December 13, 1973
December 13, 1973
• » "i • r J $&AvinfylivL&bdfon,£biQ£L$waLl85(> Vol. 32 118thyear DEWITT TWP-Earlier threats of recall w e e k w h e n township residents submitted the township supervisor, township clerk and action moninDVwitf^pcam™ " Potions to hold a recall elecUon concerning . 2 trustees. , December 13,1973 28 Pages ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 Named on the recall petitions were Dale Emerson, supervisor; Donna Syverson, clerk; Jack Kzeski, trustee and Eileen Corr, trustee. Apparent motivation for the petition drive was the firing of township police chief Bruce Angell about 3 months ago. Angell and township residents at the time protested the dismissal and it was then there was talk of petitions being circulated for recall. However, included also on the recall petitions is a protest over sewer rate adjustments. THE PETITIONS stated as reasons for a recall election, "an arbitrary, improper adjustment of sewer use rates within the township and arbitrarily and without cause discharged the police chief of DeWitt Twp and failed to maintain the proper communications with residents of DeWitt Twp. Emerson said the board as a whole, since the 1972 election had not changed sewer rates and the only person holding office (named in the petitions) when the rates were adjusted from $9.50 to $10.50 monthly was Syverson. An election date is expected to be set within 30 days. Not named in the petitions were trustees Roger Pline and. Bill Purves and treasurer Oliver Angell. Ovid bond issue passes by 31 votes OVID-A 31-vote margin led the way The project consists of new storm sewers Monday to approval of a $230,000 bond issue for drainage and hot mix t asphalt street to finance street imprqvements. * construction. A total of 241 residents voted in the Part of the project will be financed by election with 136 approving the proposal and revenue sharing and part by bonds sup105 voting against'the bond issue. ported by gas tax returns. Construction begins Allen Draste, Gary Ressegaie, Missie Frechen, Sharon Watts, Bill Purchase and Susan Cassler, 2d and 5th St Johns Central Elemerltary School students count over 10,000 Campbell Soup labels to be exchanged for 4 tape recorders. But, who can resist, the students celebrate with a fluttery toss for the benefit of the;County News photographer. - 1 Pleads guilty to fqllowing manslaughter death of Elsie woman Court Monday to charges of manslaughter, resulting from the death of his former wife, ST JOHNS-Rex Tefertiller, 53, 654 Ovid, Elsie, entered a plea of guilty in Circuit on Bath Twp sewer I Betty Lee Tefertiller of Elsie. He stood mute to charges of 2d degree murder, which were dropped in lieu of the manslaughter plea. Circulate survey of St Johns vo-ed grads Tefertiller told the court that he and the deceased had a verbal and physical argument the night of Oct 14 and that she had got a "headlock" during a "scuffle." ST JOHNS - St Johns High School, along* with mpst high schools in the state, is, maDing a follow-up survey to all1 *1973. 'graduates who were enrolled in vocational, education programs. The goal of the followt' up survey Is to enable the local, school districts to gain a more complete and ac-. curate picture of what happens to ttiejr" graduates. Another purpose is to explore • the necessity for providing placement services' for all youths completing career, preparation programs. • ' ^ • •'* •, TJie survey will also help to determine the*t effectiveness of vocational education,' • • t programs as seen by Vocational Education graduates. The Michigan Department of Education provided forms, compilation and analysis services at regional data processing centers. Results of the study will give local districts, Career Education Planning Districts and the Michigan Department of Education a much clearer picture of what happens to graduates. School placement program effectiveness can be examined, enabling school systems to determine if there is a need for placement services. " Sheriffs' Posse to *; * * "In order to improve present curriculum, offerings to better meet the needs of the students, we hope that all 1973 graduates will take the time to fill out the Follow-Up Survey and return it to the high school. Besides, we are sincerely interested in learning what and how you are doing," said Kenneth E. Lashaway, director of vocational education for St Johns Public Schools] , , ^ He said during the fight, lie had pushed against her neck to break the hold and later, she fell to the floor. BATH TWP--It's finally happened, After months and months'of "off again, on again" actions concerning the proposed Bath Twp sewer, construction finally got \ underway this week. The sewer project suffered numerous set backs including lack of sufficient votes on the board, then an injunction after the issue passed because of a petition protesting the amount of bonded indebtedness and other stumbling blocks along the way. A vote bv the board last year failed to have the sufficient number of "yes" votes, due partly to the fact that some, wanted to wait until a decision would be made about t federal funding assistance.. However, it became evident no federal Xunding would be available and the board then irjoved to the^sewer^ and maintain funds from the state. Since that time, court action by protesting residents of the township sought to halt construction. However, those actions were unsuccessful and the sewer is on the way. Hold funeral services for retired Bath fire chief Tefertiller said he did not know she had BATH TWP » Services were held Friday, died and left the house to sleep in a truck Dec 7,ifor Ernest S. Jrofatter, retired fire outside where he was found and, sub- chief of Bath Twp, who had served in that sequently, arrested. position for 20 years. Sentencing will take place Jan 14. He had also served on thj: Township Board of Trustees and was a former School Board member. He is survived by his wife, Mary; 2 sons, 3 daughters, 28 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, 5 brothers and 5 sisters. St Johns Jaycees seek outstanding young farmer ST JOHNS - The St Johns Jaycees are asking for nominations for the Outstanding Young Farmer award this year. Each year the Jaycees* OYF Program honors young farmers in the area between 21 and 35 years of age, who have made the most farm progress, greatest contribution to conservation and given unselfishly to the betterment of their community. The local winner will be eligible for state Rex Allen and Group. Bobby G. Rice is known for his Gold Record of "You Lay So and national competition. Purposes of the award are to provide Easy On My Mind" and Rex Allen Jr is the recognition for excellence in agrjculture, 1 son of Rex Allen of Hee Haw TV fame. The program will be an authentic Nash- encourage young farmers, and to provide a" ville Grand Ole Opry type show. Anyone in better public understanding of the imClinton County wishing information on portance of agriculture'. Nominations of good young farmers in family or single tickets may call 224-6611 or Clinton County are needed to make this 224-6617. * project a success. They may be mailed to Tom Irrer, Rt 4, St'Johns and must be ».V>K::*:S postmarked prior to Jan 1. The county winner will be announced fn January. sponsor-benefit show The Clinton County News 'has beep .informed by Lt Richard Noble, of the Sheriffs Posse, that the Sheriff's Posse will again put on a benefit'show at 7:30 pm Feb 2 at the Sf Johns High School Gymnasium. Proceeds from the showiwill be used for the Sheriff's Posse Youth Activities ,. Prdgram throughout Clinton County, The show will feature Bobbv G. Rice and ^^^SStf^^ City Commission approves. . .If" ST JOHNS-An ordinance- to allow Sullivan Farm rezoning was approved by the St Johns City Commission Monday night and another development request for a preliminary) plat for Searles Estates was approved with a condition. That condition was that a retention holding pond be'built to prevent overloading existing drainage*., Jim Stephens of Stephens" Engineering said the builders wanted to construct the pond later vfith the establishment of future development, but Commf Roy Ebert said, "This is next to the creek1 and you're increasing the flow and adding to the'flooding problem in St Jph,ns. / ,s M T w T; F s_ •1 . 2 - 3 4 >.5 8 9 10 1**12 15*16 17 10*19 22* 23 2 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 29 .30,31 ** i 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 Both Ebert and City Manager Harvey Weatherwax said it was agreed by the developer that a holding pond would be built at the time of development. The plat was approved, but with the proyision that the holding be constructed. In other action t]ie cityi moved to investigate the feasability of increasing !he ( speed limit on Lansing St just off US-27 from 25 mph to 35 mph, appointed Bruce Wood as city staff member to serve on the Planning Commission and announced the State Highway Dept approved putting flashing lights hear St Joseph School. The Commission reserved action until hearing a decision to be reached by the St Joseph School Board, Recentsnpwfalls in St Johns add to the Christmas spirit of the holiday decorations. The decorations are not being lighted currently, but may be the last few evenings before Christmas. \ r A Clinton National Christmas Club will help you to be prepared.. .(scout's honor!) Member FDIC 2A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN December 13,1973 Last month for bottle cap ive to fight kidney disease ST JOHNS -- This is the last month for the "Crown For A Better America" - project sponsored by the Royal Crown Cola Co and being conducted by St Johns Jaycettes. This project is of vital importance to the Michigan Kidney Foundation. The money given to the Michigan Kidney Foundation will be used for perfusion equipment which preserves a kicjney from the time it is removed from the donor until it is transplanted into the recipient, This perfusion equipment is definitely a means by which many of their lives can be saved. ._ Deposit the special cash donation bottle cap liners under bottle caps of RC Cola and Diet Rite Cola by Dec 21, the last collection date. Boxes are at the * following locations; JC Penney, Quality Discount, D&C Store, Eislers Superette, Treasure Chestr Parr's Drug, D&B Party Store, Borons, DePeals Music, Gambles, Kroger, IGA, and Sunshine Laundry Center. St Johns Jaycettes spokesman said "We appreciate all the help given us on this project. Help make this New Year a very happy one for the people at the Mich Kidney Foundation." for t h e holidays BRING THE JOY OF MUSIC INTO YOUR HOME THIS CHRISTMAS WITH A . . . . If there are any questions concerning this project please call Mrs Wayne Woodbury. t Johns Music Dept presents Yule Concert series ST JOHNS -- The St Johns Public Schools Music Department will be presenting a series of Christmas Programs this week and next. All concerts are free to the public. Thursday, Dec 13, is the first of the 3 concerts Featured on this, program is the 9th Grade tfand. High School Chorus, Ciioralau'es, and the Concert Band. The program time is 7:30 pm. Sunday's Christmas Concert, Dec 16, begins at 3 pm. The Concert Choir opens the program with the Symphonic Band and Orchestra next in sequence Traditional songs for both young and old will be presented. Concluding the program is the "Hallelujah" Chorus. The Thursday and Sunriav KIMBALL PIANO OR £ h o m a $ ORGAN programs will be presented in Pocuis Auditprium which is at the High School. The final concert will be given in the auditorium at Rodney B. Wilson Jr High School. The performing groups include the Children's Choir, Seventh and Eighth Grade Choir and Orchestra and Eighth Grade Band. Program time is 7:30 pm Tuesday, Dec 18. SANTA CLAUS VISITED RANCH ROLLER RINK IN ST JOHNS RECENTL Y WHERE YOUNGSTERS USED A TOY EACH FOR ADMISSION TO THE SKATING PARTY. THE TOYS WILL BE CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO BRIGHTEN THE HOLIDAYS FOR LESS FORTUNATE CHILDREN Commission receives bids for US-27, M-21 work LANSING - Several road projects m Clinton County have been announced by tHe State Highway Commission and a low bid of $738,738 has been received from Spartan Asphalt Paving Co of Holt. The projects include. "CALIFORNIAN MODEL 262" HOME ORGAN 'igZzZ^ - 9 7 miles of intermittent paving on US-27 m St Johns and on M-21 from east of Scott Rd near St Johns to the Shiawassee County Line. The project includes construction jsf a right turn lane for southbound US-27 traffic at Sturgis St in St Johns, improving the radius of turn lanes on M-21 at Shepardsville Rd and construction of roadside islands on M-21 'dtf'MauV St 'id" k Ovid, , " ' y* -Construction of 3-foot wide shoulders on US-27 from Round Lake Rd north intermittently to M-57 in Gratiot County. Estimated completion date for the projects is August, 1974. Canned money, the gift everyone likes and nobody returns! neighbor. Thl American Red CTMI 4 % ^x WE'RE CELEBRATING WITH "ANNIVERSARY DEALS." COME SEE US TODAY. We'll seal your cash gifts in a #2 size can while you watch. CAN-O-CASH is already giftwrapped in a bright Christmas label. It's fun too, because the only way to open it is with a can opener. Each can has its own snap-on slotted lid to convert it to a year 'round savings bank. Come in now and let CAN-OCASH help you with your Christmas shopping. Canned money is a unique gift that everyone likes and nobody returns. No gift "can" top CAN-O-CASH. For: GREAT-LOOKING CARS. Pick a size: compact, mid-size, or full-size—we have 'em all. ^?r - For: J , GREAT-LOOKING DEALS. We think our deals can't be matched. Come in—we'll do our best to prove it. For: "CHARGERS 3." Coupe, hardtop, or SE models. Immediate delivery. No waiting. You can depend on us for exciting cars, great service. flu (1.00 pet can) \ .. .just another idea from from The wide-awake bank \ CLINTON NATIONAL BANK and Trust Company AUlHCMUti DEALERS Member FDIC f CUNTON NATIONAL COMMUNITY DODGE SALES Main Office: St. Johns Bath •Eliio • Eureka •Fowler •Hubbardtton • Laingt'burg • Maple Ropidi • Valley Farmi •Wacoutu 200 W HIGHAM ST. JOHNS Another beating REP DOUGLAS TREZISE 87th District A proposal to refund $22.50 to every person who paid the $45 uninsured motorist fee last year was one of the most debated bills in the House of Representatives last week. Considering the fact that we now have "No-Fault" insurance and every car must be insured •• - by law — as of October 1,1973, this proposal would seem to be a fair one. Yet.v it could result in a situation where the big majority of Michigan's taxpayers, those who have carried automobile insurance regularly, will end up paying the bills for the accidents involving those people who carried nb insurance at all. .To explain that statement we have to go Back to- the beginning. /in 1966 an act was passed by j^rie Legislature requiring that "^persons wishing to register automobiles in Michigan must show proof of insurance to cover their liability to others who might be injured in an auto accident. It alsoi provided that, in lieu of this insurance, a person could pay into a state; opera ted fund, a specified sum which would be put into a pool to pay claims of those people who suffered losses in accidents involving people who did not carry insurance. In addition, for the first six years, insured drivers also paid $1 per year into this fund to assure there would be funds enough to meet the claims arising from accidents of the uninsured motorist. Unfortunately, many people got the notion they were buying "state insurance" with the payment of the Uninsured Motorist Fee. It was not insurance. It was a fund created for the protection of all other drivers against losses 'as the result of accidents involving those uninsured drivers. In fact, when a claim was paid from the fund, it was the responsibility of the state to try to collect the amount of that _ claim from the uninsured motorist who was involved; but, frankly, this aspect of the plan never was very successful. The logic behind the bill which, faced us last week was that, since uninsured motorists werexequired to pay $45 into the fund when they bought their license plates this year and, since insurance coverage' became compulsory on October 1 with the "No-FaultH law six months before new plates are required, we should refund one half of the $45 payment to those who paid into the fund. It seems logical enough. \Ve offer a combination . of mortgage insurance which will pay off- the niortgageif you die and REPLACEMENT INCOME, : INSURANCE , which . will make Ihepayments if you: are :' ;•",.sickor injured and catVt ', "" *'• '•'•- This fine coverage costs : less than you think! A father at age 25 can . protect a $25,000,30-year mortgage on his home for i'ust over $10.00 per: month-a small amount : for family peace of mind,. For Complete Facts See Or Call W I L L I A M F.HOLLEY Carter - Melvin INSURANCE AGENCY Your Independent • insurance Agency , .122 W. Main, Elsie Phone 862-4227 Residence Phone 224-7580 Motorist Fund Is going to take another beating. Task Force offers ways to conserve home fuel LANSING - The Governor's Task Force on Fuel Supply is offering through the news media 21 ways to conserve fuel and money in the home. Of the 21,12 are listed as "things you can do that don't cost money." They are: 1. Turn down your thermostat 2 degrees s every other day, until you find the least temperature at which you can be comfortable. { (SEE PAGE 14A) But, when you recognize the purpose of the fund as it was created, some of the logic seems to fade away. According to the Secretary of State, who is charged with the management of this money, the total assets of the fund are expected to reach slightly over $67.6million during the next few years as it is being phased out. This includes interest on present funds, expected repayments, and new fees paid by motorcyclists who are not covered by "No-Fault" insurance. But the indication is that, if the $22.50 refund is given to this year's contributors the total obligations of the fund will be just about $70 million This means that, to pay the refund and meet anticipated obligations, we will have to put in more than $300,000 of general tax money. And, that money will have to come from the pockets of the majority of the people of Michigan who, in addition to paying for insurance all these years, paid $1 per year into the fund themselves to assure its solvency. It seems to me we were premature in authorizing this refund. I would have no quarrel with it if we were sure the money would be available in the fund itself; but, it will be several years before we can be certain of that. Unfortunately, my colleagues didn't agree with me and the bill passed the House and went on to the Senate. It is my feeling that, unless more fiscal responsibility prevails in that body, the average guy who paid for his insurance and paid his annual ~ dollar, into the Uninsured First Baptists have Missionary Banquet MORTGAGE f A Y W E N T : :. PROTECTION '. work.: ."' 3A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGKN December 13,1973 ' Over 100 people attended the Annual Missionary Banquet at the First Baptist Church of St Johns, Tuesday evening, Dec 4. A dinner of many varieties of salads was served. The Crusaders Quartet, from the Lansing Area, presented 2 musical packages. Mr and Mrs Stan Brittain were guest'missionaries, with Mr Brittain telling of their recent trip to the Baptist Congress in London, and describing spiritual conditions in England, of which he is a native. They will soon be going to New Zeeland as missionaries. A love offering of $628.50 was received, to' be given as Christmas gifts to the 18 missionary families supported by the church. Clinton County .Newt Second class postage paid at St. Johns, Mich. 4887p. Published /Thursdays at 120 E. Walker Street, St. Johns by Clinton county News, Inc. Subscription price by mall: "" In Michigan, $5forone year. S9* for two years, $3.75 for six months; outside Michigan, $6 \ for one year. I gammy ' j Witiyw^ NO CHASSIS TUBES TO BURN OUT! COMPARE! We're offering this crowning achievement of RCA engineering It's XL-100 AccuColor-100% solid state with circuitry designed for extendedlife. Bright picture and AccuMatic color monitor ' > tuning too. Without question, this is one of the most exciting color TV values we've'ever offered. AVAILABLE IN REMOTE CONTROL See the BIG SELECTION of color TV sets on display.. .READY FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY! Our Store Assures You Of Lasting Satisfaction With Complete, Competent Service After The Sale. KURT'S APPLIANCE ;$&££« f "Old Fashioned Friendly Service*' 107 N. CLINTON, ST, JOHNS PH. 224-2412 > NORTH CLINTON ST. S I JOHNS 1 PHONE 224-3895 \ - 4A December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS,M|CHIGAN Luttig - Simmon exchange vows Christmas sift. * Telephones are so useful, you start to think the only thing they can be is useful, ^ And you forget how beautiful they can be. That's why some people completely overlook phones as a Christmas gift. Well, General Telephone has phones that are absolute knockouts—a joy to look at and to use. For instance, that supermodern Styleline® phone. The dial is hidden till you pick up the^honej then it's right in the palm of x your hand. , We have Candlestick phones with styling *j.!5^*-. straight out of the Roaring Twenties. We have old-fashioned phones. And phones that hardly look like phones. And phones so elegant they look like they belong in a castle, Most likely you have their pictures in full color right in your own home. (They come in a variety of lovely colors.) Just look between the White Pages and the Yellow Pages of your phone book, To order, call the Gift Specialist at your phone company's business office, Give the kind of gift that makes people think only you could have thought of it. MR & MRS SAMUEL SIMON FOWLER - Janice Theresa Luttig, daughter of Mr and Mrs Norman J. Luttig, 11025 W. Ionia St, and Samuel Lee Simmon, son of "Mr and Mrs Clare H. Simmon, Dexter Trail, Fowler, were united in marriage Oct 27 at Most Holy Trinity Church. The Rey Albert Schmitt performed the ceremony before an altar decorated with autumn colored bouquets. The bride selected an ivory peau de soie A-line gown trimmed with Machelle lace topped with rosebud appliques, featuring a high empire, waistline flowing into a chapellength train. Her waist length illusion veil was attached to a Camelot headpiece covered with Machelle lace. She carried a love song bouquet of wood fiber yellow roses and deep rust carnations. Jean Luttigof Fowler, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The bride's other attendants were Sue Geller, Jan Simmon, sisters of the groom, Mary Feldpausch and ,,Jo , Ann1 Frechen, friends of the bride,}1 all of Fowler. They wore gowns ). styled similar to the brides | consisting of ivory lace, tops trimmed in Machelle lace/and velvet wine skirts. The maid of honor wore a gown of,deep green velvet skirt with an ivory lace top, Each wore a velvet Camelot headpiece with a waist length veil to match the color of their dress and carried bouquets of autumn flowers. . Chris Simmon, brother of the groom,' served as best man. Groomsmen were Mike Klein, Dale Thelen, and Dan Feldpausch, all of Fowler, and John Luttig, brother of the bride, of Lansing, Jerry Klein and Dave Koenigsknecht seated the guests. t A buffet reception and dance was held for the couples 450 guests in the Holy Trinity Church Hall iri Fowler. Following the—newlyweds wedding trip to Florida, they will reside at Dexter Trail, Fowler. DEC 13 -- St Johns Morning Musicale Christmas program. Meet at Nola Lumbert residence at 9:30 am. DEC 14 - Beginning at 10 am, the Clinton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will hold their Annual Christmas Cookie Sale in the Community Room of Central National Bank. St Johns Woman's Club a has Christmas luncheon v ST JOHNS - The Spirit of chairman, Mrs George Judd, Christmas prevailed at the read a poem, "My Christmas luncheon meeting of the St Gift." Mrs Winchell Brown, Johns Woman's Club, held Dec 5 chairman of the day, introduced at Jeanne's Beans, where Mrs H.M. Bross whose program Christmas candles lighted the .topic was "Christmas Across America." scene.. Mrs Bross took the audience After luncheon was served a on an imaginary trip across the short business meeting was lower w48 states, up'to Alaska, conducted by the president, Mrs dowq Hawaii, and even to farAverill Carson, who welcomed flung American possessions like Christmas Island and, Puerto the guests. Home Life and Literature Rico. She told of various Christmas customs, accenting her talk with three songs for which she accompanied herself. They were a Wyandot Indian lullaby; an Appalacian song, arranged by John Jacob Niles, "I Wonder As I Wander"; and "Mete Kalikimaka" for which she played a ukelele accompaniment. The next meetingg will be Jan 16 at the First Congregational Church. Coming Events DEC 15 -- 8 pm Masonic Temple. Open installation of* Blue Lodge officers. Charles A. Root to be installed as Worshipful Master. Dinner will precede at 6:30 pm. DEC 16--Bingham Grange Potluck Christmas Party, 1 pm at Uie Grange Hall $1 gifts to be exchanged. policies DEC 3-20 — The Child Night", a motion picture about Development Class at PewamoBible prophecy and what can Westphalia High School will happen when Jesus Christ again this year have a Nursery returns. 7 pm. School in the > Cafeteria from DEC 18 — Tuesday at 8 pm 12:40 to 1:30, ages 3-a the American Legion Auxiliary Edwin T. Stiles Unit 153 regular meeting. Everyone is asked, to take a $1 exchange Christmas gift You'll find out when you have a claim. "A girl, Kristin Renae, was born to Mr and Mrs Neil Feldpausch of Fowler R 2 Nov 17,1973 at Carson City Hospital. She weighed 6 lbs 7 ozs. The baby has 3 brothers. Grand' parents are Mr and Mrs William Rademacher of Fowler and Mr and Mrs Sylvester of Fowler, The mother is the former Rosemary Rademacher. A boy, Brian Christopher, was born to Ronald and Darlene Koenigsknecht of Owosso Dec 2, 1973 at Sparrow Hospital He weighed 7 lbs 15 ozs. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Nick Koenigsknecht. A girl, Amy Marie, was born to Mr and Mrs William J. Archer of 725 Ada St Owosso Dec 1, 1973 at Owosso Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs 2 ozs. The baby has 1 brother. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Archer of Owosso and Mr and Mrs John Hrncharik of Elsie. The mother is the former Janet Hrncharik, A boy, Steven Wayne, was born to Sgt and Mrs John Anderson of Roy, Washington Nov 28, 1973 at Ft Lewis Army Hospital. He weighed 3 lbs 13 ozs. The baby has 1 brother. Grandparents are Sam Anderson of Arizona Dorris Anderson of Ovid, Mr and Mrs John Hrncharik of Elsie. The mother is the former Paulette Hrncharik. You can help yourself avoid costly mistakes in the amount of auto coverage you carry if you talk over your needs with your independent insurance agent. Because-as many people discover too /afe-all policies do not cover all risks. And the attitudes of different companies toward claim payments vary quite widely. As an independent agent, we represent several insurancecompanies. This means we can pick and choose among insurance companies lo find the one that provides the best coverage for you. We have a free booklet, "How To-Avoid Costly Mistakes In Auto Insurance," lhat is yours for the asking. Jusl call or write (or your copy. There's no obligation. -^*^T :t§ AOtNT J AGENCY PHONE 834-2288 VACATION IN THIS WINTER DREI?S MOTOR HOMES SAYS TAKE ONE OF OUR MOTOR HOMES ON AN " R V CATION" SAVE ENERGY BY 80%. We have 13 to choose from. We also have 3 rentals for those HOLIDAY VACATIONSI YOU NEED NOT WORRY ABOUT GAS STATION SHUT DOWNS, OUR RENTALS • HAVE FROM 60 to 120 GALLONS OF GAS CAPACITY. SO SAVE ENERGY AND* GO RV CATION! WE ARE AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR OLYMPIC PICKUP CAPS. ' DON'T FORGET WE GIVE UP TO 500 GALLONS OF GAS.FREE WITH EACH MOTOR HOME PURCHASED THROUGH DEC. 13.1973. DOWNTOWN ST. JOHNS PHONE 224-2837 HALLMARK CARDS AND SANDERS CANDIES REXALL DREPS MOTOR HOMES v OPEN WEEKDAYS 1 to 8 11375 N.U.S. 27 . DEWITT SAT. 10 to 5 PH. 669-9997 December 13,1973 5A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Bappert - Woodhams united ST JOHNS • On Nov 16 Sharon Marie Bappert, daughter of Mr ^and Mrs Robert Gilroy, R 5, and jthe late John Bappert became Ihe bride of Jack Richard Woodhams, son of Mr and Mrs Richard Woodhams, RG, at St Joseph Catholic Church. Fr, Carl Simon performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with red and white roses and carnations. MM* Organist Margaret LaChapelle and soloist Vickie 'Thelen provided music for the occasion. The bride chose a gown of Chantilly lace featuring an empire waist and a high neckline and accented with lace appliques. A full length chapel train was attached to the gown. She wore a camelot style cap of nylon tulle, and carried a NATIONALLY ACCREDITED BY THE COSMETOLOGY ACCREDITING COMMISSION CUnk Open To The Public . 'FREE PARKING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES; IN THE BEAUTY FIELD ALL SERVICES RENDERED ' BY SUPERVISED SENIOR STUDENTS New Classes Starting The First ' Monday of Each Month For further information, write or call . James Lyon, 15S57 North East St. Lansing. bouquet of white and red roses and carnations. Serving as maid of honor was Rita Kissane of St Johns. Bridesmaids were Linda Bappert, Teresa Bappert, and Kathy Bappert, sisters of the bride, and Susan Woodhams, sister of the groom. The attendants wore rainbow colored dresses, turquois, pink, yellow, blue, and violet, in color, featuring embroidered yoke fronts and high neckline. They carried nosegays of roses and carnations. The mother of the bride chose a floor length mint green gown while the groom's mother wore a navy floor length gown. Both had corsages of roses .^ Attending as best man was Larry Schomisch of St Johns. Groomsmen were Tom Moldenhauer, J,im Bappert, Wayne Morrison, and Jim McQueen, all of St Johns. Immediately following the ceremony a reception for 700 guests was held in the St Joseph Gym. Host and hostess were Mr and Mrs Alvin J. Thelen. Special guests included Mr and Mrs Oscar C. Simon, Fowler, grandparents of the bride,' Mr and Mrs Robert W. Halsey, St Johns, and Mr and Mrs Hershel M. Woodhams, St Johns, both grandparents of the groom, Following the honeymoon to Florida Hhe couple were residing at Kinely Rd„ St Johns. The bride graduated from St Johns High School in 1973 while her husband graduated from St Johns in 1972. Anniversary An open house honoring Almond and Dorothy Cressman on their 40th wedding anniversary will be held in Wilcox Hall at the First Congregational Church in St Johns on Sun, Dec. 16, 1973 from 2-6 pm. Wright - Ruswinckel wed OKEMOS - Mr and Mrs C. F. Wholfert announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty Wohlfert Weight, to John W.Ruswinckel on Sat., Dec 1 a t ' the home of Mr and Mrs J. W. Ruswinckel in Okemos. The occasion is being hosted by their children .and families, Mr and Mrs Russel Bauerle, Mr and Mrs Gerald Myers, and Mr Richard Cressman. Relatives and friends of the Cressman's are invited to come. KNIT FABRICS NEW SELECTION OF Cottons, Cotton Polyesters, and Polyester Double Knits MR & MRS JACK WOODHAMS Anniversary open house KNIT CLASSES ALSO 2 hour sessions — $8 for 5 weeks to honor Horns Mr and Mrs Raymond Horn of Wager Road, Pewamo will be honored at an open house for their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, Dec 16, from 2 to 5 pm. LINGERIE CLASSES BEING SCHEDULED EVERY 5 WEEKS 2 hour sessions - $5 for 5 weeks Call a n d Register Todayl The event will take place at the couple's home and is given by their children. The couple request there be no gifts. Dress Making & Alterations Lingerie and Knit Classes 2441 S. Warren Rd., 3 miles east of Ovid on M-21, 2'A miles south Ph. 834-5975 HOURS: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 5; Fn. 9 to 9 Sat 9 to Noon, otherwise by appointment Announce engagement FOWLER - Mr and Mrs Arnold 'Wieber of R 2, Fowler announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice to Henry Klein, son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Klein, Jr of R 1, Pewamo. The bride-elect is a> 1971 graduate of PewamoWestphalia High School and is employed by Drs. Caruso, Quigley, and Leshock in Lansing. Her fiance is a 1969 graduate of St Joseph's Seminary, Grand Rapids, and is employed by OldsmobOe-plant engineering. A June wedding is being - planned. CNB&T Teller of the Year, Chris Holcomb EVERY CUSTOMER IS A SALESMAN FOR EGAN FORD SALES, Inc. 200 W. Higham ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2285 s^s^^ss^^^a^?®£^g^s^^sss^?^s^a^s^s^j^£^g^ THAT'S OUR WAY OF MEETING THE ENERGY CRISES As everyone else in the country has done, we at CNB&T have made some adjustments in our policies to conserve energy. Throughout all eleven/locations, thermostats have been turned down and lighting has been cut in buildings and parking areas. Bank vehicles have been assigned top speeds of fifty miles per hour and employees in every capacity are joining in efforts to use more efficiently the power at our disposal. And how does soft music and candlelight fit into all this? Well, you might say we're looking at the dim side to brighten the dark. It's our way of making the inconveniences of the times a little more acceptable... Candlelight and soft music soothes the spirit and this combination will be part of our service each Monday and Friday between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. These are the times which exceed normal banking hours and times when we feel conserving energy would be most effective. It's our way of providing service along with a gentle reminder that we all must contribute toward energy conservation. We hope to make your contribution a little easier by providing you a time to SUPERIOR FLAVOR Two cupi tcula oi detkloui 01 sight. 2 T O 8 CUP "QUIK-DRIP" ™ COFFEEMAKER bank by candlelight at If the freshest, clearest coffee flavor is what you're after, then West Bend's new Quik-Drip coffeemaker is for you! Brews 2 cups in just 3 minutes, additional cups in 90 seconds each, automatically — and every cup delicious! Uses drip or regular grind coffee. Permanent polyester filter assures crystal-clear brew without the nuisance of throw-away paper filters, Meets or exceeds all UL safety tests. Heat-resistant glass carafe included. SEE THE MANY OTHER CHRISTMAS IDEAS / FROM WEST BENM CUHTON NATIONAL DOWNTOWN CLINTON NATIONAL BANK ST, JOHNS HARDWARE STORES MEMBER FD1C and TRUST COMPANY 95 , WARMING PLATE , K«pi brawid eofris itrvlng-hot to tha loit drop! OPEN MON. thru FR1. UNTIL 9:00 SATURDAY TILL 5:30 6A Pewamo ph. 593-3359 * m MKS. IRENE FOX Mr and Mrs Kenneth Thelen, Mr and Mrs Joseph Bower and Mr and Mrs 'John Blauwiekel, were hosts for dinner at the Colonial Restaurant in honor of their mother's 75th birthday. Guests were Mr and Mrs Tony Halfman and Mr and. Mrs Albert Witgen of Westphalia, Mr and Mrs Herman Simon and Mr and Mrs Oscar Simon of Fowler, Mrs Charles Martin, Mrs Leo Cook of. Pewamo and the guest of honor Mrs Ferd Bower. The Altar Society Christmas Potluck was held< Monday evening starting at 6:30 p'm. 83 \yere present. Those winning in the raffle were *Mrs Carl Schafer - Turkey, Mrs Helen Barker - Ham, Mrs Ida Fox ,won the fancy blanket, Mrs Linda Smith, sheets and pillow cases, Mrs Arma Cook towels, Euchre was the entertainment. First prize in Euchre was won by JWrs Irene Fox, second prize Mrs Mary Smith, Leaping Lena by Mrs Charles George and con- solation by Mrs Anita Freund. Mrs Irene Smith was elected for another term as President, Mrs Vera Cook was chosen as 'treasurer. Saturday afternoon visitors of Mrs Dorothy Parks were Mr and'Mrs Harry Hattis Jr of Portland. Mr and Mrs Joseph L. Fox have returned home -after staying at the home of Mr and Mrs Ambrose Fox of Portland, caring for the family, while the mother was in the hospital. Billie, Gwen, Tracey and Jackie Stoakes of Ionia spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs Amelia Fox while their parents Mr and Mrs Charles Stoakes were up north. Sunday guests of Mrs Amelia CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Fox we're" her daughter Mrs Ethel Gee were Wednesday Nettie Perleberg and daughter afternoon visitors of Mrs 'of Portland. Elizabeth Leonard at GreenThe family, sisters and ville. brothers of Oscar Cook helped Bernard Bengel, 83, Sr, father Oscar celebrate his 80th birof Mrs Jerome Barker of thday at Saint Joseph's Hall, Pewamo, passed away ThursPewamo, Sunday, Dec 9. In day at Clinton Memorial attendance were 124 people who Hospital in St Johns. Funeral enjoyed the potluck dinner in services were Monday at 10:00 his honor. They came from am at St Mary Catholic Church. Sand Lake, St Louis, Flint, Interment in St Mary's Birmingham, Williamston, Cemetery. Mason, Jackson, Lansing, The former members of the Grand Ledge, Portland, Grand Masons and OES had a potluck Rapids, Ionia, .Fowler, Westdinner at the home of Mr and phalia, and Laramie, Wyoming. Mrs Clyde Shoemaker Dec 8.19 Santa Claus is coming to town were present, entertainment atthe Fire Hall in Pewamo, Dec for the evening was slides 15,1 to 3 pm sponsored by the 21 shown of Alaska by Mr Len Club. Grove of Lansing. Mrs Carl Geller and Mrs RCA : Takes out chassis :lL7be5^etead/ng;cause ofTy repairs;.:. December 13,1973 Mary Fink weds Kenneth Delaat MRS KENNETH DELAAT Albert Schmitt performed the FOWLER - Most Holy Trinity double ring ceremony before an Church provided the setting for altar with mums. The Fowler the Oct 26 wedding of Mary choir provided music for the Lillian Fink, daughter of Mr occasion. and Mrs Ivan Fink, and Kenneth James DeLaat, son of Mr The bride chose a full length and Mrs John DeLaat, 5006 lace gown with train and wore a Sequoia, Grand Rapids. Father full length veil. She carried a XL-100 bouguet of mums afnd* sweetheart roses, Susan Fink of Fowler was her sister's maid of honor. Serving as attendants were Delores Schrauben, Fowler,' Irene Koenigsknecht, Fowler, and Jane Wieber, also of Fowler. They wore gowns with light blue tops and navy blue velvet bottoms and had picture hats. Each carried a bouquet of yellow mums. The bride's mother chose a floor length pink gown and had a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The groom's mother selected a blue floor length gown and had a corsage of yellow sweetheart roses. James Keller of Mt Pleasant was best man. Attending as groomsmen were Len Bronsink of Ft Collins, Colo., Henry Zerfus, Grand Rapids, and Dave DeNoble of Grand Rapids. Tim Fink, brother of thejjride and Jamie Muller of Gi;and Rapids seated the guests. \ A reception for 300 guests was held at the Fowler Conservation Park. Serving were Pat Simon, Mr and Mrs Mark Gleason, master and mistress of ceremonies, Barb Platte, and Alice Stump. Special guest included Mrs Henrietta Tudor, grandmother of the groom from Grand Rapids, Mr and Mrs Hilary Hafner and Mr Edward Fink of Fowler, grandparents of the bride. The newlyweds are now at home in Grand Rapids. The bride is a 1971 graduate of Fowler High School and is attending Butterworth School of Nursing. Her husband is a 1969 graduate of Caledonia High School, CMU and is employed in Grand Rapids. Hospital 70fowuo#e ttewteb PRICES START AS 100% Solid State Gary L. Slocum, 30,6335 Park Lake Road, Bath; Sharon A. Cater, 22,6335 Park Lake Road, Bath. Clayton H. Jones, 41, R 6, St Johns; Martha G. Barrett, 45, % 6, St Johns. Ronald Lee Sosebee, 18, Box 375, Eureka; Pamela Marie Woodman, 16, R 1, Ashley. Keith T. Lawrence, 25, 227 E First Street, Ovid; Patricia M. Kirby, 32, 227 E First Street, Ovid. * Raymond E. Kenney, 31, 6086 Park Lake Rd., Bath; Linda L. Jennings, 26, 124 Hawthorne Drive, Dimondale. RCA Accumatic1 color monitor simplifies tuning color to your individual preference. BUY RCA Solid State XL-100 Color TV! ComlhUif-eeebuwcmfkttGum toy Ttrmt 9mk Fmpnang cookie sale is Friday Wayne Eldon Cox, 18, 506 S Lansing St., St Johns; Michelle Lee Keener, 17,2425 W Taft Rd.. St Johns. f Randy Louis Zell, 18, 11360 Francis Road, DeWitt; Debra Jean Robinson, 18, 7425 Old River Trail, Lansing. ST JOHNS - The annual Christmas cookie sale sponsored by the Clinton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will be held Friday, Dec 14. The sale starts at 10 am in the Community Room of the Central National Bank. ^fr diagonal i m n n Tilt PROJECTA Mod* \ ES3b« lb' itittentl pictui* intRUSKIN w 19* a I I M I I pittuit 100% Solid State I ©afefW diagonal .,, j.««a^i,MijwwMWW«w-^MWM»»i«*fc»««*«''i'''i«"WIWHWWWW I WOW ONLY ne/i RCA Spanish Credenza console stereo with phonograph, AM-FM-FM Stereo radio and 8-Track stereo tape player ' IUCUHVUW Matil 6SIW IS'diitmulpttwt ftlu nulibh vIK (into wttnil Buying, Check Our Selection Of Choice Items! RCA's quality-built iolor TV chassis features solid state components in many areas. Convenient servicing. Two plug-in AccuCircuit* modules control several Important set functions, can be easily, replaced. JOANNE SCHNEIDER Engaged FOWLER - Mr and Mrs Donald Schneider of Rl, Stone Rd,_Fowter, wish to announce • the* engagement of their daughter, Joanne, to Charles Miller, son of Mr and Mrs * Marvin Miller of R2, S. Bauer Rd, Fowler. Both are 1969 graduates of Fowler High School. A June 29 wedding is being planned. VAN 1 8 ' diagonal picture HEUSE imie Luxury in a lightweight robe Superb comfort in a classic robe with shawl collar tailoring and a smooth fabric' that's practically weightless. Machine-washable-and dryable 65% Dacron* polyester, 35% cotton in solid colors with contrast piping. S, M, L. $10.00. Th*GRADUATE Modll AS1Z2 I I ' dlitontl picture n C i l Model VWP2U Mod»tVZT112 WE SERVICE , WHAT WE SELL Check Ojir prices. Before You Buy! iance & Television JiBE.-MAINST;,..,'. fH0NE S6J.7355 DEWITT USE YOUR OR OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. <-** REHMANN'S ClOTHING-FURNISHlNGS-SHOES for DAD and LAP ST. JOHNS tr :r December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN w DOWNTOWN STORES ARE OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 7A 8A, mmmxammmmvamv* ! PARR'S * "'"" W YOU A DEAL Prices start at X SWEEPS ANY FLOOR - DEEP PILE, TO BRICK PATIO-SWISHES UP DIRT, PET HAIR LITTER, and FLUFFS NAP! GEMINI IS THE ALLAROUND SWEEPER ii THE CHOICE IS YOURS VIEWERS youR FLASH BULBS SINGLE DOUBLE OR KING SIZE l l REELS SOLID COLORS, FLORAL PRINTS, HIS and HERS SELECT JUST THE RIGHTONEFROMA RAINBOW OF COLORS I FOR THE CANDY GIFT SELECT FROM SANDERS and WHITMANS CANDIES EDITORS SCREENS FEATURING STRAIGHT LINE POWER STROKE - SELF CONTAINED SHAMPOO DISPENSER . . . THREE YEAR PARTS WARRANTY. IT HELPS RESTORE THE ORIGINAL BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET. 5!BOXED BATH TOWEL SET SPLICERS Ask for fast high-quaity coior processing by Kodak and keep the holiday season yearround in snapshots color slides and movies CARPET SHAM POO ER '"* ~-*an2EEinzi Choose one of the KODAK XL Movie Cameras as a great gift to friends or yourself. We have the KODAK XL33 Movie Camera or the KODAK XL55 Movie Camera with zoom lens They both take movies in the light you live in,, using KODAK EKTACHROME 160 Movie Film f>AArn FILM | TojiNqU BROTHER IT WILL I BE COLD OUTSIDE.; MAKE IT A WARM j WINTER.INSIDE... 1 "WHEN YOU GIVE j ONE OF OUR ! BISSELL ELECTRIC ONLY POLAROID CAMERAS I HERE'S I SOIMEThiNCj i SEETHE REVOLUTIONARY.,., M BISSELL GEMINI and PROJECTORS LET US MAKE out anyone on hnstmas list would tove a KODAK Pocket INSTAMATIC Camera the new little camera that takes big pictures Small enough to slip Into the1 tiniest Christmas stocking 8 HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF CAMERAS come in 6mall package December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS', ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN pmmm vmrnmuuu jwwwAibA WWIWSBSWJ M M M ^ M i K M M m i 9 n i M « w m i M M i $398 T 0 $ HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS Rexall 1974 LINEN CALENDAR TOWELS Choice of many patterns FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE Phone 224-7423 122 N.Clinton St. Johns iMUOWfSi! s : ' 0^a^m&i^ti'& il l RUSSEL STOVER CANDIES COLONIAL CANDLES and RINGS g » 5 § GLASSWARE FROM Gift Wrap: The perfect way to personalize your Christmas gifts —with colorful Hallmark wraps, ribbons, yarns, trims, tags SMITH and FENTON Decorations: Charming ways to torn your home into a Christmas wonderland. U WOODENWARE FROM ins CAPE CRAFT U 698 a n d $ 7 9 8 S CONVENIENT REAR ENTRANCE and FREE PARKING. Christmas Cards: Say "Merry Christmas' any way you wanttraditional, modern, whimsical and many more. 220 N.CLINTON ST. JOHNS I GOWNS AND PAJAMAS Party Sets: Make every party perfect with bright Hallmark party accessories. I GOWNS OF PRINTED FLANNELAND BRUSHED NYLON Sizes 32-48 PAJAMAS OF PRINTED FLANNEL AND BRUSHED 4 98 FOR THE HOME . $5 ;598 TOWELS-BOXED FREE BLANKETS-SHEETS ELECTRIC BLANKETS RUGS-PILLOWS >798 JS3535H3 is s a I" i 8 u n la New Magic Chef Budget Microwave Oven 00 Magic Chef Colorful Microwave Oven MC20ONLY 00 $ MC30 ONLY MAKE KURT'S YOUR APPLIANCE GIFT SHOPPING I' iMlMmMMMBnMDMM»n»MMl CENTER THIS YEAR! mm^llflmMmsSMlMMMMIMMMMM^ N. Clinton St. Phono 2 2 4 - 3 8 9 5 St. Johns i « 13,1973 9A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN GIVEA ST. JOHNS MUSIC CENTER TOM TURKEY &• RADIO SHACK GIFT CERTIFICATE THIS CERTIFICATE GOOD FOR W F T - 1 5 5 J u m b o FlattOR a The most critical quitarlst feels at Horns with the FT-155 This new model Is designed to give every type of performer a commanding sound'that puts him stage front. • From the highly figured ash rims and back to the close grained natural spruce top-nothing has been overlooked. Even the most delicate techniques are easy to play and beautiful to listen to. If you want to sound your best for less money than anyone would suspect, the FT-155 Is the qultar you've been looking for. FOR. Coffee '' < SAVE 2 0 * Limit One Coupon P., F D m l | , Coupon E i p u s i Dec. >5, 1973 l w nh Ihit Coupon & 17,00 Putthoir jfcu &&U*>*s •MMMUM n=> ,fl VALUABLE COUPON MAKE IT A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS with Fame DRY KIBBLED LETTUCE DOG FOOD IE* 25 LB. BAG 29 A HARD SHELL CASE GIVEN WITH EVERY FROM OUR BAKE SHOPPE APIPHONE GUITAR!! BUTTERCRUST FOR Mb. loaves N. U.S. 27 ST. JOHNS Phone 224-4162 309 N. Clinton o REHMANN'S of St. Johns I The store of large selections \ For the man who LINGERIE (you think) has everything! 83 •^fc^Gs* /ROBES SLIPPERS LONG and SHORT SEVERAL STYLES NYLON QUILTS COTTON QUILTS FLEECE NYLON TRICOT LONG and SHORT $100 from TO MATCH ROBES MATCHING $900 from J PEIGNOIR SETS $ * from 13 00 «9 A from GIFT CERTIFICATES LEATHER COATS i A g | REGULAR|I SLIPS S | LON6S THE CAROL ANN SHOP COATS AND JACKETS • 1 8 " TO »6950 g BIKINI | s PANTIES 1 I .$100 and § 100 from j WARM SLEEPWEAR SLIPS and PANTIES LONG and SHORT GOWNS PAJAMAS MENS W I N T E R 'GOWNS jjj ISO FROM $ 89 50 UP LOO TO LEATHER LOOK 54950 yp ' BOYS SPORT COATS •13M" UP Ml ^*4ooj J CLOTHING —FURNISHINGS —SHOES ' for DAD and LAD *T. JOHNI 104 N.CLINTON ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN FAMOUS BRAND g SUITS J BOYS 95 UP (OVER 500 SPORT COATS $CQ50 $: TO CHOOSE FROM) 03 TO {OVER 2000 SLACKS TO CHOOSE FROM) pORt >• • • Color Is In the air. Genuine rubles, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds In striking combinations. STARTING AT siocoo I t J ON UP !>-" Emeralds slightly higher. • PANT SUITS 1 s • L O N G DRESSES Mtwiffi/ fY fUlftlCfMl4/ STARTING AT. / See our most complete selection of WATCHES in town. Starting at $12.95. WE CAN REPAIR AND SERVICEI { * 3 9 9 5 ON UP • JACKETS ART CARVED WV8621/Harlow s**? I •SLACKS . MOTHERS RINGS ' For Immediate Delivery Style 4M • f^WVl Complete with: 10-10 pt. Diamonds Beautifully cut and polished stones with clear, clean stars that move, with the light, enhanced by fine diamonds. Won-derful gifts! HERE ARE S GOOD REASONS TO BUY DIAMONDS AT HARR'S CJ»WW| MtlCM tilt 10 r.jhlltMt Ul<ti|itl' UMSIA'. 1. Quality Diamonds Pi.iPnirt' VIIIIU', Ct»tili' fmllin" See our complete selection of STAINLESS &. SILVERPLATE SILVERWARE for service'of 8 starting at $22.95 30 YEARS SELLING DIAMONDS 2. 3. 4. 5. Experienced Jeweler \J r Dependable personal service after the sale Personable and Honest Prices One of the largest selections to be chosen from IN THE CLINTON COUNTY AREA Jewelry DINNER RINGS 114 N. CLINTON, ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-7443 SHOP A T HARR'S Where the prices are right! With the most complete SELECTION OF JEWELRY for tho ENTIRE FAMILY. VISIT OUR LARGE GIFT DEPARTMENT. 1.00 Will hold or any credit terms available. 8 * § OPEN EVENINGS T I L 9 P . M . § 2 EXCEPT SATURDAYS ST. JOHNS » 8 . W^- 10A December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN jcag^reagagg^^ga^ira^i^:^^ The wide-awake bank makes itajhdeasy. CLINTON NATIONAL BANK and Trust Company § Main Office: St. Johns • Bath • Elsie • Eureka * F'owlar • Hubbardston • Laingsburg • Maplo Rapids Member FDIC •Valley Farms • Wacousta K5W5SKS mmttttv&Tay&ttttv&T&mr&vaT&mm^ s&tti&ttytty&ttttmitty&y&ttT&ttJw ess « W » * « W « « M » " ' * n r ™ — » i - i " - ™ • -— VOU CAN'T BEAT THIS FOR | 1 Looking for economy? Visit Us TODAY! CHEVY-OLDS SEE US NOW! The World's Sweetest Place to Deal | South U.S. 27 St. Johns Phone 224-2345 FORD I >^ , < m • ST, JOHNS Phone 224-2285 . . „ - . „ \' ? w December 13,1973 11A \ CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Area residenis may be eligible for new benefits t*<iKMiyat£cotumt( She Stow " The Social Security Administration and the Michigan Department of Social Services are joining forces in an effort to reach some 2,000 to 3,000 Lansing area residents who may be eligible for a new federal benefit program. The program, called Supplemental Security Income, is scheduled to get underway January 1. It will be administered by the Social Security Administration, and is designed tq provide a basic monthly payment to aged, blind or disabled people living on a limited income. that some people eligible for the new program may not have heard about it. One move to try to reach some of these people is now underway. A joint letter from Social Services and Social Security has gone out to the Michigan residents who are enrolled in the state's Medicaid program but who do not qualify ''for a cash monthly payment from Social Services. • It appears that 20 to 25 percent of these people will be eligible for the Supplement * Security payment, because the Social Security Administration will be able to disregard a portion of an applicant's wages. For example, the first $65 of Members of the St Johns Welcome Wagon prepare food and gift items to btrighien the holidays for St Johns senior citizens with no family. Sorting and packing the items are Welcome Wagon members (from left) Mrs Donald Powers, Marcia Bogotaitis, Jean Leton, Mary Pelham, Donna Buckly and Dee Geer. Those wishing to donate food or gifts of men and women's toiletries may call Mrs Geer at 224-C444 or Mrs Powers at 224-2950. Death claims Father Hermes LANSING -- Fr. Justin Holy Cross Church, Lansing, Hermes, pastor of43t Joseph with interment at St Joseph Catholic Church in St Johns cemetery in Lansing. from 1949-1957 died Friday, December 7 in Flint, Michigan. Fr. Hermes had been retired since 1966 and was living at St Francis Church in Flint. Born in Lansing, Mich in 1901, he was ordained a priest in 1933 in Detroit. He served as When Hall of Fame star Joe associate pastor and pastor in 7 Joseph appears Dec 15 and 16 in parishes in the central Michigan area, and also was a special exhibition at the Chaplain at Post Hospital, Fowler Bowl, local bowlers will Battle Creek and Lee Hospital have the opportunity to see one of the game's most polished in Dowagiac. His pastorial assignments performers in action. Joseph, a member of Bowling included St Mary, Durand from 1942-49, St, Joseph, St Johns, Magazine 1961 All America from 1949-57, and Holy Angels, Team and 2 Bowlers Journal honor squads, is a prime Sturgis, from 1957-64. Services for Fr Hermes were example of how a smooth Tuesday morning, Dec 11, from bowling delivery will produce championship scores. He will He is survived by 1 sister Margaret, a resident of Lansing. Many of the people who will qualify for the new program are already receiving Old Age Assistance, Aid to the Disabled or Aid to the Blind through Social Services. These recipients will automatically be converted to the new SSI benefit at the end of December, ber. wages each month will not be counted, nor will half the remaining wages. Therefore a person earning $100 a month 1 would only have $17 of countable earned income, In addition, the first $20 of unearned income such as veterans benefits or Social Security retirement benefits will also not be counted. Because there are, several factors which affect qualifying for SSI, both Social Services and Social Security officials hope that the Medicaid recipients who received letters will review the information and then contact the Lansing District Social Security office if they think they may be eligible. TOM S WESTERN STORE -{ .QVI.pi MICHIGAN 48866* '. ' '_-y^p ,"•;,-• ;u"ifRsr '.Arjfi'POfyy. f-qiiiF'MFfyr v ; • • " ' J : * ' • ; M'jVlV\iiE,DAN(-|..",^- WirSTfRNi,'C,JO"t.H,|N,G-' .'••nin i,.: : ln-"Wn'- th„i'. • • _j- '. '•''*.'•'••• •fxr '\m >h;.t<k> • s*j , I I » I W : V ) I I '••" - © ( 5 T 7 I :8'34-5446 But, because qualifications for SSI benefits may cover individuals not now in the existing programs, Social Security and Social Services are concerned Joe Joseph to appear at Fowler Bowl Dec 15 & 16 2 r*R J "The Bates Floater? Shearling lined boot was selected &s for wear at ttfe XVIII Olympiad' Wear it in all kinds oi winter weather, and treat yourself to fireside warmth. Drop by and try a pair of these lightweight wintertime champions. They are siliconed treated for water reDellpnrw " CHRISTMAS HOURS 9 to 9 EXCEPT SAT. 9-5:30 ST. JOHNS 121 N Q.nton PHONE 224-2213 ALSO OWOSSO DURAND STRAND'S SHOES SHOI STORE Fint in Fool Foihion with Fomoui Brond Shoei l n IONIA COMPLETE BODY WORK AND GLASS REPLACEMENT Phone 800 N. Lanslnc m-tni demonstrate his almost effortless style in an exhibition match and free instruction period starting at 2 pm. The genial champion reached1 a 190-plus average within a year after he started bowling in 1941. He turned to the tenpin sport after considerable success as a softball pitcher and semi-pro football halfback. ' His switch has been a profitable one and in 1962 he captured both the St Louis PBA Open and the Indianapolis Champion of Champions tournament. Prize money for the 2 events was $20,000. In 1963, Joseph teamed with fellow Brunswick star Billy Golembiewski to win the ABC Classics Division Doubles title. The 2 captured the 1962 BPAA National Doubles crown. In other ABC tournament competition, Joseph shared the 1958 doubles runner-up spot, before ascending to the 1959 team title as a member of the Pfeiffers which set an all-time record high. On the Brunswick Advisory Staff, Joseph is one of the many bowling champions who promote the sport throughout the nation. SEE THIS MALIBU 4-D00R EQUIPPED WITH Afi ' " 6 CYLINDER" ENGINE... § jj Chamber announces lighting decision ST JOHNS-At the present lime, it lias been decided by the St Johns Chamber of Commerce not to light the downtown next sUt^ s ofj|member h o l i d a y Ghevelle — | Christmas decorations. Current plans may include restricted lighting in the final days of Christmas season. -ORfor the real economy minded. . . g Check Out These Beauties!, | Immunization clinic ST JOHNS - The next Clinton County immunization clinic will be Dec 13 from 8:30 to 11 am at the Clinton County Health Dept, 106 Maple St. All shots will be given by the nurses of the Health pept. The following immunizations will be given: DPT, DT Typhoid, Smallpox, Oral Polio, Red Measles, Rubella (3 day measles) or the new combination Measles shot and the TB skin test. All immunizations are free. Stands mute J on drug charge your world market cs right here! Shopping _ ST JOHNS-Douglas Rhines, 23,609 N. Morton, St Johns stood mute in District Court Monday on charges of violation of the controlled substance action, possession of methylqualone. He was arrested on a separate charge Nov 22 and while being booked in the Clinton County Jail, the arresting officer reported discovering Rhines in possession of 2 pills, later found to be methylqualone. The court entered a plea of not guilty and a trial date is to be set. V. L. MOORE OVID When it comes to shopping, a world of ideas await you right here at home. Convenience and wide selections, offered by people who know you and know their business. They've brought the market to SIDE-0-MATIC DELIVERY you. . . and besides saving travel time and expenses, your dollars AT HOME spent at home help merchants play an important role in supporting community activities. Local merchants are always at the top of the SAVES GAS ' (and money!) PHONE 834-2213 BtnJdin^abcttcrwUvtOfXCtljeUSA, list of contributors to worthwhile projects so doesn't it only seem fair that we put them at the top of our list of places to shop? There's little reason to travel when the market is in your backyard. SAVES YOU HOURS AND MATERIAL Your blocks are placed where you need them. . . IN THE BASEMENT. your r w. o Gentle Handling with Side-O-Matic prevents chipping and breaking. o Safe Delivery Guaranteedl KARBER One of a series of shop at home v<o - V ' messages sponsored by t,SAND:GRAVEL.EU.ACK CLINTON NATIONAL BANK Member FDIC and TRUST COMPANY { If this is your year to build a home—remember .-.. .. A \ [C. v/.-.y * DIRT », '-NIC-RTARSAND * ,vW™m# m v READY MIA Block Basements are warmer, interior wall needs only ^ \ - - * ' ,.- r * , a coat of paint for finishing and the accoustics are better. * \ • > $T» JOHNS ' s PHONE 224-2327 12A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Following wins over Webberville and Si Pots '- Friday night. It was the 2d victory for the * Eagles who trounced Portland St Pats earlier in the week 67-36. Fowler will be traveling to Laingsburg Friday, following a a Tuesday encounter with Olivet. In the victory over Webberville, the Eagles were not strong in rebounding and had difficulty from the free throw line. However, Webberville had trouble hitting from the floor and connected on only 22 of 79 shots. In the meantime Fowler was taking 19 less shots, but they hit on 27 of 60. At the free throw line, the Eagles were only 3 for 14 while Webberville was 10 for 15. In the last quarter, Fowler shooters missed 10 free throws, 6 of which would have been good for bonus shots. The Eagles had 4 players in double figures led by Dale but Fowler got the job done for a 57-54 victory over Webberville Koenigsknecht with 14 points. George Simon had 13 and Glenn Thelen and Bob MacKinnon both had ill. MacKinnon, a guard, also led the Fowler rebounding with 11. Webberville was led by Don Griswold, who pumped in 20 points. — Clinton area Fowler Cagers take on Laingsburg WEBBERVILLE-It wasn't exactly a sterling performance, December 13,1973 / .i In an earlier game with Portland St Pats, Fowler romped to 67-36 victory. Glenn Thelen, who played just over a half, led the scoring with 12 points. Dale Koenigsknecht scored 10 points. Pewamo-Westphalia Thelen also led the rebounding with 13 and Koenigsknecht hauled in 8 rebounds. Potterviile and Laingsburg After a low-scoring 10-8 1st PewamD-Westphalia's Pirate quarter, Fowler outscored St cagers won their 1st 2 conPats 13-6 in the 2d period. ference "games of the contest over Laingsburg and Potterviile Leading 23-14 going into the 3d and, after the Tuesday game quarter, Fowler stung St Pats with DeWitt, take on Portland for 21 points and, in the final St Pats Friday in an away ' " ( period, scored 23 points. St Pats game. had 9 points in the 3d quarter In Friday's game against and 13 in the last period. Potterviile, Randy Walter, Louie Thelen and Duane Larry Foxjed the scoring for Hengesbach hit in double St Pats with 19 points. figures to lead the Pirates to a TO THE 74-68 victory. After a close 3 quarters with Pirate shooters cold from the floor and foul line, things got better in the 4th quarter and they hit for 28 points. They were down by 6 points with 5 minutes left in the game, but 71 percent shooting pulled the game out for P-W. Potterviile took the lead 15-14 in the opening quarter and the Pirates tied in the second Bath Bees bounce back to beat Leslie 76-71 BATH-After being outscored turned things around in the 2d by 5 points in the 1st quarter and half to take a come-from-behind 4 points in the 2d, Bath's Bees 76-71 victory over Leslie Friday. The victory gave the Bees a 20 Ingham County League record and they will host a red hot Williamston Friday night. Leslie took 17-12 1st quarter lead. Bath shooters warmed up in the 2d period for 20 points, but Leslie was even hotter, sinking 24 points to lead 41-32 going into the 2d half. Then the bees stung the bucket for 22 points, while holding Leslie to 11, giving the Bees a 54-52 lead going into the last period. Bath matched the 3d quarter performance with a last period In a closer 2d quarter, DeWitt outscored St Pats 17-14 for a performance of 22 more points. Leslie fought back with 19 in whopping 40-22 halftime lead. The Panthers dumped in 21 that period. Leslie had the edge on Bath in more points in the 3d period field goals, but could only while holding St Pats to 10. manage 14 of 28 free throws The Panthers racked up while the Bees sank 24 shots in another 18 points in the final 33 tries, ^ . ^ ^.^m. quarter and St Pats added 13 in Five Bees hit in double the last period. Lonnie Stone led the scoring" figures led by Fritz Ordiway" for the Panthers with 15 points. with 19. Doug Kesson had 16, Doug Schneider led the St Robin Tucker 13, Glen Tarrant 12, and Kerry Zorb 10. Pats scoring with 17 points. In another close game, the DeWitt's junior varsity Panthers were defeated by St Bath junior varsity edged Leslie 54-53. i Pats 73-55. quarter, outscoring Potterviile by 1 point 17-16. Potterviile took the lead back and had a 2-point margin going into the final period. That was stretched to 6 points before P-W wiped it out with 28 points. Walter led the scoring with 24 points, Louie Thelen had 21 and Hengesbach 11. Dan Majrand Lee Thelen each added 6, Ted Spitzley had 4 and Jim Cotter 2. Potterviile had 4 players in double figures, Don Youngs was the leader with 18 followed by Lou Esch with 16, Dave Clavette with 12 and Heath Meeder with 10. In the Tuesday game, P-W had little trouble with Laingsburg after the 1st quarter. The Pirates led at the end of the 1st quarter by only 1 point, DeWitt rolls PORTLAND--The DeWitt Panthers exploded for 23 points in the opening quarter against Portland St Pats Friday on their "way to aconvincing 79-45 victory. After a Tuesday game with Pewamo-Westphalia, the Panthers host Bellevue Friday. Portland St Pats took 1st blood in the contest, 'but after trailing by a bucket, DeWitt clicked for their 23 points while allowing St Pats only 6 more points for the remainder of the quarter. SATURDAY MORNINGS T>~~ 11:00-11:30 A.M. - **' Call Santa at 224-4329 y FOWLER VS. LAINGSBURG BASKETBALL 92.1 FRIDAY NIGHT TIME: 7:50 p.m. &j ^ J^S^J^MM j^j^j^^j^j^jra^K^jM^ RSjeajsassapja SANTA'S GIFTLAND OPEN NIGHTLY TILL CHRISTMAS MANY J r GIFT ITEMS REGISTER FOR FREE DRAWING tVUIMUJ-MIU.!.'! 1«lfctaMawaWBH8M»tt»a«a»»tL ¥% T1MEX WATCHES 20% OFF 9 in stock or ordered With Coupon TILL DEC. 22 HALLMARK CARDS AND PARTY GOODS »^REAL BELL RINGERS I S3.98 Billfolds' 125 Lite Outdoor Set fPanty Hose 50* [Support Panty Hose *3"' *2 M '1 4/Jl Facial Tissues ( ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN Friday-Sat. -Sunday Dec. 14-15-16 2 Shows Nightly-7 & 9 p.m. The ultimate in Martial Arts adventure and excitement! Try a 98--Steve Laty tOE) dec. Frank Goodrich 10-4, 138-Leonard Mitchell (OE) Leon Parker 6-0 105--Troy Bancroft (OE) lost pinned Mike Warr 145-Ray Whitford (SJ) dec. to Bob Rasdale 12-4 Roger Lover 9-2 112—Bill Wagar (SJ) pinned 155-Tom Rivest (OE) pinned Tony Jelenik Jeff Braisington 119-John Hayes (SJ) pinned 167--Paul Tomasek (OE) Steve Swan , 126--Jim Wagar (SJ) pinned pinned Jim Buggs 185-Doug Goodrich (OE) Pat Rivest 132--Don Lewis (SJ) dec. pinned Ben Mills FREE SAT. MATINEE 'Angel i n M y Pocket' plus Disney Cartoon Festival SHOWTIMES: 1 and 3 p.m. TOWN & COUNTRY CARPETS 'COMPLETE LINE OF .Armstrong FLOOR COVERING A 9 x 1 1 KITCHEN DONE FOR s75 classified THESE PRICES WILL BE GONE FOREVER AFTER THE FIRST O F ' THE YEAR P, E. 4 ONE LOT COSMETICS % price | Bath Scales 2 Terramycin for Mastitis 6 pack- *3 9 S | One Lot CHRISTMAS CARDS Vz pr [Brush Rollers5sizes 77 ONE LOT STATIONARY % price Many Small Stuffers and Gift Item MANY 'JEMS FOR SOd O-E won their second dual meet in wrestling in as many starts with St Johns. O-E was down 27 to 15 with only three matches left but all three boys Paul Tomasek, Tom Rivest and Doug Goodrich picked up pins to give O-E the winning 33 to 27 score. Coach Jim Maidlow was especially proud of his team as he had four regulars out with injuries and he felt that some of his underclassman really stepped in and did the job. The complete results of the meets were: 1 |$2.00 Billfolds 2/40* S 3" Anacin 200 count TILL DEC. 22 AT THE LITTLE STORE All Games 25% off iColor books 1 lot [Heating Pads ^IWMWM'U-l.T F ANY RECORDS IN STOCK 25% OFF THEATRE! St Johns wrestlers fall to O-E Live On WRBJ-FM 11-10. But, they broke open for 25 in the 2d quarter, while holding Laingsburg to 17. They added 23 in the 3d period and Coach Harry Peacock sal|l Louie Thelen broke the game\ open in the 3d quarter with ball s recoveries, good passes and overall good play. The Pirates outscored Laingsburg in a close 4th quarter, 24-23. Six Pirates scored in double figures with Randy Walter hitting for 18, Louie Thelen 15, Jim Cotter and Duane Hengesbach U each and Dan May and Ted Spitzley with 10 apiece. May led the rebounding with 12. The victories Tuesday and Friday gave the Pirates a 3-0 season record and 2-0 CMAC record. CUSTOM over St Pats LIVE ON beafs CHRISTMAS WRAPS 25% off REAL BUYS ON BIG SPECIALS ON TRANSISTORS SMALL APPLIANCES ELECTRIC BLANKETS VITAMINS* COSMETICS SUNDRY ITEMS ORNAMENTS DECORATIONS JEWELRY WRAPS CLOSE OUTS BUY 3 REXALL ITEMS GET 20% OFF FINKBEINER'S ™**mwmmm FOWLER HEATING 106 N. Clinton I St. Johni • Phone -224-7033 SAVE BY BUYING NOW 3 MASTER PLUMBERS Immediate Installation On AH Stock Carpet American-Standard Plumbing, Hot Water . Heating f WE ALSO DEAL IN HOOVER VACUUMS > CERAMICTIL&- COUNTER TOPS | Lerinox Warm Air * Heating and Air Conditioning CUSTOM SHEET N METAL SHOP • 47 Years Same Address Town & Country Carpets 3 1 2 N . Clinton St. Johns Ph. 224-6456 FOR A NO CHARGE ESTIMATE CALL 5 T C R E H O U f ' b Moo. ,ind F t j . 9-3 T u c s . ' - f t M T»MJ'> ,\mi S i t . '!•(">. • 6uf of Town Call CoHecf O W O S S 0 STORE 2090 w. M A I N PHONI 723-8169 r St Johns beats Waverly in tou . close battle •fMdt V 13A CLINTOJM COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN December 13,1973 REHMANN'S of St. Johns The store of large selections A Star is Born ST JOHNS--The St Johns Redwing cagers hurdled an early season obstacle with a 5964 victory over Waverly Friday night to give them an unbeaten 3^ record. ' Surprisingly, Waverly, expected to be a strong contender this season, lost the 1st 3 games of the season. 'Doug Woodhams paced the Redwing scoring with 27 points followed in double figures by Mark Wawsczyk with 17 and Tim Fox with 11. Carl Bashore added 9 points, 'Kevin Knight hit for 3 points and Brian Pertler had 2 points. Nine of Wawsczyk's 17 points * came in the final quarter after St Johns trailed 50-49'at the end of the 3d quarter. Except for early in the opening quarter, the game was close the rest of the way. Waverly jumped into a 10-2 lead, but the Redwings bounced back and tied the score at 16-16. Waverly then went ahead 18-16 at the end of the 1st period. St Johns and Waverly were tied at the end of the half 32-32 and at the end of the 3d quarter, Waverly had the slim 1-point lead. But, the Redwings connected for 20 points, while holding Waverly to 14 and took the victory. In that last quarter, the lead changed hands 8 times. The Redwings held the rebounding edge with 48 while Waverly had 45. A rough ballgame, 43 fouls were called, all but 16 in the 2d half. Waverly was whistled for fouls 25 times while St Johns committed 18 fouls. Individual efforts played a big part in the victory. __, Woodhams played a particularly good game, scoring 8 points in the 1st quarter, 8 in the 2d, 4 in the 3d and 7 in the last quarter. Tim Fox came off the bench for 11 points and 11 rebounds. Wawsczyk, after having games with 2 points and Hh points, played a good game and scored 15 of his 17 points in the second half. He also sunk 3 very crucial free throws in the last quarter. Defensively, Tom French was all over Waverly's Tom Lapka and blocked 4 of his shots. Scott Landstra led the scoring v o r Waverly with 22 points and until they take on Okemos at Lapka finished up with 17f home Dec 21. The Redwings are now idle The junior varsity won 57-54. f Ovid-Eisie falls After posting a slim 11-8 lead over Bullock Creek in the 1st quarter Friday, Ovid-Elsie ran into a stone cold 2d quarter on their way to a low-scoring 49-41 defeat. The Marauders could only hit for 4 points in the 2d while Bullock Creek went ahead with 13 points. Things got a bit belter in the 3d period with 12 points, but Bullock Creek stayed ahead with .14. Both teams hit for 14 points in the final period. Guard Jack Bashore led the scoring for the Marauders with 13 points. 'The Marauder junior varsity won their contest 53-50. St Johns girls win district title Chesaning 4 4 8 19-35 St Johns led by Gina Mazzolini's 12 points and Jen Ott's St Johns - Henning 1-3-5, Ott 5-010 defeated Chesaning 47 to 35 to 10, Deb Harrah 2-0-4, .Mazzolini win the MMB District title. 6-0-12, Wirich 1-0-2, Conley 3-1-4. St Johns led 18-4 after one Chesaning - Stuart 1-0-2, quarter and 35-8 at halftime. $Jphns a j l l , 18 17.8 4-,47 Weigold 0-1-1, M. Jhiel 4-0;8, Koenders" 1-0-2, D. Thiel>2-12, Ketchum 5-0-10. ^•fl>**©«®«»#«®»®#«©*»««©»©®«e»«»®®®®**®®®®** '"'THE ACTION U N D E R T H E BOARDS WAS ROUGH AS ST JOHNS HANDf D WAVERLY THEIR THIRD LOSS OF THE 1973-74 BASKETBALL SEASON. WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 10th YEAR • O-E mat men defeat Cheson/ng AND COMPLETION OF A NEW ADDITION BY HOLDING AN • Hvy-Dennis Cross lost to Ovid-Elsie won their 1st midMich B wrestling meet by a 36 to Tom Skidmore 11-0 O-E's next meet will be at 24 score over Chesaning. This gives O-E an overall record of 3- Bullock Creek at 6:30, Dec 13. 0 this season and also keeps their streak going, of never losing a league meet in the last three years in the mid-Mich B League. O-E Captain Paid Tomasek 167 pickc'. up his fourth straight pin this season. Results of the meet were: 98~Steve Latz (OE) pin Fowler Randy Wright 105-Troy Bancroft (OE) pin at Laingsburg Rick Haney 112-Steve Swan (OE) pin Dave Herbers , Corunna 126-Frank Goodrich (OE) lost to John Lopez 13-2 132--Dan Punford (OE) pin at Ovid-Elsie Jeff McCormack T* 138-Leonard Mithcell (OE) pin Dennis Tom a 145-Roger Lover lost to John' Pewamo-Westphalia Mikulcik 12-4 155-Tom Rivest (OE) lost to at St Pats Harold Lehman 6-3 167-Paul Tomasek (OE) pin Bill Giesken Beilevue at DeWitt 185-Doug Goodrich (OE) lost to Pete Tithof 10-0 Fridays cagejjetion • • Saturday and Sunday DEC 15-16 FROM 2 to 7 p.m. • Wiliiamston at Bath SPECIAL GUEST! SEE CHAMPION / BUYING or SELLING? • • • 130 WEST OAK, 3-BEDROOM, GARAGE, CARPETING, CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN, OIL HEAT. 9840-WEST M-21, 3 BEDROOM, % ACRE LOT, KING SIZE GARAGE, FAMILY ROOM IN BASEMENT W-PRANKLIN FIREPLACE, NICE TREES, EXCELLENT LOCATION!. ,225 N. MAIN St. FOWLER DOOR PRIZES! decorated lounge featuring • We Are An'Authorized • if FOR SALE OR RENT, STORE BLDG., IN CENTER OF BUSINESS DISTRICT, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. We invite you to see our newly 5-ACRES-NORTH MERIDIAN RD. EXCELLENT HOME BUILDING SITE. ( cocktails, beer & wine and snacks '^Brunswick, Dealer. We Specialize In Ball ^, Everyone's Welcome 0 • ' Fitting And Drilling * # » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * OVIDAgency, SERVICE Inc. 104 North Main St. • .Gilbert O. Bovan • Broker • Phone 834-2288 * / sales Personnel: Tony Sinlcropi 834-5049 10 ACRE PARCEL WITH CREEK TflRU IT. TERMS. i 1-NEW RANCH* HOME IN OVID, 3 BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT, CARPETING. 2 ACRES IN SHIAWASSEE- COUNTY. NICE PINE TREES.^ '* 14A December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Bank announces promotions ST JOHNS- Central National Bank has announced the promotion of 4 staff members to assistant cashiers with the bank. Promoted were Dale Cosner, Redman is currently in charge of tellers as well as various other duties. He graduated from high school in St Johns and attend Lansing Community Colleg He is a member of the Uj* Army Reserves and Knights of Columbus. <'' Redman and his wife, Mary, have 1 child, Autumn Marie. i Cutshaw, installment loan officer, came to Central National Bank from the Bank of Lansing where he was emshow the kind and distribution through IV through VII are ployed for 3'A years and served of soils on the farm. Practices suited for trees or grass, and as assistant branch manager. A graduate of Sexton High that are needed to prevent soils in class VIII are suited erosion on cropland vary with only for recreation, wildhfe, School, he served in the US the kind of soil. water supply, or esthetic Army for 3 years and has 1 year at Conservation plans developed purposes. Land that is highly of banking administration 1 through the local soil con- prone to water erosion or Lansing Community College. He and his wife, Barbara servation districts show the blowing should be left in grass needs of each field for strip or trees. The inputs of seed, reside at 5945 S. US-27, St Johns. cropping, diversions, cover fertilizer, fuel, and labor are Cosner is assistant branch crops, or other conservation better spent on soils that will manager of the Ovid office and respond to these inputs without began his employemnt with the measures. Soil maps can be used to damaging the land and con- bank in Sept, 1972. select the most promising land tributing silt to our lakes and A graduate of Milan High with the highest capability for streams. School, he served with the US » intensive farming. The land Selection of crops best suited Air Force for 4 years. capability system used by the to the kind of soil will increase He holds an associate 'degree Soil Conservtion Service rates production. The kind of soil in agricultural engineering each soil in one of eight should also be considered in from MSU and is working on anv^ capability classes. Classes I planning the kind and amount of association banking degree and \ fertilizer to use and when to bachelor of arts in business. Residents of St Johns, he and apply it. • "Conservation plans have his wife Pam, are the parents of been developed for 140,213 acres 1 daughter, Michelle. in Clinton County," according to Lloyd B. Campbell, District •Conservationist of the Soil Conservation Service. These plans show'what-is If you can spend some time, Progress needed to conserve the soil in even a few hours, with someone each field so the land will be who needs a hand, not a handout, productive for years to come. call your local Voluntary Action against Fanners needing assistance is Center Or write to "Volunteer," V&shington.DC 20013 planning or applying conservation measures are urged cancer to contact the Clinton County The National Center for Voluntary Action Soil Conservation District af 100 'By Jose' J Llinas, MD S. Ottawa, St. Johns. Director of Community Mental Health Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Steven Cutshaw, Daniel Redman and Neil Rossow, Rossow is a 1969 graduate of St Johns High School, is obtaining a BA in accounting from MSU this spring and has worked in the teller dept, in the bookkeeping dept and as a computer programmer. He started working in the bank in the fall of 1968 as a co-op student. - Michigan farmers called on for production, with protection CUTSHAW ROSSOW REDMAN COSNER 1 {FROM PAGE 3A) I 2. Turn down your thermostat at night and during the day if everyone is away all day, 3. Close doors and turn off heat to unused areas of home. 4. Close drapes and pull shades at night. 5. Change furnace filter at least once a month to maintain efficiency. 6. Balance system by regulating heat directed to each room (to eliminate a waste of heat in "hot" areas of home). 7. Open shades and drapes on sunny days 8. Don't hold open outside doors for conversation. 9 Clear all obstructions away from registers and grilles, such as drapes, rugs, chairs, etc, which would restrict air movement. 10. Close fireplace damper when not in use. 11. Turn down thermostat when away for, weekend or vacaUon. 12. Wear heavier clothing at home. Things the Task Force suggests that will cost money now, but will more than pay for themselves later: 13. Have heating equipment checked, cleaned and adjusted for top efficiency by a qualified serviceman. 14. Add insulation in ceiling and walls. 15. Add storm windows and storm doors to your home 1 16. Caulk cracks around window and door frames, or any other small openings to the outside. 17. Add a humidifier. Extra humidity brings a feeling of warmth at a lower temperature. 18. Add weather stripping around doors and windows. 19. Insulate heating pipes or ducts where they run through unheated attics or crawl spaces. 20. Modernize old heating system by replacement with newer, more efficient equipment. 21. Add a clock-thermostat to adjust your heat automatically. The task force also offers some special conservaUon practices for use in commercial and'public buildings. --Turn down temperature in lobbies and other public places. -Schedule evening meetings into a single heated zone of larger buildings. -Operate ventilation to the outside on a time schedule instead of continuously. --Open blinds and drapes on sunny days. -Install automatic door closers --Control heat by zones and turn down heat , to unused areas. --Use partitions to isolate areas open to the outside (shipping area with open doors, etc) A Gift Tip . . . fromSanta I Year Gift Subscription . . . | r for ths first one When You Order Two Or More . . . for ths second or more CLIP THIS ORDER BLANK AND EITHER MAIL IT OR BRING IT TO: 120 E. Walker St. 48879 NAME OF SUBSCRIBER. Address. City I State. .Phone. Zip TOTAL MONEY ENCLOSED SECOND SUBSCRIPTION Name Address, City .State. .Zip. Additional Gift Subscription Names and Addresses Should Be Written On Additional Paper and Attached To Order Form County News $£ADuvf*ihjL Glutton,fluu.Sine*. 1SS6 Michigan farmers are being called on to produce more to meet the ever increasing need for food. Land that has been set aside for conservation purposes is being freed for production in 1974. Now is the time for "Production With Protection" says Arthur H. Cratty, state conservationist of the Soil Conservation Service. "The use of sound conservation practices and 'the selection of the best land for each crop will help attain this goals." Soil survey information can be used to guide conservation and production, Soil surveys snw&d6e&M A recent report by the American Cancer Society states that almost 1.5 million living Americans have been cured of cancer, in that they are "without evidence of cancer at least 5 years after diagnosis and treatment". Oncologists, the kinds of physicians who specialize in the treatment of malignant tumors and conditions, warn, however, of a trend towards more cancer deaths last year, which they see continuing in 1974. This is the most notable increase in 22 years, and it accounts for a total of 166 deaths per 100,000 population, which is the way health statistics are usually compiled. In 1971 there were 161 deaths per 100,000, so that the increase for last year has gope up 3'times what the annual average was in 1950, The most important 'thing about ominous statistics like those is, of course, what we can learn from them which will prevent unnecessary death by cancer. The experts blame mostof the increase on greater exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in the environment. In a way the fight against pollution may also turn out to be a fight against the dreaded disease. How many new cases of cancer will be diagnosed next year? REHMANN'S OF ST. JOHNS The prediction is that as many as 1.3 million Americans will undergo that difficult experience. One other interesting trend is that for the last quarter of a century, cancer has claimed the lives of more men than women in the United States. For instance, in 1974 if is estimated that for every 54 men who die of cancer, only 46 women will succumb. The female decline on death rates, apparent since 1936, is due mainly to the fact that cancer of the cervic (the opening of the womb/ is easy to detect with up to date medical management. On the other hand, the rise among men is due mainly to an astronomical 1,400 percent increase in lung cancer, much of it in tum related to cigarette smoking. , Other common and curable if detected ;in time, forms of female cancer are breast, uterus and lower digestive tract malignancies. for men, the most common sites, outside of the lungs, which account for 21 percent of all cancers, are colon and/rectum (15 percent), prostate (16 percent) and urinary (9 percent). Again, the important thing to remember is that early diagnosis and treatment1 produce the best results. Nobody should ever let fear of cancer get in the way of a prompt and complete examination at the first sign of trouble. " ' Fight pancer with a cnecflup and a Check > AMERICAN iCANCER SOCIETY HAGGAR CLAN TARTANS with the lofty feel of Highland breezes. Tis a classic wool Tartan plaid of 70% Dacron® polyester and 30% worsted wool, updated in the Haggar tradition of styling and value: gentleman cuffs, belt loops, and subtle flare. $22.50 HAGGAR slacks. Other Haggar Slacks $1/100 14 fit up CENTRAL MICHIGAN'S LARGEST M! THOUSANDS OF SLACKS TO CHOOSE FROM REHMANN'S CLOTHING - FVRNISHINGS - SHOES , for DAD and M D " ST JOHNS CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN December 13,1973 Clinton area obituaries g ~1 L -- h-V S St Johns:'He' was a former Joseph Bengel member of the Moose Lodge \ DEWITT - Services were WESTPHALIA - Services PALMETTO, FLA--Funeral and Was a retail salesman for held Dec 7 f rpm Lee R; Rummel Shell Oil Co, • , were held Friday, Dec 7, from services for Harold V. Jorae,\ Funeral Home in DeWitt for Survivors include his wife, St Mary's Catholic Church in who died Mon, Dec 10 at Helen; 4 sons, Jerry, Dale, Robert C. Rose, 76, J702 W. Westphalia for Joseph T, Manatte Memorial Hospital Herbison Rd, DeWitt, who died Doug, and 'Ronnie, all of St Bengel, 69, of Westphalia, who Palmetto, Fla., after an illness ,. J o h l l s ; 2 daughters, Mrs Betty Dec ~4 at his home. died Dec 4 at Ionia Manor Rev ^David Franzmeier of- ' Bernard Bengel « of several months will be held, -Knight and Mrs Connie Welton, Convalescent Home following a Thur from the Palmetto bothof St Johns; 2 sisters, Mrs ficiated^ with burial at DeWitt illness. Rev Father James Presbyterian Church, Services Rose Findley and Mrs Minnie long Cemetery. Schmitt officiated with burial at' WESTPHALIA -- Services A native of Clinton County, he were held Dec "10'from ' S t ^ will be conducted by the Mason, , Simpson, 'both of FrankKn, St Mary's Cemetery. 'Lodge, Burial will be in the\*Mich; 17'grandchildren; 1 was born Nov 11,1897, the son of Mary's Catholic CHiirch Ifr Rosary services were held Palmetto Memorial Gardens, great-grandson. Frank and Emma Rose. Westphalia for Bernard Bengel, Dec 5. Mr Jorae was born in Ovid, A resident of DeWitt for 30 Sr, 83, Rt 2, Westphalia, Who '* He was born April 25,1904 in 7ears, he previously resided in died Dec 6 at Clinton Memorial ' Mich on May 10,1898, the son of Westphalia, the son of Thomas Anthony and Lucy Jorae. He • LaingsbUrg. He was a fanner. Hospital. and Margaret Bengel. attended the Ovid School and Surviving are 2 sons, Delmar Rosary services were held He was married to the former was employed by Consumers ^ l e n Emmons and Royal, both of Laingsburg; Dec 7-8. Hilda Thelen. Power Co of Owosso and Detroit 3 daughters, Mrs Alice Price, ST JOHNS-Glen Emmmons, Rev Father James Schmitt A farmer and factory emEdison of Dearborn.. Mrs Ruth Brown and Mrs Leo officiated with burial at St, 79, of R 2, died Dec 4 at his home ployee/he was a member of St He is survived by his wife, Rench, all of Battle Creek; 1 Mary's Cemetery. following a long illness. Ser- Mary's Church, Knights of ' Edna Van Velsor- Jorae, 21- vicessYfe.r.e. brother, Me! Rose of Florida; 22 held Fri., Dec 7 at Columbus and St Joseph Arrangements were by Nellejf it daughters, Mrs Robert ' grandchildren and 8 great Funeral Home. "*" *" " " Schackleton of Tallahassee, the Osgood Funeral Home at Society. grandchildren. A life-time resident of the Surviving are his wife, Hilda; Fla., and Mrs Robert Bain of 1:30 pm with Rev Brian Sheen Westphalia area, he was. a Chicago; 2 sisters, Mrs Edith officiating. Burial was in South sons Robert and Richard of Ernest Trofatter member of the Knights \of Snyder of Palmetto, Fla., and Bingham. Westphalia; 4 daughters, Mrs he was born on April 30,1894 Jeanette Weber, Mrs Adeline Columbus, St Joseph Society, Mrs Edna Downer of NorDEWITT - Services were and the Holy Name Society of St thville; 1 brother, Ronald Jorae in Clinton Co., the son of Ed- Schneider, Mrs Rose Smith of Count., „ a.u t l U i Jim 1'blbam (left) presents trophies for DHIA production records lo (from held Dec 7 from Lee A. Rummel Mary's Church. of Ovid; 8 grandchildren; 2 ward and Delia (Owen) Em- Westphalia and Mrs Agnes left) Joe Wang, St Johns; Irv Martin, DeWitt; William Mayers, St Johns; Dean Ornsby, St Johns; Funeral Home in DeWitt for mons. He resided in Clinton co. George of Pewamo; 2 brothers, He was the son of the late .great-grandchildren. Bob Nurenburg, St Johns; Doug Witt, DeWitt and Jim Rlvcst, Elsie. The Eeriest S. Trofatter, 74, 15805 Thomas and Margaret Bengel. most of his life. He'was married Edward and Robert of West- Warren Swanson,ereStm Johns; a d e a t t h e Satur Park Lake Rd, East Lansing, day DHIA Annual Meeting at Bingham Grant to Marion Coffman in Clinton phalia; 7 sisters, Mrs Anna . . K - y j ^ M W Surviving are 2 sons, Julius of • / w h o died Dec 4 at a Lansing' Westphalia and Bernard Jr of Co. on June 18, 1914. He was a Spitzley of Fowler, Mrs Theresa Thomas Atkinson Hospital. Westphalia; 2 daughters, Mrs member of the Pilgrim United Spitzley of Portland, Mrs Rev James Bowden officiated Helen Barker of Pewamo and ST JOHNS-Thomas Atkin-~^£tKfftfisrChurch a™* was a Michael Malloy of .Lansing, Sister Dorothea of East St with burial at Pleasant Hill Mrs Marie banning of Port- son, 70, of 500 Euclid died at Modern Woodman. He. was a Cemetery. land; 2 brothers, Edward and Clinton Memorial Hospital* farmer and a mechanic for the Louis, 111, Sister Bernard of Donaldson, Ind and Sister He was born in Massachusetts Robert Bengel of Westphalia; 7 following a long illness^ Ser- Standard Oil Corp. He is survived by his wife, Marina and Sister Agnette of June 14, 1899 and had lived at sisters, Sister Bernard of vices will be held at Osgood Willmette, HI; and 30 grandDonaldson, Ind, Sister porotha Funeral Home on Wed, Dec 12 marion; 2 daughters, Mrs Park Lake since 1929., Retired Bath Twp fire chief, of East St Louis, HI, Sister at 1:30 pm with Rev Francis , -Marietta Mohnke, St Johns, and children.* he was an automobile mechanic Agnette and Sister Marina of Johannides officiating. Burial Mrs Alberta Jacquish, St One daughter, Mrs Joan Johns; 5 \ grandchildren; 9 Thelen for Jack's Garage, served on Willmette, 111, Mrs Anna will be in Mt Rest Cemetery. preceded him in death in great-graridchildren; and 1 the Bath Township Board of Spitzley of Fowler, Mrs Theresa He was born in St Johns on 1966 and a brother, Bernard great-great-granchild.' Spitzley of Portland and Mrs Trustees, was a former Oct 19,1903, the son of William died Dec 6 of this year. member of the Bath School Matilda Maloy of Lansing; 19 and Ellen Atkinson. He atgrandchildren and 10 great tended St Johns High School and Board member of the IOOF. Ovid Junior High U pf U: He resided in St Johns Surviving are his wife, Mary; grandchildren. 2 sons, Ernest of Park Lake and One brother, Joseph Bengel, all of his life. He was married to Honor Roll Robert of Rosebush; 3 preceded him in death Qec 4. Helen Kasper on Oct 25,1925 in Myers, Kay Parmenter, VICKI GRADE7 Sperow, Dawn Vaniman, Linda Dawn Irish (all A'a), Eldina Marriage J (all A's), Phillis Watson, Jene Walker. GRADE8 Ackles, Angell Kaminski, Cary Paul Goebel (all A's), Soni Bashore, Annette Barclay, Dirk Besko, Julie Booth, Ray Besko, David Billsbrough, Bowles, Maryann Chaffee, Case, Ray Delaney, Sue Fent, Diane Hammond, Eileen Hatta, Denise Dennison. AN ORDINANCETO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 257 AND TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 245, Jim Ginther, Tammy Brad Hudecek, David Kadolph, AS AMENDED, OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, KNOWN AS THE "ZONING ORGoodrich, Merijo Hubbard, Lori Bill Kayanek, Jill McGraw, DINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS". Hunter, Doug Kadolph, Doug. Janet Parks, Mark Rexin, THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS ORDAINS: Len, Pam Leslie, Denise Mc- CarleneTejkl, Kristie Winkler. ' Section 1. .That the Zoning Ordinance of M City of St. Johns and the Zoning Map forming a part Cue, Helen Melling, Sandy thereof, shall be amended in the following respects: that, the premises hereinafter described, previously known as the "Sullivan Farm" shall be rezoned from the present designation of R-l, Single Family Residential to those classifications as set forth below. Wacousla Sectiom2'..That the description of the'affected zoning reclassifications and the designation of Mrs Edward Kraft—626-69-i<i each description is as follows: (See attached sheets) • ' Section 3. .That the remaining portions of the "Sullivan Farm" shall remain R-i, Single Family Mr and Mrs Earl Beagle, Mrs daughters will spend Residential as set forth in Ordinance No. 257. i Charles Rose, Mr and Mrs Gary Thanksgiving with Mrs Kraft's ' Section 4..That the said reclassifications appear as set forth on the map attached hereto, for Clark and family, Barbara Rose brother, the Leland Wendel reference purposes known as "Exhibit A", itbeing the intentvthat the legal descriptions set forth .and-Mr and^MrsLeRoy.BeMe; family near Charlotte, under Section 2 shall accurately jpwtray.the zoning reclassifications, not that drawnjon "Exhibit &» , , •* 5ggT , jjf ait; d3i-r;oJB i-hEjrf *jt • and soa^penf seWaTMays at> r r M ? , _ a n d M r s E d ^ a f t at_ tl Section 5..Regularity ofTProceeding-s$ The City Commission ^conclusively deterniine'frthal1' 'thdf^fflta^ral Horseshoe tendeda shower for Mr_and Mrs Nowvmcjnbers of therMichigan^niraaJ B^eedfi^s^goperatixcbo^d gjgnbers andjState central Lakej™*' rezoning of these premises was duly approved by the St. Johns PlanhlngtJfiffiWfs'sioh^dhaa'pUblic Maurice'Cherry and'family in general manager Ken Bauskc (2d from left) are (from left) Lawrence Cobb, Elsie; Irv Martin, DeWitt; Sympathy is extended to the Charlotte Sunday. The Cherry •hearing has been held thereon after giving due notice as required by law. Bauske; Jim Rivest, Elsie; Glen Webster, Elsie and Don Swagart, St Johns. Paul Buck's in the loss of his Section 6..Validity of Ordinances no. 24&and 257 and Amendments Thereto. Except as herein family lost their.home byfirea sister, lone Cooke in Lansing. provided, Ordinance No. 245, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of St. Johns, and Ordinance No. 257 couple of weeks ago. Mr and Mrs Ed Kraft apd shall stand as first enacted and subsequently amended. , Section 7..Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days after its passage. PASSED, ORDAINED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD THE 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., News About Clinton County 1973. Adoption'of the above Ordinance was moved by Commissioner Arehart and supported by Commissioner Hannah. Yeas: Commissioners Hannah, Arehart, Wood and Wilcox. Nays: Commissioners Ebert. ' The Ordinance was declared adopted. „ Robert H. Wood, Mayor Randy L. Humphrey Acting City Clerk _ Spec. Ward is regularly He received instruction in Pvt Feldpausch assigned as a surveyor in the drill and ceremonies, weapons, That the following described parcels be rezoned from R-l Single Family Residential to MC, 2nd battalion, 41st "Field Armap reading, combat tactics, Municipal Center. ' tillery of the 3rd Infantry PARRIS ISLAND.-Marine military courtesy, military Pvt. Patricia A. Feldpausch, Division in Bad Kissingen, Beginning on the East-West VA line at a point N87°42'45"W 1453.78 feet from the East % corner of justice, first aid, and Army Section 9, T7N, R2W, City of St. Johns, Clinton County, Michigan, thence0 N? 17'l5"E 888.55 feet, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roman Germany. history\and traditions. thence N87°42'45"W 1216.14 feet to the North-South V4 line, thence S0 49'48"W 240.0 feet along Feldpausch of Route 2, Fowler, saidD North-South VA line to the .Northeasterly right of way line of 'Highway U.S. .27, thence Mich, graduated from basic Pvt AAatice S41 26*E 158.14 feet along said right of way line to a point of curvature, thence Southwesterly training at the Marine Corps , 517.60 feet along the arc of a 1707.0 foot radius curve to the right whose chord bears S32*44 50"E Airman McElroy Recruit Depot there. ,515,62 feet, thence S45°44'40"E 167.74 feet to the East-West ft line of said Section, thence FT KNOX, KY. ~ Private You'll never hear that from us. If you have your own S87°42*45"E 680.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 21.01 acres, more or less. SAN ANTONIO - Airman Richard L. Matice, 18, son of Mr ideas as to how the services should be, we're here to / AND and Mrs Donald W. Matice, 408 John T. McElroy, son of Mr and SP4 Ward S. Baker, St Johns, has com- Mrs William D. McElroy of 1360 respect your ideas and see to it that they're followed. pleted 8 weeks of basic training Locher Rd, DeWitt, has been U. S. FORCES, GERMANY at the US Army Training assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex, (AHTNC) OCT. - Army Center, Armor, Ft Knox, Ky. after completing Air Force Specialist Four Le Roy G. 1159.14 feet parallel with said North-South % line, thence parallel with said East-West '/4 line basic training. v Ward, 2l, son of Mr and Mrs N87°42'45" W 500.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 13.301 acres of land, more or less. During his 6 weeks at the Air Lawrence G. Ward, 513 Wilson Did you ever Training Command's Lackland St., De Witt, participated wiih That the following described parcel be rezoned from R-l, Single Family Residential to R-2, AFB, Tex,, he studied the Air other American and Allied want something Medium Density Residential. Force mission, organization troops in Exercise Reforger V and customs and received so bad it hurt? in|Germany, Oct 10-16, R-2 DUPLEX: Beginning on the East-West y/line at a point N87»42'45"W 900.0 feet from the special instruction in human The military airlift command East ft corner of Section 9, T7N, R2W, City of St. Johns, Clinton County, Michigan, thence FUNERAL HOMES relations. flew approximately 11,000 U.S.-' continuing N87°42'45"W 160.78 feet on said Vx line, thence NSPL7'15"E 138.0 feet to a point of The airman has been based soldiers and more than CSGOODOpZGOERGE^ curvature, thence Northwesterly 105.76 feet on the arc of a 233.0 foot radius curve to the left assigned! to the Technical ST JOHNS FOWLER whose chord bears N10U43'W 105.0 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence Northwesterly 1,000 tons of equipment to three Training Center at Sheppard for S 435.52 feet on the arc of a 1066.0 foot radius curve to the right whose chord bears N12 01*05"W different airfields in Germany specialized training in the civil nBB0TT£UH0U6HT0HOz 432.50 feet to a. point of tangency, thence N0t,18'40"W 240.0 feet to a point of curvature, thence MAPLE RAPIDS OVID in preparation for the event. engineering mechanical and Northwesterly 295.26 feet along the arc of a 263.0 foot radius curve to the left whose chord bears Immediately after arriving, electrical field. 3 N32 28'30" W 280.0 feet to a point of compound curvature, thence Northwesterly 453.64 feet along overseas, the redeployed units t Airmaiv McElroy is a 1973 the arc of a 1033.0 foot radius curve to the left whose chord bears N n ^ l W W 450.0 feet to a drew combat gear and Vehicles graduate of St Johns High point of tangency, thence N89^8'W 33.0 feet, thence N0»12'E 163.0 feet, thence S89>48'E 33.0 feet, 'from prepositioned storage School. thence S85°54'40"E 150.0 feet.thenceU S78*08'E 150,0 feet, thence S7P02'30"E 259.36 feet, thence sites in Germany and moved to , , iS49*57»15"E 150,6 feet, thence S30 05 50"E 150.0 feet, thence Sl(Pl4 30"E 150.0 feet, thence the exercise area to begin the SO353'05"W 310.0 feet, thence S211>54,30"E 450.0 feet, thence S55C'26,50"W 74.42 feett thence seven-day field maneuver. S2°17'15"W 140.0feet to thepointof beginning,containing7.46lacres,moreorless. NOTICE OF BID Pitted against the airlifted forces were Europe-based That the following described parcel be rezoned from R-l, Single Family Residential to R-3, High elements^ NATO forces of the Density Residential. "" r US, Germany and Canada. The Board of Clinton County Road Commissioners will receive sealed bids at 701W. Slate St. St. The exercise, conducted by Johns, Michigan until Friday, January 18,1974 at 10:00 A.M. for the following items. R-3 pHIGH'DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: Beginning on the East-West H'line at a point the joint Chiefs of Staff and N87 42'45".W 1Q60.78 feet from the East Vt corner of Section 9, T7N, R2W, City of Ste Johns, NATO, focused on the Clinton County, Michigan, thence N2°17'15"E 138,0 feet to a point of curvature, thence Northprocedures and techniques for westerly 3 105 76 feet on the arc of a 233 foot radius curve to the lefrwhose chord bears NlO»43 W 2 — one half ton pickups receiving, equipping, assem105.0 feet td a point of reverse curvature, thence Northwesterly 435.52 feet on the arc of a 1066 1 — three quarter ton crew cab pickup bling and employing units after foot radiusiurve to therightwhose chord bears NISPOlWW 432.50 feet to a point of tangencyj 1 — 8 foot utility body , they arrive, rather than on thencUNo°18'50"W'240.0 feet to a point of curvature, thence Northwesterly 295,26 feet along the rapid deployment of troops .arc ofa 263, foot radius curve to the left whose chord bears N32°28<30"W 280.0 feet to a point of ' from the U, S. coihpouhd ttirrature; thence Northwesterly 453.64 feet along the arc of a 1033 foot radius curve Give a kid a chance to to the left whose chord bears N77°13'10"W 450.0 feet to a point of tangency thence N89" 48'W Specifications may be obtained at the Road Commission office. 33.0feet,wenceNO*l2'E355;Oieettoapointofcu^ INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! die arc of a 740 foot radius curve to the right whose chord bears N6»M'0''E 415.0 feet, tiience W lJf l t t T V 180,0 feet, thence j p w g • " i L ^ J ^ l S E ^ ^ f t b J ' S ! HOME FARM BUSINESS AUTO The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid that is, in their N1 49' opinion, in the best interest of the Clinton County Road Commission. feet I s Robert Rose daughters, Mrs Viola pollard of, Pensacola, Fla, Mrs JoAnn' GrahamofBath and Miss Helen-' Trofatter of Park Lake;, 5 „ brothers; 5 sisters; 28 grandchildren and 6 grandchildren. Harold VJorae NOTICE - SaMce PetAmnet OSGOOD ^ S r S e n c e ^ « f £ % m o l « T o n " s a I d ft line to the point of beginning, containing 45.17 acres, more or less, except ^ t V Th n t nart of theVNortheast V* of Section 9, T7N, R2W, City of-St. Johns, Clinton County, ^ R f i f s S S m 9, thence continuing S0*49'48'*W 1159.14 feet along said % ^ thawe sB?2'45"E 500.0 feet parallel with the East-West H l i n e ^ s a i d section, thence N(r^948'E 1159 i4 Jeet parallel witiTsatoT North-South V4 line, thence parallel.with saidI East-West Vt line N 8 W 4 5 " w 500.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 13.301 acres of land, more or less. 4 mtmbtr of THE BOARD OF CLINTON COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS America Group, . LANTERMAN INSURANCE 200 W. State, St. Johns, PHONE 224-7614 BRUCE LANTERMAN Marvin Platte, Chairman Paul Nobis, Member Gerald Lank ford, Member 46A December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN r Auto Club says fuel conservation insure '\ } continued snowmobile fun Snowmobilers can best guarantee their access this winter to Michigan's 1,300 miles of state forest trails and more then 6.3 million acres of public land by taking strong steps now to voluntarily conserve fuel, according to Automobile Club of Michigan. All snowmobilers should follow Auto Club's urging that motorists cut gas consumption by 25 percent," said Joseph Ratke, Auto Club touring manager. If a voluntary step like this succeeds, it could head off more drastic measures, such as steep gas taxes or gas rationing, which would severely restrict travel to Michigan's outdoor recreational spots," he said. Auto Club commended the Michigan Marine and Snowmobile Dealers Association for their campaign to encourage members and nonmembers alike to cut snowmobile gas consumption by 15 percent. "rfowever, since statistics show that snowmobiles use less than one percent of Michigan's gas supply, snowmobilers must take additional steps to effectively help our state through the energy crisis,"--Ratke said. Auto Club points out that snowmobilers can economize on fuel while enjoying their sport by storing their vehicles at resort centers rather than hauling them long distances. Also, snowmobilers are urged to supplement some long-distance weekend trips by snowmobiling close to home. Boasting the highest nunjbe'r' "Towing a snowmobile does cut into a car's gas milea'ge," of registered snowmobiles in Ratke noted, adding that this the country~379,000--Michigan year there should be more also has these public facilities places than ever available for for snowmobilers: * snowmobile storage in -More than 100,000 acres at 70 Michigan's north country. state park and recreation areas As an example, he cited throughout Michigan. -Fifty marked trails covering Traverse Habor, a marina near Traverse City.'which is offering 1,300 miles in addition to 3,7 for the first time 400 indoor million acres of open country in snowmobile storage spaces at state forests. weekly rates ranging from $1.50 -Trails and scramble areas in for one-unit trailers to $3.75 for about 35 DNR public game four-unit trailers, areas (available for use fro~ Instead of numerous long- Jan. 1-March 31, 1973). Trails and open' areas distance weekend trips to snowmobile areas this winter, covering 2,6 million acres in Auto' Club recommends that Michigan's four national* snowmobilers consider sub- forests-Ottawa, Hiawatha, stituting a few three- or four- Manistee and Huron. day "weekend" excursions or The accompany Auto Club plan a vacation around their map pinpoints* the locations of sport. 124 marked snowmobile trails in "The state Department of Upper and Lower Peninsula Natural Resources (DNR) is state, parks and state and making n e a r - h o m e "federal forests. Snowmobiles will not be snowmobiling more convenient thanever for southern Michigaa allowed into state-owned lands residents," Ratke said. "For unless four or more inches of the second year, it is leasing snow are on the ground. For land in the southern part of the state park entrance, a $5 annual state specifically for park permit sticker is required for cars and another $5 sticker, snowmobile use." Under the DNR program, for a snowmobile, whether used 7,000 acres of private land are in the park or not. • *• New state forest trails this now available for snowmobile use, mainly in Alleghan, year are: Upper Peninsula-Silver lake Muskegon and Montcalm counties and in the Thumb Lake-Floodwood, Skunk Creek' region. The state department is and Pipeline trails, near Iron attempting to lease 7,000 ad- Mountain; Iron County Trail, ditional acres for use this near Crystal Falls; AAA Trail, near Marquette; Kingston winter. Information on the specific Plains Trail, between Munising locations of DNR lease areas is and Grad Marais;'Pine Stump'' available at the department's to Paradise Trail," near, paradise, and Nelson Lake to regional offices. Carp River Trail, near4 Naubinway. ; Lower •Peninsula-North' Branch and Pigeon River trails,., and Gene Wilson came home near Gaylord. Saturday, Dec 1. Auto Club i reminds Mrs Ethel Gee spent Sunday snowmobilers that under state with the Mark Wieber family at law, children under 1*2 cannot* Fowler. , operate a snowmobile on public Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs property. Youngsters aged 12 toCarl Fox were their mother, 15 must take an eight-hour DNR Mrs Marie Mulnix and Larry snowmobile 'safety course * to drive on public property without Mulnix. Mrs Pauline Cook, Mrs Vera adul t superv ision. DNR Spitzley, Mrs Betty Jandernoa regional offices should < be and Mrs Mable Cook of Pewamo contacted for specific -inwere visitors of Mrs Pauline formation on where these Cook of Lansing who is courses are being held. recovering from, injuries "Hopefully,- safety inreceived in an auto accident. structions for our young people The 4-H sewing class and will help reduce the state's parents and their leader went to snowmobile death rate," said Portland Thursday evening to Ratke. He noted that last winter the J and J Store where the snowmobile accidents claimed manager showed them different the lives of 25 persons in Michigan." sewing materials. Pewamo A daughter born Tuesday, Dec 4, to Mr and Mrs David George of Grange Road at the Ionia County Memorial Hospital at 1:10 pm weighing 8 lbs and 5 - ozs. She has been named Jenifer (Jenny). Jenny has 2 brothers and one sister to greet her. The mother is 'the former Donna Fink. Grandparents are Mrs Eda George and Mr and Mrs Don Frechen. Mrs George and baby came home Sunday morning, Dec 9. Mr and Mrs Ambrose Fox are parents to a daughter born Dec 4 at St Lawrence Hospital in , Lansing weighing 7 lbs and 9 ozs. She will answer to the name of Stacy Jo Stacy Jo has 3 sisters to come home to. The mother is the former Cathleen Smith. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph L. Fox of Pewamo and Mr and Mrs Norman Thelen. The son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Schrauben born Sunday, Nov 25, has been named Gene Wilson. The mother Mrs Kenneth Schrauben • New Heating Plants i • New Siding 9 Laingsburg New Windows or Doors bands to present • Insulation Dec 16 concert • N e w Roofs The annual Laingsburg Bands Christmas Concert will be held Sunday, Dec 16, at 2:30 pm in the High School gym. Students in grades 6-12 will participate. The entire concert will last approximately Vk hours. A highlight of the Concert will be the performance of the poem 'by Clement C. Moore; T'was the Night ~ Before Christmas. This poem will be accompanied by the high school band and narrated by Mr Doug Smith, Laingsburg Distributive Education teacher. The program is free of charge and open to the public. Any .questions may be directed to Michael R. McMurtrey, Director, Laingsburg Community Bands at 651-5091. • Fireplaces AND EARNS 9% INTEREST! : There are few sure things In this world, but at John Wesley College you can be sure your invested dollars will earn you a full 9% interest, plus a lot more. Vour invested dollars will provide the much needed additional hoUsingMbr our rapidly expanding student body. Your invested dollars will mean we can renovate some of the existing buildings, and perhaps build some new ones. Your invested dollars will grow. But growing right along with i them will be !he lives, skills, and futures of hundreds ofyotmg people at John Wesley College. One thing for sure, it's a good investment and a worthwhile cause, plus the enrichment of young lives can be your dividend • forever. For complete information on our 9% investment program, please mail the coupon below or call us collect now, ; Yes! Please forward complete information on how I can earn 9% interest by investing in the students of John Wesley College. "WE'RE THE FRIENDLY FOLKS TOU CAN BANK ON" St Johns MAIN OFFICE 201 E.Walker F __„,L, S a w w In observance of Christmas Eve and New Years Eve all branches of Central National Bank; md Its drive-in facilities will close at 3 p.m. Dec. 24th and Dec. 31st. ft^^fttt^^^j^^^^^ftsica St Johns BRANCH OFFICE South gate Plaza So. US. 27 an; BRANCH OFFICE ^wajwaaa ja SERVING THE CLINTON AREA FROM 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS vkCawek (Mr. NAME Mrs. . Miss) 3 £ J Dr. Kenneth S. Armstrong JOHN WESLEY COLLEGE ' 100 S. Washington Street Owosso, Michigan 48867 Phbne: (517)723-4310. BRANCH OFFICE ADDRESS. CITY. 'Broadway and TV actress Kay Medford slums you how to send ( your contribution to the American Cancer Society's Crusade. ."Your mailbox Is your partner In the Hght against cancer," says the (blonde actress, co-star of the t Dean Martin TV show* ' .STATE. ZIP. "This advertisement fs neither an offer to soil nor a solicitation of offers to buy any of ttieso certificates. The .offering is made only by the Prospectus." ' i Call 224-2361 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED NOW! "The Place Where The Buying and Selling Of Things Happen" Help Wanted WANTED — LPN afternoon shift, Rivard Nursing Home. 224-2985. WORK at Home and Make Cash Mone" in your Spare Time. Send stamped self-addressed envelope to Woodco Nationwide Mailers, P.O. Box 547, Clute, Texas 77531. 27-8-p-l 31-3-p-l HOSPITAL assistant wanted. Part time employment. Evening and weekends. Training provided. Contact Coronoary Pulmonary, Clinton Memorial Hospital.. 31-3-p-l HELP — Male or female. 17 years to 25 years'of age. Ranch Roller Rink, St. Johns. 31-3-p-l MAN OR WOMAN-Detroit Free Press motor route in and near St Johns and Elsie. 485-6420. 22-tf-l TONY'S PIZZA SERVICE Opportunities unlimited. We are seeking men who want to make $12,000 to 18,000 per year. If you aren't, we can show you how. JOIN THIS FAST GROWING ST. JOHNS BUILDING TRADES MODEL HOME COMPANY. Look at these benefits: (1) high guaranteed salary plus good commission and bonus (2) excellent advancement potential (3) no working capital required (4) 5 day work week (5) paid vacation after 1 year employment (6) group hospitalization and life insurance ^plan (7) sicfi leave benefit coverage (8) profit sharing retirement plan (9) good established routes (10) year round and lifetime work. You may qualify if you are married, in good health, enjoy outdoor work. Other qualifications are (1) must be ambitious and dependable (2) must be neat and cheerful (3) must have ability to get things done quickly (4) must be courteous and tactful. Tony's Pizza Service. For interview see Bill McDonald at the Mel Manor Motel, E. Main St., Owosso, Wed., Dec. 19,11 a.m. to9:30p.m. 723-5141. 33-1-p-l Business Opportunity TURF TENDERS national and state_ ecology approved lawn care" service franchises available. Excellent earnings. ,SBA is available to Vietnam veterans. Large investment not necessary. Write-P.O. Box. 2174, Lansing, Mich. 48911 or call 4852431. 28-tf-2 •• * * . . - = This lovely home is ready to move into and contains these outstanding features: • • • • • • • Lot Size 1 0 0 ' x 75' 3 Bedrooms Bath Off Master Bedroom Carpeting Throughout Kitchen has Dishwasher, Disposal and Continuous Cleaning Electric Range 1232 Square Feet MEN OR WOMEN - If, you are interested in earning $1,000 per month, part time with only $3,300 to invest, fully returnable , caU COLLECT Mr. Wells (214) 243-8001. 30-4-D-2 DEAL DIRECT* WITH COSMETIC MANUFACTURED BE INDEPENDENT! Merle Norman Cosmetics is offering a rewarding opportunity in St. Johns. Open your own cosmetic store or combine with your business. No franchise fee . . . no house selling . . . no middleman. Call us toll free (800) 421-2060, or write Merle Norman Cosmetics,, LN40,9130 Bellanoa Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90045. 33-2-p-2 EXTRAS! • Gas Forced Air Furnace with Power Humidifier • Sound Insulation in Bath • Andersen Per mash ield Windows • A l l Aluminum Exterior Complete TV Wiring with Color Antenna Contact S t Johns Public Schools PHONE 224-2394 Ext. 237 Real Estate BUILDING LOTS, available in Ovid area. Will build using your plans or ours. Fedewa Builders, Inc. 51:tf-4 Section B December 13,1973 Resort Property; For Sale CLASSIFIED AD PAGES CASH RATE 5* per word 0 FOR SALE •= Lake front home — Round Lake. 4-bedrooms, family room, fire place, 2 car garage. Call 651-5722. 32-4-p-5 Minimum 50* per insertion Save a 25$ service fee by paying for your charged ad within 10 days of insertion. BOX NUMBERS in care of this office add s A L L CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MONDAY A T 5 P.M. SMALL home for sale — 4 room home in nice neighborhood, Will take bids to settle estate. Phone 224-3893 or incquire at 501 Wight St. , 32-2-P-4 3 NEW HOMES in Westphalia, ranch, 2-story, and Cape Cod all with garages. Low interest rate mortgage can be assumed by potential buyer. Fedewa Builders, Inc. 587-3811. 27-tf-4 IF YOU plan to get into the position of home ownership, don't put it off. Waiting is expensive. There are a variety of financing programs available. With a reasonable down' payment house payments are often equivalent or less than rent. We have financing programs available with interest rates starting at -7 % and other programs that can be worked into your budget. We also have lots available, For more information call Fedewa Builders, Inc. 587-3811 or stop at rur office 5-1/4 miles south of Fowler on Wright Road. 27-tf-4' BATH — Buy your family that Christmas present. 3 bedroom ranch, 1 acre yard, only 6 years old. Land contract to good buyer. Only $19,700. Immediate possession. Call John Addiss 641-4428 or 337-9791. Simon Real Estate, Okemos. 33-l-p-4 TRAILER SPACE. W& miles north of St. Johns on US-27. No phone calls. Oscar Dyer. 31-tf-6 the classifieds 210 W, Higham •* A new home is a lifetime investment. Let us help you secure this investment with the best basement wall possible • a poured concrete wall. We arc equipped to do (he complete job or any part of it. Bring your prints over or call for an nimotiUmcnl 587-3811. READY-MIX CONCRETE For All Your Needs QUALITY-SERVICE FEDEWA BUILDERS, Inc. '6218 Wright Road, 5% Miles South of Fowler. * BUICK-PONTIAC OPEL-GMC 2-tf STEVE'S REFUSE HOUSE FOR RENT near St. Johns..Middle aged couple preferred. Reference. Call Lansing 485-9049, after 5 p.m. 32;3-p-6 (Liscensed Refuse Service) ST. JOHNS, EUREKA 164M- ACRE beef farm with 2 pole barns and a modern 3 bedroom ranch. Terms available. Call Shirley Karber, 224-7412 or Furman Realty Co., 224-3236. 33-l-p-4 Wanted To Rent ' 7 OVID-ELSIE . WANTED — Land to rent for corn and soybeans next spring. Have modern equipment. 2247495. Ask for Ron. 32-2-p-7 FOR SALE —House with three bedrooms, \lk baths, fireplace, breezeway, and garage in Laingsburg. Owner will hold contract. Inquire at 8584 S. Hollister Rd., Laingsburg. RollardWert. 33-3-p-4 AND BANNISTER AREA. WANTED TO RENT Apartment by young married couple. Prefer one in private home or apartment house close to town. Call 224-3984. 31-tf-dh-7 Commercial and Container Service PHONE 834-5533 Elsie, Mich. 4007 Carland Rd. WMTABSCAU 224 2361 TIME TO FRESH GROUND HOLIDAY O&dfl/iycwi1 AND ROUND OR SWISS 100% BEEF STEAK FREE LOTTERY TICKET With s2500 Purchase Excluding Beer, Wine & Cigarettes 3 LB. TRUEWORTH WHOLE * - * _ . . FARMER PEET SKINLESS MICH GRADE 1 LEAN MEATY 3 LB. and UNDER TURKEY KERNAL C O R N TOWELS ROLLS 1 «/T LADY KAY PIERCE HUNTS KETCHUP ' 8 count SAKEIty •V:! 14 oz. % , TURKEYS 10 to 14 LB. • 5/'l 00 URGE SOLID LETTUCE 2/49* ip 3 LB. 49 VTAKE-OUT 8oz. LADY KAY BLUE BONNET PINT WHITE & DARK MEATS , AT HEATHERWOOD FRESH CRISP 4/89 TURKEY ROLLS GRADE A HEN BANQUET MAHARS SOUR CREAM 49' u CHECKERBOARD TOMATO HAMBURG or HOT DOG STICKS $100 BUNS CONCRETE DAY, WEEK, MONTH or LONG TERM LEASE • CAINS; Inc. WILLARD SEARLES has three homes that can either be bought or rented. All three have low interest assumable mortgages. Located in ideal neighborhoods. Call Searles for more information. Phone 224-3297 or 224-7011. 33-l-p-4 WE, OURSELVES, will buy your land contract. For prompt, courteous action, call Ford S. LaNoble. LaNoble Realty, 1516 E. Michigan, Lansing, Phone' (517)-482-1637. Evenings (517)- BATH — If you have ever 337-1276. 37-tf-4 wanted to live in the country, here's your chance. New- 3 bedroom, attached garage, basement, sun deck, 3A acre yard. Only $28,900. Trade yours in. Call John Addiss, 641-4428 or 337-9791. Simon Real Estate, Okemos, 33-l-p-4 \9&ti,m FOR SALE - Pair of studded snow tires with Chevy wheel rims. Size: F 78-14 $25. Call 2244546. 33-1-p-ll TO SETTLE an estate. Small older home, 501 W. Park Ave. near schools and shopping. •58,700. (517) 634-9770 or 224-4870. 31-6-p-4 PLEASE —I need large in-town home for qualified family. Must have 4 bedrooms or more. Under $30,000. If you're considering selling, please, Call Robert A, Weber, LaNoble Realty-Realtors, 1516 E, Michigan. 482-1637, evenings 489-1108. 334-p-4 The American Red Cross FOR SALE OR RENT - Farm home between Fowler and St. Johns. 593-2513. 32-3-p-6 FOR RENT — Modern apartments on Wright Rd. Stove, refrigerator, and drapes furnished. Quiet rural atmosphere. 4 miles south of Fowler. 5876616. 33-3-p-6 FOR SALE by owner — Sharp 3 bedroom ranch. Central air, all kitchen built-ins, unusual fieldstone fireplace in family room. Great view of the lake. Mora Circle, Lake Geneva at DeWitt. 669-3978. 33-3-p-4 FOR SALE — 1 acre with good 4bedroom home. 4 miles north of St. Johns. Melvin Smith Broker, 703 W. McConnell St. 224-3801. 32-3-P-4 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 1967, 4 wheel drive, 20 m.p.g. Station wagon and pickup top $900.00. Phone 834-2162.33-1-p-ll 1969 Dodge pickup with cover. 2400 miles. Phone 224-6500. 33-3-p-U For Rent r the , good neighbor. Automotive SOFT . ICE CREAM ARGARINE r T°ur2/a9* US, No. 1 Now Only $ NEW CROP LARGE 125 SIZE POTATOES TANGERINES $129 1 Comp Value Assorted £ Q C Flavors Q n j^gal, 10 LB. BAG 59' DOZEN 11 WithPurchases FREE/ SAVE 50* OR MORE 6 SffiSI t l r t t l " Sprit Bt STEAK KNIVES Include $1.00 si od/viut handling charge Wiih Puutut* ot W*tl Clotd 2B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN ?* • -*—J- Decamber.13rl97£ 0-£ studehH fihdlisfs in state math competion FARM MACHINERY BOOMS FOR SALE — Hampshh».gilt, RED & WHITE TOP SILOS: due to farrow so6ii. W?-G874.. Now in our45thyear serving the ' J32-3-P-20 more aggressive and cost WANTED - Manifold for conscious farmers. Silos for FOR SALE - Duroc boars. Ed Massey Harris 44-4 cyl, gas. every purpose. Get all the facts Goer&e,'2 miles west, i% north Serial number of manifold before you buy. Find out what a of Fowler, 32-3^-20 H260E 605 Or Junker with really heavy plaster coat is, Is it manifold. If you have a applied with a cement gun for manifold and want to sell one better adhesion and a much call collect Portland 647-B276. much heavier plaster lining Cattle 33-1-P-18 inside like We do? We install the foundation. Our trucks are self unloading with hydraulic FOR SALE —'8 Angus cows. booms. SiloMatic and VanDale Call after 5 p.m., 587-6777. •SS-S-p-gl equipment. Order now and avoid the fall rush. Booms Silo Co. Inc, Harbor Beach, Mi, 48441. Phone (517) 479-6554 or Poultry contact J i m O'Connor, St. Johns, Mi. 48879. Phone: 224,7414. 10-tf-18 nnr x^. • • j i i i4*12 FOR SALE - v , B a n t v } „ _ _ and , DeaeOcW^ge* , mftifeE Wanted H FOR SALE-Cut up slab wood., $7-?10 a, pick-up load, Maple' Miscellaneous 2 8 M C a r d o f T h a n l ( S 3 q 'RapidsLumber Mill, 2'A miles' south of Maple Rapids on Forest Hill Rd, Or call Richard TIMBER WANTED - Logs and PARTEE — The family of Grubaugh 682-4225. standing timber. Logs delivered Norm Partee wish to express Two Ovid-Elsie High School ships for capable mathematics 30-6-p-27 to our yard. DEVEREAUX their sincere thanks to everyone students finished in the top 4 on SAWMILL, INC., 2872 N. who was so kind throughout his Part I, pi the Michigan students in the State eft 'Michigan. >' NORWOOD hay" savers and Hubbardston Rd., Pewamo, 'illness and death. Dr. Brat silage bunks, all steel welded Mich. Phone 593,2424 and/or* 'Stackhouse, all the nurses and Mathematics Prize Competition m The 100 winners of th& and are atmnlg 1000 Michigan With rolled edges to last a 593-2552. 40-tf-28 aides at Gratiot Community students to compete in the fihal Competition Will Be honored nC: Hospital, Rev. Hugh Banninga, %he Awards ProgrSm sponsored lifetime. See at Our yard, 5-3/4 Dodge Funeral Home, and all examination on" Wednesday, -hy Michigan Bell Telephone to* miles south of Fowler. Ph. 587who donated or helped with the Dec 5. Ovid-Elsie math students be held Bt Western Michigan" 3811, Feitewa Builders, Inc. lunch afterward. May God bless who qualified fpr the second t # t University oh February 23, with 22,-tf-27 Notice were: • *, "•$ *you all. .^0 of't&e.-WiiuieVs-Jfeceiving a , . Denni&^P*, Delaney, senift FOR SALE — Beef - whole or Ma\^%fomimate\tfW(iOQ in r } . Patricia Partee 'sonX'Mr^mo'/jWrs Patfw 5oU v e|^actibTgrshipS, CoiT-^ half. Are you ,tired of paying NOTICE OVID TOWNSHIP ; Mr and Mrs J Hogan high prices for poor quality? TAXPAYERS - Beginning , Mr and Mrs Tom Partee Delaney7.J M77*'C»rIand'J8. ^ibubons" Iff the 'scholarship^ -Try the .-best and see the dif- December 7, 1973, through 3M-p-30 OwossoT .Snd* Kiffc ^'Schum, Ijindifinchidle yife'Kuhlmah'j' seni6rf 'soft ,6f. jf» *~*- **"'fefghce* See Carl Pea^ee at 4151 February 8,1974,1 will be at the ie'Michigan*jert'SChulfey4'i «E£ Parks' Rd., just east of Ovid branch of the 'Central BIRMINGHAM - P w i s h ' t o icfiBrs oh{ "fchancflelfRd!, St, Johns. 31-3-p- National Bank on Fridays, 9 lha'nk my friends for their 1, imem&iM M r ^ r ^ ^ . ' - B b r t J n , director' ft : ., . a.m. to 5 p.m.( for the purpose of kindness to me this pa& year, It This cAtf$mloTr fs^p'dhsor™ %f guidance,-ha swerved as the Farm Produce 19 collecting taxes. 'was truly appreciated. Best by the Michigan "Section of *% PLANING MILL "WANTED KEYPUNCH *igH^chootsdperVisdr for OvidI will also take taxes at my >v OPERATORS. Many employers* ™ u , a f ° » ' * e » xes at my .'Wishes for a Happy Holiday Mathematical Association *jot |lsieif;li^}f^eh06l' students,, America, and J s j , designed $0 Season. > v e called for Keypunch ^ at 1774 S. Shepardsyille FOR SALE - Hay and straw, Nerva Birmingham 33-l-p-30 foam* '& \videV inferesl^fij comn^tmgP^tns'exam! nation.' Minufacturdrs of: 'Operators in this area. Our Road on Monday and Wed4591 Howe Rd., Vk miles east of dmm 'mathematics^ to focus atient^i nesday from 9:00 to 5:00, and on qualify you for 27, Bath , 32-3-p-l? course could *Jf on - the * necessity- -for Truck, pick-up, hay and BEARDSLEE Many thanks other days as available. Mrs. .FARM apd INDUSTRIAL thSse jobs.* 6 week course. Call mathematical training iit most grain racks, faraga boxes, to my friends and relatives for Katherine (Bill) Kelley, *'- TR-ACfpRir^nd " SHELLED corn at discount Bin LOST - 2 Be'agles utvici ^collect (517) 393-8615 for inbunk feeders, portable profession^'and (rfcUeskaiid j j ^ othe gifts and cards I received on * ^QlJlgWENT i damaged. 100's of bushel in cattle mangers and -formation... Spartan Keypunch Treasurer, R2, Ovid, »Mich. .my identify a'nd^provide ^oW{ 81st birthday. The day will 46866. 32-10-p-29 accessories. Custom , Essex Township, 'Coritact Fred . SMG27 Jselohg remembered." ™ . / ' woodworking. Mohnke St. Johns, itfich. 300 E. , Harold S.Beardslee 33-l-p-30 Notice Simplicity " Kiricaid District-, Railroad, 224-2456 before 9 a.m. trM-SATCE — Applewood and I will not be responsible for 22-tf-W - ?L-AWN and GARDEN ^ Tkardwood. Cut "your own and 268 S. Henderson " any debts other than myself ROSSOW - 1 wish to thank my rw,*n^e„in,, an A « *l i ; fat EQUIPMENT-, Sdve. Call 224-7580, after 5. Fowler, Michfgan after Nov 29, 1973. family.relatives and friends for V 2 ? w l k f ttse"oJ i V- ' * 32-3-P-27 "HEfesi\CHlFDRD TO??^g^53i! Sidney Shirey. 3l-3-p-29 remembering me" with their ! £ _ A Hogs & Sheep 2 0 cards, ahd gifts during HORSES'*8&pu>I$/Tj»M$ "i-mi^Acxnmf CLEANERS' CHRISTMAS trees. Spruce up prayers, Phone (Area 517) my recent illness. A; special 593-2000 . FOR SALE — Feeder, pigs. Call 'aren^^.'pO'a^o^Ut^tesgotls^f •^K.Sb'-*- 'Four store floor to 8 ftBCut your own onvSatur- ^hanks to Pastor MarVin Barz. ^' and to^'stalls^av^illHer^f'-'f jTemonstrators>tfhd salesmans days 9:30 4:30 or by ap- „for his ma*ny raU^and-prayers after 6 o'clock, 587-6777. . E.O.W. 2933. T£, *•**& ?*'ft&5#m, samples'. Canriot be told from pointment. 1201 Alward Lake and to our neiifiBors-for their _ T 3*3-p-20 '• M * --nh""' OTrr^"iT"~~" ***'Wifil^loaning tools atid. &.<Jj&f&:*£v& Visits to trie at the hospital, and g|ggtlj|MMil9HHlHli^ v 'Ievfcft a rug shampooer. Only' Rd. ife mile west of US 27. Phone at home. Thanks to my grand,,n Cakejjj 485-5166. 3l-3-p-29 J* ^$2^55 'Cash or terms. Call St children for their help and ice crefihi was seryeclL tl^L ^t Miscellaneous'; 2 7 -_ Johns collect 224-2668 9 a.m. to 9 w antf M& w&m>Ss$m concern; to Drs. Smith and SMORGASBORD Dinner and if.m. Electee Grand. 33-1-27 fl*^ Jordan, the nurses and staff at visited h e t 1 ) r o t h i r USED FARM EQUIPMENT XTtt* Christmas Bazaar. Sunday, the Carson City Hospital for Lawrence hospital, last we$£s FdR'SALE ^kirtftlffce ^ftrid SE$S "STRETCH MATERIAL Dec. 16,1 p m., Congregational their excellent care during my Mr and MrffCSi'dheyi'Dyer^ ; 2 Bedroom ^fth"efefetnc, 154 TRACTORS - COMBINES - CORNHEADS delivered. Call 22£3#f or j&£ * 1973 DIAL AND STITCH $47.75 Church, Laingsburg. 33-l-p-29 stay there, It was all greatly visited'Mi1 and'Mrs William! ^bJths, %tf conditioned, tar7681. - - , _K&$$Xl ' —Leftmhtyaway.Se'ws stretch geted, jfaflge ana'fefrigerator, appreciated. May God bless Raymer and family of Elsie^J TILLAGE TOOLS - PLANTERS -PICKERS • SKJSperrrtonthi.' Jt-il-i. —'— ' j . . ^ v ' ' ' L * material. Comes with a walnut CUSTOM BUTCHERING AND each of you. * Mrjs Max-Hunt&on df Lansing^ SPOTS before ybur #es*~-db --sfew taBle. Beautiful pastel PROCESSING. We butcher on Carl Rossow 33-l-p-30 Mrs Clara Dothswkof WacoultJf: TRACTOR PARTS -REBUILT HEADS yournetfcarpet-'reml&tethem , colorful*size head, all built-in Wednesdays and Fridays. BeefRoad, visited Mr and Mr£ Pork. Halves and quarters, also with31ue Lustre: Rem ele%ic to zig-zag, buttonholes, overDecember' 15,1973 Alexander Lang on "Wednesday? GOOD SELECTION AT ALL TIMES shampooer'," $1. Deah" HarjJ- cast. Makes fancy stitches. retail cuts. All meats MDA Mrs Alexander Lang attended MARTENS — I wish to thank ware t St Johns."< ^X- r^-gpilto -Only $47.75. Cash or terms Inspected Pendell's Meat AGENCY INC. Dr. Chuntarasupt, nurses and a masonic""meeting TueVdayi TOVID-SERVICE Phti'ne (517) 224-4713 or 224-4300 ———1£^=—„.,. -, ',T*-iAw.,.Aa. u •arranged.- Trades accepted. Processing. West City Limits on nurses aides for their wonderful evening at-Howell. t j[ Phone 834-2288 Bussel Rd, just off M-57, Carson FORSALE'-JfolStBlnbdn 4)j& Call St Johns collect 224-2668 9 Saturday evening, Mr^and' . First Farm North of St. Johns on US-27" enough for heiffirs.^1963 Buick a.m. to 9 p.m. Electro Grand. City. Phone 584-6640. Jake care, Rev Barz for calling and Mrs Clarke Sullivan Jr of friends and relatives for calling Vaughn. 5-tf-nc-29 two-door'hardtop, "runs gotta", 33-1-27 and cards during my recent Mattoon, Illinois were supper Puppies free. 587-6842. 3l-3-p-27 ST. JOHNS, MICH. guests of Mr and Mrs Donald TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING RELIABLE service on all stay at the hospital. Sullivan and family." „ Walter Martens 33-l-p-30 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS electrical appliances. Pickup Mrs Raymond Sherman and WANTED. Tuition Scholarships and delivery. Peck's Appliance Kevin of Mulliken visited Mr: 200 W. State St. ' Service, 9650 Kinley Road, available to Lansing Comand Mrs Donald Sullivan and' PHONE 224-2301 munity College Truck Driver Ovid, Mich. 834-5710. 26-12-p-29 famdy Thursday Memdriam School, four week training Mr and Mrs Porter Parks course. Applications wdl be FOR SALE - Parts for all were Thanksgiving Day guests^ > "Accepted until December 31, electric shavers. Levey's In loving memory of Mildred of Mr and Mrs Clyds E. Jenksj Jewelry, Elsie. l-tf-29 '1973. Applications and inKlette who passed away 2 years Jr and family of Lansing.' ^S formation available, contact Mr and Mrs Harold Hoerner, ago, Dec 13. Safety Director MICHIGAN THERE IS now a Timex Repair, Her parents, brothers and Mr and Mrs HarVey Hoernerl u Service in Michigan. Free Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firtiu and girls, Mr and Mrs Elmer" TRUCKING r ASSOCIATION, estimates will be sent on all sisters. •" ••'". ' LIII— i IIJ.II, I.II «i m i i " iipr r i "iii*<iiift»i Lansing, Michigan, A-C (517) 33-l-p-31 Hardenburg, Stuart- Harrepairs, do not send money. We ELSIE BRANCH denburg, and Mr and Mrs Roger 489-S701. AN EQUAL OP- also repair all other makes of ARTS& CRAFTS DRUGS INSURANCE Phone 862-4227 Hardenburg and baby were all PORTUNITY .EMPLOYER. < watches Please send watches l Thanksgiving Dayguests of M£ 32-2-p-27 to Timex Repair Service, P.O. N E E D L E ARTS,-7OI S. •Automobile CoveVage"- Fire PARR'S REXALL -DRUGS, REALTOR" Lidson visits and Mrs Don Potts and Mike. •Kibbee Ph. 224-2956. Needle Insurance ' - Ge'het'al open daily, 7:30 a.m. to 9 Box 128, Kinde, Mich. 48445. GETTING ENGAGED? See our Harvey Hoerner, Jill and ,FOWLER: your Building ^oint;'' crewel embroidery, C a s u a l t y ; , * ATL'AJfYp.m., Sunday'8:36-12:30 & 5 40-tf-29 quality line of diamonds before Congressman Elford A. Valerie were visitors of Mrs * Trades program has built,, rug hooking. BREWBAKEft, INC.'J(i8-l/2 7 p.m. you buy elsewhere. We've been Cederberg's liaison man, a home that has more to, > N. Clinton Ave . St. -Johns, FOWLER RESIDENTS - Take Ronald W. Stolz, will be visiting Harold Hoerner Sunday. Mr and selling diamonds in the Clinton Mrs Don Potts and Mike visited offer for the money than is Phonei24-3258.->; ^ . . ' .> your ads to Finkbeiner's area for 30 years. We have the Clinton County Courthouse Sunday evening. Saturday Jill AUCTIONEER • • b e l i e v c a b l e , 3 large ELECTRICIANS Pharmacy for fast, convenient JIM MCKENZIE' AGENCY,' much more to offer in style, in St Johns Monday, Dec 17, and Valerie Hoerner spent the bdrms., hall carpeted,,, service! S0-dh-tf-29 212 North Clinton"'AVe^ S t / quality and pnee. See for from 3 to 4 pm. AL GALLOWAY, AUCafternoon and were supper*, dishwasher, hood, stove,,, SCHMITT ELECTRIC CO., Johns, 224-2479. insurance yourself and compare. Never a TIONEER Used Farm Cederberg reminds those who guests of Mrs Harold Hoerner.' disposal, + a garage you, Residential Commercial for every need! charge Iff clean or check over Machinery & Parts. St. might have a problem with a practically get lost in, take, Friday evening Mr and Mrs Industrial, 224-4277, 807-1/2 diamonds after the sale. Any Johns, 224-4713. Federal agency to take any David Parks and children of a look! E. State St. credit terms available. No documents that might help to Lansing visited Mr and Mrs JEWELRY carrying charges. Open 6 days a THIS HOME IS A MUST TO' Mr Joseph Pung and Dennis Identify his case to Stolz. Porter Parks. week, open Monday and Friday Simon were honored guests at a SEE ranch in park area, 3 AUTOMOTIVE LEVEY'S JEWELRY, FARM nights till 9. HARR'S bowling banquet which was bdrms., family rm., kitAGRICULTURAL-INDUSTRIAL-LAWN Si GARDEN Orange Blossom diamond JEWELRY, ST. JOHNS. sponsored by Glen Parks and chen-dining are well' EQUIPMENT BILL FOWLER FORD. New DRAINAGE rings, Bulova, & Accutroh PHONE 224-7443. 27-tf-27 Wells Monroe, last Friday equipped. V& baths with LeasIna-Rentals-Servlce-pjrts & Used Cars & Pick-ups. N. Watches. Elsie*' 852-4300. *f • st.^ floor laundry. Car-' "Home Of The Friendly People" evening. US-27,'DeWitt, 669-2725. JAMES BURNHAM, pc'ting & tlr-'apos'stay. 2 car' Mrs Regina Feldpausch spent "j8&*»$m MORTON FORD TRACTOR, INC Phone St. Johns 224-4045, attached garage\ Priced to' Saturday and Sunday with her CAIN — BUICK - PONin, St. Johns. \ 5122 North Grind River Lirmirf, Mich; ;, sell at $41^00.00.- No 170 < daughter Mrs Joseph Sohn in TIAC, New & Used Cars, 210 ->$ Lansing. 517 4S54355 D & B PARTY'4>SHOPPJE,' W. Higham, Complete Body THIS ^IIGHT.-BE JUST, Mr and Mrs Carl Boak and Mr Package Liquor, fcfijti^ffi? & Service. *. , , WHAT YOU HAVE, FARM SERVICES and Mrs Cecil Boak of St Johns p^m. Mon^Tfihrsi FrJbfi^aV A L W A Y S W AN-, A Going Business in were Sunday afternoon visitors CARL S. OBERLITNER 9 a.m. - j r - ^ . n t ' ^ . N . ' For the Best Buy in New & TED.Country setting, 4, of Mrs Lula Boak. Purina Feeds means $ $ $ in Clinton. ,: 4 * J Used Chevrolets see bedroom L-shaped ranch, St. Johns With Your Pocket. MATHEWS Mrs Agnes Fox, Mrs Anna EDINGER CHEVROLET, on 2 acres, $fe baths,, ELEVATOR CO. Grain Droste, Betty Jandernoa and Fowler, Phone 393-2100. family rm. with fu-eplace,, Excellent Potential, Feeds - Seeds. Fowler. James Halfman attended a 2 cat* attached garage,, PLUMBING VFW dinner in Alma Sunday. more land available New Equipment and EGAN FORD SALES, INC.,. Mrs Nora Braun spent $37,900.00. No. 550 t< FERTILIZERS 200 W. Higham, phone 224-' DUNKEL PLUMBING. AND days with her sister Mrs 2285. Pinto-Ford-MaverickTerms Make This A several HEATING, Licensed MasterRose Rademacher of WestMILES EAST OF ST* Torino-Mustang. Plumber Ph. 224-337^ 8Wlft ZEEB FERTILIZERS, phalia. v Sound Investment! JOHNS, get into this brand, State St. '* ?t Everything for the soil, St. Mr and Mrs Walter Brown of new home, 3 bedroom, 1^, Johns, 224-3234, Ashley, 847ICALL Ypsilanti spent the week with HUB TIRE CENTER, B.F. baths. Carpeting of your, 3571. relatives in Fowler and they Goodrich Tires, Ph. 224-3218, SHIRLEY KARBER choice, throughout, 2 car REAL EST A T I : attended the Wieberand Messer Front End Alignment. garage,-all alum, exterior.* ' '324-7412 wedding on Saturday. No. '526'' • v FINANCIAL BURTON ABSTRACtJ'ANfc On Sunday, Dec 2, the Jaycee TITLE COl Abstract. ao& * ^ M $ N IftEALTYiCO. BOB'S AUTO BODY, PRICE-MUST REDUCED Hall at Fowler was the scene of CAPITOL SAVINGS & Title Servfces,vli&tf;<ttlni. Complete Collision Service, on'.'jthis fine 4 bedroom an open house celebration for &m LOAN ASSOC, 222 N. ton. Ph.-22i-32!^r> : ^ v s &*£*£ 224-2921, 800 N. Lansing. country honie^ located on' the 90th birthdfly of Mrs Clara Clinton, 224-2304, Safety for. ov'er^S acrei, just -off N. 'Ley. Her sott William of Detroit Savings since 1890. DEBAR CHEVROLET CO., Chaftdier on\-Hall Road,' and about 150 relatives and $E! New & Used Cars, Elsie 862plenty of outbuildings, * friends came to share her big 4800. You can't do better including a pole barn; '*i-#?f|R;;pNTH*FLORISTS day.' She seemed many years PAKEff;* anywhere. A.C. Wb with sUp^lotilOuderV cement block barn &' her. own junior,'She lives alone "om apt. !fmw ihag granary, can show MF.65 Diesel w/13.&x 3S tires 'in her .apartmeht in Lansing. ^ W ^ S ^ i d f t i d u a V ^ f ^ '3072,S,US2fA72^M.'1^ ,> Say it with Quality Flowers ' 4 anytime, immediate 2 * - , 1 r* ' » t * ^ * ^ ! j f « * t f - , *tThose in attendance came from Mf? 65 DifeeT w / l ^ x 38 tirbs from WOODBURY'S MOORE OIL CO., If it's possession, just $24,900.00. Detroit, Beal'City.Mt Pleasant, FLOWER SHOP, 321 Ni IHC 1206 Dsl, 4 vJheet drive tires, see us, 909 E. State, Ph. • No. 559 -3bnii»r C6lf i®M&$> -scottIonia, - Portland; Mulligan, V A C U U M SALIS Clinton, St. Johns, 224-3216. 224-4726. M.F. 1100 Diesel -Rd'.''Apaflmohts: *> - ' Ve'rmontville, Sunfield, E. KINLEY ROAD near] Pewamo, Owosso, and Lansing. M.F. Super 90 Gas Ovid „% miles E . of] FOODS i HETTLER'S* MOTOR Hollister, brand new 3] M.F. 5l0$/cab, 4 row corn jonfrs, ir«taiu... « w „.,«!», SALES, 24 Hr. Wrecker bedroom ranch, with full] . * head and bean equipment Service, Good Used Tracks. basemenf, 1% bath, 24x24' ANDY'S IGA, ^t. JOhijSt • locatfoft' at;jr*t-p£j U ^ . W garage is nice for that] Home Baked* Bread, Pies, formerly fcnown as tlic AlofnT, extra storage space. No.* Cookies, Choice Meats, Orive^In..224-7222: , / j BARBEftS Carry-out service., ' 561 , Farm Machinery 18 • UHHOTiL, 'ffiffim: SIMON'S tt&tmmmms AVAILABLE Symbol of •Service'- SM^PM0/, • > M PARTY SUPPUES wfA$n< Water Well Drilling 4" and larger Reda Submergible Pumps Wholesale '. Retail s WE HAVE A COMPLETE BEAUFORE'S BARBER SHOP, 1002-1/2 State. Open Tues. Thru Sat. also Wed. & Fri. evenings. * ' CLEANERS ANTES DRY CLEANERS, pickup and delivery, 103 W. Walker, phone 224-4529. GIFTS TOUIPI^ES^EM THE TREASURE CHEST, 220 N. Clinton, Hallmark' Cards - Russel Stover Candy. 1 n^fimvm Appt., 8 3 4 ^ 6 ^ 4 ^ 'ir. Itr-WM JOHN DEERE TOYS! COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR HARDWARE CLASSIFIED CREDIT BUREAU Clinton County CREDIT BUREAU, Phone 224-2391, Credit Reports - Collections. DALMAN HARDWARE, Ph. 669-6875, DeWitt, Whirlpool Appliances, Zenith TV, •Plumbing and Heating. NEEDS CALL 2 2 4 - 2 3 6 1 DON SHARKEY John Deere Salei & Sarvica 11/2 Milei Eest of St. Louii fhone681-2440 "W* John deere 95, with 4'row corn head - "alui.bean equipment •Gehl Feed Wagon/tandam axle - zJohn Deere 5 x 1 6 flop* " v ">, ( / ; Gleaner modet E SP'coiTlbi^" * ,* ' with bdan head and cdb\ ^ ; L. 1HC6x18pl&w . • ^ ' ^ ' } ; 410 MF Diesel SP Combine.with- J •' cab, bean equipmeht^and 4 r o w . head 10 ACRES' for sale on E. CGhterline, contrac terms, beautiful buildi Spot rlext to the'Woods, on, j f J: ' & 4 FOR APPoil^lrMENTS ' ATOTHEritlMES Satfler O o n , Inc Phono 236-7280 V±S/. Middle) on 89 A'cftEti'Just' 1^ miles \ tr&n new jgeepy Hollow tiled.f' • ir- .aa&Parkf-pMlaJty * PHONE: AnnCtta White 224-4296 Bntce Lantermah 224-4746 •Dcrtlll Shlnabcry 224-3SB1 Bill Hoitey 2i4-7S90 or'B62-5391 Roy F. Brfgglt 224*2260 Rann Ranny Uriggi.224-6074 f Me Member of Lansing • Be Board of Realtors ,/ December 13,1973 3B .CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN Business and Professional Announcements, Legal News Ileal Estate Transfers iFrom records In olflce of Register of Deeds) Notices fov. 27: Sump, Raymond J. arid Linda P. to Tim V.,Murchi\on ^ t 18, Sprr Flat No 1. N6v 27: Martin, Ferdinand P, toN Frederick A. and PUBLICATrON OF NOTICE Genevieve Martin Property in OF HEARING State, of Michigan, The Sec 10, Westphalia. Nov 27: Sadler, Raymond R. Probate Court for the County of and Nancy J. to Richard W. and Clinton. File no. 19152. Estate * of ROLAND Sandra K. Hall property in Sec MICHAEL LEE, DECEASED. 13 Bath. TAKE NOTICE: On WedNov 13: Teachout, Edward nesday, February 20, 1974, at Allen and Vaila E. to Roy and Grace E. Ormsby Lot 5,6, B-K 9:30, am, in the Probate Courtroom, in the Courthouse in H7 Walker and Steels sub. St Johns, Michigan, before the Nov 27: Ladd, Porter and Hon Timothy M. Green, Judge Marjorie to Woodrow A. and of Probate, a hearing will be Helen E. Deppa property in Sec held at which all creditors of 26 Eagle. said deceased are required to Nov 28: Fruchtl, Albert J. prove their claims. Creditors and Audrey Gr. to Leo Glaister must file sworn claims with the property in Sec'7 Greenbush. Court and serve a copy on Lyle Nov 28: Wooley, Donna Lee; Bradley, Executor, 107 S. Wooley, Richard J. and Esther, Lansing, St Johns, Michigan Wooley, Robert L. and Jane; prior'to said hearing. Wooley, Jame's B. and Carol; Dated: December 5, 1973 Young John and Annette; Eatph, Helen' Frye Durham, Attorney for Petitioner: Geiievieve to Wilfred P. and G. Robert H. Wood Marie Betts Lot 16, Blkl, Elsie. 200 W. State ' Nov 29: Merry lee Estates to St Johns, Mich Roy Alvin and Marjorie Ellen Phone 224-4604. Hogle Lot 20,' Merry Lee Lyle Bradley Estates. Petitioner Nov 29: Cantwell, Ray and Gladys to Ford S. and Esther M. , .107 S. Lansing LaNoble property in Sec 20 St Johns, Mich 33-1 Bath. Nov 29: LaNoble, Ford S. and Esther M. to Verna M. Pulver NOTICE OF PUBLIC property in Sec 20 Bath. HEARING Nov 29: Walker, George to VILLAGE COUNCIL Robert L. and Cynthia S. Vitek VILLAGE HALL property in Sec 35 Bengal, 8:00 PM, January 2,1974 Nov 29: Clayton Corporation to Russell Hicks Lot 10, White Oaks. Notice is hereby given that a Nov 29: Pung, Albert M. to Public Hearing will be held at John W. and Rachel Schumaker 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Janaury 2,1974 by the Village Council in property in Sec 29 Bengal. Nov 30: Farrie, Ira Mae to the Village Hall, Maple Rapids, James and Fay _ Roland Michigan, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in in Sec 18 Victor. Nov 30: Fedewa Builders, Inc Ordinance No. 44, which is a to Maynard H. and Dorothy E. .proposed amendment to,the Nobach property in Sec 2 Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Maple Rapids, and which, if Westphalia. Nov 30: Searles, Willard D, adopted, would establish a and Lillian C. to William W. and Mobile Home Park Zoning Marilyn M. Searles property in classification in the Village of Maple Rapids. ' Sec 33 Greenbush. Dated: December 6, 1973 Dec 3: Harvey, Laura Mann Liane Tyler and Raymond D. to Loree A. and>Ora Z. Wblcott Lot 9, 10, Village Clerk Blk24, St Johns. Maple Rapids, Mich. 33-1 Dec 3: Mann, Elsden L. and Ruth M. to Loree A. and Ora Z. Wolcott Lot 9, 10, Blk24 Si PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Johns. Dec 3: Wolcott, Loree A. and OF HEARING State of Michigan,, The Ora Z. to Rovelle F. ancfc£onda J Kjy Smith Lot 9,10 Blk24, St Probate Court for the County of Clinton. Johns. Estate of Louise M. Irrer, Dec 3: Iszler, Alvin E. and Beverly A. to Jerry D and Deceased.. TAKE NOTICE: On WedBarbara J Crowell property in nesday, January 7th, 1974, at Sec 17 Olive. Dec 3: Weber, Joan,L. to 10:30, A.M., in the Probate St. Johns, Reuben V. and Gertrude M. Courtroom, Eirschele Lot 4, B1K84, St Michigan, before the Hon. Timothy M. Green, Judge of Johns. Dec 3: Lakeside Chapel of Probate, a hearing will be held Park Lake to Lee L. and Ovella on the Petition of Dennis Irrer, J. Ordiway Lot 69 Lovings West Trustee, for the allowance of his Final Account and Assignment Side No 1. Dec 3: Oversmith, Glen to of Residue. Dated: December 7th, 1973. Wayne T. and Mary E. Martin •HELENA M. BURK, property in Sec 30 Bath. Petitioner Dec 3: Mull, Ronald C. and Register of Probate. Marjorie D. to Marion E. 33-1 Kollman, Lot 316, 317, B1K4, DeWitt. MORTGAGE SALE Default having been inade. in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by MARY E. WEISENBERG of the Township of Ovid, Clinton County, Michigan, Mortgagor, to CITIZENS MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a Michigan corporation, Mortgagee, dated the 2nd day of March, 1971, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Clinton and State of Michigan, on the 5th day of March, 1971, in Liber 260 of Clinton County Records, on page 308, which said mortgage was thereafter assigned to ROYAL OAK MORTGAGE COMPANY, a Michigan corporation, by assignment dated April 30, 1973, and recorded 6n May 10,1973 in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Clinton in Liber 271 of Clinton County Records, on page 14, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, for principal and interest, the sum of TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTYNINE AND 76 100 ($22,289.76); And no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, Therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage,'and pursuant-to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 4th day of January, 1974, at 10 o'clock'am, Local Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the North door of the Courthouse in St. Johns, Michigan, of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as foresaid, on said mortgage, with the interest thereon at eight and one-half per cent (8-'/4%) per annum and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the attorney fees allowed by law, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned, necessary to protect its interest in the premises. Which said premises are described as follows: All of a certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Ovid in the County of Clinton and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: MORTGAGESALE Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by' Clinton County Asphalt Company, a Michigan Corporation, of 16262 Chandler Road, East Lansing, Michigan, to Dart' National Bank, a # National Banking Corporation," 368 South Park Street, Mason, Michigan, 48854, mortgagee, dated July 31, 1972, and recorded on August 1, 1972 in Liber 268 of mortgages, page 677, Clinton County Register of Deed's records, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, as of November 30, 1973, the sum of EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE & 02 {$81,293.02) Dollars. Village of Fowler' Council Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. FOWLER, MICHIGAN Regular Meeting November 26,1973' Regular Meeting November 12,1973 The meeting was called to order by President Pettit at 7:00 pm. Roll call was taken: present-Braun, Koenigsknecht, Rademacher, Smith; absentMcKean, Fox. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read. Current bills in the amount of $12,301.19 were approved for payment. • It was decided to request a bid for construction of E. Fifth St. from St. for approximately two hundred feet. A Traffic Control Order prohibiting parking on Main St from 3:00 am to 6:00 am will be brought up for adoption at the next meeting. Roger Hall Sr. was appointed to the Zoning Appeals Board to fill, the term left vacant by Mr. Cyrus Waldron. A motion was made and carried that no burning shall be permitted in the central business district, alley or streets, unless in an approved incinerator. Approval for incinerator shall be granted by the council only. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and (he statue in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them at .public vendue, at the 'North Front Door of the Clinton County Court House, St. Johns, Michigan, at 10:00 o'clock a.m.> Local Time, on Friday, January 4, 1974. Said premises are situated in the Township of DeWitt, Clinton County, Michigan, and are described as: Commencing at a point 70 rods North of the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter (VA) of Section 36, DeWitt Township, Clinton County, Michigan, thence West approximately 80 rods to Mr and Mrs Richard Rossow the Sanderson Drain so- and son, Justin of Flint were called, thence North 10 rods guests on Sunday, Dec 2 of their more or less to the North line parents and grandmother, Rev of the Southeast quarter C/i) and Mrs H. E. Rossow and Mrs of the Northeast quarter C/i) Herman Rossow. of said Section 36, thence East On Saturday evening, Dec 1, along said line approximately •Mr and Mrs Erwin Tiedt, 80 rods to the East section line •Rudolph Tiedt, and Mr and Mrs of said section, thence South Robert Eldridge attended a 10 rods more or less to the dinner and card party at the place of beginning, containing home of Mr and Mrs Alfred 5'acres more or less. Mohnke of Bengal Center. During the six (6) months Visitors during the week of immediately following the sale, Mrs William Ernst and Maxine the property may be redeemed. were: Mrs J.D. Bancroft of S.W. Dated: November 30, 1973. Dallas, Mrs. Arthur Martens, DART NATIONAL BANK Mrs Melvin Argersinger and Mortgagee Troy and Mr and Mrs Edward John P. O'Brien Ernst of St Johns, Mr and Mrs Attorney for Mortgagee Fred Sehlke of Fowler, Mrs :168 South Jefferson ^ Richard Rossow of Flint, Mrs Mason, Michigan 48854 32-4 H.E. Rossow and Mrs Fred W. Pasch. North 40 acres sandy loam, live stream, only VA mile to M-57. This is a real bargain at $11,000. Land contract available. x 40 acres k mile to M-57. Real good farmland, all tillable. $13,000. Two above farms can be purchased as a unit. —NOTICE— The regular meeting of the Clinton County Zoning Commission which was scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 20, 1973 at 8 p.m. in the Give a gift the entire family can enjoy^j| Give them a Polaris. (even if it's a used one) j Polaris Offers a Fall Line of Sim\ jj COLT SERIES— 3 sizes 175cc to 294cc engines - 8 | COLT SS SERIES— 3 sizes 250cc to 335cc enginesg g CUSTOM II SERIES— 2 4 4 thru S30cc engines g § ELECTRA SERIES— 2 sizes 336cc & 432cc engines jjj jjj TX SERIES— 4 Free Air engines 250cc thru 50Qcc • jj 40 acres bare land on south Gratiot County line, 1 mile east of US-27. Has some wooded area.- Road on 2 sides. If you have been looking, don't pass up this one! ( WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF USED FOR FUN! Visit Us Today! JOSEPH J. DUCH1, BROKER farm program rules there was a reduction- in payments in the amount of $48,000 for such things as deficient set-aside acreage, acreage grazed or harvested, lack of weed control or below average land was designated. Now, because there is no surplus feed grain and wheat, farms will not have to comply with any requirements as in 1973 to earn payments. Their only payments will be if the market price for feed grain and wheat drops below a prescribed level' and the only compliance requirement will be, to earn history credit, the farmer must certify to the. acreage of wheat and feed grain planted. Many of the farms that complied with the wheat and feed grain program also received additional compensation for allowing public hunting which provides that the land would be open at no charge to hunters and would be available in accordance with the State game laws. Hunters wishing to obtain lists of these farms may contact their local county ASCS office or the State ASCS office, or their Regional Department of Natural Resources office. The Natural Resources Commission, under authority of Act 230, P.A. 1925, as amended, orders that the Commission order of August 11,1972, for a period of four years effective September 20,1973, be amended to read as follows: * . It shall be unlawful during the month of April of each year to take any fish by spearing or bow and arrow north of Highway M-72 in the lower peninsula and from" April 1 to April 14, inclusive, each year between Highways M-46and M-72 hi the lower peninsula. Approved August 10, 1973, The meeting was" called to order by President Pettit at 7:00 pm. Roll call was taken; present-Braun, Koenigsknecht, McKean, Rademacher; absentSmith, Fox. The minutes Qf the previous meeting were approved as read. A public hearing was held to close the alley on block 7, of the original plat, of the Village of Fowler. *No opposition was presented, therefore, a motion was made to close the alley Motion carried. A motion was'made to pur-' chase a truck load of 6 inch ductile'iron pipe to be used for water line replacement. Traffic Control Order No 1 was presented for adoption. It reads as follows: "There shall be no parking .if vehicles on Main Street, from 2nd Street to Wayne Street, in the Village of Fowler, between the hours of 3:00 am and 6:00 am." A motion was made to adopt , Traffic Control Order No 1. The motion was carried by an unanimous roll call vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Food supplies change Part of the Southeast KA of the Northeast "i of Section 13, Town 7 North, Range 1 West, Ovid Township, Clinton County, Michigan, described as follows: Beginning 612.25 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof, According to Walter Witrunning thence East 146 feet; tenbach, chairman of the thence North 86 feet; thence Michigan State Agricultural West 146 feet; thence South 86 Stabilization and Conservation feet to the point of beginning. Committee, changes in farm Subject to the rights of the programs and the requirements public and any governmental of complying will be greatly unit in any part thereof taken, different in 1974 than in 1973 used or deeded for street, road because of the tremendous or highway purposes. reduction of surplus foods such During the six months im- as feed grains and wheat. mediately following the sale, Wittenbach explained that in the property may be redeemed. 1973, of the approximately Dated at Detroit, Michigan, 70,000 farms in Michigan November 1, 1973. enrolled in the wheat and feed ROYAL OAK MORTGAGE grain programs, it was COMPANY necessary to check compliance Assignee of Mortgagee on about 15,000 of these farms to JAFFE, SNIDER, RAITT, determine if the farmer had GARRATT & HEUER fully complied with the 1 By: Richard F. Roth requirements and was entitled Attorneys for Assignee of. to the Federal farm payment. •Mortgagee Less than 400 of these farms 1800 First National Bldg. did not fully comply with the Detroit, Michigan 30-5 program requirements and RESTRICT SUCKER SPEARING SEASON Vl/ can depend on service after the sale* "* Corner French'Rd. 8i US-27 8769 Arnold Road ASHLEY, MICHIGAN PHONE 847-3361 S »>1\ 4 mi. north of St. Johris""§ 1 Open daily Monday thru Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5:30,p.m. Notice is hereby given that the Village of. Westphalia, Clinton County, Michigan, is offering for sale at public bid, that portion of real estate located within the Village of Westphalia, known as the "Village Hall", which real estate is more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land in the SE VA of Section 5, T6N, R4W, Village of Westphalia, Clinton County, Michigan, described as follows: Beginning at a point 271 feet West and 33'feet North of the SE corner of said Section 5, thence North 158 feet, thence West 59 feet, thence South 158 feet, thence East 59 feet to the point of beginning. Notice is hereby given that said sale shall be held on January 15,1974, at 8:00 p.m., at the Village Hall, Village of Westphalia, Clinton County, Michigan. The Village reserves the right to reject 3ny and all -bids submitted on the sale of said property if such rejection is in the best interest of the Village of Westphalia. GENE DROSTE, Village Clerk Courthouse has been cancelled because of an incorrect legal description. Arnold A. Minarik Zoning Administrator INLAND TROUT AND SALMON REGULATIONS Limited Time Offer... only 176 95 95 With 14" bar & chain Value The world's most popular chain saw1 with automatic oiling plus special 14-piece outdoorsman kit It's everything you need to cut like a pro. Deluxe carrying case, complete chain saw maintenance hit with files, gauges, wrench/screwdriver, two-cycle oil, chain oil, gas Can, and 101 projects booh. Mess cutting altachmsnlg FREE DEMONSTRATION AT illips Implement Co. 313 N. Lansing St. Johns Ph. 224-3777 fir b«l ptiUimmct JIWJ)5 use MiCuIlith powfrmitclud (hlini, bm.ind spiochtU The Natural Resources Commission, under authority of Act 165, P.A. 1929, as amended, and Act 230, P.A. 1925, as •amended, orders that for a period of five years effective January 1,1974, no person shall take or attempt to take,any species of trout or salmon from any of the inland waters of this state except by hook and line during the open seasons prescribed, and within the minimum size limits and maximum possession limits Indicated below, Statewisde open seasons on all streams and designated trout lakes shall be from the last Saturday in April through the last day in September on all trout and salmon. Statewide open seasons on all dther inland lakes shall be any time for all trout and salmon. Size limits for brook trout shall be 7 inches; all other'trout and salmon shall be 10 inches. The daily limit for trout and salmon shall be five fish singly or in.combination, The above regulations apply except that five brook trout may be taken from streams in addition to the combination list of five fish. Approved August 10,1973. This Is a representative sample of the exciting new line of quality snowclothes Polaris Is offering 'in 74 ' ADULT FOR THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT See the cdmplete line of color coordinated suits, ' ' knitwear and accessories a t . . . S&H Jta^MwftMmioajttMMBa^ CORNER FRENCH RD.& US-27 4Mi.N.ofST.JQHNS PHONE 224-4661 Jjriafcu?£sn • " QUALITYFASHIONS ^ TWO 'N ONE Adult sizes *' A Reversible Jacket for two smart styles in one. Great for mix 'n match! Blue, red. a 4B. December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEvVS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN ii Clinton County News Back Through j& MtMlK HAROLD SCHMALTZ Advertising Director KMW» Think about something else '•?-'' _ mttttusi It Fitz . . . the Years JIM EDWARDS Editor Editor, Lapeer County Press ," By Jim Fitzgerald From the Clinton County Newsfiles of 1972,1963,1948 &3&BTO8&$8&^^ A'PERSONAL LOOK AT THE NEWS Between the lines with Jim Edwards practices regarding the hiring of elves, who are known to work long hours for little pay. Kindest Regards.. Committee to Re-elect the Dear Santa, I don't know why I'm writing to you. The soft- President headed judges and effete intellectual snobs are telling everybody I wasn't a good boy this year. Hi Santa, u How are you? I am fine. I know I said I cheated on my income tax, but I really don't want too much this year. About all that was to save causing problems in the country. And they never did get me to admit anything about I'm asking for are some tapes. I've asked some other guys, but they just won't let me have them taking bribes. What with the energy crisis and all, I don't think unless they're no good to anybody anymore. Judge, Sirica it would be very patriotic to use all that coal to put in bad boys' stockings. Instead, I probably could use a job. Dear Santa, Sincerely, I have tried to be a good boy this year. But, like I Spiro Agnew have been saying, a lot of bad things were done that I didn't know nothing about it—It was those Dear Santa Claus, * * other guys, Mitchell, Dean, Halderman and some At this point in time, we are taking this op- others. portunity, not to ask for Christmas presents, but to For Christmas I would like a new Attorney correct an apparent misunderstanding from a General. You might try a different brand this couple of years ago. year. That last few haven't lasted so good. You see, when we included on our Christmas list Speaking of not working so good. I suppose I a campaign contribution, it was meant strictly as should have another Operation Candor Game. a Christmas present request. That last one fell all apart and never did work Why you felt that we were pressuring you to right. contribute escapes us. It was merely coincidence Other than that, I guess I really don't need too that you were going to have to apply for a new visa much-I usually get a lot of nice presents from for your Christmas Eve flights. Bebe and a couple of other guys. Thank you Also, it cannot be substantiated that the government was investigating unfair labor Richard (I am the President) Nixon Santa Claus letters -1973 TRl-STATE DETECTIVE AGENCY PRIVATE DETECTIVE SERVICE F R E D A . A R B O U R , Director Telephone 626-6728 or 394-0900 Grand Ledge Lansing trout and Salmon RegulationsGreat Lakes and Connecting Waters The Natural Resources Commission, under authority of Act 230, P.A. 1925, as amended, and Act 165, P.A. 1929, as amended, orders that for a period of five years effective January 1,1974, no person shall catch or attempt to take any species of trout or salmonn from any waters of the Great Lakes or connecting waters or the Leland River or Lake Charlevoix and its connection with Lake Michigan except with hook and line and in accordance with the size and daily limits prescribed below or as may otherwise be provided by law. Species - all species of trout and salmon; open season - may be taken at any time; size limit -10 inches; daily limit - five singly or combined, but no more than 3 lake trout from Lake Michigan, Lake Charlevoix, and its outlet or the Leland River. Approved August 10, 1973. GREAT LAKES SPEARING REGULATIONS The Natural Resources Commission, under authority of Act 230, P.A. 1925, as amended, hereby orders that for a period of five years effective January 1,1974, on the Great Lakes and connecting waters, it is unlawful with spear or bow and arrow to take (a) walleye, sauger, Atlantic salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, pink salmon, or splake; (b) perch except on Lake St. Clair during January and February; (c) northern pike except during January and February; <d) muskellunge except during January and February on Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, and the St. Marys River; (3) sturgeon except during February. Approved August 10,1973. Real Estate by HANK FURMAN Garland News by Mrs. Pudge Dem ins Carland's Literary Club met at the home of Mrs Clara Horn this week and 9 members planned their Christmas party for Dec 11, which is to be a restaurant dinner in Lansing with an exchange of gifts. Due to the gasoline shortage, a car-pool is being formed for the members to make the trip. Mrs Lorraine Wortman read poetry to the groupr ,uh f Dorothy Chase of i Qwosso read an article, writteftgbyji a Canadian writer, that gave the United States a great deal of credit for always coming to the aid of any and all foreign countries when they are in need. This Canadian writer.also quoted that he didn't believe the foreign countries to be as ample with their help when the USA was in need of help. , Mrs Horn served refreshments to her guests, after contest were held. Mr and Mrs Leo Deming were treated to an Anniversary dinner at the Bohemiem-House for their wedding anniversary, Sunday. Mr and Mrs Richard Mead of St Johns and their son Brian were also guests at the anniversary dinner. Mrs Mead is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Deming. Walter Kusnier, son of Mr and Mrs Mike Kusnier has returned to his studies at Houghton, in the upper peninsula of Michigan, after spending the Thanksgiving break from school "with his parents and sisters. Fairfield township 4-H members are purchasing or have already purchased their feeder calves for the 1974 show and sale. Just a reminder to our beef project exhibitors and those who will be feeding steers this winter that the individual steer registration cards are due in the County Extension Office in Corunna by Jan 11,1974. The reason for the enrollment card is so that we can know officially how many calves are registered for the sale at the Fair and for the program planning purposes. Steer registration cards have been sent to all 4-H livestock leaders in the county. One card must be ,sent in for each steer, as the Shiawassee County Junior Livestock Association Board has indicated that the members will be able to show 1 steer per exhibitor again this year. General Eisenhower considered divorcing Mamie in 1945 simply to take your mind off the energy crisis in 1973. No wonder everyone liked Ike. He had the tremendous responsibility of running World War II, but he still took time to worry about the welfare of future generations. Every statesman recognizes the Value of giving a distressed public a new stress. The principle is the same as driving a nail through your nose to take your mind off your toothache. Dec 5, 1963 HELPFUL HINT: Decide how much storage space you need, then measure the closets when looking at your dream house. Watergate. The solution was to make it patriotic to drive slow. A man going 50 mph on the freeway is too busy counting the Communists passing him, He doesn't" have time to fret about the CIA breaking into the Vatican to protect this nation 'mackerels from being snapped. Brilliant. Naturally, there is the danger of backlash. People might get madder about the energy crisis then they were about Watergate. In such cases where a rapid sequence of distractions is required, the White House often leaks something from its titillation file, officially known as SLPP (Sex Live" of Past Presidents). This always gives the public something else to talk about. ' That's why, years after their deaths, it is revealed that President Harding made out in the White House broom closet, or Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor had separate love lives, or Eisenhower was driven wild by his chauffeur. the Sealed Power Credit Union. The merger was effective The St Johns city commission Monday, Nov 27. voted in its regular meeting The board of directors, of Tuesday night to purchase a 100 Clinton National Bank and foot square plot adjacent to the Trust Company of St Johns has County Welfare building at a approved a semi-annual cost of $1200 as a site for con- dividend payment totaling struction of a new elevated $58,560 to all stockholders of storeage tank, an integral part record as of Dec 15, 1972. The of the city's proposed $850,000 dividend, amounting to $1 per A FEW weeks ago, President Nixon didn't fool water system expansion share will be paid as of Jan 2, > me when he ordered the troops to the edge of the program. 1973. cliff. He said it was because of the crisis in the mid-east. But actually he just wanted you to think The St Johns city commission about something besides the firing of Archibald voted Tuesday night to buy a Dec 2,1948 Cox. When and if Nixon sends our boys to fight in Ford cab and chassis for a new fire truck from Egan Motor 'Farmers who are holding Egypt, he will use his now-familiar Cambodian Sales of St Johns at a cost of their grain stand to lose heavily method. He won't tell you about it until the war is THESE PRESIDENTS were not so promiscuous $7,117.94. Only one other bid was unless they avail themselves of over. as they were patriotic. Soon after a U.S. President submitted. You see how it works. . . the government price support Was Nixon really naive enough to believe you'd is sworn in, he is told about the SLPP file. He is program, George Kridner, Downtown businessmen and property owners will meet at chairman of the Clinton AAA believe those 2 tapes never existed? No. He just encouraged to leak something out of it whenevei wanted to help you forget.that Spiro Agnew does the American public badly needs something else to pointed out this week. the Municipal Building in St think about. And he is asked to contribute Johns next Wednesday, Dec 11, St Johns' newly organized exist. If Gerald Ford is ever caught stealing, the plan something to the sex file so as to return the favor at 8 pm to discuss the proposed Lions Club will receive its $404,000 renovation project for charter at a special Charter is to distract you by sending American advisors to a future president. The only requirement is that the central business district. Night Banquet to be held in the and equipment to Ireland to defoliate the potato the sex secrets not be told until after the burial of the president involved. It is sort of a reciprocal dining room of the Methodist paddies. The Clinton county board of agreement to rest in peace unless the good of the Church here next Wednesday supervisors voted unanimously AND, of course, there is that big smoke screen, ' nation demands otherwise. evening. in its regular meeting Monday You may wonder what Nixon is currently^ to rewire the courthouse. Hayes Albert C. Martin, 64, former the energy crisis. Actually, the U.S. has plenty of Electric Co of Lansing was proprietor of the Steel Hotel, gasoline and fuel oil. But it is all hidden in Nixon's contributing to the SLPP file, to possibly titillate awarded the contract for a bid died this (Thursday) morning basement in Washington, San Clemente and Key and distract your grandchildren some day. It is probably a tape with an 18-minute hummmm in of $11,140. at Goodrich General Hospital. Biscayne. The problem was to take your mind off the middle. He had been in ill health for several months. Since leaving Dec 6,1972 St Johns Mr. Martin has The Michigan Public Service operated tourist cabins between Flint and Grand'Blanc. Commission announced Friday that it approved an application Leo E. Miller,30, of Saginaw by Grand Trunk Western was instantly killed in an autoRailroad to close freight truck accident one half mile stations in Clinton, Genesse, east of the Clinton County line in Gratiot, Ingham, Ionia, Shiawassee county, on highway Kalamazoo and Shiawassee M 21 at about 3:30 pm Wedcounties. nesday. By SEN. WILLIAM S. BALLENGER Efforts to further reduce The largest Christmas infant mortality in Michigan shopping crowd in St Johns generally were larger, had central part of the Lower Except for another season for involve a partnership between history crowded Clinton avenue bigger antlefs and were in Peninsula. Clinton Memorial Hospital, St and adjoining streets in the bow and arrow hunters lasting better physical shape than in until New Year's Eve, the 1973 That is because there are Johns, and the new Placental business district Wednesday recent years and that, even more people, more highway Tissue Registry of the Michigan night for the annual Christmas' deer hunting season is history though they may not, have traffic and more deer down State Medical Society. Window Night promotion and the word used by most bagged a deer, many hunters here. About half of the accidents nimrods to describe their sponsored by the Chamber of St Johns Michigan Federal were still satisfied at having occur on county roads. feelings is: "Happy!" Credit Union has merged with Commerce. seen more animals in the Incidentally, motorists who That isn't to say that every woods. inadvertently kill deer may_ hunter got his deer (many don't w4 go "hunting" with the idea of The estimated total kill, of claim the dead animal by obcourse, does not include an taining a state permit. That's :•:< shooting a deer), but it does mean that the harvest this year estimated 12,000 deer that will what my secretary did after the was about 10 percent greater have been killed on highways in pickup truck she was driving , than last year. collisions with motor Vehicles ;struck*andi mortally wounded a ,l '£ doe on M-99 in Jackson County -< It will be some time before - by the end of the year. M Slow down, you are going too fast and too far. over •Thanksgiving weekend. final figures are "hi, but The highway kill, a serious Just why are you in such a haste? Department of Natural problem which costs motorists By cutting down mileage rate on your car Resources statisticians between $2.5 million and $3 Sturgeon Our energy surplus you waste! estimate that between 60,000 million a year in damage to So turn back the "thermo" go light on the gas! and 65,000 hunters — including their • vehicles, seems to be Size Limit Heed well now your nation's command; about 7,500 in the Upper growing worse despite efforts to Conserve every morsel, we need every gill. Peninsula — were successful. curtial it. Increase For export to far away lands. fti Despite that take of 60,000In addition to the cost of The Natural Resources plus, deer experts estimate that Slow down on your build-up of nation's reserves, repairs, these deer;car Commission, under there are still more than 600,000 You're making too much anyhow! collisions last year resulted in authority of Act 230, p.A. healthy white-tails left in all of The pace you are setting is making you old the death of two motorists and 1925, as amended, orders Michigan and if reproduction New ridges are plain on your brow! injuries to some 400 more. lhat for a period of five years conditions are as good as in the Desist from your labor and cool off awhile! State police traffic and safety effective January I, 1974, no months ahead as in the year just No reason to get in a sweat, SB officials say that most of these sturgeon may be taken or passed, next year's crop should Wait on the computer 'n try hard to smile, accidents occur during the possessed from the waters of be even larger. Till we figure out what you can get! hunting season when the deer this state of a length less While the take was spotty in are being stirred up in the lhan 50 inches. Approved parts of the Upper Peninsula, Slow down! You're ambition August 10, 1973. especially the northern part, it woods by hunters and take to Will take you too far — the highways in efforts to appeared to surpass last year's There's spots closer home you should know, harvest based on the south- escape. Dust off the two-wheeler for that exercise bound traffic across the Straits While most people think of the Or stroll down the path you must go! of Mackinac. Upper Peninsula as the place "The world is too much with us" The "happy" attitude exwhere the most deer are found, The old-time philosopher said, pressed by most hunters the greatest number of deer; car So slow down', go easy on travel! reflected the feelings that deer collisions occur in the south "Uncle Sammy" will do it instead! WED View from the Senate Slow Down 8 ms& Shepardsville There were a lot of people at the recent Pedro party held at the Colony Community Building, despite a lot of people being away hunting the elusive deer. The Afternoon Circle of the Shepardsville UMW will meet at the home of Mrs Karl Smith Thursday Dec 13, at 2 pm. Mrs Robert Hebeler, Sr. will have the program and Mrs Lester Becker will have the Devotions. Morning Star Chapter No 279 OES of Ovid, met Monday evening, Dec 3 with Worthy Matron Callsta Reed and Worthy Patron Russel Gilbert presiding in the East. The altar was draped in memory of a past Worthy Grand Matron who passed away last October. Correspondence was read from the office of the Worthy Grand Matron and from the office of the grand secretary. yews Also read was an invitation to attend the Installation of Ellen Watson and Honored Queen of Ovid Bethel No 36 of Ovid on January 5. The next meeting Will be a potluck supper and Silent Auction on January 8. The regular meeting will follow. A committee was appointed to remember the shut-ins of the chapter at. Christmas time. There was an initiation ceremony with pro-tern candidates Carol Watson and Margaret Potter. Officers were asked not to forget the School of Instruction to be held with the Owosso chapter on Dec 11 at 7:30. All officers are to wear their white 'formals. Refreshments in keeping with the season were served in the dining room by the Worthy Matron and her committee. Did you know that traditionally in many parts of the country, and in some parts even today, it is the woman's role to light the fire in the fireplace? But times have changed, and today fireplaces, while not so wide-spread arc here to stay for some who love them. Debating about whether or not a fireplace is necessary in your dream house? There are pros and cons. Detractors say that fireplaces may be drafty, are messy, and interfere with thermostat workings. But those who love the old arc ready to point out the extra warmth and cosiness a fire can provide. Let FURMAN REALTY CO, 1515 North U.S. 27,224-3236 help you find your dream home; we take a personal interest in bringing the right house and the right people together. We urge you to call us first with your listing also; we will give it full-time coverage for a prompt sale. Hours: 8:30-5 Mon-Fri; 9:30-3 Sat; & by a p p t JTf Bingham Grange to hold Yule potluch Bingham Grange will meet at the Grange Hall Sunday, Dec 16 for a potluck Christmas party. Turkey will be furnished by the Grange. Dinner will be served at 1 pm and $1 gifts will be exchanged. SNOW IS COMING! Get Your SN0WM0BIILES TUNED UP REGULATIONS ON TIGER MUSKELLUNGE The Natural Resources Commission, under authority of Act 230, P.A. 1925, as amended, orders that for a period of five years effective January 1, 1974, the hybrid muskellunge, commonly known as the J 'tiger Muskellunge", shall be deemed a muskellunge, and it shall be unlawful to take or possess tiger muskellunge except in accordance with laws, rules, and regulations governing muskellunge. Approved August 10,1973. T i m e t o get y o u r Chainsaws tuned u p ! We stock bars and chains for most brands. Want anew Chainsaw? LP 6 AS We are dealers f o r Stihl and Allis-Chalmers Chainsaws . . . Prices from $119.95 up YOU CAN COUNT ON LP GAS TO DO THE JOB! YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU CHECKED THE DEAL A T . . . EGAN FORD SALES, Inc. 2 0 0 W . Higham ST, JOHNS Phone 224-2285 Prompt Delivery WHITE'S GAS 6560 S. Begole Rd. PERRINTON GOOD SELECTION OF SHREDDERS, SNOW BLOWERS, AND SWEEPERS. HN-2W-V4N From Pompeii ipe PHONE POMPEII 838-2201 VINCE ACKLES ELSIE PH, 862-4482 Area bowling 20 20 23 23 23 26 Ind High Game, 250 J. Latroe; Ind High Three Games, 635 J. Latroe; Team High G/fmes, B80 Beck's; Team High Three t SPIN w.,,,L Music Makers 35&16K 34 18 Fighting Trish Sondbagger 29 23 29 23 Karen's Krunchers Bowled Ones 29 23 Ding-A-Ungs 28 24 Rats Raiders 26 26 Knuckleheads 23&28£ Farm Bureau 22 30 CellarDwellers 20 32 Hopefuls IB 34 Eager Beavers 18 34 High game Ind, S. Weir 219; High three games Ind., S. Weir 602; High games team, Sandbaggers 709; High three games team, Sandbaggers 1929. ' 200's - S. Weir 210; R Campbell 205. SPLIT - P. Petersen 5-6-9-10; E. Strickland 5-7; R Pease 5-10 Ind High Game, R. Myers, L. Beaufore 214; Ind High Three Games, R. Myers 596; Team High Games, Music Maker 659; Team High Three Games,' Music Maker 1850. HONOR ROLL - C. Adams 200; R. Myers 204; R. Heathman 210. Splits - H. Bunce 5-B-10.3-9-10.5-10; S. Bunce 5-10; G. Grieve 3-10;-M. O'Connor 45-7; J. Heathman 5-7-9; J. Brokaw 5-10; R Campbell 5-10. 30 w. 19 19 16 16 16 13 Seldel 170; Ind High Series, C. Seldel 466; Team High Game, Sleepy Heads 823; Team HighSeries, Daley*! Fine Food 2346. SPLITS - 5-6-10 A. Pllnej 2-7 A. Thurlow;5-10T. Cartwright: 5-7P,Sailer; 4-5-10 P, Sailer, W...L 3U& 16tt 30 18 29 19 26 22 25 23 Z4 24 23H24& 23 25 5 PINS Music Makers Fighting Irish Bowled Ones Sandbaggers Karen's Krunchers Ding-A-Lings Knuckleheads Rats Raiders Farm Bureau CellarDwellers Eager Beavers Hopefuls NIGHT H AUK W...L ftlcKenzie's 27 9 E^g Station 23 13 Bjsk's 22 14 fcfcb's 19 17 w Dry Dock >9 Gnndl 19 17 Coca Cola 19 17 Hettler'a\ 17 19 Randolph'* 14 22 Legion 13 23 StJohnsOjl ' 13 23 Masorlk Shell , 11 25 IndHlghgame,268JonLatroe;IndHlgh three g a m e s , 662 Jon Latroe; Team High games, 904 Zeeb's; Team High three games, 2475 Dry Dock. HONOR ROLL—Jon Latroe 201-268; D. Anderson 235; S. Bunce 203; G, Pearson 224; R. Dara 205, NIGHT HAWK .X McKenzle's 27 12 Beck's 25 14 E g g Station 24 15 Dry Dock 20 19 Gnndl 20 19 Zeeb's 19 20 Coca Cola , Hettler's Legion £\JohnsO!l Randolph's Masorik Shell 5B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN December 13,1973 ./fames, 2474 Beck's. HONOR ROLL-J. Latroe 256-222;L. Grennell 233; L. Schavey 210; I. Rodemacher 204; S. Cornwell 203; Geo. Smith 219; G, Dunkel 211. TUESDAY TEATIME LEAGUE W. ..L Redwing Lanes 34 14 Texaco 28 20 E-Z-Flo Chemical 28 20 Central Nat'l Bank 27 21 Henkd &McCoy ., 2614 21H S4H Farms 26 22 Kozy-KornerCafe 26 22 Randolphs ' 25 23 Melville Emblem Co 23 25 Mid-Mich Metal Fab 21& 26tt Furman Realty 12 36 Schwan's Sales u 37 461, Joan Pardee 461, Ruby Pearson 461; Team High Games,E-Z-FloChemi=ail856 Team High Three Games, Redwing Lanes uSLniu u n e s 2373. SPLITS CONVERTED - Linda Garrod, Sheryl Plowman, Roberta O'Connor 3-10; Mary Livingston, Pat LutUg 2-7, Diane Harger 5-10: Marda Esch, Helen Dunkel 57; Pat Luttlg, tola Odair 5-4-7; Sharon Ludwick 5-7-9. FRIDAY NIGHT MIXED W.. .L WPA 34 IB Goofoffs 34 Ten Pins 31 Fearsome 4 28 Pmguins • 27 Allyoops 26 KingPins 23 Nile Hawks 24 Sunshine Group ' 24 Norlhenders 20 GutterbaDs 20 Roadrunners , 19 Ind High Game—Florence Masarik 196; Bernle Wawsczyk 223 Ind High three Games, Sally Stoll 490; Bernie Wawsczyk 560. Team High Game, WPA 730. Team High three Games, WPA 1921 ' HONOR ROLL-Bemie Wawsczyk 223; Bill Haps 200. NIGHT HAWK W....L 29 13 McKenzle's Beck's Egg Station Dry Dock Gandl Coca Cola Zeeb's Hettler's Randdph's St Johns Oil Legion Masank Shell Ind High Game', C. Pearson 226; Ind High Series, J. Tatroe 616, Team High Game,McKenzle's864; Team High Series, McKenzte's 2499. HONOR ROLL - C. Pearson 226; B. CoIe211;J Tatroe 223-203; G.Snyder 200; J. Greer 203-203; S Sillman 212; A. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Dry Dock 27 12 Brunos 22&1614 Clinton Tool Eng. 22 17 Redwing Lanes 21 18 StrouseOil 20& \m BobsSport Center 19 20 C, Nail Bank 19 20 Daley's 18(4 2014 l&Vz 2014 Rehmanns IB 21 Schmltts 14 25 Galloways 14 25 Silvestries Paint Ind High Game, Jim Teachworth 254; Ind High Three Games, Jim Teachworth 610; Team High Game, Brunos 992, Team High Three Game , Brunos 2806. HONOR ROLL - M1I0 Rowell 203; Bruce Thelen 212-202; Bob Boettger 211: Terry Kentifield 201-205; Jim Teachworth 200-254; Rudy Masank 213; Jon Scranton 213-206; Jon Tatroe 205; Dick Cornwell 209200, Ross Myers 209, G. Deitrlck 206; Rich Pease 203; T. Sllvestrl 222; Orth Tatroe 211; Elmer Feldpausch 226; Keith Barrett 203-210 COFFEECUP W...L VanHorn'sGarage 31 13 Daley's Fine foods 28 16 Jay's Service 27 17 Houghton Real Estate 24 20 Jim's TV 24 20 Redwing Sanek Bar 21 23 General Tire 21 23 W...L Clinton Crop *21 23 COFFEECUP 32 16 Sleepy Heads 19 25 VanHorn's Garage 32 Bob's Auto Body 18^25^ Daley's Fine Foods 30 Overway Agency 17 27 Jay's Service Jim's TV 27 Chaparral Wk 19& 25 Ind High Game, S Ladisky 188; Ind High Houghton Real Estate 24 Series, H. Pearson 493; Team High Game, Redwing Snack Bar 24 VanHorn's Garage 938; Team High Series, Clinton Crop 22 General Tire VanHorn's Garage 2430 22 1 SPLITS CONVERTED - A. Wolfe, M. Sleepy Heads -. Musholf,' M. Miller, E Underwood 7-2f B. •iM&AutoSfltyi. iii-> ,|j!8 30 > Greer, M. Miller 4-5; 'J. Dush 5-7; D. Overway Agency ,, ],, 1414 3314 Houghton, I. Wing, J, Payne 3-10; J. Chaparral Ind High'Game, M. Snyder, N. Vinlng, C. Crowley 5-6. High G a m e , Moore Oil Co 803; Teem IQgh Series, Moore 01) Co 2362, CONVERSIONS-Peggy Cote 1-7; Julia Sllvestrl 3-10; Judy Pease 2-7; Rose Rltter 3-7-10; Dorothy Knight 5-10; Lynda Knight 3-10 (twice), FR1DAYNIGHTM1XED W....L WPA 38 18 Goofoffs 34 22 Ten Pins 32 24 Fearsome 4 32 24 PInguEns 29 27 KingPins 28 23 Allyoops 27 29 26 30 Nile Hawks 26 30 Sunshine Group Gutter Balls 23 33 22 34 Norlhenders Roadrunners 19 37 Ind High Gome, Cherrie May 202, Glenn Pearson 212; Ind High Series, Cherrie May 527, Glenn Pearson 512; Team High Game, King Pins 685; Team High Series, WPA 1958. 200 GAMES - Glenn Pearson 212; Cherrie May 202. . COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Dry Dock Brunos Clinton Tool Engr StrouseOil Redwing Lanes Clinton Natl Bank Rchmanns BobsSptClr Schmltts Da leys GaUaways Silvestries Paint W....L 29 13 25&16Ut 23 19 22>£ 19Vi 22 20 21 21 20^21^ 20 22 20 22 I9&22& 15 27 14 28 Ind High Game, Jon Tatroe 238, Rudy Masarik 238; Ind High Series, Jon Tatroe 614;'Team High Game, Dry Dock 935; Team High Series, Bruno's 2766 HONOR ROLL - Keith Penlx 213; C, Moore 204; Jiggs Geller 223; Jon Tatroe 202;238; D. Cornwell 213; Rudy Masank 238; Don Olt 204; Jim Spring 210; Slan Thelen 216; Keith Barrett 224; Terry Masarik 213; Ross Myers 201. Pewamo Mr and Mrs Harry Thelen of Mohnke202;B Bocttger202 R. Waggoner Lansing spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs Bert' 4 Martin. W....L NITEOWLS Mrs Dora Klein of Westphalia 38 10 F.C. Mason 38 10 entertained her pedro club Hillside BtySp 29 19 Tuesday afternoon. 29 19 TwinOaksGolf ' Mrs Charles Cook has Kurt's Appl * 27 21 returned home after spending a Rivard's 24 24 week with her daughter and 22 26 family Dr and Mrs O.E. 19 29 Schreiber of Flint. Hobby Lobby 19 29 15>A 32& The reports of Joseph Hauck Gen Tel 15 37 are good. He is improving at an Drake's 1214 38t4 Alma hospital. „ Ind High Game, Deanne Blank 209; Ind Mrs Freda Davarn is a High Series, Dorothy Knight 473; Team patient at the Carson City High Game, Twin Oaks B22; Team High Osteopathic hospital. Series, F . C. Mason Co 2329. 1 CONVERSIONS — Barb Wooiey 5-10;. Mrs Theresa Simon returned Sandy.Marshall 5-7-9; Denise Upham 5-10; home Sunday after spending a Judy Pease 3-10; Kay Penlx 2-7-8; Maxine week with her son and family, Smlt 5 8-10; Jan Zelenka 5-10; Rosemary Mr and Mrs Roy Simon of Allaby 5-7; Kane Fifleld 5-7; JoAnn Lansing. Coleman 5-10. Several from the Pewamo ..L NITEOWLS w.. 'area attended the Marywoods 10 42 Co-op 39 13 Fun Festival Friday evening at F.C. Mason Co 31 21 Grand Rapids. Hillside BtySp 30 22 Kurt's Appl Pewamo paper drive Dec 7,8, 29 23 9. Truck will be parked on TwinOaksGolf 27 25 Rivard's 24 28 parish grounds. Wheel Inn Mrs Ethel Gee attended the 23 29 Moore Oil 21 31 wedding of her grand daughter Hobby Lobby 1714 3414 Gen Tel v Connie Wieber 'of Fowler. The 15' 37 ^Messer Cain's /t 1 Wieber wedding 13\4 3814 Drake's-! i u Ind J ^ g h Game, Connie Chamberlain •'. Saturday Dec 1 at 1:30 pm. Reception at 4:30 pm at Fowler. 179; Ind HighSeries, Lela Clark 481; Team of Mrs Merle (Katie) Temple who recently passed away in Bristol, Okla, where she had lived since leaving Elsie 5 years ago. She was always active in the Methodist Church during the years she lived here. A social hour followed when Mrs Gerald Carroll, Mrs Ford Stinebower and Mrs Zella Brewbaker served Christmas cookies and coffee. busy Christmas preparations. The first meeting of the new She told of various ways to year will be held Wednesday arrange them and observe the evening, Jan 9, instead of the Advent season by lighting a regular week which is too close candle each week of December. to New Years Day, It will be The traditional colors of the held in the home of Mrs Leslie candles are purple and rose, she Sturgis with the program, a call added, the 3 purpleones signify to Prayer and Self-Denial. repentance or the darkness of deep air in which man finds -himself without the light of Christ and the rose candle for the fourth Sunday, signifies the joy that comes when light begins to break through the Mr and Mrs Raymond darkness. Sherman spent Friday and The worship service using the Saturday with her parents, Mr Advent Wreath was in- and Mrs Don Sullivan. terspersed by Mrs Stall* giving Garry, Sullivan and friend the appropriate scripture visited Mr •• and Mrs Donald reading and Mrs A.W. Cobb Sullivan Sunday evening. leading the singing of carols. Jay Witt of Howe Road is Five other ladies gave back in St. Lawrence Hospital. readings as they lighted the Mr and Mrs. Howard Sargent candles and built the creche. were. hosts to Mr and Mrs They were: Mrs Lyle Dunham Harvey Hoerner and girls at the (First Sunday) the Candle of Scale House Sunday for dinner. Waiting and Mary and Joseph Mr and Mrs Harold Hoerner for creche; Mrs Charles were Sunday dinner and supper Kridner (Second Sunday) the guests of Mr and Mrs Elmer Candle of Bethlehem and Baby Hardenburg and Stuart HarJesus for the manger scene; denburg. Mrs Lewis Walling (Third Harvey Hoerner and girls, Mr Sunday), the Shepherds' Candle and-Mrs Don Potts and .Mike and" shepherds for the scene; visited Mr and Mrs Harold Mrs Mildred Whitaker (fourth Sunday) the Wise Men's Candle Hoerner Sunday morning. George Sargent visited Mr and small wise men to complete the Nativity Scene; and Mrs and Mrs Howard Sargent F r i d a y night. Lillian Case, (Christmas Eve) Mr and Mrs Clare Harand the Candle of Jesus. denburg of Lansing visited Mr At the close of the service, and Mrs Howard Sargent. Mr artd Mrs Elmeer HarMrs Grubaugh gave the poem "If" and all present clasped denburg^ Stuart Hardenburg hands in an unbroken chain with visited in the Howard Sergent prayer and singing of Silent home one day last week. Night. Mr and Mrs Dee Greenman of The business meeting was Battle Creek visited with Mr held with Mrs Duane Green, and Mrs Alexander Lang all president, giving a reading, day, • Friday Sunday, Mrs Richard "Do You Believe It Is Christmas?". Routine reports were Hellman entertained at a surprise birthday party in honor read by secretary Mrs Emerson * Dunham and treasurer Mrs of her mother, Mrs. Ethel Lang, All their family members were Harold Hehrer. It was voted to give holiday present. Mrs. Geroge Sargent is in St. plates of cookies and candies to .shut-ins. Members are Lawrence Hospital for some requested to bring their con- tests.tributions to the Fellowship Hall Mrs Don Henning enters by Dec 18 that plates may be Ingham Medical Hospital for a prepared and delivered early. tonsillectomy^Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Joseph Berger of Mrs Charles Holcomb, chairman of the 1974 program Muskegon spent Thursday with committee gave a preview of Mr and Mrs Porter Parks. the new year's,, study lessons, Mrs Peter Rothstein and and activities. ' ' * Karen . Rothstein n were A sum of money was placed in Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr the Memorial Fund in memory and Mrs Nichols of Potterville. Elsie News MRS. NEVA KEYS Ph. 862-4301 Word was received Monday, Dec 3, of the death of Mrs Merle (Katie) Temple, 79, a former Elsie resident, at the Bristol Hospital in Bristol, Oklahoma. Funeral services were to'be held Thursday, Dec 6, at the Hutchenson-Maple Funeral Home and burial will be made in Bristol. Mrs Temple had been in the nursing home for several months following several months illness. She moved from Elsie about 5 years ago. Among survivors in the Elsie are a daughter, Mrs William (Virginia) Price and a son, Rex Tefertiller, and several grandchildren, tMr and Mrs Edward Thornton of Sylvian, Ohio, former Elsie residents, announce the birth of a son, Craig William, on Friday, Nov 23, Mrs Thornton is the •former Connie Luznak. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Norval Thornton of rural Elsie, Mr and Mrs F. J. Fulford of Elsie and Michael Luznak of Bannister. Elsie Chapter No 69 OES held its regular meeting Thursday evening with Worthy Patron Mrs Jeanne Temple and Worthy Patron C. H. Sills presiding in the East. A Memoriam was read for Glenna Hagle, PGM of the Grand Chapter of Michigan OES. Robert Kridner was installed as sentinel by Mrs Doreen . Kridner, past matron acting as installing officer and Mrs Ann Mitchell as installing marshal, All officers are now installed. Several members were on the side lines and only one officer was absent. It was reported that 16 officers and one member attended the composite school of instruction at Laingsburg with Mrs Lillian Perkio, Grand Ruth from Lake Orion as the instructress. Mrs Perkio was a guest of Mrs Leila Wilson for the evening. During the good of the Order, there was a Christmas program and an exchange of gifts. Christmas carols were sung and readings by Mrs Florence Ewer, Mrs Leila Wilson, Miss Erna Vincent and Mrs Jean Cobb. Mrs Anne Praay, Mrs Jean Cobb and Mrs Jeanne Temple were in charge of the program. After the exchange of gifts they retired to the dining room where refreshments were served by Mrs Jennie Loznak, Mrs Esolda Sills, Mrs June Cross and-Mrs Norma Rivest. The table was decorated with a Christmas centerpiece, Christmas candles and greenery. Merry Christmas to all with hopes that more members will turn out for the January 3rd meeting. The Elsie Senior Citizens met Thursday afternoon at 12;30 for a potluck dinner. There were 29 members present. President Robert Kelley called the meeting to order. The Senior Citizens were asked to watch for notice of the program for the Jan 3rd meeting. Mrs Grace Fizzell was in charge of the program which opened with singing of Christmas carols. She -introduced her daughter-in)law, Mrs Frances Fizzell who gave the Christmas Story using the flannel board in telling the story. Milford Clark was appointed "Tail Twister". Members were warned that they pick up their name tags or pay a fine. An exchange of gifts was a part of the program. t Mr and Mrs Milford Clark were assisted by Mr and Mrs Dale Levey, Sr, as host and hostess and the refreshment committee. Mrs Grace Bradshaw had the misfortune to slip and fall as she was carrying her groceries into the house. She was taken to Clinton Memorial Hospital where she was suffering from a broken rib and many bruises. A gayly lighted Christmas tree, a cheery fireplace and other festive decorations symbolic of the true meaning of Christmas was the-setting for the regular meeting of the United Methodist Women in the home of Mrs Beatrice Kelley, Wednesday evening, Dec 5. The Christian celebration of Advent and Christmas was the program presented by Mrs Margaret Grubaugh and Mrs Ethel StuD. Mrs Grubaugh displayed an ^AflVSit 'Wreath' as one of the -> kfVelfest things that Christians can do together during their Kincaid District ill/, ' * " • 1 Bumping-Pointing-Reconditionlng The finest workmanship makes it look like new. ^ _,,___ _ Buick C A I N S Inc. 210Higham St, Johns 224-3231 g»nj« QMC . ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR • Oats • Corn • Wheat • Soybeans • White Beans Sell, Store, or Grain Bank - BULK AND BAGGED FERTILIZER , AND BULK DELIVERY OF PURINA FEEDS LFEgTILJZERSj MATHEWS ELEVATOR Fowler, Mich. VIRGIL ZEEB Ph. 593-2111 Ashley 847-3571 7S RESIDENTIAL* COMMERCIAL * Q U A U T Y WORK your purchases to: ST. JOHNS St. .Johns I A . GIVE THE GIFTS THEY' WILL REMEMBER w a + " M t | l SEE US FIRST FOR %&8W?jjJf. RtfSSELL STOVER CANDIES COLONIAL CANDLES and RINGS GLASSWARE from SMITH and FENTONj WOODENWARE from CAPE CRAFT mum MEST THE TREASURE CHEST 220 N.'Cllnton-St John* 224-2719 MMMJMMMMMMMMiniWl^MMlMMi .•LAND.BA'NK FARM LOANS 1104S. US-27 ' Ph. 224-7127 St. Johns, Mich, • New Facilities? • Repairs? • Expansion? • Modernization? t/ Serving Amerka'sFarmers; Providers of Plenty Alt types of printing • Fast service • low prices 120 E. WALKER ST., ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 40870 TELEPHONE: 517/224-6781 Ph. 224-4726 6B December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 4-H Chatter * ^ • ! ! • * Bend and bump that Yule tree Recprd 4-H winter enrollment * • ( By WILLIAM LASHER Extension Agriculture Agent Bend its needles. Bump it on and will gready increase the the ground. That's how to find tree's fire resistance. Using a out if that Christmas tree you're bucket of wet sand for a tree going to buy will stay fresh stand will also keep a tree fresh. through the holidays. If the Up to a quart of water should be needles bend easily and don't added to the stand each day, fall when you bump the tree, the and the water level should be tree is fresh. kept above the bottom of the Some species do not retain trunk. their needles well. Spruce is an A review of farm accident example of this and does not data shows that-thousands of necessarily mean the tree isn't farm workers could benefit fresh. from wearing more personal protective equipment. Hard Brown needles that fall when hats, acoustic ear muffs, eye the tree is bumped are merely and face shields,respirators,gas part, of the normal shedding masks, safety shoes, leather process. Feel the bottom of the gloves or chain saw knee guards stump--on fresh trees it feels are a few examples. sappy moist. To keep your tree fresh until It's the person that not jmly says "I care about you,/but you're ready to set it up, place it does something about it.' in a cool shaded area well sheltered from the wind, with Other "lifetime gifts'Vo consider this Christmas migju. , the base in a bucket of water. be new bright SMV emblems, a Just before putting the tree in life-jacket for the fisherman, or its stand, you should cut off an flares, flashlight and fire exinch or two from the base of. the tinguisher for the car or truck. trunk. This will allow the tree to take up water more readily. The possibilities are as great as the hazards that a person A tree stand filled with water confronts. will help prevent needle drop By JOHN AYLSWORTH h projects with the most' mem- drug administration already bers enrolled include 576 in has proposed to outlaw high rise clothing, 190 in knitting, 203 in handlebars, require better handicraft, 113 in crocheting, 96 relective devices and impose in ceramics and 92 in teen higher frame construction .standards. leadership. Rather than change the The November and December bicycle construction how about 4-H teen Jeaders glass collection trying to change things "betamounted to 18,920 lbs of glass ween the ears" of the bicycle bottles recycled into new glass and vehicle operators. The 4-H products. Since the project bicycle project just might be the started three years ago 567,460 thing to help with this problem lbs of glass bottles have been in 1974. Why not enroll in the 4-H Among the original members of the Tailwaggers 4-H Club to attend the 3d birthday party of the club, recycled into new products bicycle safety project now? which raises leader dogs to be trained a^Rochester are (front, from left) Dawn Archer, Mark Bruin, instead of going into a land fill (rear, from left) Lori Webster, John Aylesworth (County 4-H director), Debbie Webster, Mrs Mary or along the roadside. The next Forty-four steers have been glass collection day will be on registered to date for the 1974 Bruin (leader) and Sandy Webster. Saturday, January 5 at the Clinton County" 4-H Fair Show and Sale in August 12-14. A total The largest 4-H club in the fairgrounds in St Johns. of 33 members have signed up county is the Westphalia 4-Hers 4-H members planning to take for the this project with with 115 girls enrolled. Other 4H clubs with 40 or . more vegetables and flower gardens eighteen steers entered in the members include: Olive 4-H next summer are urged to look Rate of Gain Contest. All steers Projects 67, Green Acres 65, through! the seed catalogs and must be weighed on offi il Easy Riders 54, Fowler Busy ord6r their garden seed early scales and registered at the Bees 52, Bengal Community 51, this year. A shortage of garden County Extension Office by All Thumbs 46, Victor 4-H 43, .seed is expected next spring. By January 1 to be entered in the Elsie 4 Corners 42 and Happy getting your seeds early you Rate of Gain Contest. Other Hustlers 40. A break down of the will be able to get your choice of beef steers for the fair show and Probably the issues that were a compromise between-those of gas stations' and othersale must be registered at the remaining clubs show 9 clubs recommended varieties and not most controversial and of widely -divergent viewpoints. businesses. County Extension Office in St with 30-39 members, 7 clubs have to take what seed is greatest popular interest which Emergency powers will be I would like to take this op* Johns by January 1. with '20-29 members, 14 clubs available at the time. were debated in the House last shared between the Governor portuni'ty to note that many with 10-19 members and 6 clubs week were those relating to the and the Public Service Com- Michigan residents seem to be with less than 10 members for a The Sewing Basket 4-H energy crisis and the establish- mission, with a few powers still. complying with the requests of The following 4-H clubs have total-of 46 local 4-H clubs. Blue star Mother's meeting * Mrs Clara Ley of Fowler made reservations for the -4-H members made a special gift ment of a new Department of both Governor Milliken and retained by the Legislature. was held Wednesday evening enjoyed the open house in her The record number of 1258 4-H roller skating activity on for the mothers at their Human Services.'This was the President Nixon to conserve Nov 27. The following members honor on her 90th birthday members are comp'osed of 374 Thursday, December .20, 7-10 November meeting. Demon- proposal to bring under one FIRST CAMPAIGN REFORM energy on a volunteer basis. I were present Mrs Bernita Cook Sunday December 2 held at the boys and 884 girls. These pm at the Ranch Roller Rink St strations were given by Denise "umbrella" type of BILL PASSES SENATE commend those of you who are hostess assisted by Mrs Vera Jaycee Hall next to the bank in members are enrolled in 1892 Johns! Charlies Gang (20), Carter on "Home Design"; organization the present doing your part. I believe, A bill requiring Michigan Cook and Mrs Dorothy Heck- Fowler from 2 to 5 pm. Among projects being taught by Watertown Grove (15), Fowler Robin Wood on "Pressing"; Departments of Social Services, politicians to file public reports however, that many more man, • Mrs Mildred Fox, Mrs the many relatives and friends volunteer adult leaders. The six Fireballs (40), Lucky Riders Ronda Pixly on "Baking" and Public Health, Mental Health on the money they collect from Michigan residents are ignoring Irene Fedewa, Mrs Ann Bower, attending were Mrs Veronica (20), Riverside Riders (10), by Lisa VanWelsenaers on and several other fund ;raising events was passed the requests of the Governor Mrs Veronica Cotter, Mrs Cotter and Mrs Clara Caston of Teen Leaders (30), French's "Foods". The members taking and President and therefore, it by the State Senate and sent to Cornelia Schafer, Mrs Irene Pewamo the open house was Corners (20), Green Clover the Home Design project toured miscellaneous offices and the House for , consideration. will be necessary to pass Smith, Mrs Hilda Schafer, Mrs hosted by Mrs Ley's niece Mrs Community (19), Countryside the '!Tony Coats" Store in East agencies dealing with human The bill is the first of a package legislation that will force l/ith PCA, I paid interest Maryann Thelen and Irene Fox. Mary Motz and her son. , (10), and Kandy Cookers & Lansing. The club members services. only on the money I of campaign reform bills to be everyone to conserve energy. Blue Star Mother's Christmas Needle Knockers (8) for a total attended the 4-H Roller Skating • Governor Milliken had passed in either chamber Mrs Dorothy Parks spent the needed, when I needed it, pot luck party will be held on weekend with Mr and Mrs" of 192 people attending. The activity in St Johns on recommended this program in a during the fall legislative not a penny more. STATE VEHICLES ARE special message to the Wednesday Dec 12. Mrs Theresa November 15. Ranch Roller Rink celebrated David Parks and family of SLOWING DOWN Legislature and had issued an session. Simon as hostess. A gift ex- Ionia. their 25th anniversary Sunday, executive order providing for Governor Milliken has orAs you might recall, change will be held. Members December 2 with a grand open Mrs Hilda Schafer spent The Fowler Fireballs 4-H are asked to bring a dish to pass Sunday afternoon with Mr and L " ... house showing the new im- members will hold a Christmas these transfers. Under the Goyernor Milliken listed dered that this vehicles comply Constitution he has authority to with the 50 miles per hour speed political reform at the top of his and own table service. Starting provements made this year for Mrs Roy Howarth and family meeting on-December 27, 7 pm makesuch a combination by the list of priority legislation when limit. The Governor, whenever at 6:30 pm at the Elementary the occassion being Conthe skaters enjoyment. at the Holy Trinity Hall in issuance of an executive order, the Legislature returned from possible, for local trips is also school. The mystery prize was Gerry Lynn Fowler. They will have a gift but he lacks the authority to summer recess on October 16. using a 1970 former state police. won by Mrs Dorothy Heckman firmation. daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy exchange of $1.00 for members establish a completely new The Governor urged passage of cruiser instead of the official It is estimated that bicycles high in pedro was Mrs Maryann Howorth received conand 50 cents for youth under 9 department and the position of the package prior to January 1, executive car tTecause the older Thelen, second prize by Mrs firmation. She was among the RCA/tfid go ahead people were responsible for 327,000 years of age. The 4-H families director thereof. That could car gets better gas mileage. The serious injuries last year ac1974. Hilda Schafer. Coffee and 150 who received at Sts Peter are urged to attend this only be done by legislative Talk To cording to the National ElecThe bill to control and Governor also insists that his cookies were served. • and Paul church Ionia. Christmas party and meeting. action. tronic Injury Surveillance CHARLES regulate fund raising, spon- staff that accompanies him to meetings squeeze into one car. System. This agency monitors The Legislature can nullify an sored by Republican senator BRACEY 119 hospitals' emergency rooms While the Governor is atexecutive order by passing an William Ballenger of. Delta ion fowl PC* plinntr nationwide to determine causes appropriate 'resolution through Township, is designed to plug a tempting to s*e'ta.good example Mr and Mrs Alton Stockman of accidental injuries. They say spent the weekend in Chicago both branches "*"' of' ' r ; the major loophole in Michigan's for the people of the jjjjate 'to bicycles are the most hazardous Legislature within 60 days after laws regulating" campaign follow, we, however, are getting with their son, Walter Stackproduct on the market today. issuance of the order. Such a contributions and expenditures. reports, that some state emman. resolution was introduced in the The Product Safety ComAlthough present law ployees driving state-owned Mrs Ed Kraft entertained her Located 2% Miles North mission says on the same scale Bridge Club Wednesday •House by Representative Peter requires candidates to report vehicles are not complying with Kok of Grand Rapids and many contributions received during the 50 miles per hour speed limit automobiles would rank third. evening. Prizes were won by of Middleton on Ely Hwy. co-sponsors, It was reported election campaigns they are as ordered by the Governor. I The commission expects to Mrs Jay Fuda'y, "Mrs Lester would urge all of you to take the favorably by the House Cornissue a mandatory safety SERVES ALL YOUR NEEDS IN STEEL exempted from reporting Garlock, Mrs Vaughn Mont1104S.US-27 St. Johns Committee on House Policy but money they raised between license number of a state ragulation and the food and gomery and Mrs Howard Phone 224-3662 fell ten votes short of the 56 elections through fund-raising vehicle you think is being FARM BUILDINGS, BUTLER GRAIN BINS McDonough. . . . . . . . _ _ _ • . ..) required for adoption. events such as testimonial abused and let me know. AND KAN-SUN CONTINUOUS On the following day the dinners and cocktail parties. House approved, by a vote of 67 Senator Ballenger's bill FLOW GRAIN DRYERS By 1980, unless present trends to 25, H. 5345 which would requires the sponsor of a fundare reversed, 820 million adult Call Us For All The Details establish the new department raising event to file an acand implement the executive counting of the contributions illiterates are predicted for the WE ARE ALSO DEALERS FOR order. This was sponsored by with the Secretary of State world. UNICEF is exploring Representatives Ray Kehres.of ' within '30 days of the event no n-formal, out-of-school CLAY AND CARDINAL EQUIPMENT LINES . Monroe and James Farnsworth regardless of.when it is held. channels for education to reach functionally illiterate youths MIDDLETON Phone 236-7358 of Holland. If it should also be Contributions of more than $25 school age. approved by the Senate, it is not would have to be listed in- beyond i0yt&K0TL0V^<&V&Y4niC/™O''*^l&K&V&*&L0V0*&><&^^ anticipated that there would be dividually with the name and any great change in the address of the donor. Built to combine edible beans, 3 cyl. and 1 short auger operation of these various .Last week we summarized programs for one year. That the Governor's special message gives complete thrashing with lesssplits & cleaner beans. period of lime is set aside for to the Legislature on the energy developing the type of state and crisis, -in which he asked for local organization which those certain powers to act in in charge of this agency decide emergency situations. would be best for delivering MISC. TRACTORS J.D. 237 I understand that H. 5328, the these, various services to inpassage of which was reported dividual clients. N.I.314Shel!er Ford 3000 MF 12' Field Cultv. above, had the Governor's After prollonged debate, approval. Specifically the J.D. 2010 Gas N.I. 300 2 row picker J.D. 12'Field Cultv. askedthe which extended over 2 days in Governor J.D. B N.I. 325 2 row Oliver 12'Disk the House, the Representatives Legislature to grant him the J.D. A finally approved, by a vote of 67 power to declare a State of N.I.-no. 10 1 row 2 Used Bean Pullers to >17, H. 5328 establishing Severe Energy Shortage and to J.D. 3010 Gas 1-row Gehl Chopper, HAY TOOLS powers and responsibilities take steps such as ordering the' relating to various phases of the curtailment or discontinuance 400 IHC J.D. 507 Rotary Cutter N.H. Forage Box so-called energy crisis. This of lighting for certain comFOR MAKING OUR RECENT OPEN was the culmination of months mercial, industrial or adNo. 5 J.D. Movyer Superior Loader for SPREADERS vertising purposes, as well as of committee work and public Ford NAA . N.H. 66 Baler hearings, and was pretty much curtailment of hours for stores, J.D. 34 HOUSE A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS J.D. 13 Hole Grain drill N.I. Forage Box Case-belt drive A.C, Chopper w/1 Row & J.D. 36 ft. Elevator New Idea 210 Hay Heads • ^ 516 New Holland J.D. 3-14 Mounted Plow New Holland Haybine 469 N.I. 208 M'ayrath 32 ft. Elevator Case Rake COMBINES Oliver 3-16" Plow J.D. Rake Trailer I.H.C. 80 Bean J.D. 38 Chopper 2 Heads 95 GB Combine J.D. Disk KBA I.H.C. 45 T. Baler J.D. 25 Combine *$< 2 Colby Forage Boxes I'.H. 91 Combine 1 J.D. 334 Corn Head N.H. 616 Chopper w/2 Head PICKERS I M F 43 Corn Head • N.H. 818 Chopper w/2 Head J.D. 227 I.H.C. Blower , I.H.C. 41'Elevator * i /' .« V A record number of 1258 Clinton County boys and girls have enrolled in one of the 46 local 4-H clubs throughout the county. This enrollment in- , crease is up from the 1104 . members enrolled last winter. There were eight new 4-H clubs organized this fall including: Fowler-Big Dealers, Fowler Fire Balls, Fowler Helping Hands, The Clovers, Chef's Surprise, Easy Riders, Riley Ramblers and Candy Cook*ers& Needle Knockers. Swifty Swivelers and County 'Farm Cut Ups joined together with Stoney Creek to have a winter club program. 88th District Report by Stanley Powell 1 State Representative J Wacousta BEAN (ULUSTON) COMBINES We are NOW TAKING ORDERS for 1974 delivery of Lilliston Bean Combines THIS IS THE COMBINE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! SEE US SOON! Your Support Was Deeply Appreciated By All Of Us Here At W6 now have John Deere SNOWMOBILES In Stock — "nothing runs like a Deere" OUR WINTER STORE HOURS: 8:00-5:00 p.m. HON. thru FRI. 8:00-12:00 NOON SATURDAYS Carson City Farm Service NEW IDEA rAnMEauiPMcvr . i I i i i I i 1 St. Johns Co-op. \s • \ . ALL-SEASON VENTILATION Environmental cdntrol for dairy barns, calf barns, hog houses, farrowing houses, etc, features . draft-free air distribution through port holes in plastic tube. The' system is for cold, mildi,and hot weather. JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE NEMANIS ELECTRIC CARSON CITY Office Ph. B34-2200 201 N, Main PHONE 584-3550 Ovid HomB Ph. 834-5172 • •r • / \ . v / \ : ,. WE ARE CLOSED SATURDAYS THRU THE WINTER MONTHS "Serving All Your Farm Needs" ST. JOHNS CO-OP PHONE 224-2381 7B MICHIGAN e Ro Area Next Sunday T f t . CI inton Gounty ehgrches ', . ' T .* . ',".' ' . ' THE UNITED METHODIST.CHURCH Maple Rapids Pas(6£Rcv J. Thomas Churn Parsonage-Middleton Phone 23G-7J42 All Churches in Clinton County are .invited to send jkelr weekly announcements to, The Clinton County News. They rriUst reach us by 10 a.m. Monday1 to Insure publication In the current week's issue. FltlSTt^NGREttAtlONALCWURCII ~ >V , i v , AveHU«;CSrson,MlrJster: *&?•*<'^XT-'•» ASS^MBWOl? CftflS -'SUS.J7&E Baldwin'. ,. .S0UTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH ;• u ' "WiufirdFaitfer.PastorV*; - • UxSfcai/2'rniie east of Frauds Roadoi* \ Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Sunday School rife m 51 Tuesday 7:00 pm Senior Choir Practice Wednesday . 2nd Wednesday each month 7:00 pm W.S.C.S. Thursday 10:00 Bible Study . rea ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH •• k Fowler, Michigan ' • . . -; H.E.Ross6w, Pastor " B:'3n.-am Worship' , • "•' • 10:30' am Sunday School & £ible Class OREENDUSH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ScoltandMarshallRoads i Pastor-Norman Wood '- St Johns, Mich 46879 Rev.,Francis CarlJoKannldes , Minister third Monday, of each month nt 7:30pm. Cotutcn:orChurch.Ministries and AdmrnlstrSU^Bo^^rrieels^hfrllrat Sunday' •pfst&f Third Sundays • rMofpIng. Prayer 9vam . "'"" '-&:F6urth Sundays;-.' Communion STiim . "^.Tuesday, Noy^o.' ri Ma„•• '„ 7:00 P.M. 'Girl Scouts" ^EvferylWedhesday. . 6:30 /ChatJeTCholi1 t - 1 9:MA.M.Mai5 MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Fr. Albert J. Schmltt,-PaEtor ' S*uhdayMassc3*e:S6V8:3uandlD:~3Dam Weekdays"- During school year, 7:30 and a;3bam Holy Days- 5:30, 7:30 am and 7:00 pm and 7:00 pm eve before Sorrowful Mother Novena. Friday, 7:30' . pm Saturday s- 7:30 am and 7:00 pm Sunday: 10:30 am'Church School . WSCS 3rd Wednesday at B pm LOWE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Lowe and North Lowe Road Minister: Rev, Harold McGuire Sunday School 9-10 am Church Worship 10:15-11:15 Choir 84 pm Thursday UMW 7:30 2nd Wed of every month Prayer Study Group 10-11 CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 410S. Maple Ave, Maple Rapids Rev, Hector Goodall -Pastor' welcome) ": 'i 'ilk •Wednesdiy; Junior arid'Senior'*, CONGREGATIONAL "/,••"'"-;i-v •vHwirftactfce.-"" ^J'**'«-•"' '*''.-" *.'• CHRISTIAN CHURCH im* Fellowship-. U7i3'0pntWe^nesday-,-'Prayerand'Bible ••-.' ' 2819EMap1eRapidsRd •iVKvip;-:s¥dyV- • - _ - - / • ' - , " " \ *: "" "*• Rev Paul R Jones, Pastor SOUTH DeWITT CHURCH HURCH- •; • ••{'? :*•:. ;sw*.,,v-t'-."'-'.r-l'X- - v . - . - "• Phone 224-7709 '.; OFCHRIST - ,„-,. DUPLAmCHURCHflF CHRIST ReV.JeffWebb 10 am - Bible School for everyone .2931-Herbisoh beside DeWltt l'miles"west.'OYid-E!sfe HtahScHfl'L 'receive members.' If you axe.interested' 11 am Morning Worship . . ^;\,;,"5565EColonyRoa'oV it can the pastor's office. 7;30 pm • Adult Bible discussions. ** , Ju'sBnShepard.MInlster Nursery provided during services . .^.BillNichelson, Youth Minister" - FIRST BAPTfSTCHURCli 6:30 pm - Youth Meetings .9:4.5 aih -.Sunday School SoUthUS-27 6:45 pm-Wednesday, Jr Choir; Chancel ll'am-Church. • •' PaUlA, Travis, Pastor Sunday bt.lhe month. Choir, 7:30 pm . Communion Weekly.. 6 pm • Youth fellowship and adult Bible - 9:45 am Bible School Wednesday: 7:45 p m Family 'Bible SfaQ'pm* Youth Groups " l^-, ' study ;.-•, •- ' 10:55 am Worship Serive,. Study,';,;;-, - . • j . i . v . . ; , , ^ . 7:30pm Evening Worship •; . ••- .. T p m - Evening Service 11 am Children's'Churches -vWednesday. ..„ ' P' *•*• 7 Pm Wednesaay:Prayer Meeting 6 pm IN-TIME-andW-TIME F€f IURCH OF THE NAZARENE 7:30 pm Hour of Power: Prayer and 7 pm Evening Worship •T' •••-- 5WN6rtt Lansing Street Bibb Study ST CYRIL CATHOLIC CIIUROI 5:00 pm Church Training Rev Kenneth Anderson Thursday Rev.ThomasM.Kowalczyk, Pastor 7:00 pm Evening Worship Phone 224-7950 7:30 pm Calling Program POBox97,517EMainSt. Each Wed 7 Dm The Hour of Power for 10:00 am -Sunday School' Bannister, 48807 Phone: B62-5270 the whole family. 8 pm Choir practice. .11:00 am - Morning Worship • Sunday Liturgies: Saturday - 7:00 pm FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH ' 8:00 pm -Choir Practice • • -. ' 6:15 Jim • Young People's Service" . ',. Sunday - 8:30 and 10:30 am X OF DeWITT, SBC • Jr. Basketball .:" ' ,,-.7:00'p'm-EVenIn3'Worsnip.'."? Holy-Day Liturgies: 7:00 am and-8:00 ,;. . '..Rev Jerry Cole, Pastw ,• -. First Sunday * Communion lioriServtce ^-' - -Wednesday.,6\'30'pm - Caravah, 7:45 pin" MATHERTON COMMUNITY pm . . •_. •Meeting now in our new home 11068 First Tuesday • Deacon's Meeting _»„ , Bible Study ahtt prayer hour.. CHURCH Confessions: One half hour before all DeWIURd. Second Tuesday -Ladies' Missionary 2:00 pm - Sunday School Sunday Liturgies; ' Sunday School - 9:45 am Circle. FREE METHODIST CHURCH 3:00 pm • Worship Service Morning Worship • 11:00 am Mon-Fri "Moments of Mediation.1 9:15 . 305ChurchStreet EAGLE UNITED 5:30 pm Church Training am Radio WRBJ .. _ , Phone 224-3349. METHODIST CHURCH 6:30 pm Evening worship Church office hours • /, Robert Beptley, Minister , Rev. Ray McBratnle, Pastor Mid-week prayer service Wed' 7 :°0 P m 9-12 & 1-3 M6n thru Fri. . . . lQipO'-am • Sunday School.' , Telephone627-6533or489-3807 ' "Youth fellowship 2nd and.4lh Sunday at >X -.irWam 'MttfflnS'WorshlD.:,, * 9:30 am • Morning Worship 7:30 pm * 6;00pm-EveningWorship - 10:30 am".Church School ' -' ST JOHNS' EPISCOPAL- CHURCH P r a y e Y ' ^ i c e as announced. • Join us In worship where "everybody Is 7:30 pm - Wednesday; Blbfe Study and Corner of Mead and Walker somebody and Christ is Lord." , prayer meeting Rectory 406 E Walker F o r more information call 669-9752 or • SALEMUNrtED . Phone 224-2600 T write Box 306, DeWitt. METHODISTCHURCH • EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH Office 224-2885 . ' - ' -U.S. 27 arid County Line Rd Rev. and Mrs. Royal Burnett, Past or VALLEY FARMS UNITED WACOUSTA COMMUNITY UNITED ' PflstofPaulR.Jones 10:00 am -Sunday School 1973 Schedule PENTECOSTAL CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH . Phone224-7709 11:15 am - Morning Worship Every Sunday 8 am Holy Communion Rev. Neil Bolinger, Pastor Parsonage & Office 2620 E. Maple Rapids Rev EdwardF Otto, pastor 7:30 pm - Wednesday Prayer meeting 2d & 4th Sunday 10 am Holy Communion p -RdjEureka.- •••,•-, ,.fli IKEStateRd ' j .,(.: >; ._ . Phone626-6023- *r • ,ir.'. A and Sermbn * - — * ** * P ° *=" " Phone'489-1705 Morning Worship: 10 am 'Other Sundays • 10 am - Morning Prayer 1 Sunday,' 9:30 am -Sunday School Church School Classes n:15 am , ' " and Sermon 11:00 am°-MornIng Worship J r a n d S r H i Y.F.,3:D0pm 9:00 Worship Nursery & church school 10 am for 7:30 pm -Sunday evening Evangelistic Cherub and Youth Choir Wednes10:00 Church School nursery through 6th Wednesday, 7:30 pm Youth service day, 3:00 pm 7:30 pm WSCS Third Thursday each Every Monday eve 7 pm - Spiritual Thursday, 7:30 pm • Bible Study Chancel Choir, Thursday, 7:30 BATH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH month. Healing Service We cordially invite you to attend any or WSCS Noon Meetings every 3rd Rev. Clarence Keith 1st - 3d Mondays 7 pm Senior Citizens all of these services Wednesday 9:45 am Church School SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1STS 2d & 4th Tuesdays - Noon - Senior 11:00 am Worship WXYZ Noon Meeting every 1st Listen to our international broadcast 6B6 North LansingStreet Citizens Wednesday . 7:00 pm Bible Study HARVESTIME Sunday morning at 10:30 Elder,E.F.Hereel, "Pastor Every Tuesday morning and evening Council on Ministries every 3rd Monday am. WRBJ, 1580 on your dial. Services held on Saturday weight watchers at 7:30 BATH BAPTIST CHURCH 9:15 em-Church Service 2d Wednesday 1-5 pm Family Planning ' Rev. Richard Cole, Pastor Administrative Board, 4th Monday of STPETER LUTHERAN CHURCH 10:30 am-Sabbath School Service Clinic every 3rd month. 10:oo am Sunday School MISSOURI SYNOD 1st & 3rd Wed morning OEO Nutrition 6:30' pm Youth Fellowship -4-1/2 miles west of St. Johns on M-2I WEST PILGRIM UNITED Class 7:30 pm Evening Service 5-1/2 miles south on Francis Road METHODIST CHURCH Every other Wed evening7:30 Cadet Girl Midweek Service on Wednesday 7:30 pm 2 miles west on Church Road Corner of Parks and Grove Rd. Scouts Marvin L. Barz, Pastor RevBrian K. Sheen, Minister REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS 10:30 am Worship 9:30 am • Worship Service Every 4th Thursday Jaycettes 8 pm * CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 9:15 am - Sunday School and Bible 10:45 am - Church School Every Thursday 8 pm AA' Al Anon Corner Upton Rd&StollRd • . Classes. Every Friday 3:15 pm Brownies Elder Jerry Baird Holy Communion first Sunday of the . Sunday School -10 am Preaching Sep month at 8 am, third Sunday of the month SHEPHXRDSVILLEUNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF ST. JOHNS vice -11 am at 10:30 pm. METHODIST CHURCH 400E State Choir Practice - Wed 6:30 pm GROVE BIBLE CHURCH Dr Darold Boyd, Pastor John.Phtpps^Minister „; Mid-Week Prayer Service-Wed7:30pm Rev Robert Prange, Pastor ST THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH . , ..• / 445 Division Street •. • '• Everyone' welcome f 9:30 am Sunday School Price and Shepardsvllle Roads Fathers Frdncis Murray, Joseph Droste Eo^t Lapsing, Michigan 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:00 am • Sunday School. Classes for and Lawrence Delaney 9!30 am Worship Service, io:45 am 5:30 pm Youth Fellowship . all ages Church School Rectory: 102 W. Randolph, Lansing 6:30 pm Evening Service 11:00 am - Morning Worship Phone 489-9051 Wednesday: 7:00 pm Choir practice. Wed, 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm - Young People Mass Schedule • Saturday: 7 pm. 8:00 pm#Prayer Service Call 2244293 for more information 7:30 pm • Evening Service Sunday: G, 8,10,12: DeWltt, 9 am . Administrative Board first Monday in 7:30 pm - Wednesday, prayer meeting Holiday: 7, 8, 10 am; 5:30, 7:30 pm the month FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Ladies Missionary Circle meets 4th ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Weekday Masses: B am, 7:30 pm General meeting of WSCS third Thur1/2 mile east of Perrlntonon M-56,1/2 mile Thursday Rev. William G. Hankerd, Pastor Confessions - Saturday: 3:30 to 5 and sday in January, April and September south Rev.Raymond Goehring Couples Club meets 4th Saturday In 7:30 to9, Eves of Holidays, 8 to9 Afternoon Circle meets second Thursday Rev. Larry Rhoads, Pastor Associate Pastor month Baptism: Sunday at 1 pm. Please call in at the homes of members 9:45 am'-Sunday School Rectory — 109-Linden St. - P h . 224-3313 advance. Bcrcan Circle meets third Thursday 11:00 am -Morning Worship Convent-110 S. Oakland-Ph, 224-3789 evening in each month at the homes of 7:00 pm -Youth Service School - 201 E. Cass-PJi. 224-2421 OtWlTTCOMMUNlTYCHURCH members .7:45 pm -Evening Service Mass Schedule (Inter-denomlnatlonal) 7:45 pm -Thursday, Prayer and praise Saturday Evening • 7 pm Murl J.Eastman, Pastor service " . Sunday - 7:30, 9,10:30 and 12 Jim McGovney, THE WAYSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH * SundaySchoolSupl. Holy-Days- See bulletin. Rev. rlchard Abney i Pastor Weekdays • 8:30 am and 7 pm About 12 miles north MaritynKroLCo-Supt, Sacrament of Penance - Saturdays. 3:30 , The Cornerof N" US-27 and Roosevelt Rds. 9:45 am -Sunday School KIMBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST to 5 pm; after 7 pm Mais until 8:30 pm. 11 am - Church Sunday School • 10:00 am 1007 Kimberly Drive Weekday evenlngs-a few minutes before Morning Worship • 11:00 am 6 pm - Youth Fellowship Lansing, Michigan evening Mass. Sunday evening • 6:00 pm 7 pm - Sunday. Evening Service John Halls 11 am - Morning Worship Wednesday evening service 7 pm • Wednesday Bible Study and First Fridays—Sacrament of Penance. 10 am - Bible Study 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting 6 pm - Evening Worship Thursday from .4 to 5 pm and after the A church where everyone Is welcome . Midweek service 7:30 pm WedneseveningMassuntilallareheard.Massand , J "*UMTE>ME1mpDIST'CIIURCH day night prayers of Adoration at 7 pm. Holy' V • ' Pewamo,:Michigon' ,.. v : Communion on Friday at 6 and 7:15 am. . '.•',-'' V'Dn^oydWalker • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, • TRE UNiTED CHURCH otfo'VlD * • is&Horton Drive, Idnlar. Thursday 7 pm on First Friday afterWestFfont.Street -* '. - SunQftV:iO:30amMornlng,AVorship7;00 evening Mass. . ' •- .' ReV. Claude 13. Ridley, Jr; Pastor pftHMtea Melodist-YoutffFellowship . Devotlons-Uur Mother of Perpetual W(*shtp Se"ry|ce"V „', ; * WSCflipieets rthlrd -Thursday of the -; •. WAYSIDE CHANEL • *V; Help Novena - after 7:15 pmltfass each' CHu'rch School •• ll art) . "... , month at&pm ' * .'WBIBXECHURCH - . . - •.}• 'Tuesday. , . , './ Nursery service foPall children up*to 2nd • i ; '-.*• . ' ••• '.- • . 1437 Turner Road, DeWitt Religious'Instruction Classes—Adult Brade. .t .. ST JOSEPH'S CATllOLICClIURClI Rev. Douglas Beach, Pastor Inquiry Class, Tuesday at 8 pm. High Pewamo, Michigan Phone 4894251 School CCD, Wednesday at 7:30,pm Public WESLEY AN HOLINESS CHURCH Rt. Rev, Msgr. Thomas J. Bolger, MA., 10 am Sunday School .Grade School CCD,Tuesdaysfrom4unt115 127W.'WIIIiamSt,Ovld Pastor BRIDGEVIL'LE GOSPEL MISSION 11 am Worship Service R.-.'V Richard D Purchase pm. Dally Mass -7:30 am 4 miles south of Pompeii 6 pm Young People Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by •10 am Sunday School and-Morning Saturday 4:30 pm & 7:45 pm Pastor J.S.Dlngman 7'pm Evening Service appointment Other arrangements by. Worship. Sunday Evenings 7:30pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am Sunday 3 pm Bible School' • .7:15 pm'Wednesday - Bible-Study and Appointment. 7:30 pm Wednesday Prayer Meetings Holy Baptism - Sunday, l pm. 3:45 pm Worship Service Prayer Sacred Confession'- Saturday, 3:30 and Thursday 7:30 pm Cottage A friendly church with a message-for OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHUnai SAINT JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:30 pm " - Prayer Meeting" today. Main at Oak Street (Missouri Synod) Family Holy Hour for Peace - Saturday, (Announced from pulpit) Bible Loving Bible Believing Bible *- Rcv.EatiCCopelin.Pastor Rev. Robert D. Koeppen, Pastor 7:15pm ' '1 Preaching MaryPtacek.ChurchSchoolSupt 9:45 am Church School, 11:00 am 10:15 am Divine Worship REDEEMER UNITED Morning Worship, 7 pm Evening 8:00 am Matins Service, 3rd Sunday Fellowship'. • '. METHODIST CHURCH' . each month I05NBridgeSt Wednesday 7 pm Prayer and Bible 9:00 am Sunday School and Bible H. Forest Crunn Pastor Study; 8 pm Senior Choir Classes 9:30 am • Worship, (nursery provided), 10:30*, Coffee Fellowship, 11 am OVID FREE METHODIST CHURCH ~oly Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays each GUNNISONVILLE "the church with "acts 20:20 vision" Church School 1 month at 10:15 am UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ' IldoNMainSt.,Ovid" Clark and Wood Roads . ,. » „ COMMUNITY OF ST JUDE . Rev. Richard Gleason * » \ ' RevDanMiles,Minlster ,, -*. ,.. -CflthbllcGhurchi .,-.' . Church Office Hours - 9:00-12:00 Monday, * .ChurchPhone834-5950 B:W:&n>'Chtlrch,ServIce . ..•>,>; FitncrietdmeSchmitliJPattef -.-/ \ -?attfpagePnoneB34-2473 : -Wednesday, Thursday and FrifuJy. mornings... " »yr • ling., ,.Fv CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN l^t^T(^T(^K^H^H^I^»«^,H^^^X^>C^Mtf^^t^^^>^1»^K^»l^>i^K^K^t^>t^»«^K^«^>t^X^>«^>^ rea ill.DU Bath Area Fulton Area Pewamo Area Area Gunnisonville istheir Qlitsiitesa.. " Iteorganbed Chnrch of J e r a Christ Later Day Satott . - 407E.GIbbs Church School iO oclock ^ Worship Service ii ocfock. Many ft college boy's letter* to . dad soundi lffte an heir w&d. MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE Central Nat'l Bank Schmitt Electric OF ST. JOHNS 1002 G. State St. Johns Phone 224-4277 St Johns-Ovid-Pewamo Member FDIC S & H Farm Sales' & Service Phillips Implement New Holland Machinery Our Specialty COMPANY 4 Mi. N. o n US-27 t o French Rd. Phone 224-4661 1 Egan Ford Sales, Inc. 200 W. Higham Phone 224-2285 aB*. ..*•"',.:.,-.. . '• ' - OTfd.Michlgan'. v ' J U t o r/MorflnWoTship ,. ,(^v«V; V Kr» Joseph Aim W • 5:4"5'pm-YoirthVeno\fth!p ( wm^ ( , 'n.'t;,aai»'«m:Masa.oHSuniiJ'.. , ,' . and np; Jet Cadets, tfril ' " -l• . , .*' " " ^ i w V i i a Evoning Man on Wednesday • 7'pjn-'JW*inrngScr»ica : ' : • v-y ""^Snfesslcra 10 to lo:30 oh S t t r " " : ; HtBftfag V ** ' t e i S i ^ ^ ' ' '••'^•• ' ''•"; — " ' : • ;. • * ' W i S w f e i f e Study and Prayer.' \ji,t .-^''CALVARYBAptlStCHURCli S u p m M nunery ro¥, tables and irnau Rev Wayne Glassman chfMrih'Ift all servicer ' • • M41 at Elsie Rd, '•iWcpendoor'ti^flwnbook'' , .9:45 am Sunday School . - . - A BibfepreacMA churcb>tfi(ha. ' "lliwam Merning Worship. . Evening Worship. , •Wednesday Pr"ayer .meeting fiTMARY'SClIURqi . •'• WcatpTBlla',1 • • RevAloyBiUBHMlllerPastor ReV'Janies J. Schmitt-Adminlstrator ' . .' Phone 587-4201 •-.".<•' : . , 1600 Klentttti 530 projects 138 Institutions • .Saturday Night Masses: 4:30 4 7:00 pm " Sunday Morning 6:00, 8:00.10:00 '.I-Weekday! Monday&Friday7:15fcll!20 tiri). »Tues & Thurs 7:15 & 8:30 am Wednesday 7 : i 5 i 7:30 pm Holidays 5:a0,7O3 & 11:20 am, 7:30 um Wednesday Evening Mass 7:30 pm Supporting their research with yolir gifts is our business • St Johns Co-op N. Clinton Phone 224-2381 Allaby-Brewbaker, Inc. 313 N. Lansing St. Phone 224-2777 108'A N. Clinton St. St. Johns, Michigan' Burton Abstract Federal-Mogul and Title Company 119 N. Clinton, St. Johns -. CORPORATION ' St, Johns Plant FOWLER D& B Party Shoppe Open Monday thru Saturday. Complete Party Supplies 224 N. Clinton Phone 224-3535 Wes' Gulf Service , Free Pick-up & Delivery S. US-27 Phone 224-2212 Mathews Elevator Grain-Feed-Beans Antes Cleaners Pickup and Delivery 108 W.Walker * Phone 224-4529 JoVricll* & Cordmltlees - lrf TttcKdfly.T^lr i f •4i«Telepn^:^35£— Parsonage Telepnone; 3»«0O THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS Parr's Rexall Store The Corner Drug Store Phone 224-2837 Capitol Savings AND LOAN ASSN. 222 N. Clinton Phone 224-2304 Jim McKenzie Agency 212 N. Clinton, S t : Johns 214 W. Washington. Ionia Phone 593-2111 ' WESTPHALIA Mayhard-Allen STATE BANK Portland-Sunfiold-Wcstphalia Member FDIC' Phone 587-31H 8B December 13,1973 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN THESE SPONSORS HAVE MADE THIS PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE POSSIBLE WICKES BUILDING, INC. , MEL WARREN AGENCY ZEEB FERTILIZER FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION ST. JOHNS AUTOMOTIVE SCHMITT ELECTRIC W LANTERMAN INSURANCE TREASURE CHEST WESTERN AUTO STORE OSGOOD FUNERAL HOWIE ( HERBRUCK'S CHEESE COUNTER \ PHILLIPS IMPLEMENT WOODBURY FLOWER SHOP ANTES CLEANERS E. F. BORON CO. CAMEO BEAUTY SHOP CENTRAL MICHIGAN LUMBER CLINTON COUNTY NEWS CHARM BEAUTY SHOP CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN CLINTON TOOL & ENGINEERING - DALEY'S FINE FOODS DEAN HARDWARE DEPEAL MUSIC CENTER . EISLER'S SUPERETTE GAMBLE STORE AL GALLOWAY, AUCTIONEER USED FARM EQUIPMENT Congregational Church GRATIOT FARMERS SUPPLY • HUB TIRE CENTER CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK GUY'S SERVICE BOUCHEY MONUMENT KARBER BLOCK CO. " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! KURT'S APPLIANCE CENTER » MITHMMMMIM F. C. MASON CO. MOBILE TELEVISION SERVICE PARR'S PHARMACY • ®«999«®it - PAUL AUTOMOTIVE, INC. J. C. PENNY CO. PROQUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION A UNIQUE EVENT RANDOLPH'S READY MIX CONCRETE RIVARD NURSING HOME •SEALED POWER CORP. ST. JOHNS CO-OP D&BPARTYSHOPPE ST. JOHNS OIL CO. 'JERITOBEN STUDIO Delicious refreshments offered. Unequaled opportunity to save a life . . . Appointments ST. JOHNS EGG STATION CLINTON THEATRE EJ'S STANDARD SERVICE GCCeptedi Baby sitting available MARTIN BLOCK CORP. S&H THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS 4 FARMS i HOBBY LOBBY . I Suppli'mi'iH To Unsimj RtiitiiJouriiiil Chnton County Now4- s* l *$l "Jr *% •A I *vk^ p fi i. Jf if V k- V ht* \£ ,.•£=" i^w. NSf - J - -— fc '"!". <ss = ^ J =v* Ji*"* •5^ V .; ; i •, >•• ,* j*j*Z*i>s<<*f ^5S?c: «? rfp- • - ^ 5 ^ ' - = *'<* ^ l.&. XV \ ^ 5^- _ 4° ^jjT" ^~ •*W^ X-iH. » YA ^ V ,# . * Kihfcrtf y * - k#& '/' «.<*- i„ •Wl - '//*"*' H i, 1 -. ( r V «E &. w / *&Ji i# '/ -k ^ mv. Tt;-4t| ::V4^ "?:"S$i *(l.-:'\wJ.l E ^ '"*!* 1^ ¥"*y»' MS h '*-•• sIT'l &£ A , NOBODY SAVES YOU MORE THAN KROGER Kroger Vio Pak Eaimore Quartered Kroger Grade "A" 'Hie Paople'e Oholoo" Coffee 32-0z WtCan £*s U.S. BorlflradedOboloe Center Out Save Up To • 3U A" Dozen Ghuek Save 3U Lb :i"0 Lb T With Coupon Inside and $5.00 Purchase^ .With Coupon Inside and $5.00 Purchas m With Coupon Inside and $5.00 Purchase \*W; Your Neighborhood Kroger Store Quarter Pork Loin U.S. Ho 1 Baking Into Idaho Potatoes Lb To Serve You Better! if~ (Closed midnits Saturdays till 8am Sundays) St. Jphns Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. - Sunday - 10 a.nv- 6 p.m. TURN PAGE FOR MORE EXCITING VALUES! Page 1rL-$J PetRitz Pie Shells ............ tg.3/»1 Green Giant Frozen Gorn & Peas in Butter 3 £ £ Sara Lee Frozen le Pie... Royal Viking Danish Pastry .£&'»» >, «'no Country Oven Pretzels J?& 37*1 Kroger Zips Crackers......£& * /00c Page 3-L Page 2-L Lookingforold-fashioned,fresh-from-the-oven quality? Look no further than your Sanders Bake Shop. We've got full variety in freshbaked rolls, breads, pastries and doughnuts. Country bake shop quality at Xtra-Low Discount Prices.. .only at your Superstore Village Bake Shop. Why not take a break from the kitchen routine and drop by your Kroger Superstore for a visit to the Manhattan-style Delicatessen? We've got just about anything you might need for a snack, a meat or just a side dish for that special occasion. You'll find salads, desserts, cold meats, domestic and imported bulk cheese, party trays, barbequed chicken and ribs and much, much more! . k GIGANTIC ECKRICH LUNCHEOH MEAT SALE All Meat or Garlic Cheese Olive or Colonial German Bologna-Football or Layer Cake. Old Fashioned Loaf 30-0z WtPkg Reg '2.29 Now Elegant Entertaining Is As Whether it's for a family feast or a gala gathering for hundreds of guests, you'll find party planning a snap at Kroger! Do it all yourself.. .with our beautiful custom-cut cheeses.. .delectable cold cuts.. .preparedsalads.. .fantasticdesserts.. .and all the trimmings. OR disgover the happy convenience of letting your Kroger Deli do all the •work! You'll love our people-pleasin' party trays . . .hot entrees.. .and other catering services) Since there IS such a large variety of choices, we suggest you stop by and talk over your party needs with us.. .before ordering.. .so we can more expertly assist you with your selection. We'll be happy to figure the cost of your choices for you.. .at no obligation, of course. (We think you'll be pleasantly surprised at Kroger's low prices!) fcffl Page'4-L-SJ-P-A Why drive all over town for those special needs when you can get almost anything you might need when you shop for food at your Kroger Superstore? With our new and expanded departments, we offer greater variety on a wider selection of non-food needs — from party hats and streamers to a wide variety of pain-relievers for the morning after.