GREEN SCREEN September - Green Screen Festival
GREEN SCREEN September - Green Screen Festival
GREEN SCREEN ® 10 September th th 14 18 2016 eenscre en-fest th ival.en INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE FILMFESTIVAL ECKERNFOERDE Genießen mit Verantwortung. ponsor S n e e Scr Ó Green eresfilm rM ãBeste e Ladies and gentlemen, dear filmfans, der Lebensraum an der Meeresoberfläche, die Vermüllung der Ozeane, die The biosphere on the surface of the sea, littering of oceans, the magic of spring – films allow us unique glimpses into nature, thus making us aware of the need for an unimpaired environment. Films help us realize the value of nature protection as well as the positive and negative impacts of our actions on the environment. Political aspects are addressed during the Eckernfoerde Talks. By combining nature and culture GREEN SCREEN successfully contributes to environmental education in Schleswig-Holstein. Our regional government is especially focused on the environmental aspect of sustainability: Awareness of and attachment to nature creates a will to safeguard the natural resources of our planet. For this year’s 10th anniversary 203 films originating from 23 countries have been submitted out of which the organizers have put together a diverse programme: 86 long films, 5 double features, 2 short film programmes as well as a school programme will be shown during the festival. More than DR. ROBERT HABECK 100 volunteers look after approx. 16,000 visitors. Impressive facts of an impressive event! Enjoy the screenings, the communication and the encounters with nature. Dr. Robert Habeck Minster for Energy Transformation, Environment, Agriculture and Countryside to the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein 1 KARIN HIMSTEDT CONGRATULATIONS ON THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY! Dear wildlife film friends, GREEN SCREEN celebrates its 10th anniversary having developed into a cultural mega event in our town. The festival has put Eckernfoerde on the international wildlife film map. Filmmakers and visitors arrive from around the world to communicate and to enjoy the films screened during the festival. For five days our town focuses on nature, film and festival – a colourful hustle and bustle and really great nature films. Each year there is an increase in the number of productions showing fascinating and breath-taking nature footage. This year, too, we look forward to powerful cinematography and premieres by patiently courageous filmmakers taking us on a fantastic journey. But it is not only the film genre that attracts filmfans and filmmakers to the festival. They also appreciate the people, the communication and the high quality of the programme that makes this festival an outstanding event in Europe. GREEN SCREEN - from the outset our town has been immersed in its special 2 JOERG SIBBEL atmosphere while rolling out the ‘green’ carpet for five days each year. With this in mind we look forward to many more successful festivals. Wishing all visitors, filmmakers and guests a wonderful time in Eckernfoerde and many magic film moments, Karin Himstedt & Joerg Sibbel Civil Director of the Municipality and Mayor GERALD GROTE what do insurance policies, people, buildings, perfumes and Biedermeier coffee pots have in common? They are awesome! Not because they are particularly exciting, entertaining or dramatic, but because nowadays everything is awesome. People, advertising and newspapers have overused that bland phrasing when it is actually just a dull sentence coming to a full-stop. Plain home-made bread, monotonous music, a perfume as dull as ditch-water, a graceless neglige, an old hat or stale small-talk at a reception: All are labelled awesome. I am amazed at the inflationary use of the adjective. A verbal crime with homicidal arguments threatening our ability to read, a clear case for a verbal jury. Even I have toyed with the word of late in view of my expanding girth and its effect on the waistband of my trousers. But I digress. Let’s rather talk about our poster competition that we ran for our 10th anniversary. More than 500 designers from 71 countries entered their layouts. what a staggering success! The choice fell on a layout by the Russian artist Dmitry Timofeichev. His de- sign does not follow fashion, advertising trends nor a youthful impetus but remains totally committed to the subject matter. The layout is definitely not controversial. But its substance is. The wrapped-up landscape, the cultivated flora, civilized and aligned. That is the subject matter. And it plays a major role as unambiguously shown – as long as it remains within that said reel. For the majority of people, the moving picture has meanwhile become actual proof that there is something like nature out there. It does not matter on what format that information is stored. However, only an old-fashioned film reel is capable of symbolizing such a bitter secret. And we do not know whether the reel is winding or unwinding. Is it immeasurably long and thus holds all options or is the end visible? That is exactly what makes this layout so fascinating and - by conjuring up the past - so amazingly future-oriented. Yes, GREEN SCREEN is indeed awesome in the sense of stirring, captivating, intense, stunning, unmissable, up-to-the-minute. And as far as internationality is concerned, truly awe-inspiring. On behalf of all two hundred volunteers, collaborators and patrons I wish you great film and festival moments. Gerald Grote Festival Director 3 WELCOME TO THE 10TH GREEN SCREEN WILDLIFE FILM FESTIVAL IN ECKERNFöRDE FESTIVALPROGRAMME Opening Night Nominated Entries 2016 Juries Award Ceremony BEST FILMS of the past 9 years 2016 Films Double Features Short Films SCREENING SCHEDULES 2016 MAP AND SCREENING LOCATIONS TICKETS Eckernfoerde Talks Special Programme: Sir David Attenborough Special Programme: Wild South Africa The Adventure All Lights on Green? Photo Exhibition Heiko De Groot: wild wonders sh:z Newspaper Tour Summer Open Air Screening P. 9 P. 10 P. 12 P. 14 P. 16 P. 18 P. 70 P. 76 P. 79 P. 84 P. 86 P. 89 P. 90 P. 90 P. 92 P. 92 P. 93 P. 94 INFORMATION ON THE FESTIVAL Acknowledgments Films A-Z Patrons and Partners Behind the Festival, Imprint P. 100 P. 102 P. 104 P. 106 PROFESSIONAL Workshop 1: Nature 2.0 Workshop 2: Pitching Session Workshop 3: Narration, Text and Presenters Camera Workshop P. 96 P. 96 P. 97 P. 97 KEYS TO THE FESTIVAL PROGRAMME (starting page 18) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, PRODUCTION YEAR UT SUBTITLES (ST) RUN TIME PALLE’S RECOMMENDATION FOR KIDS ORIGINAL LANGUAGE FILM IS NOMINATED AGE CERT PAGE 9 FESTIVALPROGRAMME OPENING NIGHT PAGE 10 NOMINATED ENTRIES 2016 PAGE 12 JURIES PAGE 14 AWARD CEREMONY PAGE 16 „BEST FILMS“ OF THE PAST 9 YEARS PAGE 18 2016 SCHEDULE PAGE 79 SCREENING SCHEDULES 2016 PAGE 84 MAP AND SCREENING LOCATIONS PAGE 86 TICKETS 41 INSEL DER PINGUINE - Südgeorgien PAGE 89 SPECIAL EVENTS live opening night Eckernfoerde, the Baltic wildlife film hub, is geared up to welcome festival visitors. GREEN SCREEN flags are flying, Eckernfoerde Stadthalle is surrounded by greenery and flowers lovingly planted by the municipal garden department. This year the traditional GREEN SCREEN opening night of the 10th anniversary festival takes place on the Wednesday night. The audience can look forward to a film highlight and a few stories from behind the scenes as told by visiting filmmakers. Boiling geysers, tropical beaches, enchanted jungles, quiet fjords and icy glaciers. New Zealand is unparalleled in its diversity. Its landscapes feature in famous film sets. In the empire of the LORD OF THE RINGS three-eyed lizards go hunting, parrots forage for food in the ice and deceptive starlit skies lure insects deep into the forest. Here you find birds unable to fly, giant insects and bold penguins. The islands of scenic superlatives and animals only found here have been called a mystical dream destination, the most beautiful end of the world. What exactly constitutes New Zealand’s magic? What amazing characteristics did animals develop during thousands of years of isolation from the rest of the world? And how did flora and fauna react to change after the first settlers had arrived? That and a lot more will be shown in the opening film WILD NEW ZEALAND – THE SOUTH ISLAND: Empire of Extremes by Robert Morgenstern. Wednesday, September 14th 2016 DOORS OPEN: 7:30 pm Stadthalle Eckernförde BEGINNING: 8:00 pm ENTRANCE FEE: 20 € (incl. Snacks and Beverage) This event will be simultaneously translated to English. Headsets are available at the entrance. NDR Naturfilm and the BBC have documented New Zealand wildlife in a state of the art production. Both institutions have joined knowhow and forces for a so far unique co-production employing the world’s best camera teams to capture New Zealand’s natural habitats. As always the opening ceremony is followed by a reception with regional snacks and refreshments from Stadthallenrestaurant . Wild NEw zealand - the south island Rorbert Morgenstern Mark Flowers, Britta Kiesewetter executive producer: Jörn Röver (Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm, James Honeyborn (BBC NHU) director: Series producer: A Cooperation of BBC and NDR, National Geographic, ARTE and TERRA MATER 9 NOMINated entries 2016 HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD Best film SPONSOR: Stadt Eckernförde endowMENT: 2.500 € Alle nominierten Langfilme Endowment: 5.000 € SPONSOR: Heinz Sielmann Stiftung Zurück zum Urwald - Nationalpark Kalkalpen Wildes Deutschland - Die Zugspitze Magie der Moore Frühlingswelten Wildes Deutschland - Der Chiemsee BEST POST-PRODUCTION Best CINEMATOGRAPHy SPONSOR: Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag Endowment: 1.000 € Wüstenkönige - Die Löwen der Namib Zurück zum Urwald - Nationalpark Kalkalpen Incredible Spiders Magie der Moore Returning - Kestrel Wildes Südafrika (1) - Kap der Extreme BEST INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION SPONSOR: Stiftung Natur im Norden Endowment: 2.500 € SPONSOR: Waldemar Behn GmbH killer whales - The Mega Hunt Järven tarina - Tale of a Lake Wildes Südafrika (1) - Kap der Extreme Kangaroo Island - Life on the Edge Die Eroberung der Weltmeere - Und die Macht der Wissenschaft SPONSOR: Abfallwirtschaft Rendsburg-Eckernförde GmbH Endowment: 1.000 € BEST MARINE FILM L‘Île Pyrénées green report 10 SPONSOR: Wirtschaftskreis Eckernförde e.V. Endowment: 1.000 € BEST ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Endowment: 1.000 € SPONSOR: Ev.-Luth. Kirchenkreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde & Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Norddeutschland Hotet pÅ Havet - Shipping Pollution Zurück zum Urwald - Nationalpark Kalkalpen Legacy Warnings! Life Force - Borneo Pestizide - Das Gift auf unseren Feldern Wie Tiere fühlen Endowment: 2.500 € Bese story SPONSOR: Kieler Nachrichten sh:z AUDIENCE AWARD Endowment: 1.000 € SPONSOR: Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag Frühlingswelten Die Reise der Schneeeulen Wüstenkönige - Die Löwen der Namib Tiermythen - Die Kinder des rosa Delfins Tiermythen - Im Auge des Löwen Der StrauSS - Zum Laufen geboren BEST MUSICAL SCORE SPONSOR: Allianz Generalvertretung Thomas Grötsch e.K. Newcomer Endowment: 1.000 € SPONSOR: Stiftung Natur im Norden L‘Île Pyrénées Grenzbock Magie der Moore Het Noorderplantsoen Returning - Kestrel Legacy Warnings! Endowment: 2.500 € Wild schleswig-holstein BEST ECOLOGY AND SCIENCE FILM SPONSOR: Stiftung Naturschutz Schleswig-Holstein Endowment: 1.000 € Endowment: 1.000 € Antarctic Edge - 70 Degrees South SPONSOR: Ministerium für Engeriewende, Landwirtschaft,Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig Holstein Endowment: 2.000 € naturnah: Kampf ums Gewächshaus Elbvertiefung - Was riskieren wir? DER Wipfelstürmer Acid Ocean AUDIENCE AWARD BEST SHORT FILM AWARD OF THE JUVENILE JURY SPONSOR: Rotary Club Mittelholstein Giraffen - Giganten hautnah Järven tarina - Tale of a Lake Himmelsvögel - Die Kraniche von Bhutan SPONSOR: Tierarztpraxis Dr. Trede Endowment: 600 € Endowment: 500 € ALL SHORT FILMS AUDIENCE AWARD BEST SHORT FILM FOR KIDS SPONSOR: Gemeinde Damp Endowment: 500 € ALL SHORT FILMS for kids 11 AWARD jury roland gockel Roland Gockel is a freelance wildlife and expedition cinematographer and film writer. Most recent projects as a member of the Nona Naturedocx team of writers: “Waechter der Wale” (BR) and “Insel der Pinguine” (NDR). christian herrmann Christian Herrmann has been writing, directing and producing national and international award winning wildlife films for ARD and BR since 1987. His film oliver goetzl Oliver Goetzl (Gulo Film Productions) is a qualified biologist, director, writer, supplementary cameraman, editor and producer. His documentations have been honoured with more than 150 international awards. heinz von matthey Head of the Jury, Producer with focus on biology, ecology and ethnography mostly for ZDF, WDR, ARTE et al. “Himmelsvoegel – die Kraniche von Bhutan” has been nominated for this year’s Award of the Juvenile Jury. anne olzmann In 2010 Anne Olzmann was appointed Managing Director of Albatross World Sales GmbH. She is in charge of worldwide sales and distribution of documentaries on nature, science, history, travel, and culture. 12 claudia schwab Since 1999 editor at SWR for various tv documentaries and magazine programmes; 2012 she took on responsibility for SWR ‘Wildlife and Nature’ in-house productions and co-productions. NOMINATION JURY JUVENILE JURY Von links: mirko tribanek udo a. zimmermann heiko de groot manfred ladwig michael packschies claudia sewig Von links: philipp hoy Hannah Braun lili junikiewicz jan ole trende SHORT FILMS JURY Von links: gerald grote oliver boczek jörg von rekowski GREEN SCREEN THANKS ALL JURY MEMBERS FOR THEIR PASSION AND DEDICATION 13 AWARD CEREMONY This is the climax of the festival. The green carpet has been rolled out, guests are greeted with finger food and sparkling wines, trophies are on standby, nominees are in suspense. 203 nature film productions originating from 23 countries are competing for awards in 15 categories. Who will be the lucky winners of the sand trophies at this 10th GREEN SCREEN festival? Presenter Christian Schroeder will host the evening. Following the award ceremony food and drinks await guests in the lobby of the venue and the Stadthallenrestaurant. Saturday, September 17th 2016 Stadthalle Eckernfoerde DOORS OPEN: 7:30 pm BEGINNING: 8:00 pm ENTRANCE FEE: 20 € (incl. Snacks and Beverage) The After Show Party at ‘Luzifer’ Stadthallenrstaurant comes courtesy of Albatros World Sales GmbH. This event will be simultaneously translated to English. Headsets are available at the entrance. The awardees of 2015 Presenter Christian Schröder and Editor in Chief of Eckernförder Zeitung Gernot Kühl 14 Ostseegolf Eckernförde* *Kleingolf-Spaß direkt am Strand! 18 Bahnen Kunstrasenplatz Adventuregolf Für Groß und Klein OstseeCard Rabatt Apartmenthaus Hafenspitze* *Direkt am Hafen und Strand 42 Apartments in bester Lage direkt am Strand & Hafen buchbar online und über die Tourist-Information best films of the past 9 years The Best Film Award was handed out nine times. As an introduction to the 10th anniversary festival all winning films are screened on Wednesday, 14th September, 2016. This year’s winner will be screened on Sunday, 18th September. See page 79 for times and venues. 88 Die wiese 2007 4:00 pm Stadthalle DIRECTOR: JAN HAFT The Meadow: Everyone knows and loves a flowery meadow. A sea of brilliant colours and delicate shapes. A paradise for a multitude of animals. Some live below the ground, others in between a dense thicket of stalks and some within the colourful ‘top level’. A fascinating journey through time full of surprising stories. 89 die türkei 2008 Wildes russland - 16 4:00 pm Haus Wed, Sep 14th 2016 2:00 pm Stadthalle DIRECTOR: TOM SYNNATZSCHKE WILD RUSSIA: The Caucasus is a world full of contrasts, where sandy deserts, icy glaciers, mud volcanoes and thick forests meet in this virtually untouched wilderness with rich wild-life. 91 2010 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 DIRECTOR: JAN HAFT TURKEY: The country beyond the Bosporus is extremely diverse: Turkey has rugged mountain ranges, subtropical forests, barren semi-deserts as well as jagged coastlines and vast marshes. All these habitats are populated by a multitude of special animals and plants. 90 Der Kaukasus 2009 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 mount st. helens Der Vulkan lebt Wed, Sep 14th 2016 2:00 pm Haus DIRECTOR: Jörg Daniel Hissen, Heinz Leger 36 years ago Mount St. Helens erupted. Within minutes the volcano on the US Pacific coast lost 400 m of its height and its debris and ashes devastated an area one and a half times the size of Vienna. Ever since scientist Charlie Crisafulli has been studying the return of life to Mount St. Helens. Wildes skandinavien 92 Norwegen 2011 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 4:00 pm Ratssaal DIRECTOR: JAN HAFT WILD SCANDINAVIA - NORWAY Snowfall in summer is normal in Norways tundras and on its highlands. The film follows a herd of musk ox throughout the year, encountering lynx, sea eagle and lemmings. Sahara 93 Life on the Edge 2012 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 4:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: RICHARD KIRBY The Sahara is one of the hottest, driest places on earth. Yet there is life here. Unique creatures adapted to one of the harshest environments on earth. Even people find ways to survive and flourish. The film investigates how the Sahara’s wildlife has found incredible solutions to survival on the edge of existence. Africa - 94 Eye to eye with the unkown - Kalahari 2013 2:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: Mike Gunton, James Honeyborne The series trades on ‘newness’, the filming style takes you ‘out of the 4 x 4’ offering truly intimate, eye-to-eye encounters with extraordinary wildlife. Africa - Like you have never seen it before. Penguins 95 Spy in the Huddle 2014 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 6:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: JOHN DOWNER This film reveals the intimate behaviour of nature’s most devoted parents –from emperor penguins in Antarctica, rockhopper penguins on the Falkland Islands and Humboldt penguins in the Atacama Desert of Peru. Key to the success of the spycam missions are the animatronic cameras cleverly disguised as lifesize penguins. Amerikas Naturwunder Wed, Sep 14th 2016 2:00 pm Ratssaal 96 Saguaro 2015 DIRECTOR: Henry M. Mix, Yann Sochaczewski America ´s National Parks - Saguaro The Saguaro National Park is one of the newest in the US – a diverse habitat between heaven and hell with more species than any other desert in North America, but why? 17 1 +/- 5 METER Leben und Lebensgefahr über und unter dem Meeresspiegel +/- 5 METERS Joe Brunni, diving photographer travels the oceans of the world to photograph life at +/- 5 meters above and below the surface. Between air and water, this space creates an extraordinary habitat. France 2015 90 min German 360° GEO REPORTAGE: BIRD ISLAND Allein unter Pinguinen BIRD ISLAND - LONESOME AMONGST PENGUINS Few places are as densely populated as Bird Island – at least as far as penguins, seabirds and seals are concerned. Very few humans are admitted to the remote subantarctic British Antarctic Survey research station. 18 52 min German 8:00 pm OIC Sun, Sep 18th 2016 6:00 pm OIC SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Dominique Hennequin CINEMATOGRAPHY: Pascal Lorent, Christophe Resse, Thierry Simonet EDITED BY: Alain Ries MUSICAL SCORE: Ludovic Sagnier NARRATOR: Xavier Boulanger, Nicolas Mossard EDITOR: Marita Hübinger PRODUCTION: Nomades TV CONTACT: Nomades TV, from age 6 2 South Georgia, Germany 2015 Thu, Sep 15th 2016 from age 8 Sun, Sep 18th 2016 12:00 am Stadthalle arte-Matinee: Filmmakers are present SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Ines Possemeyer CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roland Gockel EDITED BY: Wolfgang Hemmann MUSICAL SCORE: Florian De Gelmini SOUNDDESIGN: Kai Hoffmann NARRATOR: Max Volkert Martens EDITOR: Antoinette Koering (arte) PRODUCTION: Medienkontor Movie GmbH CONTACT: arte France, 3 ACID OCEAN Sat, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am OIC DIRECTOR: Sally Ingleton CINEMATOGRAPHY: Simon Enderby, Scientists unlock the secrets of ocean acidification, one of the biggest environmental challenges facing our planet. One remote reef may hold the key. Peter Zakharov EDITED BY: Uri Mizrahi, Simon Wright MUSICAL SCORE: Dale Cornelius SOUNDDESIGN: Tristan Meredith NARRATOR: Jeremy Stanford EDITOR: NOVA WGBH Boston, arte, SVT, ZDF, SBS PRODUCTION: 360 Degree Films 4 AFRICAS TREES OF LIFE The Marula Tree Thu, Sep 15th 2016 4:00 pm Australia 2013 52 min English from age 12 South Africa 2015 46 min English from age 12 BEST ECOLOGY AND SCIENCE FILM Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Stefania Muller CINEMATOGRAPHY: Nathan Pilcher, With a new perspective to wild life filmmaking this episode of Africa‘s Trees of Life tells the story of African Savanna from the perspective of the Marula Tree. Herbert Brauer EDITED BY: Melanie Jankes Golden MUSICAL SCORE: Matt Nicholson SOUNDDESIGN: Janno Muller NARRATOR: Brian Deacon EDITOR: Lynn Landsman PRODUCTION: Obsessively Creative, Smithsonian Networks, Animal Planet, arte France 19 5 AMERIKAS NATURWUNDER Sun, Sep 18th 2016 Gates of the Arctic 10:00 am Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Uwe Anders AMERICA´S NATIONAL PARKS - GATES OF THE ARCTIC Alaska “The last Frontier” - snow-covered mountain ranges, giant grizzly bears fishing salmon and mighty moose roaming through an endless wilderness. Places like the Denali National Park are world famous but the North of Alaska is little known. Germany 2015 43 min German AMERIKAS NATURWUNDER Sun, Sep 18th 2016 Olympic AMERICA ´S NATIONAL PARKS - OLYMPIC Out of the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean rises the Olympic peninsula. Its rugged coastline, rain drenched forests and high summits are teaming with wildlife. 20 43 min German Siggi Mueller, Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Michael Lott EDITOR: Larissa Klinker (NDR/arte), Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: Jörn Röver (NDR Naturfilm/ Doclights GmbH), Uwe Anders Video Production CONTACT: Doclights GmbH, from age 6 6 Germany 2015 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Uwe Anders EDITED BY: Mario Schöppler MUSICAL SCORE: Jörg Magnus Pfeil, from age 6 6:00 pm Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Florian Graner CINEMATOGRAPHY: Florian Graner EDITED BY: Klaus Müller MUSICAL SCORE: Jörg Magnus Pfeil, Siggi Mueller, Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Michael Lott EDITOR: Larissa Klinker (NDR/arte), Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm, Sealife Productions CONTACT: Doclights GmbH, 7 AMUR Asiens Amazonas: Der ferne Osten Sun, Sep 18th 2016 4:00 pm Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Franz Hafner AMUR - ASIA´S AMAZON: THE FAR EAST The Amur River is one of the longest rivers on earth – though little-known. Its catchment area extends over Mongolia, Russia and China. The 3-parts series explores the largely untouched East Asian nature along its banks. 8 ANGELN VERBIETEN? Freizeitangler und Naturschutz STOP FISHING? This scientific documentary takes a close look at recreational fishing: What impact does fishing have on the aquatic ecosystems? Do fish survive C&R? Does it make sense to release tons of fish into lakes and streams? CINEMATOGRAPHY: Dietrich Heller, Josef Neuper, Oliver Indra, René Rothkopf, Rudolf Diesel, Flugaufnahmen: Anatoly Petrov, Valentyn Sydornk EDITED BY: Roland Buzzi MUSICAL SCORE: Roman Kariolou, Johannes Ratheiser SOUNDDESIGN: Martin Greunz NARRATOR: Franz Robert Wagner PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios, Interspot Film, NDR Naturfilm/Doclights GmbH, arte France CONTACT: Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm Austria 2015 50 min German from age 6 Germany 2016 43 min German from age 12 Haus SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Ulf Marquardt CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ulf Marquardt, Katja Kieslich, Bernd Stemmer EDITED BY: Marcel Buckan MUSICAL SCORE: Stefan Döring SOUNDDESIGN: Marcel Buckan NARRATOR: Henrik Wöhler EDITOR: Nicole Schleider PRODUCTION: Marquardt Medienproduktion CONTACT: Ulf Marquardt Medienproduktion , 21 DIE REISE IHRES LEBENS. TRÄUMEN SIE DOCH MAL WAS UNBEKANNTES. Ihre unvorstellbaren Abenteuer beginnen hier: Eckernförder Reisebüro Linnekuhl & Hofeldt GmbH & Co. KG St. Nicolai Str. 29·24340 Eckernförde Telefon +49 (0)4351 2221·Fax +49 (0)4351 3629 e-mail: [email protected] ... Das Ostsee Info-Center macht Lust auf Meer ... Meeresaquarien Küstenlandschaften ein 12 m2 großes Fühlbecken virtuelle Kutterfahrt der botanische Dachgarten Bistro mit leckeren Bioprodukten täglich von 10 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet (Nov. - März von 11 bis 17 Uhr) OSTSEE INFO-CENTER ECKERNFÖRDE Jungfernstieg 110 (Am Seesteg) | 24340 Eckernförde Telefon 04351-72 62 66 | [email protected] | Betreiber: UmweltTechnikSoziales e.V. 9 ANTARCTIC EDGE 70 Degrees South Fri, Sep 16th 2016 8:00 pm Haus DIRECTOR: Dena Seidel CINEMATOGRAPHY: Chris Linder, Dena Seidel In 2014, scientists declared West Antarctic ice sheet melting unstoppable, threatening millions over the next century. This film follows scientists trying to understand climate change in the fastest winter-warming place on earth. 10 BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Amurtiger BIG FIVE ASIA - THE ARMURTIGER The King of the Taiga is threatened. In Russia‘s Far East wood is looted and exported. The ceaseless poaching of Amurs tiger, black bears, sika deer, and wild boar threatens the protected wild Amur tigers. EDITED BY: Steve Holloway MUSICAL SCORE: Isaiah McNeill PRODUCTION: Rugers University CONTACT: First Run Features, Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm Ratssaal Sun, Sep 18 2016 12:00 am OIC th USA 2015 72 min English from age 12 Germany 2016 44 min German from age 6 BEST ECOLOGY AND SCIENCE FILM SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Henry M. Mix CINEMATOGRAPHY: Henry M. Mix, René de Greve EDITED BY: Dirk Göhler MUSICAL SCORE: Steffen Kaltschmid SOUNDDESIGN: Klaus Peintner NARRATOR: Ekki Belle, Gert Heidenreich EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR), Christine Peters (BR/arte) PRODUCTION: BR, arte, Global Screen CONTACT: 23 11 BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Komodowaran Thu, Sep 15th 2016 4:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Markus Schmidbauer Germany 2016 44 min German BIG FIVE ASIA - THE KOMODO-DRAGON CINEMATOGRAPHY: Paul Hien The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard of our time. The current population is estimated at 2,400 animals. The filmmakers captured surprising footage of Komodo dragons - though that took strong and steady nerves. EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR), BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Löwe BIG FIVE ASIA - THE LION Barely a dozen lions had survived in the Gir Forest National Park in North West India. Filming lions here is a real challenge because the film team has to track them down on foot. 24 44 min German NARRATOR: Gert Heidenreich, Ekkehardt Belle Christine Peters (BR/arte) PRODUCTION: BR, arte, Global Screen CONTACT: from age 6 12 Germany 2016 EDITED BY: Jan Krüger MUSICAL SCORE: Ulrich Rassy SOUNDDESIGN: Otger Kunert from age 12 Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Felix Heidinger CINEMATOGRAPHY: Volker Schmidt, Kristof Schneider EDITED BY: Sebastian Pfeil MUSICAL SCORE: Gerhard Bickl SOUNDDESIGN: Otgar Kunert NARRATOR: Gert Heidenreich, Ekkehardt Belle EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR), Christine Peters (BR/arte) PRODUCTION: BR, arte, Global Screen CONTACT: 13 BRASILIEN Welt des Wassers Thu, Sep 15th 2016 4:00 pm Turnhalle Sun, Sep 18 2016 10:00 am OIC th DIRECTOR: Andrea Gastgeb, Paul Reddish RIVER IN THE SKY Brazil has a river that is bigger than the Amazon. Yet until recently it was unknown, and even now it remains invisible. Where is that remarkable river? 14 DER ELCHDETEKTIV THE MOOSE DETECTIVE On the island of Öland moose, the iconic Swedish animals were faced with their calves dying mysteriously. A very special expert was called in - the moose detective who soon identified a suspect: climate change. SCRIPT: Paul Reddish CINEMATOGRAPHY: Alexander Sommer, Philipp Klein, Michael Riegler, Christian Baumeister, Rudolf Diesel, Cristian Dimitrius,Ian McCarthy, Rod Clarke, Jack Hynes EDITED BY: Martin Elsbury, Christian Stoppacher MUSICAL SCORE: Roman Kariolou, Johannes Ratheiser SOUNDDESIGN: S tefan K. Fiedler NARRATOR: Peter Faerber PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios CONTACT: Sun, Sep 18th 2016 10:00 am Austria 2015 50 min German from age 6 Germany 2015 52 min German from age 10 Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Heiko De Groot CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jens Hackbart EDITED BY: Heiko De Groot MUSICAL SCORE: Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Reiner Schöne EDITOR: NDR/arte PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH CONTACT: Studio Hamburg Distribution und Marketing, 25 DER GEIST DER GRAUEN 15 RIESEN Sun, Sep 18th 2016 4:00 pm Stadthalle DIRECTOR: Beverly Joubert, Dereck Joubert SOUL OF THE ELEPHANT Soul of the Elephant is a very different and very personal film about one of the mystic and iconic creatures of Africa, a look into their behaviour that indicates a deeper, more sentient being. SCRIPT: Dereck Joubert CINEMATOGRAPHY: Dereck Joubert, Michael Yelseth EDITED BY: Candice Odgers, Jolene van Antwerp MUSICAL SCORE: JB Arthur SOUNDDESIGN: Beverly Joubert, Vaughan Phillips, Stefan K. Fiedler NARRATOR: Christian Brückner, Franziska Pigulla PRODUCTION: Wildlife Films, THIRTEEN Productions LLC, Terra Mater Factual Studios, France Télévisions CONTACT: Austria 2015 50 min German from age 10 DER HUNDEPROFI 16 UNTERWEGS Martin und die Wölfe THE HUNDEPROFI ON THE MOVE: MARTIN AND THE WOLVES For decades they had disappeared from our forests, but since 15 years they are back: Around 300 wolves live in Germany today. Many conservationists and experts are excited - but increasingly there are more and more reports of scary wolf encounters. Germany 2015 26 90 min German from age 6 Sat, Sep 17th 2016 6:00 pm SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Rüdiger Jung CINEMATOGRAPHY: Klaus Grittner EDITED BY: Rainer Nelissen SOUNDDESIGN: Markus Gummersbach NARRATOR: Uli Auer EDITOR: Tilmann Kühnel (VOX) PRODUCTION: MINA TV GmbH CONTACT: Tilmann Kühnel (VOX Television) Haus 17 DER JUNGE UND DAS MEER Fri, Sep 16th 2016 4:00 pm OIC SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Till Schauder THE YOUNG MAN AND THE SEA CINEMATOGRAPHY: Christoph V. G. Milsztein At the age of 21 Boyan Slat from Delft, Netherlands, has spent the past three years trying to find a solution for one of the biggest environmental problems of our times: plastic pollution in the world‘s oceans. EDITOR: Daniel Schössler (HR Spielfilm/ Filmredaktion, 3sat/ZDFkultur) PRODUCTION: Achtfeld GmbH CONTACT: ZDF, 18 DER KLEINE KAUKASUS Zwischen Ararat und Kaspischem Meer THE LESSER CAUCASUS The Lesser Caucasus is home to many animals and plants. For the very first time, the amazing biodiversity of the land bridge between Europe and Iran is portrayed comprehensively. EDITED BY: Diana Matous SOUNDDESIGN: Robert Sandow Michael Geck Thu, Sep 15th 2016 8:00 pm Haus Fri, Sep 16 2016 6:00 pm Haus th Germany 2015 44 min English from age 12 Germany 2016 44 min German from age 6 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Henry M. Mix CINEMATOGRAPHY: Henry M. Mix, Igor Byshnev, Alexander Sommer EDITED BY: Katrin Dücker-Eckloff MUSICAL SCORE: Steffen Kaltschmid SOUNDDESIGN: Sven Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Hans-Peter Wöhler EDITOR: Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Svetlana Kolosova (Channel One Russia), Andrea Gastgeb (Terra Mater), Gabriele Conze (WDR) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm, Altayfilm, Terra Mater, Channel One Russia, WDR, HR CONTACT: Doclights GmbH , 27 19 DER STRAUSS Zum Laufen geboren Fri, Sep 16th 2016 6:00 pm Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Mike Birkhead , Martyn Colbeck OSTRICH - A LIFE ON THE RUN The ostriches of Namibia must choose the right moment to breed if their chicks are to stand a chance of survival. Austria 2015 50 min German DESTINY OF A GREEK LAKE All year round Lake Kerkini in Northern Greece is a miracle of Mediterranean wetland biodiversity. Two scientists explain the threats facing the area and how economic difficulties might cause it to collapse. 28 56 min English Danielle Spitzer EDITED BY: Nigel Buck MUSICAL SCORE: James Barrett SOUNDDESIGN: Tim Wheeler NARRATOR: Russel Boulter PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios,National Geographic Channel, Mike Birkhead Associates CONTACT: from age 8 sh:z AUDIENCE AWARD 20 DESTINY OF A GREEK LAKE France 2016 SCRIPT: Beth Jones CINEMATOGRAPHY: Martyn Colbeck, from age 12 Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm Haus DIRECTOR: Pierre Huguet, Philippe Lavaux SCRIPT: Pierre Huguet CINEMATOGRAPHY: Charles Etienne, Philippe Lavaux, Dominique Schmitt, Kostas Papadopoulods, Jacques Thiriet, Serge Dumont EDITED BY: Charles Etienne MUSICAL SCORE: Nederlands Blazers Ensemble SOUNDDESIGN: Charles Etienne NARRATOR: Gill Steimer PRODUCTION: PHPL CONTACT: Philippe Lavaux 21 DIE AFFENAPOTHEKE Medizin aus dem Urwald Sun, Sep 18th 2016 2:00 pm Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Axel Friedrich, RAIN FOREST PHARMACY MEDICINE FROM THE JUNGLE Great apes know how to self-medicate. Bonobos treat themselves with plants from the surrounding tropical rain forest. What can humans learn from them? Scientist Barbara Fruth travels into the jungle of the DR Congo. DIE EROBERUNG DER 22 WELTMEERE Und die Macht der Wissenschaft Eva Demmler CINEMATOGRAPHY: Thomas Keffel EDITED BY: Christian R. Timmann MUSICAL SCORE: Tim Stanzel NARRATOR: Oliver Preusche EDITOR: Steffen Bayer (ZDF), Jörg Seibold (DW) PRODUCTION: Hoferichter & Jacobs GmbH Fri, Sep 16th 2016 8:00 pm OIC Sat, Sep 17 2016 2:00 pm OIC th Germany 2015 45 min German from age 6 Germany 2016 52 min German from age 16 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Max Mönch, OCEAN´S MONOPOLY What if countries extended under water beyond their coastlines? The result would be uncontrolled territories the size of continents open to seizure. The Film tells the story of the biggest land grab in world history. Alexander Lahl CINEMATOGRAPHY: Robert Cöllen EDITED BY: Gunnar Refardt NARRATOR: Thomas Arnold, Nina West, Harry Kühn, Sven Gerhardt EDITOR: Ann-Christin Hornberger (ZDF/arte) PRODUCTION: werwiewas Medienproduktion CONTACT: ZDF, BEST MARINE FILM 29 DIE NEUEN 23 GROSSGRUNDBESITZER Das Geschäft mit Europas Boden Fri, Sep 16th 2016 12:00 am Galerie 66 DIRECTOR: Jutta Pinzler, Cordula Echterhoff THE NEW BIG LAND OWNERS TRADING IN EUROPE’S SOIL Farmland is very scarce in Europe. Investors from other industries increasingly snap up land. Small farmers cannot compete. The film scrutinises various models and the future of European agriculture. Germany 2015 52 min German THE PLASTIC THREAT Plastic has become the curse of our planet. Seafowls strangled by remnants of fishing nets, seals with deep wounds from plastic rubbish. Authors Platz and Purtul present the latest research and insights into the alarming phenomenon. 30 45 min German Mihai M. Apopei EDITED BY: Jan von Rimscha NARRATOR: Josef Tratnik EDITOR: Ulrike Dotzer, Kathrin Bronnert (NDR/arte) PRODUCTION: sagamedia GmbH CONTACT: from age 12 24 DIE PLASTIKBEDROHUNG Germany 2015 SCRIPT: Jutta Pinzler CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roland Possler, Oliver Gurr, from age 12 Sun, Sep 18th 2016 6:00 pm Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Güven Purtul SCRIPT: Güven Purtul, Björn Platz CINEMATOGRAPHY: Marco Hoffmann, Ingo Jänicke, Dirk Vahldiek SCHNITT: Martin Hüsges NARRATOR: Stephan Schad EDITOR: Christoph Mestmacher-Steiner (NDR) PRODUCTION: NDR CONTACT: Michael Schinschke (NDR) th 25 DIE REISE DER SCHNEEEULEN Sat, Sep 17 2016 2:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Klaus Weißmann, SNOWY OWLS The film by Klaus Weissmann, Dietmar Nill and Brian McClatchy accompanies snowy owls on their adventurous trip from the arctic world to Central Europe and back and shows us how the owls manage to survive. DIE ZAUBERWESEN VON 26 SHANGRI-LA MYSTERY MONKEYS OF SHANGRI-LA A dedicated Chinese camera team battled high altitude and cold to bring us a heart-warming story of a monkey growing up in the hidden valleys of the Himalayas. Dietmar Nill CINEMATOGRAPHY: Dietmar Nill, Brian McClatchy EDITED BY: Miriam Zimmermann MUSICAL SCORE: Thomas Kettler NARRATOR: Philipp Schepmann EDITOR: Gabriele Conze (WDR) PRODUCTION: Klaus Weißmann Naturfilm CONTACT: WDR, Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm Germany 2014 44 min German from age 6 Austria 2015 51 min German from age 8 sh:z AUDIENCE AWARD Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Marc Fletcher CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jacky Poon, Wuyuan Qi MUSICAL SCORE: Barnaby Taylor, Ros Stephen, Dan Brown SOUNDDESIGN: Tim Owens, Ben Peace, Wounded Buffalo Ltd, Ed Campbell NARRATOR: Victor Couzyn, Gerhard Habermann PRODUCER: Xi Zhinong PRODUCTION: Wild China Films, Mark Fletcher Productions LTD, Terra Mater Factual Studios, Thirteen Productions LLC für WNET CONTACT: 31 27 DOLOMITEN Sagenhaftes Juwel der Alpen Sun, Sep 18th 2016 6:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Kurt Mayer, THE DOLOMITES - IN THE HEROES‘ GARDEN Untamed wilderness surrounds the distinctive rock towers, stroked by the golden glimmer of sunset: this gorgeous scene could only be in the Dolomites. It is a place for myths and fairy-tales, and there is no shortage of them here. Austria 2015 52 min German Judith Doppler CINEMATOGRAPHY: Martin Rattini, Attila Boa, Lucas Pitsch, Rolando Menardi, Wolfram Wuinovic EDITED BY: Tom Pohanka MUSICAL SCORE: Robert Adami SOUNDDESIGN: Stefan Fiedler NARRATOR: Otto Clemens EDITOR: Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: kurt mayer film, ORF, arte, NDR, BLS Südtirol CONTACT: ORF Enterprise from age 6 28 ELBVERTIEFUNG Was riskieren wir? Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Holger Vogt, DEEPENING THE ELBE - WHAT ARE WE RISKING? The film delivers hitherto unknown facts about the ecological impact of the proposed ninth dredging of Hamburg´s river Elbe including the risks to an endangered seafowl: the common tern. Germany 2015 32 45 min German from age 12 BEST ECOLOGY AND SCIENCE FILM Sebastian Bellwinkel CINEMATOGRAPHY: Meinhild Jach, Johannes Aders, Matthias Sparenborg EDITED BY: Kay Ehrich NARRATOR: Tanja Geke EDITOR: Sabine Reifenberg (NDR) PRODUCTION: NDR CONTACT: Michael Schinschke (NDR) 29 ELECTRIC AMAZON Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: Kira Ivanhoff The Amazon holds an electric grid – a community of fish with a sophisticated electric 6th sense. Intrepid scientist Will Crampton ventures into the jungle to unravel their secrets and unlock the electric code. 30 EXPEDITION INS SCHILF Nationalpark Neusiedler See EXPEDITION THROUGH THE REEDS - LAKE NEUSIEDL UNESCO has declared this National Park a world heritage site. Using latest drone technology, this film penetrates deep into the reeds, the beating heart of the landscape, and captures breathtaking changes in wildlife through the seasons. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Grant Brokensha EDITED BY: Brenda Spaan MUSICAL SCORE: Grant McLachlan NARRATOR: Martin Delaney EDITOR: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd PRODUCTION: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd Sun, Sep 18th 2016 4:00 pm South Africa 2015 50 min English from age 12 Austria 2015 51 min German from age 6 Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Manfred Christ CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tomá Hulik, Christian Stolz EDITED BY: Jörg Achatz MUSICAL SCORE: Roman Kariolou SOUNDDESIGN: Stefan K. Fiedler NARRATOR: Otto Clemens EDITOR: Andrew Solomon (ORF) PRODUCTION: Cosmos Factory CONTACT: ORF Enterprise, 33 Unser Geschenk zum Jubiläum: ! N I Z A G A M E T R A s a d t z t je ie S n e k c e d Ent 2x GRATIS lesen! • Schnellstmöglicher Überblick über das komplette ARTETV-Programm! • Jeden Monat spannende Reportagen, Interviews und Hintergrundanalysen! • Testen Sie jetzt zwei Ausgaben gratis! 10 Das ARTE Magazin GRATULIERT zu Tel. 040 – 3007 3013 Jahren GREEN SCREEN Festival! Bei telefonischer Bestellung bitte Bestellcode angeben: GREEN SCREEN JUBILÄUM Wenn ich nach meinen zwei GRATIS-Ausgaben weiterlesen möchte, brauche ich nichts weiter zu tun. Ich erhalte das ARTE Magazin für nur €27,80 (Inland), Auslandspreise auf Anfrage. Wenn ich nicht weiterlesen möchte, melde ich mich spätestens eine Woche nach Erhalt meiner 2. GRATIS-Ausgabe. Ich gehe kein Risiko ein, denn meine Belieferung ist jederzeit kündbar – mit Geld-zurück-Garantie für bereits bezahlte Hefte. 31 FRÜHLINGSWELTEN Fri, Sep 16th 2016 6:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Annette Scheurich SPRINGTIME STORIES The film shows the magic of spring in all its glory with unusual animal stories – some humorous, some dramatic and vividly illustrates that spring in Germany is the loveliest season of all. Germany 2015 44 min German BEST STORY GIRAFFEN Giganten hautnah GIRAFFE - UP HIGH AND PERSONAL An extraordinary and entertaining portrait of one of Africa‘s true icons - giraffes - revealing the secret lives of the tallest animals on Earth. 36 50 min German Sailer, Marlen Hundertmark, Klaus Scheurich EDITED BY: Andreas Tiletzek MUSICAL SCORE: Georg Reichelt SOUNDDESIGN: Oliver Engelhardt NARRATOR: Philipp Schepmann EDITOR: Gabriele Conze (WDR) PRODUCTION: Marco Polo Film AG CONTACT: Albatross World Sales GmbH, from age 6 HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD, 32 Austria 2015 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Alexandra Sailer, Steffen from age 6 AWARD OF THE JUVENILE JURY Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Herbert Ostwald CINEMATOGRAPHY: Klaus Scheurich (Luftaufnahmen), Boas Schwarz, Erik Sick, Roland Gockel, Graham Hay (Luftaufnahmen), Riaan Venter EDITED BY: Christian Stoppacher MUSICAL SCORE: Andy Baum SOUNDDESIGN: Stefan K. Fiedler, Boas Schwarz NARRATOR: Peter Faerber PRODUKTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios, National Geographic Channel 33 GRENZBOCK Fri, Sep 16th 2016 8:00 pm Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Hendrik Löbbert CINEMATOGRAPHY: Hajo Schomerus Grenzbock dives into the world of German hunters and observes how they move within a social environment torn between pristine nature, a fairy tale forest and modern cultivated landscapes. 34 HANNES JAENICKE Im Einsatz für Löwen HANNES JAENICKE - IN DUTY FOR LIONS In this recent documentary Hannes Jaenicke tracks the fate of the lion, an animal whose numbers are severely declining. He travels through Africa meeting people committed to helping these majestic animals. EDITED BY: Anja Siemens MUSICAL SCORE: Bernd Schurer SOUNDDESIGN: Niklas Kammertöns EDITOR: Christian von Behr (arte), Jens Stubenrauch (rbb) PRODUCTION: Wüste Film West CONTACT: farbfilm verleih GmbH, Fri, Sep 16th 2016 12:00 am Germany 2015 80 min German from age 12 Germany 2015 43 min German from age 12 NEWCONER Stadthalle DIRECTOR: Eva-Maria Gfirtner SCRIPT: Eva-Maria Gfirtner, Judith Adlhoch CINEMATOGRAPHY: Markus Strobel EDITED BY: Jan-Phillip Stahl NARRATOR: Judith Adlhoch, Hannes Jeanicke EDITOR: Dr. Renate Marel (ZDF), Susanne Hillmann (ZDF) PRODUCTION: Tango Film GmbH , 37 35 HEIMLICHE HELDEN Keas in Neuseeland Sun, Sep 18th 2016 12:00 am Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Volker Arzt, KEAS - NEW ZEALAND´S WITTY DAREDEVILS Some parrots break all stereotypes: the keas in New Zealand just love snow and the cold harsh mountain climate. To survive here these mountain parrots have developed exceptional intelligence and resourcefulness. Angelika Sigl CINEMATOGRAPHY: Brian McClatchy EDITED BY: Christian Scholz MUSICAL SCORE: Jörg Magnus Pfeil, Siggi Mueller, Alex Komlew SOUNDDESIGN: Alexander Gress NARRATOR: Udo Wachtveitl EDITOR: Gabriele Conze (WDR) PRODUCTION: Text und Bild Medienproduktion GmbH & Co.KG CONTACT: Albatross World Sales GmbH, Germany 2015 44 min German from age 8 36 HIMMELSVÖGEL Die Kraniche von Bhutan Sat, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Christian Herrmann, BIRDS OF HEAVEN - THE HOLY CRANES OF BHUTAN Some people believe that cranes carry the souls of the departed to heaven - in Bhutan they are considered “birds of fortune”. The boy Karma knows all myths and tales and is fascinated by the elegance of these birds. Germany 2016 38 44 min German from age 6 AWARD OF THE JUVENILE JURY Udo A. Zimmermann CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ulrich Schramm EDITED BY: Birgit Sahin MUSICAL SCORE: Andreas Suttner SOUNDDESIGN: Otgar Kunert NARRATOR: Max Volker Martens EDITOR: Angela Schmid, (BR), Antoinette Koering (arte), Tilo Hoffmann (Medienkontor) PRODUCTION: BR, Medienkontor, arte CONTACT: BR, 37 HOTET PÅ HAVET Shipping Pollution Sat, Sep 17th 2016 6:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: Folke Rydén The Baltic Sea has more maritime traffic than most seas worldwide. Shipping has impaired the environment and the population around this landlocked sea to an extent that most people are unaware of. 38 HUMAN AND SEA The film follows a woman diver harvesting seaweed near the shore, a freediving Orchid Island fisherman and a diving instructor voluntarily cleaning up the sea. How do they accomplish their missions? CINEMATOGRAPHY: Erik Norberg, Peter Östlund, Fredrik Sperling, Enno Ladwig, Armin Mück, Joakim Odelberg EDITED BY: Bodil Markendahl PRODUCTION: Folke Rydén Production AB CONTACT: Folke Rydén Production AB, Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Sweden 2015 55 min Swedish, English, English (ST) from age 12 Taiwan 2015 46 min Chinese Hakka, English (ST) from age 12 GREEN REPORT OIC DIRECTOR: Yang Shou-yi, Tseng Hsun-yi SCRIPT: Chen Ya-mei, Tsai Hsin-chi CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tseng Hsun-yi, Yang Shou- yi, Chou Chun-ting, Lin Chia-chih, Hu Chao-lun EDITED BY: Lin Chih-ching MUSICAL SCORE: Yang Wan-chien EDITOR: Hakka TV CONTACT: 39 39 INCREDIBLE SPIDERS Sat, Sep 17th 2016 2:00 pm Galerie 66 DIRECTOR: Graeme Duane A freaky family is haunting our planet: its members have eight legs, eight eyes and killer venom. The goliath tarantula, the black widow and the ogre-faced spider will make your heart thump and your skin crawl. SCRIPT: Julie King CINEMATOGRAPHY: Boris von Schoenebeck EDITED BY: Ruaan Botha MUSICAL SCORE: Dave Birch NARRATOR: Sean Pertwee EDITOR: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd PRODUCTION: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd CONTACT: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd, South Africa 2015 50 min English from age 12 BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY 40 INQUIETANTI VICINI Disturbing Neighbours In a forest on a Mediterranean mountain range two raptor couples and their potential prey lead a life of apparently peaceful coexistence which is shattered by the arrival of another raptor couple. Italy 2016 40 55 min Italian, English (ST) from age 12 Thu, Sep 15th 2016 4:00 pm Haus DIRECTOR: Valter Torri, Massimo Campora SCRIPT: Valter Torri, Massimo Campora, Renato Cottalasso CINEMATOGRAPHY: Valter Torri, Massimo Campora, Renato Cottalasso EDITED BY: Valter Torri MUSICAL SCORE: Matteo Cremoline SOUNDDESIGN: Andrea Sabatini NARRATOR: Saverio Indrio EDITOR: Donatella Orlandi, Marco Morra PRODUCTION: DocumentAria film, II Piviere film CONTACT: GA&A Productions 41 INSEL DER PINGUINE Südgeorgien Sat, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Roland Gockel, PENGUIN CITY In the midst of the Southern Ocean looms an imposing mountain range: South Georgia. The dreaded Antarctic storms batter 3000 m high ridges. Seemingly inhospitable and hostile - the opposite is in fact true. Rosie Koch CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roland Gockel EDITED BY: Daniel Probst MUSICAL SCORE: Klaus Hillebrecht SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Sascha Rothermund EDITOR: Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Andrew Solomon (ORF) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm, Nona Naturedocx CONTACT: Doclights GmbH, 42 INSELN DER ZUKUNFT Island: Grünes Paradies am Scheideweg ISLANDS OF THE FUTURE - ISLAND The series documents remarkable islands, not only beautiful but most importantly exemplary. Local farmers, tradesmen, engineers, and scientists have taken on the challenge of revolutionizing their energy supply. Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 pm Germany 2015 49 min German from age 6 Germany 2015 52 min German from age 12 Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Daniel Münter CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Kern EDITED BY: Jan Wilm Schmülling MUSICAL SCORE: Thomas Wolter NARRATOR: Philipp Schepmann EDITOR: Christian Cools PRODUCTION: Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH CONTACT: Albatross World Sales GmbH, 41 43 INSELN DER ZUKUNFT Orkney: Die blaue Revolution Sun, Sep 18th 2016 6:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Christian Heynen ISLANDS OF THE FUTURE - ORKNEY The series documents remarkable islands, not only beautiful but most importantly exemplary. Local farmers, tradesmen, engineers, and scientists have taken on the challenge of revolutionizing their energy supply. Germany 2015 52 min German INSELN DER ZUKUNFT Samsø: Die Gemeinschaft des Stroms ISLANDS OF THE FUTURE - SAMSØ The series documents remarkable islands, not only beautiful but most importantly exemplary. Local farmers, tradesmen, engineers, and scientists have taken on the challenge of revolutionizing their energy supply. 42 52 min German EDITOR: Christian Cools PRODUCTION: Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH CONTACT: Albatross World Sales GmbH, from age 12 44 Germany 2015 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Kern EDITED BY: Maximilian Dederichs MUSICAL SCORE: Thomas Wolter NARRATOR: Philipp Schepmann from age 12 Sat, Sep 17th 2016 6:00 pm Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Lars Westermann CINEMATOGRAPHY: Erik Sick EDITED BY: Jan Wilm Schmülling MUSICAL SCORE: Thomas Wolter NARRATOR: Philipp Schepmann EDITOR: Christian Cools PRODUCTION: Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH CONTACT: Albatross World Sales GmbH, © Terra Mater Factual Studios/Albert Mächler UNSERE ERDE BEGREIFEN. ServusTV gratuliert zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum! T E R R A M AT E R . JEDEN MITTWOCH | 20:15 Wir wünschen Ihnen bessere Unterhaltung. 45 JÄRVEN TARINA Tale of a Lake Thu, Sep 15th 2016 8:00 pm Galerie 66 DIRECTOR: Marko Röhr, Kim Saarniluoto This film about the thousands of Finnish takes us on an adventure from the crystal clear springs all the way to the basins of the big lakes. It opens a whole new world of underwater nature. SCRIPT: Antti Tuuri, Marko Röhr CINEMATOGRAPHY: Teemu Liakka EDITED BY: Kim Saarniluoto MUSICAL SCORE: Panu Aaltio SOUNDDESIGN: Juha Hakanen NARRATOR: Johanthan Hutchings PRODUCTION: MRP Matila Röhr Productions Ltd. CONTACT: Tine Klingt (LevelK), [email protected] Finland 2016 76 min English from age 12 AWARD OF THE JUVENILE JURY, BEST INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION 46 KANADAS NATIONALPARKS Sun, Sep 18th 2016 Gwaii Haanas: Wilde Schönheit im Pazifik NATIONAL PARKS OF CANADA: GWAII HAANAS WILD PACIFIC BEAUTY The Western Canadian Gwaii Haanas National Park straddles 138 islands and islets. Covered with dense rain forest, it is the first national park in the world where the entire area from the peaks of the mountain to the ocean floor is protected. Germany 2016 44 44 min German, English from age 6 12:00 am Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Mechthild Lehning CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jan-Ole Sieg EDITED BY: Heidemarie Leihbecher MUSICAL SCORE: Ritchie Staringer EDITOR: Thomas von Böttcher (Radio Bremen), arte PRODUCTION: Florianfilm GmbH CONTACT: Markus Augé (Florianfilm) 47 KILLER WHALES The Mega Hunt Fri, Sep 16th 2016 8:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Joe Kennedy The epic mega-hunt of six intelligent killer whales hunting 5,000 common dolphins is an annual spectacle in South Africa’s False Bay, South Africa. The animals make the ocean boil as they race across the bay. LAND UNTER AUF HALLIG 48 HOOGE THE BIG FLOOD 100 people live permanently on Hallig Hooge. Keeping the dikes storm-proof. But than the big Storm “Xaver” hits the coast in November 2014. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Hansa Winshaw, Falk Eggert, Rob Cowling, Morne Hardenberg, Mark van Coller, Suzy Quasnichka, Joe Kennedy EDITED BY: Ronette van der Walt MUSICAL SCORE: Grant McLachlan SOUNDDESIGN: Stef Albertyn, Tim Pringle NARRATOR: Craig Klein EDITOR: Animal Planet PRODUCTION: Table Mountain Films CONTACT: Tablemountainfilms, Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm Galerie 66 Sun, Sep 18 2016 2:00 pm OIC th South Africa 2015 84 min English from age 12 BEST MARINE FILM Germany 2014 59 min German from age 6 DIRECTOR: Jess Hansen CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jens Hinrichsen EDITED BY: Kai-Ole Nissen NARRATOR: Jess Hansen EDITOR: Katrin Glenz (NDR) CONTACT: 45 49 LEGACY WARNINGS! Sat, Sep 17th 2016 6:00 pm Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Katja Becker, Jonathan An emotional documentary about energy needs, corruption, resistance, hope and challenges in the quest for supplying the African continent with energy. Atomic or renewable energy – which way will Africa take? Happ, Jean J. Schwenzfeier CINEMATOGRAPHY: Katja Becker, Jonathan Happ EDITED BY: Katja Becker, Jonathan Happ MUSICAL SCORE: Gad Hinkis SOUNDDESIGN: Peter Weinsheimer NARRATOR: Yvette Coetzee PRODUCTION: moving media e.V. CONTACT: moving media e.V., Germany 2015/16 57 min German, English, German (ST) from age 12 NEWCOMER, GREEN REPORT 50 LIFE AGAINST ALL ODDS For ages, the sea was considered an inexhaustible resource, but many marine areas have been completely depleted. Are there places in the ocean where fish and other marine life can reproduce undisturbed? Thu, Sep 15th 2016 16:00 pm SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Armin Mück CINEMATOGRAPHY: Armin Mück, Birgitta Mück EDITED BY: Armin Mück MUSICAL SCORE: Nainita Desai, Malcolm Law SOUNDDESIGN: Armin Mück NARRATOR: Nanna Mück EDITOR: Gunilla Eriksson (SVT), Göran Danasten (SVT) PRODUCTION: Armin Mück (Crystal Water Film Production AB) CONTACT: Armin Mück (Crystal Water Film Production AB), Sweden 2016 46 59 min English from age 12 OIC 51 LIFE FORCE Borneo Sat, Sep 17th 2016 4:00 pm Ratssaal DIRECTOR: Satoshi Okabe Borneo is one of the great biodiverse eco-systems on earth where the tallest rainforest on earth have thrived almost untouched for over a hundred million years, harbouring an extraordinary group of creatures. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Daisuke Hongo EDITED BY: Cameron Crawford MUSICAL SCORE: Plan 9 Music NARRATOR: Jeff Wilburn PRODUCTION: NHK, Natural History New Zealand Limited, CCTV 9, arte for Science Channel CONTACT: 52 MAGIE DER MOORE MAGICAL MOORS This film shows the beauty and the magic of the moors and its flora and fauna and its message is clear: „Save and protect our last moors and wetlands”. Thu, Sep 15th 2016 8:00 pm Japan, New Zealand 2015 48 min English from age 12 BEST ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Germany 2015 95 min German from age 6 HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD, BEST MUSICAL SCORE, BEST POST-PRODUCTION Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Jan Haft CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jan Haft, Kay Ziesenhenne EDITED BY: Jan Haft MUSICAL SCORE: Jörn Magnus Pfeil, Siggi Mueller SOUNDDESIGN: Oliver Görtz NARRATOR: Axel Milberg EDITOR: Udo A. Zimmermann (BR), Bernd Strobel (BR) PRODUCTION: Nautilusfilm GmbH CONTACT: Polyband Medien GmbH, 47 53 MARINE LIFE Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 pm OIC DIRECTOR: Yang Shou-yi, Tseng Hsun-yi West of Taiwan lies Lamay Island with its green sea turtles and special crabs. To the East on Orchid Island we study the unique lives of sea snakes, and in Kenting we see how corals ensure their own survival. Taiwan 2015 46 min Chinese, Hakka, englisch (ST) ÖTSCHER Im Reich des sanften Riesen GENTLE GIANT The Oetscher peak on the Eastern edge of the Alps rises no more than 2,000 metres but dominates the area. Here you find not only the coldest place in Austria but also the darkest night sky as well as Austria’s Grand Canyon and its largest jungle. 48 51 min German yi, Chou Chun-ting, Lin Chia-chih, Hu Chao-lun EDITED BY: Lin Chih-ching MUSICAL SCORE: Yang Wan-chien EDITOR: Hakka TV CONTACT: from age 12 54 Austria 2015 SCRIPT: Chen Ya-mei, Tsai Hsin-chi CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tseng Hsun-yi, Yang Shou- from age 6 Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm Turnhalle Sun, Sep 18 2016 4:00 pm OIC th SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Franz Hafner CINEMATOGRAPHY: Dietrich Heller EDITED BY: Werner Müller MUSICAL SCORE: Thomas Kathriner SOUNDDESIGN: Bernhard Zorzi NARRATOR: Otto Clemens EDITOR: Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: Interspot Film CONTACT: ORF Enterprise 55 PASSION FOR PLANET Thu, Sep 15th 2016 8:00 pm Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Werner Schuessler The documentary is an expansion of the wildlife genre. While capturing the most impressive natural settings of our planet and fantastic animal footage wildlife filmmakers transform from innocent nature lover to passionate environmentalist. Germany 2016 94 min English, German PERU The Amazon Rainforest A photographer and two science reporters cross Peru and three of the most extreme ecosystems on our planet: the Amazon rainforest, the glaciers of the Andes, and the desert plains of the Pacific Coast. 50 52 min EDITED BY: Annette Muff MUSICAL SCORE: Jörg Magnus Pfeil, Siggi Mueller, Patrick Puszko SOUNDDESIGN: Werner Schuessler, Moritz Sucker, Stephan Schneider PRODUCTION: Werner Schuessler, Arek Gielnik CONTACT: Camino Filmverleih GmbH, from age 8 56 France 2015 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Werner Schuessler French, English, from age 12 Spanish, English (ST) Fri, Sep 16th 2016 6:00 pm DIRECTOR: Jean-Thomas Renaud SCRIPT: Guillaume de Ginestel EDITOR: Ushuaïa TV, TV5 Monde, SBS TV Australia, TV Peru PRODUCTION: French Connection Films, Codex Now, Vosges Television, The IRD CONTACT: Eric Ellena (French Connection Films) OIC 57 PESTIZIDE Das Gift auf unseren Feldern Fri, Sep 16th 2016 6:00 pm Galerie 66 SCRIPT: Manfred Ladwig PESTICIDES - POISONING OUR FIELDS Year after year Germany’s vegetables, grain, and fruit are sprayed with more than 40,000 tons of toxins: insecticides, fungicides, herbicides – all certified and supposedly well monitored, but are they really? 58 PETS Wild At Heart: Playful Creatures How do our pets get in touch with their wild side? Talkative budgies, marathon running hamsters, wall climbing cats, diving dogs and many more – our pets’ playful games are just a whisker away from the wild. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Damm, Winfried Kuchanski, Andre Schmidke, Eduard Sperling, Steffen Schwarz EDITED BY: Ibon Alkorta MUSICAL SCORE: Christoph Schauer NARRATOR: Patrick Blank EDITOR: Thomas Reutter PRODUCTION: SWR CONTACT: SWR, Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm Germany 2015 44 min German from age 12 Great Britain 2015 58 min English from age 10 GREEN REPORT Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: John Downer CINEMATOGRAPHY: Rod Clarke, Stephen Downer, Richard Jones, Michael W. Richards, Philip Dalton, Richard Cook EDITED BY: Stuart Napier, Imogen Pollard MUSICAL SCORE: Will Gregory SOUNDDESIGN: Paul Cowgill NARRATOR: David Tennant EDITOR: John Downer Productions, BBC, BBC Worldwide, THIRTEEN / WNET PRODUCTION: Rob Pilley, Matthew Gordon, Philip Dalton (Serienproduzent) CONTACT: BBC Worldwide, 51 59 POWER TO CHANGE Die Energie-Rebellion Thu, Sep 15th 2016 8:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Carl-A. Fechner Germany 2016 94 min German POWER TO CHANGE - THE ENERGY-REBELLION CINEMATOGRAPHY: Philipp Baben der Erde Power to change describes the project of the century: the energy revolution. The film chronicles the controversies around the subject and the bottom to top approach and follows individuals trying to make a difference. PRODUCTION: fechnerMEDIA GmbH CONTACT: change filmverleih - fechnerMEDIA EDITED BY: Bernhard Reddig, Mechthild Barth MUSICAL SCORE: Ralf Wienrich, Eckart Gadow NARRATOR: Peter Flechtner GmbH,, from age 12 60 RETURNING Beaver Once extinct, European beavers were reintroduced some twenty-five years ago to revitalise wetlands across the continent. Their population has grown ever since. The film shows beavers conquering a new area. Fri, Sep 16th 2016 52 50 min English ab 12 Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Cees van Kempen SCRIPT: Caroline Brett CINEMATOGRAPHY: Cees van Kempen EDITED BY: Alan Miller MUSICAL SCORE: Jos Jansen SOUNDDESIGN: Olivier Nijs NARRATOR: Alan Miller EDITOR: Co-Production mit BNN-VARA PRODUCTION: ispida Wildlife Productions BV CONTACT: Sky Vision UK, the Netherlands 2015 12:00 am 61 RETURNING Kestrel Sat, Sep 17th 2016 2:00 pm Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Cees van Kempen Large grass fields at airports like Schiphol attract mice that in turn draw kestrels. When endangering air traffic, kestrels are trapped and released well away. The story begins with the release of a young female and follows her to a new nest. SCRIPT: Caroline Brett CINEMATOGRAPHY: Cees van Kempen EDITED BY: Alan Miller MUSICAL SCORE: Jos Jansen SOUNDDESIGN: Olivier Nijs NARRATOR: Alan Miller EDITOR: Co-Production mit BNN-VARA PRODUCTION: ispida Wildlife Productions BV CONTACT: Sky Vision UK, 62 RETURNING Kingfisher Usually associated with natural rivers, kingfishers have now settled in creeks bordering the busy Scheldt-RhineCanal. Ultra high-speed cameras and special setups have captured them underground in their nests. Fri, Sep 16th 2016 4:00 pm the Netherlands 2015 50 min English from age 12 the Netherlands 2015 50 min English from age 12 BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY, BEST MUSICAL SCORE Ratssaal DIRECTOR: Cees van Kempen SCRIPT: Caroline Brett CINEMATOGRAPHY: Cees van Kempen EDITED BY: Alan Miller MUSICAL SCORE: Jos Jansen SOUNDDESIGN: Olivier Nijs NARRATOR: Alan Miller EDITOR: Co-Production mit BNN-VARA PRODUCTION: ispida Wildlife Productions BV CONTACT: Sky Vision UK, 53 63 SHELTERED IN OAKS Persian Squirrels are dependent on oak forests for survival. The small mammals are facing many challenges in the jungles of the Iranian Zagros mountains. Iran 2015 55 min without narration SNOW CHICK A Penguin‘s Tale The enchanting story of an emperor penguin chick’s first precarious months growing up in the world’s most extreme nursery. Having been lovingly tended as an egg at temperatures of -60°C, Snow Chick is the last to emerge into the harsh, frozen world of Antarctica. 54 58 min English 6:00 pm Ratssaal Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm OIC SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: Mehdi Noormohammadi CONTACT: [email protected] from age 8 64 Great Britain 2015 Wed, Sep 14th 2016 from age 8 Sun, Sep 18th 2016 10:00 am Ratssaal SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: John Downer CINEMATOGRAPHY: Frederique Olivier EDITED BY: Imogen Pollard MUSICAL SCORE: Will Gregory SOUNDDESIGN: Paul Cowgill SPRECHERIN: Kate Winslet EDITOR: John Downer Productions, BBC, BBC Worldwide, THIRTEEN / WNET PRODUCTION: Matthew Gordon, Philip Dalton CONTACT: BBC Worldwide, ALLES GUTE zum 10jährigen Jubiläum! 2007 - 2016 GreenScreen w w w.baecker-steiskal .de 65 TERRA X Der sechste Sinn der Tiere Sun, Sep 18th 2016 2:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: Ralf Blasius TERRA X - SIXTH SENSE Natural disasters threaten the world‘s populations. Animals unspoiled senses reach far beyond our perception. We follow world‘s leading experts on animal behaviour to discover animal key species for future early warning systems. Germany 2015 44 min German CINEMATOGRAPHY: Conan Fitzpatrick, Ricardo E. G. Mesa EDITED BY: Klaus Kübel, Lodur Tettenborn SOUNDDESIGN: Peer Hoffmann NARRATOR: Constantin von Westphalen EDITOR: Cora Szielasko (ZDF) PRODUCTION: Off The Fence CONTACT: ZDF, from age 6 66 TERRA X Wie Elefanten denken TERRA X - MINDS OF GIANTS “The Minds of Giants” explores what it is like to be an elephant, as revealed by revolutionary new research, much of which has been conducted especially for this program. The story starts with an accidental discovery. Sat, Sep 17th 2016 4:00 pm SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: Emre Izat, Geoff Luck CINEMATOGRAPHY: Emre Izat EDITED BY: Jennie Vazquez MUSICAL SCORE: Chris Beaty SOUNDDESIGN: Peer Hoffmann, Fabian Helpenstein NARRATOR: Constantin von Westphalen EDITOR: Ruth Omphalius (ZDF) PRODUCTION: Vulcan Productions, Inc (USA), Off the Fence (Amsterdam) CONTACT: ZDF, Botswana, Kenya et al. 2016 56 43 min German from age 8 Galerie 66 67 THEOS TIERWELT Die Arche vor der Haustür Sun, Sep 18th 2016 10:00 am Turnhalle SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: Herbert Ostwald GUARDIANS OF WILDLIFE - EUROPE Zoos concern themselves not only with attractive exotic species but also with the animals on our own doorstep. Cologne’s zoo director, Theo Pagel, wants to discover whether protection projects supported by zoos really are successful. 68 TIERISCH WOHNEN Die Lage ANIMAL HOMES - LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION Chris Morgan travels the globe to visit the different locations that animals choose to make their homes. From a beaver‘s lodge at a dammed river to a black bear‘s den in a rocky cave, from the floating nest of a saltmarsh sparrow to the den of a woodrat. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Erik Sick EDITED BY: Isabelle Albert MUSICAL SCORE: Stefan Döring SOUNDDESIGN: Alexander Weuffen NARRATOR: Gregor Höppner EDITOR: Gabriele Conze (WDR), arte PRODUCTION: Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH CONTACT: WDR, Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 pm Germany 2015 45 min German from age 6 Austria 2015 50 min German from age 8 Turnhalle SCRIPT UND DIRECTOR: Ann Johnson Prum CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Male, Mark Carroll, Ann Johnson Prum, Ronan Donovan, Andrew Wegst EDITED BY: Jim Isler, Nathan Punwar, Karl Dawson, Andrew Wegst, Veronikah Sanford MUSICAL SCORE: Chris Biondo, Lenny Williams SOUNDDESIGN: Stefan K. Fiedler, Ed Campbell NARRATOR: Peter Faerber, Gerhard Habermann, Christina Trefny PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios, Thirteen Productions LLC, WNET, PBS, Coneflower Productions CONTACT: 57 69 TIERISCH WOHNEN Die Nachbarschaft Fri, Sep 16th 2016 4:00 pm Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Ann Johnson Prum ANIMAL HOMES - ANIMAL CITIES Chris Morgan visits some of nature‘s biggest communities - colonies of Puffins, social spiders and Great Desert Skinks, a neighborhood of tortoises, snakes and mice. He shows the intriguing behaviors and social interactions in and around such animal cities. Austria 2015 50 min German TIERMYTHEN Die Kinder des rosa Delfins NATURE TALES CHILDREN OF THE AMAZON DOLPHIN The indigenous people of the Amazon rainforests firmly believe in the magical power of the pink river dolphins. In their mythical world souls travel and tribal elders and shamans do not distinguish between humans and animals. 58 44 min German Ann Johnson Prum, Ronan Donovan, Andrew Wegst EDITED BY: Jim Isler, Nathan Punwar, Karl Dawson, Andrew Wegst, Veronikah Sanford MUSICAL SCORE: Chris Biondo, Lenny Williams SOUNDDESIGN: Stefan K. Fiedler, Ed Campbell NARRATOR: Peter Faerber, Gerhard Habermann, Christina Trefny PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios, Thirteen Productions LLC, WNET, PBS, Coneflower Productions CONTACT: from age 8 70 Germany 2016 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Male, Mark Carroll, from age 10 sh:z AUDIENCE AWARD Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Florian Guthknecht CINEMATOGRAPHY: Moritz Kipphardt, Dunja Engelbrecht EDITED BY: Xenja Kupin MUSICAL SCORE: Sebastian Pobot, Andreas Suttner SOUNDDESIGN: Herbert Glaser NARRATOR: Christian Schult, Benedikt Schregle EDITOR: Angela Schmidt (BR), Martin Kowalczyk (BR/arte), Claudia Schwab (SWR) PRODUCTION: BR, SWR, arte CONTACT: BR, 71 TIERMYTHEN Im Auge des Löwen Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Angela Graas-Castor NATURE TALES - BUSHMEN IN NAMIBIA Sitting around the fire at night Namibia’s bushmen have been passing down their ancient fairy-tales for thousands of years. They talk about the origin of the universe, man’s role in it and about the relationship between animals and humans. 72 VAD KUNSÁG The Secret Life of the Hungarian Puszta The landscape of the Great Hungarian Plains appears to resemble other European areas, yet is different. It has a secret life and there is always something interesting happening. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Christoph Castor EDITED BY: Ruth Kucharz SOUNDDESIGN: Otgar Kunert NARRATOR: Moritz Brendel, Christian Schult EDITOR: Angela Schmidt (BR), Martin Kowalczyk (BR/arte), Claudia Schwab (SWR) PRODUCTION: BR, SWR, arte CONTACT: BR, Fri, Sep 16th 2016 12:00 am Germany 2016 44 min German from age 10 Hungary 2015 52 min Hungaryan, English (ST) from age 12 BEST STORY Haus DIRECTOR: Szabolcs Mosonyi SCRIPT: Erika Bagladi CINEMATOGRAPHY: Szabolcs Mosonyi, Antal Széll EDITED BY: Szabolcs Mosonyi MUSICAL SCORE: Attila Mátyás SOUNDDESIGN: Attila Mátyás NARRATOR: János Csernák EDITOR: Erika Bagladi PRODUCTION: NatFilm Hungary Kft. CONTACT: Natfilm Hungary Ltd , 59 Wenn Engagement auf Faszination triff! Regionales Engagement hat bei uns eine lange Tradition. Wir wünschen den Machern und den Genießern des diesjährigen Naturfilmfestivals in Eckernförde viel Spaß und Freude. Naturerlebnis ist einfach. festival lm fi r u t a N e r 10 Jah . Green Screen anz herzlich! ng Wir gratuliere Wenn‘s um Geld geht S Förde Sparkasse 73 WÄCHTER DER WALE Sat, Sep 17th 2016 4:00 pm OIC Sun, Sep 18th 2016 12:00 am Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Rosie Koch, GUARDIANS OF THE WHALES Whale researchers Janie Wray and Hermann Meuter live on the coast of Canada studying the behaviour of the marine mammals. The scientists‘ findings are supposed to help protect this area from the oil industry, which is planning a tanker route here. Germany 2016 44 min German HOW ANIMALS FEEL Can a dog be offended, a rat obliging, can a chimpanzee be compassionate, a wolf just and an elephant sympathetic? Is it possible: animals consoling each other, cooperating and taking care of each other without getting anything in return? 62 52 min German SOUNDDESIGN: Martina Reuterr NARRATOR: Peter Weiß, Martina Reuter, Bettina Kurth, Tobias Lelle, Nil Nellessen EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR), Ralf Quibeldey (NDR) PRODUCTION: BR, NDR CONTACT: BR,, NDR, from age 6 74 WIE TIERE FÜHLEN Germany 2015 Roland Gockel CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roland Gockel EDITED BY: Marc Accensi MUSICAL SCORE: Stephan Baader from age 12 BEST ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 pm Galerie 66 Sat, Sep 17 2016 10:00 am Haus th SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Gabi Schlag CINEMATOGRAPHY: Uwe Bohrer EDITED BY: Robert Tomschke, Andrea Trüper NARRATOR: Ilka Teichmüller EDITOR: Linde Dehner (ZDF/arte) PRODUCTION: Ilona Grundmann Filmproduction CONTACT: Ilona Grundmann Filmproduction, 75 WILD NORTH The Forest Wed, Sep 14th 2016 6:00 pm Haus SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Adam Schmedes, Arne The film shows a female bear with her cubs, an enormous elk bull courting a cow and a capercaillie’s fight with an eagle. Nævra, Torgeir B. Lande CINEMATOGRAPHY: Arne Nævr, Torgeir B. Lande EDITED BY: Jes Paul MUSICAL SCORE: Helge Krabye SOUNDDESIGN: Jes Paul NARRATOR: Linford Brown EDITOR: Adam Schmedes PRODUCTION: Loke Film CONTACT: Earth Touch (Pty) Ltd, 76 WILDES ALBANIEN Im Land der Adler WILD ALBANIA IN THE LAND OF THE EAGLE While Dalmatian pelicans breed along the coast, and brown bears and feral horses roam the meadows, while horseshoe bats shelter in a little church, up in the “Cursed Mountains” a tousled chick grows to become Albania’s heraldic animal – the Golden eagle. Thu, Sep 15th 2016 6:00 pm Denmark 2016 52 min English from age 12 Germany 2015 44 min German from age 6 Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Cornelia Volk CINEMATOGRAPHY: Alexander Sommer, Philipp Klein, Aldi Zgjani, Friedrich A. Sammer EDITED BY: Tom Chapman MUSICAL SCORE: Tim Stanzel, Eike Hosenfeld SOUNDDESIGN: Tobias Fritzsch NARRATOR: Hans Henrik Wöhler EDITOR: Ralf Fronz (MDR), Bernd Strobel (BR), Gabriele Holzner (HR) PRODUCTION: LOOKS Film, MDR, BR, HR, TOP Channel, Jolly Bar 63 77 WILDES DEUTSCHLAND Der Chiemsee Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Jan Haft WILD GERMANY - LAKE CHIEMSEE Lake Chiemsee is full of surprises. One day as calm as a mirror, the next whipped into a frothing broth by hurricane storms. Some animals that live here, have evolved strategies to survive. Germany 2016 44 min German from age 6 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Kay Ziesenhenne, Max Kölbl, Fabian Fischer, Jan Haft, Andreas Hartl EDITED BY: Isabel Bakalski MUSICAL SCORE: Jörn Magnus Pfeil, Siggi Mueller SOUNDDESIGN: Oliver Görtz NARRATOR: Peter Weiß EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR), Martin Kowalszyk (arte), Gabriele Conze (WDR), Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: Nautilusfilm GmbH CONTACT: Telepool GmbH München, HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD 78 WILDES DEUTSCHLAND Die Havel Sat, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am Galerie 66 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Svenja Schieke, WILD GERMANY - THE RIVER HAVEL The 334 kilometre journey from source to mouth of the Havel River in Germany’s Northeast takes us not only through the cities of Berlin and Potsdam but often through largely uninhabited areas. Its banks are home to eagles, otters and hoopoes. Germany 2014/2015 64 43 min German from age 6 Ralph Schieke CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ralph Schieke EDITED BY: Mario Schöppler MUSICAL SCORE: Klaus Hillebrecht NARRATOR: Michael Lott EDITOR: Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Dagmar Mielke (arte/ rbb), Jörg Neumann (rbb), Ralf Fronz (MDR) PRODUCTION: MacroTele-Film Schieke GbR für Doclights/NDR Naturfilm CONTACT: Claudia Ernst (Doclights NDR Naturfilm), 79 WILDES DEUTSCHLAND Die Müritz Sun, Sep 18th 2016 4:00 pm Turnhalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Svenja Schieke, WILD GERMANY - THE RIVER MURITZ Lake Müritz and the Mecklenburg Lake District are true natural treasures: Around 2.000 lakes in one of the least populated Central European regions. Half of the German population of common cranes lives and breeds here, the rare osprey is its iconic bird. 80 WILDES DEUTSCHLAND Die Zugspitze: Eine Reise auf den höchsten Berg Deutschlands WILD GERMANY - THE ZUGSPITZE : A TRIP TO GERMANY‘S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN The film is a fascinating journey from the valley to the summit, from the fullness of life to inhospitable heights. Ralph Schieke CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ralph Schieke EDITED BY: Mario Schöppler MUSICAL SCORE: Andreas Dicke, Thomas Onderka NARRATOR: Michael Lott EDITOR: Ralf Quibeldey (NDR), Jörg Neumann (rbb) PRODUCTION: MacroTele-Film Schieke GbR für Doclights/NDR Naturfilm CONTACT: Claudia Ernst (Doclights NDR Naturfilm), Fri, Sep 16th 2016 6:00 pm Germany 2014/15 43 min German from age 6 Germany 20132015 43 min German from age 6 Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Jürgen Eichinger CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jürgen Eichinger EDITED BY: Chris von Lüpke MUSICAL SCORE: Jürgen Otto SOUNDDESIGN: Otger Kunert NARRATOR: Gert Heidenreich EDITOR: Angela Schmid (BR), Martin Kowalczyk (BR/ arte), Gabriele Conze (WDR) PRODUCTION: Jürgen Eichinger Film HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD 65 81 WILDES SÜDAFRIKA (1) Kap der Extreme Sat, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Thomas Behrend SOUTH AFRICA - CLASH OF CURRENTS Nowhere else on earth do Africa and Antarctica so impressively come together as at South Africa’s Cape! It’s a place where cold-loving penguins live alongside desert-dwelling ostriches. Germany 2015 50 min German from age 6 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Thomas Behrend, Michael Riegler, Mirco Tribanek EDITED BY: Mirco Tribanek MUSICAL SCORE: Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Nicolas König EDITOR: Ralph Quibeldey (NDR), Bernd Strobel (BR), Ute Beutler (RBB), Andrea Gastgeb (TERRA MATER) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm CONTACT: Sina Knoll (Doclights GmbH), BEST MARINE FILM, BEST POST-PRODUCTION 82 WILDES SÜDAFRIKA (2) Zwischen Tropen und Savanne Sat, Sep 17th 2016 6:00 pm Ratssaal SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Thomas Behrend, SOUTH AFRICA - LAND OF THE GIANTS The Eastern part of South Africa: it is an area located between sub-tropical forests and dense grasslands, and the big names of the animal kingdom – the largest land mammal, the fastest hunter, even Africa’s largest amphibian – call it home! Germany 2016 66 50 min German from age 6 Heike Grebe CINEMATOGRAPHY: Thomas Behrend, Michael Riegler, Mirco Tribanek EDITED BY: Mirco Tribanek MUSICAL SCORE: Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Nicolas König EDITOR: Ralph Quibeldey (NDR), Bernd Strobel (BR), Ute Beutler (RBB), Andrea Gastgeb (TERRA MATER) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm CONTACT: Sina Knoll (Doclights GmbH), 83 WILDES SÜDAFRIKA (3) Wo die Wüste blüht Sun, Sep 18th 2016 2:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Heike Grebe, SOUTH AFRICA - KILLERS OF THE KALAHARI From the savannah to the desert, the heart of South Africa is home to the most successful hunters, extremely odd animals, and the setting for one of the most colourful natural spectacles on the planet! 84 WÜSTENKÖNIGE Die Löwen der Namib KINGS OF THE DESERT - THE LIONS OF NAMIB The film shows the secret lives of desert lions as they roam rugged mountains, majestic sand dunes and beaches on Namibia‘s Skeleton Coast. In this dangerous environment the young lions must conquer the desert and establish their own territories. Thomas Behrend CINEMATOGRAPHY: Michael Riegler, Mirco Tribanek, Thomas Behrend EDITED BY: Mirco Tribanek MUSICAL SCORE: Oliver Heuss SOUNDDESIGN: Sven-Michael Bluhm NARRATOR: Nicolas König EDITOR: Ralph Quibeldey (NDR), Bernd Strobel (BR), Ute Beutler (RBB), Andrea Gastgeb (TERRA MATER) PRODUCTION: Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm CONTACT: Sina Knoll (Doclights GmbH), Fri, Sep 16th 2016 4:00 pm Germany 2016 50 min German from age 6 Austria 2015 51 min German from age 8 Stadthalle DIRECTOR: Will Steenkamp, Lianne Steenkamp CINEMATOGRAPHY: Lianne Steenkamp EDITED BY: Alan Miller MUSICAL SCORE: Roman Kariolou, Johannes Ratheiser SOUNDDESIGN: Martin Greunz NARRATOR: Otto Clemens EDITOR: Franz Fuchs (ORF) PRODUCTION: Interspot Film CONTACT: ORF Enterprise, BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY, BEST STORY 67 85 YELLOWSTONE (1) Winterwildnis Thu, Sep 15th 2016 2:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Joe Kennedy, Tom Stephens WILD YELLOWSTONE - FROZEN FRONTIER Yellowstone, America‘s oldest and best known national park is the setting for this series. Episode one shows its winter world with bighorn sheep, wolf, bison, beaver and otter braving the challenges and hardships of the ice-cold winter months. Austria 2015 50 min German from age 6 86 YELLOWSTONE (2) Sommerreigen WILD YELLOWSTONE - GRIZZLY SUMMER Yellowstone, America‘s oldest and best known national park is the setting for this series. In Episode two grizzly bear, beaver, otter and wolf deal with nature’s challenges in the summer months beginning with melting snows until late autumn. Austria 2015 68 50 min German from age 6 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Curt Morgan, Dawson Dunning, John Shier, Howard Bourne, Jeff Hogan, Theo Jebb, Flugaufnahmen: Nel Boshoff, Richard Burton, Curt Morgan, Greg Wheeler, Nick Wolcott EDITED BY: James Taggart MUSICAL SCORE: Rod Morris, Mark Murphy, Torin Borrowdale SOUNDDESIGN: Graham Wild, Stefan K. Fiedler, George Fry NARRATOR: Franz Robert Wagner PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios und National Geopgraphic Channels, France Télévisions, Brain Farm CONTACT: Thu, Sep 15th 2016 4:00 pm Stadthalle SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Joe Kennedy, Tom Stephens CINEMATOGRAPHY: Curt Morgan, Dawson Dunning, John Shier, Jeff Hogan, Theo Jebb, Phil Hessler, John Rodosky, Flugaufnahmen: Nel Boshoff, Jared Slater, Curt Morgan, Greg Wheeler, Nick Wolcott EDITED BY: James Taggart MUSICAL SCORE: Torin Borrowdale, Mark Murphy SOUNDDESIGN:Graham Wild, Stefan K. Fiedler, George Fry NARRATOR: Franz Robert Wagner PRODUCTION: Terra Mater Factual Studios und National Geopgraphic Channels, France Télévisions, Brain Farm CONTACT: 87 ZURÜCK ZUM URWALD Nationalpark Kalkalpen Sat, Sep 17th 2016 4:00 pm Turnhalle DIRECTOR: Rita Schlamberger MAKING AN ANCIENT FOREST SCRIPT: Rita Schlamberger, Jan Hosek CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jiri Petr, Unmanaged for around 25 years the forests of the Austrian Limestone Alps National Park rely on natural cycles that are far more intricate and ingenious than previously imagined, luring even the lynx home after 115 years of absence. Michael Schlamberger EDITED BY: Andrew Naylor, Omer Sacic MUSICAL SCORE: Alexander Bresgen SOUNDDESIGN: Martin Rohrmoser NARRATOR: Michou Friesz PRODUCTION: Sciencevision Filmproduktion CONTACT: ORF Sales, 8 Austria 2015 2 x in Eckernförde 52 min German from age 6 HEINZ SIELMANN AWARD, BEST ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, BEST POST-PRODUCTION Polsterei | Gardinen | Wandbespannung | Markisen Produkte des Sonnen- und Sichtschutzes | Teppichboden Wohnaccessoires | Wohnkonzepte | Einrichtungsberatung Noorstraße 17 (04351) 71501 Rendsburger Straße 117 (04351) 715290 Carlshöhe 40, 24340 Eckernförde | Telefon: 04351-889 61 44 Georg Schütte, 24358 Hütten, Oberhütten 5, Telefon: 04353-9730 rmann Max Muste 5678 8011 1234 3% 69 D1 DOUBLE FEATURE 1 Fri, Sep 16th 2016 2:00 PM HAUS IM GARTEN DER WILDEN TIERE THE GARDEN OF THE WILD ANIMALS Following gardener Dieter Dankelmann throughout the seasons, the film illustrates what it takes to create a home for wild animals. Meanwhile the film focuses on the life of an edible dormouse family. Germany 2015 28 min German DIRECTOR Christian Neumann CINEMATOGRAPHY: Peter Linskens EDITED BY: Sebastian Brüggemann NARRATOR: Uli Auer EDITOR: Kerstin Schulz u. Susanne wachhaus PRODUCTION: Christian Ehrlich (Docma TV Produktion GmbH) CONTACT: from age 6 naturnah - ERSTER WOLFSNACHWUCHS IN MECKLENBURG - VORPOMMERN WOLVE PUPS IN MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN For the first time since 100 years there are wolve pups in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. With amazing images the film shows how they behave and the work from the scientist Norman Stier. Germany 2015 70 28 min German from age 8 SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Dörte Petsch CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ricardo wittig EDITED BY: Rainer Hochmuth MUSICAL SCORE: Sonoton NARRATOR: Peter Bieringer EDITOR: Christina Walther, Birgit Müller (NDR Landesfunkhaus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) PRODUCTION: Clip Film und Fernsehproduktion GmbH Stralsund CONTACT: DOUBLE FEATURE 2 D2 Fri, Sep 16th 2016 4:00 PM HAUS WELT DER TIERE Die Insel der Albatrosse ALBATROSSES ON BIRD ISLAND No other animal travels as far as an albatross. In a few weeks he circled the whole globe. On Bird Island in the middle of the stormy Southpolar Ocean thousands of albatrosses are breeding, including their flagship, the wandering albatross. SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Ines Possemeyer CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roland Gockel EDITED BY: Nina Herdin MUSICAL SCORE: Florian de Gelmini SOUNDDESIGN: Rudi Preusser NARRATOR: Detlef Kügow, Julia Fischer, Katja Schild EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR) PRODUCTION: BR CONTACT: BR, Germany 2015 28 min German from age 6 WELT DER TIERE Schräge Vögel SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Angela Graas-Castor ODD BIRD Uwe Westphal is a passionate birder with an extraordinary skill: he is imitating birds voices up to perfection. He calls himself a nature entertainer and hundreds of people follow his shows and dive into the colourful environment of birds. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Christoph Castor EDITED BY: Ruth Kucharz SOUNDDESIGN: Otgar Kunert EDITOR: Bernd Strobel (BR) PRODUCTION: BR CONTACT: BR, Germany 2015 28 min German from age 8 71 D3 Double feature 3 Sa, Sep 17th 2016 12:00 am Haus Extraordinary Africa The Continent of Colors Script and Director: Tanguy Dumortier Between the Sahara and the lush forests in the center of Africa, there is an intermediate band where not a drop of water falls in six months of the year. But there is a real jewel in the heart of the Sahel: Zakouma National Park. Belgium 2014 26 min English Cinematography: Tanguy Dumortier, Betrand Leclipteux Edited by: Thomas Delbart Musical Score: Thomas Delbart Sounddesign: Thomas Delbart Narrator: Anthony Gouldsbrough Editor: Le Jardin Extraordinaire RTBF Production: Le Sous-Bois Production from age 12 Het Noorderplantsoen Script and Director: Hilco Jansma The Noorderplantsoen The Noorderplantsoen Park in Groningen is a peaceful place and home to many animals adapted to city life. This film shows the survival of the moorhen, the coot and other inhabitants with quite unexpected turns. the Netherlands 2015 72 32 min Dutch, English (ST) from age 12 Newcomer Cinematography: Hilco Jansma Edited by: Hilco Jansma Musical Score: Audio Network Sounddesign: Hilco Jansma Narrator: René Scharenborg Editor: Hilco Jansma Production: Hilco Jansma Grünes Band Harz-Eichsfeld-Werratal – den Luchs im Fokus Über 340 bedrohte Tier- und Pflanzenarten fühlen sich an der grünen Lebensader zwischen den Nationalparken Harz und Hainich pudelwohl. Unterstützen Sie die seltenen Bewohner an der einstigen innerdeutschen Grenze mit Ihrer Spende. Fordern Sie kostenlos Informationsmaterial an oder rufen Sie uns an. Wir informieren Sie gerne: Tel. 05527 914-0 [email protected] Heinz Sielmann Stiftung IBAN: DE 62 2605 1260 0000 0003 23 BIC: NOLA DE 21 DUD D4 Double feature 4 Sat, Sep 17th 2016 2:00 pm Haus Kangaroo Island Life on the Edge Script and Director: Samuel Chen The film reveals a largely forgotten world - one some speed past every day. Much of the wildlife on South Australia’s Kangaroo Island have to share their home with speeding steel projectiles. In this documentary we discover what they have to endure to survive. Australia 2015 25 min English from age 12 Cinematography: Samuel Chen Edited by: Samuel Chen Musical Score: Tashka Urban, Samuel Chen Sounddesign: Samuel Chen Narrator: Caddie Brain Editor: Samuel Chen Production: Samuel Chen contact: [email protected] BEST INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION L‘Île Pyrénées Script and Director: Marie Daniel, Pyrenean Island The discovery of a mysterious frog motivated a Spanish ecologist to research this small amphibian. Following the Pyrenean frog, the film shows the chaotic world of high mountain streams where all species are strange and rare. France 2015 74 32 min French, Englisch (ST) from age 12 BEST INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION, BEST MUSICAL SCORE Fabien Mazzocco Cinematography: Marie Daniel, Fabien Mazzocco Edited by: Marie Daniel, Fabien Mazzocco Musical Score: Dominique Regef, José le Piez Sounddesign: Laurent Baraton, Rafael Berbaneu Garcia Narrator: Marie Daniel Editor: Christophe Coic Production: C NATURE , Mauvaises Graines contact: [email protected] DOUBLE FEATURE 5 D5 Sat, Sep 17th 2016 4:00 PM HAUS DER WIPFELSTüRMER TREE- SUMMETEER Even as a child Thomas Grünkorn climbed trees, mainly to be closer to birds. As part of a new research project the qualified biologist has attached cameras to nests inhabited by buzzards in order to get to the bottom of their decline. SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Ralf Bartels CINEMATOGRAPHY: Axel Nicke, Thomas Grünkorn EDITED BY: Sonja Kieschnick NARRATOR: Konstantin von westphalen EDITOR: Christian Pipke PRODUCTION: Joker Pictures GmbH CONTACT: Germany 2015 28 min German from age 8 WILD SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN naturnah - KAMPF UMS GEWÄCHSHAUS THE GREENHAUS BATTLE Dr. Petra Christiansen-Weniger has bred an insect army for a great battle. In the struggle against greenhouse pests she wants victory at all costs – except chemical warfare. Her tiny soldiers take no prisoners and play by their own rules of engagement. SCRIPT AND DIRECTOR: Tim Oliver Boehme CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tim Oliver Boehme, Prof. Urs wyss EDITED BY: Omar Sultan NARRATOR: Peter Bieringer EDITOR: Christian Pipke (NDR Schleswig-Holstein) PRODUCTION: ToB Filmproduktion CONTACT: [email protected] Germany 2015 29 min German from age 8 WILD SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN 75 KF KF SHORT FILMS Fri, Sep 16th 2016 8:00 PM GALERIE The Audience Award Best Short Film is determined during the festival. The audience of the short film screenings gets voting cards which are collected and evaluated after the screenings. Based on those cards the award is presented. EAT MY DREAM Germany 2016 8 min German Impressions from a Norwegian fish factory. DIRECTOR: Jessica Dürwald EIMERSEE Germany 2015 16 min German The genesis of the bucket lake in Eckernförde is legendary and so strange that you have to tell it in a movie. DIRECTOR: Sven Bohde I AM MORGAN Stolen Freedom New Zealand 2015 5 min English Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see the world from an orca‘s point of view? DIRECTOR: Heiko Grimm, Carlos Godó Borrás, Irene Buesa García JüMMER SUUTJE Germany 2016 38 seconds without narration DIRECTOR: Bernd Fiedler 76 Make it snappy, Snail! short films KF Fri, Sep 16 2016 8:00 pm Galerie th Kalmare vor der Haustür Germany 2016 14 min German In December 2015 calamares appear at the pier in Eckernfoerde. DIRECTOR: Philipp Hoy Nature 2.0 Netherlands 2014 10 min withouth narration Nature 2.0 seeks a new understanding of nature. Nature as an untouchable phenomenon has ceased to exist. DIRECTOR: Maren Gedenk saving isegrimm A Voice for the Voiceless Germany 2016 5 min German Stories about the wolf-expert Michael Eichhorn, who is caring for four wolves at the Kurpfalzpark Wachenheim. DIRECTOR: Philipp Czaya selfie Iran 2016 2 min German Allowing us to see ourselves - Selfie. DIRECTOR: Behnam Deldadeh The Outlook for someday Message in a Bottle New Zealand 2016 4 min English The true cost of bottled water for both – the consumer and the planet. DIRECTOR: Liam van Eeden, Jean-Martin Fabre 77 Wir gratulieren Green Screen zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum! Krohn Schuhe ECKERNFÖRDE · Kieler Straße 46 S C H U H E schedule 2016 wednesday, September 14th 2016 TURNHALLE Das haus GALERIE 66 Ratssaal oic stadthalle 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 91 2:00 PM Best Film 2010 Mount st. helens Der Vulkan lebt 89 4:00 PM Best Film 2008 Die türkei 6:00 PM WILD NORTH The Forest 75 8:00 PM 96 94 Best Film 2015 amerikas naturwunder - Saguaro 92 93 Best Film 2011 Wildes skandinavien Norwegen 63 Best Film 2013 AFRICA - EYE TO EYE WITH THE UNKNOWN- Kalahari A SHELTERED IN OAKS Best Film 2012 sahara Life on the Edge 90 Best Film 2009 Wildes russland Der Kaukasus 88 Best Film 2007 Die wiese 95 Best Film 2014 pinguine hautnah opening night 79 thursday, September 15th 2016 TURNHALLE Das haus GALERIE 66 Ratssaal oic stadthalle 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 54 A Ötscher - Im Reich des sanften Riesen 13 A BRASILIEN Welt des Wassers 58 PETS - Wild At Heart: Playful Creatures 55 8:00 PM 80 48 A LAND UNTER AUF HALLIG HOOGE 04 AFRICAS TREES OF LIFE Marula Tree 76 WILDES ALBANIEN Im Land der Adler 45 PASSION FOR PLANET Järven Tarina Tale of a Lake WORKSHOP 10:30 am - 4:00 pm W Camera workshop (Stadthotel WOrKSHOPROOM) 20 10 DESTINY OF A GREEK LAKE 40 BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Amurtiger 11 Inquietanti Vicini Disturbing Neighbours 08 BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Komodowaran 12 ANGELN VERBIETEN? - Freizeitangler und Naturschutz 18 A A DER KLEINE KAUKASUS Zwischen Ararat und Kaspischem Meer BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Löwe 59 POWER TO CHANGE Die Energie-Rebellion 63 B SHELTERED IN OAKS 50 Yellowstone (1) Winterwildnis 86 LIFE AGAInst all odds 29 Yellowstone (2) Sommerreigen 26 ELECTRIC AMAZON 01 85 A +/- 5 Meter - Leben und Lebensgefahr über und unter dem Meeresspiegel Die Zauberwesen von Shangri-La 52 MAGIE DER MOORE friday, September 16th 2016 TURNHALLE Das haus GALERIE 66 Ratssaal oic stadthalle 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 60 12:00 AM RETURNING Beaver 68 2:00 PM Tierisch Wohnen Die Lage 23 72 Die neuen GroSSgrundbesitzer - Das Geschäft mit Europas Boden 74 A Wie Tiere fühlen 69 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 19 Der StrauSS Zum Laufen geboren 33 8:00 PM GRENZBOCK workshop 1 10:00 am VAD Kunság The Secret Life of the Hungarian Puszta WILDES südAFRIKA Das Abenteuer D1 DOUBLE FEATURE 1 Im Garten der wilden Tiere + naturnah - Wolfsrudel Pestizide - Das Gift auf unseren Feldern KF Short Films S1 natur 2.0 (Stadthotel WOrKSHOPROOM) 18 53 inseln der zukunft Island: Grünes Paradies am Scheideweg 62 DOUBLE FEATURE 2 Insel der Albatrosse + Schräge Vögel 57 Hannes Jaenicke Im Einsatz für Löwen 42 D2 Tierisch Wohnen Die Nachbarschaft 34 SP2 09 Antarctic Edge 70 Degrees South 56 Wildes Deutschland Die Zugspitze 47 KILLER WHALES The Megahunt workshop 2 2:00 pm Wüstenkönige Die Löwen der Namib 31 Peru The Amazon Rainforest 22 Tiermythen Im Auge des Löwen 84 DER JUNGE UND DAS MEER 80 DER KLEINE KAUKASUS MARINE LIFE 17 RETURNING Kingfisher B 71 FRÜHLINGSWELTEN A Die Eroberung der Weltmeere - Und die Macht der Wissenschaft S2 pitching session (Stadthotel WOrKSHOPROOM) 81 saturday, Septmeber 17th 2016 TURNHALLE 10:00 AM 28 Elbvertiefung Was riskieren wir? 36 12:00 AM Himmelsvögel Die Kraniche von Bhutan 2:00 PM Returning Kestrel 4:00 PM Zurück zum Urwald Nationalpark Kalkalpen 61 87 49 6:00 PM Legacy Warnings! Das haus GALERIE 66 32 Giraffen Giganten hautnah 78 Wildes Deutschland Die Havel 39 Incredible Spiders 66 Terra X Wie Elefanten denken 44 Inseln der zukunft Samsø: Die Gemeinschaft des Stroms 74 Wie Tiere fühlen D3 DOPPELPROGRAMM DOUBLE FEATURE 3 -3 Extraordinary Africa + Het Noorderplantsoen D4 DOPPELPROGRAMM DOUBLE FEATURE 4 -4 Kangaroo Island + L‘Île Pyrénées D5 DOPPELPROGRAMM DOUBLE FEATURE 5 5- Der - Der Wipfelstürmer + naturnah - Kampf ums Gewächshaus 16 Der hundeprofi unterwegs Martin und die Wölfe 70 Tiermythen - Die Kinder des rosa Delfins 41 Insel der Pinguine Südgeorgien 25 Die Reise der Schneeeulen 51 Life Force (2) Borneo 82 Wildes Südafrika (2) Zwischen Tropen und Savanne oic 38 77 Human and Sea 03 Wildes Deutschland Der Chiemsee 81 Acid Ocean 22 stadthalle Wildes Südafrika (1) Kap der Extreme B Die Eroberung der Weltmeere - Und die Macht der Wissenschaft 73 A wächter der wale 37 Hotet pa Havet Shipping Pollution AWARD preisverleihung CEREMONY 8:00 PM workshop 3 10: 00 am 82 B Ratssaal S3 Narration, Text and Presenters (Stadthotel workshoproom) sunday, September 18th 2016 TURNHALLE 67 10:00 AM Theos Tierwelt Die Arche vor der Haustür 46 12:00 AM 2:00 PM Kanadas Nationalparks - Gwaii Haanas: Wilde Schönheit im Pazifik 21 Die Affenapotheke Medizin aus dem Urwald 79 4:00 PM Wildes Deutschland Die Müritz 24 6:00 PM DIE PLASTIKBEDROHUNG Das haus GALERIE 66 14 97 Der Elchdetektiv 73 B wächter der wale SP1 GALAPAGOS Sir David Attenborough 07 Amur Asiens Amazonas: Der ferne Osten 06 Amerikas Naturwunder Olympic Sieger der Kategorie Heinz sielmann award 2016 98 Sieger der Kategorie Best film 2016 99 Sieger der Kategorie best story 2016 100 Sieger der Kategorie Best CINEMATOGRAPHY 2016 101 Sieger der Kategorie Best MARINE FILM 2016 Ratssaal 64 Snowchick A Penguin‘s Tale 35 Heimliche Helden Keas in Neuseeland 65 Terra X Der sechste Sinn der Tiere 30 Expedition ins Schilf Nationalpark Neusiedler See 43 Inseln der zukunft Orkney: Die blaue Revolution oic 13 B BRASILIEN Welt des Wassers 10 B BIG FIVE ASIEN Der Amurtiger 48 B LAND UNTER AUF HALLIG HOOGE 54 B Ötscher Im Reich des sanften Riesen 01 B +/- 5 Meter - Leben und Lebensgefahr über und unter dem Meeresspiegel stadthalle 05 Amerikas Naturwunder - Gates of the Arctic 02 ARTE MATINEE 360˚ GEO ReportageBird Island Allein unter Pinguinen 83 Wildes Südafrika (3) Wo die Wüste blüht 15 Der Geist der grauen Riesen 27 Dolomiten Zauberhaftes Juwel der Alpen 83 MAP AND SCREENING LOCATIONS 1 OSTSEE INFO-CENTER (OIC) Jungernstieg 110 (am Seesteg) Eckernförde 1 2 MUSEUM ECKERNFöRDE Rathausmarkt 8 Eckernförde 2 3 3 4 RATSSAAL IM RATHAUS Rathaus der Stadt Eckernförde Rathausmarkt 4-6 Eckernförde PH 4 5 6 DAS HAUS - KOMMUNALES KINO Reeperbahn 28 Eckernförde 7 8 5 TURNHALLE DER WILLERS-JESSEN - SCHULE Kieler Str. 59 Eckernförde 84 6 GALERIE 66 Kieler Straße 78 Eckernförde 7 Ährensache. Gebraut mit Küstengerste aus Schleswig-Holstein. STADTHALLE Stadthalle Eckernförde Am Exer 1 Eckernförde 8 TICKETCENTER IM STADTHOTEL Eingang links Stadthotel Eckernförde Am Exer 3 Eckernförde 9 UMWELTINFO ZENTRUM (UIZ) Noorwanderweg Eckernförde (not on the map) 10 CARL´S SHOWPALAST Carlshöhe 47 Eckernförde (not on the map) Genuss erleben. Flensburger Pilsener. Tickets TicketCenter Stadthotel Eckernförde Am Exer 3 (Entry on the left side) 24340 Eckernförde Phone: 04351 476492 opening hours: September 1st - September 13th 2016: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM DURING THE FESTIVAL September 14th - September 17th 2016: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM September 18th 2016: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM 86 www Ticket orders BANK TRANSFER No later than August 31st 2016 If you do not have a chance to collect your tickets by September 8th 2016 you can remit the amount stated on your confirmation to arrive no later than September 5th 2016 at the following account Online: E-Mail: [email protected] Order forms are available for download under to be sent to GREEN SCREEN E.V. - Frau-Clara-Strasse 18 - 24340 Eckernfoerde AUGUST 15th - SEPTEMBER 17th 2016 Ticket Center telephone: 0049 - 4351- 476 492 GREEN SCREEN e.V. Eckernfoerder Bank eG, IBAN DE68 2109 2023 0011 3735 21 Please state your name and our reservation number. Tickets are available for collection until the end of the festival at the TicketCenter Please note that tickets are non-refundable. COLLECTING TICKETS Tickets and festival passes are ready for collection at the TicketCenter starting September 1st 2016. Tickets and festival passes not paid in advance must be collected by September 8th 2016. Otherwise they will be sold on. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND TICKET FEES VISIT US AT: 87 Jöhnk ECKERNFöRDE TALKS Local Energy – A Way out of the Energy Predicament? With the films “Inseln der Zukunft - Samsø – The Power Community“ and “Power to Change – The Energy Rebellion” the GREEN SCREEN festival programme features contributions to the topic of Energy Transition. This year’s “Eckernförde Talks”, a panel discussion on an ecological issue at the start of each festival, are dedicated to Energy Transition. This year’s event will take place on Tuesday, September 13th at 19:00 pm at Eckernförde Stadthalle. Panel discussion while tge Eckernfoerde Talks 2015 Burning fossil fuels has unforeseeable consequences for our climate and thus for humans worldwide. As proven by Chernobyl and Fukushima atomic energy comes with permanent hazards and is no longer an option because of the unresolvable issue of final repositories. Energy transition forces us to produce renewable and sustainable energy. That path is very controversial and characterized by good intensions, resistance and economic interests. More and more communities convert their energy supply to local production. One of the lighthouse projects has been started by the Danish island of Samsø and the Bordeshom community. Are those projects alternatives outweighing the downsides of large nationwide central energy production or will they remain niche solutions? The panel includes regional energy minister Dr. Robert Habeck as well as representatives from Samsø and Bordesholm, from HanseWerk AG, from the Gegenwind Schleswig-Holstein association and from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Tue, Sep 13th 2016 Stadthalle Eckernförde DOORS OPEN: 6:30 pm BEGINNING: 7:00 pm ENTRANCE FEE: free SYNOPSIS FILM: In 1997 the Danish government searched for a location to try and prove that it is possible to supply an area with 100 per cent renewable energy. 20 years on the island is supplied by modern wind turbines on the island and off its coast. Solar power plants convert sunshine into electric power. Heating energy is produced by plants running on climate neutral straw, and even the warmth from fresh cow’s milk is used for heating purposes. The entire film is screened at Galerie 66 on Saturday, September 17th 2016, at 6:00 pm (see page 42). INSELN DER zUKUNFT – SAMSØ: The Power Comunity DIRECTOR: Lars westermann EDITOR: Christian Cools PRODUCTION: Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH 89 SP Special programmes (Entrance Fee: 5 €/4 €) SP1 galapagos IN HONOUR OF SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH’S 90th BIRTHDAY Great Britain 2013 50 min Sun, Sep 18th 2016 German 2:00 pm from age 6 Galerie 66 On May 8th, 2016, the legendary wildlife filmmaker Sir David Attenborough celebrated his 90th birthday! Watch him in GALAPAGOS. A riveting journey through time and space. No place on earth is better suited to explore nature’s secrets than those 130+ islands in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. For hundreds of thousand of years fauna and flora evolved in isolation from the rest of the planet thus creating an unparalleled evolution kit. Following in Charles Darwin’s footprints David Attenborough and his film crew capture ancient giant turtles, bloodsucking finches, spiders without eyes dwelling in caves and dandelions the size of trees. SP2 wild south africa - the adventure A LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE SERIES “WILD SOUTH AFRICA” BY THOMAS BEHREND AND JORN SCHUMANN Germany 2016 44 min Fri, Sep 16th 2016 90 German from age 6 12:00 am Ratssaal Wildlife filmmaker Thomas Behrend and his team explore South Africa looking for spectacular wildlife stories and natural wonders in an area where two oceans meet and where penguins and lions live close to each other. In the South Eastern Cape they are able to film the youngest member of a herd of elephants: a young bull frolics with other youngsters until the matriarch decides to cross the river. The youngest doesn’t want to follow. How do the elephants react? And can the little one withstand the current? The series screened at his year’s festival is a co-production of NDR, RB, rbb, Terra Mater and National Geographic Wild. Executive Producer: Susanne Lummer, Head of NDR Naturfilm: Joern Roever. Ausnahmsweise dürfen Sie mich anfassen!* *) ich bestehe aus 100 % Recyclingfaser von echtem Altpapier. buk! · ALL LIGHTS ON GREEN? INFORMATION AND SMALL TALK AT STADTHALLE ECKERNFOERDE During the festival the ‘green zone’ of the Stadthalle lobby serves as a central meeting and communication hub for visitors and filmmakers. Next to the ‘green couch’ are various stalls (e.g. VIVA CON AGUA, WWF and FREE MORGAN FOUNDATION) providing information on current environmental topics as well as on the association running the GREEN SCREEN Festival allowing visitors to become GREEN SCREEN members Thu, Sep 15th 2016 to Sun, Sep 18th 2016 Foyer of Stadthalle Eckernförde heiko de groot: wildwunder – Animal stories Photo Exhibition in Cooperation with GREEN SCREEN, Eckernfoerde Museum and Heinz Teufel Sun, July 31st 2016 - Sun, September 25th 2016 MUSEUM ECKERNFÖRDE Entrance Fee for the museum: 3 € 92 Animal portraits larger than life. Their eyes follow you around. They appear real but somewhat too good to be true. Taken in the wild they are nevertheless conventionalised portraits, ideal-typical posing of animals. The play with reality and fantasy raises the question of how much of nature does actually still exist? Are these photographs truthful or do they depict a sugar-coated world? With his photographs Heiko De Groot expands his film narrations. He is a recipient of the Horst Stern Award, was nominated for the Golden Camera, and his most recent project “The Elk Detective” was just honoured at Deauville. He is well-known to the GREEN SCREEN audience through the films of his adventure series that opened previous festivals. So schmeckt Schleswig-Holstein! Viermal jährlich macht das Besseresser-Magazin Lust auf Genuss im Norden. Freuen Sie sich auf Café-, Restaurant- und Hof-Porträts, auf Reportagen, Rezepte und Veranstaltungstipps. Erhältlich ist [Mohltied!] im Zeitschriftenhandel für 7,80 Euro – oder für 28,90 Euro im Jahres-Abonnement, auch als Geschenk-Abo. Sonntag, 18. September 2016 Markt der regionalen Genüsse von 10 bis 18 Uhr in Eckernförde am Hafen [Mohltied!] lädt ein. Freuen Sie sich auf Obst, Gemüse, Backwaren, Süßes, Milch, Käse, Eis, Fleisch, Bier, Brände und Wein aus Schleswig-Holstein sowie auf die FEINHEIMISCH-Akademie, Kochshows mit Probierportionen und Angebote für die ganze Familie. Mohltied! OHG · Carlshöhe 42 · 24340 Eckernförde · PROFESSIONAL PAGE 96 WORKSHOP 1- NATURE FILM 2.0 PAGE 96 WORKSHOP 2 - PITCHING PAGE 97 WORKSHOP 3 - Narration, Text and Presenters PAGE 97 CAMERA WORKSHOP The seminars will be simultaneously translated to English. Headsets are available at the entrance. 86 yellowstone (2) - sommerreigen S1 workshop 1: nature film 2.0 PRESENTATION: Jörn Röver (NDR Naturfilm/Doclights GmbH) Video on demand has seen dramatic growth rates. Traditional broadcasters offer films constantly and everywhere along with approx. 9,000 ‘video on demand’ services in Germany. In 2015 Doclights established ‘Tierwelt live’. How successful are they? Fri, Sep 16th 2016 10:00 am Workshop Room Stadthotel Eckernförde S2 workshop 2: pitching session PRESENTATION: Annette Scheurich (Marco Polo Film AG) You need guts to pitch your project to an expert panel consisting of editors, distributors and producers. At the same time it is a unique opportunity to introduce yourself to the editors in the audience and to create awareness for your film. The great challenge is to find a good start and to sell your project to an editor. Fri, Sep 16th 2016 14:00 pm Workshop Room Stadthotel Eckernförde 96 S3 WORKshop 3: Narration, Text and Presenters PRESENTATION: Michael van Bürk (GREEN SCREEN) SPEAKER: Volker Arzt, Heiko De Groot et al. Impressive photography is a must for a good wildlife film. How much weight does the narration have? What can it do and what not? What turns a correct narration into a good one? What snares must be avoided? Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am Workshoproom Stadthotel Eckernförde W Camera workshop SPEAKER: Ivo Nörenberg, Oliver Temmler (Arnold & Richter) ARNOLD & RICHTER (ARRI) present their latest cameras. Participants are given an introduction to the camera models and to the meanwhile established Log C Workflow with ProRes data. Wildlife filmmaker Ivo Nörenberg shares his experience gathered while working with ARRI cameras AMIRA and ALEXA Mini followed by a Q&A session. Sat, Sep 17th 2016 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Workshoproom Stadthotel Eckernförde 97 INFORMATION ON THE FESTIVAL PAGE 96 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGE 98 FILMS A-Z PAGE 100 PATRONS AND PARTNERS PAGE 102 BEHIND THE FESTIVAL PAGE 102 ABOUT US 71 TIERMYTHEN - Im Auge des Löwen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A Abfallwirtschaft Rendsburg-Eckernförde (Ralph Hohenschurz-Schmidt) Albatross World Sales GmbH (Anne Olzmann) Allianz Thomas Grötsch Alte Fischräucherei Eckernförde e.V. (Katharina Mahrt) ARTE (Philipp Berens) Serviceclub Auf der Höhe e.V. B Bäckerei Steiskal (Eckhardt Schütz) Bayerischer Rundfunk Rainer Beuthel BINGO! Die Umweltlotterie Bioenergie Marienthal GmbH & Co. KG Biolandhof Großholz (Gerd Boll und Ilona Ebel) Bionade GmbH Blickpunkt (Svante Wieben) Bonbonkocherei (Hermann Hinrichs) Borbyer Apotheke (Dr. Lutz Heinze) Kerstin Borowski Dr. Michael Büchler C CDU Ortsverband Eckernförde COOP Stiftung Unser Norden (D. Berner, Dr. B. Bösche, T. Tygges, S. Pfautsch) D Dachdeckerei Klohs (Anne Klohs) Das Haus (Nadine Förtsch, Gordon Frey) DERPART Reisebüro (Lars Vondenhoff) Die neue Spielkiste (Bernd Hadewig) Dmitry Timofeichev Doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm (Jörn Röver, Anne Sierk) E Eckernförder Bank eG (Wilhelm Altermann-Schoer, Frank Nissen, Sönke Saß, Nicole Stoltenberg) Eckernförder Touristik und Marketing GmbH (Stefan Borgmann) Eckernförder Zeitung (Gernot Kühl, Arne Peters) Edeka Frischemarkt Nauck Ulrich Ehlers Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten List (Dr. Matthias Strasser) Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Norddeutschland (Pastor Jan Christensen) Ev.-Luth. Kirchenkreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde (Propst Sönke Funck) Expert Jöhnk (Uwe Jöhnk, Matthias Stöcks) F Famila Eckernförde (Michael Thele) Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Filmwerkstatt Kiel (Arne Sommer) Fleischerei Holst, Rieseby (Jens Holst) Fleischerei Holtorf, Eckernförde (Carsten Holtorf) Flensburger Brauerei (Ulrich Beuth) Astrid und Matthias Fock Ford Schneider (Uwe Schneider) Förde Sparkasse (Caje Petersen, Frank-Arnold Tams) Sibylla Franz G Gemeinde Damp (Horst Böttcher) Gewinnsparverein Norddeutschland e.V. (Anita Kahlke) Malte Gregersen (Webseitenbetreung Schulkinowoche) Daniel Günther H Minister Dr. Robert Habeck Hagebaumarkt Siemsen (Peter Siemsen) Günter Haß Hans Hass GmbH & Co. KG (Hauke Haß) Heiko De Groot Birgit und Ernst-Jürgen Heinemann Heinz Sielmann Stiftung (Inge Sielmann, Michael Beier) Dieter Hoese Edda Hoffmann Christa Hoffmann Katharina und Armin Heldt Hella Henke I Inner Wheel Club Kiel (Heidi Slomian) IQSH (Volker Schlieker) Chris Evans-Ironside J Britta und Jost de Jager Harald Jockenhövel Jens Stender K Käserei Holtsee (Dirk Jaschner) Mode Bodo Mohr (Doris Mohr) Kiel Region GmbH (Thomas Ehlert) Kieler Nachrichten (Uwe Rutzen, Christoph Rohde, Kai Pörksen) Gesche und Norbert Klagges Michael König Kornkraft Vollkornbäckerei Schinkel (Dieter Schlieger-Halveg) Kotschmar Zahntechnik Gerhard Kranz Grabmale Kranz (Michael Kranz) Martin Krohn Kulturbüro der Stadt Neumünster (Johanna Gröb) Künstlerhaus Eckernförde (Jutta Johannsen) Küstenkind (Katrin Balandies) L Ulrike und Deert Lafrenz Landesgartenschau Eutin (Bernd Rubelt) Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf (Dr. Ralf Bleile, Frank Zarp) Karin Lembke L‘Oreal Deutschland Dr. Harald Lucius Wilfried Lüthge Dr. Ralf Lüttmann Luzifer Eckernförde (Ingo Kryg) M Markant Eckernförde (Carsten Drews) Heinz von Matthey Medienstiftung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein (Annemarie Stoltenberg) Mercedes Benz (Christian Köhn) Meergold Rehbehn & Kruse (Berndt Kruse) Hauke Meyer Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume (Dr. Berthold Pechan, Frank Trende) Margit Modena Mohltied (Eckhard Voß) Silke Mohr Museum Eckernförde (Dr. Dorothee Bieske) N NABU Eckernförde (Matthias Valkema) Bernd-Günther Nahm Nord-Ostsee Automobile (Christian Köhn) o Ostsee-Info-Center (Claus Müller, Marko Knaub) Outdoor Cine GmbH P Christa und Uwe Paasch Siglinde und Prof. Dr. Manfred Paulsen Klaus Pfeiffer (Beratung Druck) Polyband (Axel Bergmann) Praxis in der Alten Post (Dr. Sebastian Irmer) R Rathaus (Andre Kosbab, Marco Petersen) Angelika Rau Dr. Ellen Richter-Langbehn Ralph und Kirsten Rohwedder Rotary Club Eckernförde Rotary Club Mittelholstein Round Table Eckernförde (Gero Gersdorff) Dr. Juliane Rumpf S Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag (Stefan Hans Kläsener, Stephan Richter) Schleswig-Holsteinischer Heimatverbund e.V. (Norbert Voigt) Ulf Schellhammer Annette Scheurich Schuhhaus Krohn Georg Schütte SKY-Supermarkt am Kakabellenweg, Eckernförde Spieker Eckernförde (Claudia und Thomas Kunkowski) Stadt Eckernförde (Karin Himstedt, Jörg Sibbel, Andrea Stephan) Stadtfleischerei Johannsen (Silvia und Jörg Johannsen) Stadtgärtnerei Eckernförde Stadthalle Eckernförde (Jörg Leckband) Stadthotel Eckernförde Stadtverkehr Eckernförde (Kirsten Bügler) Stadtwerke Eckernförde (Dietmar Steffens) Dr. Hans-Michael Steen Steuerberater Kruse und Jäckel Stiftung Natur im Norden (Thorsten Roos) Stiftung Naturschutz (Dr. Walter Hemmerling) Stoffkultur Schütte und Appel Susanne Stender Süßmosterei Steinmeier (Heinz Steinmeier) T Terra Mater Factual Studios Textilhaus Behrendt GmbH & Co. KG Heinz Teufel Think! Schuhe Tierarztpraxis Dr. Trede (Dr. Charlotte Trede) U Irene Ulrich UmweltInfo Zentrum (Sabine Rief, Klaus Schnack) Umwelt Technik Soziales e.V. (Lutz Oetker) W Waldemar Behn GmbH (Rüdiger u. Waldemar Behn) Andrea Wendenhorst wetreu (Jan Henrik Marten) Wildpark Eekholt Willers-Jessen-Schule (Harald Gey) Wirtschaftskreis Eckernförde (Wilfried Wagner) Karl-Heinz Wörmbke Mathias Wülfing Z Zahnmedizin Alte Post (Dr. Reinhard Sattler) Udo A. Zimmermann Zukunftsschule (Dr. Ulf Schweckendiek) Schloss Gottorf we¿reu Eckernförde Allgemeine Treuhand KG L A N D E S M U S E E N † Besuchen Sie den Gottorfer Globus Der begehbare Gottorfer Globus – das erste Planetarium der Welt! Unsere Kompetenz ist das Kapital Ihrer Zukunft Audioguide Schlossinsel 1 · 24837 Schleswig · Tel. 04621 813–222 · [email protected] wetreu Eckernförde Allgemeine Treuhand KG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Carlshöhe 80 | 24340 Eckernförde Telefon: 04351 - 88009 - 00 Telefax: 04351 - 88009 - 69 E-Mail: [email protected] Bestens beraten. FILMS A-Z Der Wipfelstürmer (Double Feature 5) P. 75 Hannes Jaenicke - Im Einsatz für Löwen P. 37 Destiny of a Greek Lake P. 28 Heimliche Helden - Keas in Neuseeland P. 38 Die Affenapotheke - Medizin aus dem Urwald P. 29 Het Noorderplantsoen (Double Feature 3) P. 72 Die Eroberung der Weltmeere Und die Macht der Wissenschaft P. 29 Himmelsvögel - Die Kraniche von Bhutan P. 38 P. 30 Hotet på Havet - Shipping Pollution P. 39 P. 20 Die neuen Großgrundbesitzer Das Geschäft mit Europas Boden Human and Sea P. 39 Amerikas Naturwunder - Olympic P. 20 Die Plastikbedrohung P. 30 I am Morgan - Stolen Freedom (Short Films) P. 76 Amur: Asiens Amazonas - Der ferne Osten P. 21 Die Reise der Schneeeulen P. 31 Im Garten der wilden Tiere (Double Feature 1) P. 70 Angeln verbieten? - Freizeitangler und Naturschutz P. 21 Die Zauberwesen von Shangri-La P. 31 Incredible Spiders P. 40 P. 40 P. 23 P. 32 Inquietanti Vicini - Disturbing Neighbours Antarctic Edge - 70 Degrees South Dolomiten - Zauberhaftes Juwel der Alpen P. 76 P. 41 P. 23 Eat my dream (Short Films) Insel der Pinguine - Südgeorgien Big Five Asien - Der Amurtiger P. 24 Eimersee (Short Films) P. 76 Big Five Asien - Der Löwe P. 24 Elbvertiefung - Was riskieren wir? P. 32 Inseln der Zukunft - Island: Grünes Paradies am Scheideweg P. 41 Big Five Asien - Der Komodowaran P. 25 P. 33 Inseln der Zukunft - Orkney: Die blaue Revolution P. 42 Brasilien - Welt des Wassers Electric Amazon Der Elchdetektiv P. 25 P. 33 P. 26 Inseln der Zukunft - Samsø: Die Gemeinschaft des Stroms P. 42 Der Geist der grauen Riesen Expedition ins Schilf Nationalpark Neusiedler See Der Hundeprofi unterwegs - Martin und die Wölfe P. 26 Extraordinary Africa - The Continent of Colors (Double Feature 3) P. 72 Järven Tarina - Tale of a Lake P. 44 Der Junge und das Meer P. 27 Frühlingswelten P. 36 Jümmer suutje (Short Films) P. 76 Der kleine Kaukasus - Zwischen Ararat und Kaspischem Meer P. 27 Galapagos mit David Attenborough (Special Programme) p. 90 Kalmare vor der Haustür (Short Films) P. 77 P. 44 Der Strauß - Zum Laufen geboren P. 28 Giraffen - Giganten hautnah P. 36 Kanadas Nationalparks Gwaii Haanas Wilde Schönheit im Pazifik Grenzbock P. 37 +/- 5 Meter - Leben und Lebensgefahr über und unter dem Meeresspiegel P. 18 360˚ GEO Reportage: Bird Island Allein unter Pinguinen P. 18 Acid Ocean P. 19 Africas Trees of Life - The Marula Tree P. 19 Amerikas Naturwunder - Gates of the Arctic 102 Returning - Kestrel P. 53 Wild North - The Forest P. 63 Returning - Kingfisher P. 53 Wildes Albanien - Im Land der Adler P. 63 P. 77 P. 64 P. 100 Saving Isegrimm - A Voice for the Voiceless (Short Films) Wildes Deutschland - Der Chiemsee Wildes Deutschland - Die Havel P. 64 Land unter auf Hallig Hooge P. 45 Selfie (Short Films) P. 77 Wildes Deutschland - Die Müritz P. 65 Legacy Warnings! P. 46 Sheltered in Oaks P. 54 P. 65 Life against all Odds P. 46 Snow Chick - A Penguin‘s Tale P. 54 Wildes Deutschland - Die Zugspitze: Eine Reise auf den höchsten Berg Deutschlands Life Force - Borneo P. 47 Terra X - Der sechste Sinn der Tiere P. 56 P. 90 L‘Île Pyrénées (Double Feature 4) P. 74 Terra X - Wie Elefanten denken P. 56 Wildes Südafrika - Das Abenteuer (Special Programme) P. 77 P. 66 P. 47 P. 48 Nature 2.0 (Short Films) P. 77 Theos Tierwelt - Die Arche vor der Haustür P. 57 Wildes Südafrika (2) Zwischen Tropen und Savanne P. 66 Marine Life The Outlook for Someday - Message in a Bottle (Short Films) Wildes Südafrika (1) - Kap der Extreme Magie der Moore Wildes Südafrika (3) - Wo die Wüste blüht P. 67 Tierisch Wohnen- Die Lage P. 57 Wüstenkönige - Die Löwen der Namib P. 67 Tierisch Wohnen - Die Nachbarschaft P. 58 Yellowstone (1) - Winterwildnis P. 68 Tiermythen - Die Kinder des rosa Delfins P. 58 Yellowstone (2) - Sommerreigen P. 68 Tiermythen - Im Auge des Löwen P. 59 Zurück zum Urwald - Nationalpark Kalkalpen P. 69 Kangaroo Island - Life on the Edge (Double Feature 4) P. 74 Killer Whales - The Mega Hunt P. 45 Kultur, Land und Meer (Short Films for Kids) naturnah - Erster Wolfsnachwuchs in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Double Feature 1) P. 70 naturnah - Kampf ums Gewächshaus (Double Feature 5) P. 75 Ötscher - Im Reich des sanften Riesen P. 48 P. 50 Vad Kunság The Secret Life of the Hungarian Puszta P. 59 Passion for Planet Peru - The Amazon Rainforest P. 50 Wächter der Wale P. 62 Pestizide - Das Gift auf unseren Feldern P. 51 P. 71 Pets - Wild At Heart: Playful Creatures P. 51 Welt der Tiere - Die Insel der Albatrosse (Double Feature 2) Power to Change- Die Energie-Rebellion P. 52 P. 71 Returning - Beaver P. 52 Welt der Tiere - Schräge Vögel (Double Feature 2) Wie Tiere fühlen P. 62 103 PATRONS AND PARTNERS Thomas Grötsch e.K. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage! Dachdeckungen Zimmererarbeiten Siegfried Klohs Dachdeckermeister GmbH Dämmtechnik Fassadenbau Bauklempner Kran-Service Rotary Club Mittelholstein Willkommen im draußen Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Ihre Gesundheit! Dr. Lutz Heinze Übernachten im grünen nur 10 Min. vom Green Screen Festival 24340 Eckernförde Prinzenstr. 5 Tel.: 04351/81161 / Fax: 04351/8899663 E-Mail: [email protected] behind the festival Festival director: Gerald Grote Managing director: Markus Behrens festival management: Dr. Carsten Füg, Maike Juraschka Assistance to festival management: regina Carstensen, Denise Urban (FÖJ), Celia Lose (FÖJ), Ria Marzian, Benedikt Vianden (Public Relations) EVENT Managers: Heidi Broecker, Dagmar Behn, Heidi Packschies advisor for films and workshops: Peter W. Fera Sponsoring: Dagmar Behn, Markus Behrens Press And Public relations: Michael van Bürk Webdesign and Support: ideenwerft (website), Helmut Neumann und Dr. Carsten Füg (Editors/Support) graphic design: Antje Spitzbarth Translation: Gisa Ehrlich, Karin Neumann, Dr. Barbara Schlesinger simultaneous translation: Prof. Dr. Heike Jüngst imprint Coordination Ticketing: Heike und Uli Cramer, Astrid und Uli Himstedt, Sabine Wilkens-Detlefsen, Karin Voß catalogue editor: information desk for filmmakers: Antje Spitzbarth, Karolin Walczak Advertisment editor: juvenile and school: Kerstin Borowski, Angelika Rau, Dagmar Weinberger, Dr. Christine Nissen, Dr. Barbara Schlesinger Antje Spitzbarth Coordination presenters: Jens Stender Markus Behrens, Hauke Fischer, Dr. Carsten Füg, Anna Leste-Matzen, Arne Peters (EZ), Uwe Rutzen (KN), Philipp Schüller (Filmemacherportraits), Manfred Wachtel, Dagmar Weinberger, Heinz Sielmann Stiftung Coordination screenings: Volker Müller cover: award ceremony director: Maike Juraschka Volker Sponholz award ceremony technical director, trailer Editor: Oliver Ott, Torben Sachert festival technics: Outdoor Cine GmbH theme music green screen: Chris Evans-Ironside, Two Steps from Hell „The Colonell“ SHUTTLESERVICE: Sven Kristen, Mathias Wülfing Maike Juraschka Picture Editor: Antje Spitzbarth Markus Behrens layout: manager filmprogramme: Dr. Carsten Füg Photos: Dmitry Timofeichev Illustrations: print: dfn! Druckerei Fotosatz Nord, Kiel förderverein green screen ® - festival e.v. Frau-Clara-Straße 18 24340 Eckernförde Tel.: 04351-470043 [email protected]