TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 The Courier •
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 The Courier •
The Courier • TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 BIRTHDAYS • ANNIVERSARIES • RETIREMENTS • GRADUATIONS • NEW ARRIVALS ;gf_jYlmdYlagfkgfqgmj]f_Y_]e]fl @YffY`@oYf_Yf\K]l`:mld]j OYqlg_g ;gf_jYlmdYlagfklgL`]Mfan]jkalqg^>af\dYq Klm\]flL]Y[`]jkg^Khjaf_*()- @Yhhq-(l`O]\\af_9ffan]jkYjq ?Yjq9ffKl]oYjl ;gf_jYlmdYlagfk:jallYfq=darYZ]l`;Yjd]kEggj] EYkl]jkg^<]flYd@q_a]f]$L`]G`agKlYl]Mfan]jkalq T2 CELEBR ATIONS ! Recently born at Blanchard Valley Hospital, as reported by their parents: • Easton Daniels, boy, Cody and Melanie Daniels, Jenera, May 23. • Jillian Lause, girl, Eric Lause and Mindy Myers, McComb, May 27. • Grayson Charles Artressia, boy, Hailey Artressia, May 27. • Addison Sky Willier, girl, Devin Willier and Sabrina Bustamante-Hull, McComb, May 27. • Haylee Ruth Beagle, girl, Marvin and Jessica Beagle, Arlington, May 27. • Draeton Francis Ritter, boy, Shawna May, Carey, May 28. • Sadi Lynn Pahl, girl, Curtis and Heather Pahl, Carey, May 29. The Bestseller List By The Wall Street Journal FICTION 1. “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss (Random House) 2. “Radiant Angel” by Nelson Demille (Grand Central Publishing) 3. “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins (Riverhead) 4. “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr (Scribner) 5. “Piranha” by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 6. “14th Deadly Sin” by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 7. “The Isle of the Lost” by Melissa de la Cruz (Disney-Hyperion) 8. “Memory Man” by David Balducci (Grand Central Publishing) 9. “Peanut Butter &Cupcake” by Terry Border (Philomel Books) 10. “Maximum Ride Forever” by James Patterson (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) NONFICTION 1. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo (Ten Speed) 2. “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster) 3. “Bill O’Reilly’s Legends and Lies: The Real West” by Bill O’Reilly and David Fisher (Henry Holt and THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 • Harper Regina Warnecke, girl, Brett and Alicia Warnecke, New Washington, May 29. • Beau Charles Colman, boy, Eric and Kari Colman, Arcadia, May 29. • Jocelyn Amelia Taylor, girl, Wes and Lindsay Taylor, Findlay, May 29. • Avery Rose Stock, girl, Shawn and Lisa Ann Stock, McCutchenville, May 29. • Connor Donte Fraley, boy, Paul and Sara Fraley, Findlay, May 29. • Azialynn Irene Bentz and Adalynn Theckla Bentz, girls, Shailee Bentz, Tiffin, May 30. • Kendall Kimberley Stahl, girl, Daniel A. Stahl Jr. and Amanda Martin, Pandora, May 30. • Ameera Relyn Jones, girl, Tre Jones and Marissa Bercaw, Fostoria, May 30. • Violet Jenova Below, girl, Anthony and Alicia Below, Findlay, June 1. • Laydon Charles Lee Rupert, boy, David C. Rupert and Chasity Deal, Findlay, June 1. • Vincent Martin Clevenger, boy, Austin and Karley Clevenger, LaFayette, June 1. Co.) 4. “And the Good News Is...” by Dana Perino (Twelve) 5. “American Wife” by Taya Kyle and Jim DeFelice (William Morrow) 6. “The Road to Character” by David Brooks (Random House) 7. “Strengths Finder 2.0” by Tom Rath (Gallup Press) 8. “The Whole 30” by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) 9. “JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet” by JJ Virgin (Grand Central Publishing) 10. “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young (Thomas Nelson) FICTION E-BOOKS 1. “Radiant Angel” by Nelson Demille (Grand Central Publishing) 2. “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins (Riverhead) 3. “Piranha” by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 4. “Conviction” by Corinne Michaels (BAEE Publishing) 5. “14th Deadly Sin” by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 6. “Memory Man” by David Balducci (Grand Central Publishing) 7. “The House We Grew Up In” by Lisa Jewell (Atria Books) 8. “A Match for Marcus Cynster” by Stephanie Laurens (Savdek Management) 9. “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr (Scribner) 10. “Beautiful Sacrifice” by Jamie See BOOKS, Page T3 /Ŷ>ŽǀŝŶŐDĞŵŽƌLJŽĨ ZŽLJĞsŽƌĞ ϲͲϭϬͲϯϱͼϭͲϮϭͲϭϰ ZŽLJ͛Ɛ^ŵŝůĞ dŚŽƵŐŚLJŽƵƌƐŵŝůĞŝƐŐŽŶĞĨŽƌĞǀĞƌ͕ ĂŶĚLJŽƵƌŚĂŶĚ/ĐĂŶŶŽƚƚŽƵĐŚ͕ /ƐƟůůŚĂǀĞŵĂŶLJŵĞŵŽƌŝĞƐ ŽĨƚŚĞŽŶĞ/ůŽǀĞĚƐŽŵƵĐŚ͘ zŽƵƌŵĞŵŽƌLJŝƐŵLJŬĞĞƉƐĂŬĞ͕ ǁŝƚŚǁŚŝĐŚ/͛ůůŶĞǀĞƌƉĂƌƚ͘ 'ŽĚŚĂƐLJŽƵŝŶ,ŝƐŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ͕ /ŚĂǀĞLJŽƵŝŶŵLJŚĞĂƌƚ͘ ^ĂĚůLJŵŝƐƐĞĚ͕ ďƵƚŶĞǀĞƌĨŽƌŐŽƩĞŶ zŽƵƌZŽƐŝĞ Guidelines For Your ‘Celebrations!’ tĂLJƚŽŐŽ͊͊͊ ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐƚŽdŚĞhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJŽĨ&ŝŶĚůĂLJ ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚdĞĂĐŚĞƌƐŽĨ^ƉƌŝŶŐϮϬϭϱ 2OLK¨Y9[XVXOYKY .GVVKT'Z'RR.U[XY UL:NK*G_4OMNZ Nakalgmj*,%@gmj>dgo]jN]f\gj& Dg[Yl]\Af>jgflg^Klgj]! $QQLYHUVDULHV/DVW6HFRQG%LUWKGD\%RXTXHWV ´,·P6RUU\µ)ORZHUV6\PSDWK\´,/29(<28µ%RXTXHWV $QG0DQ\0RUH (U1G ,RU]KX-OLZY 60DLQ6W )LQGOD\ Welcome to Celebrations!, the place for your non-commercial announcements of nearly every kind. We encourage you to write your own announcement, but we can help you with a traditional one. When? Celebrations! is published Tuesdays. Your announcement will appear in one Celebrations! printed edition, and online at www. thecourier.com for one week. Your deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesdays, at The Courier, for the following Tuesday’s edition. Earlier is always better. A form is helpful, but not necessary. You can pick one up at The Courier, 701 West Sandusky St., Findlay, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays; download a PDF from www.thecourier.com/celebrations, or call Celebrations! at 419-422-5151 and we’ll work with you. For engagements, weddings and anniversaries, you can submit forms online, with payment following. See www.thecourier.com/celebrations. How big and how much? Use a ruler to help. • 1 column (2 in) x 5.5 inches: $30. • 2 columns (4.1 in) x 2.75 inches: $30. • 1 column x 11 inches: $50. • 2 columns x 5.5 inches: $50. • 2 columns x 11 inches: $90. • 4 columns (8.4 in) x 5.5 inches: $90. • Half page, 5 col. (10.5 in) x 5.5 inches: $105. • Front page, full color, 1/4 Page ad: $85. • Center pages available in full color, call for information • Additional art (special borders, symbols): $5 per announcement. Good photos wanted. Photos should be at least walletsized. Glossies help. Prints can be emailed, mailed, dropped off, or put in the mailbox near our front door. Photos for weddings, engagements and anniversaries can be submitted online. Photos will be returned by mail with your selfaddressed, stamped envelope; or pick them up within two weeks or they may be discarded. The Courier assumes no liability for your photos. A limited number of color photo opportunities are available in Celebrations! Want a lot more impact? Put your photo on the cover of the print and online editions, and we’ll publish your information inside for free. Legal stuff. Poems and copyrighted photos must include the creator’s name and permission to reprint. We can reject any announcement for any reason. This edition is copyrighted by Findlay Publishing Co., which reserves all rights. Special pricing for ANY active Duty Military Celebrations! ads. Front page of Celebrations! - ½ off, plus free inside ad up to 11”. Scholarships and academic honors, including dean’s list honors announced by students, relatives or friends, should be placed in Celebrations! Scholarships announced by civic and other organizations are treated as news stories. We will print free, very-short announcements of engagements, weddings, anniversaries (50, 55, 60 years, etc.), birthdays (90 years or older), and dean’s list honors and graduations. They should be mailed or e-mailed to [email protected]. Examples: Engagement: Jane Smith, of Findlay, and John Doe, of Philadelphia, plan to marry Sept. 14 at St. Peter’s by-theSea Episcopal Church, Cape May Point, N.J. Wedding: Jane Smith and John Doe, of Philadelphia, were married Sept. 14 in Cape May Point, N.J. She is formerly of Findlay. Anniversary: John and Jane Doe of Findlay will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 14. Birthday: Jane Doe of Findlay will celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday. Dean’s list: John Doe Jr., Findlay, son of John and Jane Doe, University of Findlay. Businesses should contact their Courier advertising consultant. Questions? Please call Celebrations! at 419-4225151 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, or e-mail [email protected]. CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 Books T3 &21*5$78/$7,216 Continued from page T2 McGuire (Jamie McGuire LLC) NONFICTION E-BOOKS 1. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo (Ten Speed) 2. “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster) 3. “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel James Brown (Penguin Press) 4. “Hearing God’s Voice” by Henry T. Blackaby (B&H Publishing Group) 5. “Dead Wake” by Erik Larson (Crown-Archetype) 6. “My Mother Was Nuts” by Penny Marshall (New Harvest) 7. “American Ghost” by Hannah Nordhaus (HarperCollins) 8. “Do No Harm” by Henry Marsh (St. Martin’s Press) 9. “Surgeon in Blue” by Scott McGaugh (Arcade Publishing) 10. “Skinny Dips” by Diane Morgan (Chronicle Books) Nielsen BookScan gathers pointof-sale data from about 16,000 locations, representing about 85 percent of U.S. book sales. L`]>af\dYqCaoYfak>gmf\Ylagf Yffgmf[]\alk*()-K[`gdYjk`ah j][aha]flkYlYj][]fle]]laf_ g^l`]>af\dYqCaoYfakFggf ;dmZ&)$*((k[`gdYjk`ahko]j] YoYj\]\lg9mZj]qB&:jgof$ B]kk]:&=[c]jl$JY[`]d9& Da]Zj][`l$KYjafYJgm`gd^Y\Y Yf\9d]pakB&Kaee]je]q]j& L`]CaoYfak>gmf\Ylagf`Yk YoYj\]\)*.k[`gdYjk`ahk lgYj]Yklm\]flkkaf[])1/,& L`]k[`gdYjk`ah`gfgjkEj& >j]\:jm[cdY[`]j$Ydgf_%lae] k][j]lYjqg^l`]>af\dYqCaoYfak ;dmZ&>gmf\Ylagfkmhhgjl [ge]k^jgeh]jkgfYdYf\ e]egjaYd_a^lkYko]ddYkgl`]j CaoYfak^mf\jYakaf_hjgb][lk& >GJ9<<ALAGF9D AF>GJE9LAGF$HD=9K= ;GFL9;LB9Q=<=D$ ,)1%1-/%-,,,GJ YlbYq]\]d8Ygd&[ge& Erin Bloomfield 3UH6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ %ODQFKDUG9DOOH\6FKRRO Breanna Swope )LQGOD\6HUYLFH/HDJXH $ZDUGHG6FKRODUVKLSV 3URMHFW6($5&+*UDGXDWHV Carly Smith On May 21, 2015 Findlay Service League awarded its annual scholarships to graduating seniors from a Hancock County School who has demonstrated service to the community by volunteering, practicing good citizenship and leading by example. Findlay Service League is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. This year we were pleased to award three scholarships to these well deserved seniors. The Spirit of Volunteerism Scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each were awarded to (1)Erin Bloomfield, a graduate of Findlay High School, who will be attending Otterbein University majoring in Spanish Education and (2) Carly Smith, a graduate of Findlay High School, who will be attending The University of Georgia majoring in Genetics and Psychology. The Patti Bash Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000 was awarded to Breanna Swope, a graduate of Liberty-Benton High School, who will be attending Owens Community College majoring in Nursing. We commend these individuals for their extensive volunteer service and wish them luck as they continue their education. *()-CAO9FAKK;@GD9JK@AHJ=;AHA=FLKF9E=< 9mZj]qBgj\Yf :jgof akl`]\Ym_`l]jg^ ;Yje]fYf\?Yjl` :jgofYf\akY k]fagjYl>af\dYq @a_`K[`ggd& 9mZj]qhdYfklg eYbgjaf:agdg_qYl @addk\Yd];gdd]_]af Ea[`a_Yf&K`]`Yk Z]]fafngdn]\af ÉO]L`]H]ghd]$Ê HYflYkaYKl]]d <jme:Yf\$>&@&K& EYj[`af_:Yf\ <jmeEYbgj!$ FYlagfYd@gfgj Kg[a]lqYf\>af\dYq >ajkl=\alagfK`go ;`gaj& B]kk]:qYd =[c]jl akY>af\dYq@a_` K[`ggd_jY\mYl] Yf\l`]kgfg^ KYjY`:qYd&@]ak hmjkmaf_Y\]_j]] af;mdafYjqK[a]f[] YlL`]G`agKlYl] Mfan]jkalq&B]kk]ak afngdn]\afk]n]jYd gj_YfarYlagfkYl G&K&M&Yf\oYk ;YhlYafg^l`] 9[Y\]ea[L]Ye$ haYfgY[[gehYfakl ^gjl`]>j]k`eYf K`go;`gaj$Yf\ \jmek]lhdYq]j^gj HYflYkaYYl>&@&K& JY[`]d9d]pak Da]Zj][`l akl`]\Ym_`l]jg^ ;`jaklafYYf\BYq Da]Zj][`lYf\ak YE[;geZ@a_` K[`ggdK]fagj& K`]hdYfklgeYbgj afEYl`]eYla[k Yf\=\m[Ylagf YlG`agFgjl`]jf Mfan]jkalq&JY[`]d oYkn]jqafngdn]\af Fgjl`o]klKlYjk,%@ ;dmZ$>]ddgok`ahg^ ;`jaklaYf9l`d]l]k YkY@m\\d]D]Y\]j$ ;dYkkLj]Ykmj]jYf\ YkYngdmfl]]jYl Dalr]fZ]j_E[Caffak @gmk]& KYjafY Jgm`gd^Y\Y akl`]\Ym_`l]jg^ EYjqYeJYkgmdaYf\ FY\]jJgm`gd^Y\Y&K`] akYk]fagjYl>af\dYq @a_`K[`ggdYf\hdYfk lghmjkm]YE]\a[Yd \]_j]]Yll`]Fgjl`]Ykl G`agE]\a[YdMfan]jkalq l`jgm_`l`]Mfan]jkalq g^9cjgf&KYjafY ngdmfl]]j]\Yl@YZalYl ^gj@meYfalqÌkJ]Klgj] Yf\YkY[gmfk]dgjYl ;Yeh<ak[gn]jq&K`] oYkYhYklhj]ka\]flg^ =\m[YlagfMf\]j>aj] Yf\akYe]eZ]jg^l`] FYlagfYd@gfgjKg[a]lq& 9d]pakBYf] Kaee]je]q]j akl`]\Ym_`l]jg^ BYf]lYf\<Yna\ Kaee]je]q]j& 9d]pakYll]f\k L`]G`agKlYl] Mfan]jkalqYf\ak hmjkmaf_Y\]_j]] af:agdg_q&K`]ak YhYklK][j]lYjqg^ l`]>&@&K&C]q;dmZ YCaoYfakY^^adaYl] gj_YfarYlagf!Yf\ akfgol`]K]jna[] ;`Yaj^gj;aj[d]C YCaoYfakY^^adaYl] gj_YfarYlagf!&9d]pak `YkYdkgZ]]f afngdn]\af:m[c%A% K=JNYf\l`]GOD hjg_jYeYlG&K&M& T4 CELEBR ATIONS ! ENGAGEMENT Keplinger - Yeater ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT Hitchings-Allen Holly J’nell Keplinger & Andrew Grant Yeater, both of Groveport, OH, have announced their engagement and plans for their wedding July 11, 2015 at Camden Falls, Tiffin, OH. Holly is the daughter of Devin & Tina Keplinger of Chillicothe, OH. She graduated in 2014 from Sinclair Community College and is employed as a Mammographer/ Radiologic Technologist at Adena Health System in Chillicothe, OH Andrew is the son of Grant & Judy Yeater of Carey, OH. He graduated in 2014 from Wright State University and is an Associate Technical Specialist at Franklin International, Columbus, OH Kallie Hitchings, Alvada, OH and Christopher Allen, Findlay, OH have announced their engagement and upcoming wedding. A September 18, 2015 ceremony is planned at Arcadia Trinity Lutheran Church. The bride-to-be is the daughter of John & Chris Hitchings, Alvada. She received her Master of Kinesiology at BGSU in 2012. She is the Healthy Living Director at Findlay Family YMCA. The groom-to-be is the son of Craig & Jayne Allen, Findlay, OH. He is a 2006 graduate of Findlay High School. He is a Dispatch Transportation Coordinator at Kohl’s Distribution Center. ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 ENGAGEMENT Hwang-Butler Jay and Karen Hwang, of Durango, Colorado, announce the engagement of their daughter Hannah Hwang to Seth Butler, son of Mark and Kimberly Butler, of Findlay, Ohio. The future bride is a junior at Colorado State University, majoring in art and photography. The future groom, a 2010 graduate from Liberty Benton High School, received a bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies from CSU. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in student affairs from Colorado State University. A July 2015 wedding is planned and the couple will reside in Fort Collins, Colorado. Baird - Reinhart Tiffany Baird of Alvada, and Andrew Reinhart of Arcadia, are engaged and will be married on June 13 at All Saints Parish. Tiffany is the daughter of Doug and Karen Baird of Alvada. She is a 2015 graduate of Heidelberg University and is pursuing a career in teaching. Andrew is the son of Allen and Kathy Reinhart of Arcadia. He graduated from The University of Northwestern Ohio in 2012 and currently works on the family farm. ENGAGEMENT Borger - Frisbie Megan Borger and Joshua Frisbie, both of Forest, are engaged and planning a July 4 wedding at Walnut Grove United Methodist Church in Kenton. Megan is the daughter of Kathy Schroeder of Kenton. She is a 2005 graduate of Hardin Northern High School and is employed at Bridge Home Health and Hospice. Joshua is the son of Mike and Deb Frisbie of Findlay. He is a 2002 graduate of Liberty Benton High School and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Business in 2013 from the University of Findlay. He is employed at Marathon Petroleum. Wanamaker-Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wanamaker, of Findlay, Ohio, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Maryanne Wanamaker to Mr. Travis Mullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mullen, of Sidney, Ohio. The bride-to-be is a 2009 graduate of Liberty-Benton High School, and a 2013 graduate of Bowling Green State University. She is a math teacher at Wapakoneta High School, Wapakoneta, Ohio. The groom-to-be is a 2008 graduate of Houston High School, and a 2012 graduate of Bowling Green State University. He is employed as a CNC Programmer with Numerics Unlimited Inc., Sidney, Ohio. The wedding will take place August 1, 2015 at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Bright Rd., Findlay, Ohio. The couple will reside in Anna, Ohio following their wedding. Geiser – Arnold John Gregg Arnold and Audra Anne Geiser are engaged and will be married on July 11, 2015. The ceremony will take place near Audra’s childhood home in Auburn, Indiana. A reception for their Ohio friends and family will take place on August 29, 2015. Audra is the daughter of Brenda and Craig Taylor and the late Christopher Geiser. Audra graduated from Lakewood Park Christian School in 2010. She has had the opportunity to travel for mission work since graduating high school. Audra is employed as a Nanny. John is the son of Gregg and Martha Arnold. John graduated in 2008 from Vanlue High School and Ohio Northern University in 2012. John is employed as a Project Engineer for Ulliman Schutte Construction in Charlottesville, VA. CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 Miller City School honor roll MILLER CITY — Miller City High School has announced its honor roll for the fourth quarter. The following students were named to the All A Honor Roll: Seniors — Allison Alexander, Isaac Inkrott, Haley Lammers, Erika Meyer, Hunter Niese, Kylee Ricker, Jana Schroeder. Juniors — Jacob Ellerbrock, Trey Hermiller, Elizabeth Klear, Brittany Kohls, Cassilyn Niese, Megan Niese, Jordan Schmenk, Kasey Tripp. Sophomores — Jordan Drummelsmith, Taylor Kaufman, Corbin Niese, Matthew Niese, Skylar Niese, Makenna Ricker, Jacob Schimmoeller, Justin Schnipke, Megan Warnimont, Claire Westrick. Freshmen — Brandon Cox, Jeremy DeMuth, Tanner Inkrott, Mark Kuhlman, Chloe Lammers, Makenna Lehman, Elena Niese, Emily Niese, Tyson Niese, Allison Ruhe, Hannah Schimmoeller, Abigail Schroeder, Dominic Schroeder, Madison Schroeder, Madelyn Siebeneck. Eighth Grade — Gabriella Dershem, Elizabeth Westrick. Seventh Grade — Anthony Inkrott, Kylie Peck, Daniel Siebeneck, Kaydee Stant. Sixth Grade — Lauren Hermiller, Gracie Homier, Adrienne Kuhlman, +$33<WK $11,9(56$5< Kayleen Maas, Abigail Reyna. The following students received between a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99: Seniors — Courtney Alt, Joshua Inkrott, Alex Kern, Ben Niese, Alissa Schnipke, Hana Schnipke, Devon Wagner. Juniors — Emily Altman, Jenelle Kuhlman, Colton Niese, Travis Niese, Trevor D. Niese, Adam Schroeder. Sophomores — Christina Berger, Amanda Heuerman, Jacob Kuhlman, Logan Niese, Joshua Recker, Bryce Riepenhoff, Benjamin Vennekotter, Tiffany Welty. Freshmen — Jordan Barlage, Meggan Meyer, Megan Niese, Noah Otto, Regina Schnipke, Tyler Schroeder, Caleb Vennekotter, Paige Wenzinger. Eighth Grade — Cody Ellerbrock, Donald Ellerbrock, Amanda Schroeder, Megan Verhoff, Emily Warnimont. Seventh Grade — Katelyn Kuhlman, Connor Niese, Collin Oedy, Emma Recker, Madison Ruhe, Cayla Troyer, Sofie VanWezel. Sixth Grade — Aubrey Knueven, Thomas Michel, Trevor Niese, Madeline Otto, Reese Recker, Grace Schroeder, Maggie Schroeder, Autumn Searfoss. The following students received between a 3.0 to 3.49 grade point average: Seniors — Hunter Berner, Corey Deepe, Devin Hoellrich, Ross Lehman, Adam Niese, Trent Niese, Tristan Niese, Jalynne Nuveman, Drew Recker, Cody Sheets, Jared Snyder, Alexandria Warnimont. Juniors — Mitchell Barlage, Lexi Creamer, Allyson Keesler, Autumn Knueven, Kody Kuhlman, Jackson Lammers, Brandon Meyer, Trevor W. Niese, Kristin Schmenk, Mallory Schroeder. Sophomores — Lane Hiltner, Davis Lammers, Adam Niese, Corbyn Niese, Taylor Roth, Bailey Schroeder, Justin Snyder. Freshmen — Mitchell Gable, Jacob Hermiller, Kylie Niese, Tess Niese, Marci Schroeder, Faith Troyer, Nicole Warnimont. Eighth Grade — Kylie Berner, Tessa Brinkman, Reid Carr, Josiah Ellerbrock, Abby Niese, Cole Niese, Renae Schroeder, Aiden Searfoss, Zachary Warnimont. Seventh Grade — Nathaniel DeMuth, Molly Ellerbrock, Jamie Heuerman, Jacob Koenig, Tyler Long, Selena Saldana, Olivia Troyer, Dakota Warnimont. Sixth Grade — Karissa Brinkman, Hannah Brown, Madison Ellerbrock, Zachary Fillinger, Natalie Koenig, Autumn Niese, Ross Niese, Allison Roth, Lilia Schnipke, Riley Schnipke, Kathryn Siebeneck, Isabelle Vance, Brent Verhoff. ANNIVERSARY T5 +DSS\WK$QQLYHUVDU\ 5LFKDUG0DULO\Q0RUHKDUW Richard & Marilyn Morehart, Dunkirk, OH will celebrate their 50th Anniversary on June 12, 2015. Mr. Morehart and the former Marilyn Forney were united in marriage on June 12, 1965 by Rev. Donald Gayman at Big Oak E.U.B. Church, Wharton, OH. Attendants included maid of honor Connie Ulrich & bridesmaids Patricia Forney & Judy Cole. The best man was Douglas Bishop and groomsmen were Robert Forney & James Musgrave. The flower girl was Jill Jones & the rings in the double ring ceremony were carried by ring bearer Jay Morehart. Richard is the son of the late Roy & Zetta Morehart, formerly of Mt. Blanchard, OH. Marilyn is the daughter of Leta Forney, Forest, OH and the late Howard “Wayne” Forney. The couple has two children, Lynnette (Thomas) Benson, Dola, OH, and Philip (Dana) Morehart, Findlay, OH. They enjoy spending time with their three grandchildren, Marshall Benson, Emily & Nathan Morehart. Richard is retired from Marathon Petroleum Company Marketing, Transportation & Engineering Division after 35 years. Marilyn is retired, and is a homemaker. The couple attends Dunkirk First Assembly Church in Dunkirk, OH. Please help the couple celebrate with a card shower. Send congratulations to: Dept. 682, P.O. Box 609, Findlay, OH 45839. ANNIVERSARY -XQH %2%-81( %,//0$,(5 :H/RYH<RX <RXU)DPLO\ John & Janet Fahl John and Janet Fahl will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with a family dinner at the Findlay Country Club on June 13, 2015. John and the former Janet Zickafoose were married June 5, 1955 at United Methodist Church, Arlington, OH. The ceremony was officiated by Reverend Tennyson Guyer, who later became congressman of Ohio, and was Cooper Tire’s Goodwill Ambassador. Mr. Fahl retired from Cooper Tire and Rubber as President of the tire division, and Executive Vice President. He also served on the board. He was at Cooper 46 ½ years, and is one of the longest living employees in Cooper Tire history. Mrs. Fahl is a homemaker. The couple has three children: Terri (Dave) Dishong, Valencia, PA; Nanci (John) Corbin, Arcadia, OH; and Jeff (Laura) Fahl, Findlay, OH. They have five grandchildren Tara (Shawn) Monday, Tyler (Erika) Dishong, Drew Dishong, Devin Fahl & Kayli Fahl. They have two great-grandchildren Myles Monday & Miriah Monday, and two stepgreat-grandchildren Tyler Mayer & Brandon Mayer. The memories we’ve shared together will be in our hearts forever. Congratulations on your diamond anniversary! Loving wishes from your family. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stewart Gary and Ann (Powell) Stewart will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 13, 2015. An open house, hosted by family, will be held from 1 :30 4:00 PM at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in Benton Ridge, Ohio. The family requests no gifts. Gary is the son of the late Blair and Edith Stewart. Ann is the daughter of Mildred and the late Burnette Powell. The Stewart’s have two children: Amy (Dr. Kirk) Baker of Forest Park, Illinois, and one son Dr. Gregory (Holly) Stewart of Westerville, Ohio. One daughter, Beth, is deceased. The Stewarts have six grandchildren: Cameron and Zachary Baker, and Caleb, Clara, Carson, and Caroline Stewart. Gary is retired from Marathon Oil Company and is now engaged in farming. Ann is retired from teaching and leading 23 years in Bible Study Fellowship and now directs the church choir and leads church women in mission projects. T6 CELEBR ATIONS ! Leipsic School honor roll LEIPSIC — Leipsic High School has announced its honor roll for the fourth quarter. The following students were named to the 4.0 Honor Roll: Seniors — Emily Kreinbrink. Freshmen — Emily Schroeder, Kelly Scheckelhoff, Victor Sanchez, Morgan Niese, Logan Kreinbrink, Tyler Gillespie, The following students were named to the All A Honor Roll: Eighth graders — Kacey Dulle, Hayley Heitmeyer, Peyton Henry, Reese Mangas, Olivia Nunez, Cole Rieman, Claire Rigel, Bailee Sickmiller, Carlee Siefker. Seventh graders — Hannah Funk, Lyndie Hazelton, Frank Kelley, Alma Lopez Gonzalez, Clarissa Plassman, Aubree Schroeder, Cole Williamson. Sixth graders — Lorena Lehmann, Madeline Walther. The following students were named to the 3.5 to 3.995 Honor Roll: Seniors — Shalynn Morman, Kelly Nadler, Brenna Schroeder, Nicholas Goedde, Emily Ellerbrock, Cheri Basinger, Olivia Ickes, Alex Ellerbrock, Emily Goodwin, Kaitlin Schroeder, Logan Mortimer, Holly Averesch, Marissa Pedroza-Erickson, Bryce Heitmeyer, Quinne Meyer, Kirstin Celestino, David Escobedo, Kelsie Gillespie, Chloe Kaufman, Ciera Bermudez, Terrence Dear. Juniors — Alyssa Schroeder, Keith Scheckelhoff, Nicole Mangas, Brooke Heitmeyer, Ross Mangas, Josiah Lammers, Matthew Schroeder, Ross Schroeder, Kurt Schroeder, Mackenzie Williamson, Nicole Steele, Justine Schroeder, Kiersten Cook, Mikayla Torres-Garcia, Abigail Whaley. Sophomores — Lillian Kamphaus, Alivia Kaufman, Amie Schroeder, Lindsey Rieman, Libby Quintero, Marcus Henderson, Grant Schroeder, Brynna Schroeder, Tessa Haselman, Breanna Ellerbrock, Raegan Cupp, Chase Dunham, Brookelyn Gerdeman, Grant Rader, Mindy Ellerbrock, Meikayla Lehmann, Hunter Morman, Hope Lammers, Keaton Frick, Samantha Brooks, Jonathon Schmenk. Freshmen — Alec Schroeder, Kierra Meyer, Heather Lammers, Marissa Giron, Stevie Brooks, Bridget Casteel, Nathan Coil, Grace Rigel, Jisele Pena, Braylyn Hovest, Faith Butler, Christopher Basinger, Austin Erickson. The following students were named to the A’s and B’s Honor Roll: Eighth graders — Tylee Dukes, Mia Flores, Allison Garcia, Hannah Goedde, Madison Hardy, Ruby Hardy, Jala Hazelton, Tyler Hiegel, Hannah Mortimer, Alexis Ramirez, Montana Velazquez, Seventh graders — Lyndie Apple, Jaquelyne Giron, Shylene Giron, Savannah Guevara, Caleb Lammers, Drew Liffick, Evan >af\l`]Dgn]g^QgmjDa^] Yll`]@meYf]Kg[a]lqg^@Yf[g[c;gmflq ,--(>gklgjaY9n]&$>af\dYq$G@,)1%,*+%).., ÉJge]gÊ <K@%F]ml]j]\EYd] )Q]Yj.Egfl`kgd\%:dY[c'O`al] @a$AÌeJge]gAÌeljm]lgeqfYe] Yf\AÌedggcaf_^gjY^Yeadql`Yldgn]k e]bmklYkem[`YkAdgn]l`]eAdgn] hdYqaf_oal`lgqk$lj]Ylk$fYhhaf_$Yf\ eqk[jYl[`af_hgkl&Hd]Yk][ge]Yf\ Y\ghle]lg\Yq Schroeder, Ryley Spangler, Grant Steingass. Sixth graders — Ethan Chambers, Caitlen Flick, Juan Gutierrez, Kina Hemenway, McKenna Nunez, Ella Rigel. The following students were named to the 3.0 to 3.495 Honor Roll: Seniors — Paige Sickmiller, Alexis Escamilla, Reid Steffan, Mikayla Wright, Anna Gerten, Shaylee Hyman, Summer Rodriguez, Carmen Balcarcel Rice, Branden Wentworth. Juniors — Katelyn Mickens, Alexandria Steffan, Anne Steffan, Travis Koenig, Justin Ellerbrock, Kelly Nuveman, Kyle Abbott, Abigail Tadena, Michaella Gerdeman, Jada Lopez. Sophomores — Stephanie Straley, Tyler Goedde, Alaina Haselman, Jordan Berger, Elyse Schroeder, Devin Pedroza-Hiegel, Arizona Velazquez, Nickolas Schey, Hunter Meyer, Sara Bennett, Megan Langhals, Isabella Alvarado. Freshmen — Adam Schroeder, Emma Niese, Danielle Douglas, Dallas Diaz, Reyna Avila, Tiffany Koenig, Sophia Koenig, Katelyn Stuber, Marissa Chamberlin, Braydon Niese, Brandon Enriquez, Kamyrn Knueven. The following students were named to the B Honor Roll: Eighth graders — Ellijah Ballmer, Whitney Fischer, Dylan Hiegel. Sixth graders — Marcus Amador, Tyler Sickmiller, Marcella Ybarra. ĂƟĞ:ĂŶĞ &ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬ DĂLJϰ͕ϮϬϭϱ THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 GRADUATION Happy 95th Birthday June 11, 2015 LaVerne Patten Brittany Elizabeth Carles Moore received her Masters Degree in Dental Hygiene with a 4.0 gpa from The Ohio State University on May 10, 2015. She was part of the first ever graduating class with a Masters of Dental Hygiene offered in the state of Ohio. She was unanimously selected by the College of Dentistry dental hygiene graduate committee to be the recipient of the Dental Hygiene Alumni Scholarship for the 2014-2015 year. A Findlay High School graduate, Brittany is a Dental Hygiene adjunct instructor at Owens Community College, Toledo campus and she is employed at the Blanchard Valley Pediatric Dentistry office of Dr. Kyle Amspaugh. Brittany is the daughter of Gary and Joetta Carles, Findlay. She is married to Nick Moore and has 2 children - son, Cohen and daughter, Micarah. Send birthday greetings to Briar Hill Health Campus, North Baltimore, OH 45872 Sam & Mary Patten Pam & Darl Deeds Valerie & Les Whipple Stan & Rosemary Patten %:IIR0P>>MMABKMA=:R /:<A>E*:KB> F;NK@>R """@YhhqLYd]kak_gaf_gffgo;Yddmklg\YqYl ,)1%,*+%)..,lgk[`]\md]Ylae]^gjqgmj[`ad\lg j]Y\lggmj[Ylk Khgfkgj]\:q2 WĂƌĞŶƚƐ͗ ZƵƐƐĞůů&ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬΘ ĂƌŝŝůůŽŶͲ&ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬ͕ &ŝŶĚůĂLJ͕K, 'ƌĂŶĚƉĂƌĞŶƚƐ͗ dŚĞ>ĂƚĞ>ĂƌƌLJ&ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬΘ ĂůŝĞĐĞ&ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬ͕&ŝŶĚůĂLJ͕K, dŚĞ>ĂƚĞĂǀŝĚŝůůŽŶΘ WĂƵůĂŝůůŽŶ͕&ŝŶĚůĂLJ͕K, 'ƌĞĂƚͲ'ƌĂŶĚƉĂƌĞŶƚƐ͗ dŚĞ>ĂƚĞZŝĐŚĂƌĚĞĐŬǁŝƚŚΘ >ŽŝƐĞĐŬǁŝƚŚ͕&ŝŶĚůĂLJ͕K, dŚĞ>ĂƚĞZŝĐŚĂƌĚKŚůĂŶĚ ŽƌŽƚŚLJKŚů͕&ŽƐƚŽƌŝĂ͕K, dŚĞůĂƚĞdŚŽŵĂƐŝůůŽŶΘǀĞůLJŶ ŝůůŽŶ͕^ƉĞŶĐĞƌǀŝůůĞ͕K, >:NMB?NE1A>G >:NMB?NE+,4 )HO>RHN $K:G=F:$K:G=I:/BMSE>K THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 CELEBR ATIONS ! Riverdale School honor roll MOUNT BLANCHARD — Riverdale High School has announced its honor roll for the fourth quarter. The following students were named to the All A Honor Roll: Seniors — Dakota Boyd, Desirrae Kindle, Alexis Loveridge, Shelby McKamey, Colin McKinniss, Amanda Melroy, Julia Naus, Chad Pever. Juniors — Lexi Bahn, Emily Baker, Karlee Birchfield, Taylor Farmer, Taylor Kuenzli, Aubreah Manns, Morgan McRill, Austin Miller, Tiffany Penwell, Alec Porter, Allison Rader, Bhavya Sharma, Divya Sharma, Natalie Snook, Jenna Thomas. Sophomores — Amy Arras, Griffin Cole, Kyle Evans, Kori Frey, Diana Greer, Sydney Holderman, Sarah Keeton, Hannah Morris, Allison Passet, Cara Pauley, Austin Shuck, Braxton Sowers, Taylore Theis, Leah Tracy. Freshmen — Ashlyn Fadley, Kelsey Hagerty, Eric Isenbarger, Audrey Leopold, Riley McKinniss, Gabrielle Rodriquez, Maria Shane, Chase Southward, Alexis Wright, Sadie Yinger. Eighth graders — Andrew Borkosky, Alexa Brooks, Olivia Clark, Sarah Evans, Caitlyn Hughes, Abbey Knedler, Brooke Kuenzli, Alec Loveridge, Katy Miller, Lauren Thomas, Bryanna Vanden Bosch. Seventh graders — Benjamin Borkosky, Drevan Carpenter-Slone, Ryder Egbert, Devi Harbor, Kendra Kearns, Aaron Lease, Isabella Renteria, Hunter Shane, Braden Theis, Curtis Tracy, Elijah Weber, Clay Young. Sixth graders — Alexis Buchanan, Jackson Clark, Jude May. The following students were named to the A’s and B’s Honor Roll: Seniors — Hailey Birchfield, Rachel Blum, Daniel Book, Luke Bowman, Dallas Boyd, Kelsie Dilgard, Alissa Evans, Grant Loveridge, Jay Mason, Katelyn McCoy, Molly Shultis, Brooke Siesbuttel, Zech Somers, Deanna Stansbery, Caleb Tracy. Juniors — Haley Amweg, Hayley Bonnell, Bethanee Bower, Melanie Brinkman, Noah Clark, Katie Conley, Becky Davis, Megan Dunbar, Michaela Gault, Jackson Hankins, Aricka Hill, Nathaniel Hughes, Tristan Kalb, Corbin Knedler, Rianne Kruiter, Joseph Lauck, Victoria Penwell, Jessica Pfiester, Sophomores — Ashlee Alva, Savannah Brandon, Tristian Davis, Benjamin Gannon, Autumn Graves, Noah Hough, Joshua Hunter, Kacie Krontz, Evan McKee, Coltyn Miller, Dustin Miller, Jaclyn Pahl, Carrol Pauley, Brandon Pickett, Antonio Renteria, Jake Sadler, Kohlten Shane, Brooke Shuster, Wyatt Thacker, Austin Vanden Bosch, Sierra Vanderpool, Madi Weber. Freshmen — MyKennah Brandon, Kelsey Corbin, Luke Drerup, Gabrielle Eatherton, Jessica Johnston, Travis Kimmell, Lyndsie Leonard, Jenna Livingston, Cody Mason, Brooke McKamey, Dakota Morrison, Terron Morrow, Leah Myers, Hannah Nease, Lindsay Nichols, Mason Pickett, Chase Reinhart, Dana Roberts, Lizzy Shane, Manny Vandermark. Eighth graders — Bailey Bissell, Kendra Collier, Dillon DePuy, Ty Dunn, Miles Frey, Dylan Hunt, Zak Koehler, Joshua Leopold, Katelyn Martin, Jonathan McClain, Derek McCloud, Seth McElree, Alani Morrow, Rachel Pierson, Alex Rothlisberger, Justyn Scott, Jacob Tackett, Sam Thacker, Aiden Vent. Seventh graders — Tayler Ashburn, Brock Davis, Shelbey Fadley, Hannah Galkiewicz, Zachary Himes, Haley Hoehn, Alesha Martin, Matthew Mason, Brandi McCormick, Justine Messmer, Coby Miller, Trysten Mix, Max Morris, Kylie Sheets, Jaelyn Tuttle, Madyson Walter, Taylor Yoder. Sixth graders — Makena Barnes, Branden Bayes, Abigail Blanco, Hanna Breidenbach, Tyler Clark, Hannah Crist, Cassidie DiBacc, Emma Dukes, Jenna Evans, Natalie Frankel-Schoenberger, Alyson Greer, Rease Haley, Isaac Holland, Andrew Kuenzli, Danielle Little, Jenna Lowden, Alejah Martinez, Lauren McClain, Alyssa McCloud, Kendra Miller, Luke Morris, Caleste Reinhart, Tehya Rodabaugh, Payton Rodriguez, Danielle Searfoss, Nicole Snook, Ashlynn Thomas, Mackenzi Thompson, Jakob VanAtta, Grace Wetherill, Brady Wright. Congratulations to the Ohio Swish AAU Basketball Team! Front row: (L to R) Nora Hemminger (McComb), Abbie Parkins (Bluffton), Sydney Holderman (Riverdale) and Haley Wyss (Ada) Back row: (L to R) Ayana Getz (Upper Sandusky), Sierra Carey (Upper Sandusky), Lexi Schroeder (Ottawa Glandorf), Jensen Heigel (Liberty Benton), and Janessa Taylor (Riverdale) Coaches: Chad Parkins and Todd Wyss . The Ohio Swish AAU basketball team of the surrounding area recently won the Women 2015 King James Shooting Stars Classic High School Division tournament in Cleveland, Ohio. While playing at the high school division the Ohio Swish team, consisting of all sophomores, beat out teams from New York, Detroit, Toledo, and Cleveland, until advancing into the finals. The start of the tournament was rocky for Ohio Swish as they were defeated by the King James 53-40. Shortly after Ohio Swish picked up their game as they went on to defeat DB Blue 63- 54, Detroit Hyper 49-26, New York Playmakers 46-21, and the Toledo Thunder 54-52. In advancing to the finals Ohio Swish met up again with the undefeated, LeBron James sponsored team, the King James. Throughout the duration of the game it was constant battles of runs, but eventually as the clock ran out Ohio Swish prevailed, winning 6356 and taking away the King James undefeated season title with them. Riverdale’s Sydney Holderman led the team in scoring for the tournament, followed closely by Sierra Carey of Upper Sandusky and Abbie Parkins of Bluffton. T7 dŚŽŵĂƐ>ŽƵŝƐĂůĞLJ ϵϬƚŚŝƌƚŚĚĂLJ :ƵŶĞϭϭ͕ϮϬϭϱ Tom was born in Lima, OH to Italian immigrants Maria (Mary) and Pio (Peter) Diglio. In June 1943 he graduated from Lima’s St. Gerard’s H.S., where he played varsity basketball, and within days was drafted into the military for service in WWII. After basic training Tarz (as he was called since about age 6 after imitating Tarzan swinging from vines) was selected for B-17 Mechanic Training, then went on to Air To Ground Gunnery Training through Sep ’44. He and the other 8 men on his B-17 crew joined together in Nebraska in Nov ’44, and trained in Tennessee through Dec ’44. His crew was shipped to England aboard the USS Wakefield in Feb ’46 arriving at RAF Kimbolton after a 9-day Atlantic crossing and several days in Liverpool. They were assigned to the 8th Air Force, 379th Bomb Group, 525th Bombardment Squadron. The crew named their B-17 “Carioca Joe” for the Disney character Jose Carioca from the “Three Cabalero’s” cartoon movie. Tarz was promoted to Tech Sergeant and flew 19 missions over Germany as the Flight Engineer/Top Turret Gunner on Carioca Joe until the war’s end. He says the scariest mission was the second to last on April 10, 1945 when their bomber formation was attacked by 15 ME262’s, the German’s new jet fighter. All told, Carioca Joe was damaged by flak on every mission, but miraculously no one on the crew was ever injured. He sailed back home to NYC on the Queen Elizabeth liner and was discharged in Dec ’45. He met Patricia Wood, from Spencerville, OH in Jan ’46, and married the love of his life on Jan 8, 1949. Together they had and raised 4 children, Thomas, Barbara, Linda and Frank. They have 6 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. He graduated from the Ohio State Highway Patrol’s 35th class in May ’52 and served 10½ years at the Findlay post. He joined the U.S. Marshal’s Service in Nov ’62 until Sep ’64. The highlight of his time as a Deputy Marshal was his stint in Chicago during Jimmy Hoffa’s Federal Trial. He joined Steele’s Auto Parts as a salesman in Nov ’64 until Apr ’83. Tom unsuccessfully ran for Hancock County Sheriff in 1976 against the Republican incumbent but unfortunately came up about 1000 votes short. After leaving Steele’s, Tarz joined ODOT at Lima as an investigator, and later the District 1 Safety Officer. Tarz retired in Sep ’87. He and Pat enjoyed the winter months in Sarasota, FL until 2004 when they returned home to Findlay, where he could better care for Pat’s mobility issues. Tarz is still an active golfer and looks forward to having his garden every year. He and Pat cherish visits from their children, grandkids, and great grandkids. Please join Tarz’s family and friends in wishing him a very happy 90th birthday. T8 CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015
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