yolanda`s first grade friends


yolanda`s first grade friends
P. E. T. S.
Primary Education Thinking Skills
Yolanda the Yarnspinner
Divergent & Creative Thinking
Piqua City Schools
High Street Friends
2…………………………………….Mrs. Beery
4…………………………………….Ms. Didier
6…………………………………….Mrs. Garrett
8…………………………………….Mrs. Subler
Springcreek Friends
10…………………………………..Mrs. Nicholl
12…………………………………..Mrs. Baumhauer
14…………………………………..Ms. Kahlig
16…………………………………..Ms. Layton
Favorite Hill Friends
18…………………………………..Mrs. Jones
20…………………………………..Ms. Sarver
22…………………………………..Mrs. Lucia
24…………………………………..Mrs. Ashton
26…………………………………..Mrs. Thase
Mrs. Beery’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What does a panda want when it gets sick?
To be TREE-lieved!
Did you know that a Panda’s diet mostly consists of Bamboo
shoots and leaves and that they can spend 12 hours or more a day
eating it?
What does a pig wear into battle?
Did you know that like humans, Pigs are intelligent animals? They
also are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.
A pig’s snout is an important tool for finding food in the ground and
sensing the world around them.
Rain at the Playground
The ball goes through the hoop!
The swing goes up and down!
I go down and around the curves of the slide.
It starts to sprinkle down rain.
Thunder and lightning are here!
It's time to go!
My feet hit the water.
I'm running home!
Now I'm home.
Ms. Didier’s Fabulous First Grade Class
Who was the 16th president of the red barn?
HAY-bra-HAM Lincoln!
What language do birds from America speak?
How does a pig get to the hospital?
In a HAM-bulance!
Fun Fact: While in office, President Abraham Lincoln had
several pets; Jack the turkey, goats named Nanny and
Nanko, ponies, cats, dogs, pigs, and a white rabbit.
In the circus the clowns' noses go
In the circus monkeys swing on ropes
Ooh-ooh! Ah-ah!
In the circus tamed lions jump through flaming hoops
The elephants' trunks make a pretty loud noise
When they perform their acrobatics
Boom! Boom! Screech!
The crowd gasps when the tightrope walker starts to wiggle
GASP!! Ooh! Ah!
The seals balance bouncy beach balls on their noses.
Ark! Ark!
All the animals make loud noises.
Nay! Grrr! Roar! Snort! Stomp!
At the end of the show the crowd gives a round of applause.
Clap! Clap! Bravo! Bravo!
Mrs. Garrett’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What does a kangaroo get when it needs surgery?
A HOP-eration!
What do you call a kangaroo from Outer Space?
A TAIL-ien!
When is the best time to eat French Fries?
On FRY-day!
Where does a pig apply his deodorant?
On his FARM-pit!
Did you know that even though Kangaroos are herbivores, which means they eat
plants, Kangaroos do not eat French Fries?  They also get much of the
moisture they need from their diet, which means they can go for long periods of
time without drinking water.
Chuck E. Cheese's is a great place for a party.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Loud Talking
Blah! Blah! Blah!
Ah! Ah! Ah!
At our party we play video games.
Bing-Ding-Ding! Boom! Shh!
We go fast down the slide and the static hits our hair
Squeal! Whee! Tsst! Tsst! Tsst!
The hot pizza burns our mouth but the ice cream cake cools it down.
Tisssssss! Ahhhhh! Num. Num. Num.
The birthday boy unwraps his presents.
Rip! Rip! Rip!
Goodbye! I had fun!
Yawn! Aaaah. Snore zzzzzzzzzzzz
Mrs. Subler’s Fabulous First Grade Class
Where does a crocodile play computer games?
On the SKIN-ternet!
What does a crocodile teacher write on her students’ papers?
Did you know that American Crocodiles are well-armored
with tough, scaly skin? They are gray-green or olive-green
with long, slender snouts, which distinguish them from
their cousin, the alligator. Also unlike the alligator, the
fourth tooth on the bottom jaw of the American crocodile is visible
when its mouth is closed. South Florida is the only place where you
can find both crocodiles and alligators.
The Parade
The parade has tons of noises!
The leader twirls his wand around.
Swish Swish Swish
A clown throws candy on the ground.
Crack Crack Crack
The marching band makes different sounds.
Bang Bang Bang of the drums
Stomp Stomp Stomp of their feet
Crash Crash Crash of the cymbals
The fire engines are really loud.
Wee-Ooh Wee-Ooh Wee-Ooh
Music from the car radios fill the town.
Ding a-ling a-ling Ding a-ling a-ling
The floats go by.
The people wave goodbye.
And no one has a frown.
Mrs. Nicholl’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What do you call an elephant’s uncle?
Where do elephants live if they
aren’t in the zoo?
In GRAY-sia
Elephant Facts:
There are two types of elephant, the Asian elephant
and the African elephant.
Elephants are the largest land-living mammal in the world.
Both female and male African elephants have tusks but only
the male Asian elephants have tusks. They use their tusks
for digging and finding water and food.
Female elephants are called cows.
The Pet Store
People come in the door of the pet store.
They are greeted by animal and human noises.
"Meow, meow, meow." The cat is hungry.
"Woof, woof, woof." The dog wants to go outside.
"Hiss, hiss, hiss." The non-poisonous snake is thirsty.
"Tweet, tweet, tweet." The bird flies in its cage.
"Snap, snap." Snaps the snapping turtle.
"Crunch, crunch, hop, hop." Bunnies munching on carrots.
"Crick-Crick." The crickets sing their last song.
They will be eaten by lizards.
"Eek-eek" squeak the hamsters.
"Boom!" The clerk drops the dog's food.
"Beep-Beep!" Another customer served.
"Click-Click." Another customer walks through the door.
It's a busy store.
Mrs. Baumhauer’s Fabulous First Grade Class
How do hamsters get lights?
They use WHEEL-lectricity!
Hamster Facts:
Hamsters are color blind.
The origins of the word Hamster are old German, which translate as "to
hoard". Hamsters hoard (store) and carry food in their cheek pouches
Hamsters are omnivores. This means they eat fresh vegetables, berries,
seeds, nuts and meat. Some wild hamsters eat insects.
A male hamster is called a boar, a female is called a sow and baby
hamsters are called pups.
All Hamsters are nocturnal; meaning they sleep during the day and are
active during the night.
Our Visit to the Junior High
We took a long, loud bus ride to the Junior High.
We want to learn and our school's water is not working.
La! La! La! La! La! Music class was on the stage.
Ching! Ching! Shiny trophies in the case.
Blah! Blah! Blah!
Yak! Yak! Yak!
The Junior High students are not quiet in the halls.
Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!
Through the hallways and the cafeteria.
Boom! Crash! Bang!
Lockers slam.
Clap! Smack! Pow!
High fives in the hallway.
Wee-Ooh! Wee-Ooh! Sirens from the mock crash.
Go! Go! Hooray! Hooray! Swish! Swish! The cheerleaders practice.
They are rehearsing for the real deal.
We learned that Junior High was fun...and noisy.
Ms. Kahlig’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What do you call a fantastic flamingo that eats a TON
of shrimp?
Flamingo Facts:
Some of the foods that are eaten by flamingos include
shrimp, carrots, seeds, blue-green algae, small fish, crabs, and mollusks.
Their diet is what cause their feathers to turn pink in color.
They are one of the longest living birds, often living up to 40 years old.
Flamingos make a honking sound like a goose.
Sometimes flocks in Africa can get as large as 1 million flamingos. These
are the largest bird flocks in the world.
A Hot Day at the Pool
My friends and I go to the pool on a hot day.
Sploosh when you jump in!
Smack when you do a bellysmacker!
Splish-Splash Splish-Splash with our feet and our hands.
Drip-Drop Drip-Drop when we get out of the pool.
Chatter! Brr! We are so cold now!
Flip-Flop Flip-Flop to the juice bar for a drink break.
Aaah! Cold and refreshing Lemonade and Coconut Milk.
Thump! Thump! Back to the pool.
Boing! When we jump off the diving board.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Fireworks go off!
It is the Fourth of July!
Ms. Layton’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What do red squirrels like to eat when they are hungry?
Red & Gray Squirrel Facts:
Red Squirrels can locate their buried food supplies in over 1 foot of snow!
Squirrels do not hibernate, but bury plentiful supplies of seeds and nuts in
the ground to eat in the winter. Gray squirrels bury their acorns all over
the place, often forgetting where they put them, causing the seeds to
become oak trees.
Gray Squirrels transmit a deadly squirrel pox virus to the Reds.
Young squirrels are called kittens. They are blind for the first 3 to 4 weeks
of life and are born without hair and teeth!
Red Squirrels are good swimmers.
The Noisy McDonald's
All the sounds in McDonald's are very loud.
Ah! Yell the kids in the Playplace.
Ouch! When they get shocked sliding down the slide.
Some kids just say Whee!
Sizzle...when you put French fries in the oil.
Pop Pop when the grease bubbles rise to the top.
Slap Slap another hamburger is cooked on the grill.
Bang Bang hurry to get the food on the trays.
Fizzle...when the pop is poured into the cup.
Bam Bam is the sound when the ice drops.
Slurp Slurp Cherry Coke is what I like.
Swish Swish The worker mops up the mess I made...
Ching Ching from the cash register.
Boom from the cashier slamming it shut.
Squirt Squirt from the ketchup.
Screech from the cars in the drive thru.
Mmmmm...When the kids eat their Happy Meals.
Yum! Yum! From the happy customers.
Mrs. Jones’ Fabulous First Grade Class
What does the mom deer say to her daughter deer?
Get DOE-ver here!
Where do female deer like to lay?
Behind a big DOE-k tree!
Oak Tree
Did you know that male deer, usually called bucks, grow new antlers each year?
A large male deer is often called ‘stag’. A female deer is usually called a ‘doe’. A
young deer is usually called a ‘fawn’. Most are born with white spots but lose
them within a year. They take their first steps within half an hour of their birth.
Deer live near humans because their habitats are commonly created by forest
cutting and the clearing of farmland.
The City
The cars go beep-beep-beep on
the city streets.
The roar of a motorcycle says
The fire truck races to an accident in the city. Vroom-vroom-vroom.
The police car races to the accident too. Wee-oohwee-ooh wee-ooh.
The people in cars moving slow as turtles at a
green light shout "move it-move it-move it!"
Some cars stop quickly. Screech! Screech! Screech!
The ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong of the ice cream truck comes
through the open windows of the city apartments, bothering the
parents and exciting the kids.
The bees buzz-buzz-buzz in the
city park.
The birds in the city park chirp
The dun-dun-dun da da da of the
loud concert in the city park is
music to our ears.
The blah blah blah of people
talking during the concert is
The city is like a very, very, very loud radio.
Ms. Sarver’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What type of music do penguins listen to?
What is a penguin’s favorite breakfast?
Did you know that Penguins are flightless birds? Instead of wings,
penguins have flippers to help them swim in the water.
Large penguin populations can be found on the continents of Australia,
South America, Africa and Antarctica. No penguins live at the North Pole.
Penguins eat a range of fish and other sea life that they catch underwater.
Penguins can drink sea water.
Kings Island
Why is it so loud at King's island?
Roller Coasters ZOOM down hills really fast.
People having fun scream AAAAH!
Hungry people MUNCH-MUNCH on crunchy cheesy nachos.
The SPLISH-SPLASH at the waterpark makes the riders on the roller
coasters say BRR!
Riders feel scared when they hear the
CLICK-CLACK of the roller coaster cars
going up a giant hill.
"WOO-HOO!" and "WHEE" they yell loudly
while going down fast.
BUMP-BUMP go the riders through the
twists and turns.
WHOA! They say. Now they are dizzy.
SCREECH! The roller coaster comes to a stop.
"WAA-WAA" says the kids too small to ride the big rides.
Mrs. Lucia’s Fabulous First Grade Class
Where does a dog get dog-paddling lessons?
In the BARK-tic Ocean!
Why did the dog get dizzy in space?
He was chasing his TAIL-ien!
Did you know that in the 1950s and 1960s the USSR
used at least 57 dogs in experimental trips near and to
space so that they could determine whether human spaceflight was
The Ocean
Squeak Squeak of the Dolphin
Whoosh Whoosh of the waves crashing on the sand
Splish Splash of the water when someone jumps in
Chomp Chomp of the Shark
Blub Blub of the fish
Caw Caw of the Seagulls
Wish Wash of the fish waving its tail in the water
Ark Ark of the smooth seals swimming through the water
Buzz Buzz of the Jellyfish as they sting a diver
Boom Boom of the Killer Whale as it tries to break the Arctic ice
Flop Flop of the Penguin as they waddle
Flap Flap of the Stringray as it glides through the sea
Wham Wham as the Whale hits the water hard after surfacing
Snap Snap of the Crab as he pinches a fish with his claws
Squirt Squirt of the Octopus as he squirts out his ink
And the guy on the
beach says "Aaaaah"
as he digs his toes into
the sand and relaxes.
Mrs. Ashton’s Fabulous First Grade Class
Where does a bear keep his pet birds?
In a CAVE-iary
Did you know that an aviary is an enclosure large enough for the birds to fly in?
They often contains plants and shrubbery that simulate a natural environment.
What does a tiger use when it needs to travel to the South Pole?
An up-to-date CAT-las
What do you call a quick tiger in outer space?
A FAST-tronaut!
Did you
know that Tigers have been known to run up to 50 miles
per hour!? The fastest human ran up to 28 miles per hour!
The Big Game
The cheerleaders yell GO! GO! GO!
The Pom-Poms go WHOOSH WHOOSH.
The team scores!
Now you can hear the ROAR of the crowd.
The band does their thing.
STOMP STOMP on the stadium
BONK BONK the dribbling of ball
SWISH through the hoop
ERRR of the buzzer
CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! of the helmets
CRACK of the bat
The crowd goes wild!
Mrs. Thase’s Fabulous First Grade Class
What does a monkey with a sore tail have?
A TAIL-ment!
What do you call a monkey’s hat?
A FUR-ban!
What did the turtle ride to get to the second floor of the zoo?
The SHELL-evator!
Why did the turtle ride the SHELL-evator?
To see the SHELL-ephants!
Did you know Spider monkeys get their name because of their long arms, legs
and tail? Did you know that the largest turtle is the Leatherback Sea Turtle
which can weigh over 2000 lbs and measure 7 ft long!?
Finally I'm home!
Home Sweet Home.
The door slams behind me.
Baby brother slams my toys in my toy box.
I hear my sister break a glass.
Mom won't let her have a cookie and she's mad.
Dad and I set up the video games and play.
Beep-Boop! Beep-Boop!
I can hear the clock ticking.
Tick-Tock! Tick Tock!
The doorbell is ringing.
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
I look out the window to see if it is Grandpa.
Through the glass I hear the cars.
CREAK… I open the door for Grandpa.
I hear my cat PURR and MEOW.
She is happy to see Grandpa too.
Home is a safe place even though it is noisy.