CLIENT‐CENTERED/EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELINGBIBLIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY 1991‐1993 Germain LIETAER (Ed.) Centrum voor Client-centered Psychotherapie en Counseling Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium Psychotherapeutische Bijdragen, 1994, Rapport nr. 7 1 This brochure has been put together for the occasion of the "Third International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy" Gmunden, September 5-9, 1994 Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 3 FORMAT SOURCES CALL FOR ASSISTANCE REGISTER OF TOPICS .......................................................................................................................................... 6 BOOKS (ALL LANGUAGES) .................................................................................................................................. 7 ENGLISH ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 GERMAN ........................................................................................................................................................... 48 DUTCH ............................................................................................................................................................. 83 ROMANIC LANGUAGES .................................................................................................................................... 95 FRENCH ITALIAN PORTUGUESE SPANISH JAPANESE ....................................................................................................................................................... 102 SCANDINAVIAN/EASTERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES REGISTER OF TOPICS ....................................................................................... 105 ...................................................................................................................................... 106 Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 2 INTRODUCTION This survey is a continuation of two previous surveys I published on the occasion of the First and Second International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (Leuven 1988 and Stirling 1991): - The client-centered/experiential/person-centered approach 1950-1987: Bibliographical survey - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19881990 These bibliographical brochures are available through: G. Lietaer, Counseling Centrum, Blijde Inkomststraat 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. I wish to thank all those who assisted me in making this bibliography: Carlos Alemany, João Marques-Teixeira, Shoji Murayama, Gaston Demaret, Alberto Zucconi, who sent me lists of publications; Els Heidbüchel and Els Vloeberghen who carefully and patiently typed all references; Peter Schmid who sent me his own recent bibliographical surveys; and many others who sent me the references of their own publications. My very special thanks to Els Vloeberghen for 'putting it all together'. It is my hope that this bibliographical survey will contribute to a fuller knowledge of all what has been written on the client-centered/experiential approach, and that it may serve as a rich source of information and inspiration for scholars, supervisors and trainees in our field. 1. FORMAT The references are put in alphabetic order; under a same author the references are given chronologically. At the left side of each reference the specific content is indicated by one or two letters: the capital letter refers to the main topic of the publication, the lowercase letter to a secondary content aspect (Occasionally I had to guess on the basis of the title alone; thus there may be some errors in my annotations). You will find the register of topics on page 6 and again on the last page. The bibliography starts with a survey of books (almost) fully devoted to the client-centered and/or experiential approach; they are included again in the reference lists, together with separate chapters from them. The references are presented per language group. A few references of the 70's and 80's which have not been included in the previous surveys, are taken up in this bibliography. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 3 2. SOURCES 2.1. Reference journals/disks a. Psyclit A careful selection has been made on the basis of the following combination of indices: Psychotherapy, therapy Counseling, Counselling Growth in combination with: Client-centered therapy, client-centered psychotherapy, client-centered-therapy Client-centred therapy, client-centred psychotherapy, client-centred-therapy Experiential therapy, experiential psychotherapy, experiential-psychotherapy Person-centered, person-centred Gestalt therapy, Gestalt psychotherapy, Gestalt-psychotherapy Gestalt therapie, Gestalt-therapie, Gestalttherapie Existential therapy, existential psychotherapy, existential-therapy Empathy, empathie Non-directive, nondirective Humanism, Humanistic psychology Self-actualisation, self-actualization Encounter therapy, encounter-group-therapy b. Psychologischer Index Avenues: Behandlung und Prävention Klientenzentrierte und humanistische Therapie Selbsterfahrungsgruppen Sachregister Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie 2.2. Journals examined in detail a. "Broad spectrum" journals - Psychotherapy Journal of Humanistic Psychology International Journal of Group Psychotherapy Journal of Counseling Psychology Journal of Psychotherapy Integration Psychotherapy Research Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 4 b. Client-centered/experiential journals, newsletters, yearbooks - English: The Person-centered Journal; Person-centred Practice; The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy; The Person-centered Approach and Cross-cultural Communication. An International Review; Renaissance. - German: GwG Zeitschrift; Brennpunkt; Personzentriert; APG-Kontakte; Jahrbuch für Personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie - Dutch: - Spanish: Congruencia - French: Tijdschrift voor cliëntgerichte psychotherapie Le Journal de l'AFPC (Association Francophone de Psychothérapie) 3. CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Although I tried to make the bibliography as complete as possible, I know there must be some gaps. I would be very grateful, therefore, if you would send me references of publications not yet included (especially chapters from books, articles in non-widely spread journals, theses and dissertations, unpublished manuscripts). Corrections of references are also most welcome. These additional references and corrections will all be included in the bibliographical brochure of the next conference. Since for the next Conference I will 'share the work' with Peter Schmid, may we kindly ask you to send your references and corrections of old and new material 1. concerning all languages, except German, to: Germain Lietaer Counseling Centrum Blijde Inkomststraat 13 3000 Leuven, Belgium 2. concerning all publications in German, to: Peter Schmid Koflergasse 4 1120 Wien, Österreich Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 5 REGISTER OF TOPICS A. SURVEYS AND HISTORY B. ATTITUDES AND INTERVENTIONS OF THE THERAPIST C. THE CHANGE PROCESS OF THE CLIENT; CASES D. FOCUSING PROCESSES E. CONCEPTION OF MAN; THEORY OF PERSONALITY AND PERSONALITY CHANGE F. RESEARCH: EMPIRICAL STUDIES, SURVEYS, RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES G. DIFFERENTIAL CCT; THE OUTPATIENT POPULATION H. SEVERELY DISTURBED CLIENTS; PSYCHIATRIC SETTING I. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOSOMATICS J. DIALOGUE WITH OTHER ORIENTATIONS: COMPARISON; INTEGRATION K. OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 6 BOOKS 1990‐1994 (all languages) Beck, H. (1991). Buber und Rogers. Das Dialogische und das Gespräch. Heidelberg: Asanger. Behr, M., & Esser, U. (1991). Macht Therapie glücklich? klientenzentrierter Psychotherapie. Köln: GwG. Neue Wege des Erlebens in Binder, U. (1994). Empathieentwicklung und Pathogenese in klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Überlegungen zu einem systemimmanenten Konzept. Eschborn: Dietmar Klotz. Binder, U., & Binder, J. (1991). "Schützend Verantwortung übernehmen". Studien zu einer störungsspezifischen klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Eschenborn bei Frankfurt a.M.: Dietmar Klotz. Bisogni, M. M. (1983). L'Approccio centrato sulla persona, attualità del metodo rogersiano nell'educazione e nel counseling. Milano: Angeli. Bodenheimer, A. R. (1992). Verstehen heisst antworten. Stuttgart: Reclam. Boy, A. V., & Pine, G. J. (1990). A person-centered foundation for counseling and psychotherapy. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas. Brazier, D. (Ed.). (1993). Beyond Carl Rogers: Towards a psychotherapy for the twenty-first century. London: Constable. Dahmer, H., & Dahmer, J. (1993). Gesprächsführung. Eine praktische Anleitung (3rd ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme. Deter, D., & Straumann, U. (1990). Personenzentriert verstehen, gesellschaftsbezogen denken, verantwortlich handeln. Theorie, Methodik und Umsetzung in der psychosozialen Praxis. Köln: GwG. Eckert, J., Höger, D., & Linster, H. (Eds.). (1993). Die Entwicklung der Person und ihre Störung. Band 1. Entwurf einer ätiologisch orientierten Krankheitslehre im Rahmen des klientenzentrierten Konzepts. Köln: GwG. Finke, J. (1994). Empathie und Interaktion. Methodik und Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme. Finke, J., & Teusch, L. (1991). Gesprächspsychotherapie bei Neurosen und psychosomatischen Erkrankungen. Heidelberg: Asanger. Frenzel, P. (1991). Selbsterfahrung als Selbsterfindung. Personzentrierte Psychotherapie nach Carl C. Rogers im Lichte von Konstruktivismus und Postmoderne. Regensburg: S. Roderer. Frenzel, P., Schmid, P.F., & Winkler, M. (Eds.). (1992). Psychotherapie. Köln: Ed. Humanistische Psychologie. Handbuch der Personzentrierten Gendlin, E. T. (1991). Focussen en je dromen. Laat je lichaam je dromen interpreteren. Haarlem: De Toorts. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 7 Gendlin, E. T. (1994). Experiential psychotherapy. New York: Guilford. Greenberg, L. R., Rice, L. N., & Elliott, R. (1993). Facilitating emotional change. The moment-bymoment process. New York: Guilford. Höder, J. (1992). Gesprächspsychotherapie. Was sie kann, wie sie wirkt und wem sie hilft. Mannheim: PAL. Hutter, A. (1991). Psychotherapie und psychosoziale Versorgung. Köln: GwG. Jaede, W., & Portera, A. (Eds.). (1993). Begegnung mit dem Fremden. Interkulturelle Beratung, Therapie und Pädagogik in der Praxis. Köln: GwG. Ködel, R., & Froburg, I. (Eds.). (1988). Grundbegriffe der Gruppen-Gesprächspsychotherapie. Berlin: Ges. für Psychologie. Lietaer, G., Rombauts, J., & Van Balen, R. (Eds.). (1990). Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties. Leuven: Leuven University Press. Mahrer, A. L. (1990). How to do experiential psychotherapy. Ottawa: University of Ottowa Press. Matthys, F. (1991). Het kind centraal. Opvoeden vanuit een client-centered visie. Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant. Mearns, D. (1994). Developing person-centred counselling. London: Sage. Meyer-Cording, G., & Speierer, G.-W. (Eds.). (1990). Gesundheit und Krankheit. Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der Klientenzentrierten Gesprächspsychotherapie heute. Köln: GwG. Mucksch, N. (1991). Klientenzentrierte Trauerbegleitung als Tätigkeitsfeld sozialer Arbeit, Münster: Lit. Müller, W. (1991). Empathie. Der Seele eine Stimme geben. Mainz: Grünewald. Paulus, P. (Ed.). (1992). Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Perspektiven für die psychosoziale Praxis. Köln: GwG. Peters, H. (1992). Psychotherapie bij geestelijk gehandicapten. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger. Portelance, C. (1992). Relation d'aide et amour de soi. L'approche non-directive créatrice en psychothérapie et en pédagogie. Montréal: Editions du Cram. Pörtner, M. (1994). Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Interviews mit Therapeuten. Stuttgart: KlettCotta (Translation in English available through author). Prouty, G. (1994). Theoretical evolutions in person-centered/experiential therapy. Applications to schizophrenic and retarded psychoses. New York: Praeger. Rogers, C.R., & Schmid, P.F. (1991). Person-zentriert. Grundlagen von Theorie und Praxis. Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald. Rogers, N. (199?). The creative connection: Expressive arts as healing. Expressive Therapy Institute. Santa Rosa, CA: PC Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 8 Sachse, R. (1992). Zielorientierte Gesprächspsychotherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Sachse, R., & Maus, C. (1991). Zielorientiertes Handeln in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Sachse, R., Atrops, A., Wilke, F., & Maus, C. (1992). Klären und Verändern eigener Motive, Ziele und affektiver Schemata. Focusing als psychologisch fundiertes Therapieverfahren. Bern: Huber. Sachse, R., Lietaer, G., & Stiles, W.B. (Eds.). (1992). Neue Handlungskonzepte der Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger. Schmid, P.F. (1994). Personzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie. Ein Handbuch, Band I: Solidarität und Autonomie. Köln: Edition Humanistische Psychologie. Schmidtchen, S. (1991). Klientenzentrierte Spiel- und Familientherapie. (3rd ed.). Weinheim: PVU. Schweidtmann, W. (1991). Sterbebegleitung. Menschliche Nähe am Krankenbett. Stuttgart: Kreuz. Speierer, G.-W. (1994). Das Differentielle Inkongruenzmodell (DIM). Heidelberg: Asanger. Stipsits, R., & Hutterer, R. (1992). Perspektiven Rogerianischer Psychotherapie. Universitätsverlag. Wien: Straumann, U.E. (Ed.). (1992). Beratung und Krisenintervention. Materialien zu theoretischem Wissen im interdisziplinären Bezug. Köln: GwG. Swildens, H. (1991). Prozessorientierte Gesprächspsychotherapie. Pfeiffer). Köln: GwG. (Übersetzt von Wolfgang M. Swildens, J. C. A. G., Haas, O. de, Lietaer, G., & Van Balen, R. (Eds.). (1991). gesprekstherapie. De cliëntgerichte benadering. Amersfoort/Leuven: Acco. Leerboek Tausch-Flammer, D. (1993). Sterbenden nahe sein. Was können wir noch tun? Freiburg: Herder. Teusch, L., & Finke, J. (1993). Krankheitslehre der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger. Teusch, L., Finke, J., & Gastpar, M. (Eds.). (1994). psychiatrischen Störungen. Heidelberg: Asanger. Thorne, B. (1991). Person-centred counselling. Whurr. Gesprächspsychotherapie bei schweren Therapeutic and spiritual dimensions. London: Thorne, B. (1992). Carl Rogers. London: Sage. Toukmanian, S. G., & Rennie, D. L. (Eds.). (1992). Psychotherapy process research. Paradigmatic and narrative approaches. Newbury Park: Sage. Tscheulin, D. (1992). Wirkfaktoren psychotherapeutischer Intervention. Göttingen: Hogrefe. von Werder, L. (1993). Übungen zur klientenzentrierten Gesprächsführung. Berlin: Schibri. Weinberger, S. (1992). Klientenzentrierte Gesprächsführung. Eine Lern- und Praxisanleitung für helfende Berufe (5th ed.). Beltz: Weinheim Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 9 Wiltschko, J. (1991). Anfänger-Geist. Hinführungen zur Focusing-Therapie I. Würzburg: Deutschen Ausbildungsinstitut für Focusing-Therapie (DAF). Wiltschko, J. (1991). Von der Sprache zum Körper. Würzburg: DAF. Hinführungen zur Focusing-Therapie II. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 10 ENGLISH K-g Abroms, E. M. (1993). The freedom of the self: The bio-existential treatment of character problems. New York: Plenum Press. K-l Allan, J. A. (1988). Serial drawing: A Jungian approach with children. In C. E. Schaefer (Ed.), Innovative interventions in child and adolescent therapy (pp. 98-132). New York: Wiley. K-c Amram, D. (1991). The intruder: A dream-work session with commentary. Gestalt Journal, 14(1), 61-72. Q-o Anderson, R., & Cissna, K. N. (1991). The Buber-Rogers dialogue. Studying the influence of role, audience, and style. San Diego, unpublished manuscript. B-j Andrews, J. D. W. (1991). Interpersonal challenge: The second integrative relationship factor. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 1, 265-286. F-c Angus, L. E. (1992). Metaphor and the communication interaction in psychotherapy: A multimethodological approach. In S. G. Toukmanian & D. L. Rennie (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 187-210). J-n Apolinsky, S. R., & Wilcoxon, S. A. (1991). Adult survivors of childhood sexual victimization: A group procedure for women. Family Therapy, 18(1), 37-45. K-n Arensberg, F. (1990). Self psychology groups. In I. L. Kutash & A. Wolf (Eds.), The group psychotherapist's handbook: Contemporary theory and technique (pp. 135-149). New York: Columbia University Press. K-b Asbury, H. (1990). The evolution of the self through optimal gratification. Clinical Social Work Journal, 18, 131-144. D Armstrong, M. (1992). Reclaiming our good energy. The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 11(3), 1-5. H-d Armstrong, M. C. (1993). Sexual abuse, dissociation and multiple personality disorder. The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 12(2), 35-43. K-j Au, W. (1991). Gestalt therapy and the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. Formative Spirituality, 12, 197-213. K-g Augsburger, D. W. (1993). Cross-cultural pastoral psychotherapy. In R. J. Wicks & R. D. Parsons (Eds.), Clinical handbook of pastoral counseling, Vol. 2. Studies in pastoral psychology, theology, and spirituality (pp. 129-143). New York: Paulist Press. K-n Azima, F. J. C. (1989). Confrontation, empathy, and interpretation issues in adolescent group psychotherapy. In F. J. Cramer Azima & L. N. Richmond (Eds.), Adolescent group psychotherapy (pp. 3-19). Madison: International Universities Press. J-n Bachar, E., Kindler, S., Schefler, G., & Lerer, B. (1991). Reminiscing as a technique in the group psychotherapy of depression: A comparative study. British Journal of Clinical psychology, 30, 375-377. G-j Balmer, D. H. (1991). Towards a unified theory for HIV/AIDS counselling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 14, 129-139. P-b Barak, A. (1990). Counselor training in empathy by a game procedure. Counselor Education and Supervision, 29, 170-178. E-h Barba, S. (1993). Seeking embodiment: The adolescent journey through addiction. The Bibliografie 1991-1993 Studies in p. 11 Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 12(2), 1-15. J-g Barbato, A., & Irwin, H. J. (1992). Major therapeutic systems and the bereaved client. Australian Psychologist, 27(1), 22-27. A Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1991). The Roosevelt Years. Conducive Milieu for Carl Rogers and client-centered innovation. Manuscript available at the 2nd ICCCEP, Stirling. F-b Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1991). Relationship Inventory Resource Bilbiography. Manuscript available at the 2nd ICCCEP, Stirling. B Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1993). The phases and focus of empathy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 66, 3-14. A Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1993). Understanding the person-centered approach to therapy: A reply to questions and misconceptions. In E. McIlduff & D. Coghlan. The personcentered approach and cross-cultural communication: An International Review. Vol. 2 (pp. 99-113). Linz: Sandkorn. O-e Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1993). Viewing the person in context: A systemic model of change. Network, 8(2), 13-25. O Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1994). Toward a person-centered theory of community. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 34(3), 62-86. C-b Barrineau, P. (1992). Person-centered dream work. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 32(1), 90-105. F-c Barth, R., & Sanford, R. (1994). Human science and the person-centered approach: An inquiry into the inner process of significant change within individuals. The PersonCentered Journal, 1(2), 19-36. A-k Barton, A. (1992). Humanistic contributions to the field of psychotherapy: Appreciating the human and liberating the therapist. Humanistic Psychologist, 20(2-3), 332-348. N Beck, A. P., Eng, A. M., & Brusa, J. A. (1989). The evolution of leadership during group development. Group, 13(3/4), 155-164. J-f Beck, A. I., Sokol, L., Clark, D. A., Berchick, R. et al. (1992). A crossover study of focused cognitive therapy for panic disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 778-783. K Bednar, R. L., Wells, N. G., & Peterson, S. R. (1989). Self-esteem. innovations in clinical theory and practice. London: APA. B Beech, C. (1993). Looking in, looking out: Using multi-media approaches in person-centred therapy. In D. Brazier (Ed.), o.c. (pp. 148-167). L Bell, V. (1990). The technique of developmental play therapy applied to small groups in the community. Maladjustment and Therapeutic Education, 8, 43-50. K-l Bell, V., Lyne, S., & Kolvin, I. (1989). Playgroup therapy with deprived children: Community-based early secondary prevention. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52, 458-462. O-d Bellin, C. (1990). Almost an oxymoron. On being a process-oriented entrepreneur. The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 9(4), 138-145. O Bellin, C. (1993). Playing for life. The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 12(1), 13-16. K-g Bengesser, G., & Sokoloff, S. (1989). Psychiatry, 3, 116-118. Paradoxes and After suicide-postvention. European Journal of Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 12 K-c Bergantino, L. (1986). Psychotherapy, insight, and style: The existential moment. Northvale: Jason Aronson. K-b Berg-Cross, L., & Zoppetti, L. (1991). Person-in-culture interview: Understanding culturally different students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 5(4), 5-21. K-b Berger, D. M. (1987). Clinical empathy. Northvale: Jason Aronson. K-b Bergin, A. E. (1991). Values and religious issues in psychotherapy and mental health. American Psychologist, 46, 394-403. E-k Bergin, A. E., & Jensen, J. P. (1990). Religiosity of psychotherapists: A national survey. Psychotherapy, 27, 3-7. K-c Bertman, S. L. (1991). Facing death: Images, insights, and interventions: A handbook for educators, healthcare professionals, and counselors. New York: Hemisphere Publishing Corp. F-g Beutler, L. E. (1991). The expression of anger in psychotherapy for depression: Its role and measurement. Psychotherapy Research, 1, 124-134. K-g Beutler, L. E., & Clarkin, J. F. (1990). Systematic treatment selection: Toward targeted therapeutic intervention. New York: Bruner-Mazel. G-i Beutler, L. E., Engle, D., Mohr, D., Daldrup, R. J. et al. (1991). Predictors of differential response to cognitive, experiential, and self-directed psychotherapeutic procedures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 333-340. K-g Beutler, L. E., Mohr, D. C., Grawe, K., Engle, D., & MacDonald, R. (1991). Looking for differential psychotherapy efficacy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 1, 121-142. F-j Beutler, L. E., Machado, P. P. P., Engle, D., & Mohr, D. (1993). Differential patient and treatment maintenance among cognitive, experiential and self-directed psychotherapies. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3, 15-31. B-k Bihm, E. M., & Leonard, P. J. (1992). Counseling persons with mental retardation and psychiatric disorders: A preliminary study of mental health counselors perceptions. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 14, 225-233. A Bixler, R. H. (1990). Carl Rogers, "counseling", and the Minnesota point of view. American Psychologist, 45, 675. J-l Bluckin, A. (1989). Behavioral social work treatment of childhood noctural enuresis. Behavior Modification, 13, 482-497. B-j Bohart, A. C. (1988). Empathy: client-centered and psychoanalytic. American psychologist, 43, 667-668. B-c Bohart, A. C. (1991). The missing 249 words: In search of objectivity. Psychotherapy, 28, 497-503. B-j Bohart, A. C. (1991). Empathy in client-centered therapy: A contrast with psychoanalysis and self psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31(1), 34-48. J Bohart, A. C. (1992). An integrative model of psychopathology and psychotherapy. Unpublished manuscript, Dominguez Hills, CA. B-f Bohart, A. (1993). Emphasizing the future in empathy responses. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 33(2), 12-29. E-j Bohart, A. C. (1993). Experiencing: The basis of psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3, 51-67. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 13 E-c Bohart, A. C., Rawlings, R., & Kotoff, S. (1991). Feelings and experience. Manuscript available at the 2nd ICCCEP, Stirling. J-c Bohart, A. C., & Wugalter, S. (1991). Change in experiential knowing as a common dimension in psychotherapy. Journal of Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy. K Boll, R., & Bryant, B. K. (1988). Clinical neuropsychology and brain function. Research, measurement, and practice. London: APA. C Bonnin, J. (1992). Moments of change in psychotherapy and in learning. Opening towards the universal level. Manuscript available at the Fifth Forum on the Person-Centered Approach, Terschelling. J-f Bopp, M. J. (1991). Contradiction and its resolution among the psychotherapies: Results of a preliminary investigation. In G. R. Weeks (Ed.), Promoting change through paradoxical therapy (rev. ed., pp. 271-301). New York: Brunner/Mazel. F-j Borkovec, T. D., Costello, E. (1993). Efficacy of applied relaxation on and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(4), 611-619. K-e Bouchard, M.-A., & Guérette, L. (1991). Psychotherapy as a hermeneutical experience. Psychotherapy, 28, 385-394. F-k Boulet, D., Soulière, M. D., Sterner, I., & Nadler, W. P. (1992). Development of a category system of good moments in Gestalt therapy. Psychotherapy, 29(4), 554-563. K-f Boulet, D. B., Soulière, M. D., & Sterner, I. (1993). Good moments in Gestalt therapy: A descriptive analysis of two Perls sessions. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 27(3), 191-202. B Bowen, M. V. (1991a) Intuition and the person-centered approach. Manuscript available at the 2nd ICCCEP, Stirling. F-b Bowman, J. T., Reeves, T. G., & Freeman, D. O. (1990). 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Vom "Nürnberger Trichter" zur "Lernökologie". Gedanke zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Lehrerbildung. APG-Kontakte, No. 1, 23-28. O Teml, H. (1992). Superlearning durch Megateaching? Anmerkungen zum "Paradigmenwechsel" in der Schule. APG-Kontakte, No. 3, 11-18. O Teml, H. (1993). Lehren und Lernen aus der Sicht der Humanistischen Psychologie. Ein Tagungsbericht. APG-Kontakte, 10(3), 21-22. F-k Teschke, D. et al. (1992). Sonderheft Forschung. Gestalttherapie, B-g Teusch, L. (1991). Diagnostik in der Gesprächspsychotherapie am Beispiel der Angsterkrankungen. In J. Finke & L. Teusch (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 45-57). I-g Teusch, L. (1991). Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie bei Neurosen, psychosomatischen Erkrankungen und in der psychosomatischen Grundversorgung. In J. Finke & L. Teusch (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 125139). B-g Teusch, L. (1993). Diagnostik in der Gesprächspsychotherapie. In L. Teusch & J. Finke (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 115-136). G Teusch, L., & Böhme, H. (1991). Was bewirkt ein stationäres Behandlungsprogramm mit gesprächspsychotherapeutischem Schwerpunkt bei Patienten mit Agoraphobie und/oder Panik. Ergebnis einer Ein-Jahres-Katamnese. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und medizinische Psychologie, 41, 68-76. E-g Teusch, L., & Finke, J. (1993). Krankheitslehre der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger. H Teusch, L., Finke, J., & Gastpar, M. (Eds.). (1994). psychiatrischen Störungen. Heidelberg: Asanger. N Thomas, B.A. (1991). Gruppen-Gesprächspsychotherapie in der Versorgung psychisch Kranker. In J. Finke & L. Teusch (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 163-177). Q-a Thorne, B. (1992). Carl Rogers: Vermächtnis und Herausforderung. In R. Stipsits & R. Hutterer (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 39-53). I Tönnies S. (1993). Leben mit Ohrgeräuschen. Selbsthilfe bei Tinnitus. Heidelberg: Asanger. F-e Tönnies, S. (1994). Selbstkommunikation. Heidelberg: Asanger. G Topf, R.J. (1992). Bin ich bei ihnen richtig? Indikation aus der Begegnung. In P. Frenzel, P.F. Schmid & M. 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Brennpunkt, No. 48, 21-34. G-l Tugendheim, T. (1993). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des personzentrierten Konzeptes in der Betreuung straffällig gewordener Jugendlicher. GwG Zeitschrift, 24, No. 91, 37-46. O Tusch, H. (1991). Selbstentwicklung bzw. Coaching Gesprächspsychotherapie. Personzentriert, No. 2, 79-85. E-o Uljas-Lutz, J. (1992). Frauenzentriert. Eine feministische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Menschenbild von Carl Rogers. Unpublished APG specialization paper, Wien. B-e Van Balen, R. (1992). Die Therapeutische Beziehung bei C. Rogers: oder beides? Jahrbuch 1992 PPP. Band 3, 162-183. A-e Van Balen, R. (1992). Klientenzentrierte und experientielle Psychotherapie: zwei verschiedene Psychotherapien? Wien: Vortrag Symposion "20 Jahre ÖGwG". B-c van der Linden, P., & van Kessel, W. (1993). Der interaktionell-orientierte Therapeut bei der Arbeit. GwG Zeitschrift, 24, No. 91, 18-28 (Comments by T. Truxa, pp. 47-50). A-p von Werder, L. (1993). 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Möglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten von personzentrierter Schülerberatung an einer AHS. APG specialization paper, Wien. K Wheeler, G. (1993). Kontakt und Widerstand. Ein neuer Zugang zur Gestalttherapie. Köln: Edition Humanistische Psychologie. C-g Wiederkehr-Benz, K. (1992). Weibliche Schönheit und Emanzipation. Brennpunkt, No. 52, 25-36. A Wijngaarden, H.R. (1991). Die Identität der klientenzentrierten Psychotherapien. In M. Behr & U. Esser (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 263-274). C-b Wijngaarden, H.R. (1991). Traum, geführter Tagtraum und aktive Imagination in der klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. In J. Finke & L. Teusch (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 187-195). K Wilber, K. (1990). Wege zum Selbst. Östliche und westliche Ansätze zu persönlichem Wachstum. München: Kösel. O-l Wild, R. (1991). Sein zum Erziehen. Mit Kindern leben lernen. Heidelberg: Arbor. D-c Wild-Missong, A. (1991). Focusing und Spiritualität. GwG Zeitschrift, 22, No. 82, 61-64. [Also in Brennpunkt, 1992, No. 53, 14-20]. O Wild-Missong, A. (1991). Gedanken zum Krieg. GwG Zeitschrift, 22, No. 83, 48-49. E-d Wild-Missong, A. (1992). Das Selbst als Hologramm. Wien: Vortrag Symposion "20 Jahre ÖGwG". D-o Wild-Missong, A. (1993). Mit Focusing im Leben. Focusing und Selbstenfaltung. Feminismus, Spiritualität, Schamanismus u.a. Würzburg: DAF. D Wiltschko, J. (1991). Anfänger-Geist. Hinführungen zur Focusing-Therapie I. Würzburg: Deutschen Ausbildungsinstitut für Focusing-Therapie (DAF). D Wiltschko, J. (1991). Von der Sprache zum Körper. Hinführungen zur Focusing-Therapie II. Würzburg: DAF. schrift, 22, No. 82, 41-50. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 81 D-a Wiltschko, J. (1993). Die drei Warums - oder einige Gründe, die Gesprächspsychotherapie zur FocusingTherapie weiterzuentwickeln. GwG Zeitschrift, 24, No. 92, 7-10. E-d Wiltschko, J. (1992). Haben Sie schon einmal ein 'Selbst' gesehen? Zur Phänomenologie des Ichs. Wien: Vortrag Symposion "20 Jahre ÖGwG". O Windisch, H. (1989). Sprechen heisst lieben. Eine praktisch-theologische Theorie des seelsforgerlichen Gesprächs. Würzburg: Echter. B-e Winkler, M. (1992). Du Tarzan - Ich Jane. Geschlechterdifferenz in der therapeutischen Interaktion. In P. Frenzel, P.F. Schmid, & M. Winkler (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 193-205). K-i Wittorf, S. (1992). Psychotherapeutische Begleitung mit Krebsbetroffenen. Gestalttherapie, 6, 58-66. I Wittrahm, A. (1992). Personenzentrierte Altenpflege: eine Perspektive für menschenwürdiges Zusammenleben von pflegbedürftigen alten Menschen und ihren Pflegerinnen. Brennpunkt, No. 5?, 22-29. G WWüstenberg, W. (1992). Sexueller Missbrauch an Mädchen und Jungen und die Aufgaben der Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik. In U. Straumann (Ed.), o.c. (pp. 131-175). L-c Zeitlhofer, L. (1992). "Branca". Personenzentrierte Jugendlichen-Therapie mit einer Roma. Unpublished APG specialization paper, Wien. E Zurhorst, G. (1993). Eine gesprächspsychotherapeutische Störungs-/ Krankheitstheorie in biographischer Perspektive. In L. Teusch & J. Finke (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 71-87). Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 82 DUTCH English and German publications which have been translated for the Dutch review 'Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort' (1991-1993), are also included in this survey. C Allen, L. (1992). Een cliënt-ervaring van mislukking. Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 5.91-5.100. N-j Berk, T. (1991). Cliëntgerichte groepspsychotherapie. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 433-478). B Beyaert, F. H. L. (1992). De afgewezen therapeut en de afwijzende therapeut. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 30(2), 33-38. F-c Bonjean, G. (1993). Een eerste analyse van impacts die optreden bij cliëntes gedurende belangrijke momenten in drie belevingsgerichte therapieën: onderzoek naar het therapeutisch proces vanuit twee recente benaderingen. Literatuurstudie en exploratief empirisch onderzoek. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. B-p Bosma, M. (1993). Werkboek empathie. Baarn: Nelissen. L Bruin-Beneder, R. de (1992). Cliëntgerichte kinderpsychotherapie. In R. de Bruin-Beneder (Ed.), Kinderpsychotherapie. Basiskennis voor de praktijk van de psychotherapie. Muiderberg: Couthinho. C Bruyninckx, J. (1992). Droomwerk in de experiëntiële therapie. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. D-c Coffeng, T. (1992). Het therapie-proces in het licht van focussen. VRT-Periodiek, 30(3), 7-23. G-d Coffeng, T. (1993). De therapie van vroege rouw. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie. C-b Colin, W. (1993). Sonja. Een gevalsbeschrijving vanuit het interactionele gezichtspunt. Unpublished specialization paper, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. M-j Colsoul, G. (1993). Relatietherapie: een voorstel tot integratie van experiëntiële en systemische elementen. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. Unpublished master's thesis, Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 83 K-n Colyn, S., & Snijders, H. (1993). Therapeutische factoren. In T. J. C. Berk et al. (Eds.), Handboek groepspsychotherapie (pp. A6. 3-21). Houten/Zaventem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. E-o Debats, D. (1993). Experience of meaning. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. F-n De Bruycker, D. (1993). Therapeutinterventies in groepstherapie. Een aanpassing van het Hill Counselor Verbal Response Category System. De studie van één case. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. J-h Deenen, T. (1986). Psychotherapie in de zwakzinnigenzorg: Een vak apart? Psycholoog, 21, 169-174. K-e Depestele, F. (1992). Het psychisch karakter van het lichaam. Een filosofische beschouwing geïnspireerd door Hegel en Sartre. Unpublished master's thesis, Instituut voor Filosofie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. E Depestele, F. (1993). Het lichaam vóór de felt sense. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. K-e De Raeymaecker, D. M. J. (1992). Afwijzing in de diverse ontwikkelingsstadia van het kind: negatieve en positieve gevolgen voor de ik-organisatie. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 30(1), 3-19. B-p De Reuwe, E. (1991). Training van empathie. Literatuurstudie. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. C-b De Rore, J. (1991). Mevrouw C. vraagt om pedagogisch advies. Unpublished specialization paper, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. D-f Deryckere, I. (1993). Focusing-microprocessen in therapie- en leersessies. Een technische analyse vanuit de literatuur en een aanzet tot empirisch onderzoek. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. C-j Deurzen-Smith, E. van (1992). Verheldering van het persoonlijke wereldbeeld. Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 5.21-5.63. K-e Dijkhuis, J. H. (1988). Levensbeschouwing: een miskende dimensie van psychotherapie. In Katholiek Studiecentrum voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, Psychotherapie en levensbeschouwing. Baarn: Ambo. A Dijkhuis, J. J. (1991). Nieuwe ontwikkelingen rond de Rogeriaanse psychotherapie. V.R.T.Periodiek, 29(2), 3-15. C-e Dijkstra, P. (1991). Het beleven. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 65-91). E Dreesmann, W. (1993). Een functionele Rogeriaanse psychopathologie. Een aanzet. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 84 L-j Driessen, A. C. (1993). Separatie en individuatie bij adolescenten en de communicatie met de therapeut. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 31(3), 19-31. E Eisenga, L. K. A., & van den Berg, G. W. C. (1993). Rogers: een systeemtherapeut avant la lettre? Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. E Eisenga, R., & Wijngaarden, H. (1991). Het mensbeeld van de cliëntgerichte therapie. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 251-265). E Finke, J. (1993). Het concept van het onbewuste en de cliëntgerichte psychotherapie. Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 5.1.-5.18. E-m Fossum, M. A., & Mason, M. J. (1991). Paspoort, 5.69-5.93. K-g Gans, E. (1993). "Bij mekaar deugen ze niet, van mekaar meugen ze niet". Afstand en nabijheid in de psychoanalytische psychotherapie van patiënten met een borderline persoonlijkheidsorganisatie. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 31(3), 32-44. L Geertjens, L., & Waaldijk-Holl, O. (1993). Bestaat dat wel client-centered therapie voor adolescenten? Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. B-f Gellens, C. (1993). Literatuurstudie omtrent het onderzoek naar de rol van empathie in de psychotherapie. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. D-c Gendlin, E. T. (1991). Focussen en je dromen. Laat je lichaam je dromen interpreteren. Haarlem: De Toorts. B-l Gijsen-Pinckaers, C. A. A., Offerhaus, H. L., & Widdershoven, G. A. M. (1993). Diagnostiek ten behoeve van client-centered psychotherapie bij kinderen en adolescenten. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. F-n Goderis, P. (1993). Cliënt-variabelen in groepstherapie. Een empirisch onderzoek. Unpublished master's thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. G-p Gundrum, M. (1992). Aids, buddies en client-centered therapie. Het werken met vrijwilligers cliëntgericht benaderd. Unpublished specialization paper, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. E-c Gutberlet, M. (1991). Woede, haat en agressie in de gesprekstherapie. Essay over een verwaarloosd thema. Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 5.5-5.16. B Haas, O. de (1991). Psychotherapeutisch interveniëren binnen de cliëntgerichte benadering. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 355-376). A Haas, O. de (1994). Commentaar op het artikel van Martin van Kalmthout. Psychotherapie, 20(2), 104-107. Grenzen en het zelf. Psychotherapeutisch Bibliografie 1991-1993 p. 85 A Haas, O. de, & Swildens, H. (1991). Uitgangspunten. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 17-25). G Hamelinck, L. (1990). Schuld en verantwoordelijkheid: psychologische aspecten van de hulpverlening aan nabestaanden van een zelfdoding. In Katholiek Studiecentrum voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, Door kou bevangen: zelfdoding en nabestaanden. Baarn: Ambo. G-h Hamelinck, L. (1991). 29(1), 4-16. G Hamelinck, L., & Van Audenhove, C. (1991). Intake en indicatiestelling. In H. Swildens, O. de Haas, G. Lietaer, & R. Van Balen (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 269-303). K-n Hanekamp, H. (1993). Supervisie: een leerproces naar beroepsidentiteit. In T. J. C. Berk et al. (Eds.), Handboek groepspsychotherapie (pp. S4. 1-14). Houten/Zaventem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. P Hanekamp, H. (1993). De praktijk als leerstof: ervaring opdoen en ervaren worden. In H. M. van Praag-van Asperen & Ph. H. van Praag (Eds.), Handboek supervisie en intervisie in de psychotherapie (pp. 35-50). Amersfoort: Academische uitgeverij. H Hundersmarck, A. J. (1992). Client-centered psychotherapie met cliënten die niet voor psychotherapie geschikt lijken. VRT-Periodiek, 30(3), 24-40. G Huygevoort, J. H. M. van (1992). Vrouwenhulpverlening: antwoord op een afwijzing. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 30(2), 3-18. Jaspers, L. (1993). Het functioneringsgesprek. Impuls, 23(3), 151-162. O-b Client-centered therapie en crisisinterventie. V.R.T.-Periodiek, AA Jennen, M. (1993). Client-centered therapie: haar eigenheid in verscheidenheid. Manuscript available at Tweede Nederlandstalig Congres voor Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, Veldhoven. K-g Jonghe, F. de (1992). Afwijzing en depressie. V.R.T.-Periodiek, 30(1), 28-36. J Kahn, E. (1992). Naar een samengaan van Rogers' cliëntgerichte therapie en Kohuts zelfpsychologie. 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DIFFERENTIAL CCT; THE OUTPATIENT POPULATION H. SEVERELY DISTURBED CLIENTS; PSYCHIATRIC SETTING I. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOSOMATICS J. DIALOGUE WITH OTHER ORIENTATIONS: COMPARISON; INTEGRATION K. OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL 3