

Admir Jahic & Comenius Roethlisberger
Comenius Roethlisberger
Apfel & Baum
Text: Franziska Mueller & Tobias Lambrecht
2014 - 2015 | Green Spanset, Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 140 cm
2014 - 2015 | Blue Spanset, Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 150 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 21 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 38 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 20 cm
2014 - 2015 | Black Spanset, Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 150 cm
2014 - 2015 | Yellow Spanset, Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 145 cm
2014 - 2015 | Red Spanset, Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 150 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 28 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 22 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 38 cm
Text: Franziska Mueller & Tobias Lambrecht
Die nächste Eigentümlichkeit, die an schönen Objekten ständig beobachtet werden kann, ist Glätte
– eine Qualität, die der Schönheit so wesentlich
ist, dass ich mich keines schönen Dinges erinnere,
das nicht glatt wäre. An Bäumen und Blumen sind
glatte Blätter schön, in Gärten glatte Abhänge, in der
Landschaft ein glatter Wasserlauf; in der Tierwelt ist
schön ein glattes Vogelgefieder oder ein glatter Tierpelz; an einer hübschen Frau eine glatte Haut; und an
den verschiedenen Arten von Zierat ist schön eine
glatte, polierte Oberfläche. [i]
„Spiegeln Sie mich doch einfach und lassen Sie den
Rest bleiben“ sagt Narziss zu seinem SmartphoneDisplay und geht in einen zufällig gewählten Gemischtwarenladen. Die Waren in zwei zufällig gewählten
Gemischtwarenläden überschneiden sich kaum.
Nimmt man aber 300 Gemischtwarenläden, haben
im Durchschnitt alle dasselbe im Angebot. „Das ist
2014 - 2015 | Red Spanset, Polyester Resin,
Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 150 cm
die Regelmässigkeit im Zufall“, denkt Narziss. Später
2014 - 2015 | Yellow Spanset, Polyester Resin,
Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 140 cm
Gemischtwarenladen keine Sternkarten führt.
2014 - 2015 | Red Spanset, Polyester Resin,
Pure Pigments, Wood | 8 cm x 8 cm x 150 cm
Space is all one space and thought is all one thought,
grosser Ärger, dass der von ihm zufällig gewählte
but my mind divides its spaces into spaces and
thoughts into thoughts into thoughts. Like a large
Occasionally I think about the one Space and the
one Thought, but usually I don’t. Usually I think
about my condominium. The condominium has hot
and cold running water, a few Heinz pickles thrown
in, some chocolate-covered cherries, and when the
Woolworth’s hot fudge sundae switch goes on, then I
know I really have something. [ii]
Narziss geht morgens zur Bushaltestelle und guckt
nach oben. Der Himmel ist zwar angenehm blau,
will aber wieder nicht spiegeln. Narziss spuckt aus
Wut senkrecht in die Luft und trifft sich dabei ins eigene Auge. So eine Schweinerei, will eine Zuschauerin schreien, ist dann aber von Narzissens nassem
Blick sehr gerührt und verzeiht sofort allen, aber dem
Hund nicht.
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments,
Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 33 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments,
Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 35 cm
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments,
Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 40 cm
When a person comes into his chamber, and finds
the chairs all standing in the middle of the room, he
is angry with his servant, and rather than see them
continue in that disorder, perhaps takes the trouble himself to set them all in their places with their
backs to the wall. The whole propriety of this new
situation arises from its superior conveniency in
leaving the floor free and disengaged. To attain this
conveniency he voluntarily puts himself to more
trouble than all he could have suffered from the want
of it … What he wanted therefore, it seems, was not
so much this conveniency, as that arrangement of
things which promotes it. [iii]
Narziss geht mit ausgestrecktem Arm in den Louvre.
Er hält sein Smartphone so, dass seine Reflexion im
Display das Haarrund der Mona Lisa ausfüllt. „Was ist
jetzt dein Geheimnis, Mona?“, fragt Narziss auf französisch (dann auf italienisch).
Daß die Erde um die Sonne läuft, und daß, wenn man
eine Schreibfeder kippt, diese Spitze mir ins Auge
fliegt, ist alles ein Gesetz. [iv]
Das Auge aber, denkt Narziss, ist eine Linse, die das
Licht einfängt. Wenn ich ein vor mir befindliches Licht, etwa einer brennenden Kerze, betrachte, gelangt
die Erregung der Netzhaut über das Zwischenhirn zu
den Sehzentren zum Bewusstsein. Wie alle Kausalverläufe ist auch dieser im Prinzip umkehrbar. Es
muss also möglich sein, sich ein Licht, etwa einer
brennenden Kerze, so lebhaft vorzustellen, dass man
dadurch über das Zwischenhirn die Netzhaut in Erregung bringt, so dass diese Erregung über die Linse
das Kerzenlicht in die Aussenwelt projiziert. Um die
so erzeugte Halluzination photographieren zu können, muss man natürlich die Augen offen halten, weil
sonst aus ihnen das Licht ebenso wenig heraus kann
als es bei geschlossenen Augen in dieselben einzudringen vermag.
Narziss geht oft in Ausstellungen. Kunst geschieht!,
denkt er. In den Ausstellungen sind die Bilder meist
nur mit unzulänglichem Schutz- statt Spiegelglas
verdeckt. Die Selbsterkenntnis wird durch die viele
Farbe erschwert. Narziss bellt: „Seht doch einfach
gut aus und lasst den Rest bleiben.“ Eine kompetente
Person erklärt ihm erschöpfend, was Kunst ist, aber
Narziss hat es bereits verstanden: Es hat nichts mit
Schönheit zu tun sondern mit Reflexion von Schönheit.
Looking at the „Face on Mars“ at Cydonia, the outer
edge of the site appears to be of a uniformity that
would not have occured randomly in nature but
2014 | Index at Kunsthaus Hamburg | Installation View | Dimensions Variable
would have been purposely constructed. The inner
facet at the top of the picture also is an absolutely
“straight” line as well which would also not occur in
normal geological events. Is there another explanation for this? [v]
In einem Sci-Fi-Film hat Narziss gesehen, wie Tom
Cruise vor einer Wand aus lauter Bildschirmen steht
und mit eleganten Wischbewegungen transluzente
Formen und Farben dirigiert. Narziss kauft sich viele
kleine Bildschirme, kachelt damit eine Wand und
trägt sie zu den Ureinwohnern von Kydonien. Dort
mimt er für die Ureinwohner, was er von Tom Cruise
gelernt hat. Die Ureinwohner interessieren sich nicht
für die längst bekannten Touchscreens, aber ihnen
gefällt das Gebaren von Narziss ungemein. Die findigste Kydonierin organisiert einen Zaun, ein Tickethäuschen und Kurse, in denen man gegen Bezahlung „Synchron-Gebärden-mit-Narziss“ üben kann.
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments
Installation View
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments
Size Variable
2010 - 2015 | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments,
Plastic Cup | 8 cm x 40 cm
2014 | Index at Kunsthaus Hamburg | Installation View | Dimensions Variable
Berühren darf die Bildschirmwand nur Narziss,
weil die Kydonier fürchten, dass er sonst verschwindet und sie im Badezimmer turnen müssen.
Narziss googelt, warum ein Sternbild nach den
Plejaden benannt wurde, aber nach ihm nur der
Asteroid 37117. Er lernt dabei rein gar nichts, ausser, dass die Plejaden kein Sternbild sondern ein
offener Sternhaufen sind. Darüber freut er sich
diebisch, aber es nützt ihm und seinen näheren
Angehörigen herzlich wenig. Narziss entdeckt,
dass der Nachthimmel eine hervorragende Arena
für seine umwerfende Schönheit böte, wäre er
nur etwas glatter, weniger tief und auf eine intelligente Art und Weise weiss.
Was ist aber der Grund, daß dies als Ursache
gelten soll? Es gibt sieben Vokale, sieben Saiten
oder Harmonietöne auf dem Instrument, sieben
Plejaden; mit sieben Jahren wechseln die Kinder, manche wenigstens, manche auch nicht, die
Zähne; sieben Fürsten zogen gen Theben. Ist nun
die Eigentümlichkeit dieser Zahl schuld daran,
daß es gerade sieben waren, oder daß die Plejade
aus sieben Sternen besteht? oder war es nicht
vielmehr die Zahl der Tore oder sonst eine andere Ursache, die es bewirkte? Wir zählen in der
Plejade sieben, im Bären aber zwölf Sterne, und
andere zählen noch mehr. [vi]
In einer schwarzen Nacht spaziert Narziss im
Kreis um einen schönen See und ereifert sich über
die Unterschiede zwischen dem Mond und der
Sonne. Während die Sonne einfach leuchtet, denkt er, strahlt der Mond im uneliminierbar kühlen
Weiss der Sparlampe. Heute strahlt kein Mond,
keine Sterne, und kein Lichthauch bricht sich an
der Oberfläche des Sees. Narziss will nach hause.
Er marschiert nur deshalb unaufhörlich um den
See herum, weil der leichte Matsch am Ufer die
einzige Orientierungshilfe bietet. Solange Narziss
das leise Schmatzen unter seinen Sohlen fühlt,
weiss er, wer er ist.
[i] Edmund Burke, Vom Erhabenen und Schönen
[ii] Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
[iii] Adam Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments
[iv] Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Aphorismen
[vi] Aristoteles, Metaphysik
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2014 | NOIRE, NOIRE | Polyester Resin, Pure Pigments, Glass | Detail View - Each, 41 x 33 cm
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 8 0 c m x 6 0 c m
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 8 0 c m x 6 0 c m
We are excited about another collaboration
with Franziska Mueller & Tobias Lambrecht
who have in the past composed a short-story
about our exhibition „Der Durchgang“. Enjoy!
The talents of artist duo Jahic/Roethlisberger
were evident early on: at just eleven months
old they were able to whistle Johann Sebastian
Bach’s Air perfectly. What followed was an unparalleled career. They wanted knowledge, the
world was their oyster, and they were on the
way up when a gallerist engaged one of the pair
in conversation. However, three terrible things
came to pass before then:
Firstly, Jahic/Roethlisberger pitched a YouTube
video to musician Lenny Kravitz which they
sketched out for him; Kravitz seemed interested, but for reasons as yet unknown Jahic/
Roethlisberger never delivered the images. If
the debtor is in default, Article 103 Paragraph
I of the Code of Obligations stipulates that he
must pay damages for late fulfilment and is
also responsible for coincidental liability. Kravitz never claimed the damages which were due
to him, the artist duo was left with the liability.
Even when events are repeated until they are
unrecognisable, there is still an average.
Secondly, Jahic/Roethlisberger tried to sell
their works under the name Monica Monkeybone. Kind of cheap, kind of tacky, not shy of
a bit of razzle-dazzle. “We’re trying to deflect
attention from ourselves,” said Jahic/Roethlisberger. And according to Rolling Stone they’re
no longer inclined to play up to their reputation
as spoilsports.
Rolling Stone: What’s so good about being Jahic
or Roethlisberger?
Jahic/Roethlisberger: Free clothes.
RS: Who are Jahic/Roethlisberger?
J/R: That was just a label, our entry ticket to the
art world, because there are only very few duos.
Our goal is to make our audience happy. We’ll
leave the declarations to the politicians.
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 4 5 c m x 3 3 c m
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 8 0 c m x 6 0 c m
RS: Do you have role models?
J/R: We want to move through life like a Karate
RS: Isn’t it about time that you went back to being just Jahic/Roethlisberger?
J/R: Maybe, but who would want that?
Monica Monkeybone subsequently achieved
blogging success with (at the time of going to print this URL
was available to purchase).
Thirdly, a statuesque blonde walks into a gallery opening, rips the microphone from the
man at the keyboard and loudly announces
that she really likes Jahic or perhaps Roethlisberger. When someone asks to see her invitation she silently grabs the nearest intern and
kisses him deeply without taking her eyes off
Jahic/Roethlisberger for a moment. The intern
begins twitching wildly, whereupon the blonde
drops him like a packet of crisps, moving away
from him with her mouth smeared with blood
before spitting something red and organic onto
the nearest canvas.
“For all the single ladies” says the lady decisively, spitting another stream of blood on the table
covering and steering her way through the perplexed crowd towards Jahic or Roethtlisberger
like a Rubens fantasy come to life. The woman
emits a deep bellow as a gallerist tries to hit
her from behind with a broomstick. “What’s
she saying?” asks someone in the back of the
crowd. “What’s love got to do/got to do with it,”
comes Kravitz’s matter-of-fact reply.
Broomstick in hand, the gallerist stumbles
frantically over the gurgling intern and hits the
blonde on her left shoulder. But it’s only grievous bodily harm if permanent marks or mortal
danger are involved. Broken bones, gunshot
wounds, even infection with disease merely
count as minor bodily injury. If a dangerous
weapon is used it counts as qualified minor
bodily injury. Her hollow roar (What’s looove)
sends white wine spilling by the gallon as she
falls to the floor like a felled tree. A long pause,
a deep intake of breath, a brief break in hostilities. The tongueless intern whimpers, an elegant lady brings ice. What’s looove she coos to
him reassuringly, over and over: What’s looove.
The gallerist towers over the blonde, lying
on the ground like a fallen tree. But just as he
crouches down to her she rips the broom from
his hand, slits open his abdomen and his guts
plop out onto serviettes, splattering over everything – the art, the finger food; something
greeny-grey strikes an ear, the opening night
guests start skidding all over the place, feet
slithering; no-one has a steady footing and the
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 4 5 c m x 3 3 c m
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 8 0 c m x 6 0 c m
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 | A L L E FA R B E N | P o l y e s t e r R e s i n , P u r e P i g m e n t s , P a p e r | 7 0 c m x 5 0 c m
2014 | BEAU FORT | Pvc Foil, Spanset, Ventilator | Index at Kunsthaus Hamburg
Installation View | Dimensions Variable
2014 | BEAU FORT | Pvc Foil, Spanset, Ventilator | Index at Kunsthaus Hamburg
Installation View | Dimensions Variable
2014 | BEAU FORT - Studies | Pvc Foil, Spanset | Installation View | Dimensions Variable
2014 | BEAU FORT - Studies | Pvc Foil, Spanset | Installation View | Dimensions Variable
gallerist howls ever louder, ever shriller: The fall
has completely shattered his shinbone which
now rears out of his leather shoe. The blonde,
her shoulders bare and smeared, roaring the
house down, wriggles one of the intern’s socks
off, fills it with an Arp stone and with a mighty
swing brings the club down on the nape of the
patron’s neck.
Her neck breaks with a deep crack, the force of
it lodging a plastic fork in her gums. A piece of
sushi mixed with vodka and orange, teeth, bits
of lip and other organic material rolls out of the
sponsor’s mouth and the whole oily syrup slops
from canvas to canvas. It stinks, the guests
are throwing up, the vomit spraying in bright
blotches all over, each pile of entrails more colourful than the last, mouths slobbering vomit,
slivers in all their cavities (eye sockets, anus,
genitals) – a fine welcome. Falling, the gurgling
sponsor hits a journalist, the journalist falls, his
nostrils skewering on the gallerist’s shinbone,
he groans, everything whimpers and winds in
a surging, spewing swirl of grey matter which,
instead of combining with the shrimp cocktails as expected, dissolves into a flaky broth.
A stench like the bottom of a compost bin goes
forth and fans out. The blonde pulls herself together and advances on Jahic/Roethlisberger.
She reaches the buffet, tosses a few tiny plastic
glasses of white wine, reaches for a tomatomozzarella skewer and rams it into the left eye
of either Jahic or Roethlisberger, once, twice.
Jahic or Roethlisberger sinks to his knees, falls
facedown, forcing the skewer even further in
the direction of travel. She reaches the window
in two paces, tosses a bone out into the night
air and whispers something into the microphone (“we share so many secrets”) before she
descends into the deep with a blank stare. She
might not have been wearing underwear; noone can say for sure, the photos are too blurry.
So the grand gala turns grand guignol, a great
flop stinking of damp mushrooms. Forks protrude from gums. The patron gasps her last
breath in profile: “the scroungers...the scroungers.” The tumult dies down. The whimpering
dies away. Calm is restored.
Silence reigns.
When asked what might have triggered this attack on Jahic/Roethlisberger, the gallery issued
the following statement: “Just because you’re
humble doesn’t mean you’re a good person.”
VOGUE: Worldwide success with readymades!
Jahic/Roethlisberger: On the front row by day,
at gallery openings by night – Vogue was there.
2014 - 2015 | Cucumber, Yellow Spanset, Glass | 80 cm x 60 cm x 160 cm
Passten, San Pest
2014 - 2015 | Lemon, Yellow Spanset, Blue Tape, Canister | 35 cm x 55 cm x 150 cm
Anspielen Trotz, Anspielen Rotzt, Laternen Sitz Po, Taenzeln Trip So, Plaetzen In Tors, Laterne Zins Top
2014 - 2015 | Pampelmuse, Red Spanset, PET Bottle, Polyester Resin | 30 cm x 40 cm x 125 cm
Flache Sept, Capes Fehlt, Cap Fleht Es, Fahle Pc Set, Apfels Echt
Gehe Nil Mono, Hegen Ion Mol, Genen Hoi Mol, Nehme Logo In, Henne Logo Im
2014 - 2015 | Melon, Red Spanset, Wood | Moment 1 | 25 cm x 40 cm x 130 cm
2014 - 2015 | Melon, Red Spanset, Wood | Moment 2 | 25 cm x 40 cm x 130 cm
2014 - 2015 | Melon, Red Spanset, Wood | Moment 3 | 25 cm x 40 cm x 130 cm
2014 - 2015 | Melon, Red Spanset, Wood | Moment 4 | 25 cm x 40 cm x 130 cm
2014 - 2015 | Melon, Red Spanset, Wood | Moment 5 | 25 cm x 40 cm x 130 cm
Monday’s gallery opening attracted a number
of celebrities – including Lenny Kravitz. The
49-year-old wore black leather trousers with a
matching v-necked T-shirt paired with a slimline jacket in metallic black and blue. The “Fly
Away” singer had tamed his mane with a stylish
beanie, classic Ray Ban Aviators shielding his
eyes from the glare. Little did he know that this
look fit the theme of the exhibition perfectly.
Jahic/Roethlisberger rear up like a humpback
whale from a mountain of intestines, one or the
other missing his left eye. A fibrous stump for
a thigh and a severed nose completed the look.
Celebrations continued until the early hours.
But the evening wasn’t completely trouble-free:
“Please refrain from filming or taking photographs, even with your mobile phone,” Jahic/
Roethlisberger said to one of the last visitors.
“I have to capture this for when I handover the
space,” she replied, “I’m the gallerist.”
“So you know when Playboy are supposed to
show up?”
“One moment,” said the gallerist. “One moment,”
as she hunched over her smartphone.
“They were already here, just before Rolling
Stone. The gentleman said you can expect to
hear from them. They’re after something a little
less personal.”
“Whatever”: that was statement from Jahic/Roethlisberger, but they’re clearly disappointed.
With regard to the opening, Jahic/Roethlisberger provocatively claimed to have had no hand
in the art: “The rumours about the blotches are
all true.” Asked about the quality of the crowd,
the artist duo replied: “To be honest, we would
rather hang out with Harry than William. We’re
sorry to say it, because now William will say:
why don’t you want to hang out with me? But
look at it this way. William has Kate. Who does
Harry have? Precisely! Us.”
This particular conversation with the gallerist
led to nothing; she was no longer interested in
representing Jahic/Roethlisberger, whose success had already struck her as suspicious: “RT:
‘recently used’ emojis say a lot about Jahic or
Roethlisberger,” she tweeted.
Franziska Mueller & To b i a s L a m b r e c h t
2015 - 2016
2016, Swiss Institute New York - Showcase - Buch Präsentation Artists’Recipes – New York, USA
2016, KUNSTHAUS Baselland, Museumsnacht, Installation - Performance, Basel Switzerland
2015, KUNSTHAUS Baselland, Regionale, Installation, Basel Switzerland
Idea Fixa, Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Projektraum Fettschmelze, Karlsruhe, Germany
Der Durchgang | Güterhalle St. Johanns Bahnhof, Basel, Switzerland
Idea Fixa, Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
HLP - Projects, Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
MAMA - Public Art Squad Foundation, Rotterdam, NL (Admir Jahic)
Marc De Pucherdon, Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Colette, Gallery, Paris, France
Colette, Gallery, Paris, France
Brot und Spiele, Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Sera Davis, Gallery, Nashville, USA
Al Sabah Collection, Kuwait, Kuwait
L’Space, Gent, Belgium (Admir Jahic)
Colette, Gallery, Paris, France (Comenius Roethlisberger)
La maison, Lissabon, Portugal (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Milieu Digital, Galerie, Bern, Switzerland (Comenius Roethlisberger)
ANNAELLE Gallery | Book Presentation, Stockholm, Sweden
IINDEX - Kunsthaus Hamburg | Hamburg, Germany
3 + 1 = 6 | Stampa | Von Bartha | Idea Fixa Güterhalle St. Johanns Bahnhof, Basel, Switzerland
Structured Memories, Viva con Agua, Millerntor Gallery | Hamburg, Germany
Haus Für Elektronische Künste, Basel, Switzerland
Hendiadyoin beim Depot Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Black Square Gallery, Miami, USA
John Martin Gallery, London, UK
Black Square Gallery, Miami, USA
Art You, Basel, Switzerland
Kunsthalle, Prag, Cz, (Comenius Röthlisberger)
Kunsthalle Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Niederlande, (Admir Jahic)
Peichtner Lichtenfels Gallery, Vienna, Austria
kuk gallery, Köln, Germany
Black Square Gallery, Miami, Usa
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Regionale, Mulhouse, France
Heliumcowboy, Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Lichtfeld, Basel, Switzerland
Thinkspace, Off Space, Los Angeles, Usa
NNE, group show at le musée Botanique, Brussels, Belgium (Admir Jahic)
Freeland, Lichtfeld, France
Apt Show, at m22, Basel, Switzerland
Museumsnacht, Mannheim, Germany
Modart, Basel, Switzerland
ABX Off Space, Basel, Switzerland
Primaryflight, Miami, Usa (Admir Jahic)
Lichtfeld, Basel, Switzerland
Swiss art award, Basel, Switzerland (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Regionale8, Kunsthaus Basel-land, Switzerland (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Regionale8, Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg, Germany (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Artig, Basel, Switzerland (Admir Jahic)
Lichtfeld, Basel, Switzerland
Regionale, Städtische Galerie Stapflehus, Weil am Rhein, Germany (Admir Jahic)
Regionale7, with Claudio del Principe, Mulhouse, France (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Bern - Leipzig, Bern, Switzerland (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Lichtfeld, Basel, Switzerland (Comenius Roethlisberger)
ART.FAIR, Installation | invited by the ART.FAIR, Köln, Germany
ART.FAIR, invited by the ART.FAIR, Köln, Germany
ART Zurich, represented by Idea Fixa Gallery, Zurich
SCOPE, invited by scope as special-project, Basel, Switzerland
ART MOSCOW, represented by Black Square Gallery, Moscow, Russia
ART.FAIR, invited by the ART.FAIR, Köln, Germany
PAN Amsterdam, represented by Witzenhausen Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
ART ATHINA, John Martin Gallery, Athens, Greece
ART PALM BEACH represented by Black Square Gallery, Miami, Usa
ART CHICAGO, represented by Aureus Contemporary, Chicago, Usa
MIA INTERNATIONAL represented by Black Square Gallery, Miami, Usa
CUTLOG, represented by Aureus Contemporary, Paris, France
BOLOGNA ART FIRST, represented by John Martin Gallery, Bologna, Italy
ART-FARI-21, invited by the ART.FAIR, Köln, Germany
SCOPE, invited by scope as special-project, Miami, Usa
- Art Basel 2015. The project “Artists’ Recipes” was presented by Jahic/Roethlisberger at Rirkrit Tiravanija’s
installation „Do we dream under the same sky“ at Art Basel 46.
- SRF 2 Kultur | Radio Interview, Artist Portrait, Switzerland 2014
- Monopol Magazin | Online Article, Germany, March, 2014
- Tageswoche Zeitung, Portrait, Basel, Switzerland 2014
- SRF 2 Kultur | Interview, Switzerland 2014
- Basler Zeitung, Review, Basel, Switzerland 2014
- Basler Zeitung, Portrait, Basel, Switzerland 2014
- BZ Basellanschaftliche Zeitung, Review, Basel, Switzerland 2013
- The Bulletin, Article, Brussels, Belgium, 2012
- CODE Magazine, Interview, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012
- Eyes in Magazine, Interview, USA, 2011
- Crudelia Art Magazine, Article, Italy, 2011
- Highborow Lowborow Modart Book 2, Artist Portrait, Brussels Belgium, 2011
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Article, Germany, 2010
- Vernisage TV, Interview, Basel, Switzerland, 2010
- Da Wire, Interview, online, Usa, 2010
- Junge Kunst Magazin, Interview, Germany, 2010
- Miami New Times, Article, Miami, Usa 2010
- O’ Estado de S. Paulo, Artist Portrait, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2010
- BZ Basellanschaftliche Zeitung, Interview, Basel, Switzerland 2010
- Amateur Magazine, Interview, Switzerland, 2010
- Interviewmagazine, Artist Portrait, New York, Usa, 2009
- Le Monde, Image, Mulhouse, France 2009
- Cool Hunting, Article, Miami, Usa, 2009
- Canal+ TV, Television Interview, France, 2009
- FHM Magazine, China/Taiwan, Article, China, 2009
- FAZ, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Article, Germany, 2009
- Tele Basel, Television Interview, Switzerland, 2009
- Kölner Express, Interview, Köln, Germany, 2009
- BAZ Basler Zeitung, Review, Basel, Switzerland, 2008
- Modart, Artist Portrait, Brussels, Belgium, 2008
Beijing International Biennale, Shortlisted, China, 2010 (Admir Jahic & Comenius Roethlisberger)
Book, LICC, London, Uk, 2008 (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Nomination for the „Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2006“ (Comenius Roethlisberger)
1. prize at the IPA photoawards, category abstracts, Los Angeles, 2005 (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Grants by departement for edudcation and arts, Basel- Stadt, Switzerland, 2005 (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Byings by “MUSAC” museo de arte contemporaneo de castilla y Leon”, 2005 (Comenius Roethlisberger)
Winner (newcomer of the year) at “Photoespagna04”, Madrid, Spain, 2005 (Comenius Roethlisberger)