April 5 2015 - Heritage Christian Reformed Church
April 5 2015 - Heritage Christian Reformed Church
HERITAGE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, KALAMAZOO Volunteer Schedule... Heritage CRC 2857 South 11th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (just south from Stadium Drive) SUNDAY WORSHIP @ 9:30 AM (Nursery provided) SUNDAY EVENING @ 5:00 PM NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Wednesday at noon. Call, leave a note, or e-mail to [email protected]. Sun NURSERY: April 5: Glen Wagner & Evie Wenke April 12: Heather Tuin & Sue Mejeur HEARTLAND HEALTHCARE CENTER (Services begin at 3:30 pm & last approximately 30 minutes) April 5: Jim Triezenberg & Phyllis Triezenberg April 12: Bill Vroegop & Marilyn Stremler HERITAGE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, KALAMAZOO PRAYER LINE MINISTRY: Glen Wagner/Judy Fletcher What’s Up in Worship SERVICE MINISTRY: April: Betty Vlietstra MULTIMEDIA MINISTRY: April 5: Lisa Durian PM: Gary Broekhuizen Mon Tue Wed 8 Thu 6 7 13 14 15 16 Kalamazoo Classis P.U.S.H. Prayer G.R.O.W. Prayer Meeting Meeting Bible Study 7 am 7 pm 9:30—11 am Men’s Bible Fellowship 7 am April 12: Pat Schewe 9 Fri 11 17 18 No Evening Worship 12 9:30 am Pastor Simon “The “We” of Faith” Psalm 133 5 pm Pastor Simon “The Why, How & What of Prayer” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Men’s Bible Fellowship: our next meeting will be this Wednesday, April 8 at 7 am. See you there! April Prayer Guides from the Christian Reformed Church are now available at the Information Center for your use. Admin Board 7 pm BREAKOUT: 6:30-8:30 pm 19 9:30 am Pastor Simon “To Dwell in Safety” Psalm 4 20 21 Shepherding Elders 7 pm 22 Book Club 2 pm 23 G.R.O.W. Bible Study 9:30– 11 am 24 25 5 pm Pastor Simon “The Indispensable Fatherhood of God” Matthew 6:9-16 26 MISSION EMPHASIS 9:30 am Rev. Kevin Sanders 5 pm Pastor Simon “First Things First” Matthew 6:9-16 BREAKOUT: 6:30 –8:30 pm He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Please remember there is no evening worship tonight. 27 28 Ministry Mission Trip: This Spring Break four of our youth—Cassidy Bruinwood, Kelsey Bruinwood, McKena Razenberg & Tara Razenberg—will join other youth and adults (including Zach Razenberg) from Grace CRC on a mission trip to Port Gibson, MS April 3-10. Please pray for safety as they travel and for opportunities to give witness to God’s grace and the transforming power of the Gospel. Sat 10 HERITAGECRC.ORG April 5, 2015 Volume #14, Issue 13 PRAYER EMAIL MINISTRY: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday : 8:30 am—2:15 pm Thursday : 8:30 am—Noon EASTER/COMMUNION 9:30 am Pastor Simon “Lives Again Our Glorious King” Mark 16:1-8 Heritage COFFEE SERVERS: April 5 & 12: Dave & Carol Bonselaar, Sue Mejeur, Fred & Pam Gould April 19 & 26: Rick & Donna Lingbeek, Ken & Judy Fletcher, Joy Hegelmann Phone: 269.372.3830 Prayer Line 372.3830 x 5 Fax: 269.372.5939 [email protected] 5 HERITAGECRC.ORG 29 30 G.R.O.W. Bible Study 9:30—11 am 1 2 Celebrations Birthdays Dick VanDam ~ April 6 Irene VanDenBerg ~ April 7 Marge Booden ~ April 9 Christine DenOtter ~ April 9 Mel Woolley ~ April 10—90th! Richard Visser ~ April 11 Anniversaries Bob & Barb Razenberg ~ April 7 Book Club will meet again on Wednesday, April 22 at 2 pm to discuss the book “The Living Great Lakes” by Jerry Dennis. The history of the Great Lakes at its best and adventure richly described. See you there! P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) Prayer meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15 at 7 pm. Please join us as we bring concerns, thank yous, praise and needs before our Heavenly Father. Page 3 Page 2 Missions & Missionaries Jim & Marian Razenberg ~ Evelyn Razenberg & Bill VanderMeer Please place your donations in the grocery cart in the fellowship hall Judy Wieringa ~ Mom, Dad, & siblings Emails or Letters to Missionaries… Joyce & Bill Truscott ~ Our parents Dave & Carole Bickle ~ Our Dads & Carol’s mom Bonnie DeHaan ~ Henry DeHaan Jerry & Ruth Mather ~ Parents & Diane Mather Francis Blank ~ Maxine Simenot Loaves & Fishes wish list: April: Canned Tuna Rick & Donna Lingbeek ~ Jairo Solano Dean & Esther Manni ~ Larry Spalink Jerry & Ruth Mather ~ Kathleen Lauder If you do not have a copy of our missionaries’ email addresses, both their most current newsletter and email addresses are on the Missionary table next to the mailboxes Offering Schedule Kathy Cobern ~ Helen Nelson April 5: Phil & Barb Nieboer ~ Parents & siblings April 12: Norm & Bonnie Langeland ~ Parents Simon & Heather Tuin ~ Emily Grace Tuin Ken & Judy Fletcher ~ Our parents John & Kim Bruinwood ~ John Bruinwood Marilyn & Ferrel Stremler ~ Clarke DeKryger, Ruth Stremler, Darrell Stremler Helen Selles ~ Bill Selles (husband) and Bob & Bill Selles (sons) Mel Woolley ~ Ardith (wife) & parents Glen, Ruth & Teri Wagner ~ Marie Dillon & Florence Koscik Jack & Evie Wenke ~ Parents & Jennie Weessies Nadine VanDam ~ Parents, brother & sister Betty Vlietstra, Karl & Susan Vlietstra, Lisa & Matt Durian ~ Donald Vlietstra Bruce & Ruth Fletcher ~ Our parents & brother, Jim Norbert & Joy Hegelmann ~ Daughter, Angie Newell & brother, Gale Griffin John Razenberg ~ Wife, Jo, Pat Molenaar & Amy Triezenberg April 19: April 26: General Fund: Chr Education Loose Change/CRC Home Mission General Fund: Ministry Shares Loose Change/Benevolence Fund General Fund: Faith Promise Loose Change/K-zoo Chr Schools General Fund: Building Fund Loose Change/Kids Alive Offerings (for March 29) Building Fund ~ $20.00 Christian Education Assistance ~ $30.00 Easter Lilies ~ $18.00 Faith Promise ~ $95.00 General Fund ~ $2,458.00 Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes ~ $205.10 Ministry Shares ~ $70.00 Please remember to take your lily home with you after our morning worship. Requested Announcements Making Disciples of All Nations: How does a ministry developed in West Michigan find so much success around the world? Tune in this week to hear CBI’s international coordinators, Sandra Chang Raak and Jacob Busscher, discuss how Crossroad’s program addresses human needs that are universal to every continent and culture. Go to www.cbi.tv to watch this week’s Crossroad Connection! Kalamazoo Christian Schools invite you to sign up now for 2015-16 kindergarten classes. Our kindergarten classes are quickly filling up. We offer 5 day and 3 day English classes and a 5 day Spanish Immersion class. If you have questions or would like to enroll your child in kindergarten, please contact the school office at 269-544-2332. Kindergarten Orientation is April 17, 2015, you need to be signed up to have your child participate in orientation. Your child must be five by September 1, 2015. There’s Gold in that Garage! Kalamazoo Christian Schools Spring Recycle Drive 2015!!! This year's Metal Recycle Drive will be held on April 30, May 1 & 2 in the High School parking lot. All proceeds will benefit the Kalamazoo Christian School's debt reduction effort. Now is a great spring clean up time. Clean out those garages/basements/barns/yards and safely get rid of all those metal recyclables: like clothes hangers, clean tin cans, Christmas tree light strings, electrical cords, appliances, scrap metal, metal tools, equipment, metal bed frames & even engines. We also accept laptops, computer towers, keyboards & mice, plasmas & LCDs, printers, copiers, fax machines and all business/office electronics, medical equipment with NO biohazards, cell phones & telecom equipment, DVD players & stereo equipment, network equipment & servers. Just about anything with a circuit board! Check with the high school office at 381-2044 with questions. Drop off hours with onsite unloading assistance: Thursday April 30: 7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm Friday May 1: 7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm Saturday May 2: 7 am to noon Breakout Events Regular Youth Group meetings will be on Sunday, April 12 at 6:30-8:30 pm Sunday, April 26 at 6:30-8:30 pm Please note the IJM event planned for Saturday, April 25 is postponed until further notice. BREAKOUT EVENTS In Celebration of Resurrection Sunday and in memory of a loved one, the following have purchased an Easter lily for our worship service this morning: Church bulletin bloopers Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church & community. Helpers are needed! Please sign up on the information sheep! Let us join David and Lisa in the celebration of their wedding and bring their happiness to a conclusion. A worm welcome to all who have come today.
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