5t T Ind Tech Re Pro ntern dia hno esear ocee nati Man ology rch
5t T Ind Tech Re Pro ntern dia hno esear ocee nati Man ology rch
Pro ocee edin ngs of o t In 5th ntern natiiona al & 26thh Alll Ind dia Man nufa actu urin ng T hno Tech ology y, Desig D gn and a Re esear rch Con nfer renc ce A TDR 2014 AIMT 2 De ecembe er 12−1 14, 2014 4 Editors E Dr. Ud day S. Dixit D Dr. R. Gan nesh Narayana an D M. Ravi Dr. R Sa ankar 1 Proceedings of 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), December 12-14, 2014, IIT Guwahati Editors: Dr. U.S. Dixit, Dr. R. Ganesh Narayanan and Dr. M. Ravi Sankar Front cover designed by Dr. S. N. Joshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, CD designed by Dr. S.S. Gautam, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering The opinions expressed by the authors are their own and editors cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for the views of authors, any omission or inadvertent errors. ISBN: 978-8-19274-612-8 © Authors 2014 (Printed at Vidya Mandir Guwahati) 2 CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Patrons: Dr. Gautam Biswas, Director, IIT Guwahati and Dr. Gautam Barua, Ex-Director, IIT Guwahati Chairmen: Dr. Anoop K. Dass, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati and Dr. Pinakeswar Mahanta, Dean of Faculty Affairs, IIT Guwahati Organizing Secretary: Dr. Uday S. Dixit, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati Joint Organizing Secretaries: Dr. R. Ganesh Narayanan and Dr. M. Ravi Sankar, Assistant Professors, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati Treasurer: Dr. Deepak Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati Members Dr. P.S. Robi, IIT Guwahati Dr. D.K. Sarma, NIT Meghalaya Dr. A.K. Das, IIT Guwahati Dr. Pankaj Biswas, IIT Guwahati Dr. Vinayak Kulkarni, IIT Guwahati Dr. Atanu Banerjee, IIT Guwahati Dr. S.N. Joshi, IIT Guwahati Dr. Sachin D. Kore, IIT Guwahati Dr. Debkumar Chakrabarti, IIT Guwahati Dr. Anoop Gogoi, IIT Guwahati Dr. Swarup Bag, IIT Guwahati Dr. Dipankar Narayan Basu, IIT Guwahati Dr. Karuna Kalita, IIT Guwahati Dr. S.K. Dwivedy, IIT Guwahati Dr. Arbind K. Singh, IIT Guwahati Dr. Manas Das, IIT Guwahati Mr. S.M. Mahajan, Ex-ED, BHEL, Haridwar Mr. Munish Narain, IWS Northen Zone Ms. Chaitali Brahma, Registrar, CIT Kokrajhar 3 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NAC) President: Shri Pranip K. Borthakur, Director (Offshore), ONGC Vice-President: Prof. A.K. Chattopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur, India Members Prof. Amitabha Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur Prof. V. K. Jain, IIT Kanpur Prof. B.B. Ahuja, Government College of Engineering, Pune Prof. Bijoy Bhattacharyya, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Prof. S.G. Deshmukh, IIIT & M, Gwalior Shri. N.K. Dhand, MD, ACE Micromatic, Bangalore Prof. U.S. Dixit, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati Prof. P.K. Jain, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee Shri. M. Lakshminarayan, MD, Harman International, Bangalore Prof. G.K. Lal, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur Prof. N.K. Mehta, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee Prof. P.V. Mohanram, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore Dr. T. Mukherjee, TATA Steel Ltd., Jamshedpur Shri. P. Muralidharan, LUCAS-TVS Ltd., Chennai Prof. S. Narayanan, VIT University, Vellore Prof. S.S. Pande, IIT Bombay, Mumbai Dr. D.R. Prasadaraju, Advisor, DST, New Delhi Prof. P. Radhakrishnan, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore. Prof. V. Radhakrishnan, IISST, Trivandrum Prof. N. Ramaswamy, Chennai Shri. C.P. Rangachar, Yuken India Ltd., Bangalore Dr. B.R. Satyan, CMTI, Bangalore Prof. T. Selvaraj, NIT Trichy, Tiruchirappalli Prof. H.S. Shan, Chandigarh Prof. M.S. Shunmugam, IIT Madras, Chennai Shri. S.G. Shirgurkar, ACE Designers Ltd., Bangalore Dr. V. Sumantran, Hinduja Automotive, India Dr. V.K. Suri, BARC, Mumbai Shri. P. Venu Gopalan, DRDL, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad Prof. Vinod Yadava, Motilal Nehru Nat. Inst. of Tech., Allahabad Prof. B. Satyanarayan, A.U., Visakhapatnam Shri P. Mohanram, IMTMA, Bangalore Prof. N. Ramesh Babu, IIT Madras Prof. P.V. Rao, IIT Delhi Prof. Jose Mathew, National Institute of Technology Calicut 4 Scientific Advisory Committee Prof. Ajay P. Malshe, University of Arkansas, USA Prof. Hong Hocheng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Prof. Mustafizur Rahman, NUS, Singapore Prof. S. Chandrasekhar, Purdue University, USA Prof. Tae Jo Ko, Yeungnam University, S. Korea Prof. Y.S. Liao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Prof. Kamlakar. P. Rajurkar, University of Nebraska, USA Prof. B.J. Davies, Editor, Int. Journal of AMT, UK Prof. Andrew Y. C. Nee, NUS, Singapore Prof. Shiv Gopal Kapoor, University of lllinois, USA Prof. J. A. McGeough, University of Edinburgh, UK Prof. Kornel Ehmann, Northwestern University, USA Prof. John Sutherland, Purdue University, USA Prof. Philip Koshy, McMaster University, Canada Prof. T. A. Dean, University of Birmingham, UK Prof. Abhijit Chandra, Iowa State University, USA Prof. Tugrul Ozel, University of New Jersey, USA Prof. J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal Prof. Rakesh Nagi, University of Buffalo, USA Prof. Alok K. Verma, Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA 5 Sub Committees Publication and Printing Dr. S.N. Joshi, Dr. Ganesh Narayanan, Dr. S.S. Gautam, Mr. Bishnu Tamuli, Mr. Mrinal Chakraborty Sponsorship Prof. P.S. Robi, Dr. D.K. Sarma, Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar, Prof. A.K. Gogoi, Dr. S. Bag Accommodation and hospitality Dr. Pankaj Biswas, Mr. Kaustubh Acharyya, Dr. Manas Das, Dr. S.D. Kore, Mr. Rituraj Saikia, Mr. N.K. Das, Dr. Chandan Mahanta Transportation Dr. S. Bag, Dr. Karna Kalita, Dr. M. Ravi Sankar, Mr. Mrinal Sarma, Mr. Dilip Chetry, Mr. Sanjib Sarma, Mr. Kuntil Bhuyan, Mr. Rituparana Sarma, Publicity Mr. Labnu K. Konwar, Prof. S.K. Kakoty, Mr. Sanjib Kumar Saikia, Mr. Amarendra Goswami Cultural activities Dr. Sidananda Sarma, Mr. Minesh Chandra Medhi, Mr. Bijoy Kumar Choudhuri Catering Dr. S.N. Joshi, Dr. S.D. Kore, Dr. Debakumar Chakraborti, Mr. Pranjol Paul, Mr. Dilip Chetry Reception and Registration Dr. Deepak Sharma, Dr. S.N. Joshi, Dr. Manas Das, Mr. Chandan Banikya, Mr. Nandeswar Das, Dr. A.N. Reddy Program Schedule and Sessions Dr. S. Senthilvelan, Dr. Ganesh Narayanan, Dr M Ravi Sankar, Dr. S. Kanagaraj, Dr. Vinayak Kulkarni, Dr. Sachin Singh Gautam, Dr. Atanu Banerjee, Prof. Santosha Kumar Dwivedy, Dr. Sukhomay Pal, Dr Dipankar Narayan Basu. 6 OUR ASSOCIA A ATES NIT Meghalay M ya Indian Welding W So ociety, Guwahati Ch hapter CIT Kokrajhaar NORTH EASTERN N REGION NAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TEC CHNOLOG GY, NIRJU ULI, ARUN NACHAL P PRADESH H (through TEQIP P, World Bank Project) W WizIQ 7 We gratefully acknowledge the funding received from……….. (1) Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi (2) Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) (3) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Limited 8 Private Sector Sponsors of AIMTDR 2014 Emami Limited Zwick Roell Testing Machines Pvt. Ltd. Ametek Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Nanovision Scientific Applications Pvt. Ltd. Maverick Technologies, Guwahati 9 Editorial All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conferences are organized once in every two years at different places of India. This time, 26th National and 5th International AIMTDR conference is being organized at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. NIT Meghalaya and CIT Kokrajhar have joined as our associates in organizing AIMTDR 2014. The conference received huge response and approximately 800 abstracts were submitted. Abstracts were reviewed and based on the comments of reviewers full papers were submitted. Each full paper was reviewed usually by two reviewers. The net result of the process is that total 423 papers are being published in the proceedings of the conference. These papers have been classified into various categories for ease to audience. The conference theme is ENHANCING MANUFACTURING THROUGH NEWER SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS. It is understood now that quality and productivity in manufacturing sector can be enhanced by the application of scientific principles and techniques. More and more numbers of researchers are applying computational and mathematical techniques to model the manufacturing processes. The conference has got a large number of papers related to mathematical modeling. At the same time, the research in experimental field is also getting strengthened. The organizers have taken several measures to improve the effectiveness of AIMTDR conference. Due publicity as well as discount in the registration fee was provided to attract young students to the conference. This time, significant percentage of delegates comprises students. At the same time, there are invited speakers and delegates from industry. However, there is less participation from abroad, although there are a number of invited speakers. In future, AIMTDR has to strive hard for increasing the participation from abroad. It has been decided to bring out CD proceedings covering all the papers presented in the conference. The hard copies can be provided on demand. The content of the proceedings will also be available on the website of Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Guwahati. It is a matter of pleasure that Springer (India) has agreed to publish some books containing the selected papers of conference. Two books viz. Laser Based Manufacturing and Advances in Material Forming and Joining have already gone to press. Subtitles of both the books mention the name of AIMTDR. It is planned to bring out a few more books and special issues of journals based on the papers presented in the conference. It is also planned to keep the entire proceedings in the internet in the open access mode. We feel that these measures will help in the dissemination of valuable information and in growing AIMTDR further. A healthy tradition of AIMTDR is to identify two researchers—one from academia and other from industry/R&D organizations—for conferring Life Time Achievement Award on them. Prof. V.K. Jain and Dr. V.K. Suri are getting Life Time Achievements awards this year. We congratulate them and wish successful active lives ahead for them. A number of reviewers were engaged in the review task. We acknowledge their help. In particular the help offered by Prof. P.K. Jain of IIT Roorkee, Dr. M. Chandrasekran of NERIST, Itanagar, Dr. D.K. Sarma of NIT Meghalaya and faculty members of CIT Kokrajhar need special 10 mention. We thank all the authors, invited speakers, sponsors, members of national advisory committee and members of scientific advisory commitee. We are very grateful to Prof. Gautam Biswas, Director, Prof. Gautam Barua, former director, Prof. Anoop K. Dass, HOD Mechanical Engineering, and Prof. P. Mahanta, former HOD Mechanical Engineering for their encouragment and providing necessary infrastructure. We also place on record the support provided by our colleagues and students. The CD has been designed by our colleague Dr. S.S. Gautam. We appreciate the hard work put by him. Finally, we express our gratitude to Prof. Amitabha Ghosh who has kindly agreed to grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Uday S. Dixit, R. Ganesh Naryanan, M. Ravi Sankar ( [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ), IIT Guwahati 11 Contents Machining Paper S. No. Number AIMTDR– O0020 . 1 2. O0025 3. O0050 4. O0051 5. O0064 6. O0067 7. P0070 8. O0073 9. O0074 10. O0084 11. O0089 12. O0090 13. O0104 Title Analysis of Surface Roughness in Turning with Coated Carbide cutting Tools: Prediction Model and Cutting Conditions Optimization A. J. Makadia and J. I. Nanavati Turning of Hardened H13 Steel with Interrupted and Continuous Surfaces using Multilayer Coated Carbide Tool R. Suresh and S. Basavarajappa Preliminary Experimental Investigation on Multi-tool Turning Process R. Kalidasan, M. Yatin, S. Senthilvelan and D.K. Sarma Experimental Comparative Study of Conventional and MicroTextured Tools during Machining of AISI 1040 Alloy Steel Rokkham Pavan Kumar Reddy, Kishor Kumar Gajrani and M. Ravi Sankar Surface Texturing by Using Patterned Grinding Wheel Do Sup Han, Kang Qui, Tae Jo Ko and J.K. Park An Effective Method to Determine the Optimum Parameters for Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Grinding Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh and P Venkateswara Rao Optimal Selection of Parameters in Multi Tool Drilling by Improved Harmony Search Algorithm V.Durga Prasada Rao, A.Balakrishna and V.Sai Surendra Evaluation of Structural Geometry for Mini Milling Machine by Boolean-algebra Technique S.B.Chandgude and S.S.Patil Determining Cutting Force Coefficients from Instantaneous Cutting Force in Ball-End Milling Mithilesh Kumar Dikshit, Asit Baran Puri, Atanu Maity and Amit Jyoti Banarjee An Experimental Investigation on End Milling of Si3N4 V.Krishnaraj and P.Kuppan, Modeling and Optimization of Milling Parameters on Al-6061 Alloy using Genetic Algorithm Rishi Kumar, M. K. Pradhan and Rajesh Kumar Modeling and Optimization of End Milling Parameters on Aluminum 6061 Alloy using GRA based Taguchi Method Coupled with PCA Rishi Kumar, M. K. Pradhan and Rajesh Kumar HSS Tool Wear Mechanism in Machining of HTBP based Composite Propellant Grain Kishore Kumar Katikani, Vanapalli Srinivasa Rohit , Anne Venu Gopal 12 14. O0108 15. O0109 16. O0112 17. O0116 18. O0124 19. O0125 20. O0127 21. O0133 22. O0135 23. O0137 24. O0146 25. O0159 26. O0168 27. O0176 and V.V.Rao Effect of Direct and Indirect Cryogen Application Methods on the Turning Forces, Tool Wear and Surface Finish of a Nickel Based Alloy (Nimonic 90) Chetan, Bikash Chandra Behera, Sudarsan Ghosh and P Venkateswara Rao Application of Taguchi Method for Optimizing Material Removal Rate in Turning of En-47 Spring Steel Yogendra Kumar and Hari Singh Process Parameter Optimization in Multi-Pass Turning Operation using Hybrid Firefly Swarm Algorithm R.Gayatri, N.Baskar and M.Malarvizhi Effects on Forces and Surface Roughness During Machining Inconel 718 alloy Using Minimum Quantity Lubrication Bikash Chandra Behera, Chetan, Sudarsan Ghosh and P Venkateswara Rao Performance Evaluation of CVD Multilayer Coating on Tool Wear Characteristics during Dry Machining of Nimonic C-263 A.Thakur, S.Gangopadhyay, A. Mohanty and K.P.Maity An Experimental Study on Green Machining P. Saikia and M.Hazarika Effect of Process Parameters on Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Fluid and Heat Partitioning in High Efficiency Deep Grinding with Water based Coolant M. Vashista and S. Paul Surface Integrity and Optimization in Turning Ti6Al4V Satyanarayana.K, Ravi.N , Shivaji Babu.K and Venu Gopal.A 3-D Finite Element Modeling of Thin-Wall Machining of Aluminum 7075-T6 Alloy Gururaj Bolar and S. N. Joshi Selection of Machining Parameters in Face Milling Operations for Copper Work Piece Material Using Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithm S. Kannan, N. Baskar and B. Suresh Kumar An Investigation into Selection of Optimum Dressing Parameters based on Grinding Wheel Grit Size Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh and P Venkateswara Rao An Effective Grinding Fluid Delivery Technique to Improve Grindability of Inconel-600 Anirban Sarkar, Bijoy Mandal, Debashis Biswas, Santanu Das and Simul Banerjee Development of a Portable Intelligence Control System to Reduce Components Dimensional Variations in Milling N Ganesh Kumar and P Radhakrishnan Optimization of Radial Force in Turning Process using Taguchi’s 13 28. O0177 29. O0193 30. O0221 31. O0223 32. O0252 33. O0262 34. O0269 35. O0271 36. O0275 37. O0277 38. O0282 39. O0290 40. O0291 41. O0306 42. O0308 Approach Sumit Verma and Hari Singh Experimental Investigation on Surface Roughness Characteristics in Hard Turning of EN31 Steel using Coated Carbide Insert: Taguchi and Mathematical Modeling Approach Panda, A., Dutta, S.K., Sahoo, A.K., Rout, A.K.and Routra, B.C. Integrated Strategies for High Performance Peripheral Milling M.Law, M.Wabner and S. Ihlenfeldt Utility Fuzzy Multi Objective Optimization of Process Parameters for CNC Turning of GFRP/Epoxy Composites Hari Vasudevan, Naresh Deshpande, Ramesh Rajguru and Sandip Mane Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Milling Parameters in the Machining of NEMA G-11 GFRP Composite Material using PCD Tool Hari Vasudevan, Ramesh Rajguru, Naresh Deshpande and Sandip Mane An Expert System for Selection of Carbide Cutting Tools for Turning Operation P. D. Chougule, S. Kumar and H. K. Raval Comprehensive Study of Chip Morphology in Turning of Ti-6Al-4V Vikas Upadhyay, P.K. Jain and N.K. Mehta NN-GA Based Modeling and Optimization of Cylindrical Grinding Process R.Rekha and N.Baskar A Fuzzy Logic Model to Evaluate Thrust Force in the Drilling of Medium Density Fiber Board S.Prakash, J.Lilly Mercy Dhrubajyoti Baruah and Putti Venkata Siva Teja Multi Characteristics Optimization using Taguchi Quality Loss Function with Varying the Weightage of Responses in Drilling of GFRP Composite Sunil Hansda and Simul Banerjee Investigation of Ionic Liquids as Metalworking Fluids in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining of AISI1045 Steel G. S. Goindi, S. N. Chavan, D. Mandal P. Sarkar and A. D. Jayal Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Delamination in the Drilling of Particle Board Wood Composite J. Lilly Mercy, S.Prakash, Kaushik Goswami and P. Vijayalakshmi Comparison between PVD Coated and Uncoated Carbide Tools While Machining Aluminium Alloy – 6063 U. Ashok Kumar, N. Saidulu and P. Laxminarayana Friction Surfacing Process of Aluminum Alloys U. Ashok Kumar and P. Laxminarayana Comparison of Dimensional Repeatability and Accuracy for Deformation Machining Stretching Mode with Sheet Metal Components Arshpreet Singh and Anupam Agrawal Experimental Investigations of Surface Texture in Conventional and Modulation Assisted Drilling of Stainless Steel 316 Ravinder Singh Joshi and Harpreet Singh 14 43. O0310 44. O0311 45. O0312 46. O0314 47. O0325 48. O0336 49. O0338 50. O0351 51. O0356 52. O0363 53. O0369 54. O0370 55. O0375 56. O0387 57. O0388 58. O0391 Modeling of GD&T Requirements of Crankshaft flange using DOE Jayalakshmi, P.M George and S.P Joshi Modeling and Optimization of Surface Roughness in Surface Grinding of SiC Advanced Ceramic Material Binu Thomas, Eby David and Manu R Investigation of Surface Textured Cutting Tools for Sustainable Machining S. B. Dhage, P. Sarkar and A. D. Jayal An Experimental Investigation on Drilling of CFRP/Ti stacks using Minimal Flow Lubricating- (MFL) Technique using Coated (TiAlN) and Uncoated Drills SenthilKumar, M., Prabukarthi, A. and Krishnaraj, V. Optimisation of Hard Turning of M42 Tool Steel Using PCR-Topsis Method Sagar P. Bhise, P.D. Pantanwane and B. Rajiv Experimental Investigation on Cutting Force and Surface Roughness in Machining of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel using CBN Tool Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Debabrata Dhupal and Amaresh Kumar Optimization of Machining Parameters during End Milling of GFRP Composites by Desirability Function Analysis using Taguchi Technique Sreenivasulu Reddy Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughnessin WEDMachining of TiNi SMA using Grey Relation Analysis Manjaiah, M., Narendranath, S. and Basavarajappa, S. Cryogenic Machining of SS304 Steel Sunil Magadum, S. Arun Kumar, V. G. Yoganath and C.K.Srinivasa Role of MQL and Nano Fluids on the Machining of Nicrofer C263 Subhash Chandra Bose, C S P Rao and Kishore Jawale Multi Response Optimization of Machining Parameters in High Speed Machining of Y-ZTA Insert using Desirability Function Approach of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Mandal Nilrudra, Doloi, B. and Mondal, B. An Experimental Investigation of Hot Machining Performance Parameters using Oxy-Acetylene Gas Setup Venkatesh Ganta and D. Chakradhar Investigation on the Influence of Cutting Parameters on Machine tool Vibration & Surface Finish using MEMS Accelerometer in High Precision CNC Milling Machine N. Kusuma, Megha Agrawal and P.V.Shashikumar Potential of Vegetable Oils as Micro Lubrication / Cooling Medium for SQL-Grinding Manoj Kumar K, Jeewan Sarda and Amitava Ghosh Performance of MoS2 Spray Coated End Mills in Reduction of Built-up Edge Formation (BUE) in Machining Aluminium Suresh Kannan I, Sandip Baul and Amitava Ghosh Design and Evaluation of a Novel Machine Bed with Adjustable Pin Configuration to Minimize Damage during Sheet Metal Cutting Processes 15 59. O0398 60. O0405 61. O0420 62. O0423 63. O0428 64. O0449 65. O0454 66. O0459 67. O0461 68. O0464 69. O0472 70. O0473 71. O0477 72. O0516 73. O0543 K. Vijay Anand and A. Ramesh Babu Experimental Studies on the Grinding of Ti-6Al-4V using Micro and Nano Size Solid Lubricants A. K. Malik, S. Ghosh and R. K. Pandey Performance Evaluation of Tin Coated and Uncoated Carbide Tools in Turning AISI 4140 Steel Pratik L. Nagalwade and A. V. Kale Finite Element Analysis of Workpiece Temperature during Surface Grinding of Inconel 718 Alloy Chahat Sharma, Sudarsan Ghosh and Prabal Talukdar Comparative Evaluations of Tool Nose Wear Progression under Dry and Near-dry Cutting Conditions during Hard Turning through Experimentation and Mathematical Modeling Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury FEM Analysis on Residual Stresses Induced in Dry Turning: A Review A.K. Mishra and P. Shandilya Performance Evaluation of Ordinary and Wiper Inserts in Dry Turning of Inconel 718 Super Alloy using Grey-Fuzzy Algorithm – A Hybrid Approach K. Venkatesan, R.Ramanujam, Vimal Saxena and Rachit Pandey Investigation on Influence of Refrigerated Air and High Heat Transfer Rate MQL in Turning of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite N.V.V.S. Sudheer, K.V.J.Rao and V.Chittaranjan Das Correlation among the Cutting Parameters, Surface Roughness and Cutting Forces in Turning Process by Experimental Studies R. Jithin Babu and A.Ramesh Babu Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Machining Characteristics in Drilling Hybrid Glass-Sisal-Jute Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites M.Ramesh, K.Palanikumar, K.Hemachandra Reddy Empirical Modeling of Cutting Forces in Ball End Milling using Experimental Design M.N.M. Venkateswara Sarma and R. Manu. Form Error Correction of Bevel Gears by Electrochemical Honing Process Shaikh Javed Habib and Neelesh Kumar Jain Evaluation and Comparison of Machinability Characteristics of Maragining Steel and AISI 304 Steels Rangilal Bhukya, C.S.P. Rao and G.V.Rao Isophote Based Tool Path Planning Strategy for Sculptured Surface CNC Machining Aniket Anil Chaudhary and S.S. Pande Behavior of Cutting Forces Considering Effect of Tool Wear on Principal Flank, Auxiliary Flank and Rake Faces: Individually and in Combination Amarjit Prakashrao Kene and S.K. Choudhury Experimental Evaluation and Optimization of Dry Drilling Parameters of AISI304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Different Twist Drills Nayan G Kaneriya and Gaurav Kumar Sharma 16 74. O0556 75. O0566 76. O0577 77. O0582 78. O0608 79. O0653 80. O0685 81. O0688 82. O0699 83. O0802 84. O0831 85. O0854 86. O0876 87. O0877 Effect of Carburizing Flame and Oxidizing Flame on Surface Roughness in Turning of Al/SiC MMC and Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization of Process Parameters N. V. V. S.Sudheer and K. KarteekaPavan Thermal Stress Prediction within the Contact Surface during Creep Feed Deep Surface Grinding Audhesh Narayan, and Vinod Yadava Prediction of Surface Roughness on Dry Turning using Two Different Cutting Tool Nose Radius Uddipta Gautam, Sanghamitra Das and D.K.Sarma Performance Analysis of Cylindrical Grinding Process with a Portable Diagnostic Tool R. Vairamuthu, M Brij Bhushan, R. Srikanth and N. Ramesh Babu Application of Artificial Neural Network for Modelling Surface Roughness in Centerless Grinding Operation S. C.Mondal and P. Mandal Desirability Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Approaches to Optimize Single and Multi Response Characteristics in Machining Al/SiCp MMC M. Chandrasekaran and Santosh Tamang An Experimental Investigation into the Applicability of Boric Acid as Solid Lubricant in Turning AISI 4340 Steel APS Gaur and Sanjay Agarwal Combine Approach for Studying the Parametric Effects on Quality ofHoles Using RSM and PCAfor Drilling of AISI-304 Stainless Steel Suman Chatterjee, Arpan Kumar Mondal and Siba Sankar Mahapatra Study and Optimization of Parameters for Optimum Cutting Condition During Turning Process Using Response Surface Methodology Shivraj Singh Harvinder Singh and Harry Garg Optimisation of Process Parameters in Turning of Grey Cast iron with Mixed Oxide Ceramic Tool using Taguchi’s Approach S.K. Rajbongshi, A. Borah, P.K. Choudhury An Experimental Study on the Burr Formation in Drilling of AluminumChannels of Rectangular Section Ratnakar Das and Tarakeswar Barik Effect of Tool Wear on White Layer Thickness and Subsurface Hardness on Hard Turned EN31 Steel Gaurav Bartarya and S.K.Choudhury A Study on the Minimum Quantity Lubrication in Grinding of Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) Monith Biswojyothi, A.S.S.Balan, N.Arunachalam and L.Vijayaraghavan An Approach to Development of Involute Spline on Large Parts using CNC Machining A.Velayudham, Prasmit,Kumar Nayak and A.M. Junaid Basha 17 Machine Tool Design 88. O0433 89. O0587 90. O0667 91. O0806 Effect of Sleeve Shrink-fit on Bearing Preload of a Machine Tool Spindle: Analysis using Finite Element Method Aslam Pasha Taj and S. R. Chandramouli DIY CNC: A Review Dhaval B. Patel and Aniruddh R. Kyada Optimization of Cutting Tool Geometry by CAE Approach for Titanium Alloy K. Pradeep Kumar Mouli, Srinivasa Rao Nandam, P. Vijay Kumar Raju, G. Appala Raju and A.Chandrakanth Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) of a Spindle Bracket of a Miniaturized Machine Tool (MMT) K.Rajesh Babu and G. L.Samuel Metal Forming 92. O0066 93. O0094 94. O0101 95. O0122 96. O0157 97. O0192 98. O0194 99. O0280 100. O0300 101. O0318 102. O0353 103. O0378 An Efficient Inverse Method for Determining the Material Parameters and Coefficient of Friction in Warm Rolling Process V. Yadav, A.K. Singh and U.S. Dixit Design and Development of Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming Machine Yogesh Kumar and Santosh Kumar Review of Rubber Based Sheet Hydro-forming Processes Abhishek Kumar, Santosh Kumar and D. R. Yadav Feasibility Study of Thermal Autofrettage Process S. M. Kamal and U. S. Dixit Implementing the Genetic Methodology with VLSI Approach for Optimization Of Sheet Metal Nesting K.Ramesh and N.Baskar Control of Ovality in Pipe Bending: A New Approach A. V. Kale and H. T. Thorat Studies on Effect of Feedstock Temperature in Continuous Extrusion Devendra Kumar Sinha and Santosh Kumar Exploring Forging Load in Closed-Die Forging D. Sheth, Santanu Das, A. Chatterjee and A. Bhattacharya Influence of Adhesive on the Spring Back of Adhesive Bonded Sheets Avinash Kumar Yadav, Ram Nivas, Ravi Kumar and R. Ganesh Narayanan Spring Back of Friction Stir Welded Sheets: Experimental and Prediction Sudhindra Katre, Siddhartha Karidi and R. Ganesh Narayanan Effect of Yield Strength, Pre-strain and Curvature on Stiffness and Static Dent Resistance of Formed Panel G Manikandan, Rahul K. Verma and Abhishek Raj Modelling of the Transformation of Coarse Grained Microstructure of α+β Titanium Alloys along with FEM Simulation of Hot Forming Processes M.K.Sarangi, S.K.Mandal, B.K.Pradhan P.V.Chistyakov, R.A.Vasin 18 104. O0427 105. O0469 106. O0470 107. O0487 108. O0496 109. O0502 110. O0511 111. O0525 112. O0575 113. O0594 114. O0631 115. O0650 116. O0664 117. O0808 O.I.Bylya and P.L.Blackwell Investigation of Forming Behavior Prediction of Different Steel Grade Materials using Numerical Simulation Sudhir Chakravarthy Katragadda, Shaik Salkin Basha and Perumalla Janaki Ramulu Formability Studies on Aluminum Alloy Sheets through Deep Drawing Process U. Pranavi, P. Venkateshwar Reddy and Perumalla Janaki Ramulu Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Weld Zone on Springback in V-Bending of Tailor Welded Blanks of High Strength Steel Vijay Gautam and D. Ravi Kumar Finite Element Analysis of Cross Rolling on AISI 304 Stainless Steel: Prediction of Stress and Strain Fields M. Rout, S.K. Pal and S.B. Singh Analysis of Warm Deep Drawing for Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Nitin Kotkunde, Sachin Rane, Amit Kumar Gupta and Swadesh Kumar Singh Prediction of Forming Limit Curves for Extra Deep Drawn (EDD) Steel using Marciniak and Kuczynski (MK) Model Sashank Srinivasan, Geetha Krishna A., Shyam Krishna Shenoy A, Swadesh Kumar Singh and Amit Kumar Gupta Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Formability of Cryorolled Aluminium Alloy Sheets Fitsum Taye,Purnendu Das, D. Ravi Kumar and B. Ravi Sankar Improvement in Accuracy of Failure Prediction in FE Simulations of Sheet Metal Forming of Al Alloys B Prajeesh, D Raja Satish and,D Ravi Kumar Prediction of Formability of Bi-axial Pre-strained Dual Phase Steel Sheets Using Stress Based Forming Limit Diagram Shamik Basak, Kaushik Bandhyopadhay, Sushanta Kumar Panda and Partha Saha Formability Studies on Aluminum Alloy Sheets through Deep Drawing Process U. Pranavi, P. Venkateshwar Reddy and Perumalla Janaki Ramulu A Review on Micro-Extruded Microstructure from Ultra-fine Grained and as Cast Pintu Kumar and Sudhansu Sekhar Panda On the Reduction of High Starting Load in Cold Drawing of Circular Tubes G. Mathan, G.Manikandan, Abhishek Raj and Ashish P. Rajgure Effect of Process Parameters on the Mean Diameter of AA 6082 Flow Formed Tubes - An Experimental Investigation M. Komaraiah, M. Srinivasulu and C.S. Krishna Prasada Rao Application of a New Friction Model in Circular Cup Drawing Ravindra K. Saxena and Anuj Sharma 19 Casting 118. O0156 119. O0163 120. O0346 121. O0451 122. O0524 123. O0654 124. O0818 Automated Vision Inspection System for a Plastic Injection Mould Component R. Deepa, S. Usha and P. V. Shashi Kumar Computer Aided Runner and Gating System Design from Die-Casting Part Model Ranjit Singh and Jatinder Madan Investigations of Physical Properties of A356/Al2O3/Graphite Stir with Squeeze Casting Method G.Nagesh, V. Sukesha, Rajeev Ranjan and K.Sekar Mathematical Modelling of Solidification in a Curved Strand during Continuous Casting of Steel Ambrish Maurya and Pradeep Kumar Jha A Numerical Study of Mold Filling in Microcasting Sateesh Kumar Yadav, Rajesh Kumar Shukla and Arvind Kumar Experimental Investigations on The Microstructure of Aluminium 6063 with Copper and Gun Metal Tony Thomas, R. Kirubha Parameshwaran and K. S. Sre Nandha Guhan Computer-Aided System for Multi-Cavity Die-Casting Die-Design V. Kumar and J. Madan Joining 125. O0034 126. O0040 127. O0080 128. O0119 129. O0164 130. O0165 131. O0170 Prediction of Weld Induced Angular Distortion of Single Sided and Double Sided Fillet Joint by SAW Process Arpan Kumar Mondal, Pankaj Biswas, Swarup Bag and Manas M. Mohapatra Optimization of Process Parameters in Submerged Arc Welding using Multi-objectives Taguchi Method A. Saha and S. C. Mondal Characterization and Optimization of Weld Strength of Dissimilar Metals A. P. Tadamalle, Y. P. Reddy, E. Ramjee and K. V. Reddy Effect of Shoulder Diameter and Plunging Depth on Mechanical Properties and Thermal History of Friction Stir Welded Magnesium Alloy Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal Monitoring of Friction Stir Welding Process through Signals Acquired during the Welding Bipul Das, Sukhomay Pal and Swarup Bag Effect of Preheating on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Joint Deepak Kumar Yaduwanshi, Sukhomay Pal and Swarup Bag A Study on Tooling and Its Effect on Heat Generation and Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints in Friction Stir Welding Sujoy Tikader, Pankaj Biswas and Asit Baran Puri 20 132. O0186 133. O0211 134. O0249 135. O0258 136. O0297 137. O0301 138. O0302 139. O0379 140. O0401 141. O0409 142. O0475 143. O0486 144. O0495 145. O0513 146. O0528 147. O0530 Parametric Studies and Finite Element Analysis of Steel in Resistance Spot Welding process N.Kishore, S.Sreenu, N.Ramachandran and K.Allesu Estimation of Weld Pool Geometry and Cooling Rate in Laser Welding A. P. Tadamalle, Y. P. Reddy, E. Ramjee and K. V. Reddy Coupled Electromagnetic Structural Simulation of Magnetic Pulse Welding Angshuman Kapil and Abhay Sharma Investigation of Recycled Slag in Submerged Arc Welding for Pressure Vessels S. B. Chandgude and S. S. Asabe Effect of Process Parameters on Tensile Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joints Biswajit Parida and Sukhomay Pal CAFE Modelling to Predict the Grain Size during Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Grades Sharad Valvi, Sumitesh Das and R. Ganesh Narayanan 3Resistance Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steels (AISI 304 with AISI 316) A.B.Verma, S.U. Ghunage and B.B. Ahuja Experimental Study on Temperature Evolution during Friction Stir Welding of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy Perumalla Janaki Ramulu and R. Ganesh Narayanan Effect of Process Parameters on Angular Distortion of MIG Welded AI6061 Plates S. Ramani and V. Velmurugan Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Properties of Pulsed Current Micro Plasma Arc Welded Inconel 625 Sheets Kondapalli Siva Prasad, Chalamalasetti Srinivasa Rao, Damera Nageswara Rao and Chintala Gopinath Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Friction Stir Welded Al-Si-Mg Alloy Vikas Sharma, Shailendra Singh, Chaitanya Sharma and Vikas Upadhyay Finite Element Simulation of Temperature and Strain Distribution in Al2024 Aluminum Alloy by Friction Stir Welding Rahul Jain, S.K. Pal and S.B. Singh Study on the Novel Twin-Tool System on heat treated commercially pure aluminium alloy in Friction Stir Welding Process Kanchan Kumari, S.K. Pal and S.B.Singh Regression Modeling and Process Analysis of Resistance Spot Welded Joints S. Sreenu, N. Kishore, N. Ramachandran and K. Allesu Parametric Analysis of Friction Stir Welding Suyash Tiwari, H. Chelladurai and Ashish Kumar Shukla Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in Arc Welded Plate 21 148. O0563 149. O0589 150. O0596 151. O0617 152. O0674 153. O0814 154. O0836 Aniruddha Ghosh, Pawan Kumar and Arvind Kumar Development and Analysis of Butt and Lap Welds in Micro Friction Stir Welding (µFSW) Shuja Ahmed, Abhishek Shubhrant, Akash Deep and Probir Saha Effect of Different Experimental Parameters Observation Through Simulation of Tailor Welded Blanks Made of Friction Stir Welding Aruna Jyothi, Monika Sharma and Perumalla Janaki Ramulu Prediction of Bead Reinforcement Height and Width of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded bead-on Plate Joints Using Artificial Neural Network Rajeev Kumar, Somnath Chattopadhyaya and Sanjeev Kumar Evolution of Temperature Field Developed in Arc Welded Steel Butt Joints and its Effect on Cooling Rate: An Experimental and Mathematical Approach Jaideep Dutta and S. Narendranath Experimental and Analytical Study of Thermally Induced Residual Stresses for Stainless Steel Grade using GMAW Process M.N.Chougule and S.C.Somase Prediction of Weld Bead Geometry for Double Pulse Gas Metal Arc Welding Process by Regression Analysis Mainak Sen, Manidipto Mukherjee and Tapan Kumar Pal Experimental Investigations on Plasma Arc Welding of Lean Supermartensitic Stainless Steel Birendra Kumar Barik, P. Sathiya and S.Aravindan Advanced Manufacturing-I 155. O0019 156. O0027 157. O0028 158. O0029 159. O0031 160. O0042 161. O0045 Optimization of Dimensional Deviation:Wire Cut EDM of Vanadis 4E (Powder Metallurgical Cold Worked Tool Steel) by Taguchi Method D.Sudhakara and G.Prasanthi Prediction of Thermal History of Friction Stir Welding by Considering Combined Stick & Slip Condition of AA1100 Arun Kumar Kadian, Gautam Puri and Pankaj Biswas Effect of Tool Geometry and Process Parameters on the Material Flow of Friction Stir Welding Arun Kumar Kadian, Gautam Puri, Suman Das and Pankaj Biswas Finishing of Synchrotron Beamline Mirrors Ajay Sidpara, V. K. Jain and G. S. Lodha Experimental Study into Groove Machining using Rotary Disk Electrical Discharge Machining with Silicon Powder-mixed Dielectric Shankar Singh and Anand Pandey Thermal and Metallographic Investigation for H13A and AISI410 using Vortex Tube Jet Assisted (VTJA) Machining Balaji Nelge, Kiran Devade, A.T. Pise and V. M. Kale Analysis of Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing (MFAF) Process Parameters for Finishing Of Brass Workpiece Using Soft-Computing Technique Anwesa Barman, Chandan Kumar and Manas Das 22 162. O0048 163. O0049 164. O0079 165. O0097 166. O0099 167. O0100 168. O0102 169. O0130 170. O0132 171. O0148 172. O0150 173. O0151 174. O0152 175. O0155 176. O0174 Modeling and Simulation of Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process Anwesa Barman, Manas Das and Ankur Singh Modeling of Finishing Forces and Surface Roughness in Abrasive Flow Finishing (AFF) Process Using Rheological Properties Sachin Singh, M. Ravi Sankar,V. K. Jain and J. Ramkumar Effect of Direct Current and Pulse Current on Processing Time, Electrolyte Composition and Electrolyte Concentration of Electrochemical Honing H. Singh and P.K. Jain Investigation of Machining Characteristics of Electrochemical Micromachining Machine (EMM) R. Thanigaivelan, R. M. Arunachalam andN. Natarajan Selection of Non-Conventional Manufacturing Process: A Combine TOPSIS-AHP Approach Ashish Chauhan and M. K. Pradhan Multi-Response Analysis of Electro-Chemical Machining Process using Principal Component Analysis K. P. Maity and N. K. Verma Fabrication of Complex Circuit Using Electrochemical Micro Machining on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Jitendra Singh, V.K. Jain and J.R. Kumar Simultaneous modeling of responses in AWJM of Borosilicate glass by SVM and SEM study Ushasta Aich, Simul Banerjee , Asish Bandyopadhyay and Probal Kumar Das Multi Objective Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy H. Sooraj and J. Mathew Investigation of the Effects of Process Parameters on Material Removal Rate & Tool Wear Rate during Wet & Near-dry EDM Process P. Tripathy, K. P. Maity and B. Rajiv Response Surface Modeling of Electric Discharge Machining Process Parameters for EN 24 Low Alloy Steel N. Annamalai, V. Sivaramakrishnan and N.Baskar Fabrication of Disc Shaped Microtool by Electrochemical Micromachining for Micromachining Applications V. Rathod, B. Doloi and B. Bhattacharyya Optimization of Electrical Discharge Machining Parameters using Artificial Neural Network with Different Electrodes V.Balasubramaniam, N.Baskar and C.Sathiya Narayanan Optimization of the Quality and Productivity Characteristics of AISI P20 Tool Steel in EDM Process using PCA-based Grey Relation Analysis S. Dewangan, C. K. Biswas and S. Gangopadhyay Experimental Study of Material Removal Rate, Surface Roughness & Microstructure in Electrochemical Machining of Inconel 825 A. Mohanty, Gangadharudu Talla, S. Dewangan and S. 23 177. O0178 178. O0180 179. O0182 180. O0199 181. O0204 182. O0220 183. O0222 184. O0231 185. O0234 186. O0236 187. O0257 188. O0266 189. O0272 190. O0295 Gangopadhyay Nano-Groove Generation by Diamond Turn Machining and Chemical Processing Prabhat Ranjan, Anuj Sharma, R. Balasubramaniam and V.K. Suri A Neuro-fuzzy Approach for Optimization of Multiple Responses in Taper Cutting using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining B.B. Nayak and S. S. Mahapatra Experimental Investigations for Al2O3 Ceramic Micro Machining using ECDM Process Anjesh H Sahasrabudhe and B. B. Ahuja. An Expert System for Non-traditional Machining Process Selection Kanika Prasad and Shankar Chakraborty Experimental Investigation of Ultrasonic Machining on Alumina BioCeramic for Stepped Hole Fabrication S.Das, B. Doloi and B. Bhattacharyya Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Prediction of Performance in Abrasive Jet Drilling Process for Glass Material J. R. Samani, H.S.Beravala, P. B. Jadav and C. J. Dusra Experimental Investigations into Micro-drilling using Air Assisted Jet Electrochemical Machining Harsha Goel and Pulak M. Pandey Investigation into Electrochemical Micromachining Process for Fabricating 3-D Fine Patterns in Air Lubricated Bearing S. Debnath, K. Bandopadhyay and B. Bhattacharyya Experimental Investigation into Generation of Micro Hole on Titanium by Electrochemical Micromachining Sandip S. Anasane and B. Bhattacharyya Computational Analysis for Mixing of Fluids Flowing through MicroChannels of Different Geometries Sankha Shuvra Das, Binay Kumar Patawari, P.K. Patowari and S Halder Modeling of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI D3 Steel using Response Surface Methodology Brajesh lodhi and Sanjay agarwal Performance of Monopole Concentrator during Microwave Drilling of Perspex Nitin Kumar Lautre, Apurbba Kumar Sharma, Pradeep Kumar and Shantanu Das A Study on Wire Breakage and Parametric Efficiency of The Wire Electro Chemical Discharge Machining Process Amarinder Singh, C. S. Jawalkar, Rahul Vaishya and Apurbba Kumar Sharma Studies on Tool wear characteristics in Micro Electro Discharge Slotting Process (µ-EDS) Harshit Dave, Vishal Mathai, Mukul Mayanak, Harit Raval and Keyur Desai 24 191. O0296 192. O0309 193. O0327 194. O0332 195. O0333 196. O0334 197. O0339 198. O0341 199. O0342 200. O0347 201. O0360 202. O0371 203. O0376 204. O0381 205. O0382 206. O0390 Electro Discharge Machining of AISI 304 Using Solid and Bundled Electrodes H. K. Dave, Sudhanshu Kumar, N. C. Rana and H. K. Raval Modeling of Wire EDM slicing process for Silicon Kamlesh Joshi, Gaurav Sharma, Ganesh Dongre and Suhas S. Joshi Experimenta and Simulation of Three Dimensional Micro EDM with Single and Multiple Discharges Alwin Varghese, Basil Kuriachen, Satyananda Panda and Jose Mathew Numerical Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro-Wire EDM Process Dinesh Babu P.,Deepak G Dilip, Somashekhar K.P., Allesu K. and J. Mathew Modelling of Micro Electric Discharge Machining using FEM S.Mithun Nair, K.Basil, R. Vijayakumar and Jose Mathew Experimental and Finite Element Based Investigations on Powder Mixed Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy V.Vipin, B.Kuriachen, R.Manu and J. Mathew Experimental Study on Varying Electromagnetic Field Assisted Die Sinking EDM Vignesh S. Naidu, K. Vipindas, R. Manu and J. Mathew Modeling and Multi-response Optimization of Micro EDM Drilling on Inconel 718 B. Kuriachen and J. Mathew Spark Radius Modeling of Micro Electric Discharge Machining of Ti6AL-4V B. Kuriachen and J. Mathew High Aspect Ratio Micro-features by Electrochemical Micromachining B. Ghoshal and B. Bhattacharyya A Study on Effect of EDM Process Parameters on AISI 304L Stainless Steel D. K. Ojha, S. Panda and D. Mishra Investigation and Fuzzy based Modeling of Micro-EDM Process during Machining of Micro-hole in D3 Die Steel Material Employing DEIonized Water I. Shivakoti, G. Kibria and B.B. Pradhan Electric Discharge Machinability Studies on D0403 and D0376 Alloy Steels S. Santosh, K. Rajkumar, S. Raghuraman, T. Panneerselvam and K. Thiruppathi. Investigations on Grinding of Inconel 718 using newly developed Graphene Nano Platelets Impregnated Grinding Wheels R. Bhanu Pavan, G. Bhanu Kiran, R.R. Srikant and A. Venu Gopal Regression Model for Electro-Chemical aided Abrasive Flow Machining (ECA2FM) Process B. S. Brar, R.S. Walia and V.P. Singh Performance analysis of ball end magnetorheological finishing using 25 207. O0393 208. O0394 209. O0400 210. O0404 211. O0413 212. O0414 213. O0422 214. O0426 215. O0430 216. O0443 217. O0452 218. O0478 219. O0490 220. O0531 sintered magnetic abrasive based magnetorheological polishing fluid Mahendra Singh Niranjan and Sunil Jha Application of Grey Relational Analysis for Geometrical Characteristics in Abrasive Water Jet Milled Channels T. V. K. Gupta, J. Ramkumar, Puneet Tandon and N. S. Vyas Tool Condition Monitoring using Multiple Sensors Approach in the Microendmilling of Aluminium Alloy (AA 1100) M. Prakash, M. Kanthababu, S. Gowri, R. Balasubramaniam and John Rozario Jegaraj Modeling Electrical Discharge Machining Process using Artificial Neural Network for the Machining of Special Steel WP7V Ranjan Kumar Ghadai, Rashmi Ranjan Behera and Subash Chandra Mondal Experimental Investigation on Near-dry Electric Discharge Machining Krishnakant Dhakar and Akshay Dvivedi Preliminary Investigation into Finishing of Artificial Dental Crown Pankaj Baghel, Shreyansh Singh, Nikita Dua, V.K.Jain and Leeladhar Nagdeve Finite Element Modeling for Prediction of Cutting Forces during Micro Turning of Titanium Alloy T. Jagadesh and G. L. Samuel Parametric Studies of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting on Surface Roughness of Silicon Nitride Materials Debasish Ghosh, Probal K. Das and B.Doloi Empirical Modelling of MRR in Electrochemical-Mechanical Finishing of Bevel gears J. P. Misra, P. K. Jain, D. K. Dwivedi and N. K. Mehta Effect of Layer Thickness in Micro Electric Discharge Milling: An Experimental Investigation J.M. Jafferson, P. Hariharan and J. Ram Kumar Modeling and Analysis of Micro WEDM Process on Inconel Super Alloy through Response Surface Methodology P. Sivaprakasam, P. Hariharan and S. Gowri Experimental Investigation of the Process Parameters in Abrasive Waterjet Cutting of Redmud Reinforced Banana/Polyester Hybrid Composites M.Uthayakumar V.Arumugaprabu and M. Kathiresan Investigation of µED-milled Tapered Channels for Microfluidic Devices Pranit Deshmukh, Saurabh Annadate and G.Karthikeyan Dynamic Stability of High Speed Micromilling Based on Modal Analysis for Determining Tool-tip Dynamics Kundan Singh, V. Kartik and Ramesh Singh Optimization of Multiple Performance Characteristics of the Electrical Discharge Machining Process on Metal Matrix Composite (Al/5%TiCp) using Grey Relational Analysis V. Chittaranjan Das and N. V. V. S. Sudheer 26 221. O0535 222. O0536 223. O0537 224. O0540 225. O0559 226. O0561 227. O0562 228. O0564 229. O0602 230. O0615 231. O0618 232. O0630 233. O0637 234. O0643 235. O0661 236. O0702 237. O0704 Application of AbrasiveWater Jet Machining in FabricatingMicro Tools for EDM for Producing Array of Square Holes Vijay Kumar Pal and S.K. Choudhury Application of Pure Water Jet Machining for Improving Surface Finish of Parts Fabricated by Abrasive Water Jet Machining Vijay Kumar Pal and S.K. Choudhury Estimation of Machining Performances of P-20 Material in Wire Electric Discharge Machining using Group Method Data Handling Technique G. Ugrasen, H. V. Ravindra and G. V. Naveen Prakash Parametric Analysis of Electrochemical Discharge Micro-Machining Process during Profile Generation on Glass B. Mallick, M.N. Ali, B. R.Sarkar, B. Doloi and B. Bhattacharyya Modeling and Analysis of Cutting Forces in Micro End Milling Tej Pratap and Karali Patra Parametric analysis of CNC EDM Process on OHNS Tool Steel K.Saraswathamma and Madhu Durgam Comparison of Process Mechanics in µEDM-drilling and RµEDM based on Online Monitoring of Discharge Gap Condition C.K. Nirala and P. Saha Development and Experimental Investigation of Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding Sanjay Singh, Vinod Yadava and Ram Singar Yadav Machinability Assessment of Superni-800 during EDM with Powder Metallurgy Processed Cu-Ti Electrode Using the Taguchi Method Vijay Kumar Bhanot, Naveen Beri and Anil Kumar Comparative Evaluation of Mechanically Alloyed and Sintered Magnetic Abrasives for Fine Finishing Sehijpal Singh, Parmjit singh and H.S Shan Abrasive Flow Finishing Process - A Case Study T. S. Kavithaa, N. Balashanmugam and P. V. Shashi Kumar An Experimental Investigation during Nano Finishing of Hybrid Al/(Al2O3+ZrO2)MMC on Developed ECG Setup Alakesh Manna and K.Z. Molla Ultra High Finishing of Oval Bores Using Elastic Abrasive Balls V.S. Sooraj and V. Radhakrishnan An Experimental Investigation During Micro Drilling of Hybrid Al/(Al2O3p+SiCp+Cp)-MMC on Developed ECMM Setup . C. S. Kalra, Alakesh Manna and V. K. Singla Multi Response Optimization of Ultrasonic Machining Parameters using Weighted Principal Component Analysis Nitesh Dhar Badgayan and P.S.Rama Sreekanth Analysis of Parametric Effects on Response Characteristics and Faults Diagnosis during WEDM of Al/SiCp-MMCs Harmesh Kumar, Alakesh Manna and Rajesh Kumar Improved Cooling unit with Automatic Temperature Controller for Enhancing the Life of Ice Bonded Abrasive Polishing Tool 27 238. O0809 239. O0820 240. O0822 241. O0823 242. O0862 S. Rambabu and N. Ramesh Babu Modeling and Optimization for Drilling of High Aspect Ratio Blind Micro Holes in Micro EDM Swapan Barman, Koustov Mondol, Nagahanumaiah and Asit Baran Puri Developing Alternative Polymer Abrasive Gels For Abrasive Flow Finishing Process Harlal Singh Mali and Jaikishan Modelling and Prediction of Material Removal Rate in Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding Process of Inconel-718 Harlal S. Mali, Deepak Unaune and Sandeep Tiwari Chemo-Ultrasonic Assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing: Experimental Investigations Nitesh Sihag, Prateek Kala and Pulak M. Pandey An investigation of Wire Electric Discharge Machining of High temperature Titanium alloy Mohinder Pal Garg, Ajai Jain and Gian Bhushan Advanced Manufacturing-II: Laser based manufacturing 243. O0022 244. O0030 245. O0032 246. O0037 247. O0052 248. O0224 249. O0229 250. O0233 251. P0242 252. O0255 A Simple AnalyticalModel of Laser Bending Process E. Aideh, U. S. Dixit and R. Echempati Mathematical Formulation for the Development of Compound Curve Surface by Laser Line Heating Biplab Das and Pankaj Biswas Effect of Process Parameters on Thermal History Of Laser Welding of AISI-304 Stainless Steel Rakesh Bhadra, PankajBiswa and M. Ravi Sankar A Literature Review on CO2 Laser Welding Rakesh Bhadra, Pankaj Biswas and M. Ravi Sankar A 3-D Finite Element Analysis Of Transient Temperature Profile Of Laser Welded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Chandan kumar, Manas Das and Pankaj Biswas Nd:YAG Laser Micro-drilling of SiC-30BN : Experimental Study and Process Optimization Roy. N., Kuar. A. S., Mitra, S and Acherjee, B Experimental Studies on Fibre Laser Micro-Machining of Ti-6Al-4V A. Sen, B. Doloi and B.Bhattacharyya Effect of Different Surface Coatings on Laser Forming of Mild Steel Sheets Sunil K. Singh, Sachin S. Gautam and Uday S. Dixit Numerical Investigation and Statistical Analysis of Laser Bending of Titanium Sheets K.Paramasivan, Sandip Das, Dipten Misra and M. Sundar Effect of Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Parameters in Preplaced TiC Coating on Aluminium Substrate Chinmaya Kumar Sahoo, Jageshwar Kumar Sahu and ManojMasanta 28 253. O0299 254. O0331 255. O0337 256. O0361 257. O0377 258. O0380 259. O0395 260. O0436 261. O0462 262. O0541 263. O0619 264. O0624 265. O0634 266. O0657 267. O0708 268. O0875 Comparative Study of Surface Roughness Criteria During Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Micro-Turning of Alumina Ceramic at Laser Focused and Defocused Conditions G. Kibria, B. Doloi and B. Bhattacharyya Study and Analysis of the Thermal Effect during the Excimer Laser Ablation of Polymers with Different Gaseous Environment James Jacob, P. Shanmugavelu ,R.Balasubramaniam and Ramesh K.Singh Studies on CO2 Laser Micromachining on PMMA to Fabricate Micro Channel for Microfluidic Applications Rishi Kant, Ankur Gupta and Shantanu Bhattacharya Fabrication of micro lens array by excimer laser micromachining Syed Nadeem Akhtar, Shashank Sharma and J. Ramkumar Studies on laser-sintering of copper by direct metal laser sinteringprocess A.R.Vinod and C.K.Srinivasa Experimental Study on Micromachining of 304 Stainless Steel Under Water Using Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Beam RasmiRanjan Behera, Mamilla Ravi Sankar, Indrajeet Kumar, Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Alika Khare and J. Swaminathan Improvement of Corrosion Resistance by Laser Surface Melting of 7075 Aluminum Alloy A. C. UmamaheshwerRao, V.Vasu , S.M. Shariff and K.V. SaiSrinadh Finite Element Analysis on Pulsed Laser Forming of Sheet Metal KuntalMaji, D. K. Pratihar and A. K. Nath Modeling and Optimization on Nd: YAG Laser Marking of Zirconia Ceramic using RSM and ANN Josephine Peter, B. Doloi and B. Bhattacharyya Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Laser Cladding of CPM9V on H13 ToolSteel Santanu Paul, Ramesh Singh and Wenyi Yan Experimental Investigations on CO2 Laser Micro Texturing on NearTitanium Alloy (IMI 834) M. Ravi Sankar, S. Tarun Kumar, Kishor Kumar Gajrani, J. Swaminathan and U. S. Dixit Finite Element Simulations of Laser Bending of Small Sized Sheets Besufekad N. Fetne and Uday S. Dixit Surface Alloying of Aluminum with Copper using CO2 Laser Gutu J. Woldetinsay, Mamilla Ravi Sankar and Uday S. Dixit Energy Based Analysis of Laser Microchanneling Process on Polymethyl-methacrylate Shashi Prakash and Subrata Kumar Experimental Investigation on Laser Bending of Metal Sheets Using Parabolic Irradiations Parag M. Bhuyan, Ravi Kant and S.N. Joshi An Experimental Investigation on Fiber Laser Welding at Controlled Inert Gas Atmosphere 29 269. O0878 YadaiahNirsanametla, Swarup Bag, C. P. Paul and L. M. Kukreja Fabrication of Micro-Channels on Mild Steel Using Laser Induced Micro-Machining Sanasam Sunderlal Singh, Kh. Shantakumar, Alika Khare and S.N. Joshi Composite Fabrication 270. O0012 271. O0013 272. O0054 273. O0103 274. O0128 275. O0173 276. O0183 277. O0203 278. O0245 279. O0256 280. O0289 281. O0298 282. O0315 283. O0344 Effect of Double and Triple Particle Size Al2O3 Reinforcement on Properties of Aluminium Matrix Composite Prepared by Vacuum Moulding Rupinder Singh, Sunpreet Singh and Kanwalpreet Sahni Investigations for Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Composite Prepared by Combining FDM, Vacuum Moulding and Stir Casting Rupinder Singh, Sunpreet Singh and Sardar Singh Preparation and Tribological Characterization of Linear Low Density PolyEthylene Sea Shell (LLDPE/Sea Shell) Bio Composite GajendraMundel and M. Ravi Sankar Sisal Fiber / Glass Fiber Hybrid Nano Composite: The Tensile and Compressive Properties Natarajan, N. Bharathidasan, S. Thanigaivelan and R. Suresh, P Dynamic Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Jute Nano Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite K. T. B. Padal, S. Srikiran and P. Surya Nagendra Development and Tribological Performance of Nano SiC Particles on the AA 2024 Hybrid Composites With The Addition of Nano Graphite S.Vinothkumar, K. Manisekar andP.Ravindran Thermal Buckling Of Temperature Dependent Functionally Graded Cylindrical Panel V. R. Kar and S. K. Panda Fabrication and study on mechanical and tribological properties of Nano Al2O3 and micro B4C Particles -reinforced A356 hybrid composite Sukesha V, Rajeev Ranjan , G Nagesh and K. Sekar Hysteresis Heating of Polypropylene Based Composites Ravi Shukla, JohnneyMertens and S Senthilvelan Frictional Heat Generation in Selective Ceramic Reinforced Polymer Composites - Effect of Particle Size C. Gurunathan, R. Gnanamoorthy and S. Jayavel Mechanical Behaviour of Jute Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites Temesgen Berhanu, Pradeep Kumar and Inderdeep Singh An Experimental Investigation on Polymeric Nanocomposite Material Panneerselvam K and Jafrey Daniel James D Tribological Performance of Microwave Sintered Copper-CNT Composites Rajkumar.K and Aravindan.S Influence of Nano-Al2O3 and Micro-ZrO2 Particles on Mechanical Property of A356 Based Composite Fabricated by Combination Effect of 30 284. O0345 285. O0429 286. O0481 287. O0550 288. O0625 289. O0801 290. O0828 291. O0832 Stir and Squeeze Casting Rajeev Ranjan , Sukesha v , G.Nagesh and K Sekar Parametric Optimization of Al-SiC12% Metal Matrix Composite Machining by Electrical Discharge Machine Rajesh Kumar Bhuyan, B.C. Routara, Arun Kumar Parida and A.K.Sahoo Development and Characterization of Functionally Graded Materials Using Hybrid Layered Manufacturing Sajan Kapil, Pravin M. Kulkarni, K.P.Karunakaran and Prathmesh Joshi Processing and Tensile Strength of 2024 Al Matrix Composite Reinforced with Al2O3 Nano-Particles Kapil Kumar, Dherendra Verma and Sudhir Kumar Synthesis and machinability studies of A356 alloy-15% SiC composite K.Jayakumar, Jose Mathewand M. A. Joseph An Experimental Investigation on Designed and FabricatedWECSM Setup during Micro Slicing of E-Glass Fiber Epoxy Composite Alakesh Manna and Anup Malik A Comparison Study of Filament Wound Composite Cylindrical Shell used in Under Water Vehicle Application by Finite Element Method AbhijitDey, K.M. Pandey and P.L. Choudhury A Study on Evaluation Of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Rice Husk Filled Epoxy Composites Arun Kumar Rout, Alok Satapathy, Ashok Kumar Sahoo and Dipak Kumar Jesti Application of Grey Fuzzy Logic for Simultaneous Optimization of Surface Roughness and MRR in Turning Al-SiCp Metal Matrix Composites Santosh Tamang and M. Chandrasekaran Rapid Prototyping 292. O0123 293. O0171 294. O0189 295. O0246 296. O0399 Machine Element Reconstruction Using Integrated Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping Approach Atul Kumar, P.K. Jain and P.M. Pathak Study and Analysis of Metallized electrode fabricated with FDM Rapid Prototyping Technique for Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) Savan D. Fefar and Jayant S. Karajagikar Physical Replication of Human Bone using Direct integration of Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping Techniques N. N. Kumbhar, A. V. Mulay and B. B. Ahuja Integrated AHP and TOPSIS Approach For the Selection of a Rapid Prototyping Process under Multi-Criteria Perspective Biranchi Narayan Panda, Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal, and B. B. L. V. Deepak Intelligent Performance Modeling and Optimization in Rapid Manufacturing 31 297. O0468 Ushasta Aich, Amar M. Phatak and S.S. Pande Location Dependency of Positioning Error in 3-Axes CNC Milling Machine R.K. Gupta, S.P. Srivastava, S.K.Yadav, V. Prasad and S.B. Jawale Metrology 298. O0060 299. O0386 300. O0632 301. O0810 302. O0874 Comparison of Servo Tracking Capability of the Interconnected Cylinders Positioning System with Servo Pneumatic Positioning System D. Saravanakumar and B. Mohan Recent Advances in Burr Height Minimization in Micro-Machining Muddu Allaparthi and Mohammed Rajik Khan Predication of Surface Roughness of Freeform Surfaces using Artificial Neural Network Rajesh M. and R Manu Blind Assembly Using Digital Metrology for Satellite Applications C. Koteshwara Rao, Rohit Jain, Pravesh Mathur and K. V.Govinda Study of Profile Changes in Magneto-Rheological Abrasive Honing by an Ingenious Relocation Technique ChidambaraKumaran and M.S. Shunmugam Material Science 303. O0055 304. O0110 305. O0141 306. O0190 307. O0263 308. O0396 309. O0471 310. O0522 311. O0560 Experimental Investigations of Ni/La2O3 Composite Micro-Cladding on AISI 1040 Steel through Microwave Irradiation Arbind Prasad, Dheeraj Gupta, M. Ravi Sankar and A. 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Agrawal Effect of Microstructure with Hardness on Heat Treatment of HP40Nb Microalloyed Reformer Tube Amitava Ghatak and P.S.Robi Numerical Modelling of Impact and Solidification of a MoltenAlloy Droplet on a Substrate Rajesh Kumar Shukla, Sateesh Kumar Yadav and Mihir HemantShete and Arvind Kumar Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Green Sand by 32 312. O0609 313. O0610 314. O0622 315. O0645 316. O0696 317. O0815 318. O0844 319. O0858 Addition of Alumina A.K. Birru, L. Dharam Singh and P. Arun Kumar Size Effect on Mechanical Behavior of SS304 Jambeswar Sahu and Sushil Mishra Accumulative Roll Bonding of AA6005 and AA1060 Metal Strip: Study on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Evaluation of Minimum Bonding Criteria SuprimSardar, Atanu Mandal , Surjya Kanta Pal and Shiv Brat Singh Influence of Rolling and Age-Hardening on the Hardness and Impact Properties of Microalloyed 2219 Al Alloys Sanjib Banerjee, GourabJyoti Bayan, Achyut Roy, Saurav Sarkar and Debajit Gogoi Study of Structural Materials for Machine Tools N.Mahendrakumar, S. Syth Abuthakeer and P. V. Mohanram. Nucleation and Growth of Diamond by Different Seeding Mechanisms on Cemented Carbide Inserts by HFCVD Process S. K. Sarangi, D. K. Sahu, S. Padhi and A. K. Chattopadhyay Nano Red Mud – Synthesis and Characterization C. Neelima Devi, N. Selvaraj and V. Mahesh Fabrication of Array of Gold Nanoparticles through Thermal Dewetting and Fib Patterning A. Goswami, S. Aravindan and P.V. Rao Simulation Of Fluidity Inaluminum Alloys, Superalloy CMSX4, And Ductile Cast Iron D. Mohan Krishna and G. S. Reddy Design 320. O0071 321. O0105 322. 323. O0196 O0207 324. O0238 325. O0305 326. O0321 Micro Manipulation by a Compliant Piezoelectric Micro Gripper towards Robotic Micro Assembly R. K. Jain, S. Majumder and Bhaskar Ghosh and Surajit Saha Hybrid Neural Network Based Prediction of Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulator Panchanand Jha and, B. B. Biswal Vibration Analysis of a Cutting Tool with Piezoelectric Bimorph A. Garg and S. K. Dwivedy Thermal Stress and Creep Analysis of Failed Tube of Secondary Super Heater Amit N. Parit, Tadamalle A. P and Vasantha Ramaswamy Hybrid edge detection technique for part identification in robotic assembly system under vision guidance Bunil Kumar Balabantaray and BibhutiBhusan Biswal Constraint and Inverse Kinematic Analysis of 3-PRS Parallel Manipulator Yashavant Patel and P. M. George. Fabrication and Pose Control of 2T2R-Based Parallel Manipulator for Drilling Operations 33 327. O0355 328. O0465 329. O0565 330. 331. O0572 O0651 332. O0666 333. O0670 334. O0687 335. O0707 336. O0838 337. O0859 P.K Binyam and A.P Sudheer Fabrication and Control of Vision Based Wall Mounted Robotic Arm for Pose Identification and Manipulation R. Induraj and A.P Sudheer Design of Multimode Microwave Cavity for Materials Processing Dharmendra Singh Rajpurohit and Rahul Chhibber Studies on Green Design & Manufacture of Hybrid Vehicle P.P. Dutta, D. Das, M.Dutta, A.M. Shukla, T.K. Gogoi and A. Das Development of an Efficient Hybrid Tricycle P.P. Dutta, S. Sharma, A. Mahanta S. Gupta, A. Choudhury, K. Barman, D. Barua, R. Gogoi and A. Das Design and Development of Automated Vegetable Cutting Machine A. Tony Thomas, A. Muthu Krishnan and K.S. Sre Nandha Guhan Inverse Kinematic Modeling of a 6-DOF(6-CRS) Parallel Spatial Manipulator Yogesh Singh and Santhakumar Mohan Design and Analysis of a Single–Notch Parallelogram Flexure Mechanism Based X-Y Nanopositioning Stage S. N.Vithun, T. Narendra Reddy, Prakash Vinod and P. V. Shashikumar More Special Cases in Specifying the Deviation of3D Reference Axes T. S. R. Murthy and T. Shravan Kumar Investigation and Analysis of Chatter Vibration in Centerless Bar Turning Machine M. Girish Kumar, Prakash Vinod and P.V. Shashikumar Multiple Objective Based Machine-Part Cell Design Considering Ordinal and Ratio Data Through NSGA II Iti Dixit, Saurabh Jain and Kapil Kumar Goyal Design and Analysis of Vertical Dynamic balancing machine flexure for satellite balancing Rajeev Chaturvedi, Shree Niwas Sahu, A. Sekar and K.V .Govinda Tribology 338. 339. O0117 O0416 340. O0554 Evaluation of Wear Behavior of a Nonmetallic Spur Gear Jagannath Sardar and Dibakar Bandopadhya Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Non Edible Castor and Mahua Oils as Bio Lubricant for Maintenance Applications Amit Kumar Jain and Amit Suhane On Improvement of Tribological Performance of Pulsed DC CFUBM Sputtered WS2 Solid Lubricant Coating Through Addition of Ti or TiN Tushar Banerjee and A. K. Chattopadhyay Industrial Engineering & Operations Research 341. O0011 342. O0021 Design and Development of Automated Test System for Aircraft Hydraulic Control Module at Assembly and Manufacturing Floor Karthik SP,Vijay Desai and KantilalL Hirani Material Handling Equipment Selection by Fuzzy Axiomatic Design 34 343. O0036 344. O0057 345. O0061 346. O0062 347. O0069 348. O0072 349. O0106 350. O0126 351. O0138 352. O0139 353. O0169 354. O0201 355. O0209 356. O0214 357. O0216 Principles Anant V. Khandekar and Shankar Chakraborty Application of Process Capability Indices to Measure Performanceof a Multistage Manufacturing Process S. C. Mondal and S.Kundu Design and Development of Feature Extraction and Recognition Information System for Computer Aided Process Planning Systems Sreenivasulu Reddy, A., Poornachandra Sekhar,Y., Rajendra Prasad,T. and Ravindranath,K. SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) Methodology in Garment Manufacturing Industry: Case Study in Reducing Style Change Over Time Jonalee Das Bajpai Prediction of Life of Punches of Compound Die using Artificial Neural Network Sachin Kashid and S. Kumar Integrated Decision Making in Supply Chain Management and Its Relevance to Industrial Practice Amandeep Singh and Sandeep Singhal Impact of Reconfiguration Effort on Reconfigurable Manufacturing System K. K. Mitta and P. K. Jain Application of Grey based Decision Making Approach for Lean Tool Selection Adarsh Kumar Singh, S. Vinodh and K. E. K. Vimal A Green Process Planning System M. Gogoi and M. Hazarika Application of Remanufacturing Principles to an Automotive Engine Valve Component K. J. Manjunatheshwara, S. Vinodh and K. E. K. Vimal Application of S-LCA methodology for assessment of automobile organization K. E. K. Vimal and S. Vinodh A Novel Cell Formation Technique in Cellular Manufacturing System Based on Various Production Factors Tamal Ghosh, B. Doloi and Pranab K. Dan A comparative study on the reflectivity of metallic mirrors finished by deterministic and random processes Anuj Sharma , Prabhat Ranjan, D. Datta and R. Balasubramaniam Identification of Pressures, Barriers and Drivers for the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management M. Deepak, A. Noorul Haq and K. Mathiyazhagan A New Hybrid Approach to Recognize Machinable Features of Prismatic Parts from STEP AP 203 File Bitla Venu, Venkateswara Rao Komma and Deepanshu Srivastava STEP-Based Feature Recognition of Orthogonal Primitives of Prismatic Parts 35 358. 359. 360. O0320 O0324 O0352 361. O0384 362. O0406 363. O0418 364. O0419 365. O0445 366. O0463 367. O0467 368. O0474 369. O0482 370. O0517 371. O0527 372. O0532 373. O0534 Deepanshu Srivastava, Venkateswara Rao Komma and Bitla Venu Supply Chain Complexity: Challenges and Future Research directions E.G Kavilal, S. Prasanna venkatesan and K.Dadhaniya Harsh kumar An Assessment of Sustainable Supply Chain using MCDM K. Sivakumar, R. Jeyapaul and P. Parthiban Optimization of Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Setup Time and Lot Splitting Vinit Saluja and Ajai Jain Scheduling a Stochastic Dynamic Job Shop Manufacturing System with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times Pankaj Sharma and Ajai Jain Improvement of Agile Software Production Management Using System Dynamics Model Pijush Chandra Das and U. R. Dhar Risk Mitigation in Manufacturing Process Through Development of 4M Model S. Kumar and P. Sharma Knowledge Transfer, Process Fit and Other Issues in ERP Implementation in an Indian SME Sanjay Kumar A Case Study of Six Sigma and its Competitive Advantage in Indian Industries Parvesh Kumar, Sandeep Singhal and Jimmy Kansal Application of Lean Principles to Reduce the Non-value Adding Transportation Activities in a Rubber Components Manufacturing industry K. Balaji and V.S.Senthil Kumar Integrating Quality Aspects in Design and Manufacturing of Optical Alignment System R.K. Gupta, S.P. Srivastava, S.K.Yadav and S.B. Jawale Understanding Different Stake holders of Sustainable Product and Service Based Systems Using Genetic Algorithm for Sustainable Manufacturing Sameer Gupta, Prabir Sarkar and Ekta Singla Integrated Approach for Job Scheduling and MultiComponentMaintenance Planning in a Production System Sandeep Kumar, Bhushan S. Purohit and Bhupesh Kumar Lad Perceptions of Manufacturing Industries in Adopting Third Party Logistics Providers – An Empirical Study Vivekanandhan Porselvan, Karthik Subramanian and Ashwin Vijayakumar Group Technology in Design of Manufacturing Systems- A Review Kamal Khanna, Gazal Preet Arneja and Rakesh Kumar Improved Music Based Harmony Search Algorithm (IMBHSA) for solving Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JSSPs) M. Hymavathi and C.S.P Rao Development of New Paradigms for Job Shop Scheduling Problems M. Hymavathi and C.S.P Rao 36 374. O0542 375. O0547 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. P0552 O0567 O0568 O0570 O0584 381. O0585 382. 383. 384. O0620 O0635 O0640 385. O0641 386. O0642 387. P0644 388. O0646 389. O0649 390. O0659 System Dynamics Model in the Analysis of Manufacturing Defects and Process Improvements B. Chowdhury, S.K. Deb and P.C. Das Development of SPM for Automation in Sheet-Metal Disc TeethCutting Operation Chetan Mahatme, Sachin Mahakalkar and Jayant Giri Productivity Improvement through Modular Line in Garment Industries B.Sudarshan and D. Nageswara Rao Status of Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Principles in the Context of Indian industry: A Literature Review A. P. Chaple, B. E. Narkhede and M. M. Akarte Tool Inventory Management using RFID Technology Ishwar Bhiradi and Ajesh J.Pillai Work Measurement Approach for Productivity Improvement in a Heavy Machine Shop Ishwar Bhiradi and B.K.Singh Single Model Assembly Line Balancing for Newly Recruited Employees Sandeep Choudhary and Sunil Agrawal Decision Making using Analytical Hierarchical Process (Ahp) for Selection of Best Suitable Maintenance Method for Multispindle Automat AS32 Jayant S. Karajagika and, B.U.Sonawane Comparative Analysis of Manufacturing System Using Cause – Effect Diagram and System Dynamic Model B.Chowdhury and S.K. Deb Optimization of Machining Time using Feature based ProcessPlanning B. R. Borkar, Y. M. Puri, A. M. Kuthe and P. S. Deshpande “TPM-A PDCA Approach” P.K.Suresh, Dr. Mary Joseph and Dr.Jagathy Raj.V.P Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem: A Focus on ModelFormulation Sandeep Choudhary and Sunil Agrawal U-line Assembly Balancing for Medium Commercial Vehicle Eicher Motors Ltd: A Case Study Sandeep Choudhary and Sunil Agrawal Implementation of Six-Sigma Methodology for Improvement of Process Yield by Reduction of Rejection (for %) in a Manufacturing Process S. Chandra, B. Doloi and B.K. Bhattacharya Safety Management in Manufacturing Industry: A Lean Six Sigma Approach P. R. Gajbhiye , A. C. Waghmare, and R. H. Parikh Root Cause Analysis of Tong Mark defect During Material Handling of IF Steel Coils G.Mathan, G.Manikandan and M. B. N. Raju Parametric Optimization of Machining Parameters Using Graph Theory and Matrix Approach 37 391. O0683 392. O0812 393. O0825 394. O0837 395. O0873 L. B. Abhang and M .Hameedullah Automatic Identification of Cylindrical/Tapered Features from Prismatic Components Dowluru Sreeramulu, A. Satish Kumar and C.S.P.Rao Comparative Assessment of Primitive Features Machined with Different Diameter End Mill Tools Using Reverse Engineering Technique Sachin Gupta and A. A. Shaikh Systematically Investigating Literature of Supply Chain Risk Management: A Review for Risk Prioritisation Surya Prakash, Sameer Mittal, Gunjan Soni and Ajay Pal Singh Rathore Aero-Engine Compressor Development Through Reengineering based Product Development Cycle S. N. Mistry, Amar Singh and K. Joseph Shibu Enhancing Agility of Supply Chains using Stochastic, Discrete Event and Physical Simulation Models Alok K. Verma Miscellaneous Papers 396. O0008 397. O0046 398. O0056 399. O0058 400. O0098 401. O0118 402. 403. O0278 O0292 404. O0304 405. O0362 Manufacturing Experiences of a High precision Six Axis Parallel Manipulator (Hexapod) R. K Sachan, J.J. Roy, H.B Panse and S.B. Jawale Theoretical and Experimental Verification of Vibration Characteristics of Cracked Rotor System in Viscous Medium Adik R. Yadao and D.R.Parhi Performance based Optimal Machine Assignment in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System using Genetic Algorithm Faisal Hasan, P.K.Jain and Dinesh Kumar Experimental investigation of cereal crop drying in an inclined Bubbling Fluidized Bed Phyu Phyu Thant, P.S.Robi and P.Mahanta Formulating Midsurface using Shape Transformations of Form Features Yogesh H. Kulkarni, Anil Sahasrabudhe and Mukund Kale Grade Mixing Analysis in Steelmaking Tundish using Different Turbulence Models Md. Irfanul Haque Siddiqui and Pradeep Kumar Jha Degraded Performance Analysis of Phased Mission System M.D.Jaybhaye , Manmohan Singh and S.K.Basu Development of Low Cost Deburring Setup with Feedback Capability S. T. Bagde and A. V. Kale Effect of Hydraulic Accumulator on the System Parameters of an Open Loop Transmission System M. K. Barnwal, N. Kumar, Ajit Kumar and J. Das Engineering of Micro Patterned Surface Topographies – Correlating Pattern Geometry and Bacterial Resistance Aneissha Chebolu, Bhakti Laha, Monidipa Ghosh, and Nagahanumaiah 38 406. O0366 407. O0389 408. 409. O0417 O0439 410. O0450 411. O0458 412. O0489 413. O0494 414. 415. O0555 O0557 416. O0578 417. O0590 418. O0607 419. O0623 420. O0689 421. O0705 An Efficient Manufacturing Simulation Model for Doubly Curved Structures in Shipbuilding K. Thomas, R. Sharma and S. K. Bhattacharyya Effect of the Cryogenic cooling on Surface Quality of Ground AISI 52100 Steel P. Prudvi Reddy and A.Ghosh Behavior of Thermally Sprayed Bioceramic Coatings after immersion in SBF: A Review Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh and Vikas Chawla A Study of Electroplating Process through Experiment and Simulation Abhijeet Selhi and Sai Nikhil A Perspective Analysis on Emergence of Renewable Energy Basis Technology to Industrial Development in Bangladesh: Prospect, Overview and Fate of the Environment Rakhee Mondal, Deeponker Sarkar and Debashis saha Porosity Reduction in Laser Sintered Specimen Made of Tungsten Carbide and Cobalt Powder Subrata Kumar Ghosh, Alok Kumar Das, Sojiram Meena and Partha Saha Investigation of Different Combustion Chamber Geometry of Diesel Engine Using CFD Modelling of In-Cylinder Flow for Improving the Performance of Engine. A.M. Indrodia, N.J. Chotai and B.M.Ramani Prediction of Remaining Useful Life of an Aircraft Engine under Unknown Initial Wear Amit Kumar Jain, Pradeep Kundu and Bhupesh Kumar Lad Vibration Analysis of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Virtual Instrumentation Abhishek singh, H. chelladurai and Akhilesh kumar chaudhary Condition Monitoring of Rotating Shaft Using Virtual Instrumentation Ajay choubey, H. Chelladurai and Subir Singh Lamba Mathematical Modeling of Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids Srinivasa Rao and Janakiram Perumalla Design and Development of Manually Operated Seed Planter Machine A. R Kyada and D. B Patel Simple Fabrication of PDMS Based Microfluidic System for Mixing and Detection System Khalid Anwar, Sandip S Deshmukh and Sun Min Kim Automatic Feature Recognition of Cylinder and Knuckle Thread from Neutral Files M.M.M.Sarcar, P.Madar Valli and V.Naga Malleswari Optimizing Preload and Coefficient of Friction for Surface Acoustic Wave Linear Motor Basudeba Behera and Harshal B. Nemade Parametric Studies on Side Impact Beam Tube Rajesh Male, Ashwin Karthikeyan and Krishna Srinivas 39 422. O0706 423. O0869 Analysis of Optimal Methodology for Geometry Reconstruction of An Airborne Launcher Kushal Singh, L. Siva Rama Krishna, B. Hari Prasad and P. Bhattacharjee Analysis of the Novel Brake Rotor using FEM A.K.Matta and V.Purushottam 40
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