April 18, 2007 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
April 18, 2007 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH April 18, 2007 Volume 49, Issue 8 The Covenant Key stance,” differing in just one letter! This changes the essential phrase to read, “like” or “similar substance.” Inside this issue: Shepherds 2 Sunday Education 3 Easter Lilies 4 Music & Worship 6 Upcoming Events 7 Special points of interest: • May Calendar enclosed • Fill the May Basket Pg. 5 • 50th Annv. Update pg. 6 COVENANT STAFF Dave Schneider, Interim Pastor Margaret Milroy, Office Manager Julianne Lawrence, Director of Music Ministries Toni Murillo, Custodian The study of our Statement of Faith begins with a quick examination of the Nicene Creed. This is the only creed accepted by all three branches of Christianity in the West and the East—Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant. In the fourth century AD, Constantine became the first Christian emperor in Rome. In 325 he was troubled by all the divisions and controversy in the church. It was his dream to have a unified Christianity which would further ensure peace in his empire. 318 bishops from around his empire joined him in Nicaea at an ecumenical council. After several meetings, the result was accepted as a definitive statement of the “essential tenets” of the Holy Roman Church at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. It was naïve, however, to think this would end the theological division among the churches. The main thrust of this document was to try and arrive at an understanding of the human nature of Christ and also his relationship to God, that is, “begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.” Interestingly, today, the Eastern Church (Greek Orthodox) uses a slightly different Greek word for “same sub- This is an important affirmation! The Nicene Creed affirms that “Jesus Christ is the center of the Christian faith” regardless of his nature. What confronts every Christian in reciting this creed is to discern what is Jesus’ relationship to you and me as human beings. Is Jesus both fully human and fully divine? Yes! According to an early Nicene church father Athanasius, “what is at stake is our salvation.” This Creed also affirms the deity of the Holy Spirit and its absolute unity with the Father and the Son. The original form of the ancient Creed declared that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, and several centuries later in the Western Church, we added the phrase “and the Son.” So it is a fully Trinitarian affirmation. This later addition that the Spirit also proceeded from the Son was a source of bitter disagreement with the Eastern churches, so the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches have now removed that phrase. Ultimately it is not the language that is crucial but our faith. Even so, our faith must seek understanding and meaning through the language we use. This brings to mind the Latin phrase, “credo ut intelligum, “ or, “I believe in order to understand.” For Presbyterians it is the Holy Spirit which makes the language of the Bible and faith inspired of God and holy truth, as well as our acceptance of Christ as Savior. Page 2 The Covenant Key C A R I N G O R N E R “To be a Caregiver is to be the Hands of God” Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely; and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. Hebrew 12:1 We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. I like that idea! There are people who witness to us on a regular basis and most of them are just ordinary folk doing pretty ordinary things. Yes, sometimes an ordinary man or woman comes along and does something extra-ordinary. Some of those extra ordinary things could be labeled miracles. But most of the people that serve as witnesses for me are my friends, family, neighbors, co-worker and just folks I meet on the street. They are not miracle workers. And I am not a miracle worker either. I doubt I will find the cure for cancer or be the first person to walk on Mars. I doubt I will become the president of the United States or get in the Guinness Book of World Records for jumping rope or walking around the world in record time. I doubt I will be asked to sing the national anthem at Yankee stadium or get the lead in a Broadway show. I doubt I will ever play golf with the Masters or be invited to be on an Olympic team. I don’t except to be named the Citizen of the year and I don’t expect to become rich or famous. Am I going to spend my time worrying about those “failures.” No! I am told to lay aside the worries and accept the gift of forgiveness and focus on the job God has called me to do. The challenge, you see, is simply running the race set before me. And those who serve as witnesses. They serve as examples. They run with perseverance. They run with hope, courage, love and faith. I am called to do the same. We do not always see the saints among us but that’s because we do not see what it is we are looking at. We don’t see the many, many people in our lives that are saints, who are serving as examples, who are witnesses for Christ. The fact is by encouraging others I have the pleasure of serving as a witnesses. All of us saints at one time or another. The challenge is discovering what drive me to run the race. What’s the price at the end of the race? Is it fame and glory? Not really. Is it awards ceremony and plaques I can hang on my wall? No. The prize at the end of the race is the sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing I have done my best and that I have answered God’s call. Remember the gifts Christ gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-12) Prayer: Awesome God, we pray that we follow in the footsteps of the saints. Make us holy. Let us use the gifts you give us to build up the body of Christ. Amen. By: Sunni Richardson, Associate in Ministry (Edna & Clark Richardson’s daughter) Page 3 Remembering Members & Friends in Care Facilities ADULT EDUCATION Sunday Classes 9:00AM Bible Study - Allen Rice leads us through the Lois Anderson - Wesley Acres, 3520 Grand Ave., DSM, 50312 A prayerful JOY! Paula Hart Pearson went home from the hospital. Bible. Contemporary Issues - Book discussion “The Beatitudes” FINAL Wednesday Class: April 25th - Pastor Dave Schneider - PCUSA disaster response April 22nd - Barb Storjohann April 29th - Judi Nikolish Scripture Reader April 22nd - Jill Phillips, Karen Brooks John & Fran Seago April 29th - Harry & Jane Moulton, Judi Nikolish, Clarice Sapp Fill the May Basket in April To help support the COG Fill the May Basket personal products collection, Covenant will be collecting items during the month of April. Here is your chance to shop and donate items at your convenience. A collection box will be outside the sanctuary in April for you to drop off toothpaste, soap, shampoo, diapers, feminine care products, laundry detergent, etc. We will deliver the items to West Des Moines Human Services on April 28. ~Deb Hayes & Karen Anderson COG Representatives Page 4 The Covenant Key Thank you to ever who gave EASTER LILIES Given By: Covenant Friends Russ & Gene Froyd Dr. Marion E. Alberts Claudia & Warren Pitcher Ellie Collins Ginny Ver Ploeg & Family John & Dodie Jabour Jerry & Jean Caster Russ & Mary Marshall Rick & Barb Storjohann Dave & Peggy Schneider Marie Stuber Kevin & Sandy Littleton Al & Julie Severt Their Kids Susie Richardson Eleanor Short Steve & Carol Brase In (H)onor or (M)emory of:_ (M) Helen Danz (M) Judy Waterstradt (M) Ruth Toothman (M) Arnold & Leone May (M) Their Parents (M) Jeannette Alberts (M) Corene Irish (M) Milo & Elsie Pitcher (M) Ed Collins (M) Mr. & Mrs. S. Collins (M) Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Reasoner (M) Stan Ver Ploeg (M) Mary Ferretti (M) Neva & Art Caster (M) Horace Dimond (H) Winifred Dimond (M) Scott Marshall (M) Rev. Howard Bailey (M) Bill & Dorothy Marshall (M) Bill Bailey (M) Lawrence Paige (H) Our Parents (M) Lloyd Stuber (M) August Deever (M) Fitchett Family (M) Mr. & Mrs. Seth Collins (M) Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Reasoner (M) Mr. Edward Collins (H) Mrs. Ellie Collins (M) John & Mildred Christensen (H) Rex & Betty Severt (H) Our Children & Grandson (H) Clark & Edna Richardson (M) Donna Mosher (M) Rollie Short (M) Sheldon Vos (M) David and Charlene Hamilton EASTER STORY COOKIES To be made the evening before Easter • 1 c. whole pecans • 1 tsp. Vinegar • 3 egg whites • pinch salt • 1 c. sugar • zipper baggie • wooden spoon • tape • Bible Preheat oven to 300 degrees (this is important, don't wait till you're half done with the recipe!) Place pecans in zipper baggie and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was Beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1-3. Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1tsp vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:2830. Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:1011. Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27. So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:13. Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60. Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66. GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22. Page 5 Update from Your PNC Thank you to all who participated in our Strategic Planning forums. Lots of information, ideas, Covenant strengths and areas for improvement were shared. The PNC is now consolidating and synthesizing this information. Our next step is to present this information to Session and the Presbytery Congregational Care and Development (CCD) committee. Please continue to keep Covenant and your PNC in your prayers as we continue this process. Personal Products Collection for West Des Moines Human Services --Help Fill the May Basket! On Saturday April 28, 2007 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, a truly community-wide event will take place. The Church Opportunity Group (COG), an organization composed primarily of West Des Moines churches, is coordinating an annual collection of personal care items from customers of area stores. Products such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo laundry detergent, toilet paper, diapers, etc. are in very short supply for those in need. West Des Moines Human Services will distribute the items collected. When funds are short, food takes priority but everyone needs shampoo and toothpaste for personal care and their use is necessary for a professional appearance for employment purposes. Covenant Presbyterian will be collecting products at the 35th St. Hy Vee Drugstore from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday, April 28th. Please support this project and donate personal care items. ~Deb Hayes & Karen Anderson COG Representatives NEW FUNERAL GUIDELINES Our Shepherds have drawn up some “Funeral Guidelines,” which will help the church reach out in its ministry of compassion and love. Several of our recent deaths occurred when we had no pastor, or the pastor was out of town or sick. What do we do? Whom do we contact? An Act of Worship The introductory paragraph in the proposed Guidelines remind us, “The funeral or memorial service is an act of worship of the whole congregation. It is a witness to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and our own hope of resurrection. In our ministry we give support to one another and pray for one another in our hour of need as members of the family of God.” Make Plans Ahead of Time Members are encouraged to make plans in advance for their own services and how they would like their families to celebrate the witness to the Resurrection. From time to time it is appropriate for the church to provide for workshops on living wills, assisted directives, remembering the church in your wills, and our ministry to the bereaved—especially in time of tragedy or sudden loss. 1. Living wills and directives should be updated every 5 years. 2. The pastor is available to help you, review your plans, at any time. 3. Do not wait until there is a death. 4. Leave a copy of your funeral plans with the church office and your family/spouse. The assistance of the memorials committee of the church and the investments counselor of the presbytery/church is recommended. Do you know about the Presbyterian Foundation? If not, find out about its free services. The scheduling of funerals or memorial services takes precedence on the church calendar over all other scheduled activities, with the exception of weddings. Weddings have been scheduled well in advance and cannot be changed. ADDENDUM: It is not unusual for those facing death to visit with the pastor, with members of the immediate family present, to plan the actual funeral service. Pastor Dave recalls one member in a former congregation who had a terminal disease. Together with his spouse and Dave they talked about his wishes for the memorial service. They made a recording of this member playing “Amazing Grace” on his harmonica, following which he made a humorous comment about the recording. That recording, which included the comment, was played at his service and brought smiles to all the faces. Memorial Scholarship Offered The Jeanette Alberts Scholarship Fund was established to provide support to any student entering the field of nursing or elementary education. $675.79 is available to provide support over a two year period. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact Bill Patton by May 31, 2007. Bill Patton 225-7566 Memorial Committee Page 6 The Covenant Key HEAD START VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES The Head Start Classroom at Covenant is always looking for volunteers to help out in the classroom. This issue we are featuring the “Playtime Partner”. The “Playtime Partner” volunteer provides young children 3 to 5 years old with encouragement and adult feedback during play activities. They encourage children to actively explore by helping them solve problems, ask questions, and use words to describe their ideas and feelings during play. They interact with an individual or small groups of children. This person should enjoy working with children. The benefits they get are participation in fun filled activities with children, socialization with children one-onone, and to work with Head Start Staff and children. The time frame is 9:15-9:45 and 1:00-1:30. These volunteer “job” descriptions are displayed on the Head Start Bulletin Board next to the Mission Bulletin Board. If you have a special skill that preschoolers would learn from we would love to have you for a short discussion too! If you would like to volunteer once or twice for a special occasion or presentation, I have the necessary paperwork in the classroom for you to quickly fill out. If you would like to be a regular volunteer (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), there is a quick orientation and some paperwork to fill out for our state licensing with Claudia. If you are interested or would like more information about volunteering for Head Start, please call Claudia Murphy at 271-3072. You can also stop by or call the classroom (327-6174) anytime. ~Holly Mills 50th Anniversary News Sign up for the Saturday May 5th Dinner by April 23rd. The cost is $15.00 per person and we would like payment when you sign up. We will have a social hour beginning at 5 pm, dinner at 6 pm and a program at 7 pm with John Severson as the speaker. It should be an evening of great fun and celebration. MENU Choice of Lemon Chicken with Pasta Or Beef Stroganoff Special Salad Grilled Vegetables Rolls Dessert Beverage Sunday May 6th we will continue the celebration. Dave and Julianne are planning a special service you will not want to miss. There will be cake and punch after church. We are taking orders for the 50th anniversary commemorative T-shirts, polos and denim shirts. Look for the exhibit table on Sundays and Wednesday Evenings. We would like payment when your order is placed. Orders due April 22nd. The committee is still in need of a digital camcorder and a volunteer to record the events of May 5th and 6th. Contact Diane Johnson 225-2755 or the church office if you can help with this. We will also be selling these ornaments ($7.00/ each or $20.00 for three). Watch for more details. Page 7 UPCOMING EVENTS: Magic Maynia Wednesday Morning Coffee At Covenant Saturday, 10:00 AM Great Fellowship!!! Men’s Breakfast May 7th 6:45AM Discussion: Judaism led by Kevin Littleton VOLUNTEERS NEEDED On Tuesday May 15th Covenant will be hosting the next stated meeting of the Presbytery. This is a daytime event and we will need many volunteers. We will need helpers Monday May 14th and the day of the event. The CPW has already signed up some volunteers, but we will need extra help moving tables and setting up. Please say YES if you are contacted or add your name to the sign up sheet on the West bulletin board. May 12th 7:30PM Non-Profit US Postage PAID Des Moines, IA Permit No. 16 COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1025 - 28th Street West Des Moines, IA 50266-2124 Phone: 515-225-2254 Fax: 515-225-9350 E-mail: [email protected] God Be With You & Yours. WWW.WDMCOVENANT.ORG Address Service Requested Due: Wed. April 25th by Noon Key will be mailed: May 2nd This will cover: May 6th - 19th
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