Christival Invitation
Christival Invitation
Christival e.V. I Postfach 19 08176007 Karlsruhe Christival e.V. A K Internationales European Methodist Youth and Children (EMYC) Alexander von Waseinski Giebelstr. 16 70499 Stuttga rt Alexander von Waseinski (Leader) Giebelstr. 16 70499 Stuttgart Tel. 07118600686 [email protected] Karlsruhe, 29th October 2015 Dear Alexander von Wascinski, even today, Lisa 's eyes glisten when she ta lks about Christival 2008. The experiences she had with God in Bremen, Germany and the people she met there, moved her. Encouraged, inspired, and happy Lisa traveled home. There she practiced incorporating her inspiration into her life, and passed it on to her youth group. Today the young woman is actively involved in her church, works at a job helping the socially disadvantaged, and stillloves to sing the songs she first heard at ChristivaL There are thousands of you ng people like Lisa who were inspired at Christival and are now catalysts of faith back home. Christival is the biggest protestant youth congress in Germany. We expect up to 15.000 young people from various Christia n backgrounds to worship and celebrate together. Christival means: Excellent music, time for prayer, modern worship, creative and intensive bible study, strong fellowship, encounters with people from different cultural backgrounds ... With }esus Christ at the center of it all. Stories like Lisa's will happen again at Christival 2016! God wants to enter into a relationship with people and shape their lives. From May 4- 8, 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany the atmosphere at Christival will be a 'thin place' where young people can experience God by coming to understand what it means when "jesus Reconciles". We need reconciliation - over and over again. With God, ourselves, fellow man, and God's entire creation. Even as you read this, the planners at Christival are creating incredible experiences to help you understand reconciliation. Our cooperation with many churches, institutions, initiatives and associations aredriven by the desire to empower young Christians to become ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians, 5:19-20). We wish to encourage them to take concrete steps in their personal, church, and social spheres of influence. We would Iove to see you at Christival 2016 in Karlsruhe. Participants will experience a deepening of their relationship with }esus Christ, as they meet and fellowship with other believers from various parts of the world. Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand Karsten Hüttmann (Vorsitzender) johannes Müller (Stv. Vorsitzender) Maren Möller (Geschäftsführerin) Bankverbindung Ev. Bank Kassel !BAN DE6S 5206 0410 0005 011116 BIC GENODEF1EK1 ~ CHRISTIVAL MEINE GENERATION. MEIN GlAUBE. MEIN FESTIVAL We want to invite people from international congregations in Germany and all who want to take part in Christival2016 from countries all over the world. For any question you might have take a Iook at our website ( or contact the Ch ristivaloffice ([email protected]) or the International Team ([email protected]). We're looking torward to meeting you in Karlsruhe ln Christ ~\ ~>k'AfNI\IJ\ Karsten Hüttmann 1. Vorsitzender Christival e.V. -/}.u. u~c-.~· Alex von Waseinski International Team, Leader Evi Rodemann International Team, Co-Leader X- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --- -Pieasecut here. CONNECT-CARD prename: _________________________________ _ last name: --------------------------- - - ---church: ___________________________________ _ e-mail: ------------------------------------ For more information about Christival please return th s card to our office: Christival e. V., Postfach 19 08, 76007 Karlsruhe or by e- mail to: [email protected] Christival e. V. Postfach 19 08 76007 Karlsruhe ~ CHRISTIVAL MEINE GENERATION. MEIN GlAUBE. MEIN FESTIVAL