Upper Namurian/lower Westphalian ofLa Camocha, Asturias


Upper Namurian/lower Westphalian ofLa Camocha, Asturias
(oloquios de Paleontología, nY 47. Editorial Complutense, Madrid, 1995
Upper Namurian/lower Westphalian ofLa Camocha,
Asturias: Review offloral andfaunal data
El Namuriense superior y Westfaliense inferior de La
Camocha, Asturias, Revisión de los datos floristicos y
A revicw is presented of palacontological data regarding the age of coal-bearing
strata in the La Camocha Mine near Gijón, Asturias. Megafloral remains collected from
Ihe upper Namurian and lower Westphalian strata in this coal mine are listed, and a tew
selected taxa are bricfly diseussed. Comparable floras from other parts of Ihe Iberian
Peninsula are brieflv mentioned and conimented upon with regard to slratigraphic age.
Se citan y comentan la totalidad de los datos paleontológicos publicados sobre la
sucesum hullera de La Camocha, cerca de Gijón <Asturias>. Se revisa cl materia> existente
de megaflora, y se discuten algunas de las especies presentes. La edad obtenida es
Naniuriense superior (Veadoniense) y Westfaliense inferior (Langscttiense). Se comparan estos cIatos con los correspond ietites a las mismas edades en otras partes de ¡ a
Península Ibérica.
Kev words: ni egaflora, inicroflora, invertebrates, Yeadonian, Langsettian.
Palabras clave: níegaflora, mieroflora, invertebrados, Yeadoniense, Langsettiense.
Professor B. Meléndez was largely instrumental in re-establishing the links
with the palacontological fraternity abroad nfterSpain became politically isolated
Jarl,n Botánico <le Córdoba, Avenida dc 1 irineo s/n, 14004 Córdoba
R. U. Wagner and
C. Atvarez-Vázqucz
after the Civil War and World War II. Among 0w various investigations he
promoted were those of Professor W.J. Jongmans. an outstanding palaeobotanist
from The Netherlands, whose expertise in the stratigraphic use of Carboniferous
plant fossils was extremely useful for datíng tbe coal deposits in various parts of
Spain. In the present paper the writers pay homage to the late Professor
.longmans, wbo initiated modern stratigraphie work on the Carboniferous floras
of Spain, and are pleased to dedicate this paper to Professor B. Meléndez who
organised most of the work done by Jongmans and his pupils.
The coal-bearing strata of La Caínocha were found under a Permo-Triassic
cover by boreholes put down by te Felgueroso brothers at the turn of te century.
Much later, in 1930, the first shaft was sunk for the exploitation of the coal seams
encountered in this area ata few kilometres southwest ofthe coastal city, Gijón (Fig.
1). The age of diese coal-measures was the subject of a controversy between
ADARO (1914) and PATAC (1920, 1933), who opted br Westphalian and
Stephanian, respectively (in present-day terminology). Adaro based his opinion
mainly on the geological relationships, whilst Patac identified plant megafossils
from the La Camocha Mine.
In 1947, Professor W.5. iongmanswas invited tovisit the La Camocha Mine and
other Carboniferous localities in the Asturias in order to collect plant fossils for the
stratigraphic dating of coal deposits. He was accompanied by the mining engineer
1. Patac, who had organised ¿he visit, and who was particularly keen to obtain a
professional opinion on tbe plant fossils of the La Camocha Mine. Both gentíemen
being somewhat advaneed in years, they limited their excursion to the La Camocha
Mine to collecting at tbe coal tip. JONGMANS (1951) published ¿he results as being
indicative of Westphalian A, thus supporting the point ofview expressed by Adaro.
This implied grave doubts as to the correctness of the identifications of plant fossils
as givenby PATAC(1 933). ‘Itere is noevidenee thatthe latter accepted Jougrnans’s
verdict and since the sample collected in 1947 was rather small, it seemed important
to return to La Camocha for a more exhaustive study.
11w opportunity for such a study arose in 1952, when the Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Científicas subsidised fieldwork in the Asturias through the
good offices of Professor B. Meléndez. The Jefatura de Minas de Asturias,
headed by the mining engineer 1. Hevia, provided the letters of introduetion
which were instrumental in gaining access ¿o coal mines.
At this time, one of the present authors (RHW) was taken along as assistant
Upper Numu,ian/lower Westphulían ofLa Camocha, Asturias:..
‘.tF:Sozolc--rEWrIARY COVEE
Figure 1 — 1 ocalioi, of La ([amocha in relation to lower Westphalian ou<erops in the general area
(aher IRVYOLS SANTOÑA & SÁNCHEZ DE POSADA, ¡983, maditiedl). Ccnera/ised
eolumn sbows tbe d istribution of cual searns as we¡ ¡ as the position of dic níari nc localitv studied
by 5CHMIDT (¡935) and uthers.
Figura 1.— Situación de La Camocha en relación a los afloramientos del Westlaliense inferior en
el área (según lRUYOI.S SANTONJA & SÁNCHEZ DE POSADA, 1983, modificado), la en1 uní na general muestra la distribución de las capas de carbón así como la posición de la localidad
con fauna marina estudiada por SCHMIDT (1 953) y oiros.
R. U. Wagner and C. Alvarez-Vázquez
to Professor iongmans. Ibree weeks were spent at La Camocha which allowed
¿he assistant to obtain a detailed lithological seetion from cross-cuts in Ihe coal
mine, and ¿o collect bulk samples of fossiliferous strata. These samples were sent
np by the tubload for hammering by Professor Jongmans and Mrs Wagner at ¿he
pithead. A fair-sized collection of planí megafossils, non-marine bivalves and
marine faunal remains was ¿hus obtained and shipped ¿o the Geologisch Bureau
at Heerlen, The Netherlands, for study. Coal samples collected along the section
were studied by BONET & DIJKSTRA (1956) and NEVES (1964), and marine
fossils were sent to 11. SCI-IMIDT (1955).
Professor Jongmans prepared the preliminary draft of a paper meant to
provide a fully illustrated account of this flora. The stratigraphy of La Camocha
and the evidence for its synclinal structure would have been published at ¿he same
time. l-Iowever, Professor Jongmans died in 1957 whcn ¿he palaeobota¡iical
manuscript was still in draft stage.
This manuscript and photographs of the floral remains were handed ¿o bis
prospective co-author on ¿he s¿ratigraphic side, who published the identifications of
plant fossils in Jongmans’s name in a general paper on the stratigraphie implica¿ions
of Carboniferous floras in Northwest Spain and North Portugal (WAGNER, 1959).
Unfortunately, it was not realised at thc time that Jongmans’s study was sti¡l in a
preliminary stage, and that bis fossil identifications and stratigraphic conclusions
needed further work. This became mos¿ apparen¿ after the pho¿ographs were
mounted on plates andan effort was made to edit Jongmans’s manuscript notes for
a posthumous paper. Several of the iden¿ifications proved tobe questionable, and it
mus¿ be regret¿ed ¿bat WAGNER (1959) published the lis¿ of plant fossils as it
appeared in Jongmans’s manuscript notes. It became clear ¿bat ¿he description of ¿bis
flora could not be published without a major revision.
One new speeies intended by Jongmans, Neuropteris asturiana, was
introduced with a brief diagnosis in a general paper by WAGNER (1962), who
aLso named and diagnosedRlzodeoptcridiumjongrnansii WAGNER and illustrated
two other named taxa. However, a proper revision was no¿ undertaken until 1993,
when the opportunity arose ¿o compare and contrast ¿he La Camoeha flora with
a lower Westphalian flora from ¿he Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Coalficíd (Córdoba)
studied in detail by one of the present authors (CAy).
‘[he La Camocha Mine, at iess ¿han 7 km southeast of Gijón, on the Asturian
coasí, ltplcscliLs ¿be oui=cas¿ nIW~
‘v’1td eoalfie¡d ~vhich
- ‘<~
l}pp<.?r Naníurian/lower Westphalian ofLa Camocha, Asturias:..
has been diseovered by means of boreholes. In ah olber cases where Carboniferous
coal-measures were workedfrom beneath a Permian and/or Mesozoicunconformable
cover, ¿here were at least some exposures. ‘[he story ol ¿he successive drilling
operations, spread out over a period of abou¿ thirty years, has been toid by
FELGUEROSO (1932), PATAC (1933) and E. ¡1. SAMPELAYO (1944. pp.S766). A summary of data regarding the dilferent boreholes, including simplified logs.
has been given by ALMELA& RIOS(1962). Aneven more up-to-date accountof
boreholes in the general area has been published by NAVARRO c’t al. (1988). Only
thc carlier ones will concern us here.
‘[he first borehole wassunk in 19(11 by twobrothersofthe Felguerosofamily.
near ¿he village of Vega. It reached Carboniferous sirata aher cutting through
some 160 ni ofpresumed Triassic limestones, marís and conglonierates (ADARO,
1914, p. 56), andshowedthe presenee oftwocoal seamswhich laterreceived ¿he
letters B and (‘in the coalficíd succession. Shortly af¿er. in 1902, it was attempted
¿o sink a mine shaft on this site which was known as La Camocha aher a former
occupant. a one-horned COW (la vaca mocha) which used ¿o graze ¿here ([ide
SAMPELAYO. 1944, p. 59). ‘[he attempt was unsuccessful because of the
difficulty in passing through an aquifer, for which ¿echnical knowledge was
insufficient al the time. Indeed, it was many years later, in 1931, when a shaft
reached the Carboniferous.
Meanwhile. additional boreholes werc made. In 1914, ¿he next hole was drilled
near ¿he village of Caldones wbere Carboniferous s¿rata were reached under a
presumed Triassic cover of 33<.) m. This isa celebrated boreholebecause ¿he drilling
operations were interrupted by an explosion ofnatural gas which blew up the drillrig.
RUIZ FAlCo (1916) presented a detailed account of this borehole which lcd ¿o
lurther exploration to determine <he size of the natural gas deposit. ~l’hesefiírther
¡nvestigations were unfortunately unsuccessful. RUIZ FALCO (1916, pp. 14, 15)
mentioned marine faunal remains (brachiopods, bivalves and a trilobite) as well as
plant tossils trom ¿he Carboniferous interval between 358.20 and 529.90 tu depth.
The latter were identified as Neuropíeris gigantea (STERN BERG) STERNBERG,
cl. Neuropterí\ ,‘illiersíi BRONGNIART, Sphenopteris trifbliolata BRONON ¡ART,
Sphenopte¡¡s aute¡nísiaefolia SIlRN Rl R(~ and Stigrnaria flcoide~ (S’1ERN BERG)
BRONGNIARl. He also mentioned specifieally, from a depth of 527.60 ni, a plant
lossil combining a nervation of Neuropteris type with a general habit suggestive ol
A le/hopteris. U nfortunately, none ofthese remains were figured but the lisí suggests
lower Wcstphalian.
Presumablv ¿he sanie plan¿ reníains were later examined by A. de Alvarado (as
quoted by SAM PELAYO, 1944, p. 93), who identified Diploihinerna <Splwnopteris)
R. U. Wagner and C. Alvarez-Vázquez
jhrcata andSenftenbergia crenata or Pecopteris denta ¿a. AlthoughAlvarado seemed
¿o favour a Stephanian age (Hullero superior in the ¿hen current ¿erminology), Ruiz
Falcó opted for middle Westphalian (ioc. ch.).
The fossils found in the Caldones borehole came from a 210 tu thick interval
of mudstones with thin limestone intercalations. The lilbological characteristies
reminded RUIZ FALCÓ (1916, p. 19) of the «Subhtzllero» interval of ¿he
Asturian coal-measures in Adaro’s stratigraphic classification. However, he
regarded ¿he floral remains are indicative of Adaro’s «Hullero intermedio».
Since it is presently known that limestone bands in terrigenous units charaeterise
different parts of the Carboniferous depending on which area of Asturias is being
dealt with, tbe lithological data can only be used in ¿he local palaeogeographical
The next two boreholes sunk in the area (nA 3 and 4) looked for natural gas
and did not attain ¿he Carboniferous ([ide SAMPELAYO, 1944, p. 62). A fifth
borehole, near the village of Arole~, undertaken by the Felgueroso brothers in
1929, reached the Carboniferous at 145 m below presumed Triassic rocks. RUIZ
FALCÓ (in SAMPELAYO, 1944, p. 92) identifiedSpirifermosquensis from ¿hese
strata. This would suggest the Moscovian which is generally ¿he same age as the
Westphalian (although the boundaries of ¿bese ehronostratigraphic units do not
coincide.) ‘[he sixth borehole, also put down in 1929, ¿his time near Leorio,
reached Carboniferous after cut¿ing through 126 m of presumed Triassic strata.
‘[bree coal seams were encoun¿ered by this boring. A sevenlh bole, near Pinzales,
did not reach the Carboniferous.
‘[he s¿ratigraphic age of the Carboniferous in tbe La Camocha area has been
disputed eversince the first results of the exploratory boreholesbecame available.
ADARO (1914, Pp. 56-59) was in favour of a Westphalian age and assigned ¿he
coal-bearing stra¿a ofLa Camocha to his «inferior» and «medio» units. He argued
that <he steep dip of tbese s¿rata (about Suc SE) indicated intense folding which
he believed tobe in keeping with a Wes¿phalian age rather than Stephanian. ‘Phis
opinion was retiected on his general map and corresponding cross sections
(ADARO, 1914, lám. 1 and lám. 2, fig. D) which showed an isoclinal syncline
on the site of the Vega borehole.
A eompletely opposed viewpoint was expressed by PATAC (1920, 1933),
who síated quite ca¿egorically ¿bat ¿he coal-bearing strata of La Camocha would
belong to ¿he Stcphanian which he believed ¿o have been folded into an antieline.
He supported ¿bese conclusions by a long list of plan¿ fossils obtained from
exploratory workings at La Camocha and neighbouring Leorio (PATAC, 1933,
Pp. 76, 77): (Present-day taxonomie nomencíature aud generally accepted
tlpper Namurian/lower Westphalian of la Camocho, Asturias:...
synonyms are placedbetween brackets, and spelling mistakes bave been corrected
as well as the naníes of ¿he authors where ¿he wrong ones appeared in ¿he list.)
Neuropleris stipula¡a ZEILI
(= Neuropteris ovata
Míxoneura neuropteroides (CJÓPI>LRT) ZEILIrIR (=Neurocal/ipterts
neurop/eroides (C~ÓPPFRT) Ci ¡¿Át, SíluTí: & Zo¡now)
Sphenop/eris notha E¡cí IwAIl)
.Sph. casteliz Zriíuií¿
Zí.¿ liEN
Pecopterís (Duc/yiotheca) gruneri ZEILIER (= Senfícubergia gruner¡
(ZEnit/u) comb. noi’.)
Dactylo/heca plumosa (Aínis) BRONGNIART ( Senjienhergia plumosa
(A tuis) Srua>
Pa op/cris inota BRONGNIART (~ Senjienhergia biotii (BuoNuNlAtu) SIen)
Annuiaria sieliata (voN SCl-ILOIl-IF.IM) WOOD
Asíerophviliies ion gifolius STERNrSERG
Cialamites sue/<owií BRONGNIÁRT
(7. cistii Bízos NIAIZI
Ar/hropi/vs approximata (voN Sclllo-rHEIM) RENAulT (
approximatus (VON SUHIn1-IIEIM) Anns, a species not figured by von
Schlotheim and which must be considered invalid).
A. b&ria/a (CoriA) Góí’prizc (~ Ca/amites bis/natas COFIA)
A. gigas (BRONGNIART) RvNAut:r (= Ca/ami/es gigas BnoNoNlÁwí)
A. e/angula RENAtO í (zr Ca/ami/es clon galas (RIrNAUL’) JONGMANS>
A .stephanense RíÑN~xul 1 (= Calamites anda/taus S1llnNrwnu)
Ca/cnnodendron inaequale RENAULT (= Ca/ami/es infladas VON GUTnILa)
Calcimocladus lignosas RENAULT (= Asterophyilites lignosas (RENAUUI)
1Sp/z. níduh¡etii
(ordaites lingulacus GítxNo’ Erín’
l)orv(ordau/es ajfinis (GIANtV Euívy) RENACí
Poacordaz/es lineanis (mlANO’ EtJRY
Artisia ortonis (icíNlíz
Titanophyllum sp.
Sigi/lania brardil BRoNONiAuT
5. deuísclíii BRONUNIAR]
5/igmaria ficoides (STERNBERG) BRONGNIART
Qn ¿he face of it, tbis list may be construed as evidence of a Stepbanian age.
I-lowever, ¿líe proportion of the different groups represented in this list, is not that
R. U. Wagner and C. Alvarez-Vázquez
usually found in Stephanian floras which tend ¿o show a predominance of pecopterid
fems. It is also apparen¿ that the fcw peeopterids listed alí belong ¿o the fructitication
genus Senf/enbergia which is common in Westphalian strata and only a minority
element among Stcphanian pecop¿erids. ¡u Ihe absence of illustrations, Patac’s list
will always remain ¿he subject of doubt, but it is diffictílt to avoid the suspicion that
¿he iden¿ificationswere niade on the a priori conviction thai a Stephanian flora would
be present.
More palacontological data becarne available through theworkofSAMPELAYO
(t944, Pp. 82-93, láms VIII-XI), who siudied 0w marine faunal remains obtained
from the La Camocha mine workings. A stratigraphically significan¿ fauna came
from e. 114 m beíow Seam 4. The following eleinenís were recorded (op. cii., p. 83):
Temnoeheilus corona/as McCov
Gastrioceras cf. saberena/an; VON Scííi OTIII#IM
Retica/oceras sp. ?
(;oniatites spiralis Pnií±írs
1-lomoceras sp.
Homoceratoides sp.
Paradomatoceras sp.?
Pleuronantí/us coma/am GiíurY
P. perelegans GIRTY
Coelonautilas sp. (Ves/inauti/us sp.)
Serpa/a nautiloicies McCov
Bei/erop/zon arii FIEMINÚ
Despite certain contradietions in this list, which presents a mixture of upper
Viséan, Namurian and lowermost Westphalian elemenis, SAMPELAYO (1944,
p. 90) concluded on an early Westphalian age.
‘Phis conclusion found suppor¿ in Jongmans’s opinion on the basis of plant
fossils collected froni the general ¿ip of the La Camocha mine in 1947
(IONGMANS 1951, p. 287; 1952, p. 14, lám. XXIV):
Neuropfr’ris cf.scIii~e~zei POTONIÉ (later identified as Neurop/eri.s as/iinana JONGMAN5 it, WAGNER, 1962, pl. 26. figs 3, 3a)
A//oioptenis (Corynepten¡s) coral/oic/es (v<)N fi UTRIER) PoroNlÉ
Rencia/tia sp.
As/erophyliites grandis (Smte’mríu.;) G.ílNnz
Calamí/es anda/atas STERNBERC;
C. sackowii BRONUNIART
Sigillaria elegans BuoNcN¡ARr non STERNBEI«;
t¿ppcr Vanínrian/lower Wesiphaíian of La Garnacha, Asturias:...
5. cl. sca/día/a BRONUNIART
Sigillaricslrobas cf. goldenbergii
ihe presenee of Sigillaria cié’gans provided a clear indication of either a late
Namurian oran early Westphalian age. ‘[bis is probably the same species as that
identihed by PATAC (1933) as S. brardii, <he ultimate branches o! which have
otten been conlus cd wi¿hS. elcgans (quite apart lrom ¿he nomenclatorial difficulties
surrounding ¿his taxon>.
Fhe presence of a Iowcr Wcstphal ian llora at La Camocha motivated the
collecting trip and stratigraphic investigation carried out in 1952 5v Professor
W.J. Jonginans and one of the present authors (RI-IW). Apart from obtaining a
1:100 seal e st ratigraphic section. the 1 a¿ter lot, nd evidence ol an i soel mal
sync[inal core in ¿he ruine workings. Plant rnegafossils and coal saniples for
palynology were collected, as well as both marine and non-marine invertebrates.
An important locality (n’ 121) for marine Iossils was found at the roof of a ¿hin
coal situaled at some 120 ni below the workable Seani 4. This is probably ¿he
sume horizon lroni which SAMPELAY() (1944) obtained the faunal rernains
nientioned earlier. Cephalopod remains found at loe. 121 (marked as goniatite
locality in Fig. I) were identified by SCHMIDT( 1955), who figured and described
the most iníportant elements:
Pc¡ralegocera.s pc’rcc>statutn S( IIMIDF (tentatively referred to Axinolobus
by MCCALEB, 1968)
cl. Gas/rioceras cancella/aín BIsAr
Uo,nocc’ías sp
A ,itlirac:octras sp.
Me/acoce,c¡.’ sp.
Coelona,.,ti/us siygíalís Dli KONINCK
TI¡orac.toc.cras ícs/i/wn Físrí ER DL WALDHEIM
He also mentioned some brachiopods oecurring with the cephalopods:
Marrinia sp.. Schuch/errella sp., Chone/inella sp. SCHMIDT (1955) concluded
thaI a fauna of late Namurian age was represented. a conclusion based prirnarily
on ¿he more fragmentary remains present. ‘[he new species. Axinolobus
pc.rcos/a/us. was compared with Atokan forms lrom North America and
Westphalian elcments from Nor¿h Africa.
Ihe coal saníples collected from the productive mensures of La Camocha
wcre anal yscd br megaspores by BONET & DI.IKSTRA (1956), who recorded
(he lollowing taxa (names adjusted ¿o present-day nomenclature):
1 acvisjc¡irsporites g/abrati¡s (ZEízNísí) PoloNíl &
R. U. Wagner and (7. Alvarez-Vázquez
Se/osisporites Izirsatas (LoosB) 1 BRAIilM
Setosisporites praetextus (ZERNur) PoioN¡É & KRF.MP
Vahisisporites aun/as (ZERNDT) P&roNlÉ & K¡wMP
Tabercalatisporites mamillarias (BARTLETT) POToNIÉ & KRFIVIP
Zonalesporites brassertii (STAcn & ZERNDT) PoroNlÉ & KREMP
Lagenoisporites ragosas (LoosE) PotoNtÉ & KREMP
Lagenicala hornida ZERNOT
Cystospori/es giganteas (ZERNDT) SCHOPF
C. varias (WlcílrR) DíJKsrRA
C. verracosas DnKslRA
7riangalatisporites triangala/us (ZFRNBT) PoTONIÉ & KREMP.
Rey also recorded the following large microspores and prepollen (names
also adjusted ¿o present-day nomenclature):
Schopfipollenites sp.
Calamospora sp.
Spencerisponites karczewskii
‘[bey concluded on a Westphalian A age (BONET& DLIKSTRA, 1956, p. 262).
After a briefrepor¿ given by MELÉNDEZ (1952), in which ProfessorJongmans
was quoted as having identitied both Westphalian A and Namurian C in ¿he 1.3(R)
m thick suecession worked by ¿he coal mine. afulí list of megafloral ¿axadescribed
by W.J. Jongmans in an unpublished manuscript was reprodueed by WAGNER
(1959, pp. 398,399). ‘[his list, published posthumously, was mistakenly regardedas
the resuil of finished work. In fact, iongmans’s manuscript was probably only a
preliminary draf¿. It con¿ains several errors as well as a number of manuscript names
whicb are nomina nada inthe listpublished by WAGNER( 1959). No useful purpose
is served by repeating ¿bis list here, since the present au¿hors have been able to revise
the identifications on ¿he basis of ¿he actual specimens studied by Jongmans. Some
additional material obtained later has been included in ¿he revision (Fig. 2).
JONGMANS (in WAGNER, 1959), on ¿he basis of his prcliminary determinations,
concluded on Namurian WC anó early Westphalian A ages.
JONGMANS (1957) commenced ¿he description of the megafiora collected in
¿he La Camocha mine with ¿he introduction of a new species, Calamites circalaris
JONGMANS. Additional taxa were introduced by WAGNER (1962, pl. 29):
Nearop/eris as/ariana JoNGMANs MS (transferred to Par4ntenisby LORENZO, 1977),
and Rhodeopteridium jongmansii WAGNER. ‘[here is a suspicion ¿hat the latter
represents the rooting system of a tan. Rhodeoplenidium is iherefore eliminated
from the Iist of taxa from La Camocha. WAGNER (1962) also figuredAletbop/eris
edwardsii STOCKMANS & WILLIÉRE and Sigillaria elegans BRONGNIART
<Jpper ¡Varnurían/lower Wes/phalian of La Camoeha, Aslu,¡av..
seom nurnber
lis íísl 221 21
Nauropterís oblíqua
Parípterts gigantea
Par,»terÉs asturiana
Linopterís cf. neoropteroides
Poniiea sp
Methoprerís cf edwardsii
Karínopt tris acuta
Eusphenopteris neuropieroides
Renaultia crepifla
Reas oms ¡bOUICrI
Renavil¡a rotw,dilblía
Reas u/tía sehatzfarens,s
Zeil/eris a wldcnsis
Corynepteris curalloides
Corpepterís cssínghír
&ndenbcrgia plu»vsa
Sphenophyt¡um cuneífulíum
Sp5eaopiiyllum cf lidstonii
.~>henophyIJum cf. v.ingfleldense
Sphenophyl/ostachys sp
Annulana rSnX,S3
.4sterophyllítes grandís
Múerophvllires longillilius
.4sterophyllites cha rae/brmis
Calsn.¡s¡achy< cha rad,rnas
Qalataites ca tinatos
(alam,tcs circula ns
(?alanvtes cistíí
(ala najes sockowái
Lepído’Jendron aculea1am
itpídodendron aeubuni
lcpidophloíos ¡arícinus
Bothrodendron n,ím,iilñjium
tepídostrobus ‘¡malas
Lep’dostrohophyl/um lanceo/a tun,
Lepidcs.lrohophy/lurn anju.s
Lepidostrr>bophytluni ¡wn¡.s,anun,
(Ja nthe/iophorus waldenhurgense
&giIia ría elegans
S~gÁIaria cf schloehcimiana *
Cyperítes hícarina tus
+ ¡
1 igure _ — O ist r¡ buí ion ofpíant niega floraItaxa i ‘it he succession worked fo r coa1 i n the l.a Cam íe ha
Mine (le. the upper parí of total succession as depicted in Hg. 1). Taxa niarked witlí ah asterisk
have ticen ohtained from onsiated leveis in Ihe coal-bearing succcssion as worked in the mine.
Figura 2- Distribución de los taxones de megallora en la parte superior de la sucesión reconocida
en la Mina La (Á,níoeha ( Hg. 1). Los taxones marcados con un asterisco se han obtenido a partir
de niveles no situados con precisión en la sucesión.
R. U. Wagner and
non STERNBERG. He Usted a selection ofspeciesbased, in ¿he main, on Jongmans’s
manuscript notes as quoted in WAGNER, 1959.
The coal samples investigaredby BONET & OIiKSTRA (1956) were analysed
fortheirmiosporeconten¿s by NEVES (1964), who alsostudied ¿he coals found in
an exploratory cross-eut which opened upan additional 1,000 m of strata in ¿he lower
pafl of the succession. ‘[he same cross-cut yielded megafloral remains iii ¿he vicinity
of Seam J (see page 169.-17() of ¿he present paper). NEVES recorded a substantial
number of taxa, 31 of whieh were tigured on his pís 1-111. 1-le regarded ¿he tbllowing
miospores as being of stratigraphic significance (NEVES 1964, ‘Pable 1):
Schaizospora campy/optera (WAL:rz) PoToNIÉ & KRtÍMP
S. rara KO5ANKF:
Remyspori/es magnificas Bunríkwouíu & WIIIJAMS
Camp/oíriletes saperbas Ntivrs
Crassispora kosan/cei (PoroNlÉ & KureMI’) BHARADWAJ
Dictvotrile/es bire/iculatas (InRÁHIM) POToNIÉ & KREMP
Reinschospora spcciosa (Loosr) SCHOPF, WíísoN & BlzNrALí..
1?. ¿riangalaris KOsANK¡-.
Florinites antiqaas ScHOPF
Alatisporites pustala/us IBRAFIIM
A. infla/as KOSANKE
Cirratriradites orna/as NuvEs
satarni (IERÁHIM) Sciíoíw, W¡l.soN & BrNTÁ¡L.
Armatisporites cas/anaeformís DYBoVA & JAcHowlcz
Mooreisporites flístis NEVES
Endosporites orna/as Wí[soN & Coc
E. globiforínis (IBRAHIM) Sciíopr, WíLsoN & I3ENTALL
Vestispora pseudoreticula/a 5 PODE
y. tortuosa (BALME) BHARADWAI
Laeviga/osporites desmomensís (Wíí SON & Con) Scííow, WILSON & BENTALL
Densosporites 5/ría/as (KNOx) PoroNlÉ & KREMP
Lycospora spp.
Kosankeispori/es sp.
Microspori/es radiatas (lnroxHlM) DIíKslRA (= Spencerispori/es karczewskii
NEVES (1964) distinguished five miospore zones, viz. the Remysporites
magnificas, Dictyotriletes bireticulauís. Vestispora tortuosa, Vestispora
pseudoreíicula/a and Endosporites globiformis zones (in upward succession).
‘[he total range of ages represented was given as late Namurian A ¿o earíiest
¿ip/fi? Na,nurian/lower Wcvípha/ian ojia (amocha, As¡,,rias:...
Westphalian 13. ‘Phis range was shortened subsequcntly by HORVATH (1985)
(see page
The braehiopod faunas from ¿he marine intervals in the La Camocha succession
were partially meorporated in a systernatic treatment of productid and chonetid
faunas from ¿he Cantabrian Mountainsby WINKLERPRINS (1 968),who mentioned:
Prodac/as carbonarios on KoNINcK,A ntiqaaíoniahindi (MUIR—WOOD), Cancrinella
retijbrmis(MUIR-WOOD), lornquistiadiminata(l)EMANET) andRugosnchone/es
ata/ns (DEMANET). He regarded these elements as lower Moscovian. A more
complete record of brachiopod faunas from La Camocha was provided later by
MARTÍNEZ CHACÓN (1977, 1979).
A single ostracode species was described from ¿he lower part of ¿he l~a
Camocha succession bv BLESS (1969): Hollinella? cf. avonensis (LATHAM).
More complete faunas were described later by SÁNCHEZ DE POSADA (1977).
Non-marine bivalves from La Camocha were menlioned bricfly by LAGAR
& WEIR (1971). Two taxa were stated lo be present, viL. (urvirimala spp. of the
belgica (HINO) group and Najadites sp.
A few megafioral remains from La Camocha were recorded by ÁLVAREZ
RAMIS (1 974a. b, 1977, ¡985), without locality details. ‘[he same photographs were
used in ¿he three dillerent papers wi¿h illustrations. She identified the lollowing taxa:
S/aric, amoena (SIUR) NÉMEJC, Renaullia ]oo/ner¡ (MARRAl) KIDSTON,
i)íscop/erís ber/randii I)ANZE and Sphenopteris cl. sewardii KIDSTON. ‘[he
enlargementsused in the l97ípaper(lám. V)pennitthe Iollowingobservations: ‘[he
specimen identified asS. amoena is apparently not this species but resembles R.
froincrí. ‘[he specimen figured under the name ol R. Jbo/neri, although poorly
preserved, probably belongs tu ¿his species. ‘[he present writers also agree with the
likelihood that a Discopteris has been found, but prefer ¿o determine the figured
specimen (ALVAREZ RAMIS, 1977, lám. V, tigs 3, 3a)asct. Diseoptcrivkarwrnensí~
Stur. 1-he fourth species recorded can only be identified as Sphenopteris sp. Li her
lQ?4a paper, ALVAREZ RAMIS ventured ¿o comment un the specimens figured
by JONGMANS (1952), attributing Sigillaria elegaus lo 5. ¡nammillaris
BRONGNIART and the Nearopteris cf.~schuc~/zei POTONIÉ (= Paripwris astanana (JUNG MANS) LORENZO) ¿o Linopteris nearopteroides (VON GUTBIER)
POTONIE. ‘[hese reidentitications are without loendation, and it is clear thaI she
overlooked the Paripíeri.s asturiana as figured by WAGNER (1962). Indeed, she
Ihiled to refer to either WAGNER. 1959, or WAGNER, 1962, in whieh the megaflora
of La Camocha was mentioned and a¿ least partly illustrated.
ALVAREZ RAMIS (1974a, p. 51) cuncluded that the coal-bearing strata of
La Camocha should be attributed tu the Upper Westphalian lA or, more likely,
R. U. Wagner aud (7. Alvarez-Vázquez
Wes¿pbalian C. ‘[here are no reasonable grounds for this conclusion which runs
counter tu the results of palynological s¿udics by BONET & DIJKSTRA (1956)
and NEVES (1964), whicb she does not mention and may have been unaware uf.
LACHKAR (1976) made a new investigatiun uf the megaspores lrom La
Camucha. 1-le recurded essentially tbe sume assemblage as BONET& DLI KSTRA
(1956), bu¿ added Lagenoisporlíes nadas (NOVAK & ZERNDT) POTONIÉ &
KREMP, Pseudovalvisisporites nigrozona/is (STACH & ZFRNDT~ LACHKAR,
and Bentzisporiítes tricollinas var. parviverrucosus (BHARDWAJ) LACI-IKAR,
and recorded S. karczews/cii as Microsporites radia/as (IBRAHIM) POTONIÉ
& KREMP. 1-le noted that bis P. nigrozonauis is the same sporc as that recorded
as Triletes cia ritas by BONET & OIJKSTRA. LACI-IKAR (1976) confirmed ¿he
Westphalian A age uf the cual seams wurked in Ihe La Camoeba Mine.
An exhaustive study of mainly marine but part¡y freshwa¿er ¿o brackish
ostracode faunas from La Camocha was published by SÁNCHEZ DE POSADA
(1976, 1977). ‘[he more complete 1977 paper also contains ¿hree lists uf
microflural elements identified by M,J.M. lless from the upper part of ¿he
sueeessiun repeated in ¿he normal fiank of the synclinal structure. These were
a¿tributed tu ¿he upper Westphalian A. ‘[he following ostracudes were recorded
Holline/la cf. H. ~Keslingella) radiata (JoNes & KIRKBY)
U. sp. aff. II. (Ji’raehollinellci) camoni BLí~ss
Jordanites camochensis SÁNcliríz DE POSADA
Kirkbya wal/heri OMARA & GRAMANN
Kirkbya? sp.
Amphissites (Amphissites) centrono/as (ULIZIUÍI & BAssJER)
Amphissi/es (Ectodemites) ?pataci SÁNeFIEZ DE POsADA
Kirkbye//a (Bernade/la) sp.
Roandyella siniplicissima (KNluhlr)
Hypote/rcígona sp.
Sansabe/la aif reversa CoI±uAND
Bairdia (Bairdia) spp.
IJairdia <‘Reclobairdia) sp.
Bairdia (Or/hobairdia) cf. ces/r¡ensis UíRI(:n
Bairdia (Cryp/obairdici) cf. coryelli Ruríi & SKINNF:R
Bairdiacypris sp.
Fabauicypris sp.
Carbonita cl. pangens (JoNlís & KJRKEY)
Monocera/ina sp.
1 Jppvr Narnurian/lowcr Westphahan of La (amocha, As/urjas:.,.
Hea/dia spp.
As/ariel/a limburgensis 131Ess
A. sp. cf. calven Bí±ss
Asturielta spp.
(avellina sp. cf. euningsi PAYNI:
Pseudobv~hocvpris pediformis (KNIGI-Ir)
Al] speeirnens were ebtained freni te upper part el te suceessien (frem
Scam D upwards). No cernments were made as te the stratigraphie age of these
estracede faunas.
A fairly exhaustive recerd of brachieped faunas frern La Carnocha was
published en duce eccasiens by MARTÍNEZ CHACÓN (1977, 1979. amI in
Schizoplíor¡a resupinata (MARTIN)
Sehuehertella sajakensís asturica MARTÍNEZ CriAcÓN
Rugosoehonetes aculas (DEMANET)
R.skipsevi (Ci RRIF)
Rugesechenetinae gen. et sp. indet.
Globosucho,¡e¡es waldsehmidti (PAECKELMANN)
Megachonetes ? cf. z¿mrnermanm (PAECKELMANN)
Jornqntstia cf. po/ita McCo~
A vonia ech¡dn¡jornus (ClAc)
Alila, ¡a nasa/a (PAECKELMANN)
Koz/o¡vskia cf. pasilla (ScuvíIwIEN)
I’rod,.¿c¡us carbonarius de KONINCK
Ant¿qu¿u¡lon¿a h¡ndi (MuíR—~1oou)
Linoprodacías cura (D’ORB[GNY)
1. ci. nejjed¿evi (1)1 VE[ZNI?íJíL)
Cancrine/la craigmarkensis (MUTR-Wooo)
<7. relljorinís (MIJIR—WOOD)
These tkíunas were regarded as belenging te the Alitar¡a-Karavankina and
Cancninella-Tornquístia zenes of WINKLER PRINS (1968), of Ihe Lewer
Mesí irnportantstratigraphically is te palynelegical investigatien (iniesperes)
carried ení by HORVATH (1985) which, unfertunately, has remained unpublished.
This study moditied dic tange of straiigraphic ages given by NEVES (>964). It
was hased en 58 ceal samples which were supplemented by 14 shaW samples
frein te ¡naccessihle iower pafl frern Searn F dewnwards.
te principai
taxa were given in a table shewing te distributien of species threugheut the
R. U. Wagner ant! (it Alvarez-Vázquez
suecessrnn. Sorne of 11w speeies in Ihis ehart were illustrated, as weII as a kw
additional ones. Horvath distinguished between Ibur biozones (SB 1-4) whieh,
togelber with two adúltional ones (585,6), constituted dic basis for eorrclations
throughout a fairiy substantial parí of dic Cantabrian Mountains in Asturias as
wcII as lii León.
Significant species were given as IbI¡ows (HORVATI-1, J985, Table 3):
Cafarnospora spp.
Punetatisporftes sinuatus (ARiUz) NEVES
¡-‘lanisporites granifer (¡DRXI hM) KNOX
Anapiculatisporbes minar (BUiYERWORTH & WILLIÁMS) SMITH &
Pustulatisporjíes pustulatus P flONI É & K REMP
Converrucosisporites armatus (DYI3OVA & JACHOWIUZ) SMíin &
RaLstrickia fr/va ARTUZ
I)ictyolri/etes bireticulatus (1aRA1IIM) PÚroNIE & KRíiMI’
Camptotriletes bucculentus (Loesí ) POTUNIÉ & KREMP
C.supúrbus NEVES
Lycospora noctuina Burruwouní & WIIIIAMS
L. pusilla (IBRAHIM) SoMIms
L. rotunda (Eh IÁRADwX[) SoMvRs
Densosporiles spp.
Cingulizonates Ion catas (Loosí±)BUnuRwoRi¡-1 el a!.
Radiizonaíes stnialus (KNÚX) STAPIÁN & JANSONTI)S
Knoxisporiles semiradiatus NuvEs
Reticulatisporites po/ygona/is (IíntxllíM) SMITH & BurruRwoRíÍh
R. rdhculatus (1 BRAI hM) IBRAIIIM
Savitrisporites nra (BuvwnwoR ni & WwíIAMS) SMITH & BurrlRwoRin
Crassispora kosankei (POTONIÉ & KREMv) SMITH & Burwawoínui
Cirratniradites saturni (¡nRÁ¡h¡M) SCHOPF, Wii SON & )3LNTALL
Reinschospora triangularis KOSANKIt
Triquitrites bransonil WIIsoÑ & Hovl:Muslva
Ahrensisponites guenickei (HoRsl) PoioN¡É & KREMP
A. beeleyensis Nizvvs
Endosporites zona/is (Loosr) KNOX
E. amatas WIISON & Co¡~
Vpper Namurian//ower IYeítpha/ian afta Ca,nocha, A.y¡u~ia~:
Remysporiícs inagnificus (Hoasí) BUITERWORTH & WiLLAAMS
A /atisporite’~ pu ‘aulatus (lrrnAhiíM) 113h<Ah hM
Vestispora costala (BÁLMv) SPODE
y. tortuosa (BALME) Spem~
y. pseudoreuculata Srou¡
L•aevi ~~a&~sp
omites vu/garis (luiRÁuhM) AIPERN & DOLJBINGER
Punciatosporites minutus (IBRAI HM) AII’LRN & DOUBINGER
Elorinítes spp.
Schopf¡pol/enaes e//ipsoides (1 tSRAI-hh M> POIONIÉ & KREMI’
The miespeíe zenes distinguh.hed by HORVATH (1985) are breadty similar [o
Ihose established by NEVES (1964), buí differ in [he limil between SE 2 and 583
which lies below thai between ihe Dictyotri/ews biretica/atus ami Vestispora tortuosa iones el Neves, and in ihe suppression of his L’ndosporires g/ob¡jbrrnis Zoíie,
which Hervath incorporated within her zoíie 584. Horvath also modified ihe tange
oJstraligraphic ages admilled by Neves, attributing a late Namurian age lo ILe lower
pan of ihe sueeessien (from Seam N te Seam A) and a Westphalian A age te [he upper
pan (Seams 1-25). Horvath admits dic possibilhy thai dic lowermost sírata iII dic 1 ~a
Camecha succession helong te ihe upper Namurian 13 (read Marsdenian). whilst the
highest sírata are atiributed lo ILe top Westphalian A. These appreciations shorlen
Ihe tange adm [lcdby NEVES (1964), whosuggested a late Namurian A (ChokierianAlportian) age lot ihe lowermost seams sampled and a possible basal Westphal¡an
8 age for Ihe highest seams.
A sedirnentological investigation of ILe upper parí of (he suecession in Ihe La
Camecha Mine. j.c. lrom a Little belew Seani lío aboye Seam 25. was carried nul
hy CORRALES etaL (¡985). These authors described a deltaiesystem dorninated
by tiuviatile facies including distribu[ory channel depesits, moulh bars arid river
()vetbank/flt)edplaihi deposits, as welI as occasional marine limestones and
maris. It is noted here that [he thickness ami frequency of eccurrence el
lirnestenes mercases in ihe lewer part of ihe succession nol aeeessible for
sedimentoiogieal sludy. Altogether, diese facies are quite similar It, Ihose found
al a higher stratigraphic level (upper Westphalian) in ILe Central Asturian
Coalficid, and it is apparcní thai the succession tonud at La Camocha developed
in Ihe eeniext of a wider basin with dellaje sedimenis being produced by a rising
hintcrland ami cxtending progressively onto a foreland coincidení with ihe
Cantabrian Block in the central part of ILe present-day arcuate loid belí of Ihe
Cantabrian Meuntains. CORRAl LS etaL (1985) diseussed ILe palaeogeographic
position el La (‘amocha relaling [his area with the Narance hilis immediately
northwest el Oviedo aud Santolirnie al a short distance north of ihe Naranco.
R. JI. Wagner ant! C. Alvarez-Vázqaez
A revision of tLe planí remains coltected by Jongmans and Wagner in the
1,300 m of sírata worked by the La Camocha Mine shows ILe presence of dic
tollowíng taxa:
Paripteris gigantea (STERNBERG) GuillAN
Paripteris asturiana (JONOMANS) LORENZO
Neuropteris obliqua (BRoNGN¡Awr) GÉ5PPERT
Aleehopteris sp.
Linopteris cf. neuropteroides (VON GUTRIER) POToNIÉ
Potonica sp.
A/ethopteris cf. edwardsii SrocKMANs & WhLLIÉRE
Karinopteris acuta (BRONGNIART) BOERSMA
Eusphenopteris neuropteroides (BOUIÁY) Novhk
Renaultia crepinii (STUR> ZEILLER
Renaultia footneri (MARI&AF) KíusvoN
Renaultia rotundifolia (ANURAF) ZEILLER
Renaultia schatz/arensis (SUAR) ZEIILER
Sphyropteris obliqua (MARRAl) KíosToN
Zeil/eria avoldensis (SiuR) KJnsIoN
Coryneperis coralloides (VON GuhBhER) ZEILLER
Corynepwris essinghii (ANuRAE) ZEIFIER
Senftenbergia plumosa (ARTIS) STUR
Sphenophyllum cuneifolium (SntaNnrtRu) ZEILLER
Sphenophy/lum cf. kidstonii HEMINGWAY
Sphenophyllum cf? wingfieldense HEMINGWAY
Sphenophyllostachys sp.
Annularia ramosa Wr¡ss
Asterophyl/ites grandis (STERNBERG) GEINITL
Asterophy/lites charaeformis (SFERNBERG) GÓPPERT
Asterophyllites Iongifolius (STERNISIIRG) BRONGNIART
Calamosíachys charaejbrmis (STERNBERG) JONGMANS
Ca/amites carinatus STEI<NBEI¿ci
Calamites cistii BRONGNIART
(‘alamPes circularis JONGMAN5
Calamiites suckowii BRONGNIART
Lepidodendron aculeatwn STERNBERG
Lepidodendron acutum (PRESI) KínsToN
1> pee Na,nurian/lower Westphalian
uf La (‘amocha, As/arias;..
Lepidoph/oios laricinus (SUIRNnFRG) STERNBERG
Bothrodendron minutij¿lium (Bou[Ax) ZElíLER
Lepidostrobas ornatus BRoNGNIXR1
Lepidostrobophyl/un¡ lanceo/atan, (LINOIFx & H WTON) Da í.
Lep¿dostrobophy//u¡n majas (BRoNGNIART) HIRMER
Lepidophyl/oides morrisianam (LEsOIJEREUN) CROoKA¡[
(I’anthe/iophorus wa/denburgense (PohONIÉ) BAssh FR
.5ig¿/laria (>/cgans <SnáaNíiu=ao)I3RONGN!ARI
Sigil/aria cf. sch/otheimiana BRONGNIART
(I}’peri/av .b¿caru,atus LINDLEY & 1-lunoN
Stig¡naria ficoides (SFERNI3EIzt) BRow~NIARí
seeds (Trigonocarpus sp., Samaropsis sp.)
The disíribution of species in ihe succession wotkcd by the La Camocha
Mine shews thaI OII¡y minor differenecs exisL between (lic floral assemhlages
found al Ihe varicus leveis sampled (Fig. 2). ‘¡he to[a1 number elspecies recerded
is forty. ‘¡‘bis is prohab>y >ess Ihan half ILe number of taxa tbat may Lave heen
present, and it is noted tha[ only a few localities have yielded mote ihan tLree
species. Re enlíeetion Ihus cannot he re~arded as fufly represenlaíive. Ibis
being ihe case, it seems reasonable lo regard Ihe to[aI succession, lroni seam
groups A. 8. U ío ihe core ol the syncline, as cottesponding lo a single
sltatigraphic age, as lar as megafloral evidence is concetned.
Mesí of the taxa tecerded tange throughout Langsettian and Ouekmanlian.
However, dic presence of Karu¿opteris acata ant> Sigillaria elegaus ([he ¡atíer
feund ¡u 11w uppcr third ol ihe suceessien) suggests thai [he coal-bearing sírata
of ¡ Caniocha do net ge heyond ihe Langsettian. BoíL speeíes are characterístíc
of Ycadonian and Langset[ian. On [Le other hand. [he presence of several species
ofR’naulcia temis te eliminate ILe upper Namurian. As a matteroffact, R. ¡oot¡ien
and 1?. rotundi/blia are nol tecerded helow ihe Langse[tian Also [he twe specie.s
ofCo, imp/cris. (7. co,a/íoide.s ant> Ci’. cssing/ñ¿ are resirieted lo ILe Westpba>ian.
The same is írue of Sphyropteris ob/iqua, buí Ibis is a rare speeies el lesset
slratigraphic impertance.
It ¡bus appeats thai ihe en[ire succession of 1,300 m worked in ihe La
Camoeha Mine belengs lo Ihe Langse[tian. This confirms [he conclusion reached
hy HORVATH (¡985) en [he basis of miospore assemblages.
A sinail collection was made in 1961 lrem s[ra[a exposed [emporarily ni a
cross-cLl[ which explored a suecession below thai worked hy ILe mine. PlanÉ
ttssils were eblained ítem shales associa[ed with Seam 1, at 560 ni below Seam
(O (flg. 1) (localities >15<), 1>51):
R. It Wagner ant! E. Alvarez-Vázqacz
f’aripteris asturiana (JoNGMANS) LORENZO
Nc’uraletlzopteris schlehanií (SíLJR) CREMER
Eusphenopteris sp.
Lyginopteris sp. (cf. L. hoeninghausii (BRONGNIÁRr) POmNIÉ)
ef.Senftenbergia aspera (BROÑONIARí) STUR
Sphenophyllum cuneifoliam (SThiíNnrI«;) ZEIHER
Lcpidophloios laricinas (ST! RNBLIZG) SmRNnmzo
«Lepidodendron» cf. lossenii Wnss
Lepidostroboplzvllum lanceo/atum (LINDLFY & 1lhirION) BEIL
This small assemblage is rather incomplete, but it seems eharaeteristie of Ihe
upper Namurian. HORVATH (1985), on [hebasis of more compJete palynological
data, indeed referred (his interval te the upper Namurian.
Early Westphalian floras are found in a number of places la ihe Iberian
Peninsula. The most complete megafleral tecord is lLa[ from [he Peñarroya
Cealficid ja Ihe province of Córdoba, 5W Spain. This ranges from upper
Langsettian to upper Duekmantian (CAy ¡u prep.). Practically aif (he species
found at La Camocha exist also in [he Peñarroya CoalfieId, dic only undoubted
exceptien beiag Neura/cihopteris sehíehanil.
‘Ube Langsettian is ‘also present al Villanueva del Río y Minas (Sevilla), buí Ihe
floras recorded ftorn this coalficid (GOTHAN in SIMON, 1953; GARCÍALOYGORRI & ORTUNO, 1969; WAGNER el aL, 1983) are lee ineemplete lo
warrant a comparison.
S[tata of approximalely Ihe same age may also be represented ja south
Portugal (TEIXEIRA & PAN, 1976), ¡uit dic drilted slem remajas illustrated
oaly allow te cenclude en a general Namurian te Westphalian age.
la the Cantabrian Mouíitains, NW Spain, diere are several localities wilh lewer
Westphalian strata. The níost complete floral assernblages have been obtained tren>
¡he Curavacas ConglomerateFermation in theprevinceof Palencia, in thesoutheasteríí
partofíhe Palacezeje core of [he Cantabriauí Meuntalas. First deseribed as belengiag
te upper Wcstphalian 13 (WAGNER, 1960). an age determinatien maintained in
WAGNER & BOWMAN (¡983), these floras are eurrcíítly assigned un carlv
fluekmantian age by ihe presení authors. SUOCKMANS & WLLLIERE (1965)
determined a late Westpbaiian A (= Langsettiaíí) flora from the basal part of the
Curavacas Formation near Cardaño de Arriba (Palencia). It was deubled by
WAGNER & BOWM \N (1983) (¡mt ihe Cardañe de Arriba locality would rea¡lv
t}pI><r Na,narian/lewer íVestphaliatí o/La Camcxha, A starias: .
beleng lo 11w Curavacas Formatien (locatiiy detajis are scan[y and difliculí [overily),
buí ihe presení writers are prepared te adnii[ ihe attributien te Ihis fermalion, [heage
of which apparenlly tanges fron> late Langseilian lo early (middlc?) Duckmantian.
Ihe ( uravacastiorasate Iesseompleleihan those knownfrorn the ¡noreexhausíivelv
saí>pled Peñarreva (.?oalticld. buí Ihe specics cenlents are identical.
There are.afew miner diflerenees with 1.2 Camocha wbich is of tate
Namutian ( Yeadenian) aud Langseltian ages and Iherefore, en the whelc, cari ier
¡han Peñarreva and Cutavacas. Une of dic mosí e@m¡non species at ¡2 Camecha
is Pariplerhasturiana, a ¡brin witb sinaí), straigbi—sided pinnules. which ¡ Áhvelntt
(¡a MARTÍNEZ DÍAZ el al., 1985) compared with Paripteris pseadogigantea.
~hisis replaced by I>a-ipteris gigantea (mainly Ihe form recorded in the literature
as /‘uiplerts lh¡guaef=Áia) ja ¡be Peñarroya Conlfieiui ant] in dic Curavacas
Ietrnatien of Palencia. AÑo Neara/ediopteris sch.lehan¡i, presení ití the lowet
part of ihe Narnurian suecessien at La Camocha, has nel been seen in ejiher
Peñarrova or dic Curavacas Formation. This mav he due cilber to coliecting
lailure er, ¡note 1 keLy, te Rs absence al Ihe high leveis of 1 angsetlian preseul in
thesc arcas.
Indeed, al a leve) correspontJing te [he Carmen Formation. beiow ILe majer
iincenformiíy associaíed with the Curavacas Cenglomerate Formatien, al tl>e
Iocalily eIDobres(Canlabria Prevince). N. sclzlehanii has been ibutíd (WAGNER,
¡959, p. 4(10). Ibis small Iocalily was assigned a late Namurian or earlv
Westpbaí an A age (op. ci!.). ILe same Jecaíily was relerred le dic Wesipba lan
AIiv ÁlvaretVázquc¡ (¡a HEREDIA el aL, 1990. p. 71). Re (arn,eí Formal ion
oven ies 1 he Perapcr(ú Ferínatien wh eh centains Iowcr Mescovian (Merck ky)
loíamjnifera (RL JMYANTSEI VA la WAGNER & IAOWMAN, 1 983)and Atokan
genialites (WAGNER-GENTIS, 1985).
l?Ior~ís characícrised by Paripteitis astariana also ecetír in thc Naranco hUís near
Oviedo (LORENZO. 1977), Quirós, Asturias (LAVEINE & BROLJSM]CI-iJi la
LEY VA ci aL, 1985), al ‘Teverga. Asturias (JONGMANS ¡a WAGNER. 1959;
LAVEINE & BROUSMICHE ití LEYVA cl aL, 1985) and al San Emiliano, León
& BOWMAN, 1983). Ihese rather incemplete floral rccords have been aseribed lo
Wesiphallan A and 8. buí, mesí likely, ah belong lo [he 1 ~ingscttian.
Fi í>aíly, strah a coí>tai ¡>ing Neara/cího1>leris schiehanu, have been recorded as
Wcstphaliaíi A (= Langsettian) ítem Huesca i n Ihe axial zone of ihe Pyrenees
(GOIHAN ¡a SCHMIDT. 1931, p. 61; WAGNER ¡a WENSINK. I962,p. 27).
Similar assemblaizes wi[h N.sch/ehauii have been figured and described bv
1 ÁMEl NF (¡a DEI ASOLVE & LAMEIN E, ¡985) frorn ihe French Pyrenees. alse
R. II Wagner ant! Ci. A/varez-Vázqaez
from its axial zone. ILe Freneb assemblages Lave been assigned a middle
Narnurian age on ILe basis of asseciated goniatite faunas.
Paripteris asturiana (JONGMANS) LORENZO A specics with blrín[,
straigh[-sided pinnules, similar te thosc ofParipierispseudogigantea (POTON ¡ É)
GOIHAN, buí showing an average pinnule size smaller Iban thaI found in 1’.
pseadogiganlea. In view of ILe large amoruñ of sizevariation in thepinnulesol
different species of Paripleris, it is still an open question whether P. aslariana
should be maintained as a separate taxon (compare ZI-]ANG e! aL, 1992).
Linopteris cf nearopteroides (voN GUTBlEí~) POTONIÉ This is ihe [orn>
with relatively broad pinnules which is cen>monly identified under Ibis nanie in
[he paralie ceal belt of NW Europe. A mere síender form of L. neuropícroides
oecurs in S[epLanian strata. The spccies as described origina¡ly frem Zwickau.
Saxeny (compare DABER, 1955) appcars intermedíale in character.
Lyg¡nopteris sp. cf L. hoeninghausii (BRONGNIART) POTONIÉ
Fragmentary remains sLowing Ihe larger rachíses wiíh spines and, scpatately.
pínna fragmenis of the ¡así and pentíltimate orders. Pinnuies are small,
charaeteristically irilobate atíd fairly uniforni in size atíd dimensions. Thcy appcar
less vaulted [hanILe pinnules of typiea¡ L. hocninghaasii, buí are (>therwise quite
simi ¡ ar.
«Lepidodendron» cf. iossenii WEISS Older síems ot branches witb false
leafscars corresponding tea raised area; leafcushions with transverse wrinklcs;
srnaller branches with widely based, almosí perpendicularly inserted, síender
¡caves, up le 6-7 mm long. This species diflers fren> Lepidodendron w<)rlhen¡i
Lesquereux because of ihe absence of a proper leafscar. It is vcry similar le ihe
lowcr Carbonifereus spccics «Lepidodendron» /osscn¡i WEISS. which also
displays false leaf sears on raised arcas atíd wrinkled leal cushietís dispesed in
whai appears tobe [he sanie phyllotaxis. Until a ful] description has been n>adc
of the reasonably well preserved material from La Cameeha. and Ihe slill raiher
poerly known species «Lepidodendron» losscníi can be analysed more cempletely,
Ibe presení writcrspreler [o compare [he specimens in hand witbL. lossen¡i ralber
iban identify them wi[h Ibis species eutrigbi.
Recibirle el día 21 dc Febrero de 1994
Aceptado el día 17 dc Mayo de 1994
Upper Namnarian/lower Wcsiphalian
c>f La Camocho, Asturias:~.
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