curriculum vitae


curriculum vitae
Dr. Christa S. McArdell (formerly Bürgisser)
Work address:
Eawag, Department of Environmental Chemistry
Ueberlandstr. 133
CH-8600 Duebendorf, SWITZERLAND
Phone: +41 58 765 5483, Fax: +41 58 765 5802
E-mail: [email protected],
Nationality: Swiss
Two children (2000, 2003)
Occurrence, fate and transport of emerging organic contaminants, especially pharmaceuticals, from urban
settlements in the aquatic environment: mass flow and river infiltration.
Wastewater treatment processes and strategies for removal of organic micropollutants: conventional and
advanced treatment with ozone and activated carbon; decentralized treatment in hospitals.
Development of analytical techniques for the determination of organic pollutants in sewage and ambient waters.
PhD thesis: Transport of nonlinearly sorbing chemicals in chromatographic columns;
adsorption on cristobalite.
Advisors: Prof. H. Sticher, Prof. M. Borkovec, Dr. P. Behra
1992 Diploma
Höheres Lehramt
(high school teaching certificate in Chemistry)
Course work: mechanics and psychology of teaching, training of teaching chemistry.
Chemistry Diploma
Thesis: Synthesis of a β-sulfatoethylsulfon reactive dye and FTIR spectroscopy studies of the
binding to cellulose.
Advisors: Prof. P. Rys and Dr. U. Meyer.
Specialized course work: organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, dye chemistry, environmental
Senior Scientist and Group Leader
Associate with Prof. R. Schwarzenbach and Prof. B. Wehrli (research counselors): evaluation
of SNF-proposals in the field of natural sciences.
Postdoctoral Research Associate (with Prof. A. T. Stone): researched the speciation of organic
chelating agents in soils and aquifer sediments and their effect on toxic metal migration.
Graduate Research Assistant: studied adsorption and transport phenomena of contaminants in
Research Assistant: synthesized a reactive dye and investigated the binding of the dye to
cellulose with FTIR spectroscopy.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 2
Lecturer: developed and coordinated a new laboratory course "laboratory for environmental
Lecturer: taught analytical environmental chemistry.
Laboratory Course Coordinator: organized laboratory course in environmental chemistry.
Laboratory Assistant: taught laboratory courses in chemistry and soil science.
Lecturer: taught high school level organic and inorganic chemistry.
Collaboration in interdisciplinary projects:
RESIST-Flow (2015-2016): Eawag DF Project with Helmut Bürgmann on antibiotic resistance.
VUNA 2.0 (2015-2016): Eawag DF Project with Kai Udert “urine post-treatment with GAC”.
Bülach project (2014-2016): VSA/Bafu project “wastewater treatment with GAC and ozone/GAC”.
Sciex fellow Ewa Borowska (10/13-10/14): project “MICROZO, Fate of organic micropollutants in advanced treatment
of wastewater with ozone”. Collaboration Ewa Felis and Korneliusz Miksch , Gliwice, Poland.
ReTREAT (2014-2015): Swiss UTF-project at WWTP Neugut “Biological post-treatment after ozonation”.
DEMEAU (2012-2015): EU Project “Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging pollutants in water
and wastewater”.
VUNA (2010-2014): Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “Nutrient harvesting in South Africa”.
PILLS (2007-2012): InterReg IVB Project “Pharmaceutical Input and Elimination from Local Sources”.
Hospital project (2007-2010): National project “Input and Elimination of Pharmaceuticals and Disinfectants from
Hospital Wastewater”. Funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER)/COST, FOEN, cantons.
NEPTUNE (2006-2009): EU Project "Concepts and Processes for Optimization and Upgrading Municipal Wastewater
and Sludge Treatment".
Mikropoll II (2006-2010): Swiss FOEN-Project "Strategies to reduce micropollutants in the environment".
RECLAIM WATER (2005-2008): EU Project "Water reclamation technologies for safe artificial groundwater
HUMABRA (2001-2006): SNF NFP-49 Project "Occurrence of Human-use Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance in the
Aquatic Environment".
NOVAQUATIS (2000-2006): Eawag Project "Combining Urban Water Management, Nutrient Recycling and Modern
POSEIDON (2000-2004): EU Project "Assessment of Technologies for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal
Care Products in Sewage and Drinking Water Facilities to Improve the Indirect Water Reuse".
Activities in committees:
SETAC GLB conference, Zurich, 7.-10. Sept. 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. Organizing Committee.
COST Action ES1403 (2014-2018) "Emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS)". Member
of Management Committee.
BMBF project sauber+ (2012-2015) “Innovative Konzepte und Technologien für die separate Behandlung von
Abwasser aus Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens“, stakeholder and expert consultant.
noPILLS (2011-2015), InterReg IVB Project “no pills in waters”. Member of Advisory Board.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 3
CIPEL "Commission Internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman" (2006-2013), member of working group
« Micropollutants ».
IWA conference MicroPol&Ecohazard, Zurich, 16-20 June 2013, Switzerland. Organizing Committee.
American Water Resources Association Specialty Conference: Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water Resources
II: Research, Engineering, and Community Action; Denver, 25-27 June 2012, USA. Organizing Committee, Session
organizer and chair.
COST Action TD0803 (2009-2012) "Detecting evolutionary hot spots of antibiotic resistances in Europe (DARE)".
Member of Management Committee.
13th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 11-15 September 2011, Zürich,
Switzerland, Member of Scientific Committee and Session chair.
Swiss working group "Hospital wastewater treatment", Eawag, 2006 -2010, Leader.
COST Action 636 (2006 – 2009) "Xenobiotics in the Urban Cycle". Member of working group 1 "Identification,
sources and fluxes".
Swiss working group (05.2004 – 06.2005) "Organic trace contaminants in the groundwater of the Limmat River valley".
W. Blüm (project leader), AWEL, member.
Canadian working group (2004) "Technical Workshop for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the
Environment". Health Canada. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 03.2004, Invited expert.
Swiss working group (1999-2003) "Veterinary pharmaceuticals in the environment". Stephan Müller (leader), Dept.
Water and Agriculture, Eawag, member.
4 PhD students: Sung Eun Lim, Ewa Borowska, David Weissbrodt, Anke Göbel (Thesis awarded with the Otto-JaagGewässerschutzpreis, 2005).
3 external PhD students, committee member: Angela Doreen Rodayan (McGill University, Montreal, Canada), Sylvain
Coutu (EPFL, Lausanne), Do Manh Cuong (GIST, Gwangju, Korea)
4 PostDocs: Marc Bourgin, Keisuke Kuroda, Lubomira Kovalova, Holger Kuch
15 Master, Bachelor or Diploma students: Rebekka Schwaninger, Birge Oezel, Annika Wössner, Tatiana Shchipkova,
Guillaume Tissot, Inge van Driezum, René Itten, Laura Blanc, Anita Wittmer, Martina Hagenbuch, Carolin Frank,
Judith Schenzel, Thomas Hinterbuchner, Hong Zhao, Michel Haller
13 Research Assistents: Ewa Borowska, Rebekka Teichler, Annette Remmele, Birge Oezel, Slavica Ibric, Andrea
Schnellmann, Anita Wittmer, Stepham Köpke, Karin Treyer, Mirjam Koller, Thomas Hinterbuchner, Holger Lutze,
Angela Thomsen
4 Trainees: Halua Pinto de Magalhães, Marco Kipf, Johanna Reiner, Nina Schittli
3 Technical collaborators: Josef Asmin, Elvira Keller, Eva Molnar
1 Research Associate: Norriel S. Nipales, Dr. chem. University Manila.
2014 / 2015
Thomson Reuters: nomination as a highly cited researcher, ranking among the top 1% for most
cited documents in the field of environment/ecology (among 137 scientific researchers).
Swiss Federal Fellowship for the Promotion of Young Researchers: three year scientific
research position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, located at EAWAG in
Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship: one year postdoctoral research support at The
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 4
PUBLICATIONS peer-reviewed
Borowska E., Bourgin M., Hollender J., Kienle C., McArdell C.S., von Gunten, U. (2015) Oxidation of cetirizine,
fexofenadine and hydrochlorothiazide during ozonation: Kinetics and transformation products. Wat. Res.,
submission foreseen in Nov.
Singer H., Wössner A.E., McArdell C.S., Fenner K. (2015) Rapid screening for exposure to “non-target”
pharmaceuticals from wastewater effluents. Env. Sci. Technol., submitted.
Kuroda K., Itten R., Kovalova L., Ort C., Weissbrodt D., McArdell C.S. (2015) Hospital-use pharmaceuticals in Swiss
waters modeled at high spatial resolution. Env. Sci. Technol., submitted.
Bischel H.N., Özel Duygan B.D., Strande L., McArdell C.S., Udert K.M., Kohn T. (2015) Pathogens and
pharmaceuticals in source-separated urine in eThekwini, South Africa. Wat. Res. 85, 57-65.
Wittmer A., Heisele A., McArdell C.S., Böhler M., Longree P., Siegrist H. (2015) Decreased UV absorbance as an
indicator of micropollutant removal efficiency in wastewater treated with ozone. Wat. Sci. Technol. 71.7, 980-985,
Udert K.M., Buckley C.A., Wächter M., McArdell C.S., Kohn T., Strande L., Zöllig H., Fumasoli A., Oberson A., Etter
B. (2015). Technologies for the treatment of source-separated urine in the eThekwini Municipality. Water South
Africa 41(2), 212-221.
Hollender J., Bourgin M., Fenner K..B., Longrée P., McArdell C.S., Moschet C., Ruff M., Schymanski E.L., Singer
H,P. (2014) Exploring the Behaviour of Emerging Contaminants in the Water Cycle using the Capabilities of High
Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Chimia 68(11), 1-6.
Lee Y., Kovalova L., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2014) Prediction of micropollutant elimination during ozonation
of a hospital wastewater effluent. Wat. Res. 64, 134-148.
Helwig K., Hunter C., MacLachlan J., McNaughtan M., Roberts J., Cornelissen A., Dagot C., Evenblij H., Klepiszewski
K., Lyko S., Nafo I., McArdell C.S., Venditti S., Pahl O. (2013) Micropollutant Point Sources in the Built
Environment: Identification and Monitoring of Priority Pharmaceutical Substances in Hospital Effluents. J. Environ.
Anal. Toxicol. 3(4), 177. doi:10.4172/2161 - 0525.1000177.
Kovalova L., Siegrist H., von Gunten U., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., Moser R., McArdell C.S. (2013)
Elimination of Micropollutants during Post-Treatment of Hospital Wastewater with Powdered Activated Carbon,
Ozone, and UV. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 7899−7908,
Michael I., Rizzo L., McArdell C.S., Manaia C.M., Merlin C., Schwartz T., Dagot C., Fatta-Kassinos D. (2013) Urban
wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review. Wat. Res. 47,
Huntscha S., Singer H.P., McArdell C.S., Frank C.E., Hollender J. (2012) Multiresidue analysis of 88 polar organic
micropollutants in ground, surface and wastewater using online mixed-bed multilayer solid-phase extraction coupled
to high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 1268, 74-83.
Kovalova L., Siegrist H., Singer H., Wittmer A., McArdell C.S. (2012) Hospital Wastewater Treatment by Membrane
Bioreactor: Performance and Efficiency for Organic Micropollutant Elimination. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 15361545,
Joss A., Baenninger C., Foa P., Koepke S., Krauss M., McArdell C.S., Rottermann K., Wei Y., Zapata A., Siegrist H.
(2011) Water reuse: >90% water yield in MBR/RO through concentrate recycling and CO2 addition as scaling
control. Wat. Res. 45, 6141-6151.
Lienert J., M. Koller, J. Konrad, C.S. McArdell, N. Schuwirth (2011) Multiple-criteria decision analysis reveals high
stakeholder preference to remove pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45(9): 3848–
Escher B.I., Baumgartner R., Koller M., Treyer K., Lienert J., McArdell C.S. (2011) Environmental toxicology and risk
assessment of pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewater, Water Research 45, 75-92.
Hollender J., Zimmermann S.G., Koepke S., Krauss M., McArdell C.S., Ort C., Singer H., Von Gunten U., Siegrist H.
(2009) Elimination of organic micropollutants in a municipal wastewater treatment plant upgraded with a full-scale
post-ozonation followed by sand filtration, Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 7862-7869.
Weissbrodt D., Kovalova L., Ort C., Pazhepurackel V., Moser R., Hollender J., Siegrist H., McArdell C.S. (2009) Mass
flows of X-rax contrast media and cytostatics in hospital wastewater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 4810-4817.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 5
Abegglen C., Joss A., McArdell C.S., Fink G., Schlüsener M.P., Ternes T.A., Siegrist H. (2009) The fate of selected
micropollutants in a single-house MBR. Water Research 43, 2036-2046.
Kovalova L., McArdell C.S., Hollender J. (2009) Challenge of high polarity and low concentrations in analysis of
cytostatics and metabolites in wastewater by hydrophilic interaction chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J.
Chromatography A 1216, 1100-1108.
Bester K., Scholes L., Wahlberg C., McArdell C.S. (2008) Sources and Mass flows of Xenobiotics in Urban Water
Cycles - an Overview on Current Knowledge and Data Gaps. Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus 8, 407-423.
Stamm C., Alder A.C., Fenner, K., Hollender J., Krauss M., McArdell C.S., Ort C., Schneider M.K. (2008) Spatial and
Temporal Patterns of Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment: A Review. Geography Compass 2/3, 920-955.
Göbel A., McArdell C.S., Joss A., Siegrist H., Giger W. (2007) Fate of Sulfonamides, Macrolides and Trimethoprim in
Different Wastewater Treatment Technologies. Sci. Total Environ. 372, 361-371.
Joss A., Zabczynski S., Göbel A., Hoffmann B., Löffler D., McArdell C.S., Ternes T.A., Thomsen A., Siegrist H.
(2006) Biological degradation of pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater treatment: Proposing a classification
scheme. Water Research 40, 1686-1696.
Göbel A., Thomsen A., McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Giger W., Theiβ N., Löffler D. Ternes T.A. (2005) Extraction and
Determination of Sulfonamides, Macrolides, and Trimethoprim in Sewage Sludge. J. Chromatogr. A 1085, 179-189.
Joss A., Keller E., Alder A.C., Göbel A., McArdell C.S., Ternes T.A., Siegrist H. (2005) Removal of pharmaceuticals
and fragrances in biological wastewater treatment. Water Research 39, 3139-3152.
Huber M.M., Göbel A., Joss A., Hermann N., Löffler D., McArdell C.S., Ried A., Siegrist H, Ternes T.A., von Gunten
U. (2005) Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals during Ozonation of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: A Pilot Study.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(11), 4290-4299.
Göbel A., Thomsen A., McArdell C.S., Joss A., Giger W. (2005) Occurrence and Sorption Behavior of Sulfonamides,
Macrolides, and Trimethoprim in Activated Sludge Treatment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(10), 3981-3989.
Göbel A., McArdell C.S., Suter M.J.-F., Giger W. (2004) Trace Determination of Macrolide and Sulfonamide
Antimicrobials, a Human Sulfonamide Metabolite, and Trimethoprim in Wastewater using Liquid Chromatography
coupled to Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 76(16), 4756-4764.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Suter M.J.-F., Giger W. (2003) Occurrence and Fate of Macrolide Antibiotics in Wastewater
Treatment Plants and in the Glatt Valley Watershed, Switzerland. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37(24), 5479-5486.
Giger W., Alder A.C., Golet E.M., Kohler H.-P.E., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Siegrist H., Suter M.J.-F. (2003).
Occurrence and Fater of Antibiotics as Trace Contaminants in Wastewaters, Sewage Sludges, and Surface Waters.
Chimia 57(9), 485-491.
Haller M. Y., Müller S. R., McArdell C. S., Alder A. C., Suter M. J.-F. (2002) Quantification of Veterinary Antibiotics
(Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim) in Animal Manure by Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. J.
Chromatogr. A 952, 111-120.
McArdell C.S., Stone A.T., Tian J. (1998) Reaction of EDTA and Related Aminocarboxylate Chelating Agents with
CoIIIOOH (Heterogenite) and MnIIIOOH (Manganite). Environ. Sci. Technol. 32(19), 2923-2930.
Suter M.J.-F., Alder A.C., Berg M., McArdell C.S., Riediker S., Giger W. (1997) Determination of Hydrophilic and
Amphiphilic Organic Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment. Chimia 51(12), 871-877.
Bürgisser C.S., Stone A.T. (1997) Determination of EDTA, NTA and Other Amino Carboxylic Acids and Their Co(II)
and Co(III) Complexes by Capillary Electrophoresis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31(9), 2656-2664.
Borkovec M., Bürgisser C.S., Cernik M., Glättli U., Sticher H. (1996) Quantitative Description of Multi-Component
Reactive Transport in Porous Media: An Empirical Approach. Trans. Porous Media 25(2), 193-204.
Bürgisser C.S., Scheidegger A.M., Borkovec M., Sticher H. (1994) Chromatographic Charge Density Determination of
Materials with Low Surface Area. Langmuir 10(3), 855-860.
Scheidegger A.M., Bürgisser C.S., Borkovec M., Sticher H., Meeussen H., Van Riemsdijk W. (1994) Convective
Transport of Acids and Bases in Porous Media. Water Resour. Res. 30(11), 2937-2944.
Bürgisser C.S., Cernik M., Borkovec M., Sticher H. (1993) Determination of Nonlinear Adsorption Isotherms from
Column Experiments: an Alternative to Batch Studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 27(5), 943-948.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 6
Lyko S., Nafo I., Evenblij H., Cornelissen A., Igos E., Klepiszewski K., Venditti S., Kovalova L., McArdell C., Helwig
K., Pahl O., Barraud O., Casellas M., Dagot C., Maftah C., Ploy M.-C., Stalder T. (2012) Pharmaceutical Input and
Elimination from Local Sources. Final Report of the European cooperation project PILLS (
Ernst M., Hein A., Asmin J., Krauss M., Fink G., Hollender J., Ternes T., Jørgensen C, Jekel M., McArdell C.S. (2012)
Water quality analysis: Detection, fate, and behaviour, of selected trace organic pollutants at managed aquifer
recharge sites. Chapter 12 in Advances in water reclamation technologies for safe managed aquifer recharge, C.
Kazner, T. Wintgens and P. Dillon (Eds.), IWA, p. 197-226. ISBN 9781843393443.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Siegrist H. Kienle C., Moser R., Schwartz T. (2011) Input and Elimination of
Pharmaceuticals and Disinfectants from Hospital Wastewater. Final project report, Eawag, Duebendorf, Switzerland,
accessible at
Bester K., McArdell C.S., Wahlberg C., Bucheli T.D. (2010) Quantitative Mass Flows of Selected Xenobiotics in Urban
Waters and Waste Water Treatment Plants, Chapter 1 in D. Fatta-Kassinos et al. (eds.), Xenobiotics in the Urban
Water Cycle: Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies. Environmental Pollution,
Vol. 16, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3509-7_1, © Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Hollender, J., Singer, H., McArdell, C.S. (2008) Polar organic micropollutants in the aquatic water cycle. In: Dangerous
Pollutants (Xenobiotics) in Urban Water Cycle, Petr Hlavinek, Ognjen Bonacci, Jiri Marsalek and Ivana Mahrikova
(Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 103-116.
Hollender J., McArdell C.S., Singer H. (2007) Polar Organic Micropollutants in the Water Cycle. In Dangerous
Pollutants (Xenobiotics) in Urban Water Cycle edited by Hlavinek P., Bonacci, O., Marsalek J., Mahrikova I.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Lednice, Szech Republic, May 2007.
McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Göbel A., Löffler D., Suter M.J.-F., Ternes T.A. (2006) Analytical Methods. In Human
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Fragrances: The challenge of micropollutants in urban water management edited
by Thomas A. Ternes and Adriano Joss. ISBN: 1843390930. IWA Publishing, London, UK.
Alder A.C., Bruchet A., Carballa M., Clara M., Joss A., Löffler D., McArdell C.S., Miksch K., Omil F., Tuhkanen T.,
Ternes T.A. (2006) Consumption and Occurrence. In Human Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Fragrances: The
challenge of micropollutants in urban water management edited by Thomas A. Ternes and Adriano Joss. ISBN:
1843390930. IWA Publishing, London, UK.
Blüm W., McArdell C.S., Höhn E., Schaubhut R., Labhart W., Bertschi S. (2005) Organische Spurenstoffe im
Grundwasser des Limmattales: Ergebnisse der Untersuchungskampagne 2004. Baudirektion Kanton Zürich, AWEL
(Amt für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft), Zürich. > Medienforum, Dossier
Alder A.C., McArdell C.S., Golet E.M., Kohler H.-P.E., Molnar E., Anh Pham Thi N., Siegrist H., Suter M.J.-F., Giger
W. (2004) Environmental Exposure of Antibiotics in Wastewaters, Sewage Sludges, and Surface Waters in
Switzerland. In Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Kümmerer, K. (Hrsg.). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg,
Deutschland, p. 55-66.
Giger W., Alder A.C., Golet E.M., Kohler H.-P.E., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Pham Thi N.A., Siegrist H. (2003)
Antibiotikaspuren auf dem Weg von Spital- und Gemeindeabwasser in die Fliessgewässer: Umweltanalytische
Untersuchungen über Einträge und Verhalten. In Spurenstoffe in Gewässern, Track, T. & Kreysa, G. (Hrsg.). WileyVCH & Dechema, Weinheim, Deutschland, p. 21-33.
Alder A.C., McArdell C.S., Golet E.M., Ibric S., Molnar E., Nipales N S., Giger W. (2001) Occurrence and Fate of
Fluoroquinolone, Macrolide, and Sulfonamide Antibiotics during Wastewater Treatment and in Ambient Waters in
Switzerland. In: C.G. Daughton and T. Jones-Lepp (Editors), Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the
Environment: An Emerging Concern. Washington, USA, ACS Symposium Series 791, p. 56-69.
PUBLICATIONS not peer-reviewed
Böhler M., Fleiner J., Teichler R., Bourgin M., McArdell, C.S., Siegrist H., Schachtler M. (2015) Praxisanwendung von
Regelung und Steuerung der Ozon - Dosierung bei der Spurenstoffelimination via Absorbanz-Messung. Proceedings
ISA 11. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie, 27. - 28. Oktober 2015, Aachen, Deutschland.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 7
McArdell C.S. (2015) Les micropolluants dans les eaux usées et les eaux superficielles – un tour d'horizon. Brochure
Eawag Journée d’info 2015 Micropolluants dans les eaux – Actions dans le domaine de l’épuration des eaux usées. 3
Sept. 2015.
McArdell C.S. (2015). The first full-scale advanced ozonation plant in the Dübendorf WWTP running; the new Swiss
water protection act approved. Article in Norman Bulletin, Issue No. 4, p. 36-37.
Kuroda K., Itten R., Kovalova L., Ort C., Weissbrodt D., McArdell C.S. (2011) Validating Modeled Input of
Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater Treatment Plants and Hospitals as Point Sources into the Swiss Environment.
Proceedings at the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference, 2-6 October 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
McArdell C.S., Lienert J. (2011) How should hospital wastewater be dealt with? Eawag Annual report 2010.
Götz C.W., Abegglen C., McArdell C.S., Koller M., Siegrist H., Hollender J., Schärer M. (2010)
Mikroverunreinigungen. Beurteilung weitergehender Abwasserreinigungsverfahren anhand Indikatorsubstanzen.
GWA 4, 325-333.
McArdell C.S. (2009) Local treatment of hospital wastewater? Photo story in Eawag annual report p.40/41.
McArdell C.S., Weissbrodt D., Kovalova L., Hollender J., Siegrist H. (2008) Where should hospital wastewater be
treated. Eawag Annual Report 2007.
Moser, R., McArdell C.S., Weissbrodt, D. (2007) Mikroverunreinigungen: Vorbehandlung von Spitalabwasser. GWA
11, 869-875.
Hollender J., McArdell C.S., Escher,B.I. (2007) Mikroverunreinigungen. Vorkommen in Gewässern der Schweiz. GWA
11, 843-852.
Hanke I., Singer H., McArdell C.S., Brennwald M., Traber D., Muralt R., Herold T., Oechslin R., Kipfer R. (2007)
Arzneimittel und Pestizide im Grundwasser. GWA 3, 187-196.
Schärer M., Müller S., Carrard M., Ort C., Siegrist H., Escher B., Hollender J., McArdell C.S. (2006) Projekt "Strategie
MicroPoll" GWA 7, 551-555.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Schaffner C., Giger W., and Hoehn E. (2005) Organische Spurenstoffe im Grundwasser des
Limmattales. EAWAG Jahresbericht 2005, 47.
Ternes T.A., Joss A., Kreuzinger N., Miksch K., Lema J.M., Von Gunten U., McArdell C.S., and Siegrist H. (2005)
Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products: Results of the POSEIDON Project. In Water Environment
Federation WEFTEC 2005, Conference Proceeding, Washington, DC.
Giger W., Alder A.C., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Golet E.M., Göbel A. (2005) Antibiotikarückstände in Abwasser und
Gewässern - Umweltanalytische Studien über Einträge und Verhalten. Gas Wasser Abwasser (GWA) 1, 17-23.
Göbel A., Thomsen A., McArdell C.S., Joss A., Siegrist H., Giger W. (2004) Antibiotika in der Abwasserreinigung.
EAWAG Jahresbericht, 48.
Siegrist H., Joss A., Alder A., McArdell C.S., Göbel A., Keller E., Ternes T.A. (2004) MikroverunreinigungenAbwasserentsorgung vor neuen Anforderungen? EAWAG news 57d 7-10. Micropollutants – new challenge in
wastewater disposal? EAWAG news 57e, 7-10. Micropollutants – le traitement des eaux usées face à un nouveau
défi? EAWAG news 57f, 7-10.
Joss A., Alder A., Huber M., Göbel A., von Gunten U., Keller E., McArdell C.S., Ternes T.A., Siegrist H. (2004)
Abbau von Mikroverunreinigungen in der kommunalen Abwasserreinigung. Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und
Gewässerschutzfachleute, p. 1-9.
Giger W., Alder A.C., Golet E.M., Kohler H.-P., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Schaffner C. (2003) Neue
Verunreinigungen in Abwasser und Gewässern. Bulletin ETH Zürich Nr. 289 Mai 2003, 46-49.
Molnar E., McArdell C.S., Alder A.C. and Giger W. (2002). Auftreten und Verhalten von Makrolid-Antibiotika in
Abwasser und Fliessgewässer im Glatttal – Einfluss der Abwasserumleitung ins Limmattal. EAWAG Jahresbericht,
McArdell C.S. (2002) Antibiotics - The Flipside if the Coin. EAWAG news 53e, September: p. 21-23.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Nipales N.S., Giger W. (2000) Makrolid- und Sulfonamid-Antibiotika als
Mikroverunreinigungen in kommunalem Abwasser und Oberflächengewässern. EAWAG Jahresbericht, 23-24.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 8
Nipales N.S., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Giger W. (2000) Occurrence of Macrolide and Sulfonamide Antibiotics in the
Aquatic Environment of Switzerland. American Chemical Society National Meeting; San Francisco, CA. Division of
Environmental Chemistry Preprints of Extended Abstracts 40(1), 104-106.
Buerge I.J., McArdell C.S., Hug S.J. (1999) Formation of Chromium(III) Carboxylate Complexes Analyzed by
Capillary Electrophoresis. Chapter 4 in Ph.D. thesis I. Bürge, Diss ETH No. 13139.
Bürgisser C.S. (1994) Transportverhalten von nicht-linear sorbierenden Stoffen in chromatographischen Säulen am
Beispiel der Adsorption an Cristobalit. Diss. ETH Nr. 10653, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich.
Bürgisser C., Scheidegger A., Borkovec M., Sticher H. (1991) Transport- und Adsorptionsverhalten von Cadmium in
Säulen. Mitteilungen Dt. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 66(1), 283-286.
McArdell C.S., Boehler M., Borowska E., Bourgin M. B., Fleiner J., Hollender J., Kienle C., Schachtler M., Teichler
R., Thomann M., von Gunten U., Siegrist H. (2015) First full-scale ozonation at a Swiss wastewater treatment plant:
fate of micropollutants and transformation products. Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2015, 9th IWA Specialist
Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants and Hazardous Substances in Water, 22 – 25 November
2015, Singapore.
Siegrist H., Boehler M., Borowska E., Bourgin M., Fleiner J., Teichler R., von Gunten U., McArdell C. S., (2015) First
full-scale ozonation at a Swiss WWTP – Ozone control with UV sensors for optimal dosage and mitigation of
bromate formation. Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2015, 9th IWA Specialist Conference on Assessment and
Control of Micropollutants and Hazardous Substances in Water, 22 – 25 November 2015, Singapore.
Böhler M., Fleiner J., Teichler R., Bourgin M., McArdell, C.S., Siegrist H., Schachtler M. (2015) Praxisanwendung von
Regelung und Steuerung der Ozon - Dosierung bei der Spurenstoffelimination via Absorbanz-Messung. ISA 11.
Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie, 27. - 28. Oktober 2015, Aachen, Deutschland.
McArdell C.S. (2015) First Swiss wastewater treatment plant with ozonation: Fate of micropollutants and formation of
transformation products. Study visit of Swedish representative at VSA/Eawag, 1 Oct. 2015. Invited lecture.
McArdell C.S., Borowska, E., Miksch K. (2015) MICROZO - Fate of organic micropollutants in advanced treatment of
wastewater with ozone. Sciex Closing Conference, 25 September 2015, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Invited poster.
Teichler R., Boehler M., Borowska E., Bourgin M., Fleiner J., Hollender J., Schachtler M., Thomann M., von Gunten
U., Siegrist H., McArdell C.S. (2015) Erste Schweizer Kläranlage mit Ozonung: Verbleib von Spurenstoffen und
Entstehung von Transformationsprodukten. 20. Jahrestagung SETAC GLB, 7.-10. Sept. 2015, Zurich, Schweiz.
Bourgin M., Borowska E., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2015). Ozonation of three emerging
contaminants (cetirizine, fexofenadine and hydrochlorothiazide): determination of rate constants and non-target
screening for the identification of transformation products. 14th International Conference on Environmental Science
and Technology, CEST, International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 3-5 September 2015,
Rhodes, Greece.
McArdell C.S. (2015) Les micropolluants dans les eaux usées et les eaux superficielles – un tour d'horizon. Eawag
Journée d’info 2015 Micropolluants dans les eaux – Actions dans le domaine de l’épuration des eaux usées. 3 Sept.
2015, EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse.
Bourgin M., Boehler M., Borowska E., Fleiner J., Hollender J., Kienle C., Teichler R., Wittmer A., Siegrist H.,
Schachtler M., Thomann M., Blunschi M., McArdell C.S. (2015) First full-scale application of ozonation for
wastewater treatment in Switzerland: Elimination of micropollutants and formation of oxidation products. IOA
World Congress and exhibition 2015 Ozone and advanced oxidation - Leading Edge Science and Technologies, 28
June - 3 July 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Bourgin M., Borowska E., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2015). Determination of transformation
products from the ozonation of pharmaceuticals and their detection in treated wastewaters. IOA World Congress and
exhibition 2015 Ozone and advanced oxidation - Leading Edge Science and Technologies, 28 June - 3 July 2015,
Barcelona, Spain.
McArdell C.S. (2015) DEMEAU results WA3: Advanced treatment of drinking water and waste water. Final
Consortium Meeting and Utility Event EU project DEMEAU, 17/18 June 2015, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Bourgin M., Borowska E., Helbing J., Kaiser H.P., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2015) Treatment of
Lake Zürich water by ozone-based processes: Effects on the elimination of micropollutants, the formation of
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 9
oxidation products and the mitigation of disinfection products. Final Consortium Meeting and Utility Event EU
project DEMEAU, 17/18 June 2015, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
McArdell C.S., Teichler R., Bourgin, M., Borowska, E., Beck B., Hollender J., Salhi E., von Gunten U. (2015)
Verhalten von Spurenstoffen und Zwischenprodukten in der Ozonung und biologischen Nachbehandlung. VSA/Peak
Kurs „Erste kommunale Ozonung zur Entfernung von Spurenstoffen – Forschung und grosstechnische Erfahrungen“,
Eawag, 12. und 19. Juni 2015, Dübendorf, Schweiz.
McArdell C. S.(2015) Implementation of the Swiss water protection act: results from the first mover with advanced
wastewater treatment. COST Action NEREUS meeting, 7-8 May, Barcelona, Spain. Invited lecture.
McArdell C. S., Boehler M., Borowska E., Bourgin M.B., Fleiner J., Hollender J., Kienle C., Teichler R., Wittmer A.,
von Gunten U., Siegrist H. (2015) Implementation of the Swiss water protection act: results from the first mover with
advanced wastewater treatment. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Borowska E., Bourgin M., Boehler M., Siegrist H., Hollender J., McArdell C. S., von Gunten U. (2015) Reactivity of
selected pharmaceuticals with ozone and their fate in advanced wastewater treatment. SETAC Europe 25th Annual
Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
McArdell C.S. (2015). Eawag and the Department of Environmental Chemistry – current research. Visit of
representative of STOWA, The Netherlands, 12 March 2015 at Eawag. Invited lecture.
McArdell C.S. (2014) Eawag and the Department of Environmental Chemistry – current research. Seminair at the
Silesian University of Technology, Environmental Biotechnology Department, Gliwice, Polen. Invited talk.
Borowska E., Bourgin M., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2014). Ozonation of cetirizine - kinetics and
determination of transformation products. 5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Aug. 31- Sept. 4, Istanbul, Turkey.
Von Gunten U., Bourgin M., Borowska E., Helbing J., Kaiser H.-P., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., (2014). Treatment of
surface water by O3 or the AOP O3/H2O2: Micropollutant elimination, formation of transformation products and
bromate. 5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Aug. 31- Sept. 4, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bourgin M., Borowska E., Helbing J., Kaiser H.-P., Hollender J., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2014). Treatment of
surface water by O3 or O3/H2O2 AOP: Cost-benefit of micropollutant elimination vs. formation of oxidation
products and by-products. 248th ACS National Meeting, August 10-14, San Francisco.
McArdell C.S., Oezel B.D., Hug A., Strande L., Udert K. (2014). Fate of pharmaceuticals in urine treatment. SETAC
Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Basel, 11-15 May, Switzerland.
Borowska E., Bourgin M., McArdell C.S., von Gunten U. (2014). Detection and the identification of ozonation products
in water by non-target approach. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Basel, 11-15 May, Switzerland. Poster.
McArdell C.S. (2014). Le traitement des rejets hospitaliers. Séminaire « La Chimie Analytique au service de la Santé »
organisé per Université de Genève, Faculté des Sciences, Juin 18, Geneve, Switzerland. Invited Speaker.
McArdell C.S. (2013). Le traitement des rejets hospitaliers. Séminaire: rejets des Etablissements de soins et qualité des
milieux aquatiques. Séminair organisé per CIPEL et HUG (Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève), Nov. 6, Geneve,
Switzerland. Invited Speaker.
McArdell C.S. (2013). Human pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: occurrence, fate and elimination strategies.
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Division of Chemistry and the Environment, August 11-16, Istanbul,
Turkey. Invited Speaker.
McArdell C.S. (2013). Overview on sources and fate of micropollutants in the aquatic water cycle. Short-course SC5 of
Marie Curie Action EDA Emerge. July 2-3, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
McArdell C.S. (2013). Evaluation of analytical and model-based approaches to assess the exposure of surface waters
with human pharmaceuticals. Micropol and Ecohazard 2013, 8 th IWA Specialized Conference on “Assessment and
control of micropollutants and hazardous substances in water”. June 16-20, Zurich, Switzerland.
Oezel B.D., Hug A., Strande L., Udert K.M. McArdell C.S. (2013). Fate of pharmaceuticals during urine treatment in
laboratory batch experiments: can urine be used as fertilizer in South Africa? Micropol and Ecohazard 2013, 8th
IWA Specialized Conference on “Assessment and control of micropollutants and hazardous substances in water”.
June 16-20, Zurich, Switzerland.
Joss A., Burkhardt M., McArdell C.S. (2013). Source control and Source separation, a required complementation to
centralized wastewater treatment. Micropol and Ecohazard 2013, 8th IWA Specialized Conference on “Assessment
and control of micropollutants and hazardous substances in water”. June 16-20, Zurich, Switzerland.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 10
McArdell C.S. (2012) Mass flux studies of polar organic micropollutants in water. The 10th UNU & GIST Joint
Programme Symposium “Southeast Asian Transboundary Environmental Issues – Contaminants and Challenges”
Oct. 16-18 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. Invited Lecturer.
McArdell C.S. (2012) Insights and activities of the European cooperation project PILLS, podium discussion, final
conference of PILLS, Sept. 19-20, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., and Siegrist H. (2012) Advanced treatment of
hospital wastewater. American Water Resources Association Specialty Conference: Contaminants of Emerging
Concern in Water Resources II: Research, Engineering, and Community Action, Denver, 25-27 June, USA.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Kienle C., Schwartz T., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., and Siegrist H. (2012)
Evaluating advanced treatment of hospital wastewater. 6th SETAC World Congress, Berlin, 20-24 May 2012,
McArdell C.S. (2011) Pharmaceuticals in Hospital Wastewater: Occurrence and Removal Study. Environmental
Engineering Seminar Series (EESS), Oct. 25 2011, EPFL, Lausanne.
McArdell C.S. (2011) Pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater: occurrence and removal study in Switzerland. The 9th
UNU & GIST Joint Programme Symposium “Urban Water Quality – Challenges and Emerging Issues for
Sustainable Cities” Oct. 16-18 2011, GIST, Gwangju, Korea. Invited Lecturer.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., Siegrist H. (2011) Advanced treatment of hospital
wastewater: a pilot scale study in Switzerland. 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water
& Wastewater Treatment, 4-7 October 2011, Aachen, Germany.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., Siegrist H. (2011) Point Source Hospital:
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment. 13th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment,
11-15 September 2011, Zürich, Switzerland.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., Siegrist H. (2011) Advanced treatment of hospital
wastewater: a pilot scale study. 8th IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies 6 - 10
June 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
McArdell C.S. Occurrence of antibacterials in Swiss surface waters and groundwater / Conventional and advanced
treatment technologies for the elimination of antibacterials from municipal wastewater as well as from hospital
wastewater. COST Action TD0803, WG2 meeting, London, England, 7-8 October 2010.
McArdell, C.S., Escher, B.I., Baumgartner, R., Koller, M., Treyer K., Lienert, J. Environmental toxicology and risk
assessment of pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewater. Action Fields Symposium, Dübendorf, Sept. 7 2010.
McArdell C.S. Elimination of organic micropollutants in municipal and hospital wastewater treatment. Visiting
Delegation from Sichuan Province in China at Eawag, August 30 2010.
McArdell C.S. Polar organic micropollutants from urban usage in the aquatic environment: occurrence, fate and
elimination strategies. Visiting Advisory Group Water Quality from the Netherlands at Eawag, June 3 2010.
McArdell C.S. Multistoffanalytik mit online-SPE-LC/MS/MS: Einträge und Elimination von Arzneimitteln aus
Spitälern. Eawag Kurs PEAK A2/10, Chemische Umweltanalytik: Konzepte und Methoden, June 15-16 2010.
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Eugster J., Hagenbuch M., Wittmer A., Siegrist H. Elimination of pharmaceuticals from
hospital wastewater in a pilot membrane bioreactor with PAC or ozone post-treatment SETAC Europe, 20th Annual
Meeting, 23-27 May 2010, Seville, Spain.
McArdell C.S. Kantonsspital Baden - Stoffbilanzierungen und Pilotversuch. Vortrag am Bundesamt für Umwelt (Bafu),
Sektion Oberflächengewässer-Qualität, 1. Dezember 2009.
McArdell C.S., Joss A., Koepke S, Krauss M., Wei Y., Foa P., Zapata A., Siegrist H. Water reuse: performance of a
membrane bioreactor prior to nanofiltration with concentrate recycling. Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, 6th
International Water Association IWA and Groundwater Association of California, San Francisco, USA, June 8-10,
McArdell C.S., Kovalova L., Weissbrodt D., Ort C. Moser R., Hollender J., Siegrist H. Hospital Wastewater: Input and
Elimination of Pharmaceuticals. Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, 6th International Water Association IWA and
Groundwater Association of California, San Francisco, USA, June 8-10, 2009.
McArdell C.S., Weissbrodt D., Kovalova L., Ort C., Moser R., Hollender J., Siegrist H. Mass Flow Analysis of
Pharmaceuticals in Hospital Wastewater. XENOWAC, International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water
Cycle, Paphos, Cyprus, March 11-13, 2009.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 11
Lienert J., Escher B.I., McArdell C.S., Mosler H.-J., Reichert P., Siegrist H. How to handle hospital wastewater. Action
Fields Symposium, Dübendorf, Sept. 16 2008.
McArdell, C.S., Asmin J., Ayuso-Gabella M.N., Balest L., Fink G., Hollender J., Mascolo G., Salgot M., Ternes T.A.
Fate of Micropollutants in Two Artificial Recharge Sites with Reclaimed Wastewater. IWA World Water Congress
Vienna, Austria, 07.-11.09.2008.
Weissbrodt D., Kovalova L-, Ort C., Moser R., Hollender J., Siegrist H., McArdell C.S., Hospital Wastewater: Mass
Flow Modelling, Analysis and Treatment of Pharmaceuticals and Disinfectants. 5th IWA Leading-Edge Conference,
Zurich, June 1 - 4, 2008. Won second poster award.
Hollender J. Steimen I., Asmin J., Koepke S., Krauss M., McArdell C.S., Escher B., Zimmermann S., von Gunten U.,
Ort C., Siegrist H. Elimination of toxic micropollutants in a whole treatment plant using ozonation. 5th IWA
Leading-Edge Conference, Zurich, June 1 - 4, 2008
McArdell C.S. Emission von Arzneimitteln und Desinfektionsmitteln aus Spitälern und Behandlung von Spitalabwasser:
Erste Resultate eines EAWAG-Forschunsgprojekts. Workshop DWA-Arbeitsgruppen IG-2.14 und AK-8.1,
30.1.2008 in Darmstadt.
McArdell C.S. The Importance of Micropollutants in Aquifer Recharge with Reclaimed Wastewater. RECLAIM
WATER regional workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 30 2007. invited talk.
McArdell C.S. Mass flows of micropollutants in the Glatt Valley Watershed. COST Action 636 WG1 meeting, Santiago
de Compostela, Spain, 10-12 September 2007.
McArdell C.S., Giger W., Hanke I., Hoehn E., Lück A., Molnar E., Schaffner C., Singer H. Input of Organic
Micropollutants from Human Use into Groundwater. 5th IWA Specialised Conference "Micropol & Ecohazard
2007", Frankfurt/Main, June 17-20 2007.
McArdell C.S. Three mitigation projects in Switzerland. COST Action 636 WG1 meeting, Stockholm, 19-20 April
McArdell C.S. Benzotrizoles as contaminants in surface water and groundwater . Complexing Agents between Science,
Industry, Authorities and Users (CASIAU), Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, March 1116 2007.
McArdell C.S. Einträge von Antibiotika in die Umwelt. Tagung der Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Zürich, 30 Nov.
2006. Invited talk.
McArdell C.S., Hinterbuchner T., Molnar E., Schaffner C., Hollender J., Giger W., Kohler H.-P.E. Elimination of
Benzotriazoles in Sewage Treatment. Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) Fall Meeting, Zürich, 13 Oct. 2006. (See
Chimia 2006, 60(7/8), p. 384)
McArdell C.S. Arzneimittel: Analytik und Verhalten in der Umwelt. Fortbildungskurs PEAK A2/06 "Chemische
Umweltanalytik: Konzepte und Methoden", Eawag, Oktober 2006.
McArdell C.S. Benzotrizoles as contaminants in surface water and groundwater. COST Action 636 meeting, Vienna, 2527 September 2006.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Alder A.C., Giger W. Environmental occurrence and behaviour of macrolide and
sulfonamide antibiotics: from hospital and municipal wastewaters to rivers and groundwaters. Joint DIA/HESI/SAPS
Conference on Environmental Assessment of Human Medicines. Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006.
McArdell C.S. Eintragspfade von Arzneimitteln und Vorkommen in Wasser und Boden. Veranstaltung des
Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg zum Thema "Arzneimittel - Spurenschadstoffe im Wasserkreislauf und
Boden", Stuttgart, 17. Mai 2006. Invited talk.
Hinterbuchner T., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Schaffner C., Giger W., Kohner H.-P.E. Microbial degradation of
benzotriazoles in sewage sludge. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 16 st Annual Meeting
of SETAC Europe. Den Haag, Netherlands, May 2006.
Molnar E., Alder A.C., McArdell C.S., Giger W. Environmental occurrence and behaviour of macrolide and
sulfonamide antibiotics: from hospital and municipal wastewaters to rivers and groundwaters. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 16 st Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe. Den Haag, Netherlands,
May 2006.
McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Giger W., Golet E., Göbel A., Huber M., Joss A., Keller E., Molnar E., Siegrist H., von
Gunten U. Verhalten verschiedener Arzneimittel und Benzotriazole bei der Abwasserreinigung (EU-Projekt
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 12
POSEIDON). Langenauer Wasserforum 2005 "Massenspektrometrie in der Spurenanalytik", Langenau, Germany.
Nov. 2005. Invited talk.
McArdell C.S. Arzneimittelrückstände in der aquatischen Umwelt: Nachweis und Bedeutung. Jubiläumsveranstaltung:
10 Jahre CEAC (Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry), ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Sept. 2005. Invited talk.
McArdell C.S. and Göbel A. Antibiotics in wastewater treatment and ambient waters. Symposium Analytical Sciences in
Environmental and Geological Research, Dübendorf, Switzerland, Sept. 2005. Invited talk.
McArdell C.S., Joss A., Alder A.C., Felis E., Giger W., Göbel, A., Löffler D., Siegrist, H., Zabczynski S., Ternes T.A..
Sorption of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products to Activated Sludge. Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry (SETAC) 15st Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe. Lille, France, May 2005.
McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Göbel A., Joss A., Keller E., Siegrist H., Ternes T.A., Giger W. Elimination of PPCPs from
Wastewater: Sorption to Sludge and Impact of Treatment Technologies. CEEC Workshop "Classic and Emerging
Environmental Contaminants: from Lakes to Oceans", Eawag, Jan. 2005.
McArdell C.S., Thomsen A., Göbel A., Alder A.C., Giger W. Determination of Sulfonamide and Macrolide Antibiotics
in Sewage Sludge Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) Followed by Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS.
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) Fall Meeting, Zürich, Oct. 2004. (See Chimia 2004, 58(7/8), p. 455)
McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Göbel A., Joss A., Keller E., Siegrist H., Ternes T.A., Giger W. Elimination of PPCPs from
Wastewater: Sorption to Sludge and Impact of Treatment Technologies. Veranstaltung des Umweltbundesamtes
"Arzneimittel in der Umwelt – Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie das Umweltbundesamt". Berlin, Sept.
McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Clara M., Göbel A., Joss A., Keller E., Kreuzinger N., Plüss H., Siegrist H.R., Strenn B.
Impact of Treatment Technologies on the Elimination of Selected Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 14st Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe. Prague, Czech Republic,
April 2004.
McArdell C.S. Pharmazeutika: von der Ausscheidung bis ins Gewässer. 60. VAS Hauptmitglieder-versammlung, Thema
"Spurenstoffe in Abwasser und Gewässer". Geladener Vortrag. Olten, April 2004.
McArdell C.S. Impact of Treatment Technologies Illustrated with the Mass Balances on the PPCPs Selected in
POSEIDON. POSEIDON-Symposium, Braunschweig, Germany, Nov. 2003.
McArdell C.S. Pharmazeutika in der aquatischen Umwelt. Fortbildungskurs PEAK V24/03 "Chemische Problemstoffe",
Eawag, August 2003.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Giger W. Occurrence and Fate of Clarithromycin in the Glatt River Watershed, Switzerland.
And: Kuch H.M., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Alder A.C., Kohler H.-P.E., Giger W. Determination of β-Lactam
Antibiotics in Effluents from Municipal Hospitals and Wastewater Treatment Plants in Switzerland by LC/MS/MS.
SACh Conference, Swiss Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry. Hotel Uto Kulm, Zurich Uetliberg,
Switzerland, Sept. 2003.
Göbel A., McArdell C.S., Alder A.C., Giger W. Occurrence and Fate of Selected Macrolide and Sulfonamide
Antibiotics in Sewage Treatment. And: Keller E., Alder A.C., McArdell C.S., Giger W. Pharmaceuticals in the
Aquatic Environement. Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry. Basel,
Switzerland, Oct. 2002. (See Chimia 2002, 56(7/8), p. 333-334).
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Giger W. Macrolide Antibiotics: from Excretion to Appearance in Surface Water. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 12 st Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe. Vienna, Austria, May
McArdell C.S. Antibiotika in Gewässern. 7. Forum Medizin und Umwelt, Thema "Wasser", Aerztinnen und Aerzte für
Umweltschutz, Zürich, Schweiz, April 2002.
McArdell C.S. Antibiotika: Kehrseite der Medaille. EAWAG Infotag 2001, Thema "Risikofaktoren im Wasser". ETH,
Zürich, Sept. 2001.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Giger W. Occurrence of Macrolide Antibiotics in Wastewater Treatment Plants.
International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC): The 10 th Symposium on Handling of
Environmental and Biological Samples in Chromatography. Mainz, Germany, April 2001.
Molnar E., McArdell C.S., Giger W., Occurrence of Macrolide Antibiotics in the Environment. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 21 st Annual Meeting. Nashville, TE, USA, Nov 2000.
CV Christa S. McArdell, Oct. 2015, p. 13
Molnar E., McArdell C.S., Giger W., Occurrence of Macrolide Antibiotics in the Environment. New Swiss Chemical
Society Fall Meeting, Division of Analytical Chemistry. Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 2000.
Nipales N.S., McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Giger W., Occurrence of Macrolide and Sulfonamide Antibiotics in the
Aquatic Environment of Switzerland. American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Environmental
Chemistry. San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2000.
Alder A., McArdell C.S., Giger W., Determination of Antibiotic Chemicals in Waste Waters and in Ambient Waters in
Switzerland. Conference on "Antibiotics in the Environment"at the Cranfield University's Management Development
Center. Cranfield, UK, Feb. 2000.
McArdell C.S., Molnar E., Nipales N.S., Giger W., Occurrence of Macrolide and Sulfonamide Antibiotics in the
Aquatic Environment. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 20th Annual Meeting.
Philadelphia, PA, USA, Nov. 1999.
McArdell C.S., Stone A.T., Buerge I.J., Hug S.J., Speciation Measurement of Cobalt and Chromium Interacting with
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