NI 43-101 Technical Report
NI 43-101 Technical Report
43-101 Technical Report on the Clemente Silver-Gold Project Municipality of Pitiquito Sonora, Mexico Prepared for Prepared by Riverside Resources Inc. Suite 1110, 1111 W. Georgia St. Vancouver B.C. Canada V6E 4M3 David S. Smith, MS, MBA, CPG 3803 NE 120th St. Seattle WA USA 98125 February, 28 2014 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Table of Contents 1 2 Summary ..........................................................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Sources of Information..........................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Current Personal Inspection .................................................................................................................................................4 2.3 Independent Qualified Person .............................................................................................................................................4 3 Reliance on Other Experts............................................................................................................................................................4 4 Property Description and Location.............................................................................................................................................4 4.1 Land Title.................................................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 Mexican Mining Law..............................................................................................................................................................5 4.3 Nature and Extent of Title....................................................................................................................................................7 4.4 Environmental Liabilities ......................................................................................................................................................7 4.5 Permitting ................................................................................................................................................................................8 4.6 Map Projection........................................................................................................................................................................8 5 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography ..........................................................................8 5.1 Accessibility .............................................................................................................................................................................8 5.2 Climate and Vegetation..........................................................................................................................................................8 5.3 Surface Rights..........................................................................................................................................................................8 5.4 Physiography ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 5.5 Local Resources ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.6 Infrastructure........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 5.7 Potential Facilities Sites....................................................................................................................................................... 10 6 History........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 7 Geological Setting and Mineralization ..................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1 Regional Geology ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 7.2 Property Geology ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 7.3 Mineralization....................................................................................................................................................................... 17 8 Deposit Types .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24 8.1 Orogenic Gold Deposits .................................................................................................................................................... 24 8.2 Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits........................................................................................................ 25 8.3 Exploration Model .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 9 Exploration................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 9.1 Extent of Sampling.............................................................................................................................................................. 28 9.2 Mapping, Sampling, and ASTER Results ........................................................................................................................ 28 9.3 Exploration Targets............................................................................................................................................................. 31 10 Drilling........................................................................................................................................................................................ 34 11 Sample Preparation, Analysis, and Security .......................................................................................................................... 34 11.1 Quality Control.................................................................................................................................................................. 35 12 Data Verification....................................................................................................................................................................... 35 13 Adjacent Properties .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 14 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing ...................................................................................................................... 36 15 Mineral Resource & Mineral Reserve Estimates.................................................................................................................. 36 16 Other Relevant Data and Information .................................................................................................................................. 36 17 Interpretation and Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 36 17.1 Interpretation and Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... 36 17.2 Significant Risks and Uncertainties ................................................................................................................................ 37 18 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................................................... 37 18.1 Exploration Program........................................................................................................................................................ 37 18.2 Drill Program..................................................................................................................................................................... 38 19 References .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41 20 Certificate of Qualified Person ............................................................................................................................................... 42 i 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figures Figure 4-1. Clemente property location, Sonora, Mexico. ...............................................................................................................6 Figure 4-2. Clemente property boundary, late 2013..........................................................................................................................7 Figure 5-1. Access and general road network. ...................................................................................................................................9 Figure 5-2. Vegetation and landscape at the Clemente project .......................................................................................................9 Figure 7-1. Regional geologic map.................................................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 7-2 Generalized property geologic map. ............................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 7-3. Hematite-specularite-quartz vein in hematite-altered granite, Nuevo Mundo target area................................... 19 Figure 7-4. Hematite-specularite-quartz veins and hematitic vein envelopes in dolomite, Nuevo Mundo target area...... 19 Figure 7-5. Hematite-specularite-matrix breccia with fragments of quartz-sulfide vein, Nuevo Mundo target area. ........ 20 Figure 7-6. Quartz-sulfide vein, Santa Elena target area. Site of sample RRI-10396: 347 ppb Au, 2,933 ppm Ag............ 20 Figure 7-7. Quartz-sulfide vein, Mundo target area. ...................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 7-8. Coarse-grained vein dolomite, Santa Elena target area. ............................................................................................ 21 Figure 7-9. Lead oxides, Nuevo Mundo target area....................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 7-10. Dolomite alteration in dolomite, Mundo target area............................................................................................... 23 Figure 7-11. Hematite and clay alteration in granite, Nuevo Mundo target area. .................................................................... 23 Figure 8-1. Structural model for mineralization at the Cerro Colorado mine, 5 km southeast of Clemente........................ 27 Figure 9-1. Map of reduced-to-pole magnetic field strength. Regional data from the Mexican Geological Survey........... 30 Figure 9-2. Target map. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 18-1. Proposed drill holes at the Mundo target.................................................................................................................. 39 Figure 18-2. Proposed drill holes at the Nuevo Mundo target..................................................................................................... 39 Figure 18-3. Proposed drill holes at the Nuevo Mundo target..................................................................................................... 40 Figure 18-4. Proposed drill holes at the Santa Elena North target.............................................................................................. 40 Tables Table 4-1: Clemente project mining concessions ..............................................................................................................................5 Table 12-1: Rock sample summary................................................................................................................................................... 29 Table 12-2: Stream-sediment sample summary .............................................................................................................................. 29 Table 18-1. Proposed drill program.................................................................................................................................................. 38 ii 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 1 Summary The Clemente property is located in northwestern Sonora, 52 km by road south of Caborca in the Caborca-Trincheras region of Mexico and within the Pitiquito municipality. The Cerro Colorado mine is approximately 5 km southeast of the property. Access is over good dirt roads to the project, which has low topographic relief and a maximum elevation change of approximately 200 meters. The property covers an area of 14,073 hectares in two concessions owned 100% by Riverside Resources, with one third-party inlier claim of 100 hectares not covering the current target areas. The Clemente project shows good exploration potential over a 10-km strike length along a structural trend in line with a producing gold mine, within a corridor of major, structurally controlled, orogenicstyle gold deposits. Exploration to date has consisted of mapping, collection of 164 rock chip samples and 103 stream sediment samples, a ground magnetic survey, and ASTER data analysis. Results indicate extremely high values of silver with good gold and base-metal grades. Host rocks to mineralization consist of Proterozoic plutonic and metamorphic basement overlain by Proterozoic and Cambrian metasediments. Mineralization occurs mainly in the Proterozoic granite of the Bamori Metamorphic Complex (1,600 – 1,750 Ma) and in the unconformably overlying dolomitic Caborca Formation, also of Proterozoic age. Structure on the project consists of two phases of Laramide thrust faulting, and one phase each of Laramide folding and Tertiary extensional faulting. Mineralization is intimately tied to faults on the project, occurring within fault zones, and showing evidence of post-mineral faulting along many veins. Mineralization on the project consists of hematite-specularite-quartz veins and breccia, and quartzsulfide veins. High-grade silver mineralization occurs with both types of veins and is accompanied by elevated levels of gold, copper, lead, and zinc. Silver shows extremely high values, with peaks of 2,933 g/t Ag and 2,108 g/t Ag, and 36 samples greater than 50 g/t Ag. It is notable that the two highest Ag assays are almost 10 km apart, attesting to a very large mineralizing system. Gold attains values up to 5.2 g/t Au, with 36samples above 200 ppb Au, and 28 assays over 500 ppb Au. Lead values range between 0.1 to 8.82 % Pb, and Zn results are between 0.1 to 8.52 % Zn. The style of mineralization on the Clement project is not yet well defined nor definitively classified by ore-deposit type, but displays characteristics of both orogenic gold deposits and low-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver deposits. The dominant style of mineralization is sub-millimeter to 2-cm-wide veins filled with variable amounts of red hematite, specular hematite, and quartz, the majority occurring as sub-millimeter fractures, either as individual veinlets, zones of parallel sheeted veinlets, networks of cross-cutting veinlets, and stockworks. Vein attitudes group into a northwest strike and a northeast strike with dips dominantly steep in all directions. All hematite-specularite-quartz veins are surrounded by hematite alteration, and in some places hematite-altered wall rock contains up to 30% remnant disseminated sulfide minerals. Hematite-specularite breccia is composed of 0.1-3-cm angular fragments of white quartz in a red hematite and specularite matrix, accompanied by vugs filled with euhedral and botryoidal quartz and calcite. Quartz-sulfide veins are up to 1 meter thick, composed of milky to grayish white banded quartz with bands and clots of sulfide minerals, dominantly galena. At the Santa Elena showings this vein type includes coarse-grained dolomite in clots surrounding euhedral quartz crystals. Copper and zinc oxides are common in these veins, as is probable plattnerite, a lead oxide mineral. In almost all cases, these veins are accompanied and cut by hematite-specularite-quartz veins. At the Santa Elena target, 1 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. quartz-sulfide veins occupy a Phase 1 bedding-plane thrust fault, and in all quartz-sulfide veins observed some degree of post-vein faulting has occurred. The dominant types of alteration on the project are hematite alteration and recrystalization of dolomite. Hematite alteration consists of hematite staining surrounding hematite-specularite-quartz veins accompanied in some places by silicification and rare jasper. Recrystallization of dolomite at vein margins is widespread in the three target areas, and most prominent at the Mundo target. Minor clay alteration occurs in the Bamori granite at the Nuevo Mundo target area, and minor silicification is also present. Mineralization shows generally elevated values of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Ba, Cd, Cr, and Mg, and inconsistently high Bi, P, Sr, and W. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the veins and surrounding alteration points to a neutral to basic oxidized fluid. The exploration model for the Clemente project is that of the nearby and geologically similar Cerro Colorado and El Chanate deposits. In both of these deposits, ore-grade mineralization is concentrated at the intersections of relatively lower-angle and higher-angle structures. The Clemente project contains the same structural components as both of these deposits: moderate to low-angle structures (the granite-sediment contact and two generations of thrust faults) cut by steeply dipping NW-striking veins and faults. Both types of structure are mineralized. Exploration at Clemente should focus on identifying intersections between these structural elements using a combination of geologic mapping, sampling, and geophysics. Seven targets have currently been identified. 1. The Santa Elena mineralized area is located in the southwestern portion of the Clemente property, where mineralization consists dominantly of quartz-sulfide veins occupying a Phase 1 bedding-plane thrust fault with very high Ag values and accompanying Au and base metals over a strike length of 1.4 km. Sante Elena hosts two targets, North and South. The Santa Elena North area is a complex series of three stacked mineralized thrust zones accompanied by intervening brecciated damage zones and cross-cut by several steep, east-west faults. The stacked mineralized thrust planes repeat stratigraphy, indicating potential for a larger system, up to 700 m thick and over a 1km2 area, that has significant bulk-tonnage potential. 2. Santa Elena South is also a high-grade silver target and as noted above, and includes silver grades at 514 ppm, 286 ppm, 211 ppm, and several more over 100 ppm Ag. The Santa Elena South mineralized system comprises a wide mineralized shallow thrust zone, intercepted by multiple mineralized, steep east-west faults over a 700x500 m wide area. 3. The Nuevo Mundo target displays significant silver-lead-zinc mineralization in an area measuring approximately 575 m x 1400 m in a series of prospects and abandoned mines containing veins and stockwork zones. The dimensions of the mineralized structures are up to 10-100 m long, 1 m thick, and have been exposed to a depth of 80 m. 4. The Mundo target consists of an abandoned mine with very high silver values and the best gold values on the project. This high-potential area contains a 3.5-m-thick vein-fault striking 355° and dipping 65° SW exposed over a strike length of 70 m. 5. The Dos Kilos target shows two settings where high-grade structures have good continuity potential, show fault intersection potential, and trend under alluvial cover. This target has structurally-controlled, high-grade silver vein potential; silver values include 2000 ppm Ag, 510 2 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. ppm Ag, and four other samples above 100 ppm Ag, with notable gold values including one sample at 563 ppb Au and three samples between 250 and 350 ppb Au. 6. The Intrusive Working target is a newly identified target located in the south-west corner of the Clemente license, which shows a mineralized steep, cross-cutting north-south fault and a previously unknown porphyry host rock. High copper values (35.2% and 14% Cu) are a good indication of the potential silver and gold grades that were being targeted in the historic Intrusive mine workings, which follow a steep fault to depths of over 30 m. More sampling is needed to define the mineralization. 7. The Central Thrust target is major east-west striking thrust fault that has a thick, 5-m-wide damage zone and a 20+m wide alteration halo of strongly silicified, manganese-iron black oxide matrix and the alteration halo being strongly hematized and silicified. The effects of the fluids can be traced over a 700m+ length and suggests a thrust zone with excellent ground preparation for mineralizing fluids down dip and along the shallow thrust plane for a distance of approximately 2 km. The following exploration program is recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Detailed geologic mapping and rock sampling. Soil sampling. Ground IP/resistivity survey. Terraspec alteration determination, thin sections, and petrographic reports for selected samples. A core drilling program of 3,900 meters in 16 holes focused on known showings in the three target areas. 6. Permitting and carrying out the proposed diamond drilling program. The strong similarities between Clemente and the El Chanate and Cerro Colorado gold deposits, coupled with the extremely high Ag assays, the favorable structural components of the project, and the ~10-km strike length of known mineralization, give the Clemente project good exploration and discovery potential. 2 Introduction This 43-101 technical report was prepared by David S. Smith for Riverside Resources Inc., a company incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and listed on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange under the symbol RRI. This report has been prepared in compliance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101: Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The purpose of the report is to support investment efforts to fund additional exploration work on the project. 2.1 Sources of Information The principal sources of information used in preparing this report are given in the references section at the end of this report. These include published research articles, geologic and regional magnetic maps produced by the Servicio Geológico Mexicano (Mexican Geological Survey), and two academic theses performed on the project. In addition, I have used unpublished Riverside company reports and data, information gathered from conversations with Riverside geologists, and my own 3 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. observations in the field. Recent field studies by geologists Shelley Oliver (Oliver, 2014) and David Brown (Brown, 2013) have also been incorporated. 2.2 Current Personal Inspection I have examined the Clemente project and surrounding areas on numerous occasions over the last three years. These visits included six days during November 16-21, 2011, and property visits in March and July, 2013. My most recent personal inspection on the project was November 27 , 2013. During these visits I examined the areas of principal mineralization, reviewed previous work, verified sample and check-sample locations, took additional samples, reviewed the stratigraphy and character of the host rocks, made detailed observations of the mineralization, and made preliminary maps of structure and mineralization on selected portions of the project. There has been no further exploration work on the project since my last personal inspection. 2.3 Independent Qualified Person The author of this report is David S. Smith, MS, MBA, CPG, who is a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101. For the purposes of this report, I am not an independent Qualified Person, by virtue of holding stock options in Riverside Resources. 3 Reliance on Other Experts This report has been prepared by David S. Smith. I have relied on information developed by project owner Riverside Resources, including project reports, sample descriptions, assay certificates, and conversations with Riverside geologists. I relied on a previous draft of this report prepared by independent consulting geologist Mark J. Pryor. I also drew from two recent geologic reports by Shelley Oliver (Oliver, 2014) and David Brown (Brown, 2013). This information, in both written and verbal forms, created the basis for this report. I have relied on ownership information as provided by Riverside; apart from viewing the mineral concession certificates, I have not researched property title or mineral rights for the Clemente project. As the Qualified Person for this report, I am responsible for all items in the report. 4 Property Description and Location The Clemente project consists of 3 mining concessions totaling 14,073 hectares with an internal third-party claim (DK I, 100 hectares) owned by RM Esperanza de Mexico S.A. de C.V. (Figures 4-1, 4-2). The center of the project area is located at approximately 407,503 m E and 3,354,070 m N (UTM Zone 12N, NAD 27 Mexico Datum). 4.1 Land Title The Clemente Property consists of 2 concessions (Figure 4-2, Error! Reference source not found.). One inlier claim—DK I—is not owned by Riverside. The total land area held by Riverside is 14,073 ha. The property was originally acquired Riverside by staking open ground in March 2010. Property 4 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. details are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The claims were officially titled to Riverside's Mexican Subsidiary (Riverside Resources Mexico S.A de C.V) on July 2, 2010 (Clemente) and November 19, 2010 (Clement 2). As of the date of this report, Riverside is in the process of reducing the concession areas by about 40% but this work has not been finalized through the Mexican Direccion General de Minas. Table 4-1: Clemente project mining concessions Concession Owner Title Number Area (ha) Exp. Clemente Riverside Resources México S.A. de C.V. 236463 6575 082/33699 Clemente 2 Riverside Resources Mexico S.A. de C.V. 237158 7498 082/34096 4.2 Mexican Mining Law Mineral exploration and mining in Mexico is regulated by the Mining Law of 1992 as amended in December 1996, which establishes that all minerals found in the Mexican territory are owned by the Mexican nation, and that private parties may exploit such minerals (except oil and nuclear fuel minerals) through mining licenses, or concessions, granted by the Federal Government. On April 29, 2005 the Mexican Congress published several amendments to the Mining Law of 1992. According to these amendments, the exploration and exploitation concessions were replaced by a single concession type, the mining concession, which gives the holder both exploration and exploitation rights, subject to the payment of relevant taxes. Old exploration and exploitation concessions were automatically transformed into mining concessions with a single term of 50 years from the date the concession was first registered at the Public Registry of Mines. Accordingly, exploration concessions that were originally issued for a term of 6 years now have a term of 50 years from the date the exploration concession was originally registered. Under the new amendments, the concession holder has all the rights previously granted for an exploitation concession under the old law. Concessions may be granted to (or acquired, since they are freely transferable) Mexican individuals, local communities with collective ownership of the land known as ejidos, and companies incorporated pursuant to Mexican law, with no foreign ownership restrictions for such companies. Although the Mexican Constitution makes it possible for foreign individuals to hold mining concessions, the Mining Law does not allow it. This means that foreigners wishing to engage in mining in Mexico must establish a Mexican corporation for that purpose, or enter into joint ventures with Mexican individuals or corporations. To keep mining concessions current and avoid their cancellation, owners must pay annual mining taxes, perform annual assessment work on the concessions, and comply with environmental laws. The Regulations of the Mining Law establish the minimum amount of assessment work that must be performed on a yearly basis ( 5 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 4-1. Clemente property location, Sonora, Mexico. 6 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 4-2. Clemente property boundary, late 2013. As of February 2014 a ~40% reduction of the concession area is underway, largely in areas of alluvial cover to the west and northwest. 4.3 Nature and Extent of Title Both the Clemente and Clemente 2 claims are owned 100% by Riverside with no outstanding payments, royalties, or deal terms to any third party. The DK-1 claim is the only internal claim not owned by Riverside. 4.4 Environmental Liabilities No environmental liabilities are known to exist on the Clemente project. Numerous tunnels, shafts, and prospect pits; an old leach pad; and several concrete structures are present on the project, but none pose any known environmental liabilities. 7 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 4.5 Permitting All taxes and work commitments necessary for maintaining mining concession titles is currently the sole responsibility of Riverside. Permits will be required for drilling. Riverside is responsible for all drilling, environmental, municipal, and state approvals for the exploration activity proposed. 4.6 Map Projection Local Mexican topographic and geologic maps and Riverside’s project data to date use the NAD27 Mexico datum for UTM coordinates, but the company is switching to WGS 84. As a result, all workers on the project should verify the datum for maps and data being used. 5 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography 5.1 Accessibility The Clemente property is accessible year-round. Access to the project is via Federal Highway 2 between Caborca and Altar to the kilometer 8 marker in Pitiquito city, then 44 km south by dirt road. This road is well maintained (the local municipality currently takes responsibility for grading this road as needed) with no drainage impediments. Travel time from Pitiquito to the northern portion of the project is about 1 hour. The nearest major airports are in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora, or in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Travel time from either of these airports to the property is approximately 4-5 hours (Figure 5-1). 5.2 Climate and Vegetation The Clemente property is located in the Sonoran Desert west of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range. The climate is typified by mild winters and hot summers. Temperatures in the summer can vary up to 40°C with high humidity while winter temperatures are cooler reaching a low of 5°C at night. A primary rainy season occurs from July to October, with a second rainy season occurring during the winter months. Average annual precipitation is 550 mm. Although uncomfortably hot in the summer, field work, exploration, and mining activity can continue yearround. Vegetation in the area consists of saguaro, choya, barrel, and other cactus; ocotillo plants; mesquite and palo verde trees; and abundant desert shrubs. Vegetation is sparse in the mountains and in the surrounding desert and poses no obstacle to field work. 5.3 Surface Rights Surface rights on the Clemente concessions are held by private owners with written agreements for Riverside to conduct exploration within the property. 8 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 5-1. Access and general road network. Figure 5-2. Vegetation and landscape at the Clemente project 9 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 5.4 Physiography The project area lies within the physiographic province referred to as the Sierras Sepultadas and more specifically, the subprovince Desierto de Sonora. It is characterized by flat desert lands with relatively small mountain ranges, the latter generally consisting of Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The Clemente project covers a large portion of a three elevated mountains (Cerro Clemente, Cerro Tecolote, and Cerro Llano Verde) that rise abruptly out of the surrounding desert. Elevations range from 480 meters on the desert floor to a peak of approximately 760 meters. Drainage begins in the hills as steep arroyos (dry creek beds) that often disappear into the surrounding flat topography. Overburden is generally shallow to absent on the mountain slopes but very deep in the gullies and surrounding flat lands. 5.5 Local Resources Skilled and unskilled workers are available from the local villages such as La Cienega, Trincheras, or Pitiquito (communities with a population approximately 350-800) and other towns throughout the area. The availability of heavy construction equipment and specialized labor has to be sourced from either Hermosillo (4 hours) or Caborca (2 hours). Mining personnel are available throughout Sonora and northern Mexico, in particular from Hermosillo, which is a major exploration and mining hub. 5.6 Infrastructure The State of Sonora is located in the northwest portion of Mexico and is bounded by Arizona and New Mexico, USA, on the north, Chihuahua, Mexico on the east, Sinaloa, Mexico on the south and, the Sea of Cortez and Baja California Norte on the west. The state has approximately 10,000 km of paved roads in a total road system of about 25,000 km. Additions to the paved portions of the system are in progress. Rail lines totaling 1,800 km link the major cities in the state. Numerous ports are found along the coast. International airlines serve Hermosillo, the state capital, several times daily. Infrastructure for the movement of either plant equipment or raw products to or from the mine is excellent. Sonora has an electrical generating capacity of 1,500 MW and a reasonably well developed power distribution system. Telecommunications in the state are linked to the country’s federal microwave network which runs throughout the Pacific Coast, connecting all main cities and towns. Water for farming and city use is primarily provided by reservoirs with groundwater being used in rural areas. All services including rail are available at Caborca and Pitiquito. Electricity, satellite communications, and water are available at the Cerro Colorado mine site, about 5 km to the southeast of the project. Federal Highway 2 is paved and serves as a major transportation route in Sonora. 5.7 Potential Facilities Sites The topography and land holdings of the Clemente project are such that ample flat-lying areas are available for potential sites to host processing facilities (including heap-leach pads if necessary), tailings, and waste disposal. 10 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 6 History The Clemente property was acquired by staking over open ground by Riverside in March 2010. The project area was originally targeted through the use of an exploration targeting model using a combination of publicly available mineral databases, a confidential Riverside internal database, ASTER remote sensing analysis, regional geologic interpretation, and a site visit to the area. Following staking of the Clemente claim, Riverside began a systematic exploration program that included rock-chip and stream-sediment sample geochemistry and geologic mapping. The results of this systematic exploration led to the definition of seven priority targets, described in Section 9, Exploration. Abundant evidence of past mining work is visible on the project, although the previous workers, results, and time of their work are not known. Judging by the artifacts remaining (plastic tubing, truck parts, cinder blocks, evidence of pneumatic drilling) the operations were probably around the mid20th century. Numerous tunnels, adits, shafts, and prospect pits pepper the project, especially in the principal target areas. A defunct leach pad or stockpile about 60 meters long is present at the Nuevo Mundo location, along with several cinder-block structures. The project contains no current nor historical mineral resources, and has not generated any historical production of record. 7 Geological Setting and Mineralization 7.1 Regional Geology Sonora is composed of three main physiographic provinces. These provinces trend approximately north-south, parallel to the Sierra Madre Occidental, and include the Basin and Range province, the Transitional zone, and the High Plateau (Sierra Madre Occidental). The Clemente project lies in the Basin and Range province of Sonora, which occupies the western portion of the state (west of Federal Highway 15). The Basin and Range province consists of widely spaced mountain ranges, the result of mid-to late-Tertiary high-angle listric faults or earlier low-angle/detachment faulting. These ranges contain a majority of the older Precambrian and Mesozoic rocks found in the state. The majority of the gold systems in this province have a structural component involving a combination of high and low-angle faulting (e.g., La Choya, Cerro Colorado, and Quitovac). The western half of Sonora contains a diverse suite of rock types spanning various ages. The Precambrian of Sonora is divided by the Mojave-Sonora mega-shear. Mineral deposits related to this tectonic event are La Choya, La Herradura and San Francisco. North of this shear, the Precambrian consists of schists overlain by weakly metamorphosed dolomites and sandstones. To the south, basement rocks consist of coarse-grained granitic rocks and lesser lower-grade metamorphic rocks. Paleozoic rocks are less widespread in Sonora and consist mainly of quartzite, limestone, shale, and dolomite. 11 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. The Mesozoic era was the most important from the standpoint of economic geology. During the Triassic and Jurassic periods a relatively thick pile of sediments was deposited. Following the deposition of these sediments large granitic batholiths were emplaced. By the early Cretaceous, tectonic plate movement produced the Mojave-Sonora megashear. Chemically reactive carbonate units, especially the Cretaceous Bisbee Group, were deposited during middle Cretaceous time. Late Cretaceous marks the onset of the Laramide tectonic-igneous event. This orogenic event resulted in the intrusion of igneous rocks, development of volcanic piles, structural preparation of host rocks, and provided structural heat sources for the formation of major metallic deposits. The Cenozoic saw the continuation of Laramide volcanism and intrusions and the formation of the major copper porphyries at Cananea and Nacozari. During the mid-Tertiary large-scale ash flow tuff eruptions created the High Plateau Province. The final igneous event took place in the far western portion of the state and consists of basaltic volcanism. 7.2 Property Geology Sedimentary rocks formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic in the Clemente area. The stratigraphy here has been well studied, and proves to be conformable, apparently as part of the allochthonous metamorphic Bamori complex at Cerro El Tecolote. In this area, this sequence of metasediments is cut by a number of thrust fault that are part of the structural control within the area and an exploration guide for deposits. The sedimentary sequence is composed of dolomite, siltstone, sandstone, quartzite, and conglomerate. These host rocks have seen two periods of thrust faulting, an episode of folding, and extensional faulting. 7.2.1 Host Rocks Host rocks to mineralization on the project consist of Proterozoic plutonic and metamorphic basement overlain by Proterozoic and Cambrian metasediments. Mineralization occurs mainly in the Proterozoic granite of the Bamori Metamorphic Complex and in the unconformably overlying dolomitic Caborca Formation, also of Proterozoic age (Table 7-1). The rocks in the project area have been described in general in the text accompanying the El Prieto geologic map that covers the project area (SGM, 2007), and in detail in two academic theses, Westerfield (1988), and Maytorena and Durazo (1982). The descriptions below are taken largely from Westerfield (1988) and augmented by the author’s field observations. Understanding the stratigraphy on the project is crucial to locating the faults that may host and offset mineralization; a number of distinctive sedimentary horizons provide marker beds for mapping and drilling. 12 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-1. Regional geologic map. 13 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-2 Generalized property geologic map. 14 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Bamori Metamorphic Complex The oldest rocks on the project are a suite of Proterozoic plutonic and metamorphic rocks named the Bamori Metamorphic Complex, dated at 1,600 – 1,750 Ma (Longoria, 1981). Regionally, the Bamori complex consists of greenschist- to amphibolite-grade metasedimentary and igneous rocks (Anderson and Silver, 2005; Westerfield, 1988). In the project area, the Bamori rocks consist dominantly of layered granite with subordinate gneiss and schist (SGM, 2007). The granite is one of the two principal host rocks for mineralization on the project. The granite is reddish-brown to greenish-gray and medium grained, containing K-feldspar (40-60%) and quartz (~30%) with minor plagioclase (5-25%) and mafic minerals (mildly chloritized biotite and hornblende; 5-10%) and accessory magnetite (1-2%). The magnetite content accounts for the strong magnetic signature given by the granite (see Exploration, below) in both regional air and ground magnetic surveys. Plagioclase weathers light gray to white, giving the rock a spotted texture. Generally medium-grained, the granite has coarser portions, in some cases approaching pegmatite. Subtle compositional layering is formed by 1-10 cm layers relatively richer in mafic minerals, which in some places traces folds in the granite; compositional layering gives a foliated appearance to the rock, although true mineral-parallel foliation was not observed. Westerfield (1988) reports “many dikes” cutting the granite; to date, a very fine-grained dark green to brown gabbro has been noted that contains ≤0.5 mm plagioclase phenocrysts and ≤20 cm angular to subrounded xenoliths of granite. El Arpa Formation Although a thicker formation in other places in the area, the El Arpa Formation is largely absent in the project area. It is a pale yellow to whitish sequence of thin-bedded quartzite, sandstone, and siltstone sandwiched by a basal sandstone and upper thin-bedded sandy dolomite. It lies unconformably on the metamorphic basement. Caborca Formation The Proterozoic Caborca Formation is the other principal host rock for mineralization on the Clemente project. The Caborca Formation unconformably overlies the Bamori granite; Westerfield (1988) mapped the contact as an unconformable depositional contact whereas Maytorena and Durazo (1982) interpret the contact as a thrust fault. In all three target areas—Mundo, Nuevo Mundo, and Santa Elena—mineralization occurs in dolomite of the Caborca formation. Westerfield (1988) reports the formation as a 106-m-thick sequence of gray to brown dolomite with thin beds of fine-grained sandstone. It is a relatively resistant unit, and forms hills and steep slopes; it may also have been a more brittle unit in the stratigraphic sequence in which fracturing and therefore veining may have occurred preferentially. Westerfield (1988) divides the formation into four units, from bottom to top: 1) 58 meters of basal gray thin-bedded dolomite with minor sandy dolomite and fine-grained brown sandstone; 2) 12 m of interbedded gray to brown dolomite and thin-bedded finegrained sandstone; 3) 24 meters of dark gray thick-bedded dolomite interbedded with thin-bedded brown sandstone and containing white chert layers; 4) 12 meters of brownish-red thick-bedded dolomite. Clemente Formation Conformably overlying the Caborca Formation, the Proterozoic Clemente Formation consists of a ~180 m coarsening-upward sequence of interbedded siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and dolomite. Distinguishing features include a 60-m-thick basal grayish-red siltstone containing detrital 15 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. mica, and beds of distinctive red to orange quartz-clast conglomerates. The dolomite in this section has an orange cast not found in the underlying Caborca Fm. Pitiquito Quartzite This Proterozoic formation is a ledge former and crops out noticeably in the hills on the project. It forms an excellent marker bed for mapping and drilling. About 48 m thick, it consists of dark brown sandstone and massive white to pink clean arenaceous quartzite. Other Proterozoic Strata Overlying the Pitiquito Formation are another ~660 m of Proterozoic sediments. According to Westerfield (1988), they consist of the following formations, from bottom to top: • • • Gazuma Fm: brown-gray resistant dolomite; 140 m Papalote Fm: light gray ridge-forming dolomite; 390 m Tecolote Quartzite: white to light pink quartzite interbedded with brown sandstone; 130 m Cambrian Strata Overlying the Proterozoic sediments are just under 1,200 m of Cambrian sediments. From bottom to top, they are: • • • • • La Cienega Fm: interbedded dolomite, sandstone, and quartzite; 143 m Puerto Blanco Fm: various rocks, including volcanics, volcaniclastics, conglomerate, sandstone, quartzite, siltstone, and limestone; overall a recessive unit; 625 m Proveedora Quartzite: massive white to pink ridge-forming quartzite; 225 m Buelna Formation: recessive limestone, sandstone, and quartzite; 80 m Cerro Prieto Fm: massive cliff-forming gray limestone; >100 m Penjamo Porphyry Westerfield (1988) mapped an intrusive diorite porphyry just over 1 km west of the Santa Elena target area, reporting it as a coarse-grained plagioclase-biotite-diopside diorite porphyry dated at 423 Ma. 7.2.2 Structure Structure on the project consists of two phases of thrust faulting, and one phase each of folding and extensional faulting, as outlined by Westerfield (1988). Compression resulting in thrust faults and folds appears to be Laramide in age (late Cretaceous to early Tertiary) and extensional faulting is Tertiary. Mineralization is intimately tied to faults on the project, occurring within fault zones, and showing evidence of post-mineral faulting along many veins (see Mineralization, below). The outline of structure below is taken from Westerfield (1988). Phase 1 Thrusts The first phase of thrusting consists of bedding-plane faults that repeat the stratigraphic section, particularly near the Santa Elena and Mundo target areas. Phase 1 bedding-plane thrusts are now generally steeply dipping, but apparently were originally low-angle, having been rotated by subsequent faulting. A Phase 1 thrust appears to host mineralization in the Santa Elena target area, suggesting other Phase 1 thrusts—especially in the Mundo area—as exploration targets. Maytorena and Durazo (1982) mapped the contact between the Bamori crystalline basement and the overlying sediments as a thrust fault; if this is so, it is as yet unclear whether this is a Phase 1 or Phase 2 thrust fault (see below). 16 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Folds Large, open, upright folds are present on the project, most visibly at the Mundo mine, which lies in the hinge of a large southwest-plunging anticline. SGM (2007), Westerfield (1988), and Maytorena and Durazo (1982) also mapped a large southwest-plunging syncline easily visible on maps and airphotos between the Neuvo Mundo and Santa Elena target areas. Other smaller, open, upright folds are present. Although folds on the project are relatively simple, they may be important features in locating hidden mineralization, since they post-date Phase 1 thrusting and have folded Phase 1 thrusts. Phase 2 Thrusts Phase 2 thrusting occurs as strata-cutting thrust faults that are generally low-angle structures offsetting Phase 1 faults and folds. Westerfield (1988) notes similar faults mapped by others in the region, and favors a west-verging motion. Extensional Faults Tertiary normal faults cut host rocks and all older structures on the project. Westerfield (1988) mapped several, including a complex set northeast of the Mundo target that dip northeast and offset strata by up to 700 m. Some of these may be low-angle detachment or listric normal faults. Many faults occurring next to or within veins on the project appear to be young, certainly post-vein, and may be extensional re-activation of older Phase 1 thrusts and/or veins. Extensional faults strike both northwest and northeast. Airphoto Lineaments A number of unmapped lineaments are visible on airphotos of the project. Many of these trend northwest, along a general trend leading to the Cerro Colorado mine about 5 km southeast of the project. It is not known whether these lineaments are important controls on mineralization, but they fit the general northwest trend of many extensional faults and veins, and parallel the northwesttrending belt of mineralization exhibited by Cerro Colorado and the three target areas on the Clemente project. 7.3 Mineralization 7.3.1 Mineralization Mineralization on the project consists of hematite-specularite-quartz veins and breccia, and quartzsulfide veins. High-grade silver mineralization occurs with both types of veins and is accompanied by elevated levels of gold, copper, lead, and zinc. Hematite-Specularite-Quartz Veins and Breccia The dominant style of mineralization on the project is sub-millimeter to 2-cm-wide veins filled with variable amounts of red hematite, specular hematite, and quartz (Figure 7-3). In outcrop the dominant mineral is earthy red hematite, which is ubiquitous in these veins, but remnant patches and veins of specularite can be found (Figure 7-3), indicating that the red hematite is likely a weathering product of hypogene specularite. Larger veins include higher amounts of quartz. Many veins contain vugs and open-space-filling textures of euhedral quartz and calcite. The majority of hematitespecularite-quartz veins observed to date occur as sub-millimeter fractures, either as individual veinlets, zones of parallel sheeted veinlets, or networks of cross-cutting veinlets in some places forming stockwork zones. Thicker individual veins, up to 2 cm, are rare. 17 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. These veins have a variety of attitudes, which generally group into a northwest strike and a northeast strike. Dips are dominantly steep in all directions—60-80°—but have been observed as low as 13°. In all cases these veins are surrounded by some degree of hematite alteration in granite and dolomite wall rock, ranging from 1-2 mm vein envelopes around individual veins (Figure 7-4) to bulk hematite alteration in 1-3 meter zones of stockwork. In some places hematite-altered wall rock contains up to 30% remnant disseminated sulfide minerals, at Nuevo Mundo observed to be cubic vugs after pyrite. Hematite-specularite veins occur in both Bamori granite and dolomite of the Caborca Formation, and they cut quartz-sulfide veins. Hematite-specularite breccia (Figure 7-5) has not been observed in outcrop, but many samples can be found on mine dumps and the former leach pad. It is composed of 0.1-3-cm angular fragments of white quartz in a red hematite and specularite matrix, accompanied by many vugs filled with euhedral and botryoidal quartz and calcite. To date, this breccia has been observed only in quartz-sulfide vein material. The observations that hematite-specularite-quartz veins cut quartz-sulfide veins, and that hematitespecularite breccia contains fragments of white quartz vein clearly indicate that specularite-dominant veins post-date quartz-sulfide veins. Whether this is a separate mineralizing event or a late stage within one event is not yet clear. Quartz-Sulfide Veins Milky to grayish white banded quartz veins are the most obvious mineralizing structures on the project (Figures 7-6, 7-7). They are up to 1 meter thick and contain bands and clots of sulfide minerals, dominantly galena. At the Santa Elena showings, particularly the site of sample RRI-10396 (347 ppb Au, 2933 ppm Ag), this vein type includes coarse-grained dolomite in clots surrounding euhedral quartz crystals, as large ≤10-cm anhedral crystals, and as millimeter-scale euhedral crystals in vugs (Figure 7-8). Copper and zinc oxides are common in these veins, as is probable plattnerite, a massive sooty black lead oxide mineral with a brown streak containing remnant embayed crystals of galena (Figure 7-9). Within these veins, internal bands appear to be healed fractures and are formed by different colors of quartz, layers richer in disseminated very fine-grained sulfides (as yet unidentified), and layers of finegrained quartz-matrix breccia containing vugs filled with euhedral quartz, calcite, galena, and dolomite. In almost all cases, these veins are accompanied and cut by hematite-specularite-quartz veins. There is a close relationship between quartz-sulfide veins and faults on the project. At the Santa Elena target, quartz-sulfide veins clearly occupy a Phase 1 bedding-plane thrust fault as mapped by Westerfield (1988). Other quartz-sulfide veins may occupy thrust faults, but clear observations of this have not been made. In all veins observed, however, some degree of post-vein faulting has occurred (motion unclear). A likely scenario—as yet unproven—is that quartz-sulfide veins followed preexisting thrust faults and then provided structural weaknesses for extensional re-activation. 18 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-3. Hematite-specularite-quartz vein in hematite-altered granite, Nuevo Mundo target area. Figure 7-4. Hematite-specularite-quartz veins and hematitic vein envelopes in dolomite, Nuevo Mundo target area. 19 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-5. Hematite-specularite-matrix breccia with fragments of quartz-sulfide vein, Nuevo Mundo target area. Figure 7-6. Quartz-sulfide vein, Santa Elena target area. Site of sample RRI-10396: 347 ppb Au, 2,933 ppm Ag. 20 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-7. Quartz-sulfide vein, Mundo target area. Figure 7-8. Coarse-grained vein dolomite, Santa Elena target area. 21 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-9. Lead oxides, probably plattnerite, mixed with iron oxides and cut by hematite-specularite-quartz vein, Nuevo Mundo target area. 7.3.2 Alteration The dominant types of alteration on the project are hematite alteration and recrystalization of dolomite. Minor silicification, and clay alteration of granite are also present. Hematite alteration consists of hematite staining surrounding hematite-specularite-quartz veins, ranging from 1-2 mm vein envelopes around individual veins (Figure 7-4) to bulk hematite alteration in 1-3 meter zones of stockwork. Hematite alteration is accompanied in some places by silicification and rare jasper. Recrystallization of dolomite is widespread in the three target areas, and most prominent at the Mundo target, particularly at sample site RRI-10400 (5440 ppb Au, 2108 ppm Ag), where the very fine-grained dark gray host dolomite has been altered to a buff to red-brown fine-grained dolomite with ≤0.5 mm dolomite crystals (Figure 7-10). This is typical, and is seen at the Nuevo Mundo and Santa Elena target areas as well. Minor clay alteration occurs in the Bamori granite at the Nuevo Mundo target area. At its most intense (Figure 7-11), the fresh red-brown granite is altered to a pale buff color with light to moderate clay alteration of all minerals. Clay alteration of granite is not widespread, and is generally weak to moderate where present. This clay alteration requires the action of an acidic fluid. However, the dominant dolomite alteration in carbonate host rocks on the project implies a neutral to basic fluid. Either the clay alteration in granite is a separate alteration event, or it is supergene weathering aided by acid generated by the oxidation of sulfide minerals; given the light degree and limited areal extent of clay alteration in granite, the latter explanation is currently preferred. 22 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 7-10. Dolomite alteration in dolomite, Mundo target area. Figure 7-11. Hematite and clay alteration in granite, Nuevo Mundo target area. 23 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 7.3.3 Geochemistry of Mineralization and Alteration In qualitative terms, mineralization shows generally elevated values of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Ba, Cd, Cr, and Mg, and inconsistently high Bi, P, Sr, and W. A brief statistical evaluation shows statistically significant correlations (correlation coefficient ≥0.60) between Ag and Sb, Cu, As, Cd, Bi, Pb, and Au, in decreasing order. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the veins (hematite-dominant) and surrounding alteration (dolomite alteration with little acidic alteration) points to a neutral to basic, oxidized fluid especially rich in Ag, with accompanying Au and base metals. 8 Deposit Types The style of mineralization on the Clement project is not yet well defined nor definitively classified by ore-deposit type, and will benefit from further work. Current known geologic features on the project display characteristics of both orogenic gold deposits and low-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver deposits. 8.1 Orogenic Gold Deposits Orogenic gold deposits form near or soon after peak metamorphism in collisional metamorphic terranes of all ages. Displaying strong structural control in 2nd- and 3rd-order brittle faults and ductile shear zones as quartz-dominated stockworks, breccias, sheeted veins, vein arrays, replacements, and disseminations, most deposits formed at greenschist facies (250-350°C, 1-3 kbar, 2-20 km deep) in compressional-transpressional settings at convergent plate margins near 1st-order deep crustal fault zones with complex structural histories, especially where these faults change direction (Goldfarb et al, 2005; Groves et al, 1998). Orogenic gold systems can be huge—with the largest up to 2-10 km long, 1 km wide, and 2-3 km deep—and contain some of the planet’s largest concentrations of gold, such as deposits in the Kalgoorlie district, Australia (39M ounces), and the Timmins (64M oz) and Kirkland Lake (24M oz) districts in the Canadian Shield. Ore occurs in quartz veins and altered wall rock, with generally high gold:silver ratios and high fineness, accompanied by 2-5% sulfides. Historically, high-grade veins were exploited (5-30 g/t), but many deposits comprise large volumes of lower-grade, bulk-mineable ore. Alteration consistently adds CO2, S, K, H2O, SiO2 to wall rocks in the form of carbonates (ankerite, calcite, dolomite), sulfides (pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite), and silicates (muscovite, biotite, K-feldspar, albite, and chlorite); scheelite and tourmaline are common, and at higher metamorphic grades amphibole, diopside, and other skarn-like replacement minerals occur. The typical geochemical signature is elevated As, B, Bi, Hg, Sb, Te, and W, with generally low Cu, Pb, and Zn. Gold was transported as sulfide complexes in reduced, near-neutral metamorphic fluids of high CO2 and low salinity and deposited by pressure decreases during episodic seismic events (leading to the characteristic banded quartz veins) or by desulfidation reactions with wall rocks. Mineralization at Clemente shows a number of features characteristic of orogenic gold deposits. These include banded quartz-dominant veins; elevated levels of the trace elements As, Bi, Sb, and W; an apparently neutral to basic mineralizing fluid; and veins occurring along thrust faults. If Clemente is an orogenic deposit, it is atypical in a two ways: it appears to lack the typical potassic alteration (dominantly biotite) of orogenic deposits; and its geochemistry is relatively high in Ag and base 24 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. metals, which in most orogenic deposits are all low relative to gold. Further work is needed to fully categorize the project’s mineralization. The Clemente project is located in a mineral belt with other major orogenic gold deposits, including La Herradura, El Chanate, La Choya, and San Francisco. These deposits show similarities with the structural setting and mineralized features found at the Clemente project. In particular, Clemente displays numerous similarities to El Chanate, which is located approximately 50 km north of the project. As reported by Hester (2009), El Chanate is an orogenic gold deposit hosted in sedimentary rocks cut by a low-angle fault (presumably a thrust). Mineralization consists of quartz-bearing veins and veinlets, which attain economic grades where dense swarms of these structures occur at or near intersections between the main low-angle and higher-angle W- and NW-striking faults. In 2009, El Chanate held a 43-101 compliant resource of approximately 1.5M ounces gold (64M tonnes grading 0.653 g/t Au measured plus indicated; 6M tonnes grading 0.748 g/t Au inferred; Hester, 2009). 8.2 Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits The Clemente project shows some characteristics of low-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver deposits. Epithermal deposits in general form in volcanic arcs at convergent plate margins and in postcollisional rifts at relatively shallow depths (≤1.5 km) and low temperatures (<300°C; Simmons et al, 2005). They are generally rich in gold and silver, with variable amounts of base metals, commonly forming as steeply dipping veins surrounded by often large areas of hydrothermal alteration and disseminated mineralization, generally hosted in coeval volcanic host rocks. Most deposits are Tertiary and younger, related to calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatism. Epithermal deposits are subdivided into high- and low-sulfidation types (Einaudi et al, 2003). Low-sulfidation epithermal deposits display characteristic quartz, adularia, and illite gangue and alteration minerals, with ore minerals including electrum, acanthite, Ag sulfosalts and selenides, AuAg tellurides, and variable amounts of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and pyrite (Simmons et al, 2005). Low-sulfidation deposits commonly are enriched in Ag, As, Au, Hg, Sb, Se, Te; and Tl, V, W, Sn, and Mo in some deposits. Vein features such as banded crustiform, colloform, lattice, and drusy textures indicate a dominance of open fissures at the time of formation. Alteration tends to be zoned from distal and deep propylitic through clay-carbonate-zeolite to proximal quartz-adularia-illite-pyrite. Fluids were of low- to moderate salinity dominated by meteoric waters with little or no magmatic contribution (Simmons et al, 2005; Heald et al, 1987). Precipitation of vein and ore minerals resulted from changes in pH derived from varying degrees of boiling, fluid mixing, and cooling. Mineralization at Clemente displays some characteristics of low-sulfidation epithermal deposits: addition of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, and W, particularly the high Ag and base metals, which are not characteristic of orogenic gold systems; open-space-filling textures and angular breccias consistent with an epithermal origin; and a relatively neutral, oxidized mineralizing fluid rich in Ag and base metals. Further work is needed to fully categorize the project’s mineralization. The nearby Cerro Colorado deposit, located about 5 km to the southeast, shares a strong structural similarity to Clemente. Cerro Colorado appears to be a high-sulfidation epithermal deposit displaying strong hematite and clay alteration with reported alunite, hosted in Tertiary rhyolite breccia and rhyolite, Paleozoic limestone, and Proterozoic granite (Stone, 2011). The highest-grade mineralization occurs at the intersection of ENE-striking south-dipping structures (the La Cienega fault, rhyolitelimestone contact, and rhyolite-granite contact) with NW-striking high-angle faults. The total deposit size at Cerro Colorado is reported as approximately 337,000 ounces gold (9.7M tonnes grading 25 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 0.55 g/t Au measured and indicated, 5.6M tonnes grading 0.41 g/t Au inferred, ~43,000 ounces modern production, ~50,0000 ounces historical production; Stone, 2011). 8.3 Exploration Model The exploration model for the Clemente project is that of the Cerro Colorado and El Chanate deposits. In both of these deposits, ore-grade mineralization is concentrated at the intersections of relatively lower-angle and higher-angle structures. In the case of Cerro Colorado, ore shoots formed where shallow to moderately dipping lithologic contacts and ENE-striking faults intersect higherangle NW-striking faults (Figure 8-1). These faults are a component of a strong northwest lineament in the project area: the three Clemente target areas occur along strike to the northwest of Cerro Colorado; both Clemente and Cerro Colorado contain NW-trending mineralized structures; and airphotos show several unmapped lineaments trending northwest between the two projects. The Clemente project contains the same structural components as both of these deposits: moderate to low-angle structures (the granite-sediment contact and two generations of thrust faults) cut by steeply dipping NW-striking veins that show evidence of fault movement. Both types of structure are mineralized at Clemente: mineralization concentrates along the granite-dolomite contact at the Nuevo Mundo contact, and a Phase 1 thrust fault hosts the high-grade vein in the Santa Elena target area. High-angle vein/faults are mineralized throughout the project area. It is notable that the two highest Ag assays are separated by almost 10 km along the northwest structural trend leading to the Cerro Colorado mine, indicating the size of the mineralizing system on the project. Exploration at Clemente, then, should focus on identifying intersections between these structural elements. A combination of geologic mapping, sampling, and geophysics should be employed. Geologic mapping should focus on structure (mapping faults and folds), stratigraphy (understanding the sedimentary units and marker beds for drilling), hydrothermal alteration (as an indicator of proximity to mineralized structures), and veins (attitudes, mineralogy, crosscutting relations). Soil sampling (along with additional stream-sediment sampling as needed) may help to identify mineralized intersections in recessively weathered areas where outcrop is poor, particularly between the Mundo and Nuevo Mundo targets. Ground magnetics should be reviewed for indications of structural intersections. Following mapping and sampling, IP lines should be run over know target areas and suspected structural intersections. Overall, the strong similarities between Clemente and the El Chanate and Cerro Colorado projects, coupled with the extremely high Ag assays on the project, the favorable structural components of the project, and the ~10-km strike length of known mineralization give the Clemente project good exploration and discovery potential. 26 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 8-1. Structural model for mineralization at the Cerro Colorado mine, 5 km southeast of Clemente. From Stone, 2011. 9 Exploration Riverside geologists completed a multi-phase exploration program on the Clemente property. This included mapping, sampling, ground magnetics, and ASTER data analysis in order to define zones of anomalous gold and trace element geochemistry as well as areas showing textural and vein characteristics of epithermal systems. All exploration to date has been conducted by the Riverside geological team and their consultants over a 3-month period in 2010. 27 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 9.1 Extent of Sampling Geochemical sampling completed at the Clemente property consists of the collection of a total of 543 rock samples and 103 stream sediment samples. Rock chip samples were collected as continuous chip, grab, and select samples. The continuous chip samples were designed to define mineral distribution and approximate overall grades within areas of known mineralization. They were collected perpendicular to the structure where possible and were cut across the full width of observable mineralization. Within the mine working exposures, samples were generally cut vertically to cross the stratigraphy. Grab samples were collected to help define background geochemical levels within the various rock units and to evaluate metallic ion distribution and chemical zonation across the property. Select samples were collected to determine if there were any specific geochemical signatures and to characterize the ability of the system to generate high-grade ore. This type of firstpass sampling is typical in early-stage exploration projects. This sampling provides a good overall representation of the mineralization and is designed to develop targets for follow-up investigation. The quality of the sampling appears to be good, with results from different rounds of sampling showing good consistency within similar geologic settings. Selected samples were taken to determine if there was high-grade gold mineralization; all such samples were noted and described as “select” in the database in order to avoid any confusion. Due to the early stage status of the current project, I am satisfied with the sample density and believe that it is representative in defining anomalies within this early-stage exploration program. 9.2 Mapping, Sampling, and ASTER Results Results of the mapping, sampling, and ASTER data analysis are as follows. A multi-phase ASTER study was completed with property-wide alteration analysis using VNIR, SWIR, and TIR spectral wavelengths. A follow-up site visit by remote sensing specialist Telluris Consulting and Riverside geologists was then completed in order to determine the validity of the ASTER anomalies. The visit focused on detailed zonal studies of variably altered outcrops which led to subsequent reprocessing of the ASTER data with incorporation of these new field observations. Field mapping of anomalous areas and field hand sample collection of highly, moderate, and weakly altered and fresh rock was then completed to test samples using Terraspec spectral analysis. A total of 543 rock samples were collected in the delineation of the main target zones (see below). The results of geochemical sampling and geologic mapping have identified potentially ore-grade AgPb and lower-grade Au. Silver shows extremely high values, with peaks of 2,933 g/t Ag (sample RRI10396 in the Santa Elena area) and 2,108 g/t Ag (RRI-10400 at Mundo), and 36 samples greater than 50 g/t Ag. Gold attains values up to 5.2 g/t Au, with 36 samples above 200 ppb Au, and 28 assays over 500 ppb Au. Lead values range between 0.1 to 8.82 % Pb, and Zn results are between 0.1 to 8.52 % Zn. The geochemical results from the Clemente project indicate a silver- and base metal-rich property with a high potential for continued exploration. The principle targets that have been currently defined and are summarised below. 28 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Table 12-1: Rock sample summary Sample From Sample To # of Samples Sampler Date Inspectorate Lab Certificate RRI-10390 RRI-10400 11 J.Cirett/R. Ramonett 27-28 Mar 2010 10-338-00760-01 RRI-10551 RRI-10556 6 J.Cirett/R. Ramonett 27-28 Mar 2010 10-338-00760-01 RRI-10557 RRI-10562 6 Andrew Daniels 14 Apr 2010 10-338-00892-01 RRI-13908 RRI-13914 7 Locke Goldsmith Mar 2010 10-338-00764-01 RRI-14220 RRI-14267 48 Aristeo Nunez May 2010 10-338-01256-01 RRI-14268 RRI-14317 50 Aristeo Nunez May 2010 10-338-01445-01 RRI-14318 RRI-14353 36 Aristeo Nunez May 2010 10-338-01493-01 RRI-19801 RRI-19814 13 David Smith 16-21 Nov 2011 11-338-10053-01 RRI-39751 RRI-39904 106 Juan Pablo del Toro Feb 2013 13-338-00604-01 13-338-00783 RRI-40501 RRI-40683 183 David Brown Sep 2013 HMS13000194 HOC-45101 HOC-45177 77 Shelley Oliver Nov-Dec 2013 HMS13000384 Total samples 543 Table 12-2: Stream-sediment sample summary Sample From RRI-10601 Sample To RRI-10708 # of Samples 108 QC samples 5 Field samples 103 Sampler Guillermo Contreras Merardo Mata Date 7-20 May 2010 Inspectorate Lab Certificate 09-338-01271-01 29 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 9-1. Map of reduced-to-pole magnetic field strength. Regional data from the Mexican Geological Survey. 30 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 9-2. Target map. Principal targets are Santa Elena North and South, Central Thrust, South of DK-1 (Dos Kilos South), Intrusive Working, Mundo, and Nuevo Mundo. 9.3 Exploration Targets 9.3.1 Santa Elena North and South Targets The Santa Elena mineralized area is located in the southwestern portion of the Clemente property, specifically in the hills El Llano Verde. The lithology of this area comprises upper Proterozic sediments consisting of dolomite and quartzite conformably overlain by Cambrian quartzite and dolomite. The above rocks are largely covered by recent continental terrigenous sediments and Quaternary silt, sand, and gravel. 31 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Mineralization at the Santa Elena target consists dominantly of quartz-sulfide veins occupying a Phase 1 bedding-plane thrust fault as mapped by Westerfield (1988). These are white banded quartz veins are up to 1 meter thick containing bands and clots of sulfide minerals, dominantly galena. The vein sampled in RRI-10396 (347 ppb Au, 2933 ppm Ag) includes coarse-grained dolomite in clots surrounding euhedral quartz crystals, as large ≤10-cm anhedral crystals, and as millimeter-scale euhedral crystals in vugs (Figure 7-8). Copper and zinc oxides are also present at the Santa Elena showings, as is probable plattnerite, a lead oxide mineral. The very high silver values—up to 2.9 kg per ton Ag—over a strike length of 1.4 km make this an attractive exploration target. The high-priority Santa Elena targets show evidence for being larger, more complex mineralizing systems and have potential for larger bulk tonnage. The workings located in both the Santa Elena North and South areas carry consistent, high silver grades (e.g. 2933 ppm Ag, 2354 ppm Ag, 5 samples over 450 ppm and 11 more samples well over 100 ppm Ag). The Santa Elena North area is the most interesting target owing to several notable gold values accompanying the silver mineralization, including 1660 ppb Au, 1301 ppb Au, 3 samples over 450 ppb, and seven more with values over 300 ppb Au. The Santa Elena North area is a complex series of three stacked mineralized thrust zones accompanied by intervening brecciated damage zones and cross-cut by several steep, east-west faults. All of the structural components have been permeated with hematizing and silicifying fluids that resulted in the quartz-sulphide vein mineralization in the thrust planes and the workings. The stacked mineralized thrust planes repeat stratigraphy, indicating potential for a larger system, up to 700 m thick and over a 1km2 area, that has significant bulk-tonnage potential. Santa Elena South is also a high-grade silver target and as noted above, and includes silver grades at 514 ppm, 286 ppm, 211 ppm, and several more over 100 ppm Ag. The Santa Elena South mineralized system comprises a wide mineralized shallow thrust zone, intercepted by multiple mineralized, steep east-west faults over a 700x500 m wide area. The faults themselves host continuous high-grade silver mineralization. As well, the intersections of the high-grade faults have wide, mineralized breccia zones that are highly prospective, with several workings targeting these intersections. The mineralization in this area is open down-dip and in all directions on the fault planes and as well within the fault intersection zones. 9.3.2 Nuevo Mundo Target In the Nuevo Mundo area, significant silver-lead-zinc mineralization has been defined by sampling in an area measuring approximately 575 m x 1400 m (Figure 9-2, 9-4, 9-5). The Nuevo Mundo area consists of a series of prospects and abandoned mines containing veins and stockwork zones with at least two directions: 1) N20-60° W, dipping 45-60° SW; 2) N35- 45° E, dipping variably SE-NW 6080°. The dimensions of the mineralized structures are up to 10-100 m long, 1 m thick, and have been exposed to a depth of 80 m. These structures are hosted in the Proterozoic Bamori granite and Caborca Formation dolomite, and occur near the granite-dolomite contact. The values presented in this area are low in Au with variations of 14 to 1,399 ppb Au, moderate Ag with a range of 1 to 1,317 g/t, and low Cu and Zn. The mineralized zone is exposed over a vertical thickness of approximately 80 m. Mineralization is thought to extend beyond the Nuevo Mundo old workings, and could extend laterally beneath the granite-dolomite contact. Initial mapping suggests that the mineralized zone is open in all directions under alluvial gravels (north area) or within down-dropped structural blocks. The result of the 32 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. geochemical sampling conducted to date at the Clemente property has outlined a large area of potentially ore-grade mineralization. 9.3.3 Mundo Target The Mundo area consists of an abandoned mine with very high silver values. A fault-vein system could be related to thrust faulting and development of high- and low-angle faults that hold elevated gold and silver values. This high-potential area is at least 600 x 600 m in extent and has the best gold values in the Clemente claim with a high of 5.55 g/t Au. The nature of mineralization is a vein-fault striking 355° and dipping 65° SW. This mineralized structure and 3.5 m thick, is exposed over a strike length of 70 m, and is hosted in Proterozoic dolomite and quartzite. The emerging view is of goldsilver mineralization accompanied by iron and copper sulfides in a gangue of limonite, goethite, and copper carbonates in recrystallized dolomite. The samples reported returned high values of 5554 ppb Au, 2108 g/t Ag, 0.22% Cu and 2.7% Pb, and 2.7% Zn. 9.3.4 Dos Kilos South Target Two settings on the Dos Kilos target have high-grade structures that have been shown to have good continuity potential and fault intersection potential. The southern extensions of the south-striking, steep normal faults on the DK-1 license are a priority undercover target. This target has structurallycontrolled, high-grade silver vein potential in two different fault sets. Silver values include 2000 ppm Ag, 510 ppm Ag, and four other samples above 100 ppm Ag, with notable gold values including one sample at 563 ppb Au and three samples between 250 and 350 ppb Au. The two Dos Kilos mineralized fault sets are as follows. First, on the west side of the DK-1 concession is a steep, N-S- striking mineralized fault in the Clemente workings. As this fault traces to the south, it is quickly covered by thick alluvium, giving good potential under alluvial cover. Second, on the east side of the DK-1 property is located the steeply dipping San Antonio mineralized normal fault. The southern extension of this fault is highly prospective as well: the structure continues south onto Riverside’s property and appears to be intersected by a poorly exposed E-W thrust. Because both faults are major faults with significant displacement, well-formed breccia zones and evidence of fluid flow within the planes, the potential intersection point is highly prospective. 9.3.5 Intrusive Working Target The Intrusive Working target is located in the south-west corner of the Clemente license. The intrusive working is a newly identified high-potential area that has a mineralized steep, cross-cutting north-south fault and a previously unknown porphyry host rock. Since copper is always elevated in the high-grade silver and gold mineralization on the Clemente property (including Santa Elena, Mundo, Nuevo Mundo and the DK-1 workings), the high copper values (35.2% and 14% Cu) are a good indication of the potential silver and gold grades that were being targeted in the Intrusive workings. More sampling is needed to define the mineralization. The fault that controls mineralization at the Intrusive Working target is a newly identified and well-mineralized structure. The fault hosts an extensive and deep historic mine working that targets down dip in the fault plane for over 30 m. Further work is needed to establish the fault’s continuity to the north and south and assess the potential of intersections with the mineralized thrusts to the north, including the structures of the Mundo target and of the Nuevo Mundo target. As well, there is high potential for mineralization being localized along the contact between the overlying Proterozoic sediments and the newly identified intrusion below that needs to be assessed. 33 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 9.3.6 Central Thrust Zone Target A lower priority target that is worth investigating is the Central Thrust target. The target is major east-west striking thrust fault that has a thick, 5-m-wide damage zone and a 20+m wide alteration halo. Both of these zones have seen significant amount of fluid flow, with the damage zone having a strongly silicified, manganese-iron black oxide matrix and the alteration halo being strongly hematized and silicified. The effects of the fluids can be traced over a 700m+ length and suggests a thrust zone with excellent ground preparation for mineralizing fluids down dip, along the shallow thrust plane. This mineralization is similar to the manganese-iron-silica veins located on the periphery of the highgrade Santa Elena North and South zones. The Santa Elena veins are located from 300 to 500 m outside of known high-grade silver and gold mineralization (a +1000 ppm Ag sample, several over 500 ppm Ag samples and several +500 ppb Au samples). The Central Thrust Zone target is the basal thrust to the lowermost plane in the stacked thrust fault zone that includes the high-grade silver and gold bearing Nuevo Mundo target 2 km east of this area. Therefore, it is already proven that this package of thrusts has been infiltrated by mineralizing fluids at the Nuevo Mundo target. This leaves open a 2 km zone between gold and silver mineralization at the Nuevo Mundo target and the manganese-iron-silica deposits with hematized halos in the Central Thrust Zone. 10 Drilling No drilling has been conducted on the Clemente project. 11 Sample Preparation, Analysis, and Security No aspect of sample preparation was carried out by Riverside personnel. Samples were taken by Riverside personnel and shipped by them to the laboratory. In the author’s opinion, the samples were handled in a proper manner and are reasonably secure from tampering. No sample preparation was done before sample shipment to the lab. Laboratory sample preparation procedures are as follows. Samples delivered to the Inspectorate America Corporation facility in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico are assigned a bar code, dried, weighed and crushed until 70% of the sample passes through a 2-mm screen. From this portion of the sample, a 250-gram portion is pulverized until 85% passes through a 75-µm screen. This pulp is then shipped by bonded carrier to the Inspectorate analytical laboratory in Sparks, NV, USA. In Sparks a 30-gram portion of the sample is assayed for gold using a standard fire assay method with the final gold determination made by AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry). Some of the sample pulps were also analyzed for a suite of 30 elements including Ag, Pb, Zn and Cu by ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy), a standard recognized analytical method. Any samples that were found to contain in excess of their maximum detection limits were re-assayed using standard “ore-grade” analytical techniques to determine the more precise metal content. The Inspectorate America Corporation Laboratories are ISO 17025 accredited. They employ a rigorous quality control system in their laboratory methodology as well as a system of analytical blanks, standards, and duplicates. Details of their accreditation, analytical procedures, and QA/QC 34 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. program can be found on their website at Inspectorate has no relationship to Riverside Resources. Independent consulting geologist Mark Pryor visited Inspectorate’s prep lab in Hermosillo and discussed procedures with the manager of this facility. Based Mr. Pryor’s assessment of the prep lab, my own experience with Inspectorate, my observations of sampling on the project, and check sampling by other independent geologists, it is my opinion that the sample preparation, security, and analytical procedures used on the Clemente property samples are sufficient for the purposes of this report. 11.1 Quality Control A total of 38 quality-control samples were included with the 543 rock-chip and stream-sediment samples, including 22 standards, 15 field blanks, and one field duplicate. Standards for gold were purchased from Rocklabs, of Auckland, New Zealand (OxA71, OxA89, OxE56 OxD73, OxD87, OxJ36, OxJ68) and from CDN Resource Labs in Vancouver, BC (STD-ME12). These quality-control samples make up 7% of the total number of samples. They do not meet the industry standards of 5% for each of standards, blanks, and duplicates. However, for this early-stage exploration project they are sufficient to detect possible laboratory errors and therefore for the purposes of this report are deemed adequate. In addition to the quality-control samples submitted by Riverside, the analytical laboratory conducted internal quality control and quality assurance procedures including the insertion of duplicate assaying of every tenth sample. Results of standards analysis all fall within ±3 standard deviations from the accepted standard value. Field blanks were prepared from a bedrock exposure of unmineralized granitic material and from previously tested rhyolite collected by Riverside and stored in its office in Hermosillo. All of the blank analyses fall within a range of <5 ppb Au to 8 ppb Au. Blanks and the single duplicate submitted returned acceptable results for gold analyses. As the Qualified Person, it is my opinion that the sample-preparation, security, analysis, and quality control of sampling and analyses on the project are sufficient for the purposes of this report. 12 Data Verification Assay data received from the laboratory was closely monitored by Riverside personnel and independent consultant Mark Pryor. Any concerns related to missing samples, assay results, duplicates, standards, and blanks or analytical technique were immediately discussed and addressed by the laboratory. There were no batches of re-assayed samples. Examination of standards and duplicate results demonstrated satisfactory accuracy of assaying (see above). I examined sample sites in the field and compared mineralization with sample results; in all cases, observed mineralization was consistent with the sample results returned. I also examined the sites of and results from several sets of duplicate samples taken by independent consultant Andrew Daniels, all of which agreed closely with the original samples taken. In addition, I took samples at new locations, all of which were consistent with results and mineralization at past sample locations. I did no verification of stream-sediment samples results. 35 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. As the Qualified Person for this report, it is my opinion that the data generated to date on the project is adequate for the purposes of this report and the early-stage exploration Clemente project. 13 Adjacent Properties There are no adjacent properties as defined by National Instrument 43-101. 14 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing No mineral processing or metallurgical testing has been done on the Clemente property to date. 15 Mineral Resource & Mineral Reserve Estimates No mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates have been completed for this property to date. 16 Other Relevant Data and Information There is no additional information or explanation necessary to make the technical report understandable and not misleading. 17 Interpretation and Conclusions 17.1 Interpretation and Conclusions The Clemente project shows good exploration potential over a 10-km strike length along a structural trend in line with a producing gold mine, within a corridor of major, structurally controlled, orogenicstyle gold deposits. The property has numerous prospects indicating mineralized bodies with the potential to host orogenic, or low-suilfidation epithermal styles of mineralization with multiple samples returning values over 500 ppm Ag (up to 2,900 g/t Ag). Seven target zones have been identified with multiple mineralized veins and structures hosted in Proterozoic igneous and sedimentary rocks, with potential to host bulk tonnage mineralization. The primary metallic resource is silver-lead with portions of the area returning gold values up to 5 ppm. Based on the exploration work completed on the property to date and the encouraging anomalous surface results, the Clemente silver-gold property is of sufficient merit to warrant further exploration work. 36 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 17.2 Significant Risks and Uncertainties The risks of the Clemente project are those that accompany all early-stage exploration projects: a geologically continuous, economically viable metal resource has not yet been outlined. The project presents no other unique, significant risks. Mexico is generally regarded as a favorable nation in which to conduct mineral exploration: the government allows foreign ownership of mineral concessions through Mexican subsidiary or partner companies, and the country’s mining law is well established and, in general, fairly administered to foreign corporations. One minor uncertainty is the 100-ha inlier claim under third-party ownership that lies between the Santa Elena and Nuevo Mundo targets. This claim is not currently in the area of Riverside’s target areas and therefore the company is not anticipating acquiring the concession. Depending on future exploration results, it may be necessary or desirable to acquire this concession from the current owners. Otherwise, the project’s uncertainties are those that attend all early-stage exploration projects, namely, a limited amount of technical information. The work program described below is intended to gather information that would reduce uncertainty and establish the basis for further decisions on valuation and additional exploration. 18 Recommendations The Clemente project shows sufficient promise to warrant additional exploration, which should consist of mapping, additional sampling, geophysics, permitting, and Stage 1 diamond drilling, as detailed below. 18.1 Exploration Program The project would benefit from the following exploration program, which could be done before or during a Stage 1 drill program. 1. Detailed geologic mapping and rock-chip sampling in order to better define the mineralization, alteration, controlling structures, and deposit types on the project. 2. Soil sampling to determine the extent of geochemically anomalous zones and locate “blind” mineralized structures. 3. Ground IP/resistivity survey to determine the existence of conductive bodies potentially controlling mineralization under cover in the three target areas, as well as the Potential Target Under Cover. 4. Trenching in selected areas to expose buried targets (e.g., Dos Kilos South) or vein extensions (e.g., Intrusive Working). 5. Terraspec alteration determination, thin sections, and petrographic reports for selected samples in order to determine vein and alteration mineralogy and mineral relations. 6. Permitting and enacting the proposed diamond drilling program (see below). 37 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 18.2 Drill Program I recommend the following drill program of 16 diamond drill holes for a total of 3,900 meters of drilling. These holes are intended to test the currently known targets on the project, and could be modified by the results of the exploration program above. The drill program is outlined in Table 18-1 and Figures 18-1 through 18-4, below. Table 18-1. Proposed drill program Hole ID UTM E WGS 84 UTM N WGS 84 Az Dip Depth (m) Target Area Target CL-11-01 404910 3354820 90 -60 150 Mundo Mundo vein @ 50 m depth below workings and sample 10400 (5440 ppb Au, 2108 ppm Ag) CL-11-02 404780 3354820 90 -60 300 Mundo Mundo vein @ 150 m depth below workings and sample 10400 CL-11-03 404910 3354970 90 -60 150 Mundo Mundo vein strike potential 150 m north of workings CL-11-04 404910 3354670 90 -60 150 Mundo Mundo vein strike potential 150 m south of workings CL-11-05 405930 3353610 90 -45 200 Nuevo Mundo Vein @ 100 m depth below sample 14263 (130 ppb Au, 716 ppm Ag) + granite/dolomite thrust/contact CL-11-06 406520 3353790 65 -45 150 Nuevo Mundo Veins @ 60 m depth below source of sample 13909 (876 ppb Au, 376 ppm Ag) + intersection with vein at sample 14223-14224 ( 0.25% Pb, 0.48% Zn) CL-11-07 406665 3353710 145 -60 200 Nuevo Mundo Vein/fault @ 50 m depth below sample 1431814320 (375 ppb Au, 38 ppm Ag) CL-11-08 406775 3353480 335 -60 300 Nuevo Mundo Veins @ 30-75 m depth below sample 13912 (812 ppb Au, 1007 ppm Ag) + granite/dolomite thrust/contact CL-11-09 406900 3353530 335 -60 200 Nuevo Mundo Veins @ 50-100 m depth below sample 10555 (430 ppb Au, 418 ppm Ag) + grantie/dolomite thrust/contact CL-11-10 413415 3350345 80 -60 150 Santa Elena N Vein @ 50 m depth below sample 10396 (347 ppb Au, 2933 ppm Ag) CL-11-11 413240 3350310 80 -60 250 Santa Elena N Vein @ 150 m depth below sample 10396 (347 ppb Au, 2933 ppm Ag) CL-11-12 413415 3349720 80 -45 250 Santa Elena S Strike potential of veins 650 m south of holes 10, 11 CL-11-13 413690 3349080 50 -60 150 Santa Elena S Vein @ 50 m depth below workings hosting sample 10559 (124 ppb Au, 514 ppm Ag) CL-11-14 413300 3350500 90 -60 500 Santa Elena N Thrust plane and breccia damage zone CL-11-15 413600 3350500 90 -60 500 Santa Elena N Thrust plane and breccia damage zone CL-11-16 414000 3350500 90 -60 300 Santa Elena N Thrust plane and breccia damage zone 38 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 18-1. Proposed drill holes at the Mundo target. Figure 18-2. Proposed drill holes at the Nuevo Mundo target. 39 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. Figure 18-3. Proposed drill holes at the Nuevo Mundo target. Figure 18-4. Proposed drill holes at the Santa Elena North target. 40 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 19 References Anderson, T.H., and Silver, L.T., 2005, The Mojave-Sonora Megashear—Field and analytical studies leading to the conception and evolution of the hypothesis: Geological Society of America Special Paper 393, p. 1-50. Brown, D, 2013, Target Evaluation Geological Mapping of the Clemente Project, Sonora, Mexico: report prepared for Riverside Resources, Nov. 2, 2013, 23 p. Einaudi, M.T., Hedenquist, J.W., and Inan, E., 2003, Sulfidation state of fluids in active and extinct hydrothermal systems: Transitions from porphyry to epithermal environments: Society of Economic Geologists Special Publication 10, p. 285-314. Goldfarb, R., Baker, T., Dube, B., Groves, D.I., Hart, C.J.R., and Gosselin, P., 2005, Distribution, character and genesis of gold deposits in metamorphic terranes: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, pp. 407-450. Groves, D.I., Goldfarb, R.J., Gebre-Mariam, M., Hagemann, S.G., and Robert, F., 1998, Orogenic gold deposits: A proposed classification in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship to other gold deposit types: Ore Geology Reviews v. 13, p. 7–27. Heald, P., Foley, N.K., and Hayba, D.O., 1987, Comparative anatomy of volcanic-hosted epithermal deposits: Acidsulfate and adularia-sericite types: Economic Geology, v. 82, p. 1-26. Hester, M.G., 2009, El Chanate Project Sonora, Mexico, Technical Report: 43-101 technical report prepared for Capital Gold Corporation by Independent Mining Consultants Inc., June 12, 2009, 82 p. Longoria, J,F., 1981, Geologic features of northwest Sonora: in Longoria, Jose, ed., Regional geology of northwest Sonora: Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, 1981, field guide, p. 49-64. Oliver, S., 2014, The Clemente Silver-Gold Project, Sonora, Mexico: report prepared for Riverside Resources, January 2014, 34 p. SGM (Servicio Geológico Mexicano), 2007, Carta Geologico-Minera El Prieto H12-A77, Sonora. Simmons, S.F, White, N.C., and John, D.A., 2005, Geological characteristics of epithermal precious and base metal deposits: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, p. 485-522. Stone, M., 2011, Independent technical report, Cerro Colorado gold mine, Sonora, Mexico: 43-101 technical report prepared for Goldgroup Mining Inc. by Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc., Feb 28, 2011, 115 p. Westerfield, M.J., 1988, Geology and magnetics of the Cerros Clemente-Llano Verde, northwestern Sonora, Mexico: MS thesis, University of Cincinnati, Cincinatti, Ohio, 205 p. 41 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, CLEMENTE SILVER-GOLD PROJECT, SONORA, MEXICO RIVERSIDE RESOURCES INC. 20 Certificate of Qualified Person I, David S. Smith, MS, MBA, CPG, do hereby certify that: 7. I am a consulting exploration geologist with Highlands Geoscience LLC, located at 3803 NE 120th St., Seattle, Washington, 98125, USA. 8. This certificate applies to “43-101 Technical Report on the Clemente Silver-Gold Project, Municipality of Pitiquito, Sonora, Mexico,” effective date February 28, 2014. 9. I am a Qualified Person as defined by and for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 by virtue of my education, experience, and certification as Certified Professional Geologist No. 11405 with the American Institute of Professional Geologists. I have B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in geology with M.Sc. studies and published research on gold deposits, and I have 21 years of experience in minerals exploration focused on gold and precious metals in the southwestern United States and Mexico. 10. My most recent personal inspection of the Clemente project was November 27, 2014. 11. I am responsible for the entire report “43-101 Technical Report on the Clemente Silver-Gold Project, Municipality of Pitiquito, Sonora, Mexico,” effective date February 28, 2014. 12. I am not independent of Riverside Resources Inc., and hold stock options in the company. 13. I have had prior involvement with the Clemente project beginning in 2011. 14. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and the entire report “43-101 Technical Report on the Clemente Silver-Gold Project, Municipality of Pitiquito, Sonora, Mexico,” which has been prepared in compliance with NI 43-101. 15. As of the effective date of the report, February 28, 2014, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the technical report not misleading. Dated February 28, 2014, Seattle, Washington David S. Smith, MS, MBA, CPG 42