akpsi.org SPRING 2012 1
akpsi.org SPRING 2012 1
akpsi.org SPRING 2012 1 THE C LI F F O R D S P AN G L E R S O C IE TY The Clifford Spangler Society honors those alumni and friends of Alpha Kappa Psi who made provisions for future generations of business leaders through will bequests, life insurance, trusts or other planned gifts. Leadership opportunities, scholarships, awards and other educational programs are provided for through such gifts. The Spangler Society acknowledges with grateful appreciation those who have chosen to make these commitments to the future. The following members have indicated that their estate plans include a bequest to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: INVEST IN THE FUTURE Upon Brother Spangler’s death, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation received half of his sizable estate. His gift — then the largest gift received by AKPsi — was the foundation of several scholarships and awards and continues to support ongoing programs of the foundation. OF ALPHA KAPPA PSI Anonymous Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin ‘99-Life Heather E. Allen, Florida State ’89-Life Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88-Life William K. Bissey, Indiana ‘61-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84-Life Samuel V. Boodoian, Wayne State ‘51-Life* Timothy L. Brandenburg, Cincinnati ‘96-Life Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ’84-Life & Leslie-Ann Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81-Life Gerald D. Byrd, Long Beach ‘62-Life* Joseph A. Clark, Old Dominion ‘01 Michael G. Dickerson, Virginia Tech ‘04-Life William A. Donnelly Jr., NYU ‘36-Life* Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70-Life Gary L. Epperson, Hoosier Alumni ‘92 Honorary-Life Chris Ryan Feather, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘95-Life John M. Garbaczewski, Arizona ‘54-Life Victor A. Greene, West Georgia ‘77-Life Howard O. Hampton, NYU ’43-Life* Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95-Life Kenneth W. Hufford, Montana ‘33-Life* Matthew T. Jaeger, Trinity ‘98-Life Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life Catherine Lassesen, UNLV ‘82-Life Robert M. Linden, Central Michigan ‘64-Life Marvin L. Longabaugh, Texas Tech ‘80-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ’67-Life Paul E. Lubic, Christopher Newport ‘94 Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech ’86-Life George W. Morford, Washington ‘48-Life* John Paul Muehlman, Western Kentucky ‘67-Life* Nicholas A. Myers, Florida ‘99-Life James Christian Nuccio, UNC-Charlotte ‘09-Life Ryan Ott, UC-Davis ‘06-Life Lumir S. Palma, Illinois ‘37 Dr. Robert S. Prati, San Diego ‘96-Life Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ’86-Life Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life David Russo, Christopher Newport ‘05 Karl A. Sakas, William & Mary ‘01-Life Carlton J. Siegler, Columbia ‘31-Life* Gordon L. Snider, Colorado College ‘37-Life* Clifford D. Spangler, Nebraska ‘28-Life* Dan L. Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life & Barbara L. Stubblefield Steven T. Tabac, Michigan‘63-Life Christine M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80-Life *Audit Eternal If you have included the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in your estate plan — or are considering doing so — please request a letter of intent from the Alpha Kappa 2 SPRING Psi Foundation. The 2012 letter akpsi.org of intent is not a legal document, but simply shares your wishes with the foundation. >> contents “ Perfect your personal brand—and consistently display that brand across all your career collateral, online and offline—and you’ll jump far ahead of your jobseeking competition. .” — Mark Babbitt, Page 17 >> features 5 12 22 33 Alpha Kappa Psi’s vision and core values VISION Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders JOB SEARCH STRATEGY 2.0 17 By mastering the key components of a highly successful job search strategy, young professionals entering the workforce for the first time can sail right past their job-seeking competition and often get hired quickly. >> departments FRATERNITY NEWS 5 CORE VALUES In developing principled business leaders, Alpha Kappa Psi adheres to these lifetime values: Brotherhood Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship and aid to brothers is the expected norm Service Sharing of time, talent and treasure with society and with our fraternity is a priority Knowledge Education and experience is emphasized and shared Unity A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future Integrity All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics and fairness STRENGTHENING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 12 If an ethics officer is appointed as an agent of the board of directors, this will create conditions that will provide additional leverage for corporate governance reform, thereby furthering our society’s pursuit of increasingly ethical corporate cultures. SIX QUESTIONS 11 FOUNDATION UPDATE 19 CHAPTERS REPORT 24 TRACKING 33 ALUMNI NOTES 34 AUDIT ETERNAL 37 ALUMNI CHAPTER DIRECTORY 40 akpsi.org SPRING 2012 3 Foundation Board of Directors YOUR GIFT TO THE ALPHA KAPPA PSI FOUNDATION WILL BE MATCHED DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR OFFICERS David P. Wendroff CFV, Portland ‘79-Life, Chairman Paul R. Bailey III, Michigan State ‘88-Life, Vice Chairman Lisa A. Calandriello CFV, American ‘97-Life, Secretary/Treasurer DIRECTORS Jon P. Doyle, Seattle ‘86-Life John C. Werner, Virginia ‘84-Life Fraternity Board of Directors OFFICERS Charles D. Steffens CFV, Portland ‘87-Life, Chairman* Dan L. Stubblefield CFV, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life, Vice Chairman* Jennifer H. Kuhn CFV, Colorado ‘99-Life, Secretary Alexis P. Perdomo CFV, Florida International ‘92-Life, Treasurer DIRECTORS Richard V. Battle, Texas ‘70-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84 Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76-Life Jennifer I. Raiford, Eastern Michigan ‘94 Gregory M. Sottolano CFV, American ‘96-Life* * Executive Committee member But we need to hear from you by June 30! Our fraternity has been blessed with an amazing opportunity, but we need your help to make it a reality. Through June 30, a generous donor will match dollar-for-dollar all contributions made to our Principled Business Leadership Fund, up to $50,000. Never before has Alpha Kappa Psi been approached with a challenge like this. The Principled Business Leadership Fund serves a very special purpose. It was established as a joint effort between the Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity and Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation to improve the quality of educational programming at fraternity events. Specifically, the fund helps to cover the expenses for top-notch, sought-after speakers that Alpha Kappa Psi could not otherwise afford. Alpha Kappa Psi counts on contributions from its loyal alumni to make our vital programs available to students each year, but right now, support for our PBL Fund is critical. Challenge gifts like this are rare for any organization, so we really need everyone’s help so our fraternity can fully take advantage of this special opportunity. To make your contribution, click on the ‘Make a Gift’ tab at akpsi.org, or mail it to the foundation using the envelope located in this magazine (please note that the gift is for the PBL Fund when mailing your contribution). Management Team OFFICERS Alexander T. Sultan CFV, San Diego State ‘93-Life, President Stephanie N. Potter CFV, Auburn ‘00, Executive VP REGIONAL DIRECTORS Darin F. Schuld, Saint Louis ‘94-Life, Central Region Gregory Q. Patterson CFV, Northwood ‘02, Eastcentral Region Thomas N. Tran CFV, Pennsylvania State ’02-Life, Eastern Region Michael G. Dickerson CFV, Virginia Tech ‘04-Life, Mideast Region Bijoy P. Shah, Purdue ‘04, Midwest Region Jennifer J. Dobel CFV, Iowa State ’01, Northcentral Region Naneen Christopher, Seton Hall ‘05-Life, Northeast Region Micheal E. Dickson CFV, Central Washington ‘02, Northwest Region Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93-Life, Southern Region Courtney C. Harrison CFV, Lamar ’05-Life, Southcentral Region Richard J. Ashbrook CFV, Florida State ‘93-Life, Southeast Region Howard Chang, Southern California ‘95, Southwest Region Marie D. Lawrick CFV, Boise State ‘85-Life, Westcentral Region Heritage Center Staff CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Gary L. Epperson CAE, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Hon/Life MANAGING DIRECTORS Jess C. LaNore CAE, Purdue ‘00-Hon/Life, Alumni Services/Foundation COO Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life, Operations Jessica R. Seitz, Auburn ‘02-Honorary/Life, Student Services DIRECTORS Jennifer L. Adamany, San Diego ‘05-Life, Chapter Services & Expansion James A. Forristell, Advancement Jeffery D. Hughes, South Florida ‘00, Alumni Development Jason R. Pierce, Education Christopher W. Pye, Shippensburg ‘04-Life, Communication & Information Srvcs. EXPANSION COORDINATORS S. Tyler Austria, James Madison ‘08-Life Lindsey Lu-Pon, California - Merced ‘09 MEMBER SERVICES COORDINATORS Cathy J. Cole, Hazel A. Collier, Deborah A. Orff and Melinda S. Rosenthall The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi Volume 101, No. 2 ©2012 Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. First published in 1908 PUBLISHER Gary L. Epperson CAE, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Hon/Life EDITOR Jess C. LaNore CAE, Purdue ‘00-Hon/Life CONTRIBUTORS Mark Babbitt, YouTern W. Michael Hoffman, Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University Robert E. McNulty, Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University Mark Rowe, LRN Corporation Steve Stackhouse-Kaelble 7801 E 88th Street Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233 (317) 872-1553, [email protected] MEMBER FRATERNITY COMMUNICATIONS ASSOC. 4 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org MEMBER PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY ASSOC. Photo by Alexander Sultan >> fraternity news Using advice from business mavens like Tony Robbins and Eben Pagan, entrepreneur Andy Drish spoke to a full-house of PBLI attendees in Chicago on the topic “How to beat procrastination and double your productivity.” Andy also presented at the Atlanta and Philadelphia PBLIs and was regarded as one of the most popular speakers. Conference focuses on principled business leadership skills In February, the fraternity hosted its seventeenth annual Principled Business Leadership Institute. The popular event was held in Philadelphia (10-12), Dallas/ Chicago (17-19) and Atlanta/Reno (2426). Attendance exceeded 3,400 individuals — including more than 350 alumni — making the fraternity-wide event the largest to date. The PBLI offered students and alumni a weekend focusing on professional skill building at the individual level while allowing for networking opportunities. Attendees participated in a curriculum centered on the values of principled business leadership and the values of AKPsi — brotherhood, unity, integrity, service and knowledge. In Chicago, an inaugural alumni-only tract was provided in addition to the general programming. Events began on Friday with regional meetings followed by a time for chap- | PBLI Five chapters lead all others in attendance Of the fraternity’s 230 chapters and colonies, 206 had students in attendance at the Principled Business Leadership Institute and the average number of participants per chapter was 15. The five chapters with the most in attendance were: CENTRAL FLORIDA 70 Attendees MISSOURI 53 Attendees RADFORD 52 Attendees CENTRAL MICHIGAN 47 Attendees DREXEL 46 Attendees akpsi.org SPRING 2012 5 ter members and alumni to connect on their own. Educational programming ran all day on Saturday and concluded with a closing keynote address and the presentation of awards for winners of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s Case Competition (see page 19). For alumni, the evening included a fraternity-sponsored get-together at a local restaurant. New at this year’s event was the use of the Twitter hashtag #12pbli which allowed those in attendance to share their 6 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org experiences. The fraternity also introduced real-time program evaluations so speakers could receive instant feedback from students and alumni. Partnership provides internships and more The fraternity recently partnered with YouTern, a leader in finding quality mentor-based internships at start-ups, small to medium businesses and grass roots non-profit organizations. Together, Alpha Kappa Psi and YouTern will promote the value of quality internships and the invaluable experience that a proper mentoring program has to offer. For students and recent graduates, YouTern’s online content and internship search features are free of charge. Additionally, when alumni register for one of YouTern’s Career Showcase Webinars or attend one of its signature live events, Photos by Alexander Sultan Scenes from the 2012 Principled Business Leadership Institute YouTern will donate a percentage of the revenue to Alpha Kappa Psi. YouTern also maintains a career development blog where our members have access to articles on internships, entry-level career advice, posts about college life and entrepreneurial issues — all told in a “no-fluff ” style that has many calling the blog “a must read” for college students. YouTern joins AKPsi’s other strategic partners, including the Center for Creative Leadership, Corpus Optima, Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics, the International Leadership Association and the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. Through the fraternity’s partnerships, our members benefit by having access to discounted or free educational opportunities and in some cases reduced membership rates. Information about all of Alpha Kappa Psi’s partnerships can be found at www.akpsi.org. Fraternity returns to the “Big Easy” in 2013 Alpha Kappa Psi’s 57th Convention will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans, August 7-10, 2013. The Convention — AKPsi’s premier event — is held once every two years. The Convention includes the Chapter Congress Meeting and College of Leadership. However, recognizing the varied interests of our members and guests, the akpsi.org SPRING 2012 7 schedule will also include a variety of social activities, such as the popular Alumni Night Out and tours of local attractions. This is the second time the Convention has been held in New Orleans. The fraternity first met there in 2001. More information on the 2013 Convention can be found at akpsi.org. Latest chapters placed on probation Since the last publication of the Diary, eight chapters have been found in violation of the laws of Alpha Kappa Psi after investigations by the fraternity’s Judiciary Committee. These chapters were placed on probation for demonstrating behaviors considered to be detrimental to the reputation of the fraternity and/or the health and well-being of its members. Chapters placed on probation received corrective action plans and were declared ineligible for chapter-based awards during their probationary period. Also, the universities at which these chapters reside were contacted and may face further disciplinary actions from their universities. CSU-San Marcos. Status: Placed on probation until December 31, 2012. Responsible for: Hazing policy violations including mental hazing and intimidation of pledges. Georgetown. Status: Placed on probation until June 30, 2013. Responsible for: Alcohol violations including the use of fraternity funds to purchase alcohol, underage drinking, providing alcohol to members and pledges, and having alcohol at a pledge event. Welcome to our newest Life Loyal members Life Loyal members are alumni and undergraduates, of all ages, who choose to continue to take advantage of their Alpha Kappa Psi membership long after their college years. They include scores of successful men and women from every walk of life who have added distinction to themselves and AKPsi by becoming Life Loyal members. The fraternity is pleased to recognize its newest Life Loyal members who joined between November 1 and April 16: Richard A. Abel III, Shippensburg ‘09-Life Andrew J. Adamany, San Diego ‘07-Life India E. Adams, South Carolina State ‘00-Life Kalimah Anderson, Tennessee State ‘10-Life Michael D. Aquino, CSU-San Marcos ‘11-Life Erin M. Borud, Nevada-Reno ‘10-Life Kyle R. Bushey, Ball State ‘09-Life William Callarman, West Texas A & M ‘62-Life Ziporah L. Choice, Auburn ‘11-Life Emily Christopherson, South Florida ‘09-Life Jill Collins, Nevada-Reno ‘09-Life Erik C. Cooper, Illinois-Chicago ‘09-Life Abriel M. Corsey, Towson ‘10-Life Jela’ni P. Dais, West Georgia ‘01-Life Karen P. DeChant Ross, Toledo ‘97-Life Rebecca M. DeNisi, South Carolina ‘07-Life Guy J. Di Spigno, Carroll College ‘67-Life Peter V. Doan, San Diego ‘08-Life Michelle C. Durante, Towson ‘11-Life Kelsey A. Forsberg, UW-Milwaukee ‘09-Life Alexander G. Gac, Creighton ‘02-Life Joshua S. Green, San Diego State ‘06-Life Carol D. Hall, Tennessee State ‘07-Life Alexander B. Hambleton CFV, Lock Haven ‘02-Life Najam Hassan, John Carroll ‘09-Life Christopher J. Howard, Austin Peay ‘11-Life Christa M. Huebner, CNU ‘09-Life Max Johnson, CSU-San Marcos ‘11-Life George A. Kanattu, Drexel ‘08-Life Patricia A. Lammers, Dayton ‘11-Life Jason J. Lent, UW-Milwaukee ‘09-Life Kerry L. Lesell, Central Washington ‘11-Life Kevin MacTaggart, Saint Louis ‘10-Life Malia L. Mason, South Carolina State ‘10-Life Richard J. McCabe, Nevada-Reno ‘10-Life John McKinney, CSU-San Marcos ‘11-Life John D. Metz, Kentucky ‘07-Life Christabelle Mun Yan Neng, Wesleyan Col ‘11-Life Michael E. Nelson, Norwich ‘94-Life Chad A. Penny, Cincinnati ‘11-Life Jamie L. Perry, Towson ‘10-Life Lisa M. Petronio, Buffalo ‘07-Life Gustavo A. Ponton, Towson ‘11-Life Chesney P. Rathbun, Wyoming ‘07-Life Andres E. Rodriguez, CSU-San Marcos ‘11-Life Blake S. Scott, Christopher Newport ‘11-Life Perry G. Timmons, Charleston ‘06-Life Jonathon G. Torres, Lock Haven ‘06-Life Dai T. Trinh, Washington State ‘10-Life Bevan J. Tse, San Francisco State ‘11-Life Katherine Vance, Loyola ‘90-Life Izaac Villalobos, CSU-San Marcos ‘10-Life Katie C. Wagner CFV, UNC-Charlotte ‘08-Life Aurielle C. Williams, Auburn ‘11-Life Candy L. Williams, Georgia State ‘91-Life Daniel T. Williams, Texas-Dallas ‘10-Life Angelo L. Wong, Howard ‘11-Life Kaitlyn M. Wood, Austin Peay ‘09-Life Not a Life Loyal member? See page 32 to learn more about this special fraternity program. 8 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org The Life Loyal membership certificate of Founder Robert S. Douglas is on display at the Heritage Center in Indianapolis. Douglas was the 369th person in the fraternity to receive a Life Loyal membership. Since 1929, more than 23,000 have achieved this special status. 10 21 8 12 18 20 19 2 17 15 11 3 22 6 13 1 9 4 7 5 14 Newest chapters and colonies Collegiate chapter or colony, Alumni chapter or colony Alumni 1 Baltimore Colony - Santa Cruz 2 California Colony - Long Beach 3 CSU Delta Omicron, rechartered (5/11/12) Arkansas 4 Central Lambda Sigma, colony (1983) Alumni Colony 5 Charleston 6 Columbia Chi, rechartered 3/24/12 (1920) Carolina 7 Coastal Psi Zeta, chartered 4/21/12 8 Dartmouth Colony Roads Alumni 9 Hampton Rechartered 1/14/12 (1967) Alpha Kappa, colony (1923) 10 Idaho Marymount 11 Loyola Psi Epsilon, chartered 4/21/12 12 MIT Colony (N.J.) 13 Monmouth Psi Iota, chartered 12/3/11 Florida Colony 14 North Missouri State 15 Northwest Colony Alumni Colony 16 Panama Psi Delta, chartered 4/29/12 17 Shenandoah Columbia Oregon 18 Southern Psi Theta, chartered 2/11/12 Francisco State 19 San Psi Kappa, chartered 5/14/11 20 Temple Psi Eta, chartered 4/7/12 21 Vermont Colony Virginia State 22 West Psi Gamma, chartered 4/29/12 Monmouth Temple The fraternity is geographically divided into 13 regions, each managed by a team of volunteers. Each of these teams is led by a regional director who oversees his or her regional management team (RMT). RMT members include chapter and faculty advisors, regional managers, chapter advisory board (CAB) members and others. For information on how to help a new chapter or volunteer in your area, visit the ‘Volunteer Opportunities’ section at akpsi.org. George Washington. Status: Placed on probation until December 31, 2012. Responsible for: Hazing policy violations including the creation of undue stress on pledges by requiring them to carry several unnecessary items at all times, and intimidation by using a demeaning tone and attitude of superiority toward pledges. Marist. Status: Placed on probation until June 30, 2013. Responsible for: Alcohol policy violations including alcohol present at a pledge event, underage drinking, utilizing a common source container, and failure to implement precautions to help prevent members and pledges from excessive consumption of alcohol. Michigan. Status: Placed on probation until December 31, 2012. Responsible for: Alcohol policy violations including having alcohol present at a pledge event, akpsi.org SPRING 2012 9 underage drinking, failure to implement precautions to help prevent members and pledges from excessive consumption of alcohol, failing to curtail the service of alcohol at a predetermined time and failure to report an incident to the Heritage Center. Northwood. Status: Placed on probation until December 31, 2012. Responsible for: Hazing policy violations including mental hazing by causing rushees to experience discomfort and embar- rassment when racially derogatory and insensitive remarks were made during a public recruitment event. Sam Houston State. Status: Placed on probation until June 30, 2013. Responsible for: Hazing policy violations including intimidation by smearing and pouring food on pledges in a manner to humiliate them, the use of blindfolds as well as violating the pledge education program by not utilizing pledge action plans prior to removing pledges from the pledge program. Western Michigan. Status: Placed on probation until June 30, 2013. Responsible for: Hazing policy violations including the use of line ups, requiring pledges to track down a chapter officer after midnight, creating undue stress on pledges by requiring them to carry unnecessary items at all times, and verbal intimidation and harassment of pledges. << ‘New’ at the fraternity’s archives Pi Fraternity between 1940-43. Upon giving the ball to the fraternity’s archives in honor of his late father, Bill said: “He was very proud of his fraternity and I can’t think of a better place for it.” Northwestern Charter Founders’ Minute Book The original Alpha Chapter Minute Book includes the fraternity’s first constitution and bylaws, and minutes taken through 1915. Of note, the initial pages of the document are in the handwriting of Founder Howard M. Jefferson, the first secretary of the fraternity. While not a new gift to the archives, the fraternity’s most cherished historical artifact recently underwent a comprehensive restoration. When the fraternity originally took possession of the book, all the pages were loose and the covers were detached and corroding. Last year the book was professionally rebound using archival-quality materials and is now back on display at the Heritage Center in Indianapolis. The fraternity extends its gratitude to the Council of Alpha for underwriting the expenses of the restoration. Georgia State Softball Bill Jordan, whose father William T. Jordan Jr. joined AKPsi at Georgia State (then Georgia Evening College) in 1937, sent the fraternity this softball dating from the early 1940s. Inscriptions on the ball commemorate victories in football, softball and bowling over rival Delta Sigma In the late 1960s, after Northwestern University decision to terminate its undergraduate business program, Alpha Kappa Psi’s third oldest chapter ended its run on the Evanston campus. William J. Davie, ‘66-Life, was the chapter’s last president, and he took it upon himself to store the chapter’s trunk. Among its many artifacts, the trunk contained the chapter’s original 1911 charter, ritual bible (presented to the chapter in 1927 for hosting the fraternity’s convention that year) and altar cloth. William passed away in 1995, and at the request of his widow, his friend Gerald Ottesen ‘65 delivered the trunk to the fraternity’s headquarters for safekeeping in 2011. Alpha Kappa Psi Day Proclamations When Fraternity President John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life, visited AKPsi’s Epsilon Iota Chapter at West Texas A&M (then West Texas State) in 1969, he was presented with back-to-back “Alpha Kappa Psi Day” proclamations. Presented by the mayors of Amarillo and Canyon, they were dated April 23 and 24, respectively. Jack served the fraternity as president from 1968-71, and 1983-87. << The fraternity welcomes contributions of historical memorabilia for preservation at the Heritage Center in Indianapolis. To make a contribution, please contact the Heritage Center for more information. 10 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org | Six Questions Fraternity Chairman of the Board Alpha Kappa Psi’s chairman, Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87-Life, speaks about the fraternity’s strategic plan, engaging our alumni and what the fraternity has to offer. 1 How did you become involved as an AKPsi volunteer? I never thought about being a volunteer when I was a student member, it never really crossed my mind. I stumbled into it really. I was visiting the Boise State campus one afternoon in 1994 and found an announcement for an AKPsi information rush event. I thought it would be interesting to hear how their chapter was different or similar to my own. The BSU students discovered I was an alumnus, recommended me to be their chapter advisor and from then on I was hooked. Chapter advisor led to regional director led to fraternity vice president led to board of directors. 2 What is the most rewarding part of being a volunteer? I think it is seeing how the opportunities AKPsi provides to its members continue to evolve — and that the members benefit from what the fraternity has to offer — is a big part of the satisfaction I get. But the single most rewarding part of my positions has been the ability to help out students the way that the fraternity helped me; that giving back to them makes being a volunteer worthwhile — whether it is speaking at a PBLI or Convention session, participating at chapter event, or just talking with a brother one on one. 3 How has AKPsi contributed to your professional development? An AKPsi brother got me my first job at Micron Technology, and I have been here for 22 years now, in a variety of technical roles, whether an analyst, IS trainer or project manager. But when the time came for me to take a managerial role as a service owner and I was preparing for my interviews, I found that very little of my Micron background prepared me for the non-technical aspects of the new role. All of the examples I used during my interview process were from being an AKPsi volunteer including budgeting, recruiting, goal setting, and dealing with conflict — all the soft skills of being a manager I got through my work with the fraternity. Those examples were the ones that got me the job I wanted, not my past technical experiences at Micron. 4 How has it contributed to your personal development? AKPsi has really helped me in a number of social interaction skill sets. When I first was a pledge I was a very shy individual. I had problems speaking in front of groups, etc. Through the pledge process, becoming a brother and eventually president of my student chapter, I became much more confident in social situations. Although I am still an introvert in many ways, I am much more able to deal with social situations both large and small, and I attribute that to my AKPsi experiences as a student and volunteer brother. 5 What is the best way for an alumnus to get re-involved? If you haven’t visited the updated AKPsi website (akpsi.org), do that first. There are more opportunities to connect to the fraternity, foundation and individual chapters than ever before. Are you looking to contact a student chapter, or get involved with a local alumni chapter? Alumni can browse the online chapter directories and find contact information. For those looking to volunteer, they can review the volunteer options on the website, contact the regional director for that region or the Heritage Center. The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation is another way to get involved — make a contribution in support of our scholarship and leadership development programs, and get a valuable tax-deduction while you’re at it. 6 How can AKPsi maximize potential for alumni engagement? Alumni engagement is continually part of the fraternity’s strategic plan and always a focus of discussion at board of directors meetings. Whether it is through the giving of our alumni’s time, talent or treasure, we are working with the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation to create and expand opportunities for involvement. For example, we continue to evolve the fraternity’s volunteer structure to allow for shorter term or lower time commitment activities at the regional and chapter levels—by making it easier for people to volunteer, we create more value for the students by engaging a broader set of alumni volunteers. It is also important for the fraternity to continuously focus on educating our members at the student level so they will know what to expect once they graduate and become alumni. << akpsi.org SPRING 2012 11 12 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org ETHICS OFFICER REDUX The Corporate Ethics Officer Redux: Strengthening Organizational Governance After of a decade of business scandals and economic crises, the boards of public companies have come under increasing scrutiny, while their roles and responsibilities have been enlarged considerably – not just by the SarbanesOxley Act (SOX) but also by various Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) stock exchange listing requirements, and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO). These legislative responses were all based in some measure on the conclusions of Congress and others that inadequate ethical oversight of senior management by boards has been a significant or even dominant cause of corporate misdeeds. Although the causes for the recent Global Financial Crisis from which we are only starting to emerge are complex and varied, there is a broad consensus that significant factors in bringing about this crisis were failures in governance, ethics and culture. One factor behind these corporate governance failures that has received little attention is the fact that the ethics and compliance function in corporations has not performed as expected. More specifically, the ethics officer (EO)1 has not engaged the board of directors in sufficiently meaningful ways to ensure the ethical oversight necessary for truly effective corporate governance. As we see it, there are at least three reasons for this: First, ethics officers are typically answerable primarily to senior management, and only incidentally to the board of directors. This creates an inherent conflict of interest since the EO may W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E. McNulty and Mark Rowe Center for Business Ethics This article was prepared for the Diary by Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics, an Alpha Kappa Psi Strategic Partner. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 13 need to call to account the very people who can make or break his or her career. Secondly, in many – if not most – cases, ethics officers do not have the power, status and authority in their corporations that they need to do their job effectively. Thirdly, as presently structured, the nature of the relationship between ethics officers and their boards does not provide the degree of mutual support or the leverage necessary for ethics and compliance programs, and the governance process as a whole, to reach their full potential. Despite the significant governance reforms, none have addressed the aforementioned three issues underlying the failure of ethics and compliance programs to operate with full force and effect. As an important step to remedy this situation, we propose to make the EO an agent of the board of directors. Under this new model the EO would be appointed by the board, report directly and be accountable to the board, and have his or her compensation set by the board. Furthermore, only the board would be authorized to fire the EO. This is a relationship that far exceeds the giving of periodic reports to the board about what is going on in the ethics and compliance program. The FSGO now recommends at least one such appearance before the board annually.2 This doesn’t go far enough. It may give the ethics officer limited “access” to the board, but it does not give the EO independence or significant board access. Let’s look in more detail at what we have identified as the three sources of “ethical governance dysfunction” in corporations. An inherent conflict of interest in current EO reporting structures The EO is the person with primary responsibility for ensuring a company’s ethical performance, and the success of that mission depends on creating a universal expectation that no one in the company, no matter how senior, is above the law or the requirement to behave ethically. Given the huge influence of senior management on a company’s business performance and culture as well as the frequency of senior executives in corporate fraud and abuses, one of the EO’s most important responsibilities is to monitor and critique senior management’s decision-making and conduct. However, when the company’s reporting structure dictates that the EO is appointed by, reports to, and is accountable to management — the situation found in almost all companies with ethics officers — this creates a conflict of interest in which the EO is likely to be influenced, consciously or subconsciously, by the self-preservation instinct. When that happens, the EO’s objectivity and independence cannot fail to be compromised. Besides the internal credibility of its ethics and compliance program, a company must also be acutely sensitive to the perception of regulators, prosecutors and sentencing judges, especially given that the EO’s independence and objectivity are relevant in assessing program effectiveness within the terms of both the FSGO and the Department of Justice’s “McNulty Memo.” By having the EO’s report to the board, this conflict of interest is essentially removed. The EO can operate indepen- dently of management with the direct authority of the board and all the protection that affords. Ethics officers do not have sufficient power, status and authority While there is no doubt that an ethics officer profession has become well established over the last two decades,4 we believe there has been a worrying trend toward declining EO importance in the corporate hierarchy. This view is shared by other commentators, including Richard J. Bednar, former Coordinator of the Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct (DII). Bednar noted several symptoms that mark this trend, including: • EOs are not regularly invited to CEO meetings with direct reports; • EOs are asked to take on assignments unrelated to their core mission; • Senior management frequently calls the general counsel instead of talking to the EO. The proposal that the EO be an agent of the board has the important virtue of elevating the EO in the corporate hierarchy. It would also give the EO the very real authority that comes with any board appointment, and would signal to management and all employees, more than any board resolution, that the ethics and compliance program was endorsed and supported by the highest authority in the corporation. Boards need to enhance their ethical oversight capabilities It is not enough for directors to be diligent and vigilant; they need access, on demand, to high quality information “The EO is the person with primary responsibility for ensuring a company’s ethical performance, and the success of that mission depends on creating a universal expectation that no one in the company, no matter how senior, is above the law or the requirement to behave ethically.” 14 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org ETHICS OFFICER about management proposals and activities, and about the company’s operations in general. Ideally, the board will acquire such information in the ordinary course of an open and collaborative relationship with senior management. However, the recent history of corporate scandals demonstrates that boards cannot depend on management disclosure and must take a proactive approach to information gathering and processing. By changing the nature of the EO’s relationship with the board of directors, not only will the EO become more effective, but he or she can also significantly assist the board in performing its ethical oversight responsibilities, such as in the following ways: • Advising the board on acquiring, analyzing, and acting upon information pertinent to its ethical oversight responsibilities; • Assuring the board of high quality ethics information; • Engaging the board in a more comprehensive process of continuous ethics education to fully satisfy FSGO requirements;6 • Guiding the board on suitable opportunities for demonstrating ethical leadership and positively influencing the corporate culture as envisioned by the FSGO.7 Developments supporting an EO-board of directors reporting relationship The FSGO requires that “individual(s) with operational responsibility [for the ethics and compliance program] shall report periodically to high-level personnel and, as appropriate, to the governing authority, or an appropriate subgroup of the governing authority, on the effectiveness of the … program.” We believe that the reporting by EOs to the board, as it is currently structured, is inadequate and will not be adequate until there is a direct reporting relationship of the kind we are proposing. A non-binding footnote to the SEC final rule applying to Section 406 of SOX provides that the “appropriate person” to whom violations of the code of ethics should be reported — typically the EO — “should have sufficient status within the company to engender respect for the code and the authority to adequately deal with the persons subject to the code regardless of their stature in the company.”8 We are proposing that the board of directors be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the EO on the basis that independence and an absence of conflicts of interest are just as essential to the successful performance of the ethics and compliance function as to the external audit function. Perhaps the most relevant model is that of compliance officers in the mutual fund industry. The SEC’s Rule 38a-1 requires each mutual fund to appoint a chief compliance officer (CCO) who must report directly to the fund’s board of directors. The rule contains several provisions expressly designed to promote the independence of the CCO from the management of the fund. For example, only the fund board can hire or fire the CCO; and the fund board (including a majority of independent directors) must approve the designation of the CCO and must approve his or her compensation or changes in compensation. Anticipated objections and rebuttals We are aware that our proposal does not enjoy universal support among business leaders or EOs; popularity, however, is not necessarily a gauge of merit. For example, some critics have said our proposal would have no value at their organizations because their senior management is highly ethical. This position is at best optimistic, perhaps naïve, and possibly even complacent; it takes no account of the fact that even managers with a longstanding reputation for integrity can, and sometimes do, buckle under pressure, allowing their REDUX ethical judgment to be compromised. And, of course, management teams come and go. Others contend it is impractical for the EO to report directly to the board of directors because the board comprises outsiders who meet infrequently, and, therefore, are out of touch with the company’s operations. This argument reflects a limited view of how boards ought to work and do, in fact, often work. Throughout the year, directors are frequently engaged in company business outside of full board meetings, both as individuals and in board committees. In any event, the EO’s access to the board should not be limited to formal meetings – many EO’s report to directors on an ongoing basis. Some people with whom we spoke believe that if the EO were an agent of the board, management would be less inclined to share information. This position assumes that under the current reporting model, management does, as a rule, share information with the EO, which is not the case. As an agent of the board, we contend that such information sharing with the EO would increase as the EO’s stature in the organization would have increased. Some fear that our proposal would preclude a collaborative relationship between the EO and management. However, this arrangement would enable the EO to serve as an important conduit between management and the board; and if management is operating in the right way for the right reasons, there would be nothing to hide from the board. Others claim that the inherent conflict of interest to which we referred applies not only to EO’s but also to internal auditors, lawyers and accountants, and yet, no one is advocating that they report to the board. However, the functional responsibilities of professionals in such areas are not primarily dedicated to the assurance of the ethical integrity of the organization. This is precisely the primary mission of the EO, which makes akpsi.org SPRING 2012 15 ETHICS OFFICER REDUX it especially important that it be insulated from undue pressure. Finally, others have argued that boards have been culpable themselves, and having the EO report to the board will not necessarily change that. This is true. However, if the EO is reporting directly to the board, there is every prospect of raising the board’s level of ethical awareness and preparedness to perform its oversight duties properly. This is at the heart of our proposal: having the EO report directly to the board would energize its commitment to ethics, compliance, and sound governance in general. governance. In spite of considerable reforms, we believe that the disconnectedness of the ethics and compliance function from the board of directors constitutes a significant problem, which has prevented both from working as they should. If the EO is appointed as an agent of the board, this will create conditions that will provide additional leverage for corporate governance reform, thereby furthering our society’s pursuit of increasingly ethical corporate cultures. Business will consequently benefit and so too will our economy and society generally. << W. Michael Hoffman is the founding executive director of the Center for Business Ethics, and the Hieken Professor of Business and Professional Ethics at Bentley University. Robert E. McNulty is the director of programs at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University, and the executive director of the nonprofit organization, Applied Ethics, Inc. Mark Rowe is a knowledge leader at LRN Corporation, and the former senior research fellow at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. Conclusion We entered the new millennium amid a series of major corporate scandals followed by the worst global financial crisis since the 1930s. Behind all of these problems we see fundamental failures of This article has been adapted from “The Ethics Officer and the Board: Partners for Effective Ethical Governance” by W. Michael Hoffman and Mark Rowe, in Ethikos and Corporate Conduct Quarterly (Sep. – Oct. 2007). REFERENCES 1 We use the term “Ethics Officer” to include the variety of job titles, including Compliance Officer, Business Conduct Officer, Business Practices Officer, etc., that apply to individuals who are responsible for their organization’s ethics, compliance, and business conduct programs. 2 The “Application Notes” for §8B2.1(b)(2) of the FSGO state: “If the specific individual(s) assigned overall responsibility for the compliance and ethics program does not have day-to-day operational responsibility for the program, then the individual(s) with day-to-day operational responsibility typically should, no less than annually, give the governing authority or an appropriate subgroup thereof information on the implementation and effectiveness of the compliance and ethics program.” 3 Memorandum, dated December 12, 2006, from Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Paul McNulty, to United States Attorneys, giving updated guidelines for prosecuting corporations. It includes nine factors to consider when weighing whether to charge or negotiate a plea in corporate criminal cases. The McNulty Memorandum replaced the Thompson Memorandum of 2003. For more information see: http://www.usdoj.gov/dag/speech/2006/mcnulty_memo.pdf 4 This is evidenced by the growth in membership of the two leading professional associations for ethics and compliance practitioners: the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association and the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics. 5 For a fuller discussion of Bednar’s observations and concerns, see Sherwood, E. L., “The Evolving Position of Ethics Officer,” Ethikos and Corporate Conduct Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2006): 10-19. (When the general counsel is also the chief ethics and compliance officer, which is true in many corporations, this situation greatly exacerbates the conflict of interest issue mentioned earlier.) 6 Since the amendment of the FSGO in November 2004, directors have been required to be educated about their company’s standards and procedures through “effective training” and the dissemination of information appropriate to their roles and responsibilities [United States Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 8B2.1(b)(4)]. 7 United States Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 8B2.1(a)(2). 8 Federal Register, Volume 68, No. 21, (January 31, 2003), page 5118, footnote 45. Center for Business Ethics 16 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Through the fraternity’s partnership with Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics, AKPsi members get a membership discount and access to valuable resources. The CBE promotes integrity and trust in business by encouraging the establishment of organizational cultures and practices that drive ethically responsible decision making and conduct to create long-term economic, social and environmental value. The center staff pursues this mission through the application of expertise, research, education and a collaborative approach to dissemination of best practices. Visit akpsi.org for more information about this and other AKPsi partnerships. Job Search Strategy 2.0: Five Keys to Success in our New Economy This past year, I’ve talked to hundreds of college students about their job searches and career paths. As we approach another graduation season, most—for reasons we all understand—are scared to death about their pending entrance into the workforce. During most of these conversations it is clear that their job search concerns, while certainly valid, have solutions that are very much within their control. Most can significantly improve their chances of getting a job—by improving their job search strategy right now. In fact, by mastering the key components of a highly successful strategy, young professionals entering the workforce for the first time can sail right past their job-seeking competition and often get hired quickly! Without further delay, here are the top five keys to success in a well-executed job search: 1.TheBecome more than “just a GPA” almighty GPA. Your GPA was the foundation of your parent’s bragging rights. Your GPA helped you advance through high school—and was maybe your golden ticket into your college of choice. Your GPA helped, perhaps, pay for some of your college by triggering scholarship money. But the reality, in our current economy, is that your GPA doesn’t mean much when your competition has both a good GPA and has obtained real world experience. This article was prepared for the Diary by YouTern, an Alpha Kappa Psi Strategic Partner. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 17 Even those with a 4.0 GPA counting on their academic excellence to carry them into the workforce are likely to soon face a cold hard fact: in many industries, your job seeking competition with a 3.1 GPA—the confident networkers with significant handson experience and abundant soft skills—is going to kick your butt in the real world. But, all hope is not lost! From my perspective, AKPsi brothers have a huge advantage over many others. You are already developing soft skills and have achievements outside the classroom. And, even seniors can complete an internship or two before the end of the school year. Start now, and move past being “just a GPA” before graduation. 2. “Wow!” recruiters with your resume and cover letter Despite the best of intentions, and sometimes hundreds of double-checks, far too many resumes littered with typos, unfinished sentences and poor layout are delivered to recruiters. These resumes scream “Unemployable!” Using a resume professional or trusted mentor, create an articulate resume that passes the first-glance test with good grammar, correct spelling, quantified action statements and an easy-to-read layout with lots of white space. At the bottom of this page is an excellent example of a resume header which includes a “summary of skills” section (instead of the severely outdated “objective statement”): Once you have your resume template, make it clear to the recruiter that you’ve done significant research on the company. How? By personalizing and customizing every single resume and cover letter you send! In the cover letter, include the recruiter’s name and keywords from the company’s website. Perhaps mention a post or two from its blog, or cite a mention of the company in a recent article. In the resume, you MUST include keywords—word for word—from the job description. Eliminate common errors, present a clean resume format and show some passion and interest in this position, and you are sure to “wow!” the recruiter. 3.To Perfect a personal brand many, “personal branding” has become a buzzword—or at least a method of polishing a rough stone. Others believe that personal branding is as simple as sanitizing your online presence of questionable content. The reality is recruiters see your personal brand as much more than that; they see your brand as a statement of your value proposition, a summary of your skills, a peek into your character and personality—and a snapshot of the working environment (aka “company culture”) where you may perform at your best (or not). How do you best get started at building your personal brand? Consider this advice from YouTern contributor Dana Leavy: “It’s not enough to simply create your “personal brand”—who you are, what you do, what you’re looking for, what your skills are, etc. You can have a stellar brand that puts any and every professional in your field to shame, but it won’t do jack for you if the messaging behind that brand isn’t coming through in your communication. That goes for your resume, your website, your marketing materials, and anything else that has to do with marketing you or your business on a professional level.” Dana goes on to say there is one question you need to ask yourself when developing your unique personal brand: “What would you like prospective employers to know about you?” — Continued on page 38 18 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Photo by Alexander Sultan >> foundation update Foundation Director John Werner (left) and Foundation Chairman David Wendroff congratulate Reno’s first place Case Competition team “Region 8 Consulting” from the Kappa Chapter (Oregon). Competition highlights strategic challenges and managerial dilemmas For the fifth year, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation sponsored the Case Competition at February’s Principled Business Leadership Institute. Representing 51 chapters, 60 teams competed in the annual event. Through the foundation’s Case Competition, students were introduced to the realities of decision making — including incomplete information, time constraints and conflicting goals — giving them first-hand experience in analyzing business situations. The competition was designed to stimulate students’ thinking by challenging their capabilities and preparing them for future managerial decision making. CASE COMPETITION | Case Competition Making the case: How to save a hotel This year’s case focused on a fictional family-owned hotel that struggled when business and leisure travel took a dive after the events of 9/11. Among other things, each Case team had to consider the options between maintaining the hotel’s status as an independent property, and the benefits and risks of becoming a franchise of a branded hotel chain. Through research and industry data, competing teams had to present a solution that would convince the family and minority stakeholders on how to ensure profitablity, stability and success in the future. “Sapphire Solution”s from the Beta Upsilon Chapter (South Carolina) placed third at the Case Competition in Atlanta. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 19 Honors for outstanding student leaders In December, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation announced the members of the 2011-12 All-AKPsi Academic Team. In all, 507 students were recognized with team honors—an all-time record. The All-AKPsi Academic Team honors those members who maintain excellence in academic standing while making positive contributions to their chapter, campus and community. The selection process measures an applicant’s ability to balance the pursuit of a degree with the development of leadership skills, interactive extracurricular participation and a sense of social responsibility. Candidates needed to have junior or senior full-time status and a grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 system) or higher. From among the remarkable applicants, eight received “Team Captain” honors and were presented with educational grants (see page 23). Focusing on practices of exemplary leaders Alpha Kappa Psi’s 2012 Academy will be held June 22-25 in Morgantown, Ind. Participants will include 20 of the fraternity’s brightest students. The application deadline for this all-expensespaid leadership development retreat was in March. This intimate, hands-on, challenging learning experience was designed especially for those students who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential. It is based on the contemporary concepts contained in the business best seller, The Leadership Challenge, and focuses on the practices and commitments of exemplary leaders. Through the Academy, participants learn how to become positive forces in their organizations and professions — leaders who can make a visible difference. A limited enrollment and a remote location ensure that the experience is highly personal. Interactive group sessions are complemented by small group discussions led by AKPsi facilitators. Funding for this year’s Academy is being made possible by a generous grant from Past Fraternity Chair Dan Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life, and his wife Sara, and contributions by past Academy fellows, alumni and alumni chapters. << We need your help before June 30 The fraternity has been blessed with an amazing opportunity, but we need your help to make it a reality! Through June 30, a generous donor will match dollarfor-dollar all contributions made to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s Principled Business Leadership Fund, up to $50,000. Never before has Alpha Kappa Psi been approached with a challenge like this! Please take a moment to read about this special fund (see page 4) and consider making a tax-deductible contribution today. For your convenience, a donation envelope is included in this issue (between pages 20-21). So we can property record your contribution, please note on your gift that it is in support of the PBL Fund . << 20 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org | Case Competition Educational grants awarded at each Case Competition location First through third place awards were presented at each of the five Case Competitions held during February's PBLI. Atlanta 1st Place: “Phoenician Solutions” from the Xi Sigma Chapter at Florida International, 2nd Place: “Crawford Burlington” from the Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Georgia Tech, 3rd Place: “Sapphire Solutions” from the Beta Upsilon Chapter at South Carolina. Chicago 1st Place: “Top Gun” from the Zeta Xi Chapter at Central Michigan, 2nd Place: “Insert Corporate Sponsor” from the Alpha Eta Chapter at Minnesota, 3rd Place: “Three Links” from the Epsilon Chapter at Illinois. Dallas 1st Place: “The Super Committee” from the Nu Pi Chapter at Trinity, 2nd Place: “G Consulting” from the Xi Omicron Chapter at Texas-San Antonio, 3rd Place: “Creative Connections” from the Xi Omicron Chapter at Texas-San Antonio. Philadelphia 1st Place: “AD Consulting” from the Epsilon Rho Chapter at Pennsylvania, 2nd Place: “UPO Consulting” from the Nu Chapter at Boston, 3rd Place: “HHYT!” from the Epsilon Rho Chapter at Pennsylvania. Reno 1st Place: “Region 8 Consulting” from the Kappa Chapter at Oregon, 2nd Place: “PPS Consulting” from the Upsilon Psi Chapter at California-Davis, 3rd Place: “AK Consulting” from the Pi Tau Chapter at Stanford. Past Foundation Chairman Steve Vasquez with members of the Chicago Case Competition’s third place team from the University of Illinois, “Three Links.” Photo by Alexander Sultan This year’s case was authored by the Harvard Business Review. It was based on a scenario where a struggling hotel seeks solutions to return to profitability and relevance (see sidebar on page 19). To evaluate the Case Competition presentations, more than 50 alumni and community leaders volunteered to hear cases and provide constructive feedback. Teams placing first, second and third place were awarded $1,500, $750 and $500 scholarships respectively. The scholarships were provided through the Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Fund. A complete list of winners can be found on the sidebar at right. 2011-12 Donor Honor Roll update Listed here are donors who made contributions to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation of $100 or more during the 2011-12 Annual Fund Campaign (for gifts received through April 26). The campaign began on July 1 and will conclude on June 30. A complete listing of all donors will be included in the fall issue of the Diary. 1904 Society | $10,000+ Daniel J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89-Life* National Philanthropic Trust DAF Stephen Vasquez CFV, Arizona State ‘72-Life* Chairman’s Club | $5,000+ American Endowment Foundation Microsoft Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76-Life & Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81-Life Chris J. Rufer, UCLA ‘68-Life David P. Wendroff CFV, Portland ‘79-Life* & Wendy A. Wendroff CFV, Tri-State ‘80-Life* Alexander T. Sultan CFV, San Diego State ‘93-Life Eric Tang, Southern California ‘02-Life Thomas N. Tran CFV, Penn State ‘02-Life United Way of The Inland Valleys Carrisa Valdez, San Diego State ‘10 John R. Wielandy, Saint Louis ‘62-Life Sapphire Club | $250+ Thomas E. Barry, Southern Illinois ‘63-Life Richard V. Battle, Texas ‘70-Life William K. Bissey, Indiana ‘61-Life* John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life Robert E. Carlson, Drake ‘93-Life Tony C. Clark, Iowa ‘74-Life Sue Duli President’s Club | $2,500 William L. Foulds, Penn State ‘64-Life Council of Alpha Nancy A. Ghizzone, Iowa ‘89-Life Jon P. Doyle, Seattle ‘86-Life Steven G. Gierak, Wayne State ‘45-Life John C. Werner, Virginia ‘86-Life Barry D. Gumaer, CSU-San Bernardino ‘93-Life Elaine J. Hamilton, Auburn ‘92-Life Michael C. Harris Founder’s Club | $1,000+ William A. Hertlein, Colorado ‘07 Bank of America Foundation J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84-Life* & Preston Johnson, Sam Houston ‘76 Leslie-Ann J. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life* William L. Koleszar, Florida State ‘86-Life Lisa A. Calandriello CFV, American ‘97-Life Todd H. Langley, Arizona ‘53-Life Chris A. Dobel, Iowa ‘11-Honorary & Robert A. Marra, New York ‘59-Life Jennifer J. Dobel CFV, Iowa State ‘01-Life Richard J. Meyer, Minnesota ‘56-Life Steven E. Farris J. Mark Miller, West Georgia ‘70-Faculty/Life Michael E. Gerwe, Miami ‘56-Life Richard A. Hughey, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘91-Life Jason Pierce Marisa A. Pont, Nebraska ‘04 Mark C. MacGibbon CFV, Portland ‘96-Life Mark C. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘91-Life & Benjamin E. McDonald, WCU ‘81-Life Laurie A. Raulston, Middle Tennessee ‘88-Life Charles D. Steffens CFV, Portland ‘87-Life William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59-Life Melissa J. Stowe CFV, Iowa State ‘98-Life Robert N. Schreck, UCLA ‘63-Life Jeff L. Walters, Texas Tech ‘00 Stephen A. Sell, Wayne State ‘75-Life Albert D. Shonk, Southern California ‘52-Life Brooklyn Bridge Club | $500+ Wade R. Sjogren, Upsala College ‘80-Life William G. Buckner, Michigan ‘59-Life Robert A. Spansky, Detroit (Day) ‘62-Life Arthur W. Carlson, Minnesota ‘49-Life TeAnne N. Sparaco, Cal Poly SLO ‘06 Harold J. Daub, Washington (St. Louis) ‘62-Life Lyle T. Staab, Fort Hays State ‘76-Life Gary L. Epperson, Hoosier Alumni ‘92-Hon/Life* William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70-Life Gamma Eta Chapter (Toledo) Paul E. Turner, Louisiana Tech ‘80-Life Tim Gunter United Way of the Bay Area Katherine L. Hardwick, Winthrop ‘93-Life Rebecca M. Waltke Bode, Nebraska ‘03 Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79-Life & Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84-Life Eileen L. Howell, UW - Milwaukee ‘77-Life Robert A. Welch, Wichita State ‘06-Life Arun C. Murthy, Cincinnati ‘90-Life Gary K. Nelson, Portland State ‘65-Life Brian Niehoff, Kansas State ‘88-Faculty Patron’s Club | $100+ Alexis P. Perdomo CFV, Florida Int’l ‘92-Life & Joseph C. Adams, Michigan-Dearborn ‘79-Life Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida Int’l ‘93-Life Heather E. Allen CFV, Florida State ‘89-Life* Manuel E. Pravia CFV, Miami ‘89-Life Duane R. Allison, UCLA ‘65-Life Stephen and Debbie Pye Ameriprise Financial Annual Giving Campaign Roger M. Schueller, Long Beach State ‘65-Life Steven D. Anderson, Portland State ‘83-Life Arthur C. Anton, Boston ‘48-Life C Kevin Armstrong, Cincinnati ‘92-Life Richard J. Ashbrook CFV, Florida ‘93-Life & Andrea L. Zable, Florida ‘89 Nirmal Bajekal Baltimore Community Foundation Bank of the West William D. Barker, Emory ‘48-Life Llewellyn N. Belcourt, Boston ‘50-Life Caitlin R. Bensman, Northern Colorado ‘10 Henry J. Binder, Wayne State ‘47-Life Bronson A. Blodgett, Trinity ‘91-Life Pamela Y. Booker, West Georgia ‘87 Angela M. Brandenburg, UW - Milwaukee ‘03 Timothy L. Brandenburg, Cincinnati ‘96-Life* Donald R. Brenner, American ‘82-Faculty/Life Kenlee J. Brill, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘95-Life John A. Brossack, Tri-State ‘71-Life Thomas H. Browning, Arizona ‘60-Life Frank J. Brye, Western Michigan ‘60-Life Carlye W. Buchanan, Eastern Michigan ‘95-Life Randall C. Budden, UM - Dearborn ‘82-Life Arthur L. Burke, Florida ‘57-Life Gary M. Burke, Washington State ‘60-Life Christopher A. Bush, Jacksonville ‘84-Life James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98-Life Sandra L. Carlson, Virginia Tech ‘84-Life Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus ‘76-Life Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59-Life Lucille L. Chilton, Bellevue ‘87 Joel M. Chusid, Tennessee ‘68-Life Herbert T. Clark, Babson College ‘60-Life Richard D. Clark, Columbia ‘49-Life Christopher J. Clemens, Ball State ‘03 Hervie F. Clemons, Tennessee Tech ‘09 Coin Meter Company Bobby L. Collier, Tennessee Tech ‘68-Life Charles W. Coltrane, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘84 Richard J. Comer, Samford ‘72-Life George M. Corrigan, Miami ‘47 Jane Costello-Dwyer, Saint Louis ‘80-Life Covidien James D. Crawford, Boise State ‘74-Life Ohmer O. Crowell, Virginia Tech ‘48 John R. Cunningham, Indiana ‘60 Robert A. Davenport, Old Dominion ‘86-Life Guido E. De Angelis, St. Francis ‘64-Life Michael G. Dickerson CFV, Virginia Tech ‘04-Life* Kathryn M. Dimoff, Western Carolina ‘02 Dominique D. Drake, Florida A&M ‘06 Scott A. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘88-Life & Stacey M. Drogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘90-Life Andrea K. Duda, Western Michigan ‘78-Life Paul F. Early, Lock Haven ‘99-Life Reshma G. Eggleston, Virginia Tech ‘88-Life akpsi.org SPRING 2012 21 Patron’s Club | $100+ Marie D. Lawrick CFV, Boise State ‘85-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ‘67-Life* John M. LeVering, Boise State ‘95-Life Michael D. Lewis, Drake ‘03 Craig R. Fain, Virginia Tech ‘00-Life Timothy J. Magnusson, Central Michigan ‘93-Life & Andrea M. Farr, Houston Baptist ‘02 Sherry A. Magnusson, Central Michigan ‘93-Life Louis J. Ferony, Bellevue ‘86-Life John J. Makowski, Oakland ‘86-Life Anthony E. Ferro, Central Michigan ‘66 Julie R. Mangan, Florida State ‘90 Edwin J. Feulner, Regis ‘60-Life Michael R. Mangan, Florida State ‘91 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Allen M. Marcus, Indiana ‘72-Life Peter M. Fleming, Long Beach State ‘73-Life Julie Mark Robert T. Flesh, Southern California ‘72-Life Brittany A. McCoy, Iowa ‘98 James J. Frederick, Wayne State ‘74-Life Alex C. McDonald, Denver ‘55-Life Paul D. Freedle, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘60-Life Marvin J. McElvain, Iowa ‘73-Life John C. Fuller, Boston ‘50-Life Scott E. McNulty, West Liberty ‘84-Life Robert F. Garvin, Michigan State ‘59-Life Matthew R. Meer, Butler ‘02 Joel L. Gauthier, Michigan ‘64-Life Barry R. Meinerth, Norwich ‘66-Life Paula J. Geiger, Virginia Tech ‘89-Life Monica L. Messick, Stetson ‘98 Joseph N. Gerocs, San Diego State ‘03-Life Bruce V. Michelson, Richmond ‘86 Frank W. Giroux, Arizona State ‘72-Life Mark S. Miralia, Appalachian State ‘85 Wayne E. Goble, Tri-State ‘78-Life Ayaka M. Mitsunari, San Jose State ‘05 David W. Gogel, Toledo ‘66-Life Brendan P. Moore, California - Riverside ‘01 William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54-Life Tricia P. Mulcare, Indiana ‘95-Life Louis C. Golm, Denver ‘62-Life Caitlin E. Muradian CFV, Fresno State ‘04 James W. Grantman, Arizona ‘45-Life Randolph L. Myers, CSU - Los Angeles ‘57-Life James D. Gray, Northern Michigan ‘69-Life James H. Nero, George Washington ‘68-Life Bryan Gunning, Southern California ‘60-Life Alicia D. Neumann CFV, Saint Louis ‘96-Life Robert E. Hagestad, Wyoming ‘57-Life Wade Newbegin Albin B. Hammond, Virginia ‘53 Donald J. Nichols, UW - Milwaukee ‘60-Life L.V. Bob Hanson, Minnesota ‘49-Life Logan Nickel, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘09 Gregory B. Hardy, Alabama State ‘81-Life Whitney N. O’Brien, Indiana State ‘06 Charles J. Hass, Wisconsin ‘58-Life William A. O’Brien, Old Dominion ‘69-Life Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76-Life & Daniel C. Pape, Creighton ‘85 Jill Johansen Hastey, Drake ‘85-Life Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life Kent R. Hastings, Colorado ‘62-Life Steven M. Patch, Michigan State ‘77-Life Jim R. Haugan, Northern Michigan ‘76-Life Randall E. Paulson, Minnesota ‘83 David M. Heimos, Missouri ‘74-Life Samadhi Pineda, Florida International ‘04 Brett A. Herand, Arizona State ‘00-Life Charles E. Pugh, Buffalo ‘49-Life Royce B. Hermens, Portland ‘79 David A. Ralston CFV, Richmond ‘94-Life Jessica L. Hill CFV, Arizona State ‘95-Life* William K. Rapp, Arizona ‘58-Life Laura Hoffman, Christopher Newport ‘05 Cassie A. Reeder, Texas - San Antonio ‘04 John R. Hudak, Michigan State ‘85-Life Gino Reina, Hofstra ‘94 Robert O. Hunt, Georgia State ‘70-Life Arthur L. Reisch, Southern California ‘48-Life Walter F. Imhoff, Regis ‘54-Life Eleanor Ridge Stephen F. Jackson, Canisius College ‘79-Life Larry D. Roberts, Wyoming ‘65-Life Vernon D. Jaquish, Washington State ‘46-Life Douglas W. Johnson, St. Mary’s College ‘63-Life B. Leslie Robinson, Southern Illinois ‘65-Life Marion C. Robinson, SC State ‘80-Life Thomas A. Johnston, Tennessee ‘05 Terry J. Robinson, Indiana ‘80-Life Pierre E. Joudy, California - Santa Barbara ‘04 Alin Roman, Chapman ‘11 Terrence C. Kabanuck, Seattle ‘69-Life James P. Rounsavall, Arkansas ‘86-Life Thomas C. Kalnicki, Ohio State ‘90-Life Paul R. Rowley, Northwood ‘06 Lawrence J. Keefe, Saint Thomas ‘57-Life Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays State ‘74-Life Andrew P. Kerr Amy J. Ryan, Central Michigan ‘92 William W. Kibler, Virginia Tech ‘58-Life Leo V. Ryan, Marquette ‘44-Life Gary R. Kleiber, Illinois ‘66-Life Virgil T. Ryan, Saint Louis ‘77-Life Craig and Georgia Klos Corrado D. Sammarco, Georgia Tech ‘02 Kriste Kolasa, Arizona ‘95-Life Mikeyel W. Koonce, Southeast Missouri State ‘05 Edward D. Sands, San Diego ‘92-Life Peter G. Sarles, Babson College ‘58-Life Robert R. Kratus, Canisius College ‘71-Life Joseph H. Saul, Wayne State ‘61-Life Steven W. Kruse, Wichita State ‘74-Life K.H. Scholes Elizabeth Kuczera, Michigan State ‘79-Life H. Roger Secrest, Michigan ‘48-Life David A. Labowitz, UCLA ‘62-Life Sally A. Seelig, Texas ‘87-Life Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Hon/Life* William T. Laundon, North Carolina State ‘83-Life Dennis D. Shiplett, Youngstown State ‘67-Life Continued 22 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Vadim Shleyfman, Towson ‘09-Honorary & Andrea Nemeth CFV, Montclair State ‘91-Life Walter J. Smith, Florida ‘65-Life Becky A. Smouse, Creighton ‘96-Life Gregory M. Sottolano CFV, American ‘96-Life Jay Sottolano Jean M. Souweine, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘52-Life Jeffrey S. Spero, Jacksonville ‘86-Life Donald F. Stanaway, Montana ‘49-Life Melissa S. Stanberry, NC State ‘94-Life Brent C. Stern, Illinois ‘04 John H. Stoddard, Southern Illinois ‘61-Life Jeffrey R. Stoll, Toledo ‘80-Life Christopher M. Stoney CFV, James Madison ‘02 Charles W. Strang, Jr., Virginia Tech ‘53 Todd R. Strehlow, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘76 Charles R. Sundgren, Eastern Washington ‘75-Life Charles E. Swanson, Michigan ‘49-Life Ira T. Swartz, UCLA ‘64-Life Thaddeus T. Sweeney, Cincinnati ‘98 John W. Sweitzer, Seton Hall ‘65-Life Vin A. Taylor, Southern California ‘58-Life William F. Templin, Illinois ‘41-Life John E. Terhune, Wayne State ‘42-Life Jeffrey W. Thompson, Western Michigan ‘85-Life Phillip J. Thompson, Kansas State ‘72 Don A. Tidwell, Texas ‘56-Life Elmy Trevejo Robert S. Ukrop, Richmond ‘68-Life Stephanie A. Van Dellen, Oregon ‘08-Life Donald H. Van Hove, Detroit (Day) ‘60-Life John L. Van Vliet, Detroit (Day) ‘62-Life Cathy L. Vander Plaats, Sam Houston ‘93-Life Christine M. Vasquez CFV, Arizona State ‘98-Life* Frank R. Vitulli, Seattle ‘57-Life William A. Wade, Seattle ‘05-Honorary Christopher J. Warmuth, USC ‘74-Life Sarah C. Wasaff, Iowa ‘97-Life Gregory P. Weber, Montclair State ‘81-Life William H. Weresch, Iowa ‘65-Life Dale H. Wernette, Central Michigan ‘65 James E. West, Denver ‘67 John B. West Nicole T. White, Old Dominion ‘05 Carrie Wiant, Ball State ‘02 Jason T. Williams, San Diego ‘08-Life Kenneth B. Williams, Georgia ‘90-Life Willis of Nebraska Tamara Withers, American ‘97-Life Maurice C. Workman, Illinois ‘48-Life William B. Yersin, Carroll College ‘62-Life Jane E. Zatz, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ‘85 Jessica S. Zeroual, American ‘00-Life << # Audit Eternal * Member of the Clifford Spangler Society, the foundation’s planned giving club. See the inside cover of this magazine for more information about this recognition club. | All-AKPsi Academic Team Meet the 2011-12 All-AKPsi Academic Team co-captains This year, 507 juniors and seniors were named to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s All-AKPsi Academic Team. From these outstanding individuals, a dedicated committee of alumni volunteers chose the following eight students to receive educational grants and represent the team as co-captains. Truitt Jeter South Carolina ‘10 International Business, Global Supply Chain Operations Management, 3.90 GPA “I believe my involvement in AKPsi and campus organizations have developed me as a more organized and pragmatic leader. I believe I can now delegate tasks and seek feedback to improve myself. These skills are the framework for a competent leader — transferrable to any situation and necessary for future success. I have found through AKPsi that the support from my brothers including their perspective, feedback and participation yields success.” Hannah Miles Missouri ‘09 Accounting, 4.00 GPA “Through AKPsi, I have become a much more confident public speaker and networker. I have also made connections with numerous business professionals and members of the community, which will help me with my goal of securing a successful job upon graduation. I want to be a strong asset for any firm that I end up working for, and my leadership roles with AKPsi have helped me master the crucial skills of time management, event planning, teamwork and communication.” Kari Notton Illinois ‘09 Accounting, 3.78 GPA “The resources I will gain during my professional career will help me to attain one of my main goals: creating and maintaining an active role for myself in the nonprofit sector. I am extremely passionate about the topics of environmental awareness and corporate social responsibility. I hope to play a major part in encouraging the firm I work for to increase its involvement in the community and focus on improving its environmental impact.” Benjamin Rascoe Miami (Ohio) ‘08 Marketing, 3.63 GPA “Being in Alpha Kappa Psi is constant motivation to maintain my GPA because I am always surrounded by intelligent individuals who push me to do my best. I credit my internship experiences and job offers with the accomplishments I’ve had within AKPsi. The majority of any interview I have ever had is spent discussing my accomplishments in Alpha Kappa Psi.” Allison Schelble Washington (St. Louis) ‘10 Philosophy-NeurosciencePsychology, 3.77 GPA “As a prospective medical professional, Alpha Kappa Psi has truly impacted the manner in which I view the connections between business and medicine. I joined AKPsi in the hopes that I could learn more about the world of business and professional development, topics lacking from my premedical curriculum. I have been exposed to a wide range of knowledge about these topics, and learned so much more from my personal experiences in the fraternity.” Joe Viviano Kansas ‘10 Accounting, Finance, and Business Administration, 3.89 GPA “Through my involvement in Alpha Kappa Psi and other campus organizations, I have acquired and refined a skill set that will benefit me in my professional career and personal life. As chapter president I helped to ignite a stagnant chapter by increasing accountability, membership and commitment to the fraternity. On campus, through the Finance Scholars Program and Academic Worldquest, I have worked in teams to represent the university in case competitions and visits to financial institutions.” Cori Boyce Miami (Ohio) ‘09 Marketing, 3.71 GPA “Especially in the business world, it is important to know the ins and outs of how to be a professional, as well as how to network and maintain connections with everyone that you meet. Alpha Kappa Psi has taught me professional qualities that I never would have known or understood if I were not involved in the organization, and has better prepared me for the professional world than the majority of my peers.” Jessica Ferrucci Binghamton ‘09 Accounting, 3.67 GPA “The brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi helped my professional development by reviewing my resume, holding mock interviews so I would be less nervous in a real setting, and giving me pointers on small details such as a strong handshake and the difference between casual and professional jewelry. Socially, Alpha Kappa Psi made me feel connected to people who shared my goals and views. It gave me an established circle of friends on campus, as well as opportunities to help me network beyond the chapter.” << akpsi.org SPRING 2012 23 Chapters Report Chapters were asked to share news on one event from earlier this year, whether philanthropic, social or focusing on professional development. Arizona The Alpha Nu Chapter teamed up with Tucson’s Orange Grove Middle School in February to create a custom program to promote online safety and digital citizenship. The high-energy, interactive event featured music that drove home the event’s theme: “Do you ROCK online?” The ROCK acronym reminds students to “Read Over and Check for Kindness” before posting anything online. Arizona State Binghamton The Omega Zeta Chapter hosted “Finance Night” in September. The even included networking opportunities with Morgan Stanley, Ernst & Young, PwC, Goldman Sachs, Northwestern Mutual and NBT Bank. Students had the opportunity to display analytical skills, participate in a question and answer session and join round table discussions. Arizona State This February, the Iota Xi Chapter held its annual Helping Hand Run benefitting Hospice of the Valley. More than 250 participants ran the 5k/10k race in Tempe. The chapter was able to raise $4,500, bringing its five-year total to more than $20,000, making the chapter the highest donor in the state. Boise State This spring, the Theta Omicron Chapter went to the Discovery Science Center in Boise to help kids during Biology Days. The brothers volunteered by running experiments and hands-on displays while teaching basic biology lessons. It was a great way to give back to the community and bond as brothers. Bentley In March, the Psi Lambda Chapter held a fundraising event at popular local restaurant, with 20% of each couponed bill going to the chapter. Members of the chapter enjoyed delicious tavern food, including burgers, sandwiches and specialty dishes. It was also a special occasion as it was a birthday of one of our brothers. Boston The Nu Chapter co-hosted the first installment of Boston University’s School of Management Dean Speaker Series, “The World Economy in Crisis: Debt, Double-Dip, Employment Outlook.” The chapter developed and pitched the theme to Dean Kenneth Freeman, knowing that business students are interested in issues such as where Arizona the economy is going, China’s impact and future bubbles. British Columbia The Omega Gamma Chapter kicked off the year hosting the university’s Annual Freshman Reception. It was a massive event where nearly 400 freshmen entering college got the chance to hear about where to go, which clubs and organizations to join, and how to get involved in leadership. Butler Lambda Upsilon’s February professional event served to build a stronger relationship between the chapter and the College of Boise State Business by partnering to host a networking event. The successful event brought more than 50 employers to Butler’s campus and provided business students the opportunity to build business contacts for future internship and job opportunities. California – San Diego The Nu Xi Chapter hosted its annual inter-chapter volleyball tournament in February, in which students and alumni from the Southwest Region were invited to participate in a weekend-long series of events to meet and bond with brothers. This year the chapter had ten chapters compete. British Columbia 24 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Binghamton Calgary UC - San Diego Canisius Calgary “Luv at the Pub” was hosted by the Omega Chi Chapter in February in support of the chapter as well as the Alberta Diabetes Foundation. This event brought out more than 60 participants to a local pub to enjoy food, drinks, Valentines Day-themed activities and prizes generously donated by local vendors in Calgary. More than $1,000 was raised. CSU - San Marcos In March, the Pi Upsilon Chapter conducted a Business Leadership Panel to educate the campus, chapter and the public on business leadership. The panel consisted of Butler three CEOs, one lawyer and one recent graduate. The 60 guests in attendance had the opportunity to learn from more than 100 years of combined experience from the panel members. Canisius For the second year in a row, the Delta Tau Chapter retreated to the woods of Alleghany State Park for two nights of camping and brotherhood. The weekend was filled with scenic hiking, relaxing by the fire, and quality time with our AKPsi family. Carnegie Mellon The Omega Psi Chapter hosted a Spring Corporate Networking Dinner at Carnegie Mellon. While holding an appreciation for networking with recruiters, the chapter had 10 companies participate including Teach for America, Capital One and National Security Agency. Central Michigan Through its partnership with the Career Services Department on campus, the Zeta Xi Chapter hosted its semi-annual Career Day in February. The event was open to CMU students and recent alumni who were looking for employment opportunities in the form of full-time jobs and Fresno State internships. This semester there was representation from 70 well-known companies and more than 800 students in attendance. Pepperdine In March, the Omega Epsilon Chapter held a social mixer with Chapman’s Rho Chi Chapter at Manhattan Beach. Members of the chapter got to meet their fellow brothers and enjoy beach activities. As a newly-chartered chapter this event helped its members network and build relationships. Clemson The Omega Upsilon Chapter volunteered at the Fox Nest Animal Shelter in November. Brothers helped the staff by taking dogs out for walks and providing social interactions with the homeless animals. One brother even helped to get one of the puppies adopted. Colorado In March, the Gamma Zeta Chapter volunteered at the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Muscle Walk in Broomfield. The MDA Muscle Walk is held to raise funds for research and services for people with muscle-damaging akpsi.org SPRING 2012 Carnegie Mellon 25 Gannon CSU - San Marcos diseases and to recognize their trials and achievements. Members assisted with set-up, registration, serving lunch and cheering on those who participated in the walk. Cornell The Omicron Upsilon Chapter hosted a junior-senior mock interview session in January. The event created real interview situations and brought together brothers of different ages to learn from each other in a professional setting. The session was beneficial in preparing juniors for their job searches and the results were evident in successful summer placements. 26 Drake In February, more than 150 individuals attended the Beta Phi Chapter’s “Diversity in the Workplace” event, which was a collaborative effort between the chapter and the Coalition of Black Students. The panelists, Gary Scholten, Laura Bernstein, Robin Jenkins and Belma Jusufovic, each addressed a question concerning diversity. This was followed by a breakout session where students addressed diversity scenarios dealing with issues such as race, sexual orientation, disability and language barriers. Fresno State In March, the Gamma Lambda Georgia Indiana Indiana State James Madison Chapter held its “Interview for Success” program, which included guest speaker Ty Kaprelian, a field marketing specialist at Becker Professional Education. Students came from all over campus to learn about successful interview strategies during the creative, fun-filled learning experience. Gannon The Theta Iota Chapter hosted its third annual spring professional event. The dinner allowed brothers to network with influential members of the Erie community, Gannon alumni, and listen to Barbara Chaffee speak. Chaffee had helped establish the Department of Homeland Security, was special assistant to President George W. Bush, and is now CEO of Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership. George Washington In February, the Beta Mu Chapter held a presentation by Dean Doug Guthrie of the school of business regarding the evolving importance of economic relations between the US and China. The event was an eye-opening opportunity to learn the factors that have influenced China’s economic growth and to hear the dean’s perspective on how the nations should approach trade in the future. SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Illinois Minnesota Iowa State Louisiana State Illinois The Epsilon Chapter partnered with Deloitte to host a dance-athon to raise money for the Jimmy V Foundation. Teams of four danced for three hours straight for a fun night of good music, great friends, and “Dancing for Dollars.” Indiana The Beta Gamma Chapter hosted its Fundraising Gala in March. The event raised thousands of dollars for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, aimed at promoting research toward a cure as well as supporting those affected by the disease. Speakers included two representatives of the network as well as a pharmaceutical researcher with 15-plus years of industry experience. Iowa State In March, the Delta Omega Chapter took advantage of an exclusive opportunity to tour Iowa State University’s alumni center and to hold a chapter meeting there afterward. Conducted by Delta Omega’s alumni advisor — who is associate director at the alumni center — the tour engaged the chapter into the workings and history of ISU’s alumni. Kansas State This fall, the Alpha Omega Chapter hosted a successful golf tournament to raise money for its Missouri Kansas State Nevada - Reno philanthropy. Funds raised were given to the Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research, the research center at Kansas State University. The chapter raised $1,800 for to the Johnson Center. college of business’ faculty and staff in March. This event was an opportunity for the brothers to show those in the college how much they appreciate all that is done to further the academic and interpersonal skills of its students. Georgia The Alpha Epsilon Chapter hosted an Italian Night Dinner fundraiser in March. It was sponsored by Carrabba’s Italian Grill and included some of the restaurant’s signature appetizers, entrees and desserts. Members of the chapter sold approximately 150 tickets and the event was a huge success. Indiana State Every year the Donald W. Scott College of Business at Indiana State University hosts the Fall Welcome Picnic for the business students. At this year’s picnic, the Mu Omicron Chapter distributed planners to both returning and new students. The event provided an excellent opportunity for the chapter to advertise itself to the business students of the university. James Madison The Nu Psi Chapter hosted an appreciation breakfast for the Louisiana State Last fall, the Beta Chi Chapter volunteered for a Habitat for Humanity service project. The brothers spent their time hanging siding, finishing roof trim and painting a house. This project gave the brothers an opportunity to bond through teamwork, and most importantly it gave them the opportunity to help build a home for a very deserving family. Loyola In February, the Gamma Iota Chapter hosted “Intern Queen” Lauren Berger for a public professional event. Lauren was named in Business Week’s “Young Entrepreneurs 25 under 25.” Having had 15 internships in college, she shared her secrets to success about how to land a dream internship. It was a great opportunity for students to get motivated and interact with Lauren. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 27 Ohio Pennsylvania Penn State Marshall In April, the Zeta Rho Chapter hosted a “Senior Prom” for residents of nearby senior centers. Working with Gamma Beta Phi and the Student Ambassadors, punch and snacks were served and tunes from Frank Sinatra to the electric slide were played all through the night. At the end of the evening, the Prom king and queen were announced, giving the seniors a true prom experience. Miami (Ohio) Brothers of the Gamma Chi Chapter went on a bowling trip with 18 students from the Winton Hills Academy in February. The chapter sponsors the students’ class at Winton Hills through Adopt-a-Class. In April the chapter hosted “Dare to Dodge,” a charity dodge ball tournament, to raise money for the students. Michigan State In February, the Gamma Mu Chapter hosted a networking mixer in conjunction with two other business college organizations. The event was the first of its type at MSU, drawing over 200 students and alumni and more than 40 recruiters representing 25 companies. It allowed brothers to hone professional skills and build 28 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org strong relations with a variety of prestigious organizations. Michigan Tech Since 1968, the Theta Kappa Chapter has been responsible for Michigan Tech’s career fair for both fall and spring semesters. The chapter is responsible for set-up and tear-down, and managing the registration table while escorting 200-250 companies to their booths in a span of a few hours. This year’s fairs were held in September and February. Minnesota In September, the Alpha Eta Chapter hosted alumni and student members at its house on a beautiful Saturday afternoon for two reasons: to celebrate the new school year and the first football game of the season, and to honor the life of Tom Burnett Jr. ‘85, a past chapter president who gave his life on Flight 93 in 2001. Missouri State The Lambda Rho Chapter invited Missouri State’s Interim President Clif Smart to speak to the chapter this past February. Most of the discussion during the program was focused on the university, and more specifically, the Missouri State College of Business Administration. It was a great opportunity for members of the chapter to ask questions and network with the interim president. Monmouth In October, the Psi Iota Chapter volunteered at a bike ride event for the Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch, N.J. At 6:00 am, 40 members gathered at Seven President’s Beach and were spread out along a 60-mile course. The event raised awareness and money for the house which provides families with resources so they can keep their children healthy and happy. Nebraska This past October, the Zeta Chapter volunteered at the Lincoln Children’s Museum. For four hours, members showed off their Halloween spirit by dressing in costumes and handing out candy to children and passing families. At the end of the night, everyone helped clean up and decorate for the following day’s Halloweenthemed events. Nevada As both a recruitment and service event, the Psi Phi Chapter made valentines to send to members of the US armed forces serving overseas. With one member serving in the Air National Guard and another who is engaged to a military member, showing support for our troops was something near and dear to the chapter. North Carolina - Charlotte The Eta Omega Chapter plans a Missouri State its second annual Corporate Benefit Dinner for Cystic Fibrosis. The dinner included seven companies and 56 students while raising funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF). Featured speakers were from UBS and CFF. St. John’s Pittsburgh professional networking rush event every semester. This spring’s event featured the credit manager and inter-company accountant from SABIC Innovative Plastics who spoke about professional development and interviewing skills. After the presentation, refreshments were served and brothers met with rushees to hold mock interviews and practice what everyone learned. Ohio This April, the Xi Rho Chapter hosted a speaker series for brothers, students and faculty of the Ohio University College of Business. This was the third year the chapter has sponsored the event. This year’s theme, “Innovate Your Way to the Top,” included a segmented speaking series from Portland State South Carolina business industry professionals, and a corporate-sponsored breakfast and lunch. Roanoke The Nu Tau Chapter co-sponsored Roanoke College’s spring internship fair with Career Services. There was a large school-wide turnout of students who were eager to speak to employers about internships in the Roanoke Valley and throughout the state of Virginia. Pennsylvania In November, the Epsilon Rho Chapter hosted “Media & Entertainment Week.” The week-long series of events provided the chapter with the opportunity to share its strong alumni ties within the media and entertainment industries with the Pepperdine Syracuse student body in the form of professional and social events. Speakers from MTV, EA Games and Universal Music came to speak. More than 1,500 students attended the series of events. Penn State The Gamma Epsilon Chapter participated in the Pennsylvania State Dance MaraTHON in February. Affectionately referred to as THON, this event is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world. This year, THON raised more $10.6 million for The Four Diamonds Fund, which benefits children with pediatric cancer, and the chapter contributed almost $66,000 to this year’s total. Pittsburgh In March, the Delta Chapter held Pittsburgh - Johnstown During the month of February, members of the Nu Phi Chapter held a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Members of the chapter sold stars with the names of loved ones who had been affected by cancer. The chapter also sold bracelets and T-shirts that said “Choose Your Color” on them representing all types of cancer. Portland State This winter, the Epsilon Omega Chapter orchestrated a fundraising and philanthropic event to benefit the community with its third annual VikingFest concert. The event allowed brothers to practice event planning, advertising and philanthropic relations. This year’s partner was the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. St. John’s In honor of Women’s History Month, the Beta Sigma Chapter presented “Boss Ladies: Women in Business.” The purpose of the event was to highlight women who broke the glass ceiling to attain success in the corporate world. It featured Beta Sigma alumna Khandyce Menard ‘08 who enthusiastically spoke about first-hand experiences of being a woman in a male-dominated industry. Shippensburg The Xi Tau Chapter held its annual “Etiquette for Success Academy” workshop at the Ceddia Union Building this spring. Guest speakers were invited and presented on topics ranging from social media and marketing yourself, how to deal with difficult people and quick tips for interviewing. Each presentation was interactive and informative. South Carolina The Beta Upsilon Chapter gathered early one Saturday morning in February for a highway cleanup at its adopted street in downtown Columbia. Pledges and brothers teamed up to pick up litter on the stretch of highway to help the community streets stay clean. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 Shippensburg 29 Tennessee State Towson Southern Oregon In December, the newly-founded Psi Theta Chapter held its “Feed the Needy” event in Ashland’s Lithia Park. Through this event, more than twenty brothers provided home-cooked meals and distributed articles of clothing to those in need. Stanford At the beginning of February, the chapter hosted “Business Day” for local high school students. This community service event featured workshops for students focusing on topics such as public speaking, resume writing, interview skills and dressing professionally. Twenty-nine students from six different high schools were in attendance. Syracuse In the spirit of brotherhood, the 30 Trinity Wake Forest UNC - Charlotte members of the Alpha Omicron Chapter came together last fall to begin their first full semester as a rechartered chapter. More than 30 members gathered at the local ice rink to bond with fellow members. Tennessee - Martin For the third straight year, the Zeta Chi Chapter has hosted a “Pie an AKPsi” event. This spring fundraiser has grown into a huge success. The entire chapter participates and displays a vast amount of unity. The event gives the campus a chance to witness the brotherhood AKPsi has throughout the year while raising funds for the chapter. Tennessee State In November, the Chi Psi Chapter hosted an event on Tennessee State’s campus where local homeless individuals could come and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal provided by the TSU Catering Company. The chapter was joined by other TSU organizations to help serve more than 200 adults and children. After the meal, the event turned into a dance off for the children while the parents were given “thankful” bags that included toiletries and clothing items. Texas - San Antonio In early October, the Xi Omicron Chapter volunteered for Habitat for Humanity and helped build a house for a Rwandan family. This was truly a rewarding experience because the chapter was able to work with the family they were helping build the house for. Texas State The Theta Sigma brothers had the opportunity to attend a guided tour of McCoy’s corporate headquarters. The tour was led by Megan McCoy; she gave an in depth tour about the company’s history and its culture. Members of the chapter had the chance to sit down with the CEO himself, Brian McCoy, and ask him questions about his business and personal life. Towson In November, the Omega Kappa Chapter hosted its “Towson Business Symposium.” The event connected students with executives, successful business people and thought leaders. Representing firms with more than a trillion dollars in combined assets under management, the CFO of T. Rowe Price, EVP of Legg Mason and an MD of an investment-consulting firm shared invaluable career and professional development advice. SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Washington first social event of the semester at a local ice skating rink. The escape from the rigors of campus was a great opportunity for the new pledges to become more familiar with members of the brotherhood on a personal level. Virginia Tech Western Washington Washington State Trinity This spring, the Nu Pi Chapter co-hosted an event with Career Services called “Dress to Impress and Interview Success.” The event provided an opportunity for students to learn about proper attire in the business world and receive valuable interview hints. The chapter brought in a professional recruiter to host the event, and put on a business fashion show featuring members of the chapter as the models. Virginia Tech In January, members of the Beta Xi Chapter partnered with the Theta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to perform in Virginia Tech “Progress Through Unity” step show. The annual event honors the works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through highlighting the evolution of African American culture, rhythm and step. Wake Forest The Gamma Delta Chapter held its Washington In January, the Rho Chapter welcomed seven Northwest business executives to its Professional Networking Mixer. Among them were three former Rho Chapter presidents from decades past and the first woman to pledge the chapter. Each professional gave a talk on business leadership over a catered dinner. Our brothers were thrilled to spend time and network with these exciting and engaging individuals. Washington State The Beta Lambda Chapter embarked on a whitewater rafting trip in Montana last fall. It’s been described by our members as one of the most memorable events during their time in chapter. We started the night camping and ended the next day with sunburns and soaked swimsuits. The excursion gave us the opportunity to strengthen our brotherhood. estate sector in New York City, how he has been a part of building the new Freedom Tower, and what is expected of new graduates as they enter the job market. Western Washington In March, the Omega Beta Chapter held an alumni event in Seattle. Alumni and students from the Northwest Region were invited to join in a day of bonding and brotherhood. The attendees were broken up in to groups of eight and participated in games, including the closing game of “Are you Smarter than a Student Brother.” Wisconsin – Milwaukee In April, the Delta Phi Chapter hosted its annual Brewers Tailgate event. Funding for this event came from corporate sponsors and local businesses. Everyone had a great time as members invited family, friends, and alumni to partake in activities such as grilling out, tailgating games, raffles and music. << West Virginia In March, the Beta Rho Chapter hosted a professional development event featuring guest speaker Thomas Dowd, father of member Laura Dowd, West Virginia ‘11. He talked to the chapter about his rise throughout the commercial real Protecting our values. Supporting our programming. Providing quality products. When you purchase from a licensed vendor, you are assured a quality product at a competitive price — with a portion of the proceeds directly benefitting the programming and guidance offered by Alpha Kappa Psi. Visit greeklicensing.com to find licensed vendors in your area. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 31 LIFE LOYAL MEMBERSHIP Life Loyal Members are alumni and undergraduates, of all ages, who choose to continue to take advantage of their Alpha Kappa Psi membership long after their college years. They include scores of successful men and women from every walk of life who have added distinction to themselves and AKPsi by becoming Life Members. Since 1929, Life Membership has been an enduring tradition of our great fraternity. If you are not a Life Member and pride your membership in Alpha Kappa Psi, why not inscribe your name where it will stand as a memorial to you and your enduring loyalty? Life Membership entitles you to the following benefits: FOR LIFE - A membership certificate suitable for framing and the official Life Membership monogram button FOR LIFE - A subscription to the award-winning Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi FOR LIFE - Special offers and discounts as authorized from time to time by the fraternity The cost to become a Life Member is $400. Students and those who graduated within the past two years are eligible for the discounted rate of $200. To become a Life Member, mail payment to the Alpha Kappa Psi Heritage Center at 7801 E 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233. For more information, or to join online, visit akpsi.org. 32 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org >> tracking Peter Katcoff has taken his teaching on the road, serving as an adjunct faculty member for Royal Education in Vietnam. His career focus on that area of the world started with his connection as director and chief marketing officer of a startup called Nurses4US, which was launched to recruit, train and place Philippine nurses in U.S. hospitals. Peter Katcoff “I’m a learner by nature, and I’ve never stopped” At 73 years old, Peter Katcoff, CSULos Angeles ‘68-Life, is a long way from his first days in school, but he’s never strayed far from education. He’s spent many years either learning or teaching, and he acknowledges that most of the time he’s doing both. He admits that as a teenager, college wasn’t his first choice upon finishing high school in the 1950s. “I wasn’t in the mood at the time for education,” he says. But he found other avenues for enrichment, including a few years in the Air Force and a long career at Pacific Bell, where he was in marketing and sales management. It was during his time at Pacific Bell that he went back to school, earning a bachelor’s degree in marketing management and research at California State University in Los Angeles in 1968. He followed that up with an MBA from the University of Southern California in 1977, focusing his attention on organizational behavior. By the beginning of 1986, he had put in 27 years at the telephone company and was ready for early retirement. That’s when learning and teaching really returned to his life with gusto. “I was drawn into organizational development six months after my early retirement,” he says. “I was 47 and didn’t know what I wanted to do. One day a friend of a friend told me about a friend of his who made $100,000 in 100 days.” That friend of a friend of a friend was involved in consulting and teaching about organizational development, connecting with corporate clients and teaching them new and more profitable ways to run their businesses. Katcoff jumped into the business, too. “It’s looking at the organization as a cultural system,” he explains, examining the interlinking forces impacting the organization, from customers, suppliers and employees to the political environment. “It’s looking at all of that. This was something new and it was transformational, and it worked. It’s both bottom-up and top-down.” Through the years he’s worked with such companies as Hewlett-Packard, Intuit, Monster Cable Co. and PacifiCare Behavioral Health. Together they have focused on such elements as productivity improvement, leadership development, personnel, customer service and strategic planning, along with such key areas as inventory management, purchasing and marketing. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 33 >> alumni notes Alabama Drayton L. Green ’04 is a senior financial analyst of Medical Properties Trust in Birmingham, Ala. “When I do teach, whether it’s in a teaching setting or as a consultant, I’m actually in a learning mode, too; we learn together.” — Peter Katcoff Appalachian State Richard E. Sorensen ’81-Faculty will retire in 2013 after serving as dean of Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business for 31 years. He previously led Appalachian State’s business school for nine years. Buffalo Charles E. Pugh ’49-Life retired in 1990 and moved from Lubbock to Austin so he and his wife Donna could be closer to their sons and grandsons. California – Los Angeles “From that I got into teaching,” he recalls. He joined the adjunct faculty at San Jose State University in 1988, and three years later started teaching at the University of San Francisco in the master of human resources and organization development program. And then it was back to school for Katcoff. “I was asked to go for a doctorate in education, which I completed in 2002,” he says. The focus was organization and leadership. Katcoff has even taken his teaching on the road, serving as an adjunct faculty member for Royal Education in Vietnam, as part of the executive master of business administration program there. His career focus on that area of the world started with his connection as director and chief marketing officer of a startup called Nurses4US, which was launched to recruit, train and place Philippine nurses in U.S. hospitals. AKPsi came into Katcoff ’s life soon after he started his bachelor’s studies at CSU-Los Angeles. He was impressed by the blend of career and social interests and the involvement of faculty advisers. “I immediately liked what I saw and became involved and joined as a life member. I saw the focus on business and that there was a social aspect. It was people who were very focused but also enjoying life.” He reconnected with the fraternity recently as a Case Competition judge in Reno, at the Principled Business Leadership Institute conference there. Katcoff says the chance to interact with young AKPsi members was truly inspirational: “I came away with a new optimism 34 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org about the future of our country.” Judging was a new angle for him, but still fit nicely with his lifelong emphasis on learning and teaching. “When I do teach, whether it’s in a teaching setting or as a consultant, I’m actually in a learning mode, too; we learn together,” he says. “I am a learner by nature, and I’ve never stopped.” Steven N. Miller From family business to venture capital investor Steven N. Miller, Illinois ’84-Life, grew up in the family business, and figured that one day he’d end up running it. Though things didn’t quite turn out that way, he’s happily sharing his wisdom— and investment capital—with big thinkers starting businesses of their own. Miller’s family business was Quill Corp., started in the Chicago area in 1956 by his uncle and father. “The two of them started peddling office supplies, knocking on doors, and then it became a mail-order company and stopped doing in-person sales calls,” he recalls. “I went in on summer vacation to do basic kinds of tasks and learned the business that way. As I grew up and went to high school, I decided I wanted to study business and go to Quill when I graduated.” That part of the story went as planned. He studied marketing at University of Illinois, where he joined AKPsi as a sophomore and became chapter president as a senior. Then it was back to Quill, where he was given Roger G. Fein ’61-Life, a judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill., was appointed the supervising judge of the Civil Division of the Second Municipal District in Skokie. He resides in Northbrook. Creighton Gerald F. Petersen ’60 has worked on 29 Christian Encounter Christ weekends. He has 12 grandchildren and resides in Norfolk, Neb. Columbia Henry R. McArdle ’39-Life retired from the University of Hawaii as a full professor emeritus. He resides in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Denver Lawrence E. Hegstrom ’48 retired from CF&I Steel Corp. Pueblo in 1987 and Equitable Life Assurance in 1998. He resides in Grand Junction, Colo. Detroit (Day) John L. Van Vliet ’62-Life is a retired corporate tax consultant. He resides in Plymouth, Mich. Drake Ronald A. Wait ’66 completed his 26th year in the Illinois Legislature as a state representative. He is currently the longest serving Republican in the House. Florida Capt. Arthur L. Burke ’57-Life is a retired CPA. He enjoys fishing, photography, reading and keeping up with members of his family who live throughout the US. He resides in Leesburg, Fla. Hofstra Gino Reina ’94 is a partner with the firm SECOR Asset Management. SECOR provides pension advisory, portfolio solution and Alpha Strategy services. He resides in Glen Rock, N.J. Indiana Terry J. Robinson ’80-Life will celebrate his 30th year with Comerica Bank (Detroit) in June as SVP and Department Manager, Middle Market Banking. Marquette Leo V. Ryan ’44-Life co-authored the book, Entrepreneurship: Values and Responsibility, which was published last year. He is a professor of management and dean emeritus of the College of Commerce and Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University, and a longstanding member of the Clerics of St. Viator. Miami William P. Siggins ’65 is a senior volunteer for the Carlsbad (Calif.) Police Department, where he has logged more than 2,100 hours of volunteer service. increasing responsibility, running a Canadian distribution center and buying and merchandising a $30 million product line. By 1995, the consumer use of the Internet was gaining steam, and Miller was given the chance to make a particularly significant mark on the business. “I wrote a business plan for the company’s first website,” he says. Within a couple of years Internet sales were running about $15 million, still a small percentage of the roughly $800 million in total sales, but enough to catch the attention of another industry giant. “At the time, Staples knew how to run a big box store but didn’t have a direct marketing or e-commerce presence. They were looking for direct marketing and e-commerce, and it was either build or buy. They bought.” Even though selling Quill in 1998 meant giving up his goal of eventually running the company, Miller says he was 100 percent in favor of the acquisition and knew it was an excellent opportunity—after all, it was a billion-dollar deal. And he knew that the work he was doing in e-commerce, though still a small slice of sales, was a significant part of Quill’s attractiveness to Staples. “I remember the headline distinctly: ‘Staples to acquire Internet-focused Quill.’ It was interpreted that we were ‘Internet-focused.’” And that continued to be Miller’s focus as he pondered what to do next. “I knew I wanted to stay involved in the Internet; it was 1998 and everyone wanted to be involved in the Internet,” he says. Miller settled on the idea of venture capital investing in fledgling e-commerce companies. “One problem I had was Prior to co-founding Origin Ventures, Steven Miller spent 10 years at Quill Corporation, a direct marketer of office products started by his family in 1956. His experience there included running the Canadian distribution center as well as P&L responsibility for a $30 Million product line. Steve’s final two years at Quill were devoted to starting up its e-commerce operation. that I didn’t know anything about venture capital.” He found a partner who did, Bruce Barron, and together they launched Origin Ventures LLC to make investments in such areas as e-commerce, health care and biotech. “We like to invest at an early stage. We like to be the first professional investors to work with entrepreneurs, to help build their team and strategy,” he says. Origin Ventures serves a small number of limited partners and has about $15 million under management. “We’re a boutique shop, very focused on early-stage investing in the Midwest,” he says. An important part of this kind of investing is sharing not just dollars but wisdom, and he says the wisdom he shares includes things he learned in his collegiate AKPsi days. “Far and away, the biggest lesson today is that it’s all about the people,” he says. “The team that is put together to execute is even more important than the idea. I learned this at Illinois and in AKPsi. One thing that AKPsi taught me is that one person is not going to be able to accomplish a big plan alone; you put together a group. It’s still true today. We really focus on the team.” And in the end, it’s that sharing of wisdom that makes Miller’s venture capital work so fulfilling—that, and helping others realize their dreams with a helpful “One thing that AKPsi taught me is that one person is not going to be able to accomplish a big plan alone; you put together a group. It’s still true today. We really focus on the team.” — Steven Miller SAVE THE DATE Alpha Kappa Psi visits New Orleans for the fraternity’s 57th Convention, August 7-10, 2013. Visit akpsi.org for updates and join the Convention’s fan page on Facebook: “2013 Alpha Kappa Psi Convention in New Orleans” akpsi.org SPRING 2012 35 injection of capital. “The idea is to make money, but really the most fun part of my job is mentoring smart people who have interesting ideas and working with them to make their ideas a reality,” he says. “When I see 20 people working somewhere in part because we decided to write the first check, it’s gratifying.” John D. Cahill Long-time fraternity volunteer and leader From an early time in his life in the Niagara Falls area, John “Jack” Cahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life, knew exactly what he wanted to do. “Before I ever went to 36 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org college, I knew I was going to be a lawyer. Even in middle school, I definitely wanted to be a lawyer.” So what is someone’s whose interests have long been focused on law doing in a fraternity focused strongly on business? It’s the people. “I was in law school at the University of Buffalo,” Cahill recalls. Two of his close friends were in AKPsi, one serving as chapter president and the other as vice president. “They were trying to get me to join the fraternity. I finally relented to get them off my back.” Turns out he wasn’t the only future lawyer who looked into AKPsi in Buffalo. “I wasn’t in the business school, but I met a lot of people at rushes, and several were in law school,” he recalls. In honor of Alpha Kappa Psi holding its 1971 Convention in Las Vegas, Fraternity President Jack Cahill (left) is presented with the key to the city by Mayor Oran Gragson. The bottom line: “I enjoyed it.” After finishing up law school, Cahill joined the Judge Advocate General Corps of the U.S. Navy. He became the legal officer at Chincoteague Naval Air Station in Virginia. “I almost made the Navy a career because I had a great time there,” he says. And as a legal officer, “I was my own boss.” He decided instead to wrap up his JAG tour and move to Los Angeles, where he studied tax law at the University of California Los Angeles and Uni- versity of Southern California. Tax and probate became his specialties. “People are always going to be dying and they’re always going to be taxed,” he points out. He spent years working in tax law for the County of Los Angeles, becoming chief tax counsel. He eventually moved into private practice but remained quite active in drafting tax legislation. In California, a friend was active in a local AKPsi alumni group, and that brought the fraternity back into Cahill’s life. In a very big way. “We built the alumni chapter to be a big, strong chapter,” he recalls. “We were getting top-notch speakers for every event. We even almost got Kennedy when he was running for president.” As he became more and more active, he moved into leadership roles. He became fraternity vice president in 1965, then president in 1968. He stayed active on the executive committee for years, and returned for two more terms as president beginning in 1983. He’s been president longer than anyone else (seven years, combined) and is the only president to serve non-consecutive terms. In honor of his dedication to the fraternity, he received Alpha Kappa Psi’s highest honor, the Gold Distinguished Service Award, in 1971. And he’s done lots of travel for the fraternity, too. “I have spoken to 70 or 80 universities on behalf of AKPsi, mostly motivational.” He certainly doesn’t mind the travel. It fits his adventurous sensibilities. After all, this is a guy who loves to ski and surf, who traveled Eastern Europe before the Iron Curtain fell, and who at age 63 dropped into a bungee jump off a bridge in New Zealand. As the speaker honoring him with the California State Bar’s Benjamin F. Miller Award last year noted, “Jack has always epitomized the phrase carpe diem—seize the day.” << Miami (Ohio) Arthur H. Frederick ’58-Life is the founding president of the Saugatuck Douglas Rotary Club, which chartered last year. He resides in Douglas, Mich. Steven G. Gierak ’45-Life volunteers as a crossing guard and AARP income tax preparer. He has been the treasurer of Township Goodfellows for more than 25 years. He resides in Redford, Mich. North Carolina – Charlotte Western Michigan Dr. Frank DeFelice ’68-Life published an e-book in February, What All Americans Need to Know about Economics. It is available for download at amazon.com. Northern Michigan Jim R. Haugan ’76-Life has been the owner of Village Skis and Bikes in Woodbridge, Va. since 1984. He and his wife Debra have been married for 30 years and have two sons. Roanoke College Kinya R. Stewart ’97 is the president and CEO of Legacy Builders and Construction Services in Baltimore. The company provides general contracting and construction management services for the commercial sector in the Washington, D.C. area. Southern Indiana Curtis W. Kinney ’74 is celebrating the ten-year anniversary as founder and CEO of Innovative Consulting Group. He resides in Evansville, Ind. Oregon State Rose L. Lachowski ’11 is working for a large national banking institution. She resides in Corvallis, Ore. Seton Hall Anthony M. Gartman ’81-Life married Luz Lara in December. They reside in Winnetka, Calif. Southern California Kurt I. Hahn ’59-Life, a board member of the North Sonoma County Healthcare District, was elected to the board of the California State Rural Healthcare Association. He was the recipient of the California Hospital Association’s Leadership in Governance Award in 2009 and is a prominent voice in healthcare politics in California. He and his wife Joandell reside in Healdsburg, Calif. Syracuse F. Story Musgrave ’58-Life, a recipient of NASA’s Distinguished Service Medal and a member of the Astronaut Hall of Fame at the Kennedy Space Center, was the keynote speaker at the annual conference of the Northern Illinois University Graduate Student Research Association in March. Texas Wisconsin-Milwaukee Todd R. Strehlow ’76 and his company, WFA Staffing Group, were named to the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce’s “Future 50” for the third straight year. The list honors the fastest growing companies in Wisconsin. >> audit eternal Adrian College Robert A. Duggan ’85-Life (11/3/11), Livonia, Mich. Alabama James W. Bailey ‘49 (3/20/12), Memphis, Tenn. James F. Cashman ’05-Fac (12/2/11), Tuscaloosa, Ala. Arizona Brook O. Berger ‘53-Life, Fort Wayne, Ind. John Garbaczewski ‘45-Life (10/22/10), Scottsdale, Ariz. Paul Q. Monier ‘49 (2/9/12), Tucson, Ariz. Boise State Larry S. Kurpiewski ‘70-Life (11/28/09), Boise, Idaho Boston Leslie G. Bridges ‘49 (10/31/11), Montague, Mass. Frederick V. Fowler ‘53 (2/9/12), Wayland, Mass. Arthur G. Milligan ‘49-Life (11/13/11), Venice, Fla. Boston College John D. Trasatti ‘55 (1/5/2011), Dalton,Mass. Brigham Young Maurice E. Smith ‘39-Life (3/9/07), Saint George, Utah Buffalo Alfonso C. Bellanca ‘40-Life (2/10/11), Los Angeles, Calif. California –Berkeley Vlad Debabov ‘10 (1/21/12), Berkeley, Calif. Darrell W. Gurney ’81 is the author of Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, which arrived in bookstores in January. He can be found online at facebook/LifeWorkPlanning. California – Los Angeles Toledo Gail L. Mees ‘58 (9/23/11), Crown Point, Ind. James E. Neal ’53 wrote the book Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals after receiving his postgraduate degree from the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the University of Illinois. The book is now in its 12th edition and will soon reach sales of 1.5 million copies. Virginia Alfred C. Shackelford ’50 is a retired farmer and school teacher. He resides in Keswick, Va. Wayne State Steve Stackhouse-Kaelble was the author of the three alumni profiles in this section. Gary W. Bowersox ’62-Life delivered 80,500 school supplies in the mountains of Afghanistan, along with 4,000 eyeglasses. He directed these projects for the Hawaii Kai Rotary Club and the Kamehameha Lions Club, respectively. He resides in Honolulu. Davis Berberian ’56-Life owns an export trading company specializing in medical devices. His company recently began selling prosthetic and handpainted lens to serve the needs of Americans with eye disfigurements. David C. Pinkerton ’53 (7/27/07), Gig Harbor, Wash. Carroll College Central Michigan April Lucas ‘08 (11/17/11), Wixom, Mich. Dayton Eugene J. Torchia ‘56 (6/6/11), Dayton, Ohio Denver Herbert P. Schumann ‘36-Life (12/25/08), Denver, Colo. Richard R. Washburn ‘50-Life (2/11/10), St. Joseph, Mich. Thomas F. Weiss ‘34-Life (2/14/10), Alamosa, Colo. Detroit (Day) Larry J. Christian ‘70-Life (9/14/11), Warren, Mich. Detroit (Evening) Lawrence Bilkie ‘60-Life (2/18/09), Lakewood Rnch, Fla. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 37 Drake Michael J. Zircher ‘85 (4/9/11), Des Moines ,Iowa Duke Fred A. McNeer ‘50-Life (1/27/12), Charlotte, N.C. Eastern Michigan Matthew R. Slate ‘95 (2/5/12), Sterling Heights, Mich. Emory William R. Shelnutt ‘49 (9/25/06), Hilton Head, S.C. Florida Frank O. Pruitt ‘41, Lake Charles, La. Georgia Marion L. Carey ‘50 (8/11/11), Easely, S.C. Robert McClintock ‘36-Life (6/5/11), St. Augustine, Fla. James W. Pihos ‘47-Life (5/13/11), Ft Lauderdale, Fla. John W. Stanley ‘44-Life (11/6/08), Nashville, Tenn. Norwich Russell Laubenheimer ‘61 (5/16/10), U Saddle Riv, N.J. Oklahoma State - Continued from page 18 Oregon To really impress a recruiter with a unique value statement, your job is to go past “I’m a business major” (which is what you are doing, not what you are) and “I’m a really hard worker” (which anyone can say, and most do) to create a truly unique brand. What makes you the “hire-able” you? Perfect your personal brand—and consistently display that brand across all your career collateral, online and offline—and you’ll jump far ahead of your job-seeking competition. Charles Scheffel ‘40-Life (6/24/11), San Antonio, Texas Marvin C. Abeene ‘65-Life (6/2010), Salem, Ore. Southeast Missouri James L. Meese ‘73-Life (2/10/12), Festus, Mo. Southern California Georgia State Samuel D. Mobley ‘55-Life (1/26/12), Powder Sprgs, Ga. Gray G. Berg ‘50 (2/4/10), La Canada, Calif. Bryan Gunning ‘60-Life (10/22/09), Los Angeles, Calif. Lawrence G. Kollin ‘47 (6/21/11), Fullerton, Calif. Henderson State Syracuse Melinda R. Gilbert ‘84 (5/4/11), Dierks, Ark. Idaho State Abe Z. Riggs ‘73-Life (10/28/10), Puyallup, Wash. John R. Rohde ‘58-Life (10/2011), Boise, Idaho Lawrence H. Gingold ‘55 (11/3/11), Jamesville, N.Y. Hubert B. Hall ‘39 (1/26/08), Marcellus, N.Y. Texas Tech Tammy S. Lima ‘86 (8/25/09), Allen, Texas Illinois Utah Rexford E. Bruno ‘38-Life (12/31/06), Bloomington ,Ill. Eldon W. Schmutz ‘49-Life (7/7/10), Cedar City, Utah Indiana Virginia Gordon I. Gerbick ‘47-Life (10/18/11), Crown Point, Ind. Robert W. Weller ‘49 (3/6/11), Richmond, Ind. John M. Sherwood ‘39 (4/28/10), Bonifay, Fla. John Carroll Leonard M. Clezie ‘60-Life (2/28/10), Woodbridge, Va. Warren V. Bauserman ‘39 (10/16/08), Manassas, Va. Basil L. Jackson ‘48 (6/22/11), Bluefield, W.V. Kansas State Wake Forest Roland M. Swim ‘55-Life (11/15/09), Kansas City, Mo. Charles W. Baker ‘57 (11/12/11), Raleigh, N.C. Lewis and Clark College Washington George J. Burgess ‘55-Life (11/4/11), Portland, Ore. Emmett E. Koontz ‘69 (2/1/12), Kirkland, Wash. Miami Washington (St. Louis) Charles C. Baake ‘42-Life (3/21/10), Pleasant Hill, Calif. Donald L. Wolfsberger ‘54 (11/3/11), St. Louis, Mo. Miami (Ohio) David Spriggs ‘56-Life (8/16/11), New Port Richey, Fla. Washington State Michigan Robert D. Anderson ‘52 (1/12/12), North Palm Bch, Fla. Virginia Tech Harry Hunsaker ‘48-Life (4/25/10), Port Orchard, Wash. Lew R. Morris ’56 (4/17/10), Spokane, Wash. Ivan R. Sayles ‘37-Life (5/25/10), Pullman, Wash. Wayne State Hughey F. Donnell ‘48-Life (2/18/07), Kansas City, Mo. Thomas F. Sotham ‘47-Life (6/29/04), Phoenix, Ariz. Theodore Buckwick ‘56-Life (11/15/11), Florissant, Mo. William C. Oddy ‘41-Life (9/24/07), Athens, Ga. James F. Wallis ‘41-Life (7/20/11), Waterford, Mich. Nebraska Western Michigan Paul F. Lienemann ‘49-Life (9/30/11), Omaha, Neb. Lance Peterson ‘74-Life (11/26/11), South Haven, Mich. New York Wichita State Missouri William C. Bartlett ‘30 (2/22/09), Himrod, N.Y. T. Rodney Gilmore ‘44 (3/23/11), San Marcos, Calif. George E. Hay ‘35-Life (6/14/10), Sidney Center, N.Y. Patrick G. Marra ‘57 (3/2/10), Sarasota, Fla. Michael J. O’Reilly ‘62-Life (11/24/10), Las Vegas, Nev. John D. Schaeffer ‘43, State College, Pa. North Carolina – Chapel Hill Luther S. Faison ‘50 (8/6/09), Austell, Ga. James K. Spencer ‘55 (12/8/10), Fairfax Sta, Va. Northern Colorado Erik A. Wahlborg ‘96 (12/11/09), Monument, Colo. Northwestern Stanley K. Lundberg ‘41-Life (2/17/12), Schaumburg, Ill. 38 SPRING 2012 akpsi.org Paul D. Mahan ‘57-Life (4/5/03), Fortuna, Calif. Wisconsin Gerald G. Simmon ‘62 (2/6/10), Ellijay, Ga. Wisconsin-Milwuakee Jennifer Johns ‘07 (2/26/12), Wauwatosa, Wisc. Wyoming Stanley Blackburn ‘37 (3/9/11), Albuquerque, N.M. Alfred J. Goetz ‘59-Life (9/8/10), Fort Collins, Colo. George H. Hoffman ‘39 (12/18/09), Greybull, Wyo. << 4. Network, network, network! A recent survey by Jobvite shows that 74% of all jobs are filled through networking. That may be a little scary for those of who say that networking is the least favorite component of a job search. This, especially for us introverts, is where technology comes to the rescue. There are innumerable online resources available to help you find a job: LinkedIn (you DO have a LinkedIn account, yes?), Twitter chats, Facebook connections, AKPsi.org, local industry and association websites—and much more. Once you get comfortable with networking online, extend your sphere of influence to “IRL” (networking shorthand for “in real life”). Chapter events (student and alumni), fraternity conferences, on-campus clubs and associations—all ready for you to greatly expand your personal network. Internships and volunteer assign- ments are also a great networking opportunity. Be sure to take full advantage! After all, you never know who may be the one person who knows that someone who will become your champion—and help get you a job offer. Finally, remember the golden rule of networking: “Give more than you receive.” Not coincidentally, those who work hard to help others as much or more as they seek to help themselves quite often benefit most from networking. 5. Master the interview The interview is the job search component many job seekers consider the most difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! Like the other components on this list, interviews are within your control. Here’ are some tips to help you excel at the face-to-face interview: • Research the company very well—going way beyond just the mission statement and “About Us” pages on the company’s website; check out its Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Learn everything you can before your first phone or in-person interview! • Create a cheat sheet. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of blog posts out there with great answers to common interview questions; in a short amount of time you can compile a likely list of questions you’ll be asked in an interview. • Practice! Arrange informational interviews—basically, low-pressure practice sessions—to help you gain confidence asking and answering questions in a professional setting. • Remember, the interview is a two-way conversation—not an interrogation. Engage the interviewer with small talk and good eye contact, and be yourself (after all, it is you they are hiring!). • Come prepared with three to five really good questions—one or two about the company and its culture; one or two about the specific position and how you fit into the role, and; one question for the recruiter that gets him or her thinking (suggestion: “What is it that you like about working here? What about this company makes it easy for you to get up every day and come to work?” • Show some passion! This is no time to go through the motions. Show excitement and genuine interest in the position, the company and the role—and the job just may be yours. There is a structure to job searching. There is a proven strategy that works. Mastering these five keys to a successful job search, along with the experience and soft skills you’re gaining as an Alpha Kappa Psi brother, will enable you to rise above your job seeking competition and get hired! << Mark Babbitt, the CEO and founder of YouTern, was the author of this article. YouTern is proud to showcase high-quality, mentor-based internships from start-ups, small to medium businesses as well as grass roots non-profits. It also has one of the best career-development blogs in the industry. YouTern is dedicated to supporting college students and recent graduates with their career development goals and has pledged to help Alpha Kappa Psi members every step of the way, both online and in person by providing insightful content and high-impact internships. Learn more about Alpha Kappa Psi’s newest strategic partner by visiting www.akpsi.org/youtern. akpsi.org SPRING 2012 39 Alpha Kappa Psi Heritage Center 7801 E 88th Street Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Bolingbrook, IL Permit No. 374 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Find Alpha Kappa Psi on >> alumni chapter directory Who can join an alumni chapter? An alumni chapter is the formal organization of AKPsi alumni residing in a given area, regardless of their undergraduate chapters. Eligible for membership are all initiated, out-of-college brothers residing in the area for which the alumni chapter is organized. All alumni are encouraged to join their local alumni chapters and take advantage of the valuable networking social opportunities these chapters provide. CENTRAL REGION MIDEAST REGION Kansas City Metro Alumni Chapter c/o Lisa Abele [email protected] AKPsi Kansas City Alumni Chapter Baltimore Metro Alumni Colony c/o Janine Downey [email protected] Saint Louis Metro Alumni Chapter c/o Darin Schuld [email protected] www.stlmetroalumni.com St. Louis Metro Alumni Chapter - Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity EASTCENTRAL REGION Motor City Alumni Chapter c/o Nick Serafin [email protected] Motor City Alumni Chapter Ohio Valley Alumni Chapter c/o Carrie Falta [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi Ohio Valley Alumni Chapter EASTERN REGION Greater Philadelphia Alumni Chapter c/o Ryan Nissen [email protected] AKPsi - Greater Philly Alumni Chapter Pittsburgh Alumni Colony c/o Shannon Kelley [email protected] AKPsi Pittsburgh Alumni @AKPsiAlumPGH 40 Capital Area Alumni Chapter c/o David Johney [email protected] www.akpsicaa.com Alpha Kappa Psi -- Capital Area Alumni Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter c/o Amber Watson [email protected] Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter Alpha Kappa Psi Queen City Alumni Chapter c/o Karen DeChant Ross [email protected] Queen City Alpha Kappa Psi Triangle Alumni Chapter c/o Nancy Nguyen [email protected] Raleigh/Durham Alumni Chapter Alpha Kappa Psi United Kingdom Alumni Colony c/o Rachael Wilding [email protected] MIDWEST ALUMNI Chicago Alumni Chapter c/o Abby Bay [email protected] www.akpsichicagoalumni.com Chicago AKPsi Alumni Chapter @ChiAKPsiAlumni SPRING 2012 akpsi.org City of Festivals Alumni Chapter c/o John Graham execs@cityoffestivalsalumni.org www.cityoffestivalsalumni.org City of Festivals Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Chapter Hoosier Alumni Chapter c/o Todd & Nicole Klemp [email protected] www.hoosierakpsi.org Hoosier AKPsi NORTHCENTRAL REGION Omaha Alumni Chapter c/o James McNamara [email protected] Twin Cities Alumni Chapter c/o Rick Jones [email protected] www.akpsionline.com Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni - Twin Cities Chapter NORTHEAST REGION Garden State Alumni Colony c/o Chad Smith [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi - Garden State Alumni New York Alumni Colony c/o Thomas Tran [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi - New York Area Alumni Florida Gold Coast Alumni Chapter c/o Nora Arguello [email protected] www.fgcac.com Florida Gold Coast Alumni Chapter South Carolina Alumni Chapter c/o Deirdre Edmon [email protected] Tampa Bay Alumni Chapter c/o Eddie Zaragoza [email protected] www.gtbac.webs.com Alpha Kappa Psi - Greater Tampa Bay Alumni Chapter SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Alamo City Alumni Chapter c/o Andria Dever [email protected] Alamo City Alumni Los Angeles Alumni Chapter c/o Noel De La Torre [email protected] AKPsi - Los Angeles Alumni Chapter Phoenix Alumni Chapter c/o Mary Floberg [email protected] www.akpsi-phoenixalumni.com Phoenix Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Chapter San Diego Alumni Chapter c/o Tyler McLinden [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi - San Diego Alumni Chapter WESTCENTRAL REGION Mile High Alumni Colony c/o Linsey Kasper [email protected] Mile High Alumni (Denver Area) of Alpha Kappa Psi Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Colony c/o Larrynnee Holloman Salt Lake City Alumni Colony [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi - DFW Alumni Chapter c/o Dan Harbeke [email protected] Houston Alumni Chapter c/o Aida Del Moral No alumni chapter in your area? Learn how [email protected] to start an alumni group by visiting akpsi.org, Akpsi Houston Alumni Chapter New Orleans Alumni Colony c/o Sherah LeBoeuf [email protected] or by contacting the Heritage Center at mail@ akpsi.org or (317) 872-1553. SOUTHWEST REGION NORTHWEST REGION Bay Area Alumni Chapter c/o Sonia Advani Seattle Alumni Chapter [email protected] c/o Joseph Zeiger AKPsi Bay Area Alumni Chapter [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi Seattle Alumni Chapter SOUTHEAST REGION Atlanta Alumni Chapter c/o Nick Myers [email protected] www.akpsiatlanta.com AKPsi Atlanta: Alumni Group Central Florida Alumni Chapter c/o Tim Veigle [email protected] Alpha Kappa Psi - Central Florida Alumni Chapter Make a tax-deductible contribution today and join other loyal alumni who support the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation and its leadership, educational and scholarship programs. Your gift can be made online at akpsi.org or by using the enclosed envelope.
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