Henry Ford II High School DEC 2013
Henry Ford II High School DEC 2013
THE Henry Ford II High School A Blue Ribbon Exemplary High School 11911 Clinton River Road, Sterling Heights MI 48313 Kenneth L. Cucchi III - Principal Heather Blum - Associate Principal Mark McLoughlin - Associate Principal Lori Pevoteaux - Associate Principal Main Office (586) 797-1600 Attendance (586) 797-1699 Fax: (586) 797-1601 DEC 2013 Dec 6 Falcon Advisory AVAB Testing 9 am 7:30 am Dec 11 ConcertBand/Jazz Band 7 pm Dec 12 Symphonic/Orchestra & Marching Band 7 pm Dec 23—Jan 1 No School Christmas Break A—Look—Ahead Jan 2 School Resumes Jan 14 Fnancial Aid Night 6:30 pm Stevenson HS Jan 15 1/2 Day Exams Jan 16 1/2 Day Exams Jan 17 1/2 Day Exams Jan 20 No School - MLK Day Jan 22 ACT Workshop (A –M) Jan 23 ACT Workshop (N-Z) Jan 22 Academic Blitz Jan 25 Snowcoming Dance 7—9 pm 7 pm http://ford.uticak12.org From The Principal . . . Dear Parents and Friends of Henry Ford II: Here comes December – ready or not. At Ford, we are ready! First let me invite you to our Falcon Advisory meeting on December 6, 2013. Please join us at 9:00 a.m. in the Principal’s Conference room. Attention parents of seniors: If you haven’t purchased your Senior All Night Party ticket, this would make a great gift for Christmas. Every year 90% of our seniors attend this great party after graduation. We will be selling tickets periodically during lunch hours for the next few months leading up to the party. Please have your students keep a look out for those selected dates. Attention junior parents: Remember, our goal is that every student scores a 21 or higher on the ACT test. Every junior should plan to attend our free ACT Workshop that starts on January 22nd in the ECC at 2:15 p.m. We have six years of data that shows students who attend all seven sessions of the workshop can score up to 4 points higher than they did on the practice test. Last year nearly 50% of our juniors attended all sessions of the ACT Prep Workshop. The average ACT score for many of our local universities is a 22 or higher. This workshop will help our students compete with students locally and nationally for college admission. Let me be the first to invite the 9th and 10th grade parents to the seventh annual Academic Blitz hosted at Henry Ford II on Thursday, February 6, 2014 from 7 – 9 p.m. This is an event for both students and parents and will give families valuable information about the first steps to college planning and preparation. We will have breakout sessions on Financial Aid, Advanced Placement, Making High School Count, 1st step in the College Admission process, and Preparing for the ACT. The Academic Blitz is a must for all 9th and 10th grade students The mission of Henry Ford II High School is to involve family, school, and community to educate our students through a supportive environment and a stimulating curriculum. From the principal (continued) and parents. Please plan to attend on February 6, 2014. Finally, as we approach the holidays, make sure you are checking PowerSchool frequently so you know how your student is doing in school. If students are missing assignments, the break is a great time for students to get caught up. When we return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2014, we will have only two weeks left in the semester. We had well over 2200 conferences held in November at Parent-Teacher conferences. It was a GREAT showing. As mentioned above, please continue to monitor your student’s progress at least weekly through PowerSchool. Should you ever have any questions regarding a grade or an assignment, please contact that teacher immediately and ask for clarification. We are all in this together! Also, my counselors are here as a resource for you to discuss or review academic performance. Final exams are scheduled for January 15th, 16th, and 17th. Each of these days will be a ½ day with dismissal at 10:22 a.m. Please look in the January newsletter for the official exam schedule. Please use the holiday break to recharge your batteries and enjoy some extended time with your family. GO FALCONS! Kenneth L. Cucchi III Principal LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEEERS One of the contributing factors to a successful high school is the parent volunteers who help. If you would like to be involved, WE NEED YOU! Whether it is in an ongoing capacity or for a one time only event, we would love to have your help. Please contact Mrs. Zimkiewicz, in the Principal’s Office, 586-797-1615. KEEP INFORMED WITH POWERSCHOOL E-MAIL We are pleased to announce an e-mail system that will allow us to regularly send important school notices and newsletters directly to you. To register for these updates, please log on to your PowerSchool account and sign up under the “E-Mail Notifications” tab. Our goal is to have 100 percent of our parents enrolled in this system so that we can keep you better informed and reduce the use of paper in our school. Your help with this effort is greatly appreciated! PRINCIPALS FALCON ADVISORY MEETINGS Parents are always encourages and welcome to join the principal at his Falcon Advisory meetings held each month. Hear firsthand the issues and ideas that define the high school environment at Ford II. Meeting time is 9 am. Our meeting dates: DECEMBER 6 FEBRUARY 7 JANUARY 7 MARCH 7 APRIL 4 MAY 2 Are you ready to STRIVE?? TUESDAY - THURSDAY 2:15 to 3:15 In the Media Center OUR VISION: All students will be college ready as measured by the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by the time they graduate. 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Abbo, Marcia Abdul-Jabbar, Layla Adegbenro, Adeboye Adegbenro, Folasade Ahmed, Omar Aiken, Jacob Aiken, Kaitlynn Akery, Loren Akery, Maria Alatto, Sabrina Albus, Emily Allard, Shelby AlNajjar, Dima Alnajjar, Simon Alsheskie, Ashley Alsheskie, Kaitlyn Alston, Hannah Al-Wakeel, Fady Amez, Jacob Amodeo, Brittany Anderson, John Andrusz, Hollie Antwan, Marissa Araujo, Brian Arcari, Alexander Asoklis, Carly Audia, Alexis Auger, Mackenzie Axelsson, Emma Ayar, Alena Aziz, Kerestin Aziz, Ranya Babij, Elizabeth Babu, Merin Bacheller, Tyler Bae, Chul Bailey, Breanne Bain, Joseph Baker, Dalten Baker, Jessica Baldwin, James Baniak, Megan Banks, Pierce Barbura, Adela Barch, Jacob Barkley, Ryan Barlow, Alex Barnett, Joshua Barney, Jessica Barshaw, Kelsey Baruzzini, John Bathe, Claire Battani, Daniella Battisti, Dominic Bayer, Michael Beaudett, Miranda Beaudett, Nathan Beaudin, Grant Beaupre, Kristen Bedari, Dina Bedenko, Kaitlin Bejko, Enxhi Bejko, Ralf Bell, Taylor Beller, Rebecca Beloungea, Brett Bennett, Dillon Bennett, Sarah Bennie, David Bennie, Justin Bernard, Neil Besola, Avery Besola, Sydney Bethyon, Sidar Bianchini, Kelly Bielecki, Eric Bielecki, Natalie Biga, Emily Bilan, Brian Bilan, Rosemary Bilan, Taylor Bilbrey, Karlie Binge, Lauren Birtulescu, Raphaela Biscup, Thomas Bishoping, Emily Blackburn, Kayla Blackmon, Mariah Bogan, Ashley Bogg, Meghan Boland, Kayla Bolek, Kailey Bondy, Conner Bonev, Aleksandar Bonus, Megan Boren, Joshua Borg, Paul Borrillo, Dominic Boschman, Amanda Boschman, Tayler Bosi, Patrick Bottoms, Luke Boundy, Alexander Boychuck, Emily Boyd, Nathaniel Boyd, Ryan Bozich III, John Bozich, Andrew Bradley, Austin Bregier, Steven Brennan, Brandon Bretesan, Robert Briney, Kiera Briskey, Evan Briskey, Sarah Brito, Justin Brockert, Jacob Broqi, Klaudia Broski, Katrina Brosky, Veronica Brown, Haylie Brown, Jaylen Brown, Kyle Brucaj, Kristian Bryant, Daniel Bryce, Megan Brys, Zachary Buchanan, Amanda 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Budd, Kristin Buehler, Marissa Buero, Sarah Burdette, Marissa Burdi, Danielle Burg, Amanda Burg, Logan Burnham-Drayer, Cera Burns, Austin Burns, Matthew Buscemi, Joseph Buscemi, Julia Butler, Aiyana Butler, Anthony Bykowski, Ryan Byron, Kenyatte Callan, Hunter Callaway, Kyle Callico, Kaitlyn Camacho, Taylor Cameron, Madison Cameron, Reilley Campbell, Kruze Canady, Tyler Candela, Andrew Canu, Gabriella Canu, Lena Caron, Stephen Carver, Amanda Causevic, Haris Ceccanese, Joseph Chan, Edward Charron, Meagan Chatzis, Carlee Cheriyan, Roshan Cho, Rebekah Cholewka, Victoria Chriss, Rachel Christiansen, Kelly Christmann, Brandon Chudzik, Gabrielle Cianferra, Julia Cieslinski, David Ciesluk, Jarrett Cihak, Antonio Cimino, Lauren Cizmic, Alem Clairmont, Holden Claveau, Alexandria Cleary, Evan Clouthier, Camren Coates, Ayla Cole, Kristen Collins, Peyton Colonna, Gabriella Colpaert, Sarah Cone, Nicholas Conigliaro, Adrienne Conlan, Cody Conway, Steven Cooper, Alexandra Corbley, Adam Cox, Jordan Craik, Alexander Craven, Alexander Crnolic, Armin Croke, Haley Croke, Ryan Cronin, Maureen Croud, Kayla Cruz, Tristan Cullen, Dylan Cullen, Meghan Cusmano, Alexandra Dabish, Jessica Dadou, Selena Dalka, Amanda D'Andrea, Dante Danhausen, Eryn Daniel, Kayla Daoud, Danielle Darby, Shannon Daugherty, Alexa Daugherty, Connor Davidson, Janee' Davis, Joshua Davis, Samantha Davis, Sara Dawood, Suzette de Jesus, Evan Dease, Morgan Deban, Christa Decker, Joseph Deeter, Andrew DeFelice, Krista DeLang, John Delavan, Tyler Delgado, Marissa Delling, Brian Demaj, Jamison Dematteis, Elena Demick, Ashley DeMulder, Jessica DeRoy, Maggie DeRoy, Michael DeVergilio, Sommer Dhaliwal, Apneet Dharia, Neha Dhembi, Pandush DiCicco, Gino Dionne, Gabriel Dixon, Matthew Djekovic, Mikelina Djelaj, Martin Djeljaj, Mario Djokic, Marcus Dokic, Kasandra Domke, Hannah Domzal, Morgan Donlekic, Diana Douiahy, Peter Downs, Geinavieve Dresaj, Gjon Drew, Bradley Driscoll, Thomas Dubey, David 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Dubey, Jessica Dubey, Matthew Dubey, Michael Dubois, Benjamin Duke, Bailey Duncan, Gabrielle Dunn, Michael Dunning, Sara Dzieciolowski, Heather Dzieciolowski, Heidi Dzikowski, Frankki Ebaugh, George Ebaugh, Sarah Eddings, Te'Cora Ehrob, Jerry Eid, Tiffany Elia, Armando Elia, Dominique Elias, Amanda Ely, Mackenzie Emmendorfer, Ellen Emmendorfer, Joseph Endicott, Arianna England, Patrick Engler, John Evans, Kyle Evans, Matthew Evans, Morgan Fallon, Christian Fallon, Elizabeth Falloni, Samantha Farah, Marian Faranso, Deniro Farr, Sophie Fearncombe, Ashley Feather, Autumn Ferdinande, Aaron Ferrara, Christina Fick, Andrew Fiscelli, Dominick Fisher, Cameron Fleishans, Paula Fleming, Emily Flores, Antonio Foglia, Joseph Foster, Da'Jon Foxworth, Andrew Fragidis, Vasilios Franzoni, Nicolo Frederick, Daniel Frederick, Emily Freeman, Adam Freeman, Rachel French, Amanda Frisbie, Laura Fronrath, Justin Fronrath, Theodore Fuelling, Ashlyn Fullmer, Trenton Furchak, Loreal Gale, Evan Gales, Jannine Gall, Jonathan Gallick, Lauren Gammicchia, Jacob Garcia, Anna Garcia, Natalie Gatto, Mary Gattuso, Jacob Gauronskas, Alexander Gauronskas, Claire Gawlik, Tyler Gebauer, Cheyenne Gegic, Viktor Gennero, Dominic Gentry, Alana George, Albert Gerardy, Christopher Ghandour, Anthony Ghuman, Abhijit Ghuman, Jugan Giardina, Victoria Gibbs, Camille Giddey, Alexandra Gilgen, Lea Girgenti, Rachel Gissendanner, Gwendolyn Giuliani, Michael Gjerkaj, Mari Gjerkaj, Paulina Gjokaj, Albana Gjokaj, Alex Gjokaj, John Glugla, Carley Gojcaj, Flora Goldwater, Christa Golebiewski, Patryk Golm, Megan Gonzalez, Christopher Goodman, Jacob Goss, Madison Gottschalk, Kaitlyn Graessle, Maria Graham, Alaina Graham, Elijah Graham, Joseph Graham, Marisa Grantham, Taylor Gratti, Kaitlin Greene, Kelsey Gregory, Kyle Grewe, Taylor Griessel, Julia Griffin, Ryan Griffin, Shane Grimshaw, Katie Grishaj, Aleksander Grishaj, Angeline Groder, Nicholas Groves, Trevor Gruda, Irma Grupa, Julia Gudobba, Pamela 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Guglielmetti, Garrett Guido, Gianni Guitar, Bryce Guitar, Storm Haboosh, Courtney Hackman, Zachary Hale, Dakota Hall, Jaclyn Hamm, Jonathan Hanel, Emilee Hanna, Antonio Hanna, Brandon Happel, Natalie Hardy, Michael Hardy, Michelle Harris, Adrianna Harris, Leah Harrison, Casey Harrison, Emma Hatt, Andrew Hauser, Chelsea Hawkins, Calvin Heide, Hannah Heide, Lauren Hejnar, Anna Hejnar, Gabrielle Hemphill, Jie Hendren, Olivia Henigan, Ryan Hermz, Claudia Hernalsteen, Kassidy Hindi, Liana Hirmiz, Junneel Hirmiz, Samantha Hoef, Shelby Hoff, Anastasia Hogrebe, Emily Holcroft, Megan Holland, Ashlee Holmes, Symone Holtan, Isabel Hong, Jihye Hughes, Meghan Hughes, Tyler Hull, Brett Hulle, Brad Huynh, Alexander Iacovo, Francesca Iafrate, Alexander Iafrate, Nicholas Iannuzzi, Nicholas Iloff, Emily Jane Imboden, Hannah Imboden, Shelby Ings, Jordan Ishmail, George Ishmail, Michael Ivan, Lauren Ivan, Stefan Iverson, John Jackowicz, Jessica Jackson, Madeline Jacob, Solomon Jahshan, Amanda Jakovski, Gordana Jakubiak, Nicholas Jamroz, Courtney Jesiel, Devyn Jian, Dan Johnson, Shannel Jones, Bradley Joslin, Kyle Joyce, Alexa Juliano, Anthony Juliano, Isabelle Julio, Alex Juncaj, Alyssa Juncaj, Paska Juncaj, Pjeter Juretich, Dana Juricny, Katherine Juskevics, Kylie Kaiser, Alexandra Kalemaj, Marlin Kalinowski, Jeffrey Kalinowski, Kevin Kalmanek, Gabriel Kang, Anna Karaj, Romario Karas, Emily Karas, Haley Kasmikha, Tyler Kaspari, Sarah Keary, Alyssa Kedzior, Alexis Keith, Madeleine Keller, Reanna Kelly, Kevin Kelts, Jeremy Khemmoro, Melanie Kilgore, Carley Kilgore, Robert Kiliman, Kevin King, Krystal Kirsch, Gillian Kitsch, Marisa Kitsch, Nicole Klein, Evan Klein, Hannah Klump, Alexander Knowles, Taylor Kochaniewicz, Katarzyna Kola, Sarah Kopko, Madeleine Kosmalski, Samantha Kosnik, Katie Koury, Tyler Kowalski, Charles Kozlowski, Abby Kozlowski, Elizabeth Kozlowski, Nicole Kraemer, Lucy Kraemer, Madeline Krakosky, Joseph Krenke, Alayna Kromrei, Kaylee Kronner, Chanel Krzesak, Barbara 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Kubik, Kara Kubik, Michael Kucyk, Christine Kue, Julius Kuhn, Abigail Kuhn, Matthias Kulwicki, Joshua Kume, Aleksander Kumiega, David Kurian, Abigail Kurtovic, Anesa Kutschman, John Kwiatkowski, Patricia LaBeau, Alyssa Labinski, Melissa LaFeir, Adam Lage, Lauren Laidlaw, Madison Lake, Clarysse Lake, Travis Lala, Marisa Lambert, Madison Lancucki, Jacob Landini, Anthony Lang, Mackenzie Langlands, Rebecca LaPerre, Kyle Larson, Connor Lawler, Kenneth Lechner, Stephanie Leclerc, Evan Lee, Alexis Lemon, Trevor Leone, Dominic Leopardi, Rosa LeSeure, Emma Lessl, Bradley Lessl, Morgan Leveille, Alyssa Levinthal, Samantha Lewis, Allison Lewis, Madeline Lewis, Scott Liadi, Azaad Liadi, Musendiq Ligorotis, Jennifer Lindaman, Madison Lipe, Bogart Littleworth, Stephanie Long, Jaclyn Long, Ryan Long, Ryan Lorincz, Kaylee Lucas, Tyler Lugo, Evan Lugo, Julia Luksch, Shane Lulgjuraj, Kristina Lumetta, Alissa Lumetta, Salena Luzod, Jordan Lynnes, Jennifer Machart, Tevin Maciolek, Blake MacPherson, Nicholas Madahar, Lovleen Maher, Ryan Maitland, Madison Maiuri, Anthony Maiuri, Joseph Maiuri, Lyndsey Malak, Jenna Maletz, Katelyn Mamula, Erin Manaila, Alexandra Manaila, Alexandru Mangiapane, Maria Mankiewicz, Ava Mann, Dylan Mannan, Autumn Mannino, Leah Maple, Shane Maratta, Briana Marceta, Luka Marcoux, Cameron Markos, Rita Marlow, Douglas Martin, Darren Martin, Maxx Martin, Sara Martus, Matthew Maskeny, Tessa Mason, Eric Mason, Garrett Matheny, Bailey Mathew, Daniel Mathewson III, Albert Matoski, Natasha Matovski, Filip Maxwell, Danielle Mayer, Alexander McAleer, Shannon McCarn, Madison McClellan, Julia McCoy, Alexis McCoy, Ashley McCreary, Jessica McDaniel, James McGlynn, Lakota McGlynn, Thomas McHale, Jessica McKay, Cody McKean, Samantha McKean, Taylor McLean, Lauren McMullen, Joseph Meade, Maria Medley, John Megge, Steven Meredith, Brian Meyer, McKenna Michalski, Justin Michalski, Paul Mikha, Crystal Mikolowski, Erin Milenkovic, Julia Miller, Brittany Miller, Monica Mills, Brooke 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Milobar, Emily Milovski, Kristina Mitchell, Matthew Mizzi, Tyler Mladenovski, Amanda Moceri, Anthony Moczadlo, Austin Montpetit, Brandon Montpetit, Rachael Morales, Steven Morandy, Michael Morin, Aimee Morris, Micaela Mouat, Nicholas Mudge, Sean Muneer, Nael Murad, Shahad Murawski, Madeline Murfey, Jeremy Murphy, Harold Murray, Carly Mutascu, Andreea Myers, James Naeem, Yona Nantais, Brittany Naren, Hannah Naren, Joel Nastovski, Kristen Natale, Victoria Nawrocki, Bailey Neal, Alexander Neal, Kaitlyn Nestorovski, Aleksandr Newby, Colin Newton, Sarah Nguyen, Anthony Nguyen, Kimberly Nguyen, Kimlynn Nguyen, Timothy Nguyen, Vince Nguyen, Vivian Nichols, Hope Nichols, James Nigliazzo, Sabrina Nikaj, Ornela Niksic, Alexander Niksic, Elaina Nita, Silviu Nonte, Crystal North, Nicholas Nottingham, Hannah Nowak, Olivia Nye, Tiffani Oberly, Elizabeth Ocelnik, Jonathan Ochoa, Miguel O'Farrell, Sydney Oldham, Leah Olechowski, Sarah Olson, Samantha Olter, Devin Olzem, Wesley Omaits, Rachel Oncia, Cristina Oncia, Stefan Ortyl, Justin Osborn, Krysta Ostby, Grant Ott, Alexander Owens, Alyssa Pacitto, Civita Padgett, Seth Pal, Stephanie Palazzolo, Sofia Palazzolo, Vito Palomba, Andrew Pantaleo, Taya Parkin, Emily Parra, Alejandro Parra, Olivia Parziale, Jaread Pastoria, Kaitlynn Patel, Alouk Patel, Kush Patyi, Taylor Paveglio, Carrie Paveglio, Louis Pavlovski, AnnaMarie Peltier, Julia Penney, Makayla Peraino, Anthony Perkins, Blake Perrin, Lemijah Petite, Shayla Petrella, Joseph Pettibone, Elisabeth Piechocki, Carrie Pieper, Caitlin Pink, Jacob Pitingaro, Ashley Pitingaro, Christina Piwonski, Anna Pizzo, Maresa Pledl, Adrian Polhemus, Nicholas Pollak, Maggie Pollak, Sara Polsinelli, Madison Poole, Michael Powell, Kyle Poxson, Ike Premceski, Anthony Pugh, Connor Putris, Nawrooz Putris, Noah Pye, Asia Qased, Midia Quaine, Emily Quenneville, Emily Quinn, Brian Rabb, Bernadette Radamaker, Yphonise Rajumon, Sharon Ramadan, Hassan Randazzo, Hannah Randhawa, Brandon Rasho, Alyssa Ray, Allison Ray, Erica 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Ray, Steven Rebar, Kyle Recchia, Jason Reeves, Rachel Remley, Eric Rice, Franklyn Ripley, Dana Ristoski, Gabriela Ritchie, Tyler Ritchison, Lotus Ritonja, Andrew Ritonja, Mark Rizzo, Anthony Roberts, Katelyn Roberts, Savannah Roberts, Zachary Robertson, Iain Rodgers, Jordan Rogers, Areauna Rogers, Asha Roman, Rebecca Romero, Emanuel Root, Philip Rose, Melanie Ross, Carrie Rossi, Alexander Rowe, Alexander Roy, Sarah Rushiti, Joana Rutkowski, Evin Rutkowski, Kelsey Rutkowski, Ryan Ryckaert, Karly Rykaczewski, Christopher Ryner, Samantha Sabella, John Sabin, Krista Sadik, Florena Sadik, Milad Sadowski, Zachary Saigh, Allison Saigh, Stephanie Sajewski, Jacob Salar, Daniel Salar, Joshua Saleem, Sayf Salter, William Samuel, Samir Sanna, Jimmie Sanna, Joseph Sarhan, Miranda Sarhan, Trevor Sasinowski, Brooke Savinsky, Shannon Schabel, Samantha Schaffhauser, Angela Schefka, Gabrielle Scheid, Jessica Schilkey, Nicholas Schleich, Graciela Schloss, Brett Schmittler, Hannah Schnell, Amelia Schriver, Kennedy Schultz, Jessica Schulz, Madison Schuster, Donald Schwartz, Amber Schwarz, Carly Scott, Spencer Sebastiani, Megan Seder, Madison Seiler, Joshua Seiler, Katelynn Selby, Christopher Selleke, Matthew Seman, Christopher Serra, Lilly Serra, Sophia Sesi, Matthew Shabo, Mariam Shaina, Alison Shamblin, Madelyn Shammas, Mina Shelton, Renee Shishja, Vincent Shkreli, Salvatore Shlemon, Rouba Sidhu, Tanaz Sienkowski, Eric Sigler, Amelia Siladke, Matthew Simon, Elizabeth Sinawi, Sara Skelton, Amanda Skochelyas, Olha Skvarce, Emily Slifco, Katelyn Slifco, Kristina Smart, Kelsey Smith, Julia Smith, Lauren Smith, Maria Smith, Preston Smith, Rebecca Smith, River Snyder, Kendall Sonntag, Brandon Sorenson, Alessandra Sorgi, Alex Sorgi, Nikki Sorlien, Kurtis Sortzi, Isabella Soules, Alyssa Soulliere, Katelyn Soulliere, Taylor Spaccarotelli, Miranda Speagle, Salena Speaks, Adam Sroka, Stephanie Stack, Christian Stallings, Angel Stanescu, Cristi Steelman, Sawyer Steinwascher, Cecilia Steinwascher, Javier Steixner, Alayna Stellino, Alisa Stevers, Olivia 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Stoesz, Emily Stojkovic, Ketrin Stoppa, Polina Strait, Sasha Strohm, Logan Strozeski, Nicole Stuck, Julia Student Name Studzinski, Jack Suarez, Mario Suarez, Vanessa Suchenek, Justin Suida, Alynne Sukalo, Dajana Sumindan, Daniel Susalla, Hailey Syakovich, Shauna Sygit, BreAnna Szorik, Rachel Takle, William Tan, Alex Tanski, Megan Taras, Ashley Tavares, Cory Taylor, Allison Taylor, Destiny Taylor, Hannah Taylor, Michael Teodoro, Rojin Ternes, Emma Territo, Mackenzie Terry, Isaiah Thaens, Alex Theut, Anthony Thomas, Amauri Thomas, Jacob Thomas, Kara Thomas, Peyton Thomas, Rachel Thomas, Shelby Thompson, Alexis Tobeler, Christopher Toma, Kadin Topping, Nicole Touma, Andrew Towianski, Alexander Towianski, Madeline Towianski, Veronica Trajcevski, Monica Trapiss, Jenna Trapiss, Justin Travis, Terra Treier, Ashley Tripathi, Vraj Troia, Michael Troppens, Brandon Troppens, Jason Trotman, Victoria Trout, Tyler Trube, Joshua Trube, Samuel Tucci, Andrew Tuck, Joshua Turner, Alexander Turner, Kyrsten Twiss, Monet Ukaj, Silvana Unkel, Jonathan Urquhart, Molly Van Hove, Franklin Van Mill, Alexis VanDamme, Kevin VanDeKerkhove, Austin Vanderhoff, Molly Vanderzyppe, Daniel VanLuven, Krysta VanRosenberg, Austin VanRosenberg, Sara VanSice, Justin Varney, Drake Vasquez, Hannah Vaughn, James Vedua, Matthew Venetis, Corey Vengachuvattil, Sarah Venianakis, Natalie Verhelst, Isaac Vermeulen, Matthew Vermeulen, Mitch VerVaecke, James VerVaecke, Meagan Villar, Felix Vitale, Camille Viviano, Giuseppe Vlad Cristian, Teodora Vogellehner, Kristen Vorpagel, Kayla Vu, Phong Vulaj, John Vulaj, Lisa Wagner, Rachel Waldorf, Rachel Waldorf, Zachary Walker, Cameron Walker, Mason Waller, Jack Walny, Matthew Walsh, Brandon Walsh, Haley Ward, Chad Washburn, Shelby Washeleski, Alyssa Watterworth, Chelsea Weiland, Amanda Welch, Brianna Welch, Hayden Wells, Aaron-Rey Wells, Anthony Werynski, David Wesner, Andrew Westerlund, Gustav Wezner, Robert White, Emily White, Logan Wichlacz, Jacqueline Wilkiewicz, Jacob 2013-2014 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Willette, Samantha Williams, Alexis Williams, Emily Willis, Ryan Wink, Evan Winkler, Joshua Wirth, Jacob Wisneski, Amanda Wist, Robert Wojcickij, Natalie Wojdyla, Jennifer Wolenski, Emily Wolenski, Joseph Wolenski, Raven Wolff, Katherine Wood, Jessica Wright, Nathan Wszedybyl, Victor Wyszynski, Nicole Yang, Junyao Yantus, Thomas Yurconis, Andrew Zablocki, Meagan Zablocki, Nicholas Zagorski, Sean Zahron, Krista Zapinski, Molly Zavich, Jordan Zawalski, Anthony Zdybel, Sean Zefi, John Zeherovic, Ermin Zender, George Zilkovski, Sandra Zimmer, Joseph Ziskie, Emily Zoedak, Krysta Zombo, Rebecca Zomponti, Marissa Zomponti, Zachary Zurawski, Dryden Zurek, Connor Zywalewski, Rafal SAVE THE DATE ################################################ YOUR INVITED Anyone interested in joining the All Night Party Committee is invited to attend the meetings held at Henry Ford II High School in the ECC from 7:00—9:00 p.m. Please join us to help make a great party for the graduating seniors of 2014. Financial Aid Night will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at Stevenson High School at 6:30 p.m. This is a very informative meeting for both parents and students. You are strongly encouraged to attend. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Utica Community Schools is a Smoke-Free Environment! The use of tobacco products is not permitted at any time on district property or at school-related functions. This policy promotes a healthy environment for our students and families in conjunction with the state Tobacco-Free Schools Law and the Michigan Indoor Air Act. Your cooperation in promoting healthy choices for our students is greatly appreciated. Monday evenings: January 13, 2014 February 24, 2014 March 17, 2014 April 21, 2014 May 19, 2014 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Career Expo Thursday, March 20, 2014 Eisenhower High School 7 p.m. s and staff ASVAB TESTING Attention Senior Parents State Deadline to file FAFSA forms is March 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm. The FAFSA is the federal application for financial aid, but it is also used to apply for aid from other sources subh as your state or school. The federal deadline is June 30, 2013, while the state of Michigan has a March 1, 2013 deadline. We encourage all falmilies to follow the state deadline. For more information go to : Attention sophomores, juniors, and seniors: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test will be held at Ford on Friday, December 6th at 7:30 a.m. in the ECC. This does http://www/fafsa/ed/gov/index.htm not commit you to any of the branches of service but it is a requirement if you are looking to join a branch after graduation. Please see Mr. Jesko in the counsleing office to sign up or if you have any Free or Reduced meal applications online questions. Applications for Free or Reduced Meals are available online at www.lunchapp.com. Parents are encouraged to fill out and submit the application found there to request this benefit for their children. 2013-2014 Henry Ford II Calendar Aug 20 Registration – 12th grade 8 am Registration - 11th grade Noon Aug 21 Registration - 10th grade 8 am Registration - 9th grade Noon Aug 27 Freshmen orientation 7 pm Sep 3 First day of school Sep 18 Open House 7 pm Sep 13 Homecoming Game 7 pm Sep 14 Homecoming Dance 7-10 pm Sep 24 No School – Professional Development Nov 5 No School – Professional Development Nov 14 ½ Day - Parent/Teacher Conferences 11:30-2:30 pm 5-8 pm Nov 27-29 No School – Thanksgiving Break Dec 23– Jan 1 No School – Holiday Break Jan 2 Classes resume Jan 15 ½ Day – Exams Jan 16 ½ Day – Exams Jan 17 ½ Day – Exams Jan 20 No School – MLK Day Jan 22 Academic Blitz 7-9 pm Feb 17– 21 No School – Mid Winter Break Apr 7-Apr 11 No School – Spring Break Apr 14 Classes resume Apr 18 No School - Good Friday May 23 -26 No School – Memorial Weekend Jun TBD Prom Palazzo Grande 6:30 pm Jun TBD Graduation Practice 9 am Jun 7 Commencement Ceremony 10 am Jun 11 ½ Day – Exams Jun 12 ½ Day – Exams Jun 13 ½ Day – Exams Online Lunch Payment Service The district’s online depositing web site is: www.sendmoneytoschool.com For further information, visit the district website www.uticak12.org or contact the district Food Service department directly at 586-797-1185. EARLY DISMISSALS AND PROPER ATTENDANCE PROCEEDURES Please call 586-797-1699 and follow the prompts: 1 = Early Dismissals 2 = Late Arrival 3 = All Day Absences When an Early Dismissal is necessary it is recommended that you submit a note to the office with your student before the start of the day. Students will receive their passes at this time. If a request is left on the attendance line, your student must PICK UP their pass in the Main Office any time throughout the day. PowerSchool is now generating automated phone calls to parents informing them of any absences for their students on a daily basis. Please use your Parent Portal to view your student’s attendance. If you have any concerns, email the individual teacher directly through the staff tab of the school’s web site: http://ford.uticak12.org or through the PowerSchool access. If a correction is warranted, the teacher will request one. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PERCEPTION SURVEYS Ford II School Jacket We need your help! As part of the school improvement process, UCS will continue the administration of AdvanceEd parent and student surveys. Please take the time to participate in this very informative survey. The links to surveys are as follows: Jacket orders will be taken by contacting Mike at 248-318-6401. Parent Surveys: http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/4007082 Small through extra large wool jacket with quilted lining. Genuine leather sleeve with a two piece leather shoulder insert. Varsity letter sewn on front, three inch high "Ford II" chain stitched and Falcon outline on the back. Student's name on the front and graduation chenille year patches on shoulder. All for the price of $251.50 plus Tax Basic jacket price includes: Student Surveys: http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/1675143 PowerSchool Passwords Parents and students who need their PowerSchool Passwords must see Mrs. Zimkiewicz in the Main Office. PowerSchool allows you to access attendance and grades, email teachers, request homework and print report cards. Registering your e-mail address will allow school notices to be sent directly to you. Parents must show photo ID to receive their password. INFORMATIONAL WEB SITES *PaySchool – Pre-pay your registration fees on-line using PaySchool. The link to www.PaySchools.com is located on the HFII home page. *Food Service Accounts – Visit the UCS website at www.uticak12.org to learn about lunch services and deposit funds into your child’s lunch account. Use the School Lunch and Payments tab. *Senior All Night Party – Visit the HFII website http:// ford.uticak12.org for information and pricing. A separate check is required, payable to HFII All Night Party. (Cost is $85) *Athletic Passes - Visit the UCS website www.uticak12.org “Athletics” tab for pricing information. *Parking Permits – Permits are available on a first come/ first served basis beginning with seniors then juniors at a cost of $25, cash or check payable to Henry Ford II High School. $10.00 of each jacket sold is donated back to the school fund Custom chenille icon patches and embroidery are also available. Samples and pricing will be on display. CHECK YOUR CHILD’S LUNCH BALANCE Parents! Your PowerSchool Parent Portal login and password registrations are processed in our Main Office. You will have access to view online attendance and detailed grade information regarding your student’s classes. Registering your E-mail address through the Parent Portal will allow us to send school notices and newsletters directly to you. Homework requests during a student’s absence may also be arranged through this portal. Please bring photo identification to expedite processing your registration for the system.. IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO KNOW Attendance: (586) 797-1699 Counseling: (586) 797-1690 Athletics: (586) 797-1608 Main Office: (586) 797-1600 This Newsletter is available online at www.uticaford.com
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