2012 Convention Info - Oregon Auctioneers Association
2012 Convention Info - Oregon Auctioneers Association
2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention 2012 Convention Information Kelly Russell, CAI, BAS, CES OAA President Presidents Invitation: Greetings fellow Auctioneers! It is my pleasure to invite you to our 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention. I hope you will join us for a weekend of networking, education and FUN! We have several exceptional speakers joining us this weekend to provide new insight in the auction industry and to guide us in furthering our professional careers as auctioneers. As a member of the association, I would encourage your participation in our Board of Directors Meeting and voice any concerns you may have about the direction of the association. Are you a born leader and want to take our association to the next level? If you are interested in joining our BOD or would like to nominate a fellow auctioneer, please fill out the included nomination form. We will have ballots available at the convention and encourage all to vote on who is to serve the OAA in the upcoming year. Be sure to compete for our coveted Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer Competition, hosted by our past Champion, to be considered one of Oregon's best in the industry. Opening Night Social: Join your fellow OAA Auctioneers in networking in the Shoreline Room starting at 8:30pm. Enjoy great conversation with old pals and meet some new auctioneers who have joined us this past year! Advertising Contest: As an Auctioneer, advertising and marketing expertise are keys to the success of your business. Advertising that creates auction awareness and promotes the professionalism of your organization should be included in this contest. Bring your materials and show of your marketing prowess and see how others promote themselves in various forms of advertising media. The winners of each category will be announced at the annual banquet. Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer Contest: The 24thannual competition, held to promote the skills that talented auctioneers use to connect and communicate with buyers, will be held in conjunction with our annual convention. Contestants will be scored by five judges in three categories including Presentation, Effective Auctioneering and, of course, their Chant and Voice Quality. All are encouraged to get up and showcase your skills. Hall of Fame: Do you know someone in the auction industry deserving of this honor? Then submit the application included in this brochure via mail or email by January 28, 2012 for consideration. If awarded, a presentation will be made at the annual awards banquet. Awards Banquet: What a great way to wrap up the first full day of convention! Join friends and family for the annual awards banquet and fun auction. This years banquet will include no host beer & wine, a delicious buffet style dinner and presentations of honors and awards followed by the fun auction. This is your opportunity to share your gifts behind the microphone and support the OAA financially. The fun auction will be intertwined with the OGCA contest and should showcase some of our states most talented auctioneers. Not only is this event the associations major fundraiser for the year, but a chance to break free from our busy convention schedules to let loose and have some fun. Again, this year, we ask that you bring 3 or more items to be sold. Proceeds from this event will go to support activities and programs of the OAA. Board of Directors Meeting: The Board of Directors will meet Monday February 20, at 12:30pm to discuss the current business of the association, including financial overviews and election results for the Board of Directors positions. Hotel Accommodations: The Hood River Inn's unique Columbia River shoreline location is convenient to many nearby attractions and recreational opportunities in the Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Hood area. Rich with culture, natural splendor and recreation, the area presents something for everyone. Reserve your room prior to January 28,2012 to receive the OAA Convention Room rate of $99 + tax per night. This rate includes a limited hot breakfast in the Riverside for up to two people per day. Driving Directions: The BEST WESTERN PLUS Hood River Inn's spectacular setting is also spectacularly easy to get find. We are located just off 1-84 at exit 64 making us 64 miles from downtown Portland and just 55 miles from Portland International Airport. This is no bumper to bumper freeway drive. This section of 1-84 may be one of the most beautiful sections of highway in the world, made all the more pleasant by the light to nonexistent traffic. After exiting at Exit 64 take a left at the bottom of the ramp and take the first right (after the westbound off ramp) into the Inn's entry drive. 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention 2012 Guest Speakers Keynote Speaker - Rich Schur, CAI, BAS, GPP A Rich is the Chief Executive Officer of Schur Success Auction & Appraisal, and serves both as an appraiser and auctioneer. He runs the company with his wife Shannon Schur, CA!, BAS. Rich attended the Worldwide College of Auctioneering in 2005, was awarded the 1st-Timer Champion for Colorado in 2006, and the Colorado State Champion Auctioneer in 2010. Rich has earned his CAr, his BAS, and his GPPA. He has also earned his Certified Equipment & Machinery Appraiser (CMEA). In addition to his auction certifications, Rich holds a Master's Degree in Adult & Continuing Education (MS Ed.) and is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). He is an instructor for the NAA in the GPP A program, CAI, and at the NAA annual conference. Rich is on the Board of Directors of the National Auctioneers Association (NAA), and as of January is the President of the Colorado Auctioneers Association (CAA). Prior to becoming an auctioneer, Rich served as a police officer, trainer, college teacher and administrator, and human resource consultant. He is a professional speaker and conducts seminars across the country. Randy Ehli, CAr, GPPA of Ehli Auctions is a 3rd generation auctioneer and President ofEhli Auctions, Ehli has over 33 years of experience and specializes in running large consignment auction centers selling business assets and vehicles to the general public. Randy developed one of the first auction software packages (Auctionware) in 1978, gave the first seminar about the advantages of the internet to the auction industry at the 1996 NAA convention, and spentthe last 10 years developing an on demand online auction system for the auction industry, government agencies and non-profits. Ehli Auctions sold over 3 million last year through its web site www.cyberauctions.com. Randy also has a benefit auction division called Auctions For Fund. Kent Corbett has 20 years of experience in the auction business selling real estate, equipment, estates, and conducting fund raising events. He is the owner of Corbett Auctions & Appraisals Inc., and Co-owner of Corbett Bottles Real Estate Auctions. He began his auction education at the Western College of Auctioneering in 1991. He is a member of the National Auctioneers Association, Idaho Association of Professional Auctioneers, is a licensed real estate agent, and personal property appraiser conducting appraisals for lenders, trustees, attorneys, and estates. He has taken the AARE designation, and the Graduate Personal Property Appraisal Courses. Corbett Bottles Real Estate Auctions specializes in conducting multiple parcel real estate auctions for institutions, investors, and estates, selling commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential properties. Corbett Auctions & Appraisals Inc., maintains an auction facility in Kuna, Idaho conducting bank, trustee and consignor auctions. Bill began BizFix inspired by his dedication for helping the small business owner. Moving from a career in corporate Sales Training to owning a successful Italian market for over 12 years, Bill realized his true passion while offering business advice to neighboring retailers and consultations with clients ready to start their own ventures. These were the conversations that drove him to sell his shop and start BizFix. Bill runs BizFix with the fmn belief that every business owner has the opportunity to improve their process. To grow their capacity. To reignite the passion that drove them to start their business in the first place, and using it to improve their bottom-line and ultimately their lives. 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention 2012 Schedule of Events Saturday February 18,2012 8:30pm - Opening Night Social: Join fellow Auctioneers in the Shoreline Room to meet and greet one another. Sunday February 19,2012 Riverview Room 7:45am - Convention Registration Desk Opens - Lobby 9:00am - Convention Welcome - President Kelly Russell 9:15am - lO:45pm-StorageAuctions /OJ-Rich Schur, CAI, BAS, GPPA • This workshop will be beneficial to experienced storage auctioneers as well as those who are new to the business. You'll learn about the two key components of the business, as well as understanding the motivations and needs of your buyers and sellers. Rich will discuss the logistics of obtaining the business and conducting the sales. He'll discuss the in and outs of being successful and making a steady income for this lucrative business. 10:45am-II :OOam- BREAK 11:OOam- 12:00pm - Real Estate Auctions - Working with Lenders & Evaluating Sellers/Properties - Kent Corbett • 12:00pm - 1:OOpm- Lunch in the Shoreline Room 1:00pm - 3:30pm =Success with Online Only Auctions - Randy Ehli CAI, GPPA • Randy will take you through the complete process of conducting an online only auction with the cyber auctions system. Learn how innovative organizations are using advanced IT solutions to transform the way they do business and discover new opportunities created by new technologies. Randy will also compare the differences of the current online only auction software that is available today. 3:30pm - 3:45pm - BREAK 3 :45pm - 4:00pm - NAA Convention in Spokane 2012 - Randy Ehli, CAI, GPP A, WAA Representative regarding NAA Convention' 12 4:00pm - 5: 15pm - Bankruptcy Auctions: Working with Trustees and the Courts - Kent Corbett • Shoreline Room 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm • - 7:00pm -Social Hour/Shop the Fun Auction - Enjoy Wine and Beer & Networking with fellow Auctioneers - OAA Awards Banquet - Dinner is served followed by Awards Presentations - lO:OOpm - OAA Annual Fun Auction, Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer Contest Our fun auction is an opportunity to showcase member skills & talents as auction professionals. Please bring 3 items, or more, to be sold during the fun auction by you or one of our contestants. Enjoy several of Oregon's most talented auctioneers as they compete for cash & prizes and title of 24th "Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer. Friends & Family Welcome! Monday February 20, 2012 Riverview Room 9:00am - 10:30am - Motivating Your Staff-Rich Schur, CAr, BAS, GPPA • In this informative session, leaders will learn some very real truths about employee motivation, including the myth that money is the ultimate motivator. You'lllearn ways to energize and excite your staff, and find ways to let them perform at their best. 10:30am - !0:45am - BREAK 10:45am - 12:00pm - How Can You Get Better? - Bill Horton, BizFix • Are you taking steps to get better at your business? Are you: • Working with your Ideal Clients? • Charging what your Worth? • Always looking for New Business or Clients? • Spending your time on the Right Tasks? You may be great at helping people raise money, stage successful events or sell whatever they need to, but do you focus that same attention and energy at running your business? This session will be designed to talk about how you can get better at your work. 12:00pm - Lunch in the Shoreline Room 12:30pm - 3:30pm - Board of Directors Meeting • This meeting will be held to discuss the current business ofthe Oregon Auctioneers Association, including Old Business, New Business & OAA Financial Review. All members are invited to attend. 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention ~ Registration Form ;i ~(\)i Oregon Auctioneers Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 ~~ ••• ~ 'OIVEEV-CEI Registration Instructions: Please carefully print the information exactly as it should appear on all conference materials. Send completed form & fees payable to the Oregon Auctioneers Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280. Or scan and create a PDP and email to [email protected]. Registration forms must be received by January 28, 2012 to qualify for early registration discount. Registration will also be available the morning of convention. Name Please Be Sure To Check All That Apply _ Company Name *Register before 01/28/12 registration ... $121.50 Address ----------------City State __ Phone Cell Zip Email 0 Convention Registration $135.00* _ and save 10% off of your 2012 Association Membership $75.00 o OGCA Entry Fee $50.00 o Extra Banquet Tickets $35.00/pp o _ _ 1 Total Fees $ _ Method of Payment: --- Check Enclosed ___ CreditlDebit Card Visa MasterCard Expiration Card Number CVV Code Card Holders Name as it appears on Card • _ Billing Zip Code _ _ The undersigned hereby authorizes all charges, fees, dues or unpaid balances for the above mentioned function held by the Oregon Auctioneers Association, as indicated above to be charged to this credit card. Please note that there is a 5% transaction fee for all credit card sales. Card Holders Signature _ Convention Lodging: Please note, Hotel Lodging is not included in this registration. Please make reservations by calling Hood River Inn at (541) 386-2200 as soon as possible to take advantage of the negotiated hotel rate of $99.00 (Single or Double Standard), $122.00 (Single or Double River), $295.00 (Suite) per night within the OAA reserved room block. The Extra Person Rate is $15.00 + tax per night. Any rooms not reserved by January 28, 2012 will be returned to hotel inventory and will be charged at the full hotel rate, if available. 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention OGCA Registration Oregon Auctioneers Form Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 OREGON GRAND CHAMPION AUCTIONEER CONTEST Presented By: OAA, Quick Service Printing and the Capital Press Hosted By: Kelly Russell 2011 Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer QUAUFICATIONS, RULES AND PROCEDURES: • All Contestants, regardless of gender will compete in the same division. Winner will be referred to as "John/Jane Doe 2012 Oregon Grand Champion Auctioneer". All Contestants will draw for position at a mandatory meeting to be held prior to the contest. A roll call will be taken at this meeting and any contestants not present will be disqualified without any refund of entry fees. All Contestants must be at least 18 years of age, a member of the OAA, have paid the entry fee of $5 O. 00 and be a registered attendee of the host convention. Contestants will be judged by five judges, who will be pre-selected prior to the contest. Three Judges will be experienced auctioneers and two judges will be professionals well acquainted in the auction industry and what constitutes a good auctioneer. Judge selection will be the sole responsibility of the previous champion acting as host. If at any time a conflict of interest exists, the OAA Board of Directors can replace a judge deemed to have a conflict. All Contestants will be judged by the same score card with three categories. The category of Presentation will be worth 20 points: the category ofChantIVoice will be worth 45 points: the category of Effective Auctioneering will be worth 35 points; awarding a maximum of 100 points per judge. The lowest score for each contestant will be eliminated, with the remaining four scores being averaged. In case ofa tie score in the preliminaries, the category ofChantIVoice will be used as a tie breaker. The contestants with the top three scores in the preliminaries will advance to the finals, where the scoring begins anew. The contestant with the top score in the Final Round will be deemed the champion; the contestant with the second highest score will be awarded reserve. In the event of a tie in the finals, the contestants' averaged score of the preliminary round will determine the tie breaker. If a tie persists, the 5th judges' score will be re-entered into the equation to break the tie. The Judges scoring will be final. Both preliminaries and finals will consist of each contestant selling three consecutive items that will be pre-selected so that contestants will have the opportunity to preview items prior to the contest. All contestants will be expected and required to bring three items of an approximate value of $25 .00 each to be sold during the competition. Contestants will not be allowed to sell the items they brought. The sound system will be pre-set and will not be adjusted during the contest. Contestants will have the opportunity to check the sound system prior to the contest beginning. Each years champion will be required to return as the host/emcee for the next years contest and will need to work closely with the OAA Board of Directors to ensure that the contest is a continued success. The contest host will announce each contestant in the same fashion. "Contestant number __ " any contestant's failure to appear when called will result in a disqualification. The host will not introduce contestant by name, it is the responsibility ofthe contestant to make his/her introduction. All contestants will be judged in part by their appearance. Professional dress is required. • • • • • • • • • • PRIZES: Champion: membership, Reserve Third $500 of advertising in the Capital Press, Championship and One Year OAA membership from the association. Champion: Place: Reserve Champion Third Place Trophy Trophy Trophy from Quick Service from Quick Service from Quick Service Printing, Printing, one year OAA membership One Year NAA from the association Printing CONTESTANTS NAME (as it should appear on any awards) _ CONTESTANTS ADDRESS STATE PHONE I, the undersigned, selected reside as Champion ZIP _ EMAIL have read I will all the rules fulfill and regulations the duties _ of the contest and responsibilities required and agree to conform of the award. I to the terms am at least stated. 18 years If! am of age and in the state of Oregon. CONTESTANTS SIGNATURE Please send this application _ with your convention registration. 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention Oregon Auctioneers Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 2012 OAA Fun Auction Donation Form DONOR INFORMATION: Donor: Business Donation -------------------- Individual Donation Contact: SponsorlUnderwriter --------------------- Ad~ess: _ City: State: Phone: Zip: _ Email: DONATION INFORMATION: _ Item Enclosed Please contact me to make arrangements Gift Certificate Value: $ Service Value: $ Merchandise Value: $ Vacation Property Value: $ Cash Donation Amount In-Kind Donation: Value: $ (circle one): $100 $250 $500 $750 $1000 other amount $ Restrictions or Expirations: DonorSignature: _ Thank you for supporting the Oregon Auctioneers Association! The Oregon Auctioneers Association is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit group (Tax JD # 72-1613536). Oregon Auctioneers Association Please make checks payable to the Please send one copy to the OM, and make a copy for the donor for tax purposes. 2011 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention Advertising Contest Entry Form Oregon Auctioneers Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 Oregon Auctioneers Association* *Website: www.oregonauctioneers.org OAA Advertising Contest As an auctioneer, advertising and marketing expertise are the keys to the success of your business. The quality of your advertising, whether it be sign age, business cards, letterhead, newspaper, magazine ads, television or radio commercials or the internet are often th e general public's first exposure to your business. Advertising creates awareness and promotes the auction method of marketing as well as the professionalism of your organization. This contest is designed to be your opportunity to show off your skills and see how others present themselves in various forms of media. The winners will be recognized during the Awards Banquet on Sunday, February 19th, 2012. To enter the contest use the entry form below. One form must accompany each entry. You may photocopy the entry application for use with more than one entry. Please bring your entries with you to the convention. Contest Rules: Contest Categories: 1. Entries must be in promotion 2. Each advertisement auction's of the auction for a specific auction success; specifically Method Of Marketing Category must include information a brief notation regarding of how the advertising was used. Category 3. Each entry must be accompanied by an official entry form with the entry category Newspaper containing standard 5. and/or the ad from the publication. Two copies of each printed matter TV commercial entries must be provided must be submitted for every entry in the print sections. Each business stationary entry must include letterhead, envelope and a business The two samples submitted for each entry will be distributed as follows: (1) One copy will be used for judging. (2) One copy will be displayed 8. Website designs will be judged live, as shown on a computer. Entry deadline _ Address _ Fax Email o Two Multi Color advertising o Multi Color Color o News o Company Release Category 4- Broadcast 0 Stationary Company Brochure / Audio- Promo- 0 tional Visual 0 Television o Audio Commercial Only Presentation 5-- Internet Address 6-- Auction Proposal 0 OAA Member Web page Presentation o Auction Appraisal Please attach a brief description of how advertisement Name Phone Magazine 0 Business Category o Two Color o Presentation Folder o Business Newletter- o Auction is January 28th, 2012 at noon PST. Contest Member Information: City/ State/ Zip you must Material 3- Business Promotion o Website However, submit the entry form to enter your website. 9. on Category at the convention. o 2- Newspaperl o Radio Commercial o A/V Presentation card. 7. Category entries must include two(2) tear sheets VCR format. and promotions 6. magazine category Printed o One Color clearly labeled. 4. 1- Auction o One Color the _ _ _ _ was used: 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention Board of Directors Nomination Form Oregon Auctioneers Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 Name of Nominee ---------------------------------------------------------- Name ofCompanylFirm Address _ ---------------------- Phone State Cell ----- Zip ------------ Fax _ Position Desired: President: Vice President: SecretarylTreasurer: Director (3 year term): If you are considering a position or would like to nominate a fellow auctioneer to the board of directors, please provide your biography or a brief synopsis as to why this person is qualified. Please Email or Mail Nomination to the Oregon Auctioneers Association PO Box 19084 Portland, OR 97280 [email protected] Submitted By Address Phone Emml _ ------------------------------------- -------------------- Cell State ------------------------ --------- Fax Zip -----------_ _ 2012 Oregon Auctioneers Association Annual Convention Hall of Fame Nomination Oregon Auctioneers Form Association - PO Box 19084 Portland, Oregon 97280 - 503.970.8665 Name of Nominee ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Company/Firm _ Address Phone State --------------------- Cell ------------------------- Zip Fax _ ----------- Previous Recipients of the OAA Hall of Fame have established high standards of qualities that a nominee should possess or have shown. Please reflect your personal assessment of the nominee with respect to honesty, ethical standards, professionalism, and raising the image of the auction industry in Oregon. Please give details regarding the candidates involvement or contributions to the OAA and lor the NAA as well as other professional Organizations in the community. Please express your opinion as to why this candidate is worthy of this honor. Use additional page( s) if necessary. Please Email or Mail Nomination to the Oregon Auctioneers Association PO Box 19084 Portland, OR 97280 [email protected] Submitted By _ Address Phone Emml State Cell Zip Fax _ _ _