For the feet and shoes The great emptiness
For the feet and shoes The great emptiness
ISSUE 1 · 2013 FUSS VITAL Swollen feet during pregnancy What is… … zinc? Spreewald: Viel mehr als Gurke Preisrätsel Gehwol-Produktsets gewinnen! INFORMATION FOR THE WELL-BEING OF YOUR FEET WORLDRUNNER ROBBY CLEMENS The great emptiness Keeping the feet fit whenever possible – jogging around the world pushed the limits and was an enormous strain at the same time. Fotos: Robby Clemens Supple tools Those who fall back into the arms of their family after 331 days and more than 13 000 kilometres know what they’ve gotten done. Robby Clemens jogged around the whole world and proved – especially to himself – what unusual performance human beings and their feet are capable of. The calendar showed 03 January 2007. On this day, Robby Clemens started an experience which would push extreme limits. The extreme athlete started on a journey: 311 days, more than 314 marathons – covering a total of 13 262 kilometres with numerous experiences, impressions and some breakdowns. Jogging around the world led him across four continents and a total of 27 countries – with innumerable sights and experiences. For instance, Clemens passed the Egyptian pyramids, the Indian Taj Mahal, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He crossed the Bosporus and the nearly 3700 meter high Cottonwood Pass in the United States, ran through Death Valley in the Mojave Desert at 51 degrees Celsius in the shade, and reached the lowest geographic point at 420 meters below sea level in Jordan at the Dead Sea. It wasn’t all about fun. Such a run leaves traces – even though the team of Worldrun AG supported him from start to finish. He was plagued by some injuries as he ran through Romania and Hungary. In Chechnya, most of his equipment was stolen: “I gained the strength to continue from the daily success experience of having made it through one more marathon”, the father of two states. GEHWOL FOOT AND SHOE DEODORANT For the feet and shoes Heat, wrong shoes and socks, or a combination of them are the cause of sweaty feet and foot odour. Human sweat is really odourless in itself – it is only degraded into unpleasantly smelly substances by certain microorganisms on the skin. Zinc ricinoleate binds these “smelly substances”. In GEHWOL Foot and Shoe Deodorant, it provides fast, lasting relief and effective protection against foot fungus. The spray deodorises at the push of a button, ensuring hygienic freshness. The tour around the world was an unparalleled strength act for his feet as well. “Since my feet were my most important tools, caring for them was very important. It was just as important as eating.” Robby Clemens used GEHWOL EXTRA to keep his feet fit. “My feet stayed supple and largely avoided blisters throughout the entire distance.” It was worth it, for the enormously positive resonance made up for the strain. “Many villages and towns enthusiastically received me as a kind of running messenger for Germany.“ In Syria, which was still peaceful at that time, the fitness coach trained with disabled persons. There were many such special moments – such as visiting nomad children in India, or meeting German biathletes in the training camp in Oberhof. “The emotional high point of the entire tour, however, was to see my family again”, the extreme athlete declares. Today, he provides a comprehensive overview of his trip around the world across the republic in his lecture series “Grenzerfahrungen”. Interested persons can find more information about Robby Clemens on his internet site at: The antimicrobial active substances in GEHWOL Foot and Shoe Deodorant provide protection against foot fungus in hotels, saunas, baths or when trying on shoes. A modern scent also ensures pleasantly fresh-smelling feet and shoes. GEHWOL Foot and Shoe Deodorant also contains undecylene amide (DEA). This easily tolerated antifungal active substance not only provides effective protection against fungal afflictions, but also acts against sweat decomposing bacteria. This makes the deodorant an ideal companion for sports and on the go. It is also good as an antifungal shoe disinfectant. SWOLLEN FEET DURING PREGNANCY Less water! Foto: auremar | Fotolia Heavy legs and feet during pregnancy are unattractive and emotionally stressful to affected persons. Water embedment is usually hormone related and not dangerous. The associated strains can be reduced with small everyday tricks. All by itself The embedded fluids are usually due to the altered hormonal household in pregnancy. Apart from their often unattractive appearance, the oedemas are rarely cause for concern, but quickly disappear on their own after birth. In some cases, the oedemas can also be accompanied by elevated blood pressure, which may cause problems in pregnancy. In this case, it is definitely necessary to see a doctor. In past times, many affected women used a low salt diet on their own to prevent embedded fluids. But experts no longer recommend the previously common abstinence from salt for pregnant women, since this can lead to other health problems, such as iodine deficiency. Sitting and standing for long periods, as well as tight clothing or footwear, may further encourage the formation of oedemas. These are also the first starting points for relief. Comfortable clothing, flat, wide shoes and regular exercise – such as walking, cycling or swimming – help prevent blood flow from becoming congested. Drink, but not just anything Drinking enough is also recommended here (two litres per day). But a certain amount of caution is advised here – some kinds of tea, for instance, such as raspberry, or diuretic teas such as nettle tea, tend to encourage oedemas. Water, certain kinds of tea and fruit teas, on the other hand, are good. Activate the circulation Putting one’s feet up from time to time or having a warm bath is soothing. Among other things, the GEHWOL footbath is suitable for providing effective support in encouraging the circulation, and with it, transporting out excess fluids. Gently massaging in GEHWOL Leg Balm has a similar effect. It contains hamamelis extract, which activates the circulation and tightens the skin. GEHWOL Mother of Pearl Scrub activates the circulation pleasantly with its massaging granulate of mother-of-pearl powder and sugar crystals. Put your feet up – among other things, pregnant women can relieve complaints due to water embedments by frequently positioning their legs and feet high. The word oedema (Greek = oidema = swelling or ulcer) doesn’t sound too nice. But it signifies a process which tends to be harmless in most cases: Water embedments in tissues which normally do not store fluids. Starting at a certain amount, the skin above it begins to tense. The more water the tissues contain, however, the more severe the swelling. Oedemas may contain various types of fluids, such as the light yellow water of the lymphatic vessels or components of the blood when very fine blood vessels in the area release fluids. Some women embed a lot of fluids in the feet and legs during the last trimester of pregnancy, but also in the hands and face, while others don’t get these nuisance problems. Stockings and drainage But it’s possible that all of these measures will not provide relief. In this case, affected women should talk to their doctor about other options. If required, the doctor can prescribe compression stockings. Lymphatic drainage of the legs or acupuncture are other options. Both procedures can improve oedemas. WHAT IS … … zinc? In nature, the multitalented zinc is bound in ores. Growth and development, wound healing, reproduction and a functional immune system are unthinkable without zinc. Aside from supporting vital processes in the body, zinc also has an outstanding function in cosmetics. | rov In ancient times, zinc was used as a component of brass alloys. It was only in the 17th century that the metal was used on its own in India. Zinc smelters melt out the material, which is bound in ores. In 2011, worldwide consumption of the metal was at 13 million tons. It is used in fields ranging from corrosion protection to the use of zinc sheet metals in construction to cosmetic products. The metal supports important processes within the body. lav tanis o: S Fot go omo lia foto the sweat pores with its astringent effect. That is, less sweat is secreted. In the micronised form, it also provides protection against the UVA and UVB rays in sunlight. Creams such as GEHWOL med Salve for Cracked Skin or GEHWOL med Deodorant Foot Cream increase their efficacy against sweat degrading skin pathogens many times with the activated microparticles which they contain. And there’s another positive effect: The creams are rapidly absorbed without leaving white traces. K All-round protection In the form of zinc oxide, it is commonly used as wound and skin protection. It excels in terms of good skin tolerability and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc oxide prevents sweat odour before it forms by inhibiting bacterial reproduction. The substance also constricts Odour magnet Zinc ricinoleate consists of zinc and components of ricinus oil. This substance is a so called odour absorber. In GEHWOL Foot and Shoe Deodorant, it neutralises odour-active substances which are formed when human sweat is degraded. The zinc atom which attracts the “stinky substances” like a magnet and binds them is decisive here. The nose no longer perceives the unpleasant odours which are formed. SPREEWALD Viel mehr als Gurke Zwischen Dresden und Berlin erstreckt sich ein 475 Quadratkilometer breites Biosphärenreservat. Der Spreewald ist bekannt für seine urigen Wasserläufe, traditionsreiche Kultur und für die Gurke. Es waren gewaltige Gletscher, die das landschaftliche Relief geprägt haben. Nach dem Abtauen hinterließen sie zahlreiche Seen und Hunderte von Wasserläufen. Durch Schwemmsandablagerungen bildeten sich auch breite Flußauen, die immer wieder überschwemmt wurden und dadurch zu fruchtbarem Ackerland erwuchsen. Prägende Einflüsse Die ersten menschlichen Einflüsse gab es in der Ur- und Frühgeschichte, als Lichtungen in den Wald gerodet wurden. Vor etwa 1.000 Jahren ließen sich Sorben und Wenden nieder und kultivierten die Landschaft. Kultur und Tradition des kleinen slawischen Volkes bereichern bis heute das Zusammenleben in der Region. So wird neben dem Brauchtum auch die Muttersprache der Sorben bis in die Gegenwart gepflegt. Im Winter findet beispielsweise der „Zapust“ statt – die niedersorbische Fastnacht, „Waleien“ bedeutet das Eierrollen zum Osterfest und die „Spinte“ ist eine gemeinsame Web arbeit der unverheirateten Mädchen nach der Ernte. Foto: Spreewald Thermen Große Tradition besitzt auch der typische Kahn. Lange war er das einzige Transportmittel. Heute sind die Kähne für Touristen bequem ausgestattet. Reizvoll ist eine Ganz modern – Wellness wird im Spreewald groß geschrieben. Die Kanufahrt durch eine der unzäh ligen Fließe gehört zu den beliebtesten Aktivitäten im Spreewald, auch einge mummelt in dicke Decken im Winter. abendliche Fahrt mit einem beleuchteten Kahn, eine Themenkahnfahrt oder eine Fahrt zur Geschichte. Im Winter gibt es eine romantische „Mummelkahnfahrt“ mit Glühwein und warmen Decken an Bord. Von aktiven Wasserliebhabern kann das urige Labyrinth aus rund 200 befahrbaren Wasserstraßen, die sogenannten Fließe, mit dem Paddelboot, Kanu oder Kajak erkundet werden. Aktiv im Spreewald An heißen Tagen laden idyllische Badeseen und gepflegte Strände zum Badevergnügen oder zum Wassersport ein. Die flache Spreewaldlandschaft eignet sich zudem optimal zum Radfahren. Ein dichtes Netz von Rad- und Wanderwegen ist mit über 1.000 Kilometer Gesamtlänge gut ausgebaut. Die zum größten Teil asphaltierten Radwege locken auch zahlreiche Skater an. Eine Attraktion ist die beliebte Rundtour auf dem etwa 250 Kilometer langen Gurkenradweg. Auf gesonderten Walkingstrecken lassen sich zudem von Burg aus unberührte Winkel des Spreewaldes entdecken. Die Spreewald-Gurke macht überall Appetit auf ihre schöne Heimat – und das in geschmackvoller Art als berühmte saure Gurke, als Gewürzgurke, Pfeffergurke, Knoblauchgurke oder als Senfgurke. Für die richtige Balance zwischen Freizeitaktivität und Entspannung sorgen von Cottbus bis Lübbenau moderne Thermen und Wellnesseinrichtungen. Attraktive Sauna- und Badelandschaften, wie die Spreewald Therme Burg, die Spreewelten Lübbenau oder das Tropical Islands Resort, sorgen für das Relaxen und die Entspannung. Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen an den Fließen sowie Ausstellungen am und im Wasser gehören zur kulturellen Vielfalt im Spreewald ebenso wie Museen und gemüt liche Cafés. Im Sommer laden die Spreewaldorte zu den traditionellen und beliebten Spreewald-, Heimat- und Schützenfesten ein. Aber auch mit außergewöhnlichen Veranstaltungen wie die Spreewälder Sagennacht, die Spreewälder Lichtnächte oder die Lübbener Kahnnächte ist der Vberanstaltungskalender reich gefüllt. i Mehr Informationen: Touristinformation Burg im Spreewald Telefon: 03 56 03 75 01 60 Telefax: 03 56 03 75 01 616 [email protected] GEHWOL MED SALVE FOR CRACKED SKIN Tear-resistant skin Many people suffer from dry skin, especially in wintertime. Its elasticity and tear resistance is lessened; cracks can form. Rich care, e.g. with GEHWOL med Salve for Cracked Skin, protects the skin against dehydration. What do cracks in the skin have to do with soap? When the first soap recipe was discovered more than 6000 years ago, this question was not yet current. Scholars only discovered a cleansing effect much later. When soap is boiled, natural fats and oils are boiled into soap with an alkaline substance. This results in a clear, yellowish solution with the characteristic scent of curd soap. Without scents and colourants, this is the base for medicinal soap, also called sapo medicus. By adding various active substances, it encourages wound healing, protects against infections, and has mild disinfectant or callus softening properties. GEHWOL med Salve for Cracked Skin is one of the few foot care products which contains medicinal soap. The special care salve provides effective help for callused, cracked, dry and rough skin. The soap softens callus and restores the elasticity and resistance of the skin with regular use. Nourishing recipe Deep, often painful cracks are formed when the foot skin loses its elasticity due to excess callus and dryness. Salve for Cracked Skin is able to restore reduced elasticity. The fatty care product contains select skin-friendly lipids such as lanolin along with special medicinal soap. Cracked, dry foot skin is rendered supple and resistant again with regular use of the salve. Zinc oxide, bisabolol (which is an active substance derived from chamomile) and panthenol also support skin regeneration. With regular care, GEHWOL Salve for Cracked Skin counteracts the unpleasant formation of excess callus. The salve is dermatologically tested and also recommended for the care of especially dry, sensitive diabetic skin. Foto: Michael Schön Die wasserreiche Landschaft beheimatet eine Vielzahl auch seltener Tier- und Pflanzenarten. So wurde der einzigartige Landstrich im Jahr 1991 von der UNESCO als Biosphärenreservat anerkannt. HOW DO PATHOGENS ACT: THE VIRUS Bent on reproduction Flu, measles, chickenpox and AIDS are all triggered by the tiniest micropathogens. Their biochemical structure and acting mechanisms are different from other pathogens. Prevention is still the best protection against viruses. Trigger for excess weight Viral infections are even more common than bacterial infections. Nearly all cold disorders such as the common cold, herpes or other illnesses such as measles and meningitis are due to the tiniest living things. It is less well known that they can also play a role in excess weight or even prolapsed vertebral disks, and can be triggers for extremely painful back problems. Protect against penetration Bacteria, for instance, can be treated with antibiotics. This is not true for viruses, since these microorganisms do not have a metabolism. But it is precisely this which is manipulated by medications in most cases. The active substances do not reach the viruses. This makes them unpredictable. Their reproductive strategy closely limits treatment options with medications in this manner. But there’s still preventive care. On the one hand, this can be done by strengthening the immune system; on the other hand, the skin should be protected against external attacks. The barrier performance of the foot skin can be lastingly maintained with a rich, balanced foot cream, making it more difficult for viruses to penetrate. This provides protection against infections. Unpredictable: Viruses have various forms. PREISRÄTSEL – JETZT MITMACHEN UND GEWINNEN 20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, in welchem hochwertigen GEHWOL-Produkt medizinische Spezialseife gegen rissige, verhornte und trockene Haut hilft, und gewinnen Sie je ein sechsteiliges Set mit hochwertigen GEHWOLFuß- und Beinpflegeprä paraten – zusammen mit einem kuscheligen Handtuch. Mit den GEHWOL-Produkten unserer Gewinnsets kommen Sie mit warmen und gepflegten Füßen durch feuchtkalte Wintertage. Im GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam sorgen Extrakte aus Algen, Paprika, Ingwer, ätherische Öle aus Rosmarin und Lavendel sowie belebender Kampfer für ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl und wirken durchblutungsanregend. GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme pflegt trockene Haut intensiv. Harnstoff, Glycerin, Sand- GEHWOL Balsam (normale Haut) GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam GEHWOL Bein-Balsam GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch dorn- und Avocadoöl und ein belebender Algenextrakt bringen die Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht. Hochwertige Pflegesubstanzen in den GEHWOL-Fußcremes und im GEHWOL Bein-Balsam stärken die Fuß- und Beinhaut und machen sie weich, geschmeidig und widerstandsfähig auch gegen Fußpilz. Spray-Liebhaber genießen eine ausgewogene und reichhaltige Pflege mit dem GEHWOL pflegenden Fußspray. Bitte ausreichend frankierte Postkarte mit Ihrer Lösung bis 22. Februar 2013 (Poststempel) einsenden an: Redaktion FUSS VITAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Der Rechtsweg sowie die Teilnahme über die Einschaltung Dritter, zum Beispiel Gewinnspielagenturen oder eine vollautomatische Gewinnspiel- eintragung, sind ausgeschlossen. Daten werden zu Marktforschungs zwecken sowie zum Gewinnversand bis auf Widerruf gespeichert. IMPRESSUM Redaktion und Verlag: Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Telefon 069 61 998-0, Telefax 069 61 998-10, E-Mail: [email protected] FUSS VITAL erscheint im Auftrag der Eduard Gerlach GmbH, Lübbecke Redaktionsleitung: Dorothea Küsters (verantwortlich), Dirk Fischer Redaktion: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange, Stefan Dietrich Gestaltung: PUNKTUM Werbeagentur GmbH, Bad Vilbel Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des Verlages und Quellenangabe gestattet. Recht der Übersetzung und anderweitiger Verwendung vorbehalten. Für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte, Besprechungsexemplare etc. keine Haftung. Kann FUSS VITAL nicht erscheinen oder ausgeliefert werden, ergeben sich hieraus keine Ansprüche gegen den Heraus geber. Gerichtsstand: Frankfurt am Main. Foto: nobeastsofierce | Fotolia Viruses can infect other living beings and spread rapidly. This is due to their form, which is similar to a capsule filled with genetic information. They infect the body cells of their host and reprogram it with this information. Within a very short time, innumerable viruses can be formed in this manner, triggering infection.