March 23 2012 - Stockton Pacific Rotary


March 23 2012 - Stockton Pacific Rotary
The Official Newsletter of Stockton Pacific Rotary Club
Chartered May 31, 1974
Send all official correspondence to Stockton Pacific Rotary, Post Office Box 8626, Stockton, California 95208-0626
International President
Kalyan Banerjee
The Grapevine
District Governor
Today’s Speaker is Rich
Dave Mantooth
2011 - 2012 SER
Board of Directors
Don Richter
President Elect
Bill Woolley
Vice President
Chris Weed
Jeff Pate
Joan Levyssohn
Sergeant at Arms
Jet Reed
Past President
Jeff Prag
Club Service
Fifi Aoun
International Service
Dick Ennis
Community Service
Wanda Russell
Vocational Service
Patrick Velasquez
New Generations
Rick Fooy
Chuck Wright
Membership Chair
Bali Ranchhod
Rotary Spirit
Marsha Costanzo
Krietz & Roman & Weed
Public Relations
Dick Ringness
Stockton Pacific Rotary
meets every Friday
12:15 PM
University Plaza Hotel
23 March 2012
Rich Ibarra, 64 a Stockton TV newsman since 1977, and a face as
familiar to local TV viewers as Oprah Winfrey or Scooby Doo, retired on
December 15, 2011. When Ibarra started - 12 Stockton mayors ago Jimmy Carter was president. Stockton had 127,285 people. Area TV
news lacked Latino faces. Ibarra didn't mean to be the first. In 1971, he
applied at KXTV Channel 10 hoping to use his Navy communication
technician's skills engineering in the TV studio while going to college. "I
always thought, I'm just doing this until I find something permanent,"
Ibarra half-joked. "Or I can make a real living." But gradually Ibarra was
drawn to the on-camera side. "I always found it exciting," he said. "In
terms of the stories you did the people you met. You're racing with the
clock. It's an adrenaline rush. TV is so immediate. It's almost like instant gratification." When a
job opened up in Stockton, KXTV gave Ibarra a van, camera equipment (though no operator)
and pay by the story. He and his wife moved here and put down roots. "Those people who do go
national, you're basically living out of a suitcase. ... You're on the East Coast one day and the
West Coast the next day," Ibarra said. "And who knows where you are on Thursday." The deep
community ties local TV newsmen have give Stocktonians a measure of compensation for the
fact that Stockton is a secondary market to Sacramento-based TV stations. Ibarra has covered
every imaginable story. One of his favorites involved a young man in the 1980s who proposed
to his beloved at University of Pacific. "He rented a horse over off (the stables on) Bianchi.
Then he got a suit of armor. Rode all the way down the levee to UOP. Then to her sorority
house. She didn't know what was coming."
(continued on page 3)
Future Programs
Mar 30th
Apr 6th
Apr 13th
William Maxwell - Archives Manager, Bank of Stockton
Club Assembly
Jeff Michael - Business Forecasting Center at UOP Important Dates to Remember
Mar 29th
Pizza Night at Dante’s
Apr 3rd
Apr 20 - 21
Apr 27 - 29
SPR Board Meeting
District Conference in Modesto
Asparagus Festival
May 3 - 7
May 31st
RI Convention in Bangkok
Fun Run
SERVICE Above Self
Page 2
District 5220
Lodi Tokay
Lodi’s Elk Lodge
Modesto Gateway
Sportsmen of Stanislaus Club
Modesto North
5:30 PM
Stockton Delta
Angelina’s Restaurant
Manteca Morning
6:45 AM
Doctor’s Hospital
12:15 PM
Double Tree Hotel
North Stockton
Brookside Country Club
Stockton Sunrise
7:00 AM
Brookside Country Club
Lodi Sunrise
7:00 AM
Woodbridge G&CC
Modesto East
12:15 PM
Appetez .
12:15 PM
Oakdale Golf & C.C.
12:10 PM
Barnwood Restaurant
Stockton Golf and C.C.
Tracy Sunrise
6:45 AM
Four Corners
Lathrop Sunrise
6:30 AM
Quality Inns
Holiday Inn Express
Isadore’s Restaurant
Modesto Sunrise
7:00 AM
SOS Club .
7:15 AM
Papa’s Pizza
Galt Sunrise
7:00 AM
The Mix .
Oakdale Sunrise
7:00 AM
Oakdale Country Club
6:45 AM
Holiday Inn Express
The Grapevine
What's Shaken on the Richter Scale
By the time you read this column the Rotary Read-In
will be over! It's one of the Rotary events that we all
look forward to each year, one that leave us feeling
good about our choice to be a Rotarian. My
assignment this year is to read to the first graders at
Fillmore Elementary School, the book, Bats in the
Library. From my past reading experiences, the looks
you get from the kids as you read the book is
priceless; all eyes are on you! By the time we are
done, Stockton Pacific Rotary will have handed out
164 Dictionaries and 164 Thesauruses to Fillmore
and August Elementary Schools under the direction
of Jeff Prag, Bill Lina and Becky Potten. I want to thank everyone who took
part in the Read-In to help make this another successful event.
Many thanks to John Lindsey, for his excellent program on "Acupuncture for
Animals". Not only was it interesting, but it was great for one of our own
members to get up and talk about his vocation. Job well done, Mr. Lindsey! If
any other club members would like to do a presentation on their vocation,
please see Chris Weed, Chuck Krietz or Roger Roman.
If you haven't signed up for SPR’s Pizza Night, there's still time. It will be held
at Dante's Pizza on March 29th, see Dick Ringness for more details. As of
March 16th there were still ten openings, it promises to be a Good Rotary
Rick Fooy still needs more signups for the Asparagus Festival. Why not sign
up for another shift? It's only once a year and it's our major fundraiser as of
right now. If you haven't signed up at all, now's the time. We need you! Yes,
Looking forward to seeing everyone this Friday!
President Don
THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Learn more about our club at
The Grapevine
Page 3
Pizza Night at Dante’s
Our club will enjoy Dante’s World Famous Pizza on Thursday, March 29th. Once we reach 40 on the
sign-ups we are FULL. This is for members, potential members, and significant others. Due to the
small capacity we cannot include children or extended family members. We need support from our
club members!! The signup sheet will be at the meeting starting THIS WEEK. The Krietz’s will buy
the pizzas, and you buy your beverage. Dante’s is in North Stockton on Thornton Rd, just south of
Wagner Heights Drive.
Cost: $15 per person will go to club.
50/50 raffle for $10 participation. Win up to $200!!!
Dante’s 9305 Thornton Road, Stockton 95209
Questions call: Dick Ringness: 209-474-6242
Richard D. Cline has been proposed for membership by Chris Weed.
Richard’s classification will be CPA.
Any comments or concerns should be shared with a SER Board Member.
(continued from page 1)
The biggest was perhaps the 1987 Loma Prieta earthquake. "I remember I was in a helicopter
flying over San Francisco to see some of the fires burning." His least favorite: "I've been in 75 mph winds and a blizzard on
New Years' Eve in the Donner Pass. It was snowing so hard I had to wear goggles between shoots. You go, what am I doing
here?" Ibarra's friendly rival, Tim Daly, couldn't resist a parting shot.
"During the Ellie Nessler trial," Daly recalled, "it was during one of those warm Sonora afternoons. We're sitting on the lawn
outside the courthouse. Nature just got the best of Rich, and he fell asleep right there." The local paper snapped a photo.
Daly pinned it to his bulletin board with the headline, "Where the Snooze Comes First." Ribbing aside, Daly praised Ibarra.
"What I admire about Rich - for however many years he's been doing this, he works as hard as the first day I met him. ...
You would never know he is close to retiring." Mayor Ann Johnston added plaudits: "I do like Rich. I appreciate his
consistent manner of dealing with difficult issues. He's been true to his mission in terms of getting a balanced story to the
public." Ibarra says he'll play more tennis in retirement, and maybe teach journalism.
SPR Friday Greeters
Today: Dick Ennis
SPR Birthdays:
SPR Anniversaries:
Next Week: Bill Woolley
Learn more about our District at and International at
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