S3 International Booklist 2016-17
S3 International Booklist 2016-17
SECONDARY BOOKLIST 2016-2017: S3 INTERNATIONAL Subject Espanol L3 English L2 Italian L3 German L2 No of Title Periods 3 Chicos Chicas Nivel 2 Publisher 4 New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Michael Harris et al Longman John Boyne Random House ISBN-13: 978-1862305274 3 The boy in the striped pyjamas (Any version of the novel) Rete Junior B Mezzadri Balboni Guerra 2005 8877157704 Essential Italian Grammar in practise M. Mezzadri Guerra 2000 978-8877154347 La rossa Giovanni Ducci Alma Edizioni 9788861823709 Das neue Deutschmobil 3. Lehrbuch Douvitsas-Gamst... Klett 978-3-12-676144-4 Das neue Deutschmobil 3. Arbeitsbuch Douvitsas-Gamst... Klett 978-3-12-676141-3 Das neue Deutschmobil 3. Wörterheft Douvitsas-Gamst... Klett 978-3-12-676143-7 3 no books requiered Human Science in German Die Mittelmeerwelt 3 Palomino Edelsa ISBN 978-84-7711-782-7 978-84-7711-783-4 ISBN-13: 978-0582419735 German L3 HUMAN SCIENCE IN GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH French L3 Author ES publication THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD EUROPEAN SCHOOLS Et Toi? Livre De L'eleve niveau 2 (A2.1) Marie-José Lopes, JeanThierry Le Bougnec Marie-José Lopes, JeanThierry Le Bougnec, Guy Lewis Et Toi? Cahier D'exercises niveau 2 (A2.1) Provided by school & included in school fees NONE Comments/Teacher Email 1 students book and 1 exercise book; [email protected] [email protected] / [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We continue with Das neue Deutschmobil 3 teacher provides material [email protected] [email protected] THE FOLDER WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE TEACHERS [email protected] Didier (29 Oct 2007) 978-2278059973 Same book as last year to finish ([email protected]) Didier (29 Oct 2007) 978-2278059980 Same book as last year to finish