Talking Together
Talking Together
Talking Together the weekly newsletter of Concordia Lutheran Church 17906 Garden Lane Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-797-5955 Concordia Home Page address: E-mail address: [email protected] December 11, 2011 Our Stewardship of God's Gifts Attendance for December 4, 2011 …….....…...…..……..….…………..………..….....….……....…..……..………..…..…...…..…................................. 120 Tune in December 18th Giving for November 27, 2011 …………..………..…….….……….…….……………...….……….…..……...…….......................................... ...... $3,521.00 Year-to-Date Regular Offering Received ………………………….………………….………...………………..…………..… ……………….. $211,432.96 Budget Needs Through Week 48 of 2011 ……………………...………………………….…….………………..….…..….…....…...…...……..... $199,010.69 Our 2011 Total Annual Budget (Operational Expenses Only)………………..………….……....….……..…..….….……..…....….…..………. $220,182.00 Serving in Worship Date Acolyte 12/11 No Acolyte Early Service Late Service Danny Flanick Early Service No Acolyte 12/18 Late Service TBD Nursery 1st No Nursery 2 nd 1 st 2nd Karyn Flanick Lector Greeters Assisting Ministers “What Luther Says”, (Selection based on today’s Old Testament reading) Bob Shives Kreymborg Carol Rosicky Shives No Communion Gann/Tichnell Les Braun Diest Hector/Shives Rick Anthony TBD No Communion No Nursery Sylvia Shives TODAY (CPH 1959) Wednesday …………………………….……….. Advent Worship, 7:00 p.m. Thursday …… THERE IS NO COUNCIL MEETING THIS WEEK ….. Pastor’s class ……………….……...….…….. 12 Noon, (after late worship) Wednesday …………………..……….. Soup & sandwich supper, 5:45 p.m. Saturday …………………… Christmas Play Rehearsal, 10:00 p.m. - Hector family - (The death of Larry’s - Gann family - (At the passing of Jim Prayer Requests:- Michelle Hector - (Praise and grandfather. We pray for peace and comfort thanksgiving for very impressive progress in for the family.) Hector family and Prayer the treatment for cancer.) Hector family and Ministry Team - Serena - (A person in our community Prayer Ministry Team called and asked for prayers for her daughter, - Mierkey family - (Vern Mierkey Serena who was recently diagnosed with MS passed away on November 28. He was the (multiple sclerosis). We pray for healing and father of Fran Plyler former member of comfort.) Pastor and Prayer Ministry Team Concordia. Please pray for peace and comfort for the family) Fran and Prayer Ministry Team - Stephanie Macus - (She has been - MChad Shumaker - (Has a dislocated diagnosed with cancer of the lung, brain and spine. Pray for God’s healing power. Friend knee and diagnosis is trying to determine the of Kathy Schleef) Schleef family and Prayer severity. Pray for healing.) Shumaker family Ministry Team and Prayer Ministry Team - New M - Member constant nausea and terrible headaches.) Mikie, Pastor and Prayer Ministry Team - MBob Keane - (undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.) Bob and Prayer Ministry - MKim Jackson - (suffering from issues related to pregnancy.) Kim, Pastor and Prayer Ministry Team - Bill Harris - (Recovering from heart surgery back home at Providence Place) Prayer Ministry Team Concordia Emergency Communications “Nurturing the Faith” The following readings are provided for your preparation for next Sunday’s worship. Scripture readings for, Dec. 18th, Fourth Sunday in Advent 2 Samuel. 7:1-11, 16; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38 Sunday Christian Education Sunday School Adult Bible Study Gann’s father, we pray for peace and comfort for Jim’s mother and family knowing that father Tom's spirit now rests in the Lord Jesus Christ) Gann family and Prayer Ministry Team - MGretarsson family - (Continued prayer for the well being of mother and child)Pastor and Prayer Ministry Team - Chase Baker - (having some serious abdominal pain and there has been no official diagnosis) Pastor and Prayer Ministry Team - Mikie McCullough - (She is having For cancellations or adjustments to church schedule due to inclement weather the following will be used: 1. Phone - Dial 301-739-4913 for emergency message. - 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. ON PAGE 2 Announcements Birthday/Anniversaries LWML Church Mouse Report Luther says Please Note: Today Christmas Cookie Sale after worship Tune in to Hagerstown radio, WJEJ, 1240 am or call radio station at 301-739-2323. or to Frederick radio, WFMD, 930 am If there is no emergency message the or call radio station at 301-663-4181. following 3. Concordia Web Site message will be heard: “This is the emergency alert phone for (This feature under development at this Concordia Lutheran Church, Hagerstown, MD. Weather related messages time.) such as ‘worship and/or Sunday School 4. Calls from Pastor or Board of cancellations or delays; meeting canLay Ministry cellations or other communications of For those families and individuals withemergency nature will be placed at this phone number. Thank you” out access to the internet and/or poor re- 2. Radio - Concordia message will be ception on radio; Pastor and the Board of placed on the radio station list of closings or delays. Lay Ministry will place a call of emergency by phone. Continued on page 2 Birthdays and Anniversaries This Week 17 - Surzano Solomon Birthdays Baptismal Birthdays 5 - Robert Rosicky 12 - Mathias Fridgen 13 - Gayle Myett 12 - Kathryn Hector 13 - William Von Alt 16 - Kyra Baker 13 - Kristine Shumaker 16 - Regina Haines Anniversaries 17 - Carol Rosicky 14 - Judy and William Garrison 17 - Robert Sines “Listening to the “Lutheran Hour” You are invited to tune in next Sunday to one of the radio stations listed below: Tune in December 18th WNAV (Annapolis) 143 FM 7:00 a.m WBAL (Baltimore) 1090 AM 10:30 a.m. WTRM (Winchester) 91.3 FM 7:01 p.m. WZXH (Hagerstown) 91.7 FM 4:00 p.m. "Ordinary? No, Extraordinary!" Through God's gift of a Savior, ordinary lives take on extraordinary significance. (Luke 1:26-38) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz ADVENT We Christians are to prepare for the Coming of Christ before He actually comes -- and that Coming is symbolized and recalled at Christmas. Non-Christians miss this season of preparation, and then scramble for six days after the 25th to make their resolutions. By then, however, it's too late -- Christmas has come and gone, Our Lord has already made His visitation to the earth, and He has found them unprepared. This is precisely what will take place at the Second Coming, when those who have put off for their entire lives the necessary preparations will suddenly be scrambling to put their affairs in order. Unfortunately, by then it will have been too late, and there will be no time for repentance. The Second Coming will be less forgiving than the Incarnation. There will be no four-week warning period before the Second Coming, like we get during Advent. There will be no six-day period of grace after the Second Coming during which to make resolutions and self-examination, like the secular world does from Dec. 26 until Jan. 1. Offering Envelopes for 2012 The 2012 offering envelopes are now out. If there is only one box for the family, it will be in their mailbox. If there are two or more boxes for a family (due to all confirmed members now getting a box), they will be rubberbanded together and placed on a table across from the mailboxes. Due to the change in envelope numbers for everyone, 2012 envelopes should only be used AFTER Dec. 31, 2011. Therefore, any 2011 envelopes should not be used in 2012. Trees, Wreaths, and Arrangements Thanks to all the folks who have come to sell trees in the evenings/weekends and to the ladies who have been busy making wreaths and arrangements. We especially thank Karen Kreymborg and Cheryl Fertitta who set up the work area and have been on site for every workday. Many others helped with either making arrangements and/or decorating the sanctuary and narthex. Oh yes, the ladies sold a few trees during the day too! Christ Appears in the Old Testament The patriarch Jacob distinguishes the Persons in the Holy Trinity (Gen. 48:15f). . . . He calls the Lord Christ an “Angel,” not as if He were an angel according to His essence and nature; for it would be manifest idolatry to pray to an angel and ask for his blessing. By his prayer Jacob, then, confesses this Angel to be the true, essential God. But He is not forever to conduct Himself as the invisible God; for He is to be sent to earth, to be clothed in our flesh, and to be sacrificed for our sin. As Christ often says in the New Testament: “The Father hath sent Me” (John 20:21). Again, in the Prophet Isaiah: “The Lord hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted” (62:1); also Is. 63:9: “The Angel of His Presence saved them.” Thus Malachi calls Christ the “Messenger of the Covenant” (3:1). So these two names, “God” and “Angel,” describe two distinct Persons, whose essence is nonetheless entirely one and the same. (Selection based on today’s Old Testament reading) “What Luther Says”, (CPH 1959) ANNOUNCEMENTS Open Arms CCDC Colds and other sickness caused six children to be absent last Thursday! We hope everyone is recovered enough to participate in decorating gingerbread houses this coming week. Carol Rosicky has a new cell phone number: 571442-0015. Cookie Sale TODAY The annual cookie sale will be held in the fellowship hall just before adult bible study and after the second service. Wreaths, arrangements and mugs will also be for sale. Proceeds from the cookie sale will go to the Fort Wayne Seminary Food Bank. Angel Tree We are supporting two families with our Angel Tree outreach this year. Please take an angel tag, purchase the specified gift and return it wrapped with the angel tag attached. Gifts and a food basket will be delivered to the families on Christmas Eve. Monetary donations are accepted to help purchase food for the baskets. Deb Jorgensen and Karol Stanley are managing the Angel Tree project. Christmas Bazaar It has been awhile, but the ladies have set up their Christmas Bazaar in the lower stairwell. There are many small decorator and gift items. Many are things brought for the yard sale. Items are available for a donation. The Sunday School Christmas pageant Rehearsals today after late worship and next Saturday A practice is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 17. At 10 a.m. The performance will take place next Sunday December 18 as part of the 10:45 worship service. Thank you to all the ladies who helped decorate, prepare food, and clean up for the party Thursday evening. The fellowship hall was transformed into a beautiful dining room lit by icicle lights. The food was great. Many beautiful ornaments were exchanged in a unique and fun “Left-Right” game. The evening devotion was based on Isaiah 40:1-11 read responsively. The mite offering and the Salvation Army stocking were dedicated as part of the devotion. It was great to see Heather Gretarsson back in circulation Wednesday evening for the supper and worship. Grandpa Gretarsson had the pleasure of babysitting with baby Hannah.
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