Curriculum Vitae - Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi


Curriculum Vitae - Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi
Dr. Heiko Schuß
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
since 28/03/2014
Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics,
Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri
Fields of Research:
Islamic Finance, Economy of Turkey
Humanities I + II, Microeconomics,
Economics for Engineers
Other Services:
Member of the Internationalization Committee
12/2001 – 05/2013
Assistant at the Institute of Economics,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Fields of Research:
Economy of Turkey and the Middle East,
Islamic Finance, Culture and Economy
Institutional Economics, Political Economy
Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics,
Public Finance in Developing Countries,
Economy of Turkey and the Middle East, Culture
and Economy, Islamic Finance and Economics
Other Achievements:
Development of the major subject “Economics”
in the BA programme “Oriental Studies and Social
Responsible for ERASMUS exchange programmes
Dr. Heiko Schuß
Academic Studies
Dr. phil. in Economics at the
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Topic of the thesis:
Comparison of Institutional Economics and Cultural
Economics with respect to their Explanation of the
Economic Development in Turkey and the Ottoman
Master of Arts at the Ruhr-University Bochum
Topic of the thesis:
The Concept of Zakāt and New Categories of Zakāt
Liable Assets in the Fiqh al-zakāt of Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī
Oriental Philology, Islamic Studies, Economics
Diploma in Economics and Business Administration
at the Ruhr-University Bochum
Topic of the thesis:
The Fiscal Theory of the Islamic State - Explanation of
the Relationship between the Duties of the State, Zakāt
(Islamic Alms Tax), and other State Revenues
Economic Theory, Political Economics, General
Business Administration, Finance and Credit,
Statistics and Econometrics
Dr. Heiko Schuß
“Economics for Engineers”, spring semester 2016
“Microeconomics”, fall semester 2015/16
Contribution to the course “Humanities I”, fall semester 2014/15, 2015/16, spring semester
2015, 2016
Contribution to the course “Humanities II”, spring semester 2015, 2016, summer school
“Public Finance in Developing Countries”, summer semester 2013
“Culture and Economy”, winter semester 2012/13
“Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre”, (Introduction to Economics), summer semester
2011, 2012, winter semester 2011/12, 2012/13
“Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre für Juristen”, (Introduction to Economics for
Jurists), (together with Prof. Dr. Bahadir), summer semester 2006
“Landeskunde des Nahen Ostens”, (Regional Studies of the Near East), (together with
Prof. Dr. Kopp, Dr. Talay, etc.), winter semester 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, summer
semester 2011
“Ökonomie des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens”, (Economy of the Near and Middle East),
winter semester 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12
“Die Wirtschaftskultur des Nahen Ostens und Islamische Wirtschaftsethik”, (The Economic
Culture of the Near East and Islamic Economic Ethics), winter semester 2005/06, 2006/07,
summer semester 2009, 2010, 2011
“Die Anwendung mikro- und makroökonomischer Methoden auf die Wirtschaftsprobleme
des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens”, (The Application of Micro- and Macroeconomic Methods
on Economic Problems of the Near and Middle East), summer semester 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2012
Tutorial for the Lecture “Mikroökonomie I”, (Microeconomics I), winter semester 2003/04,
2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07
“Islamische Wirtschaft”, (Islamic Economy), winter semester 2008/09
“Theorie des Rentierstaates im Nahen und Mittleren Osten”, (The Theory of the Rentier
State in the Near and Middle East), summer semester 2003, winter semester 2004/05
“Die Wirtschaftskultur im Nahen Osten”, (The Economic Culture of the Near East), winter
semester 2003/04
Dr. Heiko Schuß
Selected Publications
“Wirtschaft und Islam”, (Economy and Islam), in: Brunner, Rainer (ed.): Islam: Einheit und
Vielfalt einer Weltreligion (Islam: Unity and Diversity of a World Religion), Stuttgart 2016,
pp. 452 – 462
“Ökonomische Aspekte der islamischen Pilgerfahrt“, (The Economic Aspects of the Islamic
Pilgrimage), in: Herbers, Klaus; Lehner, Hans Christian (ed.): Unterwegs im Namen der
Religion/On the Road in the Name of Religion: Pilgern als Form von Kontingenzbewältigung und Zukunftssicherung in den Weltreligionen/Pilgrimage as a Means of
Coping with Contingency and Fixing the Future in the World's Major Religions, Stuttgart
2014, pp. 85 – 93
Review of “Wippel, Steffen (2012): Wirtschaft, Politik und Raum: Territoriale und regionale
Prozesse in der westlichen Sahara”, (Wippel, Steffen (2012): Economy, Politics and
Region: Territorial and Regional Processes in the Western Sahara), in Inamo, No. 72,
December 2012, p.82
“Die politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Türkei”, (The Political and Economic
Development of Turkey), in: Geographie und Schule, No. 197, 2012, pp. 4 – 9
“Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung von der Gründung der Republik bis heute”, (The Economic
Development from the Foundation of the Republic until now), in: Steinbach, Udo (ed.):
Länderbericht Türkei, Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Bonn,
2012, pp. 328 - 368
“Die Schwarzmeerregion im Fokus einer neuen EU-Ostpolitik”, (The Black Sea Region in
the Focus of a New EU Policy for Eastern Europe), in: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (ed.): Die
Schwarzmeersynergie zwischen geopolitischen Sensibilitäten und energiewirtschaftlichen
Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, 2. Deutsch-Türkischer Sicherheitsdialog, Ankara, June 2009,
pp. 9 - 19
“Wirtschaftskultur und Institutionen im Osmanischen Reich und der Türkei: Ein Vergleich
institutionenökonomischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Ansätze zur Erklärung der
wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung”, (Economic Culture and Institutions in the Ottoman Empire
and in Turkey: A Comparison of Institutional Economics and Cultural Economics in order
to explain Economic Development), Schiler Verlag, Berlin, 2008, Doctoral Thesis at the
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Review of “Heck, Gene W. (2006): Charlemagne, Muhammad, and the Arab Roots of
Capitalism”, in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,102., 2007, p. 744
Review of “Zorob, Anja (2006): Syrien im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Euro-Mediterranen
Partnerschaft und der Großen Arabischen Freihandelszone”, (Zorob, Anja (2006): Syria in
the Field of Tension between the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Greater Arab
Free Trade Area), in DAVO Nachrichten, Vol. 25, August 2007, pp. 79 - 81
Dr. Heiko Schuß
“The Development of Islamic Finance in the Gulf region since 2008”,
22nd DAVO-Congress, Bochum, 24.-26.09.2015
“Attitudes of Customers towards Islamic Banks and the Problem of Shari'a Arbitrage”,
21st DAVO-Congress, Cologne, 25.-27.09.2014
“Economic Policy, Interest Groups, and their Enemies“, International Conference „Turkey
in the 1960s: Social Change and Political Radicalization“, University of Hamburg,
“The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis for Islamic Finance”, 19th DAVOCongress, Erlangen, 04.10.2012
“Religion und ethisches Wirtschaften: Der Islam”, (Religion and Ethical Economy: Islam),
Center for Global Learning, Academy Caritas-Pirckheimer-House, 29.11.2011
“Ökonomische Aspekte der Islamischen Pilgerfahrt”, (Economical Aspects of the Islamic
Pilgrimage), International Conference “On the Road in the Name of Religion. Pilgrimage as
a Means of Coping with Contingency and Fixing the Future in the World's Major Religions”,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 10.11.2011
“Die Rentierstaatstheorie im Lichte der arabischen Revolutionen”, (The Theory of the
Rentier State in the Light of the Arab Revolutions), 18th DAVO-Congress, Berlin,
“Menschenmengen – Muslimbrüder – Mubarak: Wohin geht es mit Ägypten”, (Crowds –
Muslim Brotherhood – Mubarak: Whither goes Egypt?), Chamber of Industry and
Commerce for Essen, 24.02.2011
(together with Dr. Thaer al-Rasheed) “The Predicament of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises in Iraq and Measures to Solve their Problems”, World Congress for Middle
Eastern Studies, Barcelona, 19.07.2010
“Testing the Borderline: Innovative Islamic Financial Products Within and Beyond the
Šarī‛a”, Middle East Economic Association Conference, Istanbul, 25.06.2010
(together with Prof. Dr. Thaer al-Rasheed) “The Predicament of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises in Iraq and Measures to Solve their Problems”, Middle East Economic
Association Conference, Istanbul, 25.06.2010
“Europäisch-Türkische Energiepolitik: Zielharmonie, Zielkonflikte oder politische
Blockade?”, (European-Turkish Energy Policy: Harmony of Goals, Conflict of Goals or
Political Blockade?), International Workshop: The Role of Turkey in the European Energy
Security, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in cooperation with USAK, Ankara, 23.06.2010
“Medien und soziale Marktwirtschaft: Kann die deutsche Erfahrung im Nahen Osten
nützlich sein?”, (The Media and Social Market Economy: Can the German Experience be
Useful for the Near East?), German-Arab Media Dialogue, Damascus, 19.10.2009
Dr. Heiko Schuß
“Testen der Grenze: Innovative islamische Finanzprodukte diesseits und jenseits der
Šarī‛a”, (Testing the Borderline: Innovative Islamic Financial Products Within and Beyond
the Šarī‛a), 16th DAVO-Congress, Bonn, 08.10.2009
“Islamisches Finanzwesen: Grundlagen, Chancen und Probleme”, (Islamic Finance:
Principles, Chances and Problems),Thomas Morus Academy, Bensberg, 08.09.2009
“Historical Break or Path-Dependence or: The Influence of the Ottoman Legacy on the
Turkish Economy”, SOAS, University of London, 02.02.2009
“Die Schwarzmeerregion im Fokus einer neuen EU-Ostpolitik”, (The Black Sea Region in
the Focus of the New EU Policy for Eastern Europe), Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation,
Ankara 13.11.2008
“Zu den Entwicklungen des islamischen Finanzwesens der letzten Jahre”, (The
Developments of Islamic Finance in Recent Years), 15th DAVO-Congress, Erfurt,
(together with Dr. Ömer Şanlıoğlu) “Die Auswirkungen des EU-Integrationsprozesses der
Türkei auf die Wirtschaftsregion Kayseri seit Einführung der Zollunion 1996”, (The
Influences of the EU Integration Process of Turkey on the Economic Region of Kayseri
since the Establishment of the Costums Union 1996), 13th DAVO-Congress, Hamburg,
30.11. - 02.12.2006
“Die Wirtschaftskultur der Türkei – ein Hemmnis bei der Integration in die Europäische
Union?”, (The Economic Culture in Turkey – an Impediment for its Integration into the
EU?), 29th German Oriental Studies Conference – 11th DAVO-Congress, Halle, 20.09.2004
“The Ambiguities of the Economic Ideologies in the Near East”, First World Congress for
Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Mainz, 11.09.2002
“The Relevance of Economic Culture for Middle East Studies”, Third Conference of the
European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), Gent, Belgien, 25. 27.09.1999
“Der Wirtschaftsstil als Theorie mittlerer Reichweite: Erläuterung des Konzepts am
Beispiel des Nahen Ostens”, (Economic Style as a Medium-Range Theory: Explanation of
the Concept with Reference to the Example of the Near East), Klausurtagung des
Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreises für Entwicklungsländer-Forschung (IAfEF), Bochum,
18. - 20.06.1999
“Der Wandel der Unternehmenskultur und des Managementstils in der Türkei und den
arabischen Ländern des Nahen Ostens im Transformationsprozeß“, (The Change of
Business Culture and Management Style in Turkey and in the Arab Countries of the Near
East during the Transformation Process), 5th DAVO-Congress, Kloster Banz, 20.11.1998
“Die Wirtschaftskultur des Nahen Ostens. Ein brauchbares Konzept zur Erklärung
wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung oder ein Klischee?”, (The Economic Culture of the Near East:
A Useful Concept for the Explanation of Economic Development or a Cliché), 27th German
Oriental Studies Conference, Bonn, 28.09 - 02.10.1998