Wie, Wann, Wo GASTECH - Leitmesse für Gas und LNG - gzf-expo
Wie, Wann, Wo GASTECH - Leitmesse für Gas und LNG - gzf-expo
German Pavilion - Messepräsenz auf der Gastech 2017 Wie, Wann, Wo Name Homepage der Messe Veranstaltungsort Veranstaltungsdatum Anmeldeschluss Eckdaten 2015 GASTECH 2017 www.gastechevent.com Tokyo, Japan 04.04. - 07.04.2017 09.12.2016 460 Aussteller aus 49 Ländern davon 40 deutsche Unternehmen 26.971 Teilnehmer GASTECH - Leitmesse für Gas und LNG Technik Im Gesamtmix der Energieträger gewinnen Gas und LNG stetig an Bedeutung. Gas und LNG verdrängen zunehmend Öl und sollen laut Weltenergieagentur IEA im Jahr 2040 ein Viertel der Weltenergieversorgung abdecken. Mit durchschnittlich 7 Prozent Wachstum hat sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren LNG am dynamischsten entwickelt und stellt inzwischen 10 Prozent des Weltgasverbrauchs. Parallel dazu hat sich die Gastech in den vergangenen Jahren zur international führenden Fachmesse und Konferenz für Gastechnologien und die Gasindustrie entwickelt. Sie bietet die weltgrößte Plattform für Experten aus dem Bereich Erdgas & LNG und findet alle 1,5 Jahre an weltweit wechselnden Standorten statt. Die nächste GASTECH wird vom 04. bis 07. April 2017 in Japan, einem der größten Gas Importländer der Welt, durchgeführt. Während der Gastech 2015 präsentierten 460 Aussteller, darunter 40 aus Deutschland, ihre Produkte und 2 Dienstleistungen auf einer Ausstellungsfläche von 40.000 m . Die Veranstaltung wurde von 26.971 Fachleuten besucht wovon 1.500 Experten an der begleitenden Konferenz teilnahmen. Für Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Prozesstechnik mit Fokus auf industrielle Gasanwendungen bietet die Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Maschinenbaues mbH in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Messeveranstalter dmg::events und Unterstützung des VDMA Fachverbandes Verfahrenstechnische Maschinen und Apparate ein attraktives Fair Package zur Gastech 2017 an. Das Fair Package ermöglicht Ihnen im Rahmen des German Pavilion eine besonders ansprechende und effiziente Messeteilnahme, um sich im internationalen Umfeld gut zu positionieren. Unternehmen, die einen eigenen Auftritt planen, können auch reine Standfläche außerhalb des German Pavilion zu Sonderkonditionen buchen. Zusätzlich wird der VDMA Fachverband im Vortragsprogramm des Showcase Theater der Gastech ein German Technology Excellence Forum organisieren, um deutsche innovative Gastechnologien vorzustellen. Die Teilnehmer des German Pavilion haben die Möglichkeit, in diesem Forum einen Vortrag kostenfrei halten zu können. Vertretung: Veranstalter: Partner: German Pavilion – Fair Package zur Gastech 2017 Das Fair Package für Ihre Beteiligung im German Pavilion Fair Package Preis Ihre Vorteile ■ VDMA-Mitglieder 630,00 £ / m 2 ■ VDMA-Nicht-Mitglieder 670,00 £ / m Mindeststandgröße 12 m² 2 Nur Standfläche außerhalb des Pavilion ■ VDMA-Mitglieder ■ VDMA-Nicht-Mitglieder 2 510,00 £ / m 2 525,00 £ / m ■ Bessere Sichtbarkeit durch Beteiligung am German Pavilion ■ Repräsentative Ausstellungsfläche für Ihren Messeauftritt ■ Organisatorische Hilfestellung durch ein erfahrenes Messeteam ■ Attraktives Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ■ Option eines Vortrags im German Technology Excellence Forum Standfläche Services ■ ab 12 m² Ausstellungsfläche ■ Einheitlicher Standbau mit Teppichboden ■ abschließbare Kabine (1 x 1 m) ■ Mobiliar (1 Tisch, 4 Stühle, 1 abschließbarer Infotresen, 1 Papierkorb) ■ Prospektständer ■ Beleuchtung der Standflächen ■ Individuelle Blendenbeschriftung ■ Elektroanschluss inkl. Verbrauch ■ Deutsche Ansprechpartner während der Vorbereitung und vor Ort ■ Versorgung mit Softdrinks ■ Tägliche Reinigung ■ Tägliche Abfallentsorgung Anmeldeschluss: 9. Dezember 2016 Designbeispiel des German Pavilion. Das endgültige Design und Layout ist von der Anzahl der teilnehmenden Aussteller abhängig. Kontakt Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Maschinenbaues mbH -Expo ManagementLyoner Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt / Germany Robert Hruby Phone: +49 (0)69 6603-1284 Fax: +49 (0)69 6603-2284 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet:www.gzf-expo.de ORGANISED BY PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO: GASTECH 2017 dmg :: events, Reference: Gastech 2017, 25th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21 – 24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP, UK TEL: +44 (0)20 3772 6091 EMAIL: [email protected] EXHIBITION SPACE CONTRACT dmg :: contact GERMAN PAVILION 2017 RATES SPACE ONLY GOLD PACKAGE Members 2 £510 per m £630 per m2 Non-Members £525 per m2 £670 per m2 (All rates subject to applicable taxes) Double and triple deck stands will be subject to an additional charge of 25% of the ground floor rent GOLD Package price includes: Nameboard/Fascia, Carpet, 3x Spotlights, 1x 13amp electric socket, 1x high counter, 1x bar stool, 1x white round table, 4x white chairs, 1x literature rack, 1m x 1m storage cupboard, stand cleaning Please book one of the following spaces for our company: Stand No Dimensions Total m2 Total Stand Costs 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice IN THE EVENT THAT ANY OF THESE STANDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, WE WILL ALLOCATE AN ALTERNATIVE STAND AND ADVISE YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE • Global Meetings Programme – provided to all exhibitors as an added value solution to arrange formal meetings with exhibitors and visitors. Upgraded packages are available to gain access to delegate and VIP meeting requests. Please enquire for more information • Lead Capture - 1 X BCARD Reader app licence (not inclusive of device) will be provided to each paying company free of charge. Includes access to a secure cloud portal with lead management & capture functionality. Added value functionality includes survey tool for qualification and rich media library to send prospects emails with media attachments upon scanning. Devices & additional licences available at an additional fee. Please enquire for further information. Charitable Donation As part of our responsible approach to business, we are a key fund raiser for the Livingstone Tanzania Trust Registered Charity No 1119512 which works to sustainably alleviate poverty in the Manyara region of North Tanzania. Through a raft of fundraising activities, dmg :: events aims to raise £100,000 over the next three years to support this charity. Please delete the tick box if you do not wish to contribute £100 to this excellent cause. Print Advertisements – Official Show Guide Conference Programme (tick applicable publication, separate terms and conditions sent upon application) Full Page - £2,495 Half Page - £1,795 Quarter Page - £1,295 Exhibitor Indemnity (Compulsory) It is a condition of participation in a DMG event that you can meet your obligations in the event that you cause damage to third party property or if you injure someone other than your own employees at an event. DMG has purchased a policy to cover these scenarios and certain claims or losses arising. DMG will provide exhibitors with the benefit of this policy via an enhanced terms and conditions noted overleaf and automatically add a charge of £285 for this to your contract unless you provide confirmation that you can meet these liabilities by other means. If the Exhibitor wishes to obtain or already has Minimum Insurance Cover through another broker or from another Insurance Company and the policy period includes the build up and break down dates, the Exhibitor will need to sign an Insurance Waiver Form included in the Exhibitor Manual and this must be sent to DMG events. PAGE 1 OF 3 ORGANISED BY EVENT PROFILE PACKAGES SELECT A PACKAGE ENHANCED (All fees quoted in £GBP) BASIC £995 £475 FEATURES AND BENEFITS ENHANCED BASIC NEW: Online Directory Listing Your company listing on Gastech’s new global gas community website and industry news portal. Promoted to our database of over 300,000 industry professionals 12 month listing in our online industry supplier directory Marketing website analytics for your listing available on request Company Description Exposure to over 50K unique website visitors a month through a listing on the Gastech exhibitors page plus printed event show guide publication 150 words 100 words Contact Information Allow users to get in touch through your exhibitor listing and providing traffic to your site and incoming enquiries Event Presence Opportunity to further enhance your online company profile using a variety of rich media formats Stand number Product listings Rich media uploads – video, pdf, ppt Stand number Product listings Pre-Show Marketing Leverage tailor-made marketing collateral to promote your brand in the build-up to the show Email signature banner Template email invitation Dedicated registration page Email signature banner Template email Invitation Company Branding Unique branding for your company on the official Gastech website exhibitor listing Full colour logo Website banner on exhibitor profile Full colour logo Website banner on exhibitor profile Industry Exposure Upload press releases to your online exhibitor listing. Press Releases Press Releases Address Phone Number Website link Contact form Address Phone number Website link Contact form Please send me information on: Sponsorship Digital Meeting Room Other Events: Company Name: [EXHIBITOR] EAGC Gas Indonesia Gas Asia Canada LNG Export Contact Name: Co-exhibitor: Job Title: Address 1: Email: Address 2: Telephone: Town/City: Marketing/PR Contact: County/State: Email: Post/Zip Code: Invoice Address (if different from above:) Country: Website: VAT Number: We hereby apply for exhibition space at Gastech 2017 and agree to abide by the terms and conditions printed on page 3 of this contract. Payment by cheque: All cheques should be made payable to: dmg :: events (UK) ltd. and sent to the attention of: Finance Dept., dmg :: events (UK) ltd, Quartz House, 20 Clarendon Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QX, UK Signature: Position within company: PAGE 2 OF 3 Date: Or Payment by direct remittance to: National Westminster Bank plc, City of London Office PO Box 12258, 1 Princes Street, London, EC2R 8PA, England. Sort Code: 60-00-01, Acct No: 00014982 IBAN No. GB35 NWBK 60000 1000 14982 GB VAT No. 494 1614 35 Please note that by signing this form you agree to our terms and understand that you are entering into a legally binding contract, please see reverse for terms and conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. EXHIBITOR COVENANT 5. EXHIBITOR’S PROPERTY The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by dmg :: events (UK) ltd (the Organiser) and sponsors and agrees that the Organiser shall have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed necessary prior to, during and after the show. All of the Exhibitor’s property at the show shall be at the sole risk of the Exhibitor and the Organiser assumes no responsibility for loss or damage thereto. 2. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING The Exhibitor is liable for any damage it may cause to the facility or to any property of the Organiser, its agents or any other Exhibitor. The Exhibitor may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or other coatings to the facility or to the property of the Organiser, its agents or any other Exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not assign any rights under this agreement or sublet the space without the prior written permission of the Organiser which permission may be withheld without giving any reason. 6. BUILDING 3. INDEMNITY 7. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT 3.1 Terms of payment are those stated below. Non-payment of any part of the Contract Price or of any other sums properly due from the Exhibitor to the Organiser will give the Organiser all or any of the following rights, which are in addition to any other rights the Organiser may have: (a) To impose a surcharge of 2% per month on the outstanding balance. (b) To prohibit the Exhibitor from erecting and/or occupying the space or stand allocated. (c) To use the allotted Space in such a way as dmg think fit and to recover from the Exhibitor any Expense in so doing. (d) To exercise a general lien on all the Exhibitor’s property in or about the Exhibition premises. (e) To treat the Contract as determined. All Exhibitors will get the benefit of the indemnities in Regulations 3.2 and 3.3 below in accordance with the terms of this Regulation 4 unless they can provide proof to the Organisers that they can meet their liabilities under this Contract and, in particular under Regulation 3.5, to the value of at least £2,000,000 or local currency equivalent for the duration of the Event, including construction and dismantling. 3.2 The Organisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Exhibitor (up to an aggregate total of £2,000,000 including legal costs and disbursements) against all sums which the Exhibitor shall become legally liable to pay as compensation in respect of third party claims made against the Exhibitor for bodily injury or damage to property occurring at the Event Venue during the period of the Event (including construction and dismantling periods) provided that such claims are not as a result of any defects in the Exhibitor’s products or as a result of the Exhibitor’s or its employees’, agents’, contractors’ or stand sharer’s deliberate act, omission or negligence). 3.3 The Organisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Exhibitor (up to an aggregate total of £10,000 including legal costs and disbursements) in the event that any of the exhibits (other than jewellery, watches, precious metals or stones, money or any personal property) owned by the Exhibitor or in the Exhibitor’s care, custody or control are lost (but not including any theft occurring while the Exhibitor’s property is unattended, other than when the Event is closed to visitors and the Organisers’ security is fully activated) or physically damaged by a third party (other than a contractor, agent or stand sharer of the Exhibitor) whilst on display or stored within the confines of the Event Venue, in accordance with the Organisers’ relevant polices and instructions. 3.4 The indemnities in Regulations 3.2 and 3.3 shall not cover loss or damage caused by events of force majeure (which term includes, without limitation, issues with water, gas or electric supplies, terrorism, military intervention, or the confiscation or requisition of property by any governmental authority). 3.5 Subject to the capped indemnities in Regulations 3.2 and 3.3, the Exhibitor is responsible for all claims, actions and/or costs for personal injury and loss of or damage to property including, but not limited to, damage to the Event Venue (including fixtures and fittings), loss or damage to other Exhibitors or Event visitors’ property) caused by or arising from the erection and dismantling of the Exhibitor’s stand and anything permitted, omitted or done thereon or therefrom or at the Event Venue during the period of the Event or the construction and dismantling periods, caused directly or indirectly by the Exhibitor or any employee, stand sharer, contractor, sub-contractor, licensee or invitee of his or the act, omission or neglect of the Exhibitor or by any such person or by any exhibit machinery or other article belonging to, or in the possession of, or used by, the Exhibitor or any such person. Subject to Regulations 3.2 and 3.3, the Exhibitor will indemnify the Organisers in respect of each and every claim, and all actions, proceedings, costs (including legal costs and disbursements), claims and demands in respect thereof. 3.6 The indemnities provided under Regulations 3.2 and 3.3 shall be subject always to the Exhibitor: 3.6.1 making no admission and taking no action in respect of such claims unless with the Organisers’ consent; 3.6.2 providing the Organisers with the right to control the defence and settlement of such claims together with providing all reasonable cooperation, information and assistance with such defence or settlement; 3.6.3 informing the police as soon as possible and obtaining a crime reference number in the event of a suspected crime occurring. 3.7 On receipt of a signed and verified Insurance Waiver Form which includes details of your Insurance policy cover and policy dates we will issue a credit note for the £285 charge 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 The following provisions of this Regulation 5 set out the entire financial liability of the Organisers (including any liability for the acts or omissions of their employees, agents, stand sharers and sub-contractors) to the Exhibitor in respect of all losses, claims or liabilities arising under of or in connection with the Event (including in respect of any indemnities), whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from this Agreement. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, nothing in the Contract or these Regulations shall exclude or limit the liability of the Organisers for death or personal injury caused by the Organisers’ negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any liability that may not be limited or excluded by law. Subject to Regulation 4.3: 4.4.1 the Organisers’ total liability to the Exhibitor in connection with the Event shall (other than in respect of the indemnities set out in Regulations 4.2 and 4.3) be limited to 100% of the Service Charge and Value Added Services Charge paid by the Exhibitor; and 4.4.2 the Organisers shall not be liable to the Exhibitor for any loss of or corruption to data, loss of revenue and profit, loss of anticipated savings, loss of business, loss of opportunity, depletion of goodwill or reputation, additional operational and administrative costs and expenses, any financial losses or any indirect or consequential loss or damage. The Organisers are not responsible for the content of any speaker’s presentation. Such content is the opinion of the speaker and not of the Organisers. PAGE 3 OF 3 8. PAYMENT TERMS 30% Non-refundable deposit due for payment by return upon acceptance of contract by the organiser 45% due by 30th April 2016 25% due by 31st August 2016 Payment terms are cumulative from time of booking 9. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT The Organiser may terminate this Contract if: The Exhibitor fails to observe or perform any of the Contract terms and conditions; The Exhibitor becomes bankrupt or makes an arrangement or compromise with his creditors or, being a Company, enters into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary (save for the purposes of amalgamation and/or reconstruction) or suffers the appointment of a receiver, administrative receiver or administrator, or enter into or suffers any similar insolvency procedure under any jurisdiction. 10. CANCELLATION / REDUCTION TERMS The Exhibitor gives written notice of his intention to withdraw or reduce which the Organiser in their discretion may permit by written confirmation, subject to the payment of a percentage of the total contract price by the Exhibitor to the Organiser in consideration for release from the Contract as follows: 15% up to 31st December 2015 60% from 1st January 2016 to 31st August 2016 100% from 1st Sept 2016 The cancellation policy is inclusive of the dates quoted above. The Organisers are entitled to charge cancellation fees as outlined above should any Exhibitor withdraw or reduce their stand. Once cancellation costs are paid you will have no further liabilities to the Organiser in relation to this exhibition. 11. STAND AMENDMENTS The Organisers reserve the right to make alterations in the floor plan of the Exhibition or in the Exhibitor’s Stand as in their opinion they consider to be in the best interests of the Exhibition including (without prejudice to the foregoing) altering the size, shape or position of the space allotted to the Exhibitor. 12. REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS The Exhibitor agrees no display will be dismantled or goods removed during the entire run of the show, but will remain intact until the end of the final closing hour of the last show day. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove its display and the equipment from the show site by the final move-out time limit, or in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for such additional cost as may be incurred. 13. CANCELLATION OR CURTAILMENT OF SHOW BY THE ORGANISER In the event that the facility in which the show is to be held or is held is destroyed or becomes unavailable for occupancy, for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser and sponsors, or if for any reason the Organiser is unable to permit the Exhibitor to occupy the facility or the space, or if the show is cancelled or curtailed, the Organiser and sponsors will not be responsible for any loss of business, loss of profits, damage or expense of what ever nature that the Exhibitor may suffer. The reasons listed include, but are not limited to, such reasons as: casualty, explosion, fire, lightning, flood, weather epidemic, earthquake or other Acts of God, acts of public enemies, riots or civil disturbances, strike, lockout or boycott or other force majeure event. 14. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION This contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. 15. RIGHT OF REFUSAL The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any application