animal fungal skin disorder


animal fungal skin disorder
ISSUE 3 · 2013
Gipfel erstürmen
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20 GEHWOL-Produktsets
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Foto: Manuel Tennert / fotolia
Firmly in place from the age of six
Sometimes parents become concerned about
their children’s feet. For they are often a bit flat
and stout. But this grows out. So quickly that
with six years – the shape of a child’s feet is
almost completely fixed, as a long term study
by the University of Münster/Westphalia showed.
The most frequent deformities in children’s feet include
bent and sunken feet, also often called flat feet. The
heel bends away to the outside of the foot, and the
longitudinal arch of the foot drops. The affected persons
generally do not feel pain. The consequences usually
come only at an adult age, for instance with knee and
back pain, weakened foot musculature, also headaches
or even jaw joint problems. The early detection and
avoidance of malpositions are regarded as the primary
prevention of vascular damage and loss of motion in age.
Calming for parents: Malpositions generally grow out
again in most cases. And this takes less time than what is
commonly assumed. Even from about one year old, when
children first try to walk, the shape of their feet changes. It
increasingly becomes the normal, slender form. However
some children keep the deformity. In order to initiate
counter-measures in time, however, it is important to
Children’s feet grow into their
final shape relatively quickly, as
shown by a long term study at
the University of Münster.
know when children’s feet are regarded as fully shaped, or
the shape of the foot is definitively fixed.
This was investigated at the University of Münster. In a
long term study, Prof. Dieter Rosenbaum from the Institute
of Experimental Musculo-Skeletal Medicine observed
the individual development of the feet in 100 children.
On 17 appointments within the period from the first free
walk to the tenth year of life, the team from the University
of Münster measured the pressure distribution during
walking on the soles of the feet. The children walked
over plates which registered the pressure distribution
using sensors. In this way, the researchers created
personal gait patterns. Comparing the gaits can allow
statements about the progression of foot growth.
child’s foot is 90 percent determined after 60 months.
That is, the shape and function changes are nearly completed by that time. Feet develop very differently until
the third and fourth years. However the variations
decrease strongly after that time.
The results of the study are relevant for therapy.
Starting from the elementary school age, parents can
no longer count on deformities to grow out. Passive
waiting, which is still justified until this age, reduces the
opportunities to correct wrong developments. Together
with doctors and foot specialists, the correct therapy or
any required surgical interventions can be discussed
when needed. 60 months
Following an evaluation of the results from about half of
the participants, Prof. Rosenbaum was already convinced
about decisive statements. For instance, the shape of a
No more foot odour
Foot odour often causes affected persons to withdraw – they
become afraid of being in public. Aside from this social disadvantage,
however, serious inflammations and fungal infections may also
be caused. Excess sweat soaks the skin and thickens it. As a
result, it loses its tear resistance and elasticity. GEHWOL med
Antitranspirant provides effective help against this. The cream
lotion contains active substances which get the problem by its
GEHWOL med Antitranspirant effectively works
against unpleasant foot odour, due to its balanced
root in various ways. Aluminium chlorate for sweat reduction,
zinc ricinoleate and antibacterial active substances to fight sweat
degrading bacteria. Aloe vera and avocado oil render the skin
supple, elastic and make it resistant. The pleasantly scented
antitranspirant is easily distributed and rapidly absorbed into the
skin. Foto: GEHWOL
Foot deformities in children are very rare, since nearly all
newborns are born with healthy feet. Now and then,
however, e.g. due to a congenital connective tissue and
muscle weakness or other inherited factors, there are
malpositions. These are often not discovered until the
affected persons start trying to walk. In the course of
further development, causes such as excess weight or
wrong shoes may also lead to malpositions. Long term
wearing of too narrow, too short, too pointed or too
wide shoes causes permanent pressure on the toes.
The crosswise and longitudinal arches are impaired,
and deformities may occur.
Painless consequences
Diabetics suffer from many impairments. A nerve disease often occurs on the lower extremities in
addition to the metabolic disorder. The consequences of this polyneuropathy on diabetic feet
include a loss of sensitivity and usually dry skin.
About eight million federal citizens suffer from diabetes,
the people’s disease, primarily type 2. About half of
them also have polyneuropathy. This refers to disorders
of the peripheral nervous system, that is, those nerves
which lie outside the brain and spinal cord.
Infectious disorders such as diphtheria or HIV are just as
much among the triggers as inherited predisposition, side
effects of chemotherapy, and alcohol abuse. However
diabetes takes the first place. Depending on which nerve
fibres are strained, various body regions such as the feet
can be affected.
According to the results of the GEHWOL Diabetes
Report 2009, for which nearly 3800 diabetics were
questioned by the market and opinion research institute
INSIGHT Health, the feet often feel warm, dry and painless
in polyneuropathy. Three forms can be differentiated.
Changes in gait and higher load on the frontal foot
characterise motor neuropathy. The loss of sensations,
including pain, is termed sensory by doctors.
Autonomous neuropathy can affect various organs such
as the cardiovascular system, oesophagus, stomach,
intestines, urinary tract or genital organs; on the foot, it
leads to decreased sweat secretion, dry skin and
excess callus. However noticeable complaints are rare.
In diabetics with neuropathy, measurements also showed
that skin fat content, for instance, was reduced by
60 percent on the soles of the feet, and skin moisture
content was reduced by 24 percent.
The right care
When skin is dry and cracked due to polyneuropathy,
the risk of developing a fungal or bacterial infection is
high. Consequently, products with a balanced hydrolipid
ratio in the form of creams or lotions should be used
daily. The fats (lipids) which are contained as well as the
moisture binding effects (hydro) strengthen the skin’s
protective barrier and reduce water loss. Hydrophilic
creams or lotions are easily and well distributed, rapidly
absorbed into the skin, and well tolerated. For thorough
skin care, affected persons should also drink about 1.5 to
2 litres of liquids in the form of mineral water, unsweetened
tea or butter milk throughout the day.
Diabetic neuropathy
can be differentiated
into three forms. All
three forms (autonomous, sensory,
motor) influence the
skin of the feet.
If the feet suffer from
excess sugar, the
nerves may become
damaged in the affected
Broken bones
However, too much circulation brings up the risk of
Charot foot. The bone substance is washed out here.
This, in turn, may massively impair the joints and bones.
Affected persons even feel fractures less than expected,
if at all. Swelling, heat development and redness indicate
such a development. Deformities and ulcers may also
be among the consequences.
The loss of pain sensation due to polyneuropathy makes
the shoes immensely important. For wrongly applied
strain or forming pressure spots are often not noticed. It’s
therefore recommended for affected persons to inspect
their feet daily. To avoid pressure spots and provide relief,
there are pressure relief articles such as those made from
polymer gel. In severe cases, orthopaedic shoe fittings
on confectioned footwear or orthopaedic custom shoes
can at least limit severe complications. Grafik: GEHWOL
Foto: emer / Fotolia
Farnesol tempts female bumblebees, but inhibits
the growth of bacteria. The component of various
essential oils provides excellent service against
fungi and bacteria in foot care products.
So called messenger substances (also pheromones;
ancient Greek pherein: to transmit, bring, excite and
hormon: to move) trigger reactions in the recipient and
form a basis for a mutual exchange in even the simplest
creatures. Farnesol, whose scent is mildly reminiscent
of lilies of the valley, is also such a messenger substance.
Depending on the addressee, the pheromone acts on
fungi, bacteria, animals and humans in entirely different
ways. Sometimes it is an attractant substance in
mating, and sometimes it drives off enemies.
patients showed that farnesol reduces skin colonisation
with staphylococci. In other words, farnesol contributes
to maintaining the natural balance of the human skin
flora (colonisation of the skin with microorganisms,
bacteria and viruses).
The name originates from the acacia variety acacia
farnesiana. Farnesol occurs naturally in the oil of musk
grains or linden flowers, anise, jasmine and roses. Due
to its property of minimising bacteria formation, the
ingredient is often used in deodorants, washing emulsions
and foot care products.
Valuable farnesol is obtained from the
flowers of the linden tree.
Stable skin flora
In the yeast fungi, which tend to be harmless in their
normal state, it inhibits the formation of fungal threads
which favour infections. Its effect on bacteria is also
positive. For instance, investigations of neurodermitis
Use against foot fungi
This is the case in foot care products from GEHWOL,
such as GEHWOL Balm for Normal and Dry Skin or
GEHWOL Warming Balm. Together with the salt of the
natural undecylenic acid, farnesol provides protection
against foot fungi in GEHWOL caring foot spray. Due to
its antibacterial effects, it also prevents foot odour with
regular use. A fresh scent ensures pleasantly smelling
Gipfel erstürmen
Vor der österreichischen Grenze zum Tiroler
Kufstein offenbart sich ein Landstrich, der für
Naturfreunde und Unternehmenslustige keine
Wünsche offenlässt. Mitten im Chiemsee-Alpen­
land liegt Bad Feilnbach mit seinen gesundheitsfördernden Moorvorkommen.
Außergewöhnliche Einblicke in Natur und Kultur geben
thematische Wanderwege wie die Bergbauernhofwanderung, Waldwanderungen mit dem Förster, LamaTrekking-Touren oder Moor- und Heilkräuterführungen.
In der Bergwanderschule Kaiser-Reich, der ersten ihrer
Art in Deutschland, vermitteln Wanderexperten die
­richtige Geh- und Tourentechnik.
Foto: Kur- und Gästeinformation Bad Feilnbach
Spannend und schön:
mit dem Rad durch
das Alpenvorland
Neben Wanderungen sorgen alpine Highlights das ganze
Jahr über für Vergnügen. Dazu zählen die Aktion „kosten­
loses Ski-fahren“ an ausgewählten Terminen im Januar
und Februar, das Sonnwendfeuer im Juni, das traditionelle Samerberger Almsingen im August, die Bergwanderwoche im September sowie das Vorsilvester am 30.
Dezember eines jeden Jahres. Der Blick über oder der
Sprung in den Chiemsee sowie eine Erkundungsfahrt
mit dem Schiff dürfen nicht fehlen.
Foto: Kur- und Gästeinformation Bad Feilnbach
Wer von München kommend auf die Autobahn 93 nach
Kufstein abbiegt, dem eröffnet sich ein atemberaubendes
Alpenpanorama. Das „Natur-Schönspiel“ des gesamten
Chiemsee-Alpenlands ist bekannt für und gekennzeichnet
von unzähligen Wanderwegen sowie abwechslungs­
reichen Sportaktivitäten. Von leichten Routen wie dem
Grenzenlos-Wanderweg über längere Gipfeltouren beispielsweise auf die Kampenwand bis hin zu Almenwanderungen und mehrtägigen Hüttenwanderungen finden
Wanderfreunde alles. Vier Bergbahnen in der Region
erleichtern dabei mancherorts den Aufstieg.
Langweilig wird es in der Region nicht. Beispielsweise
lohnt der Besuch des Schlosses auf Herrenchiemsee
oder die historische Stadt Rosenheim. Die EggstättHemhofer-Seenplatte ist das älteste Naturschutzgebiet
Bayerns. Der Geo-Park-Gipfelweg erklärt an 15 Stationen,
wie versteinerte Meeresmuscheln dort hingelangten,
und in Törwang hütet der einzige „Entenwirt“ der Republik
seine Tiere. Direkt an der österreichischen Grenze in
Kiefersfelden werden seit 1618 Ritterschauspiele aufgeführt. Damit ist es das älteste Volkstheater in Deutschland. Wer die rätselhafte Welt der Höhlen entdecken
möchte, besucht die ritterliche Höhlenburg „Grafenloch“
oder die geologisch bedeutungsvolle Wendelsteinhöhle.
Die Schauhöhle auf 1.711 Meter Höhe ist knapp 600
Meter lang und von Juni bis November ohne Spezialausrüstung begehbar. Die Hochgebirgsbahn auf den
Wendelstein kann ihrerseits mit dem Attribut „älteste“
aufwarten. Sie feierte 2012 100-jähriges Bestehen.
ser). 1973 erhielt der Ort das Prädikat „Bad“. Grundlage
dafür waren die umfangreichen Moorvorkommen, die
intensiv für Erholung und Gesundheit genutzt werden.
Aufgrund seiner waldreichen Umgebung und des milden Klimas wird der Heilkurort als das „Bayerische
Meran“ be­
zeichnet. Mit dem Dachmarken-Konzept
„GIPFLSTÜRMA“ zielt die Gemeinde darauf, Menschen
wieder mit der Natur vertraut zu machen und ihnen neue
Wege des Naturerlebens zu eröffnen. Dabei gibt es Ange­
bote speziell für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche
oder für alle Altersgruppen gemeinsam: Touren unter der
Führung zertifizierter Bergführer, Bergwanderführer, Moun­
tainbiketrainer, Wildnispädagogen und Naturführer sowie
Naturerlebnisse rund um die Themen Berge, Outdoor,
Radfahren, Langlaufen, Skitourengehen, Wandern und
Klettern sind nur Beispiele der Aktivitäten. Perle Bad Feilnbach
Am Fuß des Gebirges erstreckt sich ein Gesundheits­
paradies. Schon zur Römerzeit genossen die Soldaten
die erholsame Gegend um Bad Feilnbach. Urkundlich
erwähnt wurde der Ort erstmals im Jahr 980 n. Chr. als
„Fulinpah“ („fauler Bach“ = langsam fließendes Gewäs-
Mehr Informationen:
Kur- und Gästeinformation Bad Feilnbach
Telefon: 08 066 887 11
Telefax: 08 066 887 16
www.gipflstü oder
Fatty helpers
Dry skin produces unpleasant tension, ranging
to painful cracks. The lack of fat production on
the feet is balanced with well matched care by
GEHWOL Balm for Dry Skin.
The high quality balm deodorises with cooling menthol
as well as natural essential oils of rosemary and lavender.
They refresh the stressed foot skin, immediately
eliminating signs of tiredness and burning feet. Tired,
sore feet are re-enlivened. Proven antimicrobial
substances also prevent the formation of foot odour in a
lasting manner, provide effective protection against foot
fungus, and keep the feet hygienically fresh. GEHWOL
Balm for dry, brittle skin is easily distributed and leaves
Matched to the special
needs of foot skin:
GEHWOL Balm for dry,
brittle skin.
Foto: GEH
There can be many causes of dry skin: Cold, heat, sun,
water, contaminants, one-sided diet, lack of fluids,
hormonal variations, illnesses such as neurodermitis,
emotional factors, diabetes etc.. If the skin loses moisture
and fats (lipids) which it can no longer replace on its
own, its natural barrier is disturbed. The skin cannot
balance the loss of both substances in the long term.
Furthermore, the foot skin has few or no sebaceous
glands which produce lipids. GEHWOL Balm for dry,
brittle skin is matched to this special feature of foot skin
with its rich care component. The skin nourishing lanolin
which it contains is unsurpassed here. It is also called
wool wax. It is very similar to the lipids of human skin,
and embeds itself into the spaces of the callus layer. In
this way, it prevents the skin from drying out. It becomes
smooth again, and is protected against harmful external
influences. Rich avocado oil from the buttery fruit also
renders the skin soft and supple again. This important
effect is supported by the moisturising extract from the
leaves of the evergreen aloe vera, which intensively
provides the skin with moisture.
behind the pleasant sensation of well cared for, soft and
supple skin.
Quelle: yvart / fotolia
Acerbic to bacteria
The skin’s protective functions are just as sophisticated as its structure. The biochemical composition
on healthy human skin surfaces maintains a balance in the number of pathogens. In this way, the
acid protective mantle protects against infections.
In 1928, doctor Alfred Marchionini published a groundbreaking article about the protective functions of the
skin. He discovered that it is surrounded by an acid layer.
The scientist concluded that there was a connection
between the acidic pH and bacterial colonisation: The
body fights bacteria in the same way everywhere. This
is how the term “acid mantle of the skin” – later “acidic
protective mantle” (hydrolipid mantle) was born.
Further investigations showed that an acid environment
alone may not easily kill all bacteria, but significantly
influences their activity. Only later investigations showed
that the skin contains fats and protein building blocks
(peptides) which can kill bacteria – that is, they are
The acid protective mantle cannot be altered much,
even though advertising tried to convey this, especially
at the end of the past millennium. Synthetic washing
agents should support the acid protective mantle and
protect it better than alkaline soaps.
Skin with resistance to advertising
But the skin is more effective than the chemical industry. Changing the pH by washing does not last for more
than a short time. The protective mantle stays stable.
It’s much more important to maintain the protective
functions by daily care with high quality alkaline creams
and lotions which have a balanced ratio of fats (lipids)
and moisture (hydro).
The acidic protective mantle
protects the skin against
excessive colonisation with
20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine
So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, welches hochwertige GEHWOL-Produkt besonders gut auf
die Besonderheiten der trockenen Fußhaut abgestimmt ist, und gewinnen Sie je ein sechs­
teiliges Set mit hochwertigen GEHWOL-Fußund -Beinpflegepräparaten – zusammen mit
einem kuscheligen Handtuch.
Frische gepflegte Füße verleihen auch an heißen Tagen
ein angenehmes Gefühl. Um dafür bestmöglich gerüstet
zu sein, eignen sich ideal GEHWOL Pflegepräparate.
Der GEHWOL Frische-Balsam macht dank natürlichem
Pfefferminzöl und Menthol müde, brennende und stark
beanspruchte Füße und Beine wieder frisch. Den FrischeEffekt unterstützt auch das GEHWOL pflegende Fußspray. Darüber hinaus wirkt es effizient gegen lästigen
GEHWOL med Hornhaut-Creme
GEHWOL Frische-Balsam
GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray
GEHWOL Perlmutt-Peeling
GEHWOL med Nagelschutz-Stift
zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch
Fußgeruch und schützt vor Fußpilz. Die Gehwol med
Hornhaut-Creme reduziert effektiv übermäßige Hornhaut. Wertvolles Perlmuttpulver, feine Zuckerkristalle und
massierende Wachskügelchen im GEHWOL PerlmuttPeeling entfernen sanft und gründlich abgestorbene
Hautzellen, erneuern die Hautoberfläche und glätten sie.
Gepflegte Nägel mit dem GEHWOL med NagelschutzStift runden das Programm für schöne Sommer-Füße ab.
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