

Skilled trades requiring a licence / Skilled trades requiring a master
qualification in accordance with Appendix A of the Crafts and Trade
Code (Handwerksordnung)
1. Qualified optician
2. Master baker (Bäckermeister/in)
3. Master shipbuilder (Bootsbauermeister/in)
4. Master well-digger
5. Master gunsmith
6. Expert surgical mechanic
7. Master roofer (Dachdeckermeister/in)
8. Qualified electrical machine builder
9. Qualified electrical engineer
10. Qualified fine mechanic
11. Master butcher (Fleischermeister/in)
12. Qualified hairdresser (Friseurmeister/in)
13. Qualified scaffolder
14. Qualified glass apparatus maker
15. Qualified glass maker (Glasermeister/in)
16. Qualified hearing aid audiologist
17. Qualified information engineer
18. Qualified installation and heating engineer
(Installateur- und Heizungsbauermeister/in)
19. Qualified air conditioning engineer
20. Qualified bodywork and vehicle builder
(Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauermeister/in)
21. Master plumber (Klempnermeister/in)
22. Master confectioner (Konditormeister/in)
23. Qualified automotive engineer
24. Qualified agricultural machine engineer
25. Qualified painter and decorator (Maler- und
26. Master bricklayer and concrete worker
(Maurer- und Betonbauermeister/in)
27. Qualified metal worker
28. Qualified oven and heating engineer (Ofen-
und Luftheizungsbauermeister/in)
29. Qualified orthopaedic technician and
orthotist (Orthopädiemechaniker- und
30. Qualified orthopaedic shoemaker
31. Master shipbuilder (Schiffbauermeister/in)
32. Qualified chimney sweep
33. Master ropemaker (Seilermeister/in)
34. Master stonemason and stone carver
(Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauermeister/in)
35. Qualified road builder
36. Qualifier plasterer (Stuckateurmeister/in)
37. Qualified thermometer maker
38. Master joiner (Tischlermeister/in)
39. Qualified heat insulation and sound
insulation engineer (Wärme-, Kälte- und
40. Qualified tyre vulcaniser and mechanic
(Vulkaniseur- und
41. Qualified dental technician
42. Master carpenter (Zimmerermeister/in)
43. Qualified motorbike and bicycle mechanic
Trading in regulated professions... which professional and specialist examinations must be taken, courses attended or other certificates presented.
Master professions in trades that are also regulated are not listed here.
Ambulance service (Krankentransport)
Amusement arcades (Spielhallen)
Auctioneer (Versteigerer)
Broker (Makler)
Bus transport (Omnibusverkehr)
Construction supervisor/property
developer (Baubetreuer/Bauträger)
Debt collection (Inkassogeschäfte)
Hazardous goods driver, Hazardous goods agent
(Gefahrgutfahrer, Gefahrgutbeauftragter)
Insurance broker and adviser
(Versicherungsvermittler und –
Production of pharmaceuticals
(Herstellung von Arzneimitteln)
Production of weapons (Herstellung von
Professional driver (Berufskraftfahrer)
Pubs and restaurants (restaurant training, including
concessions in part) (Schank- und Speisewirtschaften
(Gaststättenunterrichtung, teilweise auch Konzession)
Restaurant training (Gaststättenunterrichtung)
Retail with over-the-counter medicines
(Einzelhandel mit freiverkäuflichen Arzneimitteln)
Road haulage (Güterkraftverkehr)
Road haulage companies (GüterkraftverkehrsUnternehmen)
Security guard (Bewachungsgewerbe)
Investment broker (Finanzanlagenvermittler)
Taxi and hire car companies (Taxi- und
Parakeet and vertebrate trading
(Handel mit Sittichen und Wirbeltieren)
Trading with weapons, munitions, explosives and
poisons (arms trade) (Handel mit Waffen, Munition,
Sprengstoff und Giften (Waffenhandel))
Pawnbroker (Pfandhäuser)
Trades requiring a licence (§§ 29ff, German Industrial Code or GewO)
Special licences are required in the following trades:
Amusement arcades and other gambling
companies (Spielhallen und sonstige
Auctioneer (Versteigerergewerbe)
Broker (Makler)
Construction supervisor (Baubetreuer)
Expert (Sachverstände)
Exposition of persons (Schaustellung von Personen)
Gambling machines with prizes
(Spielgeräte mit Gewinnmöglichkeit)
Other games with prizes (Andere Spiele
mit Gewinnmöglichkeit)
Insurance adviser
Insurance broker
Investment adviser (Anlageberater)
Pawnbroker (Pfandleihgewerbe)
Private health institutes (Privatkrankenanstalten)
Property developer (Bauträger)
Security guard (Bewachungsgewerbe)
Categories of freelance professions:
Catalogue professions, similar professions, activity professions
The following professions or groups of professions are classed as catalogue professions and are listed in the German
Income Tax Act (EStG) as such. Those professions / groups of professions marked with an * are also listed in the
German Partnership Act (PartGG) (Source: Institute for Freelance Professions at the Friedrich-Alexander University
Healthcare professions:
Tax consultant (Steuerbevollmächtigte)
Consultant (Fachärzte)
Dental surgeon (Zahnärzte)
Scientific / Technical professions:
Dentist (Dentisten)
Architect (Architekten)
Doctor (Ärzte)
Commercial chemist
Massage therapist* (Heilmasseure)
Engineer (Ingenieure)
Midwife* (Hebammen)
Non-medical practitioner (Heilpraktiker)
Full-time specialist* (Hauptberufliche
Physiotherapist (Krankengymnasten)
Pilot (Lotsen)
Qualified psychologist (Diplom-Psychologen)
Surveyor (Vermessungsingenieure)
Vet (Tierärzte)
Legal, financial and business consultancy professions:
Auditor (Wirtschaftsprüfer)
Chartered accountant (vereidigte
Linguistic professions and professions providing
information / Art-related professions
Artist* (Künstler)
Interpreter (Dolmetscher)
Journalist (Journalisten)
Economist and business consultant
(Beratende Volks- u. Betriebswirte)
Preschool teacher* (Erzieher)
Lawyer (Rechtsanwälte)
Member of a bar association* (Mitglieder der
Scientist* (Wissenschaftler)
Notary (Notare)
Patent agent (Patenanwälte)
Registered auditor (vereidigte Bücherrevisoren)
Tax adviser (Steuerberater)
Press photographer
Teacher* (Lehrer)
Translator (and similar professions)*
(Übersetzer (und ähnliche Berufe)
Writer* (Schriftsteller)
Similar professions and activity professions
(Source: Institute for Freelance Professions at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Actor (Schauspieler/in)
Draft surveyor (Schiffseichaufnehmer/in)
Actuary and financial mathematician
Draughtsman (Konstrukteur/in)
(Versicherungs- und Wirtschaftsmathematiker/in)
Driving instructor (Fahrschulinhaber/in)
Advertising consultant (Werbeschriftsteller/in)
Art expert (Kunstsachverständige/r)
Electrical engineer (Elektrotechniker/in)
Artist (Künstler/in)
Fashion designer (consultant) (Modeschöpfer/in
Balneotherapist (Bademeister/in (medizinische/r))
Blood group expert (Blutgruppengutachter/in)
Film-maker (Filmhersteller/in)
Business consultant (Unternehmensberater/in)
Freight inspector (Frachtenprüfer/in)
Business consultant (Wirtschaftsberater/in)
Goods surveyor or goods inspector
Cameraman (Kameramann/-frau)
(Güterbesichtiger/in oder Güterkontrolleur/in)
Cartographer (Kartograf/in)
Graphic designer (Grafiker/in)
Celebrant (funeral) (Trauerredner/in)
Hospital nurse (Krankenschwester)
Chaperone on fact-finding trips
Industrial designer (Industriedesigner/in)
Children's home owner (Kinderheimbetreiberin)
Insolvency administrator (Insolvenzverwalter/in)
Clinical chemist (Klinische/r Chemiker/in)
Interior designer (Raumgestalter/in)
Compass compensation expert on sea-going vessels
Inventor (Erfinder/in)
(Kompasskompensierer/in auf Seeschiffen)
IT consultant (EDV-Berater/in)
Conductor (Dirigent/in)
Construction appraising officer (damage appraiser)
Large kitchen planner (Planer/in von Großküchen)
(Bauschätzer/in (Schadenschätzer/in))
Layout artist (Layouter/in)
Copywriter (Werbetexter/in)
Legal assistant (Rechtsbeistand)
Legal information service worker
Damage inspector (Havariesachverständige/r)
Dance teacher (Tanzlehrer/in)
Designer (Designer/in)
(Juristischer Informationsdienst)
Lexicographer (Lexikograf/in)
Magician (conjurer) (Magier/in (Zauberkünstler/in))
Photo designer (Fotodesigner/in)
Make-up artist (Visagist/in)
Photographer (Fotograf/in)
Market researcher (Marktforscher/in)
Physiotherapist (Physiotherapeut/in)
Marketing consultant (Marketingberater/in)
Pool attendant (Bademeister/in)
Massage therapist (Heilmasseur/in)
Preschool teacher/childminder (Erzieher/in)
Masseur (Masseur/in)
Psychoanalyst (Psychoanalytiker/in)
Master of conferences, show and quiz master
Psychologist and
(Conférencier, Show- und Quizmaster/in)
psychotherapist (Psychologe/-in und
Meat inspector (Fleischbeschauer/in)
Psychotherapeut/in), including child and youth
Mechanical engineer (Maschinenbautechniker/in)
Medical technical assistant (MTA) (Medizinischtechnische/r Assistent/in (MTA))
psychotherapy (auch Kinder- und
Puzzle maker (Rätselhersteller/in)
Midwife (Hebamme)
Radio DJ (Rundfunksprecher/in)
Mine surveyor (Markscheider/in (Vermessung im
Restorer (Restaurator/in)
Riding instructor (Reitlehrer/in)
Mountain guide (Bergführer/in)
Musician (Musiker/in)
Musician (Tonkünstler/in)
Musician playing dance and light music (Tanz- und
Sampler (Erzprobennehmer/in)
Scientist (Wissenschaftler/in)
Sculptor (Bildhauer/in)
Security adviser (Sicherheitsberater/in)
Network technician
Site manager (Bauleiter/in)
Solicitor (Prozessagent/in)
Nurse (Krankenpfleger/in)
Sound technician (Tontechniker/in)
Occupational therapist and expressive therapist
Specialist (Sachverständige/r)
(Beschäftgungs- und Ausdruckstherapeut/in)
Speech therapist (Logopäde/-in)
Outreach nurse (Ambulante/r Krankenpfleger/in)
Sports coach (Trainer/in)
Sports teacher (Sportlehrer/in)
Painter (artist) ( Maler/in (Kunstmaler/in))
Stonemason (Steinmetz/in)
Paramedic and orthoptist (Rettungsassistent/in und
Structural engineer (Baustatiker/in)
Structural engineer (Hochbautechniker/in)
Patent reporter (Patentberichterstatter/in)
Student teacher (Referendar/in)
Pension adviser (Rentenberater/in)
Systems analyst (Systemanalytiker/in)
Teacher (Lehrer/in)
Vehicle expert (Kfz-Sachverständige/r)
Television announcer (Fernsehansager/in)
Voice-over artist (Synchronsprecher/in)
Terminologist (Terminologe/-in)
Textile designer (Textilentwerfer/in)
Writer (Schriftsteller/in)
Trustee (Treuhänder/in)
Information about itinerant trades
Activities that are exempt from the itinerant trade rule
§§ 55 a and b of the German Industrial Code (GewO) state that some activities are exempt from the obligation to
carry an itinerant trade card. These include:
The occasional offering of goods at trade fairs, exhibitions, public festivals, or on other special occasions with
a permit from the relevant authorities
The sale of self-produced products (farming and forestry; the growing of vegetables, fruit and plants; poultry
farming; beekeeping; hunting; fishing)
The purchase and sale of goods, the seeking of orders, and the offering of services and the seeking of orders
for service provision within the local community (no more than 10,000 inhabitants) in which the itinerant
trader resides or holds their commercial office
The provision of milk and milk products with a permit in line with § 4 of the Milk and Margarine Law
The brokering/conclusion of insurance and building loan contracts as an insurance broker in line with § 34 d
para. 3, 4, 5 German Industrial Code (the same applies to the employees of the commercial operation)
The job of insurance adviser as described in §34 e German Industrial Code in conjunction with § 34 d para. 5
German Industrial Code (the same applies to the employees of the commercial operation)
The practising of a trade that requires a permit in accordance with national or regional law, the practising of
which demands reliability and for which the itinerant trader requires the necessary permit
The sale of groceries and other convenience goods from a non-fixed selling point or a different facility at the
same location at regular intervals (the prohibition described in § 56 para. 1 No. 3 b German Industrial Code
does not apply here)
The offering of printed items on public pathways, roads and in other public places
The seeking of other people as part of a business operation
Activities that are not permitted as itinerant trades
In accordance with § 56 German Industrial Code, the following activities are not permitted as itinerant trades:
The sale of poisons and goods containing poisons; the seeking of orders for pesticides, insecticides and wood
preservatives for which a test certificate with an approval has been issued in line with building regulations is
The sale of hernia trusses as well as medical trusses, braces and bandages, orthopaedic foot supports, glasses
and eyeglasses; protective goggles and ready-to-wear reading glasses are permitted
The sale of electrical medical devices; devices with a direct warming effect are permitted
The trading of bonds, lottery tickets, coupons and shares on securities and lottery tickets; the sale of lottery
tickets as part of authorised lotteries for charitable purposes on public pathways, roads and squares and
other public places is permitted*)
The sale of writings with the promise of prizes/winnings
The offering and purchasing of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and platinum bimetals), alloys
containing precious metals as well as goods with precious metal plating; silver jewellery with a sales price of
up to 40 EUR and silver-plated goods are permitted
The purchasing and sale of precious gemstones, synthetic stones and pearls
The offering of spirituous beverages; beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks sold in closed containers are
permitted (§ 67 para. 1 no. 1, 2nd and 3rd clause of the German Industrial Code*)
The conclusion and brokerage of repurchase transactions (§ 34 para. 4 German Industrial Code) as well as the
brokering of lending activities for which the borrower has to pay*
The offering of trees, bushes and shrubs for the operation of an orchard, garden or vineyard (§ 56 para. 3
German Industrial Code)
*) The bans marked in this way do not apply to activities at a non-stationary premises for a credit institute or company
as stated in § 53 b para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Act, if these premises are solely used for
standard banking practices for which the company is authorised in line with the German Banking Act.
→ The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology can permit exceptions to the restrictions listed in
paragraph 1 by statutory decree with the approval of the Federal Council, insofar as this would not endanger
the general public, public safety or law. The same power is awarded to regional governments for their
respective region, insofar as the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology has not made use of its
authority. In individual cases, the responsible authority can permit exceptions to the bans of section 1 for its
region with reservation of the right to revoke and for a period of up to five years, in cases where no concerns
arise in relation to the personality of the applicant or from other circumstances; § 55 para. 3 and § 60 c para. 1
German Industrial Code apply accordingly to the exemption permit.