knight templar school


knight templar school
Nordische Filmwoche 2009
In Zusammenarbeit mit den Botschaften Dänemarks, Finnlands, Islands, Norwegens und Schwedens.
“Geschichte(n) im Norden”
16. bis 22. April 2009
Gezeigt werden Originalfassungen mit
deutschen oder englischen Untertiteln
Alle Filme im Mittleren Saal
Eintritt pro Film: Euro 6,-
1010 Wien, Uraniastraße 1
| Anmeldung: kursanmeldung@urania– | Tel: 712 61 91 – 25 oder 26 |
Programm: Donnerstag 16. April 2009
Freitag 17. April 2009
Die 16. Nordische Filmwoche in der Wiener Urania widmet sich 2009 ganz den “Geschichte(n)
im Norden”. In Zusammenarbeit mit den Botschaften Dänemarks, Finnlands, Islands, Norwegens und Schwedens.
19.00 Uhr: Eröffnung
Dr. Erhard Chvojka, Direktor der Wiener Urania
IE Kirsti Kauppi, Botschafterin von Finnland
S.E. Hans Lundberg, Botschafter von Schweden
19.00 Uhr: We shall overcome / Drømmen
Dänemark 2006, Regie: Niels Arden Oplev Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 105 min
19.15 Uhr: Mother of mine / Den bästa av mödrar / Äideistä parhain
Finnland / Schweden 2005, Regie: Klaus Härö Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 111 min
During World War II, more than 70,000 Finnish children were evacuated to, among other countries,
neutral Sweden to be temporarily hosted while their parents stayed in Finland to continue with the
war. “Mother of Mine” tackles that painful patch of history in the tale of a nine year-old boy (Eero),
a child who increasingly feels abandoned by his Finnish widowed mother, who feels unable to look
after her son, and not yet attached to his Swedish surrogate mother. Eero feels lost, first because
everyone around him speaks Swedish and particularly because his foster mother Signe behaves in
a very cold manner. She was expecting a girl and is still in mourning for her daughter who drowned
in the sea. Worst of all, his mother´s letters are all addressed to Signe. When one day Eero gets
hold of a letter suggesting that Eero is to remain with his foster mother their relationship begins
to change. Eero, shocked and feeling betrayed, becomes Signe’s son. Now she cares lovingly for him.
Eero makes friends with the little girl Siv and is able to enjoy his childhood for a while. However,
after the end of the war the boy has to leave his new home and go back to Finland against his will
where his mother is waiting for him. Never again will he be able to trust her, since she has disappointed him so often. 60 years later, in Sweden again for Signe’s burial, Eero is finally ready to talk
about the war, his mother´s choices and his own pain.
Im Anschluss an den Eröffnungsfilm laden die Nordischen Botschaften alle
BesucherInnen zu einem Empfang in den Dachsaal der Wiener Urania.
ACHTUNG: Bitte die Eröffnungsfilmeintrittskarte aufheben.
Diese gilt als Eintrittskarte für den Empfang!
13-year-old Frits has fallen out of favour with the headmaster of his provincial school. The year is
1969. The world is changing rapidly and corporal punishment has been banned. The tyrannical headmaster, however, hasn’t bothered to notice. Frits spends his summer holidays watching the family’s
first television, and is influenced by the winds of change. Martin Luther King’s speeches and dreams
of a better life have armoured Frits with courage and the desire for rebellion. When the headmaster
steps over the line during punishing Frits, the boy takes up battle against the authorities. The story
is based on actual events.
21.00 Uhr: The quiet storm / Vedramót
Island 2007, Regie: Gudny Halldórsdóttir Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 102 min
A young free-spirited girl tired of her strait-laced and reactionary family surroundings breaks free
to pursue an entirely new life. She joins the ranks of guidance-counselors running a small institution at an abandoned farm for troubled teens in a very remote part of Northern Iceland. It is the
70´s and the counselors are under the influences of the time; hippiedom, sitars and therapy consisting of pseudo-psychoanalysis in the guise of confrontational and truth-seeking group therapy
encounters. The arrival of a mysterious young girl sets on its head their deeply felt counter-cultural
belief that all authority is bad and is undermined when their own authority and moral superiority is
challenged and attacked by the rebellious teens under their care. Deceit, desires and tragedy soon
set into motion events that affect all players at the institution.
Samstag 18. April 2009
Sonntag 19. April 2009
19.00 Uhr: Die Rebellion von Kautokeino / The Kautokeino Rebellion
19.00 Uhr: Fighter
Norwegen 2008, Regie: Nils Gaup Untertitel: Deutsch, Dauer: 96 min
1852 kommt es bei Kautokeino, im Norden des heutigen Norwegens, zu einem Aufstand der Samen.
Angeführt von Aslak Hætta und seiner Frau Elen wehren sie sich gegen den Händler und Gastwirt
Ruth, der mit Hilfe von Schnaps und Gewalt große Teile der samischen Rentierzucht an sich gebracht hat. Weil er dabei von lokalen Kirchenvertretern unterstützt wird, richtet sich die Rebellion
auch gegen die staatliche Obrigkeit, die mit aller Härte zurückschlägt … Gut 20 Jahre nachdem er
mit seinem erfolgreichen Erstling „Pathfinder“ eine samische Legende verfilmte, greift Regisseur
Nils Gaup – selbst ein Nachfahre des damals hingerichteten Aslak Hætta – nun einen authentischen
Stoff der samischen Historie auf, der auch in dem 1999 in Lübeck ausgezeichneten Dokumentarfilm
„Gebt uns unsere Skelette“ von Paul-Anders Simma behandelt wurde. Besetzt mit der ersten Riege
skandinavischer Schauspieler, ist mit „The Kautokeino Rebellion“ an den Originalschauplätzen ein
grandioser „Schneewestern“ entstanden, der in Anni-Kristina Juuso auch eine großartige Hauptdarstellerin besitzt.
Dänemark 2007, Regie: Natasha Arthy Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 97 min
Aïcha, a high-school student, is a passionate kung fu fighter. Her Turkish parents expect her to get
good grades so she can get into medical school, like her brother Ali. But school doesn’t inspire her.
Defying her family, Aïcha starts secretly training at a professional, co-ed kung fu club. A boy, Emil,
helps Aïcha train for the club championship and they fall in love. But the rules of life are not as
simple as the rules of kung fu, and Aïcha is forced to decide who she is and what she wants.
21.00 Uhr: Jade Warrior / Jadesoturi
21.00 Uhr: One Eye Red / Ett öga rött
Connecting Finnish and Chinese mythology, Jade Warrior is an imaginative, visually impressive motion picture, which was completed by creating special effects never before witnessed in Finnish
cinema. The effects include spectacular fighting scenes, breathtakingly beautiful scenery as well
as magnificent crowd scenes. Jade Warrior is an epic love story about the battle between good and
evil. It combines fantasy and kung fu elements and takes its inspiration from the Finnish national
epic, the “Kalevala”. The plot, centred on the Kalevala´s greatest hero, is set in two different times
and places, in modern Finland and in ancient China. 2000 years ago, a love-struck master swordsman fights against his destiny. He wants a another chance to be reunited with his love. He gets his
chance, in a faraway place and time: in the cold north, in modern Finland. The past is feeding the
present, slowly revealing the warrior, his true origins, his superior skills and his destiny.
“One eye red” is a heart warming and thrilling father and son story of the successful Swedish writer
Jonas Hassen Khemiri that deals with love, struggle and the conflict between the Western and the
Arabic way of life. Halim is a 15-year old boy who has lost his way in a fundamentalist world of ideas.
Father and son have just moved from the immigrant-dominated suburbs to central Stockholm
where the father hopes to give his son better opportunities than he had before. Halim, however, feels
that his father has started to lose his Arabic roots. He dreams of becoming Sweden`s mightiest
sultan of the mind bringing renewed pride to his community. At the same time he tries to distance
himself from all the confrontations at school and get a little closer to a girl he has had his eye on.
The film is directed by the Swedish debutant Daniel Wallentin, who has established himself as one
of Swedish Films most exciting directors with several internationally acclaimed shorts
Finnland 2006, Regie: Antti-Jussi Annila Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 110 min
Schweden 2007, Regie: Daniel Wallentin Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 87 min
Montag 20. April 2009
Dienstag 21. April 2009
19.00 Uhr: Children / Börn
19.00 Uhr: Border 1918 / Raja 1918
Island 2006, Regie: Ragnar Bragason Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 120 min
Karitas is a single mother of four who desperately tries to make ends meet. Fighting a loosing battle with her ex-husband for custody over her three daughters, she’s oblivious to what’s going on with
her twelve year old son Gudmund, a victim of brutal bullying at school and who’s life is on the fast
track to destruction. Gudmund’s only friend in the world is Marinó, a schizophrenic in his forties,
who lives with his mother in the same apartment building. When Marinó realizes that his mother
has secretly been dating a stranger, Marino starts to loose grip on reality. Gardar is an underworld
enforcer who makes a mess at work and as a result his twin brother Georg is beaten up. Exiled both
from the underworld and his family, Gardar has to make a fresh start in life. He decided to seek out
his family, Gardar has to make a fresh start in life. He decided to seek out his son Gudmund whom
he has never seen but the straight and narrow is a though path to follow.
Finnland 2007, Regie: Lauri Törhönen Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer. 114 min
Raja 1918 is set against the backdrop of the end of the Great War, i.e. WWI, and the Finnish civil war,
between the “reds” and the “whites”. The main character, Captain von Munck (Martin Bahne), is an
officer stationed to the Karelian Isthmus to establish a national border for the fledgling nation
state of Finland. His orders are to close the border between newly independent Finland and revolutionary Bolshevik Russia. With St. Petersburg just 40 km away, it is his duty to deal with fugitive
“reds”, such as the notorious Heikki Kiljunen (Tommi Korpela), smugglers, refugees trying to cross
the border and his own lieutenant who nurses a hatred for the reds bordering on the pathological (Lauri Nurkse). There is the NCO Paavo Muranen (Hannu-Pekka Björkman) of half-Finnish, halfRussian descent, and the Soviet border officer Gentsch (Leonid Mosgovoy) - a former aristocrat,
now a civilized officer and gentleman, who enjoys playing chess with his counterpart while trying
to allay the suspicions of his political officers. For most of the film, the border station is flooded
by a seemingly endless influx of refugees from Russia - aristocrats, educated people, artists, Jews,
and English spies. The orders for von Munck seem simple and straightforward enough: Finns and
nationals of other countries may pass, not Russians. Reds are to be shot. Carrying out his orders
proves increasingly complex and challenging for von Munck. Right choices turn out to be wrong
and correcting them makes things even worse. There is an order, there is even a border out there, but
where, in reality, is the “thin red line”, here and now between “us” and “them”?
21.00 Uhr: Parents / Foreldrar
Island 2007, Regie: Ragnar Bragason Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 120 min
The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On
the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own
flesh and blood but it’s not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all
these years he decides it’s time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work
but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting
for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from
Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up
by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist’s assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her. PARENTS is the independent
second part of twin features by Ragnar Bragason and Vesturport exploring the roles of children
and parents. The first part, CHILDREN was released in 2006.
21.00 Uhr: Brothers / Brødre
Dänemark 2004, Regie: Susanne Bier Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 117 min
Michael (Ulrik Thomsen) has a wife, family and career. He is off to war in Afghanistan to command a
special unit. His younger brother Jannik (Nikolaj Lie Kaas), just out of prison, has never been able to
get his act together. When Michael is reported killed in Afghanistan, Jannik offers to help Michael’s
wife Sarah (Connie Nielsen) with the children and other practical tasks. Gradually Jannik and Sarah
fall in love. When Michael is found and returns home, none of them can adapt to their former roles.
Mittwoch 22. April 2009
Veranstaltungstipp: Kulturhistorische Reisevorträge
im Volksbildungshaus Wiener Urania:
19.00 Uhr: Genosse Pedersen / Comrade Pedersen / Gymnaslaerer Pedersen
Norwegen 2006, Regie: Hans Petter Moland Untertitel: Deutsch, Dauer: 123 min
Als der Junglehrer Knut Pedersen, 28, gegen Ende der sechziger Jahre nach Larvik fährt, um dort
seine erste Stelle am Gymnasium anzutreten, ist es vor allem der rote Rock einer Mitreisenden,
dem er während der Zugfahrt seine ganze Aufmerksamkeit schenkt. Mit ähnlich schmachtenden
Blicken wird er später auch die Rote Fahne anhimmeln, denn Studienrat Pedersen ist dann in die
Revolution heftig verliebt. Zunächst heiratet er zwar gutbürgerlich, doch bald gewinnt ihn ein rebellischer Schüler für die Marxistisch-Leninistische Arbeiterpartei AKP. Als ihm dort die Ärztin Nina
begegnet, verfällt er der attraktiven Genossin total. Auch nachdem sie das Verhältnis mit ihm beendet, bleibt Pedersen seiner Liebe zu ihr und dem Traum von der Revolution treu. Mit feinem Humor
schildert Hans Petter Moland in seiner Romanverfilmung die unfreiwillig komischen Aspekte im
Leben selbst ernannter Klassenkämpfer. Doch nicht weniger einfühlsam stellt er in seinem Film
auch die tragischen und selbstzerstörerischen Züge von Angehörigen einer Generation dar, die sich
als Kinder von Mao und Rock ‘n’ Roll empfanden.
21.00 Uhr: Arn - The Knight Templar / Arn - Tempelriddaren
Schweden 2007/08, Regie: Peter Flinth Untertitel: Englisch, Dauer: 139 min
The film about Arn and Cecilia is set in Sweden as well as the Middle East, and offers a rich gallery
of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings. It is a tale of war and intrigue, friendship
and betrayal, but also an unforgettable love story. Arn Magnussson is born in 1150 on Arnas farm in
West Gothia in the western part of Sweden. He grows up to become an educated young man and a
skilled swordsman. He meets Cecilia, the love of his life, but a cruel and jealous world forces them
apart. Cecilia is imprisoned in a convent and Arn is sent away as a Knight Templar to the Holy Land,
where war is raging between Christians and Muslims. They both have to fight to survive, they have
to learn how to confront evil and overcome physical hardship. In spite of their painful separation
they have the confidence that they will one day be reunited. When Arn returns home he has to fight
for his love and what has become his life’s mission: to unite Sweden into one kingdom.
Oslo - Norwegen Hauptstadt
Montag, 4. Mai, 16.00 Uhr, 2.1. Klubsaal
Stockholm – Venedig des Nordens
Montag, 18. Mai, 16.00 Uhr, 2.1. Klubsaal
Darüber hinaus buchen Sie einen der nordischen Sprachkurse
an der Wiener Urania!
(Isländisch, Dänisch und Schwedisch stehen zur Auswahl)
für die Nordische Filmwoche 2009
Lassen Sie Ihren Kinopass bei jedem Filmbesuch im Rahmen der nordischen Filmwoche 2009
an der Abendkassa abstempeln und schon nehmen Sie am Gewinnspiel teil! Je mehr Stempel
umso besser!
of mine
16. April 2009
Jade Warrior
18. April 2009
We shall
17. April 2009
19. April 2009
Raja 1918
21. April 2009
The quiet
17. April 2009
One eye red
19. April 2009
21. April 2009
The Kautokeino
18. April 2009
20. April 2009
22. April 2009
20. April 2009
Arn - The
Knight Templar
22. April 2009
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Abgabe bzw. Einsendeschluss: 30. April 2009
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Tel. 712 61 91 / DW 25 und 26
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Zulassungsnummer: GZ02Z031494M
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Für den Inhalt verantwortlich:
Volksbildungshaus Wiener Urania, Dr. Erhard Chvojka
mit freundlicher Unterstützung: