Agenda Packet - Meeting Portal
Agenda Packet - Meeting Portal
MCHENRY COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AGENDA ● OCTOBER 27, 2015 Public Meeting County Board Conference Room 8:30 AM 667 Ware Rd, Administration Building, Woodstock, IL 60098 1. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call 2. MINUTES APPROVAL 1. Planning & Development - Public Meeting - Oct 13, 2015 8:30 AM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. PRESENTATION 5. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution Adopting Bylaws for the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission 6. OLD BUSINESS 1. Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project Petition for the Zoning Board of Appeals 2. Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map at Multiple Locations 7. REPORTS 1. ZBA and Hearing Officer Reports 2. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning 3. Community Development Block Grant 4. Historic Preservation Commission 5. Housing Commission 8. MEMBER COMMENTS / FUTURE TOPICS 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION (AS NECESSARY) 10. ADJOURNMENT McHenry County Page 1 Updated 10/23/2015 10:48 AM 2.1 MCHENRY COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MINUTES ● OCTOBER 13, 2015 Public Meeting County Board Conference Room 8:30 AM 667 Ware Rd, Administration Building, Woodstock, IL 60098 1. CALL TO ORDER Also in attendance: Dennis Sandquist, Joanna Colletti, Adam Wallen, Planning & Development and interested public. 2. MINUTES APPROVAL 1. Planning & Development - Public Meeting - Sep 22, 2015 8:30 AM RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] Andrew L Gasser Larry W Smith Schofield, Draffkorn, Gasser, Skala, Smith, Walkup McCann 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Mike Nakamura addressed the committee in support of the wording in the amendment to the UDO for vacation rentals. He noted that he has lived in Nunda Township since 1998 and is an employer and volunteer in the school district. He has successfully operated a vacation rental on his property since 2013 and mentioned that many McHenry County citizens utilize Airbnb and Uber while traveling. He gave an example of grandparents who travel with their grandchildren and that it is more convenient to have a vacation rental instead of several hotel rooms. He noted his property would remain vacant while he travels on business if he did not rent the property. In his opinion, using his property as a vacation rental is an economic benefit to the community, and he would like to be able to work with local Chambers of Commerce and Better Business Bureaus to help create better travel/tourism industry for the County. He believes the wording in the UDO is exactly as it should be. Deb Naughton, President of the Orchard Heights Property Association addressed the Committee regarding camping and subdivision convenants and restrictions. She would like to request that subdivisions that are registered with the State have their covenants, restrictions and declarations kept on file in the Planning and Development office. She stated that in her maintenance regulation section there are no tents, shacks, trailers or garages to be occupied as living quarters. She noted they stretched this rule to allow camping on a property with an occupied house. Mr. Sandquist explained that Planning and Development does not enforce subdivision rules, but are informed to check with their homeowners association regulations. Ms. Naughton explained that her subdivision rules are more restrictive than the County's UDO and it is put on their board to enforce the rules with new people. She understood that Planning and Development does not enforce the subdivision rules, but would like property owners to be aware of their rules when they apply for a permit. Mr. Walkup asked for clarification on Mr. Nakamura's comments. Mr. Nakamura stated that he is in favor as the text amendment as proposed. 4. PRESENTATION McHenry County Page 1 Updated 10/20/2015 9:54 AM Packet Pg. 2 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Oct 13, 2015 8:30 AM (Minutes Approval) PRESENT: Schofield, Draffkorn, Gasser, Skala, Smith, Walkup ABSENT: McCann 2.1 Minutes Planning & Development Committee October 13, 2015 None. 5. NEW BUSINESS Motion by Mr. Skala, seconded by Ms. Draffkorn to submit a petition to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) related to the regulation of signs. Mr. Sandquist noted that a letter was submitted by the realtors which spurred some changes, otherwise most of which is not changed. The first change was under "message commercial", the wording "real property" was added. On "message, non-commercial" there was direction from this committee to add the wording "including but not limited to, messages that advocate for or against a candidate for public office, proposition, referendum, or any other public question on the ballot of any national, state, or local election." Mr. Walkup questioned what size of political signs are allowed. Mr. Sandquist explained that in residential areas it is a yard sign and is 9 square feet; 3' x 3'. Mr. Walkup stated that everyone is ordering 4' x 4' signs. Mr. Sandquist informed him that 3' x 3' is what is allowed for residential and estate properties in the County. This accommodates signs for home occupation, referendum signs; all non-commercial signs must be the same size. Ms. Schofield noted that someone would have to complain and it would then have to be challenged with the State. It is the State that is conflicting. Mr. Gasser noted that average signs are 4' x 4'. Ms. Schofield feels the signs clutter a property. Mr. Gasser feels that it is someone's first amendment right and they should be able to have a 4' x 4' sign. Mr. Smith stated that he is not going to let politics influence his decision. Mr. Sandquist offered a suggestion for Section 10.10.A which could have the wording added "and residential use along an arterial street" that would allow the larger sign. This means they could have temporary signs for churches, power plants, etc. Ms. Draffkorn does not like all the clutter of the signs. There was consensus to keep the wording the same. Mr. Sandquist noted that in Section 19.10.A wording was added for clarification "in addition to the signs allowed in section 18.11.B". Ms. Schofield questioned the intend of 18.10.D if the four months is per sign. Mr. Sandquist said the individual sign can stay up for four months, and if it is moved it can be up for another four months. Mr. Skala asked if the State's Attorney approves with the amendments, and Mr. Sandquist stated they approved of the amendments. All members present voting aye. Motion carried. RESULT: APPROVED BY VOICE 2. Petition For UDO Text Amendment 2015 (approval) Motion by Mr. Skala, second by Mr. Walkup, for UDO text amendment. Mr. Sandquist stated that this will be going forward in the form of a zoning petition. There is no limit on ag structures and 50% of the structure can be used for personal items. Mr. Skala asked for clarification on gross floor area. Mr. Sandquist explained that the area of a loft and the first floor are used in calculating gross floor area and all floor space. Mr. Sandquist noted that other additions were already in the Ordinance, but are cross-referenced here. Home occupation can be allowed in an ag structure. Feed, seed, grain and tack was discussed last time and will be wholesale and retail and will include flowers and vegetables, and animals are not limited to farm animals. Mr. Sandquist noted that vacation rental and bed and breakfast remains the same. He noted that the Use Table indicates that it requires a conditional use permit. McHenry County Page 2 Updated 10/20/2015 9:54 AM Packet Pg. 3 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Oct 13, 2015 8:30 AM (Minutes Approval) 1. Petition for UDO Text Amendment Related To the Regulation Of Signs (approval) 2.1 Minutes Planning & Development Committee October 13, 2015 Mr. Skala questioned the 30 day rental period being 30 days per year, or each time period of 30 consecutive days. He suggested using "rental term" might clarify. Mr. Walkup questioned if fire districts would be enforcing their requirements. Mr. Sandquist explained that they would be notified if they apply for a conditional use permit. There was discussion of requiring the RVs to be licensed. The committee did not want to be too restrictive and suggested having a license or be registered within the last two years. They removed the wording "licensed and registered" from 16.11.B.1. and added the word "occupy the main residence" to each of the three sections regarding storage of recreational vehicles. Mr. Sandquist suggested that farmstands could be 50% of the ag structure, or 1,000 square feet, whichever is larger. The Committee agreed to remove the limitation on farmstands as proposed. Motion by Mr. Skala seconded by Mr. Walkup to accept the proposed text amendment with amendments made today. All members present voting aye. Motion carried. Ms. Schofield thanked the Committee and staff for their work. RESULT: APPROVED BY VOICE 6. OLD BUSINESS None. 7. REPORTS 1. ZBA and Hearing Officer Reports Mr. Sandquist and Mr. Eldredge reviewed the petitions before the County Board. Petitioner Kaleem in Dunham Township is for property that was a bar and is proposed to have a kiln to dry wood. It is a passive use with someone coming to the property every 90 days. The Zoning Board recommends this petition. Vom Regis Regal is a 6-7 acre site that faces Route 173 and has been breeding German Shepherds for the past 15 years. They have approval of their neighbors and did not request anything new. The Zoning Board recommended renewal of this conditional use. Richmond 12 LLC is a junk yard in an industrial area. This property has been located here for the past 40 years and does not allow public in the yard. The Zoning Board has allowed them public access if they wish in the future, and also have up to 20 cars for sale along the frontage. They disassemble the cars inside and no fluids are outside since this is a SARA area. The Zoning Board recommends this petition. 2. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning None. 3. Community Development Block Grant McHenry County Page 3 Updated 10/20/2015 9:54 AM Packet Pg. 4 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Oct 13, 2015 8:30 AM (Minutes Approval) Recreational vehicles storage are allowed in three categories. If occupying an RV, it must have potable water supply and disposal of human waste approved by the McHenry County Public Health Ordinance. There will be a time limit of 90 consecutive days. The Committee added the word "single" to storage of a "single" RV for residential use. This will allow one of many types of recreational vehicles. 2.1 Minutes Planning & Development Committee October 13, 2015 Mr. Harris is working on combining the bylaws. Mr. Sandquist mentioned that all but one member that responded to the survey supports the recommendation and all would like to serve on the new Committee. 4. Historic Preservation Commission None. 5. Housing Commission None. Ms. Schofield asked if Mr. Sandquist knew how many homeowners associations are operational. Mr. Sandquist did not know the actual number. It was noted that the subdivision is on the permit application. Mr. Sandquist felt that it would be a research project to get all the operating associations and have copies in the office. The Committee agreed. Ms. Draffkorm asked the status of a violation located in Wonder Center that was being condemned. Mr. Sandquist reported that they went through the court process to demo, the person lost ownership and the neighbor bought it and applied for a demolition permit. The another property in that area the Judge felt there was not enough due diligence on notifying the next of kin, and there was not enough proof that it could be renovated. The Department will re-file the petition. Ms. Schofeild asked if trailers could be revisited for an amendment. Mr. Sandquist reported that the amendments from today were high priority and next year they will look to amend the UDO. Mr. Skala brought up the noise issue. The Committee is looking for a solution to the issue and which Committee would enforce the issue. Mr. Skala would like a full board vote to determine if they wish to pursue the issue. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION (AS NECESSARY) 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Ms. Draffkorn, seconded by Mr. Skala, to adjourn the meeting. All members present voting aye. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. :cm McHenry County Page 4 Updated 10/20/2015 9:54 AM Packet Pg. 5 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Oct 13, 2015 8:30 AM (Minutes Approval) 8. MEMBER COMMENTS / FUTURE TOPICS 5.1 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ADOPTING BYLAWS FOR THE MCHENRY COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT COMMISSION WHEREAS, it is the desire of McHenry County to combine the functions of the McHenry County Community Development Block Grant Commission and the McHenry County Housing Commission into a McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission and WHEREAS, it is necessary to dissolve the presently existing McHenry County Community Development Block Grant Commission and the McHenry County Housing Commission in order to create the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission, and WHEREAS, the newly created McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission will assume all of the separate duties of the Community Development Block Grant Commission and the Housing Commission and will establish a County entity to review and recommend development projects that fulfill the requisite National Objectives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the McHenry County Board for funding, and WHEREAS, in order to be better able to perform its functions in an orderly manner, it is necessary to adopt bylaws for the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission that will insure a fair and open process. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of McHenry County, Illinois that the McHenry County Community Development Block Grant Commission and the McHenry County Housing Commission are hereby dissolved and reformed as one combined commission entitled the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Board of McHenry County hereby authorizes the bylaws as attached for the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to distribute a certified copy of this Resolution to the Director of the Planning and Development Department, the Administrator of the Community Development Division, and the County Administrator. DATED at Woodstock, Illinois, this 3rd day of November, A.D., 2015. _______________________________ Joseph Gottemoller, Chairman McHenry County Board ATTEST: _________________________________ Mary E. McClellan, County Clerk ATTACHMENTS: bylaw proposal (DOC) 4607 / JAHarris Page 1 Packet Pg. 6 5.1 McHenry County Board County Board Room Woodstock, IL 60098 Meeting: 10/27/15 08:30 AM Department: Planning and Development Category: General Prepared By: Jeff Harris SUBMITTED RESOLUTION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DOC ID: 4607 B McHenry County Board Dennis Sandquist October 27, 2015 Resolution Adopting Bylaws for the McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission Board / Committee Action Requested: Approval is requested for the adoption of By-Laws for the newly created McHenry County Housing and Development Grant Commission. Background and Discussion: The Community Development Division is requesting that the County Board consider merging the Community Development Block Grant Commission and the Housing Commission to form one consolidated Housing and Development Grant Commission. The combined commission would reduce staffing time and expense allowing an improved utilization of time in response to the reduction in staff of the Community Development Division. The amount of staff time needed to prepare for each meeting is not known but is significant. Community Development Division staff believes that combining the Commissions would not adversely affect the duties or functions of the combined Commission. A consolidation of the two Commissions will reduce the number of meetings that staff needs to prepare for and attend. Community Development Division staff recommends that the combined Commission be modeled in a similar fashion as the present CDBG Commission. Presently there are 8 members in the CDBG Commission and 10 members in the Housing Commission. There is one member who sits on both Commissions (Sue Draffkorn). The proposed attached bylaws keep all of the functions that each of the separate commissions had. The Commission would continue to meet once a year for each grant to decide on funding recommendations to the County Board as they concern the CDBG and HOME funding grants. This is an important function as it provides a recommendation on funding that is independent of the County Board and is unbiased in content. The total number of meetings for the new commission would be reduced from the present 12 meetings to approximately 6. This meeting schedule should result in staff having more time available for grant management tasks. The proposed bylaws recommend that the combined Commission have a maximum of 11 members with membership consisting of one member of the County Board and at least one member from each County Board district. Representation is encouraged, but Page 2 Packet Pg. 7 5.1 Resolution (ID # 4607) Meeting of October 27, 2015 not required, from Township Supervisors, Township Road Commissioners, Municipalities, realty associations, the banking industry, and construction trades. The membership of the commission and the chairman of the commission would be appointed by the County Board Chairman with the advice and consent of the County Board. All other officers of the Commission would be selected by the Commission members themselves. The revised by-laws have been submitted for review and approval by the State's Attorney Office and are being submitted to the P&D Committee for recommendation to the County Board. Impact on Human Resources: The request will not have any impact on the Human Resources of the County. Impact on Budget (Revenue; Expenses, Fringe Benefits): The request will not have any impact on the Budget for the County. Impact on Capital Expenditures: The request will not have any impact on the Capital Expenditures of the County. Impact on Physical Space: The request will not have any impact on the physical space requirements for the County. Impact on Other County Departments or Outside Agencies: The request will not impact any other County Departments or other outside agencies. Conformity to Board Ordinances and Policies: The request conforms to all County policies and ordinances. Attachments / Appendices: bylaw proposal (DOC) Updated: 10/20/2015 1:54 PM by Dennis Sandquist B Page 3 Packet Pg. 8 5.1.a BYLAWS McHENRY COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT COMMISSION The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOME Housing Investment Partnership Program were established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Through these programs, funds are available to assist McHenry County communities meet their economic, community development, and housing needs, with an emphasis upon helping persons of low-to-moderate income. To complement these federally-mandated national objectives, the County has established the following specific objectives for its Grant Program: 1. Improvement of public infrastructure and elimination of conditions which are detrimental to health, safety and public welfare; 2. Conservation of the County's housing stock in order to provide a decent home, affordable and fair housing and a suitable living environment for persons of low and moderate income; 3. Strengthening of community economic development by creating jobs, stimulating private investment and expanding the tax base; and, 4. Support of the full range of public services required to make McHenry County a suitable living environment for its low and moderate income residents. The McHenry County Development Grant Commission (Commission) has been established by the County Board to manage the County's CDBG and HOME grant programs. The Department of Planning and Development will provide staff support to the Commission. It is intended that the Commission establish policies and procedures for program management, review sub-grantee applications and recommend projects for grant funding to the County Board. The County Board shall be the responsible entity that makes the final determination regarding the use and allocation of grant funds. II. PURPOSE It shall be the purpose of the Commission to act as the representative body of elected officials and citizens to ascertain facts, recommend plans and programs, coordinate activities, set priorities for funding and undertake such other activities that may be necessary and appropriate to accomplish the purpose(s) of 42 U.S.C.A. sec. 5301 et.seq (West 2015) and 42 U.S.C.A. sec. 12741 et seq (West 2015) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Acts”, as approved by the McHenry County Board. The Commission shall also provide policy review and direction regarding affordable and fair housing. ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Development Grant Commission Bylaws October 2015 Page 1 Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: bylaw proposal (4607 : Housing and Development Grant Commission Bylaws) I. BACKGROUND 5.1.a III. MEMBERSHIP 1. One member of the McHenry County Board; 2. One (1) or more at large delegate from each of the County Board districts based upon place of residence. 3. Representation is encouraged from township supervisors, township road commissioners, municipalities, realty association, banking industry and/or construction trades. All members shall be residents or employed within McHenry County. By agreeing to serve on the Commission every Member agrees to adhere to all of the requirements and restrictions contained within these by-laws. A. APPOINTMENT: Membership of the Commission shall be appointed initially by the Chairman of the County Board in consultation with the Planning and Development Committee subject to the advice and confirmation by resolution of the full County Board. Future membership of the Commission shall be determined by recommendation of the P&D Committee with the advice and consent of the McHenry County Board. B. TERMS: The terms, reappointment, and removal of Commission members shall be as follows: Commissioners shall be appointed to serve four (4) year terms, except that such initial appointment may be for a term of fewer than four (4) years to achieve the goal of having the terms of no more than one-third of the membership expire in any given year. Commissioners may be re-appointed to successive terms, which shall be for a term of four (4) years. All Commissioners may continue to serve until replaced after their term expires. 1. Vacancies shall be filled as necessary to maintain the minimum number of Commissioners required herein. Commissioners appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in the office. 2. A Commissioner may be removed if he or she fails to attend Commission meetings on three (3) or more occasions in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar month period upon the majority vote of the members of the Commission. C. COMPENSATION: No member of the Commission shall be entitled to receive any compensation for serving on the Commission. IV. OFFICERS A. OFFICERS: The Officers of the Commission shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and other such officer positions as established by the Chairman of the Commission. Officers whose authority and duties are not outlined in these bylaws shall have authority at the ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Development Grant Commission Bylaws October 2015 Page 2 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: bylaw proposal (4607 : Housing and Development Grant Commission Bylaws) It is the goal of the Commission to create a public-private partnership that represents a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Voting membership shall consist of a maximum of eleven (11) members comprised of the following: 5.1.a B. TERM AND APPOINTMENT: The Chairman of the Commission shall be appointed by the Chairman of the McHenry County Board with the advice and consent of the County Board. The Chairman of the Commission shall serve for a two year term and may continue to serve until replaced after their term expires. Other officers of the Commission shall be elected by the members of the Commission. Vacancies may be filled or new offices created and filled at any meeting of the Commission by a majority vote of the membership present. The ViceChairman shall be determined by a majority vote of the Commission. The Vice-Chairman of the Commission shall serve for a two year term and may continue to serve until replaced after their term expires. C. REMOVAL: Any officer of the Commission elected by the members of the Commission may be removed from the office by a majority vote of the members of the Commission. D. CHAIRMAN: The Chairman shall be in charge of the business and affairs of the Commission; he or she shall see that the resolutions and directives of the Commission are carried into effect except in those instances in which that responsibility is assigned to staff; and, in general, he or she shall discharge all duties incident to the office of Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission except in those instances in which the authority to execute is expressly delegated to another officer or agent of the Commission or a different mode of executive is expressly prescribed by the Commission or these bylaws. E. VICE-CHAIRMAN: The Vice-Chairman shall perform the functions of the Chairman when the Chairman is unavailable or incapable of performing those functions. V. MEETINGS All meetings of the Commission and its Subcommittees shall be open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5ILCWS 120/1 et seq (West 2015), as may be amended from time to time. The Commission shall maintain its principal office in the McHenry County Department of Planning & Development, 2200 Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098. A. REGULAR MEETINGS: Regular meetings will be set each year by an annual calendar schedule. The Chairman of the Commission will enforce the Commission calendar and comply with necessary provisions to properly notice members of the Commission and the general public in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. B. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings of the Commission may be called, pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act as amended, by the Chairman or no less than one-third of the total members of the Commission. C. NOTICE: Notice of all meetings of the Commission shall be given in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Development Grant Commission Bylaws October 2015 Page 3 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: bylaw proposal (4607 : Housing and Development Grant Commission Bylaws) discretion of the Chairman of the Commission. 5.1.a VI. AD-HOC COMMITTEES/TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP VII. QUORUM A majority of the appointed membership shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Commission. If a quorum is not present, the majority of the total members present shall adjourn the meeting to another date and time. VIII. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Each designated Commission Member is entitled to one (1) vote on all matters coming before the Commission and requiring a vote of the Commission. The vote must be cast by the Member, who must be in attendance. No proxy votes or absentee voting shall be permitted. The concurrence of a majority of all Members present is necessary for the passage of any motion on an item of business appearing before the Commission. IX. RULES OF ORDER The Chairman shall preside at all Commission meetings, shall preserve decorum and shall conduct said meetings in an orderly fashion. The Chairman may speak to points of order and shall decide all questions of procedure. The Chairman shall vote in case of a tie and may vote on any matter before the Commission. The Commission shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order in the conduct of each meeting and comply with the requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act as amended. X. DISQUALIFICATION/CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST PROVISIONS In order to serve on the Commission, voting Members agree to abide by the provisions of 24 CFR 92.356, 24 CFR 85.36 and 24 CFR 84.42 with respect to conflicts of interest. No Commission member who has a direct financial interest, or is an employee or representative in any capacity of an entity having an interest in any matter coming before the Commission shall participate in the deliberation or the decision in such matters. In the event a member believes that he or she has a conflict of interest on any matter before the Commission, prior to any discussion of the issue, the Commissioner shall indicate to the Commission that a conflict exists and inform the Commission that he or she will be abstaining from any discussion and vote on the matter. However, a member may be allowed to answer questions or present factual information if requested by the Chairman of the Commission. In addition to not being allowed to have a financial interest as stated above, Members shall not be employed or retained by any subrecipient organization. These conflicts of interest provisions ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Development Grant Commission Bylaws October 2015 Page 4 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: bylaw proposal (4607 : Housing and Development Grant Commission Bylaws) The Commission may create one or more ad-hoc committees or task forces and authorize it to accomplish a specific purpose. Each ad-hoc committee or task force shall act at the sole discretion of the Commission via instruction of the Chairman and shall report all actions and activities to the Commission. 5.1.a apply to any person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of a McHenry County subrecipient organization. Lastly, Members as outlined herein may not acquire a financial interest or any such benefit due to family or business ties to a member, an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of the Participating Jurisdiction known as the County of McHenry, Illinois. XI. RESCISSION No action of the Commission shall be rescinded at any special meeting of the Commission unless there shall be present at such special meeting at least as many voting Members as were present at the meeting at which such action was originally approved. XII. AMENDMENT These bylaws are subject to review and approval of the McHenry County Board. The Commission may recommend revisions to the by-laws to the McHenry County Planning and Development Committee of the McHenry County Board for consideration by the County Board using the Commission’s normal requirements for meetings, quorums, and voting requirements. XIII. SEVERABILITY If any provision of these By-Laws is found to be invalid for any reason, such invalidation shall not affect other provisions of the By-Laws which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end, to provisions of these By-Laws are to be severable. XIV. LEGAL COUNSEL The Commission shall seek appropriate legal advice if and/or when, it is needed from the McHenry County State’s Attorney. Members of the Commission and subsequent staff and contracted parties shall be indemnified against expenses, judgments, fines and settlement amounts incurred with any action or suit whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, if he or she acted in a good faith manner in respect to the interests of the Commission and no reasonable cause is suspect to be unlawful or not in accordance with the Commission. XV. EFFECTIVE DATE These Bylaws shall become effective upon approval of the County Board. Any amendment to these Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval by the County Board. APPROVED: ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Development Grant Commission Bylaws October 2015 Page 5 Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: bylaw proposal (4607 : Housing and Development Grant Commission Bylaws) All members shall also abide by the McHenry County Ethics Ordinance at all times. 6.1 AGENDA ITEM NEIGHBORHOOD REZONING ASSISTANCE PROJECT PETITION FOR THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Board / Committee Action Requested: Authorize staff to file Petition #2015-0030 for the purpose of rezoning 116 properties in McHenry County from their present business and industrial zoning districts to residential zoning districts. Background and Discussion: This project was proposed by the committee in early 2015. The matter was discussed at committee meetings on March 24 and May 12, whereby staff was directed to proceed with further research and the creation of a petition for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff has since identified 116 properties in six neighborhoods that meet the committee's requirements for this project. At the end of September, property owners were mailed information about the project and staff posted a web page dedicated to explaining its purpose and goals. Thus far, the public response has been positive. To date, only two property owners have expressed a desire to be removed from the request. The committee may evaluate those requests at this time, or defer the matter to the Zoning Board of Appeals for their consideration. If the petition is authorized today, zoning hearings will commence on November 18, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: Petition 2015-0030 County Map and Neighborhoods 4624 / DNMoore (PDF) (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 14 6.1.a IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MCHENRY COUNTY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR AMENDMENTS OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS AND VARIATIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) PETITION #2015-030 Your Petitioner, MCHENRY COUNTY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, respectfully represents to the Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County as follows. 1. That the Petitioners wish to reclassify the subject properties outlined below and as legally described in Exhibit “A” – Legal Descriptions from their current zoning classifications of “B-1” Neighborhood Business, “B-2” Alcoholic Beverage Business, or “I-1” Light Industry districts to the “R-1” Single-Family Residential District, with the exception of the properties identified by PINs 15-05-130-010, 15-05-130-008, and 15-05-130-007, which are to be reclassified to the “R-2” Two-Family Residential District. Petitioners also request that variations be granted from the minimum lot size and frontage requirements so as to allow the parcel dimensions as described in the legal descriptions in Exhibit “A”, and also variations from bulk and setback regulations so as to allow the existing, lawfully constructed residences to be rebuilt in the same location and configuration. 2. That the subject properties are listed below, sorted by township and identified by parcel number (PIN), address, owner, owner address, and current zoning: Chemung Twp. PIN 01-01-326-013 01-01-326-014 01-01-326-017 01-01-326-018 01-01-401-004 Address 11417 N US Hwy 14, Harvard 11405 N US Hwy 14, Harvard N. US Hwy 14, Harvard 11401 N US Hwy 14, Harvard 11420 N US Hwy 14, Harvard Owner Edmonds Family Rev Tr 921, 19918 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Marengo, IL 60152 Edmonds Ent LLC, 19918 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Marengo, IL 60152 T J Edmonds Inc, 19918 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Marengo, IL 60152 Robert and Margaret Kirkpatrick, 11401 N US Hwy 14, Harvard, IL 60033 Edmonds Family Rev Tr 921, 19918 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Marengo, IL 60152 Address 9211 Alden Rd, Harvard 9209 Alden Rd, Harvard 9205 Alden Rd, Harvard 9203 Alden Rd, Harvard 9210 Alden Rd, Harvard 9206 Alden Rd, Harvard 9204 Alden Rd, Harvard Owner Susan Staab, 9211 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Charles and Benitta Yearton, 9209 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Archie Hall, 9205 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Elizabeth Greene & Terry Hermanson, 9203 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Gregory and Cynthia Meyer, 9210 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Travis Jon Wilhite, 9206 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Philip and Janice Abraham, 9204 Alden Rd, Harvard, IL 60033 Current Zoning B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-2 Alden Twp. PIN 02-15-451-011 02-15-451-012 02-15-451-013 02-15-451-014 02-15-452-008 02-15-452-009 02-15-452-022 Current Zoning B-1V B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 & B-1V B-1 Richmond Twp. PIN 04-26-106-002 04-26-106-003 04-26-106-004 04-27-226-016 04-27-228-021 04-27-229-008 Address 4000 North St, Richmond 3950 North St, Richmond 3902 North St, Richmond 7916 N Turner, Solon Mills 8013 N Solon Rd, Richmond 4108 John St, Solon Mills Owner Bruce and Diane Henson, 4000 North St, Richmond, IL 60071 Wes and Liesa Owens, 3950 North St, Richmond, IL 60071 Jim Eichelberg, 3902 North St, Richmond, IL 60071 Walter and Alice Solinski, 7946 N Turner, Solon Mills, IL 60080 William and Linda Irish, 8013 N Solon Rd, Richmond, IL 60071 Kenneth Jaeger, 4108 John St, Solon Mills, IL 60071 Current Zoning B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 Nunda Twp. PIN 15-05-130-007 15-05-130-008 Address Owner 705-707 Amanda Ave, McHenry Andrew and Jean Simmons, 3506 Harvest Ct, Island Lake, IL 60042 701-703 Amanda Ave, McHenry Patricia Wright, 701 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Current Zoning B-1 B-1 Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: Petition 2015-0030 (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project Petition) PETITION FOR AN AMENDMENT 15-05-130-009 15-05-130-010 15-05-130-011 15-05-130-012 15-05-130-013 15-05-130-014 15-05-130-015 15-05-130-016 15-05-130-017 15-05-130-018 15-05-130-019 15-05-130-021 15-05-130-022 15-05-130-023 15-05-130-024 15-05-130-025 15-05-130-026 15-05-176-001 15-05-176-002 15-05-176-003 15-05-176-004 15-05-178-002 15-05-178-003 15-05-178-004 15-05-178-006 15-05-178-007 15-05-178-008 627 Amanda Ave, McHenry 623-625 Amanda Ave, McHenry 619 Amanda Ave, McHenry 615 Amanda Ave, McHenry 611 Amanda Ave, McHenry 607 Amanda Ave, McHenry 605 Amanda Ave, McHenry 601 Amanda Ave, McHenry 704 Columbus St, McHenry 702 Columbus St, McHenry 616 Columbus St, McHenry 612 Columbus St, McHenry 610 Columbus St, McHenry 608 Columbus St, McHenry 606 Columbus St, McHenry 604 Columbus St, McHenry 309 Fritzsche Rd, McHenry 806 Columbus St, Mchenry 805 Columbus St, McHenry 803 Columbus St, McHenry 801 Columbus St, McHenry 707 Columbus St, McHenry 703 Columbus St, McHenry 617 Columbus St, McHenry 609 Columbus St, McHenry 605 Columbus St, McHenry 601 Columbus St, McHenry Theresa Bartlett, 627 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Sean and Jill Ryan, 3467 Burr Oak Ln, Island Lake, IL 60042 Patricia Pastryk, 619 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Edward Havis, 615 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Peter and Ma De Lordes Zdora, 611 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Robert Schultz, 607 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Donald Chapman, 605 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Jeremy Clark & Louise Matthews, 601 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 20141 IH Borrower LP, 901 Main St Suite 4700, Dallas, TX 75202 Pfefferkorn Fam Tr, 3 Lilac Ave Unit 305, Fox Lake, IL 60020 Kevin and Angela Wrigley, 616 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Selena Payton, 612 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 David and Marilyn Gaitsch, 610 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 James and Mary Malesky, 869 Suffield Ter, Schaumburg, IL 60193 Frank and Cynthia Mrozek, 613 W Sheridan Rd, McHenry, IL 60051 Raymond and Joyce Henson, 604 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Robert Andersen, 309 Fritzsche Rd, McHenry, IL 60051 Justen Realy Inc, 166 Cherry Ln, Ingleside, IL 60041 Ivan Romero and Joseph Ortinan, 5201 Heather Ln, Johnsburg, IL 60051 Daniel Alshouse, 803 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Joseph Deering, 801 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Lawrence Santo, 707 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 William and Betty Miles, 703 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Matthew Zander, 617 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Evelyn McMillan, 609 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Andrew and Nancy Farkas, 605 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 Scott Kuhns, 601 Columbus St, McHenry, IL 60051 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Address 8314 Railroad St, Crystal Lake 4213 West St, Crystal Lake 4215 West St, Crystal Lake 8514 Madison, Crystal Lake 4215 West St, Crystal Lake 8516 Madison, Crystal Lake Owner Donald and Theresa Wendt, 14019 Davis Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098 Kenneth and Lisa Edwards, 4213 West St, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 James Nierman, 4215 West St, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 James Nierman, 8514 Madison, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 James Nierman, 4215 West St, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 Patrick and Cynthia Paxson, 8516 Madison, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 Current Zoning B-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 Owner Victor J Katis c/o 612 Alpha LLC, 2035 Bridlewood Dr, Schaumburg, IL 60192 Maximina Valdez, 4906 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Deborah L Foster Rev Tr, 4904 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jacobo Luna and Ma Leticia Ibarra, 4818 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 David Amin, 1520 S Wabash Ste 4E, Chicago, IL 60605 Steve and Fano Theofanous et al, 5011 Northwest Hwy, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Delores Wagley, 5011 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Steve and Fano Theofanous et al, 5011 Northwest Hwy, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jose Luz and Maria Pastor, 5007 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Matthew Wieland, 5005 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Craig and Barbara Rodgers, 5001 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Joseph and Vivian Hosmer, 4913 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Robert and Connie Westphal, 4911 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jose Vega and Requel Velazquez, 4909 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Alejandro Alvarez, 4907 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Edgardo Urbina, 199 Dillion Ct, Gilberts, IL 60136 Rosendo and Cirenia Alvarez, 4903 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Corbin Land, 7203 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jamie Gutierrez Macedo, 7205 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Thomas and Caroline Annen, 7207 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Lorena Celaya Mendez, 7209 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Antonio and Rafaela Vazquez, 7211 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Janice Felix Living Trust, 7213 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 George Karas Prop LLC, 4818 Northwest Hwy, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Reuben and Barbara Foth, 4906 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Wayne and Debra Thiem, 4904 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jeffrey Smith, 7202 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Harry and Donna Oates, 4815 State St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Current Zoning B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Dorr Twp. PIN 13-25-202-007 13-25-205-003 13-25-205-004 13-25-205-005 13-25-205-006 13-25-205-007 Algonquin Twp. PIN 19-10-101-029 19-10-101-032 19-10-101-033 19-10-101-035 19-10-101-036 19-10-102-001 19-10-102-002 19-10-102-003 19-10-102-004 19-10-102-005 19-10-102-007 19-10-102-009 19-10-102-010 19-10-102-011 19-10-102-012 19-10-102-013 19-10-102-014 19-10-102-016 19-10-102-017 19-10-102-018 19-10-102-019 19-10-102-020 19-10-102-021 19-10-102-022 19-10-102-023 19-10-102-024 19-10-103-001 19-10-103-002 Address 4912 State St, Crystal Lake 4906 State St, Crystal Lake 4904 State St, Crystal Lake 4818 State St, Crystal Lake 4816 State St, Crystal Lake 5013 State Stt, Crystal Lake 5011 State St, Crystal Lake 5009 State St, Crystal Lake 5007 State St, Crystal Lake 5005 State St, Crystal Lake 5001 State St, Crystal Lake 4913 State St, Crystal Lake 4911 State St, Crystal Lake 4909 State St, Crystal Lake 4907 State St, Crystal Lake 4905 State St, Crystal Lake 4903 State St, Crystal Lake 7203 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7205 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7207 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7209 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7211 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7213 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7215 Shales St, Crystal Lake 4906 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4904 Rose St, Crystal Lake 7202 Shales St, Crystal Lake 4815 State St, Crystal Lake Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: Petition 2015-0030 (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project Petition) 6.1.a 19-10-103-003 19-10-103-004 19-10-103-005 19-10-103-006 19-10-103-007 19-10-103-008 19-10-103-009 19-10-103-010 19-10-103-011 19-10-103-012 19-10-103-013 19-10-103-014 19-10-103-015 19-10-103-016 19-10-103-017 19-10-103-018 19-10-103-019 19-10-103-020 19-10-103-021 19-10-103-022 19-10-151-002 4813 State St, Crystal Lake 7201 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7204 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7206 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7208 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake 7210 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7212 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7214 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7216 Shales St, Crystal Lake 7203 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7205 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7207 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7209 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7211 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7213 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7215 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 7218 Shales St, Crystal Lake 4816 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4814 Rose St, Crystal Lake 7217 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 4907 Rose St, Crystal Lake 19-10-151-003 19-10-151-004 19-10-151-005 19-10-151-006 19-10-151-007 19-10-151-008 19-10-151-009 19-28-405-004 19-28-405-008 19-28-405-009 19-28-405-019 19-28-405-021 19-28-405-022 19-28-405-023 4905 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4903 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4901 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4817 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4815 Rose St, Crystal Lake 4813 Rose St, Crystal Lake 7303 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake 1107 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1115 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1117 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1113 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1107 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1101 Isabel Dr, Algonquin 1103 Isabel Dr, Algonquin Steve and Fano Theofanous et al, 5011 Northwest Hwy, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Hortencia Vara, 7201 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Matthew Zmich, 7204 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Rosendo and Cirenia Alvarez, 7206 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 G I B J R I & R R Goldbeck, 7208 Shales Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 C R G M Yanckowitz, 7210 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Gary Seymour, 7212 S Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Janet Maturno, 11N397 Hickory Ct, Hampshire, IL 60140 Dale and Aimee Morgan, 7216 Shales St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Thomas Franz, 13926 Tilesford Ln, Huntersville, NC 28078 Ventura Lopez, 7205 Manor, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 John and Darlene Freibauer, 7207 N Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Donald and Kathy Lawrence, 7209 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Refugio Alverez and Angelia Alverado, 7211 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Anthony Ingraffia, 7213 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Penny Judson, 7215 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Keith Allen Prop LLC, 15219 US Hwy 14, Woodstock, IL 60098 John Annette Derber Tr, 15219 US Hwy 14, Woodstock, IL 60098 Michael and Bonnie Riess, 547 Monterey Dr, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Richard and Renata Wacura, 2926 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette, IL 60091 Select Portfolio Svcing c/o Wells Fargo BK NA TRS, 3815 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Mark and Barbara Kingston, 4905 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Robert Linam and Brenda Kirby, 4903 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Debra Francisco Rev Liv Tr, 4901 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Mary Henderlight Tr, 4817 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Darren and Nicole Lemley, 4815 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 G C J M Huguelet, 4813 Rose St, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Jacqueline Burhop, 7303 Manor Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Fiore Buccieri, 1107 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Judith Kenning, 1115 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Derek and Carrie Watson, 1117 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Leo Mroczenski, 1113 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Fiore Buccieri, 1107 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Jose and Maria De Garcia, 1101 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 Jeffrey and Kathleen Bennett, 1103 Isabel Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1V B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Petition 2015-0030 (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project Petition) 6.1.a 6.1.b HEBRON 2 Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project McHenry County Neighborhood RICHMOND FOX LAKE Rezoning SPRING GROVE Assistance 3 Program 1 HARVAR D RINGWOOD GREENWOOD WONDER LAKE JOHNSBURG MCCULLOM LAKE MC HENRY Neighborhood Map 1. Big Foot 2. Alden 3. Solon Mills 4. Lakemoor 5. Ridgefield 6. Crystal Lake 7. Algonquin 4 BUL L VALLE Y WOODSTOCK H O L I D AY H I L L S PRAIRIE GROVE 5 MARENGO OAKWOOD HILLS UNION C RY S TA L L A K E LAKEWOOD 6 CARY FOX RIVER GROVE LAKE IN THE HILLS HUNTLEY 7 ALGONQUIN ± 1 inch = 3 miles Packet Pg. 18 6.1.b E 7 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential IE Agricultural Districts Residential Districts MA R SE M AR IE ETH EL AVE N UE RO AV E NU Current Zoning Districts ST RE Business Districts ET Office & Industrial Districts Incorporated W UI LA VE NQ NU E GO AL N Site Address 1115 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL 1117 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL 1113 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL 1107 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL 1101 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL 1103 Isabel Drive, Algonquin, IL ISA AD BE RO PIN 19-28-405-008 19-28-405-009 19-28-405-019 19-28-405-004 + 021 19-28-405-022 19-28-405-023 AR O TR MS NG ET RE LE ET ST D D OW RE ST Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project 7. Algonquin 1 inch = 200 feet Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning. Packet Pg. 19 ¯ UN C TRY LU PROSPECT STR EET 6.1.b 6 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential BR Current Zoning Districts OA Agricultural Districts D Residential Districts RO AD ST RE E ST RE ET RO AD Incorporated PIN 13-25-205-003 13-25-205-004 + 006 13-25-205-005 13-25-205-007 13-25-202-007 Site Address 4213 West St, Crystal Lake, IL 4215 West St, Crystal Lake, IL 8514 Madison, Crystal Lake, IL 8516 Madison, Crystal Lake, IL 8314 Railroad St, Crystal Lake, IL ET AD ST RE ST RE RO Office & Industrial Districts ET T E IV DR N TO TA R IS ON IE LD E KE MA D EF LL SI D MA R W ES T ST RE ET RI DG IL RO Business Districts MO N RA HI ET W Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project CO 5. Ridgefield 1 inch = 200 feet Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning Packet Pg. 20 ¯ 26 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential 3 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-2" Two-Family Residential STEUBEN ROAD Current Zoning Districts Agricultural Districts Residential Districts Business Districts S LILY LAKE ROAD Office & Industrial Districts Incorporated FRITZSCHE ROAD AMANDA AVENUE LINCOLN STREET W COLUMBUS STREET Site Address 6.1.b 806 Columbus Street, Mchenry, IL 805 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 803 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 801 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 707 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 703 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 617 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 609 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 605 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 601 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 704 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 702 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 616 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 612 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 610 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 608 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 606 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 604 Columbus Street, McHenry, IL 309 Fritzsche Road, Lakemoor, IL 601 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 605 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 607 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 611 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 615 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 619 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 627 Amanda Avenue, McHenry, IL 623 & 625 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 701 & 703 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL 705 & 707 Amanda Ave, McHenry, IL Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project Petition) 4. Lakemoor PIN 15-05-176-001 15-05-176-002 15-05-176-003 15-05-176-004 15-05-178-002 15-05-178-003 15-05-178-004 15-05-178-006 15-05-178-007 15-05-178-008 15-05-130-017 15-05-130-018 15-05-130-019 15-05-130-021 15-05-130-022 15-05-130-023 15-05-130-024 15-05-130-025 15-05-130-026 15-05-130-016 15-05-130-015 15-05-130-014 15-05-130-013 15-05-130-012 15-05-130-011 15-05-130-009 15-05-130-010 15-05-130-008 15-05-130-007 SHERIDAN ROAD BARBARA LANE NANCY LANE Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning 21 1 inchPacket = 200Pg. feet ¯ 6.1.b 6 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential Current Zoning Districts N SOLON ROAD Agricultural Districts Residential Districts Business Districts Office & Industrial Districts Incorporated TURNER STREET NORTH REET JOHN ST RO GA R D UT E1 T TREE D 2 NE R S N R OA S SO O LON R E SO LO N R O A AD TREET MILL S T US E STRE J OH N LO W SO T STREE PIN 04-27-226-016 04-27-229-008 04-27-228-021 04-26-106-002 04-26-106-003 04-26-106-004 Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project 3. Solon Mills Site Address 7916 N Turner, Solon Mills, IL 4108 John Street, Solon Mills, IL 8013 N Solon Road, Richmond, IL 4000 North Street, Richmond, IL 3950 North Street, Richmond, IL 3902 North Street, Richmond, IL D 1 inchPacket = 300Pg. feet22 Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning ¯ 6.1.b 7 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential Current Zoning Districts Agricultural Districts Residential Districts Business Districts Office & Industrial Districts Incorporated PIN 02-15-451-011 02-15-451-012 02-15-451-013 02-15-451-014 02-15-452-008 02-15-451-009 2 02-15-452-022 Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project 2. Alden Site Address 9211 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9209 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9205 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9203 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9210 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9206 Alden Road, Harvard, IL 9204 Alden Road, Harvard, IL TE 173 ILLINOIS ROU ALDEN ROAD 1 inchPacket = 200Pg. feet23 Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning ¯ STATE LINE ROAD 6.1.b 5 lots proposed to be rezoned to "R-1" Single-Family Residential Current Zoning Districts Agricultural Districts Residential Districts Business Districts Office & Industrial Districts Incorporated Site Address 11417 N US Highway 14, Harvard, IL 11405 N US Highway 14, Harvard, IL N. US Highway 14, Harvard, IL 11420 N US Highway 14, Harvard, IL 11401 N US Highway 14, Harvard, IL US ROUTE 14 PIN 01-01-326-013 01-01-326-014 01-01-326-017 01-01-401-004 01-01-326-018 1 inch = 200 feet Packet Pg. 24 Produced by the McHenry County Department of Planning Attachment: County Map and Neighborhoods (4624 : Neighborhood Rezoning Assistance Project 1. BIG FOOT ¯ 6.2 ORDINANCE ORDINANCE CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AT MULTIPLE LOCATIONS WHEREAS, Section 5.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance, adopted October 22, 2014, allows for corrections to the Official Zoning Map to rectify drafting errors; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Development has, over the years, catalogued errors on the Official Zoning Map; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Enforcement Officer has determined that aforementioned errors in the Official Zoning Map are eligible for correction in accordance with Section 5.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the map errors are identified in the attached exhibits A through T and include the proposed map corrections; and WHEREAS, the owners of the properties affected by these errors were notified by certified mail and provided opportunity to remove their property from this process, and the properties of those that chose to do so have been removed and are identified in exhibit U; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Development Committee on September 22, 2015, and again on October 27, 2015, did review the proposed map corrections and voted to put the request before the County Board. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that this County Board of McHenry County, Illinois hereby authorizes that the Official Zoning Map of McHenry County be corrected as identified in the attached exhibits A through T in accordance with Section 5.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the zoning designations and boundaries identified in exhibit U are hereby affirmed, and therefore are no longer eligible for the map correction process now or in the future; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to distribute a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Zoning Enforcement Officer. DATED at Woodstock, Illinois, this 6th day of October, A.D., 2015. _______________________________ Joseph Gottemoller, Chairman McHenry County Board ATTEST: _________________________________ Mary E. McClellan, County Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (PDF) 4494 / DNMoore Page 1 Packet Pg. 25 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-A Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 9608 Johnson Road and northwest corner of Johnson Road and Illinois Route 173, Richmond PIN(s): 03-18-200-003, 03-18-200-014 Property Owner(s): Harvard St Bk Tr 594, 13218 IL Route 173, Hebron, IL 60034 Travis and Dawn Holian, 8109 IL Route 31, Richmond, IL 60071 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map Both parcels are zoned I-2 Heavy Industry and A-1 Agriculture Proposed Map Correction Modification of the boundaries of the I-2 District Reason for proposed Map Correction The current boundaries of the I-2 District do not match the exhibit presented when the zoning was originally granted in 1979 (under petition #79-01) Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected: agriculture and a single-family residence will continue to be nonconforming uses This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 26 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-B Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: Glacial Park PIN(s): 04-32-100-009, 04-32-100-011, 04-32-100-014, 04-32-200-004, 04-32-200-006, 04-32-200-007 Property Owner(s): McHenry Co Conservation District, 18410 US Hwy 14, Woodstock, IL 60098 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map All parcels are zoned A-1V Agriculture Proposed Map Correction Remove the variation from the parcels identified above Reason for proposed Map Correction In 1976, a “use variation” (#76-35) was granted on parcels 04-32-100-011 and 0432-200-007 for the operation of a dog kennel, though only the former parcel is marked as such on the zoning map. In 1986, a conditional use request for an executive retreat (#86-25) was granted for all parcels, replacing the dog kennel use. The conditional use permit appeared on the map as a “V” for use variation instead of a “C” for conditional use permit. That petition then expired in 2011. This correction rectifies the #76-35 petition boundaries (which is useful primarily for tracking property history) and returns all properties to A-1 zoning—consistent with the expired conditional use permit. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected. This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 27 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-C Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 103 North Olbrich Road, Harvard PIN(s): 06-35-300-011 Property Owner(s): John and Carolyn Jenkner, 103 N Olbrich, Harvard, IL 60033 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcel is zoned both A-1 and A-2 Agriculture Proposed Map Correction The whole parcel will be A-2 Agriculture Reason for proposed Map Correction The zoning boundaries were mapped incorrectly. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected. This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 28 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-F Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 2920 Parkside Avenue and 906 Plymouth Avenue PIN(s): 09-36-102-015, 09-36-103-007 Property Owner(s): Brian Raike, 2920 Parkside Ave, McHenry, IL 60051 Glen Prah, 906 Plymouth Lane, McHenry, IL 60051 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map 09-36-102-015 is R-1V Single-Family Residential with a variation. 09-36-103007 is R-1 Single-Family Residential. Proposed Map Correction The variation label will be removed from the property at 2920 Parkside Avenue (0936-102-015) and added to the property at 906 Plymouth Lane (09-36-103-007) Reason for proposed Map Correction In 1956, petition #490 granted a variation for a reduced side yard setback for the attached garage at 906 Plymouth Avenue, however, at some point the label was misapplied to the property at 2920 Parkside Avenue. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use While 2920 Parkside Avenue will be unaffected, this change will simplify permitting for future renovations at 906 Plymouth Avenue. This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 29 6.2.a Property Address/Location: Ridgefield, Crystal Lake PIN(s): 13-25-201-006, 13-25-202-001 Property Owner(s): Charles Wirth c/o Crystal Lake Home State Bank Trust 1483, P O Box 18, Oak Island, MN 56741 County of McHenry, 16111 Nelson Road, Woodstock, IL 60098 Additional Property Notes: Two separate map corrections regarding three properties are visible in this exhibit. All involve “V” variation labels that are to be removed. Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map Both parcels are zoned I-1V Light Industry with a variation Proposed Map Correction Remove the “V” variation label Reason for proposed Map Correction In 1950 the property at the corner of Railroad Street and Country Club Road was granted a variation. At some time, a “V” was added not only to that property but also to the two adjacent I-1 zoned parcels. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-G 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-K Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 7908 US Highway 14, Crystal Lake PIN(s): 14-31-101-009 Property Owner(s): Golden Eagle Community Bank, 7908 US Hwy 14, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Additional Property Notes: Department will notify the City of Crystal Lake regarding this change. Previous conversations with the city planning department indicated agreement that this property was never annexed. Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcel is shown as incorporated in the City of Crystal Lake Proposed Map Correction Modify mapped Crystal Lake boundaries and return previous B-1 Neighborhood Business District zoning designation. Reason for proposed Map Correction The zoning map was changed at some point to show this property as being annexed into Crystal Lake, however no evidence of annexation found. Property tax bill reflects that the property is not within the municipality. The B-1 District was the previously identified zoning district for the property. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current use, financial institution, is an allowed use in the B-1 District and therefore will be unaffected by this correction This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 31 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-L Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: behind 350 West Terra Cotta Avenue, Crystal Lake PIN(s): 14-32-151-011 Property Owner(s): Robert Kubat, 302 Chippewa Trail, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcel is zoned A-1C Agriculture with a conditional use permit for a research laboratory Proposed Map Correction Change to B-1 Neighborhood Business District Reason for proposed Map Correction In 1957, under petition #566, a special use permit for a research laboratory was granted to this parcel. In 1979, under petition #79-01, this property was granted B-1 zoning. At that time, the special use, identified with a “V”, was to be removed. This change appeared on the 1979 zoning map, but at some later time the parcel was again labelled A-1 and the special use designation returned, this time as a “C” for conditional use permit. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The property is currently vacant and therefore the current use will be unaffected by this map correction This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 32 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-M Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: West Wright Road at Hi Line Avenue, McHenry PIN(s): 15-18-351-001 Property Owner(s): Commonwealth Edison, 3 Lincoln Center, 4th Floor, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcel is zoned A-2 Agriculture Proposed Map Correction Change to R-1 Single-Family Residential District Reason for proposed Map Correction In 1995, under petition #94-73, the adjoining parcels to the west were rezoned to A-2. The ComEd parcel was erroneously mapped as being included in the A-2 petition. The prior zoning was R-1 Single-Family Residential. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current use for utilities will be unaffected by this correction This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 33 6.2.a Property Address/Location: 1755 Low Ave and 1728 West Wright Avenue, McHenry PIN(s): 15-18-379-007, 15-18-379-009 Property Owner(s): Bertram Irslinger, 409 Front Street, McHenry, IL 60050 EWO Ltd, 409 Front Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Additional Property Notes: Two map corrections involving four total parcels are visible in the proposed map correction exhibit below. This exhibit pertains to the to business-zoned parcels that front South Riverside Drive. Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map Both parcels are shown as being zoned B1 Neighborhood Business Proposed Map Correction Change both parcels’ zoning to the B-2 Liquor Business District Reason for proposed Map Correction Prior to 2002, the three properties along South Riverside Drive (between Low Avenue and West Wright Road) were all zoned B-2 Liquor Business District. Under petition #02-43, the middle parcel was rezoned to R-1 Single-Family Residential. At that time, the map erroneously was changed to show the remaining parcels zoned B-1 instead of B-2. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected. 1728 West Wright Avenue is currently being used for a bar, consistent with B-2 zoning. 1755 Low Avenue is used for a residence and will remain a nonconforming use, regardless of the change of zoning. This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-N 6.2.a Property Address/Location: 1701 Low Avenue PIN(s): 15-18-382-002, 15-18-382-011 Property Owner(s): Raymond Hagen, 1701 W Low Ave, McHenry, IL 60050 Additional Property Notes: Two map corrections involving four total parcels are visible in the proposed map correction exhibit below. This exhibit pertains to two parcels at the end of Low Avenue (after it turns to the south and runs parallel with the river). Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The two parcels are zoned A-1 Agriculture Proposed Map Correction Change the two parcels to R-1 SingleFamily Residential Reason for proposed Map Correction A-1 zoning designation appears to have been erroneously applied when the zoning map switched from a paper to a digital (GIS) map. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current residential uses will be unaffected This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-O 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-Q Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 9316 Riley Road, Marengo PIN(s): 16-22-200-012 Property Owner(s): McHenry Co Historical Society, 6422 Main St P O Box 434, Union, IL 60180 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcel is zoned A-1C Agriculture with a conditional use permit for Riley Township garage Proposed Map Correction Remove “C” conditional use permit designation Reason for proposed Map Correction When the adjoining parcel (16-22-200011) was granted a conditional use permit for the garage in 1969, it was erroneously mapped to include this property as well. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The property is the site of a historical building owned and operated by the McHenry County Historical Society. This use will be unaffected by the map correction. This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 36 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-R Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 19333 East Grant Highway, Marengo PIN(s): 17-06-400-020, 17-06-400-019 Property Owner(s): Franks Real Property Trust, 19333 E Grant Hwy, Marengo, IL 60152 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcels are zoned A-1C Agriculture with a conditional use permit and A-1CV Agriculture with a conditional use permit and variation Proposed Map Correction All of the land within the quadrangularshaped zoning lot will have the zoning of A-1CV Agriculture with a conditional use permit and variation. The portion of the triangular-shaped zoning lot outside of the A-1CV lot will return to only A-1. Reason for proposed Map Correction The triangular-shaped zoning lot dates back to 1973 (petition #73-35) for a law office. That conditional use permit was intended to expire after 30 years (2003). Before its expiration a second conditional use permit was granted to the property (#99-35) also for law offices, but for a larger area. Both designations stayed on the map, even after the first expired in 2003. This correction makes it clear that the second conditional use and variation extends into the former area of the first conditional use permit. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current use will be unaffected This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 37 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-S Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: 4715-4717 Wallen Drive, Crystal Lake PIN(s): 19-03-326-011, 19-03-326-012, 19-03-326-009 Property Owner(s): Russel and Jacqueline Piggott, 4715 Wallen Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 CF KA Klaczek, 312 Greenview, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map PIN 19-03-326-009 is zoned R-3 MultiFamily Residential and A-1 Agriculture. PINs 19-03-326-011 and 19-03-326-012 are zoned E-1 Estate and A-1 Agriculture Proposed Map Correction The A-1 designation on the southern part of PINs 19-03-326-009, 19-03-326-011, and 19-03-326-012 will removed and the corresponding R-3 and E-1 zoning will be put in its place Reason for proposed Map Correction The reason for the presence of the A-1 designation is unknown Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 38 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-T Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address/Location: between South Main Street and Exchange Drive, Crystal Lake PIN(s): 19-04-176-003, 19-04-176-004, 19-04-152-004 Property Owner(s): Main St Crossing Development Inc, 820 E Terra Cotta Ave, Ste 116, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Curran Group Inc, 286 Memorial Ct, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Additional Property Notes: Map Correction Details Current Zoning on the official McHenry County Zoning Map The parcels are zoned A-1 Agriculture, I-1 Light Industry, and incorporated Crystal Lake Proposed Map Correction PINs 19-04-176-003 and 19-04-176-004 will be zoned I-1 Light Industrial and PIN 19-04-152-004 will be shown as incorporated Crystal Lake Reason for proposed Map Correction The presence of A-1 zoning appears to represent a “leftover” sliver caused by a mapping error in the transcribing of a Crystal Lake annexation legal description. Impact of Map Correction on the property and current use The current uses will be unaffected This exhibit is for reference purposes only. If approved, this exhibit will be the basis for a map correction to the official zoning map. Packet Pg. 39 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-U The zoning designations and boundaries at the five locations in this exhibit are hereby affirmed. As such, said zoning designations will not be eligible for the map correction process at any time in the future. Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address: 8015 White Oaks Road, Wonder Lake PINs: 09-07-101-001 & 09-07-101-002 Property Owners: Lisa and Julia Barr Affirmed Zoning: A-1 Agriculture Property Address: Green Street, McHenry PINs: 14-02-327-014 & 14-02-327-015 Property Owners: St. Patrick Church of McHenry Affirmed Zoning: A-1C Agriculture (with conditional use permit) Property Address: 1713 Illinois Route 176, Crystal Lake PINs: part of 15-19-330-021 Property Owners: Nunda Rural Fire Protection District Affirmed Zoning: R-1C Single-Family Residential (with conditional use permit) Packet Pg. 40 6.2.a MAP CORRECTION #2015-029-MC-U (cont’d) Attachment: Map Correction Exhibits 30-Day Review edit (4494 : Ordinance Correcting the Official Zoning Map) Property Address: 8404 Railroad Street, Crystal Lake PINs: 13-25-201-007 Property Owners: James Roden Affirmed Zoning: I-1V Light Industry (variation) Property Address: 1702 Low Avenue PINs: 15-18-383-006 Property Owners: Roy and Gail Weiner Affirmed Zoning: A-1 Agriculture Packet Pg. 41