3. Newsletter für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen - Hu


3. Newsletter für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen - Hu
3. Newsletter für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen
1 / 2003
1. Aktuelles zur Nachwuchsförderung an der Humboldt-Universität
2. Ausschreibungen
3. Weitere Informationen
Der "Newsletter" lebt auch von Ihren Beiträgen !
Sie können Anmerkungen, Informationen an Ihre Kollegen und Kolleginnen weitergeben.
Unter dieser Adresse erfolgt die An- und Abmeldung:
Aktuelles zur Nachwuchsförderung an der Humboldt-Universität
Drei neue Nachwuchsgruppen an der Humboldt-Universität
Informationsveranstaltung - Der nächste Schritt: Die Promotion !
Änderungen des Berliner Hochschulgesetzes
Aufruf zur Einreichung von Marie Curie-Stipendien im Arbeitsprogramm
"Ausgestaltung des Europäischen Forschungsraumes Schwerpunkt
"Humanressourcen und Mobilität" im 6. Rahmenprogramm der EU
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, four two-year Postdoctoral
Fellowships, Berlin
DAAD Carlo-Schmid-Programm für Praktika in Internationalen Organisationen und
KTW Software Award 2003 für Frauen
Fully funded graduate research visits to the University of York, U.K., Science and
Technology, Studies Unit (SATSU)
Funding of participation Workshop Bursaries for European PhD Students
"Transnationalism in the European Union", European Science Foundation,
University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Three-year post- doctoral stipend "The Program in History of Science" at the
University of Florida from the Volkswagen Foundation
Assistant Professor, Human Values in Medicine - Northeastern Ohio
Universities College of Medicine, Ohio
Tenure Track Faculty Positions, University of New Hampshire
Position in Women's Studies - Indiana University South Bend
Feminist Methodology/Feminist Theory
Forschungsstipendien der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Department of Sociology, Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University
of Sussex, Sociology
Post Doctoral Fellow Program in Science, Technology and Society, MIT
Two Lectureships, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen`s University
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/in im Interuniversitären Forschungszentrum für
Technik, Arbeit und Kultur (IFF/IFZ), Graz, Österreich
Lecturer (wissenschaftlicher Angestellter) am Institute of the History of Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Giessen, Germany
Informatikerin im Forschungsprojekt "innovations and transformationsperspectives
of transdisciplinary gender studies"
Weitere Informationen
Call for Papers: 8th EURAS Workshop on Standardization; Aachen
Call for Papers: The Fourth Wireless World Conference "The Mobile Revolution - A
Retrospective", Guildford, U.K.
Call for papers: 5th International Summer Academy on Technology Studies:
"Corporate Sustainability" Deutschlandsberg, Austria
Call for Papers: The European Institute for Advanced Management announces 5
workshops, St Andrews, U.K.
Call for Papers: What Do We Know About Innovation? A Conference in Honour of
Keith Pavitt, University of Sussex Brighton, UK
Call for Papers: International Governance after 'September 11': Interdependence,
Security, Democracy- Queen's University Belfast
Call for Papers: SLSA Human Genomics Conference - Nottingham, UK, Institute for
the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society
Call for Papers: "The Self as Scientific and Political Project in the Twentieth
Century: The Human Sciences Between Utopia and Reform.", Penn State
for Papers: The History of Science Society's 2003 Annual Meeting, Cambridge,
Call for Papers: Reaching Men to Improve Reproductive and Sexual Health for All,
Virginia, U.S.A.
Call for Papers: Sexuality After Foucault, University of Manchester, U.K.
Aktuelles zur Nachwuchsförderung an der Humboldt-Universität
Drei neue Nachwuchsgruppen an der Humboldt-Universität
Im DFG Emmy Noether-Programm hat Dr. Kempter die Leitung einer Nachwuchsgruppe
am Institut für Theoretische Biologie zum Thema Plastizität und Stabilität übernommen.
Im Rahmen des DFG-Forschungszentrums gibt es zwei neue Nachwuchsgruppen an der
Humboldt-Universität. Frau Dr. Tischendorf und Herr Dr. Münch sind deren Leiter zu den
Themen Numerische und Angewandte Analysis.
Damit haben wir 17 Nachwuchsgruppen an der Humboldt-Universität eingerichtet.
Weitere Kontakte zu den Nachwuchsgruppen finden Sie unter der website
http://www.hu-berlin.de/forschung/wiss_nachw/nagr.htm .
Informationsveranstaltung - Der nächste Schritt: Die Promotion !
Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage zur individuellen Beratung über die Karriereplanung für
den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, bieten wir für Sommersemester 2003 drei Termine
an zu denen Sie sich über den Zugang zur Promotion an der Humboldt-Universität
informieren können.
Die Veranstaltung ist für:
- Studierende in der Endphase des Studiums, die darüber nachdenken eine
wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn einzuschlagen,
- Absolventen, die in der Wissenschaft bleiben wollen,
- Promovierende mit ersten Erfahrungen und offenen Fragen.
Inhalt der Veranstaltung:
Was wird von Promovierenden erwartet?
Welche Bedingungen brauchen Promovierende?
Welche Möglichkeiten zur Promotion gibt es?
Was erwartet mich nach der Promotion?
Wenn Sie die wissenschaftlichen Karriere anstreben und zu den angekündigten Fragen
die Antworten wissen wollen, sind Sie zu einer unserer drei Veranstaltungen im
Somme rsemester 2003 herzlich willkommen.
23. April 2003, 15. Mai 2003, 17. Juni 2003
jeweils um 15.00 Uhr bis ca. 17.30 Uhr
wird in der Anmeldebestätigung bekannt gegeben
Am 23. April stellt Frau Dr. Tandecki, Leiterin der Abteilung Deutsche
Graduiertenförderung bei der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ihre Stipendienförderung vor.
Für die folgenden Veranstaltungstermine werden Gäste weiterer
Teilnehmerinnenzahl isteingeladen.
auf 20 Personen pro Veranstaltung beschränkt. Bei weiterer
Nachfrage bieten wir Folgetermine an.
Bitte melden Sie sich per E- mail an: [email protected]
weitere Informationen unter: http://www.hu-berlin.de/forschung/wiss_nachw/index.htm
Änderungen des Berliner Hochschulgesetzes
Das 8. Gesetz zur Änderung des Berl HG (BerlHGÄG vom 23.1. 2003) und das 9. Gesetz
zur Änderung des BerlHG (BerlHGÄG vom 30.1. 2003) sind verabschiedet worden. Das
Neunte Änderungsgesetz befasst sich mit den Status der Juniorprofessoren und -innen
weiterhin gibt es Änderungen zu den Promotionsverfahren.
Aufruf zur Einreichung von Marie Curie-Stipendien im Arbeitsprogramm
"Ausgestaltung des Europäischen Forschungsraumes", Schwerpunkt
"Humanressourcen und Mobilität" im 6. Rahmenprogramm der EU
Website: http://www.kowi.de/rp6/dokumente/download/SP2- mobility-DE.pdf
Marie Curie-Stipendien sind innerhalb dieses Schwerpunktes auf einzelne
Wissenschaftler/innen in der Postdoc-Phase ausgelegte Fördermaßnahmen.
Es sind individuelle Stipendien für 2 Jahre in einer europäische Hochschule des
Ausla ndes. Post doc heißt hier Nachweis des erreichten vergleichbaren Niveaus der
Promotion. Anschließend ist eine Finanzierung einer Reintegrationsphase möglich.
Ca. 6 Monate Vorlaufzeit bis zur Vertragsunterzeichnung müssen eingeplant werden.
Die Förderung und Anerkennung von Spitzenleistungen soll Anregungen für
Wissenschaftler geben, ihre Karriere fortzusetzen.
Programme u.a. :
1. Auf einzelne Wissenschaftler ausgelegte Maßnahmen
Website: http://www.kowi.de/rp6/dokumente/download/SP2- mobility-DE.pdf
- Marie Curie-Stipendien für die Betätigung europäischer Wissenschaftler
Bewerbungsfrist: 12. 3. 2003, 18. 2. 2004
- Marie Curie-Stipendien für die Betätigung europäischer Wissenschaftler außerhalb
Bewerbungsfrist: 21. 5. 2003, 12. 2. 2004
- Marie Curie-Stipendien für die Betätigung von Wissenschaftlern aus Drittländern in
Bewerbungsfrist: 21. 5. 2003, 12. 2. 2004
2. Förderung und Anerkennung von Spitzenleistungen
Website: http://www.kowi.de/rp6/dokumente/download/SP2- mobility-DE.pdf
- Marie Curie-Beihilfen für Spitzenforschungsteams
Bewerbungsfrist: 20. 5. 2003, 18. 5. 2004
- Marie Curie-Preise für Spitzenforscher
Bewerbungsfrist: 20. 5. 2003, 18. 5. 2004
- Marie Curie-Lehrstühle
Bewerbungsfrist: 20. 5. 2003, 21. 1. 2004
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, four two-year Postdoctoral
Fellowships, Berlin
Deadline: 15 March 2003
Website: www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/KNOWLEDGE
(1 September 2003 - 31 August 2005) in connection with the research project
"Knowle dge and Belief" (Department of Prof. Lorraine Daston). Outstanding applicants of
all nationalities and disciplinary backgrounds may apply; the colloquium language is
English. Applicants must have been awarded their doctorates before commencing the
fellowship and be no further than five years beyond their Ph.D.s at the time of
application. The stipend for applicants from abroad is 1900 to 2300 Euro per month,
depending on the duration of previous scientific work.
Applications consisting of a curriculum vitae including publication list, a brief (maximum
750 words) research proposal (which may be written in German, French or English), and
two letters of reference should be sent to Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Abt. Personal / kb
Wilhelmstraße 44
10117 Berlin
DAAD Carlo-Schmid-Programm für Praktika in Internationalen
Organisationen und EU-Institutionen
Bewerbungsfrist: 15.3.2003
Website: http://www.daad.de/ausland/de/
Das 2001 gestartete Carlo-Schmid-Programm soll interessierte und hochqualifizierte
Studierende und Graduierte im Rahmen eines Praktikums mit den Problemstellungen und
Arbeitsweisen im internationalen Verwaltungsbereich bekannt machen und zur
Erweiterung ihrer interkulturellen Kompetenz beitragen. Die Mittel für die Stipendien
werden vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) zur Verfügung
gestellt. Die Robert Bosch Stiftung fördert programmbegleitende Maßnahmen.
Kontakt: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Kennedyallee 50,
53175 Bonn, Tel.: (0228) 882-520, Fax: (0228) 882-555
KTW Software Award 2003 für Frauen
Bewerbungsfrist: 31. März 2003
Website: http//www.ktw.com
Mit dem von der KTW Software & Consulting GmbH ausgelobten IT-Förderpreis für
Frauen werden jährlich Abschlussarbeiten ausgezeichnet zu den Themen:
- Softwareentwicklung
- Softwarelösungen für alte oder neue Aufgabenstellungen
- Verbesserung der Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle.
Der Studienpreis ist dotiert mit 2 x 10.000 Euro und wird in den Kategorien Diplom/Magisterarbeit und Dissertation verliehen.
Kontakt: KTW Software & Consulting, Stuart Kugler, Tel.43-53
Fully funded graduate research visits to the University of York, UK, Science and
Technology, Studies Unit (SATSU)
Apply now for a placement during 2003 and 2004.
Website: www.york.ac.uk/org/satsu/
We are offering European research students the opportunity to conduct part of their
graduate research at SATSU, all expenses paid. SATSU is a European Commission
training site for 'New Genetics: Integrating Science, Society & Policy'. Our designation
means that we can offer students from all over Europe (and associated States) the
opportunity of a visit of between 3 and 12 months.
Fellows can use the visit to:
- share ideas with other research students
- talk to experienced and friendly research staff
- write-up research in a quiet and spacious environment
- get advice on publishing your work
- become more experience in fieldwork
- see what life is like at a UK University
- make new contacts
- prepare for life after a doctorate
Fellows receive 1200 euros per month on top of their usual funding. Fellowships are nontax deductible. Applicants must be registered for a doctorate at a non-UK University
within a European (or associated) member-state.
Contact: Nik Brown - [email protected]
Funding of participation Workshop Bursaries for European PhD Students
"Transnationalism in the European Union", European Science Foundation,
University of Portsmouth, UK
Deadline: 15 Marc h 2003
Date: from 20-22 June 2003
Website: www.esf.org/workshops
The European Science Foundation will fund 10 PhD students from contemporary history,
political science/International Relations, sociology and social science-informed law to
participate in an ESF Exploratory Workshop on "Transnationalism in the European Union".
The workshop bursary will cover APEX flight, accommodation and subsistence at
Portsmouth. PhD students from Southern Europe and East-Central European applicant
states are especially encouraged to apply.
The workshop bursaries will be allocated on a competitive basis. Interested PhD students
should send a short e-mail explaining their interest in attending the workshop, together
with (as attachments in Word for Windows) a) a short CV (1 page) and b) short
description of their PhD project (1 page, including subject area and supervisor) to
[email protected] (copied to [email protected]). The successful
applicants will be informed by 20 March 2003 and will then receive further instructions.
Philippa Rowe, Administrator
ESF Exploratory Workshops
European Science Foundation
1 quai Lezay Marnesia
FR-67080 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel: +33 3 88 76 71 60
Fax: +33 3 88 76 71 80
[email protected]
Three-year post- doctoral stipend "The Program in History of Science" at the
University of Florida from the Volkswagen Foundation
Application: now
Website: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/fgregory/vw.html
For supporting the research program "Mysticism and Modernity."
Responsibilities include half-time assistance to UF faculty associated with the program
and half-time devoted to independent research leading to publication on a topic
consistent with the program's goals.Participation in annual conferences, to be held in
Germany or Florida, is also expected (travel supported by VW separately from the
stipend). Stipend is approximately $45,000 (E 45,000) per year for three years.
Frederick Gregory
email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Human Values in Medicine - Northeastern Ohio
Universities College of Medicine, Ohio
Review of applications: March 15, 2003
The Human Values in Medicine Program, Department of Behavioral Sciences,
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine seeks an assistant professor for a
twelve-month, tenure track position effective as early as July 1, 2003.
The Department seeks an individual whose background will complement its multidisciplinary faculty and who has a doctoral degree in the humanities, social sciences, or
in a closely related field.
The successful candidate will have expertise in several of the following substantive areas:
clinical ethics, bioethics, philosophy and sociology of medicine, health care ethics and
policy analysis. Responsibilities include teaching in all four medic al schoolyears and
conducting both theoretical and empirical research from the perspective of the
individual's discipline.
Send a cover letter, a CV, and a recent writing sample (preferably published or in print)
to Human Resources, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, 4209 State
Route 44, P.O. Box 95, Rootstown, OH 44272-0095.
Tenure Track Faculty Positions, University of New Hampshire
Website: http://www.shhs.unh.edu.
The School of Health and Human Services at the University of New Hampshire invites
applications and nominations for tenured or tenure track faculty positions in six
depart ments: Communication Sciences and Disorders, Family Studies, Kinesiology,
Health Management and Policy, Nursing and Social Work. For each position, we will
consider making appointments at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor.
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Areas of specialization: dysphagia, neurogenic speech and language disorders, organic
Search Committee Chair: Professor Penelope Webster([email protected])
Department of Family Studies
Area of specialization: early childhood or child development.
Search Committee Chair: Professor Kerry Kazura ([email protected])
Department of Health Management and Policy (2 positions)
I. Area of specialization: public health (epidemiology,
health promotion/disease prevention, social and behavioral health,
biostatistics or public health practice).
Search Committee Chair: Professor Marc Hiller ([email protected]).
II. Area of specialization: health management (strategic planning, health care
accounting/finance, organization behavior or applied quantitative methods).
Search Committee Chair: Professor James Lewis ([email protected]).
Department of Kinesiology
Area of Specialization: outdoor education
Search Committee Chair: Professor Michael Gass ([email protected])
Department of Nursing
Department Chair (senior faculty rank); Area of Specialization open.
Contact people: Professor Raelene Shippee-Rice ([email protected]),
Dean James McCarthy ([email protected])
Department of Social Work (2-3 positions)
Areas of Specialization: generalist practice, HB/SE, clinical practice.
Search Committee Chair: Professor Jerry Marx ([email protected]).
Position in Women's Studies - Indiana University South Bend
Feminist Methodology/Feminist Theory
Applications: March 22, 2003
The program in Women's Studies which offers a major, minor, and associate's degree in
Women's Studies, invites applications for a full-time, ten-month, tenure-track,assistant
professor position beginning January 5, 2004.
Completed Ph.D. by time of appointment; Ph.D. in relevant field with preference given to
candidates with graduate training in Women's Studies; documented experience teaching
interdisciplinary Women's Studies coures. Preferred candidates will have demonstrable
competence in interdisciplinary approaches to Women's Studies pedagogy and
scholarship as well as feminist methodology and feminist theory. Responsibilities include:
undergraduate interdisciplinary teaching (including core women's studies coures),
advising, program/university service, research and scholarship.
Email applications are not accepted.
Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, a statement of
teaching philosophy, a sample of scholarly work (no more than 30 pp.), teaching
evaluations (if available) and three current letters of recommendation to Betsy Lucal;
Chair, Women's Studies Search Committee; Department of Sociology; Indiana University
South Bend; 1700 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, Indiana 46634.
Phone (574) 237.4899. Email: [email protected]
Forschungsstipendien der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Bewerbung: laufend
Website: http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/de/programme/stip_deu/flf.htm#jsps
Es besteht die Möglichkeit für hoch qualifizierte, promovierte deutsche
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler aus allen Fachgebieten,
Forschungsvorhaben für 12 bis 24 Monate in Japan durchzuführen.
Hinweis: Der Auslandsaufenthalt im Rahmen des JSPS-Programms wird nicht auf die
sogenannte "12 Jahres-Regel" der neuen Fassung des Hochschulrahmengesetzes
Department of Sociology, Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University
of Sussex, Sociology
Closing date: 11 March 2003 (Ref: 143)
Website (details of all posts): http://www.susx.ac.uk/Units/Staffing.
Applicants are sought with research interests in one or more of the following areas:
health and medicine/medical science; gender, inequality and employment; and social
theory and political sociology. Application forms and further particulars are available from
and should be returned to Human Resources, Sussex House, University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH.
Tel: (01273) 678706, Fax: (01273) 877401,
e-mail: [email protected]
The University of Sussex invites applications with effect from October 2003 or as soon as
possible thereafter.
Post Doctoral Fellow Program in Science, Technology and Society, MIT
Deadline for applications: March 3, 2003.
The appointment will begin on June 15, 2003.
To join a team studying virtual environments and professional identities.
The fellow will work with five MIT faculty in anthropology, science studies, psychology,
and history who have come together to study science and engineering professions in a
culture of virtual representation.
This is a 15 month appointment funded under a grant from the National Science
REQUIREMENTS: A PhD in social sciences, history, design, or a closely related field.
Strong understanding of virtual environments and a general understanding of
professional science and/or engineering environments. Must be able to work effectively
with faculty, graduate students and senio r staff.
Applicants must submit curriculum vitae, a writing sample and one letter of
recommendation to Kris Kipp at [email protected]. Please specify subject line: PROFIDENTITY. For further information, call Kris Kipp at (617) 253-9759.
Two Lectureships, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen`s University
Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday 7 March 2003
Website: http://www.qub.ac.uk/ssp/
(Ref : 03/K279B)
The School of Sociology and Social Policy is among the top dozen departments in Ireland
and Britain, having been rated '5A' in the UK 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. The
above posts are available immediately and the successful candidates will be expected to
engage in high-quality research, undertake high-quality teaching, and participate in
administration as appropriate. Applicants must have a primary degree, or equivalent, in
sociology, social policy or cognate subject and have experience of teaching at university
level or equivalent. It is essential also that they can demonstrate the potential to
contribute to the School's highly ranked research profile.
Salary Scale: Lecturer Grade A/B: £22,191 - £33,681
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/in im Interuniversitären Forschungszentrum für
Technik, Arbeit und Kultur (IFF/IFZ), Graz, Österreich
Website: http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/jobs
Wissenschaftlich/r Mitarbeiter/in der Fachrichtung Sozial-, Wirtschafts- oder
Politikwissenschaften mit Bezug zu Technikforschung (Vollzeit, unbefristet).
Das IFF/IFZ beschäftigt sich mit Fragen der sozial- und umweltverträglichen
Technikgestaltung. Im Verständnis des IFF/IFZ bedeutet Technikgestaltung, Technologie
als soziales Projekt zu thematisieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund meint die Förderung
sozial- und umweltverträglicher Innovationen auch die Entwicklung geeigneter politischer
Instrumente und institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen, die den Einsatz solcher
Technologien unterstützen. Unter Einbeziehung möglichst vieler Interessensgruppen soll
der Prozess der Technikgestaltung zudem auf eine breitere demokratische Basis gestellt
Kontakt: Harald Rohracher - IFF/IFZ
Interuniversitaeres Forschungszentrum fuer Technik, Arbeit und Kultur
Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture
Schloegelgasse 2, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43(0)316/813909-24, Fax: +43(0)316/810274
E-mail: [email protected]
Lecturer (wissenschaftlicher Angestellter) am Institute of the
History of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Giessen, Germany
Dealine: March 10, 2003
Website: http://www.med.uni-giessen.de/histor/index.html
The Institute is about to launch a new research programme in the history of late 19th
and 20th century medicine and invites applications for a position as lecturer
(wissenschaftlicher Angestellter), a five year-appointment starting in April or May 2003.
The Giessen institute offers opportunities for close collaborations with an active research
programme in the history department on Cultures of Memory (http://www.unigiessen.de/erinnerungskulturen/), as well as with the Behring Library
(http://www.med.uni- marburg.de/d-einrichtungen/geschichtemedizin/) in the
neighbouring university town of Marburg. Prospective candidates are expected to conduct
an active programme of research in the history of late 19th and/or 20th century medicine
biomedicalscience, and must be qualified to teach courses in these areas.
The candidate should speak German and English fluently. Salary will be according to BAT,
level II a.
Applicants should send a cover letter, c.v., a sample of scholarly work of no more than
twenty pages, to the address below. Please direct informal enquiries and expressions of
interest to the same address, preferably by email.
Prof. Volker Roelcke
Institut fuer Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Universitaet zu Luebeck
Koenigstrasse 42,
D-23552 Luebeck
e-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.imwg.mu-luebeck.de/txt/members/roelcke/roelcke.htm
Informatikerin im Forschungsprojekt "innovations and transformationsperspectives
of transdisciplinary gender studies"
Arbeitsbeginn: umgehend.
Website: http://rli.at/Seiten/natwi/GFpr2003/GFabs2dt.htm
bevorzugt: Softwareentwicklung, userorientierte Methoden, Kenntnis der Phasen des
systems design, systems analysis, Programmiersprachen Voraussetzungen:
- sehr gute Englischkenntnisse aktiv und passiv
- Faehigkeit, ueber die eigenen fachlichen Themen mit Fachleuten aus anderen
Gebieten und mit Nicht-WissenschaftlerInnen erfolgreich zu kommunizieren und
anderen zuzuhoeren
- gute Kenntnis der feministischen/gender studies oder Technikbewertung
- in ihrem Fachgebiet hohe Teamfaehigkeit, social skills, Konflikttoleranz moeglichst
flexible zeitliche Verfuegbarkeit entsprechend Anforderungen im Projektverlauf
(Gesamtarbeitszeit s.u.)
Das Projekt ist befristet und befindet sich in der Anlaufphase.
Bewerbungen an / weitere Infos bei:
Mag. Dr. M. Maurer
Project "Innovations & Transformations"
RLI, Rosa-Luxemburg-Institut, Julius-Tandler-Pl.
5/24, A-1090 Wien Tel. / Fax (13-14 h): +43/1/31 74 929
E-mail: [email protected]
3. Weitere Informationen
Call for Papers: 8th EURAS Workshop on Standardization; Aachen
July 11 - 12, 2003
Papers due:
March 28, 2003
May 2, 2003
Final paper due:
May 30, 2003
Website: http://www-i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~jakobs/kai/kai_home.html
The workshop solicits papers on all aspects of standards and standardisation. Sample
topics include, but are not limited to:
- Technological innovation and standardisation
- Standardisation and economic development
- Legal issues in standardisation
- Economics of standardisation
- Standardisation policies
- Analyses of standards setting processes
- Case studies of standardisation
- The future of standardisation
- Educational activities
Management of standards
History of Standards
Standards and technology transfer
Call for Papers: The Fourth Wireless World Conference "The Mobile Revolution - A
Retrospective", Guildford, U.K.
Date: 17th and 18th July 2003 at the University of Surrey
Deadline for paper: 10th APRIL
Website: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/dwrc/ww4/
Conference Theme: Lessons on Social Shaping
The Digital World Research Centre (DWRC) is pleased to announce the fourth Wireless
World Conference.
Papers can either focus on mobile phones and the lessons to be learnt or on other
tec hnologies of which the development may benefit from the mobile phone experience.
Particular areas of interest are:
- The effects on society - at home and at work
- The influence of users on the design process
- The role of standards in technology development
- Jobs, careers and occupational mobility in areas of rapid technological development
- Industry-government-academic relationships
- Cross-cultural issues
- Future technologies (e.g. Wireless LANs, 802.11)
- Visions of the future
Contact: Dr Amparo Lasen: +44 (0) 1483 683973, email
mailto: [email protected] [email protected]
Call for papers: 5th International Summer Academy on Technology Studies:
"Corporate Sustainability" Deutschlandsberg, Austria
Date: July 13-19,2003
Deadline for abstracts: March 31st, 2003
Website: http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/sumacad/
The "5th International Summer Academy on Technology Studies: Corporate
Sustainability" will focus on enterprises and their contribution to sustainable
development. CALL FOR PAPERS Participants are encouraged to present a paper related
to one of the following topics:
1) Transition towards Corporate Sustainability - Framework and Conditions
2) Implementing Corporate Sustainability - Concepts, Strategies and Tools.
Please submit a one page abstract and a maximum of one page on your work and
research background.
contact: Sandra Karner, e- mail: [email protected]
Call for Papers: The European Institute for Advanced Management announces 5
workshops, St Andrews, U.K.
Workshop on Understanding Organisational Context
June 12-13, 2003 - St Andrews, U.K.
4th Workshop on The Challenges of Managing the Third Sector
September 18-19, 2003 - Fribourg, Switzerland
Workshop on Trust within & between Organisations
October 24-25, 2003 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
RENT XVII - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business
November 20-21, 2003 - Lodz, Poland
Workshop on Narration and Knowledge Management
December 4-5, 2003 - Brussels, Belgium
For more information about the EIASM look at the website: www.eiasm.org
Call for Papers: What Do We Know About Innovation? A Conference in Honour of
Keith Pavitt, University of Sussex Brighton, UK
Deadline for submitting extended abstracts:
April 30, 2003
Response from organising committee:
June 16, 2003
Deadline for submitting completed paper:
October 13, 2003
Deadline for late registration:
October 13, 2003
SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research Freeman Centre Papers are invited on
the following themes:
1. The industrial dynamics of innovation and competition
2. Scientific and technology policy: theories, measurement and practice
3. Management of innovation within and between organisations
4. Internationalisation of innovation and production
Further information will be posted shortly on the SPRU website, and on a dedicated 'Keith
Pavitt Conference' website currently under development.
Call for Papers: International Governance after 'September 11': Interdependence,
Security, Democracy- Queen's University Belfast
Date: 24-26 September 2003
Deadline für proposals: by 30 April 2003.
Successful proposers will be informed: by 31 May 2003.
Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research
Two years after the terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon, and in the context of
interest in the governance of failed states, what is new about the nature of the
international arena? How can we best address the problems of international governance?
How should our thinking about democratic international governance develop?
We invite proposals for papers and panels in any discipline, and proposals which draw on
academic -practitioner collaboration will be especially welcome. Invited (but not yet
confirmed) plenary speakers are Bill Clinton (former US President), and the celebrated
political analyst and author Gore Vidal.
Over three days we will address six themes:
- new approaches to democratic governance
- globalisation, regionalisation and democracy
- democracy and sub/intra-state governance
- security and democratic governance - international issues
- regulation, accountability and democratic governance
- democracy and development: towards Cosmopolis?
All proposals must be sent to the conference organiser, Dr Alex Warleigh.
Alex Warleigh, PhD Reader in European Governance, and Deputy Director,
Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research Queen's University Belfast
E-mail: [email protected]
Call for Papers: SLSA Human Genomics Conference - Nottingham , UK, Institute
for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society
Abstracts: by May 8th 2003
Date: Tuesday 2nd September 2003
All About Eve? Exploring the Legal and Social Imp lications of the Genomic
Revolution'Despite the comparative lack of concern in the national media, the knowledge
from this project [the Human Genome Project] has always struck me as potentially far
more dangerous than that arising from my own research in cloning (nuclear transfer),
partly because it will affect everyone.' (Ian Wilmut)
A limited number of Conference Bursaries is available to PhD students to cover
registration and travel.
Paper Abstracts (Up to 500 words)
Registration by June 12th 2003
For further details, contact: Sue Turner
E-mail: mailto:[email protected], [email protected]
Tel: 0115 846 7173; Fax: 0115 846 6349
Call for Papers: "The Self as Scientific and Political Project in the Twentieth
Century: The Human Sciences Between Utopia and Reform.", Penn State
Deadline: March 10, 2003
Date: October 10-11, 2003 at the University Park campus.
In order to begin mapping some of the more fruitful lines of investigation into the
relationship between politics, science, and subjectivity in the twentieth century, we are
convening a symposium and issuing a general call for papers. In addition to the
conference organizers, participants will include John Carson(University of Michigan),
Geoffrey Cocks (Albion College), Moritz Foellmer (Humboldt University), David Horn
(Ohio State University), Philip Jenkins (Penn State University), Anna Krylova (University
of South Carolina), Elizabeth Lunbeck (Princeton University), and Hans Pols (University of
Sydney). The focus of the conference will be limited to developments in Europe, the
Soviet Union, and the United States. Both national and comparative histories are
Please submit an abstract of no more than 900 words.
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Greg Eghigian, Penn State University ([email protected])
Andreas Killen, Brooklyn College ([email protected])
Christine Leuenberger, Cornell University ([email protected])
Call for Papers: The History of Science Society's 2003 Annual Meeting, Cambridge,
Deadline für proposals: 1 April 2003
Proposals must be submitted through the HSS website: www.hssonline.org
Date: 20-23 November 2003. The History of Science Society is soliciting proposals for
sessions and contributed papers for its annual meeting. Submissions on all topics are
Before sending a proposal to the HSS Office, please read the "Guidelines for Selecting
Papers and Sessions," on the HSS Website under the "Call for Papers".
History of Science Society, Box 351330, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 981951330; phone: 206-543-9366; fax: 206-685-9544;
e-mail: [email protected].
Call for Papers: Reaching Men to Improve Reproductive and Sexual Health for All,
Virginia, U.S.A.
Deadline for abstracts: March 10, 2003
Website: http://www.rho.org/html/menrh_mtg_09_03.htm
Date: 15-18 September 2003 near Washington Dulles Airport, Virginia, USA
The Interagency Gender Working Group of USAID, through its Men and Reproductive
Health Task Force, is pleased to announce the upcoming conference.
A primary objective of the conference is to share models of programs that have
successfully engaged men in reproductive and sexual health (RSH) in ways that have
improved or are likely to improve the health of their partners and children as well as their
own health.
Papers on programs, interventions, or training on the following themes are encouraged:
- Influencing gender norms and socialization in adolescent males;
- Working with men on family planning and reproductive health from a gender equity
Working with men on dual protection in prevention of HIV/AIDS/STIs and pregnancy;
Involving men as partners in maternal and child health;
Working with men to address gender-based violence;
Targeting specific male groups about gender equity issues with regard to RSH: MSM,
uniformed services, refugees, and incarcerated men; and
- Program models of monitoring and evaluation, especially for measuring changes in
gender norms.
Dr Michael Mbizvo
WHO, Geneva
Focal person for Africa for the Conference Advisory Group (CAG) Tel. 22 791-4245
Fax: 22 791-4171
Email: [email protected]
3.11 Call for Papers : Sexuality After Foucault, University of Manchester, U.K.
Date: November 28-30, 2003
Deadline for proposals & papers: 28th March 2003
The University of Manchester will la unch an interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and
cross-faculty Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture, with a particular focus on the
relationships between sexuality, culture and history. To mark the establishment of the
Centre at Manchester, and to foster a stimulating intellectual exchange between UK
researchers and scholars elsewhere, we propose an international conference on Sexuality
After Foucault.
We invite submissions of panel proposals or individual papers from any disciplinary
background which might address, but need not be limited to, the following topics and
Sexuality, History ANDand Modernity
Sexuality And Globalization
Gender, Transgender, Transsexuality and Sexual Identity
Sexuality and Representation
Sexuality and Ethics
Proposals may be sent by post or email to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Copyright 2003, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Forschungsabteilung
Redaktionsschluss: 24.2. 2003
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