BB/ADV: Spring Prep Events: Youth Camp Pee Wee Clinic Dam Fun
BB/ADV: Spring Prep Events: Youth Camp Pee Wee Clinic Dam Fun
News Events: Youth Camp Pee Wee Clinic Dam Fun Ride Hoot Owl TR BB/ADV: Spring Prep April 2015 CONNECT The NETRA News is a monthly publication of the New England Trail Rider Association. This publication is emailed to more than 3000 active trail riders and racers: your customers. It’s also posted to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram increasing the readership beyond NETRA members. Ad rates are based on advertiser provided digital artwork. Ads in Adobe PDF format are preferred but other image types may be accepted. Annual Rate includes 11 issues, February-December. Deadline for ads is the 20th of the month prior to publication. Advertisement Turkey Run riders from the 2014 Pachaug Rock Ride Annual Rate FOLLOW US! Full Page $500 Facebook 1/2 Page $300 Twitter 1/4 Page $200 Instagram Attention NETRA members! Got a road trip you want to share? Do you have a legislative commentary you‘d like to post? Is there a picture you just have to show off? The content quality of this newsletter is up to you! THIS IS YOUR NETRA NEWS! Drop us a line via email [email protected] Spring Preparation By J. Braun I've put together the first Big Bike/Adventure (BB/A) route and will be posting it in the next issue. NETRA used to publish route sheets that members could purchase for a couple of bucks but mailing out paper copies seems to be more work than necessary in the Internet age. The snowfield outside my window is finally melting enough for me to get to the shed where my bikes have been stowed for the winter. Time to unpack them and get them ready for riding. Charging batteries and reinstalling air filters (otherwise they would be mouse nest material) are the first steps. Putting drain plugs back in the carburetors and filling the tanks with fresh gas is next. I always add Chevron Techron to the first couple of tanks for each bike to flush out any residue that might have congealed over the winter. I'm always surprised when I find people who have never heard of this amazing fluid. It's a powerful cleaner that has saved me from many a carburetor tear down. During the summer I put Sea Foam in my gas to prevent it from going bad between rides. The new oxygenated gas will deteriorate while sitting and with several bikes to choose from I never know when I'll be back. You can find Techron and Sea Foam at any auto parts store. If you are new to BB/A riding you should consider replacing your wheel bearings and seals. The dirt, mud, and water crossings take a toll on the seals and let grit get into the bearings. Enduro riders know that they have to change these at least once a year but road riders never give them a thought until they fail. Failure out in the woods could cause not just injury but would be a royal pain in the posterior to get the bike out. You can either buy OEM parts from your dealer or after-market parts from one of the shops that advertise in the NETRA newsletter. If you are not handy with tools take the wheels to a shop to have the new parts installed. It's very cheap insurance against being hurt or stuck in the woods. While you're thinking about your wheels, take a look at your tires. Most D/S tires that come stock on bikes are really just street tires with a different design. They are not going to grip on rocks and will load up fast in the mud. If you are going to limit yourself to Class 1 & 2 roads they are probably adequate but if you are more adventurous they will probably be a problem. At best they will make you work 2 or 3 times as hard, at worst they will cause you to crash damaging yourself and your bike. Continental TKC 80 is one favorite that combines on-road performance with off-road grip. The price is reasonable and they generally deliver 3000+ miles of wear. The Dunlop D606 is my favorite for D/S bikes. The on road performance is almost as good as the TKC 80 but off road it really stands out. Tire wear is not as good but I don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere thinking about how long the tires have lasted. Those two aside, Kenda, Heidenau, Michelin, and Pirelli all make good tires for BB/A riding. Just ask yourself what your intended goals are, how deep into the woods you want to go, and then talk it over with your dealer or local shop. Lastly, let's talk about first aid. I'm constantly amazed at the number of riders who talk safety but don't carry a first aid kit. They will spend big money for extra lights and high-viz equipment but don't spend $20 for a decent first aid kit. Most riders I talk to don't even carry band-aids! You don't want to be out in the woods with a cut or a blister and nothing to treat it with. I've seen broken bones and deep lacerations on seemingly innocuous routes. I don't want to be alarmist but a good first aid kit should be with every rider in the woods. If it isn't you, wouldn't you like to be the hero who helps somebody else? See you next month with the first NETRA BB/A route sheet. Questions or comments? [email protected] Visit the all new NETRA Forum! Get the latest on up-coming events Connect with riding buddies Keep apprised of legislative issues Browse and post to the Classifieds … and so much more! NEW ENGLAND TRIALS ASSOCIATION (NETA) Offering “TRIALS CROSS-TRAINING CLINICS for 2015” NETA is offering FREE Trials Cross-Training clinics at all of the 2015 trials events listed below. The purpose of the clinics to expose motocross, enduro, hare scramble, and single track riders to the benefits that trials riding has to offer. Skills acquired will enhance rider’s current overall riding ability while educating them on the sport of Moto-Trials. • Clinics FREE to all participants • No AMA or NETA membership required • Participants will be provided a trials motorcycle and two (2) hours of trials instruction the morning of the event and then assist with the event. *NOTE: Pre-registration required – See below The schedule of NETA events with Trials Cross-Training clinics is as follows. Sunday May 17th - Meriden, CT Sunday Sept 27th – Exeter, RI Sunday June 7th - Brimfield, MA Saturday Oct 10th - Northville, NY Sunday Aug 30th – Exeter, RI Sunday Oct 11th - Northville, NY Saturday Sept 12th – Highgate, VT Sunday Oct 25th - Meriden, CT Sunday Sept 12th – Highgate, VT D REGISTRATION: Preregistration required for all participants! Folks interested in participating, or have questions, should contact Charles Gray (NETA President) at [email protected] as soon as possible to register as space is limited and enrollment will be handled on a first come first serve basis. Courtesy of our fantastic sponsors and the hard work of Scott Fontaine. - Must be able to use clutch and start bike on their own. Also stay the weekend without mom and dad. This is similar to scout camp. Hoot Owl Scramblers Present HOOT OWL TRI-STATE 100 TURKEY RUN UNFORTUNATELY MOTHER NATURE HAS BEEN CRUEL TO US THIS WINTER!!!! Please check the Hoot Owl web site one week prior to the event for updates Come join the Hoot Owl Scramblers for the first ride of the 2015 season. We have 50-60 miles of trail “under construction” in anticipation of this kick-off ride! When: Sunday, April 19, 2015 Where: 873 Providence Pike Putnam CT. Arrowed from State line of RI & CT on Rt. 44 Start: Sign up from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 – Bikes will not go out before 9 a.m. Fee: $45 (NETRA membership required). Rules: All bikes must be registered and street legal, with licensed rider aboard. There will be a sound test and tech inspection. Course: Turkey Run: Miles of back roads and nice trail with optional hero sections along the way. Gas/food: Turkey Run: gas truck will be set up for you about ½ way. (water and snacks at check points) Trail Boss's: Bob Latendresse , 401-569-3338 Chris Pouliot , 401-595-7945 Pathfinders MC Saturday Schedule: Pee Wee Clinic PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY Ages 5-11 (12 if birthday after Jan. 1) Basic riding ability required Check-In: 8:30am Safety Clinic, bike set-up, & riding tips Small groups based on bike size & ability Mock Pee Wee event at the end of the day Lunch, snacks, drinks, & t-shirt Included Sunday Schedule: Dam Fun Ride PeeWee Clinic & Dam Fun Ride Thomaston Dam 331 Hill Road Thomaston, Ct. 06787 Arrowed From: Route 8 North Exit 39 Route 8 South Exit 40 Register Online! Check-In: 8:30am Safety Clinic @ mandatory riders meeting Riders of all ages/abilities welcome! Marked courses (beginner to expert) Course Marshalls throughout trails No motorcycle registration required Pee Wee Clinic - $45/rider Dam Fun Ride- $15/rider NETRA membership required for all events; available at sign-up. Parent/Guardian and Consent Form required Food available Saturday & Sunday Events will be held rain or shine Event Trail Bosses Pee Wee Clinic Harrison Schreiner | (203) 731-0381 | [email protected] Register Online: Register by mail: Harrison Schreiner 4 Pebble Road Newtown CT 06470 Dam Fun Ride Jim Blais | (860) 899-9020 | [email protected] Dam Fun Ride Sun. April 26th Thomaston Dam 331 Hill Rd, Thomaston CT $15/rider Marked course for all levels from Pee Wee to Pro! Check‐In: 8:30am Mandatory riders mee ng Riders of all ages/abili es welcome! Course Marshalls throughout trails Closed off‐road course No motorcycle registra on required Food available all day Event will be held rain or shine Primi ve camping available NETRA Membership required. $25 day pass available Ride ends at 2:30PM for more info! The Tri-State Trailriders proudly present the Fun in the Sun PeeWee Scramble Sign-Up Opens 8:00 AM Class 3,4&5 - 10:00 Class 1&2– 11:30 All Awards 1:00 MANDATORY Riders Meeting and parade lap 15 Min before each heat!!!! NETRA membership required for all Riders. Sat, May 2, 2015 For More Information Please Contact: Scott Ignachuck [email protected] (978) 618-7381 Location: North Smithfield RI, arrowed from the Route 5 & 102 exit on Route 146 in RI Cost: $25 Parking Donation: $10 Sorry, no camping allowed at the start. Parking is limited, please be considerate, no large trailers!! CAPITAL AREA TRAIL RIDERS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS THE BLACK FLY HARESCRAMBLE, VINTAGE AND PEE WEE SCRAMBLES! SATURDAY— MAY 16 2015 SUNDAY— MAY 17 2015 Pee Wee - Entry Fee $30 PeeWee 3/4/5— Sign up 9:00AM, Start time: 11:00 AM Parade lap if time allows PeeWee 1/2— Sign up 11:00AM, Start time: 1:00PM Trail Boss: John Butler (518) 231-9590 Vintage Scramble - Entry Fee $45 1 Hour Race per NETRA Rules Sign up / Sound Test 1:00PM Start time: 3:00PM Trail Boss: Jim Stoddard (518) 694-6567 BLACK FLY HARESCRAMBLE BigWheel, Mini A/B, Girls Entry Fee $35, 7:30am Sign up & sound test, 9:00am Race start C (Novice), Juniors, Super Senior, Masters, Women, Sportsman Entry Fee $45, 9:00am Sign up & sound test, 11:00am Race start AA, A (Expert), B (Amateur) Entry Fee $45, 11:00am Sign up & sound test, 1:30pm Race start Trail Boss: Jeff / Trenton Hanan (512) 413-0401 / (518) 389-8798 PARKING: $10.00 Per Car / $15 for Campers / $20 for Big Rigs DIRECTIONS: I-87 N from Albany NY to Exit 12, Route 67 W to Route 147 N to Route 29 W and follow NETRA arrows GPS: 43.1279461,-74.1025008 / 43°07'40.6"N 74°06'09.0"W / Near corner of Fayville and Hans Creek Rd See NETRA Rules at NETRA Sound Test Required — 96 dB limit No Dogs, Fires in designated fire pits only— no open fires Primitive camping available Friday and Saturday Night Quiet hours after 10:00pm (generators off) Concessions available Saturday and Sunday during the races New Championship Series The NETRA Competition Committee has voted in favor of a Championship Vintage Hare Scrambles series for 2015! A Vintage Competition subcommittee, comprised of five long-time NETRA members and vintage fanatics, has been created to define the classes and rules for this exciting new series. This series is going to give New England and New York a 12 round vintage series built by people that eat, sleep, live and breath vintage off-road! All vintage races will be held on Saturdays as a stand-alone event or in conjunction with NETRA Pee Wee or Junior Enduro rounds. This is going to be an incredibly fun “grass roots” series that the Northeast has really needed for a long time. Get those vintage steeds ready! 2015 NETRA Vintage Championship Schedule May 9 Nutmeg State Eastford, CT May 16 CATRA Black Fly Fish House, NY May 23 Steerage Rock Twister Brimfield, MA June 27 Satan’s Kingdom New Hartford, CT July 18 Indian Ridge Eastford, CT July 25 Rocky Mountain Alton, NH August 15 Boneyard Meriden, CT September 5 Stateline Hoosick, NY September 12 Hard Knox Blandford, MA October 10 Hoot Owl Sterling, CT October 24 Blue Slope Bozrah, CT November 7 Roosting Rhody Coventry, RI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015 NETRA Schedule <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO SERIES TBD 5/24 6/7 8/2 8/30 10/4 10/18 10/25 Snow Run Little Rhody King Philip Tom Noble Red Barn Run Rocktoberfast Granville Cheese Grater Black & Blue Stafford, CT E. Greenwich, RI Wrentham, MA Berwick, ME Fremont, NH Lee, MA Granville, MA Stafford, CT NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP JR ENDURO SERIES 5/23 6/6 6/27 7/25 8/15 10/3 10/31 11/7 Steerage Rock Twister King Philip Satan's Kingdom Rocky Mountain Boneyard Steerage Rock Twister #2 Tri-State Roosting Rhody Brimfield, MA Wrentham, MA New Hartford, CT Alton, NH Meriden, CT Brimfield, MA Oxford, MA Coventry, RI NETRA PEE WEE SERIES NETRA TURKEY RUN SERIES 4/19 5/17 6/13-14 7/11-12 8/16 9/12-13 9/20 9/27 10/11 11/8 Hoot Owl Tri-State 100 Cabin Fever New England Classic Thrill & Chill Somers Fun Ammonoosuc Berkshire Triple Tri State Extreme Fun Noble Woods King Philip Putnam, CT E. Freetown, MA Loudon, NH W. Greenwich, RI Somers, CT N. Haverhill, NH Tolland, MA Winchendon, MA Acton, ME Wrentham, MA NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES SERIES 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/31 6/28 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/9 8/23 9/6 9/13 9/27 10/11 Tuxedo Ridge Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Meltdown Satan's Kingdom Rambler's Summer Madness Indian Ridge Rocky Mountain Richardson's Farm Dam Good Stateline Hard Knox Leonard's Loop Flat Rock Farms 11/8 Woods-O-Cross Tuxedo, NY Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Remsen, NY New Hartford, CT TBA Eastford, CT Alton, NH Burrilville, RI Thomaston, CT Hoosick, NY Blandford, MA E. Freetown, MA Sterling, CT Coventry, RI NETRA DUAL SPORT SERIES 6/13-14 7/11-12 8/16 9/20 New England Classic (Natl) Thrill & Chill Laurel Mountain Berkshire Triple Loudon, NH W. Greenwich, RI Somers, CT Tolland, MA 5/2 5/9 5/16 5/23 6/6 6/20 6/27 7/18 7/25 8/15 9/5 9/12 10/3 10/10 10/24 Fun in the Sun Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Steerage Rock Twister King Philip Hard Knox Satan's Kingdom Indian Ridge Rocky Mountain Boneyard Stateline Hard Knox Steerage Rock Twister 2 Flat Rock Farms Blue Slope 11/7 Roosting Rhody N. Smithfield, RI Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Brimfield, MA Wrentham, MA Westfield, MA New Hartford, CT Eastford, CT Alton, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY Blandford, MA Brimfield, MA Sterling, CT Bozrah, CT NETRA VINTAGE SERIES 5/9 5/16 5/23 6/27 7/18 7/25 8/15 9/5 9/12 10/10 10/24 11/7 Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Brimfield, MA New Hartford, CT Eastford, CT Alton, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY Blandford, MA Sterling, CT Bozrah, CT Coventry, RI OTHER EVENTS Coventry, RI BE SAFE AND ENJOY THE 2015 NETRA SEASON Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Steerage Rock Twister Satan's Kingdom Indian Ridge Rocky Mountain Boneyard Stateline Hard Knox Hoot Owl Blue Slope Roosting Rhody 4/25 Pathfinders Pee Wee Clinic 4/26 4/18-19 6/13-14 8/22 11/1 11/15 Dam Fun Ride Nutmeg Youth Camp NE Classic Charity Kids Ride Dam Good Sprint Enduro Jack Frost Chili Run Challenge Toys for Tots Thomaston, CT Thomaston, CT Stafford, CT Loudon, NH Thomaston, CT Oxford, MA E. Freetown, MA netra - c
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