40-m long can nal bridge with its 23 arch hes. And tha anks to the g greenway which has rep placed the old towpath, this t adventure is alsso a great pportunity to combine the e op ple easures of na avigation with those of cycling! Visits and d events along a the Garonne Canal Agen: th he city centre of the “prune capital” has some lovely half-tim bered house es and m the townho uses. Don’t miss w Fine Artts Museum which containss some of the richest collectio ons in Aquita aine. Contact: gen. Tourist officce – 47000 Ag Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 47 36 09 9. www.ot-age Aiguillo on, at the con nfluence of the Lot and the Garonne: a hiking trrail leaves fro om Pech-de-Berre an nd offers the e best views of both waterways. Marman nde: renowned for its farmhou use market, the t biggest town in the Val de Garonne G is also fam mous for its tw wo festivals: Garorocck (in spring) and the Nuits ly riques et voix du monde mandais (in August). A en Marm Contact: Tourist o office du Val de Garonne 11, rue T Toupinerie 47200 Maarmande. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 64 44 4 44. degaronne.c com www.vald A charm ming gîte set betwee en Albret and the Val V de Garronne Peace annd quiet, cha arm, characte er and courrtesy… Cathe erine and Jacques welcome you to their 18tthcentury fformer farmh house. The 4 corns gîtte of 120-m² can accomm odate up to 4 people and warm atmosp phere with itss offers a w stone waalls, flagstone e floors, lime e, and 300--year-old bea ams. Contact: Catherin e Aime – Ga ardette 47230 Viaanne. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 97 54 4 43. www.gitee-gardette.frr In tribute to o the River Garonne e Set sail on a un nique voyage e to discover the moving story of the true “Gens de d Garonne”” Garonne lo ocals be and can n be combin ned in the sum mmer with a river cruise w with Garonne rescuers. Experience E thhe flow of the e river and listten to the un nique stories which link th he local peop ple to their beloved b Garo onne. Visitorss will be transported by the fasst-flowing anecdotes and d entertaining g performancces acted ou ut to the soun nd of the unttamed river. A scale mod del sho owing the flo ooding of the e Garonne co ompletes the e visit. Co ontact: Ge ens de Garon nne – 47180 Couthures-su C ur-Garonne. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 20 67 76 htttp://gensdeg m/ Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 13/4 48 Diiscovery o of the Cou urant d’Huchet in a galupe To the north off Moliets in the Landes reg gion, you’ll lo ove the guided tour on a galupe g (a trad ditional flat-b bottomed bo oat) on the Co ourant d’Hucchet, one of nature’s curiosities and the t link between Léon Lake and the e ocean. In e company o of a boatman n, you will the exp plore this “Landes Amazon” with its particularly w wide variety of animal life e (200 bird sp pecies, otterss, mink, gre ey heron, pond turtles an nd a great ma any fish) and flora (the fam mous bald cyp press, arums)... Co ontact: Lacc de Léon – 4 40550 Léon. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 8 48 75 39. ww Visits and e events Léon: with its church an nd its old half-timberred houses, this t ‘Green Resort’ rate ed village is well w worth a stop-off. Ta ake a cruisse along th he Ga aronne and Dordog gne riv ver Cro oisieurope Girronde is one e of the top destinations off Croisieurop pe, ng river cruisse. The Europe's leadin oat "Princess of Aquitaine e" (138 bo passengers) offfers cruises for f 5, 7 or d from Bo ordeaux. A ne ew boat, 8 days "C Cyrano de Be ergerac" (176 6 passengers) ha as joined the fleet of e cruise company and pro ogram the sin nce 2013, a ro oute of 5 dayys / 4 nig ghts in the Bo ordeaux surrroundings frrom Bordeau ux to Bla aye with excu ursions to Saint Em milion. From 5 555 € full board Co ontact: Cro oisiEurope Tel.: +33 (0)8 25 5 33 37 77 ww.croisieuro ww "Bordeaux Rive er Cruise" er Cruise" (G Gens "Bordeaux Rive estuaire) offe ers several pa ackages d’e to visit the Bord deaux vineya ards 14//48 Contact:: Tourist o office – 65, place J.B. Courtiau u – 40550 Léo on. Tel.: +333 (0)5 58 48 76 03 www.ot- Moliets- et-Maâ: nesttled in a pine e forest, S aint-Laurent de Maâ used to provvide shelter Chapel u for pilgriims taking th he coastal route on n their way to o Santiago de e Composstela. Contact:: Tourist o office – Rue du d Général Caunègrre – 40660 Moliets M Tel.: +333 (0)5 58 48 56 5 58 Tel.: + +33 (0)5 58 47 7 94 94 Sousto ons fêtes (Au ugust): course landaiise (bull fightting without killing g), novillada, parades, bandaas. Contaact: Tourisst office – Grange Labouyyrie – 401441 Soustons. Tel.: + +33 (0)5 58 41 1 52 62 Treehou uses in the e forest Next to thhe Léonie and d Léontine cabins, a g great innovattion for 2014 4: the Lov-N id. This new cabin, built in d the shape of a sphere,, original and Maison d des Paysans Landais in welcoming g, is suspend ded 4 metress Vielle-Saaint-Girons: farmers f offer up by steeel cables secured to four visits/tassting sessions with local oak trees. organicaally grown prroduce (foie Contact: gras, fru it and vegeta ables, oy, Hubert Les Cabannes du Meno poultry, Armagnac). Avatanéo – 68 chemin du Menoy Contact:: 40550 Léo on.Tel.: +33 (0)6 71 72 99 68 Tourist o office – 104, route r de www.cabaane-aquitaine el’océan- 40560 Vielle e St Girons lescabaneesdumenoy.c com along the rivver. Whole day, d half day, evening, witth or withoutt a meal, to enjoy a show w, to take pa art in the grape harve ests (as vineyards are planted on Margaux Isla and!). No fewer than 225 offers run from May through Octtober. Departures are from Bordeaaux, Blaye (riight bank) and Pauillacc (left bank). Unique in Bordeaux, d due to its cap pacity of 350 passengers,, "Bordeaux River Cruise" (Ge ens d’estuaire e) will have, g 2014, a resttaurant boat from Spring which will be e ideal for evvent hosting. Contact: Bordeaux T ourist Office www.bordeaaux-tourisme (online bookking available) Bordeaux R iver Cruise 6 Tel: + 33 (0) 5 56 39 27 66 http://borde Luxury riv ver Cruise es from Bordeaux x. The Americaan Cruise co ompany "Viking Cru ises Rivers" will w operate the "Viking Forsetti" on the Garonnee in 2014. This ship 135 m long sho ould transporrt 170 passengeers and 50 crrew memberrs. The itineerary: Bordea aux - Pauillacc adillac Blaye - LLibourne - Ca ght Bordeauxx, the cruisess will last eig nights. d March 22, The first is scheduled 2014. Prices beetween 1756 dollars (standard d class) and 9000 9 dollars (suite) fo r 8 nights. Contact booking www.viki om "Uniworlld", is anothe er giant in th he w welcome its world of cruising. It will first guessts in Bordea aux on April 6 on "Royaal River," a floating palacce of 110 m eters long. o the The "Riveer Royale" offers discoveryy of the vineyyards of Bergeracc in addition to those of the t Bordeauxx vineyards. Rates: fro om 3,199 dollars a week. Contact booking www.uniw Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Gou G urme et trea t ats in i Soutth Wes W st Fran nce With all the cha arming hotells, farmhouse e inns and gu uest houses in Aquitaine, there is no shortage of places to ge et your taste-buds going. Whe ether you spend a couple e of hours, a weekend orr a whole weeek, you will learn all there e is to know about cutting up duck d liver, finding truffles or preparing g Basque spe ecialities. A Michellin- starred exp perience e in the kitchen ns of prrestigiou us chefss Ho ow to select tthe right products, use th he right tech niques and utensils, u master cooking ttime… In the ese prestigio ous resstaurants you u will get inva aluable advic ce from the rregion’s top chefs. Att the Chap pon Fin in Bordeaux x, with Niccolas N’Gu uyen Lea arn how to p prepare fish from f the estu uary, discove er original foie gras recipe es, and revisiit the typical produce of South West Fra ance… In the e city’s oldest restaurant (1 Michelin star), s Nicolas N’Guyen invvites you to share s some of o pared before e your very eyes, e and youu take a cook kery book hiss secrets at his cookery scchool (the disshes are prep home with you). ontact: Co Le Chapon Fin – 5 rue de Montesquieu M – 33000 Borrdeaux - Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 90 91 92 ww Le earn all about food & wine pa airings Aftter watching great chefs prepare loca al recipes, tu rn your atten ntion to the CIVB C wine scchool, which offers its ‘Sa amedis Oeno ochef’, enterttaining workshops where e you learn to o taste Borde eaux wines b before an intrroduction to the e subtle art o of combining g food with wine, w during a cookery cla ass at the Ate elier des Cheefs. Co ontact: Ecole du Vin de e Bordeaux – 1 Cours du u XXX juillet – 33075 Bord deaux. Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 00 22 66. ww Att the Relaiis de la Po oste Dans in the Lan ndes, with h Jean Cou usseau Un nder the supe ervision of ch hef Jean Cou usseau (2 Micchelin stars), try your hand at creating g a full menu (starter, fish, me eat and dessert), which yo ou then eat for f lunch with h the approp priate wines. Co ontact: le Relais de la P Poste – 4014 40 Magescq. - Tel.: +33 (00)5 58 47 70 25. 2 ww Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 15/4 48 Magescq, th he capital of Landess asparagu us The asparagus grown in san nd in the Lan ndes area ha s, since 2005 5, benefited from f a PGI (p protected ge eographical ind dication) rewarding the expertise of th he local farm mers on this exceptional e terroir: the quuality of the local sand offfers smooth a asparagus with very little in the way o of bitterness. ww (in French only) Att Michel Trama in th he fortified d town off Puymirol Fro om the end o of November to mid-Marrch, chef Micchel Trama (2 2 Michelin sta ars) runs his A Atelier des Sens S in a loun nge witth resolutely modern deccor next to a kitchen whe ere a magnificent La Corn nue oven stannds. In this class c it is the pupils (maximu um of 6 per le esson) who decide d what they want to o learn. The famous chef rruns also a country inn, La L here he prepa ares meals frrom grandmaas’ kitchen: authentic a and d generous. Discover a simple kitchen Poule d'Or, wh full of childhoo od memories. The menus are prepare ed with fresh seasonal pro oduce. ontact: Co Less Loges de l’’Aubergade, hôtel-restau urant Michel Trama – 52 rue r Royale – 47270 Puym mirol Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 w 3 95 31 46 - www.auberg Fe erme de Souleilles foie f gras museum m an nd restaurrant At their duck-fa attening farm m, Yves and Genevière G Bo oissière have e created a fa ascinating fo oie gras muse eum which yo ou can n visit. They have also op pened a resta aurant, the T Taulejada, on the rampartts of Frespecch, a wonderfully charmin ng me edieval villag ge. On the menu: foie gra as and duck m magret, whicch you can ea at on the ter race facing the t church (o only op pen in july and august). Co ontact: Ferme de Souleilles – 47140 Frespech - Tel.: +33 (0))5 53 41 23 24 4. ww m L’a auberge B Basque witth Mathild de Beau u nder the leadership l p of Cédricc Béchade e 7 km k from Sain nt Jean de Lu uz and its bea aches and layying on a hill facing the Rhune R Moun tains, the Au uberge Basque, typ pical Basque house from the 17th cen ntury, offers ccomfortable rooms. It also has a qual ity restauran nt where Ma athilde Beau under the le eadership of Cédric Béch hade, 1 Michelin star, offe ers light meaals, healthy and natural, ma ade with the typical products of the Basque B Coun ntry. On the second s Saturrday of each month the chef c gives cooking classess (except in July J and Aug gust). The Co ourses are su uitable for everyone and llast 3 hours. (From Febru uary arch 2014). Ma Co ontact: L’a auberge Basq que - Vieille Route de Saint-Pée - 643310 Saint-Pée e-sur-Nivelle – Tel : +33 (0 (0)5 59 51 70 00 ww ww.aubergeb Sttock up on n smoked produce in Lower N Navarre Sm moked salmon, sausage, lard, l duck magret, trout, ham… It’s hard to pass by b the traditiional smokeh house in this Low wer Navarre valley without your mouth watering aat the aroma as drifting thrrough the airr. You can tasste the pro oduce, watch h smoking de emonstration ns and find o out about how food has been b smoked d through the eras. Co ontact: Jérrôme de Joa antho – Fumo oir de la Vallé ée – RD 918 – 64780 Bida array - Tel.: +33 + (0)6 64 800 84 40. htttp://fumoirde elavallee.ove 16//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Pa articipa ate in Co ooking cla ass with a Chef A Culinary C Advventure in the e Do ordogne-Périigord area (3 3 days / 2 nig ghts) The Perigord iss not only fam mous for its prehistoric ssites, medievval casstles, charming villages and a varried breathta aking landsca apes. The Do ordogne is also renowned d for its win nes and gasttronomy of inccomparable rrichness. Serrvice Loisirs Accueil proposes a stay s that h. The stay includes in combines both e discovery of the addition to the gion, a cookiing class with ha reg ren nowned cheff followed byy lunch witth the chief, a tour of a winery w witth the ownerr and tasting as well as the possibility of a diner in a Michelin starred restaurant. ontact: Co Loisirs Accueil Dordogne Périgord P 25,, rue Wilson - BP 2063 240 002 Périgueu ux Cedex Tel : (+33). ww.perigord--reservation.ccom/ ww Classes on ffarms and in gu uest house es If you’d y like to learn how to o cut up duck, prepare ffoie gras and d confit, e truffle flavo ouring or eve en use decorate plates, cookery classes on perfect way to o farrms are the p disscover region nal gastronomy at its very source.. You can either taste your food ass you preparre a meal or put it in a ja r to take hom me with you. nvivial solutio on! A highly con Chez la Comtesse de d Montes quiou-Fezen nsac in Basnac Armagn Domaine d' Espérance in n Gascony is house, the an 18th-cen tury charterh g to learn how to ideal setting produce fine e cuisine. Sixx times a year cookerry seminars are a organised h here for a ma aximum of nine people e. In the morn ning you take lessonss from the ch hef, Natalia Arizmendi, aand the afterrnoon is given over tto preparing the evening meal. Excurrsions are also planned for each dayy: shopping at the market, visitts to wineriess, etc. Accommod ation in a gîtte with Gîtes g and de France ‘44 épis’ rating Bienvenue à la Ferme acccreditation. Information and bookings : Domaine d' Espérance agnac. 40240 Mauvvezin d'Arma Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 44 85 93 3. Learn ho ow to make foie gras in the land d of fortified towns Set between n the fortified d towns of Villeréal and d Monpazier, the Maison de Prideauxx invites you for a foiegras break! After a night in one of the charm ming guest rooms r with th heir typically Perigord-styyle decor, you learn how w to make fo oie gras terrin nes and duckk confit. You can then relax in the sauuna before your y gastrono omic dinner. Contact: La Maiso on de Prideau ux Michèle Lefèvre – Le Bourg 47210 Paarranquet. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 49 01 19. x.html Also close to Berrgerac Near Berrgerac, in the e Purple Perigord d, the Domain ne de la ng Queyssiee is a charmin accomm odation with h five luxury d by 5 hectare es cottagess surrounded hards. Halfwa ay of vineyaards and orch betweenn Saint-Emilio on and ners, in addittion Monbaziillac, the own w off to the vissit and the winetasting the chateeau Courts le es Muts, offe er cooking classes. By appointment a only, Dom minique proposes a foie gras coo oking worksho op with 4 or 5 a August).. recipes (eexcept July and Contact: Domainee de la Queyyssie 24240 Saaussignac Tél: +33((0)5 53 27 39 37 Th he Atelier d’Arthur, for childrren’s cook kery classe es At Cap Science es in Bordeau ux, the Atelie er d'Arthur g gets children interested in n cookery witth delicious dishes cooke ed witth good prod duce and under ideal con nditions... Kittted out in chef’s hat and d apron, kids can make a wide varietyy of original French h and regiona al recipes. Cheese puffs ffor the 6-7 ye ears-olds, ma agdalenas fo or the 8-9 yea ars-olds, mo olecular cookking for 8-14 years- olds ... . The recipe es are targete ed to the age group. Co ontact: l’A Atelier d’Arthur – Cap Scie ences – Hang gar 20 – 330000 Bordeauxx. Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 01 07 07. Booking B requ uired ww ww.cap-scien Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 17/4 48 Th hemed lessonss on the e emblem matic produce of Soutth Westt France e quitaine is a land of plentty, with Aq culinary treasurres making up u o a complete menus: oysters or ndes salad as a starter, Pauillac P Lan lam mb, Blonde d d’Aquitaine beef b or lam mprey with w white asparag gus, cèpe mu ushrooms or Marmande tomatoes t as a main coursse, ewe’s che eese or Osssau-Iraty on the cheese platter, p and chocolate or Périgord strawberries for dessert. with cookery ry classes (inccluding one on truffles, w with a visit to o the Truffle Eco-museum m), and a we eekend break to disscover the wo orld of truffles or a weekend “d duck in all its forms” Contact: de la Truffe l’Auberge d 24420 Sorge es. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 05 02 05 5. www.auberg Truffle coo oking in White Périgord At the Auberge e de la Truffe e (Ho otelcert labe el, Logis de France F ‘3 che eminées’ and d ‘3 cocottess’ rating), che ef Pierre Corrre organisess themed bre eaks focused d on truffles and a foie gra as: the ‘melo ody of flavourrs’ is a package of 7 d days in White e Périgord 18//48 The Cuiisine of South West France iin a Béarn stately home Do you get the urge to cook c fresh foie gras, ve egetables fro om the garden, and d local specia alities such as duck or laamb? With Nicole, N you can wander round the lo ocal markets and devise m menus involvving a large proportion o of vegetable es and herbs from the organic garden. For the two nighhts of your sta ay you will c stately home sleep in aan authentic dating baack to the ea arly 18th century. Don’t miss the relaxing outdoor spa overlooking the rampartss of Navarren nx. Contact: Domainee Lespoune Yves et N Nicole Everae ert 20, rue C Camblong 64190 Caastetnau-Cam mblong. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 66 24 4 14. 2 82. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 38 32 (On nly in French). www.lesp Also avaiilable at the Tourist office e of Béarn des Gaves in Salies-deBéarn. 188 place de la a Trompe 64270 Saalies de Béarn Tel : +333 ( 0)5 59 38 00 0 33 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Enjo E oy natu n urism m Mo ontalivet, Le Porge, Vielle e-Saint-Giron ns... Aquitain ne is home to o some of the e largest nat urist centres in the world d. Wh hether locate ed close to th he Atlantic Ocean, O or in tthe heart of nature away from the larg ge cities and d urban areass, the ere is no shortage of area as where naturism is auth horised in the e region. He ere is a selecttion of locations where you can n be free to e enjoy holidays in total ha armony with nature.. In a village o overlookin ng the Occean Ne estled between the Atlantic Occean and a pine forest, th he 756 hig gh quality chalets at La Je enny natturist resort a are spread across an immense valleyy and cover 127 1 e of the chale ets boast hectares. Some arge terrace area which offers o a la guests the chance to be in ntact with nature. permanent con r of spo orts can be en njoyed A range on site (swimming pools, te ennis courts, archery, cycle pathss, horseriding, diving), and, moreovver, La Jen nny resort ha as the only naturist go olf course in tthe world. Th he course hass a total of 6 holes (4 x pa ar 3s, 2 x par 4s) as well a as an indoor and outdoor praactice area. And A how about enjoyying some tim me out on the naturist beach which h spans for as far as the e eye can see e? Information and bookings: La Jenny – R Route de la Jenny J – 33680 Le Po orge. Tél. : +33 (00)5 56 26 56 90. 9 Things to o see and do d around Le e Porge Take a kkite-surfing le esson at Lacanau u Contact: e Center - 41 1 Avenue de Lacanau Kite la Grande E Escoure - 336 680 Lacanau Tél. : +33 (00)6 08 34 59 07 0 http://lacan Clim mb to the top of Le Cape and admire e Ferreet lighthouse the w wonderful vie ew over Le Basssin d’Arcacho on. Contact: Phare duu Cap-Ferret – Place Souchet--Valmont – 33950 LègeCap-Ferrret. Tél. : +333 (0)5 57 70 33 3 30 www.leg Walkk around the nature reserrve at Co ousseau Lake e Contact: Réserve nnaturelle de l'étang de Coussea u – 33680 La acanau. 0 03 Tél. : +333 (0)6 08 43 07 om Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 19/4 48 A resort on the Côte d’A Argent In the t middle o of the Landess de Ga ascogne, Arn naoutchot naturist resserve boasts an exceptional loccation overlo ooking the Attlantic Occean. The entire resort is based aro ound the the eme of water and fun, allo owing the en ntire family to o make the e most of the e benefits of water: swimming pools (with one being b heated to 28°C C and with a Jacuzzi), J ater slide, hyd drotherapy area a (spa, wa sau una, Turkish bath, Jacuzzzi), etc. There is wide range of choiice in mmodation between b terrms of accom cam mp sites, can nvas bungalo ows, wo ooden chaletts or mobile homes. h It is also a possible e to hire a tra ailer or tre ee house. Co ontact: Na atu-resort & S Spa Arnaoutchot – 500 06 Route de Pichelèbe- 40560 4 Vie elle-Saint-Girrons A château n nestled in the vin neyards In the t very middle of the En ntredeux-Mers vine eyard, Châte eau uiton naturistt reserve is co omposed Gu of various areass: next to the e cha ateau, an 18tth Century wine w cellar houses a wine bar where yo ou can nes. In tasste some of tthe finest win the e grounds wiith century old trees, a 25 2 place, spacious camp site s offfers all of the e privacy and d comfort req quired. Finally, 3 charmin ng gîtes will welcome yo ou, one in th he attic, and the other in the two former ne cellars. win Ple ease note: all infrastructure on site hass been developed out off a careful concern to preserve natural water ding for and energy ressources (fund was provided by the sollar captors w AD DEME). 20//48 Tél. : +33 (00)5 58 49 11 11 om Things to o see and do d around V Vielle-Saintt-Girons A must--visit: Follow the Courantt d'Huche et stream by foot... or try out a Gaalupe (flat-bottomed boat) an nd discover its luxurious "galleryy forest"! Contact: n – 40550 Léo on. Tél. : Lac de Léon +33 (0)5 58 448 75 39 www.bateli Or e njoy sipping a drink on the w terraace with its wonderful e Meltin', a vegeetation at the trend dy bar-restau urant in Molieets-et-Mâa. Contact: Le Meltinn’– avenue de d l'Océan – 40660 Mo oliets-et-Mâa. Tél. : +33 (0)5 58 488 53 78 Spend a day in the treetops t at Jungle Park (variouss treetop rope ad dventure courses). Contact: e de Contis Jungle Parkk – 4372 route 40170 CON TIS 8 Tél. : +33 (00)6 32 65 16 81 om Contact: uiton – 33760 0 Frontenac. Château Gu Tél. : +33 (00)5 56 23 52 79 7 Things to o see and do d around Frrontenac Pick up your bike an nd follow the Roger LLapébie cycle e route through h the Entre-d deux-Mers linking LLatresne and d Sauvete erre-de-Guye enne (over 50km on n the resort).. Contact: ourisme du Créonnais C – Office de to 62, bouleva rd Victor Hug go – La Gare – 336770 Créon. Tél. : +33 (00)5 56 23 23 00 0 www.tourism Visit Sauve-Majeure Abbey, whicch was one off the major cquet Pilgrim ms stagees of the Jac head ding towardss Compostellle. Contact: 14 Rue d de l'Abbaye 33670 3 La Sau uve. 0 55 Tél. : +333 (0)5 56 23 01 http://la-ssauve-majeure Learnn about the long-lost flavo ours in the orrchard and vegeetable garden on the Belloc estatte. After a su upper which hold s many surprises for yourr c set off on n tastee buds, you can an ad dventure in the t garden mazee. Contact: Oh ! Lég gumes oublié és –Château de Belloc - 333670 Sadira ac. Tél. : +33 (0)5 56 300 62 00. Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] A campsite in the Pérrigord Po ourpre (Pu urple Perig gord) Spanning some e 70 hectaress of welleserved natu ure, the Dom maine de pre Ch handeau is op pen to naturist cam mpers wishin ng to take a break b in natture. Campin ng plots, mobile homes, hélios a and chalets are a ocated betw ween harmoniously lo d in vineyardss and vallleys covered pra airies in the P Périgord Pou urpre. Le Chaudeau a also has two lakes, one for swimming and the other for hing. fish nd of In the heartt of the lan fo ortified tow wns On n the border of the Perigord and the e Agenais, La aborde Reso ort is the only 4-star natu urist camp sitte in the e. On a hillto op with Lott-et-Garonne oak and chestn nut trees, the ere are any camping plots as welll as 29 ma fully-fitted chalets for hire and a 7 omes. new mobile ho nge of sporting As well as a ran infrastructure, LLaborde Ressort sta ands out than nks to its aqu uatic are eas, with an indoor heate ed sub btropical swiimming pooll with a sau una, several o outdoor poo ols -one of which has a basin with massage m jets and a wate er slide meassuring er 20 metress and a spiral water ove slid de measuring g over 50metres and two o spring water lakes. Renseignemen nts et réserva ation : omaine Laborde – Paulhia ac – Do 47150 Monflanquin. 53 63 14 88 Tél. : +33 (0)5 5 ww Contact: Cléo et Guyy Verhaeghe – Domaine naturiste de e Chaudeau – SaintGéraud-de--Corps 24700 Mon tpon-Ménesstérol. 6 Tél. : +33 (00)5 53 82 49 64 www.domaiinedechaude Things to o see and do d in the west of P Périgord Pourpre P Head offf to meet Michel Eyquem m de Montaig gne in his magnifi cent castle. Things to o see and do d in the Pays des Bastides Enjoy a gentle stroll around Monflan nquin Fortifie ed Town (awarde ed the title off one of the Most Be eautiful Villag ges in France) and, in mid--August, take parrt in the loca al medieval events ((period costu ume banque et, street show ws and n's events). children Contact: ourisme – Pla ace des Office de to arcades - 477150 Monflan nquin. Tél. : +33 (00)5 53 36 40 19 Admire the market place p in Villeréa l Fortified To own with its e mud and brick b floor. very rare The chu urch, which iss a real fortress,, dates back to the 13th Centuryy. Contact: ourisme du pays p Office de to villeréalais – Place de la Halle – 47210 Villeré éal. Tél. : +33 (00)5 53 36 09 65 6 www.villereaal-tourisme.ccom Contact: Tour de Montaigne – 24230 SainttMichel-d de-Montaigne. Tél. : +333 (0)5 53 58 63 6 93 Takee a journey back in time to the G Gallic-Roman n site of Monntcaret, and marvel m at the e perfeectly preservved mosaics. Contact: Le Bourg g – 24230 Mo ontcaret. Tél. : +333 (0)5 53 58 50 5 18 http://mo Monnpazier, a me edieval el, also archiitectural jewe awarrded the muc ch coveted title of "M Most Beautiful Village in Francce", is one of o the most beauutiful fortified d towns in the southh west of Fra ance as well as a one o of the best preserved. p So ass to learn mo ore about the e histo ory of the villa age and the fortiffied towns, visit the Bastiideum. This exhibition centrre has been open since July J 20133 and has a dual d visit: a mod dern and interactive bition focusssing on the exhib villag ge and fortified towns, ass well as a "free" visit v of the fortiffied town using your smarrtphone or ta ablet. The vissit is acccompanied by b a quiz and d explaanations. Vissit bastideum m, wherre the historyy of the fortiffied townns will no longer hold anyy secreets! Contact: Bastideuum - 8 rue Ga almat -24540 Monpaziier Tel +33 ((0)5 53 57 12 12 Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 21/4 48 4tth Imagina at nature and a cu ultural disccovery rallly 3 or o 6 July 2 2014 Alo ong the natu urist coastline e and thrrough the vin neyards in Aq quitaine, passing throug gh Arnaoutch hot andes), La Jenny Resort (G Gironde), (La the e Héliomarin Centre at Montalivet M 22//48 (Gironde) an nd Euronat (G Gironde), the 4th edit ion of the Im maginat rally ges and will takes place in three stag allow particiipants to discover the history, lege ends, architecture, gastronomyy and wine-producing heritage of tthis wonderfful land. Focusing on n "ecology", this tourist rally is not ccompetitive and a open to all, naturrists and non-naturists, in motorbikes, classic cars, cars, on m "fancy drress" or "ord dinary" folk. Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Celeb bratte the t fruits of o tthe land d with w ourr re egio onal foo od ffesttivalls Aq quitaine’s gasstronomic tra aditions are a crucial partt of the regio on’s culture. Throughout the year a wide w range off fesstivals, food ffairs and farm mers’ marketts provide am mple opportu unity to samp ple some of tthese traditio ons, to disco over the e specialties of individual towns and territories t an nd to celebra ate the richne ess of our cullinary heritag ge. Ja anuary: So orges Trufffle Festiva al On n the last Sun nday of January every yea ar, in the hea art of the Wh hite Périgord region, the truffle market ds of at Sorges attracts thousand foo od lovers, ga astronomes and a currious newcom mers. On the e menu: the e largest trufffle of the yea ar competition, demonstrations of avage’ (the trraditional me ethod of ‘ca sea arching for trruffles), a trufffle om melette conte est, musical entertainment, the ceremony of duction into tthe ‘Learned d ind Academy off Truffles and d Foie Gras’, and a giant banquet. Contact: de la truffe de Sorges Ecomusée d Le Bourg – 224420 Sorge es Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 05 90 11 1 om Februa ary: The Bazass Beef Fesstival Every year o on the Thursd day before Shrove Tuessday, the fam mous Bazas cattle enjoyy their time in n the spotlight. Th he traditiona al weighingin ceremonyy is held at 12:30 in the Place des Tiilleuls, before the cows are lined d up in all the eir finery and d by the judging panel, examined who will award the prize for best animal. T The day comes to a close e with the ‘cows’ gala evening’, e where the ‘Brottherhood of Bazas Beef’ inducts nnew memberrs. A raffle is held, wit h the top priize being… a cow! Contact: Tourist o office of Baza as – Place de la Cathédraale – 33430 Bazas. B Tel.: +333 (0)5 56 25 25 5 84. (only www.touurisme-bazad in Frenchh) Get G back k to nature in the Land des de Gascog G ne Natu ural Parrk Tw wenty kilomettres south off Bazas in the e Landes Giro ondines region, Sophie and a Rémi de Montbron are a waiting to o we elcome you to the Domaiine de Londe eix (‘3 Epis’ raating - Gîtes de France), their organicc farm. Stay in i a beautiful guest room witth original be eams, or in th he gîte which h used to serrve as the farrmyard stablees, recognise ed as a ‘ch harming cotta age’ by the Landes L de Gascogne Natture Park. Co ontact: Sophie and Rémi de Montb bron – Doma aine de Lond deix – 33840 Captieux. C Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 65 68 83 orr +33 (0)6 82 94 82 38. ww Vacancces actives 2014 – Comité Régional R de To ourisme d’Aqu uitaine – Service presse – prresse@tourism me-aquitaine.frr 23/48 April: A Ba ayonne Ha am Festiva al An n Easter weekk tradition sin nce the Fiftteenth centu ury, the grand d Ham Festival is an an nnual celebration of e Basque Co ountry’s 2000 pork the farmers. Fro om Friday to Sunday on the Easter w weekend, farm mers present theiir finest hams and traditional m meats in the marketplace of Les Halle s, and comp pete for the title of Best Ham. Contact: Tourist o office – Place des Basques 64108 Baayonne. Tel.: +333 (0)8 20 42 64 4 64 www.bayyonne-tourism Sle eep on the River Adour! A cosy c décor, e exotic woodss, the same portholes p thaat were used for the Queen Mary… W Welcome abo oard the luxu ury barge Djébelle e. Take the Chambre C des Iles bedroom m and enjoy a view of Ba ayonne’s tow wn hall and ca athedral. The e Ria ad suite lookks onto the watchtower w in n front of the barge. After a day’s sigh htseeing, slip p into the outtdoor jacuzzi and watch the sun go down n over the Ad dour… Co ontact: Isa abelle and Pa atrice Bellon – Péniche "D Djébelle", op pposite 17 Quai Q de Lesse eps – 64100 B Bayonne. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 25 77 18 orr +33 (0)6 81 56 87 01. ww ww.djebelle.ccom Also A in A April: Th he Etaulierrs Asparag gus Fe estival 15km from Blayye on the rig ght bank of the Gironde estuary, thiss large gastronomic m market brings together ed for the qu uality of 60 stalls selecte the eir produce: asparagus, cured c me eats, cheesess, strawberrie es, cho ocolates, and d not forgettting the win nes of Blaye. Co ontact: Co ommunauté d de Communes de l’Estuaire ue 38 Avenue de lla Républiqu 338 820 Braud-ett-Saint-Louiss. Tel.: +33 (0)5 57 7 42 61 99. ww.lafetedela m ww May: M Ba ayonne Ch hocolate Festival F An nother traditional specialtty, Bayonne celeb brates its famous ocolate everry year on the e cho we eekend of Asscension. Thrroughout the e city chocola ate lovers ca an watch ma aster chocola atiers at workk, and tasste the delicious products of their cra aft. Gu uided tours o of the city exp plore the hisstory of chocolate in Bayo onne, 24//48 home to the e first artisans in the kingdom off France to work with cocoa bean s. Contact: es Basques Tourist officce – Place de 64108 Bayon nne. Tel.: +33 (0) 8 20 42 64 64 4 www.bayon Festival o of Strawbe erries and Flowers i n Marman nde On a perfecct weekend in n May, indulge you urself with some fresh strawberriess, cakes and other treats… Durring the festiival a panel of professio onal experts will w be judging the local producce, and awarding th he prize for Best B Strawberry. Contact: Tourist officce du Val de Garonne. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 64 44 44 4. m www.valdeg Lamb F Festival in Pauillac One of thhe Médoc’s most delicious events ceelebrates this Red Label-certified,, wonderfullyy tender mea at. The mornning begins with the traditionaal trooping of o the flocks through tthe streets of o the town followed d by demonsttrations of s dog sheep shhearing and sheep skills, beffore the ‘Bro otherhood off Pauillac LLamb’ inductts new memberss. Contact: Maison d du Tourisme et du Vin de e Pauillac – 33250 Pauillac. Tel.: +333 (0)5 56 59 03 3 08 www.pauuillac-medoc The Bè ègles Cod Festival Every yeaar at the end d of May, thiss festival ccelebrates the historic linkks betweenn the town off Bègles and the cod ttrade. In the Cod Village,, try out so ome tapas, pick p up some e new recip pes and enjo oy a range off shows, co oncerts and parades… Contact: Mairie dee Bègles – 77 7 rue Calixte Camelle – 33130 Bèg gles. Tel.: +333 (0)5 56 49 95 5 94 e.mairiehttp://fettedelamorue begles.frr Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Ju uly to Septemb ber: Ch heese fairss in the Ba asque Co ountry and d Béarn Osssau-Iraty is tthe traditiona al cheese of the Basque ccountry and Béarn, and has enjoye ed official Co ontrolled esignation off Origin (AOC C) status De sin nce 1980 and Protected Designation n of Origin (the European sttandard) sincce 1996. Throughoutt the summer local producers aare proud to share their work with th he public at the t region’s series of foo od festivals and a cheese fairs, in town ns including Saint-JeanPied-de-Porrt, Saint-Etienne-deBaïgorry, Arramits, Larun ns… Contact: Syndicat de défense AOP Ossau-Iraty – Baaratchartenea 64120 Osstabat-Asme e. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 37 86 6 61. Accomm A odation n on the e cheese e trail At 540 metres a above sea le evel, the guesst house Le P Pélouha nesttles between n the Aspe annd Barétous valleys, arou und 1km m from the vvillage of Lou urdios-Ichère e. The two re cently-renovvated guest rooms r are feaatured in the e Clévacance es (rated 3 Keys) a and Fish64 guides. One of o the rooms is also equip pped with offficially-certiffied disabled d access. Co ontact: Ma arie-Claude T Tavernier – Quartier Q Lembeye – 6457 0 Lourdios-Icchère. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 06 66 03 orr +33 (0)6 88 34 19 75. htttp://lepelouh August: A Na ailhac Wallnut Festiv val The ‘Périgord W Walnut’ AOC C was 2, and offficially recognised in 2002 the e local walnu ut oil is curren ntly hoping to attain similar recognition. ery August the town of Nailhac, N Eve near Hautefort, is the settin ng for the alnut Festival: meet the Wa pro oducers, learrn more about the tecchniques of n nut farming, enjoy a traditional Périgord meal and check e of walnut flo oats. out the parade ontact: Co Tourist office d du pays de Hautefort 243 390 Hautefort. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 50 40 27 ww Septem mber: The Lang on Wine and a Cheese F Festival Held in Lang gon’s Parc des Vergers, this tradition nal festival in nvites together win nemakers an nd cheesemake ers from Fran nce and Navarre to sshow off the richness of their terroirss and their lo ocal culinary traditions. E Every year the e festival attracts thou usands of vissitors with its tasting sess ions, workshops and ertainment. musical ente Contact: Fédération des Sociétéss et Associationss Langonnaisses 33211 Lango on. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 56 76 20 64 4. La Garb burade On the fiirst weekend d in Septemb ber e every yeaar, dozens off teams make their wayy to Oloron-S Sainte-Marie to take partt in the intern national Grabure championsh hips. Garbure e is a traditio onal hotpot dish d from Béarn, annd throughout the day th he hopeful cchefs compe ete to producce the perfeect example and win over the comp petition’s jud dging panel. Contact: associati on La Garbu urade 6 avenuee de la Gare 64400 Olloron-Sainte-Marie. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 39 05 5 86. g Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 25/4 48 October: O : Esspelette P Pepper Fesstival On n the last wee ekend in Octtober, the e Brotherhoo od of the Esp pelette Pepper stages this celebrattion of e’s emblemattic Basque cuisine gredient. As w well as the trraditional ing tassting sessions, brass band ds and folk dancing wh hich fill the streets of e village, the festival features a the Ma ass for the blessing of the e peppers, follow wed by a veryy special mony: after inittiation cerem swallowing a pinch of the spice, new members solemnly swear to pelette Pepp per under defend the Esp all circumstancces. Co ontact: Tourist office – Château Ba aron d’E Ezpeleta – 64 4250 Espelettte. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 93 95 02. ww ww ww.pimentde m Ba asque Cak ke Festivall Wo ork up an appetite on a 3-hour 3 lon ng gourmet ttrail, then vissit the wo orkshops of C Cambo-les-Bains wh here the Basq que Cakes arre pro oduced. Oth her attraction ns include an antiques ma arket, exhibittions by reg gional artists and craftsm men and a contest to crow wn the best cake… c ontact: Co Tourist office d de Cambo-les-Bains Avvenue de la M Mairie 642 250 Cambo-les-Bains. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 29 70 25. ww 26//48 Chestnut and Bolettus Mushroom m Festival Two days to o celebrate tw wo of the region’s besst-loved prod ducts: boletus musshrooms and d chestnuts. Competition ns will be held to find the finest bo oletus and th he biggest and smallesst chestnuts. Be sure to visit on Sund day lunchtim me, when the traditional g giant boletuss omelette is prepared. Contact: Tourist officce – rue Notrre-Dame 24550 Villefrranche-du-Pé érigord. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 29 98 37 7. www.tourism (only in Fren nch) mber: Novem Poultry-F Fest in Sain nt-Sever On the last w weekend in November, with the festtive season just around the corner, S Saint-Sever celebrates c chickens, tu rkeys and otther birds. With expertt guidance from Michelin-staarred chef Michel Guérard, tasste authenticc produce, watch the vaarious cooke ery and poultry conttests and soa ak up the atmosphere e, with brass bands and other enterttainment filling the streets. Contact: our du Sol Tourist officce – Place To 40501 Saint--Sever. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 76 34 64 4. Dece ember: Festive fo ood marketss throughout the regio on With the nights draw wing in and Christmaas fast approaching, Aquitainee plays host to a series of o festive fo ood markets,, particularly in the Dord dogne and La andes. Périgue eux Famous ssince the middle ages fo or its luxurio ous food markets (fattene ed geese annd ducks, foie gras, truffle es) the capittal of the Pérrigord region n fills up w with stands offfering these dnesday and d specialtiees every Wed Saturdayy morning be etween midNovemb ber and mid-M March. The n the historicc market taakes place in town cenntre, in the heart of the listed disstrict. Contact: Tourist o office de Périgueux 26, placee Francheville e 24000 Péérigueux. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 53 10 0 63. www.touurisme-perigu Capon Fair in Grrignols Traditionnally fattened d with a diet of grain, breead and milk k in the Land des de Gasco ogne, Grigno ols capons are prized fo or their succu ulent meat. Capons aare becoming an increasinngly popular choice for festive m meals, and on n the Sundayy before C Christmas the ese special birds aree celebrated at Grignols’ Capon FFair. As well as a capon, visitors ccan sample a range of curred meats annd cheeses frrom local producerrs. Contact: Associatiion des éleve eurs de chap pon des deuxx vallées - Le e Bourg 33690 Maarions Tél : +333 (0)5 56 25 53 3 02 pro duits-reg gionaux/chap pon-des-deu uxvallees Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Roa R m free f e on n miles of p paths and a tra ails The Aquitaine region prese ents lovers off a good wal k with an alm most boundle ess range of landscapes to t explore: dunes on the A Atlantic coastt, riverside fo orests along tthe Leyre an nd Ciron, the tall peaks off the Pyrenee es National Park, the orcha ards of the Garonne valley, gentle hill sides in the Médoc wine region, greaat forests of oaks o and che estnut trees in Black Périgord, and more! m The patths which criss-cross thesse landscapees provide thousands of miles of walking opportunitties: plenty of o chance to sstretch your legs! On O the "Grande e Rando onnée" ttrail The famous ‘GR’ (Big Hike) routes are designed d for those who lo ove walking. Set off for seeveral days’ travel, stayin ng ms or shelterss. Or camp o ut under the e stars! in gîtes, hotels,, guest room Frrom the Attlantic to the Meditterranean on GR10 On ne of the most famous GR routes is GR10, G which rruns across th he Pyrenees from Hendaaye to Banyuls and takes two o months of walking. Two o weeks of th his time are sspent crossin ng the Pyrénées-Atlantiq ues departm ment, passing g thrrough Aïnhoa a (one of Fra ance’s Lovelie est Villages) and the famous Bear House at Etsautt. Co ontact: Co omité Départtemental de Randonnée Pédestre de es Pyrénées-A Atlantiques – Centre Nelsson Paillou – 12 rue du pro ofesseur Garrrigou Lagran nge – 64075 Pau Cedex. T Tel.: +33 (0)5 5 59 14 18 80 0 or +33 (0)6 885 10 93 37 ww ww.rando64.ccom Acccommoda ation: Le Pourtalet Ho otel boasts an a ideal loccation: in the e centre of th he Pyrrenees Natio onal Park at an a altitude of som me 1,700 metres, and most at the fo oot of the Midi alm D'O Ossau lying o on the Spaniish bo order. The hotel haas been new wly renovated, iin a warm styyle with clean wood and hints off colour in the common n areas and 10 rooms, without forg getting the spa and sauna where e you will immediately benefit from m a feeling off well-being. Hôtel Po ourtalet - Col Pourtalet Artoustee 64440 Tel: + 333 5 59 05 32 00 0 or +33 (0)6 888 33 07 54 (only in FFrench) Lo ot-et-Garo onne, Nortth to South GR R 654, on the e Saint-Jacqu ues via Vézela ay route, stre etches for alm most 150km across Lot-ett-Garonne, winding w its way w fro om the plum orchards of Haut-Agenais to the sand ds of the Lan ndes de Gasc cogne. Co ontact: CD DT du Lot-et--Garonne – 271, 2 rue de Péchabout P – 447005 Agen.. Tel.: +33 (0))5 53 66 14 144 ww Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 27/4 48 Th hemed itinerarries Fro om Cro-Mag gnon man to modern writers, via blackksmiths, pine e-tappers and shepherdss, man has be een leaving his h ma ark on the pa aths and trails of Aquitain ne for thousaands of yearss: take a journ ney of discovvery and unc cover some fasscinating storries. In the footssteps of Frrançois Ma auriac The first stage is a trail arou und Saint-Sym mphorien in the Landes de d Gascogne e, where thee parents of author a Franço ois auriac had a holiday hom me. Visit an ‘airial’ (a typicaal Landais se ettlement con nsisting of trraditional hou uses in a fore est Ma cle earing) and se ee the Maria an windmill mentioned m se everal times in i Mauriac’s works. The next stage e takes in Sain nt-Maixant, where w the M alagar estate e belonged to t the Mauriaac family bettween 1843 and a 85. A listed h historical monument, the manor housse was a majo or source of inspiration fo or Mauriac and is now a 198 cen ntre for confferences, exh hibitions and shows. Co ontact: Ce entre Françoiis Mauriac de e Malagar – Domaine D de Malagar – 33490 3 Saint-M Maixant. Tel.:: +33 (0)5 57 98 17 17. htttp:// Acccommoda ation: A charming g charterhou use in the heart of the e Bordeaux vineyards v Located in the heart of the ordeaux vineyyards, betwe een Bo Graves and Sau uternes, the Chartreuse off Eyres” is a former f “C win nery and wine merchant. Its loccation in the center of Po odensac, next to the train station offe ers easy he starting point p for acccess and is th ma any discoveryy tours. 200 meters m walking disttance from th he museum Lillet wine-b base drink, th his 8th and 19th centuryy house was formerly the house of the e family Lillett who has invented “th he Bordeauxx aperitif” of the same naame. This cha arterhouse has now bee en restored to t its former glory and offfers splendid accommodaation. The th hree individually B&B of the first f floor have been ttastefully deccorated by the new own ner Valérie Lemonnier L inspired by her travels and her taste for beauttiful things. A reception room and d a kids-room m are availab ble on site annd can welco ome your wedding g or other fam mily gatherings. Contact: Valérie eet Henri Lemo onnier La Chartrreuse des Eyyres 33720 Po odensac Tel.: +333 (0)6 20 69 60 0 65 http://lacchartreusede Be etween vin neyards and plum orchards o in n Monbazillac To the south off Bergerac, the small villa age of Monb bazillac is fam mous the world over for itts elegant sw weet wines, with w the eir wonderful golden colo our. Starting in the squarre in front of the church, this t trail lead ds you throug gh wine country, with ample opporttunity to adm mire the pano oramic view of o the rolling g hills and thee Château de Monbazaillac, ds for a well-e earned wine tasting! and to pay a vissit to one of the vineyard ontact: Co Tourist office d de Bergerac pourpre p – 97 7 rue Neuve d d’Argenson – 24100 Berg gerac. Tel.: + +33 (0)5 53 57 7 03 11. ww om Sle eep in a M Mongol Yu urt in Purp ple Périgorrd On n the border of the Monb bazillac wine appellation,, Patrick and Florence we elcome visito ors to their tra aditional 19thhcen ntury Périgord country ho ouse. Sleep in an authen tic Mongol yurt, y decorated in traditio onal style in orange o and red r colours. In the evening, enjoy a meal ce elebrating th e flavours off the Périgord d. Co ontact: La Maison d’Hiikarie – Lieu dit Cadillac – 24560 Mon nmarvès. Tel..: +33 (0)5 53 58 98 01. ww Discover D r some regiona r l attracctions 28//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Fro om the oyste er-farming villages of the e Bassin d’Arrcachon to th he forrtified towns of Lot-et-Ga aronne, fro om the medie eval towns off the Périgord to the e beaches off the Basque Countrry, make the most of our diverse landscape. Kiwi farms iin the sou uth of the Landes Be etween the Basque Counttry, Lan ndes and Bé éarn, the Payss d’Orthe GR R (3 stages off 14 to 20 km m per day) is one o of three GR routes in n the Lan ndes. Setting g out from Peyrehorade, the trail takess in an ay of architecctural impressive arra uins of the ca astle at heritage (the ru e fortified ch hurch at Aspremont, the Saubusse). IIt also runs alongside ntations of th he Adour the kiwi plan valley, the o only kiwi farm ms to enjoy both Label R Rouge and PGI P status. Taste their p produce at th he traditional m market of Peyyrehorade, the oldest m market in the e Landes. Contact: partemental du d tourisme Comité dép des Landes – 4 avenue Aristide A Briand – 400012 Mont-de e-Marsan. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 06 89 89 9. www.tourism A grand ttour of the e Bay of Arcachon n 80 km. That ’s the distance between nd Cap Ferre et if you Arcachon an follow the c oastline. Ove er 4 or 5 days: leaave behind th he charming villas of tthe winter resort of Arcachonn, and the fisshermen’s cabins inn the old Aiguillon districtt, h and takee the coastal path through e, the pictuuresque portss of La Hume Gujan-M Mestras and more… m In os, take a bre eak on France e’s Anderno largest p pier, before you y reach the e Cap Ferrret peninsula a. Contact: Syndicat Intercommu unal du Bassiin d’Arcachhon – 16, allé ée Corrigan – 33311 Arrcachon. Tel.: +333 (0-5 57 52 74 94. www.basssin-arcachon Along A the way, visit Le e Teich o ornithollogical reserve r Located on the e site of form mer fish-farming marshes, the ornithological reserv ve provides a safe home to thousands of birds. This natural park of o 120 hectares has been designed to o sustain wild d birds in a w way that allow ws the public to see e them. Over 260 speciess pass throug gh the reservve, and 6km of footpaths and 20 obseervation postts provide fo or the eir human vissitors. Co ontact: Réserve ornitho ologique du Teich – 3347 70 Le Teich. Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 22 80 93. ww ww.parc-ornitthologique-d m National N and Re egional Nature Reserv ves Aq quitaine boassts one natio onal park and two region nal nature resserves, all packed with footpaths and hiking o explore all year y trails for you to und. rou Ra andio’guid ded Walkss in Pé érigord ve ert Strretching out over 1800 km m2 in the north of the Do ordogne dep partment, e Périgord-Liimousin Regional the Na ature Reserve e contains a diverse arrray of landsca apes. Audio and vid deo guides are now availa able in dig gital format, with themes inccluding the fo orest, legend ds, cha ateaux, wildlife and plantts… Randio’guide R Rental: 4 Euro os per guide, per walkk. Contact: Parc naturell régional PérigordLimousin – LLa Barde 24450 La Co oquille Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 55 36 00 0 naturel-perigo ordwww.parc-n Explore tthe ‘airialss’ and ‘cercles’ o of Gascon ny The Landes de Gascogn ne regional nature park offers almosst unlimited opportunitie es for walking and exploring. T Take Pissos fo or example, a village bettween Sabre es (home to the regiona l Ecomuseum m) and Belin-Béliet where severral routes help visitorss discover the e local ‘airials’, ttraditional se ettlements off the Land des. o the village,, Once youu get back to stop off aat Café de Pissos for a we ellearned b break. We rec commend th he Assiette de Pays, a gastronomic o the famous Landes duck paean to (terrine o of foie gras, duck d confit, fried gizzzards in Tursan wine). Aftter lunch cheeck out the village’s v glassblow wing workshop and craft centre. Contact: Maison d du Parc – 33 route de Bayonnee – 33830 Belin-Béliet. 9 99 Tel.: +333 (0)5 57 71 99 www.parrc-landes-de--gascogne.frr Cap’Caba ane, clo ose to nature n Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 29/4 48 Insspired by the e Land'art inittiative, Cap’C Cabane take es a new approach to the environmenntally-friendlyy treehouse concept: the ca abins blend harmoniousl h y with their ssurroundingss, and are conceived as teemporary insstallations wh hose main ob bjective is to preserve thiss site of natu ural beauty. Cap’Cabane C also boasts an organic re estaurant and chlorine-free pool, all in the e magnificen nt surroundin ngs of the Landes de Gasscogne Regio onal Nature Reserve. Co ontact: Ca ap’Cabane – Route de Lu ucmau – 3384 40 Captieux. Tel.: +33 (0)6 79 9 36 29 01. ww ww.capcaban Sn now-shoe ttrekking in the Pyre enees Nattional Park k. He ead off the be eaten track and a discover the Aspe Vaalley on a sno ow-shoe trek k. Chances arre you’ll into some local wildlife, while yyour expert guide g provides informatio on on the lan ndscape and identifies thhe animal prints in the fre esh ow. A real brreath of fresh h air! sno Da ates: Decemb ber 1 2013 to o April 30 201 14. Prices: from 184 to 223 € / person p for 3 days of snow wshoeing and d 2 nights full board (picnnic lunch) priice reflects oice of accom mmodationss (bed and brreakfast; hote el or stop-ovver accomodation). Rentaal snowshoess included. cho Co ontact: Tourist office d de la Vallée d'Aspe d – plac ce Sarraillé – 64490 Bedo ous. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 34 57 57. ww 30//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Som S meth hing g fo or ev very ybo ody with w h an n un nbea atab ble ran nge of activ a vitie es Fro om A for Acccro-branche to t Z for zoo, Aquitaine’s 5 departmen nts have no shortage s of ttheme parks.. From a relaxing day off discovery to o an adrenaline-fuelled a dventure, fin nd something g for all the ffamily. Fa ast times in Biscarro osse Avventure Parc Biscarrosse has h become Bisc’A Aventure. ges four and up. Open Ap prilAg No ovember. Entrance from 12 Euros for kids and om 22 Euros a aged over 15 5. fro Co ontact: Bissc’Aventure – avenue de la Plage BP 10016 - 440602 Biscarrrosse-Plage. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 82 53 40 0. www.biscav Aqualand d, making waves! Water sportts of all varietties in a huge adven nture park be eside the Bay of Arcacchon. Relax in i the sun, or enjoy guaaranteed thrills on the park’s sensaational rides. Open fro om June to September. S Adult pa ss: 26 Euros,, 18.50 Euross for childrren between 3 and 12. Contact: Aqualand d - Route de es Lacs 33470 Guujan-Mestrass. Tel: +33 (0)5 56 66 39 9 39. Lu uxurious accommodation in th he great la akes district of Bisc carrosse Recover from the exciteme ent of your da ay out with a night at the Comptoir des Sables, a beautiful guest house wiith 5 bedrooms. b In n this utterly peaceful envvironment, yo ou can come e and relax in n winter or suummer, make e the most of o the e spa as soon n as the first rays of sunsh hine appear and enjoy a generous brreakfast in th e large living g-room conservatory The truly speccial feature? The hot tub in the garde en… Co ontact: Le Comptoir des Sables – Sophie S et Fra ançois Bez – 34 Avenue de d la Libération – 40600 B Biscarrosse-P Plage. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 8 78 35 20 orr +33 (0)6 61 47 89 89. ww ww.lecompto Ex xotic attra actions nea ar Ag gen Follow the kangaroo to the e amazing alibi adventu ure park, just 5 km Wa fro om Agen in th he heart of Lot-etL Ga aronne. This giant, 30-hecctare park is rich in lu ush vegetatio on, and packed with acctivities for all the family: kids can explore Walibiland or discover A Africa on the e Tam Tam Tour, while tthe big kids get their thrills on the e looping, sp piralling Boomerang g, or the brea athtaking twists and tu urns of the Zig-Zag. Z No minimum m age (minim mum height 92 cm). Ope en mid-April to late October. Prices fro om €22.50 pe er person. Contact: Walibi Suud Ouest – Château C de Caudoui n – 47310 Ro oquefort. 8 32 Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 96 58 www.wal ibi-aquitaine Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 31/4 48 Ch harming guest room ms in the great g lakess region Jusst next door to Agen and d Parc Walibii, the Domain ne de Touille e (Clévacances 4 Key rati ng, Certified d Environmen ntal Qu uality) is a forrmer farm wh hich has been fully renovaated with the e utmost respect for its b beautiful natu ural surrroundings. T The two guest rooms are e named Asiaa and Africa, and are loca ated on the ttop floor of the house, allo owing guestss to marvel at a the buildin ng’s magnificcent seventee enth-century y wooden fraame. The thirrd bedroom “Bergerie” hass a bathroom m in the cave part: it’s carvved directly into the rock k. Co ontact: Doma aine de Touillle – Emile ett Pierrette Be erger – 47270 0 Saint-Urcisse. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 95 11 10 ou u +33 (0)6 83 3 17 37 05 ww ww.domained m La a Coccinellle, half fun n park, ha alf wildlife e centre Strroke the don nkeys and the e goats, givve a baby lam mb its bottle,, see the ram m with four h horns… Just ten minutes’ drive from Arcachon, La occinelle anim mal park is designed Co as a child-size ffarm. And there’s som mething for more adventturous kid ds too: inflata ables, fun tra ain, giant slid de, a 25-metre zip line… Ag ge 2 and over. Open mid--April to early Novembe er. 0 per person. Prices from €10 ontact: Co La Coccinelle – La Hume 334 470 Gujan-M Mestras. Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 6 66 30 41. ww A bit of T Tahiti on the Bay of Arcachon n Moorea, Maaupiti, Tetuaroa... No, this isn’t Tah hiti, it’s Gujan-Mestras, and near the e too (you e golf course can easily w walk to the clu ubhouse). The 5 guestt bedrooms of o this contemporaary house all bear exotic names. You can also rela ax in the private poo l, and enjoy the calm of the pines. Contact: ora (labelled d 3 keys Villa Bora Bo Clévacancess) Impasse Saiinte-Clothilde n-Mestras. 33470 Gujan Tel.: +33 (0) 5 56 66 05 86 6 ou +33 (0)6 05 226 04 02 http://villab The Caall of the Forest F in Périgorrd In the heeart of the Pé érigord Noir, just 10 m minutes from the Lascaux caves, Caall of the Forrest is the largest a dventure course in est, Dordognne. In an ancient oak fore pitch youurself againstt courses featuring g robe bridge es, Tarzan swings annd various ziip lines (up to o 150m lonng). No minim mum age (minimum heig ght 1 metre).. Open from mid-April un ntil the end o of Septembe er. Prices fro om €11 per person. p Contact: L’Appel d de la Forêt Route dee Périgueux 24210 Thhenon Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 46 35 5 06 pel-de-la-fore Ge et close to o nature in n the Vézè ère valley Lea aving behind d the oak forests of the Périgord, get back to natu ure at La Rivière, the firstt campsite in the Dordogne to hold the Eurropean Ecola abel environm mental certifficate. Just te en minutes’ walk w from thee centre of Les Eyzies, pittch your tent or ren nt a caravan on a site whiich used to b be a stable ya ard, and is now an ‘eco-ttourism’ desttination (motion-sensorr lighting in the t shower fa acilities, rainw water collectted for the to oilets etc.) Co ontact: Ca amping La Rivvière**** – Hôtel H restaura ant – Famille e Dalbavie – 24620 Le Eyzzies de Tayacc - Tel .: +33 (0)53 06 97 14 1 ww ww.larivierele Liv ve from th he vulture es’ nest In the t foothills of the Ossau u nature park, which is h home to seve eral ecies of birds of prey, Vu ulture spe Ro ock is a uniqu ue educational centre wh here visitors ccan observe Griffon and Egyptian vvultures in the eir 32//48 natural habiitat. Camerass installed on the rock face near to the birds’ nests transm mit images directly to a giant screen n in the centrre. Without ever disturb bing the vultu ures, an expert guid e directs the e cameras and provvides a running commenttary on the faascinating foo otage. Contact: La falaisee aux vautours 64260 Asste-Béon. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 82 65 5 49 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] A guest hou use with a panoramic view off the Ossa au valley Feel like a soarring bird of prey p as you enjoy e the unb beatable view w of the valle ey and moun taintops from m the bedrooms of th he Arrajou guest house (G Gîtes de Fra nce -3 ‘Epis’)). The lounge e area is a paalace of comfort and wa armth, while tthe bedroom ms each have e their own d istinctive style. Co ontact: l’A Arrajou – Véro onique et He ervé Cambierr – Quartier d de l’église – 64260 Bilhèrres-en-Ossauu. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 9 82 62 38 an nd +33 (0)6 81 8 41 31 46. ww om Aq quitaine, a true Noa ah’s Ark Are e you and yo our children animal a loverss? With anim mal parks, kids’ farms, repttile houses aand more, me eet some new frie ends: Gourass and wolverrines at the Calviac C zoolo gical reserve e (Dordogne)). Tel.: +33 (00)5 53 28 84 08. 0 eserve-calvia Angora a goats at the Chaudron Magique, Brrugnac (Lot-e et-Garonne).. Tel.: +33 (0))5 53 88 80 77. www.chaudronmag Pottokk ponies at th he Bidarray Pottok P Centre e (Pyrénées--Atlantique). Tel.: +33 (0)55 59 52 21 14 4. http:///maisondupo om Camelss on the Ferm me Exotique e at Cadaujacc (Gironde). Tel.: T +33 (0)5 5 56 30 94 80 . www.fe Javan m macaques att La Pinède des d Singes in n Labenne (La andes). Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 445 43 66. www.p Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 33/4 48 Ped P al at a yo ourr ow wn pace p e n of over 2,000 kilo ometres of cyycle routes iss available fo or sports love ers and cyclinng enthusiasts, with 500 A network kilo ometres runn ning along th he coastline, from the Po ointe de Gravve (on the Gironde Estuarry) to Bayonn ne, a major city c in the t Basque C Country. Oth her cycle paths as well as pleasant country roads and a forestry ttrails criss-cross Aquitain ne, wh hether in Giro onde, Lot-et--Garonne, Dordogne, Le es Landes, the Basque Co ountry or Béaarn. www.tou La Vélod dyssée, a cycle c route folllowing th he ocean In Aquitaine, A la a Vélodyssée e spans som me 300 km frrom the Poin nte de Grave (in the M Médoc) to He endaye, t Basque C Country. Ada apted to in the all profiles of cyyclists, la Véllodyssée offfers cycle rou utes lasting frrom a few w hours to cyycling holidayys. There are e many activiities the leng gth of the rou ute: stop off for a swim on one of the e beaches on n the coastlin ne in the Mé édoc or Les LLandes, disco over the oysster farming in the Bassin n d'A Arcachon, rid de down the Courant d'H Huchet stream on a boat, enjoy a hisstorical and ccultural visit of o Ho ossegor, Biarrritz and Saint-Jeande-Luz before ffollowing the e old smuggler's trail corniche - the o hich will take you as far ass wh He endaye. La Vé élodyssée is strewn witth accommodation labellled "A Acceuil Vélo" (Bike Friend dly) where cyccling touristss will be welccomed witth open armss. ww 34//48 Historrical and cultural c heritag ge is bestt discov vered by bike b Dordogne h has a large amount of historical an nd pre-historical sites on offer for cyccling tourists.. To enjoy this experie nce, simply follow f one of the cycle paths crossing the Périgord No oir (Black Pérrigord): the Céou Valleyy (an affluent in the Dordogne) or the route linking Sarlat to Ca zoulès. In bo oth cases, these cycle routes coverring some twenty or so o kilometres, showcase the Dordog gne Valley witth its medieval caastles (Castelnaud, Beynac). As well as the historical h town of Sarllat, well know wn for its gastronomyy. http://www..dordogne-p e Canal Cycle along the des De eux Mers From Castetts-en-Dorthe e to SaintRomain-le-N Noble, 87km of developed ccycle paths, running along the o ld tow path, run alongsid e the Canal des Deux Me ers T This (continui ng as far as Toulouse). he length of the t cycle patth running th canal offe fers a wonderfully peacefful ride on a sheltered trrail and is relativelyy flat. Some lock houses now offeer accommod dation and Auberge de la poule à vé élo meals (l’A around teen kilometre es from Agen n, La chopee et le pichett in Villeton). Just a few w kilometress from the cycle paths, thhere are also some c stop off wonderfuul rural and cultural points: M Meilhan-sur-G Garonne (offering a wonderful vantage point), G Gens de Garo onne in Couthurees (where you can enjoy watching g the river and the life of local resiidents), Le Mas M d’Agenais ndt in the (admire tthe Rembran church), Buzet-sur-Ba aïse (vineyard ds), Agen (th e canal bridg ge, the town, M its shopss, Fine Arts Museum), Villascop pia in Castelc culier. www.touurisme-lotetg www.lapo http://ww ww.lachope-et-lepichet.frr/ Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Cycle thrrough the e vineyard ds Saint Emilion and its wineoducing casttles await. pro The Saint Emiliion Tourist Office O ourists the option of offfers cycling to cyccling around the surrounding vin neyards by se electing one of the the eme routes, iincluding the e "Remarkable A Architecture" route or en the "Grea at Wine" rou ute. eve These routes, w which range from 10 out any major to 20 km, witho You can also cycle e about town Bo ordeaux is on ne of the favo oured cities for cyclistts he Associatio on named In Bordeaux, th Gu uidon Futé offfers a 3 hour guided bikke ride, accesssible to beg ginner cycclists, with sm mall pauses to t introduce the vvarious monu uments, are anecdote es about the history sha of this du 18the Century city, which is difficulties, p provide a diffferent vision n of this famo ous vineyard. Bike hire in situ, bookin g required www.saint-e Armag gnac, the oldest spirit iin France On the bord der between Gers and Les Landes de Gascogne, in the middle of a land rich in Armagnac A and foie graas, the Marsa an and Armagnac ccycle path sp pans some 51km linking g Mont-de-M Marsan to listed as a U Unesco World d Heritage site. om In Pér igueux, cy yclists are welco med with open arms Departing frrom Trélissacc, the cycle path crossess the city of Périgueux in a westerly d direction over 15km, following th he Isle river, and a goes as Gabarrett and crossin ng the Domaine d’Ognoaas (Armagnac c production n) in Arthez-d d’Armagnac, as well as ac village. Th he Labastidee d’Armagna path thenn continues to t Géou whe ere visitors ccan head off to t visit Notre e C Dame dees Cyclistes Cathedral where m any winners of the Tour de d ed their France h ave deposite winning jjerseys. far as Chhancelade an nd Marsac-surl’Isle. It iss a favourite for families (picnic arreas, toilets and a water supply), ffor those who enjoy a Sunday sstroll to keep p fit, or for some mo ore intrepid adventurers: a a ramp wa s built on the e bank, to mountain bikers to jump enable m over the river. www.touurisme-perigu ycling in th he Pyrene ees Cy For sports enth husiasts, the Pyrenees mo ountain route e links the Attlantic and th he Mediterraanean: there is a total of 34 3 ountain passes to climb and a descend, and 34 site s to be admired! From th he Basque co oastline, the ascent is eve en mo mo ore accessible before the en tackling th he Pierre-Sain nt-Martin, Au ubisque and Tourmalet m mountain passses. This itin nerary crosse es preserved landscapes, small charm ming villages, wild flora an nd fauna and d, in the summ mer, participants can come acro oss shepherds and their h herds in the mountain m pra airies. ww.laroutede ww Celebrate the cy ycles May: M 24/05/20 014 La a Médocaine Festiva al This is a meetin ng for mounttain me who can cycle bikkers in costum one of the circu uits (between n 20 and g the castle vineyards v 80 km) crossing of the Médoc, in a festive am mbiance. Plea ase note! Nu umber of participants lim mited to 5,000 0! articipants co onfirmed by order of (pa sub bscription). Subscription on nly online or by post om early Janu uary 2014: fro ww ww.medocain Septem mber: Octo ber: Each year th he Roger Lap pébie cycle route (57km m linking Sauvveterre de Guyenne to o Latresne an nd Bordeaux)) is the stage for a festive event which magnificenttly combines culture, sport, heritaage, wine and d classic music such aas rock and rap. r m/ouvre-la-vo oix For mounntain biking enthusiasts, circuits o of between 20km and 60kkm depart frrom Saint-Léon-sur-Vézèrre, an enchaanting village e close to Eyzies, annd showcase e the historiccal heritage on offer in this part of th he Dordognne. www.velo 6-7/09 9/2014 Ouvre la Voix Musical Cycling F Festival 5-6//10/2014 Mountaain Bike Rando-Silex R x in the P Pays de Cro-Magon C n Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 35/4 48 Dow D wn in th he h hole e: an n und u erg grou und jou urne ey An n undergroun nd tour of Aq quitaine… Ye es you can! F From the cavve paintings which w provid de a glimpse of the life off Cro o-Magnon m man to the cryystalline cath hedrals of un nderground mineral m depo osits, via som me even more e surprising underground a attractions – discover a no ovel way to e experience th he region. Cave paintings, the leg gacy of p prehisto oric man Aq quitaine is witthout a doub bt Fra ance’s top de estination for those wisshing to adm mire some of the earliest extant works of art. While e most famous prehistoric sites the are e concentrate ed in the Vézzère vallley, including the UNESC CO Wo orld Heritage e listed cavess, there are e other sites to discover in Girronde, the La andes and th he Basque Countrry. The Lasccaux cavess, ‘founded d’ 70 years ago Disscovered (or perhaps tha at should be ‘founded’) in 1940 by four hoolboys from Montignac in sch Périgord, the LLascaux cave complex as open to the public for many wa yea ars before closing in 1963 3. The constant flow o of visitors (some 1500 every day) w was beginning to take its toll on the p prehistoric pa aintings which adorn n the walls off the world’s most famou us Palaeolithiic site. However, in n order to givve everybody tthe opportun nity to admire thesse UNESCO listed masterpiece es, a precise replica of the original site was crea ated (featuring th he same pain ntings made using the saame techniqu ues and pigments) 2200 metres aw way from the original:: Lascaux II. Contact: Tourist officce Vallée de la Vézère Place Bertraan de Born – 24290 Montignac. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 51 58 60 0 om www.tourism The e Pair-non--Pair cave,, neaar the Giro onde uary Estu Horses, i bices, deer, mammoths o Pair-non-P Pair and cattlle: the cave of was the tthird decoratted cave in the world to be rediscove ered (in 1881 1), and conttains engravings which predate tthe works at Lascaux (produceed between 33,000 3 and 26,000 BC C). Located 30km north of o Bordeauxx, this eloquent record of o mankind ’s early artisttic ment is the subject s of mu uch developm scientificc research. Contact: Grotte d e Pair-non-P Pair 33710 Prrignac-et-Marcamps. 3 40 Tel.: +333 (0)5 57 68 33 monumentshttp://paair-non-pair.m Th he Isturritz-Oxo ocelhaya a caves:: prehisstory an nd geolo ogy Ne eanderthal m man was the first f to wande er the 600 m etres of underground passageways w which make up u this mazelike e complex. H He would be followed som me time late er by Cro-Magnon man, our o own anceestor, an artisst, builder an nd ma aker of tools who would soon s change e the face of tthe world. A total of 70,0 000 objects hhave been un nearthed in Istu uritz, includin ng paintings and engraviings. As for tthe Oxocelha aya cave, be prepared fo r a big surprise... Co ontact: Grottes d’Isturiitz-Oxocelha aya – 64640 Saint-Martin S d d’Arberoue.-- Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 29 64 772 ww 36//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Crystallin ne caves: sttalactite es, sttalagmittes and un ndergro ound sttreams Ca athedrals of ccrystal, monu uments of mineral, wonde ers of nature: es are an awe ecryystalline cave insspiring record d of the passsing of tim me. With wate er as the arch hitect and limestone the raw mate erial, ese caves are e remarkable e for their the texxtures, colum mns, stalactite es, sta alagmites and d other unussual sha apes formed d over countless tho ousands of years. Domme,, the large est natural ccave in Bla ack Périgord d Be eneath the fo ortified town of Do omme lies a ffantastical pa arallel wo orld: the large est cave in th he Périgord Noir rregion, with its columns of stallactites and alagmites. Th his undergrou und sta wo onder is some etimes called d the ‘Accropolis of Périgord Noirr’, and can n be accesse ed via the sevventeenth-ce entury marke et hall of Do omme – officcially one of France’s F mo ost beautiful villages. Co ontact: Tourist office – place de la Halle 242 250 Domme. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 31 71 00. ww Into the abyss at Proumey yssac Ch hristened the e "Cathedral of Cryystal", Proum meyssac curre ently holds the ho onour of bein ng the largest acce essible cave in i the Périgord reg gion. Before the current access tunn el was create ed, visitors descended in groups off 3, in a capsule attaached to a ho orse-drawn pulley syste m. This original system ed, allowing has recentlyy been revive more hardy tourists to enjoy e an unusual, his toric start to their visit. Contact: Gouffre de Proumeyssacc 24260 Le Bu ugue. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 07 27 47 7 www.gouffre Boots and head dlamps forr the Cé élestine ca ave Discovered in the Entre--deux-Mers region in 18845, the Céle estine cave and its unde erground stre eam are now open to o the public. Strap on your boots aand helmet and a take a guided adve enture through the bowels of th he earth. Takke the caver’s apprroach to exp ploring the undergroun nd river, walkking through the water to o marvel at ca alcite flows, delicate sta lactites and countless c stalagmites.. Contact: Hôpital 6, rue de l'H 33420 Rauzaan. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 57 84 08 69 9 ecelestine.jim http://grotte The grreat underground hall att La Verna a In the heart of the karst plateau which stradd dles the bord der between France and Spain, site of o some of the world’s deepest caves (including th he Pierre-Saint-Martin cave), the g reat undergrround hall at o the public La Verna waas opened to in 2010. 2245 metres wide, w 194 metres hhigh, a 5-hecttare surface c do justice area… Suuperlatives can’t to this im mmense centtre of undergro ound explora ation, one off the ten laargest underrground cavities i n the world. A secure m is visitors’ ttrail of 800 metres accessib le for person ns with reducced mobility. Contact: SAS La V Verna Pierre Saint-Martin S Espace d d'accueil Arra akotchepia 64560 Saainte-Engrâce e. Tél : +333 (0)9 75 17 75 5 66 0 or +33 (00)6 37 88 29 05 By ttrain, boatt and on foott in the Le estelleBéth harram ca aves Covering g a total dista ance of 28km m undergro ound, the cavves of LestelleBétharra m (on the be earn side) are e p of five store eys, one above made up the otherr as in a housse. Each storrey was creatted at a diffe erent time. You Y enter thee complex on n a train, then take a baarge across the t undergro ound lake, be efore taking the stairss to the theattre box or the hall of chhandeliers… This site is unique inn Europe as an example of ‘active’ ccave formatio on, as the rive er Moustèree still continu ues to shape e the rock.. These cavess, in the varie ety orms, tell us much aboutt all of their fo types of cave formatiion; Contact: Chemin d des grottes 65270 Saaint-Pé-de-Biigorre. Tel.: +333 (0)5 62 41 80 0 04 ottes-de-beth www.gro Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 37/4 48 In ntroducttion to caving Tempted by an n undergroun nd adventure e? Dodging sstalactites an nd stalagmite es, experiencced tour guides will take you down into the depths, where the water has scullpted the lim mestone into extraordinarry shapes. Yo our guide will exp plain the astonishing eco osystem at work in these incredible la andscapes, with w unique fl ora and faun na. Turn off your light, and ‘listen’ to the darkness… … Co ontacts : Couleurs P Périgord – Le es Magnanas – Pont de Faayrac – 24220 Vézac. - Te el.: +33 (0)5 553 30 37 61 http://lado ordogneenca LCS Nature e Evasion – Place P de la mairie m – 471500 Gavaudun.. - Tel.: +33 (0 0)5 53 40 83 55 Aqua-Vertige (sorties en e vallée d'O Ossau) – Nico las Terrier – 14 rue la Pac chère – 642600 Louvie Juzon Tel.: +33 (0 0)5 59 71 11 07 0 ou +33 (0))6 08 58 09 755 - http://aqu agesperso-o Su urprisin ng underground d attracctions The mon nolithic chu urch of Saint-Em milion Orriginally, the monolithic church c (ca arved out of tthe sheer rocck) of Saint-Emilion w was a simple cave hich the Bene edictine mon nk wh Em milion had ele ected as his hermitage in th he eighth cen ntury… In e hiss honour, his Benedictine succcessors laun nched a giga antic building progra amme in the e eleventh ntury, extracting some 15 5,000m3 cen of rock from the cave and creating c Europe’s largesst monolithicc construction in the processs. From 38//48 the square iin front of the church it is nders that hard to imag gine the won lie within: th hree naves 40 0 metres deep and 200 metres high, supported b by awe-inspirring square pillars. Guided tou rs only: ‘Subterrane an Saint-Emilion’ Contact: es Créneaux Tourist officce – place de 33330 Saint--Emilion. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 57 55 28 28 8. www.saint-e The e Mérignass mushroo om m farm A formerr nineteenth--century quarry, the Mérig gnas mushro oom farm welcomees visitors all year round. In the comp pany of the farmer, f explo ore some of the 100km of o underground galleries,, and observve the techniquues of organic mushroom m productio on. Contact: Tourist o office – 12 rue e Chapelle 33420 Raauzan. Tel.: +333 (0)5 57 84 03 3 88 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] On O y you ur trrustty chargerr Ga allop at speed along a fin ne sandy bea ach, walk gen ntly through the t never-en nding forestss of the Landes, trot along g bridleways thro ough the vine es, take to th he mountain trails of the Pyrenees… In Aquitaine,, too, the horrse is your be est frie end, taking yyou through the t infinite variety of land dscapes the region has to o offer. Horse rid des… an nd donk key ride es Gallop along the ocean o beaches Wh hen the tide is low, it is time to get on your mo ount and hea ad for ontis Plage w where a circuiit of Co som me ten kilom metres awaitss along the e beach and through the dunes. Vissit the renow wned Courantt d’H Huchet, adm mire the lighth house in Co ontis and plunge into the three colours of the landscapes of o the ndes: the blu ue of the oce ean, the Lan yellow of the e sand and the t green of the immensse pine forestts. Contact: estre de Con ntis Centre Eque 40170 Saint--Julien-en-Born. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 58 42 46 06 6 or http://sphill Donke ey rides frrom the Lande es de Gasccogne Region nal Nature e Park Girond’Ane offers a cho oice of two donkeys, dep pending on circuits on d your moo od: take the coastal path h and visit an oyster-farmer’s hut (w with a tasting session and d a Gascon aperitif) o or take the beautiful b trail along thee Leyre (departure from the t Maison d de la Nature in Le Teich, arrival in Mios). You will w ride on a saddled donkey, while another donkey ccarries the picnic hamperrs. Contact: Girond’A Ane – Allée d'Ayguemort d tes "Hougueeyra" – 33980 0 Audenge. Tel.: +333 (0)5 56 82 99 9 64. www.giro Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 39/4 48 Horse-rid ding cou urses an nd pack kages Learn to find yourr way through the Val de e Dronne In a centre ope en all year round, Les Ch hevauchées d du Périgord offer o a wid de variety of equestrian activities, a fro om riding lesssons to orien nteering: acccording to th he environme ent, learn to choose yourr itinerary in the t company of your mount. t evening,, stay close to o nature In the witth an overnig ght stay in on ne of the Cabanes de e Vaures percched in the trees of the forest betwe een Bourdeilles and Brantôm me. Breakfast an nd dinner willl be hoisted up for you t o savour from m your h its views ove er the hills terrace with onne. and the vall ey of the Dro Contactss: Les C Chevauchéess du Périgord d Dom maine de Perd dillotte 243550 Lisle. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 04 0 44 28 www htm Les ccabanes de Vaures V Thim mothée Dene euville 2431 0 Valeuil 3 08 60 Tel.: +33 (0)6 40 38 http:://cabane-pe erigorddord dogne.cabanesdevaure.frr Horse-wh hisperin ng An nd if you learned to understand your horse h before e you climb on o its back? Dorothée D Lab bbas is a mo onitor spe ecialised in b behavioral ho orse-riding, and a she teacches ethologyy, or how to establish a reeassuring relationship wiith an animal by ta aking accoun nt of the way it communiccates. It even n becomes possible to rid de without using a bit and to head off for an excursion n of a few miles around th he fortified town of Monfflanquin. Co ontact: Ch heval Voyage e - Ferme équ uestre de To ourette – 472 90 Lougratte e Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 41 66 50 an nd +33 (0)6 81 8 58 41 29 htttp://cheval-vo Weekend W ds, shorrt excurrsions Th he joys of a family hikke in the co ompany off a pottok in the Basq que counttry The pottok is th he small pon ny of the Basque mounta ins and will be b your companion durinng this trip. Your Y hike pre esents no pa articular difficculties. The pottok p (1 perr family) will carry c your lug ggage and reeassure youn nger travellerrs, wh hile you disco over the gree en and hilly la andscapes o of the Béarn des d Gaves re egion borderring the Basq que Country.. Each night, a fa amily will recceive you as friends. f 3 dayys / 2 nights stay with the e possibility o of extra nights. Price 2013: € 18 82 / adult (exxtra night € 79) 7 and 104 € / child (extra night € 48) The price includes full boarrd accommodation, rentaal of a pottokk and guideb book. Co ontact: Tourist office B Béarn des Ga aves - Tel. +3 33 (0)5 59 38 32 82 ww ww.mysecreth m 40//48 Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Lo ong-disttance horsebacck circu uits Horseba ack itinerarry through the Basqu ue Country Ovver 4 days, th his journey off more tha an 100 km takes you through the pla ains and mou untains on th he inland part of the Basque Countryy, mass tourism m. In untouched by m wer Navarre,, make your way w Low thrrough village es such as Hé élette, kno own for its Pottok (Basqu ue pony) fair. From the rridges of Iparrlatzé, mic views takke in exceptional panoram of the Pyreneess and make your y way thrrough the vin neyards of Iro ouléguy. In Saint-Jean-P Pied-de-Port,, you will pass pilgrims a as you make your y way Fo or children and d te eenagerrs Bivouac in orchard ds and mills Teenager riderrs will certain nly enjoy this circuit desiigned especially for em: rides through orchards laden the witth fruit, picnics, camp fire es, bivvouacs by the e water’s edg ge or in plu um orchards.. This 4-day circuit c is alsso an opportunity to visit the forrtified town o of Monflanqu uin and Ga auvaudun. through Sai nt-Jacques Gate G at the entrance to the citadel. Level: riderss at ease at all a three gaits, in goo od physical condition c (6 hours on ho orseback each day). Contact: Equitation – Ferme Hasparren E Urkodea – Q Quartier Zela ai 64240 Hasp arren. 6. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 29 15 76 www.urkode Village es, fortifie ed towns and ca astles in Périgord Noir Ideally locatted on the banks of the Dordogne, T The Haute Yerle Y equestrian ffarm is an excellent Contact: u Bel Air – Ca arole Dhuit Le Ranch du 47350 Labre etonie. Tel : +33 (0) 6 74 87 46 39 9. om www.ranch- Shetla and poniess for buddin ng riders If horses are e one of man n’s best friends, She etland poniess are e favourite with w children: certainly the it is difficult not to fall un nder the charm of the ese little pon nies reaching no o more than 1 metre high at the shoul der. Stroke them, t brush manes, clean their their long m starting p point to discover the valley of 1,000 ccastles on ho orseback. Fo or 6 days, disscover the region’s finest C Casttle sites: thee Abbey of Cadouin, of Biron, the fortified d town of Monpaziier and Belvè ès, one of the e F plus the Loveliestt Villages in France, castles o of Les Milandes, Castelnau and Beynnac, and the ruins of the Castle off Commarque… (accomm modation and d meals in gîttes, bed and breakfast an nd hotels). Contact: Ferme Eq a Haute Yerle e questre de la Georgess and Stéphane Fournier dogne. 24480 Al les-sur-Dord 5 85. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 63 35 ewww.ran do-equestre hooves… … children ca an take the time to get to o know their future f mountts and thenn comes the all-importantt moment : departure for f a lovely ride ding through tthe surround countrysiide, not to fo orget a tasty picnic! Contact: Elevage du Brana – Françoise F Dare Regnier – 16 route de e Serres Casttet 64160 Saaint-Castin (10 km no orth of Pau). Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 33 27 7 00 or +33 (0)6 10 18 52 67 www.elevvagedubrana Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 41/4 48 Take T e to o the sk kiess: Aqu A uitaiine from abov a ve oons, ultra-lig ghts, paraglid ders, parachutes, paramo otors, gliderss and even Tourist planes, helicopters, hot air ballo wa aterplanes… Seen from th he sky, the la andscapes an nd rivers, casstles and vine eyards, foressts and moun ntains take on a verry different d dimension. Take to the sk kies for anoth her view of Aquitaine! A By y hot air balloon Fro om the fortifiied towns of Périgord to the vineyard ds of the Méd doc, defy gra avity on a ho ot-air ballon flight. f Above th he Dordogne in Périgord Noir Be eynac, Marqu ueyssac, Casttelnaud… Take off with Lionel, an exp perienced balloonist and hang-glider.. The n the balloon glides smoothly on eeze over castles and alo ong the bre rive er, offering tthe grandest of trips. Rates: €180/pe erson for a ght (1 hour). A drink “discovery” flig n landing. or breakfast on Co ontact: Mo ontgolfière e et Châteaux – Lionel Druet – 24220 B Beynac-et-Cazenac. Tel.: +33 (0)6 71 14 34 96. ww.montgolfiere-chateau ww The vineyyards of the Côtes de Durass Michel Fonvielhe is a wineg grower ou in his hot--air and will take yo e Durand balloon to visit Domaine de 42//48 and the Côttes de Duras vineyards from the ski es. On your return, you n a certificate e, and eitherr will be given a coffee or a glass of win ne. Rates: €250//person (for 2 people) for a “discovvery” flight (1 ( to 1½ hours). Contact: e Durand Domaine de 47120 Saint--Jean-de-Du uras. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 89 02 23 3. www.domaiinededurand By ultra light Ultra-Lights are one or two-seat aircraft with a small engine. They only reach lo ow altitudes and flying speeds and are ideal forr excursions or aerial pho otography, so s don’t forget your camera! Grand tour of the e Bay of Arcach hon Take off in M Michel Boudigues’ ultralight and en njoy the view ws of a natural envi ronment like e no other: Oiseaux, Dun ne du Pilat, the Ile aux O Banc d'A Arguin and Cap-Ferret C peninsulaa. Rates: €660 for a 30-m minute flight. Contact: 3 Axes Seervices Loisirs – aérodrom me de Villem marie – 33260 0 La Teste-de eBuch. 3 17. Tel.: +333 (0)6 89 42 23 www.ulm Takee off and la and on the e wateer Enjoy a d different flyin ng experiencce betweenn water and sky s in an ultra acent light, oveer a magnific environm ment of beac ches, lakes an nd forests. T Take-off and landing will be on the Laake of Biscarrrosse and Parentis. Contact: Hydravio ons Atlantiqu ue – Aérodrome de Biscarrrosse – rue Costes et Bellonte – 40600 Bisc carrosse. Tel.: +333 (0)5 58 82 88 8 42. oldesaigles.c com www.levo Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] By y paramo otor The latest deve elopment in ultralights is the paramotor, a er and an combination off a paraglide aced on the pilot’s p engine unit pla ess or on a frrame. back by a harne Above th he Landes Girondines Enjoy a magica al moment on a aiden or intro oductory flight in a ma paramotor abo ove the Landes Girrondines, and learn how it works tha anks to the e explanations given by the e pilot. Rates: €80 for a 20-minute maiden m ght, €100 for a 20-minute flig introductory flight. ontact: Co Aq quitaine Paramoteur Adve enture 26,, rue Auguste e Renoir 336 600 Pessac. Tel.: +33 (0)6 62 2 26 00 13. ww See the Bayy of Arcachon n like never before with the team fro om the Waggas Sch hool. Accompanied by a State-licens ed monitor, take off in b on the safety from a platform built side of the D Dune du Pila at. Rates: €80 fo or a 20-minu ute introductoryy flight and €90 € for a 20minute senssation flight Contact: hool – Pyla Camping C Waggas Sch route de Bisscarrosse 33115 Pyla-ssur-Mer. Tel.: +33 (0) 6 32 04 32 07 7. Other addressess to try paragl iding in Aq quitaine By y paragliider Wh ho has neverr dreamed off leaping fro om the top off a cliff and flying into the e air? Come and meet yo our mo onitor at the site they havve sellected, play iin active role e in the takke-off, enjoy the silent sensations of the flight witth your monitor atttached behin nd you and controlling eve erything. Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 37 3 69 05 or +33 ((0)6 84 78 65 5 09 www m An inccredible vie ew of the du Pilat Dune d Dordog gne Valley be elvedere: Parapen nte Dordogn ne – JeanMarie M Mas – Le Gran nd Coustal 24370 S Simeyrols Tel.: +3 3 (0)6 81 21 97 9 73. From th he Baïgura, one o of the most be eautiful viewp points in the Basque Country: Ecole d e Parapente Hegaldaka e Loisirs du Baigura B Base de Route d de Louhossoa a 64240 M Mendionde By parrachute All of a s udden, the leap into the ensations of 200 2 void! Disscover the se km/h freeefall for abou ut 60 second ds. The paraachute is ope ened automatiically and the en you can glide genntly and enjo oy the views for f a few minnutes. The cherrry on the cak ke is to ask one o of the paarachutists to o film you during thhe flight so you can take a souvenir away with yo ou. Contactss: Overr the landsca apes of the Agenn area: Ecole e de Paracchutisme d’A Agen Aéro odrome Agen n la Garenne e 475220 Le Passage e Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 68 6 23 00 and d +33 ((0)6 70 04 04 4 00. www w.agen-parac An uunforgettable e view of the Aquiitaine coastline: me OJB Parachutism Aéro odrome de Mimizan M 402000 Mimizan Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 09 0 27 62 and d +33 ((0)6 86 77 22 2 07 www m Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 43/4 48 y plane By Take off, ascen nt, turns, cruissing eed, descentt, landing… Maiden spe flig ghts are on o offer in a large number of club bs all over Aq quitaine. Maiden fflight over the great lake es The lakes of Ca azaux and Sa anguinet, d Parentis, Bisscarrosse and Au ureilhan… Op pen your eye es and enjjoy the greatt lakes region of the Lan ndes from a different ang gle. The pilot will take yyou as far as the t Dune of Le Pilat. Co ontact: Aé érodrome, ro oute de Paren ntis 210 00 rue Coste es et Bellonte e 406 600 Biscarrossse-Ville. Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 nd 8 78 83 43 an 33 (0)6 03 31 1 15 25. +3 ww ww.aeroclubd By y glider Gliiding from clloud to cloud d, does tha at sound like fun? Climb into your aircraft withoutt an engine that t uses e energy of tthe air and su un, and the disscover the fascination of silent s flig ght. 44//48 The Baasque Coa ast from the skyy The Robert Iribarne glid ding centre proposes gllider flights over o the Basque Cou untry. Launch hed by towing, the glider flies over o the Nive, the Baasque coast, the mountain off La Rhune… …with a bit off luck, you miight even see e vultures flying aroun nd. Rates: 80 € ffor an introductory flight between 200 and 30 minu utes. Contact: Vol à Voile Ro obert Centre de V Iribarne – 644250 Itxassou u. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 29 75 12 2. Glide o over the Bay of Arcach hon At an altitud de of 1,000 metres, m discover wid de-open spaces usually reserved forr the birds an nd a few enthusiasts. ductory Rates: €150 for an introd flight launch hed by a plan ne. Contact: Planeurs du Bassin d’Arccachon Aérodrome d’Arcachon La Teste 33164 La Te este-de-Buch h Tel.: +33 (0) 5 56 54 15 14 4 By hellicopter Quick annd comfortab ble, helicopte ers offer excceptional sen nsations of freedom : fasten yourr belt for an h in the excursionn with your head clouds… … Thee Vézère Va ally in a sing gle glance Take in tthe wonders of the Valleyy of ty from a helicopter: castlles, Humanity villages aand prehistoric sites (La Roque-S aint-Christop phe, Tursac, La es) are all a Madeleinne, Les Eyzie delight fo or the eyes. Contact: Aéroclub b Héliclub du u Périgord Noir 24590 Saaint Crépin et Carlucet Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 29 35 5 33 http://heeliclubperigo Presstige flightts over the vineeyards From Bo ordeaux Airpo ort, enjoy a bove the unique eexperience ab Bordeauxx vineyards with w magnificcent views ovver the Garon nne dogne. and Dord Price: fro om €290 per person. Contact: Air Plus H Hélicoptère – Aéroport de d Bordeauxx – Zone avia ation généra ale 33700 Méérignac Tel.: +333 (0)5 56 34 53 3 19 and +33 (0)6 661 62 37 41 www.airp om Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] Fish F hing in rive ers, lak kes… … and from f m th he beac b ches Family relaxatio on or seriouss sport, from the banks o f a mountain n lake or by the sea, fly fisshing or with h rapala luress (im mitating the sshape of a fissh)… Every kind of fishing g is to be fou und in Aquita aine, alone o or with a guid de, on an allfish hing package e or just for the t day durin ng the holidaays. Along A the 250 km k of Aquitaine e coastlline Surf-castiing on the beach There are those e who say that surf cassting was born here in the Landes reg gion… What is sure is tha at the beaches along the Aquitain ne deal for plantting your coastline are id d and casting g your line out rod beyond the bre eaking wavess. The p-Ferret are beaches of Cap nowned for ttheir sea basss fishing. ren Further south in the Landess, black peckled and gilt-head sseabream, sp bot and mackkerel bass, sole, turb wait you. aw Co ontacts: Surf-casting g de la Mare emne 40130 Capbreton. 0)5 58 41 79 10 1 Tel.: +33 (0 Surf-cassting – Ocean Beaches 40600 B Biscarrosse-Plage. Tel.: +3 3 (0)6 03 61 39 3 21 Surf-cassting club de e VieuxBoucau -les-Bains Vieux Boucau u. 40480 V Tel.: +3 3 (0)5 58 48 04 0 24 Offsho ore fishing Another wayy of fishing bass, b sole and other o ocean treasurres is from a boat out at sea. In the harbours of Arcachon orr Capbreton, for example, yo ou can hop onboard o with professiona l sailors or re ent a boat by the day. Contacts in Arcachon: Laurentt Condou arcacho L’Em mbelli www Contactss in Capbreto on: Bateeau Le Toune e Tél : +33 (0)6 85 21 2 34 34 Bateeau P’tit Tom m Tél : +33 (0)6 61 48 4 81 91 Bateeau Ptit Loup p Tél : +33 (0)6 13 15 1 64 55 http::// epechhe/pescatourrisme/ Unio on nautique du d port de breton Capb http::// Angling A o on the Bay B of Arcacho A on With a variety o of species off fish to be ca aught throug gh the season ns, the Bay of o Arcachon iis the ideal spot to spend da half-day’s fishin ng, with family or friends.. The Union d des Batelierss Arcachonna ais proposes fishing excu ursions from Ap pril through to Septembe er. Co ontact: UB BA – 76, boullevard de la Plage P – 3312 20 Arcachon. Tel.: +33 (0)5 57 7 72 28 28 ww ww.uba-batea Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 45/4 48 In n the mo ountains of the e Pyrene ees The mountain sstreams of th he Basque Countrry and Béarn are the alm of the brrown trout, THE T wild rea tro out. It goes w without saying g that the ey are also th he realm of the anglers! In the leg gendary nivves of the Basque Countryy The nives are a multitude of o torrents nding their w way down the e Basque win vallleys of Lowe er Navarre. They are a huge draw for anglers thanks to eir large fish populations and the particularly reg gular trout acctivity. e Basque The very mild cclimate of the ountry is idea al for dry fly fishing, f Co fro om start to en nd of the fish hing sea ason. There a are all differe ent types of runs, from highly physica al fishing in gorges wherre access is difficult d to callm, winding sstretches suitable for all.. ontact: Co Co omité Départtemental du Tourisme Béarn Pays Basqu ue Petite Caserrne – 2 allée des Platanes – 664100 Bayonn ne. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 30 01 30 0. www.peche Basque Cou untry Accredited Fishing Guide (Pêch he 64 label): Yvon Zill – M Maison Biscaya Quartier On ndarolle 64220 Arnég guy. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 59 37 34 96 6 and +33 (0) 6 28 37 39 75. www.basque hingecountry-fish Sportf ishing in th he Béarn gaves The Gave d e Pau and Gave d’Oléron are e rich in fish of all species, butt it is the presence of Atlantic salm mon, sea trou ut and very large brown n trout that attract fly and d natural bait fishing enthusiasts. With its turbulentt waters, the Gave d'Oloron offfers one of the finest commonage e. es in Europe Contact: Comité D Départemental du Tourismee Béarn Payss basque Petite Caaserne – 2 allée des Platanes – 64100 Bayyonne. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 30 01 30. Fishhing packages and cou rses in the Pyrenean gavees Hervé Baaltar is a fishing guide (Pêche 644 accredited d) and a troutt and salm mon specialist. He proposses fishing co ourses in the e Pyrenean gaves. Tw wo chambres d’hôtes (3 épis ratinng by Charm mance) are availablee in the outbu uildings of th he mill in Suusmiou in the e heart of Béarn des Gavees. Contact: Hervé Baaltar – Le Mo oulin de Susmiou - 7 chemin des d tuileries 64190 Suusmiou. Tel.: +333 (0)5 59 66 04 4 39. Navarren N nx, capiital of sa almon ffishing The fortified to own of Navarrrenx organisses the world d salmon-fish hing champio onships eachh year. This fisshing takes pla ace in specifiic spots calle ed “pools” - the calm parrts of the stre eam out of th he currents. Co ontact: Tourist Office – 2 place dess casernes – 64190 6 Navarrrenx. Tel.: +3 33 (0)5 59 38 32 85 ww In n the lak kes The great lakes of the t andes Gironde and the La A short s distancce from the ocean, o behind the wall of dunes, th he great he lakkes of the Girronde and th Lan ndes, Carcan ns, Sanguinet, Bisscarrosse, So oustons, offerr a wide ran nge of sites tto try to catch some zan nder, pike, black bass or roach. 46//48 The m ountain lakes, a paradi se for anglers and hikers The mountaain lakes are an experience like no otherr: the pleasures off getting the ere and the magnificentt surrounding gs are well worth the vi sit in their ow wn right. ometimes Sometimes generous, so more difficu ult, fishing is always unpredicctable but the challenge is always thhere, with bro own trout, ch harr and rainb bow trout aw waiting those e ready to take it up. Sites: us, In the Osssau Valley: lakes of Ayou Artoustee, Anglas... In the Asspe Valley: lakes of Arlet, Peilhou, Anglus... In the Baasque Country: lakes of Iraty. Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected] In n the riv vers Aq quitaine boassts thousands of kilo ometres of w waterways full of gudgeon, bleak, roach, carrp, pike and eels, trout and catfish. Not to estic Dordog gne or forrget the maje Ga aronne with ttheir mixed fish po opulations, an nd especiallyy their ren nowned migratory fish (sh had, lam mprey, salmo on, mullet and eel). Ha appy fishing! Trophy fishing in th he Lot The specialists say that fishing on e Lot is quite e exceptional, and it the hass earned itse elf a national and international re eputation, esspecially atches: pike and carp forr its trophy ca of up to 1.1 me etres, one-me etre zan nder or catfissh of over 2 metres! m Contact: aronne pour Fédération de Lot-et-Ga la pêche et la protection n du milieu aquatique – 44 cours du u 9è-deLigne – 470006 Agen. Tel.: +33 (0) 5 53 66 16 68 8. www.federaationpeche.frr/47 Migrattory fish in the Dordo ogne In Limeuil, t he Dordogne widens out majesticcally and is crossed by a number of d dams. This zo one is a haunt of mig gratory fish, and in particular Eu uropean sturrgeon and shad. Contact: Fédération de Dordogne pour la pêche et la protection du d milieu aquatique – 16 rue des Prés – 24000 Périg ueux. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 06 84 4 20 derationpechedordogne.ffr www.fed Carp p fishing by b night Prepare yyour tent and d some provisionns, dress warrmly and enjo oy the manyy specialised d overnight carp-fish ing runs and d their many and varieed sensations. In Lot-etGaronnee, for example, some thirtty varied ruuns (rivers and d lakes) allow w me fishing. night-tim Contact: Fédératio our on de Lot-ett-Garonne po la pêche et la protecttion du milie eu aquatiquue – 44 courss du 9è-deLigne – 447006 Agen. Tel.: +333 (0)5 53 66 16 6 68. www.fed Comforta able guest rooms closse to the e Dordo ogne Riiver Be etween Berge erac and Sain nt-Emilion, Marie-Ange M w welcomes you to her woo od-framed ho ouse set in 20 hectares of vin neyards and fforests, with lakes for fish hing. Each off the rooms has h its own customised d écor and all look out ontto the e covered terrace. Co ontact: Do omaine de la Mouthe – Marie-Ange M Guérault G – 244700 Saint-Ré émy-sur-Lido oire. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 82 15 40. or o +33 (0)6 71 52 73 42 ww ww.pays-de-b m/hebergem ment/domain e-mouthe A Charm ming cotttage in the Lott Valley y La maison des tilleuls is an elegant 220 m² residenc e, ideal for a holiday with h family or friiends, opening on to a flowered terracce and a beautiful swimm mingpool. Co ontact: Do omaine de Crozefond – Jeanine et Je ean-Claude G Gardes – Cro ozefond – 471 150 Saint-Au bin. Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 3 41 66 06 ett +33 (0)6 86 64 00 89. ww ww.domaine--de-crozefon Our O favo ourite: nature n fiishing ccourses Lea arn to fish is also discove er nature and d aquatic hab bitats on the fun-filled fish hing and natture courses organised by the e Fédération nationale de e la pêche. They T are suitaable for all ages, alone or with a grouup or friends. In the Lot-e etGa aronne, for exxample, go to t the Maison de la Pêch he for bait cassting, fly fishing or other courses. Co ontact: Ate elier pêche n nature – Maisson de la pêche – 1 rue d du Trech – 47 7520 Le Passage. ww ww.federation Vaccances activess 2014 – Comitté Régional de e Tourisme d’ Aquitaine – Service presse – presse@tou risme-aquitain 47/4 48 THE AQUITTAINE REGIO ON, iis in South-W West France and a its capiital is Bordea aux. It covers 5 départements: the D Dordogne (24 4), Gironde (33), Land des (40), Lot-et-Garonne (47) and Atlantiques (6 64). d Pyrénées-A Surface area: 41,308 km2 k Populattion: 3,170,00 00 (on 01/01//08) Density: 77 inhabitants/kkm2 Ge etting to A Aquitaine • A 10 (Paris- Bordeaux) • A 10 – A 83 (Na antes - Bordea aux) • A 62 (Autoroutte des Deux Mers M : Toulouse - Agen n - Bordeaux) • A 64 (Toulouse e - Lourdes - PauBayyonne - Biarrittz) • A 89 (Lyon - Clermont-Ferran nd Pérrigueux - Bord deaux) • A 65 (Pau – Lan ngon – Bordea aux) Infformation, to olls, routes ww ww.bisonfute.e equipement.go 48//48 Full rail links w with the TGV Atlantique A high-speed trrain and the TER T regional services. 220 to 260 trains a day arrive at Bordeaux Saiint-Jean statio on, including 25 Paris-Bord deaux round trrips by TGV high-speed trrain. Bordeaux is 2 hours from m Toulouse, 3 hours from m Paris, 4 hours from m Nantes, 5 hours from m Lille 6 hours from m Brussels. Certain TGV ttrains go to Roissy-Charles de Gaulle air port. Informattion: 4 airports offer daily services to and from Pariss and the majo or cities (Paris is about 1 h our’s flight fro om Bordeaux, Bayonne- Biarritz, Berge erac and Pau) www.bord www.berg Active Breaks 2014 – Comité Ré égional de To urisme d’Aquitaine – Servic ce presse – [email protected]