Ausgabe 04/12 - Kooperation


Ausgabe 04/12 - Kooperation
Ausgabe 04/12
20. April
Berichterstattung zur Forschungs-, Bildungs-,
Technologie- und Innovationspolitik weltweit
Global ................................................................................................................... 9
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet
Declaration” ..................................................................................................... 9
Readiness to Work with Scientific Community on Large-Scale Scientific
Initiative .......................................................................................................... 10
Open Access to Scientific Information: Policy Guidelines Released ............. 10
New Publications Track the Care and Education of Young Children ............ 11
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move to Low-Carbon
Economy ........................................................................................................ 12
International Human Microbe Program Looks Ahead ................................... 12
OECD Releases Guide for Public Engagement and Outreach in
Nanotechnology ............................................................................................. 13
Innovationspartnerschaften: Neue Vorschläge zu Rohstoffen, Landwirtschaft
und gesundem Altern zur Förderung der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
....................................................................................................................... 16
European Commission Enters the Field of Transnational and Demand-Driven
Innovation Vouchers ...................................................................................... 17
Biomass – A Nordic-Baltic Opportunity?........................................................ 18
Frankreich .......................................................................................................... 19
63 Projects Selected for the 13th FUI Call for Projects ................................. 19
Auszeichnung von Projekten innovativer Ausbildungsgänge im Rahmen des
Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ ............................................................... 19
Zwei neue Exzellenzzentren für Onkologie im Rahmen des Programms
„Zukunftsinvestitionen“ benannt ..................................................................... 20
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
At the Meeting on PIREN Establishment, ISESCO Director General Calls for
a Broader Networking of Islamic World’s Academic Institutions ................... 13
Großbritannien .................................................................................................. 21
EU / Europa........................................................................................................ 14
Report Calls for Universities to Be at Heart of Economy ............................... 21
Measuring Performance: Country Factsheets ............................................... 14
Nesta Becomes an Independent Charity ....................................................... 22
A New Regional Competitiveness Index: Theory, Methods and Findings .... 14
UK Biobank Opens for Research................................................................... 23
New Initiatives to Assist Small Enterprises to Go International ..................... 15
Japan .................................................................................................................. 23
Australien ........................................................................................................... 33
Teilchenbeschleuniger mit 40fach höherer Leistung ..................................... 23
Agreement Secures Future of the Australian Synchrotron ............................ 33
Kanada ............................................................................................................... 24
Brasilien ............................................................................................................. 33
Government of Canada Commits New Funding to Support Advanced
Research Infrastructure at Canadian Universities and Colleges ................... 24
Brazil Hosts Latin America Open Educational Resources Regional Forum .. 33
CIHR and NSERC Are Pleased to Announce the 2012 Launch of the
Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) Program ........................... 24
Government of Canada’s New Knowledge Synthesis Grants Will Identify Best
Practices in Innovation Policy ........................................................................ 25
Brazil’s Biofuel Sector: What Future? ............................................................ 34
China .................................................................................................................. 35
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners ................................... 35
Another Bumper Year for Chinese Science ................................................... 35
USA .................................................................................................................... 26
Finnland ............................................................................................................. 36
Less Paperwork, More Research: Improving Federal Grant Policies ........... 26
Academy Invested 341 Million Euros in Research in 2011 ........................... 36
Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and Cost
Breakthroughs ............................................................................................... 26
Finnish Researchers Successful in Latest ERC Grant Round ...................... 36
Big Data Is a Big Deal.................................................................................... 27
Indien .................................................................................................................. 37
Fermilab Told to Rein in Planned Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment ........ 28
India Joins European Neutron Facility in Grenoble ....................................... 37
Neue Max-Planck-Princeton-Partnerschaft in der Fusionsforschung ........... 28
Irland .................................................................................................................. 38
Energy Department Announces up to $ 15 Million to Research BiomassBased Supplements for Traditional Fuels...................................................... 29
Irish Government Invests 1.2 Million Euros in Cloud Computing Technology
Research Centre ............................................................................................ 38
Obama Administration Announces $ 14.2 Million in New Funding to Develop
Lightweight Materials for Advanced Vehicles ................................................ 30
Government’s Plan to Target Core 500 Million Euros Research Budget at
Turning Good Ideas into Good Jobs .............................................................. 38
Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive
Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers ............................................... 31
Minister Sherlock Launches New Irish Research Council ............................. 39
Researchers Draw up Scientific Resilience Test for Finland’s Economy ...... 37
Norwegen ........................................................................................................... 40
Ägypten .............................................................................................................. 31
Evaluation of Basic ICT Research: Vast Potential – Too Little Investment ... 40
Egypt Sets a New Course for Its Scientific Efforts ........................................ 31
Research Infrastructure: Updated National Strategy and Roadmap ............. 41
Algerien.............................................................................................................. 32
Northern Node of Pan-African University Launched in Algeria ..................... 32
EEA (European Economic Area) Provides Millions for Research
Collaboration: Norway and Romania Sign Cooperation Agreement ............. 42
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 2
Norway and the New EU Framework Programme: Wants More Marine and
Maritime Research in Horizon 2020 .............................................................. 43
Österreich .......................................................................................................... 43
Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister Töchterle unterstreicht hohen
Stellenwert des Wissenschaftsfonds für junge Wissenschaftler ................... 43
Schweden .......................................................................................................... 44
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s Impact Studies ... 44
Singapur ............................................................................................................ 45
SMEs to Benefit from R&D Investments........................................................ 45
EIU Identifies Singapore as Asia’s Most Competitive City and Ranks Third
Globally .......................................................................................................... 45
Spanien .............................................................................................................. 45
Bigger-Than-Expected Budget Cuts Hit Spanish Scientists .......................... 45
Südafrika............................................................................................................ 46
Sub-Saharan Africans Join Forces for TB Vaccine Research ...................... 46
Ungarn ............................................................................................................... 47
The Science and Technology Observatory Starts Its Operation Soon .......... 47
Impressum ......................................................................................................... 48
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 3
OECD Releases Guide for Public Engagement and Outreach in Nanotechnology ............................................................................................................ 13
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
Teilchenbeschleuniger mit 40fach höherer Leistung ..................................... 23
Big Data Is a Big Deal.................................................................................... 27
Obama Administration Announces $ 14.2 Million in New Funding to Develop
Lightweight Materials for Advanced Vehicles ................................................ 30
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move to Low-Carbon
Economy ........................................................................................................ 12
Biomass – A Nordic-Baltic Opportunity?........................................................ 18
Brazil’s Biofuel Sector: What Future? ............................................................ 34
Norway and the New EU Framework Programme: Wants More Marine and
Maritime Research in Horizon 2020 .............................................................. 43
International Human Microbe Program Looks Ahead .................................... 12
Zwei neue Exzellenzzentren für Onkologie im Rahmen des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ benannt .......................................................................... 20
Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive
Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers ............................................... 31
UK Biobank Opens for Research................................................................... 23
Irish Government Invests 1.2 Million Euros in Cloud Computing Technology
Research Centre............................................................................................ 38
CIHR and NSERC Are Pleased to Announce the 2012 Launch of the Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) Program .................................... 24
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move to Low-Carbon
Economy ........................................................................................................ 12
Neue Max-Planck-Princeton-Partnerschaft in der Fusionsforschung ........... 28
Sub-Saharan Africans Join Forces for TB Vaccine Research ....................... 46
Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and Cost Breakthroughs ......................................................................................................... 26
Obama Administration Announces $ 14.2 Million in New Funding to Develop
Lightweight Materials for Advanced Vehicles ................................................ 30
Energy Department Announces up to $ 15 Million to Research BiomassBased Supplements for Traditional Fuels...................................................... 29
Brazil’s Biofuel Sector: What Future? ............................................................ 34
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet
Declaration” ..................................................................................................... 9
Readiness to Work with Scientific Community on Large-Scale Scientific Initiative ................................................................................................................. 10
Evaluation of Basic ICT Research: Vast Potential – Too Little Investment ... 40
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
Demografischer Wandel
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 4
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
New Publications Track the Care and Education of Young Children ............ 11
At the Meeting on PIREN Establishment, ISESCO Director General Calls for
a Broader Networking of Islamic World’s Academic Institutions ................... 13
Auszeichnung von Projekten innovativer Ausbildungsgänge im Rahmen des
Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ ............................................................... 19
Northern Node of Pan-African University Launched in Algeria ..................... 32
Brazil Hosts Latin America Open Educational Resources Regional Forum .. 33
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners ................................... 35
At the Meeting on PIREN Establishment, ISESCO Director General Calls for
a Broader Networking of Islamic World’s Academic Institutions ................... 13
Auszeichnung von Projekten innovativer Ausbildungsgänge im Rahmen des
Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ ............................................................... 19
Report Calls for Universities to Be at Heart of Economy............................... 21
Government of Canada Commits New Funding to Support Advanced Research Infrastructure at Canadian Universities and Colleges ....................... 24
Northern Node of Pan-African University Launched in Algeria ..................... 32
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners ................................... 35
Auszeichnung von Projekten innovativer Ausbildungsgänge im Rahmen des
Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ ............................................................... 19
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners ................................... 35
Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister Töchterle unterstreicht hohen Stellenwert des Wissenschaftsfonds für junge Wissenschaftler .......................... 43
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
Readiness to Work with Scientific Community on Large-Scale Scientific Initiative.................................................................................................................. 10
Open Access to Scientific Information: Policy Guidelines Released ............. 10
OECD Releases Guide for Public Engagement and Outreach in Nanotechnology ............................................................................................................ 13
At the Meeting on PIREN Establishment, ISESCO Director General Calls for
a Broader Networking of Islamic World’s Academic Institutions.................... 13
Innovationspartnerschaften: Neue Vorschläge zu Rohstoffen, Landwirtschaft
und gesundem Altern zur Förderung der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
....................................................................................................................... 16
Nesta Becomes an Independent Charity ....................................................... 22
Egypt Sets a New Course for Its Scientific Efforts......................................... 31
Government’s Plan to Target Core 500 Million Euros Research Budget at
Turning Good Ideas into Good Jobs .............................................................. 38
Minister Sherlock Launches New Irish Research Council ............................. 39
EEA (European Economic Area) Provides Millions for Research Collaboration: Norway and Romania Sign Cooperation Agreement ............................. 42
Norway and the New EU Framework Programme: Wants More Marine and
Maritime Research in Horizon 2020 .............................................................. 43
EIU Identifies Singapore as Asia’s Most Competitive City and Ranks Third
Globally .......................................................................................................... 45
The Science and Technology Observatory Starts Its Operation Soon .......... 47
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 5
Another Bumper Year for Chinese Science .................................................. 35
Evaluation of Basic ICT Research: Vast Potential – Too Little Investment ... 40
EEA (European Economic Area) Provides Millions for Research Collaboration: Norway and Romania Sign Cooperation Agreement............................. 42
Bigger-Than-Expected Budget Cuts Hit Spanish Scientists .......................... 45
International Human Microbe Program Looks Ahead ................................... 12
European Commission Enters the Field of Transnational and Demand-Driven
Innovation Vouchers ...................................................................................... 17
63 Projects Selected for the 13th FUI Call for Projects ................................. 19
Zwei neue Exzellenzzentren für Onkologie im Rahmen des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ benannt .......................................................................... 20
Energy Department Announces up to $ 15 Million to Research BiomassBased Supplements for Traditional Fuels ...................................................... 29
Obama Administration Announces $ 14.2 Million in New Funding to Develop
Lightweight Materials for Advanced Vehicles ................................................ 30
Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive
Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers ............................................... 31
Egypt Sets a New Course for Its Scientific Efforts......................................... 31
Academy Invested 341 Million Euros in Research in 2011 ........................... 36
Finnish Researchers Successful in Latest ERC Grant Round ...................... 36
Irish Government Invests 1.2 Million Euros in Cloud Computing Technology
Research Centre ............................................................................................ 38
Government’s Plan to Target Core 500 Million Euros Research Budget at
Turning Good Ideas into Good Jobs .............................................................. 38
Nesta Becomes an Independent Charity ....................................................... 22
EEA (European Economic Area) Provides Millions for Research Collaboration: Norway and Romania Sign Cooperation Agreement ............................. 42
Government of Canada Commits New Funding to Support Advanced Research Infrastructure at Canadian Universities and Colleges ....................... 24
Norway and the New EU Framework Programme: Wants More Marine and
Maritime Research in Horizon 2020 .............................................................. 43
CIHR and NSERC Are Pleased to Announce the 2012 Launch of the Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) Program ................................... 24
Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister Töchterle unterstreicht hohen Stellenwert des Wissenschaftsfonds für junge Wissenschaftler .......................... 43
Government of Canada’s New Knowledge Synthesis Grants Will Identify Best
Practices in Innovation Policy ........................................................................ 25
SMEs to Benefit from R&D Investments ........................................................ 45
Less Paperwork, More Research: Improving Federal Grant Policies ........... 26
Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and Cost Breakthroughs ......................................................................................................... 26
Big Data Is a Big Deal.................................................................................... 27
Fermilab Told to Rein in Planned Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment ........ 28
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
UK Biobank Opens for Research................................................................... 23
Teilchenbeschleuniger mit 40fach höherer Leistung ..................................... 23
Government of Canada Commits New Funding to Support Advanced Research Infrastructure at Canadian Universities and Colleges ....................... 24
Big Data Is a Big Deal .................................................................................... 27
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 6
Fermilab Told to Rein in Planned Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment ........ 28
Neue Max-Planck-Princeton-Partnerschaft in der Fusionsforschung ........... 28
New Initiatives to Assist Small Enterprises to Go International ..................... 15
Northern Node of Pan-African University Launched in Algeria ..................... 32
63 Projects Selected for the 13th FUI Call for Projects ................................. 19
Agreement Secures Future of the Australian Synchrotron ............................ 33
Zwei neue Exzellenzzentren für Onkologie im Rahmen des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ benannt .......................................................................... 20
India Joins European Neutron Facility in Grenoble ....................................... 37
Research Infrastructure: Updated National Strategy and Roadmap ............. 41
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move to Low-Carbon
Economy ........................................................................................................ 12
Measuring Performance: Country Factsheets ............................................... 14
A New Regional Competitiveness Index: Theory, Methods and Findings .... 14
Innovationspartnerschaften: Neue Vorschläge zu Rohstoffen, Landwirtschaft
und gesundem Altern zur Förderung der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
....................................................................................................................... 16
European Commission Enters the Field of Transnational and Demand-Driven
Innovation Vouchers ...................................................................................... 17
63 Projects Selected for the 13th FUI Call for Projects ................................. 19
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
Government of Canada’s New Knowledge Synthesis Grants Will Identify Best
Practices in Innovation Policy ........................................................................ 25
Less Paperwork, More Research: Improving Federal Grant Policies ........... 26
Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and Cost Breakthroughs ......................................................................................................... 26
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s Impact Studies ... 44
Kooperation Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft
Innovationspartnerschaften: Neue Vorschläge zu Rohstoffen, Landwirtschaft
und gesundem Altern zur Förderung der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
....................................................................................................................... 16
European Commission Enters the Field of Transnational and Demand-Driven
Innovation Vouchers ...................................................................................... 17
Report Calls for Universities to Be at Heart of Economy ............................... 21
Egypt Sets a New Course for Its Scientific Efforts......................................... 31
Irish Government Invests 1.2 Million Euros in Cloud Computing Technology
Research Centre ............................................................................................ 38
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s Impact Studies ... 44
New Initiatives to Assist Small Enterprises to Go International ..................... 15
Europe,an Commission Enters the Field of Transnational and DemandDriven Innovation Vouchers ........................................................................... 17
SMEs to Benefit from R&D Investments ........................................................ 45
Wirtschaft und Märkte
Minister Sherlock Launches New Irish Research Council ............................. 39
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor ... 21
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s Impact Studies ... 44
Brazil’s Biofuel Sector: What Future? ............................................................ 34
Researchers Draw up Scientific Resilience Test for Finland’s Economy ...... 37
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 7
Government’s Plan to Target Core 500 Million Euros Research Budget at
Turning Good Ideas into Good Jobs.............................................................. 38
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
New Publications Track the Care and Education of Young Children ............ 11
Measuring Performance: Country Factsheets ............................................... 14
A New Regional Competitiveness Index: Theory, Methods and Findings .... 14
Evaluation of Basic ICT Research: Vast Potential – Too Little Investment ... 40
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s Impact Studies ... 44
EIU Identifies Singapore as Asia’s Most Competitive City and Ranks Third
Globally .......................................................................................................... 45
The Science and Technology Observatory Starts Its Operation Soon .......... 47
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of the Planet Declaration” .................................................................................................................. 9
The Science and Technology Observatory Starts Its Operation Soon .......... 47
New Initiatives to Assist Small Enterprises to Go International ..................... 15
Biomass – A Nordic-Baltic Opportunity? ....................................................... 18
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners ................................... 35
Research Infrastructure: Updated National Strategy and Roadmap ............. 41
Sub-Saharan Africans Join Forces for TB Vaccine Research ...................... 46
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 8
International Scientific Community Issues First “State of
the Planet Declaration”
Scientists issued the first “State of the Planet” declaration at a major gathering of
experts on global environmental and social issues in advance of the major UN
Summit Rio+20 in June. It states that consensus is growing that we have driven
the planet into a new epoch, the Anthropocene, where many planetary-scale
processes are dominated by human activities. It concludes society must not
delay taking urgent and large-scale action.
Over 3,000 experts in climate change, environmental geo-engineering, international governance, the future of the oceans and biodiversity, global trade, development, poverty alleviation, food security and more discussed the intricate connections between all the different systems and cycles governing our ocean, air,
land and the human and animal life dependent on those environments.
The conference presented new initiatives as recommendations for the Rio+20
Going beyond GDP by taking into account the value of natural capital when
measuring progress.
A new framework for developing a set of goals for global sustainability for all
Creating a UN Sustainable Development Council to integrate social, economic and environmental policy at the global level.
Based on a new economic indicator that measures natural, human and produced capital, the tool goes beyond GDP and can provide guidance for economic development towards sustainability. The report, scheduled to be published at
Rio+20, will describe the capital base of 20 nations: Australia, Brazil, Canada,
Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Norway, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, USA, United
Kingdom and Venezuela.
“State of the Planet” declaration
Weitere Informationen
Beyond GDP: Experts Preview “Inclusive Wealth” Indicator to Reflect Sustainability of
Natural, Human as well as Manufactured Capital
t warnt vor wachsender Urbanisierung bis 2050
Brazil, India, South Africa join new research fund
Developing countries 'need a say in geoengineering debates'
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Global
Launching a new international research programme, Future Earth, that will
focus on solutions.
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Initiating regular global sustainability analyses.
The conference also previewed the first Inclusive Wealth Report, developed by
UN University’s International Human Dimensions Programme (UNU-IHDP) and
the UN Environment Programme.
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Energie, Umwelt, Demografischer Wandel, Bildung, Rahmenbedingungen, Indikatorik,
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 9
Readiness to Work with Scientific Community on LargeScale Scientific Initiative
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to
the “Planet Under Pressure” conference, in London, 29 March:
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Global
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für UN im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Thomas Reineke, Tel. 0228/3821-1448, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Climate change, the financial crisis, and food, water and energy insecurity
threaten human well-being and civilization as we know it. The scientific community can help us make sense of these complex and interconnected challenges,
including by strengthening our understanding of “planetary boundaries” and “critical thresholds”.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is just one example of what we
can do together. But, policy makers often fail to turn to scientists for advice, or
discount it too easily owing to electoral or other political considerations. At the
same time, scientific advice is sometimes unclear or even contradictory. Scientists themselves often work in silos, ignoring broader factors.
My High-level Panel on Global Sustainability has just recommended that I consider naming a chief scientific adviser or establishing a scientific board to advise
me and other organs of the United Nations. As I take this recommendation forward — with support from Director-General Bokova — I also intend to engage
the scientific community on other projects, such as the Global Sustainable Development Outlook report. I am also ready to work with the scientific community
on the launch of a large-scale scientific initiative.
I welcome the State of the Planet declaration issued today by the co-chairs of
this conference. Its timing, two months before the United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development, could not be better. Rio+20 is a major opportunity to
advance the policy–science interface. I look forward to working with the scientific
community towards a more coherent, science-based and effective approach to
today’s global challenges.
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Umwelt, Rahmenbedingungen
Open Access to Scientific Information: Policy Guidelines
Addressing a major concern of Member States, UNESCO has released a new
publication entitled Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of
Open Access to demystify the concept of Open Access and provide concrete
steps on putting relevant policies in place. Besides strengthening capacities to
adopt Open Access (OA) and to serve as a clearing-house on global OA debate,
the 187th session of the Executive Board identified provision of upstream policy
advice as the core priority while approving the Open Access Strategy on UNESCO’s contribution to promotion of Open Access to scientific information and research.
Building capacities in Member States for Open Access is a necessary but not
sufficient condition for promotion of OA. Creating an enabling policy environment
in Member States for OA is therefore a priority. The new publication will serve
the needs of OA policy development at the government, institutional and funding
agency level.
The overall objective of the Policy Guidelines is to promote Open Access in
Member States by facilitating understanding of all relevant issues related to
Open Access.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 10
by Dr Alma Swan, an eminent expert in the field of Open Access, the draft went
through an open consultation and peer review at the Open Access Community in
the WSIS Knowledge Communities. The Policy Guidelines can be used by individuals as a basic text on Open Access and related policies. The publication will
be useful to both the beginners as well as experienced in the world of Open
Access, and will assist the decision-makers, administrators and research managers to focus on OA policy development.
Open Access is at the heart of UNESCO’s mandate to provide universal access
to information and knowledge, and the UNESCO Open Access programme shall
continue to facilitate policy dialogue in Member States, share knowledge and
best practices in the field of Open Access, and build and share local capacities
through North-South and South-South co-operation to create knowledge societies for sustainable development.
New Publications Track the Care and Education of Young
To improve Member States' capacity to monitor progress towards quality early
childhood care and education (ECCE), UNESCO commissioned a group of experts to conduct reviews of indicators related to early childhood development,
spanning five areas critical to early childhood development: health and nutrition,
social protection, child development and education, legal protection, and policy
and planning.Now published, these reviews provide an inventory of these indicators, as well as recommendations for the content of the Holistic Early Childhood
Development Index.
This Interagency Technical Committee to develop this index was created in December 2010 and includes childhood development experts from the Bernard van
Leer Foundation, Un Kilo de Ayuda (Mexico), Save the Children, UNESCO, UNICEF, the WFP, the WHO and the World Bank.
Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Open Access
Holistic Early Childhood Development Index
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Dr. Thomas Reineke, Tel. 0228/3821-1448, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für UNESCO im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Dr. Thomas Reineke, Tel. 0228/3821-1448, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Bildung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für UNESCO im Internationalen Büro
Bildung, Indikatorik
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 11
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World
Move to Low-Carbon Economy
The use of broadband in information and communication technology (ICT) can
help the world transition to a low carbon-economy and address the causes and
effects of climate change, according to a United Nations-backed report released
The report aims to raise awareness of the pivotal role information and communication technology, particularly broadband networks, can play in helping creating
a low-carbon economy. It also highlights the importance of public private partnerships in accelerating change.
The report presents 10 recommendations for policymakers and leaders to hasten and strengthen the power of ICT and broadband to accelerate global
progress towards a low-carbon economy, including adopting long-term national
broadband plans.
These recommendations include convergence in ICT strategies to align them
with other sectors, such as energy, health, education and climate; clear regulatory rules to create a framework of investment certainty; cross-ministry collaboration and integrated decision-making to link climate and digital goals, and the use
of government procurement to send the right market signals.
The report also calls for partnerships; harmonized metrics and common standards and knowledge sharing.
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für UN im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Thomas Reineke, Tel. 0228/3821-1448, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Energie, Umwelt, Innovation
International Human Microbe Program Looks Ahead
Two key programs that helped jump-start the human micron research field are
coming to an end, and follow-up efforts have yet to be put in place. It's also unclear whether industry, government regulators, or the public are ready to take
microbiome insights into the clinic.
That was the news this week in Paris as 650 researchers gathered for the third
annual meeting sponsored by the International Human Microbiome Consortium,
whose members include the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), European
Commission (EC), and major health and science agencies from France, Japan,
Canada, and several other countries. Both the NIH and EC microbiome programs, which have provided $ 140 million and $ 27 million respectively over the
past 5 years, are in their sunset phases right now, and the community is awaiting news about future funding from both sides of the Atlantic.
The Broadband Bridge – Linking ICT with Climate Action for a low carbon economy
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Global
Weitere Informationen
The International Human Microbiome Consortium
EU MetaHIT Project
NIH Human Microbiome Project
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 12
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für OECD im Internationalen Büro
Fokus EU
Fokus USA
Dr. Sonja Bugdahn (Forschung), Tel. 0228/3821-1474, [email protected]
Peter Klandt (Bildung), Tel. 0228/3821-1506, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Schlüsseltechnologien, Rahmenbedingungen
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
At the Meeting on PIREN Establishment, ISESCO Director
General Calls for a Broader Networking of Islamic World’s
Academic Institutions
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Lebenswissenschaften, Förderung
OECD Releases Guide for Public Engagement and Outreach in Nanotechnology
This guide comprises eight key points for planning public engagement activities.
It contains a set of questions to help policy makers develop a plan from start to
finish, as well as practical case studies from countries that have used the guide
in their communication activities.
Planning Guide for Public Engagement and Outreach in Nanotechnology (2012)
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus OECD
The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, this morning (19 March 2012)
at ISESCO headquarters presided over the opening of the First Meeting of
Country Coordinators for the Establishment of the Pan-Islamic Research and
Education Network (PIREN).
In his address on that occasion, the Director General said “Recent years saw the
emergence of a new paradigm for internet-based linkage of academic and research circles through research and education networks. Having widely spread
across the world, this networking is linking small groups in a manner similar to
the concept of "public use internet", but with a fundamental difference: these
groups exchange data concerned with research and education. These networks
seek to facilitate communication between experts from different educational
horizons in such a way as to improve understanding of research and education
outputs and integrate them into increasingly pluralistic societies. Networks specialized in providing advanced services to researchers prove useful for students,
teachers and other social categories.”
The purpose of this project, he further explained, is not to add a network to a
series of already existing networks, but to build effective and sustainable linkages among Islamic countries, in such a way as to promote research and educa-
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 13
tion in the Member States, enhance communication between scientists and researchers, boost their capacities, and help them achieve their goals.
These factsheets are based primarily on data from Eurostat, but also from the
Joint Research Centre, the European Environmental Agency, the World Bank
and other sources. The targets have been collected from official documents. In
some cases, absolute targets have been translated into relative targets to allow
for a cross country comparison.
Project proposal for the Pan-Islamic Research & Education Network (PIREN)
Fokus Global
Country Factsheets
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Bildung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Bildung, Hochschulen, Rahmenbedingungen
Fokus EU
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
EU / Europa
Measuring Performance: Country Factsheets
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Indikatorik im VDI Technologiezentrum
Miguel Krux, Tel. 0211/6214-460, [email protected]
The European Commission is publishing country factsheets outlining the
progress of individual Member States in meeting their agreed targets under the
Europe 2020 Strategy. The factsheets give the state of play in various themes
under the three headline targets of the Strategy: Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. The factsheets will be an invaluable support in the negotiations on
the next period of EU cohesion funding (2014–2020). They place each country in
a European perspective by measuring performance and comparing to the EU
average, as well as the best and the worst performers in the Union.
Each fact sheet shows the country's national target, the EU target and the highest and lowest targets adopted by other countries. In addition, it measures how
far that country is from the target it has set itself and compares this to the EU
and the most and least ambitious country.
Innovation, Indikatorik
A New Regional Competitiveness Index: Theory, Methods
and Findings
The regional indicator ‘EU Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI)’ is the first
composite indicator which provides a synthetic picture of territorial competitiveness for each of the NUTS 2 regions of the 27 EU Member States. It builds on
and modifies the approach of the Global Competitiveness Index of the World
Economic Forum (WEF) and consists of eleven pillars grouped in three groups:
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 14
Basic, Efficiency and Innovation. It takes into account the level of development
of the region by emphasizing basic issues in less developed regions, and innovative capacity in more developed regions. The pillars measure not only issues
relevant to firms but also those relevant to residents of the regions in question
and their quality of life.
A New Regional Competitiveness Index: Theory, Methods and Findings.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus EU
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Innovation, Indikatorik
New Initiatives to Assist Small Enterprises to Go International
On the occasion of the third meeting of SME envoys in Brussels, Vice President
Antonio Tajani announced a series of new and updated initiatives to assist Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to go international. These include new
European Commission projects to support clusters of SMEs in the sectors of
clean technologies, renewable energy, bio-technology, and sports goods so
SMEs can take full advantage of the strong growth in these sectors in Asia, Latin
America, North America and Russia. The EU's China Intellectual Property Rights
SME Helpdesk has broadened its range of interactive services and each year
enables thousands of EU SMEs to secure and defend their intellectual property
in this key market. Furthermore, more than 600 business support centres from
the Enterprise Europe Network help SMEs to become successful in Europe and
beyond. Finally organisers can register events to promote entrepreneurship during the European SME week in October 2012.
Clusters provide a fertile business environment for companies, especially SMEs,
to collaborate with research institutions, suppliers, customers and competitors
located in the same geographical area. There are a considerable number of
clusters in Europe – over 1, 000 – and nearly as many cluster organisations (of
which 495 have signed up to the European Cluster Collaboration Platform), in
which cluster managers tend to be organised. They help SMEs to improve their
To improve their performance, a new Commission pilot action aims to upgrade
the profile of 25 experts working in clusters, so that they can act as 'multipliers'
and train many other cluster managers to enable them to better support SMEs
who want to trade globally. Some 30 cluster benchmarking evaluators will be
trained and 80 clusters organisations are expected to be benchmarked against
clusters that are performing elsewhere so they can all learn from each other and
perform more effectively. These 80 cluster organisations will also sign up to the
European Cluster Collaboration Platform which should help them obtain greater
international exposure and ultimately new business and export opportunities for
their SMEs.
The projects involve 20 organisations in Greece, Ireland, Hungary and Turkey
encompassing further partners from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Iceland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain. The overall EC
contribution amounts to more than 1.5 million euros.
In addition, four new projects will help SME members of clusters to find partners
for international cooperation with a view to developing transnational cluster cooperation beyond Europe. The four cluster projects focus on:
New material and processes on clean technologies: The aim is to reach
cooperation agreements with 6 international clusters to increase business
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 15
and technological partnerships opportunities in North and South America,
Asia, North Africa and/or Russia for at least 20 SMEs or R&D laboratories.
Renewables and sustainable energy: This project focuses on internationalisation strategies in energy efficiency and smart grids, in key growing markets like US, Latin America, China, India and Russia paving the way for European products and technologies to access target markets. Among others,
collaboration agreements with at least 8 international partners will be set up
and 50 business opportunities for SMEs will be identified.
Biotechnology crossing borders: A common internationalisation strategy of
cluster SMEs in the life sciences sector will be developed through sharing of
resources between four advanced EU clusters from France, Germany, Italy
and Spain in USA, China and Brazil, thus extending the visibility of the 4
clusters worldwide increasing business and R&D opportunities for at least
16 SMEs.
Sport goods and services: The project will improve the presence of SMEs in
the sports business sector in foreign markets, notably for sport goods, facilities, and events. The project involves three clusters from France, the Netherlands and Spain and the target markets are Brazil and Russia. At least 5
collaboration agreements with international partners are envisaged.
Major emerging markets such as China with strong growth rates represent significant opportunities for EU small and medium enterprises. The China IPR SME
Helpdesk assists EU businesses to securely enter the Chinese market, reap
additional profits and win new customers. Services are available free and include confidential advice and interactive training on how to register IPR, prevent
counterfeits and copying, and find reliable suppliers. Recent publications deal
with clean technology, contracts, and dealing with Chinese customs. In 2011,
some 50+ training & awareness raising events were organised by the helpdesk
assisting some 2,400 EU SMEs across Europe and in China. In 2012, the Helpdesk will increase its training offer through webinars, publish videos of EU SME
experiences in China, and provide new interactive learning modules of emerging
Weitere Informationen
European Cluster Collaboration Platform
Weitere Informationen
China IPR SME Helpdesk
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus EU
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Cluster und Internationalisierung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Cluster, KMU, Internationalisierung
Innovationspartnerschaften: Neue Vorschläge zu Rohstoffen, Landwirtschaft und gesundem Altern zur Förderung
der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
Die Europäische Kommission hat durchgreifende Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen,
mit denen drei zentrale Herausforderungen für unsere Gesellschaft in Bereichen
angegangen werden sollen, die für Wachstum und Beschäftigung entscheidend
sind: die Versorgung mit Rohstoffen, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und aktives und
gesundes Altern. Alle drei Bereiche erfordern stärker aufeinander abgestimmte
Innovationsanstrengungen im öffentlichen wie auch im privaten Sektor, um die
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 16
Lebensqualität zu verbessern und Europa an weltweit führender Stelle zu positionieren. Die Kommission hat daher zwei neue europäische Innovationspartnerschaften ins Leben gerufen – eine für Rohstoffe und eine für landwirtschaftliche
Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit. Außerdem hat sie einen Vierjahres-Aktionsplan
für die europäische Innovationspartnerschaft „Aktives und gesundes Altern“
(eine im Februar 2011 lancierte Pilot-Innovationspartnerschaft) gebilligt. Europäische Innovationspartnerschaften verfolgen einen neuen Ansatz hinsichtlich der
gesamten Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Innovationskette, indem sie öffentliche und private Akteure über Grenzen und Sektoren hinweg zusammenführen,
um die Durchsetzung von Innovationen zu beschleunigen. Sie müssen jeweils
bis 2020 ein ambitioniertes Ziel erreichen und sollen innerhalb von 1-3 Jahren
erste Ergebnisse liefern. Die heutige Ankündigung erfolgt unmittelbar vor der
Tagung des Europäischen Rates, auf der voraussichtlich erneut bekräftigt wird,
dass Forschung und Innovation eine zentrale Rolle beim europäischen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung spielen.
Weitere Informationen
Europäische Innovationspartnerschaften sind ein neues Konzept, das im Rahmen der Leitinitiative „Innovationsunion“ der Strategie Europa 2020 eingeführt
wurde. Ziel ist es, auf Schwachstellen, Defizite und Hindernisse im europäischen
Forschungs- und Innovationssystem abzustellen, die die Entwicklung guter
Ideen und ihre Vermarktung verhindern oder verzögern. Dazu gehören unzureichende Investitionen, überholte Regelungen, fehlende Normen und fragmentierte Märkte. Jede Partnerschaft wird von einer Lenkungsgruppe unter dem Vorsitz
des Europäischen Kommissars bzw. der Kommissare geleitet, die für den jeweiligen Politikbereich zuständig sind. Hinzu kommen Vertreter der Mitgliedstaaten
(Minister), Abgeordnete, führende Industrievertreter, Forscher, Vertreter der
Zivilgesellschaft und andere wichtige Akteure. Im Rahmen von europäischen
Innovationspartnerschaften wird aufgezeigt, was getan werden kann, um Hindernisse zu überwinden (u. a. Weiterentwicklung von Technologien, Schaffung
geeigneter Marktrahmenbedingungen, Ankurbelung der Nachfrage) und um
entsprechende Maßnahmen im öffentlichen wie auch im privaten Sektor voranzubringen. Sie sind kein Ersatz für Förderprogramme oder Regulierungsverfahren, sondern bieten eine gemeinsame Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit.
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
Pressemitteilung „Innovationspartnerschaft zur Überwindung der Rohstoffverknappung in
Weitere Informationen
Alter als Chance: Europäische Innovationspartnerschaft einigt sich auf neue Maßnahmen
(Pressemitteilung November 2011)
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus EU
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation und Kooperation WissenschaftWirtschaft im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Rahmenbedingungen, Innovation, Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft
European Commission Enters the Field of Transnational
and Demand-Driven Innovation Vouchers
The official launch of the European Creative Industries Alliance on 26-28 February 2012 in Milan, Italy, also marked the start of four innovation voucher
schemes targeting creative industries or traditional industries to receive support
from creative industries.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 17
Creative industries can positively contribute to innovation and value creation in
other industries, but at the same time they often also have own needs and barriers to innovate their own business. These two features will be addressed by
the four voucher schemes that will develop and test specific innovation voucher
schemes, either by stimulating the demand for creative industries services or by
addressing the supply side of creative industries by increasing their innovation
For quite some years, innovation vouchers have been a tool for policy makers to
support what have often been first innovation activities in SMEs. Across Europe
many schemes now support SMEs to explore cooperation possibilities with public R&D providers. In 2010, the European Commission moderated a conference
during which several Member States agreed on the so-called "Riga Declaration"
that describes common principles for a better design of innovation voucher programmes to create higher impact for SME innovation. The most important
among the principles is the call for equal treatment of public and private, and of
local and foreign service providers.
The four ECIA innovation voucher schemes will also add a transnational dimension by opening up the schemes to collaboration between creative industries
and business service providers from different countries. The policy aims of ECIA
in general, and of the innovation vouchers in particular, are to foster spill-over
effects between different industries and to stimulate the demand for creative
industries services.
Riga Declaration
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus EU
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für EU im Internationalen Büro
Claudia Bernarding, Tel. 0228/3821-1839, [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Heilmayer, Tel. 0228/3821-1443, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Förderung, Innovation, Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft, KMU
Biomass – A Nordic-Baltic Opportunity?
The Baltic Sea region has everything it takes to become a global leader in sustainable biomass production and the biomass value-chain. We have a large concentration of biomass, well-developed infrastructure, technological and environmental knowledge and a long tradition for cooperation across the region. We can
set ambitious goals! This was the final conclusion of a Nordic-Baltic biomass
conference in Copenhagen on 21 March.
The conference, organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers on 20-21 March,
highlighted the challenges of securing a sustainable production and use of biomass in the development of bioenergy.
A recent report from the Nordic Council of Ministers shows that the changing
climate may lay the grounds for surplus bioenergy production in the Nordic-Baltic
region, which can then be exported to the rest of Europe.
The conference looked at the possibilities ahead for the production and use of
biomass in the Baltic Sea Region in the context of The European Commission's
strategy and action plan, “Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for
“We need to explore how to transform the increased demand on bioenergy into
sustainable solutions in the entire value chain from biomass to bioenergy. We
want to pool forces and bring together public and private players in closer partnerships. And at the same time we want to contribute to the overall ambitions in
the European Union’s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region to promote sustainability and prosperity”, said Halldór Ásgrímsson, Secretary General of the Nordic
Council of Ministers in his opening speech.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 18
He stressed the role of the Nordic Council of Ministers as a network organization
and welcomed the fact that the conference included participants from governments, research, business and civil society.
The outcome of the conference is a concrete proposal on establishing a Horizontal Action within the European Union’s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
Later this year a series of stakeholder workshops on biomass are planned to
take place around the Baltic Sea region.
The 14th call for projects was opened on 20 March 2012.
projects at least associate 2 businesses and a research lab or training body.
They must contribute to reinforcing the competitiveness of the French economy
and to creating new jobs so that the businesses involved will grow to be leaders
in the markets concerned.
Weitere Informationen
Weitere Informationen zu den Pôles de Compétitivité und aktueller Projektaufruf
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus EU
Fokus Frankreich
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für Nordische Länder im Internationalen Büro
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Frankreich im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Internationalisierung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Naima Barouk, Tel. 0228/3821-1418, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Cluster im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Umwelt, Internationalisierung
Förderung, Innovation, Cluster
63 Projects Selected for the 13th FUI Call for Projects
On 1 March 2012, the results were revealed for the 13th French Single Interministerial Fund (FUI) call for projects dedicated to financing Competitiveness
Clusters' R&D joint projects. The government thus is choosing to finance 63
projects to the sound of 58.4 million euros, completed by and additional 41.2
million euros from the European Regional Development Fund.
The government therefore picked out 63 new joint R&D projects for their innovative aspect and the economic activity they will eventually generate. These
Auszeichnung von Projekten innovativer Ausbildungsgänge im Rahmen des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“
Die Projektausschreibung IDEFI („Initiatives d’excellence en formations
innovantes“), deren Durchführung der Agence nationale de la Recherche
(A.N.R.) übertragen worden war, erfolgte Anfang November 2011. Mit ihr wurde
einem Wunsch von Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy entsprochen, den Schwerpunkt „Forschung“ des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ durch eine spezifische Aktion zur Förderung der Innovation im Bereich der Ausbildungsgänge im
Hochschulsektor zu ergänzen.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 19
Über die ursprünglich geplanten 20 Projekte hinaus wurden 37 Projektvorschläge für die Dauer von höchstens acht Jahren ausgewählt. Die Projekte werden
von Universitäten und staatlichen sowie privaten „Grandes écoles“ getragen.
Zwei neue Exzellenzzentren für Onkologie im Rahmen
des Programms „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ benannt
Die ausgezeichneten Projekte decken folgende Felder hochschulspezifischer
Ausbildungen ab:
Das Projekt PACRI wird zwecks Durchführung gemeinsamer Aktionen mehrere
Forschungsinstitute der Ile-de-France zusammenführen. PACRI fasst Grundlagen-Onkologie, transnationale Onkologie und klinische Onkologie zusammen.
Das Projekt wird darüber hinaus eine regionale Politik der Erziehung und Ausbildung auf dem Gebiet der Krebsbekämpfung über die beteiligten Partner hinaus ermöglichen.
Geistes- und Sozialwisssenschaften (12 Projekte)
Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften (9 Projekte)
Lebenswissenschaften, Gesundheit, Landwirtschaft, Ökologie (6 Projekte
Multidisziplinäre Projekte (10 Projekte)
Das Projekt CAPTOR hat auf dem Standort Toulouse-Oncopole zum Ziel, alle
Komponenten der Antitumor-Pharmakologie zu entwickeln; es soll insbesondere
durch eine Zweckforschung hohen Niveaus neue Medikamente entwickeln, diese durch klinische Forschung evaluieren und ihre im Rahmen der
„pharmacologie sociale“ in Betracht kommenden Anwendungen untersuchen.
Weitere Informationen
Wissenschaftsportal Französische Botschaft in Deutschland: Ausschreibungsergebnisse
im Bereich Forschung und Technologien
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Die beiden ausgewählten Zentralkliniken für Onkologie erhalten je 10 Millionen
Euro. Sie sollen landesweit das Entstehen von Exzellenzzentren auf dem Gebiet
der Krebsforschung fördern.
Fokus Frankreich
Weitere Informationen
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Frankreich im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Wissenschaftsportal Französische Botschaft in Deutschland: Ausschreibungsergebnisse
im Bereich Forschung und Technologien
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Bildung, Hochschulen, Fachkräfte
Fokus Frankreich
Dr. Naima Barouk, Tel. 0228/3821-1418, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Bildung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Frankreich im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Naima Barouk, Tel. 0228/3821-1418, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Cluster im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 20
Lebenswissenschaften, Förderung, Cluster
Forschungsminister Wauquiez stellt französische Raumfahrtstrategie vor
Der französische Ministerrat hatte vor einem Jahr die Ausarbeitung der jetzt
vorliegenden Strategie beschlossen. Sie wurde seither von einer Arbeitsgruppe
ausgearbeitet, der neben den von Fragen der Raumfahrtpolitik betroffenen
staatlichen Stellen (Umwelt, Transport und Verkehr, Verteidigung, Industrie,
Forschung) auch Parlamentarier, Unternehmer, Wissenschaftler und Journalisten angehörten.
Die Strategie ermögliche es – so Laurent Wauquiez – die bedeutsamen Entscheidungen vorzubereiten, die Frankreich und seine Partner in den nächsten
Monaten, insbesondere im ESA-Ministerrat zu treffen hätten.
Stratégie spatiale française (in französischer Sprache)
Weitere Informationen
Webseite der Europäischen Kommission: Politikbereich Raumfahrt
Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Thema Raumfahrt anlässlich des Deutsch-Französischen
Ministerrats vom 6. Februar 2012 (PDF-Dokument)
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Frankreich
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Frankreich im Internationalen Büro
Die Strategie beruht auf vier Leitlinien (Rolle eines „Antriebsmotors“ in der europäischen Weltraumpolitik, technologische Unabhängigkeit Europas hinsichtlich
des Zugangs zum Weltraum, Entwicklung von Anwendungen und Dienstleistungen mit hohem Mehrwert, harmonisierte europäische Industriepolitik) und leitet
daraus sieben Handlungsfelder ab:
Dr. Naima Barouk, Tel. 0228/3821-1418, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Schlüsseltechnologien, Raumfahrt, FuE-Infrastruktur, Innovation, Wirtschaft und Märkte
Ausbildung, Wissenschaftskultur und Kommunikation
Wissenschaftliche und technologische Forschung
Zugang zum Weltraum
Telekommunikation und Navigation
Sicherheit und Verteidigung
Erkundung des Weltraums
Report Calls for Universities to Be at Heart of Economy
A report published today calls for universities to be at the heart of the economy
to promote growth in the UK and improve the employability of our graduates.
The former vice-chancellor of the University of Hertfordshire and HEFCE board
member Professor Sir Tim Wilson was asked by the Government to undertake a
review into how universities work with business to ensure graduate skills and
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 21
employability meet the needs of business, and to maximise the university sector’s capabilities in business-led research and innovation.
His report makes a series of recommendations for universities, business and the
Government. The report’s recommendations aim to:
Produce graduates with knowledge and skills – specialist and generic –
relevant to their future careers, and provide opportunities for students to integrate work and enterprise experience and study.
Ensure there is a constant interchange of research, ideas and people between academe and business to sustain world class research within our
Embed a culture of pursuing the application of university based research
excellence, optimising the use of government support in research, innovation and development.
Create economic growth through partnership with Local Enterprise Partnerships and government agencies, leveraging each university’s capabilities to
support UK companies and to attract inward investment.
Build collaboration between universities, businesses and government agencies to identify areas of future knowledge and capability creation and identify where partners’ research investment should be made.
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kooperation Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft im VDI
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Hochschulen, Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft
Nesta Becomes an Independent Charity
On 1 April, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
(NESTA) became an independent charity, after it was abolished as a nondepartmental public body.
The new charity, to be known as Nesta, will continue to support innovation
through a combination of practical programmes, investing in start-up innovative
companies, and carrying out research into innovation.
The National Lottery endowment has been transferred to a separate Trust which
will be used to support innovative activities in line with the Trust’s charitable
objectives. Nesta will be the sole trustee of the NESTA Trust.
This marks the completion of a process which started with the Government’s
announcement in October 2010 as part of the public bodies reform programme.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
A Review of Business–University Collaboration
Fokus Großbritannien
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Großbritannien im Internationalen Büro
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Großbritannien
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Großbritannien im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
Rahmenbedingungen, Förderung
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 22
UK Biobank Opens for Research
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Großbritannien im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
An incredible snapshot of the health and lifestyles of 500,000 Britons – including
26,000 people with diabetes and 50,000 with joint disorders, 41,000 teetotallers,
and 11,000 heart attack patients – is now available for medical research.
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Importantly, this information will grow as the participants’ stored samples are
analysed and their health is followed over many years, building a key resource
for research into a wide range of illnesses that cause pain, disability and premature death.
Lebenswissenschaften, FuE-Infrastruktur
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
UK Biobank will gain in value for health research, as:
Results of tests on donated blood, urine and saliva samples, including genetic tests, are included in the resource;
Changes in participants’ health are recorded via electronic records (eg general practice, hospital statistics, cancer and death registers);
Results from studies using UK Biobank are put back into the resource for
other researchers to use;
Additional or more detailed information about the participants is added (eg
physical activity, diet, work and residential questionnaires and possibly,
body scanning), and repeat measurements are undertaken.
UK Biobank is funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the British
Heart Foundation.
Weitere Informationen
Britain's Biobank Is Open for Business
Teilchenbeschleuniger mit 40fach höherer Leistung
Das Forschungszentrum KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
in Tsukuba in der Präfektur Ibaraki hat die Baupläne für seinen neuen Teilchenbeschleuniger „Super KEKB“ veröffentlicht, der voraussichtlich im Fiskaljahr
2014 in Betrieb gehen wird.
Bei dem Projekt handelt es sich um die Modernisierung des bereits existierenden und weltweit leistungsfähigsten Teilchenbeschleunigers „KEKB“, in dem
man Elektronen mit Positronen kollidieren lässt. Durch die Modernisierung wird
eine 40fach höhere Leistung als bisher erzielt.
Weitere Informationen
KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Japan
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Japan im Internationalen Büro
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Dr. Hans-Jörg Stähle, Tel. 0228/3821-1403, [email protected]
Fokus Großbritannien
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 23
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für FuE-Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Schlüsseltechnologien, FuE-Infrastruktur
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Hochschulen, Förderung, FuE-Infrastruktur
Government of Canada Commits New Funding to Support
Advanced Research Infrastructure at Canadian Universities and Colleges
As part of its investment in science, technology and innovation, the Government
of Canada allocated $ 500 million to the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
in Budget 2012. Starting in 2014-15,
this funding will support investments
The Canada Foundation for Innovation gives
in leading-edge research infrastrucresearchers the tools they need to think big
and innovate. By investing in state-of-the-art
ture, including the College-Industry
facilities and equipment in Canada’s universiInnovation Fund.
This new funding is designed to sustain the CFI’s investments in advanced research infrastructure and
support the Foundation’s core activities. The CFI will work with all its
stakeholders to ensure that their
needs are addressed.
ties, colleges, research hospitals and nonprofit research institutions, the CFI is helping
to attract and retain the world’s top talent, to
train the next generation of researchers, to
support private-sector innovation and to
create high-quality jobs that strengthen the
economy and improve the quality of life for all
CIHR and NSERC Are Pleased to Announce the 2012
Launch of the Collaborative Health Research Projects
(CHRP) Program
The Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) program is a joint initiative
between the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and
the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The CHRP program supports innovative interdisciplinary collaborative research projects requiring participation from the natural sciences or engineering community together with the
health sciences community. Proposed research projects must have a strong
focus on knowledge translation (KT), and lead to health and economic benefits
for Canadians, more effective health services and products, and/or a strengthened health care system. All applicant teams are required to engage and collaborate with a knowledge/technology user organization that could benefit from
the research results. Funding for CHRP projects can be for up to three years for
defined projects with clear milestones and decision points.
In the context of improved health for Canadians, the following are the objectives
of the CHRP Program:
Translate research results to knowledge/technology users and other stakeholders;
Encourage the natural sciences or engineering and health research communities to collaborate and integrate their expertise;
Advance interdisciplinary research leading to knowledge and technologies
with the potential to benefit Canada by improving the Canadian healthcare
system and/or services and where appropriate lead to economic opportunities in Canada; and
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Kanada
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kanada im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 24
Train highly qualified personnel in collaborative and interdisciplinary research of relevance to health, while preparing them for employment opportunities in the private, public or not for profit sectors.
Projects are for up to three years funding, with no maximum amount. The total
amount available for this funding opportunity is $ 22.1 million over three years.
Of this $ 22.1 million:
$ 20.4 million is available to fund applications within the general pool.
$ 500,000 is available to fund applications relevant to personalized cancer
medicine through the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research.
$ 900,000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR Institute of
Genetics in the area of Invention - Tools, Techniques and Devices.
$ 300,000 is available to fund applications relevant to the area of Musculoskeletal Health, Arthritis, Skin and Oral Health through the CIHR Institute
of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis.
Government of Canada’s New Knowledge Synthesis
Grants Will Identify Best Practices in Innovation Policy
In collaboration with Industry Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has awarded 14 Knowledge Synthesis Grants to top
researchers at universities across Canada. With their focus on public investments in higher education research and development (R&D), the 14 funded projects will help stimulate innovation and economic growth for the benefit of Canada.
Supporting SSHRC’s priority area of Innovation, Leadership and Prosperity, the
goal of the grants is to synthesize new and existing academic knowledge and to
identify gaps in our current understanding of what stimulates innovation and
economic growth. Valued at a total of $ 327,109, the grants will enable experts
to identify international best practices on using public investments to stimulate
innovation, and to engage with policy-makers on their research questions and
findings. Recognizing the potential of this undertaking to inform future Canadian
science and innovation policy, Industry Canada has partnered with SSHRC on
this important knowledge synthesis project.
Adam Holbrook, professor and associate director of the Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology at Simon Fraser University, and Catherine
Beaudry, associate professor in the Department of Mathematical and Industrial
Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal, serve as co-scientific directors
of this knowledge synthesis project. The 14 grant recipients will submit final reports to SSHRC in May 2012, after which a summary of the findings will be
made publicly available.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Kanada
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kanada im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Lebenswissenschaften, Förderung
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Kanada
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 25
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kanada im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Förderung, Innovation
Building on this effort, OMB last October created the Council on Financial Assistance Reform, charged with identifying potential improvements to grant administration policies and processes. The Council recently summarized the insights
derived from the processes noted above and worked with others at OMB and
OSTP to craft an Advance Notice of Proposed Guidance posted on 28 February
in the Federal Register. The Notice describes a number of proposed changes to
single audit and cost principles for grants and cooperative agreements, and provides an opportunity for public comment through 29 March 2012.
Less Paperwork, More Research: Improving Federal
Grant Policies
As home to some of the Nation’s best research teams and laboratories, colleges
and universities are critical players in the Obama Administration’s strategy for
boosting domestic innovation and global competitiveness through cutting-edge
research as well as through their role in training the American workforce of tomorrow. But achieving scientific and technological advancement is difficult when
university administrators and faculty members are bogged down with bureaucratic responsibilities rather than focusing on the grand challenges ahead—or
when research institute budgets are squandered on wasteful compliance with
outdated or unjustified Federal requirements.
The Obama Administration recognizes the importance of enhancing the effectiveness of Federal investments in research while maintaining responsible stewardship of Federal grant dollars. Guided by these twin imperatives, the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB), OSTP, and Federal grant-making agencies
have teamed up to carry out a comprehensive review of grant policies, with an
eye to identifying reforms that can reduce administrative and compliance burdens without compromising stewardship. As part of this effort over the past year,
OMB and OSTP have reached out to university officials, researchers, and other
stakeholders with the goal of examining the relevant OMB guidance documents
(“circulars”) and proposing revised grant-making and grant oversight guidance.
Advance Notice of Proposed Guidance
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6213-632, [email protected]
Förderung, Innovation
Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and
Cost Breakthroughs
President Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the launch of
EV Everywhere, an electric vehicle Grand Challenge that seeks to make electric
vehicles as affordable and convenient to own and drive as today’s gasolinepowered vehicles within a decade.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 26
This is the second in a series of Clean Energy Grand Challenges to be announced by the Department of Energy (DOE). The first in the series, already
underway, is the $ 1/watt SunShot Grand Challenge, which seeks to make solar
power directly cost-competitive with electricity from fossil fuels by 2020.
Over the next few months, the Department of Energy will announce a series of
additional Grand Challenges. These are designed to identify the most pressing
energy technology challenges of our time and bring together America’s best and
brightest scientists, engineers, and businesses to work collaboratively to solve
Grand Challenges – ambitious but achievable goals that capture our imagination
and inspire breakthroughs in science and technology – are an important element
of the President’s Strategy for American Innovation. When defined with sufficient
specificity to convey what success looks like, yet in terms broad enough to allow
the integration of novel solution strategies, grand challenges can spur significant
developments in a wide range of domains such as health, energy, sustainability,
education, or economic opportunity
Fact Sheet: All-of-the-Above Approach to American Energy
Weitere Informationen
Strategy for American Innovation
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf. Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Mobilität, Förderung, Innovation
Big Data Is a Big Deal
On 29 March 2012, the Obama Administration is announcing the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative.” By improving our ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data, the initiative promises to help accelerate the pace of discovery in science and engineering, strengthen our national security, and transform teaching and learning.
To launch the initiative, six Federal departments and agencies will announce
more than $ 200 million in new commitments that, together, promise to greatly
improve the tools and techniques needed to access, organize, and glean discoveries from huge volumes of digital data. Learn more about ongoing Federal
government programs that address the challenges of, and tap the opportunities
afforded by, the big data revolution in our Big Data Fact Sheet.
The Obama administration wants to challenge industry, research universities,
and non-profits to join with the Administration to make the most of the opportunities created by Big Data. Clearly, the government can’t do this on its own. The
US need what the President calls an “all hands on deck” effort.
Some companies are already sponsoring Big Data-related competitions, and
providing funding for university research. Universities are beginning to create
new courses—and entire courses of study—to prepare the next generation of
“data scientists.” Organizations like Data Without Borders are helping non-profits
by providing pro bono data collection, analysis, and visualization. OSTP would
be very interested in supporting the creation of a forum to highlight new publicprivate partnerships related to Big Data.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 27
Weitere Informationen
Big Data Fact Sheet
DOE Scraps Plans for Neutrino Experiment in Mine
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
Schlüsseltechnologien, Förderung, FuE-Infrastruktur
Förderung, FuE-Infrastruktur
Fermilab Told to Rein in Planned Long-Baseline Neutrino
Physicists in the US working on a major new experiment to study the properties
of neutrinos have suffered a major setback with the announcement that the US
Department of Energy (DOE) will not fund their current plan. Known as the LongBaseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE), it would involve creating a beam of neutrinos at Fermilab and detecting them 1300 km away in a new detector to be
built deep underground in South Dakota’s Homestake mine.
But writing to Fermilab director Pier Oddone, William Brinkman, director of the
DOE's Office of Science, says that the DOE “cannot support the LBNE project
as it is currently configured”. Brinkman now suggests that, instead of building the
LBNE all at once, Fermilab should take “an affordable and phased approach that
will enable important science results at each phase”.
Neue Max-Planck-Princeton-Partnerschaft in der Fusionsforschung
Partner des neuen Centers sind auf dem Gebiet der Fusionsforschung das MaxPlanck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching und Greifswald (IPP) und das
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Auf dem Gebiet der astrophysikalischen Plasmen sind außerdem die MPI für Sonnensystemforschung
(Katlenburg-Lindau) und Astrophysik (Garching) sowie die Fakultät für Astrophysik der Princeton University beteiligt. Ziel der Zusammenarbeit ist es, die Synergien zwischen der Fusionsforschung und den Astrophysikern stärker zu nutzen;
viele Methoden, die in der Fusionsforschung entwickelt wurden, sind auch für
die Astrophysik anwendbar. Gleichzeitig sollen gemeinsame Erkenntnisse zu
Fusions- und astrophysikalischen Plasmen in die Weiterentwicklung der theoretischen Modelle einfließen und so die Erforschung der Fusionskraft als praktisch
nutzbare Energiequelle vorantreiben.
Auch der Austausch von Wissenschaftlern, insbesondere von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern wird im Max Planck Princeton Research Center for Plasma
Physics gefördert. So können beispielweise Forscher für eine ExperimentkamAusgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 28
pagne an der jeweils anderen Einrichtung mitarbeiten oder gemeinsam Computerprogramme entwickeln.
and jet fuels without requiring modifications to existing fuel distribution networks
or engines.
Das neue Center ist eines von zehn Max-Planck-Centern, die momentan an
neun Standorten weltweit aufgebaut werden.
“The Energy Department’s investments to develop renewable transportation
fuels are a key part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to develop America’s domestic energy resources and reduce our nation’s
dependence on foreign oil,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “Driving innovation through targeted investments helps to speed development of nextgeneration biofuels made in America, biofuels that will help to protect American
families and businesses from the ups and downs of the global oil market.”
Weitere Informationen
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching und Greifswald
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
The Department expects to fully fund between five to ten projects in fiscal year
2012 to produce bio-oil prototypes that can be tested in oil refineries and used to
develop comprehensive technical and economic analyses of how bio-oils could
work. The proto-type bio-oils will be produced from a range of feedstocks that
could include algae, corn and wheat stovers, dedicated energy crops or wood
residues. Domestic industry, universities and laboratories are all eligible to apply.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
The results of the projects will inform future efforts directed at advancing bio-oil
technologies and bringing these renewable fuels to market.
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
Energie, FuE-Infrastruktur
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Energy Department Announces up to $ 15 Million to Research Biomass-Based Supplements for Traditional Fuels
As part of President Obama’s blueprint for an economy fueled by homegrown
and alternative energy sources, the Energy Department announced on 6 April
up to $ 15 million available to demonstrate biomass-based oil supplements that
can be blended with petroleum, helping the U.S. to reduce foreign oil use, diversify the nation’s energy portfolio, and create jobs for American workers. Known
as “bio-oils,” these precursors for fully renewable transportation fuels could be
integrated into the oil refining processes that make conventional gasoline, diesel
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Energie, Förderung
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 29
Obama Administration Announces $ 14.2 Million in New
Funding to Develop Lightweight Materials for Advanced
On 22 March, as President Obama went to Ohio State University to discuss the
all-out, all-of-the-above strategy for American energy, the White House announced a new $ 14.2 million effort at the Department of Energy to accelerate
the development and deployment of stronger and lighter materials for advanced
vehicles that will help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, save drivers
money, and limit carbon pollution. This funding will support the development of
high-strength, lightweight carbon fiber composites and advanced steels and
alloys that will help vehicle manufacturers improve the fuel economy of cars and
trucks while maintaining and improving safety and performance.
Replacing cast iron and traditional steel components with lightweight materials –
including advanced high-strength steel, magnesium, aluminum, and polymer
composites - allows manufacturers to include additional safety devices, integrated electronic systems and emissions control equipment on vehicles without
increasing their weight. Using lighter materials also reduces a vehicle’s fuel consumption. For example, reducing a vehicle’s weight by 10 % can improve the
fuel economy by 6 to 8 %.
The Energy Department intends to fund projects across three major areas of
materials research and development, including developing modeling tools to
deliver higher performing carbon fiber composites and advanced steels, as well
as researching new lightweight, high-strength alloys for energy-efficient vehicle
and truck engines.
Predictive modeling of advanced steels: Advanced high strength steels are
capable of reducing vehicle component weight by more than 25 %. Projects
selected in this area will develop modeling tools to optimize the performance and cost-effectiveness of third-generation high strength steels for the
vehicle body and chassis.
Advanced alloy development for automotive and heavy-duty engines: As
manufacturers continue to push the limits of engine efficiency, cast engine
components must be strong enough to withstand higher cylinder pressures.
Projects selected in this area will develop low-cost, high-strength alloys for
automotive and heavy duty engine blocks and cylinder heads.
The Energy Department will make up to $ 8.2 million available in fiscal year
2012 for selection under this funding opportunity announcement, and subject to
congressional appropriations, the Department plans to make an additional $6
million available in fiscal year 2013 to fully fund these advanced materials projects, which will take 2-4 years to complete.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
The specific research areas include:
Schlüsseltechnologien, Mobilität, Förderung
Predictive modeling of carbon fiber composites: Carbon fiber composites
are capable of reducing vehicle component weight by up to 50 % over conventional automotive steel structures. Projects selected in this area will validate modeling tools to optimize the performance and cost-effectiveness of
carbon fiber composite materials for vehicle body, chassis, and interior
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 30
Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists
Improve Massive Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers
Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced $ 5 million to establish the
Scalable Data Management, Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) Institute as part
of the Obama Administration’s “Big Data Research and Development Initiative,”
which was announced on 29 March and takes aim at improving the nation’s ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data. Led by the Energy Department’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the SDAV Institute will bring together the expertise of six national laboratories and seven universities to develop new tools to help scientists manage and
visualize data on the Department’s supercomputers, which will further streamline
the processes that lead to discoveries made by scientists using the Department’s research facilities.
The SDAV Institute will help scientists better extract insights from today’s increasingly massive research datasets by assisting researchers in using state-ofthe art software tools for data analysis on these supercomputers – ranging from
superfast search engines to sophisticated visualization software that enables
researchers to literally picture and “see” complex relations among data points.
The Energy Department supports some of the world’s fastest supercomputers
located at Argonne, Oak Ridge, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories,
which are used by scientists from a wide range of fields. Simulations running on
the Department’s supercomputers have increased in size and complexity over
In addition to Berkeley Lab, the SDAV team includes experts from Argonne,
Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Sandia National Laboratories
as well as from the Georgia Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Rutgers University, the
University of California at Davis and the University of Utah. Kitware, a company
that develops and supports specialized visualization software, is also a partner
in the project and will accelerate deployment of the technologies that the Insti-
tute develops into the private sector. Subject to congressional appropriations,
the Department plans to make an additional $ 20 million available over the next
four years to fully fund the Institute.
As part of the Administration’s “Big Data Research and Development Initiative,”
six Federal departments and agencies today announced more than $ 200 million
in new commitments that, together, promise to greatly improve the tools and
techniques needed to access, organize, and glean discoveries from huge volumes of digital data.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus USA
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für USA im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Barbara Hellebrandt, Tel. 0228/3821-1433, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Schlüsseltechnologien, Förderung
Egypt Sets a New Course for Its Scientific Efforts
A year after the revolution, Egypt is drawing up a new strategy for promoting
scientific research, aiming to harness the knowledge of its scientific diaspora,
ease the commercialisation of research results, and protect technology imported
from abroad.
The science ministry is consulting on the strategy with researchers both within
and outside Egypt, and with a number of developed and developing countries,
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 31
science minister Nadia Zakhari said at a press conference on 5 February: “The
new strategy will stress the need for marketing scientific research, and transfer
its findings to final products, [in a way to support] the comprehensive and sustainable development in Egypt,“ said Zakhari.
She told SciDev.Net that the new strategy, expected to be finished in three
months, will be expressed in a law and will work to solve the “chronic problems
afflicting Egypt, especially the issues of food, energy, health and education.”
Zakhari added the new law would be presented to parliament “within six months
at most.”
Maged El-Sherbiny, president of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), which is the national umbrella for planning scientific research in
Egypt, told SciDev.Net that the law will support links with the private sector by
allowing research centres and universities to establish private companies to
translate research findings into products. “These companies will facilitate the
commercialisation of patents to secure funds and profits that will boost scientific
research, and the development of the economy,” he said.
El-Sherbiny said the new law is also expected to cover the protection of intellectual property on technology transferred into the country. “Our intellectual property laws are fragile and don’t provide newly transferred technologies with adequate protection against imitation,” he said.
Galal Nawwar, head of the chemical industries division at the National Research
Centre, said the new law “has to protect the rights” of Egyptian as well as foreign
scientists wishing to commercialise their research. Zakhari said that the involvement of Egyptian scientists, both at home and abroad, in drafting the strategy has been an important area of cooperation between researchers and policymakers.
ASRT is also developing a more efficient way to implement the Transfer of
Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals programme, launched in 2006 to reverse Egypt’s brain drain and engage its expatriate scientists. Mahmoud M.
Sakr, vice president of ASRT, said they were seeking grants to support this programme and would work with cultural consultants in embassies to reach out to
Egyptian researchers abroad.
Weitere Informationen
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Ägypten
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Ägypten im Internationalen Büro
Susanne Ruppert-Elias, Tel. 0228/3821-1487, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft im VDI
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Förderung, Rahmenbedingungen, Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft
Northern Node of Pan-African University Launched in Algeria
The northern node of the Pan African University (PAU) was formally launched at
a meeting in the Algerian capital earlier this month (18 March). The Algerian
campus is the fourth of five being set up around the continent by the African
Union (AU), to improve the quality of postgraduate science education and research and boost regional economic productivity.
Each of the five ‘node’ campuses – in east, west, central, north and southern
Africa – will have a different area of specialisation. Water, energy sciences, and
climate change will be the focus of research at the northern node. Earth and life
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 32
sciences is being hosted at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, while the
sciences, technology and innovation campus is at the Jomo Kenyatta University
of Agriculture in Kenya. In central Africa, Cameroon's University of Yaounde 2
will host governance, humanities and social sciences. The space sciences campus will be based in southern Africa.
ernment. The Australian Synchrotron hosts more than 3,000 researchers each
year and conducts about 500 experiments each year.
New Zealand has given an in-principle commitment to contribute to the operational funding of the Synchrotron over the next four years period.
Weitere Informationen
Weitere Informationen
Wikipedia: Pan-African University
Australian Synchrotron Sails Into Calmer Waters
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Ägypten
Fokus Australien
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Maghreb im Internationalen Büro
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Australien im Internationalen Büro
Ralf Hanatschek, Tel. 0228/3821-1482, [email protected]
Dr. Hans-Jörg Stähle, Tel. 0228/3821-1403, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Bildung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Bildung, Hochschulen, FuE-Infrastruktur
Agreement Secures Future of the Australian Synchrotron
Brazil Hosts Latin America Open Educational Resources
Regional Forum
The future of one of the nation's landmark research facilities – the Australian
Synchrotron – has been secured under a $ 100 million agreement between the
Australian and Victorian Governments. Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans, visited the Synchrotron to announce $ 69 million to be provided by the Australian Government to secure the operation of the Synchrotron
over the next four years, with an additional $ 26 million from the Victorian Gov-
The Latin America Open Educational Resources (OER) Regional Policy Forum
was co-organized by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and UNESCO in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, from 28 to 29 March 2012. It provided unique regional inputs
to the draft Paris OER Declaration to be submitted to the World OER Congress,
which will take place in Paris, France, in June 2012. The Forum was held at the
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 33
modern city campus of the Universidade Gamo Filho and attended by more than
80 participants including government representatives, civil society, academia,
media and students.
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Brasilien im Internationalen Büro
There were seven governments represented at the Forum: Brazil, Chile, Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Uruguay. In addition to many
speakers from Latin America there were presentations from South Africa and the
United States of America.
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
The objective of the Forum was to gather the unique Latin American contributions to the draft OER Declaration that will be presented at the 2012 World OER
Congress in Paris, France, from 20 to 22 June. The Declaration calls on governments to support the sustainable development and dynamic use of OERs to
achieve educational goals.
The Latin America OER Forum was the third in a series of worldwide regional
consultations leading up to the World OER Congress in June. The next Forums
Europe and North America: 17 April 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom;
Asia Pacific: 23-24 April 2012, Bangkok, Thailand;
Arab States: 7-8 May 2012, Muscat, Oman.
Dr. Matthias Frattini, Tel. 0228/3821-1434, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Bildung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Brazil’s Biofuel Sector: What Future?
For many years Brazil was the world’s largest biofuel producer, until it was overtaken by the US in 2006. Brazil’s biofuel production reached 28.5 billion litres in
2010, which according to International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates is 27 % of
world biofuel production. For 2011, however, IEA estimates show a drop of more
than 4 billion litres in Brazilian biofuel production compared with the previous
year. But there is good reason to believe that this drop will prove temporary.
Weitere Informationen
2012 World OER Congress
Weitere Informationen
Policies and institutional and legal frameworks in the expansion of Brazilian biofuels
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Brasilien
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Brasilien im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Matthias Frattini, Tel. 0228/3821-1434, [email protected]
Weitere Informationen
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Wirtschaft und Märkte im VDI Technologiezentrum
Africa Open Educational Resources Forum ended in Pretoria
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Energie, Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Märkte
Fokus Brasilien
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 34
Another Bumper Year for Chinese Science
Chinese Universities Send Big Signals to Foreigners
Individual Chinese universities have been increasingly recruiting Western academics in recent years, but the Chinese government is also enticing foreigners
with a new program that offers a range of incentives. Late last year, the Chinese
government started the Thousand Foreign Experts program, which is designed
to attract up to 1,000 foreign academics and entrepreneurs over the next 10
years to help improve research and innovation.
It has already attracted more than 200 applicants from countries like the United
States, Japan and Germany, according to a report in February by Xinhua,
China’s official news agency. The program is an extension of the Thousand Talent program, which started in 2008 as a way to attract experts, academics and
entrepreneurs to China.
In a draft budget released on 5 March 2012 at the opening session of the annual
National People's Congress, China has earmarked RMB 32.45 billion ($ 5.14
billion) for basic research in 2012—up 26 % from last year's appropriation.
Overall, central government spending on science and technology is slated to rise
12.4 %, to RMB 228.54 billion ($ 36.23 billion). Scientists will also benefit from a
24 % jump in funding for Project 985 and Project 211, which funnel money to
elite universities.
The cash infusion for basic research will be divided among the National Natural
Science Foundation of China, scores of “key” state laboratories, and select institutes. With land reform at the top of the political agenda this year, agricultural
research got a call out in Wen’s Speech at the annual National People’s Congress. A whopping 53 % boost in spending on agricultural S&T will mean
RMB 10.1 billion ($ 1.60 billion) for targets such as high-yield crops, controlling
animal-borne epidemics, and improving drought management.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus China
Fokus China
Fachliche Ansprechpartner für China im Internationalen Büro
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für China im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Frank Stiller (Forschung), Tel. 0228/3821-1408, [email protected]
Dr. Xiaomeng Shen (Bildung) Tel. 0228/3821-1419, [email protected]
Dr. Frank Stiller (Forschung), Tel. 0228/3821-1408, [email protected]
Dr. Xiaomeng Shen (Bildung) Tel. 0228/3821-1419, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Internationalisierung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Budgets im VDI Technologiezentrum
Miguel Krux, Tel. 0211/6214-460, [email protected]
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
Bildung, Hochschulen, Fachkräfte, Internationalisierung
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 35
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Academy Invested 341 Million Euros in Research in 2011
In 2011, the total value of Academy funding decisions came to 341 million euros,
up 17 million euros from the year before. The Academy received 3,409 applications compared to 4,017 in 2010. The difference was due to changes in the
Academy’s funding schemes. The number of applications funded was 1,374,
which meant that the competition for funding was extremely intense. For example, 19 % of all applications received for Academy Project funding were approved, and funds awarded amounted to 17 % of the total value of applications.
Similarly, the success rate for Academy Research Fellow applicants was 15 %.
Academy Projects accounted for 33 % of the funding granted. Centres of Excellence in research accounted for 13 %, research programmes for 6 % and Academy Professors and Academy Research Fellows for 9 % of total funding. Academy fulfilled international cooperation activities with 27 million euros in 2011.
Researchers working at universities received 82 % of all Academy funding; the
largest share went to researchers at the University of Helsinki. All applications
submitted to the Academy undergo rigorous international peer review. For instance, in Academy Project applications, foreign experts made up 97 % of the
review panels.
Out of the four research councils of the Academy, the largest number of applications was received by the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering, which also accounted for the largest proportion of Academy funding.
Finnish Researchers Successful in Latest ERC Grant
The latest round of ERC Advanced Grants from the European Research Council
saw three Finnish grant winners: Academy Professor Olli Ikkala from Aalto University, Professor Heli Jantunen from the University of Oulu and Professor Ilpo
Vattulainen from Tampere University of Technology. In addition, Researcher
Svetlana Berdyugine received funding for a research project to be carried out in
Germany. Ikkala received funding for his research on biomimetic nanomaterials,
Jantunen for her research on the development of novel electronics materials and
Vattulainen for his research on utilising computational biophysics to explore protein-lipid interactions.
ERC Advanced Grant funding targets researchers who have already established
themselves as independent research leaders. The funding amounts to some
2.5 million euros per grant and is awarded for up to five years. The success rate
in the fourth Europe-wide competition for ERC Advanced Grants remained stable at 13 %. In total, the ERC granted funding to 294 top senior researchers.
Finnish universities and research institutes submitted 71 proposals in response
to the call.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Finnland
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Finnland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Before this latest grant round, in 2007–2011, ERC funding has been awarded to
43 projects originating in Finland. In addition, Finland has received one Proof of
Concept grant. All Finnish ERC grant recipients have previously received competitive research funding from the Academy of Finland.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 36
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
showed that sectors relying on a few large companies or units are vulnerable,
because they are too rigid in a changing global system. A more resilient structure is an ecosystem of small and medium-sized units that are agile and quick to
adapt. One of the proposed shock scenarios presented in the project involves
Nokia leaving Finland.
Fokus Finnland
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Finnland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Researchers Draw up Scientific Resilience Test for
Finland’s Economy
An international team of researchers has devised a set of seven different instruments for collecting insights about the Finnish economy’s resilience against
various shock scenarios. Their project, entitled “7 Shocks and Finland”, examined resilience requirements from the perspective of policy-makers, and aimed
to define concrete actions for improving national resilience. The project was
undertaken by researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA). The Academy of Finland is the Finnish member organisation of
“The global economy is increasingly volatile, but a small national economy such
as Finland stands a good chance of coping amid growing uncertainty. Though
it’s not just about surviving – a country that is agile and quick to react can also
make the most of the possibilities created by uncertainties,” says Professor John
Casti, one of the researchers on the team.
The project openly questions traditional thoughts on efficiency. As uncertainties
grow, the researchers say, a small, open national economy should incorporate
resilience agility as one of its decision-making criteria. It is also important to ensure that trade policies focus on diversifying both the export countries and the
structure of exported products. When changes in the global system cause exports to fall in one sector, another may benefit from the changes. The project
Besides the Academy of Finland, the project involved a number of Finnish ministries, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation, the National Emergency Supply Agency, Teollisuuden Voima, Fortum and Tieto.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Finnland
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Finnland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Wirtschaft und Märkte im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Wirtschaft und Märkte
India Joins European Neutron Facility in Grenoble
India has become the first non-European country to join the international neutron
research facility at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France, operator
of one of the most intense neutron sources in the world. With a budget of
80 million euros, it hosts researchers from over 40 countries conducting research into condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics, and
materials science.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 37
This “exciting new collaboration,” says Ratan K. Sinha, nuclear engineer and
director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai, “will help
bridge the gap” between less powerful Indian facilities and the goals of Indian
scientists who are eager to carry out experiments with higher intensity beams.
Weitere Informationen
Institut Laue-Langevin
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
The funding will be allocated over 12 months to a consortium of Higher Education Institutions to carry out the initial research programme of the centre. Led by
Dublin City University, the research consortium, which includes University College Cork, and Athlone Institute of Technology with input from the Innovation
Value Institute at NUI Maynooth, will use the funding provided by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation through Enterprise Ireland to work with
a group of software companies to establish ways to generate business and profit
from cloud computing. The Cloud Computing Technology Centre is the latest of
10 such thematically based centres to be established jointly by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Indien
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Indien im Internationalen Büro
Action Plan for Jobs 2012
Dr. Martin Goller, Tel. 0228/3821-1407, [email protected]
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Fokus Irland
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Irland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft im VDI
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Schlüsseltechnologien, Förderung, Kooperation Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft
Irish Government Invests 1.2 Million Euros in Cloud Computing Technology Research Centre
The Government of Ireland, as part of its Action Plan for Jobs, revealed a
1.2 million euros programme to make Ireland a world leader in cloud computing.
The new Cloud Computing Technology Research Centre will exist as a consortium of third-level institutions.
Government’s Plan to Target Core 500 Million Euros Research Budget at Turning Good Ideas into Good Jobs
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mr Richard Bruton, TD, along
with the Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr Seán Sherlock, TD, launched
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 38
the Government’s plan to target the majority of the Government’s
core 500 million euros budget that the State spends on scientific research every
year on areas with the greatest potential for economic return. The Report of the
Research Prioritisation Steering Group, chaired by Mr Jim O’Hara, former General Manager of Intel Ireland, which recommended 14 specific areas of greatest
opportunity, was approved by the Government on 21 February 2012.
ommendations. He said that he will personally chair a Prioritisation Action Group
and he indicated that all relevant Government Departments as well as all research funders will be involved and input from external experts and industry will
be secured.
The Government also announced the establishment of a Prioritisation Action
Group, chaired by Minister Sherlock, which will oversee implementation of the
recommendations of the report. Membership of the group, which will report to
the Cabinet Committee on Economic Recovery and Jobs, will include all Government agencies which are responsible for research budgets and their parent
Departments. This group will include Science Foundation Ireland, the Higher
Education Authority, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, the Health Research Board,
Teagasc, the Marine Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency and the
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. This Group will be responsible for identifying actions, timelines and lead actors, consulting with industry players and
identifying necessary sources of funding.
As part of the prioritisation process, the following four criteria had to be fulfilled:
Förderung, Rahmenbedingungen, Wirtschaft und Märkte
A global market exists in which Irish-based enterprises can compete,
Public R&D in Ireland is required to exploit the opportunity,
Ireland has strengths in related research disciplines, and
A national or global challenge exists which Ireland should respond to.
This announcement comes as part of a series of Government measures aimed
at better targeting the State’s scientific research budget at achieving commercial
outcomes. In January Minister Sherlock announced that he had secured Government approval for legislation to extend the remit of Science Foundation Ireland to include applied research in areas of strategic opportunity for Ireland.
Minister Sherlock said that the Government had agreed to the future alignment
of public investment by research funders consistent with the 14 areas of priority
identified in the report and that he would be driving implementation of the rec-
Report of the Research Prioritisation Steering Group
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Irland
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Irland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Minister Sherlock Launches New Irish Research Council
The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock, TD, on 29 March
2012 formally launched the new Irish Research Council – a merger of the Irish
Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) and the
Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET).
Speaking at the launch of the Research Council, the Minister said: “Research
and development is at the heart of this Government’s enterprise policy. The Irish
Research Council will encourage innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship,
and will support young researchers that will be future leaders in their fields. It will
play a vital role in driving future job creation across economic, cultural and social
spheres.” The Minister added: “The previous research councils have made a
very important contribution to the development of Ireland’s research capabilities
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 39
over the last decade. I look forward to the new Council building on this work,
maximising the potential of inter-disciplinary research, enhancing collaboration
with enterprise and providing a strong voice for the promotion and support of
emerging researchers in Ireland.”
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Irland
Despite relatively small investments, the committee points out that Norway has
many internationally cutting-edge research groups. Given greater allocation of
resources, the number of groups at this level could be even higher.
According to the committee, Norway has focused too little research on key areas
such as data and information security. There is a great need to strengthen the
knowledge base in this area. The committee would also like to see a national
strategy for ICT research that targets quality. The research areas are often
fragmented and poorly adapted to the needs of Norwegian industry.
Much of this can be remedied with the national strategy for ICT research currently under development by the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and
Church Affairs. The strategy is planned to be completed in autumn 2012.
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Irland im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ursula Henze-Schulte, Tel. 0228/3821-1808, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Innovation, Rahmenbedingungen
Evaluation of Basic ICT Research: Vast Potential – Too
Little Investment
Despite relatively small investments in ICT research, Norway has many research
groups at the international forefront. However, the research focus in several
strategically important areas is inadequate. One example is ICT security. These
are some of the conclusions from an evaluation of basic Norwegian research in
the area of information and communications technology conducted in 2011. The
previous evaluation of the ICT field was carried out in 2002.
In the view of the committee, Norway invests too little in ICT research in relation
to the field’s importance and compared with many other countries in Western
Europe and North America. This makes it more difficult for Norway to take full
advantage of the possibilities emerging from ICT-related changes in society.
Research in Information and Communication Technology in Norway: An evaluation
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Norwegen
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Norwegen im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Evaluation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Kommunikation, FuE-Budgets, Evaluation
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 40
Research Infrastructure: Updated National Strategy and
The Research Council of Norway has updated its national strategy for research
infrastructure and drawn up a new roadmap for strategically important infrastructure. The new versions of Tools for research – Part I and Part II set out the Research Council’s vision for Norway’s research infrastructure landscape and present the strategic foundation for the approach to and prioritisation of activities
relating to research infrastructure.
The national strategy for research infrastructure Tools for research – Part I is an
update of the version published in 2008. Many of the recommendations made in
the previous strategy document have since been followed up and realised. A key
aspect of the previous strategy document was to establish the funding scheme
known today as the National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure. The
updated strategy describes how the funding structure for research infrastructure
is to be further developed. Recommendations for actions to be taken by the
government ministries and research institutions are provided as well as an overview of measures the Research Council itself intends to implement.
The strategy and roadmap are part of the research policy input provided by the
Research Council to the allocating authorities, and clearly state the importance
of continuing to prioritise infrastructure in the form of facilities, equipment and
The strategy strongly recommends that the ministries refer to the roadmap when
planning their investments, as this will enable them to take advantage of the
considerable effort and substantial resources that have gone into qualityassuring the projects included there. “All of the projects in the Norwegian roadmap are of especially high scientific merit, and all of them are considered to be
of strategic importance to Norwegian research,” says Arvid Hallén, Director
General of the Research Council.
The new strategy documents highlight projects that have already been awarded
grants, as well as outstanding projects that have not yet received the green light.
“We are in the process of establishing a national structure, in which research
infrastructures that serve a broad national interest are being developed in just
one or very few places,” says Mr Hallén. “Many institutions have accepted leadership roles, along with the responsibility of making the infrastructure they manage available to the entire Norwegian research community.”
The initial roadmap encompassed 23 projects; that number has now grown to
38. In the 2010 roadmap, nine of the national projects had received funding from
the National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure and were under implementation, while the remaining projects were characterised as investmentready. Fully 21 of the projects in the current roadmap are now under implementation.
Norwegian interests in projects in the ESFRI roadmap (an overview of strategically important, pan-European infrastructures) have also expanded. Norway’s
2010 roadmap included just six ESFRI projects, whereas the new Norwegian
roadmap encompasses 12 ESFRI projects in which Norway has entered into
binding agreements or has clearly signalled its desire to participate. Three of
these will be hosted by Norwegian institutions.
In the Research Council’s input for the 2013 national budget, research infrastructure is once again stressed as a main priority. Continued escalation of investments and long-term, reliable funding for research infrastructure are vital,
emphasises the Research Council. “Sound infrastructure organised and managed efficiently is critical to realising Norway’s research ambitions,” asserts Mr
Hallén. “State-of-the-art equipment also makes Norwegian research groups
more attractive internationally. Significant investment in equipment is essential
for collaborating with the best international environments and inspiring top students to pursue a career in research.”
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Norwegen
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 41
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Norwegen im Internationalen Büro
are primarily funded by Norway. Altogether, the research funding allocated under the current agreements amounts to over 100 million euros.
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Infrastruktur im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Raimund Glitz, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected]
€ 36,830,000
€ 24,138,000
€ 20,000,000
The Czech Republic
€ 12,500,000
FuE-Infrastruktur, Internationalisierung
EEA (European Economic Area) Provides Millions for Research Collaboration: Norway and Romania Sign Cooperation Agreement
The new research agreement between Norway and Romania is the first of its
kind. The Research Council of Norway is named as the Norwegian partner in the
agreement. The agreement is a key part of a wider overall agreement between
Norway and Romania which is part of the EEA and Norway Grants scheme. The
scheme seeks to reduce economic disparities in the European Economic Area
(EEA). The budget framework of the overall agreement with Romania totals approximately NOK 2.3 billion. Of this, NOK 150 million has been earmarked for
research collaboration.
In addition to the Research Council the Icelandic Centre for Research is also
involved in the project on behalf of the EEA countries. “The details of the research agreement are to be drawn up together with our Romanian partner over
the upcoming months,” says Inger-Ann Ulstein, acting department director of the
Department for Cooperation and Development Research at the Research Council. “The research agreement will provide a host of opportunities for Romanian
researchers as well as for Norwegian researchers seeking collaboration with
Romanian research institutions.” Ms Ulstein points out that the agreement
makes special mention of research in the field of renewable energy.
€ 4,500,000
€ 3,000,000
€ 100,958,000
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Norwegen
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Norwegen im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
FuE-Budgets, Förderung, Rahmenbedingungen
The beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway agreements are the 12 newest
EU member states together with Portugal, Greece and Spain. The agreements
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 42
Norway and the New EU Framework Programme: Wants
More Marine and Maritime Research in Horizon 2020
tablish clear targets for the percentage of women in the research system that
must be reached by 2020.
Norway fully supports the broad lines of thinking in the proposal for the new EU
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020, but would
like to see greater emphasis placed on marine and maritime research. “A joint
European initiative is essential for finding solutions to the great challenges to
society. It is positive that the Commission has presented ambitious proposals for
research and innovation related to these challenges in Horizon 2020,” says Tora
Aasland who just recently stepped down as Norwegian Minister of Research and
Higher Education.
Former Minister Aasland believes that marine and maritime research should be
strengthened in the proposal on the framework programme. “Knowledge about
the ocean is crucial for understanding climate change and for managing the
marine areas. The ocean is also a source of renewable energy and ‘blue growth’
in Europe,” she says.
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Former Minister Aasland and her staff at the Ministry of Education and Research
made the Norwegian position known in a meeting with other European research
ministers as well as in a letter to the European Commission. The letter states
that humanities and social research must be given an integral place in an interdisciplinary approach to the societal challenges. This is true especially for research on security issues, in which societal perspectives are just as important as
the technological ones.
Norway strongly supports the planned simplification of EU research, but has also
made its own recommendations in this area. The main objective of simplification
must be to create a funding model that covers the real costs of the research
projects, regardless of subject area, type of institution and country.
Norway would also like to see greater emphasis on the gender dimension in the
framework programme, and recommends an incentive system to achieve an
integrated gender perspective in the projects. Better gender balance should be
an objective in all decision-making forums, including the programme boards.
Norway proposes that both the Commission and the participating countries es-
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Norwegen
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Norwegen im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Umwelt, Förderung, Rahmenbedingungen
Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister Töchterle unterstreicht hohen Stellenwert des Wissenschaftsfonds für
junge Wissenschaftler
„Die Jahresbilanz des Wissenschaftsfonds FWF ist ein eindrucksvoller Beweis:
Die Forschung ist weiterhin im Aufschwung und Österreich ein attraktiver Standort, der international absolut mithalten kann“, so Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle anlässlich der Bilanz-Pressekonferenz
am 10. April 2012. Der FWF kann für das Vorjahr auf ein Rekordbewilligungsvolumen von rund 195 Millionen Euro verweisen und noch nie konnten so viele
junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler durch den FWF finanziert werden: Mehr als 3.500 überwiegend junge Forscherinnen und Forscher sind auf
der „Payroll“ des FWF. „Der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs profitiert in beachtlichem Ausmaß von den Programmen des FWF“, unterstreicht der Wissenschafts- und Forschungsminister.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 43
Weiters betont Töchterle den hohen Stellenwert des Wissenschaftsfonds für die
(Grundlagenforschung an den) Universitäten. "87 % der Förderungen des FWF
werden von Universitätsangehörigen eingeworben." Er verweist auch auf die
Rolle des FWF bei der hohen Rückflussquote von 125 % beim aktuellen siebten
EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm „Starke nationale Forschungsförderstrukturen,
zu denen der FWF zählt, sind Basis für diese erfolgreiche Beteiligung.“
Die durchschnittliche Bewilligungsquote von Forschungsprojekten, die vom FWF
finanziert werden, liegt aktuell bei rund 25 %. "Die vom FWF finanzierte Forschung steht für herausragende Forschungsleistung in Österreich. Durch den
FWF werden die besten Forscherinnen und Forscher gefördert und der FWF ist
der beste Garant für exzellente Grundlagenforschung in Österreich", dankt
Töchterle abschließend FWF-Präsident Dr. Christoph Kratky und seinem Team
für deren engagierte Arbeit und die gute Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wissenschafts- und Forschungsministerium.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Österreich
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Österreich im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ulrike Kunze, Tel. 0228/3821-1483, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Förderung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Impacts of Innovation Policy – Lessons from VINNOVA’s
Impact Studies
VINNOVA and its forerunners have made a difference, chiefly in two ways:
We have played a role in identifying and defining new needs-driven fields of
research, in dialogue with stakeholders. This is a role which neither peer review nor industry-led consortia can fulfil on their own.
In the later stages we have also been able to expand promising areas
through active collaboration programmes between companies and universities. Calls for proposals in open competition have been an important profile
factor, with Triple Helix involvement in the planning and implementation.
Combining both roles requires a mix of “bottom-up” projects, to identify potential
new areas of interest and programme efforts, to scale up promising areas.
Our impact studies show that we consistently underestimate how long it takes
for new knowledge to provide tangible economic impact. Lead times of 10-20
years are not unusual before effects can be traced at the socioeconomic level.
The key results of our efforts have been competence development and organisational learning in new knowledge areas. The impact of these efforts has been
to develop the capability of the innovation system – rather than individual innovations.
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Fachkräfte, Förderung
Impacts of Innovation Policy - Lessons from VINNOVA´s impact studies
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Schweden
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 44
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Schweden im Internationalen Büro
EIU Identifies Singapore as Asia’s Most Competitive City
and Ranks Third Globally
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller, Tel. 0228/3821-1468, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Innovation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Innovation, Cluster, Kooperation Wissenschaft- Wirtschaft, Evaluation
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has identified Singapore as the 3rd most
competitive global city and the highest ranked Asian city in its report “Hot Spots:
Benchmarking global city competitiveness”. Singapore ranked particularly well in
the categories of physical capital, financial maturity, institutional effectiveness
and global appeal.
SMEs to Benefit from R&D Investments
$1 billion has been set aside from 2011-2015, to help research centers and
SMEs proactively identify opportunities for collaboration. This will help to take
more ideas from basic research to commercialisation. The key objective of R&D
efforts is to transfer technology to SMEs, and to enhance their technological
capabilities, competitiveness and productivity.
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Singapur
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Singapur im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Xiaomeng Shen (Bildung) Tel. 0228/3821-1419, [email protected]
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Evaluation im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Rahmenbedingungen, Evaluation
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Singapur
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Singapur im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Xiaomeng Shen (Bildung) Tel. 0228/3821-1419, [email protected]
Bigger-Than-Expected Budget Cuts Hit Spanish Scientists
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für KMU im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Förderung, KMU
According to details of the budget bill revealed on April 3rd, Spain's national
government will spend a total of about 6.39 billion euros on scientific investigation, development, and innovation in 2012. Of this money, 5.63 billion euros will
be dedicated to civil research, which represents a 25.6 % decrease compared to
the 7.58 billion euros allocated in 2011. The remaining 758 million euros will be
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 45
spent on military research, which will see a 24.9 % decrease from just above
1 billion euros in 2011.
Back in December, the government announced a package of measures that
anticipated a 600 million euros cut in the 2012 research budget. The recently
announced even larger cuts disappointed some Spanish researchers, as the
decrease in science money is larger than the average drop in funding across all
the ministries, which is around 17 %.
Sub-Saharan Africans Join Forces for TB Vaccine Research
Spain's scientific community is also concerned that not all of the promised research money will actually materialize. For example, one peculiarity of the Spanish budget for science is that more than half of the money is usually allocated
under the form of loans to companies, and much of it never makes it out of the
state coffers.
Researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa are playing a key role in the development of
a new tuberculosis (TB) vaccine, following South Africa's lead, a meeting in Johannesburg heard last week (20 March).
At the meeting, held before World TB Day (24 March), researchers launched a
blueprint on TB vaccine research for the next decade, and discussed the role the
country and the region will play in TB vaccine research. South Africa has the
second-highest incidence of TB worldwide, which makes it an appropriate place
to test new vaccines.
South Africa is collaborating with nine other institutions in Africa. For example,
the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) has formed partnerships for clinical trials with research institutions in Kenya, Mozambique and
Weitere Informationen
Scientists see funding slashed in Spanish budget
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Spanien
Tuberculosis Vaccines: A Strategic Blueprint for the Next Decade
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Spanien im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Naima Barouk, Tel. 0228/3821-1418, [email protected]
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für FuE-Budgets im VDI Technologiezentrum
Weitere Informationen
Miguel Krux, Tel. 0211/6214-460, [email protected]
TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen Kooperation international
Fokus Südafrika
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Südafrika im Internationalen Büro
Petra Ruth Mann, Tel. 0228/3821-1461, [email protected]
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 46
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Internationalisierung im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected]
The president of the NIH added by answering to a question of an MP that the
NIH runs from 1.2 billion forints and it does not contain the tenders’ sources.
Lebenswissenschaften, Internationalisierung
The Science and Technology Observatory Starts Its Operation Soon
The National Innovation Office’s (NIH) scope of activities are going to broaden
probably from spring as the Science and Technology Observatory starts its operation, Dr. György Mészáros, president of the NIH announced at the meeting of
the Parliament’s Innovation and Development Committee on 28 March.
Weitere Informationen
Englischsprachige Homepage des Nationalen Innovationsbüros Ungarn NIH
Neuer Széchenyi-Plan (englische Kurzfassung)
Wissenschaft-Innovation-Programm des Neuen Széchenyi-Plans (ungarisch)
Ausführliche Länder- und Themeninformationen bei Kooperation international
Fokus Ungarn
Fachlicher Ansprechpartner für Ungarn im Internationalen Büro
Dr. Ralf Hagedorn, Tel. 0228/3821-1492, [email protected]
The aim of the Observatory is to support the governmental and the entrepreneurial sphere with up-to-date information from the field of research, development
and innovation. An informatics system is going to be developed which makes
possible to create a new, more precise and more expedient databases. The
claim of the formation of the Science and Technological Observatory was expressed by the New Széchenyi Plan’s (ÚSzT) Science-Innovation Programme.
The observatory helps the government’s and enterprises’ (first of all the small
and medium-size enterprises) strategic planning and decision making by operating an extensive professional information centre.
Fachliche Ansprechpartnerin für Rahmenbedingungen im VDI Technologiezentrum
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-632, [email protected]
Evaluation, Foresight, Rahmenbedingungen
The observatory makes analysis based on strategic monitoring for the innovation-policy. The first prosperity report based on this method is ready by April.
Beside that the datas collected by the observatory are going to be accessible to
the characters of research, development and innovation (RDI) policy as well (so
to the enterprises working in the economic sphere too). The developed informatics system stores the data’s of the RDI sector. This makes the dynamical datafiltering possible and provides a structural database-knowledgebase function
through the usage.
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 47
VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
Abteilung Grundsatzfragen von Forschung,
Technologie und Innovation
VDI-Platz 1
40468 Düsseldorf
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Projektträger im DLR
Internationales Büro des BMBF
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
53227 Bonn
Erscheinungsweise monatlich online unter
Beauftragt vom
ISSN 1869-9596
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Referat 211
53170 Bonn
Die Informationen wurden redaktionell überarbeitet, werden jedoch zur Wahrung der Aktualität in der
Originalsprache der Quelle wiedergegeben.
Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf, Tel. 0211/6214-546, [email protected] (Themen- und Clustermonitoring)
Abonnement kostenfrei unter:
Jana Wolfram, Tel. 0228/3821-1113, [email protected] (Länderkoordination)
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak, Tel. 0211/6214-494, [email protected] (Gesamtredaktion)
Ausgabe 04/12 – 20. April | Seite 48