Welcome Guide for International Students, Graduates
Welcome Guide for International Students, Graduates
Welcome Guide for International Students, Graduates & Guest Scholars Compiled by Charlene Dems, 2013 Welcome Guide for International Students, Graduates & Guest Scholars Welcome to the University of Cologne! We appreciate also to welcome you to our Institute for African Studies & Egyptology! A start in a new city with a foreign language and different conditions of living always rises many questions and also problems. Therefore, if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas or problems, please, don’t hesitate to contact us. Several people at the University are responsible to help international students! To make your arrival and studies in Germany and Cologne as comfortable and easy as possible, we would like to take the opportunity to give you some essential information below concerning your academic studies, your stay in Germany and your everyday life. Here you will find responsible persons to contact who offer you guidance and help! You will also find a map of the University of Cologne with all the important buildings! Before you arrive: Please take all your original documents (or if not possible: certified copies by a notary public; e.g. diploma of Universities, marriage certificate, birth certificate of your children) and your passport with you! Your African Studies-Team Content 1. First steps in Cologne and at the University ..................................................................................... 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Enrolment/Matriculation ..................................................................................................... 3 Health Insurance .................................................................................................................. 3 Register your new place of residence .................................................................................. 4 Visa / Residence permit / Work permit ................................................................................ 5 Bank (giro) account............................................................................................................... 7 Important Institutions for Assistance, Advice and Information ........................................... 8 AStA ............................................................................................................................... 8 Religious student congregations ................................................................................... 8 Further useful homepages ................................................................................................... 9 2. Academic Studies ............................................................................................................................ 9 2.1. 2.2. Important Institutions for Assistance, Advice and Information ........................................... 9 International Office of the University of Cologne ......................................................... 9 Institute for African Studies & Egyptology ................................................................. 10 International Students Association Cologne ............................................................... 10 Internet Access at the University ....................................................................................... 11 Rechenzentrum ........................................................................................................... 11 University and City Library of Cologne ........................................................................ 11 Philosophikum ............................................................................................................. 12 1 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. Libraries and Research ....................................................................................................... 12 University and City Library of Cologne ........................................................................ 12 Library of the Institute for African Studies & Egyptology ............................................ 13 Writing your theses/papers ......................................................................................... 13 Language Courses ............................................................................................................... 14 German Language Courses at the Lehrbereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache ................ 14 German, English and other Languages ........................................................................ 14 Translations ....................................................................................................................... 15 S-Mail Account, KLIPS and ILIAS ......................................................................................... 15 Activating your S-Mail Account ................................................................................... 15 Online course directory and course information system, exam services (KLIPS) ....... 15 E-learning (ILIAS).......................................................................................................... 16 Sports at University ............................................................................................................ 16 Further useful homepages ................................................................................................. 17 3. Everyday life in Cologne ................................................................................................................ 17 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. City Map of Cologne ........................................................................................................... 17 Public transportation .......................................................................................................... 17 Accommodation ................................................................................................................. 18 Mobile phones and internet ............................................................................................... 19 Money Transfer to your home country .............................................................................. 20 Electricity, Machineries, Recycling ..................................................................................... 21 Shopping & Food ................................................................................................................ 21 News/Radio in foreign languages ....................................................................................... 22 Hospital, Clinic and Emergency numbers ........................................................................... 22 Churches and Mosques ...................................................................................................... 22 Further useful homepages ................................................................................................. 23 4. Specific information for... .............................................................................................................. 23 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Bachelor-Students (African Studies)................................................................................... 23 Master Students (Sprach- und Kulturtransfer in Afrika) .................................................... 23 CEA Master Students (Culture and Environment in Africa)................................................ 24 Guest Scholars .................................................................................................................... 25 5. Attachments (Hardcopies available with the print version) ............................................................ 25 1. First steps in Cologne and at the University Please read the next five chapters one after another carefully and follow the instructions if not already done! Following the structure of the chapters will help you to get every document you need successfully! To find every office and for your orientation use the City Map of Cologne and the Map of the University of Cologne (interactive map: http://www.uni-koeln.de/uni/plan/interaktiv/; every building has a number). 2 1.1. Enrolment/Matriculation After arriving in Cologne please visit the International Office in order to enrol and to inform them of your current address in Germany. It is very important to be matriculated because you will need your student ID for using public transportation in the Cologne metropolitan area without charge from semester start on, for applying for your health insurance, visa or residence permit and for your bank account. By enrolment you will get a temporary student ID and a letter of referral to transfer the semester fee. In two or three weeks after your payment your student ID will be sent to you by regular mail. The student ID is only valid for the semester you are enrolled in, so don’t forget to transfer the fee for the next semesters in time (deadline for summer term: 15/02, for winter term 15/07). 1.2. International Office of the University of Cologne (Akademisches Auslandsamt) o Address: building 115, Kerpener Str. 4, raised ground floor on the right o Contact: Phone: +49-221-470-1661, o Opening hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10 am - 12.30 pm Email: [email protected] Health Insurance For your stay in Germany and especially for your residence permit you need a German Health Insurance! For acknowledgements of your foreign Health Insurance please ask the International Office (see 2.1). Address and Contact of a recommended Health Insurance Company: Campus-AOK (Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse) o Address: building 103 (Philosophikum), Universitätsstraße 41, ground floor o Homepage: http://www.aok.de/rheinland-hamburg/kontakt/aok-geschaeftsstellen- koeln-campus-91539.php o Contact: o Opening Hours: Mon - Thu 8 am - 4 pm, Fri 9 am - 3 pm Ms. Adas, Phone: +49 221 1618-1248, Email: [email protected] Students > 30 years, Ph.D. students, participants in a language proficiency course preparing for enrolment in a German University, students of the Studienkolleg (foundation course) need a private health insurance. Address of a recommended private Health Insurance Company (For other recommended private Health Insurance Companies please ask the International Office, see 2.1): Union Versicherungsdienst GmbH o Address: Wiener Platz 3, 51065 Köln, near o Contact: Phone: +49 221 97355-700, Mühlheim Wiener Platz Email: [email protected] 3 1.3. Register your new place of residence After your arrival in Germany, you will have to register your new place of residence within the first week at the Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt) and the Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde, read additionally 1.4)! A residence registration confirmation is also necessary for your German bank account! Don’t forget to give notice of departure to your home country to the Registration Office when you will have finished your stay in Germany! During the week before your date of departure you have to go with your passport to the Registration office yourself or you can order someone else to hand out them a) a copy of your passport, b) a filled form of departure and c) an authorisation for this person. (Download, print and fill in the two forms for b and c under ‘Download service’: http://www.stadtkoeln.de/buergerservice/themen/anmelden-ummelden/abmeldung-ihres-wohnsitzes/). Documents needed for registration: a) passport, b) application form (Anmeldeformular): http://www.stadt-koeln.de/buergerservice/themen/anmelden-ummelden/anmeldung-ihreswohnsitzes/ ( Download service) or your new residence address and the name and address of your landlord, c) marriage certificate and birth certificate of children including translations if applicable. For students from non-EU countries who stay in the district Lindenthal: If you need a residence permit, make an appointment at the Bezirksrathaus in Lindenthal for both registration AND your application for a residence permit (see below 1.4)! Address of the Registration Office: Bezirksrathaus Lindenthal (City Hall office), Aachener Str. 220, Aachener Str./Gürtel Opening Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 7.30 am - 12 pm, Tue 9.30 am - 6 pm, Thu 7.30 am - 4 pm. Appointments can be registered online: http://www.stadt-koeln.de/buergerservice/adressen/00182/ Link: Form Terminvereinbarung click “Anmeldung” click the link: weiter zur Terminauswahl choose date and time and follow the instructions. You will get a number which you will need for your appointment. It is also possible to go to the Registration Office of your district (For opening hours, addresses and online registering please follow the links for each district: http://www.stadtkoeln.de/en/1/administration/00033/ or see 1.4 Residence permit) If you do not reside in Cologne, you will need to register at a different registration office. Please inquire about details. 4 1.4. Visa / Residence permit / Work permit Types of Visa: A) If you still have no entry visa to Germany: If you still have no entry visa, please contact the German representation abroad of your home country and apply there for a student visa/visa for study purposes (Visum zum Studienaufenthalt). These are generally valid for three months; afterwards you will have to apply for a student residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu Studienzwecken) in Germany. Please note that the process can take about two months! Please note: a visit visa or tourist visa does not qualify for study purposes and cannot be automatically converted into a student visa! (No Sprachkursvisum, too!) B) If you already have a visa for study purposes: If you have already entered federal territory with a visa for study purposes, please contact the relevant district immigration office (Bezirksausländeramt) within the authorised visa period (Visa for study purposes/student visa are generally valid for three months) to apply for a) a student residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu Studienzwecken, if you have been admitted to the university) or b) a study applicant visa (Visum zum Zweck der Studienbewerbung, if you have not already received your notification of admission from the university). C) For guest scholars: Special conditions apply if your stay does not exceed 90 days. If you like to remain in Germany no longer than a semester you can ask at the Immigration Office for extending your visa. If you like to stay longer in Germany you have to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltsgenehmigung); Guest scholars from EU countries do not need a residence permit. Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde): Ottmar-Pohl-Platz 1, Köln-Kalk, Kalk Post o Phone: +49 221-221-93381, o Contact formulary: http://www.stadt-koeln.de/buergerservice/adressen/00735/ o Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 pm and by appointment. (It is advisable to make an Email: [email protected], appointment by phone!) Resident permit: All foreign students from non-EU countries need a residence permit. Students from EU countries do not need a residence permit. 5 For the appointment: please provide the following documents: o Valid National passport (including copies of all pages with important information: e.g. personal data, entry stamps etc.) o Current passport photo (biometric) o Proof of a secure means of support/certification of finances o Proof of health insurance coverage o Enrolment certificate/valid student card or certificate relating to language course o If you wish to apply to extend your residence permit for study purposes enclose an upto-date study progress certificate (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung) from the university. o Copy of Rental Agreement o Proof of residence registration of the Registration Office (if already available) o Certificates of prior academic achievement, i.e. transcripts (if applicable) Also check with the responsible the extension of a residence permit. Fee: The first issue of a residence permit for study purposes may cost up to 60 Euros. An extension may cost up to 30 Euros. For (first-year) students and visiting academics who stay in the district Lindenthal: Please make an appointment by phone before appearing in the Bezirksrathaus (only for Tue afternoons or Wed mornings): Phone +49 221 221 93450 (for students from a non-EU state), +49 221 221 93339 (for students from Germany or an EU state). If not already done you should make an appointment for both registration AND your application for a student residence permit. Addresses and Opening Hours of the District Immigration Offices: o For contact data and online registering (if possible) please follow the links for each district: http://www.stadt-koeln.de/en/1/administration/00085/ o (scroll down). Opening Hours: Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 8 am - 12 pm; closed on Wednesdays; for appointments on Wednesdays and in the evenings please call the Office! o Bezirksrathaus Lindenthal (City Hall Office): Aachener Str. 220, Aachener Str./Gürtel; Chorweiler: Pariser Platz 1, Innenstadt: Laurenzplatz 1-3; Ehrenfeld: Venloer Straße 419421; Mülheim: Wiener Platz 2a; Nippes: Neusser Straße 450; Porz: Friedrich-Ebert-Ufer 64-70, Rodenkirchen: Hauptstraße 85. Work permit: For issues concerning a work permit please contact the Immigration Office: Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde): Ottmar-Pohl-Platz 1, Köln-Kalk, Kalk Post 6 o Phone: +49 221 221 93381, o Contact Formular: http://www.stadt-koeln.de/buergerservice/adressen/00735/ o Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 pm and by appointment (it is advisable to make an Email: [email protected] appointment by phone!). Useful Homepages: Residence Permit: http://verwaltung.unikoeln.de/international/content/incomings/studying_in_cologne/useful_information_for_foreig n_students/on_arrival/residence_permit/index_eng.html Entering Germany: http://www.study-in.de/en/study/admission-requirements/before-youleave/visa/ Visa Regulations: http://www.auswaertigesamt.de/EN/EinreiseUndAufenthalt/Visabestimmungen_node.html 1.5. Bank (giro) account You should open a current account here in Germany! They are usually free of charge for students. Your advantages and possibilities: You can withdraw money free of charge from cash machines in Germany. Moreover you can set up a standing order for regular payments (e.g. your rent) which ensures that the money is transferred automatically and on time every month. For your health insurance and electric bills you can take advantage of direct debiting which allows the supplier to deduct the correct amount from your current account directly. Requirements to open a current account (no fees for students): o a) Passport or personal identification card, b) student ID or confirmation of enrolment or notification of admission from your university, c) confirmation of registration from the Resident Registration Office or Immigration Office. Address of an recommended bank: Sparkasse KölnBonn, Geschäftsstelle Sülz, Zülpicher Str. 292-294 o Contact: o Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 9 am - 1 pm, Mon - Wed + Fri 2 - 4 pm, Thu 2 - 6 pm Ms. Kleinen, Email: [email protected] Bank transactions can be done online, or at specially marked bank machines in the bank or over the counter. For more information and charges see the information of Money Transfer (3.5)! 7 With you debit card (EC card) you can withdraw money from cash machines and print out your bank statements yourself. You can also use them to pay at shops and several restaurants where you have to authorise payment with a PIN or sign the receipt. 1.6. Important Institutions for Assistance, Advice and Information Please read also the information about the Institute for African Studies & Egyptology and the International Office (2.1)! AStA ( www.asta.uni-koeln.de) General advice for international students: Contact: Ms. Arslan, Zülpicher Str. 70, lower ground floor of the Uni-Mensa (building 118), Thu 6 - 9 pm, Fri 9 am - 3 pm, Phone: +49 172-571 9233, Email: [email protected]. Information, Advice and Assistance for social concerns (jobbing, family, residence) and the TEAM-Programme (Cooperation with a German student concerning time table, orientation in Cologne and at the University, help with public authorities and everyday life; for participation write an Email to [email protected] with your name, contact data and especially your phone number): Department for Social and International Concerns (Referat für Soziales und Internationales) o Address: AStA, Universitätsstr. 16, building 331, Studentenhaus, 1st floor o Contact: Mr. Suchomsky, Wed 5 - 6 pm, Phone: +49 221 470 6251, Email: [email protected] ARef (Ausländerreferat der Universität; Representation of interest of all international students!) o Address: building 106, AStA room, ground floor o Homepage: http://www.uni-koeln.de/studenten/auslaenderreferat/ o Contact: Phone: +49 221 470 5683, o Opening Hours: Wed 4 - 5 pm, Fri 12 - 2 pm or by appointment Email: [email protected] Religious student congregations: The following Christian institutions give you advice for legal questions concerning foreigners, general problems concerning your studies or your everyday life, social and financial plight: Catholic (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde, KHG) ( www.khgkoeln.de) o Address: Berrenrather Str. 127, o Contact: Mr. Esser, Phone: +49 221 476 920, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 8 Protestant (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde, ESG) o Address: Bachemer Str. 27, o Contact: Mr. Brieskorn, Tue + Thu 10 am - 12 pm, lower ground floor, Email: [email protected], Phone: +49 221 940 5220 Phone: +49 221 94 05 22 15, 1.7. Email: [email protected] Further useful homepages Here you will find some useful online brochures in several languages containing many topics: o http://www.daad.de/deutschland/nach-deutschland/publikationen/en/ ‘Destination Germany’, ‘Studying in Germany’ and more 2. Academic Studies Several institutions of the University are specialized for international students: For Information, Advice, Assistance and Help you can contact the following institutions: 2.1. Important Institutions for Assistance, Advice and Information International Office of the University of Cologne (Akademisches Auslandsamt, AAA) This service is responsible for coordinating all international affairs at universities and is the first port of call for international students! Members offer you advice for study courses, admission requirement and funding. Moreover they help you with information and support for your bureaucratic formalities connected with your stay. Address: Akademisches Auslandsamt, building 115, Kerpener Str. 4 General Email: [email protected] Contact for Assistance for international students, postgraduates and scholarship students (Tue, Thu 10 am - 12.30 pm, raised ground floor on the left) o Mr. Korn, Phone: +49 221 470-7350, o Ms. Simut-Perent: Phone: +49 221 470-1340, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (especially for DAAD-scholarship students) Special advice for application, admission and registration o Phone (Mon - Fri: 9 - 10 am): +49 2214701661, Email: [email protected] o Opening Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10 am - 12.30 pm, raised ground floor on the right) 9 General information for your studies and your stay in Germany can be seen here: www.uni-koeln.de/international (Homepage of the International Office) http://verwaltung.unikoeln.de/international/content/studium_und_praktika_im_ausland/erasmus/incomings/index_ eng.html http://www.daad.de/deutschland/en/ (Homepage of the DAAD application, visa, scholarships, finances, registration, health insurance, organising your studies, etc.). Institute for African Studies & Egyptology (Institut für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie) This institute ( http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/) is also responsible for information and assistance for your academic studies. Address: building 114, Meister-Ekkehart-Str. 7 Office: Opening Hours: Mon - Thu 8.30 am - 12 pm, 1 - 4 pm; Fri 8.30 am – 12 pm, 1 - 2 pm Contact person of confidence (Academic of confidence) o Ms. Aguirre, Phone: +49 221 470 3504 Mr. Dr. habil. Touré, Advice for your academic studies: o African Studies: arrangement), o Email: [email protected] Egyptology: Ms. Dr. Claudi (Mon 12 - 2 pm, Tue 11 am - 12 pm or by Email: [email protected] Mr. Dr. Felber (by arrangement), Email: [email protected] Fachschaft ( http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/fachschaft/): Student representatives communicate between students and academics, organise events and offer also help for your studies, give you information about Cologne and your everyday life. International Students Association Cologne (ISAC) Every single Association of ISAC promotes the integration and the cultural exchange between international and German students, accompany foreign students and help them to complete their studies. For African Students: African Students Association (ASA, http://www.asa.uni-koeln.de/) Advice and assistance with financial, judicial and social problems, help with integration, communication with German and other African students: e.g. you will get information, support 10 and advice for an apartment, with your application for a scholarship, for bureaucratically concerns, specific faculty concerns. o 2.2. Contact: Mr. Benjamin Chardey, Email: [email protected] Other Associations: o ASAC (Arab) http://www.asac.uni-koeln.de/ o AVANZA! (Latin American) http://avanzakoeln.wix.com/avanza o BUDITELI (Bulgarian) http://www.buditeli.de/ o CISA (Iranian) http://www.cisa.uni-koeln.de/12508.html o VCSK (Chinese) http://www.vcsk.uni-koeln.de/ o TÜDEM (Turkish) http://www.tudem.de/ Internet Access at the University For all students/members of the University of Cologne: Rechenzentrum (RRZK): PC-Pools and Help Infostand: Hauptgebäude, building 100, Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1, first floor, Opening hours: Mon - Fri 10.15 am - 4.30 pm first information Rechenzentrum Weyertal, building 133, Weyertal 121, ground floor o RRZK-Helpdesk for questions: account, use of the computers, print, virus-infects o PC-Pool: Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 11.30 pm, Sat 10.30 am - 4 pm Rechenzentrum (RRZK-B), building 341, Berrenrather Str. 136: several computer rooms in ground and first floor CIP-Pool at the Philosophikum, building 103, Universitätsstr. 41 o Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 8 pm University and City Library of Cologne (Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, USB) Address: Universitätsstr. 33, building 107 Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - midnight, Sat + Sun 8 am - 8 pm. Homepage: www.ub.uni-koeln.de Access conditions: A valid library card, an S-Mail-Account or a university account is required to , http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/using/index_eng.html use the Internet or the workstations! Internet/Workstations: o Computer room on the 2nd floor (internet, multimedia, printer) o Computer room on the 1st floor (internet only) 11 Login: A) use your S-Mail-Account or Uni-Account, B) use your library card (only valid for the first floor computers!): user name: your library card number, password = your date of birth, 6digit (DDMMYY - example: 050385). Logout/Logoff : For your own protection close any session to the Internet before leaving the PCs, otherwise the next user may work with your personal identifying information. How to log off: At the Internet PCs on the first floor you just have to close the browser to log off. At the workstations on the second floor press [Start] + ["Benutzername" abmelden] (user name log off). (Please do not shut down the workstation!) Print: A black-and-white printer is located in our reading room on the second floor. Print jobs can be ordered from the PCs on the second floor only. How to proceed: o Select the printer name *UBHP Laser1* before starting your print job. o The print job starts automatically. o Payment is possible via (print) credit account which can be opened at our photographic department on the ground floor or at the Regional Computing Centre (RRZK). For students of the Faculty of Philosophy (African Studies Students included): Philosophikum (building 103): 3 computer rooms 1) glass case computer room, 2+3) two computer rooms are left hand in the left corridor next to the glass case computer room. 2.3. o For the first use ask the tutor there to activate your account. (Student ID is required.) o Print: Ask the tutor there to charge your account and which printer you should use! Libraries and Research University and City Library of Cologne (Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, USB) This library offers beside book loaning internet workstations, interlibrary loan, copy and scan stations and reading rooms! Look also for Guided Tours in English (dates and information by notice or at the homepage in English; registration: Email: [email protected], Ms Ossen)! There are no fees for the library card but for late book returns! Interlibrary loans charge 1,50 € per book. In the Instant Lending Area and in the Textbook Collection you will find current books that are directly available to be borrowed. All other books you have to order via the website. After one working day your orders can be collected from the Self Service Shelves on the 1st floor. Address: Universitätsstr. 33, building 107 Homepage: www.ub.uni-koeln.de , http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/using/index_eng.html 12 Opening Hours: usually closed on public holidays o Registration: Mon - Thu 9 am - 6 pm, Fri 9 am - 4 pm o General use and internet: Mon - Fri 8 am - midnight, Sat/Sun 8 am - 8 pm Library Card: Get your permanent library card at the registration on the 1st floor. There are no fees for students/employees/guest students of the University of Cologne! The following documents are needed for the library card: passport with a registration form of the Registration Office and your Student ID. Internet access (please see above 2.2) Copy & Scan: http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/using/copy/index_eng.html Library of the Institute for African Studies & Egyptology Library Card: ask the responsible person for it and how to use the library. African Studies: Get books from the library on the first floor (opposite to the office). o Opening Hours: Mon - Thu 9 am - 12 pm, 1 - 4 pm (during the semester break: Mon Thu 9 am - 12 pm Egyptology: Get books from the library on the ground floor left (1st door right at the office) o Opening Hours: Tue/Wed 10 am - 12 pm and by arrangement (during the semester break: by arrangement) For your literature researches also use the links of the Homepage of the Institute of African Studies (below Bibliotheksrecherche): There are the literature research with the KUG, a key word list, a writer catalogue, the latest journal articles, E-media (almost everything in ). Writing your theses/papers: Quotation/Citation style Here are some useful hints to write or read a good paper: Papers as well as presentations need references of your presented information! Just copying from books or the internet is strictly forbidden! Pictures as well need references! Different disciplines or courses use different citation styles, so confirm with your instructor which style you should use. o Style guide of the Institute koeln.de/remarks/g2/rm21213.pdf of African Studies: http://uk-online.uni- (Leitfaden für die Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Guideline for writing papers in German) o Guideline for writing papers in English, but confirm with the guideline above! This is a first orientation hint: http://www.library.uq.edu.au/training/citation/harvard_6.pdf Contact: instructor of the course, or Dr. Claudi, 1st floor of the Institute 13 Use dictionaries or www.duden.de for the correct German spelling! There you can also find answers concerning technical terms, foreign words, synonyms, etc. Give your paper or presentation a logical structure so that the reader or the audience can follow your arguments! Use also pictures and/or examples with an explanation of them to make your paper or presentation clear and vivid! 2.4. Language Courses International bachelor students and Master students (Sprach- und Kulturtransfer in Afrika; not CEA Master students) need the DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) for the admission to university. If you are already admitted for your studies and you want to improve your German you can attend several German courses or Language partnerships/conversations. German Language Courses at the Lehrbereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache ( http://verwaltung.unikoeln.de/international/content/german_courses/index_eng.html , eventual fees to pay depending on your scholarship!). Address: DaF, Universitätsstr. 16b, building 332, Entrance: Wilhelm-Waldeyer-Straße Office: Sonja Kaßler, Email: [email protected], Phone: +49 221 470- 4437 (General advice on attending German language courses and information on them and the examination, registration for the German language courses and the examination.) Opening hours: Mon + Fri 10 am - 12.30 pm, Wed + Thu 1.30 - 3.30 pm and by appointment This Institute offers: Preparatory German language courses Courses for ERASMUS students, exchange students from partner universities, and visiting scientists Complementary courses, courses in phonetics and post-DSH courses International Cologne Summer Language Courses in German Language and Culture (in August, for participants conditions see the information at the homepage, Registration deadline: 31/05/2013) International Winter Language Courses in German Language and Culture (in February, participants: only for DAAD scholarship students!) German, English and other Languages, international communication (for free!): 14 Language partnerships: TANDEM ( www.uni-koeln.de/tandem) Participating in a language partnership is an inexpensive alternative. Two people get together who want to learn the other’s native language. They meet on a regular basis and practice speaking one language for a while, and then the other. o Contact: Mr. Mimoun Berrissoun, Email: [email protected], Tue 10.30 am - 12.30 pm, building 100, raised ground floor on the right Language Lounge: Café Babylon ( www.kstw.de) This is about a conversation within an international group with a native speaker. You can just join the group without registration and any obligations! o Location: Campuslounge, ground floor of the Uni Mensa, Zülpicher Str. 70 (actually closed because of renovation Send an Email to ask for the actual location!) 2.5. o Time: Wed 6 - 9 pm o Contact: Ms. Schamlott, Email: [email protected] Translations All documents (e.g. certifications) submitted to universities and authorities and for applications must or should be translated into German/English professionally. Translation office AKÜDO: ( http://www.akuedo.de/) o Adress/Contact: Zülpicher Str. 197; Phone: +49 221 2829835, o Office hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30 am - 1 pm, Tue + Thu 9.30 am - 5 pm Email: [email protected] For your own studies you can use dictionaries or online dictionaries like http://dict.leo.org/ (German – English/French and other)! Be careful: Google-translations are very inaccurate and sometimes incorrect! 2.6. S-Mail Account, KLIPS and ILIAS Activating your S-Mail Account Please activate your university Email account (S-Mail-Account). For this you will need your matriculation number and PIN which will be sent to you per Email by the admission office. Moreover you will need the S-Mail account in order to sign up for courses on KLIPS. For both programmes: Don’t forget to logout “Abmelden” (KLIPS: in the blue stripe, ILIAS: on top right)! KLIPS (Online course directory and course information system, exam services) 15 You should be registered at KLIPS ( https://klips.uni-koeln.de ) to find most of the courses with times, places and additional information and for course registration! For the KLIPS registration, you only need an S-Mail Account (free internet mailing account) of the University of Cologne. There are three phases (Belegphasen) for applying for courses. Look on the homepage for “Termine” to find the actual deadlines! They usually start some months before the semester starts! If you have not applied in the first phase you also can apply while the second or third phase or register during the whole semester. Just join the first class of the course and in case of problems ask the person giving the course. KLIPS compass (introduction how to use KLIPS) o http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/klips_uk/klips-kompass_st.pdf o http://klips-support.uni-koeln.de/index.php/FAQs_Studierende (FAQs about KLIPS) “Sitemap“ or “Prüfungs- und Veranstaltungsorganisation“: apply, register and unsubscribe for courses (“Veranstaltung: Belegung und Abmeldung“) “Meine Veranstaltungen”: Here you can find your already registered courses with times, places and additional information. “Mein Stundenplan”: a timetable of your already registered courses! Be careful: “abmelden” means to unsubscribe your participation of the course! ILIAS (E-learning) https://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de/ilias/login.php (possibility to change the language, choose “Sprache” and login “Anmelden” on top right) Login-data: Your Smail-account data. “Persönlicher Schreibtisch”: Some of the instructors of the courses upload here texts, presentations, etc. for the course and you should download (, print) and read them! 2.7. Sports at University Get to know German students and improve your German by attending sports courses! Homepage: http://www.hochschulsport-koeln.de/ (most of them have no fees) Homepage: http://campussport-koeln.de/content/ 16 2.8. Further useful homepages http://zib.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/internationale_studierende.html?&L=1 (Information by the Center for International and Public Relations for international students concerning Living in Cologne, Studies, and other) http://www.testas.de/en/link_en.htm Find more useful links! Read ‘Germany for beginners from A to Z’: http://www.dw.de/top-stories/study-in-germany/s-8010 http://www.dw.de/germany-for-beginners-from-a-to-z/a-6379030 “Study in Germany”: Helpful definitions of important terms of your studies! Education: “Germany for beginners from A to Z” http://www.dw.de/germany-for-beginners-getting-settled-in/a-6376117 Society: “Getting settled in” http://www.dw.de/germany-for-beginners-first-steps-at-the-university/a-6376171 Education: “First steps on campus” 3. Everyday life in Cologne 3.1. City Map of Cologne City Map in several languages (only 0,20 €) KÖLN SHOP TOURISMUS (opposite of the Cathedral) 3.2. City map online with bus and underground stations: http://www.kvb-koeln.de/stadtplan/ Public transportation Using public transportation without any ticket can cost you 40 € in case of ID check! If you have just forgotten your student ID (includes ‘Semester ticket’), please tell them and then you have to pay only some Euro and to show your student ID at their office! Underground-map: http://www.vrsinfo.de/fileadmin/Dateien/downloadcenter/SVP2013_RegionKoeln.pdf Semester ticket (= your student ID): You can use it (with valid photo identification) for all busses, underground-, urban and even regional trains (excluded IC-, EC- and ICE-trains!!) in NRW. It is not allowed to transfer the card to other persons! But for the VRS-area you can take 17 your bicycle every time and one other person on week-ends, official holidays and on weekdays from 7 pm to 3 am (kids below 6 years you can take any time!). For time table and more information of the KVB see http://www.kvb-koeln.de or http://www.kvb-koeln.de/german/tarif/eng.html ! For the validity of your ticket in NRW and VRS-area see: Fahrplan & Mehr Liniennetzpläne o NRW-regional Rail Services Map: NRW-Regionalverkehrsplan (Cologne, Dortmund, Aachen, Düsseldorf, Bonn, etc.): http://www.vrsinfo.de/fileadmin/Dateien/downloadcenter/NRW_Regionalverkehrsplan _2013.pdf o VRS-area regional and urban railway map: 2012 VRS-Schienennetz (Cologne, Bonn): http://www.vrsinfo.de/fileadmin/Dateien/downloadcenter/SVP2013_Gesamt.pdf 3.3. Accommodation Useful hints and information concerning your research and lease contract, etc: www.fairmietenkoeln.de and http://www.asa.uni-koeln.de/11716.html. Be careful... Before signing a lease contract read the conditions and obligations carefully! Don’t hesitate in case of doubt to ask the responsible person or especially for private leasing the counselling service for legal problems of the AStA: Department for Social and International Concerns (Referat für Soziales und Internationales) o Address: AStA, Universitätsstr. 16, building 331, Studentenhaus, first floor o Contact: Mr. Alexander Suchomsky, Wed 5 - 6 pm, Phone: +49 221 470 6251, Email: [email protected] Look especially after the cancellation period (max. three months), the security deposit (max. up to three monthly rents excluding additional charges; demand for a receipt for the paid deposit, if you can don’t pay by cash!; you will get back the amount in case of leaving the apartment/ room in adequate conditions), additional costs (power, gas, heating and water are usually not included in the rent). Don’t pay before you’ve got the keys for the apartment! Apartment/room research: Flat notices are put up on the notice boards spread all over the university campus or advertised in the local newspapers. o Short period stays: Look for a furnished short let apartment. 18 Students’ Hostels: (no move-in on weekends possible!) o Rooms (include the use of a bathroom and a kitchen) are highly demanded. Register early or look for other possibilities! o Advantages of a room in a Students’ Hostel: cheap rent (around 180 € - 300 € per month), access to the Internet included, mostly furnished rooms, opportunity to get to know other students. o Please notice the strict regulations there! Violating their rules can lead to cancellation of the rental contract. Visitors can only stay for 2 - 4 weeks in agreement with the Studentenwerk and the dormitory floor mates! o www.kstw.de “Wohnen” (online application and information) Flat-Sharing Communities (WG or Wohngemeinschaft) o Two or more people live together in a flat and share the kitchen and the bathroom but everyone has a room of his own. Advantages: all costs (rent, Internet, electricity, water) are divided between all occupants. Prices for a room: around 250 € per month depending on location, size and equipment. o www.wg-gesucht.de or www.studenten-wg.de (also apartments) Private Leasing (rented flats in Cologne) o Prices for one-room flats or furnished rooms are usually higher than in shared flats! o Offers in local newspapers, on notice boards at university, online: www.wg-gesucht.de, www.studenten-wg.de After moving-in: Register your new address at the Bezirksrathaus (e.g. Lindenthal) within one week after relocation! You need your passport, full name and address of your landlord, date of move-in. For private leasing only: Register domestic gas, water and electricity/power (please ask your landlord for registering) at RheinEnergie AG. Please check the energy value and inform the RheinEnergie AG of it. Additional charges of your rental charges often include the costs for water! 3.4. Mobile phones and internet Mobile phones: For keeping in contact with friends and acquaintances in Germany it is easier and more economical to purchase a mobile phone card from a German provider. Using your foreign mobile phone card in Germany, texting and making calls is much more expensive! 19 The best opportunity for you to get your own German mobile number is to purchase a prepaid card without any contractual obligations! You buy a certain amount of credit which is debited every time you phone or text someone and you can purchase more credit either via the internet or by purchasing a card from a supermarket, drugstore or kiosk. Also you can sign up for a mobile phone contract but be careful! The duration of a contract is usually 24 months and the contract will be extended automatically! Make sure you understand the conditions and rates and read also the fine print! For International calls: Use your foreign mobile phone card or go to an Internet café! Internet: Most student halls of residence and flat-shares have internet connection. If you have a PC or laptop, you can easily log on to the internet from your room via cable or WLAN. With your own laptop you can gain free internet access at the university via campus-wide WLAN coverage. All students receive their personal login data when they enrol. You can get help at the RRZK (see 2.2). You can also use the computer workstations at the university (without charge!) or you could go to an Internet café in Cologne (small charge). 3.5. Money Transfer to your home country Online money transfer to your home country (Germany, EU-countries) charge no fees! Online money transfer to your home country (non-European countries) with your bank account (e.g. Sparkasse KölnBonn) is usually combined with high fees (money transfer to non-European countries minimum 17,50 € per transfer) International Money Transfer (no account): o Ria: http://www.riafinancial.com/ (Send money online or find a location, ca. 6€ fees for cash transfer, address: Venloer Str. 332, Frankfurter Str. 42) o Western Union International Bank: http://www.westernunionbank.com/en/home/ (Address: Venloer Straße 298, see ReiseBank AG at the o Ehrenfeld or Frankfurter Straße 40, Mülheim, also Central Station!) MoneyGram: https://www.moneygram.com/MGODE/flows/home?execution=e1s1 (Send money online or go to one of the locations, ca. 7,50 € fees for cash transfer, Address: Josef-Haubrich-Hof 5 near Neumarkt or Kardinal-Hoffner-Platz 1 at the Central Station of Cologne) 20 3.6. Electricity, Machineries, Recycling In Germany there is 24 hours electricity! There are also many automata/vending machines: e.g. for travelling, at the library, at University, at institutions, etc. Mostly there is the possibility to change the language! Just follow the instructions or don’t hesitate to ask for help!! Recycling: In Germany the following types of rubbish are usually separated: glass (special glass containers), paper (Blue Bin), sometimes biodegradables (e.g. fruit rinds, vegetable peels, coffee grounds; Brown Bin), packaging (e.g. plastic bags, Tetrapak, tins; Yellow Bin), hazardous waste (e.g. chemicals, batteries). 3.7. Caution: There’s a deposit on bottles and cans in Germany! (See 3.7 Shopping & Food) Shopping & Food Uni-Mensa (building 118): Here you can have meals at very low prices: Complete warm lunches and dinners are offered (salads, soups, vegetarian/meal/fish dishes, drinks etc.). For Opening Hours, menu information and payment see: http://www.kstw.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=324&Itemid=156 Cheap food stuff (even fresh vegetables and fruits, meat from the freezer, kitchen implements, office supplies) you can get in supermarkets (e.g. REAL near University, ALDI, LIDL, NETTO, REWE)! Butcheries and markets in Germany are usually much more expensive!! African and Asian Food you can buy in specific shops, e.g. between and near the stations Zülpicher Straße and Barbarossaplatz (Hohenstaufenring 15, Luxemburger Str. 18). In those shops you can also get phone cards and Afro Cosmetics. Cosmetics and Office supplies you can get at dm or ROSSMANN. Clothes of good quality and reduced prices are offered at T.k.maxx (station Neumarkt); you will need some time to find a cheap price because there are also offered very expensive clothes). Cheap clothes you will also find in C&A, H&M. Compare prices and ask other students for help! Deposit on bottles and cans: There’s a small deposit on most beverage bottles and cans (0,08/0,15/0,25 €). The deposit is refunded when you bring the empty containers back to the supermarket (returning-machines). 21 3.8. News/Radio in foreign languages News (even videos and audio) in several languages (i.e. English, French, Arabic, Kiswahili, Hausa and other) : www.dw.de The Deutsche Welle (DW) is a German radio for abroad in the Internet. News and Information of Politics, Economy and Culture in Germany can be heard by Podcast, seen by Video-Stream, and read in 30 languages. 3.9. Hospital, Clinic and Emergency numbers Hospital: Uniklinik Köln, Kerpener Str. 62, Köln-Lindenthal, it is quite near the University! Information for patients: Phone: +49 221 478-0, Email: [email protected] Ask for help to find an English-speaking doctor: o Mr. Benjamin Chardey (ISAC; Phone: +49 221 470 1393, Email: [email protected] or [email protected]) o Mr. Abi Bayo (Phone: +49 221 470 1392, Email: [email protected]) or Ms. Andrea Biesler (Phone: +49 221 470 1393, Email: [email protected] koeln.de) for AMP students Ask the responsible person of your health insurance which benefits they pay and which not! Phone number of the fire service, emergency doctor and ambulance: 112 Phone number of the police: 110 3.10. Churches and Mosques http://www.guestscholars.uni-koeln.de/11505.html?&L=1 (List of some churches and mosques and other religious association with addresses and links to their homepages) Churches: To find catholic and protestant churches look at the city map or ask responsible persons of the University ( see 1.6 Religious student congregations). To find a specific congregational chapel you can ask for help the student assistant: Ms. Charlene Dems, Email: [email protected]. Mosques: Find mosques in Cologne: http://www.moscheesuche.de/moschee/stadt/Koeln/2581 (e.g. at Barbarossaplatz, Ehrenfeld) Contact persons: Mohamed Touré, Omar Babu Marjan (Institute for African Studies) 22 3.11. Further useful homepages http://www.cologne.de/ (Sightseeing information) www.young-germany.de (Homepage about Germany, education, culture, information, etc.) 4. Specific information for... 4.1. Bachelor-Students (African Studies) Homepage of the Institute of African Studies: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/ Register for the Mailing list (https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/ifa-info) to get all important information of the Institute and also about cancelled courses, etc.! FAQs: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/studium/beratung/faq.html BA Studies: To complete your studies successfully it is essential to follow the standards: Modulhandbuch: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/studium/bama/ba.html Links: BA-Modulhandbuch (compendium for your courses), Studieninfo zum BAModulhandbuch Individual advice for your academic studies: - 12 pm or by arrangement, 1st floor, room D, Ms. Dr. Ulrike Claudi, Mon 12 - 2 pm, Tue 11 am Email: [email protected] University calendar (find all courses, Vorlesungsverzeichnis): only for African studies (BAProgramm for each semester: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/), for all subjects: https://klips.uni-koeln.de/ (see Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis) Student Advisory and Counselling Centre (Phone: + 49 221 470-3606, -3789, Email: [email protected], Homepage: www.uni-koeln.de/zsb) 4.2. Master Students (Sprach- und Kulturtransfer in Afrika) Homepage of the Institute of African Studies: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/ Register for the Mailing list (https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/ifa-info) to get all important information of the Institute and also about cancelled courses, etc.! FAQs: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/studium/beratung/faq.html MA Studies: To complete your studies successfully it is essential to follow the standards: 23 Modulhandbuch: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/studium/bama/ma.html Links: MA-Modulhandbuch (compendium for your courses), Detail-Informationen der zentralen Studienberatung Individual advice for your academic studies: Ms. Dr. Ulrike Claudi, Mon 12 - 2 pm, Tue 11 am - 12 pm or by arrangement, 1st floor, room D, Email: [email protected] University calendar (find all courses, Vorlesungsverzeichnis): only for African studies (MAProgramm for each semester: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/afrikanistik/), for all subjects: https://klips.uni-koeln.de/ (see Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis) Student Advisory and Counselling Centre (Phone: + 49 221 470-3606, -3789, Email: [email protected], Homepage: www.uni-koeln.de/zsb) 4.3. CEA Master Students (Culture and Environment in Africa) Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (‘Institut für Ethnologie’) o Address: building 100, building element 6, see 6.104 o Contact: Phone: +49 221 470-7430, o Homepage: www.ethnologie.uni-koeln.de/studium/studiengang/cea/ o Contact for the academic part of the Studies (time table, Introduction in KLIPS, ILIAS): Mr. Dr. Mario Krämer, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Scholarship AMP (‘Albertus-Magnus-Programm‘) For more information concerning language courses, visa, health insurance, bank account, public authorities, etc. contact the responsible: o http://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/international/content/studying_in_cologne/ albertus_magnus_programm_albertus_magnus_program/index_eng.html o Address: Wilhelm-Waldeyerstraße, AAA/Institut für Germanistik in one of the cellar rooms, building 332 o Contact: Email to one responsible of the AMP-Team: [email protected], Ms. Andrea Biesler (coordinator), Phone: +49 221 470-1393, [email protected] or Mr. Abibulah Bayo (Tutor) or Email: Mr. Karl-Heinz Korn (coordinator, AAA Kerpener Str. 4, building 115, raised ground floor left, 1st room left) Useful links: o http://casc.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/ (CASC, Cologne African Studies Centre) o www.portal.uni-koeln.de/international.html (more information, find institutions) 24 4.4. Guest Scholars (Gastwissenschaftler) General important information: www.guestscholars.uni-koeln.de International Office of the University of Cologne (Akademisches Auslandsamt, AAA) o Opening Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9 am - 12 pm and on appointment, 4th floor o Albert’s International Assistance (AIA): Advice and Support for foreign guest scholars, also communicate apartments) Contact o General Email: [email protected] o Ms. Pieper, Phone: +49 221 470-1344, Email: [email protected] (also responsible for events at the University, project management of IFS-Mentoring (Mentoring Programme for international female scholars)) o Ms. Gesa Morassut, Phone: +49 221 470-4597, Email: international.scholars@ verw.uni-koeln.de (also responsible for Guest scholar sheets, current events and trips, communicate apartments) o Ms. Simut-Perent, Phone: +49 221 470-1340, Email: [email protected] (Advice for international students, scholarship students and postgraduates) 5. Attachments (Hardcopies available with the print version) Map of the University of Cologne (Lageplan): http://www.unikoeln.de/bin2/where.pl?parent.afrika Here you will find all the institutes, etc.! City Map of Cologne, Underground Map (KVB): http://www.vrsinfo.de/fileadmin/Dateien/downloadcenter/SVP2013_RegionKoeln.pdf Service booklet “Studieren in Köln Summer 2013” of the KSTW: http://www.kstw.de/images/stories/presse/downloads/SiK_SoSe_2013_scr_XS.pdf Useful flyers Bildrechte Panorama-Foto: www.aboutpixel.de - Philipp Mehrle Kölner Skyline: © Dirk Richelmann / Stephan Müller, www.BDB-Koeln.de 25 Since 1 January 2009, every person in Germany is required to have health insurance. Even those who will only reside in Germany for a short time must be health insured, otherwise requests for visas will be denied. Features of the German health insurance system The organisation of the German health insurance system is characterised by the dual system of public health insurance (GKV) and private health insurance (PKV). While almost every applicant is eligible for public health insurance, different conditions apply for private health insurance. EU citizens and nationals from countries with whom Germany has made social insurance agreements can stay in the health insurance of their home countries. Nevertheless, the insurance benefits in the respective countries could differ significantly from those in Germany, which in turn could make personal contributions or the purchase of supplemental insurance necessary. Public health insurance and the solidarity principle Membership in the public insurance scheme is obligatory for some groups such as: Employees (gross income below the income threshold for statutory insurance) Pensioners Recipients of social welfare benefits Public health insurance is based on the principle of solidarity meaning that everyone insured pays the same percentage of his income for his or her premium. The current rate is 15.5 per cent, and determines the actual premium. The premium rate is deducted from wages and transferred to the health insurance company. Premiums are calculated up to the so-called premium threshold. Every publicly insured person receives medical care services, the scope of which is determined by the state. Moreover, insuring children and spouses free within a family insurance plan is only possible with statutory health insurance. Individual private health insurance services The following groups of people typically have private health insurance: Employees (gross income above the income threshold for statutory insurance) Civil service workers The self-employed and freelancers Private health insurance is not available for everyone and is taken out by those who are not insured by statutory health insurance. Private health insurance fees are based on income depending on state of health, age and the insurance tariff of the insured so that fees vary for individual insurance holders. The scope of services from private insurance companies is not regulated by the state and is often more extensive than statutory insurance. Services can also be adapted for each policyholder individually. The insured person first pays all treatment costs. The insurance company will then reimburse the costs upon submission of the bill. Supplemental insurance Supplemental insurance policies serve to close gaps in health insurance. Conclusion of supplemental insurance occurs with a private insurance company - independent of income. Important types of supplemental insurance include for instance nursing care insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and alternative practitioner insurance. Students Health insurance for international students in Germany All foreign students attending a German university or college must have health insurance. Students can insure themselves in two systems in the Federal Republic of Germany: statutory health insurance (GKV) or private health insurance (PKV). Please note: In order to enrol in a university, proof of All students are obligated current health insurance must be to take out insurance. presented. Without proof of health insurance, enrolment is not possible. Obligation to take out health insurance in Germany Different conditions apply depending on the reason for the visit, country of origin and the student's age. Generally, the following five groups are distinguished: Students from EU/EEA countries* or countries that have a social insurance agreement with Germany Health insurance for students from all other countries Health insurance for students age 30 or older or who have completed their 14th semester respectively Individuals enrolled in language preparation courses for university Foreign doctoral candidates and those receiving scholarships Health insurance for EU citizens under 30 / after 14 semesters Students from EU/EEA countries, which have social insurance agreements with Germany can be exempted from the obligation for health insurance in Germany with proof of health insurance in their country of origin: Health insurance in country of origin Possibilities for insurance in Germany Additional conditions statutory health insurance approval from a state health insurance company European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from health insurance company in country of origin confirmation from the insurance company in the country of origin private health insurance private health insurance no health insurance statutory or private health insurance settlement of treatments and medication with health insurance company in the country of origin from age 30 private health insurance is possible Caution: Foreign students in Germany who are privately insured, but have not yet reached the age of 30, often require a waiver from statutory insurance. After this waiver, however, taking out insurance with a statutory health insurance fund during the study visit is no longer possible. Obligation to take out health insurance for non EU citizens Students from all other countries must have either statutory or private health insurance during the stay in Germany. Students who are age 30 or older or have already finished their 14th semester will not receive insurance from a state insurance company in Germany. They must take out private insurance. The same applies for those attending language courses in preparation for studies in Germany. Fees for statutory health insurance (as of 2013) Student insurance for foreigners Health insurance fee Nursing insurance fee Total fees [monthly] Student without child (from 23 years) 64.77 Euro 13.13 Euro 77.90 Euro Student with child 64.77 Euro 11.64 Euro 76.41 Euro The fees for statutory student health insurance for foreigners are the same at all state insurance companies. Fees for private health insurance (as of 2013) A temporary private insurance plan can be taken out in the first 18 months from around 30 Euro a month. The fees differ, however, depending on the following factors: Age State of health Length of stay Selecting a tariff Before studies begin, foreign students should get advice from the Studentenwerk or the international office of the Akademisches Auslandsamt. * EEA countries:EU member countries and Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland * Countries that have social insurance agreements with Germany: EU/EEA countries as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, French overseas territories (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion), Japan, Croatia, Macedonia, Switzerland, Serbia and Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey