June 2011


June 2011
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Happy Fathers’ Day
June 2011
June 5
June 19
Film Nachmittag - Hallo Dienstmann
Annual Picnic
July 10
Film Nachmittag - Deutschland - Von
den Alpen zum Meer
Film Nachmittag - to be announced
3rd Annual Schnitzengiggle
Wilmot Rod & Gun Club
August 7
August 27
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
September 3-4 Tag der Donauschwaben (Mansfield, OH)
September 10 Kirchweih
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
October 7-15 Oktoberfest
All Halls
Bands – The Golden Keys & Schwaben 12
October 28
KISS Tribute Show: The Destroyers
October 29
Halloween Dance
Schwaben Hall
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Barefoot Boogie Band
November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
December 11 Christmas Luncheon
Main Hall
Various Groups
December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball
June 5, 2011
Club KellerDienstmann Schwaben
Doors Open 2:00 pm
mit Hans Moser
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Film Begin 2:30 pm
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
[email protected]
Im Monat Mai hatte ich die Gelegenheit, allerlei
Aktivitaeten fuer den Klub durchzufuehren. Unter anderen flog ich nach St. Louis, Missouri, schwung einen
Hammer und Spaten, und im Smoking zum Galaball
auftrat. Vom Erdausheben bis zum eleganten Abend
habe ich einen erlebnisreichen Monat genossen.
Am Anfang Mai bin ich nach St. Louis geflogen,
um die Jahreshauptversammlung des Verbandes der
Donauschwaben USA zu besuchen. Hauptzweck
meiner Reise war die verschiedenen amerikanischen
Klubpraesidenten kennenzulernen, die aus ungefaehr
14 Staedten angereist waren. Ich wollte sie alle ueberzeugen, ihre Klubmitglieder zum Landestreffen 2012
in Kitchener zu bringen. Die Sitzung bot eine gute
Gelegenheit, die Vorhaben und Interessen unserer USKollegen zu verstehen, sowie unsere Plaene fuer den
Landestreffen 2012 mitzuteilen. Freitagabend
in St. Louis gestaltete sich als ein germuetlicher Kameradschaftsabend.
Den Samstag
haben wir in Sitzungen mit einer umfangreichen Tagesordnung verbracht. Aus eigener
Initiative will der amerikanische Verband einen Dokumentationsfilm ueber das Schicksal
der Donauschwaben waehrend und nach
dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ins Leben rufen. Ein
Profi-Filmregisseur wurde engagiert, dieses
Vorhaben zu ermoeglichen, und den Film eventuell im Fernsehen zu veroeffentlichen. Weitere
Einzelheiten darueber erfolgen demnaechst.
Waehrend ich in St. Louis war, erfolgte unser traditionelles Muttertagsessen am selben
Wochenende im Klub. Die vier Tanzgruppen
nebst Chor unterhielten die Muetter und derer Familien. Meine Frau Mary sowie meine
Tochter Laura waren dabei. Ich moechte mich
nochmals bei der Klubpersonal und freiwilligen
Helfern bedanken, die wieder eine schoene, erfolgreiche Veranstaltung hergezaubert hatten.
Der 7. Mai war das Grossreinemachen des
Klubgelaendes. Es hat mich sehr gefreut, so
viele junge und aeltere Helfer begruessen zu duerfen. Der Tag war gluecklicherweise mit viel
Sonnenschein beschert und wir konnten mit der
Gaerterneiarbeiten ziemlich weit vorankommen. Am Dach des Gebaeudes wurde auch instandgesetzt. Das Parkgelaende wurde gekehrt und im Klub beschaeftigten andere mit der
Entfernung alter Tapeten in der Schwabenstube
Obwohl die Weitererhaltung und Wartung des
Klubgebaeudes-und gelaendes eine fortwaehrende Arbeit darstellen, haben die annaehrend 30
freiwillige Helfer einen bemerkenswerten Beitrag
geleistet. Nochmals….vielen Dank fuer die Hilfe!
Es laesst sich sehen! Ein Dank geht auch an alle,
die Pflanzen von zu Hause reingebracht haben,
um die Klubblumenbetten zu ergaenzen.
Am 14. Mai hielten die Donautaenzer ihren
3. Wiener Galaball. Als Benefizveranstaltung
wurde der Ball von der Donautaenzern
konzipiert. Die Gruppe hat monatelang unermuedlich geschafft, um diesen besonderen
Abend zu ermoeglichen, und, wie gehabt
sah die Halle wunderbar aus. Die Musik von
den Variations fand grossen Beifall unter den
Anwesenden. Das Vier-Gaenge-Menue war
koestlich, die Tanzauffuehrung wunderschoen.
Ich bitte um Ihre Teilnahme an kuenftigen
Benefizveranstaltungen. Es ist wichtige, unsere
Kulturgruppen zu unterstuetzen, da sie unseren
Anhaengeschild im groesseren Publikum darstellen. Durch ihre Kostueme, Auffuherungen
leben unsere Traditionen weiter. Natuerlich
sind solche Kostueme und Vorfuehrungen, die
oefters ausserhalb des Klubs in Kanada und in
den USA finden, mit hohen Unkosten verbunden und muessen in irgendeiner Weise gedeckt
werden, manchmal aus eigener Tasche! Jegliche
Unterstuetzung wird geschaetzt.
Ich moechte die Arbeit von Cathy Thompson
und ihren Sohn, Peter Speckner, auch anerkennen. Jeden Monat haben sie es vorgernommen,
schoene deutschsprachige Filme im Bierkeller
zu praesentieren. Die Gelder, die eingsammelt
werden, werden gebraucht, neue Videogeraete
fuer unseren gemeinsam Gebrauch in den Hallen
zu kaufen. Die Filmnachmittage sind meistens
mit ungefaehr 30-40 Zuschauern gut besucht.
Alte Filme sowie Filme neueren Jahrgangs
werden gezeigt. Sollten Sie noch nicht einen
Filmnachmittag erlebt haben, bitte, kommen
Sie mal raus. Einzelheiten erfahren Sie jeden
Monat im Klubnachrichtenblatt. Ich moechte
mich bei Cathy und Peter fuer ihre hervorragenden Leistungen bedanken.
Zum Schluss moechte ich alle Mitglieder an unser alljaehrliches Picnic erinnern. Mit so vielen
Regentagen in April und Mai sollten wir ja den
Sonnenschein im Juni wohl erwarten koennen!
Es kann nicht moeglich sein, dass der Monat Juni
von Regentagen gepraegt sein wird! Oder? Das
Picnic findet am 19. Juni am Wilmot Rod and Gun
Club statt. Komm raus mit Ihrem Sonnenschutz!
President’s Report
The club, during the month of May, has provided
me an opportunity to do a number of very different activities. I have flown to St Louis, Missouri,
wielded a hammer and spade, and wore a tux.
From working in the dirt to polishing myself up
for an elegant evening, it has been a month with
a variety of activities.
At the beginning of May, I flew to St. Louis
to attend the Jahrehauptversammlung of the
Landesverband der Donauschwaben USA. My
main purpose was to meet with these Schwaben
club presidents, representing approximately 14
cities, and have them hopefully encourage their
club members to attend our 2012 Landestreffef
der Dounauschwaben. It was an excellent opportunity to hear what initiatives our U.S. counterparts are undertaking, as well as share with them,
our 2012 plans. Friday evening was a social get
together and then we spent all day Saturday meeting. It was a full agenda. One initiative being undertaken by them is the creation of a documentary on the history of the Schwaubs during the
2nd World War. They are funding a professional
documentary film maker with the goal to have it
televised. We will try to keep abreast of the progress and let you know of the date it is shown.
The weekend I was in St Louis was also the weekend we held our Mother’s Day celebration. Our
four dance groups along with our choir entertained
the mothers and their families. My wife Mary attended the event along with our daughter Laura.
Once again I want to thank all the volunteers and
staff who worked their magic to provide our club
with yet another enjoyable and successful event.
May 7th was our club clean up day. It was wonderful seeing the number of young people out along
with our members who are not quite as young.
The day was fortunately sunny and we were able
to do a lot of garden cleanup and planting. Work
was also done on the roof, in the parking lot and
inside the club we had a number of folks attacking some wallpaper removal and bathroom upgrades. The building and grounds maintenance it
a never ending task however the help provided by
the approximately 30 volunteers made a noticeable contribution. Thank you so much to all of
you who came out and worked. It does make a
difference. I also want to thank those of you who
went into your own gardens and brought a lot of
great plants to enhance our gardens.
Our Donau Dancers held their 3rd annual
Viennese Gala Ball on May 14th. This is a fundraising event for the dance group. The dancers
work tirelessly for months in preparation for this
special evening. Once again the hall looked fantastic, the music provided by The Variations was
enjoyed by all , the 4 course meal was well received, and the Donau Dancers provided a beautiful performance. I strongly encourage you to attend any of our dance group’s fundraisers. It is
important to support our club’s dance groups as
they are the ambassadors of our club. Their costumes and performances take our traditions to a
broader audience, making our culture live. They
have high expenses due to the high cost of their
costumes along with travel expenses to venues
in Ontario as well as the United States. Many
times these dancers dig into their own pockets to
make it all work. The more we can do to lighten
the financial load for them the better. So please,
look for the opportunities to support these very
important groups.
I want to highlight the work being undertaken by
Cathy Thompson and her son Peter Speckner.
They are the organizers behind our monthly
movie shows. The money we have raised has
allowed us to purchase some audio and video
equipment for our halls. The movies have approximately 40 of our members attending as
they watch old classics or more recent films. If
you haven’t attended a showing yet please be
sure to look in our newsletter or on the web for
show dates and times. So thank you Cathy and
Peter for all your hard work.
Finally, don’t forget to come out to our annual
picnic. With all the rain coming in April and
May we have to have a lot of sun in June. There
just can’t be any more rain left in the sky. The
picnic will be held on June 19th at the Wilmot
Rod and Gun club. So grab your sun screen and
come on out.
George Kraehling Jr.
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
What I great job the Donua Dancers did hosting the Viennese Ball Gala Evening. It was spectacular and I think one of the hi-lites of the year.
I know everyone enjoyed the event, and if you
couldn’t attend this year you really should try not
to miss next year’s Ball; you won’t be disappointed. It’s events like this that makes the Schwaben
Club the place to come to have a great time.
I hope you enjoy your summer and look forward
to seeing you back for all the events we have
planned here at the Club this fall. There are tickets
available for some of the special events up coming so get your tickets now and of course tickets
for Oktoberfest are now on sale in the office.
Don Egley
Kindergruppe and
Both our Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe finished the dance year off with a busy month. We
enjoyed our Mother’s Day Celebration at the
club on May 1st, 2011. A big thank you to the
Frauengruppe for their generous donation and
to everyone that supported our Plant Fundraiser.
We once again performed for the residents at
Sunnyside Nursing Home on May 7th and at
Driftwood Public School’s Multicultural Event
on May 19th.
Our dance year has now come to an end with the
exception of our Jugendgruppe practicing until
the end of June with hopes to learn a new dance
for the fall. We will also soon begin preparing
for Mansfield, OH!
We would like to welcome Nolan McQuabbie to
our Jugendgruppe.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Club
Picnic on Sunday, June 19, 2011. Please come
out and support our Raffle.
Summer BBQ Social: July 21st, 2011 at 6pm
2011-2012 Start Up Date: August 25, 2011
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President
Geburtstage für Juni
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Juni Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Mueller, Margareth
Lutz, Fred
Zuzan Ruth
Kraehling, Anton
Mueller, Peter
Becker, Heinrich
Albrecht, Elisabeth
Putschli, Joey
Bromberg, Werner
Peller-Oliver, Heidi
Marx, Karl
Offak, Michael
Beiler, Elisabeth
Konarski, Karl
Bauer, Walter Jakob
Prohaska, Helen
Lapins, John
Doerner, Don
Senger, Rudi
Gross, Irene
Nuxoll, Josef
Schleicher, Regina
Henn, Joe
Faust, Katharina
Hamburger, Elfriede
Schade, Gerhard
Bischoff, Bertha
Lehn, Stephanie
Dyck, Irma
Beckett, Kathy
Gehrs, William
Distler, Mary
Hoedl, Josef
Viennese Ball:Donau Dancers
Once again the Viennese Ball Gala, the Donau
Dancer’s annual fundraiser, did not disappoint.
Feedback has been extremely positive. The decorations transformed the hall into an atmosphere
of elegance. Clouds of turquoise feathers and
chiffon in the chandeliers, with turquoise accents on the tables, provided a splash of spring
like colour.
During the social hour and dinner we enjoyed
lovely chamber music from a young talented
string quartet. For the third year these young
musicians have come from Eastwood Collegiate.
Complimentary champaign, provided by Irma
and Mike Urschel, was available to guests as
they entered the hall. The four course dinner
started with a lovely butternut squash soup and
ended with a lemon yogurt torte.
The Donau Dancers took to the floor on three
occasions. The dance portion of the evening was
started with a polonnaise followed by a Viennese
waltz during which the guests were invited to
join the dancers on the dance floor. The highlight of the Donau Dancer’s performance was
later in the evening when 12 couples took to the
floor and performed a choreographed dance to
traditional Viennese music. The ladies in their
floor length gowns and the men in their tuxes
looked impressive but this year the ladies also
held black fans. It was a beautiful sight to see all
the fans move in unison throughout the performance. The dancers came back one final time
for two dances, an Austrian laendler and an elegant slow waltz.
The Variations provided the dance music and
throughout the evening the dance floor was full.
The guests also enjoyed the raffle portion of the
evening where prizes, valued between $50.00 to
$250.00 were won. Approximately 20 sponsors
provided a variety of prizes from gift baskets, spa
lotions, and gift certificates to green fees, quilts
and ice wine.
Those who have been to the gala come back every year. The number of attendees is increasing
but we have room for more. If you haven’t been
to this exciting, elegant event then be sure to add
it to your social calendar next year.
Mary Kraehling
President, Donau Dancers
Thank you to everyone who attended Mother’s
Day luncheon. It was an enjoyable day! With the
proceeds of our raffle we were happy to donate
$220 to the Kinder/Jugend Group.
Thank you also to those of you who donated
plants for our spring clean up. We had a great
turn out and the beds look really nice!
Our final meeting will be Wed June 15 starting
at 6 pm. We will have supper and play bingo before we break for the summer. Hope to see many
at the picnic also on June 19th
Susan Cook
Frauengruppe Secretary
Welcome to our new member
Ian Scholten
Celebrating our Mommies!
Every year, the members and community of the
Schwaben Club get together to celebrate some of
the most important people in our lives – our mothers! And this year, it was a wonderful party again.
As guests filed into the hall, the representatives
of the Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe were
there once again selling potted plants. Beautiful
plants being offered not only as a fundraiser for
those dance groups, but also great gifts for moms
for those who have trouble finding something for
their own moms. Although sales did start out a
bit slowly, after a few announcements over the
PA, the crowd was eager to buy them in a show
of support. And what would a party be without
a face painter. Yup, we had one again this year,
and she did a lovely job decorating our kids.
Their smiles were bigger than ever!
The Frauengruppe then took the microphone,
and started the program of the day. A beautiful poem was read, honouring all the wonderful
things mothers do. Then Miss Schwaben was
asked to say Grace, and finally dinner began.
And boy, what a good dinner it was. It started
with the House salad - always delicious. The entrée made even the staunchest members drool:
schnitzel, roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and
gravy, and Schwaben beans. It was culinary
heaven! The Hazelnut torte for dessert was an
amazing ending to a fantastic meal.
The entertainment then followed. All the groups
came out to celebrate Moms, and it was wonderful
to see. The Kindergruppe came out and stole everyone’s heart (again!) The Jugendgruppe kept everyone hopping with their own high energy performance. And once again, our venerable Schwaben
Sänger came out and regaled us with some lovely
songs as well. It was obvious to see that a lot of
heart and hard work went into their concert and
the audience really appreciated the effort.
Once of the nicest things about the Schwaben
Club, is the plethora of young people we have
coming out for all of our groups. And this point
was brought home when T.J. Herold came up to
the microphone to read a lovely poem dedicated
to mothers. It is always wonderful to see our
tenured members get involved and give of themselves for the Club. It is really exciting to see our
younger members come out and do it was well.
The last two performances were from our older
dance groups – the Schwaben Dancers and the
Donau Dancers. Both dance groups did a wonderful job, bringing smiles and excitement to everyone in the room. Overall, it was a wonderful
afternoon, and a great testament to the importance of all our mothers everywhere. Happy belated Mother’s Day – see you again next year!
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Spring Spruce up Day 2011
All I can say is WOW!! I am very thankful to
all those who so generously parted with their beloved plants for our club. With some tender loving care they should flourish in their new home
now, in 2012 and beyond.
I would also like to thank all the members that
came out to help in the gardens, the parking lot,
card room, washroom and on the roof. I would
also like to thank Josef Hoedl for the generous
donation of his parking lot sweeping machine.
I believe all those ”, had fun ,who took time from
their busy lives to help on “Spruce Up Day.
We ended the morning with a wonderful, tasty
lunch prepared in our kitchen by Monica Anstett.
Thanks again and hope to see all our friends
again next time.
Ed Ries
Stag ‘N Doe
Jade Adam & Nick Lang
Haus und Hof
Schwaben Club
Spruce-Up Day
June 4, 2011
9:00 am
Wash walls
Strip Wallpaper
Wash coolers
Mow lawns
Weed gardens
Other ideas are welcome
Friday, July 22, 2011
8 pm – 1 am
Keller - Schwaben Club
$10 in advance, $12 at the door
Tickets available in the Club office
We wish to express our thanks for the
Anonymous Donation
to the Club.
der Donauschwaben
September 2-4, 2011
Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Event Website
https://liederkranz.org/2011 Tanzwettbewerb.html
Entrance Cost: 1-Day ticket - $10
2-Day ticket - $15
Bus Cost: $50 for members (round trip)
$75 for non-members (round trip)
Hotel Cost: Comfort Inn Splash Harbor
Belleville, Ohio
$110 per room (2 queen beds-32 rms)
$118 per room (1 king bed-1 rm)
Quality Inn Bellville
Belleville, Ohio
$93 per room (2 queen beds-1 rm)
$124 per room (2 queen beds family
suite-1 rm)
Bus is scheduled to leave from the Schwaben
Club on Friday, September 2 at approx. 5pm.
It will leave Mansfield, OH sometime Monday
morning (September 5). It is a 6-7 hr. drive –
one way.
IMPORTANT: All rooms must be booked by
the people staying in them, with their own credit
cards, by July 1, 2011. After this date, they
will be released, and group rate pricing can no
longer be guaranteed.
All attendees MUST email/register with Peter
Speckner, Cultural Director, so he can maintain
a Master List of all people going: pspeckner@
gmail.com or leave note in his office folder.
in our
Schwaben Club Nachrichten.
Everyone welcome.
Contact: email [email protected]
or call the office (519) 742-7979
Schwaben Club Style
Sunday, August 21, 2011
2:00 pm
Schwaben Hall – Schwaben Club
von den Alpen
zum Meer
Doors Open: 2:00 pm
Film Begins: 2:30 pm
$4.00 admission
Coffee & Cake
At Driftwood Public School
Transylvania Club
04. Juni
15. Juni
18. Juni
22. Juni
10 – 23. Juli
15-17 Juli
20. Juli
21. Juli
22. Juli
17. August
Chorkonzert – 60th Anniv - Choir Concert – GCHFC
15:00 Uhr
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine Club
11:30 Uhr
Waldfest – Picnic & Golf Tournament – GCHFC
Mitgliederversammlung – Membership Meeting – 19:00 Uhr
Heimattag - Saxonia Club, Aylmer
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine Club - 11:30 Uhr
German-Canadian Remembrance Society Picnic – Tuerr Farm -17:00 Uhr
Jugendlager Farewell
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine Club - 11:30 Uhr
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
[email protected]