Link öffnet in einem neuen Fenster.•Englisch Lösungen 2014


Link öffnet in einem neuen Fenster.•Englisch Lösungen 2014
Part 1 (20 x 1 Punkt)
1. went
11. work
2. came
12. don’t/do not have / haven’t/have not got
3. took
13. practise
4. was sitting
14. belongs
5. was thinking
15. am thinking
6. don’t I start / do I not start
16. like
7. have loved
17. have been practising
8. have never had
18. will be
9. started
19. haven’t/have not decided
10. am making
20. depends
Es gibt nur richtig oder falsch.
Ist eine Form falsch geschrieben, gilt sie als falsch, d.h. kein Punkt.
Kurzformen ('ll statt will etc.) gelten als richtig.
Part 2
A. Translate the following sentences into English. 5 x 2 Punkte.
1. Ich bin nie weiter weg in den Ferien gewesen als in Bangkok.
I have never been farther/further away on holiday than in Bangkok.
2. Daniel ist frustriert, weil er beim Test durchgefallen ist.
Daniel is frustrated because he failed the test.
3. Ist dies die Kirche, wo deine Eltern geheiratet haben?
Is this the church where your parents got married?
4. Es macht mir nichts aus zu kochen, aber ich hasse es abzuwaschen.
I don’t mind cooking but I hate washing/doing the dishes.
5. Bevorzugst du es, deinen Freunden eine SMS zu schreiben, oder rufst du sie lieber an?
Do you prefer texting your friends or calling them? (or variants with ‘would you prefer to do’ or
‘would you rather do’)
B. Make questions. Ask for the underlined part of the sentence. 5x2 Punkte.
1. Which results can people see on our Internet site?
People can see the election results on our Internet site.
2. Whose mobile phone did Anna and Terry find in the elevator?
Anna and Terry found Mr Robinson’s mobile phone in the elevator.
3. Where did he tell me to meet him?
He told me to meet him at Piccadilly Station.
4. Why couldn’t Louis do his homework?
Louis couldn’t do his homework because he had the flu.
5. How many onions does it take to make an onion pie for four people?
It takes six onions to make an onion pie for four people.
Pro Satz gibt es maximal 2 Punkte (Total 20 Punkte). Die Kandidatin/Der Kandidat kann
also pro Satz auch nur maximal 2 Punkte verlieren.
Fehler in Grammatik, Vokabular und Syntax gelten ganz, d.h. ein Punkt Abzug pro
Fehler in Orthographie zählen halb, d.h. ein halber Punkt Abzug pro Fehler. Kurzformen
gelten als richtig.
Auch wenn eine Kandidatin/ein Kandidat mehr als 2 Fehler in einem Satz macht, können
ihr/ihm nur 2 Punkte für diesen Satz abgezogen werden.
Part 3 (10 x 2 Punkte)
Pro Nummer gibt es maximal 2 Punkte, 1 Punkt für den Inhalt und ein Punkt für die
Sprache (Rechtschreibefehler geben eine halben Punkt Abzug).
Lösungen zum Inhalt (Vorschläge):
Who were the Picts?
The Picts were the people who lived in Scotland when the Romans came.
What was special about them?
They were interested in animals and they told stories about the monster.
Why did newspapers send journalists to Loch Ness in 1933?
Because a couple had seen a big animal in the water.
Why did scientists believe that the monster was a ‘fake’?
They believed that such a big animal could not have survived for such a long time.
What happened in 1934?
A doctor from London took the famous picture of an animal with a long neck.
What was the result of the BBC expedition?
They found something moving in the water, but could not say what it was.
What new method did the 1975 investigation use?
They used special equipment to observe things under water such as underwater cameras and
What was the result of the 1975 investigation?
One of the underwater cameras took a picture of an object that moved and had a flipper.
Why has Loch Ness attracted so many people since the 1930s?
Because there have been several reports of the monster and Loch Ness has become a tourist
10. What proof of something living in Loch Ness have scientists found so far?
There isn’t any proof. There are just several objects that can’t be explained.
14.2.2014, Gerber/Küng/Supitar/Ryser