Maple Descriptions - Garden Design Nursery
Maple Descriptions - Garden Design Nursery
We try very ery hard to provide accura accurate rate information ra on about abo a bout each Japanese maple cultivar. Most of the following information info form fo rmation is derived rm der d eriv er ived iv ed from personal experience, published d books and material, and an d from fr om respected rres espe pect cted ed growers. Many of an individual cultivar's attributes are dependent dependen ent on growing en gro g rowi wing ng conditions, con c onditions, especially size. on Therefore, e, please use the following follow owing ow g sizes size si zes given give gi ven ve n with wi th due d ue regard reg egar eg ard ar d to the amount of space the e tree ee might even eventually entu en tually ly require. req equi uire ui re. Trees Tree Tr ees s grown grow gr own n in containers con c onta on tain ta iners will be smaller, in as their access acces ess es s to nutrients ts and a nd water wat w ater at er iss restricted. rest strict cted ed. As a alw always, lway lw ays, we are available to ay answer any ny questions. que uest ue stions. st 'Aconitifolium' tifolium'' is a als also lso ls o kn know known own ow n as the t he "Dancing ""Da Danc ncin nc ing in g Peacock" tree. The fantastic tic fall color or display d play ay as a s seen se en here her ere gives give gi ves credence cr to the name. This fern ern leaf maple ap le has h as large llar arge ge green gre g reen en leaves llea eave ea vess with wi th narrow nar n arro ar row inner lobes ro and dissected ssected outer lobes. lobe lo bes. be s. Grows Gro rows ro ws into int nto a rounded top nt to tree up to 16 feet tall. 'Aka kawa awa hime' is a mediummedium-sized m-sized red mre d bark ba rk tree ttre ree e similar simi mila larr to its i ts parent 'Sango go kaku', with a mature size si listed at a smaller sma s mallllller ma er ten t en ffee feet. eet. Our ee experience ence has shown ssho hown ho wn thiss cultivar cu to be fast fas astt growing as grow gr owin ow ing g when wh en young. you y oung. ou Beautiful ful fall colorss of yellow, yel y ello el low, lo w, oranges and nd red. rred ed.. ed 'Ao kanzashi' n z ashi' is s an upright upr prig pr ight ig ht small sma mall to medium-sized tree with ma wi th subtle variegation ation on small, sma s mall, blue-green blue bl ue-g ue -gre -g reen en leaves. Forms an upright, vase vas v ase as shape, with its mature matu ma ture re size e listed lilist sted ed as 13 feet. We like the way this type of variegation iegation lends llen ends ds a feathery feather ery er y look to the leaves. A good choice for full sun. un. ‘Beni hoshi' has several cool attributes attrib ibut ib utes that make ut ke it desirable. It is considered ered a dwarf, and has rather unique uni niqu ni que qu e smallish sh ovate leaves that emerge ge red in the Spring. As the season seaso son so n continues, cont co ntin nt inue ues, ue s, the first flush of leaves turn green, providing ng a contrasting contrasti ting ti ng background bac ackg kgro kg roun und to a later flush un of red. Mature size list listed sted ed at a t 6 feet. feet fe et. Sh et Show Shown own in Spring. ow Spr S prin pr ing. g. 'Beni kawa' is an excellent large-growing large-gr grow gr owin ow ing g red re d bark ba rk maple. map m aple. Cold ap ld temperatures eratures and winter sun turn rn branches branche b hes a salmon salm sa lmon lm on red. red ed.. It ed Its s growth habit seems less vase-like than tha han ha n 'Sango 'San 'S ango go kaku', kkak aku' ak u', more u' mo re open in form. Listed mature size is up to t o 30 feet ffee eett in height. ee hei h eigh ei ght. gh t. Shown Sho hown ho wn in Fall Fa ll color. 'Beni otak otake' ke' h has as purple-red pur p urpl plee-re red re d Spring Sp color col c olor ol or on o n bamboo-like, ba slender leaves.. This feature featu ture tu re lends llen ends ds a very vver eryy "oriental" er "ori "o rien ri enta en tal" feeling. ta feelililing ng. The leaf color ng transitions ons to red over ove verr green ve gree gr een n as Summer Sum S ummer approaches. um approach ches. Planting ch ng in full sun willll induce a more mo compact com ompa pact pa ct tree, ttre ree, re e, but to truly enjoy enjo en joy jo y the th e bamboobamb ba mboolike leaves, eaves, plant pla p lant la nt ‘Beni ‘Be Beni ni otake’ ota o take ta ke’ in part-shade ke par p art-shade for a mo ar more re open ope o pen pe appearance. arance ce.. Mature ce Matu Ma ture re size ssiz ize iz e listed lilist sted ed att 26 feet ‘Bihou’ u’ will prove to be b e an essential al tree for almost almo most mo st every eve e very ry garden. gar g arde ar den. de n. ale yellow bark bar b arkk that becomes highlighted ar ed with wit w ith h or oran ange ge in in With pale orange se to winter wint nter cold, this cultivar never fails ls to t o ca catc tch h at attent ntio nt ion. response catch attention. ‘Bihou’ is a vigorous grower to 12 to 14 feet. 'Bloodgood' odgood' is perhapss the best known kkno nown no wn red leaf, upright tree form cultivar. Leaves emerge emer em erge er ge a dark dar d arkk purple-red, ar pu holding this color into mid-summer. The transition ttra rans ra nsitio ns ion io n to Fall Fal F all color is shown at left. al 'Bloodgood' odgood' is somewhat somewha hatt slower ha slow sl ower ow er growing gro g rowi ro wing wi ng relative rrel elat el ativ at ive iv e to more m recent red leaf introductions, iint ntroductio nt ions io ns,, and ns an d it will w mature matu ma ture re with wit ith h a broad broa br oad rounded top oa up to o 30 feet. ffee eet. ee `Boskoop koop Glory' Glo o r y ' iis s anot another othe ot herr large he la e growing growin gr ing g upright up red leaf maple. What at we think makes ma this th is tree ttre ree re e special spec sp ecia ial is how h ow it i naturally assumes a wonderful, nderful, architectural archite tect te ctur ct ural ur al trunk tru runk ru nk and a nd branch bra b ranc ra nch nc h form. form fo rm.. Spring rm Sp leaf color is a bright red, changing chang ngin ing in g to green gre g reen in i n mid-summer,, making a background ground for late-summer late-summ mmer red mm ed leaf lea eaf pushes. Mature ea Matu Ma ture size listed at tu twenty ty four feet. `Burgundy gundy Lace' has deeply deepl ply divided pl d leaves leav le aves av es that ttha hat hold ha ho ld their tthe heir he ir burgundy red color wellll into iint nto Summer. nt Summer er. The leaf edges er es are a re toothed, ttoo ooth thed ed,, giving ed gi a feathery hery appearance. appea eara ranc ra nce. e. Mature Mat ature form is spreading at spre read re adin ad ing g with wi th an a n ultimate ulti ul tima ti mate size ma of 20 0 feet high and an d wide. wide wi de.. Our de Ou landscape e specimen spec sp ecim ec imen en holds hol h olds ds the he burgundy bur b urgund red color quite quit qu ite it e wellll in i n shade. shad sh ade. ad e. `Butterfly' t t erfly' has as variegated var v arie ar iega ie gate ga ted leaf te le edges, which emerge with wit w ith it h pink pi to orange ange color or in i n Spring. Spri Sp ring ng. Mature ng Matu Ma ture form is vase shaped. Prefers some tu shade ade to prevent pre reve re vent nt burn. b Very Ver V ery y useful to add a highlight to a shady garden rden area. a. Mature Mat M ature size listed at llis isted at eighteen feet. is 'Chisio io Improved' underr 'Shin chisio' …please see this tthi his hi s cultivar cu information iinf nformation nf 'Crimson mson Queen' is perhaps the th e best be st known kno nown wn red r ed laceleaf llac acel elea el eaff tree. ea tree tr ee. Its fine ee attributes ibutes include beautiful red, rred ed, finely ed fine fi nely ly dissected dis d isse sect se cted ct ed leaves llea eaves and ea an d a strongly weeping eping form. Here in the th e Southeast, Sout So uthe ut heas ast, t, leaf llea eaff color ea colo co lor does lo do tten tend end to change en to green reen overtones. Fall color is i s a reliable reliab able ab le scarlet sca carlet ca et rred red. ed. Shown in ed Spring. ng. Mature size listed ed at a twelve feet fee eett wide, ee wide wi de, and de d te ten feet tall. 'Edgewood ewood G Golden' o l d e n ' ha has ra rath rather ther th er unique uni u niqu ni que qu e leaf af color col c olor attributes for a ol laceleaf. leaf. The leaves es emerge eme e merg me rge rg e in Spring S with a red-gold rred ed-gold cast with ed prominent inent light ligh ght green gree gr een vein ve in color, ccol olor ol or,, and or an slowly change cha hang nge to g ng gol gold-green. oldol d-gr dgreen. gr During ng Summer, Summe mer, me r, the t he leaves llea eave ea vess maintain ve main ma inta tain a light green ta en color. ccol olor ol or.. 'E 'Edgewood Golden' en' seems seem se ems em s to handle han h andl an dle dl e full fu ll sun un well. w Fall colors colo co lors lo rs are a re oranges ora o rang ra nges ng es and reds. It iiss a mo most st d des desirable esir es irab able le tree. ttre ree. re e. 'Emerald erald Lace' iiss an incredibly vigorous green gre reen re en dissectum dis d isse is sect ctum ct um with h tiny ti ny es. Shown here he with maroon fall color. Expect Exp xpec xp ectt it tto o gr grow ow as a leaves. ssiz ize e up to t o 12 feet ffee eet wide . ee wide irregular, sweeping bush, with a mature size This cultivar always gets attention. 'Emmitt's Pumpkin' is another interesting large leaf Acer japonicum. Fall color is a fantastic display with orange tone predominating on a round shaped leaf, hence the name "pumpkin". Expected final size is 12 feet tall. 'Emperor I' (Emperor one) is the upright growing red leaf maple that has several features making it a more popular choice over the 'Bloodgood' cultivar. Important to us here in the Southeast is 'Emperor I' usually leafs out several weeks later, making it less susceptible to late freezes and frosts.We also appreciate that it has a faster growth rate. ‘Fjellheim' is one of our favorite winter interest trees. Reportedly a witches'-broom of 'Sango kaku', the cold and sun brings out the stunning coral color of the bark. Since 'Fjellheim' grows into more of an intermediate sized bush form, the bark color is at the viewer's eye level. Plus, each mature leafbud seems to "double push" a small subsidiary leaf, making 'Fjellheim' appear extremely full. Mature size perhaps ten feet. 'Garnet' is an extremely vigorous laceleaf with a more red-orange color, making it distinctive from the other red dissectums. Branch growth of 3 to 4 feet in a year is common, making 'Garnet' one of the largest growing red lace leafs. Mature size listed at 13 feet tall and wide, in a irregular, mounding form. 'Green Hornet' is the green laceleaf that features red Fall color. It is a vigorous grower when young. Mature size listed at 10 feet tall and wider as it forms a mound. It is a great choice when you need to fill a space rapidly. 'Green Mist' is a laceleaf similar to 'Waterfall' but features fall colors more in the orange-red range. 'Green Mist' is fairly vigorous and a strong weeper. The name is based on the leaf color and delicate appearance, lending a soft, misty overall effect. ‘Green Mist’ forms a cascading mound up to ten feet tall. 'Hanami nishiki' leaves emerge a delicate yellow-green with edges tinged in orange-red. The leaves are among the smallest of the palmatums, making it a real gem in a smaller garden. 'Hanami nishiki' is a true dwarf, with a mature size of 7 feet listed. We have several specimens grafted on a 2 foot standard to give them height and allow underplanting. ‘Hefner’s Red’ is the most promising upright cultivar for keeping a maroon red leaf color throughout Summer here in the hot and humid Southeast. We hope this cultivar will prove to be a perfect replacement for ‘Bloodgood’ without the tendency for the leaves to change to bronze red. We are working hard to produce ‘Hefner’s Red Select’ in larger numbers. ‘Higasa yama' puts on an incredible display in Spring . As the new buds emerge, the tightly curled yellow leaflets are accompanied by red elongated leaf sheaths, creating an eye catching color contrast. The new leaves continue the show, as the leaf lobes have green centers with cream colored edges blushed with pink. The small leaves have toothed margins. Growth habit is upright, with a final size near 20 feet. 'Hime shojo' is a very rare and remarkable red leaf dwarf. The leaves are very small and do not display the short, blunted middle lobe typical of dwarf varieties derived from witches' brooms. Red color seems to hold very well in shade. ‘Hime shojo' is slow growing, making it perfect for container culture or bonsai. ‘Hubb's Red Willow' is a great addition to the strap leaf cultivars. Considered to be a semi-dwarf , the beautiful red leaves have long, narrow lobes, presenting a delicate appearance. Fall color is a bright red. Height in ten years is suggested to be ten feet. ‘Inaba shidare' is a favorite red laceleaf for the Southeast. Purple-red leaves emerge a bit later than some other similar cultivars, and hold their red color well into Summer. The vigorous growth habit of 'Inaba shidare' is considered more open than other dissectums, giving it a more architectural appearance. Suggested mature size is twelve feet tall and as wide. 'Itame nishiki' is a unusual example of variegated maples. The medium green leaves are edged in dark red, giving the variegation a subtle appearance. Growth is considered bushy, on slender branches, giving the tree a very graceful air. Probably a smaller tree, growing to twelve to fifteen feet. Shown in Spring. 'Japanese Sunrise' is an exciting addition to the red barked cultivars. Winter bark color is bright red on the side of the tree that receives direct sun, with orange red progressing to yellow on the shaded side. In Spring, bright yellow-green leaves slowly change to a bright green for Summer. 'Japanese Sunrise' is considered tolerant of heat and full sun. Shown in fall colors. Mature size listed at twenty feet. 'Jiro shidare' is an unusual form of a cascading maple in that the leaves are not dissected, but are small green leaves typical of the species Acer palmatum. This cultivar is perfect for a sturdy, yet graceful backdrop in a garden. The leaves have long petioles, carried on long, pendulous branches. Mature size up to ten feet tall and ten feet wide. Shown in Fall colors. ‘Kagiri nishiki’ is our current favorite green and white variegated maple. This cultivar has been very vigorous for us. We seen little to no reversion of the variegation back to solid green leaves. Please provide at least afternoon shade to minimize burning of the white portions of the leaves. The habit is open, vase shaped, with mature height up to twenty feet. 'Kamagata' is a wonderful dwarf suggested for demanding growing conditions, such as full sun. We love it for its delicate appearance. The small leaves have long lobes strongly tapered to a point. New leaves are a fresh green with red tinged edges. 'Kamagata' grows into a rounded bush form up to 6 feet tall. Fall colors range from yellows, oranges, and reds. ‘Kandy Kitchen’ always attracts attention in the nursery. It originated as a witches’-broom, and has a very useful form for small spaces and container growing. ‘Kandy Kitchen’ has pink-red leaves in Spring, changing to purple-red, evolving to green just in time to contrast with a late flush of new pink-red growth. Forms a shrub up to six feet. ‘Ki hachijo’ is not just another green leaf maple. This cultivar displays yellow-gold Fall color suffused with red. We appreciate the sturdy, multi-branched forms as it grows to perhaps eighteen feet. The bark is wonderful, showing white streaking against medium green. Best used as garden tree to provide a background for seasonal plants. When Winter comes, ‘Ki hachijo’ makes an outstanding silhouette to enjoy. 'Kiyohime' is another versatile dwarf. This cultivar forms a bun shape, often more flat topped than round. Grafted on a standard, 'Kiyohime' provides the perfect form for under planting companion plants. The tiny, bright green leaves emerge with rusty red edges. Excellent choice for alpine style gardens. Estimated width at maturity is ten feet, so please leave space for this delightful dwarf. ‘Koto no ito’ is wonderfully useful green strapleaf maple. The leaf shapes are a mixture of narrow lobed leaves on newer branches, along with thread-like leaves no more than 1 or 2 millimeters wide on older wood. 'Koto-no-ito' is fairly vigorous when young, but mature size is considered at ten feet. Despite its delicate appearance, this tree does well in full sun.. 'Krazy Krinkle' has very interesting leaves that are well described by its name. The deeply divided leaves have incised, ruffled lobes that twist in different directions when they emerge. Spring and Summer color is medium green, with excellent Fall color as shown. New to us, 'Krazy Krinkle' is a vigorous grower that should make a medium size tree to eighteen feet. ‘Kurui jishi’ is a perfect choice when something unusual for your garden is desired. Considered a dwarf growing up to six feet, the tiny leaves roll into tubes with an extraordinary hook on the tip! Another noticeable trait is how the upright tending branches mimic tendrils of rising smoke. ‘Kurui jishi’ tends to widen as it grows. Fall colors are yellow to orange. Recommended for any collector. 'Lemon Lime Lace' is laceleaf maple named for the leaf colors. In Spring the deeply dissected leaves emerge a light lemon yellow, changing to lime green for summer. The form is described as an irregular, compact mound. Fall color is orange. 'Mardi Gras' has a leaf color display as festive as its name implies. Overall leaf color is green with portions or sometimes the entire leaf displaying pink or white variegation. New branches are often striped in pink. 'Mardis Gras' should be planted in shade to part-shade to minimize leaf burn of variegated leaves. It is a vigorous grower. 'Mimaye' has an almost tropical look about it. We consider it a semidwarf, with soft green leaves. The middle lobes are long, tapering to a point, and this coupled with the leaves relaxed manner in which they hang gives the tree a very soft and full appearance. Though delicate looking, 'Mimaye' holds up to full sun well. Shown in Spring leaf. 'Momenshide' has leaves that remind us of feathers. The five lobes are completely divided and each is attached individually to the branch shoot with hardly any petiole. The lobes assume different angles, adding to the feathery effect. The dark green leaves emerge in Spring with rust-red edges. 'Momenshide' will benefit if planted where it will receive some shade. 'Moonfire' continues to be a favorite among the purple leaf maples for us. The dark purple red color holds well into Summer. The dark purple of the branches is another handsome attribute. We consider 'Moonfire' possessing an average rate of growth, eventually reaching twenty feet with a broad, rounded crown. Fall color is a reliable bright red, as shown. 'Murasaki kiyohime' is a favorite dwarf maple. The small leaves emerge edged in purple-red in Spring, changing to green for Summer. Growth habit is upright and shrub-like, with ascending purple branches. Fall colors are in the yellows and oranges, sometime with reds. Mature size is up to six feet, in time. Shown in Spring. 'Nuresagi' is an under utilized purple leaf cultivar. The lobes of the leaf are slender and widely separated, giving them an airy, floating appearance. The leaves have been described as having an opalescent quality when new. Another favorite attribute is the dark purple color of the newer branches and twigs. This cultivar has been very vigorous for us. ‘'Ogura yama' is an outstanding Acer japonicum cultivar that has proven to be quite tough. This strongly growing upright tree has strong branches and round leaves with slightly ovate lobes on older branches. The leaves have a pink orange flush as they emerge in Spring, turning to a medium green. Fall color is an outstanding red. This was our only maple to escape any damage from the Easter 2007 freeze! ‘Okushimo’ has unusual leaves with outer edges that roll inward, appearing tube like. The lighter colored leaf underside adds an almost variegated appearance. The growth habit is very upright and vase shaped, making ‘Okushimo’ perfect for narrow growing spaces, but can get as tall as twenty feet. Fall color is a beautiful gold. ‘Omure yama’ features a weeping, willowy form when mature. The green leaves are of the matsumurae, (deeply divided) leaf form, which further enhance the willowy appearance. The Fall color is a beautiful red-orange, as shown. This excellent specimen for a garden will need a bit of room, as the mature size is listed at sixteen feet tall and sixteen feet wide. 'Orange Dream' provides an awesome spring display as new leaves emerge a dark orange, which transitions to yellow edged in orange. As Spring progresses, the leaf color changes to bright yellow green. 'Orange Dream' works well in a shaded garden area, providing a lighter element. It forms a bushy upright shrub to twelve feet. Early Spring color shown. 'Orangeola' is a fantastic laceleaf for the Southeast. It performs well in heat and humidity. The coarsely dissected leaves emerge a red orange, but can be red purple as well. As summer progresses,the leaves become reddish-green, providing a background for a second flush of red. A vigorous grower when young, 'Orangeola' has strongly draping branches, and forms a mound up to ten feet. 'Osaka zuki' is well known for beautiful red Fall leaf colors. But Spring provides a wonderful display as fresh leaves emerge in light green bathed in pastel tones of pinks and yellow. 'Osaki zuki' leaves are rather large, and have attractive ovate lobes tapering to a point. We always recommend this green leaf maple for tough situations, and the outstanding fire red fall color never disappoints! Matures at 24 feet. 'Raraflora' provides an interesting contrast to other green lace leafs. Spring brings out light green leaves with edges and tips in pastels of yellow, orange, and pinks. As the season progresses, the leaves change to a yellow-green. Branching is rather upright, but 'Raraflora' still develops into a beautiful mound. Fall color is an excellent bright red. Shown in Spring. Mature size listed at ten feet by ten feet. ‘Red Dragon’ has deep purple dissectum leaves on dark purple branches. This cultivar may be the best choice for a red weeping laceleaf that does not get too big. ‘Red Dragon’ also has a reputation for holding its purple color in both full sun and shaded conditions. Be patient, it is a slow growing, compact tree. Mature size listed eight feet by eight feet. ‘Red Pygmy’ is one of the wonderful cultivars that provide leaves of ever changing color. The narrow, strap like leaves emerge purple-red in Spring. The color transitions to red-green, but holds more purple on the shaded leaves. Fall color is gold yellow. ‘Red Pygmy’ is slow growing, and will eventually form a round topped small tree at ten feet tall. 'Sango kaku' is also known as the Coral Bark maple, named for the red tones the bark develops for Winter. Without a doubt, the brilliant reds add wonderful interest in a otherwise drab time of year. In Spring, leaves emerge a refreshing light green with reddish tinges. The growing habit is strongly upright, developing a spreading top in age. Fall leaf color is mostly yellows with some red and orange. Mature size listed at twenty four feet. 'Satsuki beni' displays attractive red tips on green leaves as they emerge , giving the appearance of red painted fingernails. It is a fine example of the amoenum group, in which the leaf shape is strongly convex or ovate, tapering to a sharp point. The young branches show distinct white flecks on green bark. 'Satsuki beni' is a strong grower, reaching twenty feet or more in maturity. Fall color is shown. 'Seiryu' is unusual in that it has an upright form instead of the usual weeping habit of laceleaf Japanese maples. The appearance is very airy. 'Seiryu' is a vigorous grower, and the green leaves do well in full sun. Fall colors are wonderful crimsons and reds. Mature size twenty four feet tall by sixteen feet wide. ‘Seiryu’ is well recommended as a selection for the Southeast. 'Shaina' is another example of red dwarf maples, and matures into a compact globe shape. Its small leaves emerge bright red in Spring, then become a more purple red that holds well into Summer. With a mature size near ten feet, 'Shaina' is suitable for smaller spaces or containers. 'Shin chisio' puts on Spring show of brilliant pink-red color as the leaves emerge. After several weeks, the leaf color becomes green. It forms well-branched bush form up to sixteen feet. 'Shin chisio' is recommended for containers and bonsai. It is also known 'Chisio Improved', but this is an illegitimate name in cultivar recognition. The correct name means " new Chisio". 'Shin deshojo' is another cultivar that has brilliant scarlet Spring leaf color. The red color lasts about a month, then the leaves transition to green. 'Shin deshojo' is expected to reach ten feet tall and six feet wide, in a bush form. It is an improved selection of the well-known 'Deshojo'. 'Skeeter's Broom' is a red dwarf with a stiffly upright form, making it a great choice for a tight spot in the garden or a patio planter. Beautiful purple red leaves emerge in Spring, holding color well into Summer. This is a very vigorous grower when young. Fall color is red. Mature size is listed at six feet. 'Sumi nagashi' has large, deeply divided leaves which emerge a bright purple-red. As Summer nears, the leaf color becomes infused with green, eventually displaying a dark green with purple overtones. This color provides the perfect backdrop for the maturing bright red winged seeds, known as samaras. 'Sumi nagashi' is a vigorous grower with a mature size listed at twenty feet tall. Fall color is shown. 'Tamuke yama' is perhaps unanimously the preferred red laceleaf for the Southeast. It holds up well to the heat and humidity of the region. In Spring, the dissected leaves emerge a crimson red, soon changing to purple-red. 'Tamuke yama' holds this color very well into Summer. Fall color is crimson-red. Its habit is strongly cascading, with mature size nearing thirteen feet tall and as wide. 'Terrell's Tree' is a local introduction, named from the fantastic collection of mature maples grown by our neighbor, Terrell Owens. The large, deeply-divided leaves emerge a bright purple-red, becoming green with purple tones. The strong branches are green, making a cool contrast to the new leaves. Fall color is red. The habit is upright, and should mature near twenty feet tall. 'Trompenburg' is a prized dark red leafed maple. What makes it unique is the way the edges of the leaf lobes roll downward, giving the leaves a three dimensional appearance. The overall effect is elegant. In Spring, leaves emerge purple-red, and the color holds well into Summer. 'Trompenburg' is a vigorous upright grower, reaching twenty feet plus in maturity. 'Twombly's Red Sentinel' has a columnar form that makes it perfect for tight areas where other maples would eventually get too wide. Its superb purple-red leaves are held on ascending branches which are themselves a deep purple. 'Twombly's Red Sentinel' is an exciting addition to the designer's palette. It is a medium sized tree for a maple, approximately twelve feet tall and six feet wide. 'Viridis' could be considered the standard of the green lace leafs. It is an attractive weeping form, with fresh green leaves. Our specimen thrives in open shade. The fall colors of gold, oranges and sometimes red, never disappoint. Mature size considered to be thirteen feet tall and as wide. ‘Vitifolium’ features big, bold leaves resembling its namesake, the grape leaf. As with most Acer japonicum cultivars, the fall colors are remarkable. The color begins gold, then change to crimsons and scarlet, usually showing all three colors at the same time! ‘Vitifolium’ grows into a broad upright tree. Please leave room for this magnificent cultivar, the mature size is listed at thirty feet. 'Waterfall' is another desirable green laceleaf cultivar. What seems to distinguish it from the other popular green dissectum is a stronger draping tendency. Leaves are a bright green, and are reported to hold up well in full sun. Fall colors are in the yellows, sometimes with hints of red. 'Waterfall' matures at ten feet. 'Watnong' is a favorite laceleaf of ours, as the finely cut leaves provided a variety of colors depending on the season. Spring brings forth a display of pinks, salmons, and oranges over soft greens as the new leaves emerge. Summer leaves of light green backdrop the pastels of new leaf pushes. 'Watnong' seems to take full sun well. Mature size listed as ten feet tall and as wide. 'Wou nishiki' has deeply divided leaves with deep serrations on their edges, giving a feathery appearance. In Spring the new leaves emerge a bright green, with the edges tinged with red. 'Wou nishiki' is quite useful in the landscape, as it has a very upright form,perfect for tight spaces. It is recommended for full sun. Mature size listed at twelve to fourteen feet. Fall color is red.