in Saxony Landmarks City Tour Package Deals Excursion Tips FREIBERG THE SILVER CITY OF SAXONY INCL. CITY M A m zu dem Weg uf MONTA E N IRGE e SC O rb UN NREGIO ERZGEB We l te AP 2 | FREIBERG-CARD nc Mö Ag ric Ag ric n eiß GeM schw.-Glanes Late medieval houses and narrow Scehsochll-w.-S that Str. chollStr. enjoy monument protection. t hss M Silb erm ann str. Silbe rma nnst r. aß We isb ac str aß Wei sba c str ta l ta l ac h ac h nzb nzb Mü st ler nk e MeißRniner Rin g g ng r. h önc r. sst i ßn Me 2x er G as s e iß Me ne r Ga sse Talstraß e Talstraß e e ss e Herderstr. Mühlgraben Am ss Was sert urm str. turm str. Gerb Waesrgass ser e Domgasse ühlgraben Am M Gerbe rgas se Wallstraße Herderstr. h isc e e ch bis Er Erb i e Wallstraße ass rng sse e ass ng a Bor Bo str. Beethoven ße tra r. Beethovenst rgs ße sse zga eu Kr Bu asse uzg Kre Domgasse se Bä e as c k Bä ss sg er a u Stadt-usu.gaBerggä cker Stadt- u. Bergnnh a e h ss baumuseum r B nn c gäs baumuseum TERRA MINERALIA e Untermarkt r B Untermarkt hen sch Schloss Freudenstein m en Do Schloss Freudenstein m m o A Schlossplatz Am Schlossplatz A trip to the most beautiful inD Dom the Dom Krügerhaus e minerals Krügerhaus gass sse h c a r g i world in the historical Castle. K Freudenstein h Kirc Pf ar Lomonossovtzstr. r Lomonossov Mori oritzstr. platz platz ga r. M se -St Konzert. und s r z t l a S ü g e r K Konzertund e ss r. ülz a b Dr.t K r g . Ballhaus Tivoli . r s ä r r a OFüfeST. MARY r F D BallhausCATHEDRAL Tivoli be st a ig HeubnerHsetru. bnerstr. Fär Kreuz- Kreuzig fer o la Pr str. Nik Niko la Prü tr. i el e teiche teiche les Berg- TU Berg- Thpulpit Famous golden gate, TU tulip-shaped hie T Nikolaikirche r. akademie . Nikolaikirche eine-St tr. r and valuable art treasures. akademie ich-H TheaterTheater tr. est AschegaAsssecheg Heinr h-Heine-S es mi asse sse ic mi e sse de a s e g a s Heinr in ad ga Ga Ak sse We Ak eine l Ga l a l W l t g rs e En rsta Ma Eng Ma MINING MUSEUM & m ACITY atosng DonD Am sse sse a g Rathaus Rathaus el lga s Unique relics of culture and mining e s s s Polizei/ Polizei/ Ke rn Ke tr. str. Ho Gericht Gericht uss Obermarkt ausin ahamedieval atmosphere. nh Obermarkt n se ise a W Wa Petrikirche ße HelmertpHlaelmertp Petrikirche tz latz sse tra z z lnga lngasse rns lat la t Stol l Ho r ip Sto t ri p SILBERMANN ORGANS e Pet . P r. str st rn rn Ho Ho E h Eh A AlbertMeccaAlbertfor lovers of organ music. er park ne er ne r. park r. sst e S sst e r r c ß ß Platz der nur mit e Platz der nur mit h t ra te ra Tierpark Pe rst ec-Karteec-Kartela Pe rst Oktoberopfer Oktoberopfer traße raße SchwedenSchwedenche ische J.-S.-Bach-S J.-S.-Bach-St Post Post Fis F denkmaldenkmal terra mineralia r. St . Str - rn Ko rn Ko sse ga se g as e ng Johannisbad Parkplatz Public Parking Pension/FeWo Toilets Parkhaus We g Ro ter Rot e rW eg stra ße stra ße sse raß e chs t Bu g Rote r We Ba hn ho f- Buc h st raß e Str. Olbern hauer we g Olbernweg hauer Straße ün the r-S tra to ße nGü nth erStr aß e Fo rst - ParkingHotel t world will be celebrated with a festival week and more than 400 concerts. tif gs 300 YEARS OF SILBERMANN ORGANS Beust Beuststraßsetraße AnnabergWaldbad Buchholz The most famous Baroque organ in the Großer Teich BahnhofBahnhof Hum se as sg ift st se rg as Be sg Annaberg- stst Buchholz r. r Be ße aße Str Original miners Christmas market with Hirten- Hirtenplatz miners’ customs, Christmas platzparade, a miners’ oratorio and “Miners Christmas”. dorfer An Be Berthels r ge er ab Beu CHRISTMAS IN THE ORE MOUNTAINS t ra An n rS ge er ab An n stst r. Sc Roter W hö eg ne Ga sse Ba Sc hn hö ho ne f - Ga ße ingstra s Les 1x ta rß e An to nG Wernerplatz Wernerplatz e g Annaber er S Fo rst - ße ra st Po e aß str Po ße e aß CITY & MINING FREIBERG raß rFESTIVAL str rst e Annaberger S tar ße se Beu tra ste uen Fra F rn ne Sa Sa Tu Tu ub ub ac A large folk festival on the last weekend in June, ac hw hw e ße Betten- und Schlafmuse eg including a traditional eg traß unstra miners’ parade.L a uns ang Lang e rza rnerz eS e n traß Straße Dö Dör e e gass Teich gas Teich Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg Burgstraße 1, 09599 Freiberg Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 664 | - 661 [email protected] ße EVENTS str er rn We ra s ner Kör st ner Kör Johannis-Johannis- r e kirche (kath.) zer kirche (kath.) nitz nit em em Ch Ch tr. rs ne er W . aße aße r r str Sc h illSechil l erst tz z lpla elplat e be Straße StraBße B e b Chemnitz *a reduced price applies for children from 6 to 16, students, severely disabled people, holders of a social pass (Reduced tickets exclude: coffee and cake, other offers and discounts) e Meißner teich Johannisbad e aß str ler ink W e raß Wi SchlüsselSchlüsselteich M terra mineralia Chemnitz Available at Tourist-Information Centre and all partners. le öl M Ri g HISTORICAL CITY CENTRE Rin ner er eiß r. e ß ra t rs ße g en nn No rental of Audio Guide incl. r for an individual city tou ße stra bu r ede tr a rg s Bu € 25 L e sse nga nne No You will save a maximum of Le t ra ß urs de b Straße € 9.00 (disc.)* Straße € 14.00 hs ger pzi Lei ße LANDMARKS tra ße hs tra Hain iche Hain ner iche Str. ner St 6x öllerstra Messeplatz Messeplatz ger pzi Lei » terra mineralia » City and Mining Museum » Guided tour in Cathedral of St. Mary » Individual city tour with Audio-Guide » Coffee and cake » Wide range of discounts Ho Mü Siebenlehn Autobahn A4 / A14 Discover the most beautiful sights of Freiberg with just one single ticket. 0m HIGHLIGHTS OF FREIBERG Campus Campus g we len üh r nm M FREIBERG-CARD Ma olastr. Fürstenbusch Siebenlehn Autobahn A4 / A14 olastraße HIGHLIGHTS OF FREIBERG | 3 bol Hu m d ts bol d traß e tstr aße Tourist-Information Centre Campingplatz St Tourist-Information Ein Burgstraße 1 (in the back of town hall) 4 | HISTORY AND LIVING TRADITION 5 Living history and living tradition run through the Silver City like a thread HISTORY AND LIVING TRADITION mining that is so deeply About 850 years ago, has the oldest German min- rooted in the city and its res- in around 1168, busy miners ing authority and the oldest idents can be felt at all times: found silver ore in Freiberg town seal in the area. In the Be it at one of the traditional thereby laying the ground- height the middle-ages it mining and smelting parades work for this jewel of a city was the largest town in the in which hundreds of uni- in the heart of Saxony. The Margraviate of Meißen, the formed miners walk through name of the city stems from rich silver deposits and the the city or a visit to the terra Margrave Otto von Meißen, town’s role as an important mineralia – one of the larg- who granted permission mint for silver coins, making est mineral collections in the for anybody to dig up the a great contribution towards world with over 3,500 exhib- valuable ore – of course for the wealth of the Electorate its. The exhibition is part of a little “share” of the profits. of Saxony that arose as a re- the rich tradition of Freibergs As the “mother” of the Sax- sult of the silver. Technical University Berga- on mining towns, Freiberg This long tradition of silver kademie (mining academy). 6 | CULTURE AND SCIENCE 7 SILVER IN CULTURE AND SCIENCE There is more for cultural tourists than over 500 St. Peter’s Church (Petrikirche) growing number of students in Freiberg. Do your ears a currently around 5,700 – favour and attend one of the strives to emulate Alexander regular organ concerts. von Humboldt, Novalis and stone portals with mining The visit of the oldest city Abraham Gottlob Werner motifs. theatre in the world, which (see picture), who once stu national monuments and a Silver also plays a role in mu- is called died at the mining academy fully intact historical centre sic – at least in the case of the "little Semperoper", is well affectionately (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), surrounded by parts of name of the world-famous worthwhile. This is where which was founded in 1765. the original city wall. Gottfried Silbermann organs. Carl-Maria von Weber’s first It is the oldest mining en- Admire the medieval houses Their unique sound attracts opera was performed. But gineering university in the that witness the former not only lovers of music, but Freiberg doesn’t only re world and is recognised in- wealth of silver. Take note of also organists from all over present tradition! It is also ternationally as a university the typical high saddle roofs the world to the Cathedral well known for its scienti for modern resources. and the richly decorated of St. Mary (Dom St. Marien) or fic advances. A continually Opening hours and prices valid in 2014. FREIBERG THEATRE Guided Tour ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH (NIKOLAIKIRCHE) First Monday every month Concert and Conference Hall at 2:15 pm Viewing during the events and Contact Wed. – Sun. 11 am – 5 pm Mittelsächsische Theater und Contact Philharmonie gGmbH An der Nikolaikirche 1 Borngasse 1 | 09599 Freiberg 09599 Freiberg Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 35 82 - 0 Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 650 8 | TERRA MINERALIA 9 Whether children, young people or adults, collectors of minerals, scientists or tourists – anyone can discover something new at terra mineralia. Rhodochrosite, South Africa TERRA MINERALIA allows minerals to shine in a during this unforgettable ex- new light. The most beautiful perience of nature’s wonders. and magnificent exhibits from Since 2012, minerals found in A mineralogical journey The collection offers visitors a every corner of the earth are Germany have been on per- around the world veritable mineralogical jour- arranged geographically. Visi- manent display at the German In the historic ambience of ney around the world. Visitors tors embark on a mineralogical Mineralogical Collection at Freudenstein Castle, the from far and near can experi- journey around the world. The Krügerhaus, close to Freuden- Technical University Berga- ence the treasures of the earth, endless variety of colours and stein Castle. Incredibly beau- kademie (mining academy) presented in an overwhelming shapes and the shimmering tiful and fascinating treasures Freiberg presents over 3.500 exhibition: A modern exhibi- and glimmering of the valuable from Germany – from miner- minerals, precious stones and tion concept, coupled with the treasures from America, Asia, al-rich Saxony all the way to meteorites in the permanent historical atmosphere of the Australia, Africa and Europe Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein exhibition terra mineralia. castle (Schloss Freudenstein) amaze young and old alike and the Bavarian mountains. Opening Times Admission terra mineralia Daily ticket: € 8.00 Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 39 46 54 Mon – Fri: 10 am – 5 pm Reduced ticket: € 4.00 Fax: +49 (0) 3731 / 39 46 71 Sat – Sun: 10 am – 6 pm [email protected] Contact TU Bergakademie Freiberg Krügerhaus daily: 10 am - 3 pm terra mineralia Closed due to scheduled Schloss Freudenstein maintenance Schlossplatz 4, 09599 Freiberg quarterly 1 – 2 days Information Desk Mon – Thu: 10 am – 3:30 pm Mineralogical Collection Germany at the Krügerhaus Daily ticket: € 6.00 Reduced ticket: € 3.00 Combination ticket: € 12.00 Red. Combination ticket: € 6.00 10 | CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY 11 ORGAN CONCERTS IN THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY Listen to the queen of instruments Organ concert: Thursday 8 pm (May – Oct.) Organ music during guided tours: Wednesday 3 pm (May – Oct.) CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY Sunday/Rel. Holidays at 11:30 am Group (1225) and the Gold- of the Freiberg artisans. After en Gate (1230). This artwork the reformation in 1537, the of Bible characters carved in church choir became the buri- sandstone is one of the most al place of the Wettiners. It was important German artworks richly decorated in Renaissance of the 13th Century. The mul- style. The marble and alabaster The late gothic hall church large parts of the city in 1484. titude of wooden sculptures Moritz Monument ears witness St. Mary’s (Dom St. Marien) Two notable works of art (around 1,500) and the famous to the political striving and the was built on the site of the were spared during the fire tulip-shaped pulpit (unique in religious self-conception of the former Roman basilica, built and are still on display in the Europe) from 1505, demon- Lutheran Wettiners. in 1180, after fire destroyed church: The Triumphal Cross strate the extraordinary talent Opening Times Contact Nov – Apr (May – Oct) Domgemeinde / Domführung Mon – Sat: 11 am – 12:30 pm, Untermarkt 1 | 09599 Freiberg 300 YEARS OF SILBERMANN ORGANS 1:30 pm – 4 pm (5 pm) Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 2 25 98 The cathedral is not just a Cathedral organ will be cel- Sun/Rel.Hol.: [email protected] feast for the eyes. It is also a ebrated in 2014. In addition 11:30 am – 12:45 pm, joy for the ears. Responsible to over 400 concerts and the Guided Tours Mo – Sat Sun/Rel. Holidays Jan-March 2 pm 11:30 am, 2 pm Apr, Jul-Aug, Nov 11 am, 2 pm 11:30 am, 2 pm May-Jun, Sep-Oct, Dec 11 am, 2, 3 pm 11:30 am, 2, 3 pm May-Oct: Tuesday 2 pm tour around the Big Organ* Wednesday 3 pm tour with organ music* Sep-Dec 2014: daily 3 pm tour with cloister* year-round: Sunday/Rel. Holidays 11:30 am tour with organ music* Admission € 3.00 / € 2.50 disc.| *with Organ / Cloister € 4.00 / € 3.00 disc. Opening hours and prices valid in 2014. 1:45 pm – 4 pm (5 pm) for this pleasure are the ECHO Organ Competition, organs built by the famous many guided tours and other organ builder Gottfried offers, you can also hear top Silbermann. The 300th anni- organists from all over the versary of the large Freiberg world during the festival week. 300 YEARS OF SILBERMANN ORGANS 1 – 6/6/ 14 Children at Silbermann 19 – 22/6/ 14 Silbermann and Europe 9/8 – 1/11/ 14 Exhibition Fascination Silbermann 28/9 – 4/10 / 14 Festival Week with concerts of Dresdner “Cathedral and Sound” („Dom & Klang”) Kreuzchor, organists from all continents and many more. Music and themed guided tour (May-Oct) 1st. Saturday/month 5:30 pm 12 | CITY AND MINING MUSEUM 13 Unique work from goldsmiths and a look at the historical mining exhibit. CITY AND MINING MUSEUM One of the oldest museums historical witnesses in the (Stadt- und Bergbau history of the Silver City. The Museum) in Saxony is diverse exhibits with their housed in an impressive abundant original artefacts late gothic building. Various take you back to medieval presentations transport you Freiberg, the early modern into the world of the famous era and the industrial revo- Freiberg mining world and lution. The unique collection show you important of valuable items and cultural history of the mining industry inviting handwork, discovery and an impressive collection and hand-on offers for chil- of altars and sculptures from dren are also available. The the late gothic era are the museum shop also has many crowning glory of this exhibi- interesting items on offer. tion. The valuable and often extremely rare art treasures relating to mining, by artists, hand-workers and folk artists are brought together in the exhibition “Masterpieces of Mining Art”. A little treasure trove with more rare and interesting items awaits you too. Regularly changing exhi- Opening Times Contact bitions on the history of the Tue – Sun: 10 am – 5 pm Stadt- und Bergbaumuseum city and mining and art his- (entry until 4:30 pm) Am Dom 1 tory round off the presenta- 09599 Freiberg tion. At Christmas time other Admission Regular € 3.00 Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 20 25 - 0 Disc. € 1.50 Audioguide € 2.00 Opening hours and prices valid in 2014. events, especially organ concerts by famous artists on the historical organ, inspire visitors. In the school holidays, 14 | GOTTFRIED-SILBERMANN-GESELLSCHAFT E.V. where Gottfried Silbermann Au f m Gottfried Silbermann m Weg zu de rbe N NREGIO GE MONTA ZGEBIR N ESC lte ER U GOTTFRIED-SILBERMANNGESELLSCHAFT E.V. 15 O W e THE ORE MOUNTAIN REGION Freiberg is well on the way of the silver mining industry (1683 –1753) was one of once had his domain: in the Sil- to becoming a UNESCO for 800 years. This endures to the best organ builders of bermann House at the castle World Heritage Site in 2015. this day due to the TU Berg- all time. The 30 organs that square (Schlossplatz), Freiberg. Mining affected all aspects akademie Freiberg (mining of the development of academy) in Freiberg and are still intact distinguish the entire landscape and are a The Silbermann Society is re- the Ore Mountain region. the upper mining authority. magnet for organists, organ sponsible for hosting the Sil- On both sides of the Planned UNESCO World Herit- builders and music lovers bermann Days, during which German-Czech border, a from all over the world to this the most important organ unique cultural landscape day. The most important task festival in Central Germany has developed over the of the Gottfried Silbermann takes place. The society also centuries. Mining towns and Freudenstein Castle, Society, founded in 1990, is arranges concerts, lectures, landscapes, wonderful arte- Town Hall, St. Nicholas to nurture and develop this excursions, conferences and facts of the art and religion, Church, city wall and culture and make it available many projects for children historical reminders from and youths. above ground and under- to all. The headquarters are 21. Silbermann-Festival and XII. International Gottfried-Silbermann-Organ Competition 2015: 2nd – 13th of September 2015 Gottfried-Silbermann- Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 222 - 48 Gesellschaft e.V. Schlossplatz 6 09599 Freiberg »» Historical city centre with Cathedral of St. Mary, much more »» Mining landscape, ground, folk art, customs, Himmelfahrt repository music and science. with above-ground faci- Even today, history and the lity “Old Elisabeth” and influence of mining affect many areas of life. A large Contact age Sites in Freiberg are: “Abraham’s Shaft” »» Mining landscape Zug proportion of the UNESCO with underground hy- World Heritage Sites are in droelectric power station the Silver City, Freiberg and the area surrounding Freiberg because this was the centre “Drei-Brüder-Schacht” »» Smelting complex Muldenhütten 16 | CITYTOUR the years between 1185 and 1190. After Market (Obermarkt) you can look up to 13 This prestigious the home of the lord mayor Jonas and conference hall. renaissance to the baroque. Schönlebe. We are now at the Upper Market 14 At the beginning of telsächsisches Theater, 1790), is located margrave Otto the Rich is enthroned on selgasse / Donatsgasse led to what an old road to Bohemia, the first cause of its interior architecture. vious 13th Century building. The Mine silver was discovered and very Forbman´s Song (Steigerlied) is played The Buttermarktgasse/Kreuzgasse soon after mining the city grew at from the tower daily at 11:15 am and leads you to the Lower Market (Untermarkt) a meteoric rate. 4:15 pm. The “princes kidnapper” Kunz 4 15 The present “Ratskeller” was built as a end of Donatsgasse. It has 5 m prestigious merchant house in 1545. high steep stone walls, provided Mining Museum (Stadt- und Bergbaumuseused to be the capitular's house. protection, and fulfilled an impor- the Church St. Petri (Petrikirche) and 16 “lazy tower” (Fauler Turm) and the “cock pletely preserved city wall you can On the right-hand the former home and tower” (Hahnenturm) are noticeable and circle the historic city centre and workshop of Gottfried Silbermann, the were built in the 13th Century. A climb enjoy the park-like ramparts. famous organ builder, can be seen. to the top of the St. Peter's Tower will From 1505 to 1539 Freudenstein Castle was the residence of Duke Henry the Pious. Since its reconstruction in October 2008 the castle houses the mining record-office and the greatest collection of minerals in the world - the exhibition terra mineralia. be rewarded with a stunning view of the Silver City. 11 Walk past the “Kreuzteiche” to reach the “Albertpark”, a 100-year-old oasis Turn left to reach the Pe- in the city. Passing the “Schwe- tersstraße and the Fountain of Fortuna dendenkmal”and walking along (Fortunabrunnen) decorated with former Petersstraße you will reach the Freiberg personalities. starting point after a short time. 17 Tierpark r Str. nitze em Ch B e be AnnabergBuchholz/ Bahnhof rü c ls b Ha g Donatsturm 15 se Donatsgas H asse llng Sto Ho rn . st r T IP S : ) in a cosy ke (traditional ca . str or n Dresdner . str rn Ho Eh er Tower for a p of St. Peter’s . Climb to the to ical city centre or st hi e th of ew vi F r a ng u ki e ta n steiner breath Concert and ch ur Ch as ol e St. Nich ge). exhibits in th try free of char theBusam – 5 pm, en Have a look at 11 bahnhof n Su – ed ll (W Conference Ha urch organ Wernerplatz St. Peter’s Ch music on the y free!) da id try m en to y, Listen sday at midda ne ed W , er ob (May – Oct the children – (Tierpark) with Visit the zoo e) fre nture (entry a relaxed adve Schill e rstr. tz l p la a ne Sc nur mit hla Platz der cke” ec-Karte he sc er Ei r Oktoberopfer inal “Freiberge Try the origPost ! cafe r. rst he c Fis st r. ner Kör 6 17 Albertpark tr. rss te Pe 14 r. st st Po the St. Peter's Tower (Petriturm). The Mining Authority to the Schlossplatz. Along the almost com- at 9 13 tr. rs ne er W Kirchgasse leads you past the Upper i pl 12 z 11 tant defensive role. Pi-Haus Cross the Kirchgässchen to Obermarkt ig e ng 5 10 sse lga sse e K tr. uss ha n se 10 tr Pe e Eng o la Aschegasse sse Ga se as um) is located right aside the Cathedral and Wa e ass Pf 2 e raß St were built in the 12th Century. The City and sturm was erected in 1455 at the 1 i ng We e ch Town Hall oriel to his place of execution. The 35 m high Donat- 3 bis Er von Kaufungen looks down from the Marien). The irregular shaped buildings 8 rng Ko and the Cathedral of St. Mary (Dom St. e ad Ak tr. es mi Ni k e was built in 1640 incorporating the pre- Heubnerstr. ss ga known as the “Little Semperoper” be- r. - was then Christiansdorf. There, on Th st ie l e 7 se gas top of the Lion Fountain. The Town Hall Pr nne opposite to the church. It is also lovingly Kreuzteiche rn Bo the age of silver mining the Kes- n No (Obermarkt). In the centre of the city e gass ber Fär e ass arrg 9 e ße The oldest municipal theatre in the world, the Middle Saxon Theatre (Mit- r. rst üfe gass r. itzst Mo r tra 3 Kirch sse zga eu Kr building at Obermarkt 1 once was It also shows the transition from the rgs one of the most beautiful oriels in town. 4 5 Bu the desecration in 1975 and years of renovation it has now become a concert 6 Untermarkt Schmied estraße At the corner of Burgstraße/Upper se as 8 a nnh Bre se as n- be seen. The church was constructed in moneyer Andreas Alnpeck as well. g us Te rra ss e the towers of St. Nicholas Church can Schlossplatz e Talstraß the residential house of the last At the end of the alley Enge Gasse sse ss e Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel. 2 Ga er ßn rtur mst r. last mint of Freiberg and it was Was se building. Until 1556 it housed the the chief officer of mining administration Am Mühlgraben The building was the residential house of tr. hs s nc Gerb erga sse one of the narrowest alleys in Freiberg. Gesch w.-Sch oll-St r. M ei the “Alnpeckhaus”, a late-gothic Herderstr. the TU Bergakademie Freiberg is located. er M ö adorns the corner house of Enge Gasse, ißn Me rW eg Hartmann. Next to it you can see Ro te miestraße, where the main building of g Rin g rin ts na Do Right vis-à-vis a portrait of Anna Selbdritt ßner Ring Mei 16 Cross the Upper Market torwards the Café Silb erm ann str. 12 i Leave the castle courtyard along Burgstraße. Turn right into Akade- Wallstraße 7 Leipziger Str. Start your tour at the Tourist Information Office behind the Town Hall. tr. Beethovens 1 Schlüsselteich k e r Str. CITY TOUR EXHIBITION MINE | 19 20 | FESTIVAL OF THE MINING CITY FREIBERG IN HER CHRISTMAS FINERY | 21 Reopening in 2015ow ground with many new offers bel EXHIBITION MINE With over 800 years of tradition and more than 1.000 ore lodes, the silver mine (Besucherbergwerk) in Freiberg is the largest and oldest silver mine in Saxony. The “underground Freiberg” stretches over an area of 30 square kilometers under the Silver City. With its all-in-all route system of 2.000 km of ore lodes it is one of the biggest silver mining areas in Europe. Surface Buildings “Alte Elisabeth” A treasure-trove of mining history: An original chapel, an ore-sorting table and a steam engine offer a deep insight into the laborious days of the Miners. Silver Mine “Reiche Zeche” The conveyor cage takes Adress: visitors down to 150 me- Besucherbergwerk Freiberg ters below ground, where Fuchsmühlenweg 9 experienced guides will 09599 Freiberg take you on different tours. Take your chance and learn Opening Times about the history of mining and admission: in Freiberg, the geology of www.besucherbergwerk- the ore deposits and the mining engineering. FESTIVAL OF THE MINING CITY FREIBERG IN HER CHRISTMAS FINERY Every year, the entire historical it” (approx. 11:30 am) at the Original mining tradition in the backdrop for this typical Ore city centre becomes a bright upper market place. Ore Mountains: Experience the Mountain Christmas market. adventure-land in the last Under the Ferris wheel and Christmas atmosphere in a his- Over 100 festive and brightly-lit week of June when 150,000 roller coaster, between wine torical medieval setting seeped stands and stalls offer Christmas visitors attend the biggest folk village, beer village and chil- in Ore Mountain tradition and snacks, treats, and traditional festival in Central Saxony. On dren’s world, all the histori- miners’ customs. The Freiberg handcrafts from the Ore Moun- Sunday, around 20 different cal booths transport you into Christmas Market is steeped in tains. The highlights are the tra- mining and smelting guilds the middle ages. Many stages tradition and is one of the most ditional torch-lit Miners Parade, turn up for the large mining offer a varied programme. beautiful Christmas markets in the famous Christmas Oratorio parade. About 700 partici- The highlights of this festival Germany. During Advent, the by Johann Sebastian Bach in Ca- pants march through the city are the election of the Min- medieval houses surround- thedral St. Mary and the Miners in traditional mining uniforms, ing City Queen and concerts ing the main market form the Christmas in Church St. Nicholas. to the miners’ service at the by top artists. The festival Cathedral of St. Mary (approx. will round off with a firework 9:30 am) and the “Miners’ Vis- display. Christmas Market: 25th Nov. – 22th Dec. 2014, 24th Nov. – 22th Dec. 2015 Torch light Miners Parade: 6th Dec. 2014, 5th Dec. 2015 Miners Christmas: nativity plant in mining tradition Festival of the Mining City: 26th – 29th June 2014 25th – 28th June 2015 Great traditional Miners Parade: : 29th June 2014, 28th June 2015 12th and 14th Dec. 2014, 11th and 13th Dec. 2015 Christmas Oratorio: 6th Dec. 2014, 5th Dec. 2015 Tickets: Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg, +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 664 22 | EXCURSIONS TIPS 23 TIPS FOR EXCURSIONS AROUND FREIBERG 18 LEIPZIG 2 3 FREIBERG17 16 14 Set in the heart of Saxony, Freiberg is the ideal starting point for 15 excursions to the most popular 8 landmarks in Saxony. 7 6 1 DRESDEN (35 KM) 5 OLBERNHAU (35 Historical city centre and “Smelting hut” KM) multicultural modern city, Dresden Zwinger, Frauenkirche, Semperoper... 13 5 10 12 1 DRESDEN 4 11 19 9 PRAGUE 12 RECHENBERGBIENENMÜHLE (30 KM) Brewery Museum 6 OBERWIESENTHAL (60 KM) Narrow-gauge railway line 13 FRAUENSTEIN (20 KM) Cranzahl-Oberwiesenthal Gottfried Silbermann Museum and castle ruins 7 ANNABERGBUCHHOLZ (50 KM) St. Anne’s Church, 18 LEIPZIG (100 KM) Factory of Dreams 2 MEISSEN (40 KM) Porcelain factory, Albrechtsburg Battle of Leipzig memorial, “Bach City” 8 SCHARFENSTEIN (40 KM) Adventure castle Scharfenstein 3 MORITZBURG (50 KM) 14 OEDERAN (15 KM) 19 ALTENBERG (50 KM) “Klein Erzgebirge” Bobsleigh track, summer miniature park sleigh track 9 SEIFFEN (45 KM) 15 AUGUSTUSBURG (20 KM) “The Toy Town” Hunting castle & maison de Hunting castle plaisance, summer sleigh track 10 NEUHAUSEN (40 KM) “Nutcracker Museum”, 16 COLMNITZ (15 KM) Ore Mountain glassworks “Stracos Adventure World” museum 4 SAXON S WITZERLAND (70 KM) 17 THARANDTER WALD (15 KM) PRAGUE (150 KM) 11 HOLZHAU (30 KM) Hiking area Skiing and hiking area Hiking area tle, Astronomical clock … Charles Bridge, Prague Cas- 24 | JOHANNIS SWIMMING BATHS / PACKAGE DEALS 25 4 -DAY -P RO G R AM M E € 179 p.p. in double room THE FINEST ORGAN TONES JOHANNIS SWIMMING BATHS “In my eyes and ears, Discover Freiberg’s unique or- the organ is the king of gan landscape and Gottfried all the instruments.” – Silbermann’s domain and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, enjoy the sound of the most 1777 famous Silbermann organ Fun for the whole family You are welcome to relax und with indoor and outdoor recover new energy in the re- in the world at the Cathe- pools, sauna and adventure cently renovated sauna area. dral of St. Mary in Freiberg. area – all year round. Look forward to many new Amid the bubbles, pouring features – including the salt rain under the waterfall, sauna, the large Freiberg tun- being swept along in the nel sauna or our lounge with jet stream canal or shooting PACKAGE PRICE INCLUDES »» fireplace. in one of our ***/**** hotels within the city »» down the waterslide, 3 nights, double room with half-board (3-course-meals) every (watery) wish will be Organ concert in the Cathedral of St. Mary with internationally renowned organist »» fulfilled. Guided tour of the Cathedral of St. Mary with an expert tour guide Contact Johannisbad Freiberg Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str. 1A 09599 Freiberg Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 20 02 - 0 PACKAGE DEAL: € 179.00 p. p. in double room incl. half-board, Single supplement: € 30.00 Valid from May – October (a thursday must be included) Not valid: last weekend in June Extended stay: € 53.00 p. p., in double room incl. HB, single supplement: € 10.00 Information / Booking: Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg, Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 661 [email protected] Prices valid in 2014 / 2015. 26 | PACKAGE DEALS 27 4 -DAY -P RO G 3 -DAY -P RO G R AM M E € 192 R AM M E € 79 p.p. in double room p.p. in double room SILVER CITY EXPERIENCE SUPER SUMMER OFFER Follow the footsteps of The exhibition terra mineralia Go on a unique journey of Discover precious art treas- Freiberg's silver through the will take you on a mineral- exploration and discover ures in the Cathedral of St. late-medieval centre of the ogical round-the-world-tour minerals and meteorites Mary and listen to the oldest Old Town. Explore treasures of where you can marvel at from all over the world. baroque organ of the world, silver as well as evidence of treasures of immeasurable The largest and most the big Silbermann organ. 800 years of mining tradition value. With the famous “Sil- beautiful mineral exhibi- Enjoy three glorious and in the city and mining museum ver Curls” you have found tion in Germany, the terra eventful days in the heart of and be fascinated by the yourself a typical Freiberg mineralia, welcomes you Saxony and be fascinated by sound of the Silbermann organ souvenir. at the Cathedral of St. Mary. with spectacular exhibits in the Freudenstein Castle. PACKAGE PRICE INCLUDES »» 3 nights, double room with half-board (3-course-meals) PACKAGE PRICE INCLUDES »» in one of our ***/**** hotels within the city »» one Freiberg-Card (valid for terra mineralia, City and Mining Museum, Cathedral of St. Mary, Audio-Guide for a 2 nights, double room with breakfast in one of our ***/**** hotels within the city »» »» City Tour - only in German) »» the Silver City Freiberg! Admission to the mineral exhibition terra mineralia Guided tour in the Cathedral of St. Mary, incl. the Golden Gate and the Tulip Pulpit One gift, a Cup of coffee and a piece of traditional “Freiberger Eierschecke” cake in one of Freiberg's cozy cafés PACKAGE DEAL: € 192.00 »» A Cup of coffee and a piece of traditional “Freiberger Eierschecke” cake in one of Freiberg's cozy cafés PACKAGE DEAL: € 79.00 p. p. in double room incl. half-board, Single supplement: € 30.00 Not valid: last weekend in June and all weekends in Advent p. p. in double room incl. breakfast, Single supplement: € 16.00 Valid: July – August, only limited places available. Extended stay: € 53.00 p. p., in double room incl. HB, single supplement: € 10.00 Extended stay: € 30.00 p.p., in double room incl. breakfast, single supplement: € 8.00 Information / Booking: Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg, +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 661, tourist-info @ Information / Booking: Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg, +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 661, [email protected] Prices valid in 2014 / 2015. Prices valid in 2014 / 2015. 200m ca. 1 km Schacht „Reiche Zeche“ ca. 1 km 300m rG stra ße dsdo rfer Weg ch s m Conr a Zentralfriedhof e ass Fu U - eg Fuchsmühlenw Fuchsmühlenw eg n- ga n- ra s ra ss e Te r Te r AlbertFunk-S tr. tr. tstr. AlbertFunk-S str. Erzweg Breithau pt Erzweg Pe ter -Sc hm Pet erSch m ra ße St ra ße St raß e chs t Breithaup Jungestr aß Jungest r. Schmied estraße Schmied estraße e Was sert urm str. turm str. Eherne Schlange stra ße stra ße Bu Tourist-Information Einbahnstraße Fußgängerzone Oneway Pedestrian Zone ße Stadtmauer City Wall Stra er st ra ß aße St r s i inr He s- B eg -W ich-Zill e inr eg He ch-Zill e-W Buc h st raß e Ba hn ho f- sse Eherne Schlange We g Ro ter Rot e rW eg g Sc Roter W hö eg ne Ga sse Ba Sc hn hö ho ne f - Ga Rote r We Str. Olbern hauer g g we we g er ber ergbels elsb Ga Gab Tourist-Information Centre Campingplatz Burgstraße 1 (in the back of town hall) d sol old erth weg ppgen ppenawe Kna Kn er e traß ts traß traße e ue ns Frau te ine enst ei r n e bol d rth Be frho be Sil we g Sc oferh Silb Olbernweg hauer Straße ün Scheune n Scheune e ss e ss ga n- se Talstraß e Talstraß e e ss e Herderstr. Mühlgraben Am Domgasse Herderstr. Domgasse ühlgraben Am M ss Gerb Waesrgass ser e Wallstraße i Wallstraße Gerbe rgas se str. Beethoven r. Beethovenst ße ingstra s Les the r-S tra to ße nGü nth erStr aß e An ht haacßhstchac aßscM Am M Am e Hu m d ts Straß bol ße Fo rst - - a Fr An to nG tr. ofs ße stra erh Silb f rho e b e nle b önle hö Stra t Fo rst - eg chtw Scha e Silb dorfer dorfer s Berthel Berthels Sch e e aß traß s str e ß e aß tra fs tr ofs ho mh Turm Tur tif gs Hum BahnhofBahnhof htweg Schac ge an e ng ße ra st Po Lan g e traß Straße e se as sg ift st se rg as Be sg Parkhaus eS Straße Straße Betten- und Schlafmuseum r Be Parkplatz Public Parking Pension/FeWo Toilets e aß str Po str er rn We Waldbad Großer Teich ParkingHotel tr. rs ne er W . Annaberg- hof Am Ostbahn of Am Ostbahnh r. St sse ga 1x stst Buchholz r. euststraße BeustBstraß e AnnabergBuchholz steiner steiner uen rauen Fra F Wernerplatz Wernerplatz Lan g rne Dö Himmelfahrtsgasse e e . Str ße Himmelfahrtsgasse Donatsring Donatsring e ass rng e tra üh Fu l enw ch eg sm üh l en weg ten d Weg str a ße e ißn Zentralfriedhof tr. fs ho er Me or fer Tu tte We nd g or fe Conr rW adsd eg orfer utrücker Str. HalsTb Halsbrücker Str. Ag ric 100m nt tr. fs ho er nt Silbe rma nnst r. aß Silb erm ann str. str aß Wei sba c str ta l ta l ac h ac h nzb nzb sse zga eu Kr h isc Beu Hirten- Hirtenplatz platz ße Information / Booking: Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg, +49 (0) 3731 / 273 – 661, [email protected] *a reduced price applies for children from 6 to 16, students, severely disabled people, holders of a social pass (Reduced tickets exclude: coffee and cake, other off ers and discounts) Prices valid in 2014 / 2015. stst r. er aße Str Extended stay: € 53.00 p. p., in double incl. HB, single supplement: € 10.00 Beu ße e ße tra raß nst zauns r zau r ge er ab Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 664 | - 661 n Dör t ra An n rS ge er ab An n se BurgstraßeDEAL: 1, 09599€Freiberg PACKAGE 194.00 p. p. in double room incl. half-board, Single supplement: € 30.00 [email protected] Not valid: last weekend in June and all weekends in Advent a er G sse e ch bis Er Sa Sa ub ub ac ac hw hw eg eg e gass Teich Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg gas Teich Available at Tourist-Information Centre and all partners. i ßn Me e ße raß rstra rst e rn ne u u T T ta rß e Eierschecke” cake in one of Freiberg's cozy cafés sse Chemnitz g Annaber er S Chemnitz A Cup of coffee and a piece of traditional “Freiberger ng a Bor ra Individual sightseeing tour with an Audio-Guide (only in German) »» Johannis-Johannis- r e kirche (kath.) zer kirche (kath.) nitz nit em em Ch Ch s ner Kör Admission to the mineral exhibition terra mineralia aße aße r r str Sc h illSechil l erst tz z lpla elplat e be Straße StraBße B e b Annaberger S tar ße »» »» Besucherbergwerk Besucherbergwerk Schacht „Reiche Zeche“ 300 m Johannisbad Johannisbad st ner Kör in one of our ***/**** hotels within the city Maßstab Bo 3 nights, double room with half-board (3-course-meals) se g as »» U r. sst 2x - ide rental of Audio Gu INCLUDES incl. PACKAGE PRICE r for an individual city tou terra mineralia rn Ko inviting coffee houses. 200 m Kreiskrankenhaus Kreiskrankenhaus se Bä Schacht „Alte Elisabeth“ as se B c g Schacht „Alte Elisabeth“ s ke äc us Stadt- su.gaBergterra mineralia a r k h gä nn ha u Stadt- u. Bergss ergä Bre nnbaumuseum c baumuseum e Untermarkt s r h B en sch Untermarkt Schloss Freudenstein om en Schloss Freudenstein om Am D Schlossplatz Am D Dom Dom Schlossplatz Krügerhaus e s Krügerhaus s ga sse h Elisab c a r g i K h eEtlhisatrb Kirc aeßtehstr Pf th aße Pf ar Lomonossovabe abeth tzstr. str. ar r i r Lomonossovg o Elis M rg as is tz platz i r o r. as platz s M lten lten El se -St Konzert. und s A r z t l a S s r ü g e r K Konzertund s e Zu Zur A ülz gas a . Tivoli Tivoli Färb Dr.-KBallhaus Ballhaus ber g str ers r a i f r . r t s r e ä n b u e H a g e ü F Kreuz- Kreuzi f Heubnerstr. ol Pr str. Nik Niko la Prü el e teiche teiche str. TU Berg- TU Berg- Thi ele T hi Nikolaikirche hrtsgasse akademieakademie -Str. Himmretlsfa Nikolaikirche e n Donatsi . e gasse tr . tr. ich-H Himmelfah TheaterTheater turm str ies AschegaAsssecheg Heinr h-Heine-S e e i m s a sse e ic Donatse e as em ad Heinr ass ass ing ad Ak turm sse We ing G Ak Ga ll Wenge ll rsta e Donatsfriedhof E g rsta a n Donatsfriedhof Ma E e M s s a g Am s m atonatsgasse DonD Jakobi-JakobiA sse se s a kirche a g RathausRathaus kirche lg sel tr. sse Polizei/ Polizei/ r. Kes . rn s Ke tr. sst str Ho Gericht Gericht aße uss hau orn str ha Obermarkt DresdnDerresd n Obermarkt Strnaeßre Straß H n e orn se is e H a Dresden e Dresden W Wa Petrikirche e ß H l m Petrikirche l e m a r e e tpHlatz rtplatz r se s t a e s z s g t z s t lln rn ga la o a t n l o l p S l i H r Sto t ri p Pet . Pe r. str st rn rn Ho Ho E h Eh Albert- Alberter park ne er ne r. park r. ße raße sst e S sst e r Sc r c ß ß Platz der nur mit e Platz der nur mit h t t tra Oststraß te hl Tierpark Oststra tra tra Pe l-S hl-S e ec-Karteec-Kartela Pe ße Oktoberopfer Oktoberopfer ers aßaceh-Straße ers h tr-B h Schwedenh Schwedeno o c J.-S.-Bach-S c J.-S. Post Post Fis Fis denkmaldenkmal r. rn Ko € 25 . r. h önc asse uzg Kre in one of the city's cosy and You will save a maximum of nary beauty and variety of t hss M Erb "Freiberger Eierschecke" cake experience the extraordi- e aß str ler ink W e raß Freiberg's authentic delicacy st ler nk Freudenstein. In each continent’s hall you discover and Wi ing tour. Don't forget to try nc Mö ße tra historical setting of Castle € 9.00 (disc.)* e MeißRniner Rin g g ing g er R Rin ißn n er Me eiß GeM schw.-Ges Schochll-w.-S Str. chollStr rgs for an individually sightsee- e Meißner teich Bu continents presented in the € 14.00 M e ass Freiberg with our Audio-Guide le öl SchlüsselSchlüsselteich ße way. Explore the Silver City and meteorites from five e ß ra t rs ße g en nn No 3.500 minerals, gemstones ße stra bu r ede tr a rg s Bu the minerals in a very natural L e sse nga nne No We invite you to see over Le t ra ß urs de b Straße MINERALOGICAL JOURNEY AROUND THE WORLD Hain iche Hain ner iche Str. ner St ger pzi Lei » terra mineralia » City and Mining Museum » Guided tour in Cathedral of St. Mary » Individual city tour with Audio-Guide » Coffee and cake » Wide range of discounts ße tra hs Straße Discover the most beautiful sights of Freiberg with just one single ticket. 6x öllerstra Messeplatz Messeplatz ger pzi Lei ße tra hs Ho Mü Siebenlehn Autobahn A4 / A14 100 m 0m Mü 194 p.p. in double room 0m Campus Campus g we len üh r nm M FREIBERG-CARD € Maßstab olastr. Fürstenbusch Siebenlehn Autobahn A4 / A14 Ag ric R AM M E We isb ac 4 -DAY -P RO G olastraße 2 | FREIBERG-CARD 28 PACKAGE DEALS HIGHLIGHTS OF EVENTS | 31 SAXONY EVENTS 2014 ICE RINK IN CASTLE FREUDENSTEIN // 28/12/2013 – 2/3/2014 TORGAU ORGAN CONCERTS // May – October BAUTZEN LEIPZIG DRESDEN FREIBERGER SUMMERNIGHTS // 12/6 – 14/9 29. FESTIVAL OF THE MINING CITY // 26/6 – 29/6 with the great traditional Miners’ Parade at 29th June CHEMNITZ FREIBERG ZWICKAU FREIBERGER BREWERY FESTIVAL // 8/8 – 10/8 AUE PLAUEN MUSIC FESTIVAL OF THE ORE MOUNTAINS // 12 – 21/9 O M RE OU A NT PIRNA S IN MEISSEN LEIPZIG 4TH LONG NIGHT OF PUBS AND SHOPPING // 13/9 GÖRLITZ 40 KM 100 KM CEREMONIAL SHIFT CHANGE OF THE MINERS // 13/9 DRESDEN 40 KM 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIG ORGAN OF SILBERMANN // 28/9 – 4/10 FREIBERG SAXON SWITZERLAND 70 KM CHEMNITZ ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET OF FREIBERG // 25/11– 22/12 with Miners’ Parade in Torch Light at 6th December 40 KM ORE MOUNTAINS CZECH REPUBLIC SEIFFEN ADVENT MARKET IN ST. NICOLAI // 29 – 30/11 40 KM PRAGUE 150 KM MINERS CHRISTMAS IN CHURCH ST. NICHOLAS // 12 & 14/12 INFORMATION EVENTS 2015 Tourist-Information Centre Freiberg Burgstraße 1 Phone: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 664 | - 661 ORGAN CONCERTS // May – October 09599 Freiberg / Saxony Fax: +49 (0) 3731 / 273 - 665 LONG NIGHT OF ACADEMICS UND ECONOMY // 20/6 [email protected] 30. FESTIVAL OF THE MINING CITY // 25 – 28/6 with the great traditional Miners’ Parade at 28th June 2015 Opening Times: Mon – Fri: 9 am – 6 pm (Jan. – March: – 5 pm) | Sat: 9 am – 12 am 5TH LONG NIGHT OF PUBS AND SHOPPING // 12/9 Information on all tourist-related queries | Day trips | Free accommodation service CEREMONIAL SHIFT CHANGE OF THE MINERS // 12/9 | City tours and Audio Guides | complete service for groups, clubs and associations 21. SILBERMANN ORGAN FESTIVAL // 2– 13/9 MINERS PARADE FOR 250TH ANNIVERSARY OF TU BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG // 21/11 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET OF FREIBERG // 24/11– 22/12 with Miners´ Parade in Torch Light at 5th December MINERS CHRISTMAS IN CHURCH ST. NICHOLAS // 11 & 13/12 | ticket service | souvenirs | publications WWW.FREIBERG-SERVICE.DE Publisher: Stadtverwaltung Freiberg | Kultur-Stadt-Marketing – Creation: 599media GmbH – | Pictures: Ralf Menzel, Christian Waitschies, Matthias Seifert, Detlev Müller, Jörg Wittig, institutions. All information is subject to change. Subject to modifications. Protective charge: € 1.00 Updated: February 2014