CLIENT-CENTERED/EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY 1997-1999 [with a special section on books 1939-2000] Germain LIETAER Centrum voor Client-centered Psychotherapie en Counseling Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium Psychotherapeutische Bijdragen, 2001, Rapport nr. 12 This brochure has been put together for the occasion of the "Fifth International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy" Chicago, June 24-29, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3 FORMAT SOURCES CALL FOR ASSISTANCE PART A. SURVEY OF BOOKS 1939-2000 .......................................................................................... 5 1. CLIENT-CENTERED/EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING: 1939-1989 ..................... 6 2. CLIENT-CENTERED/PERSON-CENTERED PSYCHOTHERAPY AND ITS EXPERIENTIAL OFFSPRING: 1990-2000 ............................................................................................................................ 15 3. RELATED APPROACHES: 1990-2000........................................................................................ 27 PART B. PUBLICATIONS 1997-1999.............................................................................................. 38 REGISTER OF TOPICS ................................................................................................................... 40 ENGLISH ..................................................................................................................................... 41 GERMAN ..................................................................................................................................... 86 DUTCH ....................................................................................................................................... 111 REGISTER OF TOPICS ................................................................................................................. 121 2 INTRODUCTION This survey is a continuation of four previous surveys I published on the occasion of the First to Fourth International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (Leuven 1988, Stirling 1991, Gmunden 1994, Lissabon 1997): - The client-centered/experiential/person-centered approach 1950-1987: Bibliographical survey - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19881990 - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19911993 - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19941996 [availabe on-line via: ] These bibliographical brochures are available through: G. Lietaer, Counseling Centrum, Blijde Inkomststraat 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. [E-mail: [email protected]] It is my hope that these bibliographical surveys will contribute to a fuller knowledge of all what has been written on the client-centered/experiential approach, and that they may serve as a rich source of information and inspiration for scholars, supervisors and trainees in our field. I wish to thank Peter Schmid, Alberto Segrera, Jean-Marc Priels and Georges Wollants, who sent me their own recent bibliographical data. My very special thanks to Els Vloeberghen who for so many years carefully and patiently typed all references and "put it all together". This is the last survey I am making on my own. From 2000 on an online bibliographical survey will be constructed as a joint effort by members of the WAPCEPC: see For the years 1939-1999 two fairly complete surveys (of all languages) are available on internet: Peter Schmid: International Archives of the Person-Centered Approach: 1. FORMAT The references are put in alphabetic order; under a same author the references are given chronologically. At the left side of each reference in Part B the specific content is indicated by one or two letters: the capital letter refers to the main topic of the publication, the lowercase letter to a secondary content aspect (Occasionally I had to guess on the basis of the title alone; thus there may be some errors in my annotations). You will find the register of topics on page 38 and again on the last page. The references are presented per language group, except for the Books 1990-2000 under Part A. The bibliography starts with a survey of books 1939-2000 (Part A); the books of 19972000 are included again in the reference lists of Part B, together with separate chapters from edited books. A few references of the 80's and 90's which have not been included in the previous surveys, are taken up in this bibliography. 3 2. SOURCES a. Psyc Info A careful selection has been made on the basis of the following combination of indices: Psychotherapy, therapy Counseling, Counselling in combination with: Client-centered therapy, client-centered psychotherapy, client-centered-therapy Client-centred therapy, client-centred psychotherapy, client-centred-therapy Experiential therapy, experiential psychotherapy, experiential-psychotherapy Person-centered, person-centred Gestalt therapy, Gestalt psychotherapy, Gestalt-psychotherapy Gestalt therapie, Gestalt-therapie, Gestalttherapie Existential therapy, existential psychotherapy, existential-therapy Empathy, empathie Non-directive, nondirective Humanism, Humanistic psychology Self-actualisation, self-actualization Encounter therapy, encounter-group-therapy Constructivism, narrative b. Psychologischer Index Avenues: Behandlung und Prävention Klientenzentrierte und humanistische Therapie Selbsterfahrungsgruppen Sachregister Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie 3. CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Although I tried to make the bibliography as complete as possible as to English, German and Dutch, I know there must be some gaps. I would be very grateful, therefore, if you would send me references of publications not yet included (especially chapters from books, articles in non-widely spread journals, theses and dissertations, unpublished manuscripts). Corrections of references are also most welcome. These additional references and corrections will all be included in the online bibliographies of Peter Schmid ( and Alberto Segrera ( Send them to: Germain Lietaer (e-mail: [email protected]) Counseling Centrum Blijde Inkomststraat 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium 4 PART A. SURVEY OF BOOKS 1939-2000 1. Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling: 1939-1989 [English, German, French, Dutch] 2. Client-centered/person-centered psychotherapy and its offspring (focusing-oriented; process-experiential): 1990-2000 experiential [All languages] 3. Related approaches: 1990-2000 (mainly: existential, interpersonal, Gestalt, narrative-constructivistic, feminist, integrative/eclectic with major client-centered input). [All languages] 5 1. Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling: 1939-1989 - Only books in their original language. - Books which have been revised after 1989, are mentioned only in the surveys 19902000 (see pp. 15-37) - Languages: English, German, French and Dutch. 1.1. English Amodeo, J., & Amodeo, K. (1986). Being intimate. A guide to successful relationships. New York: Arkana. Aspy, D. (1972). Toward a technology for humanizing education. Champaign, Ill. Axline, V. (1947). Play therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Axline, V. (1965). Dibs, in search of self. Personality development in play therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin . Boukydis, CC. F. Z. (1985). Support for parents and infants: A manual for parent organizations and professionals. Boston: Routledge & Kegan. Boy, A. V., & Pine, G. J. (1968). The counselor in the schools: A reconceptualization. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Carkhuff, R. R. (1967). Beyond counseling and therapy. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Carkhuff, R. R.(1969). Helping and human relations. A primer for lay and professional helpers. Vol. I: Selection and training. New York: Rinehart-Winston. Carkhuff, R. R. (1971). The development of human resources: Education, psychology and social change. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Carkhuff, R. R., & Anthony, W. A. (1979). The skills of helping: An introduction to counseling. Amherst, Mass.: Human Resource Development Press. Combs, A. W. (1982). A personal approach to teaching: Beliefs that make a difference. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Combs, A. W. (1989). A theory of therapy. Guidelines for counseling practice. London: Sage. Combs, A. W. & Avila, D. L. (1985). Perspectives on helping relationships and the helping profession: Past, present and future. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Combs, A. W., & Avila, D. L. (1985). Helping relationships: Basic concepts for the helping professions. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Coulson, W. R. (1972). Groups, gimmicks and instant gurus. New York: Harper & Row. Coulson, W. R. (1973). A sense of community. Columbus, OH.: Merrill. Coulson, W., Land, D., & Meador, B. (1977). The La Jolla experiment: Eight personal views. La Jolla, Ca.: Center for Studies of the Person. Coulson, W. R., & Rogers, C. R. (Eds.). (1968). Man and the science of man. Columbus: Charles E. Merrill. Curran, C. A. (1952). Counseling in catholic life and education. New York: MacMillan. Danish, S. J., & Hauer, A. E. (1973). Helping skills: A basic training program. New York: Behavioral Publications. 6 Devonshire, C. M., & Kremer, J. W. (1980). Toward a person-centered resolution of intercultural conflicts. Dortmund: Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle. Dillon, J. T. (1971). Personal Teaching. Columbus, OH.: Merrill. Egan, G. (1973). Face to face. Monterey: Brooks/Cole. Egan, G. (1975). The skilled helper: A model for systematic helping and interpersonal relating. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth. Egendorf, A. (1986). Healing from the war. Shambala, Random House. Trauma and transformation after Vietnam. Boston: Evans, R. I. (Ed.) (1975). Carl Rogers: the man and his ideas. New York: E. P. Dutton. Farson, R. (1974). Birthrights. New York: Macmillan. Friedman, M. (1985). The healing dialogue in psychotherapy. New York: Aronson. Friedman, N. (1982). Experiential therapy and focusing. New York: Half Court Press. Gendlin, E. T. (1962). Experiencing and the creation of meaning. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe. Gendlin, E. T. (1981). Focusing (Rev. ed.). New York: Bantam Books. Gendlin, E. T. (1986). Let your body interpret your dreams. Wilmette, Il.: Chiron. Ginott, H. (1961). Group psychotherapy with children. New York: Mc Graw Hill. Goodman, G. (1972). Companionship therapy: Studies in structured intimacy. San Francisco: JosseyBass. Goodman, G., & Esterly, E. (1988). The talk book. The intimate science of communicating in close relationships. New York: Ballantine Books. Gordon, T. (1955). Group-centered leadership. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Gordon, T. (1970). Parent effectiveness training: The no-lose program for raising responsible children. New York: Wyden. Gordon, T. (1977). Leader effectiveness training. L.E.T. New York: Wyden Books. Republished in Bantam Books, 1980. Gordon, T. (1989). Teaching children self-discipline. New York: Times Books. Gordon, T., & Burch, N. (1974). T.E.T. Teacher effectiveness training. New York: P.H. Wyden. Gorlow, L., Hoch, E. L., & Telschow, E. F. (1952). The nature of non-directive group psychotherapy. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. Greenberg, L. S., & Johnson, S. (1989). Emotionally-focused therapy for couples. New York: Guilford. Greenberg, L. S., & Safran, J. D. (1987). Emotion in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford. Guerney, B. G. (1969). Psychotherapeutic agents: New roles for non-professionals, parents and teachers. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Guerney, B. G. (1977). Relationship enhancement: Skill-training programs for therapy, problem prevention, and enrichment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Guerney, B. G. (1987). Relationship enhancement: Marital/family therapists manual. State College, PA: IDEALS. Guerney, B. G. (1988). Relationship enhancement manual. State College, PA: IDEALS. Guerney, L. (1978). Parenting: A skills training manual. State College, PA: IDEALS. Hart, J. T., & Tomlinson, T. M. (Eds.). (1970). New directions in client-centered therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 7 Johnson, E. R. (1971). Existential man. The challenge of psychotherapy. New York: Pergamon Press. Kiesler, D. J. (1988). Therapeutic metacommunication. CA: Consulting Psychologist Press. Kinget, G. M. (1975). On becoming human: A systematic view. New York: Harcourt & Brace. Kirschenbaum, H. (1979). On becoming Carl Rogers. New York: Delacorte Press. Kirschenbaum, H., & Henderson, V. (Eds.). (1989). Carl Rogers: Dialogues. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kirschenbaum, H., & Henderson, V. (Eds.). (1989). The Carl Rogers Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Levant, R. F., & Shlien, J. M. (Eds.). (1984). Client-centered therapy and the person-centered approach: New Directions in Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Praeger. Lietaer, G. (1988). The client-centered/experiential/person-centered approach Bibliographical survey. Leuven, Belgium: Counseling Centrum, K.U.Leuven. 1950-1987: Lyon, H. C., Jr. (1971). Learning to feel - feeling to learn. Columbus, OH.: Merill. Lyon, H. C., & Rogers, C. R. (1981). On becoming a teacher. Columbus, OH.: Merill. Mahrer, A. R. (1986). Therapeutic experiencing. The process of change. New York: W. W. Norton & Co. Martin, D. G. (1972). Learning-based client-centered therapy. Monterey, CA.: Brooks & Cole. Martin, D. G. (1983). Counseling and therapy skills. Belmont, CA.: Brooks & Cole. McGuire, K. N. (1981). Building supportive community: Mutual self-help through peer counseling. Moustakas, C. E. (1953). Children in play therapy. New York: McGraw-Hill. Moustakas, C. E. (1959). Psychotherapy with children. New York: Harper & Row. Moustakas, C. E. (Ed.). (1966). Existential child therapy. New York: Basic Books. Also: The child's discovery of himself. New York: Ballantine Books. Moustakas, C. E. (1968). Individuality and encounter. A brief journey into loneliness and sensitivity groups. Cambridge, Mass.: Doyle. Patterson, C. H. (1985). The therapeutic relationship: Foundations for an eclectic psychotherapy. Monterey, Ca.: Brooks/Cole. Pentony, P. (1981). Models of influence in psychotherapy. New York: Free Press/Macmillan. Porter, E. H. (1950). An introduction to therapeutic counselling. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rice, L. N., & Greenberg, L. S. (Eds.). (1984). Patterns of change. Intensive analysis of psychotherapy process. New York: Guilford. Rogers, C. R. (1939). The clinical treatment of the problem child. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1942). Counseling and psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1945). Organization. Counseling with returned servicemen. Washington, D.C.: United Services Rogers, C. R., Raskin, N. J. et al. (1949). A coordinated research in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 13(whole issue 3), 149-224. Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationships as developed in the client-centered framework. In S. Koch (Ed.), Psychology: A study of science. Vol. III. Formulations of the person and the social context (pp. 184-256). New York: Mc Graw Hill. Rogers, C. R. (1961). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1967). Autobiography. In E. G. Boring, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), A history of psychology in 8 autobiography. Vol. V. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts. Rogers, C. R. (1969). Freedom to learn. Columbus: Charles E. Merrill. Rogers, C. R. (1970). Carl Rogers on encounter groups. New York: Harper & Row. Rogers, C. R. (1972). Becoming partners. Marriage and its alternatives. New York: Delacorte. Rogers, C. R. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. Inner strength and its revolutionary impact. New York: Delacorte. Rogers, C. R. (1980). A way of being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1983). Freedom to learn for the 80's. (Rev. ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Charles Merrill. Rogers, C. R., & Dymond, R. F. (1954). Psychotherapy and personality change. Chicago: University of Chicago press. Rogers, C. R., Gendlin, E. T., Kiesler, D. J., & Truax, C. B. (1967). The therapeutic relationship and its impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizofrenics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Rogers, C. R., & Stevens, B. (1967). Person to person: The problem of being human. Lafayette CA.: Real People Press. Rogers, N. (1980). Emerging woman: A decade of mid-life transitions. Point Reyes, CA.: Personal Press. Rose, A., & Auw, A. (1974). Growing up human. New York: Harper & Row. Seeman, J. (1983). Personality integration: Studies and reflections. New York: Human Sciences Press. Segrera, A. S. (Ed.). (1984). Proceedings of the First International Forum on the Person-centered Approach (Oaxtepec, 1982). Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana. Sherman, E. (1984). Working with older persons. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff. Snyder, W. U. (1947). Casebook of non-directive counseling. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Snygg, D., & Combs, A. W. (1949). Individual psychology: A new frame of reference for psychology. New York: Harper. (Also published in revised edition by Combs & Snygg: Harper, 1959). Solomon, L. N., & Berzon, B. (Eds.). (1972). New Perspectives on encounter groups. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Thorne, B. J., Newsome, A., & Wyld, K. (1981). Student Counselling in Practice. (3rd. ed.). U.L. Truax, C. B., & Carkhuff, R. R. (1967). Toward effective counseling and psychotherapy: Training and practice. Chicago: Aldine. Van Belle, H. (1980). Basic intent and therapeutic approach of C. Rogers. Burnaby: Academy Press. Wexler, D. A., & Rice, L. N. (1974). Innovations in client-centered therapy. New York: Wiley. Whitlock, G. E. (1984). Person-centered learning: Confluent learning processes. London: University Press of America. Wood, J. T. (1974). How do you feel? A guide to your emotions. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Wright, L., Everett, F., & Roisman, L. (1986). Experiential psychotherapy with children. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Yalom, I. D. (1980). Existential Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books. Yalom, I. D. (1989). Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books. 1.2. German 9 Alterhoff, G. (1983). Grundlagen klientenzentrierter Beratung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung. (1984). Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Begegnung. Das personenzentrierte Konzept in Psychotherapie, Erziehung und Wissenschaft. Wien: Oesterreichischer Bundesverlag. Auckenthaler, A. (1983). Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie mit Paaren. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Baumgärtel, F. (1976). Theorie und Praxis der Kinderpsychotherapie. München: Pfeiffer. Baus, M., & Sandig, B. (1985). Gesprächspsychotherapie und weibliches Selbstkonzept. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Belzer, G. (1979). Familientherapie und Klientenzentrierte Gesprächsfuhrung in der Sozialarbeit. München: Kösel Verlag. Benecken, J. (Ed.). (1982). Kinderspieltherapie: Fallstudien. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Bense, A. (1985). Das Symptom der Handlung. München: Profil. Bense, A. (1977). Erleben in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Die Experiencing-theorie in der klientenzentrierten Gesprächspsychotherapie. Weinheim Basel: Belz. Beutel, H., & Tausch, D. (1989). Sterben. Eine Zeit des Lebens. Stuttgart: Quell-Verlag. Binder, U., & Binder, H. J. (1979). Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie bei schweren psychischen Störungen. Frankfurt am Main: Fachbuchhandlung für Psychologie. Bommert, H. (1982). Grundlagen der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Theorie, Praxis, Forschung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Bommert, H., & Dahlhoff, H. D. (Ed.). (1978). Das Selbsterleben (Experiencing) in der Psychotherapie. München: Urban U. Schwarzenberg. Bommert, H., & Plessen, U. (1978). Psychologische Erziehungsberatung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Braun, U. (1983). Selbstaktualisierung versus Verhaltenskontrolle; Aufarbeitung der Kontroverse RogersSkinner zur Klärung theoretischer Grundlagen der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Frankfurt a/M.: Peter Lang. Eckert, J., & Biermann-Ratjen, E.-M. (1985). Stationäre Gruppenpsychotherapie: Prozesse, Effekte, Vergleiche. Berlin: Springer. Esser, P. (1983). Erlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Esser, U. (1988). Rogers und Adler. Heidelberg: Asanger. Esser, U., & Sander, K. (Eds.). (1988). Personenzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger Verlag. Fietkau, H. J. (1980). Die Einstellung in der Psychotherapie. Theoretische Grundlegung und empirische Befunde am Beispiel der Gesprächstherapie. Salzburg: Müller. Franke, A. (1978). Klientenzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Frohburg, I. (1983). Forschung und Praxis in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Frohburg, I., Di Pol, G., Thomas, B., Weise, K. (Eds.). (1986). Forschung und Praxis in der Gruppengesprächspsychotherapie. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie (Ed.). (1975). Gesprächspsychotherapie. München: Kindler. Die klientenzentrierte Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie (Ed.). (1988). Orientierung an der Person. (Vol. 1 and 2). Köln: GwG. 10 Goetze, H. (1981). Personenzentrierte Spieltherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Goetze, H., & Jaede, W. (1974). Die nicht-direktive Spieltherapie. Eine wirksame Methode zur Behandlung kindlicher Verhaltungs-störungen. München: Kindler. Göppner, H. J. (1984). Hilfe durch Kommunikation in Erziehung, Therapie und Beratung. Ziele und Handlungskriterien. Bad Heilbrun: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Grawe, K. (1976). Differentielle Psychotherapie I. Bern: Huber. Gross-Hardt, M. (1983). Erlebensaktivierung in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Fachbuchhandlung für Psychologie. Frankfurt/M.: Grunwald, W. (1976). Psychotherapie und experimentelle Konfliktforschung. Entwurf einer Konflikttheoretischen Fundierung der Gesprächspsychotherapie. München-Basel: Ernst Reinhart. Grundwald, W. (Ed.). (1979). Kritische Stichwörter Gesprächspsychotherapie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Häflinger, T. (1986). Die grundlegenden Bedingungen erfolgreicher Einzelbeziehungen des Sozialpädagogen nach C. R. Rogers, bezogen auf Erfahrungen in einem Jugendwohnheim. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Helm, J. (1980). Gesprächspsychotherapie. Darmstadt: Stierhaupt. Hoffman, H., & Gerbis, K. E. (1981). Gesprächsführung in psychologischer Therapie und Beratung. Salzburg: Müller. Howe, J. (1980). Prozessgeschehen in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Versuch einer Klärung. Frankfurt. Howe, J. (Ed.). (1982). Integratives Handeln in der Gesprächstherapie. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz. Hutter, A. (1988). Zu den Rahmenbedingungen von klientenzentrierter psychotherapie und Beratung im Gesundheidswesen. Köln: GwG-Verlag. Jankowski, P., Tscheulin, D., Fietkau, H. J., & Mann, F. (Eds.). (1976). Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie heute. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Ködel, R., & Froburg, I. (1988). Grundbegriffe der Gruppen-Gesprächspsychotherapie. Berlin: Ges. für Psychologie. Kreuter-Szabo, S. (1988). Der Selbstbegriff in der humanistischen Psychologie von A. Maslow und C. Rogers. Frankfurt: Lang. Kropf, D. (1978). Grundprobleme der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Kwiatkowski, E. (1980). Psychotherapie als subjektiver Prozess. Für eine sozialwissenschaftliche Konzeption der Gesprächspsychotherapieforschung. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz. Melzer, G. (1979). Familientherapie und klientenzentrierte Gesprachsfuhrung in der socialarbeit. München: Kösel. Mente, A., & Spittler, H. D. (1980). Erlebnisorientierte Gruppenpsychotherapie (Vol. 1-2). Paderborn: Junfermann-Verlag. Minsel, W. R. (1974). Praxis der Gesprächstherapie. Wien: Böhlaus. Pavel, F. G. (1978). Die klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie. München: Pfeiffer. Petermann, F., Noeker, M., & bode, U. (1987). Psychologie chronischer Krankheiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter. München: Psychologie Verlags Union. Pfeiffer, W. M. (1986). Psychologie des kranken Menschen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Plog, U. (1976). Differentielle Psychotherapie II: Der Zusammenhang von Lebensbedingungen und spezifischen Therapieeffekten im Vergleich von Gesprächspsychotherapie und Verhaltenstherapie. Bern: Hüber. 11 Rechtien, W. (1988). Beratung im Alttag. Paderborn: Junfermann-Verlag. Sachse, R., & Howe, J. (1989). Zur Zukunft der klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger. Sander, K., & Esser, U. (Eds.). (1988). Personenzentrierte Gruppenarbeit. Förderung und Entwicklung der Person in der Gruppe in Ausbildung und Beratung. Heidelberg: Asanger. Schmeling-Kludas, C. (1988). Die Arzt-Patient Beziehung im Stationsalltag. Weinheim: VCH Edition Medizin. Schmid, P. (1989). Personale Begegnung. Würzburg: Echter. Schmitt, G. M. (983). Die psychologische Betreuung des krebskranken Kindes. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Scobel, W. A. (1983). Kan Sprechen helfen? Ein psychologisch philosophisher Beitrag zur Bedeutung der Sprache in der klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Weinheim: Beltz. Scobel, W. A. (1988). Was ist Supervision? Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Siems, M. (1986). Dein Körper weisst die Antwort. Focusing als Methode der Selbsterfahrung. Eine praktische Einleitung. 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Segrera, as mentioned on p. 3. 37 REGISTER OF TOPICS A.. SURVEYS AND HISTORY B. ATTITUDES AND INTERVENTIONS OF THE THERAPIST C. THE CHANGE PROCESS OF THE CLIENT; CASES D. FOCUSING PROCESSES E. HUMAN IMAGE; THEORY OF PERSONALITY AND PERSONALITY CHANGE F. RESEARCH: EMPIRICAL STUDIES, SURVEYS, RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES G. DIFFERENTIAL CCT; THE OUTPATIENT POPULATION H. SEVERELY DISTURBED CLIENTS; PSYCHIATRIC SETTING I. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOSOMATICS J. DIALOGUE WITH OTHER ORIENTATIONS: COMPARISON; INTEGRATION K. OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL 38 ENGLISH F-b Adomaitis, R. M. (1992). 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OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL 116