Competition document


Competition document
nordic built
A sustainable building renovation competition, consisting
of two phases; an open multidisciplinary design contest
and subsequently a negotiated procedure with the
winners of the design contest.
Krögarvägen 2
1.1 Introduction to Nordic Built Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Competition format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Nordic Built Competition Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 The jury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.6Eligibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.7 Requirements for the competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.8 Competition schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.9 Competition rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.10 Competition language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.11 Insurance of competition proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.12 Returning the competition proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.13 Solution of the competition (stages 1 and 2 and the final resolution),
announcement of the results and publication of the entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.14 Use and publication rights of competition proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.15 Further actions after the competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Competition documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Competition launch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Possibility to visit the competition site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Questions concerning the competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1 Competition area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Description of the competition area and surroundings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 The existing building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Objectives of the competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.5 Starting points and instructions for design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.6Demolition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.7 Financial framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Competition Stage 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Competition Stage 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Nordic Built Challenge – final winner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Competition secrecy and anonymity of entrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Required competition documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Submission of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Appendix O1:
Nordic Built Charter
Appendix O2: Information regarding the building at Krögarvägen 2
The Nordic Built Challenge is an open multidisciplinary design contest for the refurbishment
of five specific buildings. The objective of the competition is to encourage innovation and the
development of sustainable, viable and scalable refurbishment concepts for some of the most
common building types in the Nordic region.
According to the principles of the Nordic Built Charter competitors are encouraged to form
multidisciplinary and Nordic/international teams.
1.1 Introduction to Nordic Built
Nordic Built is a Nordic initiative to accelerate Nordic competitive concepts for a sustainable
built environment. The program is part of the Nordic co-operation program for Innovation and
Business policy 2011-2013, and also one of the Globalization initiatives initiated by the Nordic
Prime Ministers. Nordic Built is a sustainable lighthouse initiative funded by and under the
supervision of Nordic Innovation, a key participant in the implementation of Nordic partnership
programs in the areas of trade, industry and innovation with the objective of promoting crossborder trade and innovation within the Nordic countries.
The Nordic Built programme will be carried out through the execution of three main modules
over the period of 2012-2014. The modules will cover a range of interconnected activities and
build on each other. The first module defines the core values,ambitions and opportunities for
the Nordic building sector in the Nordic Built Charter ( The charter
states 10 core principles that form the foundation of the programme. The second part is this
competition, The Nordic Built Challenge where innovators from within and beyond the building
sector are invited to compete with the aim to realize the Nordic Built Charter’s principles. The
third and final module will be a joint Nordic funding programme for innovation, R&D and
demonstration projects within sustainable construction.
1.2 The Nordic Built Challenge: Competition format
Nordic Built Challenge – competition comprises of five individual competitions, one competition
in each Nordic country. All competitions concern a building or group of buildings to be renovated
in an innovative and eco-efficient way, with the use of technology while remaining financially and
practically viable. It is possible for the competitors to compete in all five competitions if they so
wish. Information of these competitions is found on the competition website
All five competitions are being organized in two phases; an open multidisciplinary design contest
and subsequently a negotiated procedure with the winners of the design contest. The format for
stage two varies slightly from country to country.
In each Nordic country one winner will be selected and one of these five winners will then be
selected as the final winner of the whole Nordic Built Challenge.
Krögarvägen 2
1.3 Nordic Built Competition Sweden
The promoter of the Swedish competition is AB Botkyrkabyggen in co-operation with Nordic
Innovation and with the Swedish Association of Architects as advisor.
AB Botkyrkabyggen
AB Botkyrkabyggen is the largest housing company in Botkyrka. It is owned by the municipality
and it operates as a public housing service. The company owns and manages nearly 12
000 homes, and about one third of the inhabitants of Botkyrka have their apartments by
This competition brief is concerning the Swedish competition, and the building at Krögarvägen 2
in Fittja, Sweden. AB Botkyrkabyggen owns the building.
The competition
The Swedish competition is a two-stage competition, the first stage being open to all participants
and the second stage restricted only to four competitors selected from the first stage.
In Stage 2 the authors of the four selected proposals will be given a written evaluation from the
jury that they shall respond to and give new updated proposals. Based on the updated proposals
the jury will select one Swedish winner.
Krögarvägen 2 is located
next to Fittja centrum
The objectives of the competition
How do we renovate a typical Swedish million-program house in such a way that it:
is affordable for the existing customers
helps to solve some of the acute problems (plumbing, energy waste caused by windows etc.)
helps Botkyrkabyggen to reach the long-term goals regarding sustainability (environmental,
social, economical etc.)
Further information about the objectives can be found in section 3.4.
1.4 Prizes
Stage I: Four design teams selected to participate in Stage II will be awarded 150.000 NOK
(= approximately 20.250 €) each.
Additionally the jury may award honorary mentions of 150.000 NOK in total.
Stage II: Another 150 000 NOK will be paid to every team after Stage 2 presuming that the teams
have submitted a proposal in accordance with the competition program, the further development
guidelines given in the negotiation procedure and thus approved by the jury.
Nordic Built Challenge Prize: of 1.000.000 NOK (= approximately 135.500 €) will be awarded to
the final Nordic winner (one of the five winners).
The prize is tax-free and will be paid via Nordic Innovation.
1.5 The jury
The jury of the Nordic Built Competition Sweden consists of the following persons (preliminary list):
Ulf Nyqvist, CEO AB Botkyrkabyggen
Ulf Viktorsson, Technical Manager AB Botkyrkabyggen
Jan Karlsson, Financial Manager AB Botkyrkabyggen
Karl-Erik Käck, Senior Technical Advisor, AB Botkyrkabyggen
Peter Nyberg, Councellor and Chairman of the board of civil planning, Municipality of Botkyrka
Jesper Salskov Jensen, CEO Velux Denmark A/S, Member of the board of DI Buildingmaterial
Helena Säteri, Director General, Ministry of the Environment Finland, Department of the Built
Johanna Wiklander. Appointed by the Swedish Association of Architects
Kurt Eliasson, President of industry and association SABO (Swedish Association of Municipal
Housing Companies), Chairman of the European housing organization CECODHAS Housing
Europe and Chairman of the Nordic cooperative and social housing organizations (NBO)
Viktoria Walldin, Anthropologist from White Architect
Eric Stenberg, architect, teacher, and head of department at the KTH School of
Architecture in Stockholm, Sweden
Hans Fridberg, project manager Nordic Built, Nordic Innovation
The jury has also the right to use other external experts when assessing the proposals. The
external experts do not participate in the decision-making.
The secretary of the jury is:
Architect SAR/MSA Claes Larsson
Swedish Association of Architects
Storgatan 41
Box 5027, SE-102 41 Stockholm, Sweden
The Nordic Built Challenge jury:
• will select the final winner of the whole Nordic Built Challenge competition,
• will consist of one member from each of the five national jury’s in the Nordic Built Challenge.
Ground floor balcony
Facade detail
1.6 Eligibility
Stage I of the competition is open to all teams from the EU or EEA member countries, in
accordance with the procurement rules and the professional qualifications.
According to the principles of the Nordic Built Charter the competitors are encouraged to form
multidisciplinary teams and international/Nordic teams. Preference will be given to well diversified
teams of people and companies with insight into architecture, environmental and landscape
planning and renovation and energy improvements.
In Stage II of the competition, the jury may set minimum requirements for the teams selected to
this Stage and require them to complement the team by certain experts (if not already involved in
Stage I)
From the neighborhood next to the building
1.7 Requirements for the competitors
The proposals will be handled in different steps. First of all the competition administrator will
check that all the requirements in this section are fulfilled. The proposals meeting this criteria will
then, in an anonymous form, be handed over to the jury secretary for further handling of the jury.
1.7.1 Circumstances that will result in exclusion of a competitor
A competitor shall be excluded from participation in the competition if a procuring authority
or Botkyrkabyggen becomes aware that the competitor, or any of its representatives, has been
convicted, through a judgment that has gained legal force, of any offence involving:
O1. any crime contemplated in article 2 of the Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of
24 October 2008 on the fight against organized crime,
O2. corruption in accordance with the definition in article 3 of the Council document of 26
May 1997 on drawing up on the basis of Article K 3(2)(c) of the Treaty on the European
Union of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European
Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union and article 3.1 of Joint
Action 98/742/JHA of 22 December 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K
3 of the Treaty on European Union, on corruption in the private sector,
O3. fraud within the meaning contemplated in article 1 of the convention drawn up on the basis
of article K 3 of the Treaty on European Union on protection of the European Communities’
financial interests, or
O4. money laundering in accordance with the definition contained in article 1 of Council
Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system
for the purpose of money laundering, amended by Directive 2001/97/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council.
A competitor shall also be excluded from participation in the competition if the competitor:
O1. is bankrupt or in liquidation, under compulsory administration or is subject to a
composition or has suspended payments until further notice or is subject to a ban on
carrying on a business,
O2. is subject to an application for bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, compulsory
administration, a composition or other similar procedure,
O3. has been convicted through a judgment which has gained legal force for an offence with
regard to the practice of a profession,
O4. is guilty of a serious fault in the practice of a profession and such can be proved by the
procuring authority,
O5. has failed to fulfill its obligations with regard to social insurance charges or tax in its own
country or in the country where the procurement takes place, or
O6. in any material respect has failed to provide information requested or has provided
incorrect information requested pursuant to the provisions contained in Chapters 10 or 11.
If the competitor is a juridical person, the proposal will also be excluded if a representative of the
juridical person is convicted of an offence contemplated in sections 3 and 4 above.
The competitor shall in the proposal certify that no circumstances that shall lead to exclusion as
described above exist.
1.7.2 Certificates from authorities
Competitor shall fulfill, either in Sweden or in their home countries, legally established
requirements concerning their obligations with regard to registration, tax and charges including,
inter alia, that the supplier shall be registered for Swedish Company tax or its equivalent.
For Swedish competitors, Botkyrkabyggen will check the corresponding data obtained through
SKV4820 directly from the Swedish Tax Agency on the basis of the organization registration
number given in the proposal.
Foreign suppliers shall submit information equivalent to that specified in SKV4820 (http://www. from a competent
authority to certify that the supplier has complied with prescribed registrations and payments in
its home country. The requested documents shall be in English.
If subcontractors are used, they shall have complied with their obligations regarding taxes and
social insurance charges in their country of residence.
The competitor shall be responsible for the subcontractor the same way as if the supplier had
performed the subcontractor’s duties itself.
The competitor shall in the proposal certify that the above requirements have been met.
Typical facade elements
Exterior details.
Elevator room is
located on the
rooftop and trash
bins are located
outside the
1.7.3 The supplier’s financial and economic standing Risk classification
The competitor shall be financially stable. In order to fulfill the requirement, the competitor shall
have stability corresponding to the lowest risk class A according to AAA Soliditet AB (D&B) or a
corresponding risk class from an equivalent credit institution. For Swedish suppliers who are in
position to be accepted, this information is checked by Botkyrkabyggen at Soliditet AB.
Foreign competitor shall attach documentation to the proposal showing that the requirement for
financial stability has been met.
Where supplementary information is required, such as a rating with another credit institution, it
shall be possible for the competitor to submit this information within 10 working days from being
requested to do so by Botkyrkabyggen.
The competitor shall in the proposal certify that the requirements above have been met. Insurance
The competitor shall, in accordance with ABT 06 (Administrative Regulations for Construction
Works (Swedish Regulation)), hold and maintain during the guarantee period, including the period
after the delivery of the service, the customary liability insurance covering damage of the service.
The insurance amount shall be a minimum of ten million SEK and the excess shall be a maximum
of three price base amounts. The competitor shall attach proof that the agreed insurance exists to
the proposal. In the event of damage, the competitor shall make use of the agreed insurance. The
requested documents shall be in English.
The competitor shall in the proposal certify that the requirements above have been met.
Pictures of the
laundry room,
located on
ground floor
in the building. Economic standing
The competitor, or a group of competitors, shall have a total annual turnover at minimum of
250 million SEK. For Swedish competitors who are in position to be selected to stage 2, this
information is checked by Botkyrkabyggen at Soliditet AB.
Foreign competitors shall attach documentation to the proposal showing that the requirement for
financial stability has been met.
1.7.4 Technical skills, references and capacity
The competitors will be asked to document their technical skills and capacity. This means the
competitor’s reference projects, proposed project organization and the competitor’s system to
maintain agreed quality, environmental consideration and working environment. The main focus
is on the proposed project organization, preference given to the personnel with the experience
from similar projects.
Information about references shall prove that the most important issues have been performed
to the satisfactory level. These include project planning, technical process, quality and time
management and delivery in time. This applies and is required both from the competitor and the
1.8 Competition schedule
The competition period for Stage I
Announcement of the 4 proposals selected to the stage II in Sweden
The competition period for Stage II
Announcement of the winners of the five competitions, one in each
Nordic country
September 2013
Announcement of the final Nordic winner
November 2013
1.9 Competition rules
The Nordic Built Competition Sweden follows the Swedish law and the competition program for
Nordic Built Challenge - Sweden.
1.10 Competition language
The competition language is English. The competition documentation is available in English, at
minimum, all the parts essential for the competition. The questions concerning the competition
shall be written in English. The texts in the competition proposals shall be written in English.
1.11 Insurance of competition proposals
The competition promoter will not insure competition proposals.
1.12 Returning the competition proposals
The competition proposals will not be returned.
Views from
the stairwell
Details from
the heating
system in the
mechanical room.
1.13 Solution of the competition (stages 1 and 2 and the final resolution),
announcement of the results and publication of the proposals
The authors of the 4 proposals selected to the stage 2 will be informed by 2 of April 2013.
The competition proposals, at least those selected for further development will be put on display
on the competition website by their pseudonyms.
The result of the Stage 2 of the competition will be immediately conveyed to the authors of the
winning proposal. Other competitors in Stage 2 will be notified that the competition has been
The authors of the final winner of the whole Nordic Built Challenge competition will be informed
immediately after the resolution is made. Other candidates will be notified that the final
competition has been resolved.
The competition results will be made public at a separately held event for this purpose.
Additionally, the results will be announced both on the competition and at Botkyrkabyggens
plumbing and
accumulator tanks.
1.14 Use and publication rights of competition proposals
Botkyrkabyggen retains the right to use and publish the themes and material of the competition
proposals selected for Stage 2 in accordance with Swedish copyright law.
The competitors that have received the possible design commission will retain the right to
use themes and ideas from other proposals selected for Stage 2 in accordance with Swedish
copyright law. The copyright of the designs will remain with the authors of the proposals.
Nordic Innovation, Botkyrkabyggen, and the Swedish Association of Architects retain the right to
publish the competition proposals selected for Stage 2. In connection with the publication of the
material (after the announcement of the results), the main author/s of the proposals in question
will always be mentioned by company or name.
1.15 Further actions after the competition
The jury will make its recommendations for further actions based on the results of the
The intention is to award the winner of Stage 2 the task of refurbishing the property on
Krögarvägen 2 or another corresponding property at Botkyrkabyggen. The final prize in the
Swedish competition is thus a possibility for the nominated winning competitor to negotiate a
contract between the competitor and Botkyrkabyggen without any further competition.
If these negotiations do not succeed, according to the parties’ opinion, the contract will not be
signed. Botkyrkabyggen is then free to negotiate with other competitors, in any order, according
to the same principles.
The working language during these negotiations and during the further phases will be Swedish if
not agreed otherwise.
The commission will then be undertaken on the basis of Section 27 Paragraph 7 (Direct Award of
Contracts) of the Act on Public Contracts.
If the building project for any reason is cancelled or if the consultancy contract is not otherwise
awarded to the winner of the competition within four years of the announcement of winner of
the competition, the winner of the competition shall receive a compensation of NOK 150 000
excluding VAT.
Interior details.
View from Krögarvägen 2.
2.1 Competition documentation
The documentation comprises this competition program plus the following appendixes:
O1. Nordic Built Charter
O2. Information regarding the building at Krögarvägen 2
The competition documents can be downloaded from 8 of November 2012 onwards on the
competition website:
All information related to the competition will also be placed on the competition website.
The competition program and its appendices have been checked and approved by the
competition promoter (Nordic Innovation and/or Botkyrkabyggen).
2.2 Competition launch
On the 8 of November there will be a launch of the competition at Kulturhuset, Sergels torg,
Stockholm, Sweden. The launch is from 10:00 to 15:00.
At the launch there will be representatives of Botkyrkabyggen present in order to answer
questions regarding the building and its surroundings.
2.3 Possibility to visit the competition site
Competitors who want to visit the property at Krögarvägen 2 shall contact the Competition
administrator Lars Dahlquist, tel. +46 701 810102 or e-mail [email protected]
It may not be possible to enter the apartments.
2.4 Questions concerning the competition
Competitors will have the opportunity to put questions to Botkyrkabyggen regarding the
competition task via the competition website up until 7 of December 2012. Questions shall be
written in English.
The organizers will answer to questions, which are considered relevant for preparing the
competition entry and answers could not be found by reading the competition documentation.
The questions will be handled anonymously. They will be answered in at least two batches, the
first batch answering to the questions that have arrived by 16 November 2012 and the second
batch to questions that have arrived by 7 December 2012. All the questions and replies will be
placed on the competition website.
3.1 Competition area
Competition area:
Krögarvägen 2
3.2 Description of the competition area and surroundings
In the neighborhood where the building “Krögarvägen 2” is located, Botkyrkabyggen owns 1 393
apartments in which 4 060 people are living by the official records. The actual number is probably
much higher due to illegal immigration, temporary housing of relatives, and so on. More than
three quarters of the dwellers have a foreign background and only 55% of those in the working
age are employed. The net income per family is below SEK 200 000 per year.
When the neighborhood is portrayed in the media, it is often regarded as unsafe with a quite high
level of crime.
An interesting contradiction to this, however, is that a high number of the inhabitants are satisfied
with their living, and people say they like the neighborhood because they feel safe. When visiting
the area you can also notice that it has a very friendly atmosphere.
3.3 The existing building
See appendix 2 for further information.
Surface condition
in an apartment
3.4 Objectives of the competition
The ten principles of the Nordic Built Charter form the basis for the objectives as well as for the
assessment criteria of the competition.
The long-term goal with the Nordic Built Competition is that it shall be possible to renovate the
property at Krögarvägen 2 and other areas in Fittja (and similar neighborhoods) at a reasonable
cost so that a majority of the residents can remain and will not be forced to leave due to raised
rental costs.
In addition it is important for Botkyrkabyggen to find a long-term solution for:
a) The water pipes
b) The waterproofing in the bathrooms
c) The sewage system
d) Windows (in general there is a leakage problem)
e) The visual impression (kitchen cabinets, painting, floors etc.)
f) Energy performance
g) Public areas (stairwells, basements, laundries etc.)
3.5 Starting points and instructions for design
3.5.1 Cityscape, town plan and building rights
Previously the municipal authorities have defined the buildings in Fittja as “typical for the period”.
In practice this means that it has not been easy to get a permit to change their exterior and look.
We have made an effort, due to this competition, to get a formal statement from the authorities
to define the conservation value of the building which is the subject to this competition. Since
we have not succeeded in this task, we have ordered an independent study from an expert at
Thyréns (a consultancy firm). We expect their report before the actual launch of the competition,
and publish it on the competition website as soon as it is delivered. As soon as we have the
report we also try to get a formal response from the concerned authorities.
Any feedback that is considered relevant to the competition will be published on the competition
website without a delay.
3.6 Demolition
Any proposal with the essential context of tearing down the house down to the concrete frame
and then rebuild the house will not be tried by the jury. The grounds for this are our awareness
of the option, which, however, has been dismissed when considering it as not a politically viable
3.7 Financial framework
The property of Krögarvägen 2 has annual revenue of SEK 5 300 000. The proposal submitted
should be possible to fund based on this revenue.
A typical kitchen
at Krögarvägen 2.
Example of
The overall assessment criteria are the ability to apply the 10 principles of the Nordic Built Charter
to the refurbishment project.
The further evaluation criteria of the Nordic Built Challenge Sweden described below are derived
from the 10 principles of the Nordic Built Charter.
In the assessment of the proposals the emphasis is put particularly on the characteristics listed
below and how the proposals fulfill the objectives set out in the competition program with regard
to these characteristics.
The merits of the overall solution are considered more important than the faultlessness of details.
The assessment also takes into consideration the development potential of the proposal, in other
words, how it can be developed without the basic solution being substantially affected.
Proposals received will be examined and evaluated in three stages:
O1. A check on the suitability of the supplier in accordance with the clause 1.7
O2. Examination of the other obligatory requirements, “shall” requirements.
O3. The competitors that meet the requirements in steps 1 and 2 above proceed to evaluation,
as described below.
4.1 Competition Stage 1
The proposals in Stage 1 will be evaluated on the four areas described below including the extent
to which the proposals meet or could fulfill 10 principles of the Nordic Built Charter.
The emphasis will be on the proposals that can be implemented within the announced financial
4.1.1 Realization
The following criteria will be used:
a) Planning and time governance
b) Governance of costs
c) Timetable for renovation
d) Economics, for example investments and operation costs
e) Expected ease of getting permits from authorities
f) Resources required from Botkyrkabyggen
g) Risk management
4.1.2 Creativity
System and methods for suggesting and analyzing alternative technical solutions and methods of
4.1.3 Customer value
The following criteria for evaluation will be used:
a) Design
b) Residential environment
c) Expected disturbance during renovation
4.1.4 Value for Botkyrkabyggen
The following criteria for evaluation will be used:
a) Expected change of the economic value of the property
b) Ease of management after the implementation.
c) Scalability: Possibility to replicate in other neighborhoods
4.2 Competition Stage 2
In stage 2 the proposals shall be evaluated by the same criteria as in stage 1 unless the Jury finds
it necessary to add some new criteria.
Example of kitchen
Pictures from
an apartment
4.3 Nordic Built Challenge – the final winner
The Nordic Built Challenge final winner will be selected according to the project’s ability to apply
the 10 principles of the Nordic Built Charter in the refurbishment of each building with the use of
existing technology and while remaining financially and practically viable.
5.1 Competition secrecy and anonymity of entrants
The proposals submitted by the competitors will be judged anonymously and each document
shall be clearly marked with a pseudonym (for example a word or a sentence which the
competitors can freely choose).
The competitors must attach to their entry a “name envelope”. This is a sealed, non-transparent
envelope containing the pseudonym for the proposal, the names of the authors and contact
information for the competitor’s contact person. Additionally, it must be mentioned who has the
copyright to the proposal. The name envelope must be marked with the entry’s pseudonym and
the text “Name Envelope”.
After the jury has made its decision of the winner of the Swedish competition the name
envelope of the winning proposal will be opened. Other name envelopes remain unopened. The
competitors are responsible for preserving the anonymity of their proposals until the competition
has been solved.
5.2 Required competition documents
5.2.1 Stage 1
The proposal developed by the competition team should be both in visual and written format
with a short text describing the proposal. Please make sure to answer all “shall” requirements
specified in this competition brief. And deliver the following documentation:
O1. All information required according to section 1.7 separated from the actual proposal
(this information will not be distributed to the jury due to the requirements of holding the
proposals as anonymous)
O2. The summary of the proposal with necessary appendices where the proposed solution is
described in detail
O3. Solutions for residential environment described verbally, and as pictures and in graphic
format to illustrate the concept.
O4. The building’s eco-efficiency innovations illustrated verbally and optionally with drawings/
O5. Illustrations and sketches of houses and other common surfaces
Logotypes or other information revealing the competitor is not allowed in the actual proposal.
The competition entry shall be submitted in paper and stored on a USB memory stick as
instructed below.
Participants are encouraged to limit the number of pages and print on both sides of the sheets.
One USB memory stick with the proposal in pdf-format and all other important documents from
the proposal in eps, tif, pdf or jpg format. Each document and illustration should be as a separate
file as instructed below:
• All above mentioned competition documents in pdf-format in the same order as in section
5.2.1 stored as a pdf queue. This file shall be named: entry’s pseudonym_Krögarvägen_2_date
• For the possible presentation on the competition website
• A brief 600-character (including spaces) presentation text in txt-format. The text shall be
named as follows: entry’s pseudonym_explanatory_text
• Documents n-n in jpg-format. The pictures are to be named as follows: entry’s
pseudonym_1, entry’s pseudonym_2, etc
Some kitchens are
more modern than
Any illustration, sketch, drawing or similar material shall be adapted to a format fitted for printing
in an A3-format.
A name envelope as mentioned in section 5.1 shall also be included. All competition
documentation shall be clearly marked with a pseudonym.
5.2.2 Stage 2
The documents required in Stage 2 are the same as in Stage 1 but presented in more detail,
in scale and adapted more accurately to Botkyrkabyggen. In Stage 2 of the competition, the
competitors selected must prove energy-efficiency of the platform building with calculations of
energy performance in accordance with Swedish building regulations. The final details regarding
the required documents in Stage 2 are given in the evaluation document that the four winners of
Stage 1 will receive.
Botkyrkabyggen will carry out economical calculations of the proposals during the competition. If
some information in this regard is required from the competitors during this competition process,
it is asked under the Stage 2.
5.3 Submission of proposals
The competition proposals must be submitted in an anonymous closed package latest on the
closing date (Stage 1: 8 of February 2013 at 3.00 o’clock pm and for those who proceed to Stage
2: 14 of June 2013 at 3.00 o’clock pm) to the postal address given below with the proof (clearly
postmarked or registered as evidence of the dispatch date) that they were handed over to the
post office or other courier service for transportation on or before the closing date.
Please note, that the competitors are responsible for ensuring that:
• the competition proposals are received at the latest by 8 of February 2013 at 3.00 o’clock pm
(Stage 1) and 14 of June 2013 at 3.00 o’clock pm (Stage 2)
• the competition proposal will not be stuck in the customs. The competitors are advised to
describe the contents of the package for example as: “design competition documentation, no
resale value”
The packages must be marked with the text “Nordic Built Challenge Competition Sweden” and
sent to the address:
Tekniska Avdelningen
AB Botkyrkabyggen
Box 1
SE-147 21 TUMBA
AB Botkyrkabyggen 25 of October 2012
Appendix O1/1
We, the Nordic building sector, will join forces and capitalise on our common strengths to deliver the sustainable
solutions the Nordic region and the world demands. The time is now and the principles of
Nordic Built Charter will lead the way.
our commitment
We commit to taking leadership and implement the Nordic Built principles in our work and our
business plans. We commit to taking the necessary actions to deliver competitive concepts for a sustainable
built environment that benefit users, the building sector, our region and the world.
our nordic built principles
we will create a built environment that :
Is made for people and promotes
quality of life
Is robust, durable, flexible and timeless built to last
Pushes the limits of sustainable
performance, as a result of our innovative
mind-set and high level of knowledge
Utilises local resources and is adapted
to local conditions
Merges urban living with the
qualities of nature
Is produced and maintained through
partnerships founded on transparent collaboration across borders and disciplines.
Achieves zero emissions
over its lifecycle
Employs concepts that are scalable
and used globally
Is functional, smart and aesthetically
appealing, building on the best of the
Nordic design tradition
Profits people, business and the
our invitation
We, the Nordic building sector, invite the Nordic governments and public authorities, investors and financial
institutions, end-users and building owners, the energy sector and all others who have a stake in our mission, to join us
in our efforts to accelerate the transition to a sustainable built environment.
Signed by:
Appendix O1/2
our nordic foundation
The Nordic building sector shares important values, promoting a balanced and integrated
societal development based on environmental, economic and social sustainability.
A human-centred approach defines the Nordic building sector across national and regional
borders. The Nordic building sector embodies our welfare society’s deeply rooted pillars;
democracy, consensus-based decision-making and solidarity.
The many structural similarities within the Nordic region provide the basis for further
collaboration. All five countries have progressive regulations, a highly skilled work force
and well-functioning infrastructure.
Collaboration within the Nordic region comes naturally due to similarities in culture,
language and tradition.
the nordic built principles explained
o1. Made for people and promotes quality of life
We will put the human perspective at the centre of everything we do. This results in
a healthy, safe, accessible and pleasant built environment that enhances quality of life.
Our indoor and outdoor climate promotes human health through fresh clean air and
unharmful materials, and surroundings that inspire a healthy lifestyle.
Our built environment shall provide safety for all inhabitants during construction,
use and demolition.
o2. Pushes the limits of sustainable performance, as a result of our innovative
mind-set and high level of knowledge
Our approach is progressive and solution-oriented, and it is our responsibility to create the
changes needed. We will use our high level of knowledge and broad expertise to create
innovations and implement new solutions.
Our education system will be the key lever in the transformation to a sustainable built
environment. Professional values and skills in interdisciplinary cooperation are learnt in
school and are vital to the sustainable building industry.
Appendix O1/3
our nordic foundation
The Nordic building sector shares important values, promoting a balanced and integrated
societal development based on environmental, economic and social sustainability.
A human-centred approach defines the Nordic building sector across national and regional
borders. The Nordic building sector embodies our welfare society’s deeply rooted pillars;
democracy, consensus-based decision-making and solidarity.
The many structural similarities within the Nordic region provide the basis for further
collaboration. All five countries have progressive regulations, a highly skilled work force
and well-functioning infrastructure.
Collaboration within the Nordic region comes naturally due to similarities in culture,
language and tradition.
the nordic built principles explained
o1. Made for people and promotes quality of life
We will put the human perspective at the centre of everything we do. This results in
a healthy, safe, accessible and pleasant built environment that enhances quality of life.
Our indoor and outdoor climate promotes human health through fresh clean air and
unharmful materials, and surroundings that inspire a healthy lifestyle.
Our built environment shall provide safety for all inhabitants during construction,
use and demolition.
o2. Pushes the limits of sustainable performance, as a result of our innovative
mind-set and high level of knowledge
Our approach is progressive and solution-oriented, and it is our responsibility to create the
changes needed. We will use our high level of knowledge and broad expertise to create
innovations and implement new solutions.
Our education system will be the key lever in the transformation to a sustainable built
environment. Professional values and skills in interdisciplinary cooperation are learnt in
school and are vital to the sustainable building industry.
Appendix O1/4
Underlying systems may be complex, but their operation and successful
implementation is always simple and user friendly.
o6. Is robust, durable, flexible and timeless - built to last.
Our built environment will consist of high quality solutions that are robust and durable.
We will reduce the environmental impact of our building materials through
a total life cycle approach.
We will create a timeless built environment that will stay attractive, functional and
stimulating in the future.
Our built environment will have a high degree of flexibility to accommodate users’
habits and changing needs over time, without requiring significant rebuilding.
o7. Utilises local resources and is adapted to local conditions.
There are no “one size fits all” solutions. We will adapt to each location and utilise its
specific natural resources and surroundings, as well as local knowledge and traditions.
We will adapt the built environment to local conditions, making it able to handle existing
and future climate conditions.
We will strive to use locally available materials and base our choice of materials on life
cycle assessment (l c a).
We will reuse materials when retrofitting and demolishing, and strive to achieve a zero
waste attitude for our activities.
We will adapt the built environment to local ecosystems.
o8. Is produced and maintained through partnerships founded on transparent
collaboration across borders and disciplines.
We will change the way we work together, to secure effective collaboration and knowledge
sharing through the entire value chain utilising the strengths and complimentary competences
within the different sub-sectors of the building sector. In this manner, we will ensure that the
principles of the Charter are included in all stages of the building process.
Appendix O1/5
We will create a less fragmented and more collaborative building sector through cross
border knowledge sharing and business alliances within the Nordic region and beyond.
By joining forces, we strengthen our chances to win global markets.
We will be open-minded and democratic in our stakeholder involvement to ensure that
product supply matches user demands.
o9. Employs in concepts that are scalable and used globally.
We will realise the vast business potential in sustainability for the Nordic building sector
through scalable concepts that can be implemented and exported.
1o. Profits people, business and the environment.
Long-term environmental and social performance is currently undervalued in the business
models of the building sector. We will develop business models that capture and boost the
value for people and the environment.
We will achieve sustainable development in all three pillars of sustainability; people,
business and the environment.
Our sustainable concepts and solutions will be profitable to a degree that will drive change,
improving quality of life and environmental performance.
Our solutions will be attractive to average citizens: Affordable, realistic and scalable everywhere.
Appendix O2/1
Information regarding the building at Krögarvägen 2
AB Botkyrkabyggen
Property designation:
Forbonden 5
Krögarvägen 2, 145 52 Norsborg, Sweden
Public housing
Operating time:
Number of floors:
11 st excl. basement and ground floor.
Year of construction:
Number of apartments:
Number of business premises:
4748,0 m2
Area wholly or partly above the ground, set up for residents.
With certain exceptions, an area for purposes other than housing.
2 rooms and a kitchen
1 123,0 m2
3 rooms and a kitchen
2 560,0 m2
4 rooms and a kitchen
968,0 m2
5 rooms and a kitchen
97,0 m2
Public areas
Laundry room
71,5 m2
Public areas
Includes passageways and
Approximately 500 m2
Description of the construction
The building is built of a precast concrete, typical for the years 1960–1970.
The building consists of:
• A bearing frame of concrete.
• House facades that are built with a so-called “sandwich construction” of concrete, where the
joints have a 2-step seal
• Joists that are made of concrete
• Terrace roofs and flat roofs
Appendix O2/2
Historical consumption values, Krögarvägen 2
Building electricity
Household electricity is excluded
in the figures above.
2011 Jan-Dec
168,7 MWh
In the summer of 2010, two
new heat pumps were installed
on ­Krögarvägen 2, and also on
­Krögarvägen 6. A heat pump on
each place heats hot water for
two new water heaters in each
mechanical room (MR).
In each MR one “hot gas heater”
was installed and they are warmed up by the heat pumps. A new exhaust air battery were also
installed in the garage with new pipes to each MR.
Heat pumps and water heaters were placed in rooms next to the MR for district heating. District
heating can if it is necessary assist with the heating of hot water.
District Heating
1 000
2011 Jan-Dec
486,1 MWh
16 759,6 15 413,1 14 937,8 14 703,7 14 267,2
2011 Jan-Dec
13 392,6 13 079,5 12 069,4 12 072,6 12 131,1 m3
In 2006 apartments were supplemented with some new equipment’s
to save water, such as new showerheads and water-saving jets to the
kitchen faucets. Toilets and faucets
were also checked if there were
any leaks. There´s also a connection between the water reduction
and the reduction in heat, 20%
reduction of water results in around
5% reduction of heat.