Diff Share Infographic
Diff Share Infographic
WHAT ARE SELF-PROTECTING DATA AND DIFFERENTIAL SHARING? Bob opens Alice’s document. He has permission to view the SENSITIVE content. Bob copies selections of the document and pastes them into an email. blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah DON’T TELL ANYONE DON’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS PART blah, blah, blah ALICE blah, blah, blah BOB Alice creates a document with both SENSITIVE and NON-SENSITIVE information. She classifies and protects the SENSITIVE information. blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah DON’T TELL ANYONE DON’T TELL ANYONE Kellie does not have permission to view the SENSITIVE content. Therefore it remains redacted. blah, blah, blah DON’T TELL ANYONE KELLIE RICK Rick received the email and does have permission to view the SENSITIVE content. Kellie pastes the content into a database. She still can move SENSITIVE content but it is NEVER revealed to her unless she has permission. asdflk adlfkadf asdlfkj asdflk adlfkadf asdlfkj RON Ron generates a report from the database. This report pulls both the SENSITIVE and NON-SENSITIVE information. However, Ron has permission to view the content. blah, blah, blah DON’T TELL ANYONE asdflk adlfkadf asdlfkj asdflk adlfkadf asdlfkj It is important to note that the information still contains the original protection and encryption that Alice first set into place. WindTalkerSecurity.com SET YOUR DATA FREE