Lüge - fotres
Lüge - fotres
Lügendetektor -‐ nur ein Mythos? Harald T. Schupp University of Konstanz Psychologie Physiologie Lüge Galvanische Hautreaktion One-to-One Mapping Cacioppo & Tassinary, 1992 Psychologie Physiologie Blutdruck Lüge Galvanische Hautreaktion One-to-More Mapping Psychologie Physiologie Blutdruck Galvanische Hautreaktion Puls Lüge Mikromimik Atmung Stimme One-to-Many Mapping Blutdruck Galvanische Hautreaktion Haben Sie ihre Frau getötet? Puls Mikromimik Atmung Stimme Psychologie Physiologie Angst Lüge Galvanische Hautreaktion More-to-One Mapping Psychologie Physiologie Anspannung Angst Lüge Galvanische Hautreaktion Schuld Scham Kognitive Belastung Many-to-OneMapping Psychologie Physiologie Anspannung Blutdruck Angst Galvanische Hautreaktion Lüge Puls Erregung Mikromimik Scham Atmung Kognitive Belastung Stimme Many-to-Many Mapping Die theoreBsche PerspekBve „No known physiological response or pattern of responses is unique to deception“ (Raskin, 1986) Die theoreBsche PerspekBve „No known physiological response or pattern of responses is unique to deception“ (Raskin, 1986) „Lying is associated with increased arousal that cannot be suppressed voluntarily“ (Fiedler et al., 2002) Ablauf des Vergleichsfragentests Akteneinsicht Biographie Tat Interview Tat Erklärung des Tests Formulierung der Fragen Testdurchführung Zahlentest Tattest (3-4 Wiederholungen) Fragentypen Relevante Fragen Haben Sie ihre Frau getötet? Vergleichs- (Kontroll-) Fragen Haben Sie jemals jemand verprügelt? Irrelevante Fragen Sitzen Sie in einem Stuhl? Antwort: Ja/Nein Entscheidungsregeln Lüge Größere physiologische Reaktion für Tat- als Kontrollfragen Wahrheit Größere physiologische Reaktion für Kontroll- als Tatfragen Keine Entscheidung Inkonsistentes Reaktionsmuster Prädiktive Validitätsstudien Honts, 1996 ‚Sampling Bias‘ „Warum die Akkuratheit überschätzt wird“ (1) Nur Fälle werden eingeschlossen, bei denen Schuld oder Unschuld bekannt sind (2) Test und Kriterium sind nicht unabhängig Ø Korrekt klassifiziert: Schuldige, die beim Test erkannt werden, geben später Schuld zu Ø Korrekt klassifiziert: Schuld wird durch zusätzliche Fakten (bzw. Indizien) belegt Ø Typischerweise nicht in die Studie eingeschlossen: Personen, die weder ihre Schuld zugeben noch durch zusätzliche Fakten (bzw. Indizien) nach dem Test entlastet werden Fiedler et al., 2002 Iacono, 2008 ‚Sampling Bias‘ „Warum die Akkuratheit überschätzt wird“ Nur Fälle werden eingeschlossen, bei denen Schuld oder Unschuld bekannt sind Ø Korrekt klassifiziert: Schuldige, die beim Test erkannt werden, geben später Schuld zu Ø Korrekt klassifiziert: Schuld wird durch zusätzliche Fakten (bzw. Indizien) belegt Ø Typischerweise nicht in die Studie eingeschlossen: Personen, die weder ihre Schuld zugeben noch durch zusätzliche Fakten (bzw. Indizien) nach dem Test entlastet werden „...,the best available field studies support accuracies of 57 and 75 % for innocent and guilty subjects.“ (Iacono, 2008) Fiedler et al., 2002 Iacono, 2008 to be an empirical question that could be checked relatively easily through research and experimentation, but in fact matters are more complicated and it turns out that the research conducted to date cannot provide a simple, clear-cut answer to the question of the CQT’s validity. In order to allow conclusions about the value of the CQT, as typically conducted in real-life conditions, an experiment should fulfil the following requirements (see Ben-Shakhar & Furedy, 1990; Ginton, Daie, Elaad, & Ben-Shakhar, 1982): Die ideale Studie (1) (2) (3) (4) The existence of a clear, conclusive and irrefutable criterion for the guilt or innocence of the research participants. Clearly, without such a criterion there is no way to determine whether the CQT interrogator was right or wrong in a particular case. A representative sampling of examinees and of the situations in which CQTs are employed. Independence between the criterion and the polygraph examiner’s judgment (which may be affected by all the information at his disposal). Testing conditions in the experiment, which resemble those of a true examination. In particular, it is important that the examinees be anxious about the consequences of the test and take it seriously, and that the lie or the transgression be real. A review of the literature reveals that no existing experiments (with the possible exception of the Ginton et al., 1982 study) meet all these requirements. In particular, there are no experiments that simultaneously fulfil both the first and the last requirement. All the experiments providing a satisfactory criterion are simulations (‘mock crimes’), in which the participants know that they are participating in a role playing game. The participants designated as ‘guilty’ are asked by the experimenter to Ben-Shakkar, 2008 steal an envelope containing money, or some other item. Then, all the participants (both decision model, this spike represents the cut point for the discrimination between lies and true answers to the critical questions. Is this model assumption justified? This central psychological problem amounts to pursuing the following concrete questions: Is there a general law in emotion psychology, or in psychophysiology, stating that unidimensional arousal measures can be used to identify internal mental states of consciousness, or affective states (such as lying)? Is the assumption justified that control and critical questions constitute separable constructs, or arrow spikes in the figure? How does Die Bedeutung der Kontrollfragen Reaction to control questions Aggregate Intensity Truth Lie Orienting reactions Fear, embarrassment, disgust Countermeasures: biting tongue Threat of test situation FIGURE 1 The implicit reaction model, or decision model, underlying the Control-Question Test. limit for classifying "criminal" lies? Systematic r this problem, that is sensitive to the modem state should at least refer to research on question select tifacts and research on autobiographical memory terviewing and survey methodology (Schwarz & 1994). If CQT research has forgotten to take thes ately relevant research findings into account, it ca to meet the current state of the art in scientific psy One other crucial problem that needs to be within the framework depicted in Figure 1 is wh results can be manipulated successfully, using countermeasures. Expert opinions (Iacono & Lykk as well as empirical research findings, agree that impossible to suppress reactions to critical que physical as well as mental countermeasures (ton cognitive distracters) are successful in enhancing r control questions, thus decreasing the chances of p results. Even CQT proponents (Honts, Raskin, & 1994) concede that, after no more than 30 min o about 50% of respondents can manipulate the test (counting backward by 7) or physical (biting the pressing toes on the floor) countermeasures. More manipulations cannot be detected by polygraph te One suitable methodological tool to test the sumptions illustrated in Figure 1 is signal detectio (Swets, 1986). Referring to the distribution of elicited by control questions as "noise" and the d of reactions elicited by critical questions as noise," one has a firamework for testing the assum the CQT can really discriminate between both questions, rather than reflecting only response bi ternal influences. In technical terms, the q whether control and critical questions produce ROC curves or only different points on the s Fiedler et al., 2002 Der Kontrollfragentest Ø Es ist der am häufigsten angewandte Test zur Lügendetektion Ø Die theoretische Grundlage ist unklar Ø Der Test genügt wissenschaftlichen Kriterien nicht Ø Es besteht die Möglichkeit für Gegenmaßnahmen (‚countermeasures‘) Der Tatwissentest Der Tatwissentest Psychologie Physiologie Tatwissen/ Relevanz Galvanische Hautrekation X P300 Lüge Der Tatwissentest !"# ,", Klassische Oddball-Aufgabe: Möglichst schnelles und sicheres Reagieren auf seltene Aufgabenreize ;2< ?@ D$= )%& Tag 1: Scheinverbrechen Tag 2: Tatwissentest • Ein Szenario lernen • 6 kritische Details • 2 Szenarien: schuldig vs. unschuldig • ERP-Messung: 3 Blöcke x 4 Wiederholungen: Blauer Mantel Phil Jenkins Peerch Street • Das Szenario durchführen 6 Zielreizen 6 Testreizen 24 irrelevante Reize • Aufgabe: Ja/Nein-Zielreiz Testreize (Szenario 1) Zielreize der Aufgabe Irrelevante Reize der Aufgabe Blue Coat Green Hat Brown Shoes Red Scarf Gray Pants Black Gloves Phil Jenkins Tim Howe Ray Snell Neil Rand Gene Falk Ralph Croft Op Cow Op Pig Op Horne OpGoat OpSheep OpMule Rain File Snow File HailFile WindFile Sleet File FogFile Sub Plans Ship Plans Tank Plans Plane Plans Bomb Plans Gun Plans Perch Street Shark Street Cod Street Carp Street Pike Street Trout Street !"##$% &'()*+,)-*./-* 3(&4%'%5# <)9- 2-'7(&6-# :/-;%-*,) 8-5,/&9(&+* 3(&4%'%5# 167'%7(&+* ./-0&,(-0# 12. F-(G'6 ABC 1'3'4-56$68 6-)?$>586$68 +(<='@ 1-('2$1'3'4-56 !"## ;(('3'4-56$ EB" ;(('3'4-56$68 6-)?$-5D +(<=' 9(':*'562$ ;(('3'4-56 78$!"## !(8/' ABC 1'3'4-56$68 +(<='$>586$68 6-)?@ !"#&**+,-*(0 9(':*'562$ ;(('3'4-56 78$!"## !"#$%&'()0 1-('2$1'3'4-56 !"## Ø Trefferquote ist oft 85 – 95 %, aber es gibt auch Ausnahmen mit niedrigen Trefferquoten Ø Studien unterscheiden sich in vielen spezifischen Details (Aufgabeninstruktion, Datenanalyse) Ø Eine Firma „Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories“ bietet den Test kommerziell an Cogn Neurodyn (2012) 6:115±154!! !!"! #########################################################################################$ REVI EW . Brain fingerprinting: a comprehensive tutorial review of detection of concealed information with event-related brain potentials Lawrence A. Farwell Received: 17 March 2011 / Revised: 26 November 2011 / Accepted: 30 January 2012 / Published online: 17 February 2012 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 DOI 10.1007/s11571-012-9192-2. Accepted for publication version ± available at: http://www.brainwavescience.com/CODY2012.pdf. Published version available at Cognitive Neurodynamics:$http://www.springerlink.com/content/7710950336312146/$ in slightly different format. Abstract Brain fingerprinting (BF) detects concealed information stored in the brain by measuring brainwaves. A specific EEG eventrelated potential, a P300-MERMER, is elicited by stimuli that are significant in the present context. BF detects P300-MERMER responses to words / pictures relevant to a crime scene, terrorist training, bomb-making knowledge, etc. BF detects information by measuring cognitive information processing. BF does not detect lies, stress, or emotion. BF computes a determination of ³LQIRUPDWLRQSUHVHQW´RU³LQIRUPDWLRQDEVHQW´DQGD statistical confidence for each individual determination. Laboratory and field tests at the FBI, CIA, US Navy and elsewhere have resulted in 0% errors: no false positives and no false negatives. 100% of determinations made were correct. 3% of UHVXOWV KDYH EHHQ ³LQGHWHUPLQDWH´ %F has been Keywords brain fingerprinting, P300-MERMER, P300, event-related potential, detection of concealed information I ntroduction and background The state of the art prior to brain fingerprinting Brain fingerprinting is an objective, scientific method to detect concealed information stored in the brain by measuring electroencephalographic (EEG) brain responses, or brainwaves, noninvasively by sensors placed on the scalp. The technique involves presenting words, phrases, or pictures containing salient details about a crime or investigated situation on a computer screen, in a series with other, irrelevant stimuli. Brain responses to the stimuli are measured. When the brain processes information in specific ways, Lawrence A. Farwell Received: 17 March 2011 / Revised: 26 November 2011 / Accepted: 30 January 2012 / Published online: 17 February 2012 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 DOI 10.1007/s11571-012-9192-2. Accepted for publication version ± available at: http://www.brainwavescience.com/CODY2012.pdf. P available at Cognitive Neurodynamics:$http://www.springerlink.com/content/7710950336312146/$ in slightly different format. Abstract Brain fingerprinting (BF) detects concealed information stored in the brain by measuring brainwaves. A specific EEG eventrelated potential, a P300-MERMER, is elicited by stimuli that are significant in the present context. BF detects P300-MERMER responses to words / pictures relevant to a crime scene, terrorist training, bomb-making knowledge, etc. BF detects information by measuring cognitive information processing. BF does not detect lies, stress, or emotion. BF computes a determination of ³LQIRUPDWLRQSUHVHQW´RU³LQIRUPDWLRQDEVHQW´DQGD statistical confidence for each individual determination. Laboratory and field tests at the FBI, CIA, US Navy and elsewhere have resulted in 0% errors: no false positives and no false negatives. 100% of determinations made were correct. 3% of UHVXOWV KDYH EHHQ ³LQGHWHUPLQDWH´ %F has been applied in criminal cases and ruled admissible in court. Scientific standards for BF tests are discussed. Meeting the BF scientific standards is necessary for accuracy and validity. Alternative techniques that failed to meet the BF scientific standards produced low accuracy and susceptibility to countermeasures. BF is highly resistant to countermeasures. No one has beaten a BF test with countermeasures, despite a $100,000 reward for doing so. Principles of applying BF in the laboratory and the field are discussed. _____________________________________________________ L. A. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc., 14220 37th Ave. NE, Keywords brain fingerprinting, P300 P300, event-related potential, d concealed information I ntroduction and background The state of the art prior to brain finger Brain fingerprinting is an objectiv method to detect concealed informati the brain by measuring electroence (EEG) brain responses, or brainw invasively by sensors placed on the technique involves presenting words, pictures containing salient details abou investigated situation on a computer series with other, irrelevant stimu responses to the stimuli are measured brain processes information in spe characteristic brainwave patterns can through computer analysis of the bra When an individual recognizes so significant in the current context, he ex ³$KD´UHVSRQVH7KLVUHVSRQVHLVFKD a specific brainwave pattern known MERMER. Brainwave responses are determine whether or not the specific tested is stored in the brain of the su Brain fingerprinting computes a dete ³LQIRUPDWLRQ SUHVHQW´ ± the subject critical infoUPDWLRQ RU ³LQIRUPDWLRQ D does not. The system also computes confidence for each individual determ Psychophysiology, 41 (2004), 205–219. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Printed in the USA. Copyright r 2004 Society for Psychophysiological Research DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2004.00158.x Simple, effective countermeasures to P300-based tests of detection of concealed information J. PETER ROSENFELD,a MATTHEW SOSKINS,a GREGORY BOSH,a and ANDREW RYANb a Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, Charleston, South Carolina, USA b Abstract We found countermeasures to protocols using P300 in concealed information tests. One, the ‘‘six-probe’’ protocol, in Experiment 1, uses six different crime details in one run. The countermeasure: generate covert responses to irrelevant stimuli for each probe category. Hit rates were 82% in the guilty group; 18% in the countermeasure group. The average reaction time (RT) distinguished these two groups, but with overlap in RT distributions. The ‘‘one-probe’’ protocol, in the second experiment, uses one crime detail as a probe. Here, one group was run in 3 weeks as a guilty group, a countermeasure group, and again as in Week 1. Countermeasure: Covert responses to irrelevant stimuli. In Week 1, hit rate was 92%. In Week 2, it was 50%. In Week 3, 58%. There was no overlap in the irrelevant RT distribution in Week 2: Countermeasure use was detectable. However, in Week 3, the RT distributions resembled those of Week 1; testbeaters could not be caught. These studies have shown that tests of deception detection based on P300 amplitude as a recognition index may be readily defeated with simple countermeasures that can be easily learned. Descriptors: Psychophysiological detection of deception, P300, Event-related potentials, Guilty knowledge tests, Lie detection !"#$%&'(&)*#'&* + ,-.)%&/"'0&$-)-,-0%&(* + Auf 12&&3-!"#$"%&'" 7%0(#8#*-$)9:-.)%&/"'0& jede der 64$%5"'%-)#6-("$") Kategorien erfolgt eine Aufgabe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Æ Æ L)9:&-("$") L)9:&-("$")7%0(#8#*-*+,-*.")#"/"0*)'U 7%0(#8#*-*+,-*.")#"/"0*)'U Gruppe P300 Schuldig 9/11 (82 %) Unschuldig 1/11 (9 %) ‚Countermeasure‘ 2/11 (18 %) Der Tatwissentest Ø Vorwiegend im Labor eingesetzt Ø Theoretische Grundlage Ø Potenzial und Limitationen des Tests abschätzbar Ø G e g e n m a ß n a h m e n ( ‚ c o u n t e r m e a s u r e s ‘ ) s i n d ungenügend erforscht USING IMAGING TO IDENTIFY DECEIT: SCIENTIFIC AND ETHICAL QUESTIONS Using Imaging to Identify Deceit AMERICA Scientific and Ethical Questions Quelle: American Academy of Sciences and Arts Quelle: www.bion.de Psychologie Physiologie ZNS Struktur 1 Lüge ZNS Struktur 2 Cerebral Cortex July 2009;19:1557--1566 doi:10.1093/cercor/bhn189 Advance Access publication November 2, 2008 The Contributions of Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Control to Deception: Evidence from Activation Likelihood Estimate Metaanalyses Shawn E. Christ1, David C. Van Essen2, Jason M. Watson3, Lindsay E. Brubaker1 and Kathleen B. McDermott4 Previous neuroimaging studies have implicated the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and nearby brain regions in deception. This is consistent with the hypothesis that lying involves the executive control system. To date, the nature of the contribution of different aspects of executive control to deception, however, remains unclear. In the present study, we utilized an activation likelihood estimate (ALE) method of meta-analysis to quantitatively identify brain regions that are consistently more active for deceptive responses relative to truthful responses across past studies. We then contrasted the results with additional ALE maps generated for 3 different aspects of executive control: working memory, inhibitory control, and task switching. Deception-related regions in dorsolateral PFC and posterior parietal cortex were selectively associated with working memory. Additional deception regions in ventrolateral PFC, anterior insula, and anterior cingulate cortex were associated with multiple aspects of executive control. In contrast, deceptionrelated regions in bilateral inferior parietal lobule were not associated with any of the 3 executive control constructs. Our findings support the notion that executive control processes, particularly working memory, and their associated neural substrates play an integral role in deception. This work provides a foundation for future research on the neurocognitive basis of 2005; Kozel et al. 2005; Nuñez et al. 2005; Phan et al. 2005; Abe et al. 2006; Mohamed et al. 2006). As with prior research, recent neuroimaging studies may be conceptualized as arising from 1 of 2 primary motivations: 1) to detect deception or 2) to differentiate of the neurocognitive processes underlying deception (‘‘differentiation of deception,’’ Furedy et al. 1988). Although these aims are not necessarily mutually exclusive, it is often the case that studies designed for one purpose are not optimal for the other (for additional discussion, see Furedy et al. 1988). For example, in one of the first neuroimaging studies on deception, Langleben et al. (2002) employed a variation of the Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT) (Lykken 1959, 1960; Furedy and Ben-Shakhar 1991), a questioning technique that has been used extensively in the forensic field. Importantly, the traditional GKT relies not only on the detection of deception per se but also on the detection of recognition memory for details of the crime scene (Ben-Shakhar and Elaad 2003). In the study of Langleben et al., participants were given a playing card (e.g., a 5 of clubs) and instructed to deny their possession of the card when later queried. Once in the scanner, participants were 1 Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65203, USA, 2Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO 63110 USA, 3Department of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA and 4Department of Psychology, Washington University in St Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA Downloaded from http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/ at University Meta-analysis with the notion that deception is a more demanding k than simply telling the truth, few studies report regions ater activation for truthful responding as compared with sponding (but see Langleben et al. 2005). Accordingly, we present efforts on the much more common findings of ural activation for deceptive relative to truthful responses. ne with previous ALE meta-analyses (e.g., Turkeltaub et al. aum et al. 2005; Owen et al. 2005), the measure of interest ation of such activation rather than effect size (see ordjournals.org/ at University of Konstanz, Library on May 11, 2012 d Methods this latter construct. The inclusion/exclusion criteria were generally similar across the aforementioned studies and the present deception ALE meta-analysis (e.g., use of PET or fMRI methodology, 3-dimensional [3D] coordinates reported in stereotaxic space, inclusion of canonical contrast of 2 conditions, data from neurologically uncompromised participants). Detailed descriptions of the inclusion criteria are available in the original publications (Buchsbaum et al. 2005; Laird, McMillan, et al. 2005; Owen et al. 2005) and are not reproduced here. Any modest variations in criteria across studies reflect the relative maturity and current state of research in the respective area; therefore, these differences were maintained for the present comparisons. For example, in the case of the working memory and inhibitory control ALE maps, there was sufficient data available to focus in on a specific experimental paradigm (n-back task and Stroop task, respectively), whereas for task switching and the present deception ALE maps, this was not possible. The Rationale: „Lying is more effortful than telling the truth“ y appropriate articles for the deception meta-analysis, e electronic databases (e.g., PsychInfo, MedLine, PubMed) ed in April 2008 using various combinations of relevant (e.g., deception, lying, fMRI, PET, MRI, neuroimaging). The lusion/exclusion criteria were used to select articles for meta-analysis: cles that utilized PET or fMRI methodology were d. Electrophysiological- (e.g., electroencephalography, ncephalography, skin conductance response [SCR]) and -only studies were excluded. Both blocked and eventudies were allowed, in order to obtain sufficient data to he meta-analysis. Activations recorded using a block design sent both transient item-related activity as well as sustained ated to task set (Visscher et al. 2003). Activations observed elated studies reflect only the transient component. As n regions identified via the meta-analysis as showing activation across these 2 different types of studies likely e common component: item-related activity. Similar prevented us from considering additional dimensions monalities/differences in behavioral paradigms, sample stics, etc.) in separate meta-analyses. cles with experiments that yielded a clear contrast ng locations of greater activation for deceptive responding red with telling the truth and that did not include an imitation (e.g., confound with recognition memory; et al. 2002) were included. Table 1 Data sources included in the deception meta-analysis Publication Modified GKT paradigm Langleben et al. (2005) Phan et al. (2005) Past personal information/experience Ganis et al. (2003) Lee et al. (2002)—Experiment 2 Nuñez et al. (2005) Spence et al. (2004) Spence et al. (2008) Recent action events Abe et al. (2006) Kozel et al. (2005) Spence et al. (2001) Recent knowledge Kozel, Padgett, and George (2004) Kozel, Revell, et al. (2004) Lee et al. (2002)—Experiment 1 Foci Method Original stereotaxic space Response 19 11 fMRI fMRI SPM2 SPM99 Manual Manual 12 22 8 5 7 fMRI fMRI fMRI fMRI fMRI AFNI AFNIa SPM2 SPM99 SPM2 Manual and verbal Manual Manual Verbal Verbal 4 32 6 PET fMRI fMRI SPM2 SPM2 SPM99 Verbal Manual Manual 11 10 26 fMRI fMRI fMRI SPM2 SPM96 AFNIa Manual Manual Manual a The authors appear to have utilized a nonstandard registration algorithm; however, the target space (T88) was identical to that employed in AFNI. Cerebral Cortex July 2009, V 19 N 7 1559 Christ et al., 2009 BOLD-Aktivierungen der Meta-Analyse that they be separated by 12 mm, or else, the peaks were consolidated by coordinate averaging. Regions around the peak activations were identified by choosing contiguous voxels within 10 mm of the peak activation that surpassed the statistical threshold within the z plane of peak activity and in Contributions of Different Paradigms As noted earlier, sufficient data were not available to conduct a separate meta-analysis for each paradigm type. However, visual inspection of Figure 1 confirms that foci from multiple paradigms appear to contribute to each of the ROIs. For Downloaded from http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of Kon Figure 1. Previously reported foci demonstrating greater activation for deceptive responses (i.e., lies) as compared with truthful responses overlaid on the results from the ALE meta-analysis. ALE data were thresholded at a value of 0.00502 (which corresponds to p \ 0.05 False Discovery Rate corrected). Foci were projected by study-specific stereotaxic projection to the PALS-B12 atlas surface (see Materials and Methods) and are viewed on the inflated PALS atlas surface (Van Essen 2005), color coded based on paradigm type/content. The upper and lower panels show foci in relation to lateral and medial views of the average fiducial surface, respectively. Selected classical Brodmann areas (black borders) as well as orbitofrontal areas (light blue borders) from Öngür et al. (2003) are also illustrated. On all surfaces, foci are shown ‘‘pasted’’ to the surface, irrespective of whether their 3D coordinates lie above or below the surface. Table 2 ROIs identified from ALE analysis (deception [ truth) in FLIRT stereotaxic space Region Location BA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Right insula Right IFG Right middle frontal gyrus Right inferior parietal lobule/supramarginal gyrus Right internal capsule/thalamus Left IFG Left inferior parietal lobule Left internal capsule Left insula Left precentral gyrus/middle frontal gyrus Right insula Right anterior cingulate Right inferior parietal lobule NA 6/44/45 9/10/46 39/40 NA 44 40 NA NA 6 NA 24/32 7/39 Peak activation x y z 37 52 32 59 13 !49 !57 !16 !35 !42 35 5 47 20 14 43 !50 !5 15 !49 1 13 1 30 20 !65 !6 6 26 29 12 !4 31 13 2 53 !5 34 42 Volume (cm3) ALE value 3 103* 3.7 3.7 3.4 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.3 10.09 10.13 9.29 8.33 8.13 7.23 7.12 6.41 6.36 6.11 6.65 5.54 5.64 BOLD-Aktivierungen kognitiver Prozesse Figure 2. Results of the working memory (green), inhibitory control (red), task switching (blue), and deception (black borders) ALE analyses viewed on the inflated PALS atlas surface (Van Essen 2005). uniquely associated inhibitory control relative to working memory and task switching. In terms of the task switching ALE map, a region in the left occipital cortex (BA 19) was associated with task switching but not working memory or inhibitory control. executive control and deception ALE maps in bilateral inferior parietal lobule (regions 4 and 7) and right IFG (region 2). Discussion Downloaded from http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of Konstanz, Library on May 11, 2012 Note: NA, not applicable. *P \ 0.05 (FDR corrected) in all instances. 24 x 24 x Ja Nein Restliche Karten 24 x 168 x Nein Nein Langleben et al., 2005 Klassifikation – 4 neue Fälle Klassifikation – 4 neue Fälle Sensitivität 68.8 % P(Lüge erkannt/tatsächlich Lüge) Spezifität 83.7 % P(Wahrheit erkannt/tatsächlich Wahrheit ) NeuroImage 55 (2011) 312–319 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect NeuroImage j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y n i m g Lying in the scanner: Covert countermeasures disrupt deception detection by functional magnetic resonance imaging Giorgio Ganis a,b,c,⁎, J. Peter Rosenfeld d, John Meixner d, Rogier A. Kievit e, Haline E. Schendan b,c a Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA Massachusetts General Hospital, Martinos Center, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, PL48AA, UK d Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2710, USA e Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1018WB, Netherlands b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 7 September 2010 Revised 27 October 2010 Accepted 5 November 2010 Available online 24 November 2010 a b s t r a c t Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have documented differences between deceptive and honest responses. Capitalizing on this research, companies marketing fMRI-based lie detection services have been founded, generating methodological and ethical concerns in scientific and legal communities. Critically, no fMRI study has examined directly the effect of countermeasures, methods used by prevaricators to defeat deception detection procedures. An fMRI study was conducted to fill this research gap using a concealed information paradigm in which participants were trained to use countermeasures. Robust group fMRI differences between deceptive and honest responses were found without, but not with countermeasures. Furthermore, in single participants, deception detection accuracy was 100% without countermeasures, using activation in ventrolateral and medial prefrontal cortices, but fell to 33% with countermeasures. These findings show that fMRI-based deception detection measures can be vulnerable to countermeasures, calling for caution before applying these methods to real-world situations. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 314 G. Ganis et al. / NeuroImage 55 (2011) 312–319 Fig. 1. Concealed information task paradigm. Schematic of stimuli employed in the no knowledge (NK), concealed knowledge (CK), and countermeasure (CM) conditions. Stimuli included irrelevant dates and an infrequent probe date. Irrelevant dates were nonsalient dates with no particular meaning to participants. In the no knowledge condition, the probe was an additional irrelevant date; hence, in this condition, participants had no knowledge about the probe date. In the concealed knowledge condition, the probe was the birth date of each participant. There was also a third type of stimulus, an infrequent target date studied before the fMRI session, to ensure that participants had to attend the stimuli to perform the task. Participants responded truthfully to all irrelevant and target dates (“no” and “yes”, respectively) and deceptively (“no”) to the probe date. The countermeasure condition was the same as the concealed knowledge condition, but participants performed 3 distinct countermeasures on 3 of the irrelevant dates, just before indicating whether they knew the dates. Zielreiz Geburtstag and they were asked to cross out any dates they knew. All dates described as salient earlier were also crossed out by participants during this verification step. In the main group, participants were tested in the no knowledge, concealed knowledge, and countermeasure conditions. The no knowledge condition was administered before the concealed knowledge condition because after performing this condition (which required lying) participants would have become aware of the purpose of the study and might have not been able to act as individuals with no Countermeasure: Eine nicht wahrnehmbare Bewegung mit... CM 1 = linken Zeigefinder placedCM behind of participants. Participants saw the screen via 2the = head linkem Mittelfinger a front-surface mirror on the head coil. CMwere 3 =analyzed linken großen Images with AFNI (Cox,Zehen 1996) as follows: (a) slice timing correction; (b) motion correction; (c) spatial smoothing with a Gaussian filter (full-width half-maximum = 6 mm); (d) amplitude normalization, by scaling timeseries to a mean of 100 and calculating the percent signal change about this mean; (e) spatial normalization to the MNI305 template; and (f) spatial resampling to a 3 × 3 × 3 mm grid. For the hemodynamic response function, a gamma-variate 316 Concealed Knowledge Group Probe > Irrelevant G. Ganis et al. / NeuroImage 55 (2011) 312–319 Fig. 2. Differences between probes and the mean of irrelevant items in the main group (n = 12) for the concealed knowledge condition (p b 0.01, FDR corrected for multiple comparisons), shown on an inflated brain (top: lateral view; bottom: medial view). The color scale depicts percent signal change. The seven activation clusters labeled and indicated by yellow ellipses were found also using the same contrast in the ROI group. Note that the 3 medial regions were combined into single bilateral clusters. Abbreviations for the brain region labels are as in Table 1. concealed knowledge condition using block as factor (collapsing across ROIs) showed this not to be the case, F(4,44) = 1.03, p N 0.1, η2P = 0.094 (Block 1: M = 0.29, SE = 0.048; Block 2: M = 0.23, SE = 0.053; Block 3: M = 0.25, SE = 0.048; Block 4: M = 0.30, 0.50, p N 0.1, η2P = 0.047 (Block 1: M = 0.044, SE = 0.026; Block 2: M = 0.049, SE = 0.027; Block 3: M = 0.068, SE = 0.029; Block 4: M = 0.050, SE = 0.028; Block 5: M = 0.048, SE = 0.030). Moreover, using a 3-stimulus protocol of the type used here, 318 G. Ganis et al. / NeuroImage 55 (2011) 312–319 Fig. 4. Results of the single subject analyses: (a) bar graphs showing group activation to probes and irrelevants in the ROI triplet that best discriminated concealed and no knowledge cases (100% accuracy and largest margin): left GFi/INS, right GFi/INS, and GC/GFs/GFd. Error bars denote the standard error of the mean. Note that, given the differential response to targets required by the task, comparing brain activation between targets and irrelevants (or probes) is not informative. (b) Classification performance for all conditions achieved by the classifier trained to discriminate no knowledge and concealed knowledge cases, assessed with a jackknife procedure using the best ROI triplet. Each data point is a test case; the vertical axis shows the signed distance from the classification hyperplane, normalized by the maximum distance. Data were coded so that correctly classified no knowledge cases would have a negative signed distance, whereas correctly classified concealed knowledge and countermeasure cases would have a positive signed distance. All 12 concealed and no knowledge cases are classified correctly, but only 4 out of the 12 countermeasure cases are classified correctly. methods to quickly associate new irrelevants with mental actions or memories (e.g., via imagery); such associations could be established during the first few trials and carried out consistently throughout the test. Given that these countermeasures can be learned easily, this Acknowledgment This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (BCS0322611). Lügendetektion und funktionelle Kernspintomographie Ø Laborstudien zeigen heterogene Resultate Ø Geringe theoretische Grundlage Ø Problem der Gegenmaßnahmen ... more science needed ... Ø Integrative Theorie: Lüge, Emotion, Selbstregulation, ‚Mind reading‘, etc... Ø Labor- und reale Studien Ø Umfassende Betrachtung von ‚Countermeasures‘ Ø Integration multipler Paradigmen und physiologischer Kenngrößen Ø Neue Paradigmen und Methoden Primary Sensory Cortex Sensory Thalamus Emotional Stimulus Unimodal Association Cortex Polymodal Association Cortex Lateral Nucleus Entorhinal Cortex medial lateral Basal Amygdala Accessory Basal PVN Anterior Pituitary Stress Hormones Subiculum Nucleus Basalis Lateral Hypothalamus Central Gray RPC RVL Medulla DMV NA Parasympathetic Activation Cortical Arousal, Attention Hippocampus Central BNST Parabrachial ventrolateral Emotional Behavior Sympathetic Activation Startle Reflex Potentiation Davis, 1992, 1994 LeDoux, 2000 Primary Sensory Cortex Unimodal Association Cortex Lateral Nucleus Sensory Thalamus Emotional Stimulus medial lateral Basal Amygdala Parabrachial PVN Stress Hormones Entorhinal Cortex Cortical Arousal, Attention Hippocampus Central Subiculum Nucleus Basalis Lateral Hypothalamus Central Gray RPC RVL Medulla DMV NA Parasympathetic Activation ventrolateral Accessory Basal BNST Anterior Pituitary Polymodal Association Cortex Emotional Behavior Sympathetic Activation Startle Reflex Potentiation Primary Sensory Cortex Unimodal Association Cortex Lateral Nucleus Sensory Thalamus Emotional Stimulus medial lateral Basal Amygdala Parabrachial PVN Stress Hormones Entorhinal Cortex Cortical Arousal, Attention Hippocampus Central Subiculum Nucleus Basalis Lateral Hypothalamus Central Gray RPC RVL Medulla DMV NA Parasympathetic Activation ventrolateral Accessory Basal BNST Anterior Pituitary Polymodal Association Cortex Emotional Behavior Sympathetic Activation Startle Reflex Potentiation EKP-Differenz: Erotischer – neutraler Kontext 1.5 0 µV -1.5 Primary Sensory Cortex Unimodal Association Cortex Lateral Nucleus Sensory Thalamus Emotional Stimulus medial lateral Basal Amygdala Parabrachial PVN Stress Hormones B (N) Entorhinal Cortex Cortical Arousal, Attention Hippocampus Subiculum Central Nucleus Basalis Lateral Hypothalamus Central Gray RPC RVL Medulla DMV NA Parasympathetic Activation ventrolateral Accessory Basal BNST Anterior Pituitary Polymodal Association Cortex Emotional Behavior Sympathetic Activation Startle Reflex Potentiation U (?) B (N) B (E) U (?) U (?) Primary Sensory Cortex Unimodal Association Cortex Lateral Nucleus Sensory Thalamus Emotional Stimulus medial lateral Basal Amygdala Parabrachial PVN Stress Hormones Entorhinal Cortex Cortical Arousal, Attention Hippocampus Central Subiculum Nucleus Basalis Lateral Hypothalamus Central Gray RPC RVL Medulla DMV NA Parasympathetic Activation ventrolateral Accessory Basal BNST Anterior Pituitary Polymodal Association Cortex Emotional Behavior Sympathetic Activation Startle Reflex Potentiation Bekannte Personen: Erotischer – neutraler Kontext 1 0 -1 µV Topics focusing on the potential use of brain-based (especially fMRI-based) lie detection have attracted a great deal of attention. There are several published reviews summarizing the results of recent studies of fMRI lie detection and discussing its feasibility (Bles and Haynes 2008; Haynes 2008; Sip and others 2008). As pointed out by many researchers, the results obtained in highly controlled laboratory settings are qualitatively different from those obtained in real-life situations. In addition, the effects of simple countermeasure (a method used by liars to defeat lie-detection procedures) on fMRI lie detection remain unclear. Some ethical issues should be noted, such as privacy concerns. At the present time, brain-based lie detection is an imperfect technology, and a cautionary stance is necessary. Lügendetektor -‐ nur ein Mythos? Downloaded from nro.sagepub.com at Universitaet Konstanz on May 7, 2012 Quelle: Abe, 2011