Happy-New-Year- 2012_vocabulary_of_the_week


Happy-New-Year- 2012_vocabulary_of_the_week
Happy New Year!!
Do you make New Year's resolutions?
A resolution is a promise that you make to yourself.
It is a tradition for people to make resolutions at the beginning of a new year.
Happy New year!
to be healthy
I wish you a happy and healthy
New year!
a New Year´s resolution
Frohes Neues Jahr!
gesund sein
ein guter Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr
to make a promise to sb
He promised to his parents to
jemandem etw. versprechen
once a week
clean his room once a week.
einmal wöchentlich
to keep a promise (n.)
Have you kept your promises?
ein Versprechen halten
to stop eating sweets
I´ve stopped eating chocolate
keine Süßigkeiten mehr essen
to exercise regularly
and I exercise regularly now.
regelmäßig Sport treiben
to keep-kept-kept
to watch less TV
She watches less TV now.
weniger fernsehen
to lose some weight
He has lost some weight.
ein bisschen abnehmen/ wörtlich:
to lose-lost-lost
to quit smoking
Gewicht verlieren
They´ve quit smoking.
mit dem Rauchen aufhören
to quit-quit-quit
to cycle more often
to do your homework
I cycle to school every day.
He does his homework
öfter Fahrradfahren
seine Hausaufgaben regelmäßig
to do some housework
Hausarbeit(en) erledigen
to help in the household
im Haushalt helfen
to do the dishes
to take out the garbage
to do laundry
to clean the bathroom
I am doing the dishes.
She takes out the garbage.
He´s doing laundry right now.
She cleans the bathroom.
den Abwasch erledigen
den Müll ´rausbringen
Wäsche waschen
das Badezimmer putzen
to peel potatoes
I peeled potatoes.
Kartoffeln schälen
die Nachbarschaft
to do the groceries
He does the groceries for an old
Einkäufe erledigen
lady in his neighbourhood.
Popular New Year´s resolutions for teens in Britain:
I will eat at least one fruit and one vegetable every day, and I will limit the amount of
soda I drink.
I will take care of my health through physical activity and nutrition .
I will resist peer pressure to try cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.
I will wipe negative "self talk" (i.e. "I can't do it" or "I'm so dumb") out of my
I will choose non-violent television shows and video games, and I will spend only one
to two hours each day - at the most - on these activities.
I will be nice to my parents, teachers and elders and show respect to them.
I will help out in my community - through volunteering, working with community groups
or by joining a group that helps people in need.
When I feel angry or stressed out, I will take a break and find constructive ways to deal
with the stress, such as exercising , reading, writing in a journal or discussing my
problem with a parent or friend.
ausradieren/ wegwischen/ löschen
playing sports
When faced with a difficult decision, I will talk with an adult about my choices.
I will be careful about whom I choose to date, and always treat the other person with
respect and without coercion or violence.
And what are YOUR New Year´s
der Zwang/ der Druck