international real estate
international real estate
| rotterdam | uk | london | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | budapest | uk | ne herlands| france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | u | germany | düsseldorf | luxembourg | usa | houston | uk | london | usa | rotterdam in t er n a t ion a l r ea l est a t e a company in the Stena Group netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | l est | uk | london | luxembourg | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam terdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | fran Stena Realty - Vision on real estate Stena Realty is Stena Property’s international property company and part of the privately owned Swedish Stena Group. Focusing on commercial properties, Stena Realty operates in the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and the US. The portfolio of the overall Stena property company Stena Fastigheter, based in Sweden, mainly comprises residential units complemented with CBD offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö. Stena Fastigheter and Stena Realty manage a total portfolio of approximately EUR 3,8 billion. Stena Realty’s aim is to own, manage and develop quality assets, always proactively looking for sustainable and innovative solutions. Our vision is to be the best-in-class supplier of real estate in our various markets. We want to surpass customer expectations, increase customer satisfaction and build on long-term relationships. It is our goal to see new opportu nities in our business environment and to create confidence and trust among our business partners through our professional staff. Our team believes in open, responsive and straightforward communication to stay close to our customers, suppliers and products. We care, are interested, committed and dedicated to seize opportunities in new and existing markets. luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | udapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | ondon | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam | year in brief he hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nice capture upswing Overseas investment needs and the lack of alternative high yielding products led to increased real estate pricing in various regions, yet global fundamentals remain diverse. Stena Realty is Stena Property’s international property company of the Swedish Stena Group. Focusing on commercial properties, it operates in the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and the US. Stena Realty also owns interests in two separate real estate funds. In Sweden, the portfolio of the Stena property company Stena Fastigheter mainly comprises residential units R o n a l d Vi s s c he r mre M an agi n g d i rec tor complemented with CBD offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö. The growth of business confidence in 2014 came from the availability of capital. Interest was shown in both prime and secondary real estate as a result of greater liquidity and the need to deploy capital in this asset class. In many of Europe’s main markets, growth in values has far exceeded any rise in occupier activity. Across the Eurozone, in particular, rental growth is not proven throughout. Especially core properties are perhaps overpriced in almost all markets. In this respect, influences from equity-rich (sovereign wealth) funds, pension funds and insurers from overseas helped to drive the price of core assets in “gateway” cities such as London, Paris, Milan and Berlin. Consequently this had a side effect on pricing of assets in the immediate vicinity of prime real estate as well on better quality of secondary assets, for the latter due to the considerable yield spread and higher risk-acceptance with investors. This has led to the decision by Realty management to acknowledge the potential of this market circumstance and capture the substantial value upswing. The property 100 Leman Street in London, which was acquired in late 2011 and was almost to become vacant in 2015, was sold mid-2014. The very profitable sales return was considerably outperforming the expected longer term hold and refurbish strategy. This success also triggered the discussion on our other London assets, especially on our core-plus building 20 Red Lion Street. At year end a start was made for a potential exit for this building too. We have also looked into new acquisitions but due to price expectations no new file was executed. The above stated very positive results were offset against the challenging Dutch market results where predominantly leasing still proved to be difficult. Not only the number of transactions, also rents remained pressured and incentives steep. Consequently values of vacancy show negative trends. On the other hand our various investments in our buildings are appreciated and show first leasing results. Further strategies on modern and alternatives uses have progressed and have been implemented with positive signs for 2015. Conversion plans have been drafted for The Hague buildings which will most likely lead to implementation next year. Houston proved to be a market with two faces. The general economics show positive trends with continuing job growth and consequent office take up in 1H 2014. When global oil prices dropped by 50% in the second half of the year, especially large corporate energy companies reacted by being careful in taking up new office leases in the final quarter. We anticipated to lease more in our existing buildings to these corporate groups in our 2014 budget, yet that target was difficult to achieve with the changing sentiment of the oil sector. Our Phase I development of approx. 17,500 m2 Class-A office space was timely and on budget delivered to our anchor tenant for a 10 year lease. Construction of our 100% pre-leased Phase II office building at Wood Branch (also 17,500 m2) to the Sasol Corporation started as planned in Q2 and was fully on schedule at year end for a delivery in April 2015. France continued to perform very well. The new business center concept created last year is almost fully occupied throughout the year and generating splendid returns. We have been able to welcome HP as new large tenant in our Marco Polo site where we also upgraded our restaurant facility to accommodate more people and better service to our clients. || luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary budapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk |london | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam year in brief ethe hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nic The construction of our new World Trade Center (6) building faced a minor delay in the beginning as extra hard rocky ground needed to be removed. This had no negative effect on leasing as we successfully attracted a 100% GE Healthcare subsidiary as a new anchor tenant for 60% of the development. At year end discussions were ongoing with tenants for the remainder of the development. Management believes to have captured the development upswing at the right moment where others remained still in this interesting and special regional market. Luxembourg remained in a stable good position where we have made investments in our building in close cooperation with our strong single tenant to improve fire safety and some general upgrades. The relatively small market keeps performing well and vacancy rates especially in the inner city remains at an internationally low level of around 5%. Although a strong economic player in the EU, Germany had a weak year as a region. Germany is performing stably albeit not very profitably. Our assets might require an adjusted strategy going forward due to location and age. In Hungary the Budapest market is bottoming out with some positive political and economic indicators. We have started to plan for building refurbishments and various upgrades to the main lobby area and some floors to re-market the building next year as the Budapest market is showing positive signs of recovery. Management will aim to benefit from this trend. The overall investments in our existing portfolio amounted EUR 53 million to construct, upgrade and fit out according to the latest regulations and market wishes - where possible in a sustainable manner. Various parts of our portfolio were refinanced successfully with various international banks ensuring a healthy financial position of our company for upcoming medium term. The Realty groups’ net result for 2014 amounted in EUR 16.6 million with a strong cash position for future acquisitions and other investments. key figures for five years period key figures for five years period 5 years key figures stena2014 realty 2013 PROFIT AND LOSS ITEMS: 2012 2011 2010 2014 EUR 1,000 2013 EUR 1,000 2012 EUR 1,000 2011 EUR 1,000 2010 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 BUILDINGS PROFIT AND LOSS Rental income per ITEMS: country: Rental income per country: The Netherlands 14,093 14,405 15,798 17,958 18,993 The Netherlands France 14,093 8,555 14,405 8,691 15,798 8,364 17,958 7,855 18,993 7,697 France UK 8,555 4,671 8,691 4,943 8,364 4,602 7,855 1,341 7,697- UK USA 4,671 4,245 4,943 3,711 4,602 4,251 1,341 3,204 1,745- USA Luxembourg 4,245 1,872 3,711 1,842 4,251 1,834 3,204 1,751 1,745 1,752 Luxembourg Germany 1,872 447 1,842 459 1,834 391 1,751 629 1,752 547 Germany Total rental income 447 33,883 459 34,051 391 35,239 629 32,738 547 30,734 Total rental income Net gain on sales 33,883 14,336 34,051 1,780 35,239 1,603 32,738- 30,734- Net gain on sales TOTAL TURNOVER 14,336 48,219 1,780 35,831 1,603 36,843 32,738- 30,734- TOTAL TURNOVER Result from indirect investments 48,219 7,150 35,831 19,386 36,843 9,582 32,738 10,208 30,734 10,059 Result from indirect OPERATING RESULT investments BEFORE DEPRECIATION 7,150 43,692 19,386 43,729 9,582 34,639 10,208 31,798 10,059 31,158 OPERATING NET PROFIT RESULT FOR THEBEFORE YEAR DEPRECIATION 43,692 15,887 43,729 8,137 34,639 7,601 31,798 3,888 31,158 7,146 NET PROFIT THE YEAR CAPITAL ANDFOR RESERVES 15,887 234,217 8,137 215,241 7,601 187,974 3,888 175,785 7,146 171,922 CAPITAL PORTFOLIO AND RESERVES DIRECT SIZE IN M2 (1) 234,217 250,000 215,241 242,000 187,974 242,000 175,785 251,000 171,922 242,000 DIRECT PORTFOLIO SIZE IN M2 (1) 250,000 242,000 242,000 251,000 242,000 (1) Including properties managed by Stena Realty. (1) (2) (1) (3) 53 Capital increase EUR 34.0 million as per 1st July 2008. Restatement of equity for the year 2009. Capital EURmanaged, 34.0 million per 1st Julyby2008. Includedincrease properties butas not owned, Stena Realty B.V. Group. 541 e MILLION INVESTMENTS 250,000 m2 55 e MILLION GROSS REVENUE luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | udapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | ondon | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam | Assets 2015 he hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nice almere almere amstelveen, kantorenhuis address: Rooseveltweg 11 address: Rooseveltweg 15 address: Burg. Haspelslaan 45-83 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 3,465 m2 64 parking places m2 size: 2,944 54 parking places m2 size: 2,871 43 parking places amsterdam amsterdam, atlanta building amsterdam address: Keizersgracht 125-127 address: Stadhouderskade 5-6 address: Hogehilweg 3 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 4,392 m2 101 parking places m2 size: 2,268 10 parking places m2 size: 6,032 31 parking places amsterdam the hague the hague address: address: address: Koninginnegracht 10 type: Office size: 2,017 m2 17 parking places Hogehilweg 6 Eisenhowerlaan 156 type: Office type: Office size: 3,142 m2 size: 2,104 m2 71 parking places 10 parking places || luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary budapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk |london | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam Assets 2015 ethe hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nic the hague the hague the hague address: Koninginnegracht 12 address: Koninginnegracht 12b-13 address: Koninginnegracht 14 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 2,181 m2 15 parking places m2 size: 2,268 25 parking places m2 size: 1,828 18 parking places the hague, koninginneborgh the hague, parkhaghe the hague address: Koninginnegracht 23-24 address: Parkstraat 20 address: Paviljoensgracht 1-3 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 6,260 m2 53 parking places m2 size: 2,161 15 parking places m2 size: 4,000 22 parking places the hague, statenhof the hague hoofddorp address: Scheveningseweg 80-82 address: Zeestraat 98-100 address: Marsstraat 1-43 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 6,688 m2 154 parking places m2 size: 2,162 45 parking places m2 size: 3,182 34 parking places luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | udapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | ondon | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam | Assets 2015 he hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nice leiden, kantorenhuis rijswijk address: Schipholweg 70-128 address: Veraartlaan 4 address: Volmerlaan 20/Polakweg 13 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 4,204 m2 87 parking places m2 size: 4,606 53 parking places rijswijk m2 size: 2,442 24 parking places rotterdam rotterdam rotterdam address: KP vd Mandelelaan 30-38 address: KP vd Mandelelaan 80-84 address: KP vd Mandelelaan 120 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 1,798 m2 45 parking places m2 size: 2,703 63 parking places m2 size: 1,272 31 parking places rotterdam rotterdam rotterdam address: Kiotoweg 201-211-221 address: Lichtenauerlaan 2-20 address: Max Euwelaan 21-29 type: Office & warehouse type: Office type: Office size: 2,708 m2 64 parking places m2 size: 1,684 & 5,888 63 parking places m2 m2 size: 2,132 38 parking places || luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary budapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk |london | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam Assets 2015 ethe hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nic rotterdam schiphol-rijk schiphol-rijk address: Westblaak 155-189 address: Breguetlaan 2 address: Cessnalaan 2 type: Office type: Office & warehouse type: Office & warehouse size: 1,051 m2 & 3,087 m2 52 parking places m2 size: 6,162 42 parking places m2 size: 1,215 & 2,986 47 parking places m2 utrecht, bloeyendaal ii utrecht address: Archimedeslaan 61 address: Atoomweg 77 type: Office type: Office & warehouse m2 size: 4,484 85 parking places utrecht size: utrecht 2,074 m2 & 11,143 m2 utrecht address: Burg. Verderlaan 9 type: Office size: 2,017 m2 63 parking places utrecht address: Burg. Verderlaan 15 address: Euclideslaan 101-149 address: Kon. Wilhelminalaan 3 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 4,845 m2 97 parking places m2 size: 4,060 111 parking places m2 size: 3,078 75 parking places luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | udapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | ondon | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam | Assets 2015 he hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nice ecolucioles, sophia antipolis parc haute technology, sophia antipolis marco polo, sophia antipolis address: 955, Route des Lucioles, Valbonne address: Ave. du Dr. Maurice Donat, Mougins address: Ave. du Dr. Maurice Donat, Mougins type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 12,777 m2 554 parking places m2 size: 5,638 182 parking places m2 size: 4,794 165 parking places oreades & triades, sophia antipolis wtc, les crêtes, sophia antipolis wtc, les deux arcs , sophia antipolis address: 485 Route du Pin Montard, Biot address: 1300, Route des Crêtes, Valbonne address: 1800, Route des Crêtes, Valbonne type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 6,063 m2 271 parking places m2 size: 7,715 401 parking places m2 size: 10,826 391 parking places wtc, les crêtes, building 6 sophia antipolis luxembourg-city budapest address: 1300 Route des Crêtes, Valbonne address: Rue J.P. Brasseur 14a address: Andrássy út 70 type: Office type: Office type: Office size: 2,931 m2 14 parking places m2 size: 1,904 82 parking places m2 size: 4,516 68 parking places || luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary budapest | netherlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk |london | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amsterdam Assets 2015 ethe hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxembourg | france | nic london, holland house london, renown house kiel address: 1-4 Bury Street, Gherkin Piazza address: 33-34 Bury Street, Gherkin Piazza address: Holstenbrüecke 28 type: Office type: Office type: Retail & office size: 2,644 m2 & 1,986 m2 50 parking places m2 size: 4,534 / 48,608 sqft 3 parking places size: 484 m2 / 5,246 sqft düsseldorf woodbranch i, houston, texas woodbranch ii, houston, texas address: Schiess-strasse 55 address: 12121 Wickchester Lane address: 12141 Wickchester Lane type: Office & warehouse type: Office type: Office size: 10,970 m2 / 118,080 sqft 448 parking places m2 & 1,624 m2 size: 5,504 120 parking places m2 size: 10,885 / 117,166 sqft 457 parking places woodbranch iii, houston, texas woodbranch plaza iv, houston address: Wickchester Lane address: Wickchester Lane type: Office type: Office size: 17,500 m2 / 178,000 sqft 680 parking places m2 size: 17,500 / 178,000 sqft 680 parking places luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | buda m | usa | houston | uk | london | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | am nce | nice sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | budapest | netherlands Your Location Our Care herlands | amsterdam | the hague | rotterdam | usa | houston | uk | london | luxe usa | houston | luxembourg | france | nice sophia antipolis | netherlands | amster ce sophia antipolis | germany | düsseldorf | hungary | budapest | amsterdam | the hag Your Location Our Care STENA REALTY B.V. Burgemeester Haspelslaan 61, 1181 NB Amstelveen, The Netherlands, T +31 (0) 20 426 16 16 STENA BUREAUX SARL WTC, Les Crêtes, Bâtiment V - Entrée L, 1300, Route des Crêtes, 06560 Valbonne, France, T +33 (0) 4 93 95 89 96 STENA FASTIGHETER AB Box 31157, Drakegatan 1, SE-412 50 Göteborg, Sweden, T +46 (0) 75 241 50 00 STENA AB (PUBL) Masthuggskajen, SE–405 19 Göteborg, Sweden, T +46 (0) 31 85 50 00 - -
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